文档搜索 > 南華管理學院八十七學年度第二學期課程教學綱要



科目名稱:英美文學史 (外文系)                                  科目代號:

英文名稱:Histories of English & American Literatures              授課教師:郭玉德

開課單位  人文學院   外國語文學系 上課教室   
學 分 數 3 授課時間 每週五,第2-4節 修別 1▌必修  2?必選  3?選修
 教學目標 藉研讀英美文學作品以建立學生英美文學史概念

Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to enhance students’ ability to delve into the treasury of English & American literatures, which are considered not just correlative but also a gateway to the Anglophonic international power in our era.  Major writers in both literatures are studied in chronological order to help students silhouette their own anthologies and literary histories.  Students may also polish their English through reading most of the canonic writers.  (This semester we have two foci: 1. English Literature since the Victorian Age, and 2. The History of American Literature.)


Students are required to attend class regularly and to participate in class activities.  Aside from several in-class quizzes, two reading notes, and oral presentations, there will be a midterm and a final exam on the textbook and supplementatry marterial. 

Grade distribution: in-class quizzes, two reading notes, and oral presentations (class performance included) (50%), midterm exam (25%), final exam (25%). 

Required Text:

    Abrams, M. H. et al.  The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Major Authors.  7th Ed.  NY: Norton, 2001.

    Baym, Nina. et al.  The Norton Anthology of American Literature.  Shorter 6th ed..  NY: Norton, 2003.


Feb. 24        Introduction to the Victorian Age; Tennyson’s “Crossing the Bar,” “The Lotos-Eaters”  The

           Browings’ “How Do I Love Thee,” “Porphyria’s Lover,” “Meeting at Night,” “Parting at

           Morning;” Matthew Arnold’s “Dover Beach

Mar. 03       Oscar Wilde’s Dorian Gray (A Preface)

           George Bernard Shaw’s Mrs. Warren’s Profession

Mar. 10        Introduction to the 2oth Century; Thomas Hardy’s “Hap,” “I Look into My Glass,” “Ah, are You

           Digging on my Grave?”  W. B. Yeats’ “The Lake Isle of Innisfree,” “Easter 1916,” “Leda & the

           Swan,” “The Second Coming

Mar. 17        Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness  (Postcolonialism)

              Virginia Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own” (Feminism)

Mar. 24        James Joyce’s The Dead (Irish Nationalism)

              D. H. Lawrence’s “Why the Novel Matters

American Literature

Mar. 31        Introduction to the Colonial Age;

           William Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation; Anne Bradstreet’s “The Prologue,” Thomas Paign’s

           Common sense

Apr. 07        Introduction to American Literature 1700-1820

              Benjamin Franklin’s The Way to Wealth; Philllis Wheatley’s “On Being Brought from Africa to

           America,” “To His Excellency General Washington

Apr. 14        Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle;

              Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown    (Deadline for A Reading Note)

Apr. 21        Midterm Exam              

Apr. 28       Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Self-Reliance;”

              Henry David Thoreau “Resistance to Civil Government” and Walden (“Solitude”)

May 05        Edgar Allan Poe’s “Annabel Lee” and The Purloined Letter

              Walt Whitman’s “Beat! Beat! Drums!” and “When Lilacs last in the Dooryard Bloom’d

May 12        Herman Melville’s Basrtleby, the Scribner

              Emily Dickinson’s “The Soul Selects Her Own Society,” “After Great Pain, a Formal Feeling


May 19        Introduction to American Literature 1865-1914

              Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

        May 26        Henry James’s Daisy Miller

                     Stephen Crane’s The Open Boat  (Naturalism)

        Jun. 02        Robert Frost’s “After Apple-Picking,” “The Road Not Taken,” “Nothing Gold Can Stay,”

        Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

                      William Carlos Williams’s “The Young Housewife,” “Portrait of a Lady,” “Queen-Ann’s-Lace,”

        The Red Wheelbarrow

        Ezra Pound’s “In a Station of the Metro,” Wallace Stevens’s “The Emperor of Ice-Cream,”

Jun. 09        Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night

              Tennessee Williams’s A Streetcar Named Desire

Jun. 16        William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily

              Earnest Hemingway’s The Snow of Kilimanjaro     (Deadline for A Reading Note)

Jun. 23        Final Exam

講授方式 1▌課堂講授  2▌分組討論  3?實習  4?參觀訪問  5?其它


教材教具 課本暨相關題材文章

書    籍

    Abrams, M. H. et al.  The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Major Authors.  7th Ed.  NY: Norton, 2001.

    Baym, Nina. et al.  The Norton Anthology of American Literature.  Shorter 6th ed..  NY: Norton, 2003.


方    式

▌讀書報告:  20 %   ▌平時考試:   30 %       ▌期中考試: 25    %

▌學期考試:  25 %         ?其    他:    %

備   註
  1. 主要參考書籍請依作者、書名、出版處所、時間次序撰寫。
  2. 講授大綱及成績評量方式請務必於第一週上課時向學生充分說明。

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