文档搜索 > Full text of "The Australian Women's Weekly 01-02-1936"

Full text of "The Australian Women's Weekly 01-02-1936"

National Library of Australia



Saturday, February 1, 1036.

A KI\'C IN THE MBflQNCn LiuuiJ jj * R-tfM afritr .rl iatut». * Kingtr) u/ lire Uarlei it Srtrjttteu;

a it a 1919: tnmt M matter*; Aiimmt 4 IwrKy.

Intimate Glimpses of

Our Bachelor KING!'

He Will Maintain Domestic
Ideals of His Father

The nam co of mnny Mtirtrlorrt wttnxt r.
bar*- been HnkrtJ wrrh ld#_ i»ut the Priin-r
ha* remnlnrU nntEtiut in hi* dcicrmaa-

tmn not Co be, M be Himself hu maid.
"banned by j woman."

Not Ion* ano. rttncmamK marriage with
a inrud. hr uid, "Dcring fweiire liuurs
uf the day 1 am what bUKN mot mt
to be. Fur tbi? rot nf the tun* T like
Ui i-V- - :r If r were married I vera id
speed that time heJJljr wfcaE my wLi*
w.imru cm- ifl be,~

While hr was Friar* b( Wain hit
rbntrr of a bride mi reslriried. Son be
in Kins Ihr rr* Iridium haw been mo>

King Echmrd. however, u certainly net
.-» tnlnxytUat. Rp Ie a splendid dancer,
flllii numbers wuuieii or dII iqjen and all
rank* nf life among hla Mmd*. He

that hints Bduurd has hern derated to hit titter, the Princes* j BwlmM > and «
Royal* *£tt<v» At 4 iraj « small hoy.

From MAHY ST. CLAIRE* Our $ paint Rvprvtrntative in I-nndnn-
By Brum ft irrlrtt.

Jlfo inlunalr* ilrrlart* lliat l!i<- new kiiip inu-in!-. as
f;ir [Hwiblc for a bachelor, lo maintain lhr ihimi^lir
example set hy his father of being a tjim-U family man.
Hr* mother \riii net tis his hottest, it it an opm Aerret

ALREADY lie has asked
her to Assist the Qu*en
a» hosusB but the health of the
Princess Royal ie at present iti-
titffereui and firr doctors advise
against, hit imilertaking any
tmluous duties fur the tkue be

She La amply affected by hnr fathrr'"
death, and Edward eemilntiAlly com-
forted her wHfa brotherly pjtu dunn«
thtr lai* Kjni'a Taai "htnm at Sancirtnfi


It k an ntd ntnrf ncrvtmr ttatTOOtt-
fn] Edward Pnncr of WB4fji boughr ha
riUicr Mury chk* Parti hau det-larinc

liial fiJw mint 0L'«U7d nit-rr Ctiruul
n ww btuimse ot hln UiBlatcac? UiaL

ifip Cnncrss Mnry vil> nllrjwrt] tD rLde
a bicyr.le aa a glrj ^Tntl! Mir *mr claimed
him for Hterne; d title* he alwuyi m
px.icrrf on the e lui psmlnmiiu p of bla uln-

He haa Sans been Uh; idol af the Frin-
Royal* two want, to whtirn h? trave
??hi'ir ::r.M utiiidmnictti loyi uui CnclM

Will He Marry?

"pTSB iremiKin to Lh* TllroiU! rnues
Lhr af[£r.-Aritft|l qunfttion, "Will lit'

CELIA . . .

Cares of Throne

Fig feEHCrttBy known thnl
Kdwtird ilfil not want the
KhsclUh throne, which nieaiiF a
uurtalhaent ot ^y™ the limited
plfasurea pnloynij liy a Prince.

Vimti u> nigbt-ctulH. lorormu dnnora
And nlnhl ilriva in ttt| rnutjst*; along

For full details of our
specid "Beaut^'" book
offer see pages 17, 41,
42, 43 and 44.

th>]* ej march on Beauty. Went to bar
crcuimj table fog king [utt wdingry,
[such an indtfTmrnt ikinl] come away a
VTiion erf breotb-tafcmQ [ove^ineo. She
found th« 91ft ot a radiant cornpUiion
waiting hat in her pretty bu <A Revelry,


that O/t^ul.flaUcrln^ Faca Paurtlur

2/6 Bex
«— a*, all Chemish and Stores

All© firi-e'v Fore Cieomj.
Iin^lry To»c ond RawrUy
P online . Bcticinfl the tame
e»Cilin[) fmoronce.
/. ft t AtllHK** (AUSRALIAI LTft

lhr emmtry road.1 wot rum- emse, and he
mini; sutetiJL co thr eUrnaJ nimd^wiriR
timid snd iljrjr *durh EncLuid deuinnda
for hrr King

U«l MH ii. . Klne t <rtw of dntT |.
'•rniiil* mirl(fd, Ejtt iinrr be ™ In.
Mica-rahi! rrioce r>r Httlrn Iti 1911
hii» 5Bt*bi|[(rd IO Ihr rrntrfrlip u » hrdf-
ln C thP lift- „f a priitrr and. wfthnut
donht. he will Mitmul (4 Ihuiie imntrwd
in him a* Kin*.

Hurrtert of a| «Qi he find it to Jllir-
rrnrirr Liie frrcdmn m ml* uruxmvfn-
tuiT,*tiy -*-i1h ^ peuplr Many or Uie
f-t-nrSPH iKiirlEia- on lik urw-.tniwrriLluniility
thai hiive bwn told m wetl auiheritt-
tMled Only a lew v«w fljn> n ^ounr
AiH.rellan nvbjttjr prartiiiirijr Iootm owj
Krook lands niort.fd • plan* tntr.er»*d
C* An. I t> I'l-jf. Pnncr wed in the cochr-
pli nad t:i,_- co-pllot ni cbr rrst ant.

At the fnd »f oiw Loop il» AiMtraURii
wav^d a mluw. Th? PTlnce unmrdliilfJ?
loopml and ajt tw tlflttTufd oyt, vnvrd a
rotuni oaJutr.

Whra the jtbuit innded. the Prince
MUnUrrfd ovrr and i-iam-n-il thr. aw
traiian'* machine ennipilinrnWd htm nn
In* ftytryr. and at*md htm a <JrtnJt at the
bar with thr unity tafcrmAltty of one
fiyvt with another

On the Oliver band, when thr Prince
vinitnd a Loodofi moilo hall on entci-
Inr the mi man ?? nrornnamed by a
man friend, ft woman l&ttBg tiraj-by ei-
ettedly exrhnnird Tbrre » the HnUaV*
She row to her fp*et. other? followefl

The Prlncp Icanrd over in heir mud
crsldly uafcrd. "Marjarn nrr\ T uevtr to
have * iwoutpnL'a prlvaryT" Thw prople
imnie*h#*ely muiued thtlr im*lh- atid Lh^>
Prince ul> out the elitm undutiin-b^rl

As the Pruior of Wnlnt he recently »t-
teDdr-d n <l«uic- cir^anlard by u hiimblr
branch of thr if^rmn nt arhlch hJbj old

IH-uChik irintriiftor iiki nrerrliiry

A Di.UCHTr'ULLY INFORMAL ttudy of Kmg BAtwU Vltl. At tU
it*;* thr p&Mograpl uur idirn kg {then Pr:wc e} Wej) wo* mpyiHg a
littU txrUem* tttutnymiij waj.bing « iw^ splf natch.

tmtlemari with tins mnj^rUr af hU in-
Linntte rrlrrutH iu j^uirrj jmJ iiindkrj-da,
BdflULird ie a Luudrmrr with the hm-
ctno-T'^ tntditiunal lore Of ?? "HKH, ol
fe-a:^ n:[!g Ilili he aaitiffru nt Fort
B^iveitere, where *oritt u» old

troujien and a pnllwrr 10 thr he»»rr,]ruj

M_iiny -of the room* at Belv-dnx mi^ht
aptly be deacrttnTtl aa mhi latere repro-
dtictions of Lhe £mpi?e- Ther arr DJJrd
with trowhfc-* and #lt' ^r-rh E'rH-L-e

cdllewtod on hli ftttrid tnum.

Kth« Edmard hue wt extnlce In
rtranti parfi of England. nec^HHalLtw
much emrk. ret kobws inttuuiffte nfl
Uie men nnd wnmm who worn for him.

"Smiling Prince"

LIE know? their elktldnea and Ihtetw
to their fiomcr,ic probtoru At rjua
old eeri'iuiL aoid. "The prior* to aa iasy
man to wort for. He baa shrtptr tsatei,
and knowa what be want* lUid f*i, a
done *ith the Inmi [.raubbr to every-
body '

[ntpoirtor atorl*r. wiuj w«* the Pnnce'i
prraoced riewcuvr. haa bc^D appcamcd
to Che awn* office to Ute new Kifiy
?? It Is reported ttarf Rie Ma^y p,*.
UofieJly informed him of Ida new up .
I rwHntment mying. "SCorVr, if you do
1 Tour Job aa w»n ai jmi did formerly yuu
will be Uis KiBf* rteht hand."

Kmc Edward Viii h kfluwo thrnur.ri.
•nt *tir wntM mt "toe oal^lmc Prinze." | n
later year* he haa ttrra in mcrr ht|hiu
tMlen. 11 r- teneeted that the ehiinse
bi'irau In I'i'iH when hlN lather'* flrst
wrium lltneah hrmitibl hnmr to bun llic
dlflb U11H-*. and rrnpiinalbHll.lp^ ahirb
hnhic about the Kin;

The .nh . nri'.'. of opinion . * these
niui-jit i,u hurt hi thai he takes hit i:t»m
renrrorydbniUM ??erioualy and h d*-
(cnnirjcd U> ativnnre a.* ttr an In him
lie* Uie wi'lliui 1 of ail km people.

r i mi 1

fcrfg Li:, h-h /'if aiaW jh*r rAf

J J. ; ?? / /(???? l,d h'-ie.-.

After d&nclnjr. he adjourned to the
vt r in r>- c f J iminul ive DdoC, arul
had B, q ??;:??•! ??!:.; |-. with the
sTOTlatry, wlio anew him tri Lhr dayn
when he was often wtejpnd for £*turm
into boylah mlmlitef . The Prince aal<t.
"t can't itay Irmg- Lefty. I want to tret
home wly to-uighl M I have a serloas
hit oj bnninro to artend to in the moni-
1djt ¥t/u remember huw t lined to bo
on the mcit when T wiw a nipper; well
LhlCgS. baVn IkH .-n •';.,??<], Ytt\ lOT It Ul-

!" ill ' ??

l>1wartl tms hern seen ksn and lea

nt ht^h wxlf'ty pnlhorinRs nnd more mid
morp wtfeh the yminsrr frneraUon of
rrrro rjf affiUr*.
While Kins Cirorge wu a otmntn

RADIOED PU TI RES front LWmr. Turn to paces 23* 24 ; ^>5, 26. 27,

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3629

Saturday. February I. 1936.


Child of Royal Destiny

• Q

Vrincess T$etty:

Whom Fat<- may our rlny make <jnrrn Fliaiiwih II of l.nglanil

$2 Wi-IIL WED Utile uirl
Willi all her tlftlh nnrl taya,
II' r rliiltlhiHHl ihttultl he ul'til indeed
tail tlmihtttl all til joyti
fur the may hear in yi «rp lit he
The full at nmereisn ihilitn.

??JIF. \ jnvarilf ilollt are laid <iir«n
ind fairy-haaht put tlmrn,
i**s tt'lu, kmnn hat that her tunny html
.S/in// \eear the Englith rruwji:
Ind tarry tJ</i< ri the mail o/ fate
The caret ami Mirrifire a) Stale!

— r Imnrin-Rrimtl.

National Library of Australia



Saturday. February 1. 1936.

Princess Elizabeth Heart-
Broken at Sad News

Full Significance of Her Grandfather's Death
Not Revealed. to Her

from MARY ST. CL HRK. fiv Beam ft irelenx Jrom London.

Prince** 111 i/al it'll), who is second in line for sue-
n»>i<Hi to Ihc British Throne, presented a liearl-broken
Mltle li«iire it hen informed or the death of her grand'
fnl her. the late king George \. ha m limn she was
deeply de\ tiled.

She futhbrnl bitterly, and refused to he comforted HMl the
Ihuhrn.1 of Ytirh. at W indnar, told her and her little fitter, Mar-
garet, the surf netc*. ??

normally laughing and mieehieY-


mils, iirr nnw

solemn and

Pltl\CESS Margaret Rose
wept also trot tlil* seems
more because of her sister's grit 1 /
than uj real appri'ciaiimi of the
Nlluatkm. as she h= rather your.p

to r.>sJise the finality <il death. . i.THOVOH Helnaw Presump-
The Duchess a as very moved | .V princes(l
at tl«»lto» » to daughters., jh^,, tlluws Eolhi3 o£ her
lull wisely lias ie|it Ulpni con-
stantly employe*! so that their
young minds will not dwell

Not Being Told

unduly on the sadness of the

Upon nrtTttame; to London tie
children were given tanks In the
n linuti-oooi, the unual studies
beine Rone oo wirh.

Both children show an unusual
aptitude for knitting and already
Princess Elizabeth has knitted
herself a pair of black gloves in
a simple pattern, but very ac-
curately don*. The younger
Princea has been more ambiti-
ous and is busy knitting herself
a black skirt and jumper.

They have settled down anlierfY

||. t|l(-!M= LaHki. .lllt.r.llL-il

childhood morrirutly soon tar-
gets its gnef, both Princess es.

arc- held, She
lias been par-
ticularly apt in
regard In
cooking, arid
already can
hake simple
cakes and pre-
pare tup morn

Just a week
prior to the
last illness of

changed position

It 1b understood that at tit;
t »iire«r. wish of the fluke of York,
the Ductus will not Inform her
daughter n f uf . r ineroas**d imparl
am i In relation lo the euor-i -ssiim.

Of course the scope of Iter her Royal
irainini: will be gradnri.lly en- | g r a „ dfathar.
larged, lint tor the present her | ^ e baked him
training will bo nn ranch as at
present. except that the Princess
will have a tutor in international

Household Arts

JIICAN'WIIILE she la buoy learn-
ing the hnusi-liohi arts at
which "her mother the Duchess
excels. She makes her own bed
i?vr:.ry momtrjfr. and help.- to dost

till- MtJixolrnOltll. before 1«WI»»IIS

h i a favorite
honey cake,
which was

presented to him with grsat pride.

It was pronounced perfect mid
of a debcirjus taste by the late
King. who showed evident pltn- ,
sure at the progress hLa grand- I
child mis making In tile domestic

Princess Elizabeth Amis her 1
happiest pxprvsskm In line

Jrrt/Bncllf trilneued ir/crr tht last KfejrV r^orr.' — Fnviai
rupmg ttaffi Mf/Vr WTjhipPen em ter amy to ciwri mith tmr

needlework. She lias inherited present ruler, she is a groat lover
the skill of bcr grandmother, the of oMKhr-n. and dotes on her sip-



t'iuccn in thlk direction, ller
Majesty in well known us u bcau-
tHul eiubroidCTtr. arid slie ban
personally supervised Prini-cjs
I'.'jlulu-tls's needlework le.«mius.

It is difficult as yet to akju^s
her particular boat with any cor-
rnirily. ln-i niise phe takes up on-
thmdastlcullj- all the tanks a»-
fci^in.'il to her.

Lake the late King and the

ter. the Prinof-F. Mnri=iirct Rttse,
to whom she yields up her racist

Cherished toya and nursery lrea-

sr.rts without tlie Bhi;bt«t ua.ee
at rasctttment. She Khtrws. top,
i, \ i v i i.l :r.:t :n ;ii.;; iliaritallli:
or welfare work, and iK'Txayti
i.-rr.:,r Mii-rcsT In llt. sirk rl.lldr^tt
in <h.< ho^iiil.tJi- lu which boxes
of her Iny* Dud th«<r way from
time to time.

nm «t» Uw Nt'Tai

TIOVAl. ili«tia»rt wlilrh
atr nm kJBluc tlwtr Aa»-
LnUl&fu «nl al etvnr four.


111 unn I 'It f "??SI it I.


KMM l^t, I I I I II


klllMJl Uttll HLK
UVKH TKl»riH.r:

"Ml rs o< »m t>"


Deaths awcm& chiloben in N7. have
been reduced to 4-of their previous
number by the huga CamDatyn for
|| Propar feeding


httlrtkLaiul 4ll***n" **' iWlwwUr
nfcvU-Mrii txllN t« irt I* tMk« Ihnm -lilt AfVf •HJ»t»«l tril *T!»bi1«i
Ih. *»??«*, I'll* JMlLlmH* „/ U„ l.ltrHt ttt»Hh (H» %t

Jr , f f«|-ai*. -i nn*- of ll>» »"'??> r»lrtr lk «J I r ?? In

I ii- i.l re fa>*» 6rn)tr»Ji Lei til* «»iml»r <»> *" T l«1.«t kne *1*>elit -l-
rJili -Mime* mm* ihrlf «"tk W^r Uir tul J'" bu ml«r«l limllh (-

.,11 rf tkP CUt. bn^axrure >?? t:'U I ????llrreuli #t«»i_ E>H«f. P.

ll.£hM -rmmJ ft»llh .l/^fii -<.J«* OhfVl r-l**,""-* TW.

Jm«>, id! vllk 4 MintHeja tJ mubb -u>4 «'F">m.

t. i m iiotiii Hrvi-Tit CW3» or *i:ehtiiai.ia.

Mlron Paimk Oubm. IUI (lMitUr«BJcL SI.. t^Jjr,

] urn ir^irtrfterL

rkekhi e«.u4 ro* t, rsf^ at /DUX DueJc. lie 1 1 n g
Willi JT- «! " nnrlatwd M rtiirrr.ci- In itinpi Al •
whUihytlwr. ttiVmM* Ihl tHI «t iirjrtinn. ti*=k-
if [??•• llr.K-


Fashion Pays Homage
to the King's Death

From Our I oiiiiou Office — By Itcaiu TTirrlei.-

The tlealli of tin- King lias practically swept i»n;
rolor in frorJting, rven from Pari*. Alllunipli lijrhl
fihqili-s will be fcalurt'tl in the sprinj; ccillt-clinnH. miMl-
tiri v-;. mauve", purple, ami prims rotiiliininj- iilark anil
white, and mauve and on v will iliirninale. In lln We?)
End of I omltiri every woman h< dr*^«*'d in hlaek. will»
??mnmeta) or Kmoki-rttlori d xlorliings.

TFjcri- is ail entire alwnrr of jewellery in f.i-iuoiulili
n— laiiraiii-. I.iltlc make-up anil no fluxi r- are to 1m- *ccu.

r' ts expect eil that the lit He
princesses wul nnt wear biaek,
but dark grey, with, p-robobly,
black aruiletri. Tlic iliaLi-w-i
will five tin- l"itd. AUIii'litli the id" -\l
King UioughifuTly desu-cd public are

mourning to end after the ami 1
funeral, dark onto™ and sharpie
hues will prm-ail.

Enotic hat models are no
longer shown. The coolie bonnet,
inspired by the Chinesa art exhi-
bition, is. the only exception, be-
cause its long brims sloping over
the eyoo tack ornamentation and
mnko it suitable.

Evening clothes will lie ejt-
treuu'ly Elniple Tor infiimuil i n ??
lertaluing during the ne« six
months. IjonB-sk 1 ' 1,11
dresaes and slender evenlne
frocks with short tailored jackets
will lie generally worn. English
dcflicnfirs are ehowInK special

mourning collections neit week-
Tin- King l-.-lt th* mrntei of
niniTrnmg tti ejich Individual.
Oood taste will avoid any form
l Beauty iujojis
wders, perfumes

?? Mi black ^!;=^= hr.Tri.jn.

Men are eijierl^'d to wear black
waistcoats w-iih titluiifa M»-
teriab) for wometi's dri'ssea are
dull ummciirn anil mutt velvet,
with black fum. In the evening,
black cloijue. dull satin chitTon.

The King is breaking dowh the
conventional form of spnaking
and writing of hrimself in the
plural or third person.

He wrote a U'tteT nf npprecia-
dlnnerjtlon lo hla hnnkers. thanking
them for their sympathy. IIo
used the first iwrsnn singular
tlirmighout -a thing ao other
monarch has done

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3631

Saturday, February 7, 1936.


ET'S Talk

llah a:irwal lahufciffrapfcitT. Ciokjriff.
and njtlLtjf *bo nttnUr iaMbled m Ata-
LnOi*. i:. al pnaauii malum utbiw
mtzus foe the «Mnit3n« at rui film,
"Tlir Hue MM of MM "

III flui-rh Of unmual pfuXdaErwplta Of
wild animal lite ts AIM. Ur ateartntt
hu erttiwM :»nci — ?rom east to
wwrt and, irum sauHa ta uurUi— uuimt ail
manor.- of anvqmflK

Mr. Keartaaa mlrniaira lneliitie a
fall In a wr«*fsJ dL-ir~Wr (reus a tetaHi
erf 10,000 fret, Bftrr -are^-Tnif the firrt
aerial phCtgjMMft f MBMBl almratf 30
year* up].

Mr. K-'nr'OO ipndk «x tuonttia -jt
yrar in his fanaufiil bctmr
"Ellijfliiii'i In* E^pJoraUuE w
Ittf LJi!- ' milf!. f ^

Mr RpfirtnB irrteruia to photograph

wlfii*""--- ..is*I

M R THuVAfl HHaWTHiLl. Hi Url-
bournr. [u* In hi* ninrtirlh j«xr.
la the oMrst pnMTtlHlng kWKmlani in
Aualraiia He vuic* hu »flk» In *.hr rl'.j
u i tlf dAy ud kaotm tjx artivo town
wtUl u htut dl public ii)Ji private acuci-
UK for many * *r>IS-fcttmra

riciiri' In MWboiirnr mimtr*! clrriM Mr.
BnaUull H nam pratluViii a< Ums Mrt
nournn uiimc CM. »nd •.!)» HH
MiuOc B??cirt», H!i inlrrat la mimic
data* from MB rorjtii. Br asns l<*
Komi V:ru>rt«i Umtaamfnt and the qhw

•frfi'J'J.rr .1 Iiv Hir FinoVrtck C<rwm al
Lbr Ealillrltion gC UM. Of n alio «y
of tbe foqndara of the ItornJ Mctixiarr.'-
Ooff Club and ru 11a captain fm a
ttaa- r« raanr jwsau Ilr ha* ten ptav-
«ld«lt of lli» Boni Homani! Bodclj iitlj
xiiino-iiir-..a>B: at tie city smritw

We Enter j/te Era

Modem King will Put His
Stamp on History


A new king wis on the tiironp of Enplane!.
A ru k hai begun.

' Dii-lilnlional monarrhv limits the poliliml auto-
cracy of ->.i . r. i^n-. but it cannot — nor is it iknignint
to^prrvrnt ihf impart of a ruler's pt-rsoitalily upon hit
people ami hi* period.

KtltcarA of Windsor in mrh a pernotutlUy, *o inili-
ridtial, and yet go typieally a man of hi* lime, thai tr«
may already foreuve hit xtamp imprinted ineffaceobly
upon the hUiory that in yet to be made.

What then » the character nf this new king, and
what the shap e of the new age we enter with hi*

of Edward VIII


M 1

EN and
women of
lil» pmeratfon
bavo had Lhe
tt p p o r tunUy.
d a r \ l. g the
K f n g * ?? long
pericvj as rrinpc
of Wali». to
stody him as &
man. and to
form snmp idea
nf i.;- mtntt nnJ
hi* ^harncter.

Tiir nftK:. a ] or -
: :i . . ; . l : ?? 1 1 : * a r-
noixafmf ?? raynj

wtimt Unnlu, p*r-
??onai cantnetv (*-
inren him ud the
bxwui (J ttm people,
and nmrictt [he
T nm tuid imuA
uttrnutc* of pfimuj newt In
•rtiieh wn can judtpf tb« batellneU wid
iPttra itn- rihiTnifirifit.-i ni olbrr mHjJic

Hut, despite ibis and femcl? tKcauon
of thr <JqoiLiL.it i itxSKp«adaxK cX fed*
??ptrlt, liu; PrtilCTi vlui M now KUng tuu
HaRtl*' titnuelf known to a*.

Wh«t jart oi nutt do w? And bko?

rntsT of iLL. a H(wt ni:»w


His falter wm Uml tm.


KlDf Eriwurd playj jpilf and ifntii*.
fWiSM aatl -UDabAkKi, ntea his own pUtnn
and) drtta his own car. 1 r - l"Ddb <'??>
world In Brntirt aiul colorful dresmng anil
la fond of Informal dicM . . . and otic
c&ooot EfQflcltw him with d brard at
run » rnowdi-cltr

What He Stands For

T RETAILS 6r d>i*4 and itport m*jf Mnrn
tnrtor-- tut thi^y art Jnraiflurly alg
nl/lcant. Tiury tyvify tJie ttuvn tu.d law
buui <yplfW Ltij

Edward VIII typifien thr best
In bin as?. He st-ancli! for rtemci-

I <l \Bl ISltlM. SdlOUI.

maniifactoTrr and a formm* rpc-
arntJiUn ta lint Ufl. Conjr-*« lp
ratablUliJrMc a gradiinte arhool uf PubtJi;
Ad-T.lnuirathin at Harvard as • r*suJt
of a nft of MNO^h dollar*.

The mnnufarlurrr as his alui dttt Ul0
trMcunx of *>diKAt«d men fur lhiLIIc snr-
viMi and to "raia* thr lewl of Aniericiui

Untatirr has many jhfmrs of
i rjtpmrnrv behtnr] dim and
«** tntesretn) himjeif in nat.Bc

ttt)Y Ah MOTTO

CJ'llr" tuullu for llir Kiiwj of
I ii::l.n.'i » **Di«'ii rt M«in

nnril** f.'aitl niiJ m» rialil.

Kinr Kdwnrrl mm -hiU aiUtyl
" thi> in plnrr .>f hi* rnuMn ji-
I Frinrr nf Mylfn: "Irh FHfn" :
| - — I Serve.

! Fttr the iirr%*n1 tln-rr 1*

no Frinrr of U ale*, htil i J
molt., will mi • I * . i ?? I . I . ..Tiiiiiin
Iti Ire Ihr f*uJtlins ilmii^lit

I f*ir Ihr hit.c. rtrn llinuch i« j
tJ.it'* mil appear in hU rre.l.

ency, for liberal thou^rit, for
fRinkiH^N :nnj rr<Tflnni. Tor l.lw
)oy nf lift* and tho ^hI nf eltori.
W« ran belfcva hp stamlH fur lln-
niotl*-rn tmpe of liuiiiiinify .i

pbranod wnHd.

We nicvy dmlnre frwu Itb srii arid his

vhlch mreutena Lr> auiMler

^ MdM we mny look for-
i!' - f tefonn. Tltla ^ i- m
much to tKipt Iroitt t, mnn

(Nwfr o/ Wjiti", on

0IW o/ /«?J

r/ji/f fd /Ae Ar>n-/j

tiUiiftilanilnn art/
l)mj)uthf tar (fiiUJ
trim tt f*A.ricjl
irtmiitAtinii tfi


has the* an mn-

for ??svcjrfe^TJr in
rdjhip. fur the
rr twrf section

» J:-J s-a i'rir-.:- >[ %v 3 1 - :

cm> aud acttw ajmpat;
the- rrtp of ecomiiulc 1
piw and the «fcilt. sod
of the people

Wr out be dure thaf Kins* Omr^rr
looked ta hur ton to carer on bin awn
beftenolfmcw >rw ] uplifLtmr ?of k: - and vt
can be uquaHy kji> that uw new.KJLafi
will rnatify that truth.

And. Firm:; i. rn bli InnurDce rm the
pr]T-4£r life of the caUUh, Kln^ Fdward
w critaln co aliapr * new pattern hi tna-
t<«T llhlcirT la no much morn Um
a recard af war and r^-ilutloti. af hi-
diuilrno] devrlotan tmt and political
chanttfi ft la a r*co«l of the Ll*ra. al
ihf pr^rpltt. ihr war thry wnrk anil pla7
ana think and h--: ttn4 ;J - all theae

thlflai Pnntt Edla-aid ha* aiuntTi been

tuufih more ow unrh rUa p«nptt- than
itny Prince before him

His History

| flS - thowa tlmt a? wettl ihrotjgh
the war wjtft the hUmt Tounp; man
at Iuj nae. •tiATprm*; !:?????? aanif ci ty>
the drfama of ynnUi hjrhrinc QM nan)*"
battle with dhJUticltm aa they dld-ond
vinnirnt It After the war he aaMCBftd
as a ratine man Imdna; frneuom ami
ipott and aotl ?? Uvinrt. bvi devotlnu
hlmae'f wiib ketauaaa and *tutit ta Che
rwat taoka of s world to raswumtcljon.

As lie Irad aliovn hlmwjf « ml
Mildlftr. no he trioa-to liitiutrlf a dlTtlumjt
and a mm of affalra. Hp 1 lite
world, noc iui a Etlrtrd prtncrluift mmrwr
from hie peopie atnout tin* ihuudcr ol
nrni and Urn ptimp of i^tnnmi, bin oj
Uir clrni'x-ratle
Kills. itllOjUIV UU

•if tbfi Empire,
people uJtd tlx commerce. Ife was called
i r.hn iintup tn fthlrrh it U a hhjh
tribute -1 he world i snateat rmnm nrclaj

And to far warn, heeauar h* rarvd (hr
pfr.ltpv hI tlrillsli J»u^??^^.??»• l ,,f ILrttia.lt

r'Mtd iauu. and of nrhith .u-Him ;r-
arhSffiVai' hr nrn\ ll. *»Mld" ihr »(aUd
??nrtli nf Hrltkh Indnatr? '???? Ihr ««rlil
— jhiI Ihr ««rld rr-acliHrd cjilhu.Uilk

all 5.

pit — fftt hs^trJ H M.S.
Qaren Bhabdh 4uttn£
ami wum/wwrrrt- Hft
,\Ut*U). irhtn frime of
Wits, itai tht If jinn Jt

THE MSG t*^> fitct
41 left, Hit At*;*

HEIGHT Increase

fimmmq HEW SYSTEM Adds

^'0T arat war aSi


fHtY T+l€Re




artafaU »1 tkw ttm' tlmt- It* ami

T «at a*-aa *mM •ppirix* Wilamt

tS*> »r- di-HJ. -w NKU««1II>] MinlpWata
i.u , t riot will aSa iMHaV* I* ?*??.

tbb caw ih tanari

now is 10m iP^ARa^rt?

i U. IW aaoal *»4 uiia*na*» »tft*uiia«ai
- a.i|[ * oaicrcainittll flevr" niTl *?? I F.-f~v
r« r*o Hand abwv^ itctir fnlirm ntvl

caatawxia ibr autanau ami raipart wtucti
M,tr ut» a—^u n r— . statattw >ia»

•M tan ta madiJ ud btaajm MwnM
ataat « UU. t irnTmaaitra a mnparmasf.
MnlhPEi *m aaM Ban tw yrmr i«n»~

aitfr *«a jrt ail th.ii w a*aaat rwr
franrt T>m caa no* art j hi* taira (wigrn.

T AKdiaa n aura- WW— joa tan araa* a lata ta pour
??ran l*maa at Una a a ia n as aa*»iini a* a bawliitw* si
BHwaalf «r raa ar« wat MUaVai t«|l ppeqU* r*-aaj ant
•idBii irtt.tiurt jrwioe ii iat*«i ».C4r War reatata
i| vim Jim cub tw raw aURntfci t«:»Rt- Tun can nawif
ra fMtu (nana! u>d auauauia tK> almtlati ane rt lu rt

A m Uw «1»n «ul ta a tall »ramm*r.mnr prrnntlHr.
TTirnitah t«auKn| tbit feAftarrfiit Iniatii* biinirr»«il ti«ia
aLiT*4i iprrrtiaa itmi arl|hl. liiili*n>U ir* ili'nor ad at
tut aiaatattt. Par a »aqrt atuvi r-u cau (??> aw* af tnaawi
rT*ai»r< Pr**— If raa SCR* AT OSjua< <^-1 tliu owim a

ow m huw

j cm Jl' mV i'-'.m "rt 1 I fclraarw ??

' "* l «tt*rt a>«aa», ham. x .-, thaiiIc J(>J

• thrar mt fh**» irrrl m* "ttrr* in J a*a " '
| tnr'*a» Hi ifrtaTir." t aw**-* M I


0FF«r is Limited

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3632


Saturday. Frhruanr I. 1936.

Queen-Mother of the Empire

Qi UAMmiii n: >,„„.», „„ ,,„..,.„ ,„ ,,,,
ml, pagruut „/ u „r A/»furi uvnri tkli
prouilti-iienifirnnt lillr of fnipirr nrrrirr
•u ttrmi-lutti ii, IJ,„.,.» lf<rr>. runnnrt of
hit hilt rlitjmly, hinn (??•??tirur V, and
titolbrr til ihr itnr kin?, l.iUiorit \ IH.

"i'lr until irilh Amtf«, nor /n»#- if,r riimmon

imu h" irfu cm partlrmlarty tiutimrint frwt »/ Ait

fair hutbtinil. Til In' fjarrn anil Mather ful» ttrrit

hrr uUirhtttk aihirvrinrnl.

V.f i.nh it thr (httm mitt Vmhrr In ffic Ku»u/

ftanHyt the it QtumJUolher to fJw fimair*, a
trttekuu laiy inftni M »/><• WjA fiimn „f i/„- «>rtA,

/nil pntti-ttnl „l the timplr rlrlurt of loyally onU
terrlrr Irpon ichlrh in huihtnf ur r„, (wniti «/


l/urint! thr 2.1 yrtirg of hinf t.rorgrt rcij.ii .fie
• li.i"/ niu tirtlintt thr thrnnr liut til lli A Majntty't
titlr. ihr Iplrnililf rumpauion of thr King-l-.mprroi
tturint: ihr iiwitnifirrnl orrntiont of ritual irnit rrrr-

Olonint. Shr stood ot»o hrtiflr him in ill,' ilarft tiny

of ftmflirl unit ilimMrr. unit in thr iprnrv night

Iriltt'tiPt of tirtmrnn anil llrnlll.

Shi' ha* lint t i rn rum lout ututr thr tiitntri,, 01
ttnlr, for nhr ttnnih btuUt Imr ton. thr nr,t king,
hrbtgUtg to hih, iiijtM from Ihr rirh tlnrr pi liri
trimlorit mo! rx'prrirurr. rvrr rrtitly to wrrr. nnr
UWp lirhintl Ihr llironr of hrr ton, to fulfil to Ihr tcU4

hrr tank of Empirr, at <Jwm imil Mathrr.

National Library of Australia


.Snllin/rtV. h'rhruary I. I'KUt.


Spanish cfflaine i



Author of Gefite"

Begin Now this
powerful drama of
human passions —
and tangled lives!

rati jDV4ft4Cnt»
CONtiL'fcLA, 1:., b^autUni hero-
ine tif iLiij »lary, m bring L
mailed by « nsu who kaowa the
;>•, f.-i- ai Uvr pui life,
sr Wlsil M AINE bj no ordinary
man. and he *cr*> only manry
Anil r«v*.uge,

stU B&JUUf VAM, h , ;i -j,* ,..
low with tMii-iipln, mud he know*
m'.'.i. :. if her Bitot,
OTIS VAS'BJtrOH. half-brother
tt. * ??niisnrli. wbp anon tiff tail
I in Lhn bulwark on which
»flr If iii.

I'HI M v iMriui; U-M. all
*h# winning card*. Should the

Ifirl (r|| nil in tarr «u*cthr;trt,
or should nCie ami lir; brother
HclM tain M.«:-l:niitir<-i to thr loaf,
ditch? Th#7 ,:>..,-,,?? in Qfiht!

MEN .ll.«W M*trtt~-

iv'tH-H at 5*JMsb
Mai/it- cvlatjfti t/t.
hin pf tkttf . ??„
tirrUBii. fVrW.i the
Unrt A m f/i/ji-w
// 4; {fa Brtmn
J<il T it iudbs ilk* tbt
cud of biippiuejj for
CanstttU \'aub*ngb, beauitftri, Jar^
pynf. ^tfJ i hwitofj, ft&a u irttvtihtg
tn/b brr kilt I -brother, OA Vatihrugb.
H*. top, t; ibiatin iWff eonaerUatt''n:
at tb* -'ptrirnte »f Spanith llurrr. u-bo
txrriti u-ilb htm Jark leerrts of tb$
past tornrct rung tbt tardy Const**!*.

On jknrii the Amazon are lady
QrMjJ&a Vitae, j pcM Ettfjiib l*Jy. and
h*rson t Sir Harry Vane, who jg in tin i
h'tib CfltuutU. All am ihtpboard trove
been uwvhintri th mman*e n-tth kindly
inlcrext !\cn t*ijy Dvttittla. a stiikirr
jot fat-lb j-tid famiiy, faif {ts#» e#m-
plctet) fjptif.iteJ fr> rbv chirm nf

but Spjwjh Mmm n 4 :????????<
fftrrr tbr twtrg. Ht Jtfrj

mt take hag ta strikt. tie tuili
Oth V*L'ib<t*£b so bis tMfin. h it j
prrttHpfpry siimm&m, dad the pur
poff is bUtkmuti. Conikrta iewi tbt
enp tif i-.ifj !>!>!(<: ahum iv bv J.t;beJ
ftntn htr lipi dtti hie&ii uitb btt
h.4lf~h*0thrr 1Q SJif Wr .).-;,/ ktrp brr
tetftt fram Sir tiartj I'jw

Otil VMthimgb irset tJtrn *u ?? .1 • vr r ? .
bintmi at tbt tummjfj fttstite mettd
utit to frlaftmMttn, but Sp*imb ftlvtir
a not ta b* thwstrtsd, tint* wttttt
is disc part of bis ptjn. Pl*ytng witb
Vdstlxrufih M a eat fitayt with a ai'ivse
Maine ru-Qttmx the story <?f f;i,\ iffr
it is tt fOMt&y! tale aj life tit thi
portion LryiotJ, tif rtit$liy r tre&tbety
dttJ matdtr, with Statm A Mmm
a! way 1 pbtyi>t% the raff of viilaiti^
for u-biti' l>e ntt%fj no tx\rm*s. Far-
tt/fte bad ?? r'w.i j 1 hftn bis mm, attJ
every Um* ft i\if bfetr uilhm bir ffMfk
a unman hu fobbed turn iff tt.
De.itHJli;aify be enters xt i,ut to Can-
jnela and tbe pari be ptayad in hei
Irfe. Sou- oat

— fum'tim Ihrougliout Alalia
ThrriU({huiiE Aivcrts, da I lay? PumLiue
rruiTi Tau«lJ-r lo Cairo, tiu our ai tht 1
:????.!!.-! thin([s ood L-vt*r rundr. tmd

tJir fir? LI --vr rn.ifivtl

Mmlr- <\- DIoaI I BJmDst fell tn
! li v " wllii Lh« k nmin And Uu( ,
perbopi, li tiw vtry mehi^i tribfit*
Uiae could be paid to her bamutjr ant]
1 certainly l**e my htad ttir a lime
And thni's hvw I lUit my mwtFy
I tnuted Bur Bellrtr It or uoc. U
Manwl Mahw. Intfted ?? wnman. and
that wcmian a piofcMioanl faeaui.y.
called bj a farkrt? of nJfknarr.n p*t
numtm. nomi d'amouT. -

thTPUghau: N [rrtn^iTi AirJt;! — euch was
her nx>pulciTlty — aa The Hourl oj


Tea, I Ml all rbfht, wbrfber I feU
In lunrfl Or nut,

I admit tt— with ehamc. But, as
I nay. Stic r?a]ly wtu unlqiK. Sim
•An.-. h.ii.'-KiirniM-A],, 1 heUcve, AueI,
benldes bfais b^tilllul beyond dwenp-
tiau. Bhc mat> 1 aooompllAlictL
clever, wit Ly , chBrmliiB. iaadnntin $,

aSl$ . . . dJiiaty (iW^*t.

QKhl 1 ??! I had nearly AaJil "In-

Yo»rtl wanrt«r. indeed, that nue had
not nwmwl mirrtfd * Title. U not
a Crown— but now of Ibew? UuUoiie
lined lone

"1 ris Ai> m y»i/i na / ioitfiftS, f trn-* in m* humor for kixii-
u\i> ihirtriiifs-girls, and doubt U' an brtint'vd in a pomfttiti.^
priggish manner.'''

Ud tiionn

,NTJ Why? Simiiiy
bficitufic she entcrtnln-ed an utrimdic-
able hiiti*nl fen- HrurDpfinna. tuid |tnr-
tlcular^y lor An^Eo-Bunna. Bnirrl;.
,ht huic-J uii A'lutr rnrJl. besinnin};
with tht: Frcnnh, huL ahe had .-jiv
e.ifpucliLl i! .??t Eugili!l-5pealrln(i


Tlkf n- uRuin you'Q wonder that nhe
had m> tnueh to do wEtH all 1
cfUrRra and ufnemb., ihwe *uhalt*ni6 1
eaptaing. RPiinrala. bdv»ttioib, thuae
Ihiropcun milliDEiatTFi mid ariatotirnLfl.
Ycrn'il worntnr why. atnoM nil" b«t*d
tliem ao. Well. It wak becsiiiae *he
hutLd Uumt ao; and It wu t^r^iuni!
hp.e profrnoioTi unci pmlttoD enabled
hor [9 rob thpm, fool thora. dupe thBttt,
Kcbi RUW) alive, ruin ThenL

Half hfif flflnirra fnrierf In tftifidiljr
and bet path *-n» utrewu with The
bod[F3 tit milnldeq, name uf * lit mi hrjd
ohnt themaplvci Tbr luve of hrr. Uhdfl
rot hor.c ol tl«tnselvii!j. rtuch wr^ctj
tmd tihir mniiR or Uiem and l.lielr

WhU. I am n»t of Uicwe whn *«)
tiiptnwlvfa I prplcr ah>tnirji](( othrr
pruplr Hut ahc certainly left me
amdrift the wrrckajrc in her wnltn. and
not pthQfty ananclnlly-flpeLikLnK irlthpr.

1 (li!t lir»t aho.^ inyaiOI, hut iae twt>
pirin Td hflvt* shot hitr— 11 I could
hJMM (tn at her— and 3 aworc, then
and tMA thai I'd trrt evon with bcr
??DoiF day.

Tlirw wrofli had drmr. mo tlown
and got away with tt Add I dncSdud
tiirre *ould br eiw^jch. Quite eimauh

I pninjl^d inyiiiiU I'd aetUc with
Numher Popl souu.* whore, annie thiy.

TWj whlrllgUrt Ha. ho. h»t

Ye*. e»np liright mwmns I wrjke !o
find thai 3hr L 'd (fnnc.

And all my manny had writii
her Thr- last of It, that la to say.
Thp sum I'd Mt aalde lu sufTlclent to
enable me to go and get my treasure,

take it 1.0 Europe, and dt;p..^ of |t
OI comae. I'ti. apent a great drill oo
her, one Waj and nmHhrr. imj like, a
fool, I d told tier that I wan soon going
off with a caravan Into the desert

For aamn reaarai. Una aeemed to
am:»y her and uptet her tmuendounly.
I hoped and thought f« the mnmpnt
that It was jFRlouay, until abe said in
her queer, pretty BnaUah-tT-UL'tt

"Alora; Muis, o-ui> Oab. yeas* Out
into ic dnr-mrt ? J nut like he did with
my mother . . An" you t'mk yfin t.ikr
me, too? Miirtr rnfl let you and then
lr&vG mr?"

Aud when I nwokp Id the morning
the had vanished. So tin J my wad
of hundred' franc notca

Thins uf ;r C1111 you Ioibkuic J ? A
ihtnn lihe thiu tu «mpucn to me
MoiM)el M»:k"[

I really believe that, rr nptlr of all
f had been through. I touched Tin
lowest dpptha or BuflerJni; ut that
inLUnimL Of all the hlow.-i of foetUM
ihat I had received, I think I fell Llm
the most keenly, It was wurse, some-
how, for worar, than when Loin wMol
tjfT ulth my dlamund. ttiy twenl j-flve
thUMAmifi pciumU

Wo.i It pctvilWe. 1 aakud JuyM.-]| F \hm
thbi «irt was the real treumr? Of
cOrirs? not fflie was but the l^nm
fat-uua that .]..! i v :i. uuifht but
n danuln^ (diW -over thr deadly
Bwairjp: the will b' the wiap. hi the

vtorr I reahy besan my whole j*>urney,
or wnere I -r 1 tt Naturally. 1
ntver aaiii'd frum U-ireelonn, or re-
tum^d to It by itu_

Aa a rule I took -imalJ ioter-laland
.mips brLwe^n Colon. Jamaica, Cuba,
O.DU Bermuda la lini.Liui or K-'ii; 1 1
l-o pick up a hnt'r fi/r Emoj^.


on thir last
occaalon. fate intervened, and, aa 1
look my eaHr at l^rmttdn in the ui*u*c
Of my yLlnbt^mnn frknd and r-Cilir<i= ui- .
Into purl came the ,i:.< r Aniason — aiid
Raved me the EffOUJAB af ciHna; down
Colon, or up tu KlnuAtOn ar Hu.vn.na
to pick up a ahip for homR'.

MojiI ^onvenlnit nll-l apnjpOa. Ad
UiiM«spirl«1w EkkflJUih liner that would
drop me at Vlaff or SOuthamnion—
a Liu Ut: Knghali hnoea hornewnrd
brjunU. Air neither rettulur nor fnXjLicM
visitor* to the Bei'mudnA.

Anil — esperiaUy irood and umisLU>—
she had rcme Lu pick up (hi 1 pcrudniiel
ol the Dflltery. apd m gtiinq to drop
them it Plymouth. At PEymouth
*h«-f thr Cudtflmft cutltcml.hte lire a
rftWe, what, ihaii V9 any— rmcic.
bueoltc, unauanlcioufl, amateur: and
when?, morctiver, [ waa a eomplflUi

ThU tiairpnned \J> iuit jn£' mcst
Ldmlrtihly. fitr 1 had a htUe eoiuusn-

riltt-lrult-iJ hy wir

Vo She'a goin< to uiaVt reparation.
Stie'ji ROine to pay back aeVtm-foLd.
And then?

Seventy umca bpa-hi. then. She's
Bcliui to kt-'p me In and cflmltrt
for thr n»t of niT nie. atir'a going
Lu ptiy down a ??ca'.h mm Hint's gntna
to waft me bj |uxur> to Aln RJendlL.
And if my trtauum m mrt still Lherrj—
ahe-s faint to make It FF»nJ Yts, If
It takes ttln UH1 penny tain can iMHb

Thafa what »he's boiuk io Ao— Uiw
"H*irr" of -joint Mr OU3 VantmiRh.

I think 1: wai your humor to aay
"atab-r^ wasn't ttT


Manoel's Tale of Love and Intrigue

inliiiire of llir denerl wlmne my ttal
M'caaum lay.

In order to Hit, 1 hm up a job
aa a drug-runiinr, Profitable enough
anil It led me rvprywheic. An agcnL
of Ihu United fltate.t hi'amh ulwnya.
met ine at Bermuda, taking a big <?? n

???? :.: for Kew York, VaBfm he dll-
rrthuted it. to thr Ohicagn ami oth'-r
aub-ajjenta. Be hi 1 clever chap, by
the way. ipilte a wcll-kimsm yachta-
iitRii. and, Lf pOfisibhi, even fuithrr
wmoiind from yjnplmuu than my^'lf
FT1* imart yacht could toil some talcs
Of nourae,* 1 traveled by different
Llne.1 tut much aa pox jbtc. never using
the uruc ship tnntr often Lhau 1 could
hr.|p, and n^vftT making the enure
Jourhcy lu the lame orifl No purser
nr ihlp'jf officer who renve tnbrrf J har-
lni «wo me before bad any idea aa to

nipm ol rny own— to pn.ni • iiur?ramuiy
—and t-hnt wnuld be id Bdmlrnble
plare at wlilcli to (njf It aahorr and
jram which to run it up to Lundrm
There 1 couJd tcU it m^rif and oockirt
tlie proceed*— to add to my nnne-too-
KufTicienl salury and fottunlitfloji.

Yeal well miRht I we the Anger
of fate hi thin, the hand of dNUiry
uiituU'etchcd— for whom did 1 find on
board the Uncr Amiaoc, a ship nn
*hldi I hod avvtn eypecled to travrl,
a ahip nf which I hid never heard'?

The fourth woman I

O'K her between ttty ban da — no. Dot
her by the throat — *o

And do yuu think I am going '??•> let
her go? L*t hc-r t-acaprT ah^d
Tew tram, itroke tier hand, khuj her
nngeT-Una and set bar freet

I'd tear h*f heart out rather.


took hla clttuFfrt^e-caae frotn nla pocket,
tappOd a cbjarout. lit it, ond blew u
lonit cloud of smoke.

-1 did aay 'lUvtcr,'- he admitted
mildly, "but tt tall you the troth . . ?

^Ilai" Inuohed Spaniah Jdainn— ??
jiN=rhnj. joi-ruie aonad.

. , 1 ahould have nald 'half-dR-
\tr - r eontui uod Otu Vanhmirh. **Tfca.
To be eaact. ahe in my half-airter.'* -
?? Mi'nijiiiB, eh?" nnoererf epimlfh

** VeA. to that ejrtptii Mlas Conruela
Vanhmgh is my lialf-sisler"

•Mi.-.'. Cni^iiPla VautiriiKh!" misfited.
Spanlih Malnr In httxer rlthcuJc ""flum
H isn't quaitei-alater or one elithth—
or li it a citK nf they mre all your
'dialctb undfir their akjnri'7"

"Well," mim*d Otla ViLnhrugh.
touch of nmuirj mtikra the whop? world,
kin.' I believe in the brut he 1 hood ol
man and the Usterlioud of vomer. — 1«
men. But. apflrt from that, Mlsa Con-
s.>Mh\ Va-nbi-uch bi my tmir-ulMer."

Spanbdi Maine Jnughed

"Hmvo lf. your oum: ^ay but ahfl* my
Fn U rih tVumnn. a-iyway. wluit ahr'a
going: to ge4 out of being your— what
I*, i! hut, half -BlntM 7—1 dun't know,
Bui I know what ahVi going to tret ou*
of bring my Kaurth Worn aril Or,
rather I know whnl I in uolpr to gi-t
out oJ li Prrhnws. nincr ohe-'n your—
La It itlil hall • winter ?— vou will Lake
over her Unhllll |e* '1

"Tf* I'm iolng tt' lake over Iim
Uabllltiv*," vw life rrply

"Now. thtm. T have .'Lr.teurd to your
verr hirprnc'JiLi; .iLorv, with rrwvilderalilff
patienoe and wlthnuf, hiteirunttnn. w
eontinticii otla Vanbrugh "And 1 may
aay I Delu-v#— 4 good drnl of It "

SnanlEh Maine bowod.

"You ai-e now going to hear a story
from me One a/nod eointc turn' do-
wrv*a anotlKr, thV

He irttled down in hm ehalr

nHil turn its Page J 8

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3634


Saturday. February I, 1936.


uls Summer Wanes . . .

These suggestions
will help you with the waxing
frock problem!


this time you
are pr o b a b 1 y ^ ffj,
tired of your summer
clothes, and are conterfi'
pitting just one more
inexpensive dress to carry
you on until the cooler

If you require a good
dress, choose a color
that will be wearable
under your winter
coat later.

j|KETCHb'D On this page
you will find ;in attractive
dress /or every daytime

First, the cwl, striped
- seersucker, ideal for mnrnings, or
for holiday wear.

Secondly, a green trepc (treats
fcraftcrnounH or i'v<.|iiiii; cImi-wii.
'the &leevcB ere Intricately cut,
and continue into n shoulder
yoke, which tmotn at the neck.
The wide, brown velveteen bell
Is very new. This dress can bo
worn Inter on Willi a hrown vel-
veteen Jacket, or muter a brown
or green toprnat,

A Bttit of printed linen In white
and red In really a dross and
short-sleeved Jaclsct. Tile un-
umial neckline of the dress ti
jnnde by a piece of material com-
ing through slots in the dress.
8nd tying In bowu over the lapels
or the Jacket.

The thecr chiffon dress i» for litto,
afternoon, and "dont dregs" evenings.
In black with white unom. Tho Bklrr
Is fully fliiivi], the bodice draped, the
sleeves full, and fathered in above die
elbow. Two layers of white organdie
are. underneath the flared chiffon collar.
The billions arc covered with Ibu eliff-
f. Vuu will be grateful tor this dross
during the winter if you are bavins a

black topcoat-
Tlw white dress can bo worn for

• I STRII'KH teermrker morn-
ing drew it trimmed with
white piijtte button* find hell.

9.1 PAIJi GRJiEflr ercpe t/reii
adopts fj draped neeklinc.
llri'titi velveteen tirit.

• .4 PRI'SS and jatUet In it hit—
attd-red print linen huf fabric,
butei. tchieh come over cither
tide ill the jacket.

• A SHEF.R rhiffun die,,, block
ir.ith u-bite ,pnl,. Draped
hiidier and full tln i".

ml 11 fffff.' ttmth drem hat a
pored thirl. Sary-and-wbiU'
scarf and rtacy miede hell.

[eiinlfi, The filx-garod fltlrt In rather
full at the hem. The low neekOnO is
tilled in wirh n BCarl of mivy-nnd-whito
i i , p, the wide bell Is navy suede.

Oilier wiggestions for frocks to buy
at tills time of tin: year are pu.stol
crept: drere-iee r 1 1 r 1 1 can lie worn Inter on
with dark wool Jacket^ and coal*.
Print ilressea in small, neat designs
such as cheeks, stripes or spots that
can also have jjirkets and coats. Crepe
dresses In such colors as royal-blue,

scarlet, dark red, purple, vivid green,
olive-green, slate-blue, burnt orange,
tan. yellow, black, ami brown. These
are the odors you wltl set? In the
nuiuuin worn with brown, blnck, or
navy accessories anil wllli contrasting

These dresses will all have high

nccktt ?? , draped bodices, rattier short

skirts, s* ?? plain, sonic with the rufl-

noas gatiiered centre-front or back;
and sleeves, three-quarters or long.


'TkAltK drosHffi hove ctm'rod yofcey or
colored tack-in >cwvg wid be]La.
a o 9

"pVENTNO rtri'?^n ? uf -A-ine-colored
nrepi* tinve tiSue or rink felt tailored
JucketB rjhei SchJo-pureni; numle gloves
iimr.cli Lilt JSttltoTi.

\V*1N'1'EH shoes arc ovrfcrda mounting
LtUili over tlw uuUip. Th?re tiro
spOiUs tiiiiivj. with wjunir lava and mjurtw

h«l4- YOU Will Wcaj rO!OfiJ«J iMf.tlFI

atioeo— deirk (friH-n, Uurnundy and slatr-
blur. I.-ow hrels trnrywhHi'e. Nfnw
tw^Erii (iff in ttirfce or four diflureiii,


CI 71

jNl.ltH ti top cum. iL la timtift to wtar
a Ulauee niid iiklil Tiic bifmar ip
or chiftou or tn-uvy yu turpi itt Hi u vivid
ciMotj 0w a\t*vcs tail, thr liutUrr nnr]y

1 1 Lt ..Li -I

VOVtc WTnitr coat will pmbnbty be
* In nuHlr.ry rtjrle, futt«nlne )Tj e h with
tt UUlr AainLuhBb cnlbir The chKit ts
trtntTTHMt with hranJMihiirBs or xtivi>t
(fisjrn. A llLtic utllltmy loqm> o! AHr»-
chnn etimplftr™ thlu EtisemW*.

1 Mi ktntU ttl Vcl¥«t RlnrvfS nrr wi-ril,

JV They «tna in btlnht trtttobi to otm«
imst with iturk -mval tutu Thty ^
*nsm fnr twninjj, ufid rlLlitT mwch or
CDiitm-t with your stiuin. Sttpphlre-
blue volvpt fsniB tup worn with blnck.
dull red, und white druafien.

Cr o O
^PTiriRE »fe hflLB with hEflh und low
A nowns (rrr Urn winTrr fflgb rrmvni
nrc mnra wihti fnr-coltmt»d ciiratA. and
luivct bfj-i/t-p til \hr rwnir iuhutIh] ii^ the
hot, luiciir und ciciy vrjia Piir^rlmjntd
haii ort jtnifirt [or tuldwinlor. Gpurtl
libtta luive low, fulili'd cravma.

O q p

1,'OH t'Miixlns thhn?

I»JM| til velvet, ft
iitnl .ill-cntffclupUiif w
find wide liervwi. Col
U»rk red, ruyni -blim, lurlwaji. iiurple7 arid

O O a
yoUR atitumn stut will prOLmlj.y bft
tn tw(p t-'Dlarit. a munh.iLrd Jacket with
h bliw* nkirC a strwwbrrry Jacket with
n purptuh-bhK- flkirt. u mrtwoiiiG jacket
with m ructukn iklrc

tc mILtnry
tiriB euiwrt,
full nkirts

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3635

Saturday. February 7, 1936.


Autumn Hat Moods!

MU* "/ ImUam, The Mark faille jut, renter.
Jfrmri it. 1,1 ipirufioi, from the film. "The ( VuWri."
noirjtVnrf Keith. I'nrtmuunt player, thowi the heurltrh-
i"g effeel af a hlarh litre vvit in thU tmarl adaptation nf
the marie nf the 1 2th renlury.

HI - k-TOStf t,\ mr i. .ateretl jar hj the flawr rap. ,h,„en
ahore, in a n™ and ttUMntty rlrtifn from Purfj. The fluiren
an- made of Mark eelrel. nnd the rap i. dominate* h) the rnrna-
Hon perehfrl over the riithl eieliroic.

tttotn aniKPuiiic
new unthHis In autumn
millinery. The fit
rhunnlnE moilitls shown
on this page Imllrni.-
Ilim the Utile hat will tie
fashion's darling fur
autumn ami winter. Tup
photographs of i*arl*
tiifnif-Is werv sflwtcd hy
Mary St. Claire, our
«|wtinj representative In
tjjiiihjti, and sent by
Air Mall

"Breathe in Glo-Rub and

breathe away your Cold."


??re instantly relieved by


1 1> — fSHEKT A MTTI.F IS EACH VOyritlL.

Gto-Bab u-iii nni Hum .., .tUn .rtiuine mwbrui- II jdhrtr,
t« «nd remain* In ,11111*1 with mm™, .urfaeei lone rnou.h ti>
o,> IU a.rk. Clm-Itui, ,|,e, „„ 3 „„,,, .„,,„
ImUUuo. Irllrm ronirttxin and i>nrn> thr ni,,l miuxn
tl relieve, pain or «orene« and willrn. »ri -uinul.lrt hrrreli.rn,
I hove flittered from CaUrrh lor nr.v rear) bin
haw nwor lined anythlna u Rood u Olo-Rub
uliieli bat clenie-J no tM mucin. 1

C. E L. isouth Am. i


» - . '??"??A"""™ Ite«nv\ r>„nrhltl» I u,e II,

^ JL>??*^. "> ">e l«tm,„ „f Co.... „ t

' ??! l.u. wort whllat ytnl deep.

1 think Olo-Rub is wondertal ,nd muai »],»,-
teeil It In ntr Dome ~ L Ft a 'VlrtorH'

" * ™* «rMllitle«n» we pare* h, o«, ,h. -bt , |„

A^toe <He>-*„» U,-4„. If not ltor.nl t«,Ur .end BO.UI notr """j^

W. G. HEARNE 8C CO. LTD., Geelong


National Library of Australia




Saturday, February I, 1936.

An Editorial

f ttlltl AKV I. I'tHt.

h"liil' Ii.-.


r I ^HE accession ii the
bachelor King.
Eiiward VIII, brines
ahout 3 notable- change
in British domestic
society. For almost
exactly a century, the
life of every British
larpcly guided by the
tta Kuyvil Hou^ehoIU.
Tlirc-^ JU1-V11-. ViLtirria, AkiinJni. and
Mary, have ruled tht private lives of
Britnrw as surely as the sovereign rules
the ail airs n! the Hi i lion.

Victoria, that mighty builder,
fashioned a new society in England
while she created a new Empire ubroad-
She swept away the laxity 6f past
tipi'chfl, " J o-iiil'liMted the Family .is
a guild, impregnable furtrcss «jf morality.
Chrifltianity, loyalty, and hard work.

Too Rtmfc4afce& and open to the
charge of being inevitably prudttctivc
of hypocrisy and rcprcsskm, ii may have

V*rrr//jr*/r«i, /At* Virtaritin /amity
iitt ul Uvlpt'tl to ftuiUi the ci < ri f/i * »/
t'.tiictami (in it the r.mpire.

Then came the reign of Edward VTI
— an era of peace and progress abroad,
and of a natural reaction against "Vic
ttii'taniaii" at home.

Through this period, which might
easily have tended towards btsscr/f.ure
artd decadence. Queen Alexandra
guided ^Safety and family lite jn chan-
nels of sane moderation,

Queeri Miry brought to iuU fruition
that system of household* jtrnatped
;iK'Ot The llou^i'hold. With inspiring
nohil/ry. grwaotB charity, and exi|ni<?Tti-
tact, $M ftpftped the ideals- and ways of
all rhe women of the Empire,

U it no exvxxrratiati In *rn that
ftumnOr/t, nwnrai*. nnft i/frnx artlfin/i rwn-

??>??..??:!??????:: ??' IS Hour WfCflmt <"

Wunnf tun rtrr (nmtimtt nttiftv Itns^ti on
thonr xfionjitrcit J- • ' 'Jiu • u Vary.

And rn-w no queen aits on the throne.
The succession oi these great domestic
rulers in hroken.

But that is merely an historic fact.
Actually, the Queen-Mother will on-
^uestioruhly continue to wield the same
influence among her people. Her wi&-
dom. her devntion, and her chanty arc
sol] with ua. It is something for British
women to be proud of — this high'
principled, h road minded home life of

And it is also something, wc may be
sure, for which a bachelor kino;, facing
a gigantic task of gcrvcrnancc. will he
deeply grateful. —THE EDITOR.

King's Fine Act


1>Y liDs duclaltol Lluil Llle workers uE

Empire- should not tctf, through low; at
tvlnjiluyn i i-Jlt, ally hardrJiip Arising end of thr
lawerlburi day oi mourning for Ihe 1st* King,
£d«ard VHI him unOd lm in r-umiraWy to th*
ALaLurt ot his tlnrrshlp almost before his hand
tuu been ttlt in affair* of state. Thr wurfcrn
of the Eropirr »m fort that hurt: ii a man who

Lrmjnrr.ianijs Lneir jnuytlon, and incjf will

ttpprofidtr to the fullest tht fruxnnnicy behind
the decision rcutiie bj- flis Msjwiy.

t( bt mu4n1i.fi cfn i KtatiitY un the put of n
nmD vluv t»w«1 down wjUi prlvotr mrrow, in
W tfn oi rn Oy » lpfldrr o-f mpn io »j3ptrd»te the
ccrtiiiluim or Otr icm. foriumur untune his rab-
Dkrtl ynuhff ftlng has bo«i cmll-^J tweikr.
^ Lflt*ftni£U], aii J bLtiLtLE*CiiiiflJi . To
thii may nfw be .icWrd the prowl
UUfli of rtSitifJmot and hnnianliorltin.

'pHEKE cuuld not te » te-tBi t»a>'
10 r-'r-Uruli ihr I5Dt4l juiiiivw-
snry of whH4' riubiuitinn af thin

StHti. LtiLili Lhr n:hf]iir ;??; ,\;.y.
ettileimry OrgalHxm(s CiinmlUrr to
plAnt fiftO OOO tm-o in K.H.W AlLcl'
??ii, WiNfUi -.jn 1;'. a cciitiiry mtiij a half
iniLraorrinK tWes and gt-iiCTTilIy
df-^Ei^atne Lhp ItuniTuaifw: it*j ciniu
we- ipcnt a jr«ir ar *o lit rt^wJrin^
•otlir or Chf firm 1 1 t:i

Hit: *ASl* uj rrm-=t-. In Attfltmllfc,
tHTth from th? pccmomlc mill thf
awAhuLir pnmts «f rtinr, hue been
glinjiMy Thrrp i?. iui?ortiiJ3»tiiJy. a
Vtuit numtiffT of inrtiplii 111 tilt! rttin-

wy who can't i#n b tiw without
wanUug So cut il <i<ttwn Thoic ??.rr
olhtrx who will nur a e«lnr liirrnt
co put up » mlic or two or renL-ing.

Tn*m talk lw ft <Wp EplrRunl
rnmfort, a dcllghi ta thu « yr, and an
Eternal Utih with uoiLut EArth

pii:iU£Al J S the moot Uilichtiif; mid
7 wndrr scene oJ Lhc wbclt nf thu
cf mmmlru id cotmnctton with chR
death ul Kuut Otrorpe V Uif
pknurr nr Qutvr, Mutt wnlKinR
al'.mr LhroUMll f.hn latn to tlld
Church irf flt Marv .Uagduiirita at
a mdii i i ^iiiirn

Arriv«] T.twrr. «hf Jlnnliiaid th*
Kuani of ;?? p--.ii;'].. wiiich
nround the birr, mju] far ten
minuter pmynl Blont,

NoOiiTis more typical at the Quern-Mothet
i.hnn ihtii BctLwj oJ h«-5. Stripped nt the mu!
pH^enutry nJ the oocvlon. she wuj jhsc n vcmfuA
ulcrtio in h*r mdnEfl*. The rurrinn wiiJ tn^*urr
thi* limp eflmw ru n rt utUm*tfWIiui mmnry
of HlHry i.hfi wll* oiptjnims the low ut n Ittvine

UMirr thnn b thaimnd prnrlAmRllnn» il
phemrd lo id > prmKiiiality Liist lut^ >»ui| lhr
udmlnOlin nt lhr I'tuprrr

V.O. at Civil Life

r PirE aUnuet unrcr^HYted hctuinina ot fvcrydny
A Lit prr-yMf whtrh if pe:form«l 00 Ulfc

Lrtiilf field wuijld win the potoh eofl«rwd tht
V.C. for Y&ku*. In ibefie oxvec-ro^tiUonPd items
which art! Uwn (orjmit*n vomi'-n nlikir a notlc
port. At nttatjiine rccouOy B prl battled lid
way thrcmah tire mid amok? lo Uie rcscur of
Iter rather, who wm trapped by the flamce
Aenlri (uid rLjfoin phi: wn& JoiL'Jd Utwfc until dIic
gnwfl up the fl-ffort in dfflp4U.r.

Tbii htatdc action recniln nnnthrr epic of
tilRiprd br»v?ry tn Vict&rlu during the texrlflt:
bu£h ft res sonic yom ago. Itw ^Irl, a Utile
older Lhnn Imr two broOKfr*, wtu Ltudn? thntn to
-Mifrty when avtrta^fti hy the flames. She nindr
for Lbe bod of itn almo»l dry nrrrlt. »cooi)**d b


W /,7-r


Vhr-'.r »rf lhr ulndfi n( t-arlh. clru »»H
jn 1 l.4iriiii,-f .
1 Mti 1 i nil i ij m I ?? j - . r • In Ihelr


S^ilvrr aoi] brautlful Trfednm h tlielm.
Tlir wirJi* wit^ at flravt-a Ihrv Ji rrl<|
in IhrU* i mi'-

\iui tiw are Lhc ine« or mrth.
nifhlhpKrd In '-ml

rtrrn.i|)T prajdnr. brattrbr* uptlunr
Hrc arr llir rl«rra, ihr >fllc« it her beinr

Wlterr UvcblTT and *orrnw ar age*

Om iin;-

And Ihrw fit Hir drn whs liare bar-
neahrd Hir raiib
Mtn iimli fur ihrimrlirft dead ranlrns

of trw,

^carr1u R her *urtarr *r)lh rlllcs nod

ftlnnr m h|| lhlnj><i lliry ar^ allt-a >ierr,
—I'liyllls i 'is pt i *- !'.:•.??« ii

Tll£ RIGHT HON. mJ Mmi tttt JFillum Ttsttpl*.
Aichhtihofi oi Yark. ptctkretl urfb Mrs. Tempi* an the
i.f. Brtmru wbtn tiny arrh fJ in Amtrtt* tin a vifit.

— JtmiJd Ealtf JltlMr..

hole foe thr ofdl« of tbc ynwng i! lir-iT. and
Uum vhirn ill*- /affraitny flajjiPi fswpp'. by nhe
Ihrrw fierjzL-lf on top ilf the younsat*™, uBinff
Li r body Oi ?? abJidd. To tills day ahr near* I he
T#rribLe scar* ot thai uccuiiun.

Truly pcorv tinth ita rictoxioa no lea renowned
Uijhi win, anil w(.Ttierj luiv'c uiioti nhowu in
pos5»%s ii ^•ailnrit Iitrol'jm which at crre Uni+
was UnnuRht to be l.b= irxclualve attribute of

Glass Mikjm>

U'OMW \/lu> un- i\c\ timtiait J^w to treat n
houoe «4 a houfie. Ijoi who tukc aa intw-.v.
In iht prciflUcal and artiitlc fcjtp^ot* of ill deslijn
Uf ituerxiiied in the contenunm nt Mi"
fcydru,*? Antticr. Tntp ypunj: flydtirj) nchtlecl.
bark irci[D aslWalihlpa Abroad, scy^ there- art?
no k *** 1 tlrltlan urcMteata.

~<&fodt:m arcMtrcUin: ahuuid nxpnrsf QUJ
spirit (jI Lhc LLnt«s r " Jir: MpL "and should employ
t.he Uirrr modem mrtUmn*— «hua, concn-ie and

Ot i-ouriv, -we've heard l-hal before, and oeeii
error Lhuur of It. And there'* a great dral to br
saiii (or tt. Alter all, there are fur more postd-
hiUilEA it) fl*£& cuncrcle. and alecl tlian in thai
??:??!:-?? iv dull :•>: mc* nliieleta crrcuttcKi, the

Bill Uimr't a r-airth HlpTtUirT.t munt U adders

to thoar thrue tf w* are u> hava realty fim
homes~thni'& «ond archlt«tiirt. Until clajA
donmit*. and jsi«1 ur trmnmuud by thr inaidc
of human ut\\(kp iotn norocthing not only «r-
prrf;f , ivL?? bul aho habitable, "niodtrrn" houactj
H-Ul rIwaj'b givr -.i* thai crcrpy EBVttftl of living
In a movte art or a showeaur.

A Harfiuin-huntcr

cl 9\ f&J-c?r

Children Help
to Reduce the
Toll of the Road


"Catch rhrm young mid bring thrm
Up i*t the path in tthtrh ti*> -> thouid
trfaifr it a trile- axiom* hut it Is In in-:
appHetf to thr- Bcfivuirfhildren hr ihv
ffolivf* thruufifiBut jumtruiiu in their
rampai/tn to minimise the tinngrrm of
the road.

U hat t* more, thr irtH'hine of Safety
t'irtt in the tchouU it havinft feooti
retuitM, ty'ot only nr# iht* yaunKnter*
hreominf! to rrmft-mindni that xtrevl
ui-cittt-nt* to schuol-i'hit'lrrn are dif
ufi/H-tiun from the li't-. htit they are
(varying their trarhine into the hume*
and their parent* nre exercising greater
t'nrr in traffic,

SO alarming has the tull of the road
become sfnri? ilit! advent of ttOKi
hltdj-powered mntnr-diivpri vphitdp*,
fhat Sir Malrnlm {*a.mpt^ll, i.he faiumi-t
high-Bjieed racing t/iutorJst, is udvueut-
ing utakirig compulsory In EngliHii
lUibOOlS ttjuraPUrif UisLrticUnti In "safety
first" princdulpfl.

[n riils hf \s pimply Inllnwlrifr the Lend
at Australia, where pciHce offlrers ttfa*
larly vttifo Wrti Stale and private eohooW
and deliver ItH tnrcs to the eJiildren on
this mid kindred uubjrjcto.

The yoimgrrr cffticraUoti of AiiatnalLomi are
becoming uwre roart-mlrjrtfd. TxafTIc ptritee in
all the £i::.i:r- HdniLl ttibj tmnkly In a larpr.
mpflnure thla u dia-'. m ti\r rate, to thr teaehdrnj
of rafFty ILrat in ihf nrimary ??cJionls and ta
the lecUirrs which ii??e dell^tred u* the KhOoJ-
chlMren rrfutnrly by member* of the traffic

Warning to Drivers

"pHHEE yean Mpn the kdta Was otrnc*-JrwJ of
ir.ui:i im ihe more mleUtgrtit chlldtm In
the Buue bchuolx of New SOUlii Wales ai Safety
pulrolt lo took nftCT Iht intcreKtx of the younger
chllil.'fii. tn flyiitmy rvoMinnrln ai tank pniicc
work tn cunlunrjtlon iith lhc Kducnllon Dr-
partmfrnt and achiiolLtnehera and pedJodlcidly
vbui evtry te-hnril nnd adrti-ett the ctularvn on
biiLr<ii work, and ycufiaUy, on huw Ijj arold
ure ia rn ir.. yijuny \j{ \Atr- litlb-StHl- w.'lrnnllt ar?
aluo vrniterf by fMTnnawnenT. with the principals
The duty of the fchnol iwlrulj m to naerabii:
tha jiummtT ch^kltcn oa the footpLith itziast'
ami after xhooj atuf doting tortoh-«>ttr, lit u»r-

ermine- potnte am) by mfaru or Oa&l W(um
drlvrn uX vnhiclen Uml they or* approaerrpis a
school. iLtid tiiai there 1* need of cuution Thv
'??!*??'??' y-ri.-M paUotf- have no Matutory amhnrlty
to control traffic tKJt drtv-rt or tithit'les w)»
fall to obey the ufiuula' when thijnren are rrtHis-
ln< Die rand nre Jiable to be prmecnted for
driving Jn q danjreroiin manner In ratfe wlu-n:
complaints have been made by teacher*, at the
lnatnnre ol lh» pa tin], the pnUfir tiave tajbap
3lep» agoinft the rtrtvrr

SuperJnU'Ildrni Carter, hend Of Llie Wew
South Wales TrmffJc Police, amy* that reports
from hb oOloern anci» that the yonrujer stnrra-
aon are erowlnE up ^ry nwl-mtndrd. antt In
auppoTt of thbi. he pcitnuj to the fiwi tliaL In
the p&at two years, nut &nr child haa been
injured in the Ttelnity nt a «honl wherca*
accidenca often happened prinr tn thr nntroU
bflhiE eabib1iahi,'d

Policemen as Friends

rwRitttl liittlr visits to thr- ochooli the police
aquaria allto Instruct lhr children on thu
dnnner? of t-irelrlclty in urn home, the cafejtuairi"
to bfl adopted tn trnTtttinx in trnJin: and Lramn.
and warn ihrzn about switmninz in wat-rhi>|pV
ptayiTijr with Hre or drtoiuitnT*
and otiin forma of muehirf
Wkagte are llublr- p? rfiaurt (n

Too dcrctopmrnL of tha
srbrmp liu utitlmlicd pnraiblll-
Uea. as not only are 1,he childreti
becojntngr mot* road-minded, but
they are Lakiue lnu» their homea
tlw lnformaiiou acquired at
school and arr ..Hi- v> teaeii
their purenia hirv to avoid
Iraffft? acctdmu

nnmher aspect of Liu.- maLitr
t» the t7<a thai thj* tmtmale
BBodAUOD with the potite
offirrrs jnakdn the ymitli gvtm
lip with a en-*ter respnet for
Lh* "tun in blue." and has
helped Lr u material fjo do
away with the ljogy of 1rir
iwhrrrruii who, for so many
jawri. hnj been held up by many
pamrta an zfOttiethlru! with *h*eh
to fncltte ' children

National Library of Australia


Saturday. February 1. 1936.



Hooks a CATFISH /

Even Zane Grey Has Never Caught
Sharks and Marlins as Big as This

Condensed Milk as Bait


Auitralitl'l I <l< rn.isl JlllNl.TiM

J&rf ttiunlroted

sis b y

I was somewhat Incensed at lli<- thought uf Mr. Zam- Grey i ,iti li
tug all nf our Mripeil marliu and sworilfisli ami things, anil lakingz
them away to America with him. anrl I spoke tn our nwnag ht-j. director
about ll.

"Lower." he said, waving his ululinum fouuuiiu-u«ii at me.
"Go. Uphold the honor of Australia. Spare no rxjwnrir."
I went immediately to Bermagni and bought the place.

[•'OUNU that Ota town was not


big enough anil wan comnellwl
to niakt* a senrtraiL- efuiip con-
ulsting of hnimlriiDtins station,
polo arid bitselinll grounds, tennis

n-, a noanllUK-Uouae lw

ubouijr.ruuiit'rs. a kb£ workp. film
tttutlin, it press tent, ctmiplutn
??with bar. ami rncwoiirae.

All. the tnntB had tolonfe*
(You moan b&IeottlesT] Yes. Biil-
conien. My first dny out was
quilt' nvrntful. I was 111 the matt!

i.viiM'ji wiiii my secretariat Wr"
lowtUJI In n ferry-boat hchlnd.
Photnijtraphors all rniinii nie.

I hail hardly thrown my roil
overbnanl v-lt-ii a Btrlpcil martin
started to eat the halt off it. 1
was furltjus. I tried to drug it
back from hint, but be <-liing

tenaciously to U. and U seemed I m a n a g ed to
that I wan doomed to tose the clutch at lb?
prawn which the Head Honk- 'engfnp hist be-
haJter's Assistant hail taken fure It mink,
twenty minutes to drupe around u tl d, lmJiliiiL'
the liook.
- I ordered the engineer to put
the launch astum.

the engine
a h n v e the

water with one band, I wan
dragged through tile water at
such a pace rbai the steam 1
mlei'il obscured the vIkIiiIi o( my
striped mnrlln. I was. linngina | fi-rn-lari™ on the ferry-hoat, and
mt in i In- eilttf uf the hoot with it wan uiKliLftill before I returned
one baud ami bad the roil hi (lie l" the camp ttragsring tbr-
oiher hand

Broke Weighbridge

It made no difference to the

Lower* duel with the *wardfiuh.

The strain was ter-
rific-, anil at one moment I
thought uiy braces wore going.
Tin: inevitable happened. Whai

haunted marlin behind me.

I tried to Wugfl hilll, but. un-
fortunately the ineal weighbridge
rinly made for hllllne It-wag-

ji-Llil a loL ot tilm left In the wuter 1
batllrd wltti ti'.i-i fur ru.> .ind a lialt
?? I. ?????? a nr] had t.n be /od thrauyrj » tune.
tH-'JIiK Uio nn£l'<j.M f-.i ti> miilinli.

All ihu lime we were being dragged
alt>ag at Mien liieed r.tiai we and Treat
am n ill-, v la prisma prtiilslana In tlw
air* tit Lhit ulngtiy. nnd to muke mul.troi
wornr tJie canf and itnwinb on the
iltnrhy were aea-ru-K, Rim-ever, I lit
lu-T i^crnqua-rrl UV Mrottllvdh, drill when
the tuga towed It Into ivirt !ui:r wnnlrd
to clmrge :nc tuiluor durs au 1L

I sent the iwad to Uvr Brltioh Milium,
and the; seat tt tmuk,.anyliiB to u oolite
note trial liiey didn't" hpli^vi- It.

There l.i rather a aad ending to all
i jii.-. whit" nahuu; far urpun elufit miles
trnrn the eoaat 1 waa drarrgnn" overtoard
Ijy a whltinii nnd ni'ver pcen again.
When t blUrut Ahotn It t Ret to nn.«t
that I have lo to and have a brandy.

1 Hunk ril t,'o axuj hare a bntnite-

Wlih limp lull i-

Anil aoda.

Clhi roda

with the Inunrh solug one way H"'"' ciirrybig wool, anil f si 111
mill the Bull going the uih.'r way. M»?J bl » walgliL He was

ihe launch eanie In halves. I



ave i|ou her


CHE'S I lie kind oi fij;ute
^ -which ^bowj off the
latest summery drcsncs to
l»erfection — but once she'd
a tendency lo put on height,
lo Ki-i' those graceful tines,
until a friend recommended
her to take Bile Ttesn*.
Hon her fijrure'a as lovely
.tnij slim u it ever wns.

Don't envy her, bat get
that slim, fashionable. Bjfiire
fur youticlf by taking Ililc
Reans nightly. These fine
vegetable pills tone up the
ftyfitcni. ensure interna!
health, and melt away all
surplus fat.


"I vtta wnrrieil Ab»ni
ruitUng- on wolffM
8Sn»a tnklriff Bllt! Urnns.
Jt. wcv.-f I hriv» gv> r
rid trt all Burnlua fml
Tlir DlrhtEy tltura iuvr
brt>offht hnr.k mf prlrl
Ilk* ftjurp, Whlrh
pttabl f-m. tn* i-> wmit
ill.' r : ,-n ,,i|.1 rtyltmi
lILllttrtinr- il ri tii-nri " —
Vr«. M SinKtrton
• * *

"1 yul nil so muuh

WO[Rtlt Thfit It RTPQlIy

mJ iifr-,] rnr tl^nQT

ni» 1 ?? i" ,if
hrfnth nyt ilir nlKhily
EM In Kii uU hj|¥o ri?-
m»md all tnf rurplun
fat. E now Wriirh hIt-
t*-t% i>uuuilfl Iran MfiJ
am In I-i^U-r n-BtlH-i
Hlfi fl ^v^r lifftirc "?? —
Mr» W T(.om|i»«in


a fairly hip Fihii, thou Ah.

The next <fay wns stormy, nnd
I said to myaplf. "What ard the
wild waves Zans?' 1 Two of my
secretaries resigned after that

I elfampd ttnil It was a land day lor
:•. ->. I, : ;<????:. a'..- tor awordllih. . , I
1 humeri r for a wbiJe tliar I mluht hn\f:
a try for i I : the only

tuuTKYXtf, I IumI in nut wimp M'-rc J-cw
TnaltM. iTcm fcrnw wliai mafeoa nrc,
aj ii.ij: - I I.-.'-

Line Untaiiglers

H^HT? CiiL'C UtIM Untany;]L'r cnmn l.o cii>
tv hilt! 1 oTitttrttr iii my iWalntiitJ

:.'i.: ; n.i:.:;:.: ii.- ?? (t i..i I

tt number ot : .mi : vJnu. used lo
foJlrtw TO«» nr..i.fTif1i, mid «W. "Sir, I"
hnar from [he local pihkitan|;ry ihai cot-
nuli AtKiimd In thnw parLa. I resticct-
i'ulSy suHKftit (Jilt yuu mlffht mntch Tuur
Lticn^rtil attwlnflt twin 0/ irjjir f]finirfn5
at ih* TMty defp," Ur. a MtV WtB
educated man. an M.A- nod J-nU> ,
??-..I 1 . why he wu Oil the dolr wticu I
DcM irtft htm.

I iioda>ii iiauiclitjU' nrid laitomctwi
him ia itad mr a duckle cnLnfih nrd to
hold 1L unril t Amvrd iu thE- launch.
He tLUchcd htd nrwloctc and left on hid
tntasJrm. f.Tuit a ruhiutrdl Doat you
rrjKiw f«*iOCt7. Awfully Bftrry, AhV-

way. hr IctL on hla rnUwlim. TJnfortun-
??t*?ly. one OX the wheels came off Ids
mission m he *m roondinir ti comer
«nrl luul ft vrry nnxty ypilL

Tiiia meant that I hud to tall buck on
the AttUaUnt U&CQDRltrr.

Aod "wann't he aiirpri»rd when I t*"!!
back on hlrol Wlun he luul got up mid
Uni'.t.irt! tiim&elf did a In: of A&llylriK
forth on top of t-he vMty |). bound for
ttrP cata^icrlpa.

Glrii, (hi* tnit.hU I lt*H trylnf lo K*t
thr milk iIbt on th* hfw'al I had to
nw pfindKtiaed milk at the ftntoh and,
a t rn n^r to rfthate. Uodad a n 1 1 1 uf
r» r . i. tn itRtdib, i* iit. ii -n it"n tpff-irtir a
crvat pel ariUi atl hi (he catt-it. Wt
caUrd him JAmea or ftcooHnt nf Him
bfflni a Tom.

Camp thr day when 1 buidRd thr
awordrt*h That wait i.hn day whm Mr.
Zailc Orey packed up nnd left In rhjurrin
siui] hlcl. ditdi(fO*i— two of his boats.
"LOwrr," he t*ld, ''I hare fttlii'd from the
Asorefl to the TrohrlomrlA. bui nevci hhvo
I (fit *a utvrlv hLimillaUd nnd oulfliliM
tin wi Lhli prwrit occnaton. ' \ Juat
AJipercd aJidilly

tl wu fdrOut Lfll 7^ Lniiir 40 Il.V.E..
with a .Not'-'.'jvir.erly brrcan on Lhn |)ort
bow whpti he hove-flo. and. cmnulitng
my h^luyiim pm I frinticj uinl- wc wert'
riiht tn Uu' mJddlr td th* nwuctlnih

Thr fii'iuirmt my (iwordflAh aUuuk, fin
wt imrrir pjihr-rr-un *ay, h* limpt tull-r
fnrty ftiri. In the atr. and thi-tx w«b


f "What shall 1 take?"

'pHE find question lliat ruinr*
lo vnur inirul * Jim ynnr
li:ick IK-Hati- r m urltt' i- *-|( hut

whm \ hiii-r

i In .iipvn 19 iuipot lun I. fur
lint!"*- ^ilal orguiiJ — I In- Kiilrn'v*
— orr liie Wtit «if >»ur |inin.

\lit > N-rriiMis iIumiuIh »r
kui>u lliat jnonv (itatcw munt Ih-
t>r. Sheldnn'i (>in I'tll- — Ait&-

IrHliu' 1 *! i«-o»liiia HrmnlT for all
Kirilit*} Trtmhlr*.


No matter nhat price you o*y.
noLLUnit tin* can UtIcr yon such ls«Tt-
loff relief from BuekiwJir to mch a
thort time as dr, arocLDON's am
PILLS. They net directly on Lhe
Kldcaya — ncniovg ali u^flAaiinALIun.
diuolvt excen uric acid and irmc ui>
your entire »yivlcm.

It la tunicas to Lata druns which
merrriy d«afbai the pain for a tvw

linilW j.iin mufit irri rt^ht rtiflfuJio

the root of th? troubliv nrwl 0m La

will do for tou nnd wtwn >T>ur oaln
dbu>ppear&. you win kmrn that Gin
FtHs (unt doltiE their work, toning up
the Kldnuyk and cleaOHlnR Hie ayiTittn
of ha rjv.ru I Impurities,

If job fin-.- Iteffcitihe, Uien \hi% H
uiidnubledlr Lbe Kcmrdy ibat rati

*Jhey give prompt ref/eA
27P/us n - 60 Phis 2's \

National Library of Australia




Saturday, February 7, 19'\6.

Sound Sleep

and peat eful digcs tit) n
menu health* energy
and happiness . ??

Vein can avoid Summer itoiln«i;
you an iTintl up to the matt memi-
<m* Mr — *m, rnffTj if — u hing u
an depend on hivtn* Uninii
tlcep jnJ a pentdut djttesuan. tint
ynu ( in rui i ha\r rrm nru wnhnut
the tan! A jtood djtnoaa i» thr
tumbcifiuitt n.'Lirrc of healih Jttd
'iiri». .i bad dt^rtrion the i-'n^in

So Brt ilKO the Kxbit *>f tiLiijf
Bourn-viu tt«;uUily — r^r^-cuLli
thins il mailt. IV,-urn nia |f.v«
the tited .Mi.r-M . a iielplnp hund
with in wvtrV, cmrmTAJtiOft wmni
llrtp, in lidij^inK yvu wiib erwrief,
builiitifn up itiuuf; leurivti of iwy-
inn jhIwct.

Hat*"» one of ihouur-dv id lrJien
prnmnji Bcrtjrn'Tia. Jtrt»d whw
Mrs. J. U. wnta; —

*f JOlf raj th* uvwJtriiit

ivm. J imfvtr )wot+ mtretf and ilt*p}*ir**t'. 1 w*r*r hse-ir *h*t h »«r
it hart J mifiM'i untl- rurhJ -l?sp J mej tii lit \irt itftwhtX-

&r*ikt*h VPri ';at, Bui tin/4 tskfwf, titf*t*-vila J \tti u Jijfrtmi bvuum.
t *tnf fh* wi-nit *>gt>t fhi'Mik. mJ <m*te* a} t**rn }** IHt daft u*ri"
Btium-*iU jrf^nrJi-sIm iuch rendu htftAii* ir i* rich in ilviwut — * rutrueti
tlifrrsme imjud in muh. Swi ulunj; 'fiY«Tivvir.t .. : — you'll }n*t it. Mo)


i-i mVi m Qftnlino 1c Hi* .-iiifiLitiI

".II.fk.IiI nine" m;t. *' ????•

llir tiinitilir cam i |inn i.i tlK

EUUIVlU l\)fwltlwt_ <?? bil'Jl >H IL! ill ii 1H



"'I '. | --r* uf

BOURN.VITA - 49.* (.*"•'•

29.0 1 Lt«r«-rr yuV«>
thatuhc ptrwef *f lire tomi #ji ihv
of Ihv liLiii miml Witui IM.


To *»*htr ymm lo frfy* for your ttlj ha* £<tird Ho%m +U*
ii, »« •'ii/ »wd Trio j ( 'nfT,> H r tdinplr Ttrripi nf
jntl uiirif *nd oJdrtii Mtui J J. in Uiimpt (la coxr p*ck-

tfept. i> < mvfi*. 7 ji»iUiiij.


Cadburys yi ^J( IM^ 9 *



h«n cvwy rwli* to to,
Cocnfuml uriln tlm way tiny


*nr* tht* UA bilK I caJtr.l to
it i u Lieut to tlkcm noir.
DOR't ttlAtlk nu- I'm deliiibt


I ( ICH Ii' r


l\ut ilu Lp can* alw3vt to Rrtc thr-m

Pti krrj* rui -m\ih ibf vrrMf dc*C til
'CtUifoCftM Syrup tff J<" jjp," Mm. £vnin.
It'* % fcne lrt*«tivp fcrf yr-ranu iintl nlr|
Am ?? nuittrr of hc1 I UW it m\'.»cH as>J
inlvko vmi to adopt It fat tiie wkDle

'CuJbal Svrup r.f Tiga* b boaiI l>y

all cbnliULts oiul »tt '(«--. l/fl oi *l tun- f
Ifijc rjnatnity (ntr S; HI. ht ffurr tn fiiy
'CaJffirrni* ami Irjijji !ar " (L'rtly^ ' t

ftltjUg " "AD tlJC


6Vd/ Roberts Writes of
Romance in the Greek Isles

t'n*r *lnr*' Itynm ttroh* tti* tnttgit- lint 1 *: "Ttiv intrm iff ftrrrr*:
tttf intra of tirt'ecL\ ttfhrrr humiu^ Nupp/nr tirrd umi «bh^" a li'neml
•>/ romanrr ftta . unki up nnntmi Utfiw litttf frmj <*/ firrjul^ jr(rc«'n
rm the WttC //f»or rt/ fAi* .Aegean .S*hi*

Ro^Jirfi, in bfj /flir^/ fluiv/* **f «/r«n«," Afis ruptured ih**
ttiuirt' atmotfjlterv of bright nra ami sky* nnA uf tnmln ttmmy with
iht* taS. • i.i hiafory. His is the true inttinet vf the ttorylelier, ami
Itis pen'pietarrs harr a fittriiirttion alt ihvir tncn.

ALTHOUGH a j^m-d. KoJIcI
story Of love and ftcjVentttre
is tbrowu against this mniautio
barlfoloth. It \s the Retting o1 the
tale whirh will prove more dp-
Ughtfnl to ihu reader. ltub< i rtK
lias the trick of embodying n
travel story with tot 1 rotuftntir
lOAtrrial of hit] novel In a moflt
sai ij-f-.-hi^ way.

In thil C&Afi ti IliXUfy ywht piOrn^d
Lh? nAn ol i' nlMn r to the Greek
Wand*, mid thru, m the rinn ot hi-
xttKy, Mr. BnbvrtH gives ub vtvid pic-
:ujts oi ii.' rw hoi Mffn

A Ricli Tapestry

Y^EME is » htradtll to CM alory whkh
cr>pturts the rradiTli lilti H |( ttam

Llic flrtst. Then foe fc??o<i mca/;Lirr, every
iLnJ ayain the rltli tapestry of tfae

arm* 1 la unliirlifl

Wc the dwiky r»mtk vtit.. ,r- [rtil-

lllff op ihf - m . ,,[< „; ,-| -

tim-t mil jjh.. Wf> «ff thr bibV trmni*
rftrrrtiit thr ^n»lplui: toariiiii. lo Ihp t»p
Ct t'lf ouiiniliJn, And thtr rr>»r....it t •, nt
Hip firtrk prit^K fjirnilfta- u-Pppcrixnill

'????>• : \h* ttimti, but tlwlr w«rdy litter-
I'lmnrc-- |<>i itluck La (Jielr UiraitB by the
n**vrr-f nrtinp frruvlj nf Lhr af
nujunlAla ADd i«-m *tivCrlilfij Into 111 -

Amusing Adventure

HPHEHE iirt paxKi%m t>! rvt bcAJity In
thn book but nrtinii in nnt unduly
tuiltrd to tfw detriment of the Mcrp.
Inn Cawdray hunspti a ronuinriciitl.
!foea for ik Nwiin ma utorniiur In Lhr
warm, bhst: trauo o.* ttte wu whluli Ups
the td<- of aaniorin. and, cm landing on
(IM tlPMCH. dU*UYCT3 ft KtrL

Thr mrcttnff is oae t)i the mofif, ajmis-
injf pircc« in h drliKnuTuI lx*k sluw
both belJevff tlmmrflvM to tx* thf ooiy
on tixi kslaxul WhUe Inn is
running about the i*imni di euuiiiit uf
frmloiii hnd Uir -old Orrrt titrrctei. trx
. ,1 1 la giumlng ;jl If cm thP bcBrrf or
running llkf si dw aJctor Hm? brexb
I wiLli her dog. Tht rmbornuwTTK'nt of
[Jitir introdueUoa, undtr aueh circum-
ttsiiKM. Ii cl^vnly deftlc with to ci i^khJ
crene Tnn disc river* thai I he girl and
her Taihrr atr In hfiling From UiU
rtPTflDpa »n liiterfnTina rtnn which rrm-
rlndm, nfl*r many ndvcnturm tuipplly
lit UndoiL

Thruuuhout. it ail Hoberta never lonrn

Short Reviews

i'/)*rmrrjfijy of thr? Gretk fiUl fft bit

idteit b<mi t ret-fW'fti on i&fa ^J^f.

tiwt tilfTct, (efae, and wbtdlr plenjrJnp
form rrf wiiUng- In which he mixw
ronumct. dstmnlivr pastures o| dull-
LMtc t*aur.;,\ and high adventure net In
r.h* mafik a£n)P«phrrr nl lhr plnjKH'UJrd

oK tiip pjdi.

ThLq ig » boo* for f^cryraie. ht-nitj- r
ihan? fa so mitch In ll lor all. < HudoVv
and et^itRhton. "< fi Our copy from
AiLfrus and ItoberLtinnj

LeBiip Hcvjlen.

JWKMS. Vwimt Wrbo In Uiir, llttl"
bookJpt Miss Webb hnf» n oollctLian
of thr I ?? r-T-r of hrr pcanii whJr.h have

flppfomr] in Tllr AUliLnillRIJ WOinitU*".
WreWy, This youngsusr anow£ the kixn
InsRht aiid jymtiiLhy ul tllr putt .

dnri ilifl htu thr e^it cJ nie.iody m w«>rde
<>;.-??"..-!(.:. Lfi nlno. and n

:.->•'.???????? ???? in i' in.- mn lirtnbly niiiUire for
&ach a yroniK writer mns Uimugti all:
her itiw.

"Tht WLah" It a narttaularly flttto
csatnplr :

fc tlnp wfhh I lon» tn satlsfr—

lu nearch the city pireiiiiTnLi HlUM

And rJierf llir fulks whu've uii'--ri[ r.n:li

Tim «wr«LlieJuti wliu httW . <_w DM

-P.,!. !:->.. .' h> Ml» Vvnniir Wthh

# * ?? *
"fllE VlblON." ti, M KM Thli ic
another slim rolumn nt tctjv hy an
AUBtrtUliin w^rnftji »n4 ttinr>. in nuAJity
tn many n( !u?r verse*. "&4y out to
Aufltit\- the tipt'niriR rtrur in the book
u a patnotie upliil. and has a

nirr n [i|i-r i ml i m d| viiiiii"' "iTi-

Virion," Ihn nnineiJicce, is dJm> un hi
??"..-:!. with a tUu-ply 1 1 « -
bota running through it 'StookweU.
Ltaiduti. c : ??

m m- -

1 Wukleir. '<.-:?????? - ???? .?? ii U> an
nnT.huf.ta*hc av1at43r u nr* miUrtfty
nmuuiLle w Ariortnr. tl»r b4rt|ttta nr
Una novel, distiovcua. After Urn- brat
rapturous dayn of t-wly mnrrWRC nhe
dtneo^erk that ohe is ylavij«r annuo
fiddle to nrrtipliiUfft. colo fllfthut And lhr

dtwIofmLrni uf an nlrlinn Chi\rle», the
huiihand. i& hutvry lor mirrrta in tne
air, on tu the point of Deflecting h|a
wife, to that thk suctttt nan be von
Anoflrif i. k-Tfl -bi'jiiir-ri nnd wnablf
enough to kuuw ttnat lirr hiuiband mu^L
Crt ahetvil in bin prof r talon but to ailo
to the anxiety of hin doi^croun rallluf
she u consumed with loneliness. fih»
lyrna io thr wronif wtrt (if penotn for
rocup.ijiiuiuiljj^ nun Chnrlui conirrn Lo
tltitib virldinly— aJnxm a fareH] tnnd-
Inii Onwip mieninfLi'n his Jeatomy. and
ht« tinirrlAKe l«Mu like crashing, but.
hnpnjjy, tlda la averted whm bftUi pur-
lins reach a betl^ir undrrAtandlnif of
rath of.hfr A well written piece of Ihjht,
romantic fiiLloji by u pnpulur nulJiur.
CltararteT drnwlfig; b ejepfllant. the pnr-
rmlt of Artadnrt vnciAHy-anibitlrtut
ttioLiier Leinc parUruJarly rt»od VOt a
uparr hnur or «j, or a triiln ymmpy, Una
nuYrl itiould mi'ct all rctpiirrnien-,n


MyjtUO P. " Thla rntern of uiudml
notation. Lt b claimed, almptifin Lhe
[iL-urtuf univrrially Adfipted tw> trnnart
a kiiuwletlun of itlvtbi^lmJ atrut'tiue U
la »et wit in thL*" Ixiok In a dmple. prno*
ileal vfrvy Lhul. will ic ril ijjjccijii acrj^t-
onric to tenrjifr!., juid yet c»u ha fwnculy

nrififi' t.ivhi tiv - l-jrl-n".- M.: A^Liui r-:i;
aa )ila collabo niton OhriBtliin FTtUr -
inatttt. A.BlCM. tLoodout ui:d Raj
Morru Smedley IJr BUlntmL, Piraetur of
N_SW. Ciii.-j«rwnLurluiii ui Mudic, lu\>
vmttim the forr-word 'Afiffiwi ft ttob-
^rbhthL 5 - >

Suburban Family

rPB£! hrK ha* Very ULUe |d do
Tcitii T.rua otory of a suhurhaii fanuiy
L>ud the eCTurta of Lhe mother to keep
hflr wflftlne nhlckrjL". imiii-r hr-r mn.rcrnol
wing thp ortUm of the »,tory talcrs
plnec on Bank Holiday, ami l.rw ^hililTcn
art! raibdir Lirtnonir: Kargarct Honrict,
Lhr cidi'-M, in lan^Tnxhkng ovrr nrj (in-
tiappy KMnt aOair Rrttlm lire»t^ ttw
inmily with nn boy irlrnd. a hruir deed
Ln.ElUCJi u taxnlly. I>luk r th? .-.m:. b h:jiv-
vrllrd. nod a silly tnfstoutiun l^nri" to
loss of ri- and i!t ItLurk • ?? ot thn?
?? ??!:! •"-????•I rutiiubaiillcz. Not a vary ln-
tertfiLicir; crowJ whi^n addilrl Hi It la a
moan-aplritpil and bullying huaharid, but
Lhe mother HbhV.'t lik? a LA^hf nijidtig

htr utiewy hrood It ii her cond. Round
L'uninicm tieni*. her Itii'oJly. and her
mother low which cmonth the path for
bar children Trie mutt competEiutly-
denwn eharMiei m the b«x"S. Airs. Bon-
ntit. Ip real We know ber — we bavr tnft
hi'r -and for that nnswi almie the boost
iji wpI] *vr1b mmltit-i "KIcNlr In lhr
Sbadr." J run dn Tnlop. rjohn Loog.



For Sure Relief Use


1 ETRKXUOL'S irt, Illul JUU WOH . . .

-f» luit wbat .if yooj- feel?

lir.t, jrliirin? Then tlicj- nwl
jiam-Flnk. fitm'i ymir gaoic

!??>" pntlinn up any loirRci with fiKi!
trnalilc i \cx The hast out uf y.jur
icnnii hy catitii; far yenr fret iq
111^ f'/lkiwing simple manner-.

Kach tileht. after bntliiog the
feet in «v;irm water, dry
tfcoroufrhly, then rttb Z.ini. ll-.iL
intn lhe F<)lc» and hrtween the tor*.
The rehiier] herl.al oflj in Ziim Huh
arc reatlily ahsurlwil into the skin
m itr.lt r«.flit Ktirr till f.iuftjsr anil Hun rejieh lhr -eat nf the

\tr\s\Wn trmibli? ^ "'"'"^V^

Pain, Sailing & liiilammation

"!'?? • "If H aa enkkly ritftow* by itom-ihd, r r-_ , . ,

akin, oarna. ami buuiiniR are noft^nnd
Jtilnt*, an>.lea l-H'<j «ntl r»iet a.'.- miulst
♦OAy and yya can ftftfoy your ipfrt In
eomfort Pnu! wlih Koin-nuk I l h1l*M'

imbT vaiJunwa

i itV* Hiin ii/ /wf MHMif uihtA

i ?? ?? .j...- •?? I •??<•<?? mm.* in ??faafaft
?? i'..i.' ' JUr. .V. I....WN

California Syrup of figs"


Rub ZAM'BUK Irt Ever H Niqhr

National Library of Australia


Saturday. Fehruary 1. 1936.

riu- ,u;sri{,u.iAN women's weekly



Rhcuinjinm. neari-
tii. icutka, bACk-
J i he billDUlDCU.

etc-, find a common
cjum in the failure
of kidney* and \wtt
torltminur hjrmr'ul
poLwnt fioni th*
blood itreim. Hun
drrdt of Jarerj oa
our fitfi, from thrfr
genera tic ni of p. rj te-
nd B»n. testify
to the sucr.^i of
Wjrnff * Sjfe Cure
against al( functional
diwirderi in kitfnryi
or Uv«-


-BRAN 1LH" No. .;8

i 1 ; ?? viiLRtri • cumptll i«f in lh I ??
runu-tit b:—


Her »>lui*an containing Orw error
war- the mote nnarly correcl one- re-
CHlWrtL and tUt E^riw id LliO In uiiuh lb
Lhr?r*»lore xutsidn] La her aiitj win be
pouted on Frldny i*i??l February.
sni.moN ro -bran tub- \. i»

Four .bmkflasr:. flr:r,nrtrji1 u large
bludc .innJtc wlm h they attacked with
lun. aiul utLur zi ctmieat at fcCtne
mlnui.-. daraUna rahnuaU'd their
victim, which Lin'.v .M-curcd and tore
nwny in triumph.***

. Ml .. r . ??(

K," "»l«*iin«i- *>>f**>

.V- .. 'J

nit* mir- rf ff*T"»f*t<.

Mcnii\ l 'vnro r&sr

MTHf-ACTlO* cy*MhfTTrS

5*m«, Skim.

??t at*

I 5*Tr(f fl»H|MJM fai'n* /ill

I Urtf /utAii.n hi... Air i

1 \> it mil ST I ID.

Addj»n flU Coi.«i»a*«ii6r*« to

:,-,„ ,.nr; -Vr.it l> 1 1-)!?'?" UPd p«l

\OW MlMlr l. Ill SBAMI

Sunc tAV.'4K0 In fil [• h rt(: i

JitlNB&JiiJ ti ?? Jl"T>liKt ililnJSlHB. * rU*t *

t/ntrful »t!« Yuur hutJwocl. luu. tmu L« |

'ri--i-U ?? ILL Lliu fn*t tr«»Un*«, Wot*

or t*u (if r»» i*Fjp4-eit»n *n iVtii^it
Hr. r t n )in«r wri nrf i-tt h i ^


|HU Ml Htm *»t BrniQrd

Sline wu one o( tbortp
inyjftLrlea witlrh
Ughi thu Preiw ai)(J
worry tJw pnlkn.
slaitf mm a. neb rtfxrk-
hrokcr, n hnriielrrr, miuj

dlnnt Rt ft Pall Unit
"f\ Club. Mutt tU4 car bring
A' Ln Un- hanib oi the

raRfcprft. or tUQk a Luxl-
: ??'! and ara>red it to drive La
i!m whU;h wu in Albrrt p»^icr Uan-
Motui Thp mulcr of the m&rjitnna tiad
(akitn 6h» rlFvntrjr to tho uth rlixir it
Hm- LKnr Mt 9ilirif sritmi

Tlitj rint UiLtmuUon that i)mv wm 1
Buythinit wronp tt.in wJumj trip porrrr
riimr down tn Qnd thfl- toxl-<inver
JlUUtolnaj m ftfl i 1 .. i ftjiud tdlti

What "hfi wanti*(i

I L 1 JiiuUHht 14 8rnLl-?Ermli LcW

—Mr, Slnnc, wfio lives ut No. 7." M(d
thtf dr;vf-r "Hl- limjii'L ^->t My ntiaiiac
so he's BFHif in to net IL W

ToMi wns (viifrf .iieJy. neraum? SUhp
lirerJ wi t,hr tlm ft dot aurf invnrinlily
iawd LJtr Ltnirv Tlifijr chatted lOgeUirr,
UK port« inn; thf dtrvw. for wnnp Art
[imni[i:3. nrf Lilfii Lhr [iwlT undET-

Anotlirr -SUiry tvJ "Thr Thrcr ,Mrn"

Edgar Wallace

nuin ltcpt^d the mils Mia crowd
(tic Ftrelfb of ;fai/ whlrh inrrrvenrrt
L«twrc» thx- pMLbirtty and Uir Dhnf:
which ins plural tsf*r n dump nl
rrtorlfxtr-ndrom R? came op to lJic
mail, to Ado hli feara juiitiflHl Thr
mar> wim rlt.-art; lw luid tyro terribly
bntierctj with iw-rne bJrmt tiutnutient
and a S«Bfch of ihp |x>r_>n-tJ« rn-r.-ih-n
hli Jdentlly ai« Hc::H-.ird EH#M

Near 'he ipai wiin tin troti satm-aj
JcL in Lhr m i t_* IrutlJUr Lu tilt Ma]|, v mi
utr Umii frf this Vim iliHcnvrrnd tc b*

^iii.i. !>.????.?? , |; . i - (rOm ECUtlaiU]

YaJb wm nl amjc oo lh. i(m; Lhr
f^rr.Fr «r AMicrt Ri.npr- M-miiiain. i-if
qije»EiOzu!*l tjnd fi call «m «eilt routvd,
.vttliig tin- drlTW Ho'uuIiIa ir> cull mt
i.i it- Yuml He wan tliere tuy twelvn
i'V.I'Ji'1; but ebuJd throw no lUjhL hd Hie

firrnnlrli wita n rt'yjjt'ctii b ! »' taait
wiitiouL any recwd aipLujjt him. -wi

.Mr>. Jrin KBehbrtfokf. uf S jdrJiJtam, Lottdua. un» pJlHWd lier fiMoae Ln a
of *lc« luit. although rates and bills ore not xrceptalilc, (nr liun her's bey
l» tumult mrlrumcd. Bubed wire baa ficru atrrtcbed aenna tttc [H)rt.'b, while a
hoM h.-L. iMTn Ktack Uu-««ib ?? ba(tt Ln Uu hrickwork- ForfsnaU U tm vi-.jnin,
biiu-ever. Lhc lA'Aler Bomrd hu rul off ittppUcn. All or whlrb la esplunral bj Lhe
fni'l (hiil, [..i-b-d hi thr wrnilihMt. or* mbtmt two dtwn «nmnun>n tor rules.

nook: tit go up anil collect tbe munr/ fcr
tiie; tun- Albert Paioce Marxians dSf-
[ n fr.tj j rorj i ^vbtt other apATtiuent
hn£L«.i ai stt kind lu that, on the first
ami Uu' riiiiil •??xpcttra'Tt Coor, there w«j

z'i i ii I rial "mi ..>.- : i:lit Qf ;n.[j- riiOcif-
which KtLk occupied by Blario.

A U42 lit ilniKi-d ilirtiuHh Uil- trmmmi.
bat ??>??????:! n, hnd necn buminH; ah th--
eventiHT Thei portrr r&ng the OcD and
*BlUd, runs ll a^raln. bnorlc^d wiUi-
CHJt hOWi'VTT. arl.tlriB » n QllKWflr. Ho
re^irnid U« liit* eabmna-

?? \f: mimt h*T" fjnnr to atorp— how
??TSM) Le?" hr tu&fd

V hu qucHksi he
uwnnt u> inquire whether tho atock-
urukcr ijrAi tiutti* »?K'Jr It Is lhe fwet
Lhn: Hlano drnnk ralber licarily »nd
hmi ni me fanm? more Limn muc Ln a
coimjlbtii whkJi it'.'i'easiCaietJ tlie lulu
of the ni|iht prtrtrr tm art him to brd.

The irthmnn, wlroeie rromn wiw Roy.
uu-ltii. odjnhLrd a* mooh u. and pruti-
Thiy mnrr Hum waa irnod for blm
.Y-.iK Lhe [jort.fi otu-m|Jtro to get a
n'p!y frnm rlir flat. and. wh<n ihb
IjJltli, Ub ftlld tha? cabman ont *if hli
jjUr'n poekrL l*i> shillUiiui arul tlipeiicc.

Ttn porter *nt« or duty uJl nbiht. arirf
ricnlr arrvraj Joumc ya trp aiid tiuvn hii
flhaft. Through Lhr uncn icriilff ort the
Tirj»t Ifoor hi' comninndrtt a vir»' at Sv
i. nu jtUi«niLiii u.i.i ihiLt he law
;H>:huig of blr tibitK' Uuit ntgiii, mu-
ll, tt'if. iinpttaatlJle lor tbe utorkbrofcrr

At half-pcuf fire uho next ntttTntikit a
ivjj'.f nmii twirolhtii (7r»*rn P*rk ea* ??
:????????!?? owing huddkd ud on n rtu-tW-
ebMlr. He wai II evi'tilue dfeaa, hu

llMt.|-l<- Ml 5USph'i{IL3 LlUl the DOllt»»-

w»n a wUkmtr who llvnd o-vrr n s-nraire
ne»r i>rr/,rL JHquiu^. Eattv Sf,

-A mont timuflliig eTtrae, M said T>t*a
Ootinnlce, niB elbow* on the. Ltrealrfart
tnb:-r_ iijfi head bctwwn til* hmitld.
"Wny anmEirsg?" aaked OeontLv
L*ou reivi irn, tila Upa movint, *
trie*, -u bia, oa b* devoured etfen
pchUor] lint. AILer m arhJle ho Jcaiwd
bK?? In hb, chair and rubbed hbj eyra.

"11 13 Bjiiuatmi,"* h» sftJd. "Twcauie of
the b-jtcl bll. tliut aaj found. Ln the
dead .naij'a jjocke' '

He put hu f runri on ?? <.<->-. ..zv.r. \-.
aad adaufmi drew; the paper towifd.*
Itlra mid mad:

"Tin- pollcv dLravpnHf in (&• rJchr-
hand packri ji the mLL-d-red atWt
rrrerroai ft WfHXUUwned tWSW' a-hlch
prowd it i t . nu hocel bl]T. Lssiied bj tor
Plane Ffutel, Oeteeul. Aii« at J* 1C01
'??'he bill mailt' out in thr rutmr or
Mr -nd Mrx Wirhi .ifiitjn and vnia : •:
7^00 franc* '
Afn.nl nrd [iiiudwI tbir paper huct
"lEnt Lbc inycUry wlty LbJ« hnlf-
tlru'ikm [nu. lr!i hi? rUt and iri-iii
back toGrrrn Park, aomr - addcrabi n
dtatanc. froen Albert Pxbcc Unu-
nlans'" he aakrd

Lt'tm. who waa atarmg blankly U | i is?
Dirt hir: walL kbuok his. hetld alliwly:
and Uicn Ln hie rhnmner:*iU? way,
wrnl off at a nui-.^ut

This nr« In*- rruhtblUne irw putilt-
nkhob tit rki.ii 1 ' in dlvorec cakatw i
sarfiyrUimg ot a bore." he miu -for-
tiin*i''lv lhr daiy t> 11)21 mrl the tit-
rhLeb Gumumded tile vhi!
Un WtEbraham u lhe
hft-nf been Riven the mil-
I' lhr cj c hud rune in.

of Ml

ro«rv M


Keep your teefh brighter
with Colgotc i *— and you
h»p br*o4fc iwcot at welL

YES— that's the Tarest word of
authiHiTfca on the -fubject!
Mo* l bad brail, como faint the
Mfl» tliinp that cauiei din^y tcctb
and much tOQfii tit-;,*)-.

That h—^irif.rUatfrJ" tftlh!
Dersyity> food" deptmti in crrvices
hcrwten and wtuund the tcedi.

Trie ufe way ro avnid; pad
biearii ia by tc^ulir. titirfouglt f
c.taiiEn>» with (Du:j:r"i lViiliI
Crram Irs special jjencrnnnk;
foitm £e» inm ??\\ tnJden crevke*. !
emu Liifyi .tutl wa&tJH! tm\
rood rfcpiiiits — Ixrween die teedt
ami c J aCw laHe tfl Uic mouth,
Cle^n* rsvry innfacc of ri#7


Wby PcittJtfa odviifi

At tfie urne rime — a anrr, r^rlr-
free in^redirnt ^cnrly ; <\ I
tooth eiunicl. Stubborn itaitu dis-
appear. Natural luarrc ij rwturcd,
terdi gain new bdlLincc.

Tbtia the time care that iteept

yon free frool Jj^iJ 1-rcjtli (pfvieji you
also a bnghrer, more urmiLtmi?.
rtiure ALtra>:uve imiEe!

Col ...m' i Dctual Creain CDJitt
t«t per bnnhini; ttun anf other
Icadini; toothnjAte. Aud rc^uliir
u»r of It gives you txitli (.Itiiicr,
hrighrer run and a pure, iwcn



>^ \ A spcrral formula rcieui'eig oxygen that prrv cuts
infliiued nimy ^nd pyotdtoca. Sella at l/<x


Melts away the

Retiurv snpcrflrmits ttvight trirntificatly
iciifumt tlnt$5* <ii-.ur, , or spcciitl rxerciw**

Tlw RTtnt ad van tain: or M0UfdtH with
Stendirite Fu^Cm-ine Cane.;!!^; bt thnf you
run no rtst Slcnrttmr den 1 * not i*oiiTiin
Tliyroiri or c4hrr hiirmfiiJ dnnrs. and
ean be : or ??. m.. and t>M ulUtr
The arUon af 5lunaeuc<. Blthnonb rauld.
hu> no JU effert rm the system Tn
flirt, asm aay that ther i«l miirh
better tn beaJtb artet takirm Sleotienf
Its propprtlea tone un the sysLrrv, wluk

UCtlUl! '??! !.l L '-. 11 . Mil.-'

If BavV SnpaJT. I.tL

or I v. sort^iiv. fi a


3H In Mump* brtn a I irr Trlnl

r... i. u.* Unk' imw ti> Sole rt itiurinr.

mm niARUM'v. rm,

I'U if I -ii ?? : StiIII#t.

W\'\*% II Wrftral


"Mt Docbor told
oil* to i-p*tnre
ib d rtJifiss u!
breath atlefiterJ
ray too notes tn
alnrliu* ail.t
lt\:rs« m a L. <t
thlntc*. r hintlly
lound Slrndf:ir
I twvc IuaL $feo*
hi prat rucnili't

(Omn or vivnt mt
biipn an oar 0I#» i



National Library of Australia



Sf7» ii rilnv. February U I WIG.

Your Child's

'"Till: RE rtfWlHifil jwo an Join inaim llw OBpnirwii of ymw cluloWi
* nun than fc U certain lUt (Kolt «ry»* at* cmtvA for. We has* orgbTtrteJ
ii Eye Servitz, At & modVt Rte for, an Oculist Ime of 'Moot fie] J*

Ely*? HuiiMtul. LoikIcii. This mnm thai you <to not ha-de Id wait nt the
OTrfCttwdaJ pfjl>1ir rimpitnli for attention, and h
pf Itnvinjj lc pn7 Irir usual ipwrhJisiV fwi now ckarfjatj
W* K»w rp^ed" w*ffort ta ftive you. at h mediate lltii Mcaicaf Eye
Stfivutf. whn:h n conducted *T tluiir room*, 578 Pitt S'rpe*. right crpp»itr
ArdliiJflj Hank mi


aproMET»i5n khu opticians
c A CM. Oy.imiilinl J.W. BEE.MAN, Oymlral

Hi,l«l >«.rn!n IkiiMmr Mirlin PWr. 378 PIH ilKVEt

,J Dncn frmil C'nirmi|,nwr»llli BjfL} t ?? f V: i.i n-.

a.i .i '.i -.v.-a . n i

THE S/tf^


Horn jon mMi Srdiifry. ttay al
I'PlI*'* llalel The Uu-lff Is Irtrjrcit

Win: m wtue tat rrwmlltini



mustTvr Of

I«n Miruttrtl Ills d/iOuhlera and
changed tho niitijrTt

OPiT»(t MaAIird i&se(l ID Hiy that

T-ton turf Mm? moat atD*mns plgecn-
hu[- uf .-. rolnd Uinl It hud pwrj bin
ton Line to meet with Vrry Mldjwn

:ii(|.-nl kiiI in Innr <r.|...ii"l UlC-

voUirnlnULU tiiXca and data lie had
cOlfectad duting hu hie. and Which

us:.:!r irnr room 111 (JinL ULllr hOWir


There wan * muu ill Hcotbuid Yard.
?? Ihnpnc-toc MtfadflWfc whr> us «n Ihf
friend lint tn/nw with the thrw II
vm- lux priuUcr lo jniofci.' a ohm, ln-
rfrrd runny pipes, of eveninsn In the
little Curwn Street; te. Hi.- uinnr
tJiut nudit, n.thvr full of

'TSlano wtiE n. pn-tty rapid lott," he
wld. "Frtiin Uje pvidRO.ce triot ««i
Tonml in liti hotui*. it is nlc*r that fat
tu the man m London who uuitin.

nut, in In- u hi*L-ht;liir if about two dw*Tl

tiuui-ji iiad tlii'lr rightf] By tlw wny.
we'on triicrfi Mr. utd Mm. wntiruimm-
Willmihutji uiui of course 5.1am The

1m» i.ui'i t .o Davy Lo nnd; oi tain

pick uy*. 1 snfpooc H

"And yo(. Uic duty Ctil hu wlllitig
to nmrr)." said G<ninn)r&

??*H(nv die] ynu know that'" aattnl the
fr.DrUet) tl- in !.;'..??
l> ????!> chuchlsil

'Thii bill vu obviuualy sent to gtvfi
Lhn Jmubnud cvldnliCti. Thi! fawilMtod,

elttm toflCaUBr lie wan willing lo glvr
hi* wtfr KuoUicr chant*, or Ibcchuw ha
wm a Human Cutholk'. did not d-vorcc
hfir. Now trll inn "—In* IfiUiNd forwa.i'd
-nvpr Wie table and turnmed en the d#-
IvcUvr — '.v.'., i the Cdbman druw up
tifjure ihF dwr oT Aiberi fedjace Mun-
hlut)*. did Blanc Ininiud lately oiiebiL?—
1 not tell ytrtl lu- dkln't. u

"*Yoti'vTi bwu mttltbtK uiqurt«r laid
Lho oUmt fimtriKtoifily 'Xo, waited
there. The cabman, bring a tactful bn-
.[jvloullI. tkDUL'hl It brat to koop him
Lufiidn until thrt' r*oplc whit were in thi;
tiuli luid. fcoru) up In tbe lift— flinch l*
vnltilc frau Uu door."

"HixifUy. Wub tt tin; riibmnn'-j Ide*
nr aUuic':?"

-The cflbman'a," aid Mcndiw*.
•Siaiw wnft linlf Mirvp when tno cab-
timti pulled him ouL."

"Our man QuraiSon: *hm tho elevii-
tar man toua. thJx party 10 the fifth
floor, did h* come dwv hntnetltBlttly^

The Iniiitictor nhoolt hl£ hrnd.

"No, lie ntaypd up there talking to
tLc '??'],:.??. H* hPEml 81anpii door
Hlttin, mid Liint w«i ih« fir.it lutlnuUao
Lie hud that vonjpthjdy had oornr tw "

Leon >- rKn bwr.k Itiw lUa chair, ft
if'iviiri.'d amllp on hUi^aee.

"What dtj jnM thinlt ftaynWtWJT" Be-
uddr^sK-J the itLtunkhlc PuiWIiri

"Wliat do you think?" Mid lho otbe*.

lotjkrrf trom Pulccuxt tu»


Have ycu imy theory at to Why Blanti
went out Dtialn?"

He didn't iro out uunui.' auul r.hii
tWO u*«n tn unimm.

M'*art0W,i t:.HJt;hl Ch.'org« *4an!rerJ'U
>. l:ilLulc eyes.

"Thf y're trj'lhH to myHtily sou,
Mnuliftrs, but whiil; Lf5ey aay lr ttuf.
Ubriuualy he did oat eo out u^ulu."

He cm .. uiLii itrnurlicd hlniflOlL

Tm comu to bed, and Td liko to bat
you flity LumndG that Ijoh finds Uk»
mnrtlmtr to-mnrrnw. RndSft I u.on"t
hwtbt Mwit be will hand him o\er to
BtivDmuJ Yurd."

At right o'clo. nrxt mnmme, whim,
wlOi a cH!»n!ttc tn Ji»* month, Rey-
nolds, the Uisi-rtrfvpr. »??« makiinj a
final iiuipectinn o( hifl cab beroro tak-
tnff U out lor Mir day. Loon Oona-nlcC
uiilkM into tne DtfWl


nimn uf forty, a quiet, |[i*d- look frig fel-
low, rnflned of speech and Kiurtoouu 111
a peuiJcularly nloasing way.

"you're not another detective, are
you?" he ftskiid, smlllnc ruefully. "I've
answered as idviv foolish Question* aa
I care to aiunw."

N I« thla your own cab?" Leon nodded
to The ahlning machine.

"Yes, thnt r s mine," Raid thp tfrtver.
"C^b-uwnins Ui not ihF gold nuuit some
people think It iR- And if yoii happen
to tj.'t tnucM up In a CA<jt like this,
your lafeltics fall fifty per r-i-nl."

Verj- trrLefly LcOn captained hifl po*l-


"The Trhirjp;:r Agency— ??tl. yts. 1 re-
niemtjt'r. yxm'K die l*our J mil. Mm,
aren't you? Good Lordl sootland Yard
huvtiat put you on the job?'

"Tm OBj the ]oh for my ovn amme-
mcnl," i Li.-on. giving .-mill 1 for
BnUlB. "ThPrC' up Ont' Or two mhrini
whirh wrrcu'L tjylle f'H"nr [.0 mr, and: I
wondered if you would mind UrilLtig mo
numethJiiit that thr polio? du not seem
bo know."

Tlio Twin heaftawd. and then.

"Cot »r up to my room." tn- tjlw. and
led tbe way up the luirruw rt.ilrt

The room wwi sirruxWuBlT ??wr-ll-fur-
inhed. There were one or two old
filtriT. Lron nulLi^ri. wlUeli nr.i.-l have
bteh wurth a lot of muuey. On a gnU=-
IcjRfMl Ublc in eenu-i' oE tt» room
wtut a l^ftthcr tint bfii. and iiffar the
Lflblp a Bult-cuse- The cubmiiij muit
hAYC noT.lml hlu rye* rest on these, for
be ailtl ijii:rKl>

"Thrry belong to n miW.ooieT of mine.
I'm taking fchL'm to the- itntion."

From whn-p he ntoqd, !^"oti could arc
l.licy wrrr ahflrremed to KUl Tpi ley ClOafc
mam to be Laiiwi for; hn made ru>

rutnnirJll on thla. hut htw nh-jf:rvatlon
ni'ldeuUy dlflconeerled 1l1& hrat, for hit
niaiuuT thungetl

??'\"nw, Mr O0i-i;--alcj 1 ui a w«rkinfl
man, ad I'm atruid t can't fta* you Tory
much vmie Wluit u> 11, jtoij wiuii to

T j mi ik'ularty wlah to know," .mi
Leon, "whi'thex Llie titty yiui hrtw^ht
Blunn to bos houir had been u >«rf
buf-7 oon fur ytmV 4

-it woa fairly profitable," anlii yha
other. "1 liavo u.'rady Uivrin the poilco
an account of my fair*, inriiidlnn the
hOcpltal viute tnct I auppowf you know

' Which hnspltoj uhm wan Ihu?"

Thii rnan lw4taied.

"I don't want ymi to think I'm bout-
lug xbout. itojn- a thing like thul- IT.
war Juif. himwnity. A woman wan
kncicked down by a bn> tn Oaker
srippi J p.i-lcf^a her mi .ir-i truij; ht f
to tlw hunplttil "

MVrui jtli biidiy hurt?

"flhe died.* Etk voire was curt-

Leon luolLi'd .it litm L'haiiHlilJuliy.
Again hh eye* roved to the suitmw.

"Thank you." he uid, "WU1 mm
ontno to Curson Street to-night ai nine
oViock? Hero '?? my redrew " Ha took
a can! from hU pocket.,

f*tnsw turn lo fax** 16

Out of kindness to my hands
and my linen. I always jggs^
wash with Sireiv . . • \ )?

Women who ate proud of their hands and
their linen let Siren washing-days take
care of both. Siren Soap is tafe — such
pure, fine oils couldn't harm the most
sensitive skin, let alone damage clothes or
linen. You can tell a Siren -wash by the
extra whiteness . c . and it takes a whole
lot less work. S




46' x 23*
Hew, gay designs

• Suve 48 UIijc CrDHsea
rfnim ia large barn of
Siren Soap) or 36 Bnmn
Ctu&Aci (frum 3G twin-
1 ah lets),


32'x 2S'
Pure Irish Unen

• Save 14 Blue Ctu^scn
(from 6 large ban af
Siren Soap) or 1 & Brawn
CruBscs ^ftum iS twin



How to get your Free Gift

T«ke_yaur creeses tn : JJNT.AS FREE GIFT DEPOT, 147
YORK STREET (opp. Town Hall), SYDNEY. If you
cannot call or Bend someone for your gift, post your crossco to
Box 4i£7Y, G.P.O., SYDNEY. Do not enclose a Icner with
y«ur parcel. Simply include a olip of paper g-ivino; the
Mlowing p arti cu lm, onlvl («) Your name and aJJicis In
BLOCK LETTERS. (1) Number and colour of ctoMts
cucltiicil, (3) Gift required.

j. KiTcmavi & sons pry. i.m

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3641

.SflturJnv, Frhruarv 7, 1436.




**Moj/ -I-/.- . ircrc ' j.' ?? f imrf rni'Mour
??rrien ir*f irp re wwn tr#n.

ff hm u-r at* old and m r/fW,
they'll »lill Ur cvfrgrvrn."

OLAPT aM Wu Lbr nJre USA tub wtIx litUnc out with at thr duct a stranger?
BEH.YL: I don't knuw He tinted me ju It ho had known mr for jfia

VlslTOR. Vihy wv yan Mill bur* if iherr luvc Imnth no train* runtime tra I

brannh line far U??e butt bi nrnOUmf
PORTER: They'ie lornvltcn to remavt me.

Dancing Made Easy
\Zfhis New Way!


Jn One Evening I

W'tTHOtJT music or partner.
L ** without drEUlRCTT. rJlfneultv.
Or the expense 11 Inmiivunt-
etux ttt »ttt:tirtinK classes, VOC

Can bee out r a flcitnhcd dfcJirrr
??Imfici. ftvnmtjiht. You nerd nnt
be e. ''wall-flower'' or 'YJutrddw"

Aft 7 ICJlieW-. fOT I LKJBillVt'iV

GUARANTEE fa Inch you


Irrn if 73U't» oottft duuwj * tup ui tout
Ulm tHton*. f4U Mil Snl illfi:ru[!i m

hnUTiin* L-T nu-IU*tt All t»tr titMHt

DuKti inr-l^ji.riB BIu* F-j*ti-it. Quir.k.«hra.
Wi!t» Tinw hnmliiv rtr >nd ulna flW-Owf

fltwpt fin M Ifiinsed is *o iiiJMtnaIr mluul

BUM inrt lotiD JfIN «U| tiF nnr tit U i» lir ^l
[tcsccji la your tlLvtJ DuC'Ertl U Afl^JTTTED.
£u.- Ill* ?? ijn-jjouf l?7ij(jini tfXVIHH PAILft

Scud for FREE Book

Tc r E*uier iKDvUriat mr
??iu£ai Bume-uxdf B>t<
in*k I nan orsJJrtl ku
OltT . ' ?? -. ,

titw or 'i.. iuc, ituu-ur-
u«i I*-. -t tiB..-ni!i v-,,ih.
r --?? . - . i : - -
to all mdm at UHb

|.u;-'t l/rrr ;i fWEU

plix-tea 1» "fsrl nut fit Ifv
rat." *t»J t« a cr*'
daaavr; m tn4 iK»
CMpcfl MOW. iMlorv in"
nwir cflrr n »unrir«w:.

nor. nrwoNT. tm'ruo *

IBS > I ?? I I : Rl K.M ST. STOXET.


«im n*jr or im i t tiIF1f> . IM na [r j.
'i? eotueHt-arux-. ti.,1 Aetaind b» Mm
OWftW Wi: D«ficia< !?? Uw ahurt ojJ id
'i-x'.l Tl.-tin ujbd mcinl inrucrM, Uiil nun-
iJ.ir.-n- al **d duuier), B3»> hul' tua
LLl iJJe Duti'l det^i. linid tur licuLua

rtfli'r (inrt (nr OXr MO.VTU ONLf

I' ' l ihr ' 'Mi;

R l


Ill UOSI M l MmVm 1.


(U) ????[.



"The Ude'k (Mb the turn, ,hn.
"Mueth All rtffat tu tnr! H


A prfate at 3/6 t» paid tot t*ch
jnke m»d

TJOB6; When jiw cnllrd up my wiie
and told her 1 would trc uctaural at
the office and would not be home until
ver? Labe, wlmt did ihp ray?

aecrt-taxy. Slir Aiild, ' Cin I dtpend ou

"T dirJn't (jet HI"
"IWdn'i net Itr

"Ka! Aatl b'Xidra I didn't like mnui
of tLe Lhmn you naid In it!"

"TTtK hiutMiDd failed At the ntwHo »
cnllcat ittn triiotos of hts v

"I did mikr lw attttiuis <rf rotir -ri/i?."*
nnkl the photographer, "hul in ooe nftc
hrid !mt ll^A apart and showed thr 'i.d
nf her tomnw,"

"Hhim me Uuit our,'" guped Lhe bn-
land. "i didn't Imov then- wna an end
to It."

TTOUEKWTFE ! Can 7011 rcime hrrc
44 aVAltk dn Unnday. M: WluU?

Charwoman: Yen, Umn, It nothhifc
won't be an I don't know of at picbrtii.

•pHEY -a-i'r* climlitntt the liiftii*! poalr
tit Uount K<iteluAlco and ahc <U'>i.d

him s*Min» Iwvtlty ftct
"WlBMi," hB FM(Kd, "wtoat do TUU

??odT h

"yar, far befow." «hn erted. '7 srr
IvjIijt while; nrrrak atretchlnpr UVe q paper
ribbon back ulnKM-t to our ipir 1"

AhV ttr rjurulatcd ThAL'* U»r
hotel ltut ovrrtaklny n*."

"IE tJiat bor ant iroad In the offUn'?'

"t*v« not fprtned ?? riny fnvornlilr
oplnkia of ir H- .?? ?? ; • m

dial nj the momins trymf to net
'fi:.;ab;i;»b«:d Ifjai" fin Uir lelephotttf. -





Our Claim* lime l>« u mure

than justifieH!
Thuiuaiuii at HufTeren (ran

riirumiiii. in ir u t«). kidurT atin
hUddcT rtimnlJ havf ir-Mill^i)
na U> Ihr iMtneftts the? hnvr nb -
Uined h? lakinc Jimfp^b Hu»
a Grrman ^perlaflit hu» ntloplrd
Junlpih for Uir irratmrftl
of rhrnmAlaid-atthHUi — £enrr-
•JIv trrtlrtrd tntfuimMr.

Jonipnh v~i LI ri> f rrlirl from
uric ai M mninlainU, mcl 11 in
111 o k t cllccttve hi wn uf
MATISM. It Hean an CON-
PI.AIVT^, SurfT*r« troni aliln
blotchs and plniDlr* 1*111 lind
that Janlpah nm.'h rJpan and
fn-^hru* ihr %klu-


Write for drUlU n( the JaiUtiah
Frre Iri'uiaikt S#li« mr (or ml-
tt.rm who Ihnfl itl a 3 month*'
rituf* <il JuiiipAh Htnrml SnrinB



MAU» ...

Otasnmnr LalKimlArlai Li4.
mdnB)' \-i 1'.: h...

Oeatl "ihi-iv — I !:»??> Iht huuff la linn^
l» imp natter ihe tut of cm* »r t»
pBtlmtt. Iterr Enrich OtiwinM: <l

T&La pnllfmui trcmllj rtiLIad ]UUI
«Hr *?? » «OrtiI (/in?. |»1 wblle LMitv

BrTina QaIu 1 tut ia ns^ri that ;ht

rbfiijriirv iliuu'i 0unn ihi man
mt B'tT Ora#tafc*Jdl I mull fc£ Wi-
KM to partmiailp pmail

I anmisd * trail) lupaJf ut JimltLBh

Ht^H H*)Ht [Irrt Qr=r:nJuiiLH «=il
tmnd Oimm m iMBrteUi tn cju« aufata
ba«t nut tttpenatd tu fpm Mid other
r^oatciaid trMUmrilti. ''"I I vuli to
li» liuitier erjwmintn In.
WiwW rDu 6a IM U>* =rtmur nf trtuiuic
ku &fft^ir M=?nt71 UT Kir taa'.l Cot
wh*eh I »tM-.l>M Wit dnJL 1 will t*r»
Tifhu-nr* m rrp«nilir tl '"C"
Llir-r njrftuwn with JiLnlgsk treat*
HHnbi In t)M n»tr r-jiure.
U*» T with jtu rtrri MlKCaai lUb »nu*
??rfrirratboeu 1 «ra. fxaUnarmi.

Dr. 1 Ur- T*ur> UUll

tluaiiibKt ID, |l» LVD*TO KTDItOT.

itt: si'KK vol (;i;r

Jli'|( -fi Ik |'iljL-J la

1. ; rtOa«

• it !??- rml

taiuTfi ta*lt nthM

•??Hi anrli-4 I" hah
Ut* nVTfAn
.iinl.ir.. I k »
:?? r Qtt a|

Jllt«l|>»> P-I*1»i»-
1: at I,)!

.11.1. -ill li

?? itlllllh Ihi- 11,1

af litliii

«••! (itr
it .1 1 r 1 11

» > - - - si", * -

Trial *U* I I

j.a s w -a

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3642



Sggjoy. February 1, 19.16.





Benefit — Guaranteed

is offer made lo von to-diiv bv discoverer




MllllulU arc -tlarvlnx en ihrve inuarr tnrjh A da*.
I hi ft- - iih of [in', urn nii-.ri'Ur. (.tan a I inn li a lonj-
llii nf drfitkuc v and nrrvtuio di-flrdrr*, and ilia
di-flylenty if- lliat i'C i. retain Lrn-MirKuiif food minr-ml*
which ton*." I lulu the »'*r,* Br v^tonr «f li*-allh n.iiil
??he proprr Mj-k (i'-ei-* of Ihr human 1iim.It The >-»n,r
— tfnvtfr changr* that have Lak/ii nl,ve In the
(iiUurr 2nd vwriiurwliitn «f food* gcnerallY romilJiird,
At %clt u> I he terrific strain at mwlnrti liviii-. Thrtlr
chiitigE* liavu been m cvndiol that uioU of lib arc



j»«H7. TflTl! HWP


-\9RAirV CtArvflt




\MttlCU . BiOQD


—\»L 000


contains them all ,..in
an easily assimilated
£ pre-diisolved liquid fan

Thanks to BIDOMAK

Say Tltvse AwlrnVumn. . . .

1 rr.Fh * mFTEHSNT

?? i •., n.ttw.

> mult p(
ty <:??.::?? to

??Mnr nil IKHll* 1 trrl
trnint [irrnitn. Up i-rjnrfy
bwu mMrJBl ilJ Iri*
tAttm Or. & dlUnrPt
it l ilatifix. m'„ pJnf
u. ifitl cnfnir UJt UM mij

kilnf "HI brig mujfUad? I

I'.^ii i bs « twpsy io bur*

II t: i.l.l I khml

M.»rifnf! t.hm.1 bHwif ???? u rf r rfin
mili *»bli ?? in ] oi

"iU4ww»i" *-* miidj u J,
T mania.
Ymrn UtUtMlj,
'^Kil i HH>. M.W.


AnriflrlA ELB.W.
"I h*V* vtlfUt P4UUI1I OB
vi ; i.ii-r-ji. t »iTik.n uuilo,
'I. It» »'.-j[|| 'Biilswa R llM
t&tvA mr jir^U*m HliUu
Tutr IMJf. out kT lie rnanT

aif-mcqr* in raj frlaadB,
Kci:nrimlilul tnri rff Lp i nlmiB,
vitri luaiinf rot] ruinltc.

li bum I «m«li} MrtnuiUii

dflftwafr n\ tticm. Bwt iliey have (atera plllcr |usl i.1
tnirely j* Ihf nui/rh uf flTllUailun Ii.t; ciuu^cd ilmu.t
every qnt ihfj i>(hFr wniNllann of Humzn lire.

IV> tlnm tram nnr nitA? rilal minrr.iJ mriHtaiiMt by
tin I'd u-oik. u orrj of «??• 1 ndn Ltrn* over- u r li i f ^ mo «
Udws. and «ur tiunnal |uad aapf>t> d»Ct. not rnptace

Tbr r«-':Ql< » »t hrmmr vlrlinu 10 thin mlnrrrol

Ir* Suffvr from




i>i;m !??. — ns kom iiks A^??D aopyui


Ttill inuy be RUH'-TlllK
troiu jwmf ciii-^tuj.' . tuc-
bUue cc4ui>lrt.lnt — hffnil-
ochflu — u r> r v a it i dv*-
p<ryAln cr; tin- tttu) Or
v«u nukv b>' tumbcrcd
wirJj sho vim armr of
mnk whjj mit simply

— Ln:kJr..: :!)•?? r-nfy.;v :nM
rji.nliiv jt ifticiv. tn nutlw
worit .i pk-u' -'jiv iiml hisu-
riM. SLiflcriJlii frPtn Lhn

bdnd fcitittuiit.lv : i iTd—

subject lo huadnrhMi u r
CClItls UT tO : n ::!???? i Qt

minor nllmrni* uti im-
port iinl. 1b tticniMi™
but srriiiw.1 liul**d Ui the

WHY U^'V ^C"* rlOW"
llinrtitllr and ph^ctiJlY.
BIDOMAK n-siOii ., i. u Hit
bicKW-Fiirum thp. vital
<-ji l^i irv . vlHnh iiir l'iiir:
foud ?? Iron . potRBti . limp,
ftottlurn. ui vn-ro - pha .-


TIw nril nlta at
rrct dynpcna!a ur

Iiidurp»t1iin. u«l ttHuw thff

bL-uV li/ Lj.Uu. Ij.-I.'' r ,i ..

of Mw atdtwjir? Io (id

JLI tJttt V I'MFV !lHT=ft^ ?h?

nuorriv oi rrri ontl whla;
crjrpUBdoE i*txd t hjtrffo
Lhu tjlixidjLtranDt U.-.-
ira-M with an luinrpai«d

fifp-KtvlriK aitvifcii. rbw
(irrat* mw, hRslthy fluid,
at trie ?? iii : rrmuv

ttlH DrtlfjHljJi ;uul Wiv,fe
[rum Uii' UMUBS. TicV
create « sC-Tut-p *if -i;- r_-v
and nnrve /crrce. Thnt tr.
whj It te ni:aoKEar,Y fen
iltnoit t?v*ryarie who
onir.'j !?? Ivul at liln top
to lalfp HUlOMAK. Tiikp
n con rx*> TiHirJtelf — iwj
uiuir; f«t ber,i«T for Jt-

WkkUiJ ?»« i»*i *fc»t i-hi* I man nr.

lOrlgUtit! I»tlfr on mit fUak.1

6HIOAMK is \ rrtonrtT thk DDi.titAs

Iki-Miitlk JN4t *inii» niBf •lltblA <»MllU« frHM wM IPftbUft *lNlU»

Mi*T> «r IrBirt OiiBRlKt ftni t»_ *T<af? »M M'l^a;
r.-i-n..iir i Lid . V-lliiiiiinr: Klflluiinr A *??+ . Lawn-


Benefit or

(m num krm
.MlTrnr, li..r ,|,-
Uinnl IminrAlKlp
rcJlRl fiaiti nilin
M.lfc ttul U r«u

d« Hwt b«ll*l1t llf
IbfelTH It «?? mtU

r ?? f u ?? 4 • ?? i f
raenn vILfala 14

A»f » «r puretaa*^
•H M'li-ln nl Ih-t

S t * T 1 J '-L.1FI !

miKlMAK ti-Uti
ta i 1- i... >i .
!?? , ('«. Thru

??...up.. « r

riTTl pi.* IKIAITM



t'ontinwA from

fV- n


ntrt-n or drrfljilirii,' In tJu* votaB.

"Bftuijic I waul to ask you nnnu •
r.hju^ uuit l tiling you'll be «iud to an-

lliu tilf rur wui f/iiHJiifl the end of
\0m mown, nnd br. ueL n nyjjj« tii Lbs

illtivl.lim «[ tKc WlUm«l B-.i-^n-I I nr.--.
piLoi Hut li-anit LJvrc no mort? man
hp pxpcut«J. and retiinied to Ourstm
Stri^ti^ o, very mpcit tnjii ui'mJortimtivc

hi blfli o'pJudc Umt htKlit rjiimr- Roy-
nrflds, pari lar Jin hour fie iiiid tjefln
GonsuloR woi'r cluaatcd. toa^Lbcr In the
MLlln room tlowniloJn. Happilr,
Meadow, did not ecmildrr It necessary
to culL It vom not. until & week nft*r-
wurdv that rm ome wttii a. picre of
tnfomwitiDn ttuvL aurpriaod only him-

**lt wm rnthcr n rum thins — Hunt
raliuuln whu tf.M>V. BLpnc buck to hto fl»t
Liu dJiiitJprrttfmj— told lib tudchb Mid
cleared out Tfierc> nollimg Co bb»-
cl»tc hitn with the tiiLLrder, nr I tdmtild
??jrri a witrrwit. lor him. Be him botu
dtrniKhtforwurd from tlm vm QraL"

'??Ifa »er> enriam," hum "ontiaalfi.
wbfii he cviikdetwanded to tell liw
Jul! ntary r "tHat the police never
rroublcd tc luvetLlKate SJcutP'o Ulo
nt TftlKy Hr hud n> bis houM
Uiwc for aoniL- famtil If ibey lind. they
toidilo't liuv^ failtftl to hear iiin ximj
of yrrnrm Dootor Orain and hin tifiuutf
Eul ttTffl. who n»n awdf froTn hlin. She
and SltOTff rlhapaparod lopcthnr: nnd
nf txmrsc hf prAfi5lor»[Lp]\ fund of
h|E und ww nui)y to marry her But
Lhrn, fvlonp was tilrj tXPP whti iftm pas-
fitotiiia'Jy fond of irJi'OjJlc Tor nboui. Q)*PV
motsUjn. and unl-eu the murThk^c couiri
be arrmiged Instantly thp unfattiraate
Mill had V'.tv LiLlld chuncic oi ratrLtrViriH
i\t£ ClbjktiUfCT.

"ThE dixtw nfffiml to take hii *4fiH
back, but the rciuwd. and dlfApjH'nred
nut OS lite life He gave ti]> thf nrur-
liw -01 mndiclru.'. niua» to Londuii, m-
vcitpd pj> wiTi no in a unntli caratr,
Went brnkt. n& ull curn^p E]ru;iriiriOJ-U
do iiljIli;. Itii'v'ri' U.*.l-k^l 'Altll ii'Cd cap-
ital, and HQwtm to decide «fi'«hw Ewl

rl) bni:fc ta ' br nracttrr of nirxbrtne and
pick up all ill a I. he'd liwit In l lip yearti
beM been tcvdng to tbryet hlu wife Trn
nhcae what to him wiu the lew s»r«i-

these dayti

:r I know
y tJui suae
lilm one o!

e nove; unn his
wire aBiiJii. LliouHii ho freotifrnUy
sitw Blanc. R*?ynoldi. or GnUn,
u I will ca.ll :i-n ihnTCd off hin

bis ladvcmtimis tui imbJjj The fTTM"
huhic he did dtiicovrr. wna whirh proyed
, 4a& bin prmctiae
Hub hi PaII Mull

i..;' und oi lent
-Unity on tliuoii

"lii- iml ljb» oiKWH? to nc nur
did he e*r*H;t Jie wmjii, until the ntRlH
nf the aiurd&r. H<; wru rirlvtnp BORie-'
whftre lei Lhe narth-wnrt d indict whrn
he law a wonmn lumc&etl down or a
motor tins and br IjinufCir nrarty ran
nvcr the pi'Or.tntlt Dpuii:. E'lUii^id^ bJi
cub. he JarfljMKj down ??nrl, to h\fi boTTor.

m bn ic'cltpc] hn* ui>, lie tunud hjnisel r
ll»atn| intc the emulated lan- of tun
wUn. Re hftpd bar InUi tlie cub. djovc
lull pelt to tbt nrnrpxl tioapltal. It. «un
wldk? Uicy wrrc in Uw wnltilnR-room
bp/on 1 ihe hiiusfi fiirrgEfrn'r- arrival r.htir.
tile U.Ving wiMjiun Lold IiJcji, in a Inw
bTdkeu, liulI-ilfllriiTin wnrnfc. rJir •iTjrry
of hif Jlo*'n».-rird urogrcaii. . . . Shi"
Wa* doad b«fOttT they gnt lwr an to Ltt'j
t^^ratlnir table — mcrrlMly. aa It

"1 Iriinw all thin t>Hfinv I wvut to Ih*
bcinpitnl niirJ munci t.nn( -,-Hr.c unknown
tif.'jTjiT) Iiiid dcclried that she should bii
btirted ut Tetu-y und tmd mad" fJir
mod lavirti arranEtetnenu for her rt--
muiiii I lul T-i |t Itefcrr t Allw
Grain'* suitcase [mcloN] ready for thai
tragedy, liv left ihr hoipltnl. a man
mod villi tuie it was ralnhin haa\vlty
Ho crawled down Pall Mai] und lurk
was with him, lot juttt oa th« port^t
CADie out lo Mod an empty taxi. Grain
pijllnl lip 111! [liiichiLii bt'fon' Ihrj d"MW

?? Cm Lh* prrtei? of a tyn? burst be
rijopofilfl ;n ihf- Mall. tQVQfiti Opftn i>ni* pj
UM Ralot thai led t.n the park, ami
nnlttHl lint t J no |rdt-«tJiart vmi m eUthl
before be dragf-cd the rwlf-dnmkrn
tiutu into ourdciif ... Tic wa£
'.1ir-r rtinu.-h Di.riire clruin Inr-lieil t«r

"??rain *wc«n Uiai rw iravt' blir. 'to*
chancn of his life, but Stan** imiIIiti a
i kin him In
FT M) tied

t true.

•IT- iiiH'i:i LmL Jit* nrrvt_

tic ilrnur

of axya. and on the way hah i-eLt-ied
that which be anew would oiwu Uw
door. Hit fixii- intentleai wa* tij-eisarch
inu Oavt for fLpryUdim thnt butru>ed
r.lie iunn" aar.ntrin'.lon with hi*- wife;
but he heard the nvrti'r alsovc snytny
rtood-idjihiv nod irinmnrtus Lhv drinr,
raced downstairs In timn to bv there
when the man reached the ground

"WrrTfi not ti>m»E the pollne (if GbfK
uf i"ot[TH?" mill ManU'i'd arartljr.

Poiccart at the ot.hnr nnd of the tnbEc
burst reiki a Kiud Buifuw.

"It's bo books a fttory ftttu Ihfl iwllcfl
w«uld never believe ii," he said.


Kew Way To



Th<r Uie^f rtiKoven' o( iXienc*. A per-
j.uniwl ti.ilct ercamwhick etitJi suptfrfiuoaB

lijiir La tlirce nimutrs.

cubaf the litUr ELrnplv f-»ll iw»y. tBrnvtaa*
th« »Aun *ufT, MniWTtt-"»nd---'hlsr K-JUj-ly
dark pntcll like the razor lrav« hinuw
the hair in tnnioved below the nkin nnrtHCe.

V«f i" ]U^t Jltr .1 f.-*r'.'\: ««J"t«l

faceirream, aorlaieasT'aii'J ril(rft**niTou.ne.

FREE; ??VK.^-^^V^

??in . t dm

h. ; 1 _>D50
b?n ml

», NS«I.

Growing Deaf with
Head Noises? Trj' This

II vuu urr- vnw"'J>E lleuu ul (murine,
fin: s:. - 1 ,i i-l-l 1 1L I dmrncss dl ii tan

novf rmirUii!. nmbUinE. htiurni nalu
m TOUT porr on ;n ymir rlitniu'.t iu»d Bet

1 imn» o! Pnrmini iDouirte siranaflil
mil siiu m I siisit ut ii'.i iiMin md

no- .ii : .irouiiimi ^cotnc

met. anil tht murmur, f.l.tja druuuliip Into
Hit ihrou:. 1[ ..: i!ii\T to liikn, Anvooe

V)m Li ttlrt-.l'.'NlL:(J W'Hh EBLtllTha) di'of-

ut« fJT whn hnf> nrnri nnlwr ihfjulfl ufte
tiiip Qrrtrrinlit"ii fi r,rinl ft*



ii r 9tt»T*6 al


flimiOfc eABLK — rutins, t .

13 muiu l« irjna G e.fl ]
llouat Atid fir«WMt r-rjm l» 4
On.jj-.rn .... ffum IB/-



??nh« Wnntm^rlti'fi IHairAii ILarut

1 1 j Li'Uilnti-c rrwry Oalurrfftj".
(fmppFT, U p.fn. Ui I n.in_ -,;«
Fiir RiV rc-fcfiiiiD TIi'itv* HW1»H*


Uatr.asfd OtKUUmbl IXVI-ilrlLY
MKN'MCO unci el odfd u:irj Prp*wtd-at


1*1.1 HIS 1M NLl^MlNt; co

b»i 'I'll i,,e.o.. m i>m i

— n.\ivn miss —

IUn law. »t»

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3643

Saturday. February 7.



Beauty BooK-Our

New Offer To YOU!

How to Ensure Getting a Copy
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Hie AuHlraliiiii Wrinifirpi Vt ivklv i* glad lu unnmin^f
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IT*? Ziare torurrvl thr 4utirati/tn n>/.f* «/ "fflijWIJf^*" a magnifi-

rent ro/uiMe of 431 pa •*«•«. -.n: f/rr iHni/V ranpr'nf tmymlfdgr

<*f heiutty culture in alt its ramifu-aiiont.

Yu\\ information us to how reo-trm muv nvrurr ilib iplrndid
honk i» tftm mi pu^e--. H, 12, 4$ and U,

rwas originally intended to
aiiiiuHfice this new offer In
our last La^ue. Uut owing to tm-
^lOCmantod demand* on oitr
space Uic hook ->nVr unuount e-
mcnt wob withheld until ink

"Bwjiy" n i truly faselmtUtig book,
and ar.r wiiirh every A-uiinihRn woo inn
win ba~ ..i'v..^.;,. to. oflcurr

Al! tbr 4/-eu2nii[nted tnowlrdipi nn the
nubjwt of how to attain and retain
ba»ucy. with, al! thr mlunbLe hel-» that
miKlfHi ifltzir-a hum produced in tills
direction, hvut been rpilomlaed In the
chapters o( thi* aju-udnR nev bot*.

Stwrinl sections flit* devrted to Ui*
fouiiJn.Uuni of beauty, the InnrJsniTOUU
.ud» to beauty, nul»tcrtiui<v of beauty,
dress in j-etatioii r t j beauty, pf-rsmatity
and charm, beauty in dally lu>. and
lieauty In cJuirtrm, Each at tfip-sft iee-

tlOfla CODT.llIia the Very t:lT.L ta ." irinn-rnn-

Uoa available, blcuI thr fnfotiriAt^ii ii set.
jhjI Lmerestliitfly and In inch a Umple
.1:1 la be uiidcrKtnnd by all-
The Uwoi ILhrir I* luiuWou*!* fwjunil Ln

t G^'** " mar k "/ MP*rt tn |

fAr /ufe Kin| C««vgc I*, I

Ttr*> Aunlrtilitui H otm-nt j

W ei-Ah An* omUimfi Ira* /n- j
finm/.- fotthigi /mcr /rr»»t

fA/j immn. -Hi Mtjcial m titilirt J

/.ufA <i/ n fnihhr and privttl* J

tint tt y* itntf hrm m*pin<\vil. \

nntl both mrn unit tmmrtt \

nrp «/iiffti'n)i auitahh- |
irirHiraiap /»r rnrjr hrlotftt


Soy* tmf, tmil hi» ptti rcplifx: "'You Urt it im. n

Eh Itut ibn ehlldrrn hnvr pfrnlr of Milk thrw liiildA^t *nJ iberr-ll be ua
nrr.d tn whtj itbtral Uir rwl of tbe diet brcAasr Milk tn ii^ir u Aknmd a perfect

Don't Forget Your Holiday Milk!

01 the l»Dcr will ctmttun timllur

wtwm you h*ve coHwted tour uj tb^e 1
tOMfl* from lour cuiwcuUvv Lwjtn at

the ituprr [hey .-.(inulrl be paflfCd OU tho
vniieriFT torm tnjjyarliiK an pajp' 44
When tlilB com pitted vuitcher la bxnrvht
tu the [JTtcej tif Thr AustrnllttJi "Women'*
Weekly, Ml Pitt, street, Sydney, b copy
at "aeamy" will be made av*liabln for
the tLXlxprntly i<nr prt« of B/-

11 reader, rrHLikv the book pcAted tn
any addrw in N.S.W. tae coniplfted
Wiuchpr iattti ahouid Ik ftii to llw
ntwvr nddmc UJ^riher wJth pos^n ntt*s
for 0/- tvhich Inciludrn rmclcirnf, ear-
rtftHC. irmtinutee. ett». and the bwlc vJII
t;r 'nnrarded hi ilit\ addmu of tiwr

n :i :3rr

Till* cifTrt «n nnty Kr *n-pt nprn tor 4
itt) Itmlird perind, and, n. drlai to
rouhe .i rearrrallun at thr b'wk
mr;in di lippr-i Mimr-n I II I*. mwraiiy to
rr»ervr .; oiire.

1936 Bebarfald-BLUEBIRD

C3A1L PATRICK. r*mm" nnt plarrr,
ohoows for her avtumn salt LbLf
»mart tiloe JeTMTj with hold white
ilripe*. Her hat. u +,i tw|, ud
{fovr» are wfa>te.

wder-hlur and tUrar. and Uvi^hlj tUit«-
traL«l. and h a volume whkh will fraer
any home, apart allacelJier rrnto iht ID-
i! in hi raluc uf tlx nmttiU*

Order Early

TTHE AtutnUtan Wwrwn'a Wreklv re-
snribt tl fts a jrr'"«t. triumph Tor lu
owmsi orenn Isatimi that it fuu been
able lo rnaJw thli beck avatlabl* cq

llthuufli flianr thouiaudii of these
Irtwkt been OTdererJ. tt I* pr»i;ik»Ur

rrelyln that 1he drnund wlfl r&aa*4 thr
number nrrirli ran hr made .n^il.t.ilr to

Tt'.fM who *rnild mideo mire of e^tin«
a copy or Una splendid ijuulr Uj beauty
vhmilr! hrr • Mnir.rriiatrji lo qu.ilj,'-/

to recrtrt a COPT.

The oottdJi
J* bf.UHr mad
ami raally ID

All that Is nrcr«wi7 Ift If le llrtt in.
??laare, |i. to /III in thr reaflrratiiirj fnrm
oi. paicr i aitU * * j' I 11 tn Hie AUAtrallJit
ffnmrn't Wrrfclr. rtrp.irlrnrtu WJ. Hfji
WMT, G.P.O., syrfnry wdrn ,i e'ipy fif
•*f4ii*aty" *-ii| he rwnril f"r y«n !*eiid

nu umnr> »Hh the re»rr*jtHon »nnn

tlti^ wWeh '-he Ltvjk
,nble arr very wmp>

a better machine !

£5 below 1935 price

The new 10.1(1 Model flrli.-irfiM Kluertlrd ^ewhif Mirtiim- b> ticen fauMdj-i
tbiy tmprrrrrd and ibrurpnratn diadt new featsrra ^tprrial atlrniion h*«
hepn (hth to Lbr r'*r»*lrurll r, n *l»d (tnl^h «t the i-afatnet, -Ami EVtiar1*ld«
drfinilelj atate lli.il new 1D3G Rrharijlil Blnrnird BuTraa » Ittr nn*i|

rehat'lc Srwlnx Machine obtainable at Uie price.

with genuine Lifetime Guarantee

p,us DOUBLE E^!?

if machine is not as represented

Retfat-fxJdn nan* iiieh ronflileTKe In thr n**w
1 9.-* Model Kt-barfald Rluellirti ihji ai a
alKviaJ IntnidarturT OfTtT. thcT are ennm
lu addlthio t* the l-lfi-tlme <iuaralilee, a
Dfiohlc Monry Kafir Cnnraniee with errr**
rUhar (aid HturHird S^ttin; Maehlne Mild
befori- -'Hli FehruAf^. This meanh that If
the Rebarfaid Hluelhrd ornvm to be not a*
represented any Unte within fira vran from
tlir dalr t drlivrry. the ptrreh-ijwr* wilt

reeeive Dnirble ihnlr riane-> Hark, ftrbar-
taldi" rxaertrnee ai the plonrrr mannfar-
toeer* of Cahinrt Srwtnr M»rhlne-5 in Am-
trilla enmbles thrtn l« prodoirr thi» wonder-
tal maehlnr Vo aril au iurh » I' tni*. U
la dbOeeea*£arv to pay more, bat rl»kr j»
pai len« than ihfa nru-r for a enno rrtlabln
M-wlnj- machine- C»H »r pnei rnannn time
frjr full parllt*iiUr* ut tllh Wond'Tfnl offer.

Was CI^IS^; now £



tlttt* With Of!

Mik-pant* anil

,1 tflll* l.f.l mi-


a r i a 1 d s

ilMHinil. lUHTO, Otntali- Taw Hill I. • > i r i • -v.-n «HMI
_ ^ dW**I F"«l •»» i«*a»4J*-»l» run onimul*-* •» ttw B-juLiIi Mm*- Ot>« iiu-.nii-.~r4 po»it-

CQ latl «u-n.-*« t»iiii hh-iMmi i «ni-i ilia ufc- ?? aaa^ «i um «... -not. ,„

i-jJi- • •'??mi Mmair*r.~


ui " *"


Look For Tokens


DEPOSIT secures delivery

i ^ tut. tit. ip, ( >tai>ri

and only a few shillings weekly

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3644



Sgfiinfin . Irhri mrf I, 1936.

K Vi


Kills Fleas

mi [)(>»> and Cais

m mu 4 mi mi kit it m,

TdLUlR puUJtlW nbd dnt.ulfl L]|lf/it
Bu< tw dilttLL'J villi K_P nrt] Iwfprt

1111J It llUi »tlB flfhW nntf


•KF" Kills Ants & SUverfieh

in llie home

At n iifiini Mr ii i a Car*rt* --^ H«a* XT will >???? I*wb*

• untlrirallT iffirtlvf Is KfTHtif *oi« mnJ mivrrflab *l*ftl
•»Hahl* It u«nJ ikr »Umi ttrrr Infill. 4 ?? rt.hM*. «*d-
I ??????» rnphs&f ria, in

-fl#!m»lD. : BirB-rrnanttirt I

lun Jrrui Ucfa- tiro c*t»\ aad t Parrot
All >t« Lr»*trt DouiuioiinJl* « iUj C7
IKIUi mil' Po-tlrt. Uiir IW-JH t»im

UO pur crnL. «-> «u t»f UalilJlt tJlCM
??tlilnial- aL'.CiUUt It* tllaLLMt tn«I *!f

??nfllaiHiniiLUrlY 1 tur* rjny[l4itlC»:>J

rw«niiiii-n*cd \M* product U> UtiaWTftlU


tiu /

tiati Ml lit*

HrJi. Tl twh'tilt iriMT*>
Iknif JfrliiLi»«i U«.

lib. III! t/-J Uli. tin ...

U mc »»i< lb* trail HirCiruIlT 'b nvlalnlnE k'iU» vuA Hiuti
*» M tm mmr arxml mflir-.

OCR FEAT r.KiiniCATlO» SEit\irE TIOrntTTON * li YJI . — SpeeiATUt* in Pr»|

b>u»*j_ Hnc*. BUTMaih. *#**r#**b«i- ttM. m ibr ko-ol'u so pai Dntrurllnn:— % BHrfer SC, Sydor*: TO4 I'llmlt-m

Ht- Mrlboumr: 13 t*a« St.. Attelaide: and
T. * G. UltU. Brisbane.

.(id Willi f IMi ??laaUnlnl Icjt.lit unri-toil 11
iwltallvft* «r* »»lwt1 rtvtte WlNr. »bxnn. nr ull In »ir nritim

• fltal. llHMtatxi A Hits* Im MirmM if»nl(ii.


and Qood Sense,. . . .

The Cjleam.nr* wa«ed fmWh pr*duced by NO-ftUB r«It«ii
qwd t«yitn .ind h^auty . . . and triu p*ldr of owr»«Tf\ttip,
What d VrtlHd cf diffvrcnct) brlgrrt f!eor; mdU f« a homo
« i . what un «ddrtd olmoiphaio of chain*.

Ydu can grvii ^&ur homrj « !uiirou\ ihoen wilhout tho
d'kfdgr'y of ifrortufju^ pothhing, Mrjctiy iprfad 1h»

liquid nfl and tn i'Jit 20 mfriuf** if dn*» , , . «sid ihinci*
That" i ffw ^O RUS way. Then c jlghf rub o«r oxcalIqii-
«l|y with s dry map will remove the dy%t and keep your
. ffeon * jay fr.-rever. Chang* jver t«-ddy.


aum btmie ir hvn wlt-luti IJn: mrLrtii/
. . . and i 1m famv'.e t.> muuLrp
r«tl»<l 1'J IJKl'AHTMl.M H.'
PUURa < !>.. I" (Ml Strnrl. sytmtj

Pachtd b t iht mtkm a! SUI'fiEEM SUOF. I'Ol.TSH


Tiilthi* iiuiri tv c*r for Oraiipn via
,rrmr.J»n c»**« and BnUmrrt CtthL
dnyi liny In Orancc
Rrlurn uy o*r, jrota

H. \riI4rER TiyiilT WINTER TRIFf^

I. vin'L Ijt iJi | .ciD|i".ni« , [2 Rci'ini'i vnin
iu(mr nuw fur iwrtlrul*n oJ iwln-

uLLnt* curAl reof IXJlklev. £Ati*
WfrtiitJTUJoD strrJtUElv JidvLra DJl*.
Tilrw wwlr»' hnlldftr

lif>Ilt.> HOWf-: InWunivr hi.iid:--. .
With fares ami 3 wrHrji' nceotniuiKin -
la: Pflntl oT Ihr. £j •> y/^A

Boa I,

car tn Ailrluiilr:. u
Arirtti dr f -ct Mr !h"

Kiiwfl. mTum try Mift
d»T» iM.lustxr vrirx

PitTEt-cliiJA April 101*1 io Uilt. Kiirtrt

rrutw t» Lflnl Hrjuvt I.-Jonrl anrf
return, Oihcr ?cconuJi<Mta

TAiii4A.NI/. Prll .i 12 ttt, 3* liwl
other dfttatf U dun ttyrirKry to Svd-
nrv Wrndr-rful in- .. , -
tilualye iwlklsv lot . *!»>;


LKfr « wit nititr lr rwintt,

MATTtrri tiit -a-rt Ir.


£1 I

10 -

«LT Vim Ciuibci rn F"'1K-
twjn tlay» inolunivt!

£15 *t

For IH i o-.i/ HuHrlttv* (inf/ r*;upj; Ht*u*r /frr'imjirodWirm

HAllll) HOI SE




ri:i.. m vhwi

Spanish Maine

X AM (foioj to Ull

tbt nldr?.

Aico how [ enmc to he a poo [iiti ihrp

Vnnftni^t] I n ptitv tn (ell y-« Wlj
and frflDly and truthfully— md yours
tohin to llt:«

I will hegln >uin pRM fathrr ba
but for him. yuu would nai tie iittiai*
In ttiQt. phiii*; live liuly whnrr>" ycro art>h
to L.-n'ki'i. .1 iii.ii : not be on Lbli Hhip:
aail r.hU uup\ntzzU nliitBtltrn wi)ttlu
nt".« hfl«e «rt"m.

«>?? IuUkt *Lf ft »cry renuartubK
man. n-f » type by no mf»a* unfamiliar
to psycholOftJiU unu dlhc-r fttiidrnt*

Bat he nuiitfl w SJ!p—A U^nT-ii^eiu
on i»— while vlaiUcg Aigiem w ouy Arnlj
ptJiilen USa raioodjtLrck ?? monf

the best In Etafrlnod

Abwlutnly off i.he mill hf? wtiflL u*-
me with tiltti on? "Z&ni BlunrlUTFLir n
very fanimin OuJ^i] Nail dnnrlnsr-frrrl

flWDl the SJ-TMt fit Bousuil. ' Jt- 3tIT-flT

of a Thmuwxl Uelfy.lsv

I nippoe iJie ovrratrainfrt cord ol
vlrJue spauped at ]Mt; a phcutimeiioii
??V I injy, noi uiutnown. and raiTcmeljr
.nifrestlnff, to Lhe psycho; ORisr.

tlti ^Lihfurqueni dfisertlc?n of her tiroie
rjrr pMH; orokc her llff. brake tier
reason. She moumrd and plnnri fni
iilm; and, In time mi mrlinithoW
mml and died tHCHtue of hum

Who t nrx.t ptmird her huiLDl tji nnd
diiath wan trw titrth nl hvi iimshtcr—
a-lii> win hia danirhter

What Tt cull mailce b« ^ a qu<Tr
thins From thf duy tltfi R'imri A
Vttnbrx^sh irft hW. ^ht f+iaiio^d h»
way of hfe abMiIately. H« *&e hr»
fir&l rroJ Jonar. He wn* her la*1 "Io%*t"
it any flort oc hind

And as lhe fhllfl *re« tc r*a^ or
i now can fine my diRiiifltlon?' ff 1>-

her mm in r

Bill, fur ^cr rrji>t,hnn naitf . ahe han'c
the Dtsn who JumJ wiecifd tha pwi
wrftnnn*ii huppiiic^a. her reiiea. t\n
ilfoi nnd. ft* hla take hutef »ll men

To hrr rwn w;r» kr«cre t.'en

naly «h» wwJo mini'* for m^ni

T« no man va» <he kind <avr My enn
trart » ewitmd that fllided with hir

Her fronic aruiuo* wax

=1 Nits you 1 IMiUW mu Ynn
muite mr liCfc, anil HI uithlah -.mi fm
ptirajicF COO, it I cun Y*m nntl rm
sSbat/ awl I iJ' d«f tndw«
A m»Ti mhoflrt my mother of nrr htari
nnd her "pul and her lite, rtibbetl hrr
and ruined h*»i For " ,ir Mlee 1 w111
rob you mud ruin ytui .f I ran PM
hj-r aalie. nod "wn: f ^r t hate rf\i-
all "

r \ i Aiairra year*
laicr. Colofitil L*vur>5etir a ftlcnri
dtfdrinB w «ive mD a tmat wok me
to * party. naiaeh, a uimaaha. ai
uie BeMPCti tmune at tme Abu wbokh
Ahmed a «ril-Jcniwo Arab patron ol
Ihr «rU-"J«l of lhe arttaUil Here
LcvajsafiUT iiiflmlaed me 1 ihPOlfl ^pc
yyutiLlLniil u.u-ite out ot the eomm^i/i
Af/methlnrr rather wmidnrlui M)f only
In m* «y of ttandna. but of met
and beauty. I ara* to are the loveliest
Lhinu tn Africa, if not in Che arorhl.
a rtunrJoc g^il famous throughout Al-
Btma,; nay, tamiAa frum MOroren ft
Etfypt; a 5trl known tp Ewnnean* nr
tlic Anatel ot Boajacn, the lloun di
Bottcen: and to Axaba at Lhe Ann* 1 !
Of Oali»

Anyhow, I *env. ana. oaJt-noartexti>
u i did so. it, prnved to be one of lhe
TifHi ntotnputoui- acfiSdtu of my Itfa

i: ffii not many aeoonda nefnrr l
rraltwd thai nalLfier rumor nfli
ColiineJ l^vflnpriiT had BSftkBeroC^i

rhe pirJ ru amticitiR wonderful
ndcwTliifihis itrifiy utrmhhiits)^
a-raceTul hiAetnatlnft

DanelnB. or mUW flrmtinc DM
Ln!fUrdo*jn ihr ismie uralght toa-iirfl
tuj, her torn irarrely weains u? tourh
enr (rmurrt itopr*"ti tn front of mr.
looked. rtArea cured into cny pprt at
'.tioiiRli ilur and t were there nloo*
and mjlnfcJy ravp me ibe wn^arjnn oi
tt^ini hvpnutbiKU AJUKKitti ihr
rifif a wnrd u <eemeo that ihf? *s»
•peukine to n.« 1 seatnotf tc. tieaj
heJ voire ^pfflilitri* in nTO>:fn Prrilt:!--
ind timfcen EnKlltn

So atrutui wiu the aypnotu* aanaa ta o a
char I. aprtarfnrlT aith r ureme^i
j;rtiriiH\ -vithdrrw m* ittue frorr
tint» a* with a ohrTfral * t rn rh

With a eoiitempibou* vlancf ihr
danced away ,iod vtwr the Lnltee
aaakn n wm nefou a vmnn rtfnb ai
the optioaite ccmet oi the wjutiir oj
•eoT^ri onJonkerii In nun the ipote
?? no ihen npiin nootinp; ns h were
-??-•unn tin- -artm iintifierJ hefnrr me

rr»' ijm« *ei» iwt nmk

fpnifrmed from Pop* 7

KnreiJnjt rjefore tnti with n*J arm*
outptnjtrhod. and unnginu her lace
dose to mine, ane mailt [ova to me.
bade n- ; :: her

1 reJL t-t:.:: fool aa I looked I
vu ia no humor Tor fefestng dai^Jnn
glria, and doiibUeHir bnhaved te a poni-
pow. pria^ian tnaxuiei

Whiit ait ffirj, oer face grewns
tuitry. her eyea blaiuns remained in a
posture of tnHtst.anl fovltar.HJn. Colonel
Levaisi-ur imrjdrniy aprauv to ui? tret
and ehnuted tu Arabia

I hr.ird u blear, ^na v I turned l
fall am liir fprt. drnwtnu a UtUe
daftw from her saah. «iruck me Of*
the hear i I thouiiht she uac ttafcfced
mu. tm* in pimishmrijt fur my gt*cr-
k» ituptdlly and riumllahnes ihe
nan oiadr me trxhi mr-'ru tralUh itlll,
mpfeJr having drnorr iter tianuei and
ipvy*ii me a ahup tap va the «hlrt-
from with her luttueiiea

Whac had hanpeitctr oetund me iu
more •u'rlouu Just in tune, colonel
Levaswur rino ptrtrnted ihp yiuns
Arab, to whdpji sha had ipofcen. from
itahbtnB nir in eoruuii. Vtur firi had
•aid winKhlng to make turn more
jcaJouji khiui he already wbjs. and mad
with hn fwliah hate rift had crept
rtiijnd behind me. a tup curved ii.^vt
tn hui hnnd

Pirate turn iu Pngp 20


A rica'- \lu#-i TnlLnl Of

" t-.i. I I ' I .-J i l r .ll li rll

Wt» ftUvlvn ll'IIkrr

Air ML Borttwaatrrt)

au*4. Tnirn #W

•iirr • «ai

ml Him 111

\ttniilnleU rt-ninvm ilnn.-: in<
KlnntaniMMial* .til WUl>KI.FS,

mm -v m isnrs ,,f the

SLin. Pintfih-*. etc.. ilr^f InpitJ

hv tM.I iit nr Oihcr Carrm*.
vt \^iit \i-is iahv. MAr.ir

Till Vwrf r ju
• • 1 i . f-,f i.::*.
rM4 or ??irhil* «*
gf r*fffi

OLD r ACK» M4|ir rouso.
^^^r^??. raiT* KTPT TOCKO.
1111 Ml ^HT El fKMi* rttSIJt fEBrVCl

f \ l>


!=Tli*T10S <iM lUrt • TRIAL TUB.* o#«
????' l-fcrm i>;tn Tall duti::iun»l |u[ r i, I
of I.*' me twm antijif HUmun.

JtlHX AFRf AT. (Urhrt Ilflaire.
W, rill Street. Sjdnry,


Chinese Herhtdist

Kfnc'« Ctiws. Thgtie: FLIS^U.

If you mff it frrrm inf<'rnaj cttrwnta

now ule not Us. etc.. and ranriui
obtain rvllff. iron urv invited to con-
uiii una *'fit-jtin»wu onirwi- her-

Nixhins Iwit Pan Battkl tWJfl in all

HMni Cip-iil.if t c mil* 7 9 m ma In 1J
nftoa 1 w 7 30 pJR-
KimrcnT. I ink :* 11 nn^iu.


Hfb DiiniNA I nis-rLl
( .nini-'tlal n«uU llumli,!,.

Naam 1"


Will I MM (if unluak.Tr
Whrn -lit m T • P i>Jitu>»
wiul a nf Ix^lrrr Inch?

>1 .:?? I WNf Ul rr. ' snihll.i.. ??

nit. i in mi IuIut* »ihpm)i *

All qqnc^iiw Aitrar/rn ur.t! full *>-
irtii/.f k*j nriiitinf for r a iHrml r x
Unindni* (Uaia*a ftaWrnrtMA cukIi'M
* WWW* *« **»??*?? o *»0 «Mtoer

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3645

SdliirWoy. Fihruary 1. 10.16.



Ettrh ireeJr ti it paui for
ihr heil Inter, ttnA 2/6 ft*t
rrrry nlhvr tetter pttbihhrtt
on thii paizr.

Pen ni. m. i in'// not tie

vf reader* given in tin pull
taken on thh pntee.

Tlte They Say** pane U

>D«r pfjjsr. 4tt) tapir \uw rttrr
tit writ*' uhout U tft'trvHte. u*
hint: hi it im itUvrv»tlnp —
prar-veatlrt. t^'Hrrg thmiitt im<
I'xcwti HO war tit.


AHK inudorn wedding frroupP 1
heenmlni; too stiffly tnr-

mal? Ttwrv awnm to be a
niU£lcul-<'urm««iv mut'li ahunt tin*
??ir- SophiKtfrn-rcd moOnm

brides look likf» pynthetlr Mario
Antoinette* thr-ir I'rmrmbli.a nre
plastered with "bit*" frcini n
wt!t-py. eenttmpntal mother's
wedding gi»l-up: The 'Hmrjni la nil
starch »nri Mnlldnrws, giving a
p*rfpcL Impomonatlon of a (ht-
ainhtdnting laundry. . . .

Perhaps brides are rru*r«'ly suT-
forinR from vanity, and Lhi 4 kc-IT-
consclous looking - are

dranfifd Into a ronaplniry to
show "l.he people next door."
One su&pocta mothers and rhi». In-
laws of having too many inter-
fering Angers in the nuptial pie.

£1 for this letter to Miaa Doro-
thy Liddlcoat, 12 Armstrong SL.
Middle Park, Melbourne SC6. Vic.
+ + +


WBXf nay times change, on J presum-
ably It la no, for the modern trend
iflem* to be to ask the HirJ'a rarttntiOftm,
not Lhe ymin* man'* SevHrnl rosea
have come to my nottw

A -iHrr attend tag aeviTHJ dances

with & v'luiig man. wtu pntuuifd
on by hit watchful mnthrr. who de-
manded In front ol ev^r/onr. Do >ou
Intend tn make, my mn your husband,
(ir mori'ly your d>iict n > jiartcerT"

A avcothI mother wan inor? iiihttr I
fihu drL'W Uw jdrl "Ut durina; their r.ttn-
veroation. IriQulfliiit ti'.T ureterer.ee fur
town or eountry life, the toelal whirl or
r kSvas on children- and
« 'a goud MM Liir.it h,
*\trti, my dear. I Mjpiiose
ILiLnu 111 llln Willi my
lews uii LiLiaifs la iirtDeral

. t'fl itir niniuir rjnch'-lara
UlU; t» l-u «u I Ljrf- lull"! thejr cojiUi,
"'OoId-rtifiiErTl Bn4 platanli Trlcnilji ntrd
not apply,"

M t Damn, Quarn. S.A
• + *


\\TH1* da mo many pt'ttylr jfr! into thnt
' HfTJy aablt of sarlnB Lrum ticket)
lastrad ut drttrnylrui lhern An )"??:.' 1

Murh mnuMmcnt u a/iiin civrn to
follow -tiawjertfiera whim a trrim lrutpccUir
bouriU a trani and c-amc upuo taQU^at-
less pfirmrui, won ahow about olx titktrti
wlUiouL having any Idea whicli uui***
th*y hoii; jujii. rfrCBlvWj.

Tq me It £»uti a very fmltah habit,
and muni ijp nimoytnc both to the
corulkii-uar ami lncpo^tor.

Ida f'alruucr. tt Wsh St., tUlmaln,

CV/// in£ Fricndsh ip
Human Error

IN 111* pat UUl/USi a findftn llrtnnt.

HfhSc [jlirpuja^lnff a do^'a trtrtiLlnhlp.
fctrikiT !|^ kryn«tf! of Uhf broutT of Ihli
Kjvaity The caaine friend vmluen you
mi j-ou trent him. and 11 ytni treiit bhn
fairly rain tJ all thf world turret stalartt
y-nn ror ii "rottrr," he wilt stand your

Tn rom j'fiu arc the nrrnon who lovpi
him, and with aJ the loyally ol hli EPv-
nif hi*ari ti* will mtiiTTi y*Hrr low* Now,
I flat you. H. tlndon Drown, do inuny
iiuman irlrad* value you u you in-ai
ihrtn— in aplte of l.he wnrld?
Wh* II, n.r,fi, Port Browthton. "???? \.

Ixkvc-M in Spitr of 1 nulls

IN ItnilUog a dog'n uitelllKciiw, doeaa't
H Undon Unrwn libel tda own?
[..oynlry rjucrn't Imply bandneu m a
fh'i-jiuii , fnuia. but rather an ocettptaiu:?
at tniw faults &5 an InUfrral part pi
thulr chariicter. tn ipllc uf wlilcli-or,
tJi>rha|iK, bt-'fniia* tit which — we riiui Llwm
all tlw mor- khrtbtl

Drvotlon In aiitinaln. u In turman Ins-
talls, lb not Mli'rullnJ h> miu.iiti

MiM M ChamlM-n. KoUirrford f td .
Trcoma, Vic.

W7/jy the Songs of
Still Appeal

Smoking Carriages^
Are Not •
Only for Men!

: .1

end In


Kvi-n u Kuiur I.tiv4*n

J>. BF.OWN hui certainly "nsfcnd • r
it" In rrciird to his uriuIyalD or llHol-
Hir'nt dam A don mny Iw toys] to i
-r»r.trr" Why &hinud bt InUirsatnd
ta «tw niua'A trvatirionl ol anothur? it
Is liia own lift- LoflT rciTifpnu ntm

The irvn-KM text will ahow that a don
known when hv is ILitflj to br Ut-trt?uted .

A man ol lowcnl chmaeiiTr \v 111 tlrtht
hirt twit friend and then stoop to carry
his lite* dntf home

Min tiw^n t*nrtrr. 59 lUtowT* Rt ,
Anliurn. NSW

Doetl ll llath-r?

T>E R Undon Brown'a jww oa cunlne
Does It matter Whnl Is the basis of s
t5rfl 1 it^voUnn 3

Also, Id nnyohe "an abjiflhite 'rottei" "
If fiir doe shown him that, .canity and

if hnmanj would nhuw their faith tn
ti doc does. vtaLhH' from lanarance or
Dpt. It would fdre ui conHdence do
blfjffer and better thtnffa.

M. S^drii, 57 Kaii SU. tit. Vtirrx,

I. too iiflwr often wonflrrtut why thr
Ducica of to-diiy liu*r»fj boautifut
nnTrr ntoy ao Ittur whh ito a* itv "id
vttiga (W mid 1 have c«n* to Uui mq-

C'lUllWi ??

In our snutdiiioLhCT^ dur mumr wai
xcarca. with tlic reuiJM that whru wr
in ard n Miiifl twtietly auiin we apurticl-
atnl tt and it wtint or«f> Intu wit Uiari*
TD-day oca heaift the lame <onni trv«r
and over asaln on the ruiiio on the.
sinrcLv Pv-erywhexe. nml u ti« mrich cjf
anyriiliuc ipotln the rht.vni vl- Qalckly
lo** interest in the acngi

I asrfc With Mm BMWdrS ol coixran.
that thr mfmory of a dew ftne may
maka a toaut more benjttJid

MIk M. >U.mirr R WyaJong St. Hur
wood, N.S.W

Poi^uuiit Irleitiory

J QUITE aipruc with Mra ShetLlon thiit

the old PTinuii Appcul to t.:rotiut>
cattee of thntr aaoriation with oome par-
ti-L'dlariv hnpijj' purlOd of oar liver oa
with '-'rrr.i- lorwl prrjon

It ont> !)????????.•?? u bar or two a( oop of
those prc-^iar or w^nioie vou^s i*i bring i
batik hanfty iii«usorlca of lhi< old lium«
and jr« "ei* lUUr NtOp> olid jftalhl "

Tli* 1 »!tclPfft of ua hftR t>aswd on ant
when-vrr T hear on* of her moob? I «ti ? '
IMMBetud n truly lovely vtilee* [ lutrn
with u tittle murTTturm [tnty^r thm tvi
noui may he at rest

So, ton. wMettfVer 1 xtixu nar o| thaw
rM rnvuntHE of htra ti la with ihni mm?
lta.Hi> prniior in iej heart, mid a EarVCril
nt),\f tlUL, [ mnv trr^w mun ilkr Imt
and be u wall loved

Cdllh Finn. Iiri^hloa Krf. Slh Rrii-
bunt 4

T»E lj wiuoo'« letter "Leave SmUtfe*
TO Me-i.' 1 Wluh to %-olrr pn


I woui*J IX quite willing to w\tn
D WjIioii tr mm Vft the Dthor com-
p u^ttaa oli to Mttcnfo, but anajr do iwtl
P> r&una!lf I hatp an fil-moeiiitetr heavy
with imfHcc. an atmagphcre erestm] a\
all wlnduwi IidIiih aimt to prevent tvw*-
inoppr* Tmm blowing into felluw-piifi-
r^aiterji' tunm.

To-day a woman tlnda It dlfTlculi to
ootain n Hat, and la not particular
when ti i* so kma . • i i •

Further I fervenUy liopD Umt the day
hit not dawned when a woman muiL
.ut ti her companion and not make <on-
veniatltm bemuse man wtahen n And I
ion nun- no woman wishes to ini]HMc on
vwallrd chivalry whlnh CUBOM be liven
vllllnjily t «0Od rather stand itidnfi-

Ml» loan W«rmald, 115 Sailor Hay
Kd Xnrthbrlriee. N J* W.

pCONOMICS which emoratc* wjttun
"* 1U acoix muuiirrmcnt ui u na'Jun
ami lb nuiiU'i" ha.-, tot dfTivnfion a
Grri-lt x<tm nicaniiif; "lioLuwkrepint "






»KCLVn.H. hi a dally p4prr,
tbrrr .i \<~.\r,\ i -il ..n arllcl« OH
fhe priHlliun ol hutiHr • .-??

1 OilTka mat thm< num^M
?? i.'-nFri Ua oti Ihr rale-pml for ihr
pruiivrnlmrr of propl*- tr>inc to

find ?? hatu* in the dark :i«w ex-
AHpcratlna Jt U Then rme I* cn-
ii< . i-m;: . j find a huiuw in Ihr
dork, and >b« nnmher it un ilr«*
due>r* If ibr numlirri wltt plated
on itir :.\\- ll vruula save
r*U-anjr*"f» tmm all mm- nf rmbnr-

1 am «nre thai many xndrn
will mrrc with nut un tJira Mil:—
Jeet, and Lhetr opinion* would be

Mbn M r O. Fbrvrt. H Tlrvrilon
Kd.. llHnMHe, Sft W,

Hark ??•> iKe rwi

T THINK liie U^Jrat of old »"nip Ikv. I
in the fart tlial triey tiibr tflB rrunflr,
tmclt to thr pail, and IxuirciLn Jiu'.atr br I
Inff what Jl b> w« will klwaya rnmrmlmr |
the hjojpltimu of former daya and Quite
foraet the iii.

Now. evrcry Llmr> I hear. "Thr Oood
Ship Lnllypop," I think of how Hun.
awkward Blank boy 1 Lrattipled on my
loea at thu 'Bwry Pakera' BaII P M btrt
no doubt in yearj lo*"ctime I will hav*
Cot^Ditan ttty bruised loni, nnJ v.hi'ii I
hear it utll <rnl>- rr-mrniher the ntneeri
if nanewhnt elunviy eirninlitntinu he paid

Jean FNemri, Kyahrnm l*-0„ Vir.

Happy AhNiK-iaiMmtH

kb BliEJ,DON aafco: ' Why do thr
oW iojifti ap[>ottl?" Old. known alrn
haw a chnrm alt thntr own; not bocauatl
they art any better Limn Lfcp Cater tithe*
but bensilAe Uiey ai» aaMiciaU'd with our
hflpjiirr youtli Does not hearing un ntd
walti tune limply land ua back to a
crnmtry dnntx. jutki probably In a ham. |
cleared for the oncaMrni decorated] with
braoken Tern <ind ::.n > or ????! ..<><': and
wild samnpajtlla ; art tmprcimpLu Riage,
furnished wiih thu irre
of the drnwimr-rotmi. «
"i ]oilia:tr. and nn urrord
player eidlvnn Lii o long
the dawn breaks: ttHV tirnl romnanv 1
drifting (o Uirlr hhmes on hDrmeback or|
in bujreiL-a to the HILiriu rnJnlog of thii
ri.inee f.imna Who craild hrnr them
aBnin tifter yean witijoiu beiim ijie liM [

IHn |. ManhalL Moi<rtannu Kotan 1
Rh*i Rd. Suulh, nuudalirxc, C|ld 1

W*iiiiru SriniUe. T™>
PK O. Wlbo^i n p*7 on ilia aihlubtli.)

of loevuiii anioken' carrl»Kia to mrai
Why nhoulil tticw cajruur&s be iaec»dj
i:i TTifn wlieu in thaae modem day
thwhi PaM ao narnr woman who nmuiir.r
Hie Hnbken* ewrruujcs may bo Jiui
aHmeihw to wnincn aa U) nicn.

Anntbei queetJun raised by D. WUmiu
with WlUch 1 do hnt aartTrf — wOmm un

the lanifl job on r large scuir wnich the
»llf ttnd mother perform in Uir noun*.

A urman mart cpsiml widely thr- mtnmv
ttr-r hiiaband <in» but tin. |i atilv a
auialj part of her KarX There is. In
uituihim, the mi'/ital phyMicai ux>ti siun-
?? 1 1 r 1 wi-Jfnri! o! lhr> children to lx pro-
•.'Uted fur

AH thiMt thinfii tnerrfove combine To
make houaekrepUi^ THE nitwt important
job Ih Uir wmktr ReiirJen what ...v
you 7

Mr. t . tt Lanelsnd», SZ Twlmjn
i-. •?? Ketiftt.it-tnn, >' SW


A LTHOUQH l haye made rather a
protraeced atudy of thin matter I
have railed to moke a decifkm auj am
comlxa-toed tr> asa The opinion of your
rfiftdera Does one keep. ihr left or
to the rifiJ.i tin ll: - luuliJath Hi rJic UHesT
1 tried the left on nHnehjlr- bui was
bumped, juniJed und kicked ho connia-
lentfy that 1 threw in lire toWel and
Steerttf! a war', pawajp 1 to thr right f
almost lost oonirioitaaEsa berore l could
deetdti which was the better side Just
FW 1 wru rniT3iri)t in It flanliL-rl tatB my
bimln. t I *nw tlw sturdy f ?????? i ploddhig
by. Uutl Ll w,w a c**r nf the Rimini of
tlte ritu-nt I -t.-jir. like to mention that
tny elbow's nuw are very tough and
j)tuthU> ntJanted, but very uaefut

S M. Brlda*-- J» EUaabMh Bay Rd .

4 4 +


A ;muUrV cartiu
where one rxuocu

Lu^ t'Vrryday Allair
t Sroll. fV< nmrr

r ta |uu thr p1ur:r

Srnnr. \ s \\

\l*rJO has not neon ihniled at turua
win-:'. r>'iii]itii' Hi'- rcfiiJi'j !cr Itm-
Rerrity frivrn &v eldnrly fnllc?

A dear old aoul of 9S »ya "Don't
worry; don't ernttible'" C»in am; rr*ljy
l«e to that ime wiitnot oriimbUna or
worryhiK? Om- wfindHre li llvitic to B8
t» really vomt*iiwiiwu tt» the hkuuLi'ii
effort in layine thr breakfuc baron 1>

"vmr-ifary wnuld be the riprrit Mja^rtfr.

li it tiol. after all tur better to ltvt
iPtnrrrt niuily rut her than to nXlst
I tdnridly'

MIm L<»lt; 1. rrfu», Sunn)> ftale
' Spun H'arli. fi_A.

Health. Vivacity





rrd cluUre out
pre two (mbd
i or roneertlna

National Library of Australia




Saturday, February I, 1936.

Kidneys Must
Purify Blood

To Bring
Vitality, Clear Skin

X Youthful Looks

Women Need Help More Often Than Men

3FTJH flew into n IrcnimtloiiR raffe.
nailed him n ti\na munti, and bads
dire ellnk away out, of Lbo c*racn

Drlrrcr tic ItJr.ilt'.i him OUt Olr) Abu
Bhttgh AtUurO flrrartfuUy uptwt.

apparent!* peir-flfd wiih, tiuunt and
bnrmr, and Icmd with pjou*itaflf?na

"Very ML" Colonel Umwur
??l hvft "I will hold r«u n-sprrujiote
f« rar^rang the KdJiioiu drg and
tettlnu me know .-. ht ??< he l- udu what
he u> dome; and if be pw? to Znu'iEg
without my Iroowlrag it, I will have- yuij
armced at

The vvuiip Arab wu Scllm ben Tut*
fnf, ili^rlnrocj hllter ertenay of ??Ujt
I'ri^nili. uud siyj mid hrlr or Yuuuf
tKn Antlr. a gentli'Tnnn at tlie eld
smhooL bind pBrtUan, and ally of

Wu Jit (ujrr fcft Atu Sheikh
Ahmed 1 * garden, and on the *vtiv
bank to the F.ui'Ufrwn quarter the

Spanish Maine

aa a £arop€&D, not thf ohUd of a mart
kv.r allcLlr between m, iJtllliJ.'l, p?UlJe-
ii.,..- ahd ft dancing i -f 1

r LheH rame the

treats!, mirprlar of my Ufa. 3
??uii i :??<?? (--•. the :..(.: loot the e«I
vol my -i:, I -. ler Thnre kui no
dULiblinp Lhtf facta ai they cttctif bWoro
tn< She nt the 1} a lighter til thai
AJunriwn dunrrr. ud my uprlfflit- and
triiffirmit father. My itiralwit, dr-iir*
tJi" ncs.lurtii to Krl hflr out of

nd bran, wltvL aha
bin* to one. What
ill her In Aljrirn?

Air ten. wiiu
hud done, men
crUuir fatn oou
Biul 1 not
grrlT Wu U
:i.V fill Jul '. Jr



colon*-; took inn throi
a Thousand Delight
trip hiftiHi tti which
tlie mother of the A
Until j.iui fliiurlsliwi
uhi> had gone out ti
brr iouT, the mi

World-Wide Success

mum i
??1Kb j

Help itJdnw TftittWii

IMftUllwl h'»-«l tll«l

unyr U »*itUi*Mn *t all
pmHifrt fiiwRuilra to
or !??( -1

Doctors Praise Cystex

RAHAT T. i. tlMWlll. f»««MP» r^r.^rT

Guaranteed To Work

tr I J ifn- 11 : Al.

. nr rt11l.11

ported Qui
D.'tllli ImU

HIM IliKin

ilR-nri witli
i wm LLil:
tfam:l»R ftlrf* f«h«r; The nniiAr to
which rhc rr-lunifd when, ho ]cJl Iht;
ltie tMUH In wlUrh ual* ttoncitifi rirl
*i*a bom: tltc bftuac ta which ftlic rtw

to KOttTHIlttlKKl kLUulUt CK; JUIVlR)!

hot) a plrlhttfHl

^rc niint h*v» Ik«i h great, in'-'T,
thai (/hp." rait} thti Oojo?tti "Pnuny

> IMiiLJjp LiilrJ til* I.' ... r ,|

Ouhrd. Nal] dtnahiff oirl. PrraltlnR It
no ih'M'ii;j;'hlv that pinnd r wi'iit

irvkd. mid Jim] "'
"Wlio v. he— -iv J^PBiK-h officer?* 1


"No. G 1 r.-,ir] u> 3f,in ?? ; i- I » •

mML But Ziueji BJ^LLdifU-ar nlwiiyn
itlerml to Wm ai Ojuur. Omar tiw
Pccl^hrjituv Her dniiElilnf '» uni»e in

I aaw the uartchijr idrl mauj timed,
and for ecaoc re^jon she wns in lore
??iUj Ha Stic told mi- o( her drstrB
to «tt **iiy frtj*Q the lifr nhe wnr. lifnd-
11*. Bhe irariCP*! to po RUtnirvrhPie
whrrt' ahe »'mdfl nut be treated ab ruif -
white, whtfrp vhr- *tnild utoiisht uf

my tiwher 1 ! di'bu?
i\:n I my iTOtfjefa korpcr? Mr

Of cuurw I irn— and mOftfi er.ptc tally
>'hiii thai ienn U Utenlil.

in the SL-etr of fJQUKft dwelt my
it«.:».r ..." my titter? . . . my tilattr.

M; rattavr ctmln hide bttiiiud the f*u:t
be did not r'.-c.v r:- ,:?? 1 ?? Uia
luut LLaI he IumI oifVtx triril tuHud Onk
3 . .. not *o ; ii.-'

r had found out. t Kxhiw. Iu uie-
fltreet of a TImhisawJ DtUsht* ui
D!iuit.n dwelt my dititr. » 1 went hi
net rw^-ur. rtKichi bflr >it lrfr lnrtlJtr.

Wiln n littjp cry. «hr Rrrmiiff op frnra
the dtTtu en which ah* wu •fated
twriO a low Muctrbin t-oOi-r Uhfr. this
unbtir innuthpieoe of n tiArphi>u
brjtwt'en he? llpa. niKhrid to me, KUd
flijnc hrr rtttij fihrjijt m>- nprV

"I knew y-aa wu:ild come," the raid.
H l krmr yuu would come, 1 prayrri to
nrni, (aid T bif;n jon w^uld rffme. ??

"My dc»r," shr «"14, "tRtt awny
from twTP. Hflp m*" to ho a]] whltrc,
(i Europrxn wouinn. Help mti to be
your il»ter. lik* y<»ir nttsnr «W*rs.'*

And rhn kif^rd tpfe aoftly, ePutly.
swwtty— eHth-c."-/ the jrln Umt a
rtf-voted *:.MiT miRht ftfve to her

"And T *nr.t you ns-vnr again to Mill
me SeutA." £h* ujtcfmpr.rid, "Whftt
wilts yvur taolSwr'M amneV' ,

"Conrmrta * 1 told her.

. . . Dots learned to <J^ ')
aqalnst ucjly Cosmetc Skin!

I life this summer/' thilktu Dut
to l«raclf .w ihc men rally round.
" Bur graciaua. whiit chances \ used
to take ! Untie conmcrici, but not
rtfltcwing Thrm the njAi way I jring
roy potc!l 'JjiA'-'l wuh auJe nuke up . . .
rukmft unnltrjL'tivc Ccvmcut.- Skin i
" I know I'm uft now. btcjuir I aiwjyn
mncrtT! nukt-up thnruughly — tbe way
Hollywood dot!, with Lux Toiki Soap 1 "

Summer will itcit mean roiruncc to the
Rirl with itj[ly CofltDttic Sfctn 1 Use ill
tfie LiMiuteticfl you wish, but uVrrt't leave
r.tjle mjkr up in the pcrrs to fhokf
ihnin — enlarge th<m, came dullncis. tiny

« rjrvtii rpopt'rrr

CutmiiUu NarmlDii II nmnvul thli tn|

Lux Toilet Po,ip is tnade to remove
cosoxttta ihcrmtghljr. Its ACTIVE
Luhrr tejchen deep IniD rhe ports, Accra
out every trace ol stale tougc and powder,
du.it ai:d dirt.

Every nipht — and before yem put on
fresh make-up during the day — use this
pure, fr.ii;sinr l-<juty wx,p I

Use rouqe and powder?^
Yti, of course! But tfian ks
to lux Toilet Soap

'm not a bit afraid of
Cosmetic Skirl {

Joan Bennett

*\mfinuril from 18

May I Utte Jvrr niune? Zoea mul
my name and my tnouicr'/i Tianir. not
J doo i hui.l tx» be oau juy more A
heathen mime. A rmmc flt for Uiia
??trout Would jjTXir moclicT hate lt (
and hate mr, u* I ten* hn- iii.nM l r"

"I Uilnlt my nioiJmr would tfvtr yt?Q
It fiv knew you, CotuMyl^-* 1 e*Hl

And thftt Id how it comei mw«r,
Etiior HMOfl ikhvine, that- thtm ludy ta
ii. v -in:! u' mt. and la known aa Mlm

BfiiLtthh Miiuir ?awnfd prodlgiomty,
r-rrirhn-ij inliihri-y itnd coinutW-d hti

' A vcr> uttrrefttiuir irtuty. Mr, V»W-
luveb." ho ObkMTretif l-'mr-i.;; hlliLWlt

anothfi ihirilc "Wnafj !hr potm of

Oth Vnntjrutifi. with level jtnj*, ey«l

him ntrsightiy.

Th« pu.nl Ih.'* hu reiilictt "tiiAt I
don't incrud to linwe my xtufT ovule

tir:Jii.ii[JV Ph« fin: tl;ni i*]i;Jtc r Ji--,f j^h
uiihatniUici/.. I don't intend to LoL
her burner ho dewjfryed. Her chsncp
of itiniplclt noclai it-t^iir).wuqent;
ff*r r'MHicr of wtQrjbiy {n neevrity,
??wl' tr, p<-tice. I don't iotendj to ffOff
my wocJl uxxjoist*. ain^e tht day I
v«n| hiK-.lc to hrr I dKvoto^ my
fiff* to nftviiiK iicr feouj whjtt eerme*!
ta he Iht fntp So far, I havn vud-
ceedi-d. and with an Dver-lncrraflliig
airvccai Phial ??; tn-t — -??- U near. £»
yon think 1 cm going to be defeated
uow — and by jrtmt Do you for one
Ettomr-nx think Pie trntnjt to nee my
atatefw tiapplnesa deatruyed, her life
ruined? , . That l# the T<HriL' "

"And mr s-iory?' he wild. That
had a potnt, too Did you see It? Did

you notice it? Did you in: Hi 1 It
war fnirly shrirp. You've bmi cood
enmiRh to Kik mo what I think. Do
I Uduk tjun and thtnk Uuat7 l>t, ma
auk you in n i.' ?? you ihiTdc thnL
fate havtnff glwn JM this jit.eraUy
Bf^tlfji opportiinity I'm gotnv to re--
jrt't tt? Brjt<ct it Sot a vvotnnn whooo
fautt t*. in, that I am poor: witoae fault
it la that I nm nrdrtlinc dnig*
u\ nmltf a stako htff enouRh U.« tiinbln
m= to undo tiv harm s!h- did? You
UTk of thla . . this datteing i*irl'a . . .
ehanee »o«i v^rt unity. Wtiat of
mtnp? Am t act- a« daarrvlnc of
reiuthllttatlon aa she la? Xtm't my
rrtttro to my proper apelal aphm* rmd
??totu* m imp^rrroin} ttn her aenlesinff

Otb vanoruffh emmhetl sonicwluit

"... a yntl^man of birth anil
hrpntiriif, Ajx| it 1a my titfn
duo thai I arioulti rcfjaut my proper
ataUon. Thla ^ixi waa born in the
KUtter, fn tile baaar. and that ta h»r
pruper jilnw— end aUc can irturn thcro
for fcil I care ??

face imruVprii, ux hfta eyca narrowed
and htn Una pressed] yet mora Qnodj
lOfi-fh< r.

"Btvldes ?? coritmuftd spanlnh
Maine "II ttt not nmrely « c-u* of
what yL<u rail hlackxtiitil Tt i- no*
roirmhr a maTttrr of my having J«an,t
i\ valuabhi •..(.iri mul lritendtnir to uae
\t for alt H in worth. Tti nm tirmt at
aH, It"i a oa»e of, I won': my ven-
paace. but pimbdinteni: tjrem«r ami
mwrur iMtniahmrnt* portie jnitlef. in
rnKt. Slu's the cauiin of my not hav-
hMf twrovprrd nry brined trnaafiro. und
now T aiu uuhig to make bar the meant
uf my ?? ??'_??«! • so."

"You nrr not.- m\r\ ot]i Vanbnwh.

M Oh? We ll ire. Huu-u't you been
t^Uln^ me how tirtmnauuni bty prer i oiij
to you ta yotu tutU-aiatfir a hn.pnJnr«a.
peace of raiml, and totlai nrrtiriiy?"

U T \\nvo

"Well, then. Wbafji ttOoJalr?
Wl»ar air j-mr |v..r.-!:n,. „: | „ ,.
w m yoiir iiaotW— not uiltut, You
ran awutre her hRjtfrtnrca. al] right,
I'm njit "hi- ootitaclo-jt'a you. You
are reiiLOua; Ui jiay ftv what vai aant.

M I' ,ri '"-?rl ??| tPir ' 1 h " V< * tn ' "* r " H ' : ' t;

"lurJtteUiw yowMjf. eh?" oueerTfid
Otis Vftntnijih

"Well. I ilHnt netuullv n r
nood No: en tho whoi
rjatci to be. one of lhu K
Of Ulta woTtd, bttt r r-p-tamiy have my
peine— In thla L'oeinrcl 1 rin. Oh. aco I
have my twice, nr. rather. my Blhmt»
ban And thin la going to be> a real
oituipJiriuiitiuri of U,e pmirrb that
Bttonoe in pf>ldtn Ye*, in, Mrrnid ah?
liaa pot (o pay ml rluhu Mr Von-
taruith «he or yo«. i ,^1; care


M And iin- — I refijae7"

"Well. If wo orr (T-'lrij; tc
lltpc nuppo.vri([ anyttdti^t i. r .
tnfi you It I don't have the nalia
lion of eadovalag a eiufriue, 1 »h tt ]]
hate thn pleaanrr nT Indicting a JiUer.
I in % twd man to trow, Mr Vnnt>nujh.
I ma my nride. ami I don't forgive
(Illicitly rurAly, arm fixnUfhly. Your
alflirr' dlil me * very grrot WTtoig She
HOE only rrthbfttl and itwlndlrd tWi uut
alu- eaWted, uuultrd. ami looled me.
rirmv turn fu t'titsf 22

i bo


. I ll

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3647

JSalurday, February I, 1936
Srh oulrrc or



£n u.hw.i*#>ir, T*u'd Rocr.


S>-dr*r ii provd «f Hi Heer
David Jcffft" La &5VfJ*

TWO STORES: Main Store, Cattlereagh Street. New Men's Store, George Street, op p. G. P. O.


Sports Frocks

V0L 9$/* ee 3S/H

91WWI, 7. 3: Pure »pun *nd Mr*
-M. . >. in itfpw or diecb,
white or pule 1 .. Sclrlted ,M« +*>
pur on N'l^ilNnartitd i<4"f&,
G*JW !H* *», tW»H *»«r lor
y». felt a'ra J J 40. E*=Ji,


12 - English Blue* Willow Pattern

34-pce. UTILITY SET,



HWWS: Thnt mm* Blue Willow p«1lcrn tfiit sfenyi
gkw you • 9*??* *i M'iiteztioo — printed In 4 da'U
rfr.h fetus oft fin* quintf, Ui*l<tg wmtT e\ cUn*, H
placet, tndudleg covcreJ Vrtrj^-raii'e D-.n. Utujlly
toJd i'4-2/', no* ipti^tly fHu-sd lo only 50/4.

35 6 English Tea Sets

UWWA: ftftfj qua 1.1* Entfufi bo** ditae wilfe Crown.
Qwdrr twfrJer devgat , , . fwt% HU th*mt

?l piece* Includine e cup« and iaa = nri & oljliji,
|g.]*r ImJ*, rn"«llc t^. Set nrwr priced *t qn!y


13'6 Water Jug

7V 1

41WW7: A »w» llmlt«d uuintily •! Iho nrlt-
tkmigk. Tun "P«t! fciiijr. <MUMd

la char :)??... >irs- Now each.


1/6 & I'll Sweet Dishes

WWW*: Sw«* dh*iei thoy
ara, flirbar ar pint (jfaii,
fwt-d, and [uit Mt fw feeth-
s/y nUtMf rfeaorfi. Note lr>i
radut*'n>r*— fJeiilAl tt fl*e
d«*g*. They are priced. u»t-K.



10'6 Cut Water Set


i)WW9L uit p <p*f*f(lN t -,lli.i ?? i

M Willi l^plfrt ci«t>fr- * oq -» I

??;-:"iH' fHi>»f."VinO tewrMr'-fc

Kg .;. ???? r ?? . r far v - j' sorri. I B .

bVfafa, io/* »m prim »i


Spectator Ghillie


»WWt; Daitjn Ii
on* »- can faiom.
r»f (ulynu)

L^*:»» than a wfn.
tar bur nil Km

1U o- bmii Cli.

.(.IK. SiHi. *mV
«Jj«t i Is T. &d».
ir.> in QrM Jumn'


13-pce. Fruir

BlWWrOr t1t« A e-.ee! Vntd of feitt »«1td I»f-
flu lndhr^!u«r cfe*m |urj tf Ihrt i.'d* of flsrh
p'lli- 1-^ ??'! ver^ qutiit 4'rJ ?? -n:-r.|

Gnurry Efi^iih chin* *!th Bofel bnrdm. 11
piece* >fH:HiTie<l In ihm wt, Mow priced 1 **, Mt,




Oil Frnit SnYati Set**

ft--v.--.Vl it Or^y 40 la c!e« ft (lih prire-
is four pert cl the proijfe-ntTte d 1o ordflr
t!c}h( **ey. G<od o>*riff Ew}lSK c^ea m •



'MAIL YOUR ORDER. It's 3 rrilly pcrffa nprnirtunity to do your chins ciiplxidid . lintliicii, with stivh r*
fii. lii..-:-. 1! , ????< ill, mi Aii.i ill 1 nnti« tin ne froci-' Hul -- -1 1 !"> I' ?? A !?? ii |V,» («5AA, l!.P.< >.. Sydney.


«i:mi:mbkk — iiaviu j ones' ton SEKViCE

National Library of Australia



Thv Australian women's weekly

$aturduY* February 7, 1936.

There'* * big dilterence In
Insert spray*: i dilJerence in
quality Bui by insisting on qen-
ubno HyTot you win be *ur*
that all tnieet* in your home will
die. Flies And mcsquitoM rlw-
ace the hoallh lo your family:
moths, aiiveriiflh and ante dc-
atroy your property; spray Fly
Tox ta your hc-me and bo sure
thai ihsy J,r

Fly/Tox la r&co^nifrad the world
orcr u the mom eifoctivo insert
??pray ma do. and boCAiisa q4 ll*
rruolity ii ii econofnleiL
hulls 1 on Genuine. Fly-Tox.

It pays to buy FLY-
in 8 ©eta.

Spanish Maine


» "ELI*. »hr p*ya me—
or 1 pay her, She \>..y. mt hack or I
pay hrr out ''

"As ?? matter a? purely anrfrjnic
tnUryct wlwi are yuur ternta?" iu:k*'d
Vault ugh.

*'Ah! Now ylHl'rr talking Bfllise,"

approved BTtoniUi Maine

u Oh, 1 uWl know ahmit "be not*
Merely a mutter of idii> pufltwiy.

ai:;u til Shnpjj of pflfl it; ??
terwi to the psji:hajUgUT,."

"It will be ol Uitrrcst, nil right,"
Snnnwli Mntira assexntd "My tpijiu.7
Well. IflL's be*. Firat oj all there's dnm-
agea. Damages lor whm *ue did to
n*n in Bomcn .Jcsnrlflt me stranded.
poniui.i-.Ki. Rttd In the grcatcnt dantrur;
Iravlnx oh- withcajr. any option but to
into lb.Lt drun-imussikng, dope*
rrnridtlltit UlfiMllaai; ^uflns aw to em-
barb upon ihia estprinrJy riafcy 41111
unsuitable wtiy or Ufa. 1 think Cur
luflrurifil. mi* til und tiinTcii daTnngtL
thni'r. we will *ay —leva act . 1 w**«
to be reftBOnahlir and Jiwt. fcud WW!
I im (icnei-fju> perrouta, but. at any
ruLr. Ju«."

Il wo* Otis vnncrnifiTi'n turn to ynwn
and ooruult his watch. . . .

"Fftr dsru&era. I think we'll my a
hundred and twenty- ftm? thousand
peseta* —ray. flw tlitiusaud pouiidv
Then fur my iUcdch Tnr the remainder
of my We— or— what th^-ll wa say?'

"Qay nr.vln.iip you like," murmured
OttB Vnitbrugh.

"Than k jvo Yta- Quite BO,"
nsreed Spanish Miune. "your sister
rnuur have mode a. !..n of mcmey. Oh. a
lot tit money, one way and an^thrr^
MpucizUly anDLhor. Her jtrwela alone
maul have been worth a rnrtuno, I
think perbapp

"Interruptlnir yfu for a niwnput,"
uboCTved Vmihrmih, "though the ta.ct
id Jn no way relevant la our prtsaait
ctinv&Bsiicn. [ miebt mEnUon thai my
wFtt'r finld ".h* 1 je-Bft'lit to which yuu
itIft, ettpimllBed all her propffHy, Id
IkI, and (rave PTrryllilne lo thr- Con-
'iT'ri t of (ho Slsttn of the atcpPd

Spumah Mcnni- inu^heil

"I'm iurc ;iif: did." ha niud, iind
Uughrt aenh»-

rf i'm gifl-d yon err nm," said yart-
brush. -It h*]p» ymj tu midcrntand
how utterty my fii*if/T rewnjneed her
v;iy Of life. She out lrcn»lf afT from
her pun complc-U*]y. nnd dbsoclal«d





Read these
Users 1 Experiences:

"H*vd rounq Ufstlft rkrt[[lDl lor cn> 1 yur
v-ld (Irl who snll«r*a ham rntutlpfiUfln. I irtal
wn-fftl alhnr Imtlvn and mtdklnn, but ol no
om. L*n itti kHTn lo bt Idrai tor h»r 1
fHn. A. P r&i.( M»lvi-rn, Vi>- ;

' I hats IrierJ many ratdirtnM, rlt. 4 but nrm*
rrjnaJ Ui*n«i. I ihmk Uxttlflft art nf» ana
?? rr r[rr to takt and to give la chllilfifl and
1-JuJLi 1 rati Ihr-rinif hly firDBitnrnJ them
lo inynnt."
[Ulu 1). H

Pawai Vila. Vhe.)

Triumph in every
Single Case

Cotullpatton can quickly sap your
energy —poison your entire system —
rapidly ruin your health and well-
bojng. Check it without delay—
with the satest ol all remedies.
Laxettes. EITective where other
medicines have only aggravated the
condition. Laxettcs are endorsed
by thonsands ot users throughout
the country. Not only arc they the
perfect laxative lor children, but
Ihey havt proved invaluable to
adults where the best ol other
remedies have tailed.

Atwayx bultt oh Genuinr Laxcltex.


MOTHER ! Send for


TlttfAd wormi, Miinrj *»rrni. *tf,. mat ktUrk anj child, no mm tor m v> claan Iti
habiti or hnw otttfuUj. )[ iv irariNt. AuirioiiLIn ilala that llu? out oj t«n children
In ail ilafes ol wckty suKlar at unu lime or inothtr Jrorii wtifriu Ij^xiiranr.*
of Eh* ftunifc nl wormi h dME<rnys. Cot lhi« Fn»n huihoruauvi UddmIcU cLviiir ill
lha lyriipKimi and dcialh ol idr vaXf iJmpl* rurr, Ramv r *> Worm Tablet BcoMfl
U iup{rllr4 TrTP arafl WITHOUT OR LIGATION. Wnir lor U to Tlie Uaulti
MaouJactunnc Co., Dfpr. ^-,^v.«, 'Jfiti Stfanninn air»ft, Wf Ifiourne, C.I,

f^irtfiJiii^if /ffifii Pug**

hrrwlf froui evBrs'Lhlnj connected witb
It. Everyihing and everybody,"
"Ba^jvpi W**** nnilJed Spanluh Maine
"No. partJiJuEurJy fbtl, mill |witpj r Of
your Lypr," wqj the riridy. "So to

niTiklnfi LlM'Oc LillPTOAtlDX HCld Mill lf il t i g

ciUaulPitioiM. yuu mnat b?or tu mind
thnt niv -jlster lo iiennllcME Eht lun
nothing nt aU "I hpr Owll and is
dependent, cnthely on me. Thft
JfwpElcry ahr now wearv. 1 cave to her,
shs rAn and will, pay ywi noUiiitfr"

"And ytitj prupdi* lo toraiirifr the
DuTdfsi to til** wooJthy mi lard. ehT To
Sir Harry VuneT"

"Hiivt pju any Spunbh proircrtM Uist
wont one mtuinni judging othere by
oncacll. S^nur Mauu*7"

"Ob. yea."

^^Ot^ havr 1 men-
lipncd oitrp of iTir* ibat you
uri! u guntlcmnn o( birth and
lt •'????.!' i.i: Prtratmolly, I m*)t£ DO -i:''l>
tduini, br^i would rtevpry^triM like to

tJnLl my I 1$ nnt a
ia me. and Lba(, IT ihv wv.n. I sfmuit)
nM be rtinwrard to trtaisJcr the bur-
den to Sir Hurry Vn.ni? or 4liv0lie 9kMf

-Ho?" nmUfrd SpanJab fidNine "Hal ]
Due |kti,.i[i: v-'ij jiEiiiht Rki ti; Lrarufer
aha Uurdi'ii of Senot yini,opt Maitn-'i
]ujit dt;bt# uud rishT.ffOu.i claims n> llii 1
wealthy Sir flarry Vane. «h» w

"I nm not oitiamnd tn say that !
don't quttr folio* you."

• No? Von Rirrnxiac m* la tl tint
obvituiu that it mir ilttl* 2mm. m.urie*
Sir Harry Tanr it wfU be h* who does
IhF payine?"

Qtin Vanhntgn niouti-nrd hi* Htw

"Why should Sir Harry V^m" jmy
you aiiyUuiiff In tb* ^vtnt or ray nifitw
mLirrylij|t htm? - tusked.

"Oh. corny, come. Mr V-aNtrugn.
You We trifling with iqb. Bport-
tntf with my nhnphclt^. You arc
not b! rifn>- as aU mat The gnEd
woUd be Sir Hurry Vanc'a, Vut (he
(dVim *t:tud wduld be Lhal of Qttt thtk
7>3(H She'd du the attuoi dlsbuning

- il nhr; wnnU. l d pcaiSO. tluil £«eLirlty

and uifctiy nl which you ipenk: and
utltrouhlrd nuptin] bli^
"1 ane "

Trn whb ytm do. Mr Viinrtriigij.
you will also see that II ttin dnttr chdd
were eo lonlVih ai tn thw&n xne, and
Sir Harry Vunr Eoaml the .>.il i ly
truth atp'Jiti hrr. my liic^mj- w^ltlC be
unaflpt;ted TJetEwa, of cnurw, it wore
'tucreaycil Vki you knuw, t fancy Sir
Harry vanp— tttlu cunferrefl b> Jurats
thr Flint I rjHlitrv-*: nuriie nnd estuii,i
oonftHTRd by Ooii at ttur Oraafllda, HO
doubt — 1 fancy Sir Hurry Vane wi>[jia

pay traits a lot ta keep bOcj« v md
the general pubtlc from tnrwLag that
m *'jfr>. Lady Vane, toad been ?? , r

"ThM'* enouflh EEold yaur Ql(hy
lonpur, you dnmiiDd . . "

"My dear Sir I My dear S.rl Wtor
ihla hfat? Fair!* srr ttu-ta "

"Tn, aud Umtp nre cnrtnlu fnctg
eooeernin* yon tfwl I fihall

"C*nne. comef Don't ift'» di^cntf
LO pctgonuhilf-h 11. in Do
let'n rcmembrr »-c «re genULTTtBti a*
I was taying— I fancy thnt Sir Harry
Vane wuuld pay quite a ioi lo keep
certain in-, aonca mLtiu hLi wLIe irxmi
bocomlne public property. Wrii uow
we wtre maldna: aifciitceiana. weren't
we? L*rt* lent idiu 5pcaiiatlau mid
return tn fa/ta — and rklious — r^b-
ceming ynur aiaier irnd the atattw gun
We werit connld-pnn^ the quretlou of
the onauttl inenni.', weren't wet I
think perhflpti wr might puL U at. whin
shall we nay 7 The ume u t he
damttRet? A mjiidrfKl nnd twoniy-
Atc ihouumd ppmtoo, y»y, live Entt*
land nanMd* * yefir?"

"Hay anything you IOdV rppeat«]
VanbniBh pullinriy

"Wflll, then, five ttjoutantt pound.*
damnRTJi Aivd trW ihuuRand [>"und»
a yi-ar lor my uilttnee. Now nbcvut
retoverhiB my nuneii tn-ofiure. m-
aarnuch vm litiii- 2aaa prnvnti'd
my B-Ptr.lriK thnt nnd duprlvrd mt> or
it* uxulrutl at] Lhb l:imr, we v)Q »ay-
wititt? Twenty -ftvti thousand
rrefietDjt for ^xpeaMs? On? thousand
poundfl Thltt'* n WUT rr.fl MUllihk
f'. r a-mfi tc "

"hffOial rriLvuttnbrr 1 tULrmun'd Van-

brtitrh. ^uurnuhtiic "Ho bo od Thfirea
more, furnly "

??W'-li. £a stiiuvaay refer
to r.ht pr-aaihlHty of Ihr tie*ffnni bidn|
itolen Ol BnVnw, an ym rnnltai', your
i5rrtcr> artion bop [fnivtiy jL-npar dtard
tlia vicuutfuti tiuppoat U ucen
atcilrn wtUl«- I've Ueitn roltivcdiiy the
mom.y aLat ahr ntoEe. ah a

reaaonable man mu will U 1 ihe first
to odiuLi that, if. ihrtnigh her, T hvvre:
m ,i. flht tuunt raphixti it. That
WTrtilti hr. auy three -[pmrttm ot a mil-
ium lii-srUM Ct«l] it thirty LViotmand
pounrlji "•

"Yr*, do r»dl tl l run," ntiid Ot(s Vfin-

"So vr» UKfa) a '."'.a-t il mnc thJOdktd
ihuuund pPflBtna. 8ay, Ijilfty.abi
tliuiutand putinda lirmn irrm. and on
aiinuul hundred tint! ^wt-my-llve thon-
•aiid m- i iv- thuimnd


PUHUM iutit In /'<>:??. to

Mothers Sacrifice aU
for their Children

Mtkthfn tbc wotW oitt ittnt nntiiLn^- Irlture,
rnmftKt, rnrrjCT — to n«hc I Mr chililrcn
finjijiy- ttuc umttHrrt thr wnrld otct rrlr 1 on
VVincanni — the jreat tansr»in« tlwt brinff
hick health, and rrpEacci llu: vjtajity aad
ffDEzyy iltii lie care af cfiiitfrTn u»ei oil
Winarnb i* the rtlnlil* frii'tui ol nil liauae-
??Firo ind uiodirr* whune winft ii hrjif r and
rihaurtin*\ Over ED,dr>5 rrrm)itn*«d*tiiinp
frod frfrdical mm. Get a bgfllr frvm J&ut
cbmaiat Tlnu a/}. Quirt* 7/j.


r.tr iI(Jt4» THAI' ClILUl
Irt it rrt li-iir: of i^u, (.je
it ... .?? ?? 1 fu a man htIoub UU

nnt, *;iiiL4rBr>Ah *i Mix-t tnn

tin In aavMjaai rr wlih lh«
dinrcltnaa, will Imrncdtatfily t*-

llr.r lha wnral ot iuldt and pr*i
vrni faillirr lrtiultk„

Mixed with tlvntyfi
Children wilt

A fcrJie if Freelys


1-.:. nrnaab



(lev Twin natural ioo« HXi«»

VDiif t.Atr nt-nu r»ttcrr»tirm. " ten Hid

mxiiim onpernutidi pr

vaaUfj .j.: ni tuu* vti

Varicose Veins are

Quickly Reduced

Nn sicfulhli; per ton will cutiLittue to
aufler frnm fbmaerotis i«jrj]Jcti vein* or
butic.hc? whrn the hfw. rx^wtrruJ yci
hprni'tfiA trpnnlt:id*r calltci tmernld od
onn readtr>' bo ubi.'imctl at an^ WJeH-

A' 1. fur a twa^nucicc otrtitliuiJ battle of
F.t,i!'rnlii Oil <full atmiutthi. *«d refuge
Liibititnirr. LTk ua ihivetCHt and In 3
few dfivi, imortTveuicRt will be ooUocd,

tht:i eirtillliup: until lhf> .TOtilfen wins, are
reduced to liftrmliJ. It tn *a tki*cr[til
ihtii old c;hr*iulc caaem of PU- . or.- oftim
speedily iitroortjpd. Thft li-udtitz cbem-
ifita arr tww wllirw lota ot It. under
Btetef *<ijiirLinlrr' *ir mourr hatdc If not
cntnrui't'-K Katlrftft]. « ar*


Tortured Back

fed Sadt Troi,bf*i f*\t. wlfa l

mat dyai, dope or d-angwi. H-ar* I

m«« 1 PIIU baaf ^raa-rlvrarry rTTl

?? *fnndy far avail tad Ohm " ***

'JfrwUc habit
aeon (miwhed

-' r..|.ir |i

MfjtM*. rilli'tlrl


nm Krimirtr> at i»j Uf

National Library of Australia


Saturday, February 1, 1936.



Unique Radio Pictures of the King's Death

THIS *T I'lkl S (. beam uireJvn picturegram from London »hote* hove tand hourly. Thr Royal tlandard a teen at half-matt on Victoria Tumi ,

the rratrdi lined up outtide W rvtmintter Holt muting to pay their I ait Other unique radio picturvt of poignant tcenet in London appear in

homage to thr dead King lying in • talc nit kin. Throughout the day a the fire-page pictorial tupplement which opera on this page. The

mile-font queue, four mbreatt. oaned the ro/fin at the rate of ten thou- photographs wrrr taken tpeeially for The Australian Women') Weekly.

National Library of Australia




1. 1036.


King George Passes
Through Hi's Capital
for the Last Time !

rivai WAR) sr. et UUK, Our .Special tauten

lit ftrt'SL-nlvtift — li\ llrttm If irrlvtt

Tlir depths of lnurlfolt sorrow w*-r«
plumbed \\\u-n tin- body of (Kmrpit V
passed for the la-l lime through London,

beloved Capital.

To tin- inilliuii- of reverent observers ilic

S4iill\-i]iiicl college «u> profoundly moving.
For 1-ouiloticr" tl drew forth ndirr pictures to
the nit ml — |iii'lur«'i of lite "Hiding hinu an/1
iii- ".uily-cumirisoiicd er-corl going lo comt-
Slate ocra-unii ; llic fullicr mi hie why In Wer.1-
mltwtpr to ihr UUU'l'jage of his none: the
King-Emperor mining Iii* people on die
gliltt-riu<; days uf Lis Jnliilec.

AND Uirn thin laKt. A rami being borne to his
final rest followed by his family, made una
wttl I fio Umpire in the universality of sorrow.
King Ucorge came l,o his Captf.nl for the last lime
in clear, frotfty weather, with sunshine tieeptng
through u slight haze which began a dull iifter-

B firii ihr riirlcrr art out from hinit't t>nji
>ttitiiin kin* Ldtctttd w-fi» tir* otuptutivil »ri rilhi'r
ai.l.' In Iim hrvithrts, thv Unkr ti/ Yitrk and ihr
hit/., of t.lititmtr.r, trith ihr fltthr of Km! anil
the ilnri nf Uittrintnd, mUOUm nf Ihr I'rinrrtt
ll.t-.ul. ilitini'diillfty brhhul. Thry termed triitrr
than rvrr timptr ritisrni prrfitrmintt a tad family

All four bniLfiers looked tired and distressed.
The Duke of illniicejrter was |iartlrulariy pole and
wan as he has not yet recovered ironi the Itinera
which kepi uliii from hits fai tier's bedside during
his last Ulness-

RcvLTf nl Crowds

fHE crowd which stood stilenm. silent hour*
beforehand, still stood long after the pro-
cession had passed, The nnly brilliant colora on
till • ciii'iii w ere of ttii- Boyiil Standard. The deli-
cate yellows and omuves iif the Queen's wreath
uf Spring Bowers, and the deep blue velvet and
dull gold of the erowu relieved the nil-prevailing
funereal black, Gave when a ray of wintry sun
net sparkling a thousand facets lu the Jewels of
the crowu.

There was no military pomp about the occasion,
the guard in grey overcoats and busbies enhanc-
ing the prevailing nolo of sombre mourning,

lie was .King, yd kepi the common iouob. This
sums up the popularity nf the late King
OflOffgS, which was evidenced til his Jubilee cele-
brations, which nut only astonished the world,
but even the British people themselves. Ameri-
cans in trying in fiitlii.m tills sincere and deep-
ronied feeling <lerl:,: i- : "Hi* Majesty's emotional
reaction tu crises exactly mirrored the emotional
reaction of the ortfinary Knellshrnan."

Englishmen trying tu explain to themselves
King George's tremendous popularity In an ago
where monarr hie.; lurnhU* ovcrnlghl. agree Ibot
his pcpiiion si; iinnetcntatious bend of his own
family, a ieroteij huKtuutd and kindly father find
penial gninilfHlher. was more than aiiyihltis els.'
tile tipcret.

Enden red Him To All

'VtOB nttiiude- -the attitude nf the millnary
i : 1 1 udddlcH'lass nitin — eDdisned him to
bis own generation and won admiration from the
younger fienemtlnn who, although themselves
under the stress of modem conditions, neverthe-
less feel the essential soundness of the Hue Ideal
of family.

In no ngc has » monarch ever brought such an
liitlimiW- conflict lo the people. How well King
fieorge stood ihc test Is rcveitled ia his sure touch
during iii-- I'lniujri' hrondeasis, when hot ff&kit
dlrr;ct Into home* the whole world over, it Is IhiB
man who wan alio a King that Hie nation Is
mourning. It Is to a King such an this that his
eldest wui succeeds When Edward was pra-
clalmed from tile balcony of thf Tuikir I>ala<e nf
SL James with the age-old ceremonial of the
fanfare of trumpets ami the crush nf H guns, the
peopl" win remendiering Die )os' wonlri of Kimj
ileorgc:."lIi>Yr is 'my Umpire?"

The first utterance of King Edward, "I tun de-
termined to follow in tba footsteps of my father,"
gave them the answer. "All is well."

SPECIAL RADIO PlcriJUMS hj Bet»i Whthii ??>/' lit fM g nmt mm: sr. h» thm t. Ai r-; a utn tut z«n cn-j ».c:
lit h6Jy o) King Grvrgr frint Kiag'j Croii ittliott III V'tiiminitcr Hall, Tit Olmti of Si. MuarJ. ubut u/fjtrtJ ttmfmnj
n'jri.K i on (if jnitrnty, tut hi ntnittii rtsling on lie King't ijlijjijtir.

KING miTARD W«, wlih hu llhtitri, lit P*t<> «/ Ywt. Gltimtittr m,J Kmi, jrtj L>
ttmttis Huyal. fulloumg lit budf of King Gtotgt to Wtifmintti Hdi fit

J Hsrcu .W, iifitttnJ «j the
lit Ijing m mat.

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3651

Saturday. Fibritar? 1. 1936.

TtlE ttODY of thr ttrlr King Crorgr V tying in utttr in Wrttmintlrr Unit. (Special beam
n-irrlr't piriurrjrnm from Ixmiloa).

THk UARTKR KINli-AT-AR\tS ,.,„??.„: (/,„„, ,h r <,.,! »/

Si. famri' f'nlnrt) the prorlmnniiun af kirni t.dwuni t ltl't arrrtrlun.
— -A iuvrlnt brum trirW*** ptrturrgrttm ftimr Lvntton.

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3652



fiiaurilay. February 1. 7*>.'ffl.


Royal Co rtege Passing Through London

f THIS SPECIAL BEAM WIRELESS pir.titregram from London ro„ T ryt a aMd im, of the rn«i i-i-oaob tthirh linrd the rmur at the body of the late King

borne through London In Wcmmintler Hall.

THE HISTORIC CROWN M St UmWi utiuh um Jammed hj thr
I'lltrulioti of ihr fmicurart Jiting Ihr ttrmnil of iht body of Ihr Ijlt
King f*<tjn Sjniirrnghajrl lb Veilr/tinitrr Hall. The Crown, v:brrb it asrd
fur tht fOiMtalitirt of jll hntilh Mtiturfhr, rrilrj itH thr ;**??tn Jtrrtug ihr
jjd proirtirmi- Thr Mjltrsr O'tjJ rohrih hrctmr JctrthtJ from the Crown
it rlttrlf ihnvn m ihr piiturt A firm of Lenlvn jtwtilrn prompt!}
rtpancj ihr In ihr Crown.

SPECl.il. BF.iH UIREUZSS pirlurrgmm frrtni I,
in ttalf at W vilminuer Hall. Thii pirlurr girrm ??

upon tuck itn

rn thomng thr body
idra of thr wlrmn

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3653

Saturday, February 1.


Radio Picture of New King's Proclamation

THU S< \E\V. Ol'TSIDF ST. JAMES 1 t'AL.VCK the proclnnmimn uns rrnU AniiOHttrinjr rlic ncrrsMun vf RiflR Ktfonrd ^ 111 Itt ihr Tliruuc. Oil Itir balrom «rr mr D ilM-r»

fif Mm- Huvut ! ;miiU onrl hijch ofFicIat* of Stair, nnd brlnw tlie (ium-iN ami ihr I mi.Ji.u popalff

0>f Of 7711, S.WItKSJ KM S ff n erirf jittrtt *rrk* Thi* $prnnl Umm virvfeu pir turret at,,
ffum I oii.lnn thrift a ttrimp nf ihf Koytit mmtrnm on Kmtr'j ( rnt.% fttutfnttrt. r'ram fAr '< w

*/lrv nrr ihr King, thr liurtirtm uf f»f<llirr« fiff. thr F.ttrl t>j HttrrurtHnl, untl tin- (itikt* u\

Tiff, KfV." untl hit hmtkrr, thr tiuke of I orb, i. »//.... .... ffte

roritg* W /fc#-i> father* SprrUti fmiwi .<t. pit-tttrr^ram
I ruin Lttnttttn.

National Library of Australia




Saltirthi*. Whriwrv 7.. /fl.lfi.




\ lm<» hivisihlr l\ar|ihniu-*

til - rr:. ruH

u< i runntn coot op itamjumjorn

Will* tor rr-r THtHitrt.

i fir Mr tun ciut'iiuNL f.ftMi'.*SY

91 KUli MtMppriMj

H.rktt IK. "f4ttCT

I *J MKNT h» in Antra.
IIjh frritrd ol nwr 38
VRAHS* iucuirtUul trulnicnl n|
THOl JS A N n S « i It he urvrni [ atri
of Kplhpik Fill iful hny* perittiiunllv ie>
courts). H-ftbJrHrorn Tlu- UNION Ml'tJ
rn »« P«nh*th > reel. M-tlWrar. C I.


L^i.T ire -T cnniiTn^it i *w\ i Vnni Jiitl_ icmfl ??<

Till I l.jjhrll. ...... .Htlb Ill L I

1*'1!F? Tlmr* uv mnill hlbrfi u( Lunrtrnri
» kft run lUfe IhMi lite dKaUma upJcfk (till
'JWkW «ll<l M not CA.msl UitT-'Liltf 4rj

??W tlimlnr Hn+iht. Nt4»«t


HUlwa. tfulliT Emoift Spina. VMMXamt,
*i»P Ini-r.Uci rv . J*[uwir (.iLnUMrria. Tc??J*i

rrfpur^iwn* an -irsiJDemw ai.wjtb

If* I"7\£AKL> *cll to rrUnilB »r.rl iwtahnwi
BO RRV e»vilt*l n#»<i"d-o* cm
niHim* ywt w tan at nwnifKtiirm' km
I'.-'i" - ii'uninn; iiLiir. ??. i .c. vrtVTr

ui:ng ruiiiLiind phovw> m'txrae— fun
iima j ay. EX £4 £10 WIBKLT,

Oivn Your Own Bu*ineK» —

wHnUnr Uircrrnini] full en -jfl lid? «oud
1... 1- uhitic and iddicm retcivt dl'iAtratel
IhjdJOci ~Lr| full MT im 1 ;i AdlLTjni

Tht JvbB CUlauar 4.'»j,. lil m»i. im.

Hi-rnrr nmutili .»<j r r np-(M Rrl*t*






VtltBl t lnl ill Btirinro tlimirt vardi nftBn
w«it¥7 |r fiui bt* miRim Timiii Ei»yr»nliiH.
OiiltLJLtiBi. Piiili 111 lh» Hnd, Irtit .h-n >, T , l*ct
jf (rwifi. UnnLaadirifu m WnUlaiu Ham *l
llrniiij. Hi) riutban, mi»Ukl urn. Puctiai


Kftt unil an ill H m bw litr 1 Oa uii itis
Mfa niln inn atoiri a itrnlcn nhmh infcT dhikh
nuUJaa «a«tkl by uame Dr r^riibaMaf'i Oar-


"lUm.r fAAIIHt Ann la 1 Tkhfeift I
ton Ur= in WruUA h,ru'Ul Ml
Wfioo ppusvrr had aKrvufii tr*a

.-; t>3 nornui."
rncE. 11/. » XV, IK *vA|cr; 9/«. trlnt

Ail LiiillI 1 up Oi'tuuii n" dmd (ririr


a \l you cut out and forward thin mlvertiaomoiit, properly
' nu«d Id, together with u Onx pr's Docket ahowliig the
pun-tiBAC or a lib. tin of ttccanoiirjf Prcparsu Was U W«

thi-y n-ilt rorwatri you. <Tirrlaj;i- pulil. imywht-rc In N S.W
^nil Absolutely FREE, an AaMtted Box of

,\t^ Snmplm, Bin FatMm Tinx and Buttles
Enough to nol you up In liuueek*j*:piug liiatoriahi for u ronigiil-
rrablp time. •

H 1/71 "TWICE the SHISE in H l/.r the TIMS'

VLrldr'* Nairn- a lid AdiLrrss .

BrhprtriXifn'* Mu»f Uld Artrtrr.«>

LooatlDD «f Chofrh
Pale of Mi' r M[' .


Reflects the Smile of Satisfaction.

Big Part in
New Picture

Flying Again . . . Couscns

I In wiirif "(1) mil** itcrnii. I I
t br . - ??!.*!• 1 1 wild Lvrir OiU
man'fi li [«» ri'itii** rmwr. In
"Splniilhl IrHow+i," liisi fir*J
l»fiir, b'.riv < iflllllin rrralJ'tl tlli"
imrt i>f "The VU\n*i IWtt." \«w
lit* hrrli rnpai-r*! It* \>lu\ 11

|iurt in lhr iimbiliunx \u^trjiLian
liilkif ui'iidur-liiui of "Tli** t- K in;:

I Pur ] nr * .iImUH- -ill i* ( ill.ir'r - r.11 ??

ri-ll, rhr funiiiiis tlti[h -S.ir.
w icti |irv!1> .Ati^rrnNiui

TU1& tliE.H KHc Colnmn lius
thiou liEDwl att the jviiioiiB
hiF^bnnd. LliLiupli whether he Is to

\r. JPHJctin of fhnrirfi FitrrT-Q, or tf-n
RrnrlmttTi. who hn.1 tjcen Etiekf«d to
fcpppltr Li « «Tts* of »;rinAirt af^ utTitcB,

CU.4KLLS HOUSES S. /)of,ui*T **tto
armonrrcrt, u-b& has rtiutmJ M

tUT JUM IK»t J-Pt dUCWTVTftt Lmiimini lo

:-GH, kaim'iTiit Llw dlrnJLy viti$t Lhta
putuilor nuitQ Blor 1<t lllc*. lils «d-

<le I tTTWard to a En*, insure )>er|errm-
fciiwi. IncidrnuiUy, Eric Colnuin wrved
lii Uur flyLiie farce during Uit* wuc.

Charming Hostess

J- JOL.LV WOOD Irtl ouc ot lit mQat

nuliiiisDti rrtumni lo her mUvc Sydney,
MH) ]iiitud up with 2C.B Owuui W her
work tit her Jftctlr Tticntrr*. (n wtiic^i she
misuclALeti with Thf?twa Cirmo, liie
nntlti. not. auirrusn miittli tturins tlie d»)f.
but her aftj-r-.theul-j* oiip C mn wtma w*U
known for tlicl: hwcimtiini rvpujfU mul
.imr.nR hr- Ku <9tn wnm to Up found the

0. Autm>y Sailttio. Mm. t'mdr.e Mafch, I

1. hr Wnrrni; 'WiHuim*, biwJ HoIi'h luiyen. |
Atiothnr wrlJ known Hwct wn the Aum'
traiiun tlnimuiif: or:t.rtw. Judith Andrrr-

vrJK) Lu bTii nctluinied n uric
Ekaaon* Diwc or Broad wmy.

Back to the Microphone

4 FTER Lwdvi? mouths' nbie(icr. Churlfia
* Cwimm Ifucfc 00 Uw» ulr witti I
aoa aiul ihomiifhly ^ with the «

iccepltcn br tirw. xnreivi-d fmtn IW^nera ,
Hiindr^dn or tolDphuur rnlls »nd Icitfn;
wfllcrmifrd hiu rM.pp*»Tmi>c^ it yw«
have pVfJT irowdrwd n hy cmcv a nun i^Ui
I roilln intn blood, hn fimtn It ditfiniV.
I lo S*l it Out /iRain. Chmrlea Ouuwiv* ViH
1 tell jrcni therf h pi mnfflr lur* to mdln
1 work which camioL be ratlAU'd lnr eviT.
??*"!...! ti -:v. ']'• Iff bnck

Chats About Books

I 1 )ROADCA£TINa is n nrw HdTpntUTT

I lor MJ» K^iftyn BcnnMt. duitBhi^r-
of SGB'i mnnAfdn^ dfrfctor, «]thou^n
jJv idmLlA Lhnt ruiUo ti&* b™-n U» clilrf
ifjplr In Llie funHy fur yrurs Shr Lu
Joins Uv mdlo book rrvEnvr. [ram 2G8
cm bflimlf tif ihe 3GI1 rnUUt; Ijbnrr
ftbcli Monday. T*ui«d*y, and Friday at
13 hood

Msrjv iJi-niii-n only roirt-nLh- rrturnrd
from n w«ui lour, tun) ha* ni»ny in
tflrniuing IhtnRi to ut] niy.-.n pLurre &nA
fftmpla aLfioHd. She caafeaM she met
tmly <mR runm&i litrcrj tinnv Tr. iw



Hera is a //roved
icgy of keeping
a fa&hiowtohle

I* roar fleaiT loo "tm\f for
LhiJar fliarnune «i<k;k *i« rvtm-
ItflllA whlrh »tm can* »» >m rnrt-
"u.l'- in thr abup iviviil-" ?? ???? '
il'lij finnltniir to intrraU- siirh"
a <i.jiitni"i».' Uundirdi uf
vOiflcD w tin urif uBf* Uout ai"f
u-nn ulrlf tn tit 1 r irmdrrn,
itvtiiih rrei'ta after taklas a
founr of Krawihrn flail*

Onr liufy, Mrs. D.S. wrilc*;—
~Onlt n few mimih* Jt" I
«. i.-.pril 12 t.|imr ^ UiJ i-ituld nui

Ed P) ill- ' dlK) 111 lit Vlin I 't ?? l;-U

ii *Une It fliN. tUld nan «rmr nfork
stK. Mar* thank- lu Kruirtirn. 1
h^fc rctunnMDilcil ii to all mi


.(jjifvutt Sctiri nn t))t- fur Uiei^rtiuiii.

Hrre'l tbf iTtlpc Lbal buBkhrt fat —
lake one tulf-lratpphil u( Kruiflu 1 !!
SalU In a Clau uf hm «ub*r lul'tr
hrrakfont. Wbtn von takr hrn«-h«n
d*ih>. every partlole nf nmivuniitii
ariuLf ninltrr and harmful jcnli and
[Uin kTc ap^lrd frnlH thr I3*it^m
Th«D follows "thai HnrH-licn Fccl-
W n f r-nerfettn tlralth and arUKlt)
thai is rcnVcltd In brlrhl crw-t. ftai



skin, i-hrerful ttvu'Uy. and cbann

lnr IJr.Ulr

KmiCticU ti tiafird on snrntlflr
|innrijtlrt — it i* an tdcal l>lrnd of
mlrictaJ -,ilL- fattml r<i aua-rlml
moixn tit Ihfte En^rpcnn >pit-t
wlilcti havt brm ami by tfnrra-
tion* or i*Trr-«t-aat people to rrdnrr

KrmichMi Sa)u i* DtiEaJnablc at all
rhMuisU «nd Uar»< al prr bottle


Ladies Who Value Their Skin .41m ;i\
Choose the Best > . .

Parys Beauty FaceCream

From l*arai Comcfi Thia "Krvr-hKinn' 1 f lrram

%lm jiiTirmmr.i-n iii'-j > iq f jir.jYilr fro m» DiraUuniit *n<t

r.ri." . ;, .-.n" nl :

'??* atXtt MrfraJ rran cj unA unrrim'i.i *VClV*d

r <rram rtnlnnuiiQ I In nraj} -rliarrtHwird "luodirrnlJW."
-oinTTtf Aitl \l. Ml^itln NAUu. brute itrpcj iw t/i uiia trr«^pj

"TTir wry jaton ti
vhlun rt ihinifiiviil

a oiriKiij tutraiiri
TMi «*am la «ptc

uid H-snnhtnr rrnftm- an jvnwTirrt nf Iti DLukpd •oaLrnrn prapvtUz* ktmkn _

taarinilat fcrr rnttlaatliiF * UrrtJ> ikin: aim ti 4ali«M.rult/ tir:l'«n?n «uh aHurB-.

ftHjLtP.^: •'.tl".c«-||

fun IteiuW CTrrmm ki urluarrj Ui tP^t P*rf«M plfpinUin l+i InLUttli tlm rtt» tA
Lti hauhnfiDfi Tti Uiit'i ii "ii mi» a dvIlraU wllllesm* *iM imTUhim I* tk» lain »nd
•llmitiaw* Uf tuulinur *f auil twliOT. Il btlya the Umuh U» rvfaJn Uiair

orleiniJ Annliru j.uil nmrm uilaa nt » (rr rp|4«raia

M pirn arm lHw t» ttat nin rtiwa urwKriUv, tnUravd pnrT* uul u m «i»iirui
I'jimAMUrn lor rma* a>nil pow-dtr.

wrtAnJ.K H->a uftt * Kvmmo tow ilmalut uht tut it to ptiovk rrs wohTH
If; VI aal V- 7" ratal, | . ..i„.

Aamrj t^boiitu^iEt Pnrr ?? inulVl,
Ko rUt. QPO.

?? nr.rv

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3655

Saturday, Fahrttary K 1936.



Fashion Reflects

FRANCE'S pwtiaiity for Rus-
sin at the rrnirnnnt is visible
even in bats, accordiug to Mm.
ii V. Sniiu who is ridtlng Aihv
tm.Ha on on* of her ntifueruuR
trips to see htr Bon In Victoria.

Mrs. Siitiif hAa "u. tn.'ttHiire of
a milliner" In Mailainr? Alphoii-
Stufi in the Champa ElyHeee. who,
riorlng the winter, had Rfmio
luvpljr Mutwolhtl hats for theme
of her customer** tlify would
suiL Bui, according to Mrs.
Saint, nobody vror« "Ahyaain-
lan" hatu In Parte, even though
they hav* hotNinie a fashion In
other parte of the world

+ + ♦
t'hitntxthmpir Woman**
GrnvrouM Donation

M. A. WHITE, ot DWTOfl Purit.
thnike-ld ha? Jua dwinLrd through
Live Adniiiitr.lraCor of the PfrflDvlPTUin
Church itf Victoria Tier J. A. Berber)
C-'fHW to ttie Australian Inland Mi .' ion.
Tii" gift b tW l* uci'd mostly (or the

medk-nj w«rk that tilt Uibalnu criguf^a


Mn. While la the widow of Mr
Jumna WU1U<. who nifty hr ffrnfmbml
u tbfr donor of (SfiOO to Lhn PTMbj-
j n Church aume fas wsati ajeo:
and *hr hu givitn pnvulfih various
gums In cliani.A cuuae. oiw of her
hmtpiwu thoujEiita twtnir to fonnd
Hrocklesby JbHi Home u Ulfditlf
(Vic) for Protectant pn'tji.li'woirieii

Hib |>T(jj«rty vu net ima burnt .ntd
11 net tn rnmiRh land to cti1liv.i:<- issr-
d«nr» The howic and laud- valued sL
ovono m« WhUr ew«s with an
nnnnul income of £1000 So thnt rrrtr
ffift wilt not appro* a* d churHaJbJr* In*
At t mi Lion nor h»i*> a pauper ntmo-
sphorr t.?> wbh 1-t that I he small
chami 1 tJt Ifl wartlily be madi- r,i> In-

Sine? Jib eslabtbhment Iwq and ??
hull vraii .iat» ovtir Too «omi>n have
rrorivcd tn meruit at over two w«ki'
holiday at tlib delightful huinr ana
lx-JirQ!pfd much hi in pnrirocni&nt ic
ideui lor :ea| and r^caaieratton .It li>
a rrsl tKHuc for woau-n ol nil agr*
mamed or anj^c. and all are appreci-
ative of Uni White'a goodness

+ + *
Appoint^ to f'"
KindrrKorlrn hy Wire
\ TKi,raFtAM (mlttaji ner to «j.ply
* lor tnc Ji>b ol uunlor oaslnLaut nL
i he- ri r . Kildo .Vlctortni Free KJndnr-
Kiu-.ch wiva nanrerod [M-ompUj by ulu
Martucli- ciwliao. ot Adi'lmdr. nml Uis
next LhiliK ihe Jtiww wn thai |ftn jnb

Miw Ci.iu1i.aj w»* unti! thr «id o!
I wit Khooj >rnr. )d ehargT of oae
Jiialoi i^hual ut niv*T«lUr. irbJi-h tmu
now ciujtfd dawn fihr (rrodwt^d nt
th* FrF" KlnJprffjU-trii tr»Jnloi h-b&«l
in Mtmh AdrtbtWt «hlcij «wir»* In-
cluded Lwtt yoaft drf wori: AIT>WK Uk
LhLLdreA tn very pour dutrlctn. But
on* ot her mam quaiuiniuonji t* lbs*
•hr lwt'nlir vt=jtwl Atnciraa*. irbwrr
•tit wvtit i7v ft ?? nririilii- Ot wtkooj-
nt vkrtouB ??••>-••• and . :; ?? l i - -- 1 - . -
L-'uuciil bacJi u-jiuL'-:)"-- [»•'.* idriu'

T ouriti Trip* 4w*
Htr fkiil* /oh

\ffI63 oLrVJl NORM AN., win! DM

been acttn* (r»vifl timtewi at t-ie
Vfotortnu rf-Tvrmjirtnt TbnnM Bliitcii
diir1r.it Mn L

CiTVKei'* Ui-.rut-

ni Nrw Ernliiad

• ????Ui- 7 ; \oM at hiT

Slit bun plloud
tinin!?rQ-iJ" nnronlole
vtalton in Vk

to t-hrt vAt-

lous ImwuLy iinoto.
mi j J a\v* ffleenlljr
artpd nn r.Urrone
to Ginct PntuE'a,
the csn»disa
M'lux%tri, **n her
HUH RWi *cro»

Quaint Wedding in China

'(XllOt'RNE ran |t>rubabl> lop |h*- fur I In* ItlppfMl
^r.liluim- in AuBlruliai bul r*rn »o mmr of ihrin
I i.i ml- rujunllctl Ibal nf lluirrrfi> Vi a, |hr CMhW

Mr«. M. Coi If***, Hrihij«rif. who nrrnlH paid a vbiil lu
Chian. v/at our of (he iwo ihoUAond luiilrd eur-HlM. Sltr -..i I
thr rrremaxiv arouirtf prrcaj inlrresl. ami I lir < jilhriiral v*aa
lhmnr/ri( with sprrtnlnn in tlif mornini;. Thry simph
HUjiniH <l likr aiiln .-ill ovrr \hv pUrr-. mul iiinnt of ihrm v. -err
i ilk i iifj ihr (Itilhrilra] far rlic firM (Imr.

Mrn. Oilirfw nl-o aavr a niaswd wfildin^ or flanpcrhuwi
wlivfi -iislrpn nHiplr» MttNM mnrrU'tl nI Ihr •rtnir? limr!

ronton, Time*
tn Srr+n Yeara

??if ItS J. 8. HUTCHKON. ol PxU.tia.aa.
* hiui retiiniBd »It«r hrr frsurth VUlt
la Loric|[>n in ihr tnot crrm y-tnrs. Be-
. q doc Lag Li-tJdun atid i-V(.*j->tiuiig
ubnul It. w... 5 1 ?? i! i' ( .'.'i likes to Jiee
hfr ion. John, wlw la on the rUff td!
itii- London Ho*iitLiL

Whilr awBv LrOa innr Mr* Hntcjicon
Tbilpd Irrlund frnr the Turt Unm and
way in Uuultu lu irn j. Uj-j ultu; of the
Ii'tnti flvi-i'ii Crmwdn nf prnptc took
part in piovoBiDnr. ihraugb the itrecta.
??nd itw (jL-uuil ccrFniany wua innnt Lui-
pnq |vq

Talking ol f-^hlnrm. Mrn. llutxheoa
we can lock forward to a "military
winter* - Nearly fwcrytliinii b irlmtnFd
wlUa braio mid rjtinon. ond bult huvv
a military npneuranrn ion



t'iMiiina t t >trt; „./„„,!
iftrt i.onn Stay Abroad

Brbbane. aftirr miuy yeara abroud.

and «f ahull tiHW ttie uijricmunity erf
lifuirtittf tier bmiu-
-l J m mi [rraiii) yolce
oyer thii air.

0hl wad edy.
rMtfttJ at the
CJum-l] ol Eng-
land Orntnniiu
SchDoE. Mitlhoumrt.
and 1 J L Auitraiia
tn 1930 for Lau-

cOmpLflrd hor
tfihodllinr. LAtttf
??hf wml. to L On-
il und auoiidfd
the Royal OnUR««
of Muaic for thn
piitno. Ttiim ohe

tooit a cmirBE> Ot Btnfpn* ucidnr Mlw
Anne WUHninJi. late or MeJLouraf>.

Min M0II7 Rrrne

-tfVtBtt Trrntn

Mlaa Bymr h;

live vttb Mra
dfiJitr^o moiiTha

d Till:

fi>rcunp tn

Clon. fit 1930, M
bum it- ;) fii
: ,.i (her
She ha*; nlno to

i Moving;

in OfKira.

Ttathintt Uuif-Catlt**
/?? ilrr Fnrrinnfing Job

pOUCATIWO nil titui-oiuru? children
*-* ill Tha nuo«alnw la* thn InnLliu-
tion n tiivaiiahlf nalfed* tw^fnlJo frfira
Alter BpriTlHK, la
ihrfuni-mntlTJif Jot:
whlrb Ml/a M B
flObb. of CCli'IL"lii
8 A . nmlrrEc-^lL a
ymr ntfo ftliff In
ut pti^icnt holi-
daying In A d e-
laMtj. hut a-Ul w-
turo to the north
to renumr dunrj
at the beKlticlnif

In hm* aehool
'to wlnr.h she u
drnrfm dally, rrom
thr tiWE In a Guucmmcfit eur>
iomc ol the rhftdrrn are nrnctlcally
wild when Qun «ff hirt bniuabt in
j torn thr ouUylna eump*. but it tntea
only a day or in bpfore thry bpcomr
uned to their ntiw according to
vtlv (tobb. Kinhfcj, monliu nn> al-
low<:d Mirrn to do whit a yr.iv would
br nitovsd whl\r chCdrnn. Both boy.»
and n'rEa arc vrry fond trf upon rii:d
am unod at crirkn, atltletlc?. Cdnnln
and UVlr own weird iputie of hbqkry
nlftyvd whJi mulco rtitk.* and a ball —
und it la a ijrrrihlT faat same. too.

* * ♦
Taking Orrr Y.W.C..A.
Swreiarrnhip in Aurktnntl

V W.CA,, MelDOiirne, tuu ponr in
Nr-w Krolanrt whrrr T.hc Aackland " T"
win hafrt Uif benefit of her fine
oreiLnlAUig nhllity She b to he Merc-
ian" of f.rw OriforilasTtaii there.

Mian Brnii"tt tiitroduei'd mport* Utlo
the Y W crj_ In Syrtnty. oiid liiia
partment. to-day hal a EnembnrahJp ol
300. HfT ib«?r, Mr* Pentflald. In nnw tn
rlmrpri cr thin branch of naaoctat.tnn

ML'., tv-roii-tr. roeiit it fc\u day< In
Eydne?. *n route to Ni*w Zf-alnriil and
wee ei-t-Ji an lniormaJ purty by ttie
sirorU coum lJ i,he nbjin in lntr the Wt


M*-tnuf in •• ttuilttinjia for
ftortit Week Ifocoration*
]k(K£ ANLUaUfrN POTTER b a
^ aourrc of Inforamtioti on a»rtl]ln«
eonnnf In] with tV>raJ dreoraufln.
and b one of the ohM acrrberfi on
the South Auaualian Oritmarj Floral
Cominrtrre. From Paaadtna. In
Amortca aCra Potter luui obtained dp*
alcnav and tnlormatkm for decorated
floatx. and ntcturea of elaborate o>-
eoratloai! actually an'aom.-d tu floral
|i.fr..i.. tbrre.

The (suburban flora] crtni^IttKrn are
iutlni tbeae aa A ba&b e-n whi-\ to
wnrfc and. combining orlBtnud tdeaa
with tin Poller^ advlw. have de-
dded on declgiui wblrn ere to be kept
a etone aecret-

Tofirether with adrtco no thosi? rfwril
floau Mft lifttvx U dnlna nome of
tht- TrinoMirbiiT i:p ol thfTBrent bualrb-ju*
hoypsa for planting whidrw-bcfflei with
floven and trteentrry. and now had
erfTythtniT in wuralnji. or. perhoi"
ni'«T corrcetly. drowlnfi order,

Th*» ffennnil color (Ktir.uw nt etn-ti
bulJdJiLR and I La arohitrcuirfiJ almr-
ture haTv- :o Iw taken into ctsnsiiMiu-

tion, 0i— tart pott*?I baa -rrariREd
that !.'!???? it- ?? - .. will atilt and add to
cht? bfttLuty ot boib--an en'-'Tprliftng
i. n k when one oomlden the rarted
rieslitjiJ In onl" one bltvjl: of nulldlns^l
♦ ♦ ♦

TravtJtin$ With

Virnnet,* i.hoir

*.fRS M Alt HI. Uw Chormm.i Wlfr of
4,1 Captain Frrd ilorui. ot Melnoiirne,
himself a Viftire^^, bau thf 1 intcrrst
of Lhe Vlfmncuei
toys' Choir vrry
much at heart,
and b In her e!»-
mcnt preGcnt.
lor nbe Jourwjrd
to south Amsiricj
tfi mr?et the lypya
qjiJ b"]p Ui'-'in
along: on tb:ir

tour nf that conn
try. The choir i*
pivms conwr-a In
all the leading
elli*a of the Af-
S*ntini- and South

America, lajctnt. In Bnflnta Aim and
aio dr JaneLrn, wlwn- Un atand pinna
tn bwiet fiirndi and remain with them
for a whik* before Icavine for South
Africa with the choir Mnrt of the im-
portant ciuea in that conntrv vr-ll hear
the b HrtTW voJi"« of the** V'mtirwe

Ttib choir Ui not thi on* that Mei-
nounir tuiuilr twi'ja heard laat year,
hut lb «)nb]|>- rfirjvlncliis

Condltiom prrmtlUnt. Hn Marnl
will pronnhly ro to Huroiur beforo io-
Lumliiff to A lAtralla aL Uia end of
AifffiviL bii. It b mof* than iKObaulr
that ahe wjU &, uinond in Marcb ol
1917. when her schxiifirl dauali:rr
ncAemary. wth anrrrrmpaiiy her.

Mm Inn Maru

-*rvoiti»rD t*uw

>Iiaa oir.r >orniAii

— aru&tr*iLrn pnrr">

fih»i tw travt)U»<
tllla C««unpni *xir\
and b f: '' ; ?? i " ?? r i >" v ]

,.:li:!r- Of ????'??'??>


,-ery purt of
ml AustTTilia.
??ml M Mi tut
uiiday toitfi.

She ha* taken bfelboTrror? nchnol chUd-
rea to all tnnniirr of ptaora. and otfi-T
r^rth- fnim Queensland ami ArfdlaJd*
hatr iwpd Mount Buffalo uiufrr h«

Mi.m KdmtiA »a« iporta mbtnoft At
FuiUiuu before ahe Joined thr ataff of

thv Vbf^rtAij OOwnfllftftm rouriat

H- . aUWT Intrreat In ajsalVUT
tnratrtraUi tthr pUy^d with ll"" Mel-
biturnn R*^Krtor>" Tnenln* for anrno
Mow *he produres play* lor
Arjiateiuj drrunatkr aociaUaa, and oftrn
pb.f> Ln ehem bj well


\OU !)flk l t nFLlWE" Ali. THE

Itolultiy School
With 30(1 Scholar*
WOH mont.h.1 brlon too liintf ia:hool
voeatton orrivra ohlMreti looii for-
ward in It with crrnl pfLgvn»-w. But
tn mnny onaen. alter Lhn fin* few weak*
an? passed, trie aurn^ clnldi*en are at
thn f nd of their rwurc^n. and paiTBta
find difTirnltv Jn kc^nluc Ihem amuaed
Mb. iL a. jv fali-Jng Uib
ori^rjlupl eight yearn iibo two hnHdny
at booi* »t Glifum IliiJ. Mrlhoome, for
thr tlnal :wn weeki of the Chrutmai
T&cailr/n. Thoai Havn prnrnrf ao popular
Lliut ibbi year SOU ecbolun bin

Mir Bean hoi provided mental and
phyalcai rabxation In the nroii'raniirip
the Tonni enj'., and no attcrfint b made
to follow Sbd ordinary tehool curricu-
lum- One «£huo| la for children from
three to elR>it ynin of flRp, and the
other for arJiobm up to about 1"
There air three paid Iwnbra on the
•rnfj and 3D voiimftiry htlpera

Thr aehool b made poulnlr by wetb
org|kriii»d ??vtuiMp and Qftntn-a: toi
ate montlu before iw opmins. nod
ooqt^ £40 each ymr to rnitlutaln Mrs
Bean take* a rjaas of boya and oemdi^
thin, aeb hofdt the ortlee of vlce-iim»l-
dent of Uil- Nottboote creche and

+ * *
AtclnimrA Am
Aiittrnlinw |faf Went**
JYTUOVT any tlioug}it at itnpnlng
suddenly Into u» iLnehBht. Ml»
Theuna Snutli. of Mlttim ??. gJ^., went,
to n fat-fv dr^sa daiirt* iia the tcrcen
??Iat at the Raffles JTotrl (b aontatioie,.
*i]orc she wiu hnUdAyltiy: mm fir* I
price for the most original fancy oo#-
tuiriB. and lrnmedbL-Sy found hcnalf
"uiLnupuplied 1 and tiboaoaTaphod iar
ol. the Lunerr a* "Arwtrulia'a Mac

f/he Bating Ntfllit fancy dnrai hall
ai Uii) RalTlri b aJwoy? one or Slnea-
nnrrf WUVHIt afirkil uHUin'inKi of Ihr

yiijr fliK »n to see the upLrmdtd
Kinlit mLm oHolth dednod to itttna.

Bhu )eft aami- montha wro f« a hoe-
cloy in tadp-Chtn*. the Malay Btates.
on a tea plmiutiun mrtth frlexub. aim
other part* of thn Pa*t, and axpeeta

I ! j Auttrulia Mulle soon The

oddett lldca shout her doaump, atw
trdornih Adetmdr friend*. «u thai
iltrjo<jRli Ihr Raffles mu flrnram«t
with about iTKtQ people, mtott ol tln-in
in 8"r*;r*Hui tuimv cokUtnna. me htat
*raad» ordin*rr clotheii o\er" for thr

+ ♦ ♦

yuirjhit SrrnVr With
Saitatiun Army

\ytra a nmablr retwd of W jearw
tprvtee, Mri CoJou-.'t Hoa-nrd ha*
rflunjiiblH-tl Mir •* .fc it -i • ^ntintlon
Army. Iti vi»e In-
itial StMBCT Of hPI

csrsrrr (n Vlclnria
ihr: vat mainly
rtuicerned with
ihc immigruVini

tn rfxrnt ytar-
her mala vrurk
has been wmi ;br
Home league, ano
as aecrrlarj Mrs
Howard has boair
tndciatl^rable hi
l^r efforta to fur-
ther tbb branch
or the ArmyH ortlettled.

Mrs Hoaird la ft firm bellnTcf in the
trtireudaur rood that can be achieved
by the nulled oflnru of wnmen, inter-
narionuliy and in tin heme circles.
Thf ]»BRnr, which wa* orittr-ated tn
lionaon by htrD OotranbiKrncT Ray
flrr yean) ago. no» bo* a total mern-
brihlp of l.OfrO.OWl all nf whom Mrtvff
to hrlp Uieir rf[Bljbor?> tn tvndj t!mca
und pror* by their pruttli - *! ciu'b

ttanlty lhn leatihunn of LheiJ leadc?

Gi'niual Evuiikrtinc Uooth.

Ur*. Howard.

National Library of Australia




Saturday. February 7, 1936.




A 2/- IN THE £ REDUCTION— not on just a few items— but on practically every article in the Store.
THE USUAL DRASTIC SALE TIME REDUCTIONS have been made on many goods in all
Departments— and the additional 2/- in the £ reduction from these bargain prices offer keen shoppers
an array of most sensational savings!

We have held many successful Sales over the past 50 years, but we confidently anticipate that the Sale
commencing Thursday will easily eclipse all previous successes!


aptly summarises this Summer Sale of Grace Bros.!

REMEMBER— 2/- in the £ will be deducted on your bill from the prices of every article purchased—


National Library of Australia



I '.iv 31

Georges Last

llv table from Jl HV BAI1J-A. our
l.uudnn Film Ittprt-^iiiliiltsr.

77i* /ml iiiniumi on irhieh King
Ceorge attended a picture theatre
teas ru »m> "Mutiny itn f /if Bounty."

Mil life Map-tit expressed hit
lAvaiure in the film, shotting the
interest trith irhieh hi- foltaired any-
thing pertaining In the sea by
criticising one nr firo minor points,
snrh as uniform* slightly nut nf
peritni. lie also remarked tiutl at a
court-martial an admiral doe* not
ireor his hat.

Hollywood News
As It Happens

By Cable from JOHS R. DAMES
Our - p.. i -i.i I Representative

who has left to make a
film in Australia, should
reach you nearly as soon
lUJiMiM as this cable.

It is understood here that he is ro
receive thirty thousand dollars for
playing the role he is to take— at par.
ihout jKiOfJO of your money.

?? • Leatrioe Joy, «o.nJ wife of the Lot John
(iilhcrt. will contest the actur'j will on the
grounds that insufficient provision has been
made fnr their twelvc-year-okl daughter,

Ilespitr rumors thai Paramount is tired of
iwtyin 2 yttw Writ a huite salary and tiiffrrin*
hrr extreme tenijiefnateh/at outbursts, the
rompan-t xrslcrduy reneteed her rttnlrorl.
siring hrr q free hand trtrh ttories. direction,
and ratling.

O e o

r'AIRBANKS. Senior, Is ci»ee
more Lack In HiMlywood. brimmins over
A|[h heatth »nil vitality, lie is planning to
product' * screen vcraiun at Mai.-.. Polo,
Rous anil Mnry Plrfcfnrd arn Ihfj closest
r.HHilr. again, and are clificussihE; (be »e|ee-
n,n Of » suitable letor fnr rhe colorful
itam. I'uIij roll- [loth dear nil porathllliy
it a reconciliation, and ftudtJy ItiiperH keep^i
n ilie M[Ki(llfiln by declaring that after ho
narriev Mai)' they won't live at IVkfalr,
'In? home In which Mary and DoiiKtas spent
no many huppy tniitngnrs.

'"A' .*

Unvid trrrdmuit. protcstitmtd pihe-urriter.
??• snina l.ddie t iinU'i for ln-e hundred unit
Tifiy thousand dollars. Ilippf'fiwj thnt lie wrate
the Join 1 *, ertpt. and dialauart irhieh ntttdr
the ariitr fnmiitis. Ctrntor ,i.'i .!< r. . th ??'
ttr usrd mruiv r rrrdnute ittttcs. too claiats
lhe\ irerr all paid lur I ,, . .(,„.,„ hut t.
tihrnrt M nvvrls u ?? n'll'.ie ??•nam

• •Pauline Frederick, famous stai oi
the alcnt screen, and celelmted stage
actress, is cxiticnlly ill Three of
Frederick"* five marriage- ended in
divorce. The limrth was annulled Hct
fifth hiulwiid died recently.

gYi.VIA SIDNEY anil her liutlHind
Hciincit Out, nv» fork puhlhdirr.
will shortly h«. rttvori'-d

_.\ SON hat- lii-m (Him rn r*n:rt \»'aire
iilifl hlii wlfi- q V«.«- inrt wflhita

Snno' limr aitv Kdirurd Arntiid im/-

/t«/ it »ererr Ai-rl im< i Aflrr a

-'-'< '1ml a\ treatment it rhanl up
and Mr. Arnold beared n tilth «/ rrlirf.
Then ramr "Sutler', t.atd." in ulioh
he hut to u-rnr janry. Ineh hrelrd toots.
In riv trine the hs-ri started its old tricks,
and nine /intdurtiun it hrld m;j till
f.dirnrd it imlrlml op tmd tBItllUHI
ftearet mil a am t>( celling nlmntphecr
lor thr Blm ullhuul the Irdh hoots.

W'HHN Will tiouerr in nllve he
alwayn irtfinnl thai it his daushiai
Mj.rv ilnsircil In inuinniii' In-r ilramailr
MTWl anil |K'ihi!|iii H»v< the sumo foi
(lluis Wjjr&M Slivrtion hli'iuld eiii'l.
flint udvlsi' hut Mnrv trro- lipvi. very

auccttUiriil on the Now York aliRS. anrl
Sheehan, thOQKh m limner In chnr K e
of Vox stinilub. has offi'red ii> li»|p her
In carviiig a screen career,

Tin; etna nf Uipe Vtiln i n Chi

r'l'^ni'h eincnia waf very brief sho
Wfin nil the wny to f'nrie'io trmke a
Wctur*. nr.si thing Bhe did DP arrlv-
Ing al ihi- fiirtalan ritiomn CuiupaM
ftiifc lo ilemanil a Riiuriiutee of ElO.flOrt.

When they fulled tn pnxlllre (he |ru:ir-

anEi'c she rnni«l itir-m itmvn wiihont
further mi..

l.tilie ran wream louder and limuer
tfckB any oilier tenijvrn menial movie
«.tar Apparently the Krenrhineii we T e
nnl rilnlitciied •

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3658


^ gaC ^O" — Tn u ^ f '- e " - ^H' 1 "'" ~f7 i ^fi'. i^ipyii !^lq?^ ] I " I "lUIl]^! - l.'?'?'.


Charles Farrell Fought


Intimate Story of Newly
Arrived Star!

"HARLES FARRELL is in Sydney . . ;i real six
foot'two screen star t& right hero among us, hrni^-
with him the glamor that is Hollywood and
recalling those days when thi* looae'Iimbed young Adonis
first sprang into world favor as beloved Chico with Janet
Gaynor in "Seventh Heaven/ 1

W herein /iV* d %t*try-.* « ttory titttt* knatai to film /on*
otttuilf itottyirtw(L and onv uhich nearly nrvcFwd tho rttreer
tij thU t'itrnrtt and thoroughly sinrtTf younti actor* But. . .

TT wafc In Jiim after a id „

J. uu-Min r<*v.ilui tniil*cif tin

•jiiltrc un.«rtn.iiihi*iiL world anil
liiuiitd pnch d rustic chuiiRes in
motion [iletnre production]

Ohnrtfi* F»m?ll wo* Ju*t a prod-loo*
INfc V I H I'.jluw With r.oihiiji: tllit l>'U

of *xp»rtnrwr ami a crrrauiiu t*orn nr
fc;; l*.-.-xi:.v ..f :n,in : . v. Jfe ..' i!f- .

who ixiiu finally vrav [in led to nut
Mrrrn of motf wHlHm>por1,.r*TH«d young -
itf-p- wjih wund'-iltttt . . . Hollywoodi

Am br it«d loaning an * pbnt nybddr
tile Fqx KudKtt in fiururt BottUtnttd
his incky break tamp AtTrnetr-d by hfs
j r i .ijnr, tin oflkiaJ uf Uic iUidto i*kcci
him if hr wixild nut- to pate tor "nun"
pbiKnirrflphn ror imbitcicy irurptJBrs.

Tluj younu £cli<Mr acevp'.rd with
iinrti?rfituridi.blr alur-rity cinri ih.it wis
thr i^:rmini:tn;nui>iriL oj * curecr whkh
%a* intl him miotic th« high mod of nlnri
yne und ijuu filially cultRtimlr-d In hii

i.-i' :o our JlHttCS

Too Much Publicity

NU nuw to tell yuu ih* Mary which
nearly/, -o newly, had a truffle enii-

CtiflfUr mrt, frll tn ^^nT with, and
marnr«3 V InrtuJa VbW. HIb Krerh
sweetheart ww, uf eourw, Janet tlay-
tior . n fuel whii'h, of wseeWty
w« Lifittrdfld no eud of publloltjr, lor
ihr* dun mmwt trftmrndmit nrt profit--
to ibp Fox R lullo*

It rt i. UiF anjirnrH nr pnbDrltr Hut
Ihrjr wfir Acr«nlr>tl UmMffiini Ihnf
ln»X und 'nnr,«(ul ran (offrihnr Lbal
ti*.trJ> n i-ffh- ii « iturrlarr ihui naw,
and tt'tTIX i^— a pariu nL»r|j hnppj <wr


i; «n» m iku iinta cti«-iff. ami w»vt-
Inf about th<! Pox Int luM!L'iiril and m-<-
vpus Mcrmatly. hp 'wu/fcltUu on tnp
cf the world y« joree of ttmumtnoci!
hm] p?tUTipt«l mrli mental unrnt
wlthm him so to teotmrdiBr. tile «nur«
•cltnu iutlUT

Ht wna— and jitllj t»_Tery fon^
Jn»rf OftyOOrl Hut he rtw not lore
Uer-lir loveit Vllpula Valll mr wile
Yet the fnrnl at sruhllc ojihilim wia h:-
eret Jllrthlnti ttlp Jfremt-Ioirr, Kljeihnr
They ate lunrh tctteUier tOmni, OtiHy.
mid new imrti uLher eunsuutUy.

Ko-tyMr ma itudlo exeruUva,
ttw^r drw.'r*. the imltreMiia til the
cafe, cwvinlrrd t» leave Lllfim aJfmr
UifetTier unlil wtuit had tturLrd of h
jplfJltlK) (rif.Jirl.JUn aim a diwplji
jr-TOPulhrUe outwmin !e<lwc rur wortinj
low the hnd brerTOP a unM.hfrtim
ni«ftUa*n tram which uclUKr KeinMl
able to exane

lite rjaiiuotl. inch hi II oraK Hud hr.
•ran* m ante nfiet rhtht tilcltun

//.'(• Amlrdtm "T/)e Flyinf Doctor."


tse«!tl«f thlit Chlirlle ni jrnrcriy »hle
bo Ulk, he wan eo nervmm mid
depmaacd. He wan thin. *r*d there Trerr
deep tln« In htn face— linen which dih-
mJiniU'd all thr -Jtill at tlw hKi mate-
up man to hide Irom the ramera'i htr-
aeeJtag rjr

Hat fltlirfieti.'- tltilU!jh[ ulurtlo mxtl-
Ima. And lawiy nr tin: imtillc thuniclii

K), UJO.

Screen Divorce

1 M) thru ii,, dlinrc*? mmr' So. n <it
a Hi >< iHtvrrr. I.im « -i.iJ u|, [>.?-.
*????'-;. t m I«i> fainain trrrrB iwrLurn
uliifli promplid Ihr tritrr.il nuii-r* m I

Xhtnge vf Hetrt,"

"1-artHI U iJiroujEb-lhlu will llninh hkm
tn pJrtarpa." And ih.- innn atwtit wJioi»
all liia* i Mijjr. [Hi-r- rur*>U LlLsappcHrr-d . .
vunliht'd ."nUlTh/ Jrom tlir film frftUmj''
Then camii the nrw» tl.ul Chart fo who
to p]a> lu Afioie Aptilfiby— XUk«r At I
Min" fnr UCJO, BMW &r? linlnhr.1 '
I hi' p^fttlrt ciltd It wru> rid Rdnd LtmL I
brlOfr it wlv. flniatiKd, Wanrf-r Itrttc
hAd sltftn-d him for ttir irnd in "afurlt*- :

And Uial U Lhr; actor Llmtt w u.-t> jl
AustraUa a num whn will do Justice
to "Tho Flytni Doctar." and who will
iit> moTP, lot* more, tnwiirdu mAlciiig 11
"uiunCiiuiE fnr more prepMiKCAMLitG Uui\\
"Jiist uiothrer Auf-Lr.iilnn pJetutr."

ChnrLPB Pkrrpll, brforr lie broke
nwiix was btfconibif] u port uf Jaunt
;. .M--.-- <> 1 1 . . ]]ktr her i ??

puff «f Mi-t mlTTW, ii]Ld. beliur a mall,
ha Uhln'l. llk« It. although hr liked h.r
His [all' L'. In her Dleiuren wort? svlthifi
&nulkr anil htr^ Uuner, mini tmlint n
rtiw ottOT hu pride Vfis hurt *nd hin
laVUua thwjuttd, alihoujiti he i«iu-
inr]7 tind jn-riordiiii ly ndaiir^d t.er



f TV. to tvpod aa a Ntcchurlnc Biindy-
Eowiy, whMttm hp u « very «r>od

r-hiL'urKT )iLLi>*('r. This r up i n-:\fin<
trritniton. a cvai*. of fninu a LLtn i which
iimdf tum «r«!U'hEit «ivt!ti thoiiuli hu
temjw hnw pttpubr wrrn thme imrtroynli
ijf Tliiuo *-ith fnijA Tic etn»;w h* hud
» irtdiiT puhlir romrwhoro nnd wARii't
bi'ltis niiowrrt to riutfh li

And If it'" ilMiih t.'hjirlk 1 wiiti'l faiichl
In a tlfhrn tjinrl* of l> |«f d tvuixrva. U,
miclil hr f i ?? !in : In Irarn th.nl wlirn
!??*> Limit' sun Irom i.j.n.n no IffMrw I
than kJk of lhr n.T*-rn'« hr^l-knuwu
jurrntPr* fljll- ndmit In nK-n Inio liU

•Iws fnr fear n( HetIiix ihr vtmr lait
' " Ihrni.

ainiw ihr brook, Churl Ju h«j> ween Ira
uuii! Ivah uf Jimrt. Though ht 1 Atill 1a
ray fond of hnr. In an almatt brotbnrly
fkiahlon. he itot ai> nick nnii tired nr Ibwi
fMl rumon. Bbeitt th«n hath that tt
jwu ntmiHiE u*kw(Lrd aPfimt nnyttalntt f t

I-'og of Sentiment

Farrell Facts

GgOKy fit OwM if>i>. W«i«r-

//«ir &rmm, ftm blur.
U ' oiffhi in ihr ruiniiy it/ 13

Educated at (Tn/pn/p ffi^h
Srluud and floxlun l!nitvrtUf f
a prvt i ni initry to rn rrt- r rrw-

finally, aelinfu.

Sport* : Swim tn in jr. ivnu r ».
yu//, nn/i*. fifidrr «//. uniting
thrn* a beautiful ytu/it.

l,a»t imrriran pifture»^
"Sftnhrdinen" trail "/Vinnpf of
lirnrt." W'rni to i <tj::it,{ t*t
make u film, and .n-n — *ir«.

"Ulvitrti-d' , and Iht pnhltt aiinpjy

Tht'a liflt, Iwt by no niftua Usui, wai
Uih prntatmi. aJhKUt uncanny, a*oc|-
??Uofl Oi HL'htlkiL-ni brliicnii tim fajuflua

t ??: i: : W*» mf)ilt

fArrel], thrji^h tier

HuK-vard for Vl
huubnnd r
Virginia pnd
in fumrwin an
UlCiiQI But nt

Lip fatfafjnrtft] .

.??'if: tl) ,i'..i:ur.

M fir-4 hu.ibi

umtV??r i; .???? lall;

had li lot
the honi ot
could stmid


: opinion
tx«»t«d kUft

Ctood nctnt t-^ruuijy Bui it naji *
dlAmM hurfxl) who waa ni work; nn

lli? HK.CI. \uL Ho ,, UiLCkW Ml.

I hr it li
in per
: Jady. li
, would

! uujue r

uiir: n whtl* H bcaiunA ?? irat' dangrr
I inn I had to br- wiuiitcd out brlorr r.
wrrektHl a morKagr thnt wm completely
hannnTJUrui Ttuy wotv Llvloa; tfl n
utir.ky In* oi talsr *cnttmmt Jo net
I uiidrimood nr n'alnly na did Charih
! i i mnw i.mj.j.i .*mii :i v little

I 3ui tiovt Pwn'iJ is iMpjiy. tint «o|
ilHH «nrt oi wt?rk. th* umh uhoad la

nirrir and h'pr. .,nd tt's «(x>d Lt, tv fcUvt.

A mon <mn*t h*lp rnakinit n suoreai of
I -iiy thine In ,,[.)! ir n (ilrlnrv n •??!) a

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3659



Many Stars Lay Claim
to Coveted Honor

| HO is Glamor Queen of Hollywood?
Who, in that tinselled city of make-believe,
romance, and hard work, wears the mantle of the fore-
most siren of the modern screen?

inurrtii tho*$ rt&ttULttingi gpr$eou*ly-gpKned star* acAo
pained their popularity through pnn artfth t^ perianal for* us

aa tmilttuhud histrionic ahitily. uhti reflect* the ftUNtf
lustre tuifiinut thr neftrty-biit'Ufit-tfuite \utrU^rttutn\ nf lt*>r
•filer artixlx'f

TRULY. (lifffriLlt fiminTlon* To
answer. With stu'li sTar-
nani»*3 ns Annn Sift). Marten e
Pietricll. N'nrmn Shearer, .twin
< ! i s wfo nl. Ka thu rliio ffoplmrti,
«;rern, Carlid. ami soiur t\\ t he-
tesasr portrnyerp of tfftnptrag or
tempted Jaillt* to ronjurv with,
the cbOlCe Ei illlTkiiU for a mere

Tnn« that ffrwLt K«rt hox-offirr. nf'S'fT-
fiUlttMr bJiianeter ur ihr. ahow buxlnpas,
unoii winch movie Tnoyula ar* ahie «w-
ciintrlr to Bucrrlatu m Star's drawing
power, coo flvr u* "imp Indlsailon.

Biit not, lit rvrry cnK. a correct

Too kwuw, u wt\l u 1 0??. W* 1 * ****
ran br glnJiiaroufi In on* particular plc-
lar,. B ru! nvw-to-bf forslvtTi in l*^r
iint- flftwe-n time* tho'l bb ni.trfitr-
Uwly iarattrfous as lux prr-*-atfcnt
would ttm you Ijellevr.

Anyhow. mt*i analyw tlw P*» «**
roaifl or ihln gliunuf bualn" am. 'i™
nf all. arbat is It?

1* gtntnur «*j auro thai 111x011 1KlJV '
i'wtinw.': iiidiviilujil with thai pcrwtmni
mnpiruffm thai haa ^ ™~"*3

prrwofjailry? or in n a hidrlm fnuti •«

ihroutfh a-mlM.* icflmn. urhteh
:cvclr Dlntrlrl-. f .u— n> p! 1

P^r-hblof hi* t*ll it" thai "Jran tTon'l
huvr |o be Kim rlamon*o* to pitw**

t-immOt. VDU tluu't Fl.ivr t« Iw Uni-Hi •

Vflu U«n"I flivr hi b* *wUlb)F— iff even
hrntttifal Ml yno nrrrf hi llUaUljfCWt."

b. surety. T^wd 1
a* yet. Itftfs w* liow
bLi" wi by trac-
ifle bark ttw: numr of CtMwfwd. Gurtw,
Htil'arcr Bt at—JUiiI ul Lhe muir Ltjr.c.

maybe, dbcoturini; for ounelvrs JuEi
upfin whfHn ohnolti tht matitlr &f Holly-
wottft Olatnur Qiwrn falir

Joan "Homely"

T kts iaUe ttbout Jocin. wllh a hort <4
faroi to 'vat* rur Jmr hj tiio lotcli«i,
mre!t glamnroiu nr tJ>rm all pwh»pi
tbcy"fF rlehL! BuL ih*? fnct rnrnaina thai
t. r-.:i- to yutilJ

*. r //; «iM
rttilt/U irt m Iff

minute atm out of Klein of

A pjctty jilrture for uiw «f Ulc arL'
nn the Mfli.ro Onldwyn utayw
lot, isn't re! BuL true. iwvpr(JieIt!i*r
And tlut H cuw up tfl Uxr ps.yuhntft-


fjinif 1
(uum ten
you i»m ua
Par from

Mr Rhamwi-9 of Uu'
h» »an 60 hcrsU' I

akr mr uut," Mm Uftl «l*(Pinrnu» i'rau-
ord. "I rhralrd In i nil *V r (miink
nnmrnli tr; mhlfh irrtuif ifl0lru-r% U>
Mrll «(nrr "


chc Btnrtj

Or«a fit
Lluil a ! ini

Siocirtiofai flcTianmeau worn [

Grrta nu thaualit thi- could ho.

u«il Kaic aiM) iTif in'tam'ublf drJ^nc
i-ii.T 01 amb-ltknrj haw wrf«uqht Dm lr>-
rvJliililr. Tenia*. 1» tiarlm ilILl rn-
<kii«rtP9 ii.i khr^iad hen»**l( In tli-r myv
t^ry Hut mnaiu wi murh to '!ar wiio
has ?? Hchtrul cUlm to bHiix c\v---[ii(li
fur plantar.

Garbo's Glasses

[ Mhm. ii nut all. of Lbt

Vl\ti pranniuuvd • ??<
at. an t ..r, 1 . all, uj


; Li .1 i-iLtr tr.
crrr thr Will
nl to thr ^ Ot
rue t or a se

i IV: f. ,H- ..Iril n'.iu- 1 I

In fact 111 Urn ad»m
::; 1 pkture Cor Stta ??
— tiw aafc pmclaimed
1 ?? ,1.1-r.i

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3660

Herbert Mundin to
Visit Australia!

Ex - " Desert Song" Comedian
to Renew Old Friendships


Our >i»i-.i.u MuilviuMHi

/^H NOT HER Huilyu-nod
LvU-bnty tn visit Aii'tnt-
Im m I V M> w H Orhc r t
Munchn. who. aftei three years
tn the cnlcny. has won for btlti
.self a reputation as I cumcJian
llut issurc?- him of a bitty and
I . hi} pn isperfiit- future

f tdihr if rim TtrrttM'Srrr* nnii
t ha He-* hnrrrll. Utiwrtin in tint
fmrinp Ann' rati fo (ukr purt in
on* \n*t ration pradurtiun: iif
leant* that it nor hi* idrn at the

mrtritrtit. It xritl /.p a purely holi-
day • tm). m attmc hit Auxtralttm
wife to hrt'tilhf hex native nir
twee n%ain. and. for himmrlf. to
renew old anil ruined friendship*.

HEKHKTIT jusi lovet? to talk
of lira last visit to Australia,
when he .upeiir a year find a half
inuring thp Cnmm<iiivi'onUb with
"The Desert Song" company.
He tellf* of arriving full to the
teetii of Hm oanvpnttone of the
HrftUh KtaRi 1 , tin which be wasn't
t*v*[i ullowecl to foucti own
wife in a play, and nt beiiifc sent
to see a comedy [ilnyeil AuEtm-
Uan fimlUori. la Hint lie ini^ht
BM-crtBin wb.ni local mulicncco

Hf WMtt. GUI Bllil'TI TOP the
fjini'dinii He; DiuLlr u ervnl idh-jji in
Mil mills- who Mill i-OlinulPRi him
??AiuLrnUn'r Bn*ut cmnixly

EtrfceTl i&fl III). <*li* W11J Lmvp tute|
rcrd b* tl# fofmi*i nnlidvs tilu biit
pari tn the Roimlrt CoLmun Aim. "Utnltr,
Tiro Flag*." wort nm which csQat-
mciiL'fi tills month

Out chxnurtttrliltr wnicli endear:
HerberV fcltniiun If) n liirgr Hfrtiim t if
AiwLmllat» ii bla mtent In hD&am—
r-icrhorse* Not no much fmni a finem-
e!ai point of nrw. iu from it auorUa*
i-j.im's tic lore* iUr Ir-t.n IIjuvj of a
t hor-o-ughbred. Use jUhwi of a jMirffctl^-
irrootiit*d autUiy •-??<<. the wild bojiuly
of t.he hnrr^i fif dwf Hwinff rnuniJ. aU
Out. to thunder up strntghtw

jto much mi, Lltnu duniig bu noitaiiy
:ih intnub -.it tltrep tor 1:1 Au^lruluui
in tu bnog; tmct vcltti him

????J.ik,'-. ilq Aiulrullan * ?? ?? ?? c -r f, »li«w
mi bu» lu run lUVBl" wiW hi? aIi-u
dfruiHnp hU plans with mr, Th»*n
lir U unfiled into jr vivid dew rkiilkm vt
r»e n™ to Anna C'jilimU In we
thi> r.t- .t rhai Lap ru». M ?? *?? ea i
t» w nuilr wllh atlyunr wha dMfrs
ntMUCt«l AuatTaJuji hocsn n'n'i Ih*
*urldS licsl tthrn Mu'iam L» jJjuhL.

Oji Uac !ut rjr cill. in- tn £ilwiLV> n««-.i
mr ii wocy uuarwnLm] t>uiiL-ib yJotijji

Memories Are

fJrM-UMT IWWWiV, appnr-
'??rj//%. [j ituf fttreoiirn h>
Australian* whn mi ott thr
'"??''??""( for uih'M far torn!
pradiirrrnns. Rnwrtth, he ith*
tiftiirnitrhrd to taJtr part in w\
Auxtralittn film, linjarfunaleh.
in- tTOM IV fJ<"/ K.-' in'j/i ptctitrf
I'ttf-ufirmrnl* tttul hf tund to

But* in diunt: mo. he thawed
tha t hf>, ton, h ad a Ion r
nir>m-ur>. instead of reeont-
n j rmlin p (irutth rr > / • ?? : i m / . u tr/
i/flr, in* nirWjVtfrfS aitugcHed
fnr the role a mnii'di-tin ivh'f
hud engittted hi* admiration thr
firtt time he htttl MM 'n/n.
vfffrs njfii — -iMnrriT^'nii f»«#

tram thr orriiiiL ur (in- munt mrlnnrtiolj
Hlii lunny Hifirifu realty art? runny
While munC irjnirdtniL". ar^ ji LH»tw»*.rtJ to
nvmluji ri^pTDBOcd dealm- Co p\*y
HamlrL and ??R^nfrrallr uj rej lnlo tlie
tJHBedy boiin-tJis, Herbert U jiLTlfclily
content as he w and m Ju.n tu amnalOB
QlI-ncTiHm eu nn.
Wh£ii I wnJVu'd or w tty 5« of "M»-
to Oorcbv" M. w.c jlEKt dnSnft
hi* bis 9cetie P In which, bjj b p*duir »f
Litiwarf, tod dnunoMenitT sav**» WalJy


timiig« 1«p* WHY «klr* ??* i— n T-I-^J . . f
it bitiij** >Kat pociw *™^<r CrfW "« — **** 1
Jr. • ???? i i« 31 4 '.p i.'.".i - -' p'-p n dH

kumJiP^t— 'o' nHminriln^ til mw


,0«»l M 1 I * m

??p. . '.^ ill- » -h* «W-W'l

Beery irrun a iiririg aqumi CTvd in k
ougRiMt «Ed buie And lrmdlnit it utclau-
rhnly dnnlcey ioud^d flown wltli Tin pun*.
1 he cumciiiiiii went LbiuuBli the lun^
tecnt without a tiinrthJe. t-peukliiy
LLramnUt- :ii ?? Lu hli best: O ^ q fct Wj
-i' ''!.; t'lUSc- 11 [citu*-pL*ytrr jirf^ccBdcd
to chokti him vrt'Jh a nnmh hand

Whin 1 in dtmctcr ?? .1! the cud Dl
t-ttf icenc we looted „r-Mi i! thr ftel
IL Vila, aa ttl'Jny nunp tit th* nUiitUt- ol
» Cuban junslii Thrairt tht «llmi
water OS v. ??-nru:ii[j Mundin hm! trd idi
falLhtnL rtunfeTT tor a irrrvnam wivui?

Uurdin OtaAt OT?r to cftnL A bolt>
a^iil, nddetf, *'ai lit — hlu iUlilrt rl[ir»f-;i
to nhbtrna. arrat iiolt* in me knee* ol
iTift rmxffEi] punljj. ami ncartrt icrBlchrj
frum thr miikF-un ilrjarBiieTii cnwnau
bH anna Rr ia\6 un tm L* surh a pnw
cioUif^ieBreT he *a» gimi the |ab of
patLiue chc acrffi^n rriilc In ail the

rluthu UWtl Tor Lfie film.

Hard Time Starting

UHKN lie caik tirjr lltrrr )<rnn a^u
llundih hud a hard Uaoc ktIIIbi
-t j»|ri(. Emt ir tu» bcrn in Mimr t)f thr
h^Jt«>l ^k-Uutra rn-mlly m.nk Thr Dm
win i ' : j .'?? .iv!- thrn "Mnltny On Thr
Bmintj. 1 ' and «oau "Tndcr Two Flafa,"
El-r it- alwa.li hu-> mm in iIiimbi M
tilmt Thr ttriv rr walrhrd «a s bb
FaiL tor "MrflNiE* ta Garcte." and ht
wxm tm bhv way to dn n-tak» on
TluuBpaiiDr ClmrUr" Oiir of hh,
oiuat am limine rharactrtiiialiiiliji *v In
Hip rn--l- fr*artnri«h;r- Frank Mtii fan
lllm, "1'hc f'i ' t' 1 1 flchtieiiutn." SVvki
??Kain w-l]] he want (or wniH m Hi'Itj.

H*« tu?V[Lf ruiij mil of aiui^luy mrnA
in Fpite of th*; fnn thnt hu n>fli liicm
ofl by the doom He Ll'IIa I iil> on*
III fem OdtdwyQ. who ir. QJwuja mliilf

the goat tn dmiib-prD*icf: ??loiiet. Sum
*UL' dLiLiasait^B a pla.p wilh \ln autlior.
??'li'u uo cood." quoth he. 'Too hijrtT-
brtw! Abtwr their hcodE !" Hr tn-
qw^ed tht »artpi **Lnok nt thts wnrd
ytfli've UTP-ci 'Bntxion.' I Icncnv what
n buhoon Li You tittiw irhs! * habiipOo
Iv Bui do you thus* peoiiJi- -fiul

Lhtrf? In Hie ciflUJt,n- who Me Chr pic-
tun- :« know that a bHbocn U a .innr
In tiu:- Chimi Sc. 11:

AtTSTRAUAHS SHOVlB wagnm Herbert MttaJm m iht\ pntsnt of
him T'i a typujl tharacter r&ir. It u-oxld take m&rr than this mjhe-up ta
dngMlir the pof/tiUr come Jim, who ifijJr sink a hh through*** Aattrjdid

m few ffjri age in "The Dtiert Song."

Great Activity in the Studios

Bumper Year Forecast
for 1936

By ( .able from JOILN It. DAVIE*.

All the big studios are humming with activity at Live j
moment. Everywhere if evidence of record output for
I5>36. R.K.O.. Warner Bros , Paramount. Fox. and ninny
others have units going strono. both in the studios ;md on

f'VnfJirpii ihol ure being hvmlditl an "nyw" are eithrr
rvatly for rt'lvusr. in production, or bfinfi planned* tin it the
/t< .vf Un lit rnontht thotitd iff //ml. n I, it rrptitatians Urini:
mnriv or i>nhancml. irith. prrhapn. mime being nhatleretl.

R.K.O. feolurKS In (hp couree ol
prMliit-llnh lliihlile "li'iillow
rht' Fieri." u mutual piny
whlt'h Frp^J ; \£tuirt' cturl Ginger
Uocprri hnve ^tsaDenl oppnnuni-
tii?s. The milBtr ir. l>j' IrviiiR H<?r-
Hn, and 11 iiliincr well known 10
American radio audlL-iu-i-'S In tbv
yjeraou of llnrrii'i Hlllianl ts on-
truMCMl w'Hh the leading songn.

Ann Fliiiilinc nno Humc-n Mann/.ll
art ^nsadfJ in o cinr]piJ,v-.Jrtl[nu- "Th* !
timrsinirtlW* Mm Tuttnn - a t^tiLcj? j
wlilclt 1* ULltl Uj fllvr Aild uurKtcrliil
o.ipLPrtpjnutHE for thr FW!n.*L*rn of Imr
(frumotlc ixiwptp and Hair fci cnrct^dyl
rllfil nn- cnpii'TL LliLjlldf* MurRJtr'l 1
LindBiiy. Wult.iT Abi.'I, and » recruit
Iruup ritr Nrw Vvrk I'.scr LUui ctuitp

A rtimctly, Thr wilo Wea " e Being" aindin Sw^rrtiout. in mo itndloa re-
made with Whrptp-r 4tm WKQtacT ^mr- [ ronHJiB mpjiilc for "Owe Thi* Nisht
rtna «itf»pwlp^l by [inrnthy \et whi]e ttif ^ttrrv nl whirh ts raal in an ttjiltrin
Jtiin nuvmonu ami Wrmlv Barry arr ll»tilutj I'lllturr Inn mill hnr urni nun)
tiu»> nn tiw ttmi <mu« of t>in t rtnt »' L«*aii» (Mi Hit ParHlr cnaa
r >n Life. 1 a cntnHlv-driinia I Unr Weal inti Ltlrlltr Ott'nstmi in-

Vtnrnrt Brtps havr 14 plotnm
Mrhnlulril foi early rrlcaar. I? of Ibrni
r.Pbhnjt H-vrt a mlllllin [InlEarv rorlp.
Tbr« irirliMlr ^,liilh<nij Ail\(Mne.' with
I'rrjrtr Manr-h: "Thr rnrlfinil I ...... i

with fc«Ke II'"...- ct: -11. in DlTldrd."

i -n.,,. il'inm U':i ?? and
Stnirk" a vtlililr lor Dipt "

OitjtT- ul p.br million dollar clii.i* an
"Thr Chaise nt the l.lglil UrIBiiiIf

r.vjf.urft.' frtmi uir ijIjiv ijx
Murk corwrllypi "C»i>t»ln Blond.' "£!»
Ktinprr ot thi' Upoliiiri, um 'Tlie Atl-
"3ilurr» nl Rubin Maud.' In Die Ui.it
MMnM Jnmn CasTiry tmrl O'lt Klbber
are un In rjowerfnj roles.

Opera Stars

pAKAMOUMl hx. Jan Kinnita ami

t \ .... 1 Csi. ^ i Hi^m.t i ?? Ian ir«U.ll»

•rarltlnsr oa the pruduxUan ol "Klonrtyte
Iiou." an Alualrrtii aEttuig

"I Lo»rd a Sotdler- la Ihe IH1* nl (hr
prediu'lltiu »hlrli Ii ennjEins Ihe altera,
lien nf Mnrlmr Dlrlrlrh her plrlure.
-nenirr." In »hli Ii ahr «»i aaauclated
with (larj ('Do|Kr. hai'lu« paaaeal Inlu
Ihe ' 'ii:h. • . .

Ernst LtibUwirj lu penonuily auner-
nilnj lb* tirodueuun or all tlie fllnu In

foi piinu tunje snirii'v Ti'mrtln «nrk-
tng on ?? .mm January " and vhefi
dill b euro iHl' led all! s-torl cai ^pt>or
LltUr Rlrh GtrL" a nrrren vrrnrm «
thr Tr-tl-tinram ntagc play

Technicolor Feature

i^RHJv.vnf;MEMTH nrr aril in hand Jur
a trclinlxnlnr. fbunm.* Itnrn Iht
Helen Hum ja t loj>n nory Qochrllr
Hjulaon U in the tula role ami John
Bull's o P HpfMir and Katherlno Or
MllH- are Int.litded i^utitir rreilcrick
war ro hnve played In tlila plctnrj. hut
her senoui Jllnew reported ^laetrlitre by
me. may neniapjLalc other arranamnrnu
bt'lni made

Of cnura mcwlon mm. or mode or
Erie l>lutine QulntniJlrtj, KtK^ appear
ante, arlll tie m ~rhti Ofwniry Dik',,,'
Willi Joan llrralttjlt In Og LIU, .oj^ Thf
nLory u bofied cm Uie rxp^rleiieeb of Or
DnMi . who ntu:tidrd the moLttrr ai llirh
blrtli. and iubaniiii. n iay .irrKTrlsed thr
rearms ol Uie ninntupira

mducllou. tarinu iinnrtlea ay xm.
GStatttr? art 'ProlLTOIiiniil Soldier '

UMn T1U Pl«|ra ?? "MraaHtfT! to Gnr-
':1a ' and "It Hjrl tn flnpneJi."

I'nllrd ArtUu arr read? to rrlraa*
"Madeni 1 in. tn whli'h fharlir
Chaplin appear* He alpw direelrd Ihu
praducllnn but will ii„ i da double ilsly
In Ihe nnt lirndnrllon. wtilrli will alar
FBUIiniT rroddard "Utile Lard

FanMlrroy- u. eiutaimi Ihe attrnlion
ol Darld a. tirhnirk The atar <-
rmlrii BarlbolnniFU

National Library of Australia

National Library of Australia



Tf^rjv ' movie ~ world



HERE'S //or News from

All the Studios!

our HfW/yuKXxJ and London Representative!.



lult'ut* are not ron-
tit arling alunr. We
all tin way from
Swedn llinl she has taken
In writing anil lias jttal com-
jilcti-il two years* work on
llir tftory of a riaiut. Mists
CadM is rrlipinnnly tn-
ilini'it. anil would like tu
portray ill*- glairing role on

Gimtl nulhurlly [I lliut site
•till mil return lo HnllvwiHrd
mail Wnrrti: in rklhrr ttiml* nn1
imlU ibr very la>t ninini'iii lw-

fi-.er r»hr !..-.:.-. vtnrL «n lirr next
iiirturp. Sonir thintc itlMI *!ir* i*
»luyinr- away h> I'nrjjrl I irnrjir

* * ??»

^INORIi rtiX>EB*t van no ptuud of
tile dwtuli* shr wore la hfr flelurr
"In rVrvm" that abe nraittt il ornild
Urj uaeii ua-4UiJEt 01 Wrll iwbLii Ahr
fin-lcrrnl mvriiin* Inr-WEjto At the
utirnins tiiirhL <>f "Tflf Hat," l-iirrrcTore.
which w dltentlf it by evuiytwdy of tm-
porUUXrL '.tir daimctj UK' f>ULUr — -.-vll;.
rjiti-jtrs mid ill and salllrd forth contt-Tit
thitt atte ffotlld not tor ircoipilaatL arnl
aU*C*Wl fay autrlgrnijii fan* Tho
mucwxat stir atrpa*d Mil dl to I'ur.
hmwrvrT. culU r/f '"Thfirt^ Gmfffir
Ri>eer»" asaolled her #aro, und hbu flrj

Olager ta.|te& an scti™ intrrrsl tn the
*-TlLklt* uf lirf taay*. and Trequirfctly rr-

Dots and Dashes

Alexander W o a 1 c o t C ,
who never £oes to movies,
tcBuid hew Iw has seen
Charlie Chaplin"* unrc
leased film, "Modern
Times," twi;o... Bill
Powell asking Snnta Co
send him a cash buyer for
his huge, expensive home.
. . Director Ckreece
Drown pbmnin(> to pilot
Qark Gable's plane to
South America next year.
. . Nelson Eddy receiving
2000 (an fetters from New
Zealand by the Christmas

, vriUs nun Ktmea. Bl» i« * sooa
anon, Utoiusb nnd irlim iot 14m »rr
rejwted »lie ana not cramiiaui. slu
I UlULrtibt the unlllr of her picture. H tn
[rVraon," -i no ii.,: tuiTO Deeri i:tuinir''j

/fj xr tUnJi. the muiejjtn^ title
wtlj etimie many maeie evf'X ta'
lieve thji Mm Rogers ti mppme'iitr
ietiutully <et the tbetitf. ii** uv'/V
« iuri vtilb bee /itnmr pmtnet,
FrtJ Altrnre, m tex jetrthrcning
"Falhiu the fieri."

♦ e *

PCS r i ?? J"- -.!??????':

fmcliru] thv Jotb of nuiUin-latiGrl One
uf HQnywtind*B mart tmthuKtrujtic j *iliBj
moUVrt* b bK.i*-e*rM OH*t» BMBt, All

in Glamorous Romance!

^ Rftmancf yau should
takt yaw tf t&i


Dn*elod by Hefuy

du Maurice * ??ir'*y '\

V !tV\ia £ e=c


creative pe-oplf snould hnvct nktlrlrFn,
. jy : . cioriu. and that gam Tor husbands.
ma umll. Thr> iclf-erl&ctiig Wur thit we
Ium tat a chl.a maka (tic cretntr uuJer-

Gloria ,111.1 hrr luit«banil,
Arthur Slu-Hkman. wrnario
*vt"ilr*r, puvt- n In- t f i ; ?? . i
|Hirt> Tor bflhi, Tftrr furl ilia I
Ihr tin> Syhia plrpt H out in
lirr rrib did nul mar- lite jiarlr.


Wouk) futi Ilk*; to act kni^-d^ Ui icy
water. In i.iir* njien. nt i.hr tafl-^nd of
tht Chiiatflias srttaim? Ho. ni bet ytnj


??p-irrtJir-nanriS. I"L brl. ymi -A'mldii'l no
It; but Claudi* Huibt-u ami !j»t or Jilt
oThrr accDTK hiLVf been do tun to, dr<^ ultnr
dnj. at V-)i--r,\:.r 'i<;

t^nmd CUjr h-t*. nrnmKi crtJwt Bmenl-
tu-n tint luiirnlly iiaafrTBtureJ hv rilm-
.iluJliitu an artlJlcliil luke, and rtlirr thLh

i»tii[ tuiiunii rw.v* lw«!n i-rfjeuii driiijitue
wti.n Blnutnr molAbirr. wliito Hical rotor
Lv, i. : mil in l bv JoutiL.; Uir- «..ui
with nhbARc k»vu. etrmw. &ud alher

TIiiu Jtiyt ijoen neiTcaicil tlw arwnr*
or J*aria imr the nnw Woinirl^rit nim.
"Wull'l CMoUiIiMl,- iu which Hulbmt Uir*
YwnriRtT wilh Qordnn tht ItmlciT

Vittl U3t Pnlmer. nrrtty rVui.triun nnd
in!* bo BiiLlnJi HUdlmortu, an rJit-ir boar

<>| Hi'-Ut;. I..

* ♦ ♦

That mvyirpr«L» (nppnttir, Warrm
WUtttm, hit*, bunr r«t-h wuii a nr«
n:(T) Hi purtahfi' i^fi-:.:nH -runnn 1 «na
tnlldljr amornl lull wulktnjf on to tit.
art Ihp of.ttfr liny lu n ti»i Ptrfd
dcllvi-ry U-uck nnrfcr^l truuttr tl^ ttllRi'
door Mr WlHiaiu'ii ww drra»in«-nMint
ft wai explained tinvmn to Hit fitudao
In his roadster. Wnrrerj \nV. Rupf^d at
itwry DQrairr ^ by

/.IJNttT GAY&OR h*j a rAjrw j// frt-p /1r/*// ^/rx JV'jwj /ui OMQ^I

/X in lira U/ivlj ttrnij of t^r diwtittMtrre star.

Ill); [u.'t-dlxnply Uiruujh aLjier IflKB:
hill not to Julie She wept Uirw.ua*? thi
part demirul«d It— and their ihc wae
wiib tram rolllnx down hfr tuct whlli

\\\* EILUU With Ula" «JrWTlne--*M]1lttt flmn
imixKfrrtly hy. murmnmv« to hlm^rl
H Othelio-K flerurfef-ion'o E«iit-

/*«!• /iV/a tttt ikt "tja'i LHp ctytnt
if iim itUtAimn Jevt,utJ} ii Tkt only
?? rt," r#><- mJdfJt "Jk*t II

wr a TttlluLty rwe."

Ufc&j trouble? Many grrti wohU
try ail 4ay hug jar TtuIuUf ?? titwt
* * •

.thotii^K tliat Slrpin aevm- tuatvd iiii^f
, ihi-n H r;.m'! now h££ a blltclc fif and
?? Mru head to HhOTr for htn licucranco.
PWpiii iip-rrari!d at. the ctNjrt-houiie In
it larai- rhrefctd mvitxiat- ?? ^«{din«i turl

I unrtrr ran)] nrnv Hr Hrtrji.rind t]mL he
I m i-i'j'iv-i! a mrumutu. dnued huLlun;

rhr •rmrrj. h<> B <i

"Mka clou to yuur deik nnd nrtrr
an lb *r»" miT hf ihr rule hy lihuh
IHrrlr Qfarran raratd m pcH>l tn the
Ktac't Jfary She ha* htm Appuintrd
liiinimrT .ii.jnu.ur on prrr af Britain*!
Mi^hlir-.! mm -.nluji.. nrn". Lhe EiJtl.K
OrNTittt. llrr tli*p arid her main Are
??Utllonrd at HalU. Ibr crnlrr of Ihe
^EOKOE GILAVKS. Bhuylfl Q^-tmer ll »l«^:ihi 1 . | ,h,n KUbuifilrnnil. ihnu-

nut] ii ><aiiuj HumgarlBii wltt) the 444
fntilUlr-aMJihlliai mtwr of Aa.rirvw Mar
ton b dnenhi^ II

Keep >nuj ejve utilined for thin £JU | ovr
p»lin-r I ijiitit itiiow , . but I tmvr 1 Hat
ii fi'ehmr rumTicmU Bntmh etJirted sguip- I dU]
tfit!i|[ whnn Uicy put Jmr In "13<id Dlood** , Choi

Mfrte) ftirtipt La ^ntJthfir up und-nirn

?? I r

ROM Lrttitltin rtrmf?. the new* tlu*t
-•• • • ' ••' !.'??.". ..'.'v.i' - god,
11 Novurro. tin.*! lusuh. dosed hti
which t>e put on be a ar twv
ind pounds after tain* bi**ed and
ohory aucLvnce

auLiXjni p h hnr tun
So lie Ixiiifihl
rj olct i r* J
trurk. filled lift
I h<" rear vrilh
radio*, tounufr* ilrr^in^HoJde.
Imi and fidd Hater, anil alt ihr
fritiiniiiijtH, and now may drive
fmm lib* ararirKP rtphl on Lq
llir at! Hilhmit l>» in-i rmrlenlrrl

+ * *

H KRE"8 hi Enuliiib alar on the war—
June rniprnt

I taw hrr til hrr very Irrit .Mr in
Ijer icn nut Qlm. ajuj vtnry rhnrmlfia
ihr wAS

31lKe Hwo nht hn» Iwitflnil a rovctm
role opyn^llc UiiLtirsem Uui|» In "TUC
Cardinal dmrtrrt by Hinrlolr UllL who
hiu n^W put b*m under lUbtruurt.

*Co» why* She BTin

I've Bern a frw woop tu thrdr fina.

Failure and Successes

-r, yrmn(pite+ siip b plj.rln(i il th«s and ti>!d with no niccm at poUtmmu La
uiotiicnt In ttie new Paruniuum lirltlih 1 return to Ilullvvrad. wtiriior he name.

At the end nf the

I utory ti the rather
nwreidna stalrmeul
I tltnt rm Hollywood
I atcior ar actrcv can

1 hope for Auerrw In

London: L

In ihr foltfiwiraa: pacrr* of ihe
wmr paprr rnir »«-».}- uf the
rrlura of 1 hni lolle ,. r , m
wchmJ, HrtlK-wontd eonoediermr,
aflrr threr vrara of briMIaal
•urcerOj on khr 1 innlun >t« *»e.
KuriKrr nn » an iirm 10 tlir
rlTrrl thai firwr Mnarr. mi ihr
ineirdeuie of the ttrilinh puLUe,
who fell rnmpletrly Ira Vo-Te
with her rhirinf* her \u*\ *i-i't,
hlu> If i r. -,i;:in tl up to -inu;
upiiiii ial ("artnil Gordrn nr\l

July. < : ?? 1 : it- rnn'l hop«

for .iiitv". nit?

Rim. -The Belka <x &i ck-mrntfi"
which one atortrd 00 before nlie had
tairly nntolketi her wort hi the Paul
GrmrtT dim Mr CUheii Tnkp» B Walk. '
nt TerLdtrirton

Another lutilnnUnc urweonwr In this
same Ban l* Evelyn f»o»ter, plfkyloH Ih*
lend: aad. by the way, FrHyn. ant brinx
a^ yet wholly taaillbu with the *>.??•????-.
and metrioda of the film world. wa>
heated all to tuecei toy the aVrnrntkorm
at one of tar aru-ona repiYvtiUna a
??rhaaiHjrL-n rtudy at fit Clttuenui

* +

I r you wan*, to t»e liut *Jow-iniX»ni
artlai dunky Strfiin Prtchh. rooird
10 TiKoruuji orttou. Just try tn fttvv htm
wllh a jrummurvft. A pr^'c^w •rrrnr whfi

National Library of Australia


/??rhrunry I. Htt

iuntTttiiatl I) milt «'< U ,; i.l\ |TIOVI£ lilOPLD


TAR TURNS in Movie

(??I) I V itlt/n-rmMfiWi n/frrnuort
f ruf fr. Wr /*• r f ft * * r<

/ictnr, rutting rrH'Tj/ion fu Inr
t'u i-rji r f 1 1 rifttlie fnlt rfrt, u
irorn />_> fA« r #r Arm I fij; Tut/a
Btff/f Ft* a ftvtturr {Mayer,

JOAX ttEXWiTTufur*
r h irrcwh tilt tr fin ten o /
ttiutk rWrrl in thr ftupR<
flVf/i f'i'n/jirv pirJttie. "The
Man U /ut tirokf the flank
nl Mon Ut C •Hfe* I
(V«- fiiimlrit'rl at thr uvjitt*
tine if ttrfifittf, Wrori

ttTJM rtf*TJ If fhr rim llfuVr*.

fl?> TV/IN flXfrnrXiiv? ??.v, Jt J ,.
rrhirh trttw ttcttpn^tt ttv
Hrmnrd ^iru-ntnn, in tnridr
nf hrtjry chnrtrt>u*r pnfrst,
«;iri ii trvrn ti» perfrrtiah
t>y Jane IfnmHtmt, fao&iy
RKO Mlttr. Thr fMinri form*
in$ ihr rrntrf-fmnt i.t
sa/ltrrrtt tttul Hrnpvti* ihi*
effect hritijt rvpenfetl in /At?

»hot taffeta Im tin it in the
crfntum of ihim bonfftmt
- men ??' -." n by Jntir Htimit-
ion, RKQ Rmlift Pictures
player* Siiftntty ahnrter in
frtmt, the frurk terrain a
*elj mtilfrial ttndrrmkfrt,
which mirror* 4 feinted
motif at the riiuu/Tmr.

(5) 4 ytw mgrtn MMt>

irrrts U favtrrrti h\ I irifinin
Hrtiee* ptavine in the
Tlpcnfirth < i'ntur\ pirlurt*.
" WrtrtifHtUttm,'* a Fo i
I ihnt retrnar. The nhirl.
fust mhtinn thr fltwr. in rut

trith evtrentr cirvntm ftllt-



Do You . . .

R Jill ihftt'n [ if f 1 1 1 i 'i
now — whut a cun*
1rn*»T I'.-.ii i-. ????];. air

uircft, Ktrum iiiI»ims
rlrrlricity nr rhrmiral
brjitrnfr avlhin in rln-
nniAjin^ itrw p*-r-
amnent W ?? v I n ??
Mariiinr — l h f

^SlUpFlfc* 1 YOU MTT

frer lo movr *iirre

1. 1 1 "??>-!: hi .i I u .!
In n u > ih i n ti .

Irnlividiialily pnJ rliir are alwar* tn !«?? fatukl our
ll.iii-lr* --m^ Snlon. Our artlftn npp m iolr lliui full fan
1* ?? mnliuni for ilir ^pn^Hion «f IMHM1H \\M'\
*"ul rlrv4itr nN (hrir nprHmrr l<» rrrnfinu fnr ih*ir
I'lipnU rhnt ??uprrh OIIC wliirli ifajn not verve futlitau,
hut -inj.l,.. - ii.

i i u nKAD <™r fry


^^^^^^ "/7^*ji#« t'ilfl u>r UftfivbUmmM

National Library of Australia


CEUp- — n

Fthrmin 1. I996t

Private Views

-_ IU ^11 W UU IIOWAliD



Jack Bi-nny. Eleanor Puv.ril.

IM.-G -M I

r|*Hia hhow start* otl with a hnnit, and

In It; *hrn a really -hwf donor auto*
bor la not MttR nlvctn mu4 do idey
daim- In lri« Nimli iu m'-body j-rt-
tLnjf off vrUc-crarfca Lhal. reuUy havr
ft SJU.J1 to thL<m. Of WilTulXuIy rhw- hi

rUiEine. and iiingiiiff in a way that you

vUi Wei

Tlu- *cre«Ti ha* cfvim u« rmrnf» terv
fmr cxponuiU or tap-daw'tiic [an,,
imiui^ the women, none rwtiCT up- to
Eleanor I*ov*U U Ui'v tc-v-

O 1 ^ uf ;hu whole iJJciLire, anti rhc docs
It 111 auch ?? fiiofalun tun*. Hi* curt mrer* (
k'uvtnp jrmj Mill] .wanting In sit tnwr |
(if lirr "Hf*r tUiil] number It a triumph.

Jin-le B>nrt>- Unn Mr-.; Yilum px>&
Ruddr Ebqen Bid Silvern, aixl u ton ar
other? iirnvj<fe thi« fitn when EEPaucr
. Oil.


Three *lar» —

*f~lf Jim *|nr*—

good film*.

*rt One Mar—

arvrtige. film p.

V» *tnr* . . . . ru> toad*

PinrrH u nu hictnR th-
y«, tuiri the. man who ola
tn i-mirea You won't Ml<<r» hi** ratinh
JauRhtor can Ih- itot mit of jmnrra iint.il
V'iii ffli this tectum. Anu vo<j will »tr
It'— St Jmtms. rtiowUjft.


I rmi f Tibhrtl. Vtrrlni.i Tlmr-r

I Fin.)

JjIHi; UVOftt ptrtiunm thr nc^nanrn fnr
which arc. writ ton Fcr n shitttf th*
alary r,f ?? MKfrtTpoUum- fa not remarfc-
Mm fpr itj ttrength or ddglomtly Nrjt
tlitiL tt ??jaLlPr*— munh — alnce the apfttal

(.1 nhnw 13 rr» T.hn,r xlin hit ????

alnglna. These pcoplr will ntlciid pc«tl
atory fir rrmllmrnr Kfm-rniiuotwvnrt
wvixloti : pj\ ut any ralr

Cotnluu to the i<ui|rtn£ tt la -tilmrl'it
Tibuctt'a miisnmceni hant-r-ne muat
fonilluir co rrrry owner o( a radio ai= I.
hut uj acq oa well -I- hfar him Orrtwm^
lna arian fn-in 'TV Baitmr of E^vlllr.-
and "PnRHiiCi-l." ur rcJiHcrtlLB Uif lovely
<ltory Hftitl" tn to adii pTmuarrt en
Jtleajur** It b Bumethlrig Lliut nu atl
mlrtr ui fuv artiniry ^hmilii nilaa

No w.w (rrcHUld lian hrnr. briikrrit with
thla RJtQ — ihr> atias L-hnuer fttt the old
familiar fav.riimi, hut what a«oiiUI yniiT
The prftal p«l»Uc. a» iIU.UiicI from
firrjiitSfr morf conscnj iwty mmncol
clrdrN, vnt*tt LLifr Ghufl it, hnn lynrn: to
llhr, antl who cosi tiLtmr Fox exMuUwv
for llfi&t tt ro ttirtu? UtdFPd, tJliy
dr-nene prulac fur imviuc kept the bUlu-
dord ??/.' rrirukr ha high oji it is Tin P»n
AHe> htu contxlbutL i r{ aiuUiina to tlita

If you havr only hull an var for music,
my advlrr In: Dim't. rnlan "M-RiriTpOllfjul."
— Km hUiay ; >h "win a


Cariilr I < in 1 1 .?? r 1 1 I 'i nl TH.it iMnffi) .
Ralph |Wllam>- 'l^mrairiimnt.'

^'JOOD c<inLrdy that worafl up to on
efTpc tlvo f motlimal climoji- As
* seafTtilJinji for Mln L.trniliurtl to
dtTiJay her TiahrPUi. tha rtory to
cxceiient: tlwi i» givim tho oiapov-
tunlly of JhuKTicLFT whal she caUi
do xlth mrwt of thl ^ **n«fiioh*— ht&h.
trajrrdjr fcn-lng one of ttw raccpUuna.

Tin- rtftl vDhlR ut tin- In- -, Irnrji an
audlriivw Ylewptihit ll mflflclfd Iu Ihr
fact that, up t\w. nprning IilghE. Hie

1 It I tnnj^i
r bofoie ii
ru e are attme-

►Irnt Iim 111- —
j Hut l in tutrm-
inu iiiini xuii
hrnnk fnrth



i.'ii.ni, Uuiii .iiinnn Elllaou <Pan-

'pHIH film la a wcatrni in which
M\i-f - chivalrrm.s paual.if.TCi5 Buiialaiig
Coaiibly U-Tvd joliruiy Melsoti Tt
appMr. All the usual trltmuto^n arr- tn-
r.hirlrd; aulDOn, hjir timjiT, grog, ilfloc-
ioti gLr],i, ftti uilra-vtllulii did hia aafel-
lltca and i. i-
hovr nmnjt sxn bu
C* Hire n tilcnitrd u
tiling orrf hiil! .i i
ftrjoogh :o kfwpi th
b»»ri of thr. nudlrnt

Wllh a ,?? .if- r r\,y ;

Ahouc th* title: 1

Kitop unnrlatilplrtl
irirkvd iii[' tnwhjifl
u cluleh (if vliIiu
Big Henry and hi;
a it about km eawl<
ttM Uflta —civic ftD4 Cann'o: "SbowlneL


<:ar1 Hrlwin. Arllnc Judjcr. iPara-
rEinutu ??

'j'Hl bwi»ft«i HiiWiiJrltlra ^imilri do
sntnerJiiiig »bOLa tliln plciuxv: ftv«u
the ,Mj!ivrhFwl uf Aronrican nmtia
couldn't bp ??« dumb tu Mr Bru^on t|
riirn'd to muk.^ himnL'it out to hi- « til* 1
fiuKinff -uaiiiT (wro nf thia pfTort

r dun'i fcnow who compnMd Uip /ijui-
— v to It Elve.7~flomra f wr the prothirLlnn
bttl wftlWO it wcw. hp hiu wi-JLtun tour
—4>? flvo— mo inany, Mr. Eddie Davfct.
New Vork enlertiilm-r, alinta t«t> at iIk^
uumberj— mv> and a hutf ton mnuy, bui
fctm a rliglulv Letter av Pratt* than the

So niurh lor the darferr aide, per
concftt. tint nudisnoB seemed Ui tipi-ts-v
mJtrl 4wu>:nii:n* out of iotut.' :\t rhf .uni
aUariN rtijisyiDf, tn onrticirlar. Oarta
ablEity to tnfJck out fniUrtt atlfktns wltl|
hLi *hciv]. or a wurtd heavyweight tlmrn-
pion wltli Ida tiati. I. la a' nHjp Lli.
author didn'i Ihlidc uf ufitfltut Mi hjrrr»
hit™ the prliie-rliiff InatAad ol imn

Still, with all It/ faults. » fair t-imuK^i
sTipporr, f_a Q. nfl a prelude to ^onifr
Uiluq better.— Prince Sd*ard: ahuwinn


J..».- tVhtirrN Hiia I'dtttltlV. IMuLy

Tw*tr iFo>.i

V L>MH:eb8 of JuyEniln ctara ihrutld
rant Jane Wttif \trry lilch_ "WHhiMt

Un= Lirriitnran of Sidney "maple, or her
cuiia. Jain- .-"I nwuy witti
abf to a fijir ftiuc aotreaa,

THB SHltif l-'Y PtJlt. ITSELF — tfftJt) AW of fAi /AwjWi nf trtiU grrh wk* whkU gitt <tnj}hmt to k*n

tuch a tnaiinc fm very 'twa. Qtw bmulttj of On:* hvtly wtpiiw ef V. . Jm'J star (omiiluit ibt friui
in <fttt prpulfr 5*tirhj Temple Cwrtpeutwtt.

tl:I" H- p.il'!


hnusr waa kept
ally. Ttua wo
Pammmiii: iu
lit mifhtnit t\
Of itood flitfifl
Birth M iU .-M.
joyublu w""ir!c
1» Hollywood
Dtun who unit
I,- ittctdn mu>
anj ruu>, ire
pnmtl? rolnn tJ
hill l-.iin In El
:????!•! : <?? N Ui
of rolr \o send
Priiirr Ed won]

ttllr.R otii


and Bellnmv did en-
??os of Bellamy— whftl
h. Ijim. 1 W IV 1.1 -'

nUa my ranss. t'OLlIt
tiddir TeL latoh> a l

i tan mn;l ninnming—



ay" U fair to
one rudrteTTi-
lt U, R larka

Uif dMl". I JL J '

I Pink) romliivwho oppcao. M %P (uw

douLliiatrd oruithirlt»fftst fhnpe thai'
rlaht vrrrdl who, uudrr ttv «wctM i

IDESPKEAD interest is beini? evinced in the
EftW competition announced hist week by The
AiistrTtliiin WoraenV Weekly The prices, of
an aggregate value of £200, are for the bert letters frotn our
readers selling out briefly die reasoa* why i hey like Shirley
Temple, the little wonderful of the screen.

Pi fasti* nf! war rcmtt rn to tukv /tn hUvrvst in thin novr}
J t tnnpi tition. fur irhivh 100 Shirttty Tempi* doiU, sju rinUy
• ttiited for h\ Thv lustration W ottti-n** \f'rt'hl\\ ere f/i# j prizA'%.


Cirnr itaymund, rranrc* flrake IF01.1
^TUtKilNO by aotnr Afnerleaii nlin-|
prtetliU!- Uii'.re arr more Ihlltta Ul j
Heni-rn unit I'nrlh I tiu.ii are drfimrul Of 1
In Lhc Aualrallan phllo*oi*hy Appctr- 1
rnily U« "tramln." or tm lmioctiiit roth
lor the- inurtirr uf a '.mil who happrrw to ,
be hiuiher to tin patttakl boaa of ??
unitruim State t$ no thin ^ out of the
wu> lo Alabama or Ca'Unu. while qne>
aided M uwi»- and lyiichirnp. hhjLc otdy
?? sptrtt of fatlrity amnnii thf n«y.l
towiudoll: who nre furturuitn tmoufh U>!
hare then niching ihlnci happen tn]
their mldat

The** thlt«j at all etvntft prwrtd* the
??msai of thin n4etun?. To ua ifpn -\r>
not ao advanced pollLiridly tu the
lavorrd tiiauertw aS mu* frral (UatW
drUMcr-iur* the wtiolr itnry will be tin- 1
rjonvhuaiqi. Mi th* a^ore » toner lhc
??rttaf, whim fair, u not of x innncally
lilch suiithiril.

Ali in JJL. a firoi;iLHii;nr pirfnK— Tiul
dull Juot.- Copuid anil KJue'rt CJnxw:

pirturA rj|> - if spnrt for hi.-- lal'-hl ??: - n:'-
•vi'h-li rrV tlnwn. rni.ijl-nl ulitl Ivhiy'n
Ctdm: atiowiaic


lValtrr t". Kelly, s^pln FrliJilt ??Par»-
n ii 1 1. 1 H I

\ N amuiJlic euou(h ofTeHn^ larmt . {ti
warda the nid, u> « hOKBhi of f1ram;i
pmvi:Jril uv a ivini: ujut hyrtertcil >muiik
tuttit who rrafly with Jealousy, onudc*
taaac with a revolver, and tela a Utile
dayu^hj into Ids rival fur thr Jtnnd ol

HdSTS nf rcnrUiTfi liiivt- pi
f-ehrly f/ivivi Tln'ir rcii>on^
tor BWng ahlrfoj? Timp)«

Ytni tore ht'»". iti(j, nut] The
\iiHtmllan Wiunpn'e Weekly
wjni:! to know \vhy this unu«|DdJ
juvonlle r>r the film vrorJd hns
in.idi- jinch a Rpot-iul KM^fd to

lue of m-gro coin«|T

Built KtU) mid Strphl «vt UlClr |pu«h»
ill right W 1 1 1 r C. Kelly n benU) of
nnuor U loo well hriiTOTl it) 1 , ninlniin Cjf
rtamuphorwt ree^nio' Lo nood dro^rtptlruL
chilo Mr table EMeptnii -craolts ' (xate to
w heard rntlaer than read. When you
??an midexiLarttl whn ? hf*'i any In*, he hi.
rf coiirae. -nr.irh fmirupr My trfmhJe,
mfm-lutiHlhh. wa- thai halt the tlmf
hilt tUglt-ptuhed whliilnr. neRTn »r>lee
i.nl uir cm ted; Mr. F«ohil Tntghi jmt
* writ Iwvc been UUtUtR Pfertlan far rill
tin- a run: t nre
anil Caciro,

nlvayh lunMiuibir

" h l think tho world lovns Shir-
I ley Tomple for hor wond&rfuT
| talent in being a nntural, humiin.

'"The' m?t' r , J??S rl MM.Uy ?? sw(H!t child ??" thc 5creen rns1e « d
Mir.../ r Kciir' 't.-. of bomg simply Jinolhor child
MCtress. In nddition to n gonnine
gift fnr dancing and riinging, she
FuUI thfit indofinnhlo something
that m nko s n lo van U: ponon-

"I Inve Bbirley b*Dauw of hvr
auto Huh- W»m She In such d
inMiiinlltif; child anil nlwiiyc
wr»arv HiiiJi |»r- I f y fnmkA. ]
wrotu » Teller h<-r ulhJ &lie
'intiwrrt'il II

Tliosn nro typical ^xtmrrF Irom
M>fi ie i tt Ui u ft r*t <: ul rl»;t* rc-
CftiVfd lu UU» fUM'InaUng corniif-

lltion Thrrr art* tini fii?c11uns—
one for atfults. nnd one fur i-hild-
rfii under ruurieou yuaiH of ap<i.

BAfttJtffol de-lusf Shii'lfy Ti-m-
ph> dull:., inininlun. fepjlcafi nf
ih+' hirlc film »ttir. c«->niiih-n- witli
ItiXBrtmiH miirii. will ho uwnrttfrl
for thr* biwt !"t icrs nf not morp
rhnii 50 words fdrluR llm rxnuriDJ
for "Why I like Shirley Temple."

In the adulT Stction t hu-re will
be 46 priies of Shirlty Temple
dolla. ranging in value from 33 '-
to 95 +. and in the juvenil& sec-
tion 54 prizes of Shirley Tomple
dolls. All these dolls aril beauti-
fully dres&ed. and the living
imngo of the little film actress.

'plliS In an cipjjurl unity ri»r yimng

ami did to put to writing what

!l]t?y have teen saying omliufjias-
tlrnlly n> their frletiib fv.:r situ .
thr t'hiinulnp bahy «iur Hrni
iwntrj tnio 'it* - HpHjiwoad galaxy.

Snnir-whero In \u- nn! ji an?
*me huiulml Utile vlrlh who arc

Beautiful Shirley Dolls

For Luckv Winners

New Competition Very Popular

rmipirv or hot ! s ~ -\

"'- : " /,-. if J I

m ui i'-'i-t a I Q V V /
5 SWrluy. mul It y 1 ! /

?? tSncfaM i ?? 1 1. -???? -V/



nmaiinp niriiiliir
I'nttirt ttfir*' tiren rr-
crlvtfd /or uur Frt'r Triji
CmnprxiUtM, irfticfi /iiiji niiir
cltHrtl. Otrinp tit ihr grrat
rotator >./ mMet, ihr /...I.

.»/ - A ......... /fir iriniMT i.i/f

f.iA*' InntttT limit tint antici-
imlrti, liui ihf jmljtfi arr
dttinx itirir b*w la rxpediui
Utm final tlfi-ithm.

ll it I.. .[a-. I in anniiunrr
llu tvinnt'r in nr.i. 10fMnX?M

enl.if- 10 get ilie thrill of [bell
llv.'^ win ri an i-xqulHlle Shirley
dull Ik dvliwral to thi-m. Think
Of the fay a proscnt llko tbui will
hrlhe t.i ili^ Miinll roplpionts.

Ewan those who «ra not nmong
tho favorod hundred will „ t |,o
wholly disappointed. An exclu-
tive portrait of Shirley, beauti-
fully printed on nrt paper a

bMutiftil subject for framing is

something to be treasured by
anybody. And every competitor
who sends stamps to cover post-
age will receive one!

Bui lUuopi iii.iM be ttKHttdOtt
All enlr1^», rIvIhr U»e name
n.ul mlilr. -m i>t Ihf ii.inpfiitnr
rii.if.1 rnucli i In' JiiilgMB \xtiutv
Fnbrmri ll ku nhouiii ur

orirlressod 10 Tile Aiisimllan
Wmii. -iiV Wi-i-Hly ll,, , l:i7i'i"

O.e.0i. Sydney The cuvcrUii
rtnvclopei KhauJd in. nmrkod
' Shirley Temple Oonipelttlrni.'*

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3665



Gossip Selecting Third
Wife for Star


i LARK CARLE, rv<ui-Kleal of manhood to millions
of women, is now more than ever the centre of
interest, not only in Hollywood, hut wherever
womenfolk gather to discuss that always-absorbing topic-
the domestic hie of a world-famous masculine star.

Ilia divorce from Mr*. i'Jarh Cable number ttctt ha* do tu-
fa, U'ith Clark fret* to moke yet ti third choice, the portal* oj
hope are opened to many ic/in, previously, could only regard,
voith ifff/ia, their closely-shut exterior.

MERELY tfl kKf« Clark Gable
among the eligible Ls
en miirh to h m t h o 1 1 &a > ?? < 1 5 of
feminine hearts anauaring. Who
will be the QftXt Mrs. Gable? U
is the burntu^ question In HnUy-
woutJ to-day. Kumora arc pten-


W( attended the rwi'll p*«mi»m
erf "fhwr-a^ M*l«iy af 19J* M
-t Sydney St, J«i»» r'ochcr niflbj

Out brt t* thrf ill ilw ronlhFui
??tab |uiiJ thtnr vi)n in slay

thai war) wtil be ukin& luj up
iknnuc ..* a tluwiurur acinic.

* * * w
Paitiralaiiv after dwVv* ere*a
EZlrinnr PawrlT. Thia prl tafcn
all the iy_Srr d«rorin«; «vt, trap*
'cm op. je»J tixfca thrm jo* ay in
!,.- * pocket.

* * * *
Thflu tl»f «ctn .-rut imiil fir jrlw*-
(MB srinnfi of "rhnadway Rhythm"'
<r>d fcHUtal rif : .(??- ~- v l J
flav of runon* ih* like of which
wt r* ma tern hffotc.

w * * w

jin«n in rhu M* i M

"Col a FmIui" Yoo'r* FooJrti

Pert** Brrtj^ft 1 *, "Lodbr
Slar", 'On t Sunday Almnnac'
uui ""BttjuJwf RJiftW — with
euh- riftr- liable ro war m rnur
mtmaur lot nuwhi and r&rknjhr

* * * *

W* our h*f that altar weinj*
"»mdf«y Me*ody "f I?W
I'-.m'U carry vhh ynu (he jwiwrv
of hirm| mjmrd lfmiartf nwrr
di an M any otlunr lime in '.him

* W * |

Aral (t wxt id riu tJih vrrr rhum
-h ?? >IGM rfl*«d in F-Jrj:>wfW(

AiixTtJii-i Rj'.-it biiIi it it ihrif

"* * UtT '+ *
Vcni. rt»o. wiB iJ Bro»J-
wjv \'.,l,.tiv of \0}6" ii io new
WV • t**# Mkud H* rat* r«*
41 "; ,?? St J*m*«'.


PS— MrHk Mf&a a n(fmn» I
t.iw Wt Ufc" On** Crawford,

Iwr Mart fH<)(n Hayn. Buh

* * * »

IW Phr ML !?? | uf "Chiiu Sr-t."*
7 M, I irk <mU«. (ran HarJn-,

> * * * *

< DiJ wr nmrion fhrt ~Murniy on

7 the- Ikwur * t amnnfE CNvln

Z £ju(cinon. Qui (jiWc, Fnuartut

7 Twk) u the ittiin

7 pjfiHre *-rcrf prc-iucrJ'

Mini, but, as Ifi usual lit eucIi
cases, it is difficult to obtain
tleOnlte confirmation of any of

ClMA't mjj3« ii tlnke-a with Mwral
otiicn. Aceordtna ac*nfc— including
mnny who err eloee ta botb oartlK—
Mr Oabk loofca wlUi no untrlctidly eye
on LratitjL Yoonir, thf brauiifui Pun
mount atau- who played opojOEAte him
tn *Thj- QtUI or the Wild." Bui ImtU
hits tf«n 131 and ordLinr. tucnaly c&Jifl
to inquire rcgn/dlu? tmr procrrw may
tuv- led ta rcqstTi. . . .

Another school of thought, cun-
tcmpluoti&ly hcOuLb the Youim hypathr:-.iA.
According to rhP.ie ?????vr= itvrc is nr—
body la Ih? rutin Hij; but EUJaabrrJi Allen,
tbe tnijlish actrea* who atpptsred in
"Men tn Winter u the tragic rmmg


"Hot Tips"

<nu a ihifd RTviip ks bBckJnc itary
T*ytw 1 & r»cw YortnocK'-y girl, appar-
tiuly - ti:-iv on the fiw.' Lnax
no* been seen wiUi iter on * few
occaHjans r plut Lhe theory UuiL havlny
''"J. a plflce for hhnwir unacg Lftr
acreon »rfncocJTU!jr. Lb* itnr. lite A&rx-
iiJi-;. 1& now AeeUofi fresh wvrlis Ui
n.ii.-i i-.-r ami has wn tjt on ^vociat"

ThiJv *n? iurt Hsnphn of Uit "hot
r.[r ulbl bj< m.iiinR the rouDdi at
to* U iB jpiM tlrtw. It la jUFt TJOMLble Lhal
?? " i-> may ctUuppnlnt pvrrrlxKfy by- rc-
maiiung in nui^ ir iilt sse dti^a;. M"»
protuta; everybody vroua;.

IruineU, it Ik turd to rarr>c»t jn#t wt^t
be la Ijkaly to do so far u.-. matrimony
is LUJu.Kiiitd. Up W
daw. i,: cartti tn
??hL* dbecttOQ In
Utiup anim»t un-
u*u»l. Uiat li, for *
tnanof his tjfpc.
rw who omvea
lunon* Use ptek tiJ
Am Rile*'* bnuUe*.

It ts out vocxaaBJ,
for rxamplr. for *
mart i" Hurry, ??Qct.
a wonuan rawch his

): 1 1 -t Bat haTtnjE
dour m, io rater,
at thirty, .mii a
t+1-iind aiarrt&fr,
Ifai* limf «J(h a
vaman dmo jt*r%
olitrr than hirttMlf.
aorwn a pnlsL af
nri al leaat oOR-
i-j' ?? ?? dlffrmit
ta lhn.1 nf 11 i
aarrafF y o a n t.
anfmnrnl vrrni

Thw hav? been.
n| c«urar antl tin.
mariv rjanrpl'n Of

ftlaxh&h AlUu, btMtifMt >c*"^ English' Mtrfis, vfto it
regjrdtd ai a possible Mn G*bfo the that.

i .aaaM

thlt %acU but with
a gap hax that bct»-«tin hot.* — the advuji -
tttur btiitg on thr maie aS*. 1 — Omblr's
trtezulA prtdicteal Lhal a parUni? of Lb?
m mii«t lunntiibly bo reached. It hai

Shy and E>iffident

\\'iiv hea Otork. Oahie, tn uv put,
MH5*it. o»rt oifltT «*imrti? Tim u a
qiheaUui that intrrrKK the layman tu
•--U as the po/cboloaiit. One> aplana-
:inn Tnbjht bf :hnr hr ni trnu]rfal up
lenderlT. brat by hli KniinlmoLtifi. aud
. EftG loitd liacro

WTy riirrp;?! of

t-ao who, durtnx
ulh, wnr« no mtich

.1". .' r. him.

their txtttriiarrtiari

both denrty. ttwJ th
Ms ferbnjr for *ies
nia childhood anrt >-c
1 1 hliu. may have
niucifitirly to welt
lAtcr in the woaaen he toofc to iliarr hL*.

It ta stsrilnxaint that tit high school he
wm \try dlfbdriit and shy with IiIa tirl
daaimatei. Thote who Iuifw him diimm
thit Uaaje of hi* lifr Cannot rrrJLll til
his ea*e. «ny of ihoae odcl^nrnt km
afJaira with eirl frterwls throupn which
mOit bcya progress. Tala wvaad aeem to
hkdataw that, tiven Uvn. he fell HI
home only wah olijef women.

Antln. thrrr fa thf paaatnlllty IhaL,

like fen ????:!.-:- — : i..; arLUta,

Llterar-r mrn — lir l|a.a frit the and Id
hi* pwi-rxtr |ifr for anmrbody f> whom
he i null t ItMik. fur Lhr Niipfmrt and
tlrmrth whlrh a t..nr...-r Irta «pert-
atteaw ionuh *MaU n*C supply ThU i>
a u pll fjniu; ti knuwn phrntnucnun. rren
wtth mrn liar (iahlr. who ar* the ep»-
laraM ut maw ntlirily. and «"ha < P prr-
HihahUoi anil rrrrcsttau* ate mir Ktui-
ihrraT per rent, hr-mnn,

Tht! brut Mrm. ClMk Oahle--Jot»J)htoe
DllirrTi- iu it iMMbr Kumartb to hex
hufeband At a umr vben h« waa iflav-
bjf to «eL miL uf the root ri\e worked
hard tn help him rmd hia waj to the
! Ttint hit did achiL'Td hli coal b
due. not only to his own dMllfiM, de~
rVded LhotiKh they arr out to jOBephinr'a

Second Break

GtrcCft&E) had here achieved by him
when iarty-ooa-y«ar-old Mra Hlirm
LucaA cuiLMtitcd to rhaiiic her name to
Oitb>. Hollywood rasped^ Cbuk w
ao charming, ruutdfeornr. brilhsntly auc-
rfcarful. and of ao dynaaakr A p«f*waaalltwf
Even in uitrifhu «uch unloni uauaily
caw ennunfltit, hoirrvBr happily they
may turn out subaetjuenLIy

r*or quite a Ujub lbs Uf c ied by QM
Clark Oablea isecond edlticnt put the

noses of the

rulaiulty - inongrrr.
cornpietcly oat of
jolnL They went
Lather. Ooaalp
wriLera noted Uteir
aUrodance at smart
race rnePUlaja. At
picture pretniffrcf
hoi-pQUol unoor
the audience*
craned 111 007-
v. neck to
catch a tiLmpw of
the faniflLL 1 ; -Ifiranii
hi* wife they
mudir their eo-
tmue* fhey rnter-
tained and wrre
esteftol&rd. Urlbl
the hreaa camn - . ??
There haa been
the inevitable
sip cotitji. that. A
man In Cdatk'a
p mrnt ni-nt portion COilId hardly hope
to canape ellbtr that or the I -told-ycsj-
aOlna that aTnt on 'behind lib brnuk)
among his Bcqoiiintanee*, but cot his
rem! mends. A private trliisn mar try
to uttuin prrfOfft dnmefilc ha^tnaa

the r*%ei.

wntunit arouxtuf wmment — Lu.t ?? world-
fitaoui anr, nrvtr

la the tnranilme, the oc Of all thU
duxruslWI F^aa On hut way 04L«*rdjy
unafiocted the manner hi which other
people arr plannttta; hia future tor hlro.
It u> sensmUy thooght thAt yean of
adnlatUai by women uf all aw.*., and at
ewry cbua of society, seem to haw prr -
pareid him fnr Lne- kind of niarriaee that
b now expected of btm the tradiilanat
handonmn, MttoesifijI actor vrtdi brautlr-
tul ytrtinj: tbl stuff.

But Ctarti boyhood mii>*. raw hi for-
couen, nor the fact Uutt u would be
no'.hinx new to aim to spring a matrl-

mOlllai '"jrpr.-/

Thb- befne *«. alLhourh Ibrer faror-
Hra an tuunrd tor lhr Cable Matri-
monii 1 RtaJte^, lhr winnrr nay not be
i.«rrtla loonr. nr khxabelh VMcn. or
Mary Taylor Thr latest atatrht nrn b
thai far 1) Armn iu7~Uibx|; mortf 111 an
frfrnd^blp with < lark — bat tih> ntsrh
rretSenre can't be adsached to that «ort
-jf InlwUnathm; we're heard ll hrturi*

Another thtny— the rbrturr cnlrht be
ewiceUed, After all, Coblr hitnsfilf
haunt amid that hoi anxlzjui to pUntce
tn*o dotnettlclty ugaln H* roichi pr^f»?r
no; to EiTn fToMywnod and the public
ur.taiier wrildtnv to talk abosu

Did You Know That...

• J tot Oakje u **<Vrmr wry
dJojuty io j ifrhrl dkt? No* j tdl wzn>
he Jttcoitmi thej te tipfxJ the btata
M thirteen ttvne. An S.0S. utnt oat

• ♦ *

• Ann HAinnvn t\u rrftttfJ sevtrjJ

tf^erx from jt*Jt-*i whtch u oaU hit IO
fejtxrt bee fivht-jear-uld Jjoigbfer?
Bur Ann betietet ihdt j thUSt pUtt «
thr kttme.

* ¥ *

• Srr.vnt luurv tteJ.vrthum RTdfc
fwft, noted dttecmr, rueufly n.teed j
kxltiw *oyd in a fawriit Huliywocd

• CurrvfTTt. Oilhiht jnohsbly trrtt
h< m-trrrrd m tht »Aar fvl*rt ta I>.
fvei L. Prtdimm, Hdlywcs.d tftitdfttS
rfei-ijlht Mut reputed txtiejnAn?

♦ ♦ ♦

• DoT.OJUiS OiSTRiaO BftRHYafOftE «
Io flay tht 'dt of Drarrtt rw "Little
Lztd FmWifUrvyf' 4 Tbti « a preixdc
M m fjji! tn return at* to sited jnt.

♦ ♦ ♦

• FUSA Btir.HANAN> Udttttnt
British: ittr, ha: had tht dtittrnt,
jppe&ttig tn th*et futkttt ittten
L-)i Ah rein hi the utme utei?
"htt trtck!"

it in

• Tub Famoi-s DtoKHi
arr to ^fPtar in a /t/ai entetird "The
CcMuttj Otxtatf

rendezt'ttiit? Camrt: An tndttrrrrr t-
mtrk H WHfrtm tbont t ictiMtx Lady.


* ^^"awawawawawawawawaBBBBBBBBaBBBaaWBwawaawBawaaaw^ — ?? ^^BwaBBaWfiaBBawaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3666


hti: }ustraftan Women's Wetrlly IT10VIE




h '?? i . ?? . . t r* w w w m * i ffn

Glamor Queen

$f Hollywood?

Current Films !


I (>mfi«-n*r«l Krvir** for
f l^ounlry anil Sulmrhun
TTieal re-por n>-

IC 'i'Piiiiard trrnn I's^f >3| .

^0 Aiuifc's piiicriur muu siArai ihr arid
" ir .?? of whether b'T-j b of Mir IntH-
luretit vurtety or mncly of m-*LUsc

It la rwL Annua ttiu.lt (.hut r,h* 1* ih»
last word In c/xnr-tmiw line; U vu
rutrrrdy hrr (por>d turfc hrfore ew-nwtrahlp
liivl hard luck now- One thin* W

crrUm. liawrercr: tt sbp n uqwk u>
cupllajlsc- ruT wductlvc charms uirt *o
rrtiuo the tiriffioal uttnu-LmiKEB thai

mud-p twr potential 'iKWC-omoo, 1 * I; will
h»V(i t<i t*i ii h^Jl.tmale Olir m«i eeenL,
with ixurarabhi luttstitltMu plainly jinv


TpUR glamor which T.hp PjirammmT
iLudjo ha* enrienvorcd to pine- arinntd
Mni'knii Dietrich hut. it her mrac renent
production! ran be takfin as mny cri-
terion, been detrimental to htrr power aL
tht Utix-ofllnc . ThfJc h&s barn too mi.tr n
luzjnfu in h>r Alan. Jiuil. m If Lh*
camura that pictures Lh;niiBli a fllui rjf
g»uan ... a tiii?? of Vnc I3tnrcberf('a to
inalntiiln the clamor fur Li* protegee
but which, unfortunately, hiu hud a xr~
xzokiviuqvi? Mtim . at the Ijox-flfficn

Sh* will bfc-.n lo tac *et frvc ot Ihlii
Fiiuctiiiig Thn Australian public ha£ JhBt
l4> act' what Martenc ran reatly do — for
«hrr b- a much b*tt*i uclrpsa limn the
haa cvnr been .iJk-v. ??< ??'. to be.
1JUT *r barett'l yet di-UlJed w!m ll
HoUrHtKKi » IflHflilll' CillimW Qttfiirll.

H. hi' b titllu-. Ili lu thr Fu-nt Lady til
Ihft Screen , lhi» Io4v wlm cvrn now
lit iiuhLar :>!iakrvp<"»rr"» "Rnnim and
itdkrt" for tiurlliri immtrrULht^ un tlic
talkinf wrrrn Vug Iuimw niumi I'm

talking ahuut .

Yet tt IB Nrrrtna &be«m1

Bern M I.ba> nrtrtir Who ia fori ',niAt<?
I'nousti 10 have the nnructl'.viir'^ ir.ru
12 thrt»ft>M ftnttj. her Inhdlfejence kn
rota oiioh u ih*l which *l» p]*y\sd m
"*rhf BnmttH ol Wlmivilc stJBct" and
iumilur types.

Thfit hm i)j-o»r»B tn Uio "umrrrnwn-
UtiiiaJ," inch at «i "Riptldr" where her
frtuiaifir- aJOxirr am] TihyronJ brautj aj-

fAUl: Ol IM)1?-l ttETlt>?i. Pa-t.l^akaa.
Marici- t.\*ni M (J -M. L»: m,

It Sit unronUMaiC but Mxi* I»U.T.iire i-

not Kood «t"ii4!b fin two iiaxn. al-

Lhcujih It ip Mbove thn Avnrnjnt.
+ * UKOAtlVVAV titlNUOLltK. Hiik

I'nvtplt. Jo.tn HhritJiHI. AiJuljiht Mf.vj»u

(Wunirr BruM- Muairal Krinedy. Will

uixtAtnli «muitr,
♦ + BltI<ilinrr,HTS J w V. Hrtwn.

iWariii!i Broo i Comedy. *>« K-

Uroni itt hS* infiiMrst KM mi'msl.

Quamnk^d for luughs.
, . iim.ii t ll \N - ^ -H IU£T. noriier

OUnd, Elnftlna Lawrrnce JFoii.

tL-ry ttrniiiuL. 0!»nd ?? fuiu will pot he

t + tCIIINA KKAS. Ctort tiahl*-,

Harkw, Walhltr B«ry iM.-Q.-M.>.

Drinui Yuu » n» be (UrappolntiHl in

Lhi> picture. It h) flrat-claai enter -
I tuliiciAUt iirul inr.ludra u perf pcl screen


+ + It Ail K ANGEL. THE. Fmlrio
March. Mprlr H--I.-M Mflr-

*hAl| ILV1.1. Drama. Good nbow.

+ rtlXl KIj:S Twin Kmarir, Carul MttR*

>R.K.n.i. MraUfTv dmnuk Pain
4-+H(lOD TATHV. Tll>:. H>rb«1 Mir-
??h.Ll!. MarcArfl Sullu^«n irniTrral>.
romfdy. A - -/i: itiow for ncy niood

vl.l V MtK, THE. CrrotfT. ArluW <U*«-
ninni Itrilishi. Drama. Hwi nitEar>
quality thai, cnuficatinR m IL may be
[q 25 per oent, ol pictur-pr-sra, te quiLe

moat ovrrahntfrmnrd tifr InLriligtncf and
rwu-nlht. in a difficult patt.

And rtilr<lVi rbf n-f-U-tij^ i . '?? "l.:-'-
nht* in tnarrlcil i . i rk man who In hinr- "r
?????? un:-:--;! hy (junior — im lesa b twr-
i-orjftRf* ihan Irvina ThaJLurp. duyen nl
FfleUirn prodUeera, with a Morn of boX-
otTlf-p lurcnBra to his crnhs, mahy Of

I which hnve wtmrnl bii U>vcly who.

. Yt'L, to betTn irtth Surnio tu «lft-
nally a an trfi-ld ihil

| WliEch mnSeji f^ryr ll|> to thr [WVfholo-

Itfuilil Thnrc MUST bt; •omr-thlcR In
Who! thfljr aay , . .

Ili-- tUttV iinliVnlr itnr jmnlrn^.

Ilkrly lo fp> cni<er bi^ with Lbe olhtT
ID i^t cent.

AIIbii, Ucorgf Barns iHamaiountt-

Pan;'?. Good rntprtaUimRnL

C- 111 OAIXMO! Juhn Ctirroll, tHrtn
Dona IR.K.O.), Drurja with liuu-
rionta.1 mualr. Not a ??how you'd
hruuk uii jppuiiiUrtt.'iit to ue«. but Uwrei
mre [upcoti of 11 that will enable yttu
to taJtn i*. Ln your ntnde no a rhippori

**1 LIVE MY LIFE. Ja>n Cr»rord.
Uri.in Vhrme iM-C.'M..'. An ainu>-
iiiB and enUfrtttlcilnp Ghftw. wlib iite
cut *"it ap tc IU

job a. an

.xn of

+ + DAYS OF POMl'tlL tUF.

Pf»-j|r,n Fnilrr, null HjiIIiImUm-

4R-K Oj. A hinloncai dratna Ol ttm
Komaii Emplrn. Tin? projuctlon on

the whole aood

l.nvi: ME foiiEVEH. Graoc
Mntirr. Leu ramllw M nlomlrlAJ.
Muhtcai. A vfrv good Khiw.wlLh kIdb-
inp i fui |. trtiU:LiLS5« any other female

??r ML 1 lllltll OF UK- llABBlfjAN, TITE.

Rtm). Mystery drama Dc*>uiu> the
stetvoiyprd material Liie ocloib BlMH
a gooo jcrh >'l the film

+ + Mn. l/lliirs IUS SAME. Snymelir
llltkr OUvb TWahrnr> iW.B.i. Om'-Cl>

If tm fojoy * thrjiwieh la nam * Iwi
llhc ,t. cVfning ot carafreo eniertiun-
Ui'inL you wrtolnly ihouid eonEid«r
thu |iic!nrc
» + Mark v thr «mu sumiie

lVtUifrrd shuiif: .It D.V.t I- :
ahouJd ilk.c ]L
rtarnniorf. Elbntirth Allen. B>la
Lajtaoi iM.-G^'M-i. Fwdtiwdio mjtaWj
dntnu. Vniupitfji play a huvie pa-u in
the pktun.'.

♦ NAVY WIFE. Ralph -KJImtiy. iloire
TrPTPr (Foil Uramii As erm'rLain-
metJt tlllfl picture would not win an
tatarciatirruat u.ward.

+ OA-iIS. Triwheur hy Cipl Harley
irinewund|. Photography and
aelvctkm t>f nuuttrhU intermiang,.

•:• - i'i'- OF OLD DRl'HV. Ann*
Nf*lle, Sir Ceil rir Hardwirkr lUDL.f
A delujhUuI rumanaa. Spoecbes from
"The Mprctmiit pf VenJc**' und "Rirh-
nfd m," pnAide wine of thit hlah-
iltthta ol UM film.

+ FAGF. MIS* GLOKV- llarloil I»Aiie«,
P»t OThrten, Illrk Paweh iWartirr
Brcn-L IJ^ht ritamn f^rcHJuctinn wkj

^Jf&DDS U DAl. Jmr fflftplM Pt0W

Tumlla 'foil. Muilr.il 1 1'oinudy. Sntnv
Rood, popular cnrijf htip in thh pt&~

♦ RAIN MAItTRji. TIIF- ffbeelrr and
Wu«l«r? tR K.O.t. f-.::.r A li:w e(ir,.l
Uu^hi «?? lw bail imf. nf thit plrtture.

f + + SANUEHS 0* LJLL HIVEK, Pttttl
Kolifiov, Leillr BjinkB) Nliu Mar
MacKinnCT ii nllrd AtII>Im,. DramiL
Very nut of the ordinary.

Iters ant "i tht jurtarmtmti of hi'
cjrttr in "China Sett "

* + Hl'IIUOGIL. Kir t'lrnPOr Hifln.
Uon.ld CMIlliriiO. Alhtnc S»ylrt. Omm

niir A fi'w lauiu, but
aUU goul f ntvrUHiraLT.1..

H4T FreJ Ailalrr, nlnirr
lln«Fr« pRJt.0.1. Muaicul comKly
Tuit UiJi «how «nr w»j j™
lit fnod 3CntcrtajrLmfnt pliffl-
+ + VINTA<,i: IHVF_ SrjrTOnr Ilirlu.
CUir Urr -ll !».»•! Et^llili *inw-

I :-n-iin rurtiftlv t:n.r-^l'pac.lU liLHU'^r

•oil >ronr; rtlalutue

Brim niiTn ,M^C.-Mj. Pmma.
Oulaidt OS MgillfOuicry, Heim Bayns
nnrf 3^ay RuUsnn conlrtimle tlie lw«t
outtttuxulUiB wort The dlrrcljfju if
BtKd. Mtel pr"T»U' will Mix ttic ttiow

^->HllILt I'.MIEVIS SIXtF >!»<??-
l^mlr IVarH. Jran (.llllr, E1U. Itllrr»»
IB-D.P.i. Ctnrady. KvrrybiUly *Ijn
l:kr« lo Uuch will e&Jcr/ ltiIjs ptclnrc.
Good CTitcruilmnMiL

WII'KKU WOMAN. A. Slit? thrlillm*.
i !i-it Btiikrard (M.-U..M.t. Ununit.
Poor nnLrrrLMlnmecit.



Don't let constipation drag your husband down! Banish
the cause . . . serve this delicious cereal for breakfast

Whrn yirur himbin.1 i> vnffcnrvg fn>m iKp
tired, 'i.:.- ! out" < , let.; tfut arvom-
pijnv> cimmpation, don't try iu cure it by
M <ijili «Junn^." For-ccd, timuturjl jtimu-
latum by i r " ' . >??'• . i - i. r ??.- - incrrjiri cnr>-
xirntinn; ii Mpi strrn^tli irui energy,
wcAeni delicate intciriiul niuicln no ibai
the| - cannot funciton normj/ly. Tcnuilnc
accion — wj»e-!ilif moTcmcnn nt ihr inttt-
tXSjB, cfscmijl in muving hxxj throMRli the
direttive urjtJti* — ii drwniyeil by frequent
w m of ji.r ! purr,aTi\r\, Llncton attrilntte

05| oi howsl iitmenti to die comiinr
uir uf Uxatira.

Nit m'.ii U"'.\. f ik h in "bullc r " can keep you
'i.-jlr-i, normal and RfitUr, wtthnui drugi
ot' inv ion. KrUu^'i AL-Ilran. pi^es yout
ty^ttsm all vbc "bulk 1 ' ii need-., but cannot
S« tmm ynur modern, orcr-rchned diet,
The "bulk" iu All -Bran ^cntJy cxerctui
wrakencd tnmtinat rmwdo, biin^t bavk
normal pfnBTAldC action. Stmo. your tyitrm
funcrumi n it ihmtlj — KRuhriy. eaiily
and nstur^lly.

To bcpin with, cat K.cltnr;r,*i All-Brjn
every day for one week. Two tab3e*]HKim-
ful, covered wjtii milk cr cEum, e>ton each
day will relieve constipanon. After that, J
MT. inv.' rrtly are mlliLirnr to maintain
regular, normaJ eljroinatwjn.

Boy **me All-Bra n to-day, .
your l r » h . '/ 1 Serve it with fmh
or ttcwed fruit. Keep yout
wIioIl' family healthy with thii
deliL'iom cereal food. They'll
like it'i appetising flavour.


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The AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S WEEKLY Special Book Offer Supplement— Pigatwo.

February 1, 1936.

.r v -

"35 r.^wirt*"' .



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M»rnnrv 7, 19S6.

The ALSTR M.TAN WOMEN'S WEEKLY Special Book Offer Supplement— Page three,



The greatest — most
welcome book offer
i|ou haye ever known




that wlU help you
to Greater Charm


Tito foundation* of Hamtf

I TTi* Phyth-a] HiclrcT-bTinrt
7 The Mr;iM FtafkzTOiind.

h unilmni'ttiitl iirU to llrtmrv

1 Thf f .trr uf (hp Fkrnrr

Z Tlir Far,, and It, Makfup

1 Thr- Carr nf Ihr F.Tta

I I'll, On <il Ihr |.rl>.

S The (Mr- nf lltr Ilmlr.

ft Thf C'irr -if IIK Ibuub.

T Thr ( jp,, of thf Frrt

The \tainlenancr of Ri'hmiy
I roar Tina and H<nr to Sail TL
Z fciwrrar and EjenlMS.
1 Jt*lft??. San-trallllnt. *nd Hawrr
a Pertain* 1 and IU Chafof.,
V Sanw Formula*.

Drtfm in lirlation la Brainy
< ii'irn • tn Still Tflur Flrarr


J (tojnr tn IJrraa

I lW«a 1* Suit Vaur 1tp«

i Mala and Pacra.

« Cant of CUilllf*

7 Thr Art it/ Hinlinr OLhrj

It Pavilion tn For

S lltji d'f f"r F^nnlnr

10 Flint, an CWa

It. Fa. limn, hrr All ftrra.ji.nt

ti -r- r fJlalhM


Prrtonuiily find ( harm

Coliir W

^ 1:1 J IIX' I < * I U

In /-Ir/Mi« inn Maar
l.»rk, HWiw
n>'» "n ' Ltrtil'i

Psurr 80s i

ffi'nla /«r liridrt

PART sj:\ EN i

Wih/i/v and Daily

rVauli and ihr tl'vvwtfr
RrJtut* Jin] Molhrrhinjfl
Th» 8«>inrw Human


^jEJIVERY beauty requirement in one magnificent
volume of 431 pages, and each a treasure chest
in the subtle art of making the absolute best of

one's face, form, deportment, clothes, color, charm, and

all that will aid in the perfect expression of your MOST




There are thousands of new hints, new ways to create

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These magic pages, in which lie hidden secrets that have JJ^rc'g 3.11 VOll hclVC to (lo

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Look at the main contents listed at left. Have you ever
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'"Beauty" provides such a wealth of information that it is safe
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It will be a direct loss to every girl and woman who fails to
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Illustrated with the latest photography, exquisitely bound
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how to acquire a winning personality.

Read the simple conditions in the next column at tight and
send in your Rrstrvmion Form todiy . but SEND NO
MONEY. In this way only will you be assured of early


Remember, tilts is the first time such an amazing fcxiok offer
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(use the opportunity to gain not only the priceless guide and
hints to beauty, but the very fubstantial ca<h saving that thie
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(6/< if posted)

First of all fill in the Reservation Form below,
and post at once. DO NOT SEND ANY
MONEY NOW. On receipt of your Reserva-
tion Form a copy of "Beauty" will be reserved
for you.

Now turn to the next page. Here you will find
full instructions of how you can get this won-
derful book, and your Voucher Form which
entitles you to take part in this offer and enables
you to qualify.

Post your Reservation Form NOW. To-
morrow may be too late, for the limited edition
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disappointment, so reserve YOUR copy at once.





r n Ttrr Alinritlnn Wamrifi V'rtllj,
DtpMnmt VI,

R*x JS5«T. 6 P.O.. SjJmy.
PltJH rgjtrre [at mr n JticrJjnir trllb jam trin * taftj at
'Br.vtlf." 41 the pitiettWtnn prut vl Mri; if- (,f lc frf foilri.



NOTT: f*m «« .mil llili Rawrallnn Farm
In an nnvralrd rni*l»pr brarinr a nrnn? ttainp

NO vknowi.kim;mem WlU. UF. SENT

tint a «p> alll I* rriHird f«r ill aha iml tl„. farm -Thl, ntTrt
ariptira unit to rrartm mlilinc tn Nr» snulh Wain

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The AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S WEEKLY Special Book Offer Supplement— Pnge four.

r-hruary 1. 1936.

Here is Your VOUCHER also full Instructions
enabling you to secure a copy of


rl<-lu» ii the wmclu-r -uliirh r-iuhlrs you to qualify for your copy of "Beauty." On this voucher you an- asked to alTi<
four tokens.. ., Serici BB.... cut from any four consecutive Issues of Tlte Australian Women'* Weekly. Vou may
ttmmetXc (o qualify with any BB token.... this week's, next week's, or any subsequent one.... Inn the sooner you
l>ej;in the sooner will your ropy of "Beauty" be in your hands, Thr first token is published litis week oti the inside back
page. Cut it out now wbilr you think of it. To make sure of your copy you nttiM first reserve it on the special form
overleaf. Do this without f.iil to-djy. Fill it in now and po*t it at once, as the supplies are limited.

1 Ml H MJTA.NT ^"^l 1 ^ Voucher and Address Form below- can-fully and then -.t*nd thrill in. ... Of bnri£ thein
in. . . . when you liave collected your four tukrtis. Hi- sure to read the simple directions below.





it J iK' nnrn

tukrn ililiHir OS


f«ur «f


Sit jnu hA\r fi rul

from not ni'Kr


or thr

\u ??

LnitU W ft I

n 1 1« -

ty. T u krn*

hit k

M lli* (ut> riifhl-


1 ih-

tniitir lui-k fi i ??????


for a copy of "BEAUTY"

.Send Uif» Vooctwx In TYie AimralLin Wouvn'* WerUf u vwn « cemnlrted In -M:eortiM»r*

tTllh Mir iJirr I:"Ji Lrln .i

To llook Dept., Women's w eekly. 3:2 1 Pill M. <lim 'MVti'V. i;.l'.4'».). Ssrinri

i r. iv. mr :hr i k M apj.lk-d tar.

t*K f 'I'M. NOT I'IN'.S

"Beauty" p ri cc 5'- ^ 6'-

Pli-iuw vjiiinwLrh my vjlumc to mn liv p»t. I havr ndrliil 1'- to covr p I hi- rou
ul carrumt' (AdLUiK iniiUTwici*. rtcu mule Urn tV- for a copy at "Htnuty."
(Crou nut if not npiHiciitiif.i



It ffm vfaU vXjt HfUttB Ul \rr drtitztf i:tM*l, fill 111 UUmi) utd ftdilrc*

In lot i Work trtUtnti tu.d nmd thin vmtehrT with four Inkers ami a
[/i .t.'U \\'<\r lor 'i wrttfl "-"'IIt immr jmI ;.iit]i-v.. <in it..' Ui^i. fiT thr
pa-la) iwtc utvrt Hrrti a Tv^jid <d itfl tjtimVr far your ow;i twoLreLluu.
DO not Mttlrl ktMinua.

















1 I











Simple steps that bring you your copy

of "BEAUTY" '

Cm mil ilic tiikcn (vrict UBj (torn (he ri^hi-hind Nip mcnri oj
Uic inuslc baric page ot The AustnvltAR Wam<n*« Wcti'l^, and
pa ilc tt tin to the hiivi oi the fotif spaces prut-inVd on the voucher.

I>n 1 1 1 1 . lor Jrjul ikicU with lukcilf. njl I'tfjm Jr.. I nit "JlLML-j-

live buu» of TJn Au>ir4lun VloitimS VCecklv, Yoo v-ill

v. ul, Totcbll Ni> BB L oi *nj mh*a[tu:m fitkm Having com*
p(rtfd ytnir nualifkatioo ?? . . that is, cuff- ' four ruiten% of

votu (tipy- of thr* wWHfctfut

U you trt\imt your volume lo be Jt^ruiciieJ fu yvnj, *u!, Njut
full tuuiir mi pcaUl iJJfdi on the Addirst F«vtji above IMrakc
write in ink in block Irftcn. SenJ fa for your ropjr of ' Ik-juty"
ymn \'>u.hor. ivdlrtsi Uhct, lout tokens. aa<\ a ptntij note for 6/-,
which imlmie* l/- to iwet co« of packing. anTia/-c, irtwrancr.
rec Hrrtumhef . . . Jo not tetui Jim^ Wnte ymtr nimc
tiiiims on the harJc of piK pmul note an. I irulu. ii payable to
The Auatralmn Wocwi t Weekly. For juor own pfotrction keep
a rrco/d of tlie number of your [tcnval note Thee Had (t, to^vthct
with y\nu vouchrit and aiJ-Jrr»A funm. toTlur Acutralian Womeo't
Wcrltiy. Box 533 4T, G.P.O.. Sydney. Ycrtw voluinc Will tloect
be uVapitdicd to you iiriinrdutcty.

National Library of Australia


Saturday. Fc lrueTy T, T$36. " The AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S WEEKLY

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Saturday, Ffhmary I.

- but rrmtmber


Let *uu(iitnc Oalioc ( t.-iin
bani-.h the hral -.mi (Mln ul Hntmrij
. . and lb* redne**. too Take a
lobr of "Jjirrir- t tram with »ou to
the i" .1 l> and keep m Jai at .mint-

You'll f Uial UuUik f teim-

H hii h i: fonnllla. a* * i )- 1i .Hi,;

f Irwin for atght mr — ii d.'Hchlful ti>
U*r, m\ well li-jlm.- Anil tUJ'ntltr..
Mm like It alter jiumBg,

UVXINK ('EttSM i. sold to I (
and i J*n and t- lutirt- '????
chemiiU and Htitrrn. ur from OaUnr
lAaod., Ltd.. G.P.O. i [<i» 2KKMM.
*iydn*T- ML44

W fjet •'rary wrap af rfr>t, -rjiea.a or hurrr*-
In lwbi'nor« off ahim.n.iiro '_>,* 5l«alo .
ir (hjIKiIibi alto. A fed. ptGWl rr.i.' . ?? . 9
p act • r. 3 ip«r. .al K«p — •n. IHI ]1 lor 5 -.,.».,


— ??' ^BBal

t*4W ''I can
look forward to
•Summer — thanks to


"For jexn. I dri'mlc-d iff amtal of
?? umiiirr, with itn fliea Ibat would
rhnnpp my praceful lilleher. ndo a
plnrc tkf lurmvll. M ,?? ..pir.i... i. ii .•
bulling, Mot hi fill tins ihuul the
llffhta. Jbfti m> dauRhrrr-iri>bw «ug-
tfeulrri fly wire I tritf j f l i I>nurA, * JMdowa.
nl-Tji ftut, verandah, evrn the ch.mTipyS
— 1 hod I h fin nil riivtTL'd. Tin 1 rhunff'
" ; ?? r - " .i ?? r... < K U : In » .nrlr>w -
wide open, _m| not a fly in iltfhl.
Meala aalrn in pea re. KvKnui^i «n
the Tmnilflh anmelhinn In liKfk for-
ward tu, It wenta hard to inm vine
that thuuiutnd* of nlhrr wwnrn atill
put up with awful autnuttTB befaiia*
Ihcy Jual liiivrri'L thought of fly wire."


"t'rtloor" rt*»lf» r* pn»df In IhtW n ml p.
r.Ol.l^N lll!UN£l — lm»rf inlUfrl* foT OmJrJ*
?? ml Iht iruiiiri NIL) I i.Jtnnr

k*4r— «t*nil»ri| vtlt-fii. in wnlttii (mm in In
fa II Itt. UCAW n A LV ANIH RD— «n o r*
biailir— mart vliviifrr.


jdi ar i at -: ;

In uid ..jfl , h

Aim. ^r»t« w f.mrr*i« Mttnii m»A M»u

nra hriHp i fuujn art J* nl tHkrl and MtMa tt.ui
tt4 RMW k*» vti Mir .AM 1M. *l.t*i Ihay

'W WJJi ihaf kuL im .m •Ji**-i «ilf uo
UTWT |flfjn>«M |""- pM «fi»- fttttm*.


\on will tiottc*;, Mr.
Vuiitmmh, Unit 1 am buumt. cmeriil,
;i;' ??-'??>??. iu' , Ui ,, j|iin: 1 firm'! liirtiy mnlci'
it u criEliipti pear-tM lump sum hub juit

lite :i.n- t.i;|. Ir ??>??: LjiOOsiLUdi

'""1 niBrsrtl .u your •??????:> uU

Otie Mtttibruali

Club down— Cyp tti*Uiuwd jjtntntle
dj»ruiiLH'i 4jLrt- iliutintllicl pVmiHta

eXpr£UM«. and oon n: two

hmirlmj and nf.y twind* ^
cjuan^n anlnry Tctul »rvs>n thnu-
??nrid two hundred and flKy |,ikhli-Ji
The qutrtftiott of the nlhpr thirty t!t«u-
und pounds La. of couri* In abnyunrt
until 1 fiutl nut "??!. !." nrj- LLLrwd
trriuure u ili H them, ind UiUct "

"Sevpn thciumtKl D.M" hunrJrrjd
pmintti nrm. una tJilrty thmv-flnd
powtuiF pJm, wti«i chucjw lo

rt'Tinn: thin yirir (^ii — i UriiAtire fau
vmiiUhraJ, rh?"

"Say if.' ii.-. dear Mr, s < i ui m:ii
Hot wht-n' I dtm'l know that i; haa
huen vLulen. but, m I euld Ix-fwre. your
BUilcr't Uirtt, at my wopey- umy pit]
hnvrt ber-n irw eft mm of my toaing the

"AmxlMT pMnt of purnjy anademler
In (r real BtrW/r lEnlnc Bhcmld I be*
ppnr.lL'JMl tfl have n rtrprewntar.ivt
prwnt it ihn Limr erf your rlait to the
4rli«d-up writ— eamcoiu; to hold a
??watrhtnu hrlpf fnr me?"

"SonwOTic to n'ftU'l] ttip, yop mnan?
Oona, cmtie. Mr VnnbruBh. Brtwem
lanijrmefil If th* tnnunnre U ChRrs.
I flhaU not approach ypu fur im r^nlvo-
Itnt rhp ltMfcnmitT."

Then why not Jet my rpprFfPnUlivo
no m\h you?"

H^forr ^iiinir.h Mnine e*ju[rt rfply, *
YoiiLiniiih l«ti5li«t with ftmulDc 1

Spivnlar) MAlnr ralaed cyrbrowa of

"Vr)u ftnd the Mttuatton— runuvV' he

"Ha Nflthuf will you It wtu Ati
liEiflffinary litimlloa tliot uindt rar
Jangb. 1 tuiclpd myself hurrylnc
ith»'»r). lift fing in first. DUVtii i«curuit
the trcaa«re. nnd iinlinr it to n*v >nui

And Otii Vnnbi'ueri imtp^tnd egnin

^Vitry funny. Very funny, Indeeit"
den— i Spiiiiiuh Matnft. "Fuunlwr null.
If you know wtwre Hie ir, i, ,.i,. ta. ox
wcrn aLLri to e^t there ftm*

L ^Xl. 1 ctmjd (r»T(i ftnrt, bj faASOV
Ing you vvrr la the ptdlca."

"And tnjpxrtwlntt Ivr on-* momrmt thnt
you'll Wi'ii no very unkind to your to-
)Ovr<J hni; -MvUT «s to ontagimlDn mr
to thai pxW»cl, and w gtit mr Put uw»v.
h<m do you nuppooe you'd find the

W*MUr*J Yon OGrll for O/lt mrirn^fit

imagttie that I hnvr Biwn you any trun

"No fm Bf

ivrl; Imvlng gj-
il 'Mi' nnti-i

Senor Miilni>
: 'rply b juice

Al T tn)d ttiu, it w u
Tt uLipcalciJ tu tuy wuy-
wnrtJ ftfoaii fif humor tu* \tt-ina rtutly
rnfihrr funny.''

1 ttttU BOW, Ir-t'a Ulfc UaaUtfJ*. xhM
wt? H pnrrwifMl .Hpnnjiiii Ualnn.

"Oh. no Why talk buiinossfr Buai-
tutM WOlLlil be no dull bfbjf LlHria? ihy
tmBBinlnM B«d fairy talea and plpr-
drenmA BbtKit hundrfldfi of Lhmuauwls

OUa VtinbruffU, itudytni tw of
??la ahoe, Lhuuu-ln * whll*-*. wtttng nllcnt
and «tlJ, with purwd Up*, J*ud^rpatlr

epaiiiah Maine *.yed him WBtch/miy.

M Wt4J." anld Vftnhrufrh, jitiddejily
Joolcinn up, "1 think at thr moment the
but ufler 1 ruin mnk« la the bualnesa
rrf piy liMvtcvt hoot for damiujt's—
plenty of tfcem; * ridlnfr whtp for eom-
pctiauiiun^ lots of ft* and payiueut In
kind, h'i piii-choao of illpncc— ten or
Mem jrrirjr ftM board -nnd-Jodulnit.
2 befiprr Lhry no m for «len« a V*.
m Hnrmh pHOia."

"Ahl" uniled Spanbih Maine. "You
0:37 rhniB dUiertittlv to- mrrrrow nr a
Kill'- inrrr cjc, pcitiapa "

"On. quite pcoaioly. BoneclaHy x& to
pntrFiaxr of aUmcc Id rroti* to lutfc
drtai \ \U r.Uy nr LhrwiLmlnnty. hut a
rllly old tAtf oeriirs to mf— 1 don't knov
why. A Ilttlo npropua perhapvT t dam-
wy ynu't'r hi'anl It. both m Fn.-R-b

end PpdlJL"ll tint rn mnnl.lPn FTehrh.

rH-rmnti and Arahlfl *
"Yw. what in ivt"
iirnd mnp It'll rn into' Qond-

And in thi> wir*impanlni«nt, <<Z ?.v%x\-
mti Mnin^v anr 1 iutiahtrr.ot.ln VunbruRh
hift tho cttbln

Sir MAiinY vans

upped nt Uio door of libs niotlioi'ji

-Who* thnrr?"

"Hurry. Are you in bed yot. MoLhor? 1
Can I rmrte tn?"
'Cr»mr i1oh } : '

Otoairtc and locklliu liie dOOf, Harry
Vaw pniiwd an annrhalr arrow tr>
Mb luothirr'a hrd. watcd himneif. dr&w
Up the kliM*A ol Ul* IrouMTiv. filr»tftli!-

piiiWl hta whiff nllk Jinndkerchiel weft
111'.. virw, inioolhrd bin hnir with onf
It n n rf and

"Th? taur.k of your cottt-cDllrtr b alt
tumnd tip." «b*Frwd lila mtiUwr

??'What a little liar yon are. dnrltnp"

•Tf<M. F OKKiKht yOU watlttrf iwTp U>
oftvnr |pDur bod cocfuaion aiul al] tliai.
W'nii ta It- lfarry> Looka bad to me.**

"Dnrllnu. rtnj look good to mr




-Thiink you. dear. Kow 1L Jookn vtry
bod "

??'Latrlin*. you look poaitivrly very

"J1u:n". MM It 'b ^tirwr Lliun 1
fuarpc. V/hal la ltV Money? CardeV
DeliU? Horara— Wb ur lltUc? WUtf,
TFUnien, lonR?"

"Yc», Mothrr. I'm aLnuinn; - . .
?? < ; ' 1 - 1 ;; tnalde like . . . IUcr b damned
froBt kettle. You knew, bubbling and
.?? aju] , .

"Letting afl7 itnam," oboerved I.udy
DruL-Ulu, wlio *tifl well fl«iLtnonti.'d tfi
canie«£|nTu imm htr H£l who had no
secrets from her, "JTm. You'd hartily
be alOfiliuj Bild l>l|hbtlnu flbout drbla,
dunfl. or rarda Ap*rl trcrrn the fact
thai ihrrr are tKiins In yolii Fair yoiino;
life ydu'vv tot all thir money y*»u

want not riinffliig nndur the

influonL-e of wilio. and ..."
"Thai lnavea woman, eh? Clever


"Y*i, and at a gur» her nrmiri n Con-
ounlu, iliAVt Kim me itrnlght on tlw
brow and [i:ir t %itri the cunfeaAluu "

Sir Hurry Vane klued tun im/l.n,
stroked her hair lovniBly, ujid fci^nfri
her ngain.

"Herloue. Don? 1 " she naked -Honeot
to Ood, and first, hurt, and onlyT ftlng*;

"WeddlitB-brll rl»«a." nnttded Harry
Vane, Ukih« hla mOThrT-* hand- "Ytnj
like her. don't wu, UruBUla?"

"Very much, dear Her urethra 1 , too.
American gentleman in the gnutd man-
ner. tiAirl anythirui 10 hex yctr"

"Wen, gave her a hint that I rather
Ilktd n- i you know."

"Sl^nlTJed Iti tu* usual manner?"

"Ye*. Hutted her |iard to harder-
heart to hearler. 1 mean. Ki»*d her
fair to moderate — hmnt>dnn» le pernmpa "

"Harry, you"rei nervoui. All airLLKh

and bluahfni. Sold nnythinv to her
brotlior yett"

- .N.. Tliouflht I'd ci'ine antl . , .
«r . . , rehearan li, like . • . with

"CV-ar l>oy M

"'Pr.\ttl«. you know Oflt it by heart,
speech . - .**

"We don't lujow much about them,
do «. Harry: 1 "

"I kprrw all 1 want to kxtnw n'r/nut

"Y«i dnn'i. my boy."

"Nu. you ru rljfht, Muther. I rfon't
Ttiott .1 \uLl :1x0s n 1 want to knciw m:
her Thnt'K wbv T"m fioinu to marry
her If ahcll have ate."

"Don't ymi tlunk, Hmrry . . .V

***To; I novor tldnk. Mtrther.*"

"Ntj: iI j mj Old comptftlnt of mine
against yon. ian't 167 Still,, iherr'a a
»ood dual Ui think n£. Ian't. Lherj, dai-
ling* Thrrr a the TrJiteeuth Baronet
and Vane cibctt Btnone ot.hi'r thiiijt 1 "

'"Ye*, arutmn other thinw, thrrrea Ui«
Ttilrte«nrJi Baroont.' asmd Harry
Vane). 'TJnluoky luimbRf Don't you
ttvLiit .'he d j |ayi:Jy mother for Utile
NumVr 'rmn'^n?"

L/OVELY. etirtalnly."

"Well? . . Any mini: bcblum her,
Druillla Orundy?" -

"Ahaoiuteiy nothing, my dear. ItH
only lhat — th* knowtnp nc?r.hipj( wltat-
cver about har, really— Uiata poeipon-
lng my burnt! rw Into weajk tears at yty.
soinff oil goosey, and Blabbering; over
you. Blie'i lovely, wttty, charmlna; and
delightful Mont plqiiante, with that
pretty Utile accent. What U It, by the

Plmtr turn to Page 47

and Colitis

Conquered by
Modern Medical


Dr. F. de Courmdles. of the Paris
Society of Practising Physicians,
says "Good health results from
internal cleanliness."

Coiwltpmion tukf-i many lunn- — it rue In <•(>.. ut-

fan ailmrutM. Mtwl mrnntl. of itleta U cullti*. Tlic colon

I.-. iiiiij.- lui.l. .!r.lll)!lllilH'.l, .Hill rlirill.il'. I nill, |iulrr-
fj-ili* rlr[ii.,itn. M.nlrm loo.l., wlticli newer inclnilfl
bllflk'init rfiuglmjv- lo |.ro(«irly expreise Om intrnlloes,
CUlktt lJi> ... imuLil.-. ULimuiilublr milwi prerautioai urn
lakrn- Rriililjr liuwel luoveiucnt. urr no |>rolecLiuil —
ific i-uluii *.:lll" r.nvr- ^n.MM trm vvf.il l>. r.ij lluiir

of ill. Jail> iiiiireupni! mlililion of waste ninltcr . . .
i.jn niuj; ni.'iJirinr. iinlj l»ni'Re tlir iuwrr rinf of thr
cnlun, antl exlrncl rHentiuI wiulily from thp tvbIU. Nctn
h(.w liquid jour ftre.e* hctumc aTler a ^r.vrrc tl»*e .if
nnUnurr ImutiTr, f^rirtice. howrvrr. Iiuh io.w founi] a
»are ami .'lli'rtivr rt'iur.l) ill (.'itfiUcjUlV (Wiynn'a Im-
provril Furmula).

Bor>k , . - t .

SInll puh|14mi fur
llrni'mutrutiiiit jiir


»m\ rwi-tii*. tinder
plain fiiur In nr-
lurri mail, a bun*
Irllinil *n(l all

..If. ml AlllYIKlina.

ThU bnuk It

rrtsB—w tin in

and I 1 I ?? ??

euif|Hin NOW!

. tut in

ettKM mi wuw r**t #"Hna l*»«a

AWl, lit IM** U . .. . . I. .. - Klim

i-mJ nil J..u,vll.ir i>i<i|i JaV .*(
CtltlUtEPVU:. k-klek I cotUt*

I ??'?? Id »»H

Wholt Family NntfiH *

frrfHr.sitn, HJU
"1 fwr* n..d t;OUMt.PTU: far j.m..-

finiP und unhnm uny fzaggrrnflOn
11 /i.r: u» r f it fj (he fth' >t inrdin'iir
nfiiTrl^iibfi' f*tr hnwel Itpnhh*, Thrrr
are iivr in our fun-iiir unit KM' aft umr
il n-g ninety, ff t bur*, firm ihr
M «r 11 f \»lit, i"i r u ' !"* ml, */i1t* »« A
ftlutt 1 . . , If hut girr.n 111 all itrntth
and n'ncwr * > ?? '*

fit) rata at al

t»4« 1-ii-r

COLOSEPTIC'S Vitalising Action

'M11- rluuicrd "ilnni whirl. r<-.nll* fntaa
??hi nnii'ilajt**»<ii>n Ui mwlrrn fnoda,
form* itrulrnt ...u , thai |M| im.. the
IiIuihJ ??in-111. and alln^k WtffJ >ltal tunran
in if,. li4Hl>. Ilii. iiiirnifuem a slali nf
Jiiln&ittia. <ir nrlf-iiiiliriitilrii;- Thml It why
Ur. df ( 'iiui'flliib * rlri-lnrv^. Ilia I a rlran
r+t*n U HM>nlU fa* pnfm tiHtlk

"1 Jl^.-n. -Ml-rt I'J-.M.I (.-.•?? .1.

..Ir. [MM ...1 . ,-,1

rr>l»ll>* ISiiM Bfilr rrrlH.nfiM*
girt, tf MM W> iTi. •??Ui M Ik.
► -Un. fJttiu] i'hw !>??> L ?? lie mht

1- mB> .,..1 ht.B-.Hr pm ...

mti|pK4i'.1li. II rnrnr.H kM • .»4I-
IbfM n jj i nWm ll>* fPllHrl •!

n, M ri t , ..i..« tV * «"*"" ??[ *?? »Pi»«-»f

-I.MITI. al.il IP.. li,J„a._ — tk> 1)1...
ml,-. ImfHiTl bid ariitin xfiUh > I im Cu I ?? y^ww

f, ...n • .... 111mm ll.nini. ' lit- ?? ri..t<> —

-f ?? ... .J... h • ,..,r

lallb II ihiao |«H lllwiarillBLl. M..« .hn>> |b.
,ipL-« ilaplhl am_i „iHT..><,> || a. « ??•> lu*n

?? I rt III. MMtttUl li.Mfi l..-.l.||,ral •t.apmi. I '.as

lh- |m,.ltM mutlM. || U *J<il fHP,tr>( T .

'"FT "Ml" r<«M-l. .Il..r. ... 1.l..,ll- r I, ...|. ».,,

mJ ??itvMtk'h ar* >p ih. a. ??rpilm r|M|>:.Mi

tluu ihn kiwikai oiapiulpii |aMt rl»«. S1.1. F nyl.
a«al -I iim mV*- I^Iiih -In,,!,, .uliki ihh.

|>l>amit. TT."»I **??(!•«.. M.r*a UL iL h Mix* llUf

rrj.ia.ai. *H Jm|(I I. aM> JfJ— I ka. ].«?? VaMB

In (.nfi'.i r.e.i .l.iil itplHiluiaV.





At ill CHlMiVI II iincil,..,!..,..!, Itvcilk wrlti U 1
CQLOStlOIC *jm4 LTD., U O'CcWl T.artV T I

Heaves food

iful: tin- iUni'h lir.-ely "


National Library of Australia


SalurAry. February I. 1936.




Shini-Wavc Medication
cue US.

Thin coat una dlntnuvd as OiUJltli

DfTnrTnaOJi. BATOT^lro with QntPl) AT-

Lbritiii CbicLl:tfl Deformon* is « rare
iorai '..i uifiiuiituuiiuii oi th* bone
rhar^ctrrijril by the prodiKtton Pf
iScfnrmH?. For nu»rr than 10 year*
LLC [htklrii', a wi'KVJii tjt y ir:
had been unable to sit up in bed
Thrrtnu-Huv treatment w« c^TO-
menerd <* iU i '35 After fright
treatment* lit* batlcnt wtwi iifat 10

from pain. Trc»lini'Ut wni couiniueU
ana & pceaenl tim cwiLit-nt is well
*"iimik'h Tn lio Uahi. Kvmurv, ork .
I! : I itf c<*nae, teipoiiiblif lo apwt I
tompJcV cure In cum:* or m*nv viarn*
Hn c d lm c- T

ptnfiiiVii r
Ulhl tnrv b

«utnt fljfony

LHWf WLbmtA 1* Mich
e left tnctr bed 05 cori-
p and now car movn in
ctirnii ninth* comfort.
*l»ch werk we refer lo a dlffep'a'-
e-jap but sinmld n-uutre informa-
tion iTXArdfnc an? a:Lmcnt vim osa;
be nim-rin» from our mndlt>Nl officer
will advux- vmi if tills Lrmtmciit will
none fit toil

Tlir Scrvk-t-f uf A lullv OUullfled nvdl-
cnl stall y-d me Dmch scltrrwt "who
Lr.rffitfid tb* TliPfmtVRtoY TJfllt Are

Kvaitiittli* iLt Hfadqunrterri ot the
Thermo -Ray luitltutw Ltd.. "Wvrmi-
tnft" ns Mwiqiuvrie 8ln*t-, Sylm-j.
Triune BW fti4^ **»

WOMEN -9£ei«y*
ifJaii a 2nd (Day

Take Tbia Special Bi-itlly laialiVe

Spanish Maine


^-r'H. Ta«] - YUMlhh-
liiperanto. You kiuaw, Mo Hut, one Of
three Fntn^mUui Biuiuto dialect*
».prafcen in Uj*» Aleutian lslandx.**

'Yt'ii, dunmjr. i iiitiuftht it was ikiiiiff*
thiiifi tikn that I Buppofi* thwr la
Rome good rcuHjn why aee Ita* il— arid

-He** ikt imJf brother: and the niher

ball picked up Lh" accent at school
tomrwherc. . Show* you you cant
dee Loo careful. . . . Mother, 1 lhaU
bur/it In n monirm

"Itut in hfrr. rturUne"

-eimplj' bio* up: burrt: djiufu:
ling .

"Now not thau rtv.rlisiy. Ooa'i tin»*
"Well old l&dy. whnt about lit 1 "
"NocbinA about II to-ui^hL dariLng
— except tnat t hope thMl turn out in

bt' ,i frlliy priiirras, a_ T n.i Tnnke jvu B«
hiLDpy . . nr. bnppy . . . u> 1 would
hRTr yovi be.**

Harry Vane kbMd hit molhcr'R hmul
Shr itmlied bifi alf*k nnri hand»onio


linllsiitrm lluiiil'*.

(!inrj[ik\iaD Pilk

Tai-if rnfr tfir ^ljifrH«rr<|f

ONI do unythlni}
.itiaui-n— wiU rati uaf AxiO I'll

nnve n long chat with opi brothei by
utid oy nou't <io anTtlLins drattk

"You man? mux mua tod drink
Tjtree bottles ot champagne with me
to-uiKtu thif n fttothsr r

"No, durllnfi I*t« «ud 017 prayerr
and done im tnr? up or t wnuia
OdOd-nlfljht. sweetheart } woolunl
talk WUrmn foi wmid* -rhsn rtm aw
all bribbllne ind foneiTi«-bui thcr"
thl torch u:o mita Got lo hand u
n ii riJi:i'!j Wc want all UM .*'
beat tot Numbnr TTrdire wit t«
'.^ do nil the posuiiJr best f^i Sumou
rhlrteen, nuvfal wfl?"

01 cntirw, S^tniifl MaWip <nd Lam
rinm^Mi bad to rort-'l— 11 ttfind on

Senor Stoma tnnae a mini raYoraak
imptciaioii: and, ai Lhe end of half no
bfiur. ulih br^bt timiLn and frftcsini
bom, be wlthdrrv.

Always dependable



In two



l*M *tFf-aii«fclfifc*d farfllK-
ll*. A Q4&d Jjml (??[ m\man
?? I m lev f-rk**


A Mob qiialily rtd ulman—

lligll+fy hi^h#f in pne* 4nd

In V* and 1 lb. tins

More people buy
any other brand — A



best value for money

Cpn tlnui 'd fro m Pa ge 46

"ChirrciOB manf CbarmLng manr
OtHcn-ed l^idy Druillla. 'Moat aeit*-
able And hmr Handsome— in tfw
Spanun -rvlir Brkllfani ooovorutufin
aU«_ tcio— ttiou Lhorouuhlj bUttttt
!«?? -

"My CiOur noaorwd Mt Vanbnmb
to hlmottll, bi'Jijrul Lhe lutncneunmiil)
??•! hii puker taue


L/yoO tnoi
UOLhei. toy iBaa' obwrtfeU Harry Van*
to thn lad^ DrusJlta. « fc» riuya mici
'fW .-IthiLr futtd aonjt'wbcrc. ol ht^rd
that lt'a t fact ?? «*n rKnBrtmblt
facL that r.iL-n -Jir nlofitiL most «p*rl-
cnci-t) and cihrrDU* dlflcrtrrlnaunB
women mrj nft«j liiid sfflar difflqwit*?
in duritiifl-uiairjui twiTwii * titaty
bounder and ?? perron ol QTrailty "

"Ls that ax dear? How inirj «;Uhu
AJirf do you th;nJ( Couxu^lb ihama Chat
Culiine wlLb 'he other aice experienced
and diACclmlnq.Un« sMmen In taking
up; ai Limy iaj. with alt Ham

"No. Moiiirt l donl And 1) yon
out help being feeble son can try ojh
to br fljppait, (??£B0m 1 ItjtiJt. I w
nrha ttbT* to lh> EETe-tallu ice-creorn
merchant or ir-:^u-en:i'!s:r or wherv
be la thbi Suamjtb Maun
fellow -

"Oh. ij Senot dpunlBh UuLne an
Ey^-LaLlaa7 W'rlL wrli bow dttrrlt-
fUll G^hig mtim fa.lw Uf«t*Pc« lit*

-What do yoAi ho in turn, Maihvr?

?? '-IV il r
Hi 1 unit

ed far. my ciilld I find
nujtiuj!? nitiwhlf man
lainrh 1 ttkt him.-
-Like him rhnn he combe hla UaAtT
??w?'A dnrbriit we rmv?t>t |ut V
intimate yti as tp =it und m^tnh Each
other ccnnbuiff "hi hair. . 1 like htm
btll in dmn v\tii TbnnRh I told h1ai

I !-?? :.r be eo-mo and vu ua at
vane rJbqn,"

"Grrad T>ira MothJ-n WhBi dJtl ftifi
wtmi Lo do that lor 1 ?"

'Whj not. :n> amn t!e» a ^entl*
'tii an una

-fir 1 gpbJit? h

*On dnm or »c uinuiai aam
What u np don carrr a cmnb to bit
i-r-vv ?? Hn ?? rmnicnvr "d
.'itrrJKnvs UiinJc we art ttit mut ruao'
aerkoR Cnrtvinan* In Eurnpe."

"Well, gooq frtrm *nt! tixnt -uiiUinBn

•My druj onj n™ aC i??m mftat di-
ilKtiiTuI bing« ] E Europe, a tniiy Rreat
nbble and chh'iLircnu jsntkman, al-
wi»Tf wipe* hi* flnKera on nlz fraiimn
after he tut -Mten inythlmr ^uicjt ot
ttk'kr Kftcr rnrtvi Van &* dwt
vary. nhuuRU Swuetimd ha wtper
Uvm on thr Irorii and uimBttrne* -r
the hnrk: but nlwa.y? -on hu trouiierx
And hi.- fdmlly !.,'.????.?? nrovldod Idnyii lr,
Blifr'Sif ^1nre RT*

-Weii, L?an«ittiii do?cn t like tbl;
Bphnub H*lne initio*"

"Then she can l«v* httn ti> ui*. ean'l
aoe. darling, and Lhercll be no
j tfllomy Present rorapariy aiwast
eatceptetl. riwre t» nnbod? nn ihr 4hir
Fd sootier calk to. He knows tny
beloved Spain, ol course like th* bark
of fiLc hftnd: Germany. Frnnet
Alffi'r^-ali the pla«?? I know I'm
quite tiire be « no Jtalnt. but Ik know*
Lbc world Efe has Ih^l and he hoi
dnm 1 things '

"WftlL ec Ttflr own foolLth wtiy, Dru-
idJla. bant say 1 didn't warn you

II you taunt to know what I think . *
-Ol '-mi.':-' I do, darling. Who

doetnrtT why dont you ban ulna?"

-partly b*ca«iie Gongurin l«ithea the
??????.-ill o( bjm.''

"Why AtKiuld ahr7"

"Vy dear Droit LLa. I den t wlith to
be pwU*d< ba * ^ a - ue * 1 5r >?? bncBW
be'* a ihocirUig bnunder, and no aen-
nibJe. decent woman i^otdd bft aeen d«ad
In the rtciwt with hbn — or anrbody

1 wunder wbj r.>n^u-io takes Ehe
LTOuble to loathe him."

"I wonder why you take the trouble
to ba alTil to him."

"Does Mi VnnbruBh eimre Ctm-
tualaa rtttutfnnnci: utid tuitred at Se7>oi

E rartainb" doean t
like D im Always refen to him i=
i;it c'.ry i^ftgo -

-Not ilnyi da tUna. IVp nenro
cum refer to hint or a 'CQdnaoi Wnp
Curtoua *

??Jolly eiaht more ennou* thai ytn>
itlOUlff chutii ttC «rl(c him Dnio"

"Ob durltrm ire'rr- not aoniUvrit
ihutnniy Be omunof me. "

•And irauvf miiuio am ta Van*

Tea 1 nope neu invite u» u u
oluce tn Bpaln aftrrwarrti'

H HUt CaatJe id Spain I"

*No. aarlliis 1 ori»vp ne obUpo H
1 earirtf-ria Re^ a landfin Oai ?irtf
enow with d ????'??'» ??!!." ?? at
«nd, aa a rwbby a ranch for brwdtnv
tlahttm bulla tor the cuU-nrta "

(We r«j-n to Vapr #W


Only thoac who anffer can realist the
Dtt«r muery, the maddomif tannic, the
dreadful Micaeja tlutt hankachc brmga.
Yet tKftm*hiti 41 cbponie tuffeftn go
on in their pain and weakneu cmtil per •
hapa Lkej baTG to pee up, beturtmlg
bed-ridden ; motbur unable to carry Mt
ber duly duties ; wafe-enraeri lo*e
money ; pleaaurea Juar a thing of the
paat. Sufferer*, yoa muat lealiae that
anvfnl Backache ia Uuuitt't urjeent
alpjul of deen-fieatedl trouble within the
bwJy— Kidney Trooblfl.

Weak kudneyB — yea, ihaz li what
riulcM 1th * misery for go miuiy, many
people, alrhonjrh ti-y do uo* know it
Arc you ffoinjs to stay crippled bj
p*m, ot will jm pror* how qoifJdj,
boar anreJy and pemunentiy, yo»> can

nyvtea ol taw powaaa and i .
that cause tout pain. Bat moat im-
portant of all, your Ipdneya are leatorod
to health and thoj then keep the ijaaeal
ft k tstua pBivOaa.

RntBembej tnia De Witrt Mfc arc
ntaaai for the one parpoac only— to cod
|faa t~ T a »fjtrt3nTea»anaad bj items

trcHiblc. They are not )\*t ordinaly
nilla ot salta lhal pu» llirQiigh tbi
??bowela out al the *y*t*m. They c*

"bawela out ol *.Ik lyttOn. Tttey cltanM
th? jyiaem and binkj np hr^ith, strength
And ntahty. De Wttt'a Pilla ijo to the
wat of au your trouble— the Kidney*.
They are sale and sure in all cues oJ



De Witt's Pilla, la 24 boura. ahow yon
huv* icj;y haire uxed dirrciry on the
hiiin-TfA. If ynu will ocily persevere.

thdt eJoaniuig, taait actiot will rid your

See yos ^ct the £ ermine pilla to-day
Sold only ui the white, blue and cold
box. ai all chesniEita or a(nrcJ»i:p=ra,
pike 3/6 or 6/6.





Let Family

maun roc


C nn-fti poDtf ai ra.
darlm and

F-: : al [amaw ill I


Cbm ??atfer.u-fel

IKbiUm and L*C-

rtvfHaali Waaa



reas Itself!

Pfctricr'j bcrjlnra, mo!h-r's wrltlnj?. th> ehlldren'a
itudlen and itleai, e^ti bfi SPEEDED and IMPROVED
With an rjndr;ra.-onrt PorlaOlc Trpeirrltcr. It la tsjrr
to nnerate. ettrj to buy. to leam 90 lei lamfly
ability e-xiir&ir luslt orontalily thia modem was.
Rctulr.n will fuaUfy the rmap lnrestznent— and

the ntnrdy nndtrwood PortAhle Lastfl a lilettmn. Bend
for nartlcubirfl of Spectai Terms Offer, under wliinh
vou nan buv th& paa>ofjtea (or but a few ku« a week.


THrvh^n*. aWTlTL

dj»o aaa kaanl iiiataj,

I Wlthoo^ 5tijri»i*3a, nr.na ??» rfnailr nt rif^ RinJerwciwI rott-
I a lilp T jp-TTiter *r« Tnn n » Coena. ana ernaiAL TEftUfi

I iiia .

nl.-rt7I.T58 „ ,


In \our O^vn Homo


SKM) ONLY 6<l.

'w tiili wild yvo ui
Urartirrn* that will
forlric y an
???????? ?? i ii ("i-
nlt t il I
Han I o T-

Na. I WHARF (TRrn.AK Qt'*V. -1 I'M V


National Library of Australia




Saturday. February ~t , 7*?.?fi.

rrinm« pUgZSJl lo linHl

i .... - t

Find r

i Cn™. IW>

??I- ?? ; "1"' .""'J

-tin ftx



iuai in Hi* »un


'ha- ' ;F


»<dr lulurv rhi»*

mxx. r-twr

1, duff * tin**

'"V' t '.v. . • ™.

iiJly — i--


lEagtmd) i0HD0h_
t-.fc.— Tnr Li^r inif nlcnfl upiU-

HmK'Ii fin,. f.odnit.imti> n? nut'

wLFd (HttMuL *Me» 7/-.

When Stomach Gas

Presses On Heart

U win jmfltr iliaip uoiil anaui the
hwrt ami a frelma: of imfTocation, don't,
ilctu<. no round ni your chemist and
Pit a few oimciH at pure S,i»j Mairrjrfrrla
Tafco * LpjMtwonfuI In halt a stilus al
lint wnicr aft-r tut'oK Within five,
minuti^ it will irLirye ibr tm-juur? of
iras nrrKirit; yow hmrt iind muse you to
BliMlil uii-Hr-r Sail* fcfiieiwsan itf.nar.hra
rli ii:l:i' iim! wi'ftrrr. I. Hp ?? I ?? ! rr, :< *j n mid
imnj-iiDfir-i aSfi duutroruui acith which
??re Llic rraJ caiinc at a ciust Moouich

turn rimj etotnjali

clvilW KWlcl foT 11V!

ii (iMlnv the most ar*
form cd miiTiuii out

t« atnmwiij aufleren

twice thr nifn-ndujv:
inaenF^I" ijL'mir'.lv m<
the LoiilniL curotnrp
far thr mo?r, Datutabl'

NOTE— Don't r.onrnne Salt* ift l t|W l 1 l|
wt Lb otrtrr unpa T.i.-Jocitnrv fornu of
??m.irtfsin i-rxuiilur m liner citrntr-fl
«C — jr tltvavs wbtr lr» nniuauncr
cloarlv the mime "S-A-L I-X" Jbfaenwn
to VtRu eheratst *•»

Mltd bv doc-
nbout Mve
ii IU Vrnv
IIt bfllpjircfl
itri availubH 1
«EHlnii fuJlv
or atnrjr

ana: t^llfrrltl
m : uiid bv

vol it <;ukv n\m

a.U ITtar

Piles Disappear

mnl r.j-iiatnifn-.a arldum bn itlah

N'ir cut:lnn removr tbe olluhr.
Tki: cuijir ts innJjlP— bud cJituliUlfm.
Tlu: Ltiootl U stuuiiuut the v«o>

n . hp v

Tlii 1 novfl *fllln etr *rak thi> pof'.b
.i ::. i :

To qutcitiv and ?aielv rid vourscJI ur
ttlW vcnj mnst Irep the clxnlation—
Mird a Irn5h ruirrm through itajrn-uit
poota Internal ixiiLlmrnt In the on*
??:a:i- m f 'i tKU OiiiLmrriL- un J cuttirur
wftn't dp It

J. ft. Leonluudc. UD-. m jmretnllftL net
nt work wine vtam anu u» and » nml
tniOrnat T^nf'dv for titlw H<* nUf:i>10drci
rln nnn:td hir nrfinrriotLftn Viiculo-ld atni
tried 1L in 1004) cinm h^H'tv ht wn» witi*-
fiod Nov Vncutotd Lfr wild by ehe.nl*U
-•turv-whivi- ujiri^-r ^MTfiVArr It ti fl
!iar»ii>5s tflhlrl ejuv tn talr* md tin 1
malrEri wilt irlAdlv refund \iw inirrhnm
Drtec to ?vnv dL*?3.Lfeflr^ rLiacomnr.^**


I feel good

i -J

daad, Ivjj k*a S-trrti-

Um h Mttt m iiM«k xnd
voiir «i>l Ka>« ?? IU*
fn4 •nmirtfi ("ul\»t rvitt
mi Ruin — hiiwai« nf
imltftnon* Cm fttl-
, m itom iii f.i ????! . .
and fH'ir- Ut iK
« dovhtr J/-.
>tiw»ntwr» IWtfvMrti
WILLIAM COl>riill ??




X J.UI lOi who'i that
^unialtyT" Lnaulred Cnpr.mn Alflxai>dcr
At^jnp Bro^iic. ot jSuri'L-on MncJJotiaLd.
ai a man an cnitchn* made hbn mrpful.
InLOrtnuji way fiXicu the Anionm to tht
trhdor that wu w Le&j- the pawncfin
urim* ar PtymoullL

•Damn*fl u 1 icnint. Hlr." retried tn*
itnpi doctor "Nrnhfug to da with
aw I've tiad no tow or tcit cm-?
Querr "

f-""'- :n:i*":-. ' " uele Of ton t^nad
?ar.EWLiy ^trpT.cliJiig betwero the onen
yillpyori In tnr Uda ol the Auimon
and LfiDl at the- trnitRr, vu illgUl
inn uSfl ntfiilf had but little dlfTurulLr
in crnoltti trom Ltm thip to Lhir uQat

"ThWn b*«n nobody mwut thi! imp
on erutchee cHhtr." enotlimcrl ihe
lurpeoti "Must bflvo tMtn very sud-

'Hi' d pouie prcpnrrd tor It oil tl&L*
ztiTX-ivro CuplaJn Uruwnt.

"Hr^a d'yoti m<fan. MW*

'WelL tout PTPtty ObVtDUI. IflTi'l.
.:? Be'i gut id!. Taut bound up to the
of a Ghrlstmai puddtnfi, und ri
Hair if cruifliii blc and strrmn enuutih
to tnte bini round ttir srorld He
waa anticipating trtat acclilenL wazai't

_ a I iw what you

nlfaan Mr. Of cOwrer, |L mHV not haVS
bffen aecldent."

"Nn. tnilLvd tt niay tmt" aureed
Onpr.aih BfownE

h mrmc, he may be feubjflct (o
duddrn at.tacsta of tout or rtwartiatlsm
and I lib- lu be tt^iwrcd; w ho may
have iom<r -Ort oJ wciund or «nre ttiat
breaks nut feom tlrns to ttmn."

*rlyv7" DbfB>rved Cu-nUin Broifma
non-l-oriimu tally.

Sm OUa VanbruRh. evnn nwve
wetntaal than Oupwln Browne, tod*
(iut bin iMritt-lcntle an hp Iu11i)»tiJ
tJnnhr Manot«l MaJiin aerom t&e Hang-
ircvy in tlut taHida-.

Watolilcj: him until he had
rncooncMl hrmaalf In a tuil« pint* on
the lower dtwk at tbn ateni of U«
boat, Vanbruah. dtir^.tiuR til*
dr'B[inr<h chee at the fort or Crmruela,
cnad* htH way tu whore Spanish Maine
ant, hJB cnrtfhM and UuHtuged Iwt
t'jtVrndrd oefcire tilm,

Oaenmg ttu tnite. he cxm* up to
ifho orlppte (mil. with the tuvcJc <rt me
h-adf. rapprd the rtout lutf uf '»w of
the >Tu:rhe9 sW*rU» waa, as b*
ami tutperte-L of >toal

"And mlaJn am lift «fl|W the ftfvfl
V'ili Uilnk >'(-u'ro daliicL"* mquticd
BpniUAh Mntnti Miftjy

"Vnr nrtght tdta U»C itrpl""! Vao-
tiniKh "Very bruxhL I wemdrr how
canny pewnda at L-ouaior Ihmm crutcPC*
hold, ontt huw nutuj urai nf tt ynii'wj
uol *-.mpped lfluad yniu frrm. I
thar ?? really brainy rtotiun. Tou
kin>w. rvo hulf a mind to lot V&u ur*.
away with It"

Tm tUTP j-nu have.- replied Bpantvh
Muintf. "Hffrtrr tnriii tuilf In Wfl
you hnvrn't. nt oiriitmn that Ihnt
of aulf cltibw cOnlahm aliuut Wi much,
you nouoc th>f laigr proportion of
dnvew and braWnAfl All dttmmtef:
aJl linllow. So nra the bnUa In l he
pouch, and at the bottom of Oh ha;.
Tli«y won't fall out becaua 1 , a« ytru
the tap"- laiJied nit* and lism r^u"^
the top

"ftnnrhrT nrioht and urnlny nwlnn"
(ibsprvrd VanijruglL

"Ye* That cjundrtca-l oaae cam.
tflsaly atwehed cdntftlnj] a therm c*

OiUt TIliLl :> full, tOO "
"And you've nmtilns to declare. I


M Oh, y«R, 1 haVR r-m Blwuyt
scrupulnusly hon*."ft. carpfril and prc-
c-bb. ,i oven I've pit a

rouplf of lafaiPFpfvmii of Lrandy la Uila
;13v« flBAk and a IH'OICl'IJ Ikw or cieara
in thai Jtuttcaiw; They will wciBh the
etRaxa, aJloft' w the brandy, and
chaiTfc me aeven and nil Come and
watch "

"I'm Buing to rm eoing to do
tnen than that I'm voinc to take a

bund I'm (tnlnp to «lvr you away,
my trlrmd- Sw fdy nnudb^d m'rr lo
tba pnjioe"

"Not rout" tauttttcd apoiujih Maine.
"Kot ynul"

-Byppofw I dnnt And rurinnw thry
enteh you thnmnelvea without mv
hrtnr Atp ywo ntll soinn to nttn
v i:itr yam tilKiur attaa Conamfa Von-

-Ttr— rjfl Look here VanbfLUfh I'm
(i iprnrarriHn Come and aniteh m*
ihi'uuah thr I'll bet ynu a

btinrtrrd to onr, to pound* UAtfeLng
they dwi't witch me. And whnrrt
more it they db. Til undertake new
to ui.v a «r-rd about our TltU> 2-iaa.
Wurd of honor "

"TJonr." m piled Vanlirurh Tf you
an- pinched you dant nay n ward
ahout Mln ViinfuitUh and If yOii pd
UirfMyrh I pay you one rttindrad
^undfl Than it L oeUei/t; I'm twl

"SehoT VanhniKti' Betwnm sent!?.
own I I have etven you my «ord of

Vanbrueh frujtfrto 1

-If> ft bet" he laid

In \*ne *alttn» rogm int*. wwcS

Spanish Maine

Continue A_ from f*tigr 47

the nawntjera v«e herded before
betn*j allov.cd In hfltcliaa. Into
the soititfwljat restrlctrd *p&ce of the
ex(ittLlimtU3n-»uoi, Benur Manuel
"Maine vaa the feripimt of much and
5t-jiuJ[]i< t*om]olencie from lin fnenda.
cspcflnisy Lady trriitiiia.

"Oh. poor, drar sennr Maine! What
La ibL-,7 The thin at thr port drtnting
r * - j i ?? r;- vlalted dp -n Lttv nice ab-
nti'tinoan rJiildren unto |.he third and
fourth tn-nersUon? Hw vrry odd art
the wn?£ of uod, If one may any ro
with all roBptMil. They enjoy the port
and we cat the goat, Moit unr&ir
8o that li why vo did not aee you yea-
terdny? I Inolirrj out for you; quite
mijuwd yon."

"Lady DrusHUi. rtAllyt It's worth
??ny paLu. any Incnnvenlriice. to hear
ynii f_ay Uitvt H'a nr'lbl"Hn nothlnjr."

Tm surr it En." observed Otia Van.

"What d'you mean, Mr. VniibrugbT"
arUed LAdy Urufillik.

"Why. «o'Bm. that IT !?? matilne—
ft— to jfj braver a ticfO aa geuor

??'Puno altmE. p]en» J ?? boomed an
aEnrtnnm poUeentan "Adoui a doj_en
pkR». That -, rlghL itr. Mind Use
gentlEiman 1 ! foot"

And wtth i srUn amite upon tda face
Ofci* Vanhrueh wotclied the pn-wnsje
of SpMiiab Motno thrtiuBh the Brltum


At Ltiii tisfrrqnonUd port, where
Knur* rarr-ly bflriiiud, the didlnlcely
rajii'-RTilne Cuntomd oft'lrbl. who ap-
peared to cflrnbUw hi* oce-ulmial work
o{ Custonw officer with thut or rail-
way pnrtHr. producJitif a printed curd,
read out a lona list of dutinttle urtlclca
"AiiythiQ^ to declare, tlrf"
"Err— ytt\ t oa ?? matter of rocB. I
have." replied Spanish Malno, Tve
boc a traw cJfpua in a box in that ??mlc-
Cftj*e . . That one- Broken brw,
orifflnalEy fllty. I muprw-f r*l tJiken
a dacen ouL Tou don't molte any
chart™ for a hrokm »Xh do you?"
r/fflaf f^irn (u f'tUT /'>


Anyrt rnMiil iru "HfW
— Utt VlnninJ> A.P.Q
Will * I 1 " ' '?? ??*«

L> uurt . -jriLiurni) <M

MlinUAt hoAfllltl tae-
miila, Provad fij th««».

?? nd* «t Auitnll-u
lot fT#r l> >«*f»-
OsM'sri iinMrtM mil

.1. ' II £. ?? llfl,

*????»??' rdi.hlH
i . i ii..i ,i. ii. I* l«k*
P»»dnr*t rs_t«fi
13 t*r i * ?t lir 2 •
W*W (loitit la--

Mi. fjaj tu.

Jill ChtmliU V %in*t\

HMlinj I . I-.

(.ii. 7«-7a" I.. i,.

!'??.-! . -J- ?? -

rtm vatCTt"* uvke. 1*t -vincei

At 5 o'clock

She's still
fresh and



Daily Girl!

lirrry mnrning «hr put* on a fnreJi net of under-,
clean nn«l ??wrrl uy rlover ! Every ui^hl. «br ?? - 1 -
ji id" jii't 1 nuiiLiti'ti to [mfj» theni into Lilt. auJ mil

u|ebiu. Thut'< her (iro^rammo for .i ->t> ?? '??????:>»]
riudimet . . . frne frfim all WWt^nJ about personal
daintin^H. Do V«ni winder ??lit" ImAi ftUrb a ptrliir*-
of eon], rrfrr*hinp eliarni '.'

4 m Wu te s
^every night


lur tur -"air uf 4 uiinutr- «-\ erv nipht. \..u <an li- *nre m> r will t ver

lirirl ??- . . . i (jtnliy ..) uiitihu-jnl [ler-oirtitjou. lt T n »o cany to wUVnd —
J"«it fn»irr 'Till In avoid nUVndinp, tin? ebiuiu-c daily

V waali to I iix evnry niplit a kinrlne^ i n iitnlir • iui.I nturVrn^. It
laVtsM ihaa tmn I. ihnr dainty tilrrn» niinnl, and tlnir •(ilnurs

In.liil tad »iri*nai'd by pnr«pkuiiuii MnbLa,

Pulltiw tin edAV L-mlnute Lui method, i hn- tatit>'*p(tmi i-l lux d^ri ,dl
of. fine dill '?? untlirn . . . and ymir «lNfktnp;« k two. Sjiif«-r» puruv nl>- LtenlH
in tlir inl. - i\ .jtik Lu\ «id#. Rinnr Ivhi j-, roll in a trwe] mid i linLr mit,

Dyu't u^e lL»>-^anu water. Lux nutkv* lnvc]> nnd» in lnkrvi,irin w_.tei.

National Library of Australia


Saturday, February 7, 1936.



Spanish Maine

w yea. a* ft

'natter of tnci. we do. sir Ciffnra u
•iijiu-a, ami m inch b dutiable."

H Oh well. yen. but tltunn 11 «U, I'm
Inntortins ctanrr rhcy t\m onl>
a few benn amok lug on the

;ntiTQr^. lunt to la*t mis fruw Jamaica
in Iflndun Ttn^ie Jojiioircmri. ymi
Snow. J don't AuppW-e \\\r. duty tin
•-hrm L'i a> Uiravy u ntt II kranna, u UT"

"All BOii* hv wriaru. Mt. Ye*. Ill
•sure to wpj^ti 'I'm Lit:ti i-liarpt' accord
iiiS. Will you opmi the flLtlLcaac."

"Would sou mind rising n? in
un looked Frprythlup/s witoeki'd- That
Mty "

"Very ipwd. air"

And opctvinH thn snltcaae. |.hn official
??Jibe load. Mipi h>- thfl aid* 01 atlk
nyjiunn anfl nirjer e^ndcmnn-liJcr
LiiipciUn.enia. a Dfiy box o! Jamaican

"Tliiji It nil, Uf?"
That ?? it Well ;.-??»"
Spnnlah llalne prUw Lm. right

"I believe I\r cot one In my clfi-ai-
ca*e here. Wnit a mtnutu"

"Oh, ihutll be 'ill rtRhL, air," ron-
twlttd 1hr man "Yinj wnir n rnomtnL
I'll take tln=sf and YPnlgb 'am-"

"Oh here, held tin. Hall n minute
Surry— I yd got a drop oi brandy in

"Hw muijh, Eir?**

"About n quarter lull U j h Juhi — er
— medlral coioJoita, you knuw. Alwny*
nn". It about with me."

-That 11 be nil right, air."

"Wi-il. be u qutok ah you can, tike a

(JILE has the (lender Jttrirr of
?? , Lxitlu
Thai tm» In .!'??'??!.?? wtierf?

'Ik ??•!•??? anil -ull
An <t LiriRninc r . i ?? MrticiiLttr

yet rulm
h* deep, clrar watcM by 3

rninnri mill;
Ami llcry lialr irhTt ilaiu-inx

*ulihrur>« piny

Willi ciramlnc ambrr Cmm aid
Mlumn u — ;
.And Irnder hr*ri where onl*
c.f - dwi^U*—
These irlfU
ihar frfrnd.

In my I

;i! LquIk,
— M. YArrtnxion I

good chufL X Mnl rtand tbMui fur
]an«. yQu know. Tlrtu leg . . ."
??Quidc hi I can, air.' 4
And btp minutes inter. hJf^ftiyiihirr
wruwted in i-iMr'h upon meh <•?
i:irrn-.c= trtmfcj, his i-^'.ir i.,n' and
deai»(ch-Gii»e. Spanish Mftine iiftiMd
ihmiieh ttw liUle Custom.* H'jum to the
rniEwiiy pliitform. where thr- hctnr-Lrain

t y CAl'ilL) ut the
windirw oi n (iMf-KTfcwi carrbiefl, ho
borai nod mtlldd plpaaiuitJv ta hi*
fullnw p#miTffr]1 n R fchW IniTTUd by

O'Jj YttUbrufih ibMroaeilr.-d.

**Th*t wll] be a Dtmdrrd pound*. Mr
VMD^rtjeh." vaiiled Srnmich Maine.

"Tt *HL" wu> thft rtipJy '"ant t
doubt If yotiH |lw to aprnd JL How-
n I «n3 pott you my cheque Whuc

Syajtuui Maine showed riL< white
t«lh ifi U« br^thCi-et »i *mlJc9

"SftW tt to V*mr Cotin my dfar
c-liap. «UI To u«alt BtrrtwL

To Ymw CoctfT''"

"TPr*, to Vkz* Cotun P«,yi!nt Lnrlt
DruMlihi ?? rtult- Shall I hnrr thr
nr*msmr ot nit-tlMB vpu mn4 our UMJr j
Zoza tltere?'

??\* Vanbruch Kiid I will be golag
to Vane Court, but I dnirhi vtirllirr ,
our vleit will eolrwlflp with yotml. S^nrrr
MftnV "

M Oh. I durfftAy ,wn run nrmiifrr P
I*U hot** « thnt *™ DriiaUla.
juid, nieanwttlip. vterp ron 1 ftntt


-Thtro alll lit tiu iierrt (n ttva fnr
I ahna l be lo^tr
??Mr dr»*r Mr ??*pJ*Ug!l 1 hflw llienil'

HtT^, mxy Utrral I mrant. where run
I find M1 th a Idler- tu aekjww-
trdit* the miv rocejji: ol the nhwqod;
or, ia etw. by Ghatmi!, IL »houId
* Don'i a-orry "

1 »oii l. why Bhculu 17 n yrru
rba h*w to worry, yon knorv. I want
a» >ddj?rn at njuch I can rind yo»—
and iwiT lit Do Zosa."

•^y Clod, W B«ftr a mnn went Itx41ng
Inr troubteL - ' growtud V anbnigh '

">!o, no. WTOtis njjnrn ymi who

nre tooktne rut troubln. Don't fareet
Limt I Aluill Ik stuytriK Qt Vane Omrt.
[ have an tnvjtntlon— enflua) porrnmi
onrj hardly uprtous— hut I'm fulnfc and
I'm EutOg ty be Kriuiui. Now then,
U j'liii dou'L trant me (o be— «— indis-
creet, and to aosalp, ehnlj we lay at
Vnnr Conn, (ol me b»w nn addreiu it
wiiich I can ninj you If I want ynu "

And ttir plerclnd blook ayva burcd
Into the hard irrey otwn.

"A tett*r wtlE nlwftyn bo rnra-Jirded
cr» mv from Brandtu] Abbaji Devlin-

"Tori nrc EP^ing therf shoillv?"

fJuQDJnh Mnme produr^d a WTktftfqfc
unci A^ajthnd from It a pem-ji.

"Brand™ Ahbaji. IJeTOrKrhire.- tut
wrote. "Te Umt near E^t-:er "??

-Not fur."

"Mind y»u r It will he trie wmne for
ymi and our z&?a lT Umt^s any iianky.
panky Afldrea you thure, care or
"Corr; sf John Got«. aq>
"RlflM IT] probably [nok np-
I "bouldn't,-

"NOT . . . Ahl Here cmn«i her lady-

????Salr through Lndy Dru&lUn? rhd
EntOS find linythhis-?''

"Not a thlnip, Se itm - m&Uw
Uit- whole condiKnmfni thrown saicly
Did you?'"

Mnat ut il. tSiiikr JadT. Mw t nj it
But they Riuck tnft ten boc f w aictir*
Tr» bad ... Mr. Vanrrrr^h waa Jtint
wiyirm he'd kfipt thte rompartniMit for
im aJt Coaie alfrnB."

And rn the Jlx-tontad cmi:p«r:nicnt,
thpni traTBlfcd to London a aomewhat
lii-afi&urtPd rmrtv turtslrtlfu; cif r^dv
Drt.-jQii vane. rnrmuL'la Vniibroeh si'r
Harry Yune. Mr OUh Vanhnjuh und
&g\'ir Mnnne: Main-, the lLcr- tsfimF[ j
^ mmm, Of tiicm uU. wilJu Lmtr
DriuitUa a clasE ^rrontL

r Heavier Cabinet

BIGGER in Size . . . BETTER in Tone

The Radio Creation of 1936


vt the nittinjf-rooin that
wiui Coiuruela at thn Im-
perlji,] HotfJ. Muyfnlr.

t7p and dowri, up and down, to and
fm. W and fr(^ he marrhed as if On
•entry 50, hu hmw tfclovy, hjui f
jiresaiVP of Hip worry, uniiuLv, irld
trouble Ihnt tipprwmifti Ufa mind
ttmnuqtt, Rirffl in a rtetHJ mmehntr.

"I daYi't ItPirW, my dPuri I oon't kprrw
1 dpnt know wlial to «ay 1 don l jet
tin* you can fa isa."

PU'me turn Um Paifc 50

rii*'<«*-| Truly » ma(rnlficriil "outrii» H td-

i]*cik Caiuol* Grand,
^LS 1 CMtdiu En ulylft . , . RWYi ruliba In
p*rjorm*ncp_ With ill imprcsjjvc,
beautl|ul)y-aniibfld ejhinti 3Jin. high and
j&in. wide, jt tuira an individuality and
diynity of Ub own , . . bayand campaiiaon
with 3_NY r^dlrt co \hm maik«l dhy.

And ila p«(arm»n£:i> m moinnoiii iojn*j-lt*.tf«:

Motcow «i •» 2l'C . . , Landah Ilka
a larjil Italian . . . iX'i wotlri-wrda

roc«p1ion in tq ATCTyday ntfair o| fhia
muaclw pniioroiiril

With unuLsg 'Aunts tad ti<:hn*fc2 cf ton*

an H ?? -nnallh o] «KCluniVE! f EB IllIH B. it IB thn

idU««J TDCDL»cf lei your Iidiuu — • MtiB'yini

luT«Btineni in jMnntuonl pluaiur*. Compu*
thoon romarlr-jtU foaturm: —
4> 7 vilvri # Snore Win cDTi» 15-M mrtra
fcanciB fwfuch include* 5 thart witi racap-
lion L:u:;j!t'i. ' •) Hm&da>jil esvsri 19t b T- E
{all BiLAtraliAn. Slutinoa) • Wida ranq* ra-
peaduetian jiom a whiap^r to coocvd h 4 II
»flluuir> 4) Tune eoffipaaaalijsu • ft Walt un*
dinloiiad paw+t cuiput tt SpKiaTly dmiyrjud
uprakcr 9 Toon Conlial a> CAbinat wvlgHl
dfl% hearirr than *Tar*QV World vjd& i*gij»
#> Mmnmoih Cbaaii5 • Satedorl'le -jia| ta-
ialu'icji.-«j luujiKf 4> 3 »??-*??•?? laaljitkan ovildi
(bioAdcaal. short w«o and pick-up) • Haw
aou-Qii'^io-pbonlD cond«na« <fl Full flulo-
mallc VQtiima C-onttoL

Kvpnnt !?? bo BUrptkMBti wibnn you BC4 thla
nr.nt irlnnal nn* ia>dio . . . UUaiKi :i yrj

baar h. firr^ttga |cf a damanalratioa nav-
al yam J B u Le ra> or in your own hoiun.



Chromo-phonic RADIO


*.K.Ui - LIklmK At WJnrf. Ud.. W

f.-T Prrrri H- Itvj IVmj. Ai:-'-.-!

Di fitUlL.ii r>*<> Ul WiiitH Hriinpi

it »rnll.h ??tolflnnUi VI HuJKW WmL.

g*ir#nvl 4 ml. Unvrm riini ifli nnrft

Lid.. EmiuU Umjkh. EUuVili m**t,

llh-Li'jnii. I j«^r=LL* *E U_i mnn Cli't-

Wm C-j. Uil « rinuhwua Otrn*.

iJt,T aar«(7 ?? rittuui. Ma,, JU r.uuiilc
atrr'ir. AdfltJin*, ktacna *"

i.. rty. iJet,,
nr. 3ifl XrviU
« fn I.M..


raiunAAlBt rinOlijM 1*IT- ^ M
Ol£sbclh DLItuL. LtlUiiUf-itni* *ln«

Luiiu » ??. .'.ih . ruau j * wni* mv..

I, III IVVruanrl

•Klki MfHfnira ttmttnd. Lffla
riULTF. MLU'rap BtltNrtM. I*irtll

£25 Cash Must Be Won

"Search for Film Stars" Competition No. 20



Tbia li-1 below la mudc irp of mines *tf feiitarrd Aim olBirn. the flr»l letter nnly nf the Oirlstinn namp Ueina; t\vm. The tuninme bs lumlilrd wfili the
AUUUJiJji of tine uruieccmirT jellrr. Sew naninLr. SOKMt ^ t It'A If I I:, Ibr rvlr^ nitneEfSNurT Inter hrlne "T." InflUrle lins nitrtie in raur MtlLtllnn U
Number 1. NOTE: ill ^ddltlotioJ nitrlrs munt he trrlttr-n iral urimmtrlT. f2l A*triat|nu>* iianmit he u-rfpli-ri i-li MfSSTLLT \A.11>> tOt NT AH

IMPORTANT: Tae the iliurnm for woralrij: nut your M'llullun. and. wbrn j<*u have toKed the n*iut-*. writr Tnnr IM In. nnlrr on a «hert nr plain
tlftper 'fiur «hle unlyl Knrlmi> a I'ontal Nate fur I '• an utilrv fee— ail u |th>nat entHra will he iturced fid pai'Ii— I vlmntit. a-UI not b«? arreoUtdi. aiid
mall your wluthm, l«er1lirr with voiir name- in I fethlenllal addrrM. XI IT L.VI l.H Til. IN MtllJAV. FLIIflt VltV llh. IW, "VIU>\ =iT,Vl,V C'OM-
PtTlilON. <. Pf»„ ttn X W.tT. SUtM V \Sff

















i itARnitnw


F HICER . . .



li WW i.







(►NETO , IS,


IVI/r Finney ift ilr|npnili'il wild "Aunlrjiliiui Wiininr> Wri'klv."
lit ?? f a f Ik? udftulirnltir mtui ht* rlrrvptetl rrj fSnnl.


^S*-arch fur Fibn Star.^' (!om|M*iilinn Nn. 17

rl ^il^ltJii.i SDti thtircicrc

-ol.i r io\

MBA I. II Ml JHH.HIN. nifh llMint. WatliJa*

I'M B. IIIM'IAV (I I-.... .1. . :

«!.-:. H. MA\. 30 Lluir.<t TmliivJi Nlml, LiijJ.ii t. HUI

So. 1. Gittce Moonr. a, Eliwbrth Hi'rciwr; ;i r\j in Dvi^rak* 4
Addiwn Puce i. Rirlmrd l>ilmi>n. fl Gfontr Bmtir: 7 Sr'.w
??HVU; It. Torn Miv: D. Mor» Trrfln: lb Nortnft Stu»ri-t; n
Warnrr Bastt-r; 13 Slim Hwninmi-dln: 13. [.ml La Voime
11 clDeucer Ttncv: Ifi ChfLn Tmrlji; lc RJciniril Do

National Library of Australia



Suturdaw Ffltrtian- 1, 1936>

How to Make Your
Nerves Behave

CjomiI tolvitr for Tired, fien Men
and Women.

When you are run down out at Mtt
tlrn ewUy. tiavi ;ot.( coiifhteijth: tn vour
ability Ln do Lhinoa. and ambition &ecins
to hmve dewrtHd vou, il'n a. au.ru alim
your n.jv- force ha* run down ..ml 1.111*1
your nerve;- nrf-d a utimutunT tn reistorr
to your avium* iu old-time atrength and
enertrv. kik! brUut iwV the fftw>i c4d
'Vliiaur" ttiiiL uattl to make tuuf life a
real fay.

lAaduia chemksis rrrrwhtm an *itl*
liut * wonderful new nm r r rmurcly
Known us PboaiihoraLed Iron an u puni-
tive Euurmitee of aattsfocUon ur wottey
hack, tl's arnaalng bow quickly the.KH

piT^i iHld- vim, vlitcir mid vitality
Into men and wmicr. who nrr faggrd
out nervnu«i P de.-tpviinWu ntyj nmhition-

ThniLntLiii Luxury to their remarkable

Undid npi ;u liriDLliLn callnc u: miulr.-
Uijr. llicr nwr Tail lo bene ML li you
an* blue mid irvl an rhough von ditrn'r
glva a hung , or are crass, irritable, and
vour nerves am right on <?dge. ret a
pockiiKP 1 61) UblGUi) 01 Fkmplioratrd
Iron rhjlil av.iy. Eat two villi every
Oncol for n tov; dav* and we whflE n
wnnoc'Tftil Improvement thev mnku tn
your whole nervous sv^icui.***


Mother praises Ihese powders . .

Mri li&n train : —
" Vour lnhaa 1 I'nwdera proved ?? Melt-
ing tn .mi.- l„Jjy, vthen Cutting bti t«di.

** "??= but dim-ate hen umcia rm^i
bub-Jru. I htier powderi itlrd too hmiJily
oa the lyjwcli reiuliing in i bad fcutn of
dijurhora, ; but
AahtiXl Ik Pur-
Hini latin a'

I'otjdri, lutvc

proved over and
onr .: »ia (0 be
evenly balanced .
rVbsMi cr my
??' uanc
bc» with ?? kidc

die iildc ' bax
of cure ' m ««d
in Ry?a] Numrla," A fretful, eryln«,
fcvtmh < In ill Li cpiickJy Mimfn-il unif en-
joji load and tcttrul tkep thruujEtiout
d>4 muni itvtfc Qf iaiuu-LHH li'.de [rcth
when A'.fn.m Sl Pinump lnfjinrV Paw-
dt(* *te unrd. Ajk foe litem by nunt.



Boi p( Jy 3'>/wdcn 1/0 n cJvmiin and
• tore» Fiif frrr iiirnnlc mi\c lo
!??).?? •!.???? ?? ?? ?? .A .h" I- & ISnoml ! .' .1
131 Palincr Stmt. Sydhcr,

Hairdresser Give^
Advice on

Grey Hair

IVib H«w t* Make a Komc-Maif*
Grer Hair IUrnrd>

Mlai niana MnnnrCT. wT^u DJCI lie^ti a
halrdrtianrr in Srdncv for llw. pojt inn
rears, irtvea r.hu ad vifw : — 'TitHn- is
HOthuiK to in* j Li i llir ir-tGfuy J v i r KTVV
Mir. mddfi up frn-m an Dunn or Bw.Y
Run;, i oun«> of Oiyceriur ami a enyul

box of Ortcx CunipoLLud r xnlxchl wlLli n
half -pint of water. Any chemist wn
KUtlolv ihcsn- Irercdlcrtifl at n jitiuJi cU-.T,

and Uifl tntilni? it so easv vmj can do
ir. yourxrJf and kavit Lhr rxl.ru axpense.
By combln(7 thU liquid Uirmi^h ftray
faalr i'uu rail turn It but ahndr* you like,
blwJc. toroim cir lijttit brouu, bealrfia
majdrjg ll rIobsv and llufTv anil frc
Irum ttdiT dnndruff. Tt w parfpeLJy
ttnrmlfea frtc (rom atkltliicu!- ereauR Of
irum. and dww rial rub off It cihauld
taAkf tmv Ltrrv J;idr<-ii ivrf-.iitl vati.rp nifirF
??ytiuLhlul In npnc«.riinrje.a** Ctt ajg ghi

Hor fa S\ Eyes


Ih «»Q

mi Cowt Up-

r: hill

lil.nl % Eyes!

(M*tft«r «a Ooart "A," an, curfatd, »
'» +a»

'TIS, can't wt do
lomcthtxujr t tittqlrf tit] hlin, I
WMiild kill htm it 1 rind u cluuice.
I'd km titm w;th rny own handfl.
T: only for tnuLiiiK nto feel like
Liua driving me tart to wlwt

I wa* I wai forKepttntf how m hale,
fwjreitirm that r*cr I Hart liated— and
ntiw I'm ulklfti abmit kllluiff. H^-'a
dnnnjr :nc i-i.-l; to wluit 1 wai; tnKkina-
iimj bad ayiilii Oh, II he were hWa iti
thn rooni!"

•"eXffdet It, Cunwla Out It rtaht
out. Don l talk uto that I II f)x him,
don't yuti -worry Whatever happens
stnd wrmtrrvir tno rntrult la. I'U Ebx turn.
"8ut wn've «ot to rem umber thla U not
Utr Sahara aiul Itla tuM Wyoming,
Look here, wfi'd »o down to VWJc Piuri
wilii Harry tu-auanT/*, and rn*n tiiere
I'll ^ u nn t0 rji-atirion Ahixm. and T will
taik IL over irtLti Julin Qa\ic ril coine
bat:k to Vane Ci>in and fmerr fOU to
Bmndon Afabai John'a not only »bouL
the vhiceal ennn Uinc erer lived, tnrt
h^a wlae, tin loimd, Wb'11 pre ^hai

lie adVtML You won't numj it I |£E|
lUfn evitrythlug, will >ou?"'

"oh r ot!j . . . but . . . Wall joy
know beat, ni tOftr* It enLlr^lj- to y»w.

ir toii tiiLtit ifa otitis lo lutjp "

"X do. ioy dear TiiJilnn John Cleate
will he litre tcltlnR n tombatnnr. H**'d
be jum u Utclr to repemt, U. II r
wouldn't ««n teU bii wtir, unless we
aaked him to.

"In potato! facit COiwuela, I tlioulij
have hod to tell Jolm scmatliiit*. ever*

II wl.'cJ new met tlit- Tunea and Bjifitv-
bLa Marnft t wrote and laid h»n wf
"fere comtnii 1.1.1 FliLpJ.uiil, ami lliar. I
wai brinplru; mv half-*b.u!r; anrf when
he wa* at my run^ii ;n Wynmlnji Uibt*
waaii't any hiUr-filsler! Ik Icnwi im
alslers M.,ry and Junny. and ae he waa
going to lake 111 around In BiiUnh
nocioiy. 1 i3wy]t| bO-rc hud to trjj Llm
noroethtriij lo i?KpIn,hi your arsccnl., and
your Ijclim auch o hrunotLu, mi iiiffurrml
from Mikty and Janej.

"Now r I wsnt to toll him BM whole
flLnry. and aai hu advice and hnlp aa
to haw bn n.- Ltun Spanish Mainp

without cumLUB up aantmt i.li.- ItntLAh
law. Moat law-ahlrlioe country In the
world thb. CoiwLKta, and the SrtUsh
enji it, your uig bnrt.her ao Inriir as you
arw a >ood boy; lmt If v»n ami't, he
Beta yuu. nlitl Iherea t» CfUqSB, And
otirr- yixi ai« lrui-r- there'i no pull in
the wor.ld tam help you. J*o erafL

"Vou see. tt wn were batik in the
Wild and wwtffly W(*t of the XSEA.—
BAIHiBlallj' LT we were on the ranr't in
Wyomlnff. uda Spaoiah Maine would
not artae. No, he auicly vould not.
Blx feel of t-unh would keeu him down,
il He tiled l.u But li la dlffereiit: over
here, nud wt mustn't rrtakr any nil*-
take. 1 want Sjiantnh Maine to rrmlu>
the ralslalf. ttnd the next thing I want
la itnWJuT man to tulk tn To talk
lidnga tnnu wil.h TVi put rne wlae.

"Nn If you find yrm arc orlting
pretty nt Vanr Court, all comfortable
and enjcrflng yourself. 111 jpt a car
aiul ran nvnr nrd aie Jnhn, fim. talk
It opft with him, and then. ttecordUifi
to how thlnga go and what, wr decide.
I ean coqip and rnt;:!; you lijpre k or not.

"Bui perhnpa yuu wouldnl. HkP la
\iatt thf-m alter rtl aiiUt the br-ana. nnfl
he fcrujw everything? ... I wLsh
granduiolihrr nu >utl alive You know
I told you I used to come to Brandon
fa- Kit to viait her when I was a boy

• But, mintf you, my d**e. John Oeate
la not only cmr of the beat, ha'j
bgaff, and his wife, well

kJHE'3 the woninn
you loved bo. isn't ahe? 1 ' aid Otauurla.
"Yea. and but tor her I ahould n«Ycr
have kniMfn 700, Otln, ai\d nenr haw
knuva mrr\ I fihihtlil still be in
&m«xv Tt was bcowae- ymi loved her
tlint yuti came to Atrica to look fur Iter
hiuihanrt, wasn't It? Tea. Vttj them,
h* you like. I don't care They'd never
Lfl! unyLwdy rhir. would ttu-y" 1 "
"TllFy'd fluonrr die. Com 11 eta 'fljt'v'd

sooner cut Utdr mugawt out"

"Well, toll thfori. then, ami we if
Trtry o&uhejp. Yea. tell thim I dool
cans. I letl trvr.rythlng la JHlpfllng.
wipplng. ... Oh, Otla, OUa, I nhnh

Ami ihp girl burnt into a flood ot
tutKltmate loara,

"Tlicro. there, there . . M

"Oh Vlrtrhi Wary.* nhe wept, "help
nif. I do tone tilbn ao And, oh, Oorf,
do help me to km Spanish Mulue, I
do luite [lira so"

Thurr, there, conauriu Don't, carry
un. ill fht him. I'll fii lum,'"

Tl'jr< gtil roue to her feat

"OtUl Dont you do anything to
nnnii trouble nti yrm 1 I <*on"( have ill
Tve glvtiii udu troublf enough. Promise
me, Otu I'll dnal with Tin Seiior
ivl. ,!.'>??; M,i:tj!-

~Now, none of that. Conauala r stop
HI Cut ll out. % toil yenj. Nevor uirnd
about ihtlns 8[ianuh Mulnn. Co and
Bx ymmtili. Tlivyll tm h'-re to luncn
tn hai;-an-Honr. UKflt. yfru'U hare the
wnrtp miTtK«jn .-nit I'venmK 'in thti

[!.' LN 'im' :: I V1,l, in] P " ' *" JUl

And an Uif trirl wrtit trotn Mmj roum.
Otis Vonbrugh Jtatbad blmwjf in twr
ehair. ruling hla chin upon hll
titenehad fLite.

"I dim't knnwr ha aatld ' I dmi't


Cantinrtrfi from Page 49

Know. What a Wlial a rjod

Almighty mtiaa. flho can't rpi. dwbv
with It, We can't— with or Without Mr.
Qpanlah UataB.

"Mr. Spaniah Maine! . , . Why.
h ombre. 1 boKkn to think ymj are the
otic bright &pot lu it: Iff I do aunrly
prutnlae myself a ihimiui usumetd
with you— when the time outnee."

aloHN QSffix led
the way Into the : v Unit hud been
lus faTonte from childhood, and wu
now known ua hia altidy. aanctum, and
dm. A Wg. depp Armchair on either
aide of a lug-flte. a \av> tablx, un whluh
stood a deiiuntei', .*.jphi.ui.i and t'igur-
hoit: a gau^ta] ahnoBphere of luxury,
peaoe and quiet, invited wot and fe-

timtehmt on the inrhb. und loeJcicg
the door, he turwd bo his gu(«t.

"Well. oSd chap, hrrp wt' am. Sit
down. The pighVn but young and we
h»vo got the real oj It WhaL'« iht
trouhle? Priiinr anytliuig |o a whinl£y? ,J

"No, thanka. John. I'd like a high-
ball" replied Otla Vanbrugh. "13<-Jpa
mi-' to talk A* well a* aUytluiig, nhetl

I have to. And I linve to now. John.
And Lhe tale of the trouble U a long
one. I'm going to tell you everything
and aak your opinion . . . your advloe.
I'm goin? to do more tlinn Uiat I'm
gniiig to Mk yon to tsli tno— *ti far as
you can— eiactly whni you'd do, in my

'Til try. Otla. Of cnursQ 1 will give
you m.v opinion and III give you my
advtot-. for what it's wn;th Aj Lo tell-
ing you what I'd do tn your place—
UiaL'i more difficult. Dooa one ever
really Vnov what one wiHdfi do In an-
other persona place? Anyhow. I will
lun-p * ilmt lit it Whafa the trimhk'?"

''BlackmaiL' 4

"Good Lord! Thn'.'i a narty thing.
Nearir n- bad aa murder."

"Womc, ftcnict.UTjeB,*' ngraed Van-
bnurh "I'd ninkr a cJtritai oflVnco
Murder of hnpplnefii. Rome-tlmua mur-
der of culnd and «otd- Mdoh wOrae
than WlUmr the body."

Xes, I quite ngTtc.
Tlu rc are lot^ of paaplf who might la
be put to death, but nobody ought to
Ik bUrkmaned. Yen, Tre often wan.^?d
to commit murder, but I can't aay I
have ever contemplated the other
crime Which does rather suggest U'a
worse than murdi^r. I auppoaiL

"Whp j bemg blackmailed? JVot you?"
added John Gc.^te. incredulous.

'??Yes. thdlrertly.'*

"For u large amount*"

"Oh. kix thouund pounds cuah dowtk,
and flvo tiwusand a year; with a con-
tingent thirty ihrmrumri pounds — a con-
tingency which rve no doubt will ttt
made to ariae "

Jorin 6og« wlditlM on a rote of
coiiFtrmalitm and ahiiaemjmt

"Who la it?'* he aaked.

'"Out friend S*inar Man^l Maine,
appcuvrd aM udtuirfld of Uuly Druailla

M Oood Inrt PboTB ual A black-

Very black,"

Plmay turn to Page So


s0 o

Photographs sSoui
CDITiporative siTfe
oF Old and Htm
Itrqe size tubes _

With this announcement, the Pcp-
sodent Companj' invite you to try
Pepsodunt Tootfipisic in a new and
larger tube at the same price as be-
fore. To-day Pepsodcnt stands as
an example of the finest scientific
toothpaste modern science can pro-
duce. Pepsodent is famous for re-
moving dingy film, that sticky
germ-laden coating that stains teeth
and encourages decay. Only re-
cently in scientific tests Pcpsudcnt
proved the least abrasive, and there-
fore safest, of I f leading tooth-

And now wc have found a way to
give yuu Pepsodent at a greater
saving. New processes have cut
costs and we arc passing the saving
nn to you. The identical time-
proved Pepsodent is ready for you
with the tube alone changed and
the quantity increased. Chemists
are selling the new larger tubes at
no increase in pric*.



National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3677


A tpecial section devoted to the internal* of lutmedoteti.

How Simple And Yet How Sweet!


'VERY time she
steps forth to
schcwl, to Sunday
school, to play or visit, your
Utile girl tells rales! She
tells the whole world some-
thing about her mother. It
makes one thoughtful,
doesn't it?

By her dress you are
iudged — not the cost of it,
that is nothing these days
with beautiful materials to be
bought for sixpence 3 yard-
but whether you have taste
:md discrimination in clothes,
whether you are one of the
great army of clever needle-
workers, probably even
whether you care for your
little girl or not!

ryou nave nevrj- thought
about Oils before. If you can-
not saw but would like to do
something yonnmlr for little ex-
penne, read this page through
lamfully, and then mulct) these
froekfi and tuttH, because you can
make Uuan If you want. to. And
if we have omitted anything help-
ful In the diretLionH. write and
iisk uh about It.

Cotton untl luim an) uvday'B two
most raihioTutbk- matcrialA for froefci cor
fffryoric; th*y have turner bt*n prei-

Frocks and Hats for Little Misses which you
may make * . . and then so swiftly enrich with
Bertha Maxwell's dainty embroidery designs

Patterns 8C Transfers
For Every Purpose!

JJtflrHA SUXVVEI.I.Ti fiqomir
JrnJ K iM.. aJrcmdj featrtrrd. M
»!«!' aTUltabte »n application ia
nor ilffiiRs Nutc Mini* of Iter Inv^-
lieat pntlrftkB and IflWUfiMn

Transfer ulierll. emlta* I/* r*< v h„
rUDtmlafHf trajwlVr tlniifn, far
imu-t ixrvttvil «t*r and for tanrly
booar liiwai; M \ £??» Tiukt IriUH-
(rr; sweet ejelrl Oi.-t.n ua *
irirwtff sheet tn^*urine ID % £0
inr.hw, 12 x 1? «tirp| uf applique
Bowrr*. Baiullri of rukired linrn
or f'tmrlno available far itne »
??ppllr-b* p.«Mt.".

special rhrre-(irr*T* Lrouvmu
mrt: Vxltrnw far tii'hfflft-Sf. Klip,
Mantle* emrl i/t. Lhe MRU bVuiill-
fttl M x 2d ftSftknm tnualer for
V-nrek and bOTditrln* rtwU

Cr-jin-stltchcd lujlfr mil baMie
design ; TTittt itHpa of fiwi-
atllehinz Tor 1/6. Two-way «-
cln-Jvp paprr patt>rn for tuniV tad
bio use only I.-"-.

HAfiU- in putUrme nf mtjH
p>J.-im.»- mod m»U-hlnr -tJmrt— -fji
pyjarna* t/ti rcxl W: 13 x M
Inupfrr -i"'r L of Hit different de-
dans ail iilUiilp U* uiuarr— iiri'k
prjarjux prlr« I/-


^£>P- *>0^" ^CP' WlJ5>*

y^r $k .' S K

• * ?? c ??••! »

« \LZJ » o o
?? 4o o??

c ?? o • o

* - * r> _ ??
Oo* «o fl

O 9 D ?? O -

will wit adit* tbil Jowly /wi,
u-A/fO Am Af*« txctuiivtly designed
fat thtit u-e.tr. Thi frock pattern

coitj t/1; bat, 9*/.
LF.iT: THERE *** Jfl moiift t <urb
mtusxritif Mtaut 1\ sticbti, in Bertha
Maxwtlfs htrly trjrtrfcr, what)

WU I/:

iht. bettrr i'/)vrD.
?? - .'..{'??• ; H >_??" M UlHr? is n.i' dpi
bulnriv jmrllnJlarty w ?? - « - - 1
vnijTic jynpN". IJiity »ro «o frrnt:
dtitn. w«l io rhetip tiuit on* crm

of mtwity. Tliry nit pure vt^p
Ilhm. arovu in minitv flHd'i. ami t
from tiw tub Mid the in>c « r lth a
tuact of drtA »wt«ltitaa wliicf l"
ftrrtptalilc* in p hut rjlmntr.
TlLr Ural little ffork riu ban tier



ntui r

jirntd jot un t» ft)tt*ttru
uf Age. 'When wdtrtnfi pattern pl,;u*
iNt* -t^t. Vftnk puiturn sous' If 1 ,

'.it I :> i.i

costs a link more utj U wrll wnrtii H
Flfnir^d maWriR]a mqy be used W jth txui
and collar uimlr froiii n piiun mau-rja!,
?? Etltrhrd with one or thtae ikialgru* In
anlom U\ harn.Qii!se wKJi ibe Jtotlt
niHUfiui. li ytoi in" Lifitua flc*rrnl ut

Uiinlc or ft iirutitn nni} ihnri Uiink aJ itii
nrttet, UftMr mines uf blura. plclsj, jfl-
IfTWK, >rid grf-etMi Hctc tJir 'jiinii

.'r v i will rnqijtrL*. irnl m. bnnf
ti«'.'» npi «f putiuitr lh<*m ti«p:lhrr,
Ttif Irwli pnttrmi tir*l 1/1 rjicti: Hie
v ??>•??????!>.• **vU\ ftrr '.'.if I/-

The Making

'pHJfi :rr>rit tiJuJ hut for Lin- lO^tO-M-
jfur-o-ltl will tnkr frnn *J( l« 3 yard*

parish nrc the soutn only half paiuii in
^Ivosi. which must br uul cm Lht! fold of
Un- tuiit^tlJiI iwJff BMBr-fauk nrvl sldi?-
frunt, aklrt are ifivcn, TIhm must bo cut

Allow tor i*flini) when cjttinR ou t und
[iuiu I. [ml not.nlii-'o uuil«li-

Tfac hnf. In tot frtr A 31i Lneh [i^flri find
U^ri! m Ibreu puLtcrti pleera: Top oi
iT-wii cirtmi bftuil, Aiiti brim. !£...: u
yanl of sij «Tniif(i muulb: !?? rrqiiired fur
the trrlra

Alter "cuttang ttie CffOdfc Join iinn.
cramA. udCcluu muiming: join ahcrultlfr
and nwjer urn. aeairw, rJipn allt Jown
Dr-iita-e-biicii fnr lour mchra. Biiirl all
rOUMl kM; A frees, way atrip uf muErrlal.
joia bIcvvd **ttmii, yA-thrr low^r edge to
fit tend, nnd new In sice vtn, ooiahrs
nijif.rhlnfr iRrnbmtdpr collRr, mr ta
ti-f-ck. fintsh t/rijtje wlU: m. nuTTOrv bxm or
blndiittj. Jain .iklrl to (n>tiirc, uid Uil-::
turn * lu'ni tu rt?qnir(Ki f^nfltri

For the Wee Girlie

'THK fruck unrt bin (ur the 4-to-5-J«»r-
t>Mr«]iilreaytirtliiaf 30 inoh mnUMifcl.
TltCte rircr rivti i>nLtmn pifCJi (^r The
IttW*! half- knelt ftjUk holf-froiiL yolt*.
half-front and burk jjIiit'. o«rt aleavr
I Altw for leanu. when autdrig uml nnie
i notrhes nlatiib.
Tak* two l-lneli fenlfe pitftrts di mcb
n:-- il front and boo}: iklrt. K'ld-
I In* UM pk«L» umll the uoifjhri

-::t.:.ti. taXt tbXBU PUI tucla At
catll 5l»J<" if pnfK unci ftxint yokn alOD|E
truc^ng Linrx, Multf 1-Lrjch tununpt on
nnch =Jtttr ur liacrc tohe: pin togi-lbtr
Irtr fAEtRniuc turn a jlbithw hem at
kbttrfir fdai' mid down nn to bark
•Itlrt ae* Irofil. ytikt Lo skirt. kuA ih'n
join nhOuldet and uudrr-nrrn i*ai&5.
Turn it htm to miuirrrj Icngrtii; ln«
Melt Join aleove ecuinj, ee* In ntwvw.
tnithor nt IcnrM- «doc and flnlsb with a
nnrrow blodjnif,

t-icr; may b* 1 lidded nr Tint, hk nqtUnd.
futuhrrn dawn I -n it

Prod thoutd &*• OTnbrrilrifTf'dl bofbro
mitkltJit Up.

lint in fur a 20-hich hcAd. and hnri
Lhreip pattrrn ntocon; top of c^own, crown

on rvrong cidn. Krirt placu mntrrlaS
trlma UJ^lher, right sltfcn :-.u tlmtif;
un Lop. IVck toe e Hut. and then minitiuiu
round ;n,-!.-i,-ii. odgo rjiit-H'icrirn of

inch from Uie ttiiiiv Prcsa l urn uudik
out, and machine three or four rotvi of

Lilltcfitr^ rtniod CdRfl. TtlflDtt fO*B llifty

ba Blow tnjrelhcT, -or about an miih D[iurL
MflkE i .:.:-:[. ii eutR lime fatal] apart!
round bead foe rcqulrtri fllrini; 'unkv
ptdr-:ucka down tracftin lines on crown
band for luialler hat): Join crown U>
hand, gaLhi'Ttn^ any fiillnVjsf. Turn a
hulf-hich hem at Inwer oda»i of crown,
and rnachlhir on to brim.

Rata aliOuld be rmbrotdfred brforn
ttliikilljt iq>.

The Transfer

irVKN If yvu canciot mfile4 tJir fmcki. 79U
' will not bo ablL! to the uunirifT

l"here are ifi .imaJl rireudar itnbjtu,
m^fLDurlng atrout It inchu, ami abt intir
uprnp of forttel-m.e-not» of the aame
heitfbL "J'li 1 ;, arc perfect littlf hlti lor
uttdenraar rmd blouans.

Tht tranufer mruium 12 Ins. by I
In*, and r«t«i I/-, fmtn thfa ofTioe only.

All><mo ran Atltch tl]<« sttnptT DBt^
terns, wj that they ujt; wjr tultablc tor
a leamu*. jind li the Iranwr Is lbs ymntji
'*-»Bror nf thr frwX. the flrct IflaMn vlll
be on ea*y ont tme*uraglnn th>- omaieur
«.o try h«r lunail at more «-nrts of the
umn kind. Thrr* bi nntlunR like tiand-
ntitflicry let twltlina; Hut note of charm
which draw? altrutiDn nth) appiuval,

CtpwlH-Ily in Lht delightful frMlu 0/
simple nmLtrlalfl worn by chlhhTD.

The Designs

l^ii*. firat (JITrkip Of t\X ihOwi B titClQ

of quaint berries, rcver-rd atema and
lefl^pfi; aitlthed in rather carefree atjle #
unpadded Mtin-srltcb ar light button-
buliti^ thhi pattern T ]U rrly im f oy
Iti cf/ect. Scarlet or Wu» bcrri*s wllh
urEsn BteutB and leauca will mitt nut
Tstrffi; reJtciw berrlee to tone with. yello\f
In [fir (oswdnj are alio very ape.

Tne nrjt prrotip couals-ta of tiny eyejcl
flow**" with IflBVTMJ, an old havorito typo
of ff11tche.ry we" known to all worker*.
A Ury ojkmj (yflci with the rvn of the
ftowrr In all^hfJy-pmdded utlnnTitch
will do for Ctw; or u them la not much,
lime to spare, f,ha whole may be buy.

Than tlier* la a iqiwrp flower «*ff«t
in a circle of eyelfti, tht* clreb; to be
clipped away if not wanted. The Queer,
locka vr\] In deep buttuiihoUiia ar saLm-
titUrhinR all round, irlth an ryrlet In the
aaatn iLLrroifiided by natin duts. 6aiin-
ntltcb w ?? y v '.m Lbr tlnu all round 'b;

Bht eprbiJ of ror^cl-nw.'-nrjtai for palo
blue suirt-KTrrri work will plAose any
Eltlin Rirl; they nir Illy merest touehi
e.j saLin-cliUrhsiuj r»nd rmtlhnrn ^"ry
flwret on a whir* coiUur Iot a Hw drcaa,

T>'.*= ejrolat circles wlr,h ihr SLuek lea\Tfl
and lh? sir fot^-tne-tlbU am both
iidfirnhlE? rnr dotting about n the#r linen,
vnLlo or tr.tii-lin dfmi fur a baby; fbr tu«
also nn rwrnniniti nr blba

eltrarette holdef haa beeottte ttalned and
yellow -tookhn?, ejean It t)il» way: Matt*
a i3.ii.i- of whiting an d pcrowldi of
hydrogen. Ruh thin irflU iowtft t.hn Kury
and then, Hlt*r a few rnlrtntta bruiri It
off nmj polish the iTOrv with a pfow ^


sorrier dm
ruUbrr A]
cut eloTc

i;..- l- j: I ML-.


rw Urivtmi In Btrtmii wilt and a'nter be*
Orel uJilna Lhetu, nod they »VU lait mnoh

ro rtrld water for
r farukh witt ha«

- Mokf)

i ut liurn
u parti
RW nff-


itn«. btit
ir.b oc-ftp

Ir-OTir to
the no.

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3678



li.*»i> Mnki'r Svrtiwt

Mruvrv J, IW>.

"I KM i. 111. 11^ In nil *??•>?? llif r'K.1
jrimr UrninnU tiiiilt* Fiiitt tiu mc

*"] *mfTcrrtl witlt iiiu^etiltie Rhrumnl-
t™n in lr— ll. imn fur n-mrl* iwrltr
mt*m!i«, Srmr din I ronM imi lifi n
cup •»( leu arrOM ilir ml dr. jind lu
wrilr a Irltnr mi ?? rent i-ffwrt, haiina
U> rr^t fctlH^rn ihr pnur* fur ami*
>"??'" 'I

L 'Hnr Irinl all mrl » l»f I-itlioit* and
>nh.. —hit l> *.i-<tn.*il 1m lir.tr no ????l!<i t

I ii .. I'iD iMrlltn .,rii- of fOlir

iurtit slid f*tl a tUT<rr#-at p«nun, and
I mn rntircJi l>oi> of pnin.
"Am LrrrpiiLfl a llitnl bolllr in llir

I r nml "ill rfrommmrl llir mnir lu

nay frieiub It b u ??ytola.lail ihiiia d.r
nortea." (Mr*.) II Mil

(Ottminml inift mm Jiif fur imtjmmimn)

Vrivr* in nil ' unit.. I flilie* In ihr Crinw-
«non»**ltli 3.'- ami 5 - a Luiife at all
i ?? . n:i- :?? apit JilcH— a,



f_j '"?? i



Curbed in 3 Seconds

Works a* *n Armthrt-c.

For Young Wives


Baby's Sensitive Skin

Needs Careful Handling


ll ran readily be iindf-nilum. v. by ibe *kin of a nruJmrn baby
•dimiJd lie Iraiird wllh nnprrl. ll U pari irwlnrh di-lk-alc immrdJ-
nlrlj nflrr birth wtul rtfrnuiiv-* ai-iihllivr for main tttt- g aa fjfa g uionllih.

One cannot nirf u lnwrl mi Imhv"-. lnnf> it- c>m- tvniibl nw il on
uuretlf — thr delSrult* skin muM lw- dubbr-l, and mrt mblu'd, dry.

CAKE hhimlrl br taitCTJ, btw-
e*er. that the BkJn Is
thoroughly ijtrli.il by the du lib Lug

iwn'i say tu jmiraelt "li dtH-n 4 t
pjaiftRB iftr powrdpr will wwk np thu
t»( " Tin* CTtrrfu! drier orldwn need*
lo ?? ?? dilating jjwdet

Br purtimiuiy careful with 'h- raids
nl buiiv'* iVin — undrr Ll*- inm Jirluiiti

the uiuF tlmr trrk inri renin vr Ihr f.iutr
or Lhr wirplirtv

11 jiiii nrr tnrdtag Md39 ui '.Ht hrewa,
lElvr turn h Uitlr lulled *u:er Mftre
imuh (m:ti It muy rw 1 necessary ti> h.Q»Ti
s :< : in.*.;- yriut to him! Out IT

It U too rich in tat- RcfuloLe yimr "*n
hnbit-' «JJrt take p atinsll^r diet

XI Is KtnXrUnitf bdi«fkfail U> tnHr off
r: ??(»>'?? nupklii ftw * abon i5»ily.
fUUl si'jldLiilllr 'JXpDar tbp tk'.'i h

TtiLhli THMiE BfJNSY AUM'RAUAKS wm *e*>e4 by the Tutby
King method. Tiny *rr Gttffrty:, Otrmft and PameU, chiidmn of jMr. wit

ihr mirrj, bctwtru the ic*s». S«re bm-
Mxtut bri! far ;on common ftM "nny b"l
prr veil led by ilmpl? mpun.n

L>n dOI let baby lor rmur In «??>????!
n.nnh:ir.r.. ?Vuu Uluugh ho nppi'irj to be
5oil.it happy ubeot It "flw wc.tM«,
softens nix Klein and maJtco it rnry linblc
to Jnftaiiinuitiaii and nitrites!

NfVfr )Brs Irttl napkins sod ax theirt
apAili without liuftlo? tin tn.

!-??> cuieiul in yOUr OtMtn at diuUnv
pftardet. niK heat duBtltn pofftta in
made b> mddins * dmrhm ct xUu; axld*
to an ouncp of finfly-powd^n'd r.turch
Any chrtnist will matr Lhlfl UP far jrOU

ault« chennty

For tht* first few rnoHChs U ll U mil
to use btiUex-muMid nuphlnii ntxl fthhy *
akin, arith n Turtlab toirtilimj oan^ln
Icddcd round a» bditwslu. uul tuj*. P-Hce
brtweeu tiw Ibeh Aiwaya w*r butter'
miLEiin nnpldm k there is wiy botc-
nFac You can make very iMtwiuutnrF
nnpmna rrtrtii Uius Uiii'kneaues- at atronf,
vcuthJum buttcr-munltn

Save Old Linen

I'EEP mil j-ftur JurrtapQ tot old snlt eof.tOTi
material Boll thftftt. nnd nut Oictn
?? way in o pill uw-mse. If hiby hw rpd
or ntaV tiUtlDdks. imi'nr ll little otnur.t'tit
on oof r.riM -.fjurirt- : of uln cotton and
putcx' ll OY«r the aHeolrU area beforti
puUitbui urt i\w impkin. Aak your
clir miit id taaJEC up the trintuusnt w
f«iLunT» frif you. wliHr viwcltnc l uum:t;
dae ox.ide. 1 dmrlwn: sdmond cdl, I
tlrmcbm: UmoUnc \ druebm.

WtkUt baby's butiotk* mrr ttwt, thicken
mi bai.h~nn1.nr iliffntly by mortnic *
IBUtiJ mliaim baff full of uatnirtd about
in Jt

When buhy liaa punud at motion, do
not wipe nwny any adhrrlnfi piecfii with
tlic oonicr of the itnpkln. 3uch mrlJiodE
h,tv HobSr to ijnpf off the tetidmr est-
Urmal celK Ckuuise tlic buttocks with
a b utter -hj tuUti cloth dlpj^d In * xrm
wntirr Tjjc n trflci* of t.hr rn-i.t ftupvr-
favltetl »o«p Thrri dry Llmreughly. with
rtubTitnu mf'TrmpnLs

UtrontL neld urine: IMfe ol pnpet
hy«lc«f; tuddfin •i-t.muz. -u> at
rjiiv l.li tin/ ui baliy'A milk nuxtiirr UBtStf
[??I milk should be uKdi; too hlch n tut

I [lurcrntnisc: thu uj« ot tuitflry patent

frMxls: ttli* u.v uf hllic. *Lroii.' iHtipD
IwanhlDK i.'HU or wiiiDtna pimdrr* wtifxi

'A-uEJUiig tLk- zuipktiu; ornr-ferdUig;
UMtri-tT-Uil uifrciiim; hifrcuun rmsi *

ctrcunir-liiinri urea or tram the umbilical
loord: u well by the ubc of l. .- i.

??rr,tn:in5 clothlntr plfirrd ftPtt to Uw


If your bflb> tiu'J irrre faoTtoctoi go
Lhrouijh the abOvr llat careful!*. HO thttl
« i«* mny nrt Uir CAtTflel

14 la " ?? i to av un lerathiK the akto
Willi oUtltwrnik rli> It ufir dim unt ai

utlltl early monium xun. D»u'l mniLv
the mJitmlcr of doing tfata when the sun
i« "ui. or ymu WJU niata tnnEt-crj muab
ae EMi.i'iarr -IjduJiJ he irl unly u
nilmiTr'i riuraliun mi lint, inrrraulaij by
lialf d minute each day tn a tola! nt

' bohy' 1 ! moT.iou.1 are frrquont. far-
itntitr STteitinti tmU rery neld, aflvn
nan of outer oil. followed by a nml
of bofleil watfr only Far the nnxl feed
unrj half irdlk. rrdxture and hull boiled
vtbwt. and thfn rrtum very frraduolly
to full**LrErtg*}-j jji^Ufe: rnlxt-u*e.

r>j nut miike a lmhl! i>{ (iiitttns rnt*«
Icijirttcm On bnby 'Thoy pre etinvrnlent
when travtUlue mid vimltits, hul. tshoidd
Im* uopd as UiJiipoi'Hry ?xjictU«ibi unly.
and not oa a refiAOn foe (ihangintr Lhr.
uiipl m- Lu.™ freqUcHtJ>

Now I can tan
without burning

afoa using

Daggett & RatnstleU
Perfttl Sun Brown Oil

You e«n now ion yaa >tin i brtiiti.
iu\ goldra ^fl^'rwIl. rtnnCTtllly »nd CUOV
Ij, — wndaul JOT painful Lmmiug or

Daggett a (imudttlV Perftct Stm
Brown Oil cn your f»=. ntr??. r J»r*
Am, arrru Did ill iithtr tifxmJ |««ro
ol the body bffnrr jnj nfcrr fcoihing
or cipoirrrn to tot ran. Tbt «un Ocrrl
ik» longer ItoU may trrroo iot you,
jinJ t-oor Jttn will tike on a beauti-
ful rliade nl golden brown lliat will
make yoo *?? «tractivfi during tlje
innutier nirfntlu. LiVfF bulttc, 3/-.


' 'VaifH' ti«aL-»Tit tiaa twart aaltn

fcl lh-H.1 bed. Lifi at jainr m m:vatt» in
lai'l In rivr mu thr ~nnd f ir nl rd <at>
faaaVdatair aad 1 Braar lom an fettiir 1 ! «or»
latin Uu Hr«rt <ia> . In lit; 1 fa»t.T hiivu
WP-Ilim) twarjinip <m It t(u« a mrtm.

I nan cot rartvd u US oroeti «t Mm
•iiupli and thaaj «HTb.~ Writ* La-day tfH

r-f Vh : 1 1 MnctUM. Err-nrl Kialrr , i^iur.

itiaoniilJii»l Chen Jat Val« \.f<l . 5i iJ F lon>,
JJjrrjuiL i DiiiiHm% ilift Ortl—e ftlT—ft,
W4nTT. HJt <*-diinr !U.. u-eLUi'uji.'** a a- 4?



-Att rOU DO IS


I lut iijrrjiiu;t> <!:nJ woodwork. Dues tn 3 few hottn
I !?? i .va-ihiible gloss Alio use "QUICK" St

l-OUfCK" "OUfCrCleai Vsmith

|Sold by all Paint and Hardware Stores|


National Library of Australia


February 1, 1936.


fhnnf tinker ^rrtitm



Recipes for Tarts You'll be Asked |
to Make Again and Again !

By KITH JTHST. Cooker? Expert lo the Women* Weekly

/p^W f* wonder carts are looked upon with favor at
V_y/%/ any time of the year, for they are equally
delicious served hot or cold; they so
adequately meet any emergency and, well made, never fail
to tempt the appetite

rynu would gain ft reputation
as an einert In the art <if
pafitry-makins. whirl) te tsiw-

ti&l to the - I of yntir tut*,

heed thin advice: Before inr-ofnir-
tng. dft (be rumr. Iwktng powder
and «alr together (or ??Wf-mteinj;
Row and suHl. Measure ar.rur-
atcly; keep everything u rold
as possible and h:m>il>: ingredi-
ent* itgtlllT.

ntnjJi Tin

-."=a k"M plir' ??m t H car

PMf a aam ihoflaml, I pint
mUk. Z eff]rt. 1 *™rrtifwMin ticrir-

M.fcr thr thortcmt 'QStaftf Rt>lB
Hour* Line a amdwlcli t[L rtf-til? *itt>
tt. Beat trie Bjp villi, tad Use tijear
and fr.i_K and bnt well Pour irntlr
huo dki pcuur cuw Atvs baka In a
mtMler&Lr crtm ui.nl Uba cwtlfd to Wt
Thr frtViwtng ^r* "r.j/ir= <"Ti :.<i^ '.'I
prevent tfw f" * Irom rtatnt: AItstv
m* plam ftfrtjr and terror powder: dft
not rtrelch pamr wberv pwtmg It Into
the tun. see Uiat ifarre are no hole* la
pararjr rmae tin putt? (try: pour cu»-
lanl mtriurr rrntlr an at lo prevent
- a bale In thr pajrrr



this easy way


K<1 HTUinv -»* tt*v'<Hn Mid ..rpwrat
mjt-i -ii. ,t »»• — ??»• fail,

??m ! Jul *"W ih* r*n«w-*d
amount ri( Xlan'-fT.'i l£a**tin:r fnr
aulins Ff-ia Junket lu IiA«

a>-rm twrrltfDcJ milk. |nm» Mr.
1.1 *ef »nrl chilli Fnr.ra»t- l-»

Li -t*.» I • - - '- J- -

Jiin.-f i:* rc*«J? tn ♦nl »*wrlf
tli*.l *t< IixKt, •>*... r.. dip*-! jml
rrrmpiinr "» j-ri»-i*p-f*-li»»».
fni* thr chUdr*". r-tpular -ilh
IMHt- • CNT ' ?? " ; ' » ' - r *
oi.n.r- if '

Order Hai-Wi Kataa-iir* liri

coakirM Frvtil J-»nk*t- i->J»» Mul
rarprit*- iiw fjJH.f- will. »

m-v| ER-fliglu*

Mate -At- tAorti^w. Turn ' on u>
BoaiTt. bo»rd BaD into a poa r .j. anr?
tmr a mtt-fn»iKd «nd«inh ihi. Orma-
ttifiyi rd^r r*r.jr in tin- *jn.p snd
U-moa jutrr. and tprtnalr in xh*> erLantM

rvzrmUMfer of p-wti?. ewt tnto \-lnch
xmv* "Ctl «m&f* UNrjm Ir. ofen '.t'tir-
dBtfi. Pan- i hrmr tn rnoder«i*» rjrrrn
To m «*«'jed roJd.

T»» Nnm bat in. aUn tnj-ar 2«
f»lr 1 1 ???????????? Inc. cmixlfrttf pwl, lot
HE* flour. : r-txv I'll, dwrtfrvt.
MftUce Ltk* iLortirrui:. cut Into rouiib
»rul nnr creurfl p-v?tr ttns with l;
Cre&ot air twitirr .uj ngai aiir tn ihrr
'.sarr-. oicr cnimte JTer./r and p«l. PtftK
?? utuOI fjLzuvuty tit jtun in the totton
&f rut* pat,, un, AH WLUt mixturf.
Cicbv 3 iivTieW kZnuv of p-«Arry nr. e-*-rh
tartJpt Baler tn mpcteratr r.Ttn Uxmt
30 mlftitLn Turn un tai eakm ccoJfJ-

OlV rup hrtiwn inf*r. * LibWpoirt'
flft-ff. 3 t3Vt.l<^pona« .«M w*t*r. I rvp
rt,lri --irr 2 tMifMniix hult«r I
-??' ?? :|.f...<..i

rmtppi jytr». Lai .liortrrnu.

Ukk* Lhf* ifcnrtertm Rail rail sml
Udt b <Kcp pfc piair. Ptacfi the
edftt» ??rxi prick the czntrr Bake in a
hot era. 10 to is
flour and touuf wv'.
7 LaViiLrMpoonA nLrr,

imorrth r-ud Irr*- {rum himra AfErf thf
cup of -Mter. Put tnto n RUMpan arid
Jttr o*«r tn- cm tin it hoOt and
thirkraa. live rood wrJl far mtmit 2
fti tu n t« f i« Arid uit UitWr. fcou**y autd
temftn inlcr Pctut into Uh* tart. Cwrr
trtlh Bwrin^tae mode with 3 whJtra at

add ttv
xf BJI Uil qoiu

rrjva>hlv ow th*» lo-j Placo in a cool
t.'-:*!. till thr mrrtngur a a p«le aro-ro
Sffrrt rtthi-r hot or cokt

Y AJHa> 4 i \ f- " !_r ; -

F'X I'-iatr;; lut plain torn; S
I* ..']»??',!! -Ujaf 1 l^aA-JMOB hakiEa!

pstriir-i i . rontlliittr. hmllrr.
rait. I eft- 1 enp milk.

For t «fnlrr t rup iniar 1 df»*d>rt-
\pi>.n titiHrr 1 tzZ- * laWriprHim
mUtt. I -up roruoiu. jni<r 1 l«nio(i.

fllfi ntitir cornflour btOc^ p</inS*Tr,
nitj In tmurr add **it»r auk* intfl <4rj
dtruch with bnatfa e-yj and nulk. Poa
out. ??• it iniu roundi and tin* dv*p
pattj! tinfi— pines ItttJa >am In r»ch,
Crram the butter and vupr add bestrrr)
-0- theti milk. laaiaT. eexwnut and
irovun jutca Hncr apoiunfui In ptaJtry

fiaka in nifxlrrair ?? ?? ::i 13 to
' m1*mt*» Tim ou t»a a raftr «<4er

Best Recipes

Six Cash Prizes Given Away Each Week!

firripr* tttfll f/i^v brimr m\cUln r r% and frit-nd* harr Tried mui
tint ftiutiti wnntins at* \aiiuthtt /*?? zond ct>n4c*, bur thi* rrurrm, and
urr irant to rrtcard tuttnhfy thair r*ry important .-"kit'.
i-ifntrM, mrh ir^rfe irr arir-r ??/* •n-'f, prizr* U*r thf lirtl rrripvx «/ lA* -

FiTrt ariar tl. atemtd Ifl/.. w'Ui Umr (-AftiMiWrin prlar. nf t/( carh

J. Riven botow. L^E** Ir u

mUrt ttrtt, hut
wfftr swiften will

Mav£ ».VrV
^Va/frj Rnr; -T f »irf
a-rr f«kt| '

♦w atrt Btak mkr r-ramh* pterJa «4
rnlMd tptrr. la*. Trarar I tatri-p-^.r.
milk. Soa. plain floar. lag. ahiart-

afaac the fthoi-rrurt Turn en to ft
niwred board Boll into a thin abart.
law a tVcf? mnCT-a, uc vtih (Or
pajrlrT Trun Che fdra And ptnch a
ir.B round- Plane a thin lajm of J«in
in thr but'On Cronn the buO*r, add
the aaaatr and bout till as whit* a* pot- ,
utile. Add thr jotts. ihra tha en ilk,
cnimba flour and iptrc Placr hi the
pan rr ctuft. Glut adth t*g *»d milk
am. atiTinkJr Uikktr aiih Lritnt wear
nakr in a moderate r>vm 30 to 38
ttlntitea Snrtr cuBd.

v l \ . - MCI

app|r-». It»t. raurutta,
I es prri rind alld
Jalr* I IrrrMin. tf«a. firown *ncmr.

P*«d and cor* and rrms* the Apnkn
Add the other tngrrdlenta, rourtng wrU
AiJCrU- to stand 1 hour before usins
Make the pvtJ? turn nn lo flown-d
board Cut ockv-aurd off Roll out tha
lAre^f pleu ami line deep sandwich Kin,
511 with Lhr raunrr luixrurr Hfill out
tttnall plew and pnt n*vt the nut Pinch I
lhr *^e>i to form ft Hill (slax« wUC f
vater and *pnnklf? aiUi »Tig3r. Baket
tn tiot oven HO to 39 tntcutcx Spflnktr I
•rtth tetp« nvrftr. 3crv? hoi m r*.d

Pafl fnatry. Joa. aotter. Soe. «fsr
craLrtl Irmon rind.
Apraro*. htan

Mukr the pAstrj and line i deep MMM
anlh ii 5pmd the bottom with jam.
Cnaxa btittrr and ttotAT tdd • -ces thro
cnUA! rtnd of temaii. and th* irn^d
apple. Mix *1I Poor into the p»:=tt
iheiL Sake in ornderarc oven half hour.
S er ve hot or cold

*>h^rlf n>».. I*a. srt>wnd alrawtaa*, t
, I.'*; «ltfW. titUr milk.

the pojKbr>. rott oat. cut Into
rOunsK. Line drep tmitj tins, and pm*
a tdUr jen m eat h Utr tine alrt^rt.
arid nnpar and Lhe beaten ef«x indk »nd
??ii nnr kttx jrefL Pour a littfe on top
of ihr pun, Put tin pa of ptxuj m
each. u*kr tn ?? moderate wen II m
jo Bitmrte?. 3arrw hot or oaht
fhrrr ffimiri tJUitrr. i-TL -rVfar, I
rn, t tAhlr-ipooni mWM 4or. S I:
Roar. .Is. ihaetrrDat. ml rarrant
Jrll;, 3m« fln-fj -rnopprtl nnK lilUt;
aprtret M*>-

tan*- potiT Una vlth inr pastry, ptara
a Utile jarr. La each, ilieo plane in a
TpMXLful of oaae tciitun- ?? made with
Oulter iia u ; nai. tnS&L. and flour) BoUe
in mod<miti= ov*m till a pale hrmrn Turn
i on id a cake fooler. When euld. iruih
rake mtktuni mrr with airntiU J*Ht".
and eiirtiiklr with thr rbnuped nola.

tsrtr-rix* raai
tii>*. i *r*

'-*ir>< r^ 1 * fttrMiaal, i a.
ion wui'.t.ir r:r

I • ff-nta.

t*». O. A.

ant. W krwaaaia imiuru

etna »* taiUi
aaaa sAr**

pmr af mBmi iiitlasiaH.
! Lt*aaprMn crtirrr rind anil juim
Ir moo. I rttp ?? n; .r ?? u-- % 4am-

«p*aD rlnsiaMioD. «h«rtcetot.
FfTipart thr grraTrima ltk" pumr*ln
C/iok till poIl Drain weJI, and maah
Add to tt riii-Jir. anlinrv?'. r*nrants,
RtcRrr r:nnair,on nod Irmftn Mhc well
Line a deep aandw-irh Lin with tha
paltry. UH vKh the Tntttcnr. and eoner
with paiirj Crrnani(JDt Tie «tae. Olanr
and Tprlnklr with ftiaiar Hoke a tint
oeeri SP to 2S mmu-et Smr auapr
UoL Or rluJil

Hevcmnumded jar Oxitttndittf

Pure Foods


mm >M lb _n> .....


a T«.let>«. b.H.| HiMft-J. rieai
Ml reai. W tta-f . t*fcn» Onlaaka, Obtf.
kin. aad] Tlufl»»t OaUaiii.


• M Yuy .ire/e-/ s4aiM /kiaaeJ
can f * i tt<m*m'* >e>Ul - *7i

/aiflt«r r^lMl •*

mi it


*j » * • ' £ U O M

.MMMir - r A N I L I A

II-:* a-—J e.-,i« ffe,.. ?? .It fcaljfr

•»(* f reaaa n-r ,ia (mIm .. t ... '
Sf i alutai— ???? it am><-*atrr-«.l. 1 if>

ctswb ku aaa vaoai. aaa bib h
aaaawfM* «**•* *-wf*fiatna. lini ana n,
r*ia» Ba«U teat tatetr *»> «-t aarro

mt*mi trwti* r r ---


1 Utrt*.

npaa i» ftasr X cnwintaa tn aibmi
at* tub fetaw a> itrtuisret mi ui^atui

rr»»* +r MW*

Us- t
r.*kr VtlMR, If#»-

c*aocoL«rr r*r.*n

I*«all4M. Milk

T««r myti frail
Rf-ra ta l*n Uaa4 ca*

fteaai a-m Wr ndar ! < r

»-•??• *f M I. Ttr a Bia-r.

•'??•<?? a a

auv ISm-
kai fthf

it :r iiun

IIBUIOU 101 00 Uh* HrfH. ant 1

-*ni.'»i talttic ran fwl ta hm*
??F*mfc> law buiikt* at mcR wttk
•rut ?? mo* natai' Mm

pit? ann emi (1 vltk tlmw if%.

iawi|ir« p i tMf wl ) aat
??waaaainfali «r »r7y


gfafB B H* tt P i 1 ^ES^HSQ),^^

I combine' '
f Health wit!
Pleasure —

tn a glass of


7/tC Ideal Summer ( j)ri/i/<

TftlAL SAMFtX A frwru, JrM( J
atC.ifTf. ta mmkr Jwu narr/al, *.r'/ ,-ir
•U-wAf, at Mat* aatf of


lliau &i Storet

National Library of Australia



Thr AfTSTKVI.IiVIS WOMEN'S WEEKLY . . . Home VaUcr Section

Febnian 1. 1936.


l v..\... (UA Orange Jrllj. I !'.. mi Whitr-i
I ??????><- Jirlli UlEsuh'c Orange Jell* llijilillt i ??. :j; . . -J
<n.*tct -ui.J in immlij luitl .lIIom in Imurnc narK
llit.olvc Lim* Jellj in I pint 3 mti.i -j. atei .uiti
.1 Inn br h .ji n i i K 10 lliickini whip until fmth* jiul thick
Finn 111 mi 1,1(1 of OMnge Jcdty .m l chill'uiuii (Inn
Serve villi 5lit.cd Orange, snd .(trigr* u f frrjh minx

>'o« CVjm Taste I be


Whire * Pure Fruit Jelly is ihm
the food 10 delight it child's
healthy appeiiie un a hot
Liinmer * day. The real fruii
rivivuur ii The necrct iif White
hntr flavour. Fijf nearly 90
fCftff White's has made pure
Jelly Crystal* . . . a&k for litem
by name ?? . . none other ii

"juM aa jftnnl.' 1


Srmd naim and tul-

i!;.j . . fw White 1 Jelly
Ciyal d-. fta 1104 S>G.P.a
Mdbinimr for Wliire"»
Fm !tt, Htmh In which
*iri, van itjuiiff the tti.Jp**
iSrtf trill bn publiithxd
-nljri. hi eh.? Journal.

tour chnla

at 20 (U'TDun,

AriftL^t, BUek Ctirraiif, CalvrV
Fooi, rju)nipagr.c. Cherry,
DuoKaii, Green frige. Lcncm*
Lime-fruit. Majiiclnt. Nctiiiirljie,
Orange, I 1 , .n h, Pjrteapfi.fl, Port
Wiue. Hjspbftry, Red Cumm,
Si raw berry, Tangerine, Vazdll*.


HQME LOVEHS AND GAJiDES enthusiast: kuVJ jtttJy thr ab&te pittttre wtlh mieresi. This is the Sp&mh.
style home e?j Uti* Merkel, M.-G.-M. star, who is muling at you g.ttniu fthe from the rjteu\ty. Shrubi,
fflntVltfl ma decorative palms h*g Mr hovsi, white .: bt.*zt <«/ \mn/suh follows the ieft-hand stile of tbt iemi-
OTCnLr drive, hut thy, n'ff.vrlHrtalrly, ate not risible in thi fhtttte.

Ranunculi for Spring Glory

Says the
Old Gardener




And Forget Sleeplessness

SOME people deep but are (till tired the next day — some people
"cannot sleep at all." Others have refreshing sleep and wake full
of Tim for the daily ta.sk. This *AS?RO* message is for the
I SLEEPLESS or for those whose sleep fails to refresh. The message U thu :
TAKE ' ASPRO ' AND YOU WILL SLEEP — furthermore, you will be
refreshed, soothed and invigorated.
You will wake with the pleasurable
I feeling thai yesterday's troubles were
I half illusions. You will be ready to
?? "dictate the terms" for the new day.
f For those whose sleep is unsatisfactory,
I the same applies — 'ASPRO' will bring
I the sleep of peace and harmony.
I'ASPRO' does not drug you to sleep,
I it lias no deadening cfTeci. Its action is
I of a peaceful, soothing nature, leaving
I no harmful effects whatsoever. Further-
Iniurc, 'ASI'RO' does not harm the
I heart, and can be taken by all. If you
Idon'i sleep well, give 'ASPRO' a trial.


Illl II, Ii .!. I






















Set them ill long, narrow beds, and border them
with showy anemones. These exotic-looking plants
are strikingly beautiful when grown together. . .

If you hiive Im-pu 1'irllnHitu: tbe Old Gardener's :itlvi<r.

you will have ulrfitd} |tlaiiti'tl llir - I of storks, punttir*.

viohis. ami h«» now waU'liii)^ ilit* young plants -hm>i up. [Now
lo continue your plaimiru; fur your I >i> ttiulrr uml Dirt]
spring dupltiy, joh mnsl pvl ri'ndv llie *eeA nf raiium-ttl! mi
tlml jmi ma) pritilurr your own licit 1 1 by, slroni: ptuuk

RANTNCUI.l take a long Ume
to germinate, so you mum
not gft <iesTKiTii|piit If tbt?y ue^tii
very slow In coming Lurutii;L.

In srnwlng nil. bcuuUfttt fUMVPT otw
ibould ocqujrf Uu.' habit n| flgwiTtt fnrttl
• . i It should he ' vhvn itw

Uovttra tum brown, ntitl be ItEjit If-nof
la b dTKwer, box. ur Home drv flints
tUuauncutuji Kvd. If well nav«t, will
fotaln lLu vitality lor lit leoM two yvnrs.

Wheo eowliii* the seed MAsot u ytuni
•lxsltrrod poaltlari wln:r« It 1* cool arirt
moist mnti facmti the nant or nortri-«BK
It. atioulr] Huff [he mofnltnr aim nnd
Ftlwll^; nitrlori the hotbtui purt ol Iht
dny, soli raujii: ha Irw and Itffrit. ajui
the sowl flown on a li-nl .iin.j.r

PremuT tin- Kod ln-d well bj- disijuiB.
Rcmow oultj. nmed piaiainh*, jirsRi tlw
'liiTfiicK Rrm with .1 not rhicti at hoard,
rmi^r Ihr; astsj lighllv Willi wi'lT-QPCuS'i'tl
nttmiire brnlrrn up flitr and rnbfjed
OuoiiKh n ni' re nil; makes tdraL
mntBrjal for sged-rn Itilng. Wttcll err-
inliuillun coauuftDjWR. ttrp tiny pliou
have no dfJllj:iilly to liuahins tlLuir wr.v
to the mrlaer ttimigh aliith a llglit

WhL'o you inivr KJWU Uie ared. jj;«lt
[he gniii n l veil. UHlng a watpriog ean
wltli a vin7 fine rose, fieari- aialfrriiit!
or Qoodinir will waith on the eouerlnjt
and. la an probnbilliy. wash the naeri
into one comer


Slow Gerniinadoii

ryXE ynuntr plants t.nltf m .cut B
month io tiniue LtLt-ir •ppcariiiiCti.
Dtimij; thia period thr *n\\ niUBl be fcept
moiiit bul nol tuo vel Wrien larp"
enough t*o iuindlr live Httlc plant* ahautrj
be pr mki-ij out into t>ox» and *pnn^ ixn
Lieh upart. M dlXTCt«l fur Other ae-ed-
Itn^s, Then, when Cr.mipJtLnUtLg tinv
cDmcB, Lhe bed can be planLed much
morp cosily by carrying Fiie box. of
phinLi to '.he bed, and URlnjc a knife U>
lilt the ptBnta our. with tht- soil.

Such is the method nf raiKlnc ltv<
ranunculus trtmi kpA Thuir v another
metrjod of 4ticrculr.|t aity ptutleular
vjuleLj-, by illvjaioTi t>r rootft

TJniiH-e tHe tulip or other biribn. the
mot ot the rBJiiiiveuliu UAiinlly muni?
rnnr.uri.y In <xw iieaaon, and can be
diviili-d up Into novcnii jMftnt-s. Al tjlaui-
UaB time bulbft can be purclLiLMd nt nny
flartnt'i? thf %eed merchant']!. Ptrinl In Ijoxek
which are wcll-dmkiLed and nlled vi\h
gtjod. rich loamy aoll

In .i very ihort Umn vurjy will Ik^Id
••>> nhoiil Vt'.'ir . nhAMU two LlWihrj tiiirt:
Ihey can be i nken ou! of the trwd bcsTcs.
and with n very almrp knift' all tun
V(mnR pluiili tdiould then br rcinrrM-ci
(rutr. LIil' nld tniib.

Thrz? yuu Kill flrtd hnrr n (rorxr rewt
nyhtrrn. m> Very ort*n fj'tim oru< bulb wir 1
can arc arc u muoy tut throe ot four
plants, mm- in ttwir turn are trana-
plAU.cd into Lin-It iicrmuiinnt p»lttciiUL
und wltri care and fttTf:ril,li7i. grmv into
Mrttni;. hculthy, Mjftuat tilauLi

Banirnciili do much bctt/r when
Uiovod a Bcuocd LUn- la thia fruhton.
^trLii^ the bun, tn thr btmw flnt. and

third T.mfipTnril.

For Very Best Results

'po crfjdLirn-' ^vkI, f-.-talthy plEsMa itift
I--;: nil.:.', ij-j tht'rr»Lij{tilj nnd
prnpnrrd. «oid thia cure he dnne- whllJT.
the ydujia ph.iila arr [rmwinf hi the
nursery. A ipmd piim if. to rtniuve the
??all in the bed fur nbom IS intthcti, ttonrw
LKtB on one rfdti. then fill in ihr bed
wtth prepAred compctM until It readum
nijtJut Ltm"r» inehes rroin the sinfiice.
Leiivti for slwut. Que miwitlx atid thtrn
add the naervti tnp aotl,

r(r!tUI:iib»'? Lb* rUisHhcullB thrlm TO

a Arm base, k um eftmpbert tnaa not be
di-iturb#d at Uur Unit* ot ptontlni incre
'Hnr: 13 nppdful HpuplP FtrnwinD; thrrn
in uuidy sail nhQuld nmitp apodal iwLe
"1 '-his muLhud

HanunciHt ihyajn loolc hrr.t Lq
lojitt. nitrrsa 1 hed« -with n battier of
aiivniiMii 1 *- Thpae two Ocweci uIwityA
'uolt heat when plan-xd toteiher.

Anil ni- -li-' -,viy - i>i( rr:3V [iilluw ltW
??^mc nUrthod for ik;rjd-riLiKjrjs of an»tn-
e-iifSi w fnr ransinrull wh'lrt vou nrr
if>*li4{ raniinrUiUH ritfM. you muat malce
room also for the airman ex, sn that you
niay T-nri.plniit itii'm t-Tqi-thP." Ancmonr
buTba qui be pttrcnaaed. hut Lhry will
imt xtnnd dividing up Plant diem a
Qoud fhrw ihcliKs m a Iwrdrr for



NOYU. t>U|rf>« KLUtiMT
rji_nrJinrtr btuuLUu] iluiian nt ptnK red.

JtJJiSt nl nlHTT. ni'mtift *t,t1 pbuiiH ktiaQM fit
•juz Swmnain* "rrtumiiri C*inyict4,"' fm ernU
Ihfl ULactiin^iinl Mlrj) -JtecLi 1 Tlv ulnmn %it
Amk.it mnC ftiudf, fl^wiiu^ t u . wiolbl

Pipcuesdi "lrripruvrrd Blur *'^frm ,l Will waifs- a
uiTiiiJ bund t.| vlirruiui sri? lAnc »n >ti a ini
t» Itw bn| sun rnrtrwr rni)i J[(r i nJ , ail
rr*(lv tUMrtQl tflrct

»i*s N-TTtrnin tnrdi now for Imi nuiuu.

W« tbonnntilF rtcr mm i nu t Triumph f>m-
liticla •nfi TrtprnUHl BJui Q+Ta. ml 1 - nu# M
p*i packrL pntt Fjbb

Tvr '-.-iU ??! :-„,,, . nf - ih^ih
IHjli-Ull o„, er p,t., >wl ,„,. nu N ,

n-> iBMrttn i.ro. Pbnun awia-i. tunjon

r ^


Vf.ik*!*. IwUrf

Soil D<aarl(

- ??

it,,, J'ROVt ii,.j .1 _


NCA QraAu\itm \m r,hl'«=i»tl
ft pn-'ncrl, hamrlrifl Ord

.n>nrilp - fia vi'mi

t^. V16HAPWONE ,


* AlllfK Itl^ltiH.
It" r*lii, ( M.ll.oi.ntB

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3681

f fhrucry 7. 1936.


*Ul)m Extra Points
for Yourselves

lou tporltgtrUi ratliantly healthy,
*o vital, don't let continuous ttxpoture
lo tun and wind spoil natural beauty.

IPTRANGE it is that the sptirtsgirl, who
should be the mtBt beautil'ul thing in the
world, becaiwe of her love of the out-of-
doors, anj her physical prowess and her kivi of
fair play. «!>Mi]d y« have such crilkism ss muxw
lar. unfcminiiii-. unappealing, applied tu her. And
yet it is mi ca5y for the jfrorteijirl, with really the
minimum i .1 tn itihlc. to he it dainty and plearing as
the lass whet forgoes (nitdoor plcwture "{or the sake
uf her aimpicxmn"!

npHE Hportaifirl, hc-caune she
J. <-ttKiwB her skin, hor hair
ami Iter anna aniJ legs to sun,
wind, ami anfiiuuim exercise,
must lake iisjincial c an- < if her-
self If she Is lo rnfam her hpaui.v
ami rVmlnuie ????narm.

WhttWVM her «r»rt aha mult not Ji-t
heneli aevelep into the liard-fared.
tmrt|. baked, muscular type sport mart
on taken in the atrldr nr twrconnj
acllTti; and not allovu} to dnmlnxu
ami overahrlm nntuml beauty.

It Is n,iutr nuy to be a ennnrpum at
mme wrt o( sport and to o» appeslliih'lj
dainty nt the »wir ilmc you ran taa*
cim waji bixli iriTTWtMn and curative

Firm and moat obvious livm of tjrt.nl j
to be ruined wxlfix the dree-tnte kiat of
the mm ind nxputin la the complexion
Remember, evnn aa tins ami klsaea beauty
awufcn. m tt ean k£l] it off vrr> quickly

ElpuAuro lo fiun boltes our xtim dry.
uni! llle ftlttn beemon mtuitIvc. harsh,
ind rough from bsuuj pareWd It perlil
flakes. amnrUiatB enteJn. bMaoa*. larir-
Ult niiiUlurc. It la no loncrr pliant and
rwllJenl. The akin la healthliAt and
llrM bnluUlu) when 11 1» molat.

Ton must have a dally routine Devote
a lew f-Ttra mlnulea night and tnoralluji
to tti- rare erf the ikin

Every iil£lit >-ou oliould mean your kjuu
with cream or nlnwind oil. and leave on
a small quantity nr almond nil wh'n

I'cm >mt Lit.

*BWr, /'OA ftlm
tun Don't air
rrjvwr su the fan
•xa*M ytwt nutt-
mp vchttt au'mr
furlb 1st i J.rfi
•part. Vst a titjuij

cabman hl'mu. '

tiioJuax-up yqur race. It jhould be weJI-
pr««letl Leavp i ier> tmall mmntlty
"1 almncid OH on na powilrr haae

After Exposure

^y«EN >nu nair eipcecd your tkln w
Uid nun all day. rhrt wipe the face
tn-er lvitli a pad of eotum-wxil tlira dip
lhi.> anaert Uico a eoud rleHiulae rreani
ir-.il vrt ft exntly Jnlo rhr ptln Alluw
the i-.Tiiffi to remain rn the lucn tat .1 Ii r.
minoiea 'yini can a»«n
Ine your hair to onn;
then wtpe off mlth a li
of cotton-wonl.


r <n irrrciit-

! freab pat!

Oivf- j^uneff a weekly Ia« pocfc Mil
• almond oil to make a i'-..' 1 '

minute*, Mut riiuf oil in cold water.
Then _v»u ruuy auoolIi creun uvtr Uit
aic En.

ArvuUicr vxculWxit 1dm. u your Hi
dry mnd parched, IB tfj tm-Vjlh cte«j, over
\hr Jikriri (vjkJ nt*C(S. tirtr ]r?mnfl rind fta a
JISAW+p.'i'. LULll wutk cr«m WHlI hi. Le&vr

I » qiurtrv Qf na hour, tbrni in* down tit
rut, and relax. Eaak. Lvt* ItlUrf pnUji of
tt.*Uin--«<«H m tcn«:- a nilictLii-c ol equal

I it-crt* of ms 3 -wot.ur tiiiU -fTeU-ii-hia-itl —
ttiiil lay ovut your ty-n.

Nut dnl.y ilcwa Lii-e rum.-lc-ann niffer
: miliar th* strain <if sport, niilr,
^antl arum flrF also uCIfC^d.

Ttit hair ??nixjirt be briifinit] vvttvy nutftt
on Kfliriff tu bciL with Jdhk, fi^ce^inc
??aifWrSt* Givr a w"rkly ul] miw»)t-r' U

Before setting off
cor the day's play:

ro i^jLiru-- p*n-ariKi djiiiicuK-iA And
InAbtm. and tu win c-OM p>"inl.-.

or younrlf ur your «jdr ilo Umc:-

rjtae a dittloraR: unerr «- j-j : srttipHi
i urn in trie morning ?? tmfi dub ihrrn
-*iih a fcjin QMQi «*oak-jd n vitraj-tuuttl
tmn or raii-dr-miL-eiir- Takr- a
iitall tfKtlr at fau djr-caltivTtr aUins In
'uur latndLirtE sml on une- i- i*> mil
iv.t " 'iivrruy" nivr.rt-. — at as luun^

It tor tJia uxnipKi til Ltkr IllUjCIj -time
•inuili u|i

-it[cn- hoxrl *"«n your tiuntla nnd Tin-r-
hem In cold water During Lb* day
iib over «rlth wttch-lmn*! or HU-dr*

A/try >du Jia>r left (Jin tonni* cinirt
ind arr cHfaxrnc-in^ in Uouk [Uilniy
????in ojr(] you frel mb*.hrtO, and rjurriilx
tint dab on a Httlr r :?? louon to

r*.fm{i and cone yon up Eau-de-
i.'.itKui! wtfalli. wilh frrah !--c- : ?? -.
:*. a Wflrxlrrrtil TiUiywiT

Smooth, Svelte Legs

fP jrou *tt suing to att-u* ihorta or *
lirir-f frock; with bam le^r you will warn
yiw w. be ?i!"3r.' iiml ..nicnt.*! To
J Kaspooni of penrakt*; cl hydrti-grri >10
vol BtmiKtb* odri i uroopooti aaimonm.
Bmit tlU rioadj Thrn add p&wilcr
pimiiefi .tprmd. dir atxl n-movt «'li.h
eo!t! *'aU-r Vour *>ill men l*c

:• •

IT yo'.i air xunnMel itbouL a cood deal,
paj alWiltiiii sTF-u^ousJy to vimr fe**L
Hunt' zavm in *anrm. «wpv ??wmtrr. thrn
in (!&.d to rintw. to mhJj-b • fe.» dmirs ut
eiUKlr-tulot^ hftirf bwi iidcMi Lhin
wttn Mifc.

If you are uolfliu* nr bltijirt 10T Play-
trw at a-nj ipox-, Tabpre your feel ploy
up ft aponet your rm sntt «rtih

cC4d water after ywu oatfie i.fiiirn and
thnn maaaMffc thi-m with eUcoIiO, or

jtiur hatr Appemra too briiT.it?. Wurm hi Befcre iou uTatrt a «f-alk trtake

izmiiil quantity of oll.-re oil or almond « i«t of tali.Tim penvder tntn jodt -iLocfc-
bil. p*iUiia.- tin- hair, rub rl£h!. U» Uif Eniti tir iiJb 11 about your reel, TTr,-
naOOi t» l/Ul at nlflhf. no that yriu can \ fri\*s tUillshtlu] foot camfiKt and fc^r'*'
shampoo ymjr luair in the murnine |thc font rrom fpt-lii-ur nibbed.

— WiMri MY r^TItNrS A^l/ kvlF

PATJEXT. \f'hj a a ithit fHtfto
in , . -;r-.tf jire jo iiidijfrtfM to tb*
fucbirms i vttntcttii uriih im.vusy jiiJ
Ik* lit>a\in? of thr tmarw? Ami
uh) is it lk.tl. u-fjev tbtj do takr jh
inlrwt, wb/ci* tt -????-??,??,*??//-.?? >:.ii ebrtr
.ttttin.lt ff one *>f ^hhr/TTtrtft. if VOI

<if .litujl ht, } titit-t>

Vtrhapt thr ttoUtnti th.it pr -pi.

it&I jhout iiiituttiy tu ;f >\-.;i in the
MiJMt Apt iMi Aixg.

F| OftSer ti drive home the pofnl
yna upparently have In mlitd.
vrr s\i-fi\ not go hack &a far ju*
riifi! We havo ooly to retail tb^
number <if In dividual}, who Wf;re
burucii at thy fitake for wiith-


It v. a sad taci thai, d-x^ta our ad-
vaneea m clvUJaatlon. des---lle arjr rn-
lltftitiitunenl in u-U-nrr-, we *juU— that ti,
many of iiE--cimn to uncnnscwiiA rt*la-
tancea aauhvM Mtiy Jorm of ninibd

If are loath lo think bdoUL the un-
ftiTtunateti whooe mtndi beeomr de
rangrd we Etlll are hartt-orliui ideru that
th*=*e patirnis arr iXMw^ed of lb* dnrll,
ftwt u they txbevpd ta ttK (frlfm and
thirteenth i^Lurrr*.

And ft ** abru a cunotm fact thai when
abnormality of any bodily orpart. such
a* trw twt, kldneyi or lungs rxUtx.
pftaple ore never httsltam about adftr-
Ualnff it. "But wliCn the abaormabiy





taxxxh . . axu\ itcJinfp. ijr-pj. ! tftn,.
on SAVAGE *o train itt tn»e hilc
atul l)ie kmJjnctt or hp b
j I dmy ... ail ?? .m:^ . . . mi.
lit .-. I VtQ, .lac
cixlu-itiftjf* T 1 1 • - it Lurinjj
t»n:-> mo, in the nnikjuc; S-tj^
ta>C will, jt« ulcvftb rn-Tn-J
•Ijr^inji iiprrrn i-trar *iinwf
??a«tf>— all irrdehl-rf — <u iur a|i
rinrfTir-ni frr (Itc hr* ilial
irji them.

TAN&tairii • riAMF • Harutai * ilucj*

napiT-enn to be mentoJ. they tnYMjrablv
try to hide It,

Why elLindd WC t& *nhamed if Dtir own
mind nr the niind of a relative or friend
' f [itirtlonc bndlyT la not th? nraiu Uir
rnLuL uttportuil- dtkui in the whole tya-
leni? U it nr.t the brain that reeehfb
lhe mdbt Btrain? Why mould nut Uv
bruin girr way if r*her oqpuiii do? And
wny should there bo any sugnia attached
to it?

I ill.---. Uiaanlty la re , r. r tn^.-ri hi uwrr
wruafhlr Lernm Ir the frw»t majvrlty -r
the p*jmi»U<.T4, Kde^TOBit nte|i* by Htalc
and fld| aalWItlrn will i»l br Utrn
Co hounr the haaaae pro perl 5, oar will
U at*p ihf ln ; rftJH of the tmfady

IjURlNG twenty yearn. lttaaniSy fia*
Increaoed. »ut OUT IkbjiJU! faflll-
U« have twit merea-DKl 111 like prupor-

Our modern uir. la t-rowtna? more and
rncrr* oomplex. W<> *re bHnr7 nubjert-nd
?? r : 1 -.1 i I ??,?? to UKirr and mnrr mmtal
alrw and Uponry liMUdty. thrn-fnre.
will onntlnue in be a pronletn. prob-
aoly a mure preainr pertbletn aa time
*oes un

I apedallata or tiie ?ntnd anew more
aboai!. mental dluilen of ail kindi nnw-
adaya than they (fid, any, flfieen or
twenty ijvc yean e|o ttla jfttoTiinhlnK
'u wbfa bira ma^y. r-rtn riffimtely Ituune
prr-fi<m.i anf cured eajrh year, and; bfOW
ninny are unproved ituThrienUy to 1***
thrlr plaeea uealn tn the homt* rwd In
Uie c-uinrnuiuty

Irn'; wp munt rbaugc our aiutada to-
wnrdfl menual uiit-aJanw. We must
leeocnt^ U wMwabty for whai it ur.;\iatty
Ik • iu)i it-, n myatcrtMii and BOnntV
Ibiiat. but aa a disease lfke evrry trinrr
diwoMv mat /nay poaaitry be ttjrtrj

Kurly im«nlUdn of antirachitic lav
muMf la, Iwwmrr. of the hitfvat i tn ,x>r
UJW.-C lEwntty u do cltacraer And
their ann lurrjy irvuiv a«-rv dtseuvM in
t'r ararld*


Eno'» "Fruit Salt" hat benn brinqlnr- henrth i
mililooj of people 4II v**t th# world fo-
qeniiraf.oni, and" bacaat* ©f Hi mwir H It
widely imitatad. Som« o*f Hreia imHationi
arc undoubtedly fcamrful in their bt?«H.
othan hava no effee* at *IL Play i4fe —
make iura you ijel Eno'i '"Fruii Sab" —
it il obtainabr* at a pric« whic !?? tna\m%
the boymq of Unit a Horn vary f«li«

Ena'i " Frwit Salt" ojvei jutt that
auiitanc* wh 1 ; k nafw* oee di —
pleaianl lo lake but quntly
aflrjetrve. It n^ti the ITiOiT

dolleata tyitam aitd h not
habH-formmfj. Get a bottja
of Eno f -, J.;, — i> tha
pricot thown H rl urv
queitiotnaWy tha bad
value obt«inabl*.


costs only





-a.- lo...- ' 1' j-,- j jr. a ,1 1 ,

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3682



fltirne Maker Section

February 1. 1936.

'arns 'ri^amst
"alkaline" Shampoo


r|M f Yvw wiari rimr tin»r «n ??'Jfiw
-U.i' it* tit> e t *-jL .u> utinr
ail in- rnriiiKi Ukuiv iir »i"r lilm-
liffhtN— yi,n ,-nn'i |jr * ira rnytruwi tn
«rnalilna it'

^ f-oan* drill »hnrr>tMX* InOn with
fM'» «lL.ii ruin bW f,f.l- <*:t1i Ku.lr

with «IK ii 1 hlrwjn — llirrr 1a
irVi rlik „f H|H inlkfi -iuiM-.t
tuit dtft+uii'lun ]]fmriTlv mill
liutiiiiijf iIh< linir— and
•H*ll«nltiaj" nut lh» •»»«•.

Tllal'a w+iji ... ... jejil» tit

artf-M)- arum** — * lira t.ilu<
?? - 1 ??????11: _ i, , ml ],
' ,i. ............ m , Tin,

?? ".<./ ii»unJ iifh'U.iril.r 'uvl iWm 1'f a* ra On I

F/fU-W** Jit frjMfr /»ii.U mJ nr»lju*i-fi.)4i-r »^'.'m. HtT \\
??£??>*. *(J>tawr aaiy. arai> * hum i**Ji»cck(v( rr|v «f Wwi. .(

pur*'. notllLriili ntniM-al rum-"*"!*.
Hnt>,"" lT»«HBtraji. "twanlJ-l*lon"

ilimnji.K) <-n limit [m.ihILIj Inhirw nor
r:hr,nrn rojuur Af hair

^ .\ Ouupln rnnim m .fnl • -Ir-ii nn*iB 01
'????'1 ?? .T.i ..( litre. iln n il rulT, ..r m-
• c = LtllLiii tin ftiMn • inln 'u ii]ir
CCUlinfntrljf. It* idUirr nriijnti uul
hijiiij, Ttmi hiiir Jrina qulck-
(r iinil f-i i- uly— .'mI'iJuj: out
dil.-Jt. flll*j, WjlllBJil. cJiway.
wl«) — Ud faJ- sua]*/ to draaa

^ Urriiajj.l "| i.ll*«tm" at

v«ir I'lmiTitHi — Ji<t*p^ |jf# in

jwrminwit^-waiVinil hair! —
1 1 i'i hotM* Ian*


??mi a tint horn f,*jd mJ aoJk far a rrnkrt
ib mjpy w-ati' 41 Dftflnlnr i^bitibiki Itrtvrdl fal'
•??'"i"" — nr *l

T»u a*»n'l ih( micnmoH t» m ho* liwia
??n'jkrrir-d olrawl iitiOm — • 1 .9. ft — jmlnK.j
uu u' tn 1 Ik j Ii in th^inaLW nukn han


^V^turalWrn^^ SHAMPOO





" Every Pietart
Ulh t Story


ot Vric Add to remain tn
ibe blood mad caute Urlaur;
Dborden and RhcmnAnimi

JO YOU breatnr- rheumatic when <lflmp weatlier seta in 1 Mj.lv
' pwple du I Dunip and cold oveiitmirj [| JP kidjir>-», and v-]ieo
Cnry ftpakrn recess uric aad kwd bcpinB to collect in llio system
iJ-jxii- likickauhe Kidney IS1U shuuld Ik uwii at thr very fi[«.t tognut
liar kiuhc. uiinary di.wldcr>. inUri p^Crd t!eej (< rbcumatuni, lumbji^j
« fciailca Tl*y d«W helped tbous^nds. why n-ji >wu f


Ii fflHr/nH B|{, .1 hjnjw a,.4 llt ,_

.., in U.rtt riTTml ivlLrr

"jniprrjun mHlttaU*. Ml
AMI rbnuiuUaal «rrr» •# Cat Uja

lUiiBL IUUiMJ. "I.; dU ft.. it. > HarUctia
aii I bmiii fur ??r.m», i a .l J nm i.lt-i.in.1 Ii

jrjn In it •Ul'.ieJ Jliwf IliH, l.ut H
bj* Jwn fn trUTB dip troikhk.
»?? fraf urn rta Mylsi- tha run n « |
m»Tirm ^oit 1 "

Rcfvue inferior aubarilulH, Inutt upoo


M*W B^k^Bdney Pills

Smart Collars Needn 't Be An

v ti~n <7 rT/^/ ^r /^/^ Here are four of the ver y nicest

X^/^V I' / U> ULlgU f w i li(;ri you can yourself, an d

for n trifle. Hand-cut patterns available. Direc-
tions for niafeing given below.

v tmv ttf these cottar* con br depended upon to g*m
it fltittrritts; touch to thv shnplwt frock. And ns cottar* are
iitt the ra#t>* I can Bee my readers clamoring for the*e ex-
chaivp tittle tletitfna.

YOB nay Obtain haorJ-cut pat-
terns immediately on appli-
catJdn tn mir Needlework DopL
They cost 3d. each, but the four
niuy bf> hud for 2 0,

l^il! detfiUM for making are
bet«#fili given.

Ha-L-jitca.ta] unartneu: Tow will nwd
??id. Of 34-lnch mulcriiil mid tin; iiaui«
aiuiruiit ui JlnlMii fyr '.lit iiost-p)eai<d
ooUat. To cut: Ojwn the material Mid
lny the four pfttccrr. plefea un. ami then
cut ulhrft-iiig for Minna MbJlm n nor raw
ham At the 1c?wt3x crtk* of i'ach atrip,
ple*t into nriff-lrieh txix-plcaU Uiuk,
ani-3 pn-ss. Took Lhc top »'dRC of trie
lining »nd Lhe; una.lt'jr niece ul the plfjit-
tng '.JjgT;tlier, and «r»» fjy* rKher llleoe to
Lhc lower edge or :l\r lining M^kr ??
furrow htm roand each edc* of oalliir,
MT Cfllhir dmn on to trunt nf pleaTr-
??m: '.l >:, st the back wlUi ??.??h , m:
sod loop.

< apc-litc chi r: Hulf B y(ir rj of mflte-
rlAl u required; also lining Tlip capa

CtpC linif nfckbaDtl, unrt hult lipstanji-
Lnji rjoUu- Cut each pi*cn an the douhle,

TAKt TUT: SIMPLEST FROCK from your m*drofy w4 lo it on* of
their tolUrs. ttr iht frith ptbet, 4ttJ you'll fett j [iifferttit ptrwn. Even
lb* pljitttJt froth u-.ouU take art a nifii' inttTiit, * nrw d*l'tgin t in your t)es
4tiJ in t.- ???? tfuj oj Al ????.-/•! j. HjrtJ-iUt ftutttrm cotl 0J. tmebj v thr
fou* may br km fur 3/6, pajf frit.

piece is .fr.cn jii lull. You vlll need
2 yarda of litee or net. Itir the- odmnR in
addit-ion to ilir half-ywd of mntEmJ.

5fw ](lcg La the sdgfl ol each frill,
aaLhur up ro lit linir.iz. iirnl mardiliul to
lllltjLij; on under Qic OLher. Sew out
ed£? ol LLur tirr,klmnd Ui tiu> fruflt o!
the jukint. c;otit.iQtiiiiJr round to t&e back
??ft-rtti jt neat hem. How lace to the other
etice FuW over And ftnlah at hiick wiLh
IWO Liny honk-i u.iu 4 . eyci

Quilled ctiArru. Tin', pohit^d Miliar hi
rather lAsclluiLlnjc u It U rjiJlited lu
addition to Uic iiiiii-yurd ol inciterl*!
you vill nned .. piece of . i:i-. llnli)^ and
a thin pleci: of cotton-wool. If i:i:<- 1 thr
same mntrxtal csn t>e unci! for the lining
PaLtcrn rauist tw Uut to ttie fold at

ullowlttit for aenms Jolxi (osffLiier with i macrrliU mid cut double, as only haif
notches nifltcriinT. I lhc pattern U given. Cut the lining and

Wairrfall jMhnl: This frilly affair la rottoii-wiMit Ltj* samr*. Allow Tor wnmii.
cut entirely fan Uw rr*3os. with the «nt- : Lay T.he cotEcnv--woot to lhc right aid*- of
"PpUon of the Uninff. Each putLcm ! the mutermL then the Uniiig on ton with

thr Ls*i Tr*4* Mark.

Young Mothers Please Copy!

This double-duty screen can be made
from an ordinary clothes-horse*

Thr shriek l-m -n hfre wilt show you time cm um>ful a tiothr*-
harm* van be. /n addition to ftrvinp oj a keeping awrty

drought* fmm ludiy during the bathing MfOMMyj thi* ncrevn wilt
**" rj 4* a* n mntt t tmrcnifnt wardrobe /*jr the hvr oim 1 ** toilet needs.

TV yon di> npfc rntpperi to hnvc a clothes-horfie,
X jan ran buy qtio for a siunFl sum, or you
may Ix- ahlt- to iHtreuaUe frlsnrl husband to
miLke one for you. Any man at all handy with
tools van nisiko

Merfl'a the way
to turn it bxbo the
useful irrBm: Coyer
Cat wund tvttm*: on
Uoth niiler* with
plain <??!•??.?? :•'

Clottl M Willi

ittua. Mirnum In
edgra nnd tacking
dowu aecurely.

Now out three
peckobi u siidhti
111 tlie nketoh lrum
colorful dtrtOrtno

Make mw Lu-crr
Utnn the Tithcm In
order to take the

more bulky article
nnedcO for the
??abo'a toUvt

Run elaatlc
through the top
henm of the itockct*
and attach these
firmly to the frame
Uirotigh the heului
or casement cloth
with largr - headed
Urn** tack* Alao
mrm* hoojet mto uic

trnmc at mtcrvnU to hold [iili-liimmioh.-.
leftdrr, bihR. »nd other oddi mid ends

And Llini, II you wlflh. make a crc
tunnp cunhloii, crate It with Ntripa ol
[lie (ilulrj nTBtnrlAi wwn down wif.li

WTorff side OUt! tWchlW till round edg*

tr^rlEu; nect i^dg* open

Turn UV..1J7 out ftiiri Make
three ruwT> of machlDe etitchhm nil
rnund ii^a.fcs one nirh frrrm tiie edge
mid onti inch ttpo.ru Tom neefc edge
1 and .;i|. . !" -]; neatly &1I h.uuk!

Prow peitkn bunk and catch together
in front wlUi a long pin.


WiiaL can n wounw ilo wlmrH con abe
tro. 40 lone no liiat d-.'iitlLy hnckilclie Eapa

ererr nurtlete or her atreiurth und «m-
btltatir ll'n ulwavn a *lryLUR time '—Out
thitre's no e.Tcnxe for n*M*dTfJin eufTeiinif
Thnt backache. Those crampi. Thoae
avlul fkrarlng down oaina. ThiJac arc
the thlnais vou can esoapel Take 11 ltuJn
Mysonc vltlt vuur marnLnjc cxip of tea.
It*H il w«n.dflrf»i ne* 1 , rinuVH lwfltlache
;ohlet Umt eomoleielT endi pntn In T
minute*! Doctora aay il **recaUtn the
clrculAtlun" . . . Makes you loci much
hotter— eolnia quivering oenrca — and
even banishes liv- dark aiuulou from
vour facef iSfanr Rfrli «ar It hclnu keep
away thaw* teD-iale plntplra, too.) Each
My Bout tuulDt protcr.ta from pain fur 12
fiounw- vitiiout onr doptltfi" after;-
eJIecla. Oct a box to-dt\y at any
cheTnlxL'n shoo or phoxm»cy counter.
Keep ihera handy in vour uaa for every
aori of headache, toothache, eic** *

ONE GLASCf. will ttmtfaei thr yo**x mother </f
th< ttjffxlneis it thtx frntrp. Ctnianm f . J. 1 . htdj
htby'i netJi j*J htoh talc Ptfi iMibiont, inb\ t fentrrj.

plain hit'.toiu

aTtafrrc Uip naiiiln M
und utULih Lhln to oar
mtL Ttiia mill be found
DM irinh to ort hnhy dowm
lib. pitl lit oliy Llour

Women who are
martyrs to RUN

If you irt juhjeel to aiudn of
prostntiog p«in you ought never to
be without ' Blycr ' AJ.C. Powders.
Ax the first ngn tike i powder and
the pun will pass oft Repeal when
oicHMry and yoo vjill escape the
attack you dread » much. The
:xccprioiial purity of the " Bayer !
ingrrdicnB accoimu for the wonder-
ful curative efficacy of ' BAYER '
A-P.C Powders, .o be aure 10 get
Bayer ' and avwd diuppomtzDciu.

National Library of Australia


February f. 1936


///uiir HhiUer "irrfitiD

— 'The blue - and -white
nursery of Britain's new
Prince — the fou i -month s-
old son of the Duke and
Duchess of Kent.


ONTUAHY i)i what iimnj uT mj)

\,_^/ niiTiery .mile nf llip infant I'rinre
Gcorje, Jiflh llnynl ffraiulihiUL i- ;iliuiir-t
nmnu'-tir in ttt -nupli.itv. Frilly luxury is
evidenced only in ihr KxqniHitrly-iippoiiilcH
col, in bnw'met and Ituhv-lnji-kd.

Situated Ml the fourth flour
of No. II li.-ljian- Square,
anil immediately above lite
Duchefs'' turn lovely ronni, r I
the nursery overlook* the
uintrr-Ktri/iped tree* nf Hal- 8
praee. Square. Stitut. hturcrer,
the miracle thai it tprintt trill p
arrive and reulaee sturl;ues*
and fthtam with tender preen,
trith color. And the frnfi-
ranr.e from a riot of tulips,
narri.txi, and other filarial!*
spring hli/onts — and xitn-
gltitte — 'trill treat lliron/th the
nursery tiindmr.l.

limpses of the Very
Latest Royal Nursery

m for J Wi;
hruiie — tfx itisJt'-
jili# tittphtfi CM
lif the Duke dnti

Ourbiti af 'Ktm't
four - Miitithi -
iilit biiht, i-iiMM
?? t£tim >iri and Un*

tre •??:.:,',<.,.:?? rnr*

??:lunt Tit Jvu»t\
W d n k %?? t r «r«

•Ydffl 4*W Mf/W

W'ASHA&LB CHINTZ, tit « •nit Uke t with * Mi jutttwH,

frames tfct Mrul'>u>i of yir tugitl fiitncry m/H tortri tht jirt(plj~**titn*d
Jtruh}%-Uhtc Thr top of the (/life ifOM " piH fW ff ' * n l itir ^

tfffit ntrf* "C" ,titj Rgjdf cvntnti in tht ctntre.

ill In.nt til Uw arvptiitii'. with Its qunlnt

Ne« tu tut; (Lay rninvry U tlwi Inv
inacttlai^ly-whlte Ijothrnnin with Itr.
jimkcu bcith. Qnumt. cvl'jrful mnpfl
i £Ui ...nui< i rr*nj«l in blue pws* purtdiit awl »
jp^r; .d GUAUSt. .1/ mirror dncflram Uio w»lla.

/rr ? u:hni> k My Aw^M Spacious INight [Nursery

/Ai^ jpgjn jj^Ht ^ the tiuw Qlry awj

A »t»aDloiiE rotJtJi- tba ni«tit nmasry.
And hcrr you aoc Ltjc wirhnniitlgly- lovely
ooc and baby book^t which are pictured
on LMi pig*.

BXttiUBltelr llw rrrnm. wt mid lace »rr
:mrd (aid an- monnti'fl r»vr rrt'iim rrrepe-
ili. .'llJLi' Dir. i i. L LUclI b [Jkldd'Xl and
Ml tin q(lilt*il— 4u*UXlO«a]y CdluJurLattl"—
uut] Qt- for » Hjepplng jinn oc, You will
Mt/.iTVc cub ImrgB rtHettes at nwrfrw
enmn wbJcbi rj«-Dr»l* thf c»l mid aL«o
Itw nilfwatjic Utbv twulEfli plnct'U un Uld
Inw wliilf rtlll4 bejddc Uit> ral,

Th*"l-feU mlr\o « rfnJnt-y t»^alni't tm-ti-'h
my Identically In iU flccwrntJon thr
nlghi tot. The Twbjf prlime rtw-pi in

tiiu tuuodnK. Kiurh can tie rarnid from
room to room, dnrtnt the d»y.

At the (op « vLlEb pw- y«m fllimpnn
i hr bbM dunUihntl-pHUrmfta nirtalni'd
wtotiow nnd th" chnrinhm drr^Hig-r.yiiW
cm't'rrd in LQ'.' rriaL^liliiif fJmrj

The top cVf tht- little rtwil 1a marked
tn flor»l ptiLL; puliit with "O" and royal
corolKt In the eentrf.

Clous by thii prince'* cat U j,t»" hutk'J
bvet, with a bowrlrt nf EM aimr blue.

jlrtii* lamp mntchlnv Uiubc ou lLe moultl-
pUicc Hi Uwi d(*y-nui«iry Tlirrr ore alia
In roliliuu riKrerji mid tvro c*pwloua cujh
1 bMftl* In tliia e«y. rn *iry roffm.
I In a rrr-fim wmker bnflknt. llnjB wtth
cxunm luce anjl rlbbun, rupoECi Lki* beau-
tiful hvyrtln. tbjf ijue*ib s gift

A whJtt traiJfy ndnnsed wl'.u Uui
muilt tii tht lobby. On this tur to he
??Nt'd u spirit ttovc. a flftik conUlnhis
warm. bcAlod water. »nd other nursery
itiillfTU'iuahh'A luf this h'-ujiir. qulokly-
?? : . -i . very imnnrtimt and lovabta


NATL'ILAUjY a gri'tit deal ni
time B.nti thoughL w*nl
into tho jilamiln^ or the bu.lje'H
suite, whliih, as I have paid, is
arrangcrrl with such siinpllrlty —
a elrrtjiliHty Rlnmnt growii-Up itt


Tfie Uitlu suite oouipmeB day
iturfwry. night nursery, hnlh-
rnoin. Inhby. iiiul « arrow milfir

For Peace and Quiet

Tlila Otttor hail Is covered with
a thick pile Carpet fn nrtior tt>
d'>itdi»n footsteps; the Hi >ora
ihrnughmit arc uawred with a
white ruhhfirlnwi ct\rk- -hy^U'titr.
wunn, whuliahlfl, and *|uiL't. Cofl-
Jjigs and floars arc painted white,
and curtains art? nf bin* 1 rhlrifs.

lovi'lj rU:h bin*' inrrylni,' ii
«luiplo fihel]-pn*tf*r-n In wlilti'.

linmf.'Uhilt-ly abOV« jrctl KlJiupflp
the Juy nuisery* The furnitim*
mtMQ des%n0d tfeat its fiurfn.rc is

plnlh and Hat. No crevlceH or
hrillon'^ tu i-ntch ttUStj IK) .sluirp
cornnra let CAQte daus*r to the
soniP-(Uiy rodJIlrte; habe.

The plain w 1 mirwn -TaLdn

where, aa rlitu- phsh**s, Lhe little
prince sSI tip hb cdeatei i

nutated Mtrt tnalch the blue cf
th* riirtaina. A llmj of whitp
arnupfl lb*- "dtie gtven tht) neceft-

c?:irv rellel — bringing it Into Baa
'A'Ltit the general color Mdlfiote*

Table, chairs, and tho low
nuraery r.:ha£r (not shown) are
uphoJsterfd with thft whip
rhlutK fahrU- av rhrit u>f-<\ for

flu* window dpcoratton. Sirftf-
bnard, ton. Is painted bin--, tfta!
rb handled t-f ilrawnre and nip-
boardn art: white.

Comfort and Hygiene

Yl CASHABLE fftvi-re ci( the rirtp-iiiini'tl
** i>uy ehiLtnt tna Aotn «re In count- .
white Lupn piped with hlue. Bw whtttf,
blue- aned bookcMe, denLlaed to tin.'
Utfiie ftinjert inwkK in ujaduj) i>y %a
ctuborah! irathfiHanlisd browF- ottd -gvld

Kote tin; teddy-war *in thtt mnnt*]-
ptnen; mthiT .'irniir.iriR hi* lookr., beside
the lovfllj* ttallnm,' mlrrur; mile, alao, thn
rfiiLtluu-Uunp* T1h!*f, W hh white nliuier
baaw, have the cLiLatint of pteatnd
nuiAlln ahndecb .mnockrd with blue n' liw

Th- wTlLine-f,aWe f« Ihif use of Ui*
liume tidldji dwp hluf pctttivy ink potn
n»d n larant Iwiup mntchiiuf tbi«r do
thr maatripirct -iind do notn thu rue

L'HOM die grcoi PxonJi Sea cutties itie rkhnl wnd «w«tc«
J Cod t i.ci OU (o moke IIYPOK f<lT «kk people,

T A «. ?? f i : I r pi.* In iti trentrnenr uf then ??ilmenii, tilmuljiinfj
1u ibe uiidei -n<?Liii'i|licili a iKiildn of entity, and dcllcimu la
taket TTYFOL hu well ciincil flu nuton-wklc pupuUnty*

m'l'Ol. ii niR b«lrlcd under any nihtt auric. T«i llit*
genuine frmd tonic end h«a]er th.u luu helped Minoiund* <,f
??uiTeicn to ruddy he&Jlht fay you fnuM hive HYPOL.

In Twu wWa Ij 1 *' j«J M per b^nle.

1-rnpjriJ W lAff LsLvrjHrttl I'f


National Library of Australia




Saturday, February I. IV.16.


J7NJ0Y your Cigar — but
ilnn't It'l rt imuiit V mi

nftvnmriU! Safeguard ycur-
H"]f from the uiiple ttaawhnit aa
of Smi»kpr"i rfrnaih — iwutm
and panfj your mouth after
sihukiiu;— with May Bruaik
Hay Hrrflth u the nitnw <if
iiliJr- Liuleta tluL imiantly
muuvv all odourN frum ilu-
bieuili Artfi 1 oiiitOuJif, »nt-
nr urinaaift toffy ujuuvb
irll-ttik- odour* promptly.

Curry Slay rirpath always anil
pjunl ayujuul tr-.vJiur ulmrv
In. your daily cuntm-u. In a
hnr#dy Uttl* tir> that will slip
iniu jiiur potkel ur r



in Toilet f«mt

KLI-, aJ Till fttns
to tell you esat'il) what 1 think and
fe*l my opinion and advkxi, m\
ImaLcd-int* rracJiwi Id LhaL. k— PoHt*
WJuil if U mil LlV IVjUCBf?"

so. Tlicrfl 1* a dlgu t nl attitude, re
liiUaaalup. tetaw. T,i*e public im thf
Police in. Briutin. ihoijah, unt then-''
Arrn'Ltiif? ii uurt yl umieriad uurifit!"
"Wfil, In « ctuwv Of HnriUnfll]. ealr

PoJlt* and Law tiwirt* aw iwnieolarl.'.
vjttinj and uujpfdl. If V-'U rim ?? man
la far blackmail, your uiune U ffup-

pratcd If ;. ...J v :. !; II til u ??

"What? A cormiiimey oi luknjcr far?-
tien P-ullrr, Preaa. and Ju&dmryf
miked Vnntmiflh

??*T!up pliuiiUfl la rt'lorred to u Mr
X. a_od tiw r*'iii nnnir :.- i.^: iu- 1 : i - - ?? :
m Court at all. Im nut, iiirt wUrtlifir
(t la u pruHl aflrure lor a mwatpaper
to publith it, or whether rue Lav C«»uri
tcportor never hrarj it; but, anyiiow
tr ywu prr ftr la be ai*. X Ow puhilr-
ntrver know* jy»o OA anything bat Mr

?? t *jnBatna J * cwrmt Vaclirugb
"Excnllrni ami admirable, and itboyli!
go ijtr to jiuitiru an «nd to blackmatl
Bat whal ywi mt on]j nrfera Ui ttu
t?iiiTa: tv-Tjii^:-- ?? - : ;v^Uju

L'!i*clrTTiuilcr nlwnv-. haa the- poal.a]
larlbliea at lil> diapaul- Tou call
prwrtitf ud punUh lilm foe black-
mail without rtuhlK fipftiur?, bet you
tam"t pirTeut prirate <xiK«arrr yOd
cmn'l jsioji hi* >>tid hVs pen un' 1.

hr gDfr- to ptlMU — if tie do» £0"

1 ui'jk.v uut," Enuaed iohn


"Of ??cootae twt," rtmunuPd ??Vanteu^i
"li'i bound eg bin known in Oat'* own
ciri'ic; ud ooe'fl uam nriJe la mUy ??
ApharE It ts onr'if world. The world
»t move in jr. our world, Uvd the ren'
airany. tuiaory. Injury and ruin aerruc
cnnHmli vat umsti jKWlf knnvtojt the
Mcrct— not the gnnerai public.

"TliL Ur X btudu«u. id tlir impm
1* all wry well: but. of coiiokf, mtc'n
jiMi.-it.uLii. Inmily, friends, elicit ol
nnrjijulnturires kmm liini one to Ur. X
if ttu? grtieroi j>ubUc doesi'L, You
ytxuw.li, tat cxiiinple, Jcrhu, couldn't
poBxihly* have dealing! with th-e police
with, your jjollcilwra, Joumcya Ly tUr
]uraJ prjlsci* ecntrL In ttir ftrnt [ilurr*. and
theai to yatirfiiiiteluoa Court rx Court of
AASlHV or wh.ifffwi Lt io. wlthuul Jnubi'l

"AitrJ ttluu about auch lelntivcs
FrLrr.fK nr^nnmtwinM sm-anla, tnnea-
and ntch, who are colled an wit-
tiris,lr:u. wtlrilicr fur the prokOcuLJui: oi-
dflrneet \<mr ami circle muK atiupli
biuH.with lt; and they ore the jwnpjv

W"h» om'tt'5'. AnJ, of c*>ursn, th' ctrfJ^
Li vvtt wklniilrig, Ukr those cuA by tlv:
trirowtnit of a ttrttar into a pond. Ho.
ibm* l* no nerd for newpuper re-
pcirk-ra lo tell yoiir trlcndji all aboui It.
Tti^y ure bound to know, anywar. *ncfl
ran CMie La prosecnte."

John Gcfi-.r emost«d in thoughtful

Spanish Maine

'Yet, I Auppane ri la .i>. Im uhl at
jfliitjth. "I iitpprwH: .voai are right, t;
would hiv? to be known to lata of


"Of coutjc it would, BVflO it thu case
never iLppranrd l;i Km pajJc-.'j nl tdJ.

willl you us Mr. X err ntfierwinr. Tfour
liouscnala, jruur Iiiejiebi. your reluiiow.
your flervantb, vuur L-:<cnl nr^naUilaDetd.
mutt know, ai I havn ntUd &Jtti atdei
Duaj cktl wl^aaiawa, too. and aren't the
wtliuiastfj goUiK l>3 r.Lilk alyiut It? They'd

tux* nothlnz dsa to uUl shout tor


Yu. hut look ucth— what dorn that
inatttti alter all? Your household,

ti-hiU jnj maty St*ihtd Mtffl ''r j |pnd
jjtotite with KftbLtttt B*ri* t Pjt*-
fflowt frfaycr. The lintf flj th* gow*
JIC firrtplt in <njtr tp flrtst tkf tm-

jtiHtanft of tk* fiftrly-plcacd "Ui"

family rt-laUona frumlfl know I'.'a a
dauined lie. So do the poopje whu are
called aa wiuiisjea."
A bntl &il£ni:e

"Suppo.>L- It Lin't a jli:'" oakel Vmi-
hTusri With a derp ahjh

oh i Wdj . , ynu mean-*ofna-
l btnn urn- wuuldnl wmti one 'a peuple
:u lj]irft' "

"Ytig." said otJ* yimbrugU.

"But anrtJy Uiat would be prefrrablc*
toblackmah. wouldn't it? X idiould Lm-
aalne anylhtun WnnW bt: bctUii than
fiiat. Wha(a to limit It? Wtifrre'i 11
to «Mp?" aaRAd John C*«CL'.

"The limit would be tlw utnuat you
could pay. It would tf.np whin you
dlod/' replii'd Vi-ii'?:

"Or whrn IhK blaikinallrr durd; 1 hp
Kddt'd Rrirnty,

??'Wr*ll, (huti, Atjrely anythhrf 111 better
lhan tbat "

?? Tnud chink .o. u>ouldu T t you? And,
generally apcaklOK, you'd bv right.. I
fltmuEd aay; iiut you nan 'I aerwrBliae.
You cat^t l»y down a unlvexEul ruie.
Cu-cutnffUnce* alter cute*. Take this
one. for e'xaniplc'

-Suppnap iuirft«!4rt, a tiA Jitiy.
wtrr. tiwiuch op r utjI; ol hi-j- own, put
Into a honrihlr poaltlon. a terrible =31 u-
ntlou . . . apparently shv
escape* from it. and the Blindly, awful
past. IB behind her, Lnter. she Und^
lwr«lf hi prstrlRly Uui onjx»itr sort o<
pasitkK), ma desirable iu. iiin ixhiT *'iu

"And anr it happy and wife

-rhen auddeniy. hke u bolt from Ih*
Wur- hrr nrw. poniiltrnL caJm, tb-ar
Mue *kr— txrmc* a I i ?? the man

Who bad kjiowtj lioi lli Lju? FOmier
hurrinl*- poatllon, jcllnatian. nlrmim-
sranerj. He'i pit her absolutely-, for
sin ls about tu be i]itur^,j U'a ,if,
good ai death to ttv Rirl if hi' her
fmikyi— o* bad a* (Jratli — for IE la ttw
draUi Qt hrr bappincaa W* tcoM ruin
too: thr hwfjiubin rnd of the fnenri-
ohip of every friend *hr lula. It's dis-
grace, downfall- ehiliouor, a terrllih:
seaiidal- ft mrind ft](hl, hldlnff. tlic
end of alt Ihinna - - • ruun, downfall
deatructlnn prohahl^ eijicidr "

Jolui O-aLr fUEf u> Ida fe«t

"The \Uc dcviil* hi; aald "Tint utt-
uUerable awlnei I'd like to llirx^h htm
within an Inch of lna life . . break
rmy bunr iu lua b>5dy. Poor airll
Wl»o u *ber"

"My att^ :

"Whut'J What dkl yon *ay?"
"My em* r "

"YOtir 5i5r.Fr - ? Eflbaf bJockinalJffil?"

"Ooodj God I Uy whoin?"

"Thin fellow MfUne. Ssnor Man-oc]
Miuno SpjtnL'ih Malur."

'But ... but , . Wlial rati he
• .

' "Tli veil you '

( Another Inn ; wttttlttirnt nrxi



A Via. Wdtklj ?aU Ct:lf- fflf atflff
nuuji>tuiu •illin: ftadniLi In 1 f aUlu i4tmlUPd

( ?? : tirlrr.i. nml

• 'Martutw. p^iQW^ l»» -Jteuia r rc<*niLi|
b^iiHO« Wf W***ra IS lUfl rB"

I haya Jii*i1 aln» »4frrw* p»irlii.'i*a aUK«

I aturud four fanrw-"

??Tin 'Ml.? if :i I tfl kr.i-: . * bai

bmru anftrrMA-"

"f rvrairrd mcrw fci* mr i!or|r^ wnn*
?? luariRf vlU> vou man I paia In

1 mainll tH 'J.K for t«C< lUtrtrt Ki UW

" Thp'n-jllnUll rwidjarjril Bit IWtT. V=»-
tluc' 1 reftnnid tl lid tar Bj*
"I nurf fiui wiwil • r i vii iv fur CI 11'(

fr.un Tilt puUeUH' tui Horj fJ*

"1 ««dT»J fit frain IW ??a i t|Jj»r ***U
tm nf oral Unrr. Twin RMb* .



I» Tliminl] BT-. «-0t> T" f|U EU firdn-? .
3in MrJalUr flu HrtahBiur. 41 f'l.m1«H » ??
aart*i^T. 1N> MntT»> Mt- HutOi

w.in nil* rot pon. rr i lULBJ

Tna. top kh i «Tn ruowai « a wiiwr »t
tnl:i--:» wrfrtTB H-jiLkl Coun« &*»« rwwjtfn
fur frcr Liurarj rruapotrun.

Mothers of
Pale, Bony

LUu> tllbbfr 1 Bui Pk-kud np W.mJrrfulK.

Wiule it'ii no nown thia; ourf- NorwCtttan
I Cod Liver OH U the boot thinK over
kuuu'ii lu put flrnn on to thin paEt'

thin -new Idoa o! uririnB kiddies all Uil*
wapdprful rlclL health- bulldhw beoenta
pf Ood I Im Ol! — -.rlojC-ciuimiU'ilt™ —
In tiny raitrhrw tablets wr nlw to take

& IlilllC ??'

Mra Jaan Olbba. of fWaldton, West
A'.:a'riiiJa, ' --">!» Ilttli< I w «a« vrr»
whJlr and Uiln and woaltl hsrdW r.*l
.in- 11-: ??•?? I tol u hntllc ol McCoy 1 * Tab-
lets and hr hepan lo nirk dp w^'lidrr-
ful|>. Now- he It uuu'te a dijfforam child
— eu briRht and full uf Ufr and ratios

As\: un\ n-od [lu'niW lor r* bmt of Urpee
KUarnntiKvl mAcCoy't Cod Ltvrr Com-
nourui 'I'.iL'.rl.-. ran: miji*r if thr-.

iluli'l mill at least Slbt. In d-ayn nild
Tosi don't fctd coronlftetv latlsfted with
the nmrked itnurtiveuieiil in health-
4'i-nry nennv or tnrlr oewt will be Im-
mtifjirtrt'lv refundodl

With your child ' hraJtb at aUJte— cvtry
iovma mottior wud make a atari lo-da . *
UUl Ijv L--: un emulate WcCov'a Tatilet*'
1 *#* CopTrtplL:





you weam my kino
i5my i grannie are
you wikting that
I'm careless . .-









LATER_ «yiS4 f/tt ao/of Gra nnie SLi fihuoy
OH HAL, I'm so clad me.too. c*mon, drive back






IT'S 0009 TO IE

alive in this

r W WITtt0UT those

CW fa 1iw>«r, The o-mpeMrur* KTBrlng up ind Waj rni
i4 and (ic*h mx ?? cuatmber -titat'a wltit Lhcbucn d-.a
Jbr juu. h i rkzh rcffefduii^ Lubri kecj>s jtiv hncldig -ttm «riiovM r
fit when (bono a i*r Hi IviHcbt. No nrVd liaikasoca Jor jLifcbuuy
nam. drn^ 'or alw»>i fuR trfprfi.

No-one if Safel

SamOKt Oral wuuer r»try,"inr pcf
lpiics 1 An ??nmyl-ift tw't. Init irui
*iid t'er iliu neamn ctrrytHx eiaki
. Jl. 7nli-,,', paniculitiT in hex wcsItkt.
LiK LueWi.ty tcanibillr. il\ ihc unlr
aafc way Ut svikiitluM ti«k. The rich
tifrhooi lnhei drDoV'rian nrwi Loem
you fodmu minxuiKidy 1'twh and in. MILLIONS SAY
li> |iy>(ir-iK at era v^nubca at you """

A I.EVE B PRO Oil CI ftlf Sfcfn."*

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3685


lit* uitled her tit pive
him tmi: lo<th. ttnd,
m i rtir ul *i tisty. shf*

lifted u&ifte lids and
mvt his gltmve fully.

r N the fflory of Jua yoaUi
Riiflui'd | ??]?? ii.-d lllv An
J'rWve, ftjll nf mi n (.
iaim nnd Veen Mil. and
was In a fnir way Hi
make u tag tisime lor
liiu--i.LT icj :h'. PTVlpfl
when an aempLnir

1 ha i ho vm* tm.mii
crushed, ending irp a
horrible incas or
twlfltml metal Ir.-im
which uis Uneonceioiu, brxly was

When hi' earn* out r>l hospital, hi*
career la thr; Force was over for ever,
which wafl hfiirtbri-iUiiag, ki< fit ilul hL J
feel, w snirndidiy well was hi;— until
he IwffP-u U> be unable to aleep.

A: first he thought it wna bei ny ??
tiLat npiTDgtiriir* wua rattier hot Then,
whf>n April turned to December with
yiriGiinh Rnir'ty of heart, he thought the
tudden change wnu the n?nRon. Tlu-n.
Blue* h> Rtill could n-nt ittrp, he won-
dered whether the qnletninH of the
rounLry had Kot on hia uervKj.

Thoi utr went up to town mid met
SomrrK, whom in- had alway* dhdlkcd
tint oi Whom he fell ; t _ ?? : :>.n ; when
Somen laid h^ ttie ?? r. man in

ruin His sic-eplessxie.E».

:-ln !:.n-'J had iv .ij it then lor mouths.
Hod htB mi mi behind his Tired, yet very
pleaaant grey ey?j, was atricken with
shrw iffrw half the tltrif.

He had only a father to talk to. any-
way. H* had been Uip snip child uf lin
??mailn«ly happy but late. marriaRp,
and bus mother hud died at rii* birth.

Richard Carberett th* firzt. who liNrt
ruled couDhrtM tn bl> day, had no
modern outlook whatever If m man
did mot fllpyp. thfn damme, Iri Idm uike
phvdc or inriTlclent hnid ejcrrcSs* h?'d
«|p*p Cant enough thru.

Rjchflrri had been cm run way to hin
Club When hit luid lrtfl BOmort :tJ link
some other mnri'ii adTlce nbftul a doc-

£omtra U w.-ttned Imd h^ii it pal
whu hud inifFct-sd Ifom Jiiii (his tfrrm
of dtnv£K. ami Lht docLor Xor 11 WW n
inan called Bauma/cz, ami hr> lived In
the sOULn-w<:M*ru rfinJriid

oderns falling in
love at first sight. Richard did not
know how it happened, but he
found himself telling Mary that he
loved her.

an£ laughing qej they noosed ouLtjdc-,
tic uould hear chuL Juint. ulid eome-
tunr rat.hiT happy (itfj at Ihi} itreft
Which cttmcs whan a wording- dn,T. r 15

He frli Tisppy Tor the flnit time tor
moiitha, und frit, lwj, a quick gratitude
lo Saumarra,

He wimc in aearcii of him, and round
him la thi 1 narrow hnll F ju>t puttlnaf
on & : — j 1 : .1 1 J ???? ribtiom.'d ntrav haL

Riclinrd huilF-d lilni fiitl-.u.'.iiii.LH'!iJly

""Wimievpr the .stuff waa yt>u Rave
irift, by Jiw?! the rfTf-ct was mirnti:-
lciL-." HJrhai'd said.

Biinoiiire? noddud. and nnnwewd 1b
lib. tiolt voice with ir= clipped aearht:
"I »m otnud k Mr. Garberatt, you will
fimJ thin rntracuJouR dntc mtrnr:ujcmp]y
dec-ar too."

KirnciTd, in LTJtiL "luirui The eiqtcnse
and avvrythlng l'Isc" tuopd which Eol-
so -i 1 . en 1 -i- ttpn p.i.!..
«i:d nWwtlfJ

'•PLeuijit tell me tlie d*ift)t|Wi Dr Sjiu -
marL 1 !, and I'll write you out a cheijire

•??The. ftitlrr cure— you will not ni»d
Co come to me afptin— will dp one hun-
<Lt>d nounda." Saumarts aul??

two mnntLs mOrp toan iua hour — tvtn—
In a night r

"I iJitvw— yfif. you are quite riBhc,"
Richard aatd, und lw felt a little
iuihumiHl uf his confiUfrratlon nucut thi:

Hn wrote thR cheque out, pach-L-d
away hiu dttcIoujs Ut-Ur bent of cure
in an inside pocket, shoot hands with
Sfliunarta nnd wwit oui into the Junt;

Life htid suddenly yrowu wonderfully
(.??»????: morer he Tclt twenty

a^ntln. a. flt tweuty-ala, and Of late
weeks he had frit a hundred.

. E -iM! a taxi, and
wa* driven to hln hot*l uul had a
hath, Atowpd .iwny hla cvi't again In
thr bruiai pix-k'.a ut hln dlnrter-JiieJtol.
aad ??<??????< 1: out to illnu.

Aflrr dltmrr h- took a Mali at thi>
AmbflAf.atl'jrii. cirnf thflre, In u bos h*
saw Mary motioh.

Hp nnw her Ural |rj the f-hadow, Junt
a Mentkr tthi(p throat nnd arm and
lirnnip, a.nrt a wnvp-bucl: of fatr hair,
but a poxnrminif HJchard cmdd not for

cay Khc's roitj' to tnarry an awful big
ptit, TTiey haven't a bean, ykno*. her
peflpjft. Eiu'a a demr, anyway, and, of
eotifBC, everyone"* m love kilii hm.
yourp truly Ineludfd. and shrt Hwant
Lo ajl of uju and lhaLa at fur an It


"Could yon— do you tiilnk he'd let
me be mtroducod to her?" Richard

"Well, welt!'' raid the world -hard-
erutd J'Jlmni? "What must be muni be.
1 euppewe. hut don't aay T dtdn't try lo
save yrni, younf leUer nu leidl Ftn
you're on a hnpcdBEn yu^t. LKitr tna
boy. You and mti. and such as 11a.
ain't iJidy Maty'* choice. 1 WWCWCtt
you nskrHl lor it, ao you'd better hart-
it. Conu? unt"

All bis life Richard remernborod riir,

entry itjfy Lhv hax, LIlli fmlnt, faint
KmflU nf iBnn)ini" the half IlifhL, mnd
I*dy Mary's hand touching hip for a
second, the wnmd of her voice, [lie tz-
irnuriiliiary. Tnaddrnlne sense of her

">???? ??:.-??:! beaide her and talked, with
hfir. nnd never knew what, he aaid.

Richard held Ludy Mary'D hand
mrairj. hp made hrr give It. hhn and
Jw- bfiri-n tat H iVjr.vi'iLlUjSiHl goim-nlght.

He willed her to give lilm out look,
nnd, cnlrQcultiuily, thr did lift white
lida mid met ills winner fully, ai ihc
had met U, rairp brlure. and hi that
locked, look FUrhard'n nnint wmt (alt
to h-nr LLkr a name heftaie a wind.



L.JCUAltl5 wrftt Of!
there IB a tax), »nd Wt keyed np With
hopr:. with a nue-r iort nf rfllnf. any-
how, because he wo* grant* tn fine w>me-
<Hi** who itbJIV underitood itbout Uiese
andieai nmhta and wtrar>-, frnr-r^liJen

Hn wan a little dinthrU to find Sliu-
itiarci Eunuian, but he wrmed l.n
knrrw nil about nii hartlo trouble and
leave mm mrtlicltii 1 tiiere and than, and
Ktchai'd fell wilrep in tit«i home nnd
nlept f«"r f»ur hour*

When hp woke It waf a summer
^vftilnrj he Mtfld l^ur prfHil p talahit


•?? " * - u thr* t — for ulrcpicAsiKffi 1 EC-- m
(4irriard*5 expansivn gratitude telt

Saumeirr.j; had been watnhlna the
nthfr'n face, he had Bern Mw Qtul^i
oolor rise under riie sk??n, hr .-faJ
Rirhard'o Iraninarcnt mind as coolly ae


Hr mid:

"ThJa [hflcovery for Bler^Ir^nem
iny ciwn, Mr. Carb*r*otL It le a tjreaL
dlwmffry rrally No other mrdirBl
mm In arem Brllfun. perhaps in the
vorid, kridw,-, 11--I ulone have ijli:
titci'^iry drjes— Uk ronr.nU tin- jl-
hidt uf )nnni:e re=wiirc[i wort "

"Afld you rap, fpiarantec a notjipieto
curtL you any?" Hirharif tmkedL

Snamamz openpd hlfl ahndfv
dnevred handfl:

Yin. came to me at two-thirty, i; is
now r^vi-n, nnd you woke only at half-
put s*v And you had not ok pi for

She Was The Beauty Of The Season

tor- lifr of him linve defiwd attraet-'d
hint in pin exrru ordinary ^buul Uiat
tihudowy uif-Unp

Hitm T.tir* Lncne endnd, tlm lights lit
all the thrnire Mth ooft clLiirneia, nnd
BtUfttU-d tpOfcffd up a Mttry Halted
down, riiid Lht! i: <t Iutii^cj lotikcdL

M/jr>- lutnrrf auayflrpt. and tn'-tflntly
Richard rcw'. and rnkod the hcniVi
for n friend lir ;aw BariOdy a lev
rowp buck and ujujuu'ed a ^: s

'iliey ItHt m the (rmi^^y

"I aay," Hichai'd utked pohvi-bSank
•'who In thr stri in iftQ uox to the lcfL

"Goo' Lord, Wckte, Wheicve you
fain,' .ir^hnnte ttnrrd«y nu,ki*d "that you
rtont knirw t,hM t.p-n.riu' beiuty of tti*
arafxm, t.iuay Mary Moretuji? Thry

r— thn

When the door hud closed be>ilnd
Jum Lady Mary jmld to her.hnsteas;

"I nunpngf I have met Nrr.'— e
fair man— what bs hu name, oh! \jar-
KreStl Bbtflk you, in-fore — but I can't
n hit rvmemhur whirre. Who la he?"

Mrs. DETTiwii\ kurw tVvtyOtm aha
fthould Imrrw. and &he hail ready a htK-
M n uj old Onnernl Carbmr*it who hud
adored the hrmiiUfu] Mm. stimiaope
mid tmd wtttod thirty yearn to marry
her. Riehard Carb.'rpu wo* the nnlv
child. *nd I^dy Corbfrett had died
11 1 (riving 1, in, birth.

"Ho km in the Atr POrer. but he hod
on accident or somcthiiut,'* Mrs Drr-
tima md viujurij. ??'They've a fine old
place In WULLhiny but are qa poet aa
mice, I believe."

Junt* th nt year wan rat J air w on-
dfirful and nil London Mfrmpd in
palm mood. fttchard, takiiuj liis
nrro each nleht and -liecpinp <U , < i ain-
h'sAiy lived these wet-ka of nil life we
ad lire once, when to wTtlce u jay ck-
eerdlJui because It meanu u meeUng
somewhere with the one being on earub
you went to meet, and when aletniLruj :a
a bieatfiiUf brizcunc it peu»>s tru> rime
you have ro spend opart from her

Ke pursued Lady Maj-y, Kr : ??.. ;.' <•
Wt, and he won ootii, ptrangely
emough. on Ira? same day. "Wtlieox, a
hrierid of year*' jitandcng. Rrit him the
tulict Of all bllli'bs he had detlrrd. nnd
despaired of Retttntf— a real Job lii th?;
erurinj-Hnnfr eoiniiany which held out
chance upun chance for the in&ii who
would put hir back into liia work. And
then In the evening; at a frlTOda houDe,
jitniPR-up by Ilia luck, every atom of
nervouf.nesn, ni-en thf^ ahidbig setiw of
hln own unwoTthlnwa, sw¥pt aklde by
the anrsthfr eenap of tsweetness Lndy
Mary'ji ncamcxi. waked in h\m he told
bet he loved her.

AT ?au afLtr dinner,
and ihey had w«hred aaide from tho
othenv. and Wero blltlnii in Ma? ijtep
cJiftdi. of thr trew,

lady Mary'4 band accidentally
touched Ricbard a That all(!ht touch
raced ihrtmgu hLi tn-tiiK; he tried to
npeak and could not, ho put mil both
hnndn and Mary pui hers lino Lhrrn.
The? remained ao for a moment, then
Richard drew Mary elohor. sa close that
WTTona his brnnblrnir her whtaper
-Oh. Hifhord!' drifted like a kia??

??Mine, mine for evtr/* hd aaid be-
tween ulJ kiasub. and. said the wvirrta
inLo MTary a lipa, "MIob.**

Uitnr he drnye her hook to town. At
ihi- dJJor of Mary's Unme. Richard
kissed her picd-nbrhT. They stood for
an butlaut topether, ruul h* BHld:

"I (ihali never be worthy of you, of
yo-ur love and knawB why you lows
mn, avnd only QjbdJ, I thiuk. and 1 wp-
ptflc He ninde it possible. lt> the moot
wondprful Tnlrnnlc that ever UuiipMted,
Ocod nlulit. my beaullliLl. ir.y love:
U)t'J> Ihti t aiurther woman tn Heaven
or on earth!"

P/efljpr fiim tn ftigr fii

National Library of Australia




Satttr'AflY. Tefruary 1<


.OP j — -




*?? m huh; *T mn *n »*?t-J"Hi
• -r 1 ' ii' sun- - ????' ' • <" *k c

?? Iknr I it ink 1 ahull . 1*1 tarn

Mm* Ufltt us (Plmminj rtirw. fTtrj
Icnrtnt. '?? t i K-lUuiUl rurjiLirin.
I* ITI kola . I i:.. t.l . UlU Lb. r
be Ml.*** 111* mil «fl*l LhJ- 1*111

??j« rj; r r IB*** h »' alnVlng. "M
rsnCrarr, Dothlne Inruti Ln InrrM Ibf

^??.UIhe-hf-" Ik*

tt« Ibnr mirk. JrTfcJ *MiifannJl». *7'«™
lb* **rj ••tinvir.f ir> lo calibrate i
t .'iU kal m-m m*>r|pti( >n *"

Al llir tnnipini^rairnl nl Ifi* fcrrail-
ilnbi ii r .--.ii .nit ton* »bn*W
dru-a up i'H'ihT and. a* lfa» hand*
??rad fa Uw rn1H"i» ot I III' l.iT»*r«1

thru hi llir Ubt* ifusHW hr M In- ii
u VMI...U1 lh«- bMl *iriil ??.

mm. r»r> ihr bJuLBiral <ir»p tf Hit

.??i.,- lb* ].??;-. i (in ii hi Iip lltaBa la ??????i.f
i . pM •» llir hand fun* Uirl

ttlih lb* tbimldrrv

Fi -.p i»|. t.iii trail M», Ivd .- ii- t»<rk
a 1 1 Llir, lata ltt« h*,na1a albebll*. *» thai
Lb»t apt nana tfcp **1*r Hi 1&« nUat»
bhT an «-ni|i!iinr «fl lEjiaii Ihr nit.

Tl»r nui trr-luti* nfa.wln.i-a tu a it^lltk

?? ITjm .U.lki L« 1-lie WTDB.C bWIH »f

thf fci*i*t If llir naaa" la mbi dirta
flnl, »'(B«1 trrH alib Ibr »»*iatp u(
th* WflWt rn« Villi TiNJl I'.. I Ml* trttr.ni
fur UlU MPfikr mn far *irlrf antra *4*llx-
WbPli ran t«* li*Tid triypn iflr wnltr

in n hiuif lluitfr. Dm mti tin II Mkr*

UulH Ml ip htinif (h* ????rtmr* il |W

wwlrr ut4 4« nut itlpuri II nw« H>i«
r<i*r *r tl *» kn*l|fii In frnnl (if lb* nra.j
TfiT nr r r-r Ihr *>*al l»IOr »f

Ik* «rri twi In iAMCE ri?l>MP^IJK


{*W>4'ltT* *— Mr nUH1 «i«li
CWrlH r«« taut P.I. ItON-NIlt

X Etik«> Itrur hnli mM llmtr Iff nil] H'lnflrtf
Bet LI rrm* pal ttu On Lit* lulLuvittif-

rjr»l ten rdm 1>> Uunk *f * n-jafarf tHt*«-
btBii* riJtn ilirlWiit.li 1 BJid 14. nil*. |1i

[><ub*« ilit'x tA

rVU J — ii-

U«iU«A) lb* fclinrm b* 4—1*.
tVi,r,niJ- iViM » nnsV- i: .1.-.--, ,

t fmfl JO ni Cl-**
M-ili.iilr irw «n.-^-T It 1*— *B
Third: Arid] a nutni^T nT «ilJlll-f> ib*t»>r«

R fUl

" IRi 1 riwii l« "WlWiM PUKPfh.iN,

4 , w*« W*» Jl.tv*.

Shirley's Adventure
With the Stars

nr mil-. rtajHU
r/rt apon ?? urn* ta«t» ?? itF-LiB iirl
ukdiimI Mhii'ln, irfu) vm ««ry MmI Of
?? •lnhltn] Uj* HAri Oltcs <k*> »iuLi trUh.
t* >bi uat mL Uii »lirj iJLiriLiiii LcirhlIj m

Urn ik.j, Xtint k tBlrjr
would ALipeae taJ UK
LICT WtEfll, VP tfll Mul
MUid By II [I L) *h*
it™ At tier
«wb «ua» Iran,

ii «>u > nmn

cnmnw rTTTniim. ind
hiM - bad t:li''i:

bar pvt/inbiviDa \o
Uk«> «m rrl diKMi tu*

)'iat Bit -:;;rii. ???? !:??

nUn firir : - r.n"
•fun <hrhh oul Tt

U a llintV til [llliill *tj
' ntltl— Uuere ra'ilil lu
k mnr, wreni tfjij 'Mim aha aalil tuuftniLf.
"I arlab i null] <|u up • h*if » anil nnr 1h im
??MO*. Wt It* tJuBfi.'

pgfl UUla rrrc* »ivd XlUtlrl Looked: MrftHad
M "utJ t d»lnty faiij •ta«(U«»j al tirf alJa
"I biTni't ">T arlTifi." «tr rapiirt. t^nmu
»rtb adiniratinn at tlw rwuHTil wIijb' «l IDr

Tlun 1 naa luirv *ui'i'H rirr ft'iniil n:ifl » p^ll
*L/ vltiftt tB)Marr|l, wtflcti m* [a*Un*rl en in
Ulilrtrfa ran r* li|nM*rrl]y Bfill-larr fuutld rur-
. Li" ii. - : i: -iii ilk.i tin. *:t. iinuu-i:
tairT'i ruuii

-Clh-ri-llt- Ujb ??rttnprrrnf], aod Lbr tnonm
HBriU'il al bau. »VhBf -tM* iUd Haiui*J f*ot»«1
W T?haia ibr luiJ aup-n >a /urjiirr Uu
lain -ricn-J « In «t*r .*nnri«i douri, winch
• Im mn) *nt I Tin rfaiHii aijiin ibi aLari <«ni

HT R£ tO I' 111 n-rtiTr [.flit H u unt+. nnt
i>f |"al*. rriu fan. iiptIt Jii*t i qirp U\ nnr
AuHirallau iiliiirru


\t tftlllHR t SlMtflttt). ut Want =1 -i-ri

mum MJUnnihrirT. (IT Oauda-nma id^.f, la
»nlprimndl ut i up* P:i| mill. I * IV11I1T
MUX. of JlBPliifHfa IMA i, kui a black ami
ThLUi callui miUUj tor gni of bar


nOKKA TATLDM frf Wn ITa* iMS V*. hi*
faJtl haii acitf Mr* •**», Jl'Wt IBUlUE, trf In-
WHll IM.ffW *. mlTai a dr 1 1 BtlTfm Iritrpj
Ck IMI1.HV, Hiramum IK. A k wnuLiI Ul> Tn
'^.rrmr'ii'.ii «nn it fbl IbDHUI 1* Jfi*H ft[ * irf I

KTf.i COKHMJlSr?!, Of n>t Dn'Jjlf, MttUU

?? M B.* 1 la v.-: - , ?? as a nr* i-al. |t««U *T-
Ll\. iiLTuiKiJ.i. lltfl oci a ulflal tallli LL\.1
a.VAP«, &1 Hn-pp«t (Via. i. Im « IfHm leniilJ

AurniT ROM* hi Tnatapifiz RnraT *. Prliitjunr

?? CaHil l. la IiwiJ *f Jukaii; IirTiT WIUtlK^, r.l

rillwi. I* inntlHH mw pb.1; OinRiA wi-r rJtf..
I ANn, OT NynBKn, La |ma4 .( .-i4i&i. rnarUna,
add palottnc

BriTT , «0«T, 01 FirrBti Wtb* i'TI.IWl
livaa UU. i, lutb BBfl It luxui «E nVb^lOa VaUwHt

.1' ??! 1 1 ?? ?? ' J •* rltUjIf thJ

jioiJiUiiaJ ; f. HAVKY. OvJLla^tn. la fJakManad
a* i DM t*U.

im rit rkht oe. st UM7*>wa <\'w i, nr*

K-ti.ii-; " ??• M.TTT IMJ M.»BJi.>mi'

t/.inflnrr W( aitnnnl pnMMd a.lh thu X'-

PiciHiiiiep; iu«r

V.ii.jic i- Tlir L-ij.ul. -• uiju ba-1 fdii Ij-uijii'
hit aria.

rtirr f*rtf U gMM MlffL 1C Duit Ht..

.__ arlotlwn- Ecra wrllfra 11 ertal dflAl.

II !: - Mi nor era r>trl with pni anUrrntl tf
nt-nr t«ipl*
Barer KdUor- ttof* I" *nlr bmnuvpua

Fmiial ??laciltt' Hn. menu aantt
rrlan Card lit "t Jit. wviXINO, ta" Hr«
1. UatadriB. AMknrtl C^kIVutr. -

iu.ta tuft to

"Iidii," u4W«n4

Tltbl.'- f«si»u*Lad BaiU ' WXf mi\A f*M eall .tiim

thai tuHTOkiKJ n*n» Kvfrr w^fi-t dotj i r m

a«* I* rallurl Tlia "

-Oti," -rnp|l«l J«rk -Ibnl rtcm'" a,U *ni:l3 Lt;
Ivan! Ilk* hur. Ixmie nn iim aniur "

lH;b ljH>k*dl ami law la liiiflU prtut.
"Pnlrlawii *

Pii«* TufJ I" J*>R> fAallTK. » ??•ri'trw St.,
rclrnn, Vh

nui vn.at a:j mat l*oi mr u Mat

Hah: fcbir aald. llrt< in **.ia»lhLii; tat %
Clip fit ll*,.~

Li,.. WlLal tni (tt
r. -i- .'. riM-' tl*. tuijiir. at in. .-

fuO lo Dtumu.l I'tT^L. Wln-tra,

1 in -114 HI. I .1-1 li

A rlAiT rnti 1 ( .f
litre It ?? Kama- UlaU Will UHH (JTcal
i:i..i. : e 1 1 1 n 1 y^iir n^^; [lt.'Ll' 17h»ilnij«
>[i* cl Ibi atjirjnhled iubko 10 rtttud p en
tnr ahrtuliet atld uaua anid* pruawrl MJuliut ih*f
tame T»hL "till ttim cattr U)b wKut rtcK. Vtiu

fkliKicrn ??n.i

111 Uf Mill >

%1 5 .1 j i.rt

t llJKini Of: WcdLu-tUii>

H U-rit l,f,lT*rf. II Dao-'

mjiT-rJiiirr.. *s 1 W

tV'liunljtl 1 1
fttiriift iaa 4uluih HI
ai;**li*r* ttjj Fildil • '
S&S '- 1 ?? **

""fJur^inal rkhiM.ll II
Ot», awui mutt lu»
brftn luuirrj
I lain: rit J

rmr ir-an u JOi ci

llrUII'L ( KarUl
IVrnl I iul. Tvtiaatlllr
Mb 1...:

T;.p-,r.|l him.

??"1uw. lurk, ***cdL'
uatrl, "wiijr tlliln'
. -.1 yiMi in «lua
iiiliii -api"

i*ih.« II' «we*|,r-
1 w-tiL t Ifcrra-"

rrlt- ratrl t» n
H l/l I. r.<WH *t .

H . 1 1 . - I

Rill 1 <uuld WML
Ihtt rat* irkr L!w IkuiM

1H H-l - it tf It

- . i 1 tor fttaa tfein*-
Tttfii Asfi Winn »»

:r»it tn Clnfi

(Ilk. *ai |

mi. >j.-'i 1 , • 1

| *1. l*uL*T» iX.B,Tt,}, U load nr Jokca.

11 1 1 r ~ 1 ui .1-
IT*.- C» ri l |i. U ILK.
1 NlK-li, hit DtJi. rttk

lull Tf r*n»,li«. I11> HI M t.S.-rri*r of i . .11 > i.llllsril ill tl-wlif »l li--,[i,.a

I S M.K.W.. Mr Ihii n.tfual .aruk !?? kl.fk aiiA wbll>]

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3687

SsterdBV, Fehrttarr J. 793<S,




^strange hn did nut ilrrji

^??tgjhL RVhanl derided and

"to* the ulerpirM hmm w*rn

abred tike a dremn in Plkraihsc But

-n [Eg Uir next three tughta he goqM
: sleep cither he began to fed a
??-: anciaty lie hnd brtuhed hk
irtT on, the tugnt pefura hUi h*i s ?? I -

bad begun,
Rr was anulrlv worried, if rtmliv In
at daya he was womfd atom any*
tag, bK-auce he feaitd ate alcripyjav
sb ra'aht out htm trlT hss jitb "I'ns-
it, ho sra* doirii his very l)**t nnd
??us Intensely ka*n Io make f oC-L
Ulco* hnd had to pull ctttv stnns; to
l him the chance and hi* procrrta

After a weeks sleepltassussa He set
t Inr- Soumarez. fsrspite- ihr e-rprr.-T
• tnu.it ham another "cure," and
??MtJNHi ifcifc -»>t boul of ikfploimn*
it been (tharuy. All day he had had
c drtrrn foJlnt been eonacwua of a
ink but bunding rxacprration nennw
r ?? f.out and every etrcumitMirp. »c-
t-uliy. hp rud erro felt ?? ridlenl mrr
For a moment with Mary, because ahf
h<ut waxibed biro to drive hf»r acmf-
• Vfr ixtd he tuul wanted to stay in

H« felt, tm hte way to 6»srmAt« i
teniae, thai prcscttmce of relief which
Mini when - :i' a ti»L ,.?? , ill

??re br-aU-n, yet thJT srflrat over

lit; rant th# t»Jl And wailed, aiul ansa
stjout to Ent^r when the servant *Bid:
"No una In, sir Mr. and Un. Bald-
i'ji an- both out and tiir-rei no moms
to let. either *

"Its Doctor Brnmanj." Rir.hard
. .-rl, "I w»m to are. flc has tm uir-
rtry burr "

bh_ hhfr rfibji Indian arntii-man,
you mrrm.- the ftrl aajiL "He's bMm
rHt— h*A up— Mr drug tmrrk-kln' "

..jiJcmr trymc to think it all oat.
On Impulse he mid Lha uEU-man to

to bis club,
yit i miud .-SoroFF^ miccniig th* trad-

Somen SCftf htm ?? tgjv quirt p7an«f-.
liirn he nodded ufratantlF

??'I want to nrvafc to wu." Riband
laVL jroa rtniemher thr doctor you
wut me ui. Ba limine* ? lie rave me
Lhf meat wxjridarfu] cure, hut [Vff fin*
_.:.L-d It and this mriAl blrepleanftsa
ha* rpntmcd I ^-nt to wv htm in-
day and wma [old he had be eh airaalod
for drvc- LraffJrkJoai I axippo •* yoij
haven't an idea; whrrn I could eet aonw

"Hava you »n mra «na,p. it u--whteb
•Irin; it an Irwrrdient?" Sumon aarcd.

.in rarihl\." Rlctiflzd Wd
"fiunnitres only ca vr me a has ui »
??naijr pAck(rt< a [?v rrainr cnch h ku*.ct
that v>« all, There wa* no labe.! on
.tir poricei neff nn thr bWL M

Sfitom scared d"fro At bis beaull-

-WRal'd vrni pay tea- it?" be Mithd
Ryfuirit *.t.jl him

Homers not up in the hu$f iMtnre

-LooK Itftt" lie- said. "If jiou t?an
k'vo tnr flfty, TU fi^i you thta atafT. I
itcm't law its name, but I do kno*
:hi> man s-iumarex vnrfcad anth But
he arout anr any slransmi sow. njtcir-
Kltr. I happ-^n to hate' etana tht*t feJ-
:--i*a m irrDee. and that a vhy I ihtnk
I can vnnde R, Tf youH e«et me
ban if— nigh: 1 \hisik I cm promiir
rwi cttfft"

^L'a awiully detent of you," Richard
wld eartuaitly: he exprsvd ttr«iat
rrntttiKlr to EWrnrjs. and oUrr. when
somen had delivered the stair and he
had tajtrn hia dive and that feeling
of lili bii 1 1 pnacefLilne&s brrAn to j;«h7
ayrr him. he felt almoot love Oft ttUll


A. month later, quite calmly, homers
:r,ifl hicc t» hnd ticen taslnr dopo.

"It's ffnt a nrtmff," BOtrtrm rapLnlljrd
airily, and he wliiTpeTBd

Itlcriurd li^cki'd fiwwy from him; be
ctn red .oto .->??*•.'.?? r-~ face, bis own cy^i
narrowed T^nrre "Taaji bitter bQsttlhy
m his caae. and « "well * terribtn fitar.

He wmt then t-c a fam«« utrst ilor-
tor, and put himself hi hai handa; It

First Sight

Barnaul d mrak from miiunrw of court*,
and at a very urgont time.

Be could out u-u Wary; be meant to
ten her when be was quite cured.

But tu- did not get cured; He COt
better. He ulept fitfully, he went bnr.it
to work, and tin; Aleepleaaneaa train
return wl-

Mcrj ama In Scotland then, sriUiuj
Rirbard 1 me- tetters which wrung ms
urn! by tat tnarf, and tmitrd Mm by

her tot*.

Rlchord went to his npfrctallat, who
gavr him (ntneuiin* amuJt did no
aoud: then be went Ntmn, and Rich-
ard wrUQied un ahrn*

And then, at tiw end of an otrleas
disy. a hon tu> frit utter ty dime, be aaw
ftnrncn by chn-nr-e ancr mOr^,

-A hnir of *he drjg — -> naid S^adfr*
w!th u trrto; be bore no mailt* against

So RJettard paid, and alept.

-1 *r *aa In JamiRry

1> left f(jr Woll'.onen. and ASnry knew
then and WiUKn had IH hlfl UUt
bit at (nflirrnor to put Richard hit
rhamy r-^-avrry.

Rachard no lucger looked thut fit
twwty^is:; he loofced « rotten fifty.

Stary nil'. Hired bim,

H<=- >ove arnt M:r. to Warbonfa.
where* thi'n- was qo drtic, ^ind tai
cb&nne of any. whwra Richard kr.rw tv
touLiI suffer the torttirt* of Use
damned b*-|cr<- ba obuW hope m frel

'TV.]: K the onty chance of a com-
plrte rTrrxw-Tj.- :be ffpnclaltat tmd aaia.
"ami nine -tenths of your eunp witl be
a matter' of jour wflV

On llwilr twit rypntnr together Mary
said suddentv:

"0!<'li>e liave yon rot anyT*

Hit wtu knrrlinjr traldrt her. and ate
tc-fc hk bend in her bands and Icidfced
1DU3 hla

"Hare ynvt"

ftOsiX- i alii Richard.

Hr bbd mflaut 10 Ukf It— Jus It)
ease— but he could not lie to her la
this hour -

H> went and ftitcbed ft and gave It
to ha.

"Come bavfc to me." Unry said,
"sneej tlrnm n,i vou inrte knnrLLnc be-

R otrypd he*. He Joolced Icln
her "yf .?? and «w the bran ui them,
as (tap within h tear a tm? rrp-

i ontimwft from 59

who had

il from

and 'a, from Mrs. DrrrbjOcL

openl> lh'wuit'fl the aca|
tin- b itlunlng

"Wh"t rtotn the man Carberett tsdtr
—what Is his special dope?" he aaked
airs nnriaon, who mtrt htm wt'-ti an
expre57lorj cT puJand dlnlaln.

"And sUll Lady Mary lotn him," he
muaed alflud.

"t dun't onderatand hV atre
son said |>etulamJy. u lt'i one of thoae
affatra wbleb are past Ordlnnry cmn
pmhcmnnn Simpfy. they saw tine an-
other rind, nceordlfti to Mflrr. fell in
|At f was there it wait ui the thea-
tre— I frn-aot -sjhat piny was on. Mary
told me later that the firtt Instant ahe
lintd KifMturd Carbtrftfi hand ttte
kkjew iin «k tier man I And of course
hr was qutt* Urtanr aJwni her t ahadt
nrrcr forrrt lluu June; hr vas cvmy-
where, he xaucrly srft Mary j side, and
It was t> a relsef ??;,??••>. i: trie?

ware enrared. And then th*r were
both K) e»|t«"l ??OQOt UI I smipose all
Uiat sort or thing la kr«e. but It seemi
wry Waiant— alm'ifi IndeernL u» nia??n
much a futa abuur U. unralyT"

Krdrnr had been rsatucung that un-
forfruabtr .Tone, and as fctra Derrl-
aons pnil; pleasant role*; drawled on
the lever m hia rrinn bad mrnimrd,

Pi'p iiiKtrT 'jl'jw -E'.'ttliui, jLvLiir fire
beneath that floarr- petal skm —
that serene potae pone at a mans
tn;rh -h!-. ennn a niuf tiul:-'d o./y
whis fiad not been strong enough to
kev>p tin drufRH's r*i}t| i*tr her sake!
And ahe tored h??m! Wanted to CO to
bim had vani-d to elrr to turn Bli-
the stored mwtnrss cf heraeiff

Ha lomcrd at rirj^ coining atone the
deck now and saw her with T.hii ?yp*
ol a man obaeaMtL eloa* to the heart
of thi« man Cftrtif'Trtt hrr whip? eye-
lids, drooping her Ups hU. for the tnk-

"Nerer. i? I ran prevent tt.*" »ld
fjrdrte to hrmralL

J. REY alichoTPd at
dawn, and sn hour laErr Richard came

Pordyce met him flrat and fhrmt
hands atth him. emilimj n arelcome

Tbe chtar fliwrttnit IMtht showed Rich-
ard a royal twenty-aawn. so hjqrpy and
OX and hard he- luokeri. and J» IrnTnaru-
LalHy nanZkGrE&d: tllr wblfau of his

Mary Wins Her Battle

rescDliLttort of himself -tbe last ftfl bm
waa Hiving Mary for bar tore to keep
sraa UiaL

H- raualit hntd of hec BtiddfmJy,


Jf. hurt his enroBL hmribfy to spruk..
bur ba nmhed on: "tty your tear*, by
that Ifliit, mix of ynw »re io me, I
iwear to yOO I will nr-rcr touch it
s«ajn. Mary. In a year yotjll come to
me. Bwrar, awear you belieirr nw?"

' T do bellere yon."' Mary at Id, "I do
Lmst you. darUng "

A ytsa? bt tbr day Mary am v. d at
Wulhonea: ahe came in Dyee r*Qrdyr- a
vicht, llrr party had met hla party
at Cnjcanbo. and Mrs. Dcmsnn. and
tlie Marhltor anil Mary had accepted
bis offer Ui m on wtth bun

Ftfr wir tbinr, Wrdyee'i yacht wa*
of raclne proclivities, and for another
it was. as rordrrc aald. "U* «ry
thing lu '^terjUiing-'"

Pwdyre had uatngs ltka that, and
advpays the "very Uaeat*"; hi* chief bfe-
lntereat wiu to obtaining that, and
Lhat was. far too easy to uurxarup him
king T( la no caavgeration to nay that
be wuni mad about Mary; he did. but
no one knew It u-.vr: bmaaalf; but h--
thouatit of her waring, tm dwam! of
hir Edeepinir. and lie looted at her
reefy aeecmd be felt ba could da W In

He rearm her atory. btm and !U; h-

eyra wtrr n rUcat CgjrHite?^ blue and
the hand which held VtmrOsV- i «aa
copt and fnan

Pi>rd>'ee baLed him tn that hour with
an tntefcaiLy hr had ne%cr felt In all
hi- lUe. In i:.' emutlOn.

He went below- aa alary came up. hot
he bad ne-n her ryes first

"ft'a only a little home, hut it lias
a garden and Uir faathing-a dtv;n£—
Just 111 Wir pool weVf got a Bharlt-bar-
rlrr bout - fUchArd fold Mary breath-

He had kii^ed her nearjy to ranaua-
tion and now «hp was utiing rm hin
fence, "brraiuft? I ran 1 ! let ynu go. and
If anrnuf area, let em," RVIiard had

Nu one van about to ??= — they had
the cabin to T4lfmi«nlTes— and Rirhard
talked bke a HUle boy and Mary rul-
flett liln hatr n.nd klwd him every kist
tony had ever t.r- -?? -: and they wars
utttirty and tloriuu«ty and divinely
happy Also, ihny wcTp tc be married
the next day.

Later, they were rowed ashore and
Phehard look Mary to Imnw, whir b,
rf Utile, had a eardfiet and hod alact
bad henmr and hrmr* at inbnr sp>nt on
It. and did indeed look: pretty and
fresh The sunset fell at Richard look
Mary into the biggest room and said,
tm right hand tight in hen: TrUr la
oar rrXm "

EXCLUSIVE 0VBRSEA5 ti+t print iotiuf, thawing tht tnnJ to*Mdi
; as ft iltJ in soft, trjfrf*! smtfhtj, jar zhtvmn 4tld srjrmVr aaaaW. ffursW
for high ireu-rr arme- colored ttirtt a tuvthrJ f*lL snd long kUck ffssW

-j« fxit the ' v/ifnti.

Ther sU.oa togwuw in alienee fdr a
moment, and then Rlt-lmrd told Ma.t
or hh flrht at Wathnflg*.

"I kept my Oath) to you. H hr said.
"oni>' it wasn't 1 so much — it wa* you
Ul me. keeping Bsc atralstbt. yuur belief.
I used to run. In all the brat, up and)
(|nw7T the beoeh when I couldn't sleep,
until I was so •ahaosted 2 Ity wbern I
lefj — and then one nignt •«« I was
lying lute that I did fall uleep and I
dreamt of tog— nrjii that waa the be-
ginrtuJit of the cure "

Porttycr fetched Mary back io tbe
yaebt. he had brought the motor -boat
prgr hlins^lL and nnw, a* they moved
away, be headed her away Erom the
TwchL ran her out *-o «ea Jin: a mile,
then rtnppcd her, and aat oppostte

"We're al&no ncnt vmi and I." he
said very gently . "and I suppose U lan t
any mm to yoll that I've b*rn ^anr.-
hiR in be .ilnne aich you erer ranee I
taw yna first 7 I miMruie itacxa of men
have atd that tort of thtng to youf
And I rnppoee. toe stacks tf men have
amid what 1 am (omr u say nuw 1
lore you. iro. don't picas feel yoo
must far conrenUimal— or even ftrint-
iwi mTTst ts? natural and rry out your
Lndtipnatirml I am aware tills u your
airibimg ere, and I know rrrry ooa-
vEUtiCDal trued theft It, 1 m out-
rvrfag rteryEhing. 1 know thai too.
Hut aormnrm-rs a rr.sn rctners up aesuna*
KQUF*-hmg strcnsieT Uian hirn^tf I
bare It's you, and '.he lovu have
ereatrd in me I can t get yon out of
my thoughta or blood or irnaca,**

TLf leant forward suddenly and held
out his hand In such a way tlmL the
palm was hnllirwd.

-See that hand, the dip In It? See
me close Itf That's your hiitd. ,iti mr
life ] am lost in thi hollcw of your
hand Mhit, mnnref me trury. am you
going through with ttai* titpp«iy-hai;
penny marriage?"

Mary stood urx and the dying amv
light poured over her until every line
of her Usowed dlatlnct End beautiful -
rtirtrrce drew in hb nrauth sharpEy.
and bis himb rlrached Ull rn.»ri;cs
showed trtsry,

"'I'uTn the boat round, ine -jud
quite quHtly, "and— Mr yi^rdyce. fur-
get, as I wHJ forget, that we're ever
tiad ttiia tgdX If U wul help you in
any way Z wul toil you tlus Richard
la my life, f don't know why ur bow,
but be is and that is the- truth about
my rnarrlage. Tou know now."

»>rdyee went oc scarmp; a! hi-r ft«- a
Toorns-rit; tbeo. without a word, ba
started th* engine and headed the bo^t
fur the yaebt

As he helped Mary to step aboard
lie salt!- Just above hia breath:

ETi'SrTP- was a trt-

urnphani nval. with slrawberrtra wbJrb

bad been kept In loe. and chaltsyagtve
on IL and aft anna ot iriit^of-seusOu
diMicades as weQ.

It waa very bite when Richard race
to go: the dawn would break b> an

Fnrdpe* ami Ricliard wen: toward*
ih- stairvny together; they came bant
a moment later vlth Richard iwkhnr

his m list and laiMfnlng. and FUfiiyvw

Richard hAd slipped on the stair-
way, and the Lascar, cuing ahead of
them, had, Uke a foot, tus knife hs hla
belt act: Hirhard had cut his wrist
Poedjce erpbtlned eucily and aprto-
re Orally

Mary bound up the rut and took
Richard Co the ode brnrU Ai hr
arlUetl in the moun-ooni Punlycn ran
past her down lbs steps, ba) held a
botUf tn IUs band

tfe? Mr. GarberrTt ti: inks this, all of
It, Mora." he said to Lhn Bteward who
wai t^atrd beside- Richard, "as Boon as
ha crtB to bis houee to night Oo£d
night Clsrerka 11 '

Mary had Urtn imening the agai huj
facg as he tumnd and she called after
them as the mo^r-bcar raced op-

tVs a drug you've gives him — ba thtt
waic— it's a drug," 1 ahe aalil to Fordyee,
turaimc on him furionaiy.

"It's nothm? of the aort;* Ponfrte
paid ba* Benity; -you are iinatrontV*

It is. Il \% m Mary aid, and beat hsr
hausde on the Uffrail, ""Tlw rut wasn't
an accirietii— Sichnrd will take the
drug: and he— 1> —

She turned and faced Pordyce,
drarfrj eabn

"Order them to >otrcr a boat I am
gcanc ashore." she said

Jortiycr smued at her. and ahr drew
back tnddualr and tocwed *.o the ijde
of the yacht

-By Ood. you cant go— the sea'a fun
trf wbarks ." Paroyt* shoqtfd then, and
ha voice shook with tgabw*

"Can t ir' called Marys roice. "cun t
I!" as her atiile body dtrrd down.

tVwnrorir? m thr mocor-boat heard thsj
aagsgsa . saw tbe white- form; it turned
and 3ped back, and it waa Richard
who puBed Mary ba.

Pordyee. b??* lace tick with grimacing
terror, saw her lean back in Richard's
anna the lieht great >it then, and
Mary's hour, like a baain-r of gauL
screamed out in the wind of dawn.

The than at the wheel of the ffioTfrr-
boat awaUed nrm-rs.

"Take me home" Mary raid, "where


The Power behind the Throne /

Thai's yon. chonuins ludy. and
mjiv ice rrfpic^t a favor »liirh
will pmvr mutnull) iiilvaiitafrcoii».

W bm mnlnriiif!, pel Ihp thrill
of ji injuimiiiii -u*--*- of t-ii^irw-
power — alwnyi< u*e ......

Super Plume 2sU^ MoMoil

THE 5-POWER PETROL / RV THE clearosol process


National Library of Australia



Home Maker Section

Felirnarv I. 1 9.36.

Our Fashion Service and Free Pattern

nuvs st"iT.
WWlltW— Tfouner* (tiwl blotine Bhlrt Tor
?? Melt 1*4 llire. 5 to 10 jna. Not*
roomy uoiiser legs and. inin. workman-
like Utile shirt M*l*rl»l nsnilrwi fur
blouue: H la 1 yard* Sfl tnebe-. wide,
for kalcJcm. il to a yanu as tadae*

mar 1'APEH MTTWI, 1M

'"ft WW 1065

WWliHEB — ThlH chnrntlng-ly dtiWnetiTe frook u. cut on tlen-
inrlitim linon. nod has ?? very sweet uu-td-tne-tliro»t conn*
Ttlr two p*nell< or the iklrt ccviimuwj Into thr
front bottler bit Bmartly unyauftl Stmt site*. 32
to 3S incnei. Muter tat required: 4i to 41
yard* 3d melie» wide r*rFR TAT-
WWIO66 ™IN. 1.1.

|'l.t-:\SK NOTE:

To rniurr [inirupL dmtulrli or pattern* urdcrrd
i If Writ* Tuur iwmr und dill adriTPM clearly la ihUi
liie rcquirrtl Ill Wheu ordering > i nlld * tjMi^m,

by poit Kid •Oi'mld:
Oh Jrllrr*. [II M*i«
iUlr «gr *t child.

nnert frock lor il LitUa ft.rL
If mndt: 1ft pretty flurnJ
linm long wrar U aur-urtd
Plent* full from the fihuui-
iit-rs airfat, a in Q yrurs.
Mnvinrial required: .'??>'.??
yanij. 36 moonj irida

WlVlflTO — Thin trim. J~il-
Utitf rotir-iiUj.'c atif hoa a
npUL fa*ak ami front to
Blkiu r-'ii »' ', ol ruom.

fCiLiU thr ojxfn luj) with
pmr.y taw Burnt eImb. 5c
tn SB liuriim MaUTiai »•
QUfrrd Jor 3fi-inch ?? i 21
ymriiL 36 toshes wide. 1 .
yard* liic 1 dkm

FAfCH VA ri'JEKN, I lid.


WW HM7.— A uMiisiblff. smart
drew for Lh<; outdoor liJrl with
uiiu.iual ytifcr, and open nhlrt
collar. Sires. 33 tfi M-tnch
aunt Mnt^riul required lor 30-
incri UlJfft: 4 /anil, 35 liiphra

WW 1060. — An Muorvrnlc UHaOS j
ptqfttt firMit ruble. C*HEur 04
drui cornea domur#)y <ivcr Tihe
("II ol Uic : :j ! i . i.i <•-<:
Ir'nuth traoL Buat &lznu. 33 to
36 MutcrilrJ : c-ijuiri-i!

fcr 3fi-ln£lt bu.it : Iteei. !fl
v u nil 3tf inrliRA wide; ctml 3
ui'dii HI ItJizhca wide. FAl't'H
I'ATTtKN, 1 -L



Our frtfo Lhiee-

-vWei lor three
very c h a r m uvg
day frock* lor
Inr.ti hunt. Ha II-
luHtrntrd. Ta ob-
tain Ultt fi.i !!??=:•..
till in tlw ct-upou
ut right.

Wo t tftalxim
[I» tiirw tqUBit?
nirejc and knittot.
(font with atm-ifih*
trim ?? k 1 r t.

MaLeiiuJ rt-jij!:.-d-

3) yurdB. M IttcJMi

Na. 2 It h dc-
Ilgbciul niurniiiJi
froflk nnd rr»
quires 31 jrwda,
S£ ?? tncti w I d b

K* s frock
»wuid be very

afternoon K a-
porty. idarprlal
rcajuirfd: 11 yaniA.

3d Inch" wW"

vrwiu? L — F 11 * ti I nit - viBtt
mil UrarsN u'tTJ tipprticlulo LllSa
prarcf cil dinner or bridge iruwn.
Slrw-vrif. ai^. rag.an »Ly!o, lull
La live WXMU Beutt dlJiMt. 9S ta
W UtrrH*! MnLi:iuil rr«|imcil:
t3 r.17 Iti rtfdX inrhua wiilc.
IMI'tK l f M I'EltN. 1 I


M>l pais

I Thl> ??????ui" 11 *T»I1»W» t»W now

: Buiilt (no Ih* >f I**""

3 T« iitiln In * frr« pul"'rn

= .r ??Mm ????rilirati il a n«4r»li4. BH

- * 11 !ll» ID-UpLTD ??Hill III"' 1 II Wl I'll

5 Li. r>TA»ir l« tt/Mf Ifc' fffi'

I :'"il-ir.i- ?? I' »•!.' Ma-rhLni >n lit*

^ ninflitp' -Tallvrn H'H' .' I"

" am ui il"' I'Jllnwli'l iiili]rrn»rT


= ntiiH'tniiEn roK each

E I DIIPOK ESrUJ^Et*. * <ib"lT

: III lllJIrBJfCllUt "HI ni.l'I' t«T

: if-- r-iltcrni ">-r mne in-uih

a «U;—

: M)KV.AIt.lL. — Th» AwiT«ll»ta
= Wnwrs'i WerilT-
• tt.'-O- AJrUie]*

?? is.,-. Wer.tT. "???? <- *

(. r 4i nri.ii*Hf.

£ MtBOVH^l — raa A>rlr»lr»

: 11. ..!».????» U.,il. Bin IU,
; C>.P.U.. MHli-uihf

1 *M*C.AJllUt.— Tb* AnLtrillm

: WiimWi Wnklr- IV; > II.

? n r.11.. , .1;.
i *.VlF>r>. — 1 11* Aii»lrnlLaii

^ffklT. «Wt U3JA.
t O.r-O., Ji^arj.
: r.WMAUM ??- ll»r AiutrjIliN
r Humni'i H'NliTf. id rii ??

I u, 1 .J r«. hi

; IIW-1I3 U**nHal M. llatri'l
= '??liiniti* ytjD rlr-lii 1a oil
X lfr» ??»<i*rn. p1*»«r w ni-
i ilmtM ttl «tnr *hHi>n ikirfH.
I Blind all) Km lauprt mi tmtihi'
: MM

; nriM m*M v\*ir iSn
: *PDBI K^ IS ni/Vl k 1 t , ; 1 r


; u*ttm

j mm

: CilU'n


W« 107


Wtt HIT2 finuri, H5i-I'jI ..;v1l- r..in ?? ml ??. 1

r.iKrl rVI'MUH
lorjrlB, Sllilirin^ pO
?? belt. Hiiit aiaen
n*qiilrr<J Icir 'mi
3J rnnJn for coal

erlCHD- <tvW. Kfiv widr
trtu, afirt ^ wont wiihom
32 lu 31 mchM lAfttMrlaJ
l lillAt- 3i irarrls Irrr i)n--

rAriiR i'att»*kn. t yi

National Library of Australia


eUirJay, February 1, 19.16.

The Arsnur.nv women's vv.mi.Y


l^Mtlntj- IVimnrri Cat* AUo l.fim!

\<>I It -I ill"

su n t.i.\ m \H \m m»:

run.' and 1 turortae Mdwin »
rrwJIy unbjue muilrai ncneUvf


??-lad if Vt , Rm .
fan? -in in mi
Fladin Prr.fnU

• 30 pm. liit'i'.

"irCurni fi and 1

• i i Al

Mtii Oorii Crrttr [Vn

tmtr.ujtit: If tMrn J AtbUli* tr.tthnt nrirxtiy htU m SyJnrj From trjt.
mnrnt cf tkt oi/A aW AC// £rfr> JUbtnir* W Afftv EerW* HP****, *Jv a -*

/Ae 230 jurat"/ rfiw/ KW jy/J/ c/umpwaibtpi of Aittt**li*.



Rock, Slide or Slip?

. IBTEETH-VASCl.YH ?? nr-w. ereaiJy
n.urtjved Driwdcr (a be Hinncled on
-OT lo*er ante* bfltdc f&i* teem
anil mmfaftmbti'. Can not, xiide
ock tw ewoxhii fo ranutiT towt
m.'irc « f^fiitie Mar.— brent h

am pfMMm. om fastebth-
cl Y w to-dar iron uv cood


. .. Get free trial tin of


dh Seaaiad wn — H I •????« w H« ^

tralaul >??* )??????!. ami ufca- l"r«« *"

o/ 500 Athletes !

Bi<* National Games Pageant in
Adelaide: Tribute to Late King

IriftH Our iflt'ftiidr Ht'tirvwntalirt*

Mbtofei tot-Uw who weir rraUattc (or
"krtU«L for the ojyrr.pk Gaosa, to be
held this year to Be rito
l*fc*Jo«ng upon a word from Mr, 8 J.
^=*». who reprmrirted the Onifnary
Council, the "So Qf of AtaUralW ftTiderrd
I tar B«wd band* and a thaawaufd vote*
was aunt An the icng earn* to a date
I be flaming nmrulc of the reiey rumwtr'
torche* eoald be vtn o*er the head* of
'he crowd} of people, with mounted
poiirr exoH.

t«a aul »«t^t c* el

Dtvralcil uf all pot*. hie pomp lukI loLiriU . mu\ r'-nriml-
ini* one- >trant!*-l> of |Hir|ilf-*.w;itli,'il rhurrh pliant in ihn
f^rnlen wimhi, wa> the *c^»e of lb** (>|H-nii)^ «f tbr ihirtl

nalional tamr* mill South .W-trtiliuii Ontenury on SMtuniny. ln.m Mxibnarar uj .Wruid*. uirwvh

U#wn. cMaalry raaiU. isd dewn rxrmUy,

Unicjue Torch Race

THE rrUj ronnrn, nha hid um-

^ i I i »i ii i rtonrp* *• «»««r fillip W

priUn n M<« ^t- Ml

^^??t i vri « hn «il W unt r*a K

JL r(frrrPs*rTilln5 prery Slatft of
the Cominf ;ii wealth, anjj ; r -

UCflUy all wMfmg ttmr s^is of
mottTiiLti*, h<intjrT*l not cm?}- young
tatbpEdc Au«rallM btn UK death at
flhair brK^-ctl ICmg OCDCgk V 5r<iucliow
• ail sTmfnU at Use tiMaranLry, Che Uum-

[of martlaJ ttnult bocantr j.jTcbohi cr
iufalty and paiiiouaai.

2GB— The Nation's Station


T-vvry generatiun hax lis uwii tove kob^b. liut ihe love
songa of yenterdaj anil ihe day before still hold thpii
rharm for all of n«. For Uivt tu.nsn ore the «>njE4 of
youth, of the days whrn the hlood run» fant and Iht!
world 1b a "woiidcrfn! iiluce to tn- nlhv In. Tune (n to tht*
Sereoailera ami hrar the faroiirite love aauga of lo-day
and yentenUiy. and of evorv cotitiirv. ISach Tm^day.
Thur»lay uid .Saturday, at MS n.ra.

notajji.i; imrnsii mm \j.s

Npk S*-riet CaMtntttrr*


Aipiln 'Jt'SFJ brltiKS 1U llideners some of thr monl aniar-
liiie drauias of real Ufe ever eoactod. These trials :ir?
based on the court cecortla. tivery uur is pulsatlni:
with drsitm. (wopleil with the moat imu.u/i] rharnctnna.
and rnreois to listeners men and women in the Kupretop
iriiMjs of their lives. This fe. above an. ailuli entertain-
mctnt. The ftntt of the aeries will be 'Th<- Trial of Her-
bert Samuel Dougal." better known as "The Moiti
Farm MyaCury " Nlphtly at 10 p.m.


Few tilings In the world have i^hanpwl fui greatly as the
meiiiods or travel. Tune in to tilia new dramatic session
<-nch Monday night al p.m . and hear Ihe humours
and drama it travel yesterday and to-day in vivid con-
trasl. You will be delighted with the novelty of this
prcfiental BMti

For Entertainmenl

1*i r paradr o( nnr huadred Australian
alhltriea vfcth which ihe 00*010* wrrt
mcmy waa brwun ni Jed try a wtaraaa
Mba Clare I>ftcu the breaat-c£roce
champiAt) rwtinOief of Lhe wot Id aa well
h* Ihe botder of many Oite* cham-
[inaiT.h:p». ifarrhJnK penudrjr hi her
Krero and jfotif hteenr over her vtuie
rroct the Ulrf girl aUhletm of aw: rah*
crcxSt. Btctw particlmjit wu wearing
a huuJt arratajurl and the proceaAlw
nnme to n etandjKiiJ in Iruot or thr
(Uia which ewi mtiKd in mm

lud arrhed ??[ \rtruid> O11I h> tbr
— ...rm. aa eehJeirinenl Uttle *twrt <rf a

/A/ SMtr/Kjd

-<f. flags "it*. kor/Ca of pur-
•4 rtbbfjna were lowered, and
bared desjute almmt aac.n-
whtch foiinwrd the avhrr

tug heat

th«, ih-rr w-»« * tmngei M«u and

: black; »frd par pic taathinc wit drttpperl
frwut (he S \1i'.iiuJ Gtma nuvltu. Th*

Itlea^Sagal box. draped In ihe mint, of
romim.hr. atoivj cwptf.

I The Otufemor Of 3M|th AiEtealra <ai
W Initial :? ..,:»:. wtio «aa to r 1 -
opened the fint official ewnt of th •

j cwtfTiary oflrbratlorai hi South Au*-
r nulla, wax, of comae, unable %o attend. I
ftetthn wwjf the Prime afiniHer. i be [

r««mkr, or mr Lord ktayor Mr. V. H

'. Q -gantaer of the Cepfccarj crfe-

t].-ft"Jr.i.j :i ji.-r. n'.'J tt-^ 1 Oo.f, r :;r,i'![i!
and Ur A O rVfiaer. chalrmao of the I

'Oflmm Cprmf.ll derlared the Uiird gjtaj
!'*> ] Oiinif..* '.i'n :i rf>fetiniafi ti* lie- * r i r ?

1 10 lo ihe aojemnity of Ux occasion aud
the /lUhjd thai had fallen vriA .
«nu!d ether-- w have brer, a fslive
icrne Thr <ama he raid w-rr t--\-
in Amtraha ortce fiery four years, to
cm thr telnun a chanee tg, ae* ail tfw

Our Book Offer!



Betr h Tokra
a It 1 In jM


W » m a


ret on sovi *M) r**TE un
101 j: tort tint

Kit In Thr

av o, aa a — I-' f

w., 1

F. n 41 v I ~ 'i.r
frlwtfc wtfer.

tri <>i 1 <itiw i>o p.i«rr. on

vot-K tornm.



llm ?? I <.o

A ra I la a

it - !-.. r n

W c r » I r

'tt'tuM't not
X'ltr r r



voi a toi mm.




The men wne stunts rind ir. ihoru
ana caland ucletic loot, ana ]uc*«!
wtr. wul -rrf antvtnt -ilti ceripira-
^"n Euch c-uTtid a tocrj:. the lrao-r
• i/.Tln^- ??..'.if |Ultliu-a hiri;r: piaa Imh
4-' Ife rg m a inde f He »|m> ".ir^cd go
??llvr brtiketL a rycnbol of EMao-- and let-
l*r% fnaii VJcC«r1a. -tilrl: r— haqdrd to
U.c CSialnaan of Urn Owia, aialil RUren
tfiXn OtTi«fa"ia."| piiri ^Hrw'Mir!^^?*' n ™ rl! ' ??<'«''T= I «

Booruum rtpr-amua oi" iroown o< "jj **g MMaptHnM n dxt
Bo.ni Ajunii. she. uo. «u "> I m Alntnuj ' t * r,x *

I rikOiiTTitSfr .rearing a Mar:-' rrT-p*> «xpl ewreflionj Of the -ightlta. of the

with while i**aiig*lar coUut and cuffa , f" 1 ?? XTTTit aLgiaia vu cwa?. and ia atr
iteCTTf * hMe llowesx and black Um Unt t., J ??7*_ b « ™ ^-i- to the kftip. a I
.diaded her eyea from the Utitcnw 1 C rriln * a * 3 * Jbm^d f«m Ihe
ffuu I lair.fj and burned fT-niimyly The Rune [

When the- pr™aloe, had com* to a * ^P*^ c ^r^uni al
atandrtltL raetng the omrtaU and fla= \ *^ ,h * t P otu ^ ??» P-^-*
UaC Ui- Kuwnal Anthem wai played ! The Olympic ttyair waa rung Ienejr.lt.
Dcrr-ng iha and tne lam minatfta' nlpiinr aE 'I thm Rar C J. Ptrrj. the Gaxnea

i Padre. dettvnrM a deer, simple and I
,-, — — — — ??— — ramer.E jijiimi He waa hasten and [

I In bh-eg robac. and caonnted em it prdp;'. '•??
?? wtijrh had fxeri ereetrd far hi in nn thr '
.Oval The pulptt, too. waa drweed mmh
trtffitffig and l£ mourning a-Um
X.- * laee trnnt, thrn faina far- >

leagtl. *md «llb rlghl Haiiid ra*«ed and
Irft hand rraapJrn Um- taewee «f the
f nwt Jarh. thr rer.tted thr -Hath «f «aie-

Th* ftrat oari^rnai chairij/irjoircp '

m Che 100 taenri w>mri: , i champ! :-c-

Did Officials Blunder?

k^OfkO, furpriae haa been ejtprnawd thai
no mere finiatafbat MjoaVkarj trrrm
She ether 8-ate» than Clance fCenruriy
and Doru Ca-rtar wa« lortiwonung

It ozidfnifatiTdty hwdH aa if the Aaw-
ErJllan atfiatrijr Alhlctlr mioti haa
lilnmlrrrd vireeabrre aa n-rard* tite
•a-rt-men ( TTtripf trton,

The State Women 1 ! AtfiJette Aiaoeia-
UOBa were rprjtrr*;ed to *tnsl : - bm
p^raTrtfr to the Games flclorta
nrnninaiwl ansa Dorti Carter. Now
Bot«th Walts kfia Ciaritw Kcniu^y and
Qaeenaiand Mr ThEhxia Poke, whcee
name ane later w/lthfjrawtj, [hue lra>?-
ing mhr two aTtanpTi ouiI-tB S ta cam-
prti" in ;r»e chamDEariehipa

Th.a aniqae oiaai«on mairl h*Te gtven
tbr Ciamr-* Onmadtle* n.,m hr.darhr>
and rntni tu.Tr di»-r|ni-ert a wrakneia
to tfaete i>rr^ckin K ability

But Mr*. 17 Mufieahr, accmaTT of thr
A'^ntrvliaji rfcrnrfit AmJteur Aahietfee
Ajwoeiatlon, Atatr, that ftar wttctaoi. tcr
Olrnrpw sporu c^a^ttinri haver U> be
rp To deairFd rtandard. And there are
ew gh-U rapablr of cotrtpeUiag irxar.
he champlDiu. and theretmr did irOt
are tt> make iuch an eapeniMvfi trtp


At • • t . .

W .-,1

pan cauia ia* wtw t»i. »w

yra H • IM«l«">Ma a# Ik* tWi
nit latl tVaaJta «W w d*>* r-t !«??

«t . rarr Cn hv ri.mi
- :w. - • .1 .

l*4j»-f*»« k- PW-
«r lit .Ha* r»w»
I *»»!.»« im a Irv
rtt*m ia«t »W
fakuasa. aad li t cr»-

la----.'... ilatM.
Ltn .MOW— Jl !??

jrarrlna. <*>a •**
1 as* HWa* r.Mt. -arlk
MM <- A- E V«ail
Tar* it. «»«??-!.


Great b-oefif of tafcinr llu

OnemaJ An



<l«*t:k. aba

"tralKui to
eel rra?-

, «ach rHmrfai in a few
1 too. rcu can teeak

gt*m al r^ter Vud U»rr* Atpuna H
a hhsaoaa M.lred tn the wwmi who,
bur the Ba .nfa^Iing **h*f. akawarf be
fatMttralao by re-\»L»r artaraw ad pain.

AU chcmiKla mnti aawauac Ba«er
Aapnio n> U.»r» oi \i ubteta, aUo
bottle ed U jluJ fUO Ulirtv— *kr Darea
<*rnaa trade mark re co ewry tablet.
Say reiver and taatat became* Bi-yte

\ ease tkiai. mttle

«r rat. raa-aaaw numc wem nr

h*rt' I" ..fl.-.n -in- -tar*-*}-. \ .

oinu. flan.' n -.a. etc «Mag gaihd aeaaa-
War awaarlta

vnat 0* fr aW nwa evkwr. et aiaanj «j_
awwa geek Pal3-, tmt Ptw rrw


National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3690


77m- U'STIULTAN women's wekki.y

Snlliretay. Frliriinry I, T<>36.



Sale of Laces

Winding up the month of January with
astounding bargains in Sydney's loveliest laces

^ TV-"

2 11, 3 6 NeedJerun
Lace Nightdress


Ail rrmil^ la tv* ftNTfcnhoilf V«xy

ytiuiLfa] <U»iru» i li Momitly htiuji^'l
limoiia mn l*rr B^ltwrWt tllji'.
ur Ttltiuut littpn ilnpvim. finite, T'iw'i*
mail njittiti u» h.il.l UMffft* (JinrtUy
priceJ ttj I!, It/8, Sjinr.jtil Salu, l/Jl


from an all pure Irish Linen!

T sually 1 II and 2/6 yard. Even ibose putts were iiniLitiri.q for sudi bcjunfiil dm*
tote is thw: Entirety bciod iiuJi', in four dtsipuri iJlmI tor etjfttf. Widrhs i\ to 4 in Iks.
runire brides, roo, slioiJd look- jhcjd .uiJ luy-hj- j ,los™ »-JfJ« ji 9/9. U.mi.i] j»j ??
yard, l/U, 2/6. Special Jnniury Sale Price, par y??td . | O2O

A special table of

??from across the seas

W. tu far 1I1 '??•????! la

run lUte» fo\ Wtfy Ibtfllj ajntjfa
v« turlli liiiy lUitntn t 1 t p i ».} ilr. Hwrw
tlirry tiro do ?? jrinriftl tub If --jforfff una
Inr-d* in eit!:*r «.hnu:lil W ntyle*.

llclntv Htf 4(lu^r«tti!j tlif* 1 tlrfe'sii*

lIukoi Ji : 'i]'i< Jfl r M '.it rnntivo. . >

Usually 5 1 1 to 10 6
Aflover Alencon

Twti mil ntnkt U$tfMl J li n I [iku lln?
eun utinvrj wiili lhi« hoftHtLfiil i = i ?? -
itlflimi it!i Willi. Hil inrti'-* sriilp; Ull-
Hh'ini kll owe* iJiMinii, vr J 1 1 1 l- . I'otri
cr l>niK<\ B/JJ 1n Ifl.'O. Kwr,

A. Us, yd, 1 11. Sate 1'3

Irij,* l 1 1 1- ri wiilr. A vwry. ?? CrjlrirrK (fatal
Le utfaf irltlto. i>j-«ltfr tir triftgi uli.iilr*.


B.Us.yd. 1/11, Sale f3

111 [nrliin WMo. &Wttf « tji-Sj-n .]„*,.,. .

/fj/fj « hi
Bci^e or owe?
(I ma/I} WfG,
Salt. 5/11 yii.

Imported Princess

easily worth their usual
price of 2 II, now only

I'll each

?? -v.. •???????> ..y

C.Us.yd.l 6. Sale J^lj

<)nt lucH Willi*, ie wjmitu or tn'l^.. . .
"» . i-.-ji' ,.*??..' i rrjT >??',.'

Us. 10 6 to 15 6

Special overseas purchase


fliriHtil -tiv.vrwHii pfriitifcin 1 IS 'mtih ??Mit(««ui til

n*L!f InOr fur l.Jnii«.-i1 eV'r*. tWnplnBtWB tic^U™ ,;i
Ifri^V fli'iT, pari-, liln.'I; nUitc dik'J I^ttni/gi'ry.

5'n to 10^

A hwiuitful qujitil* nrrtlitTini In it llml mih
«.)»ci ialli iiii}'orlr<l frtr 1 li i« inrr ?? , . .

US. ID '6
TO 15/6

It's time to start

You can make this
exciting jumper for


Vnu'J] Nimpty liiVVf |.n t»ln- itji ymir

kail nt. t'tirmnr's. ThU jun-[..T. f«r
ihBlJttuti. iUtle fro/ji ihrt


il Uliei onlj, D B-oa, Iinnlg. nl tf IT

L'lieL. . . NO ?? . flJf 'II" ;..!'?? l-i
?? ?? - -?? - — - - - - ^- ??- - — - ?? - ' -

Just look df tfrese
ih rilling newcomers


Kmk ntr* [m -i3l pud) l<> ailm-lKHl : A|t|?roxi

mliioty JO inihr- rakrod

"Tltta«" — lrtt««WHi|| *?? tlm
juiutr« ntCKnis. iv*. lijuik. V 1 1

'D;-ij)mn marvff^onM (nr Mi^rrts
2 ur iumlc, util/ S/jl

"MarrBlllns" aint liltl^

with knupL. ^ or. faiuk, 3/3

'Anyway* Yam' -??'^ n e I'.-M tviiru

"Army lloir Vlyi-lh-n rja*
effthyl, 1 »k.«'ih. rn*ii f l/il

"Aportn", n-i^n rd n l.v mjlt
nWf fuj •nil*, a-tl. luuuk. V. J1

"Fh*o»ont BohcIi" la* »Ic. l/S

Plaq Feng" sporty tid It
i5«. S-trtL Unnlc. At £11



Utuolly An nniiiEirjE R jpt- jnl pumliii^
MUfa tipflolng cill Ilu> flpiistm. I'!. I-
Juti tnnrlfl, iw«M-d nuihln inid himjI murk.


ir? J

1 lili^lttTiil ??tunlm at 1'htIk, IvHt,' 1 '. n»-ler mill
n.lntr- ilnmr fur hi ?? n < . , ,

Avullublr hi tndk of ihr four lovely .(•-•??jjut
you ??>*•*- J 1 1 1> Lr.nl rd. ......

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page461 3691


m* «®$\Complete Book-
^&*»n*k/ length Novel



• f'rt-t- >up/W«vur/i/ In
Shv illilrniitmU < l( m'n'i

/•-id' tti fflirunry /,

National Library of AihiiJlpa4iala.gov.au/nla.news-page4613692


tbi nrhUtMM woman wttiu.*




1 1- Wittsom R Latham ky
ou a winker nliajai- irum ue
ua IhtJ vurunduh of tils
country fount*. HiflaiMt,

and tm-L! r.il 11 in b>- !i=:tr(l
—a. jllil)t«ftujji' quite In
krepint witii u curtain siill-
fifll LJlurnrjltTbi-lo of !-i

wliLtih. nutte varly in hi*
career hud e*rnrd ffir htrn
IliL' rut iiuih-jrirprlaLr"
tohrlrtU-ft Df "Crooked


hieti l linked he. wm i> mon, honorable
nun), but ttic&me he wu powmipd of nn
uiicciuinion tfrgre? of eruJr,. of audacioua
End BflwimJiy amurlng tQyiuua, In bUAlitcJn
nnd out or tt— « ion of lupflr-prudt-uce
born of uncanny, itsoaLn ability to read
iiumnu nature

li pleased w.Wiim B Latham thla ime
< tnrn oofl to ;jii'h ;:ii to ttu j-i.v*' In ci]'t)iT
tiiBi tir might, rrum under thi- dmwii-diwn

rirri n! bJl hot. watch 111* Ltr Wtfrf'l mice
erigagrrj in a pftaLlmtf petulliii'Jy dt-.frr '.<i

that moM »4wacUv* >'»*h"k woman to *Lt
saaanif unri brt-ukinj ibr* heart or n youth
who** manifest ' decencies uppnired. to
Cruyked Bill. »uifJ K U;nt jmLiflndHiu Lit
m ?? -•- : r i ir Etxmi Uir yOUiflff Uulv in qunstlun
what hsir uuele rind [??umdj4.11 deiedbed na
"a whpiu lot of iPtuns alone."

Aiyiousu attached to thla Civet by the
bontLi ol mi uJIiT'-Hie rmivwhut nnm* than
rmtnruior and noniciTiiat tew fluu^ patcrufll.
Croaked Bill tt:L3 Uevrei I ln-Jrr.1. ratlrelj .1
of ijTtiimthr w:tii he? jw Uteri of extra'tftng
from life ?? drjcTM of imiTttT. and ninine-
rrn-ni nut Mary cr> milking it worth the
UwUifl. *UJ>eil her rfjguctry, so obvlou* Co
Hie ohl wwldltriB. but w ihoroujfhiy un-
rutipcuted by lie: vlotlm*. t&vvi failed It)
tUlllnte hi* of :tw Tldhiuhjqri safety
Melcjrn brlum! a wmirti ut pamnun -. , ci ?? i-
:llu t|h uu aperture Jji which M caitM we
ttiL yguruj i«^Ec without belrtK wen
preteiic? of nli>ap bfinj merely an addl

TiU mp:to -jurir.y t*st"i. Omcttatl BIB
c<Uniated tlw titration and found Jt tiol
to hi* Ulem*-

WJth the Rntmnry ru|i or younff uwile-
Tiicii Thu tuiri tiimr vralj- he*rCB flt lKa tart
Of Mui» RutKrta Anli-Jm. bj*uH?d »L1L Jmd
til tip lyrajsLby tnij Vvu putleiic-- Hh wiu
r'-'f Ijim npiuicn that I'm- ri^lpr. of \hc\r
liAflbporr.il trtir Eohivlj. ciu not ft trti„-edA
Utai -**l*l-Br viry hwtvtly t thetn wry
Jnrig Tlir majority of tlusm van hj?-fl(rt=,
nmunitig thflnuieiwii with RuutrtB a* rmt-
rapviiily unwht amurfrd hfirwll wllh them,
"r "i*- ft*nkH otcriwteci lo ficr ??» « moth
b LLtlrar'tid lo » cindk flan*' And at
course, wltrrt the coJiaTli la rxtlnjfiil*hrd
the nsfltll (StSti "Way, unless, indued, hr
ulrwitlv founihl> ^niRioJatfa hltnsrli. Up
to tlifl qrfip*r.t nop* ol Roberta'* re»erf*
hftd ocnLUiHtotI MilaUJo. mtlioayh no lentir
than ftAjr hut} \u«-itl to dc & CVauk^J
BHi riiii!'. i.n.f, ii kiwpinicil too ;hflt

tn fttlrUtion to- Ftolwrta'u umioubtnri eruuic .
the rant t-5*t alto wur !:ts hctr wiu tiol i
iioEli5ih> ultrantkm to her oonUiuotLi anrt
nhilLUic LtuifLiroflLv

Tn the oojir* jf the y* uti^ HenOrm<in who
fat wt'.ii ftober -i •??•-j vfyi stfflu- "hiiii-cK audcr
tin* ????In-, nt She rinl ol i>ir (ffti'dPn Ui llif
wfr. flui£]iii"V tivir.Rht, Croaked BI31 OQrUld
find riu fKteniLiUnir cSi'cum^tmicM t-o

Rddure u to why Hobrrtp *hcuild not hi
??:it*ivic*.i-d of LiLUjtLilnrj cru«l iuid unumu^
[lunlflhiunni Olrnn Hocltt'tt. *•* befftn *illi.
wiu of irood funiily when* tji'ujn* unl
ttiimry , in rvidonue for Ihivc ni![« , intiuu*j
hftd ahrayx qihji uaed wUiely. He *n* nut
lui folLir-pdVerTUrini-iit tyj»o of mm:; oil
ih* eontrtjy he wun rutht/ LoU, ItxAt-
jointed and &nRuTar. with ft plain. h<Jti«t
Inn Ukc a kind now Tin w«t upt to be
r(iu*idcd fti dowjirtKht botnely until he
inrillfld- wttfti one Jopkoi hi! uiiutintiw r»r
mtoni, lor chut *mliV tn^wnwi him with
n ensutar zuanlv cnarits Otir Tuntitl hi:n
UM fAcJitvely; tdi cptiiiU dry, Yont?* wrt.
never Clflilmwfi wt lirtrif ftcdUaitmnuT
Hlwuyi trwft.' ous dwiroufl Of mWhyj; tnu
ftjaUi. i<e «u tblrty i'eir"* old. ft lnwjw
aiift a rsuoii ur»n whit'-h Ut to say Hint
CroolcEd Bil! ilndly paid him u iiitw annuo)
rrtolxier- Thr old niaft'a hiifhuflt cumpH-
jasnt for Olttm HnnJirtt <rtU Uuit he hid
iiocr fteiu-c. Mid Wju th* ofJy nikA l*j Itnrw
wl.ii upp'-ari-d tti ti- ha r inn.ll) ROd "in -
tortBbi*' oj r-n old ihw and ,',\ t. v aim'i

Ouaked B:ll Ktiihrd te mtuu; ttuvr been
pi ivMrasd ia hfur whftt Olrnu itftclofltt nnri
Eattaift were pay.nu Konvn. lie vm a
feiuly ftecurvte renarr ol fMTtmi, fadftl «-
pre.i.nQ r. and nuttn, to 1 ir i'm lit.iirtii thJl
Huckett fu pnipaflln(t cntrrlftjn to bin


"'B'U b-4 like btf to htfUfffl hitn tH dn-
ctded. "uud litoi til* cn«y j-ral man fVL 1 rvtFr
seen Oh the premtoev- Hhv nn «niiU laJ^
ond ioc'itiy chnttirr, bu: o RO'iii intonpr and
ti niuriitcr of irofdi nt>rth -into n r hrn hL-
hcut MitnnhJni to «*y Ami tur utn:e in ld>

llf" h-"J d'lint .11 Lh« teikiTiF ThjU Rolmrln
dtDM tile UsttrnJn^. I know Uml luoak. ud.

T ;ui.["£.| lr-!ui at ..L't \]£\iC vh.le she tucu
til. hit har.dli eroldof. and era-* to appear
*uL'pL*l*ed. Srtf muse huvc Admlrnl.lnn frum
men or lift Is n d(?liMton and a inwri Ami
ritw the i fitted o;v a -Hrrflin Lluit'r* hotir.d
ic buiik-ftrr (itr Itnf. or I'm no judte of
mDit. HfiUo. be'i tftlielni loo much' Hc*»
rfettliif tippreuivr . ehe'p finding Uifl
KOlJLif nnt 1'P br;r IHelnu—oh, I ".hnught «i'


(lis hitl brim down over his ow: Lhi'n
hr rolled bl» licnd Ui ot)f« nldtr. opfnfid
hi* mouth a IlL'.lr. and corrunflnctuJ
la breftihe In toaf- even ie*t*4rjt-
bloju Hp hetird thr r^pjd pni'i-: 1 1
Hutu-rids JfttJ* foet eomJDff up tiie rhifnt^n
Wftlk. ftlmrMt futt the rwlMl nf her ad 'ihe
psend him u-.d entered tho hourre. In
utauut JIfp nilnut'fl he- henrd thr rtnn,
^cbsurply tmUOj of QUnn Hanltrl.t fnlln<w^nR.
uill! ir$M u*(U'f. pr&mtnUy. itut the youug
xruin hftd Jtal. dovn In a rlmlr uvrudf lum .
5u hr pffetundtd to tlifp cm for five minute 1 ;.
Q-.fxi hit rrtlrred uneasily, pritted hln Leeifi,
,iitfhi*d (ipeneil hln ryeg, Inokid rnrulgiit
Lho.itj of htm ti tit? ptiwlor vine nnd
ytwnod plflDAuxntilv

"Well, now tliot you havrn't hod yenir
fciTty vlnluV Hnakm cilwvn-eril oulfcily.
"whu-t'a your .ipinion m to who; raj next
rnoTB ihmiid be?"

"t new-r eni'ed for rtldieju" Crooked. Hilt
protwtud virtuoufcJy.

"Tvr JiiBt jlltPd Ilob^'Tfl! , '

Croohrd Dill ftftt up with the tOvuptarJ*
of a Jfidt-lfi-thr-lKK. viltidi. in nil toirneM.
tU rearmbiiM nut o HtUf, "Shoot mu for n
hcrw*tW«lt" he ejaculniea. with that fft-
pruakju uoirveyuif to ilarftisti, lutd Uwl

jtiaritf man not UUen *m*fttiy awitrr ot tn--
Joitfiirr'i ftnUi^drmm. the Inform ttluu thut
old WUlinm h:* voim ; pmeinct had not
Blwftya ber.it rjt»hb<i FVrry. U'pMciiealer
County, jirw York tt ftldKd und ipcttotl
r.h- f-hnr"- niniir h- Ml Jm*- thut ontie upon
« Unie crooltcd Bill hud beau a non of Vftnl
iuai'lMiui. Bh-ea the tmiiti«rwijil fro' who,
in [hum- dftvi of morion ptciureo. rnL«lit
full to hrm> hern Imoj'HEed by that hat
creek -d 8.11 n Mft. p:iuble Inther boot»
with hii irtiuier Iwi dravn wbt th«m.
pntikv Dlotiuentlv of ?? land! fmr hc=yond the
P:.:. ????: :m ir:- JiTRe\ -ihnrt. "Mnyrd Ir^:

and loow with you. ttt boy?"
"No. Ju« tried to."

kJo you threw the dally
ii'. -i yi'Jiir iKiiniiiL'l and jrvp htT (hr bust
eh? Thr»e chraps for our ilea."

"Chew to your hanrt'i OttMCUt, Thu.
Iiour divli Liu't dyitiB-" 01«n Haefce:!
r-'Li)rt.;d ioyttdely.

Orookvd Bui looked eauslnmly imtuad
to inftJte tr^Haiil Um di>nr from ih<- vertanrtrih
to the Uvina-rroni was cloud. Tor U vat
uatUrioc wir.fi him niw to mats % morr
unit] ail th» crmdJtwm we«t prtipJtldus 1
hadn't aijy idea you two werp at^aptcl

-We wftrtn't alehouirh I think «* wmid
have been If 1 bad been fool «ticm(h fx>
in/iliit, Hubby Uk» me imnendraily I'm
Kure of that.

"She's b«rn t>apoctlcnj mfi to propoiir for
a tucrnth, tind Jun ?? Uttle whllD ftfO I v.-.t.
:<-.<; Ninu#n dq u aiii- luoitnd inftr-
drtlly propcMsb^ tu-dajr. And'wlule I v\*
iMifrr 11 I luoked ut Iter suuidlly. and noted
r,h> tnumphaut ilibt In her eye*, and a
htUe ^ir-milLined smll<j rn her lovuly lip*,
aamothhiir to)d me she wsb preparUii; the
akld: for mo-—"

"She waii undoubtedly, I watehi'd Eba
t-ntlrn peff^iiuiiiiice !iom here I know
the alfiiu. Hacfcf.t,"

"So. tin MOiier hud I p<ipi*ed the quwllim
and no Kroner had the eonrAencod to
assure me that ahe hadn't miuolely aua-
panutd thU ttianhmmt, than Z uatarrupted
her and withdraw my propoalilan. I
bp«„«-;! tie: riiliii more ubom


OrnokPd Bill wu ateeped in mrtrmnnl


"Thar {-ot her ulaalii« mud;* Fftcke'.t

It would ruiifBr a Bhoep." - Croattd Bill
mf-L-ed. K, Rob«rta'ii mighty hluh and
hanrianme to her Itlvna "

"I told hrr t: had suddenly ocr-j rr^d to
nin tJirit Jds? eoula ncvnt panslbly eonaldtfr
iiiBxryhtE a lawyer who grubbed for tt Uv-
Ihr ba the heart of BftW York's ftnanrjirt-l
qunrier. 1 told hnr I wui (julle uortaua
tnut what sUr- «u seeking wtu u kalsht-
ernoit. and 1 warent It. I tok) her I d M
th? last nun in the world to akcrver liuunlt
oit n upi-ar. like kidircyj nn btuelirtt-}, fox
hip rdd(€ ol a lody'fl smlbj. I tald iiej I
hurl AUddunly miulr* up my mind Uiut H
whs all a lildtfiuii inWako. and— but ihott
tar us I ku\ "

H filij' up and Ml you then, ton? She
wsj rryintt an rbe plfieed mi>. I didn't
see hsr. but my hwarltuja right good tur
my roatB. Continun io play your cnrda
like that, and ihe't) voiim wltt'ioul a Iltrker.

National Library of /^^a / rhia.gov.au/nla.news-page4613693




:ircn m *tuHe lot V Ikktil'.
got to b* Uetotl rinrl
rloa; if I ovarplarrd TOT

"What if toi dtdJ So. diibii n.v«
e*ffn u dhty tsttlo d«:c* to trump your ocr
did ??luF"

1 lujuwtl I >imt i«i her."

**YdU >rr--J trr ctmcrti. that'* lahfll yoil
did. Thf daim u r wntuen luwr a tot rV
that commudlly. ^n. only the? colt it
??onmnly prldr Ho»»v*r. Ilityll all
ImmlUal* thmvltrt !o rla Uw rlelit tnao
You juat kano 00 jiillm' yam hcujj thr wny
ymiTt lU.'irt anil youll "no lb a calk •

"I'm t ultto bit lire Id to carry on, Mr.
LaUiaoi Shr play* tut atul knar a*ltB
a wan Doom ttppnor to tut vp * vrry
aril-formulated Idea tiia: a rtuu la ar.y
tnl£« cxccix an ctilria nf amuarmiml — anil
I'm oo Jeter lo a uunm. stir * a cod-
Qmurc fUrt *

"They rnoJto awful food irtvea one* vnu

ItBllet-brnLI tm. ' Crqqtpil Hill mggMtttt

•Mow do you knar*"


MARRIED ooe--nijd
•tie vu thai (JLtl'i auDt Roberta
ecmM by her mltfurtune honeatly
All the Djrrowa women wart ro-
DuutLtc Is iiu'i. Hobmi'i mother nn
iwy with an end man in a rniriaire] ihow.
HiV udorrd Uir Jokea Uini buy uaed to
crack until he cmcteo one on her by
mafrjUig htr. 9hr dldh'T get "back at hten
(or two yean bu.\ when afar did Ih* l*trffti
wu on him Sh"* ixn-f htm Roberta, arxJ
rroni that day until hp clJrii Roberta ran
nhn ragged and rruu* thr poor devil [Ike H
Hit wu a rnod rod man. but o pclar judge
Ad Invextrnnntt. and when he and hla wife
were kilted in ?? train wwt ray ??air? ami
I tell heir l© Roberta. Kh* waa elcvro
thro Mr wtia dkd Mm yeara at", and
been rldiiif herd on RcCjpiUi ever

"1 fear you've mart* a bad Job of ft, Mr.

"Wall yen I can't bar mr for tryln'."
Crt>&kf>d Bill rn»i*lTirfW caUn'O" "Thf
Jiftr l" ??Oimd heart, but curard with a
face ind fliturt thal'd m»ke Ifelefi of Trt»v
look llkr a Kavajn iquaw In eomtxiriAOii
Sh* baj liraiiia Hhe tnu (jotiw "

"Not any utore," Ottmn rHukt^t UiFw-
mptrd fiutatiUy ISm Jml uaa«t Jier

Crirjkrd B*U mdultrrd htnis?lf Ln a vpry
tnmhiul uulc chrcckfc at any

rata, sia'i a \«*ry fiuod. tiear. meet gjrl,~
hr dafnulrd BruiUy

"She- can't fljrt wtih rnr She wuniin
to be poraucd. I'm u bub; man, untl I've
tmnu gd hor for a y^ar. nod you know. Mr
[jiiluun. as well aa I d», that whmtrter
aha has anuthi-r wvam QQ 'i-J": ilwnps
d«vocci Iwrarir to h.m and lannrRa rna.**

Crooked mil vrroked hJa chin "Tell ymi
whot Ttni rja. tcra.'' hp ann-nulicrid prttdnlty.
and Ohn HockeLt leaned forward to listen
To lite word* OI wtAiWim frum the nracLe
"??."j rtA7 for dinner. Just as it nOLhinr out
of the ordLuafy liad ??x^uiTflil RAoerta'll

u.r.r tfi hiir mom if ihf tiAJ! lr,y appctlTr
at all, whlL'h I doubt because Uw maLd'U
teU lipr yENi're still tien. ind* she'll ihmk
limta mdtKcnt of you. Let her thUik
a Continue to come out uninvitet] mtd
unerprrTJ'tl wnenrver the ntrtinri grtpn yenj.
and when aha gtvca you the dead fnoe yau
grin at Her ILI^ ?? CUirra? idet and tail iw
how wuiJBOBi'; ihr loniui in trial nitw dfEM
Aj the poet aftjni
Tiie conatant dnp at water.

Wears aaay Ihe hardeat atimii
Ttie eoriotant at Truwr.

KUUlcH'ea the loughest bono.
The ruuxuurt wooiriit lover.

Carrif t»tl i.L[? bbaajiiOf maic.
And the eottvUnt advprtlrer

Im Uie one that frets the trade
ConiinuB to advertlaa yourself, an .

Pauelnc not an inaUnt In her
pn-ctpuaie fli^hi Em Lrw mciftt
amiiUia; *nd tmnoasthii- nifl.p biped »hr
luid ever encounteml. FhJsrrU An'. rim tied
to her room, locknd the tiucr, arud La> doa'n
on her bed and indulged hvneli for ten
mtnutea in trur. delight or h*r #??* irua-
tODjailJy Known ut a food cry

"The wretch. 1 " alte aolUoqulird. "The
odirnu boorr He had tlw effrontery to
talk to me Kxoc-l.y aa if 1 were a refractory
-i;*r.i. tn tie in: of tlwi ftii had hnd out
it moment before asiured he Lov«i to
cliunictton Oh. dear. wha. hrimtHatiiMi 1
I hate him. [ hale hlru. t hate him 111
never niwak to hun aguin as loivs ** I (|#t*

When a woman haa count to thai con-
clujlnn, finite unaaily bUl ftndJ n Ume to
r*a* vain repining and weeiitnir latn lntr
Littlnme-d eyea wllii duiul- taoothini lotion,
nod poisder her nose. 6o preaetitly
Roberta did all Of their tfalnga. mid while
dattttf Uiem appraised heraelf very criti-
cally tn her mirror M bottom ah* wu
much too wncilFfjWiLe \a entartain a cheap
ranlty. no the did not waste lime in nn
piteadrd lmrutory. Slie knew the had
e medliim-aiard. vvU-ihapjed lie&d ccirvrerl
with the mr. of golden -tinted aiioam hair
wtilch bj many wofiinn attompt. hut which
few achieve Catty chin of urn said of
Roborta'n hair that tt abamtcal analyxu
would oVvelop i truce of henna in li-
mit tnis waa not trup. and even her dr>
traxUmi knew It si;- had the «ort at
neh. cream? *-: ' that s ??•* ?? with uteh
liah; tifii tyrhrr>w» and eyetaehea were
carkeT truin net tDlr, their ItLrurlance loii-
ctftnc a hint or Celtic Wood

Her eye*, lartje, brown and a utile nlcejjjr.
rnvlnff to hay acqulmi trick of gnnng ??n
at men from undnr ttie Udn. were 1lv.i1
Ipt •etttnu the reuun of an tmpr*MJonahlr
rnale tottennR on iti thrcnp Her noae
bad lust escaped butrri uiubby. nnd wai
tlLted at so ijrntle ah fli-ifd- aa to caafer
upon he? a la.tnt.ly haughty eapreeaion
a hen tier faee wan In repose Htve bad a
ilioet. beauutullj- cuttmI upper lip—
a'hich adorahie maifarmmidn i^ermiitnd
much too easy a display Of even, lmrd,
atntc (^.h Hrr lnw-r H[* wai full, tender
ai'id Jiu.t a ftharle wilful RfAerurE »a»
no j ad, nciitle rf^ttjned. vIm Monn Lis^j
??mile: it reminded one ni tlit ffiuh oi n
hrltociu,ih rier chtn wai Tull and ..kv -??•
her body Drauttfully limutul. tithe
at a »t*» and •osa^tive ny aooundms
health and much uurdoar fixerclHe.

'E^FITE Her abnwt
Btartluifc- beauty quo recOiied roatlnc-
tiraly ihut Roberts wu not i nentt-
mcnully sneakUia' a rJInglruE vine
One felt, lod. that ahe had a healthy
temper despite her perennial oood ruturr
ami hf*r mEcirancf ioi her uwn sex
a miitler of lshi Rnoorta did po«rfis a
temper reiHlU> arouacd, but ahe had the
Bavins aTncc of refualng to admit It. ft
ceot under "tU-Rordln-wy chTiiiiistanns A

ceTLalo ruujnev. n ^Ltie*. n-fh of the Ijtuwii
eye*. ?? more mstjuuloua gracluusneiw an
lnflrillealirial lift of the tlrm e.htn *-_rr
the atgua r.lutl Crooaud etiU hud learner)
to aaaorlate r-lth aqualli from that quarter
and for her repfeaaJon hr lovpd har d<flJly
He, knowing the blood tl.at waa In her
t,hs ttw only hitman beloa who kow alao
how difficult It wrji fcr Roberta, lindct
nrtaa to rrfnirn from burtlmi borjta mid
tratTlllns-elockal Al*o. because nr bad
i.rceat to tneae private fotinia nf trtfornm-

turn ajjtl undprotulrdLiig. thr old ruscal
kn-pw- how ehart-lltod exaBpvmUun waa u;
trtat Jauniy. aauey. lovable aoul.

Aptrralfllnjr herself tn hex mirror rkow
Ruberta twined hrr lovely head and rocked
It at Tartoua aragjCB No. decidedly her
neck waa not acrawny nor wu tvnt akin
luLUio or dull She waa looaDxifl/ anil bal-
ing htr beat, mentally and phj'tlcalJy. and

ih-» knew that the Hint, green KWilM
crepe dreai, iiw tiudn *tockiiapi ami giwn
auedo pum^ia with the plain cuu»U«el
buckle art her off to additional auhrulllafre.
In I he stilted langtmga of the American
fnahloti' writer, they couatluited tlte dcmi*r
cri at perfect taate, fur Roberta wo* on a
ol thfnc womrn in whom a cianh of rolur.i
wu imjvjothlif She reflected wUh a anrt
of nwert btttemcaE that ?she had dreaaed
that afternoon with an ryr uncle to hn-
plri«1r]? herself upon the cool, tfJUKiy tm-
prntnauil glanre of Glen Hajckett. It t
were a girl who wore diamfindi 10 il>e
breakfaal HiWp," she toid hnr rrfJerUi/n,
-tnere might ha^w beao acme erauje for
hii tmucbe trondurt One moment hr had
prupoaed and the next tie wna wLtiidrnw.rta;
tlv- pTopoaol 1 wouldnt have accepted
hUn on a bet, nior aa ha la and comfort-
able, aa he la to hare around, but he might
have given me an opportunity to awy aof
He waa terrible.! He gave ma the unprea-
alon tlut. lu mit rvwulimi nitNttetiit. be
hud seen acmirLhiru? Ln tni* rtuit revolted
him and I'm not rrvoEtlrut, I m not. I'm
itr* — "


'SCF, more the gn ra
my to te3ra. but nofi for nU
WOk Roberta teara werr a algn
d| weakbRB. the w<apona of the
tyrannoua. the firat rrfuce of an unrallant
and itriapoTiJirriRnllke woman, although
•h*D haf rtneitiota wer? drtidv fttrrtJil as
by k*rtel or phy. ahe enjoyed wreruajr She
tuttuniaetl hinnnn-lnteText or heart-throb
niayi rinrt Bvmided nrnfound bnoki wrlU^n
with an ohrt<»i5.y urentiT cvntrni for atyl*
'??hM i vututnnre. Itutiiwtively itte wonted
to net her tn-tn into Ufr; at teaat that
in how Crooked Bill nxjireswd It. and ha
had a peculiar gift fur apt and (Elumtnattua;

She dried her tenfa nnrJ apnllrd Uid
powder nuy again- And then the rrw)
rrasori for tier charm — the reaaon men
adored hnr and made love to ber — pre--
??ented itaeii. Hiibeita w»j a rood sport
-none better— and hated a quitter with
all thr atrrmr.ll 01 lire vita). InUHlflemt
aoul She niack- a UUW gthnwr at oct-

"Welt. Bobby Antrim, yoo loot a man"*-
aljte beating, didn't you.* You're of i> plecQ
with 'he fellow wllo wcsJ hunting pro-
mudn? to brtnR a bear back tutu canip.
And ne did— with the: bear hjut ahr feat
behind htm' Wei], that Harkett Unbeclu*
iso t dull, at any rati, 1 And did I •tart
»cmetniiui nana I— all about never hit virus
«uBpected hit ii'.uchroantf t ieet It all
vr-ry clearly no* Riqht there 3im|o Bnbby
went blob! Yea. that *a» a *«ur note —
nnd he has an ear for rnuiio That man-
nniina! h'ui 9«me pride- anil 1 had thought
they all had ego J"

atie aai down tn a tow rooter to tfunfc
It over wry carefully. Aa uauau, tier
rn6*!ntnierjl and rase w«r tlL«i|'U"ariri^ Ht
Che double; lho waa only sentlble nr/w at
a ferUrut of humlilallon, xwi bo mucb be-
ramae of what Qlttn ttaxkeU bad laid
tod done aa bTruuar she had failed so
raLaerably Ln (emtmne adrotenrja lu meet
nn i.'alrncjrduiiurr utuatutrj In o way of
apeaktrts he had drm.illohrd her; bara—
lyted ber powers of iniUaUre and uivenljue-
naaa and lerft her heiptnsa to tie fetid mir-
aelf ; ground hrr to a pulpl

91ic d"t'1d(n1 tun* '.likt h'.r. unuyjalti^ra.
i: romps red wrth cite average run of men.
wax wlut hnd ohnlletitfed hnr interest and
alteittlon. for, of cuune. ttn* eoaW nbw
aflurri :o admit pjttat to herayjf. thai. Jio
had Hrtiuard every drop til ijjortma; blootl
in hrrr sporty tlule body fiu. fact that
he had been Indifferent, scatirneTitally
leiborem — a bit doll, In fact— tiad cututti-
Tulori a chii!k>ngi' tn hfT. and tiir bud jP-
irolved to democuilj'ate (o hint 1 hat he ?? .i
not. nor by any pcieaJotUty evtrr omld oe.
wlwre ahe wai concerned the enptdiii at
bia aoul, Lhf master oi his fatal

National Library of AbHpra7htia.gov.au/nla.news-page4613694



And he hntl proved to her what a monu-
nji'iiial rnilure she had turned out to he
m mi art whir*, to uuote Crookpd BUI
Djruin, alte won supposed to he one hundred
and fifty per cent- perfcclf

GiiiiHi nlv Roberta bi'tfan to laugh. Such
u uvutY, Ktt try. meUow little laugh it
wtu. "Think* ha* nmn a great victory, H
??Ji* drcyj'.'d. "Well Ilk* John Paul Jones,
I have nor yet bejrun to fight- I'll bring
that unusual man Lo hLn knees, and warn
I twn lUm Uwrr ril-awll I'll not do any -
:r.:ix m unladylike m to nut inj foot in
hU lice, but I'll laugh n t him! I swp*r
1 will I'U laugh ?? .if loud!"

X HERE la always a
reeling cl comfort whim one tiu
ti run to a declaim) after wrvi-rjiiu:
with u knotty problem, Roburta
hint hor poj«o back again: she fall
-attain Umt »tw w*» ready to eortuuer WW
*WWj and make illem Ilka it. So ,}u-
went Into h«r eitthia- rnom and optmed
Die door leading tttO Uki ball and Lhr
window that (WT-rlooimJ th^ verandah.
Then ah* £at down ot her tittle pouanir
BMir.d piano ajid played loudly "I Don't
Ovrr If Vim Kevcr Come Back." When aho
linu fluiptrr-d that, ami wu trying to think
??hi another mu-inml truuilt, somebody mm-
mimced whittling "In the Girxmiing" from
the verandah. The word* of the first
v --?? run through Roberta's brain:

In the gloaming, oh, my diiriing,

Think not bitterly of me,
Though I paawd. away In ollimeA,
Left you lonely, art yuu fret
"He'd a bit p! a, don." ttiuughc Hoburlu
tranriuilly. Thru uht- rrmrmtvTi-nl l.to aity
ol hit With. Which he hwi Jong tincr left,
*> she buugrd out funouLty: "Buck. Back,
Bnrk To HnlUmurot' 4 Whojoupon Mr.
Hiu-Eptt went back, but not Baltimore. He
wi-iii buck tci the days ot sickly, senti-
mental ballads, and Roberta heard him
??lnr. or father cbant, for the man vu

"She whb happy till ilie infL you.

Ami the mult Is nil your own,
51 ihr; wtnhea tu forgpt ytw.
You will tjlcaae Imvw hrr aluoC "
ttotxvrta. utiuik tifr red lumd out erf tiui
window. "Heyi 11*71" Aha i-jsiled. "Vf^ta
amy I"

Your niinluv; !?; sceepUKL" Olnui
HiiL'ti'ii culled up to her, without dJiowluj;


"ic* u umbir tiuoi to n«TP to h»tc *

humnn t«ung ao," Bobcrta drridrd and
cluesd thtf window Thtui tkho went down-
auiira and lound Gti^tm Hntttnnt and
Crt-iioi! BUI In th* Ubi'ury.

"Let 'a he food frictidi. Qlcrni." iht eaid
Sn her mcst Inerntlciiinpr ui-id fa.>f-lnatiiifir
niknnpT "You mp n Iritelllecnt dim out
helti beltuj atcrwcLpd to you, and itnuAlly
you're vtury nire. Really, if your bunk
nt'Ount juitmld nvcr be urou??ht to tha anur
mid VellttW teal' you should wl ti|i u u
Zcunni'-idlrr nod mlnd-rtJudK - "

-T thought I had nuti youn cWMtly.
X »re ntiw 1 did not."

"indcwi, yon did. Yrm'ni mirrv+llDLJi.'"

"You'll marry me wrwn I pet ready to
rr..-rry jnni." he nhnrgp?d nntlauly.

"Why. you telt Jokfl.t, don't fole? -

"llmri" crixfltrd BUI nk* thai thn \mw
troa fnr ti<m\ etolfyinjt. "Nu mori? of
the* itjwfu' quiurcla. Roborta. Git? tin la
RtnjinK fnr clinurr. Ytiu'H inUi ua of
c^urae. heney?"

"Why, certainly. Duclc Blfi Hour dclltht-
luf. CEkniti"

Any rami who thrnka he, can ouTnnw-
a woinuii ta a foul, and Rii4dc<aly Cllcnn
Hackrtr. r-nUr-na hn -wrin nil nf that Sunn
CMUaatlona n:» r nrp disturb a umnly toun.
"If I rsjiiaiii Ivr dJnnar. Mr Utham. I
f«nr I'll not h* Me 16 do Justice to Jottr
oxceilent cuMnr, Thurefon?. with your
pfrtnisticih, Sobby. nnt.1 yours, sir, I'd lit**
U motor bar* to town.**

OrbciaFd BUI wu iipflet He had utnG^d
bit. nunify, m to apryje. on y&uhg Hac^tt.

nnd now tlie lnffrnle was runnuug out on
him, Tn anpIOf u co]t«ruljiUJan, Ht wan
prejjnrud Lo eni£r a vigoroiu pratcxt, nut
Urn muid, ??!:*??-:-». with a teli'ifraJu.
mudcrrd that In-.iMiuLJtilf.
"A telotftam (or yon, Mlw Hohortal"
"Thanfc*. Jitnna. May I?" With hti-
lifted browa to her uncle and h\a yj-'-^i .
.*.tu* comintioctid co tvnr th* enfHope.

"She 'i vary poUtf. no m&itter whst her
olhe: faults may be," Haekctt HlfltftW M
Crootaod aill. Ruborta. limortd him and
rtad idoun:

"Loi Algodcmfa. Tcxaa.
•• 21. yj-n.
"Hlaa Rntert.a AnT.rnn. Hlllcreat,
DoDba Ffrrj-, N.Y.
"Your Uncle Tfiti had an uiruintn: with a
cowman ytatcrdB? Thfn? wllJ b* a luneraJ
to-morrow, I got your odd.iT** by tJ^akiDfl
Uncle Tom, on whuae prraon I fourui your
Icttar to him of the ntcmirj Iniiiant. if ytiu
inaut 1 will acrid blm to you tharpae pre-
paid. HoweHT, If you will lake the advice
ol a wttt-uatiifiLlnrjtd tlrnuflpf. yuu will pr-"-
mlt htm to await ttw trtu-np fesutrufltlini
In the land his aliccp maoe fallow. If ytiu
have any Intercut In tua aaban- J mipit'Jt
ycru tflko fltops Co protect it. If tinabit to
do ihla Immediately, wtro me aulhcwtty and
I will tnke eharwe of it Must utiuaUy J am
hon«at. Reffitnc*, Fcderul Trat company.

, U-L l^XHAiTS Vtnee

waa ihe first tr> break tlie ail«uoe when
Roberta had finished ruariin* thU rtmudc-
ablr? eommurjloatlim. Tt'a ttun. There'a
a. Prcrvtdciioe that markk i apantrw^ fall
—and your TJnrle Tom wo.i a bird."

"WftlL now llia.t hu'a dend. 0ncl« Bill, yuu
mLKht be chiu-uabu) and apeak Idndly of
him At least he wm my last of klo."
mU RObeEta.

"AH rinht. honey. I'll not say anuUvcr

Gl?ns !l:i: ???? ihcuj^Ti Hi* altuDtiou,
while a hit clouLied, Atsnrwd \ha nutomary
ooiuldvrmUan. 'Tn vury acrry, Roburta,"
tur nid,

"TliaL'fl kind at yuu. OIqul I nrrrur know
Uncle Tom- Re wftcnt a very lavabh'
fharnel4:r, I'm afraid."

"He wu a turkey tooaarl/" Crwikod Bill
dcclarrxl with finality. "Hobctta's pattirntil
Uncla," he went on to taulain lor tht
twmofit of Haekctt. '-nifti* was attmnihing
uimtnbk 1 nboul the whole Antrim tnbe.
Si'..-;.- r;.-.' j :•??!.-- went In for tha nigscT
mtnatrels and Tom took to ralalng nhtup.
1 rurJeon the old bandit must have beta
worth c<mJ"JntEirntilr\ nnd '.n rtir ar I knov/.
Itoberu. your* his ocit-of-kitL so It
ltMikx v. t! ybj'r* is UiK £hi:fp tjuditeas In
TeKa#, f '

RrJhprU read thr letter aRaln. "Judging
bp the name of the sendar of Ihii (cjegrmm,
Jnlme USaue] RljruenDs. u would appear
that TeJfiu buacu at lean: rmo very- In-
tclligntit, very rj]otujh'_ri:l. )my Irani, and
very humwvus Mrxicun H: wrrmiaaw him-
??:-elc Ilka an e duciited Am^nraii. VwM- B1U,
you apu'ut a groat many yenra doUTi Lherc.
rx> you happen to know tha Huju£sa»

Crooltad Blll'a face had worn hL< ntoal
€ratty amlle while Roberta wax speaking,
but u'jw It wua blank and i-xprftssJunlemB.
^It'a h«n twenty-five yfjRr* aim* I operated
In Twsaa, Hoberta, HlRuenej F Kiffiraiear J
eiin"i Aeem to remombw anybody by Lkai
uiune "

??71 would anpoar; 1 Rotwrta decided
presently, "that I haw nrcd to ciibnuh a
lawyer lo Invtatlgate UncJe Toma male,"

(vrrutauuiT to
txe atatluujjiN naam i wrcamxT

Slic itlancrd with frank totcrwt and ap-
(irovaJ ai Haekett

"Certainly. Ot oounte* Crookad Hill
n,STf«t. and thtiujtht mOie kindly ot fjjwlr
Tom for having pcovid?-d an iippajiuriiiv
jur theai: iwo Jju foreft tlvelr recent differ-
ence* and be fueudiy aviuin In Uie uaiue of
fciusiXiw. "Hflckitt is t.bfl irry mon."

"Hixkrli Un't," that harajjL'Ll p<:r>oti de-
riawd a'lth Quality. ??'Jauilfi MXguei Ultfuiuiw
Id. Hint man U hniiKt nnd fewitm. I aua
tell that much from hie telt'grain. JUau hr
pita tiank refErcnflCB. If you draurc. Mr-
Lttltmrn. I ."Jiali iciegTapli Uie bank be
??aenttotin " Ho mftdo Rohsrta. a Bil«ht.
lirprecAtary b&w. "I am venturing to pce-
flumr 1 that you are sftiisg to entrust youi
Uncle bui with the dotnlta of thit caar. it
ifoiitd U> mnftj.'ijnE ant ^ annoying to you to
liavo to attend to It personally "

"Certainly, Oltmn. Uhclc BUI la the
natnral and Lnerllabl* bearer of all ray

-If the hank* reply would mvoi to )n-
rfirata the advisability of reuuflatnui
Hiauwr to take orntfcr of your Onole
Turn's eotute for tho prf«nr, cany I tend-
him ul teLegram, rd(jnluj( your name, nnd
trquesUug him to do *o r Hcrberta?"

Just" then the budw pntcrcd to announce

"Better rerirwiaidrr ymir decleJon, and
break bread with ue r H Crooked Bill urjred
their ffuriai

"Yea. do." Roberta pTIiflnfJ

"Thank you, I think I shall noi," Tirn
to the huuer.

"Hump, wtU ycy be yo^d ennuitlt u> gel
my lutt and coat and tclepiiwm the garage
tor my oar?"

\\~h i~ Otefi Harkett'i car had tolled
away down the driveway. Crooked Bill
lumed Lit hi* word "Round two for little
Height -eyea. I'm placing my money On
ths rod."

"Who." thn bu-j dt-niuiidi-d firmly. "In
Jaime MJyi.*-; JlLHumra?"

T don't know, honey. i con only au»-
poct, and «ijr.e day IT! Y«rlfy my euipiclonj
and Ml you."

??"Plana* tall me your iiuniiicfom eqw
there't. a clear, " and notrfrta aiiUk*d luir
mokt coaxlnp smile and put her arms
aruimcl Crooked Bin'* neck.

"Ah." he niurmured, "a man can
?? uJorui under a -u- :<ci\. but U

driven a woman craay. A mocient ago ynu
Slated 1 adore twine myatcrioua. Honey,
Tm on old man with only you, and my tore
u! appearing myitorloua making ii( u worth
th£ Jiving, ao m not tell you what I jub-
pect and you arc perfectly pownrltn to drag
it out ut me. MOrwrt-r, yim'rr tr'.-ntiM
that boj- ocandidoitniy, because he's much
too fine A young fellow to bo accorded 'he
siijuo |J*Atment the npmya o: nwevt olotnr
you'i'e been accustom Hd to, imv- received
at your hanris."

"Don't oaoldr" Roberta nlnaded.

•"Chan dunt try to pry out or me tilings
I cannot tell you."

A OR two eeuta." Roberta
Threpitcned. "I'd go down to Lon A3godoru!i:
and Enreallgnta Jatma MluuuJ Hlguirnci

J -If you do, you'll get the [rurprise of
your swe-cl yoang life, my dmr."

Roberta'! bri»wn *ya* danced. NoDody
knew better than Crooked Hill how she
rhiulAhied aurTTise*. Figuratively speak-
ing she would ewira a muddy river if a
surprise awaited her on Hi* opriOaifce AtOn.

"f think I should po down to Uncle Tom's
funeral." iha aitggeatejd, . "I'm the hut of
the Anttliua, and It would be rattier in-
decent .if me to permit atrangen— and nut
t*ey )^mprilh.ellc nirang-ra. I fuar— m miry

crookt'd BUI was aJajajw pnutlciaL even
ir myr^rtuuB. "I wouldn't do lhat. hemni'
Vm ahruld Uncle Tom won't keep until you
ui't lherc. l have narftr linnrd of lap t
uihlcrLntvrs hi Uic AlgodoneB, and, u tog

National Library of Aloitt|lT^i^a.gov.au/nla.news-page4613695


hnrmctlcaUf u-alrd CAJifcnta, there JUlt
??ren t miy. 1 have * friend down thew,
hawevRr. nnri I'll Wire him to attend *tUJ
obaeyiUftr arid wrml Ilowrri for you, ami »
wreath of cantui for me."

"Wrhy nave you always dlallked trneJe
Torn ioV N

"Because ymrfr hu hlace. tux mine, and
he's utHtrr ihosrrd the tbgbT,»i Ititertit ID
yon. eacrrpt co arn*i yeni ftra dollar* at
CHrlsLma* and on your birthday*. tjycMsii*!:
I bilked the nnholy wrrtch in thr cow
buiuirij. fcnd he *eld out Jw com, refused
Io pay Uir twin, w-iit fr. Mriicn whrrr
1 couldn't eourrL MM net up iu the oheep
uiu1til-«: tertmif hv va» urn fry frum birth.

rled yuur aunt until the day of hrf driaih
CncJe Tom grafted ott mo or the frtrtniith
of the racl Mini [ win u ?el*th*-ta-Jiwj
beeum* ii wu tiii nature to approach evury
proportion la life from tN» ilde ur tlit
W never rrrni thr from. Yew father
wan n« what I would, irall i m-nUI giant
lU'bcrut, but he was kind nnii iiatusibg,
and on the Btjuure, whereas your Uncle
TOflp W ai) & throw-back, a black ihcep*

"Every family hu Uaeuaf" tho girl

"Well, tunny, you liavenf your* nay

Th* follnwtrttj evening aiann Hncfcett,
hannir n^-ovr-red nwirvi'Uoualy /mm hia In-
duipceisirm of the day before, caused r.rr
dlnnw. "Tho hank (ilvfi tlie man
Rlguanej moo'. .Antlering 1 recommendation*.
Mr Latham." be umounerci. "He Imp
plmity of ca-ih and worldly iuim&b. and liLt
record t» clean. B> 1a Irnuwti .ik a muit
nf honnr. nnd can bo torusb'd impliriilv 1

Crooked ELI nrjudci!, u» 1' tHa report
"n'lu not a m&tter of ^siniKrlo* lo htm. Hac-
ktu ft*fum«J:

"I cjumat Tt> Tptm t.n attmd to thk
mitTflr £>f ynnn Hoijerta. It wUJ b*
iwstiiflAury ui rJiynflc » ItnrvEr down there
tn tiuiidtr your nrrntni diem, urd 1 nippow
litRuentts can dlrcei you » h good one. I
UiEa4rtni> y»u wlil ho,^ [o Liroct'cd hp Lrv
AEKOdHDn bnntcdlBtrb. nnd t citRicest that
whun yoti do ytiu provide y<nusul[ wiih »
hirt.h. cfrciftr.?nf antl aJJidnvlu proving
}oui rtlatioftAhip tn tua dfcaMCd"

'1 ahull n!»rt to-morrow." Hobt»;'tn do-
rJurvt, ntid uddrd niullelouaJy- "l con hardly
wait to m«t that ndorabli* Jftlrmr Miffurl


da wiLli thr utuiOBt caoe, an4 without pre-
liminary notloe. He fell into a gentle
MuiiitMuv And. whiir ho nlrpt a ruJin on
a h;«i'.'y-rolowd hsns with a dart ntnpp
rutuiins Lhr launch of hla Iwcttbonir rode
up U) thr, iiacLiindii eiiU'uncr, dtjiuioiintcd,
ttropped hu rauin owr hia horflp'a uncle,
and rtrtx> >tirTlj- tJiioush the *rrJi«( *t>-
trance and di>%n the flowisr-bBrde-rfld gi'avBl
v..-.lk Eu tha ypriirtrtnh Oh&ervtu| Don
Jnlmc nt p*oce In the irnna of MorTtheun.
'.lit' HtrnnffiT fcittoved a full cartridge bftl,
Willi Lwj pillow, nnd hnnu hta unnuintilt
nn OM of a rtiw of hugr* «plltc« Ortvru Into
lhf adubo wbU q[ the imuaK. Qulrtly he
drfw unothpr chi-ur ntm^Bldc Dmi Jfllm«,
dlspr^cd liiu vhi>(] body Id it, ilghtd. cjniglit
nisht of Dnn Jnlme'i highball, whlcti was
nt leutt Ihrcp.quBrierii pprt-wiii. hr-lpod
hlaiw.lt to It. Knd drafllt ilowty and *l*h
much cpprrchrtlQij.

"That's a""d ji[(iior." ho muTniui'ed, wt-
n hi; dnwu (ha tali a'lou.

"Wliei'D?" ba do-


Sabbath culm Ihy
upon die hartuudji at Ooo Jflirnn MUraui
Hlr-J« i nfrfi. iwd ih« f?»ncbo VhUt
Vwok. nutwtthntanding tha f&at that
It wufl not Sunday Tlu? aplath of
wt'pr la a fon.nl.B3t], Uw occailoimi chirp
of ii bird, thtr faint tlULpainn zd inwct
muvenieiit and the cweailonaj compi^QC

Of Q dUstact rmir lullfil. rutlier Ihan
tiiTbad, tiio haW ?? I ?? .r; :.?? ?? . .. :v ..<,-. .?? of i ?? ,c
iftmpcnimtintMJ Ottt) Jujjr.c wUrrc hi
DT.i'etcbrd in a long chair on hta oooi. n-d-
tilmi vmindah ??nd gii^d out Lhr^'neh ihr
arched fi.iT.JiT-- Of hU ;i: 1 .

dtiuuil blur 4 , iBfiiTKtod hiilB whpjr thu
Uniuni Bia.ua or Ann?rtfti ur,djn, unit *.h^
EfBjKiblic oi Mstieo began, Th* uaiote
from a frtu/rnut filicu-r curled Ininly around
his dark countenance, from time to thao
tin rallied for! ft to M-..- linlr I.aij5c RC bit
tula and helped himaull lo a alp tratn a

**I wonder. 1 * tbouaht Dim Jaime pre-
nt'u'Jy. "what lr- going to becomtl nf the
illEtirn^H fAttiiiy."

Tho probi'm pi'fJv'niJ In, itniult f»r him.

Don Jcumb did thar, which au uf hia naa

-??.OU bet your irwert lift
lliut'i cood ltqurjr." npn Jultne murmurftd,
wtlhonc t.roi]pliriii to open iiii vytH. "Who
or* you?"

"Wake op. yon Insy BW&wr, and ??pt."

thu vliltor retortHL

"JJow that you RpMJc In your culturally
loud. -.-!,??'.?? and IrrovpiLnit. iom« of tiiIcr
1 •-. ui-.T .i- you, I do not har« io look."
DCfl Jujinr npolre periect Kn^ilah, but tlic
faintcn t-]Jp«ped accrjit lionotod it woa not
hi* mother longuf.*. He ndd«d Uj Spnnlsh:
"Welctrme to my t«»r houac. It ii youn,
gringo "

"I doft't wnnt yO'jr pour hooae. All 1
dHlrc li accommchiiiUati. and fwd for mv
hftt-iii" luizi Aiy^elf untU roomlnif nnd —

TThnu BrneeliuB <iKel" Don Jaime mur-
'•.,,-.>* drowsily, tint wlthnu: ajTrnr'v "But
wliat i i u ii onr rjqprct of a Tmtan a n d
jftrtlcularly o Toxoji rnnuer^"

?? I hafO ruivpr been invitnd to your pQOR
Lome," Lbi> vUJlur cURplaliU7il h, l juat
nxno nrrhnw, and, of eeurw. one* I'm
hftrp. y mi put the beat face ptistlble on the
mai.trt and bid HT-lcOmr BRaide;, I'm
ncfl n Tr.tan. I'm a Oiillfnnilan. and in
CAllfnrrita we- liavti a hnbit of a^iay h
thirsty pan if bn hn« a month. Duu't
i I'-/', Jimmy, (hut Vvu fltufehed Uir UiFt
or yoiir njf-wflr Srotth."

M Ynn havt T*u nnlnlird lr thrre yrtnt
Bffti. you iiftffTutefn] BninnHn."' Don Jaime
fftortecl "Kal, Flarlol"

fdarr- feot paCtercd down Lhc bull from
thn inliTSitr pf thr liuclyrtdii An Rttnbml
peun. With jllnt FUfflriatit Ca^lillan hlur>d
tniruillnij with tli- Aiutc to arch ttu* brl^
of hi* nofie, upfii^md in The doorway,
loofepo'. nnd dlKappt'd.rPd lmmrtdLul^y Ptf-
Mnily bf- tFT-umtti wJth a full bottle, an
old ail¥cr bucket tilled wlih ice. n batUje
oS acda unrl anuLh-r lEtnai a h« *n clear*
The viiiitcjr buiKhcd pleasantly.

"TIiitIo requlnnr nrj orders when he trm
um on the prtniisefl. Jlniniy Any timn
1 *Lup hue he IcncrwH Vvt ridden a hurd
liflfafgr mliEa. nnd am tlned and thlrniy,
olid need a gerieroUB crlot-up.'*

"Tie v-ir.w: the capacity of Ken s^hart.
it! any ' I'm ??'..!::"* rpuand and
(vjun-d it jh;s for blp guest, thon helppil him-
ttU t«i one. "indcvd. Km." be asuriid
Hnhiir;. "yitu are d'fljb!y rtelcotnf, oprniisr-
VN.i dparr mr the unspcalEoolv dcpraplty
of ilrlnlTTps rtbir.e, IS", dem't wjrry uboiit
the horse, Havto o,1W aend a hoy to oore
for htm, and your twin wilt be rrfldy In an
hour- What brtnya you here?"

"A rf*£lr* fo be niibjtiborty. and to oUct
a alight return for your many <????- '- ??<
of princely hoapitolltj'— l.htit, ami a natural
dealte to enjoy it again. Since when uld
you «o bi*o the- nlie^p bushwjiB Jarimyf"

Dun Jdlme's dork tryea opened videly.
and the bint of nn m-ftr-rpady mulip Kidi«l
from bin liundaoma features, leaving l.bcm


"Abflut ten milfis irmrh of here I camo
across eoLiniry from Ban Yuldro, and
hainnud Into them on your rangft. About
foptj iKouiiind of Hmsi. I sboijld nay. nl-
lhu 1 1 I'm mi judre "f thirp iti (juantliy.
There una, a tramp in a otittonwoud btovd
la u liuji' grcivn vuilry eci\m tuo m\hi
Jnrllifir on. Two m(rn cuaw mit nr.tl iwfcpd
at me q» if 1 wuidtln't tae welrjonio, so I
rude on. 1 Judged -he sheep mlRht not
be yiiuri. Tlje branrJ li CLiLbi A."

'Tom Aniiimi ouUh Well, if hr. 1 * only
ten dium from hare bo'i trrapoNing tm my
nuige. Thanks f^r lot u:fnrriiii|]t)n, Ken.
Fuv6 li pretty aciArce tu U\v\ enil ui mo, mini
I aupjwse Tirrn Antrim irrjt cinfipcrBrt-. tm,
yun havtt your uara, gruigo."

"If you carE to run into t-ut MVMlWM
onU AWPdf io a wiirront dmriilnje Lini lha
Juhh Doo and Richard Hnn anus Jomoo
Black and Thoinai Gre*ui. and mi\ a d'^n
uLhrr off-*tJ]0f grllLs wttb trrapaisirn*, I'll
p!l*k T,tK:ne OOyJi lip flDi.1 |i~dgr UlL'JU Ul tlk'J

Juigado, Tlua >-ou and yow boys can
run chir atu. a rp q3 m peace.'

"1 don't want to run ihi-m off In peace,
Ken." Don Jolau' rt-ptied laaKuhlly. "I'vb
dimc thru befnrr, anil It drwant wwk. Tbuy
nlway* eorae b'net Buir you harenl kW
bdojc other work io do LD-Enu•TDw'^??

"Don't try to awltcb tha eonxni'iatloii. -
the ranger protitiitrd I heard all about
the fenroua ordir »f yoirrn 10 old Am nit;,
warning him Co xeyp off your Ittflft ftnd
I happeard to knn-*- tha old fi tunic ttoo'fi
take ordivre waftb a cent. Yet. ha
kar/n yem mron huflbtcaa Thnt'r why
M-i info ore all ai'mrd. fir nxprr 1 .- u
buiUr, and Q«> km)** vffii'U trad rr-ur
faroM, now. U you -.luiutd get tailed In
Uia truoaA, your eSMiutur would be t|>e
o*ie to prahiHt a^aimt his tre»paaeifig in
tho future." •

"Yo*d ??wont mo tu gis-e him aaothvr
cto»ttca-to api^r wruk n nd vucJUhUbk by
uniting r.r> thitt Aninm a^nin?- p«i Jimnn
chiliad InaUntly.

??"niank BoavpD, mv bio-tf is the roc 1 )
blood of au Amrlo-Bajtfiu arweinry. If 1
had your hot corpuactefi Friend Jimmy.
I never would have rlsao to be a captrJu
in Tli* ivx&i; ruitBTfnf. ro hiiv,- Uppk illli^i
aa n prlvat*?, Now. you liaten l.o me. Ije-
caiinr I hare no interest ul U n in Anrriin.
I hare, however, a lymuatboUo intDreat
in yo« and your brund imre*. Yu« ninn tr>
go over pander and atari i-nn: "(furiff Ail
wrmiB. old Mil. all wruog You Kike a
ranger'* adjure and Let the otbrr follow
draw fint. Thru beat him \d the draw.
While that policy li hiuuJy (hiimifToux to
a dull man. it la ?? ti- tafest, for a aian who
knowa haw to arav, In a hutty and nuoot
itrttUjhl., It pin* 'ho bnrdon of ffallt on
tho enemy, and he and not you ujiunlty
get* the fluutni Jimmy, luaiiviiitf the
impetuously oj jtiur natuiT, I iiain rtdden
over here to fliop y«u irum doing rtorne-
thlnfl ii.ni.:'

*00 atr alwaya tuy good
friend," Tnitrmnrijd Dou Jmmr grotctuliy

N Nnw. hatnn, Jitnni,-,." Ken ftouurt con-
tinued. -"To-morrow I shall rrauo i$ cay
buabiCBK co drop m m, that nbeen caipr>
for iuncheBD. A little Inter you rill ride
OP. alanr and ufiarmrd fa rrpdrt r>
Antrim that you're beat on ah oryumwit,
but not in Die Jrmakr And he'll go ivm to
talk to you beenuvi I ahull advinu It
stroiig.y. WTi-.n ]«?? dcu* ytm give bbia
fliinl wRmiriu In lanaunge mm oeeeniiog
to a Jtldaltfo uf your ptoud ancrsLry Hii'll
think you're weak and afraid, and, of
course, hell dlarogBJd linn warning . -

"Wailj having wanted him, you eftW k3«i
home. Bittfitr your gang togeiher. mil mk»
jwjn*r^iDn of the BfatertioJitl where antrba
maai, of aeceaaUy watet tua ifo&t to nighh

National Library of Abttjja'/rala.gov. au/n la. news-page46 13696



(furninoT to


Don't ji't him wui'T them, Hull fighL far
Uir wbter, ruLlUT than Igack-lrAcSl with Ills
flwk over ground that's been en ton over,
curly to flud your mcu guard juf the w»r*r-
hobm in thin, direction, too A ahaep pan't
tsUmd such hardatdp, and Hue* day* with-
out water will aec tin ah ttp dying by trie

"Yuii underEland me. Jimmy? Ycsu
Iiriivakr' Uie tight, but lu< ahOotD first. Then
jou ok'nn up and clean up pood. because
thara the, only way you're ever going to
have peace. Antrim's fate will be a lesoon
to any other ^-asa thiel with (Jutilyity on
your range — and I don't think any jury in
tliii county will convict yon of murder,
tucEmSe Antrim and hti men will have been
t'lftrly ouu:u> the law. You have a tttord
(ot patient forueftrajice in the ptur. And
I will he your wltneM to prove that you
rede up to Antrim's ramp unarmed und
talked to huu llfcc a EKOiIertjan— Kabp
Unled. amlgu? A captain of ranger's Ui-
tun any tarriia weight with a Jury. Any-
how, it jiiK Inn*: pufifiJWc to coftTtcl a
Ififu^nca In tils country, You have nbvor
titled auybudy, or invaded aiiotrser'e rlghta
— and that old busss-rd, Antrim, ruu never
done anything etnr but."

"You are always/' E.VfU Jaime «id, "my
-.'.!> good friend. And you are, ;t- wise
ma a trrcfui of uwia y«u plot with 411
the cunaummate craft af my Own people."


n HOBART Lit r cigar
Dnd l«3jtKtl OUT, OVffT T.flP plcaLHUlIt IfirrtHIJ.

"Cloab, you've got a uicu plate here, JLmmy
1 wiah I'd been as discriminating lu 'hi
aeirctlon p; ray ttDKaLors on you were "

Ijor Jntm* luugped Jifftiuy. "Only u
little while ciri> I woe reflecting Tiiat I nave
not had Lhn opportunity to practice ihe
tilflfrimlnMUufi evlnerd by my anceotora
in the pickmir of WfvFS. Friend Hobart," ho
replied "If you would be lord oi a Macho,
marry a tady -who bu one. and doesn't
know wh«t tu do with it- FortunaMy. T
Pcohem tin;** -I m«an tilts— ninchn, so I
do not noD-d lb? lady I"

"11 you did. Junaiiy, whora would yfni
find hurt**

-You have the delightful hnhit of pbhdng
yoiir fijiycr an th^* weale tipatjt, my CrkcTid.
Wnrn-. indeed, would 1 Ihad a Bultiililt'
wile? I am loo busy with liie^n— I nu:cti
lhl»— ranth. and whi»n. oner or twice a
year I wander to l.hs flaihpOts It la Co bL*
fllJ^d with ttmnwmtiJit und fear of what
??U'Oiild happen ta Me if I marry a modern

w W*tt when ymi n»n tlie plrl itm truly
fall dtHpem^ly in ]ovi- with, acid 6he
wclprccRtr* your pulsion "

"flhif." quoth Doti Jallmr IMlgnnl ITlpyprjfis
Kak'umiy, "nhaij be ihe moiliur of my aim .

"Whan-? Hrn!7"

"Wlwre ehti will, my fnsnd/' Don jQima
mptini with nlmple ??iDuorlty.

" Thun. Jimmy," said Ktia Hobnrt. "1 hape.
foi purely lelllsli rniUKiriB. ynu'U mn-l vl-ut
fate ttefnre sung, anrt Hint ehe'll rffu*e to
marry you until ytiu tall Uil* rnnch und
now t... Hrruiiun or Datlaa cr fan Antune
or ?*

"The llignc-i.<ai mm do not "alto urdrni
from women." Don Jnimp hiterruptrd
"And thla raxichi) will np-vrr Le Bold. Four
gtnrntUrir.i oi my family hrive owni-d tt
and fought ror Ifc, I (on it"

"Well, If ate auk? lr. youll buy her a
town houae nod live there -with her part of
the year, wJtl jou not?"

"As-Joni ii not orderinff or dnlrviirujB ulu-
InotUmA ??"

"UlUtniiEfl, Jlr^rrl/. , ?? th* langtr conrccted
Itlm, mlnchh;voaiily.

"At any riiti?." Pon Jatrnc r^nunipd, de-
clluln^ tlie ar^umsni, *ou1l1 tiy a Relight
to be ltd bn; huJi to be [lrlvcu. ,,

"Well, wlipn *oine girl ninixts Jcadtrut you,
yuu'U need a good managrr fur this runrh.
Jhxuny. I'm growius wenry ol Uix reckless,
modctitfy paid life vf a . . at leaal

I could be depended on to kevp dim roug^
frew of sheujj ."

"Thttre art qUi bJUidlU !rum belw th*
Botdi?r who ruid my <a.ttli. Ttie cemetery
of tlw ftnnclu) Veaie Vcrd* fnu. gruwti fiat
at I « Li- vt'tin, "

"Border ttKhting la right up my alley,
Jumna, uid ido."

"A= a ratLgrr you flgni wllh lU* law bc-
ritnd ywu. You^ttirt wltii o. nioraJ vktory-
But tit munuper of this ranch, which- God
LtlLtwd. tua cloflc lo the ftlu Orsotle tor pfe-
lort. you would have to be vfry oarpfiil it
li bett€fr to be Uio licot! or a mouse than
the t*l] cH a Hon. Kuwrver. Prtrnd Kt'n.

II the time 1 aheju'd cumt* for uir to tie - .!
(u u gtrl'ii apron-ntrmgu I chiill jend fur

Don Jaime Ufted from 1,feu> floor bealdi* Ills
chair a copy o! a prewnttcu* maffuaino
dRWted to country life in America ."Here
Ut a photograph of a girL" lio ntud. turning
Uft£ pugci jRdolenLIy. "whcwi! fnce und ngure
would cuat u hulo over Tcxafl. Nuw, it tdif
were aa good and nwrei und woiunnJy Kfl
tb* 1* bofluUfql— 'Miv Roberta Antrim/"
hC lULmmipted hieuaelf 1d rostd from the
capLluit, " 'one of t??ur eitthueiUisUc mombera
of ihp We«r,rhf"iiter Councy Hunt, mounted
on Jjet cracit hunter. Croppy Buy.' M'.ul
04- an Irtuli hunier. " txm Jttune opjncd.
'XjcxiIc it t>jat, Ken. or.d cee if you con
work up ft cheer of two-"

The ranger studied the pu«f! rMONlly
"Wall, why don't you uuJl out for Wwt-
chrat«r County, Hfew Yrrk, afuure «n Jrtro-
ductlon to her and see if ahe'i too good
to be true or otherwise? At lerist yau'd
Alan with otir advanim»e. Bin; van aikli
uiirnnrricd whun ttun tnngaaitu went to

"Otii; Antrim at n time. Ken Whm I've
cijsponisd cf Tnm 11 will br time to dream
or rwrint a looh at Hobrrtu "

M Ytm aren't ofrold they M reluted. ore-
yoiiT 1 '

Drm Jaime favcrpHi his! truifilt a^ltli &
??ATilhL'rSr.s nJatice. "A rruui Tuimed Jim
Htibiiri wa* hanged ftt AuedId laat *cfk."
lut remrttd. -c Wmi h-p a relative of jrotu*—
liuxi train rubber and mnrdnrtr?"

H Yaa." Ken flobart answorej evsnly. '-he
van my half-troL^rr. And I tmckfd llim
and eupMu'«| him A Ubjrjlt aheep will crop
»ut m tlie Ixrt oT rcffulittiid Inr.ilUes. ynii
know "

Don Jalnir> hand eur««i!d that Of hla
frlond, "t did not know I am Kirry. my

bleuk fytra upon hU hoal. "I want tu uult
the riuigora. IXm Jlrnmv 3 wn-.n r ir-unc
when I »aid I'd ukp bo b* (he manager of
RaneJlio Verde, If yon *,iioula ever

need me."

u \'au ar« tti« aum 1 nave bflcn sefklni.
Ken. Wlieu ynu rcacli ttwn tQ-mumns
wlrp your rpstgnaMcm lo ttie governor of
TeKna. *md as soon tu ytm aro irli-aipd
return hert."

"Hupe you'll be htrre when I iutk».
Jimmy You've got Lo rigid that. Antrim
outilt. and when youi do. be car«f ul. I really
wunt U>i3 Job."

"If I atn Still hp,.*T. you will he afijdatan'
gtititiral iiuiituett. If I ntu not hrrp yo'J
will bi' aurifriki manflgirr-and t-xcrutor ut
my o»-tat:i». 1 will main? a ne R wlJl lo-nighl
Your anUiy wiU iieycr bt Ipjq tnon ;he erne
you enjoy at present, Write yuur own
ttaket ' h 4 e added, wlUi ?? touch of Uu tr*-
mEndoiiB prodigality of h.i|i CaaciUan blood
— a prodigality developed to on #3MMi
growth dirtihl.tpw, beenuiif uf r.he- rr^mffn
doua irjcoturquenee of l'dy rugged environ-

"TtiimlE you, Don Jaime" N*ver again
wtfUlU Xje-Ji Hnbnrt ftddri'ja hU friend ai
JUtimf, All d Doti Jatm« r realliilitg, this,
uffcrvd tip profawl -dnoe to hlui. to tlir
hacienda rjom. lord uf a million acrea oimI
sixty thoumnd head of eatdf. this waa aa
It nhoulrt be,


D on JAIME nmde a new
will thai night and hantHd It to Ktfu Houturi
at bt'-fldifftjt LEie following morning- "Your
im.tiuciionJ are in that envrlopp. too." lir
explainrd. "tn ra«- I nfitmld tie unlortti-
aaw. KDricn Oaiweo, my rjdiiut boss, h»3
ih? nm of tmna> urelly well. lie's ft s<»d
man, and a Cataveo haa alwayn oeen riding
boan Of the Hanrho Vulle- Verde I
shouldn't wont yuu to ma>£ a ohangv,

"Don Jaime, " Hatmrt fiRtd, "Tin your em-
ployee now 1 11 wire the Rovemur or Toiba
my revl^iiatlou and. without wnlliufi lor
It- anccptanoe. Ill :-.d«- booJc In time to ba
present \u1\eti Antrim's ahcL'p cuine buck
10 Ujp guurdi'd wutur-holea."

Don Jaime ??rn-icd. "As you will. K-n.
Whilp I require no additional proof that
I have made no miaLaku In Iiiririir you,

atllE " he nhmgffed and BTimarPd aa only

a Latin cnu, "It ir. nlee to tmve it Ae
yiou know, tpe of trie Higitenea tiibt,' are
rtsy Komi; pcOnle. We do n«t require the
fBrrict'B of *rflTjernir i r). for we hare nawr
hud Cham but we hn\t! befin aDtrUTtortittl to
loyalty Becaini! I know yon lire loyal to
your jDb I have engaged you,"

"Titanic you. Don Jaime."

They rode away Into t.bi' teOuth-eiiat to-
tjr.trier. In .-i clump or cOllunw<JiJd.* ti huu-
dred yHfds fruin Un? sheep tiamp luey
iwi't&d. Don Jaime walling while the r*ng«r
rude Jjild the camp uf Ui* lnvHden.

A amallioh. unpre-pD&w&aiiui mart, who
miuht in) n tj'.-'i luiywhsre from forty-
ttfft to flinty yf.-or* of age, stood under a
smoke -discolored fly ovci n stulU! barbecue
pit upou v'tilrjh a gUta of tnattah WM tOUt-
salt An the runeer nafe C©i this man
placed bin arma altiiribo. ti-tid g ftW cl tiLci t!'-'
at the stranger.

"Alt tor a quick grab for m> gun,

lZ.'-n H<ji\n.rt :pnr-nn(:d, "VrT.y old wr<tehr"
Aloud lae said. ????Cioi->d morning. Mr. An-

"lielJp. yourw-lf," Anrrlni repliod with an
gHaunipLloti of nvartmi'M "VyiuiVa your
name wlien lunch U ready?"

HohJirt gTiniied. 'Tm CapT-fUn HobarT, ot
the Tbjbh ICuurfra I 3Livpeetted luncheon
might be ready Kbout Um ttrra' I waa due
to nrtp by, bo I've mvurd my*elf. L '

"You're w«lonrne. r.t inter. Wauf* the
gcicatp around your way?"

HoUtirt dtsuiounu-d and tfetl hlit hdreo to
ihr hi'rrw, -Nothing much A lirtlR
tmufigjltig, a Utile (fun-ruuninfl;, a cattlr
raui to vary Hie munmcuy, a fctiiinfi Thing?
ai'» pretty quiat njang the bc^dur."

?? l WrmT hrlngs >-ou ur this wnyV Antrim
??waa anapiciouB aA a predntoiy anunuL

"I ngurpd an giving vou aonie fiouua* ad-
vice, jffr Antrim You're treapMainfl on
Xhr HlyouiUHi JandJ HUd Doit Jaimr
1-llni.jfnes do«*n't rhevr lor that It loobi
like a privuLij war to me: and iwi a rariffrr
I prefer in hiup a rrlvfctc wnr before It
KtartB rather Ihan of»r it't aUrted. You're
tn the wrong. Mr. Antrim, And I advhie
yuu tn pull out nr here nnd nut i-ome back "

"Yog come to arncflt m" Ux trfiuujjiliuj'"'
Antrim nfted.

"No, Of rnurse nr>t You're gnurhnf your
ihecii on ihatif landa. 1 coat aTrMt'yuu
until you drive thnm un the UintU ow«fd
by Don Julitie in fee itUnntt— and thoae
tanda auiTouiid the wutflr-holes wllenby
r>on Jennie uontroh tbt* rimge. Even thrri
iTl not arreat ynu, jtwcauv Don fattQB ro-
futea tn ask 11 or out n wrnranL

Saya he 'U-;i- tu kill hU own nto."

"Colled ran a rat. did he?" Antrim's eoJdL
pnlr-blaif eyw were very bjuaji.

National Library of AibiJIpaliala.gov.au/n la. news-page46 13697

»irru;tu>t ut

Hecfcon I can trunt o rango:." Antrim
jg WW t^l Hotwri euiuwii hli anield. 11"

*o*g of ft rotnmwond ami ffillow-d *tfin
langvr to whirr* Dwi Jamie HlguiTfei
• -l'.cd

"Wall, Higueoea " Antrim ladutcd him
geunV lib word*. Uh umf of raUx. wire
at once an inquiry and a thruut

"X'w ccioc U> nra jwi .iwi to intern pT
to wainr tout ihccp at any of my grntei-
hoi**, Antrim,' '

"And Jf I dot"

"You'll llghl «(j -he ilenLh lor the nrivl-

"Well. I can do that, wo"
Then we uuJcurund each other."
How oci 1 know yju own thi*e wat&r-

-YOU hare my ajuurnuce thai I do. If
fan dc^ibi that, look up Uic record* at

- county *saL~

"Your lurseya nrr wrong"

"I am not btjth of that of conim,
tf thiry aiw, you may vaLar your ahfiep--
alter you're proved >«jir atatvoien: Hmr.
ever. itHir aryuinvnt in fooUesa- You do
not wUti !o fanflei* m*- ami 1 sro-ilim''.
btlint you tinder ooth Ho aappoM we
h»vw the county surwrw out lien- Efl Pk-
tcrrey ail the landa I hdld in fee unipk*
IX ha provvi Ttv* old nurveyi tu o»» erroneoin
I U pay Km bill u h* prove* them correct
you pay lib hi. I move wit aim your
iheop and tifyp come back."

"I'm not taxing crrflon fifitn Urn naMCf,

Don Jaime \ white teeth ilajlbeii in a
mnile of v&it rmiiannBut, "No wtpliignni
man takca u civet cat In hit hoiidj. An-
trim. I havft warned you. In the prwwqaon
ol Captain HuhHrt. ml lo trerpaaa on the
latin* I hold in fee *imple. M

Withoiil a word Antrim turned mid
(naQm :?? ii It to r.la eunip.

"It's mi." aatd Lsiiti Jft^u* Miguel

"The man rnurt be & trifle isaoiiv. Con

Not ax all. lira running a bluff bneauen
ha think* I'm weak. He la «illlna to be
arrcatod foe treaoooa, pnwlded hut aheep
may drink He will Kail faimaeij oul ot
gaol -till Ida men, too— and trtfhuaa again
linri again Tha season U a drr on*, und
the feed on hii own mr«e Li deputed. He
must net throunh the i-.inimnr acme vuv
anij htijd htt flnch intnrt . Weil IT] rfctn
luck hooiu and orguniar my ddmicavj

"Yop'U do ncnlartu of the aon. I>m Jaime
I alutil Aj »Klilant ftmrnJ manager. 11
U my duty to command Bmld». I knov
how. Your hf* Li nrnrh coo pn'cjoar* \o
riftk It In u tirmh with these sheetmini.
AttfsU and trial* will fallov 1Mh DahT.
and If ya*i arc rvK «H» to orcilm v.Tur
ni*tt wln>. then, will protect Ua> Who

win bail ui mil or doi


to be fonvhE entirely at the wwier-haiH;
[ that In the court* ho would he ncrddd
otiich -.<??: - than ta any uthaT arena of
liafln- Jlr knp.w Krn Hobart wia talkliib*
Miiae, auil that lh* ermlbtu tldn« to da
vcftiM be ta hi>cd hli< advlci: So he
. hreded Jt And In heouUlf It he »»-
penrjicerf on QuaLma vl etmseience, tm flNfl-
le wai playing aaf« while ot^iora


by wire. Th" ?(WTft(ir u a frJeod of mlh»
and will do thla Wall fot ihr aotwrt
Mpanvhllf. matf yi,tjr arrnnirrmenta (a
provWe ball fcr twelve of yrmr iucii."

Dob Jaime pondered. He much pre-
le/red wpwr hi^ men vrrr ia rtanflur
cJfdaiullivE Llie n^t^'s interodtn, to than
thai danger with lai-ra. cm Em nihMr
hand, he realised thnl the Ihfud vai not

mi Elmt r
foutthi hit

"very veil. Km. - he agreed "Enrlca
Caravno kauwn erery. foot of thla rait|T;
onec he Iwatra the ahetip he'll know wha'
water lhay will uj (or th» ov-nlim Ttir
roat I leavr lo you. FerhapM >uu had
belter Id nn me your rlflt, in cn«e I ahould
run Into aonte of Antrim's Lerdori after
leavtmj >oo iwee. When you rriuni to tlje
ranch hJhj ynrineilf to my awnai. I hnia
i - br.ir I .' : t Tic- ta 1 ; Er.j|L«h rnjiuv

fu-uflod. vWui ihu one you Uke bmi. then
M your mm help th«n>ejvet a#!ttrr tua
EtMt'Jacketoel builela. I have dum-dutn
^iiuiiijtii'ti.i) ffrr u« on rhr handlta that
favar me v>rii an oocEtionaJ raid, but a
raicup-herder U juch a pitiful orealuns.
porbapa wv haa batter be ai kind u wc

Ht> helpt-d hhfLsuJf to chn nnirtr , i rifle
rcafitutJ zzvl fr-itenftd it along
uttdte. It ama a Mauser carLmT. and the
anroiiiricton m-ai oarrjed In clipt of flTe In
pocbta on a huckaklD tout, Don Jaime
duruiL-d uic »wt and, with a nod to the
ronynf. heitrfcti hli honm aer&ia couatrj- In
the directliin of Los Alitodonca.

U *« mme itiutiths airvet lis had tfddrn
u hor*i- Knr nun 1 .- >-f.a rn tut trip- ortnuid
i.U ranch, betwerro his ranch and the
cuutilr **l hnd been made by automobile.
Hi puiMfid cow. tluttkiruj ot the tweet*
mile nu> hack to tn* ranch. dQcldins hr
would spare nltnsaU that hiu-cliliLy. tit
ihomcd to HaUart

^JCen, u-no une of lhe boja lino t/u
Aitiodnnea wtrn iho motor and the horat
trallft attached, to bring my hone and
me hutnr w

'Seguru." tfebart nhouwa back

rGH JAJMK uullnd hh
loay Emiis U wue e^u to MM hr Wm* wrv
lond of tlw raruie-. "There In muiid
miatm in >ottr arfnmenC." hn admitted.
?lub«rt went cm.

-ptrmit mr to rfhjm Pi the hatiiendii
and rjnjani-ie your forcca. lX>n Ju imp
MeanwldJ*. you rjde ofl to I^os AS^oJium-
and HJ» my ti^ttwphlc rnaurnntion to tafl


OK JAIMK roa> hu»
hrffse a I rind th^ wide of th* valley.
(fiadu*ll> climbing to the rummtc of
IM hilly rantff rm It* southern Doun-
dary. Hrrr lirt iwiiwd and looked oft
to the railing lands below They
*rr* dotted with ohcrp. r^aoouiig tn Inn a
ro*'a h ooartn duep, heail to hf«d. cropp:ce
Hie dry f^rd tu the grass roots and tnunp-
ttng Hi? roou with their aharp, uuull

hiwm. Tlir- *.-Om(jL!iiUnB bleat of Lhrf lamb*
: i a cauUnuuujj dlapujoti of discard.
U vas true that the lands whereon the

ad !

a, uy ctdrtan and uaagr It luul eomr
fcn-pwn the lUiiuanej range. Unn
i uramjfaUirir purchased with

lurid firrtp Hie armirr aloiri; th*
couraea and araund lite apring*. nru)
.??i iouLroi or Mit! wait*r tli^- Hlamtnei.*
tv tmd tar gftikmiitcm* wanrrn^n
ml > r > : i ( f ?? i] <iv* r 'li; 1 iiiiijiic.' liLJid; ad-

'- thereto And. alnre hui wat «
cm pwiriicp rpflardeil as (in ndrrrtt
taa moire, but nevrr aa wanton \\>-\it ua-
if t&M I'Uiiltp domain. cni:l«infn aod
riherpinr-n tiail rranecbfd tha rllgiien&a


Ot thia rtuatiun ally old Torn Axitrlm
liad devltfrtl lo rak-: ndvanfA^e. In ordhiapv
yoara ht wrrtiid nut ttav 1[ rhK*d thr Bd-

??'LJilil.v ill,:.! r:.V,j.-.i: ; , jLm-v bttlr; LluvJi

he that a dwtiiuta orrr water ljuJ n^iiaiv tn
the country \t ilwiji taiitamDimt tu an
advanture Uut hu own rong^ ii-ii tinen
fruwd ov"r. it had bwen a dry yoat In
hb part of the country, he had the *\veop
on hi* handw, they were not ready Iot
markoL our was ho ready to uctrpt th*
mariet iirli-o Ux unmarlcrtabio ihr^p. H-
had to ruuiniafn them, and In hla dLltmcnA
Ja» turned quite haiuratly to tme of t]i"
earik'Ht .a:-.' ot human nature, to irfJf,
that, a daapenUfl man la Jutimtii in mr-
ir.fi d^yerate infianires


lLL thrnn thtr.gj Dun
Jttlm* Mlsuel HiajipT'iM eomud^retl av
Ue. uuoftd over the country that,
by tKjok and crook, hnd .».??• :?? lacred
to (uur griuerailoitv uf hu neorUr-.
Ha hoc] boi one real advancagti. otv lagol
tlgbt. Hb Jr-e luiitU wrre uiitcuca. mid
han» a to It for traapntnna nmid not lie,

and hla men arena attacked by tlie o-wntm
of lire iraapo-ialnB livestock iftrv mould be
ckarty within Ihetr agol righu if they
defrnclcd li>rinzi£|vta.

Don Jahnr smiled "Ttirlre doubly nrmr-d
i* he who?* cauae u put "' he roulfMpuy d
"Won. Scuor Antrln] tms ihr tnurpnat! uf
hla Ufa coming to him ihfca -rveniaaj. Be'a
Htaked enrything on a lour? ai't—tind 1 in
goinic to take the trkk with a trump deui-iv '

He drndod to briar off to tha rtfht and
give the flhetfp and their herdrra u wide
berth, for he had no hiKitbtlon of romlog la
gnpa with ihr en-emy anywhere ex»pi on
in* own land*, iil: in dofence qi hu iitaitett-

thiouRh which the whtte road to f** Also-
dacuM wound ofl Into the hjje At ihe
rr.-juth of the draw tie u*Mst\ uul dli-
mounted, for> the lone trtn dowiihy] imd
rvoeuled that kkia uddU cinch wa* loose.
It had ullpoed out ovar fhfr horae'v wutbrir.

tJou Jairu* romovvd Middle and blanket.
a«w thai There w^re no wruitln* in the
bloikket. and adjuated IE aaain to tlie
horae'a back. He wai in the an ( l l iwin«.
tng the heart <ldCk wdrlie up on to th-
» mm ii | whan lomnthtng ripped aeroea his
breaiL Ho relt u aftille plucking erf his
f hr; erpcrlerued a i>— ;\im, that he had
been rmrnrd. Then the crashing; uouud
rit a rifle rchoiid ilirtiugh the dTBW.

'til. 1 1 hou ght Baal ird I h roua h Di m
Jaime's aghV bmiu, T^m Antrim had
anoLher tmrnp, Hp's piaFing tl "

Wtlh a aange wrrnch hp 4 ^rked K^?ii
Ht>iw»ri * r>fle c>ar of the Wwl Uronped
tin' suddle and leaped for the tii»h with
the alnartty Of a frltriitenffd rabbit A
ILiauladr ot ouiieta followpd him; b*rorn
lie could gam uip «ie!L T nf tiir rrvew
llope of the Jolt of the two apun> wtuth
formed the draa. he had t>ern hit ihreu
I'm--, 'he last wound dronvlng him head-
kjng nn tiia iucf

The pftralysU wnn but tnorrunilary. bow-
eTer. He rolled a eoupie ai times, nanr
ru?c. lun-.J-rfHl rnrwjriJ und ruhed an.it a,
Wltnh h« frachrtl "<h*atr gnaynd, ne r*ned
a few sceonda. then, on hla hands anil

LJU.-:. ciaiflu'd tiruund :l-r toi- j\ -J>_ -|
pre#ent.ly Ur gr-f so hu fe« nriii imu^d
ilowly and pamfuiiy up the hill fifty yuruX
\£ui dorn on hU ttmids and knees, .mil vim
hu body rlunr tn the earth a* or»lbir-
crawltd bauk thinuah Uit< ton ..^>- m-vr
ihr ipLir toaard Ihc drawl Wojro he cnw'a
Look drmrr. into ibr? draw aaaJn hr «trrtched
out and bruught rib tlQe to the mudy Ho

Pieaantij 1 . up the hlllalde th* dmw

he ma n brush mi rt'e- 'iJUjlitl*. Their whi
nut a bn'alJ: or win (J to L>.n .laima eon-
cemrated hU atteiiUun on that tAirth ll
aiovcd agnut bui Don Jaime rrxilrt
jiuLtiLng. 3o, d'-ciding so it. cJ ivi siw; j n

National Library of AibiJlpa4iala.gov.au/nla.news-page4613698


thin* whllf! yet ynfllirlrni itremrlh re-
mained to Him. he iitetuetl fiaiL-raLIy cat
the centre of that bush und flnnl aorur-
thlnji threshed Iti ttu- bm-.b, w Don Julim-
eanlinucd to abjjot until the llu'^IUiig

< ii


Wifh the forlum lluu hr bull belter bu
jmrs than onrry he hud nut twenty buhcta
Into lita beaii of Lhui bttiih..

T»ri.ncrHly, jrnjn far up thn draw Iitwuvu
Urie uuuihilt u vulce Duiilcd fmntly:

TJon Jaime I It'H Ken Habarir

"Come nfcrp-ri, lint bo rxreiul* Don Julmn
•huuU'd burk wlLh -.11 [tin Jl;m*r

ICrn Ftahurl cum* down that tone draw
a'. • mad paltap, and when 'he thud nf
iwofji JndlcriU'd hh cifur preacuee, Don
Jalmt maiuiirnd In r.:*tid rrccl ant! tuil
htm. The ro:u;itr t'odn tnfo thu brush to
Eton Jaime, aim traned iieahut iu» hone
onrt riunif id the saddle

"Hurt, my tfcH Bd ??

"Siri* hur nyi t*tMlh/," Don Jnimr tn-
format Mm w|*h u w*J smik "Top o£
the left ahouldT. I"JL bumps and oat of
t!ie rUtftt hind leg. Abn o brand acroaa ray

•Whe-rVji Uu 1 -othor uma'l"

Don Jmros huUtatod' the *ppr;. and Lh?n
??ai down ih wnit wiilla the ranger rode
up tu tisr?vUK4(ii. The ranirflrt fuc*
emvuly hwiiin*mu wluu he returned

Tbiin! , » n man up ihvre lying Ob ton
or a rtilr. An clcttnh man. Lanka like
Tfltti Antrim -thai 1*. dmiFti like blm H trnl
you're shot hla bead jawctirxity my anil
he'» unrxogniaitiii! Fi'uturm qultn ob-

-WtilV wMirjnfr for *rcc«hil3|i or unrn^-
bciiiy to t.uni U |i. I Uirin't. ltrvin anything
clue to do, oo i pmi'tlwU sh'JC.iru,. ' L)«ni
Jaicna pTOlrrttod virtuously. "My borir ifctn

"Yes. standing wtmtr jvm trft lilm '
"Oootl old Botdtir bftrm eiauaUr^ tunrnr
fiiintfTj hEm- W*li, felfin. yoijn tw-tt^r nn-
drea md ntnl tejci lui invnal.ury ihsm g?L

me on my uonv irta JioM (iw ta=tiL tl'n
tun mltew back to Um Hiifrtft, but ] run
ir. ii-. H IT I drm't blred to daath."

kJ5N HOD Ait 1 carried
Dtti JilIqv our io- Lh& r.hnn enm m ih^
dra.w md fixauiinrd hM vouudu wl ir Jl Uti
eWj| <ji uibn tu wLittm vuunjlv tir* no
my»Uir>- l "l"ciji ElitXaidsr miiMir 1 npjKd
niij poa&Lbly n pirrr dnUed out aL tun
ivapiLlA Ui\\p throufiti t;Ue Itft ntocpn.
but thr Iwtnicrinl in unLOurlmd. Ijhb
??sruuud n£>UUtifi «tit.p luirru abDUt. AXi
(tab wotmdN. Qiqod jmt wr-mug motrtr.
It. will t^obaUty rttu/uhttfi anil quit In n

He bivuvlit Kiduuf bflndn««. »ml ad-
htrfvp t»pc I rum hi.i sufliflr- linn*, (nr. Ukti


f<iuntry uIihk und unnrmed— Jfor. nf eourte I

bp could not know iliac as a mvrc muir.ur t

Of iirn-jLution 7"U had burrowed my rifle I.
1 JUftt. |£Ot B hUXICb It -J,rir;lf1 t)F- llfcp thf]

old acuuirchtl la lollow and buihwhack
yoti. He muEd up rrx«rartlUy ixrtww thcrr
W'JuSd b» no wJUhmcb."

Don Jalmi; MMd dJ 1 *!] pr tht- pWj thbia
in iht- licuhM. "Looiia like AlilrUn uEI
fcmi Lhit face," he nfrmrd j rrl*k him
K- i iu v 1 1 ar Liipumty Ah o pearr oflUrr
and bep what lutik we have '*

*£o the raORp? turned the dead man's
prwtcu loildft uut and in tbi< cnar. pa>k*C
hi- round a black ueal-lflnihisr wjlI]»h h<*ui-
Uu on Cm ootalda the wordu in s«ld tctten
•Thomfln Antrim. Chrl.il.tiia>. tu2T<."

'•awnnbody. Htratitfft aa It may Beam,
actuullj Unjuiiu eflouftti at tlik man io
glvw blnA u CTlirliitrjiuB priisenr. " thF rfthfej
murmured "H«r*"» a phntu potileard
addruAed tn Thomtlfi AMrim. 'Jolou, -Ijia
druef w County, tmua r^cCiuv <rf a ffirl
uktui m Allantu; Ctiy. Now, wherr have
I Hetm ttiAt ttce peforrjT"

He nonrtcd tht card up to Pun Juunr.
who studied It bitefly and banded it back

'-MU» Babffrta Anb-iin. of miloreit
DaUb.« Ferry. Wtatasbesrtej TOnnty. Nw
Vcri-. tie nnrn.UIirfrd QTimly "So lltn WU

» ri'laLi™ oJ tea, afUir all" Hp sigbed
"What eiae. old- Um erf"

"Horu'ii a curd that tayfl 'lit Cntr o*
dfolh or -rritftinT.. plRftue n&U{y my notf.-
ul-liiL] Mit.y Ruhxrta Atilrim.' etc. Well.
U wirt nl 2ook.s IUk uld TotliS mad> a Jnew
of liiinflM, He *ss !fio old u have attcmpt'd
te> do thia Jtib himself Hbi eyes peobubjy
worEiJ't ai good oa they uand t.d he and
wbou a lellaw takrt m biuhwliflvklnit he
aught to he .nftMitiahly taat add arrnrair
«1Ut it rifle. When you. bflrrcwvd my rifle
yiitti sDri ot Apillvd old Tom"a b?acj. Don

"Hit "hrep we litllt have wlU u*. also hi*
fnrttnan and ahcen-bErrdi'm," r«n Jaime
untttniuwd ihoufditlully "1 aupjtcae hh>
rtiwp urt now ttiu brcptr^' of Ida neat yf
kin. ami Heaven lerhlrl thBi t abould waee
war an a wwnnn Ken. my Irieiid, t
Uiink wtIJ dticr |iy» war oi t_hp wairr-
hojei. Truf seiiiitili- Lbuuj to du uov u>
to u1rr Misu Rubrrta Antrim to geL dfwn
hem on Lhe lob and Itwk after the vawftj
of hQT la.Te XInrJr Tr-m Bhca a Uirty
Slu-'ll prabahiy tJjtcn to nuisic. und we'll
(et rid nf lliew ctltudnr atuvp arlttitiut
nddiiionai blocm^nrj Thcylt ruin j» lot
ol Iht? nunc* In ihr Latrttin oi course Oh.
S«r Vm ennk. If we *hno ihcm off now
tlievll db «nd !liuL wmild be putting ti
pflinp in til* lady's bankroll"

"Wliatrvrr ek* wh may tw. let u», at
ream, try ti» ba k^mii lemen,** 5hc rkiuM

wifff utrrJJU'd. CMJfl .iMiTiif il'Hxl rraet and
gingwly r^t.nci WU w*tBHt on nfB inrjri-u
Itfu "Nub any worv than a Luiitv-
spcalned ankic " ha rvjnlci' u. "ojid I've
Walked tnttea tin OtU ot tfamj . Wnli.
Irt'a bate a hwk at the ijfj (lid slieep-

Willi HctHir - ii •;??>!; In- mimttlrd hh
harw, and tofln:hrr thev rode up thn cip-
pU#U* nlup*- nut; Kflilpd dtwi. ??• H.. u'- . .J
man "I nnitd ut a tmah ffhnt nf rom«-
UihiH whltr.- am Jalmrr Wplttlced. - urn r
1 nred tiu> fln.t lime I rteurou it uuwbt
be iilp ffto?, »o f prr.ked awnv at ii "

•'Well, ytiur etlravnnnuet! with atnuiu^
nllion ia wbui hrcngitt mr dirrrt in th»
w-rrn- I'd riddffi ulraui ha]r a tulli ftOul
whyre wit piirted wtu'u i: (vctrnnl to tne
that Antrim &nd f*ui cnm'p ct»k rnuni
anally imvc lioonl r^u dirxii'.Ui); mi.- lo bavr
one nf nnm come tntft tiua Alijtidanea
will; ttW nubj ajKd thn trailer tu brlnjf your
liufiii' home. Beni u uul.M*1 You anodttHl,
Bo hfl'd Know ymj ware uau-iiinu ocrKB


iialy. "W«1L uxfw, ifw- oatl
tnudiuiaa before the tm-rtirn tu lu Hurt cjtd
TDm'n btifiic ilrap: Ttiumua nerfin th"
»lud(1le. tafcfl hlin Into l^n AlftidoQiu. nnd
detrwr hltn :u ihr lo:ai unii'rtnkar. My
rnjHirt at thlA uftali will clout- the invert
t:i(ui.:i>n. Aiitt run ahDuld ert to a dnetor
it'Jt cnn mil?* t.o yuur ranch, und ten mUua
to Ijo* AlRtroltms Im in t-ommand. All
sbotiftt io? Lo» Alfrndrmea. amlgo miu."

In pununnce nf tbu deeislon thoy ]>ro-
ori'd?il to J.iOei Aumdoras, A'htrp Hubait
turned AJUrlmV body over it tia enronrr
and madn hbi report Co the KhenCf, havini;
Otit tan Dun Julm*: ui b«l at Uuf tuMd
witn n rtnr-107 in chargF ot bim.

Abdul an hour later a cjruiwr't jurv
trnuped Into Dm Jaime's rooni nr;d Uitfned
to tu» aloiy of tha killing The rutnter
AtldtHl hbi ,.»*rtltnieuy, .;nd Uii- fnrutnnn
thf Jury lonicrd at htp fellow Jurors,

P'ir, r 5M-m tu tic- inythmy mynt"»rlrtuj
ktawdt LhJj ciiw. boys.'" le uiuiouuccd "Ai:
"tH.-.t m favor of rr.ndtrbig i vordlcr nf
??'tiiisdt Inld up thclr rl$ht handi. All upf
W?r, the Jury, find that the de-UMued cum*
to M< d^ntli at the nnndi. of J>on Juime
K'LBXJr] Hljutni'a, and Lhul Ihr liald

BfPfUlMWT in
rill'. *l'HTOALH> rtOMliN'i* WCLKIT

5 acted In vt^l'- drlc^c- und can nut
ted *'tli unv rrlmr wrw than ju>-

Tkr' jut? rc br-i. and K*v Bobin re-
turned to bio rrnpluyer.

"Well, I'w wed iny riifilynntlon. It
oiujht to rtrat.h; the f^cmur hi'fcrf -he
oilier uluws. and hU; Win uf aJdCepfance will
eomt to m« In y»ur ure I've hired on
rmtnmobile — at your expenj? r>oii Jatni**—
aitd nm on my way k> the ranch. HI wnd
trie irnihr in oftrr our hones ui the morn-
Ina They're at irtftger hrudquurtera . , .
Id betwr be at th« ramsh In the -vmt ot
b«iEi)]tJM. The wihte-at ihi'pp-hcrrtpr w.ll
teuerally il&l^n to wawn inun n rarrgflr-
and 111 be a ranker until my reahrn»Utiii
|> arcopted find I tuivn tiurned In my shield ""
Dm: Jalmi- held out .i !eie«rnm to htm
r-j'-- -i- 1:1"' (ri-r m yc>i; K o our. K'-'n Thr
dncJor Iim Mut to El Paio for h trained
num, and tu >wn as >)i? arrlveo I'll go cut
:o Ihr riLnch. and recuperate-- All t rwiu^re
is an expert to drcu tbexi puiictLrrs and
keep an eye out Jot ixH.'nble inf«rtiirt: A*
for Choae Mlunpe — I mtmn fth»J> — tell An-
ttim"$ f oreanan to resdrjet bun m to the
country nouth of the Arroyo Ban DleeurtD
The fesd Uibtp bin't no fltiraollve la my
nnttlo, anyhow, bnl sheep can make a Itvtnff
there, AdJos, mi buun compaiuma "

.THOUQrl uhe Itad
pnimlurd Crooked Bill Ijitham thai *h*
would i.iiit for Ijn Alrudoncit IniniPiHrttely.
*uiiii srav hL f r i'uriast'.y tu meet the adw-
>bb Dun Jttlm.' Mhiur] Hljrurne* r-toberia

Alltl'lm KfVwlCbtttd Lhc tif^fiwillK UiOrnhlf

w.th =. ttjtangffd pjiladi Oqnnjr the nljtht
ahur had decided ttiut the border tewn. In
.luii- would am lu to het Uktnp Bin-
hudnt the EiUJb,ti Ulua nf the «me of her
lain umit'a esukte. bat. kh« betftHrtB it to
be laeuiuJderable heaardJeai irf Its jd».
however Bhr uiked herself whi*t bf:n«flc=nt
purpoae eouid fche Mtfft by colhc down
Tiherr now The Hljutftiei man hnd TOliin-
innri'd ta -nok alter her intprealj, thp bank
had , rcwunmrud.''d Jtlm htiild;. rc why not
penhtl luffi Id Up- nn hrleh^urty nn hi?
wl&hed I

Crooked BUI tw quite itrepa.ed tor Lhu
cr.a^gfl ai nmui So ho wid noLblug o=-
yond n ti.u-i tftqeury aa to whnt reply ahe
tiAfl >rn( Zton Joim*- Uiuuel lllpusnca to
hla ctarmlng tiTiparton

'Oh 1 totd htm t wnuld bt* happy tr Jiqv^
nun Icok antrr n;v batflnftjita un!|j I could
fthd a man to n-Urse him ai whieli tuae
lip wcmld be remunfmlrd tor hie work I
ml;n s»k?d hltn to hBnd mr u dialled
euunl or tiie maini^r hi wlilrh Uiu:]e Tom
mfi! ins dfiath and uutrueU'd him io have
OucJo Tom burled In the fooul eometary and
????I i Lhe bill to m* M
^^naHnl" Crooked UJllV crmit wna very
flccpueai ~DidJ you nik him for any- in-
;. ::iu, int, i t'SJiirijiLiL ujui UhlMl- Tlui'j

"No. TJimli! Bill, i thought yuu'd look
ulu'j iiiutiL* detail) tuj m-. "
"X will hoTipy. tint i hav*: ?? tew detail!

*i[ my .iia'li :ti^l n-u-jiri' ]ij*jK.[Uf; jiftni. I'm

up i" my ryetu'ows b» nifiwa, nrtd t( the
market (pMa ugalnAt. me landj I don't like
ILic iookji ol I'. I'm liable to have to fo>
down to Telaa, t*Jtc Itotd of your. Uncle
Tom'n fihecp hunine^ und try to eke uut
un tststeoee tw tu. I suppose you'd give
me j Job a* your m a finger, wouldn't; tou.

Itobcria'a tyn widened. "Surely, Uncle
Bill, ymi'nc- JrttJnf."

"I'm not. Nt'lthcr am I Iturubrloua, my
df.tr LL will tw tune cikjukIi for tho: when
J invite my eredltqra In to gaUiur up tlig

National Library of ALMrsrVfflila.gov.au/nla.news-page4613699

•M'l'llMIM II*

"Yoa'tt* i Atrange ml* lure of optimism
and pci*irni*jr . Unci* Bill Are you really

"Tm In irtotwa up to my rjrtirfrim 1
haee u few otter U;irn but molars ti thu
♦lack Uui wun't |rt your Unci* Bill rilrep
well lately You tee. Bobby, when nne
PUSH on munp» and «U> ahnrt. he makes
a dollar a ahare evnry turn* the price dmpt
a point. U he buy* itujrt he= Woe*, a dollar
h shore every Lime the price nmuni* ??
point And Lhf broker* steep cidtms tfit
more Riftnln VpVII. I bnushl «ve Uiou-
aand ifaaina at 110 "

"Tivk hundred wd fifty themsanci
trUllan./' Rotwrtn Interrupted

H W*11. the «ock naji egn up to a

?? - 1 • I - ' 1 ?? ' ' anil I:.::-".' — **

"A loss of eighty points— four hundred
fhniLsarid dollar*! Oh, Uncle BUI'"

Robert* cairn* to the old num n»d put
bn fair am - around his i rathe rv recK
"I'm fJriclff Tom'* toil. At leant lip wrole
mil to thu; effect nncc when br wus wry

"n't thnr hr w*j. *Jir>: by hU loriittian
in a qaarrrl over parUciuatuig pranli. you

**— €o If you (tt burl UrictB Bill, y»u ran
have Uncle Tom's sheep.

"A imrlWe btrrttafpi/' Crontrtd Bill
replied, and ahudrinred. '"WclL. wo'U hops
for the bwt. honey. -

"Of riiuiw, you ran iri] now and pocket
your lost, con you rwty"

"A true sport nrver Jcnfltw a rcjpet,
Bobby. Ec always protects hi* heLa l

rhinir !'][ rrll Out my UlU> fff CDUCp attd
•rteel to-day arid uie my. cfliiiluurubli* prtVQi
tn protest uiy othrr trmden.' 1 Crocked
Bin Ijuhani hung bis head and wiped hU
fiyes curelully. "$c*um w
are, Bobby, 1 dJirl cmiragrt I
Ihlnff. IS-a sold HUlcrc,
ttiten my bfLrdctrct n d«d
ment, to file It for record in ca*e T fall
in meet my nblljpitinrM to ihii bank— and
if that trwtine crowd ken pa on thnvlng

M- up and up

•'WJuitever hanoert* well be brave about
it. olil drar" Roberta ar-mired htm wnrir-rlr.
There, therr-. Undo BlIL Bbcfc up nnw."


4Q0Oti Rh'.Tp on Lbti ratine, and Inlorui
lilirt that H nu yuiir avian, u 'hi- ;> ui>
ftolr tieir lo your tmclc't smie. that be
t'tinttiiue to nrry tm wttJt the »heep
until Uie omvnl nf yrni or jtnu repi$- '
leuLntivo huie Thit foreman liiM tHtinlr. 1
imUTfCvd in; forcniftn a* brhnji a kJt

apori you
m iortK-
ts. I've


LT waa a w*rk bpion- th*
nxi>Mf-rrd ii i r"T f riVf-il fr-xii .'n.:nf \t;iiii- !
HlKUPWa riairinj? rjenwcl It RoLii!rtu
handed It to Crooked Bill
"Rancho VaLle Verde. Lhb Crturri Co,
Texas June 3S 1924
"Dear V&m AnLrlm:—
"SuiHiLt'inentiriB my teloemm of a wi"*t
n^o I rvfrrfit tn report that nn th* list
IruL. ytmr MiitAt. Thy mat Antrim, a* the
altermath of a dupuir tb*t ivn**e riw;
Lo your uncle'* alh^rod vnepat* with hu
aheep tai liiruti tvA oviu<d by hjm, en-
gaged m n duri with rlflC* OS thP rnn.sn
some ten milea tmm Lsxt AlRndwr H>a
aubaitouiAl one Jim Hlettoa. ewwl
Ufa Vlclor tn Ibis wngulnary affray
Pnim the Umtlmo&y ol the latter. La
addition to chut or a rnn«nr whn arrh-rd
the vcenn Immediately follrjwtng the

imltirtunflte »w.ldHit
a* I refuel to I
an* vi'ry niurli
Wtufin wap w
your relaUve b
tn puaiticm to
raugTir nrujjthL

fipeart. much
thdt Mr Anirtm
!rr*sor. In fart.

tlirnr Ttiiifi: uy
e found htmaelf
??.he flre. Trap
F'gy't " and the Fx>rf.v

nt your uncle la Aigodrjncji, the
coualy seal, wnere the Cvroar.t* jury
reUtrtird a verdict of jur.UiSahin noml-

**In a«ordflnc5 wllh ytmr trtPBropiiic
VnRTUCiionA. I bave m U> Vt that you!
Utinlc received Chrintlan bm-iai la Odd
fellows' Cecneiery

"Being; at 1.hl* tlrne confined to my
twme artih a nifehi lndspr«IUoo. I
directed niy gmcrxl mamger to call uiton
your uncle 'j foivman in charge of wme

'. Hi

to a eenalii Kjttent tn ttae liutcr: ^.'ri«
bL»me». awt ilated tlutt tt« «u not
Lafctne oni»?f* from anybody. Mr
manager liiereupou ahowed him ytmr
lelrjrram to nrv eopwymB T^ur irq-ii^sr.
- 1 . _?? ?? 1 act a* ytmr rHpresouru.U'* it tim-
pttrojffy Thin WTltten difcpiuy o|
M.rthurUy Imc Little or no z&vii on Bill
Dlnelr While Jim FUbimiui It iKOVfir-
lr>ii Jrmit his »^unda Bill ttlngic ppo*
ttnueK tn irrsposs on 'he luruL'*r'» landt.

"BHfcpecting tlm" your unide miRbt h*ve
made a will. 1 »u|gte*ted U> Lh? ptitibfi
adtrunlatntlor tltat It* J»k tnm Uie
mtittnr. Thn-e dny* ago I recelvetl a
leLtcr from ihla tifflrlal Uifw-mimt mo
that Lrrp Fertofii Tnuit Cnmpan?, of El
Pav», bad fr.rwiurtPd a ailt *jj be Jlled
t(7T probnte nt U*s Atgwlunr* From
this wht IL Appear* thai y-nt *re ilir
%olt hflr arid vo-etruutor with (he IVde-
ral ituit Onrnpaiiy whom oecutmhlrh
WWKVCf. Hfay cease at ymir ojjtiou. bib
iinly aft.rr tbQ :ru« company ibraJJ bftit
bi?en paid certain loan* made yom lua-le
in hla lifetime

"Toy will, doubtlew, have t w ctnptoy
a local attorner. If desired, 1 apari be
happy to :eeommi'Tid one wlto baa v=nfld
f.hrt "filfuenea fiimil^ uUI> .inn 1*1 m -
fully lnr mrty yr*ni - Vxvt prufltntio nt-
i" n| l. i- ??' hi "??!!'?? [i- -

"1 regret u> rtalu tltat 1 1*jivb very
uttifl cemfideiirc tn the tmeffnty M fw*
locGmah. Hiu DUigk- und oiiufff-"'-
you takfl steps to ntmnt Uio iihn**p m-
niPdiRrely The uouriL wit] J»va ti> m
made by one backed bj' undLmbted lt<jr*J
rigfct to do srj Upon th£ icqneM or llip
incaj attcrnry tor Iftc catate die eoiirt
will *pp(hnt * mar. to do Ltd* ittz ytni.
1 advlft? utompL actton.

-IT i can jutvh you iurUirr, do not hoal-
tme tc coinmanrl

Tmir obedient wrruriL,

*XVW Hoberu ounnrtl a* cmuknl Bill
f Dktod th* Irtter and laid it on iba llbmry

The old tthroiBT ruhbwl bin ineenloui
bead ™rt Ute U» idea o( that Kl J^ao
bank being en-eaecutar wicn ytui. bonny.
We'd heUoT aacrrLiUn hint much mune-v
rhu estate owe* ttie hank, pay than »ff
inid tfct fid Of mem. I imfcginj? tt un't,
* great dr-al Nu »nive bank *nuJd lo*n
Tnm An trim my miteh Of DOTirw. till*
D?n V lt Bell "

"B1U Dltislc." nobert* corrcatod- J Eict»3r
Hiiuetm rtWfin't liuit him "

^oot Utituenra u nidcnlly tn ttw
e*Ut1i bufineu. jf w» jnuv ludnr. tiro hi*
lulU'iUi'jd. to iuturally itc wvuUln'l, Utwl
any ihrtijimJin I vnuUXi i be in \tf SJral
b hurry tr» ouft phtglr anil- -I rru'Wi, BiH
Dlnelc II I -etc ymi, Bobby Th^ qualities
that go to makp ui> a trrxxl hln^fi firrmun
mlBhi not iipp^iii to n cattleman How-
evw, t ihmi you jhoulii cnyiute Snini'
fhnidPiww Alvtio ae yoin nUnrrtey What
*??« want now Li acUun. Vfr nuut hav*
thovc cheep Daunted. We'll tnttW PW
dtrncio by night-Inter to mirbL. and teJt
juir. n;r< Ionn-iirthitc n Lhcuaaiid for HU
rajtalpar; art wilt alio tmgpsl Hint tie cdO'
stil t »-ll it TTljpion r:s when n- 1 U'c r in c 1 1;
man fo count the abrcp. The court will
lirebtiblj *ppMnr the mno irominat«i hy
your attornpy Urnrnvhile we arm nav* «o
arm mu wif.b oropr rrfjientnas — birth cut-
LtHcate. affldavlt* und other proof that
ytm are tbe Idiarticril Robvr*-a AiiLrirn irnu-
noned in ymtr unrle'a arllt Olenn HocketL
aln nttrrid to that, of count"



km iwrrstant a
Uie Raneho Valle Virrdf wa3kt«I
rr-eitrioa-d ivraiidati wlii're Don
I r.as>r In hU cVialf^' -tongue. w?itlo
\mi ntd enauich to be tun motber,

v\ o!i: L'^' lf MriJ OimbyT" Ken

Qit* ture alt htialrrt up by first
tt*? nurae ani«cn d I nltould
nt up and mmiid ajfAir* tn a
k) i v l : line for a month or two
At any rat*, be lose* me neat

ie. wttn * vx^ite rrHpint to i*t
nJ ttU mail. Pn**tolly hn lookddl
im- * j* m ;lu;t oi duMlir* in

ndcsvlo • - me Urnt
ru cnt;niird by Mv<r Antrim **
r the eatate; thai. ML«st Antrim
tbr redrtral TruU Comnany a
i imju i ' o! th* notes tt held
. • .,..1 is i.: ,?? juiA lin.1

hrr\' in iwnmer and Nhn bm ar^epted an
mam- <maiiupment') nt n mkIaI nature."

"Wlio U Mlia Antrim*" ton nunc In-

The niece aud aole hrtr ur tiie nian
AnUhn l kiUcd *fier r***d tiuated uie. VLra.

??Aud j-ou are her adviwr^iwa friendly
with ran?"

on sh<) doem t xnnwr 1 bumped old Tom
off I wroli* her a chap ruunod Jim tilffftQfl

>i onnby. Tire
hi Spain wai?

dnrr'loprid Into Jahnr WiiiL^]
WUen did tliul happen. Don

??rd B*ia. t\t cent my tathw tn the Vrr-
:lnlN Mih'ary tnstifutc .nd fn:b< r innr-
ird * -Ciirrol ut Vtipjin* k tid beitot me"

-Yon heie mtver Ikm. ntaniedS'* Iho
mav tilled.

'^Kerer. 1 "

"Arm", jou pnlng lo be?"

National Library of AUnEttpB/f / ala.gov.au/nla.news-page4613700


"I lr*r n« Ttw limetliw» hi-ro-ihc
co'/oip rrturu- on T,tw imtttt— «ll mllltn.e
ngaliMl it, Un. Quaky."

"Thn rigii-. tuV «»>d Mn. Oimby.
??••iwUdn't mlrd II m Hie Qo ftWB

lien, n-iin'h lor n^r. Onn JfllmP-"

Don Juiiuf »ppr»toa Dm oW nu-»c »ltli
doitK iuwrnt "Mr«. cnaty. you :<iM mi
you ire a uldnv: lUve you ciu> chilJdtrci^ ,-

"Oni*~ a frny ot SUnen. He Iwn i^m
Katie crippled mmw his lnwllili birtJinuy.
thfwtfjll fjjiralyiU"

Dnn Jnltn* MtakWnd lht*. •??Buupow
you h«d » com/crlutjlr nnnie wlirrn > nil
utrtiid bo vour hoy *lway&' I should
hsn a bmrrn rmre. Por «nr.r -.tair 1 luivt
leit ItiM Flmtn't wile li Lra— well tlfmtn-
tul. tor it* Jdb. Tha ttutnida nhould
lilirrc i tf lUlr-wniMn'ii mmi«,t?ttit'iit— m

UtirKC'h Wl«tf3."

"Oh. Ddll JMF! Veil Itl"0Tl Ml '.

LE nodded- "I'd WW

tn brr able to Inxlle nice people
<o >tn:. inc. htd G»nh> i flhuiid
like 10 h*V« my fiwtwU frim the ??urround-
tug cnunljj 1 romn to dinner rj>ner, but
I'm never j»LL(=flrd wiirt the- apprarknOe of
my br^rd. :he menu, or the wrv..**. J havr
no time to train matr!-- and houaekeftper*—
and «M 1 dJtt t wouldn't know how."

"¥o* h man U vtrry hrlp'e». I eheutd
b» Kind id come Don Jaime, 1,

??you arc vnry hind Ken, you run up
to K] Paro End eel the boy. Mr*. Ganby
will arr&tw Ihm detail with you. Now
cy^r on: ,mr| If nif (rteeu.'

Mr?. Canny, with I r-L-.T nr hftppinaoi to
b« n:nidlr*-*gfd eye. foLlnwctf the aJrtla1a.nl
KFurrai mam fx into Mm ranch oftlte.

"Why do you auppowj hp cneuaed me. Mr.
Honor* do yt>u think be suspected he
iv N dobuj a very wonderful thing tor my
li-nv- fend me?"

"Ye*. T '.hi nk M Hut hr fnwjfil ytxi.
i :'.::u'.'..i..'. I think, bevnuae lie vonr> ihf
Can* HiffjfliiBfc Co b* ruanlDi In clvillnrd
lithlon ui caxr tiip luck hntd« fend hf
nhrjiJd- h*tr Llip lidbOr cJkf ttil.prinlnlng MHh
HnhPrta Anulm and h*r riuennii."

Mr?. Ordd.v wlTjte n rw]ir t.n Ihr pr-npli*
v.-)th whnm nhij hnnrdcrt Im crlr>p!ed wn
kw) travr U Hotiiri. r,cs«lttr with Uur
mtiirpin wti^n he rrpnirttl hla qiUrtrrii
»> nrray film-wll Tor thn .Itmrnew, Ntm.
Qmiby ri'ttmwd to hrr paunnt.

"What d chumtnt n.*n your Mr. Rnrj&rt
t». Don Juifflp'" ihr b«)(«i.

"He'll do tn * plnrh"-)nrrTilcnll^.
??'H# !j v*ry tkwki to ymtr iniexenuB."
l^n jHSmf did 111H nnjrw*r. His «hin«
v,nn out. throitgh ttw iiwheri gatewry from
whtnli thn roid rah etrnlghi down Hit
waiter. ^ milp *way * dust clmid wu
emthpclof oci thkt road.

'•aomfibody m cumtn.p: ta p himry," hi-
munnurrd "Wnfm they hiirr>' zlvayt-
bad IKWa.'* _ —

A liwr^niBn kpillo^jcri LtLrtw hlmwlf off
and hurried up tha jtt*pe

"WelL my Ertepd.'.' Don Jannv liurrwri.
">-tut T'vd ffiNMRT do ycLi orlniT an.d tram

"Tbli'iv rlrfur* tfauifd thr Rio Ororiraf
at diUlfht. itTMrf. Th*r mre roundln* up
Hrvenl hundrffd oi the penor'ii tiat:lc It. ts
a ruJd "

- My Thanks arc dn= ymi. toy frwud Thry
will not eel for Who BEnt yon here?'

"Tnc Amerl-pn-n c-jatoind ffient m Ijm
f\lECidcin«t, Qnn Jalmti. He tld* ?ou wnd
jrtitr t-LJrra to head tti?rn off bcrorr they
i Up rtvfir with ?our cuttle'

-K r -nirn and Wl him t hire bu t (onjr
mrm available. The oUmm *r* *t!*ndir«j
n haiifl m Oie R^ticUo VBTdinro. Forty mFn
*I1V be nufflcwnh. I think »*>tam to the
rii8totni atfiTit wtLh my gratiludc for liia
wainmn uid tmU hltu my we» will Wirt
in <ni nirDwW». oefhfipB Ires"

??Mir ninP. HPjlnped away. Don Julnw
Fm<ikPd cotitflniedly, widle Mm, Oaabr
v- Ltctad iJiaj wirh Dttrtpnitf. PrcaonUy Ken
MiJ"i:i iiune to Himoiinre hla tmrnrndtna


-Ctolfty It until tv-tnurrchv, Ken," hi*
emploirr (rrrtfi'rt ctaually- "I have n job
(or you-" And h* rtnpunted 1 ' nJf " b-rgiiRtil
dy ruji mitoj. "Takr forty mon aticl riti-
.•or the m-er Tr thta roon'i Hln tn Ihe
truth you will hme «rk Uim-. X think,
hmmtir. Iw h?«- Ha^e Citrawo arm ui*
oKier men and in.it.-urt, h\m ti> havii thrm
roinuJn in Itw burm Willi theLr tiorate
uniil 1 ornd him word Uwl he in ntit Boinu
t"j l>e ne«trd "
"A nlnht, ell?"

"I've bewi ptukt'Iiih reprlrat. K*n I
luld thia niKMnsftr 1 Imd liut rwly inim
«-.j!lal*>, bui vuold send ih"tn irnmrdlnWy.
Go with, tiiflxn. Then «f ftlinil pk MtfU
we *hnU m. t imrlL »h«p '

Ho bait dcimrred, and Dvin Jaime tii«u*d
to A£n. Oanoy. "PlBaHc tell flavin 10
uwUit me to enter my lion*?,"' ho ntud,

"Tlwre 35 m*v.e riu^r ir» -]y •??'"•u*! i. Wi- -liuil
how vlaiior*— about ton. 1 think."

TIji- uld peon plckrfl Dnn Jtt\mo ur>,
carried filni ln>lde and Ultl hiro on * eo<o-
ThiiU tie det^neil ruually

"You wilt obllfu me by boiriuR- thai
tloor, Mrs, Onnby." Don Jmm* r»fi'i**tfd

Preaontly came rhe sound M hurrytnii
feet on the verandah, .-uid tJiroiiph th*
Iron-hjiTPd tiny U'lndrw that ff»ve on nhe
verandih Mm. Clanby mw m?Fi rtunrtlnif
nfjour. There eiunr a ru;> " ?n ihf ivulV,
"Who"* thore-9- Don Jaime ehallrnited
"Oyian tlw door.*' a rouuh rotce crm-
irtanded "We wont you."

"Ah, BUI rJInylr 1 tiavr been expeettri*
yew. ever alnee j-nu m (housh'-lJlliY "Ptit
one of your rn«i with a faLrie cry cr
raldtni from behiw th*« dottier 1 wnt.
ftrtfli mm. Your iook-put aaw th«n ride
Mil, and when they had passed yWU tl» -
cided tji come; to my nadnnrlo. dssfTh'd '-avii
for LPe wanien nnd children, nmi kfl] ir.*
in name unplnnnant manner. Ia it not


There wan na wufwer Lb this, and Dcwi
Jwmn'a macitlufl laugh flonTud Mirnvmh the
wtnduw "Now. Dlr:*]c. ctnulU'jr llie nlhjii-
tioo. A huntbeu untied men itm-round

?? I ,r. poor hvu&o oi nune. On to the ' - ??
rnlrarace unit look"

A mtirmurina amnnfj thn rrcem

nrriTBii, and one oi them rm. to ttir eai-
trams* of the par.in A TOllry of curmra
ecihoed thro\ish the unricn. fhen the mnn
rams rnnnln* back.

"Ei aeelnj{ betlerinff. a«nor Dingle Don
Jaune railed pJ?*ffantl,y.
"You win. Hlffiienei."
"One by one yvu will go to the ontnaiK*
pi-.Q p;ive u[i youf pmui to tny ridtng boaa.
Ti woutd be madueu to xesiai- Yoti ahEili
nr.: be killed, and irrccenUy yo:i r.;iu;i

?? U return to your i??iri?ps^I (n«M ahp*-r-
firnrajdf Marohl"


nm ADMKitMv n-»«rs* wrrKLlr


MOMENT'S Jusaitatiun,
snd the retreat- tn thi- entranc* commetierd.
A tew mihyLe* I*ter Eurico Curasao thrurr
a umJlng. aardOnle 1 noe up tc Llio grilled

??'I hurfl thi? hnnor to Inform Hon Jaini' 1
Uia( nil vtsltort awall hlu pleflfiure."

•C--r.fi n- them In the oxm under i-r.r<i
feed thPtn."

Mriu Ganby. white-tnrwi Bu.;ech.le»f with
rt-rrnr watchpn Drm Jarms blfnrtng fmeJte

"Don .lalrre Huj'jenee." shr demari!3»d.
-afUr lbs! einibiuon tit tnoratuud* on
I he part of l.buse jhinmnen, arc yob utlll
q-oiiif to permit them to trcsp** «n ymir

I tinge f

Don Jaltti* rilsed a deprtetitltur hand.
"An Hiffuenw," he asfiurerd hrr. "duet au
Quarrel wtbh a. wpnun*

Mri Gunby's evr* lilwad, "Nov,*, nr.
kHLSt," lib* fltclojnd, "I kniv why Ccr-
I'pmcN wrote Don Qtilxnt^ Only n Spaillfcrd
cendrt havr oonceived fiiirh it DMraCtfr, luntl
only n Spaniard could cOyU — could- —

"Sonera." Don Jnirup jmHewted. "my
name be Jimmy Hlgnira"



ItmuuulRff re ._

to thn wide purttLla of ttiUcrest, and Harms,
it!" btrUCf, came down the tlena ml opon»-d
rl'.i! rloot

*ltr. Latham cutur hnmr nn hour bro
mbi»." he cunrklPil "Bomethlng miiel have
hapijrinsd tn the city to-d*y, niJs Hrk
wtiriled— walktnc uu and down the draw-
ir.ff-ri-rrti hjiiI ralifing to runufU. Tm »
b:i u-Ottied abcnil Die niaiwr, mtes."
"Thank you. Hariu*, You're rery kind"
A foreboding nf oTlawitflr brought Roberta
f&fatf 1Mb the Jivitit-room, CrookBd Bill
•at huddled In a rending- rtialr, hi* (ace in
huj bkn'dj hi.-, n'.i.nidt: j-emunocpiit of pm-
Cotmd o""t>*ir-
'L'nrli HUH WhflVa haftpenad?"
crooked Btir> old handA mer»l>- clu'per]
hu feainte* Muhttr. He wn«£ed Inn hend
n nd mi^aned.
"Are you In paid. Uncle Bill*"
-I'l-.r mnrkrt only rumpnd ftftrnn pointji,
rm thraag9L My bruicen »ld me out thi»
alUrnoau. Oli, Bobby. Bobby, what a rr.aj-
aarrel T amyrd aa toag na J darfd], bflt when
thtt but Jump came I rqaluiad that only
rzA-jy nun: ttu\i)'A :"Kii:nur it. ihii crary
matkei I d- c-ilne- to Invent another dollar
—lor the i*eafon that I didn't tvava. it, 1
tn]d mv broken I'd gone the limit and to
net! rue oui My flrti Ibnurjuid dumped on
(Ju? inafke* fike tlurt brflk* the t:ock two
pntliisn, bait that wu to be exiwsted. I'm
nil waglu'd up.'

'TSflUBt w* Iraw Hllfemt?" Rctwrta
queried in a fitrrnpirrt vnic^

"Wo iniiflt," CrooJrol Bill nrphed herme-
aily "I hare flrrough to pay off the «r
vrtnt" uuitntatn ti» in rspjyct»Wi)T.y at
oops muriost bor.ifl until we cmi-. look nroqnd
and see what the future nolda for u*. bur.
mfter that—' 1

-After that I'll take pure of you. dear
Unult- Hill." Roberta'. 1 ] voice aVaa very ten-
dei, rhe Mtkti of her Jowiv chnek m
Crocked wrinkled jowls vna yery

KHrtbiEta to tiiHt wrplched wreck nf p finan-
cier. "Sheep are up And ao Is wool, Uru=le
Hill Don Prndencio Alviw wr=t.Ei me that
t*nete Tom'* ffhet?p are wurih u-t bsaai two
himdrod t.hnucnnd aa »hoy (iianrt. and he
haa orer n hundrtd trtouahnd poimda tn
wool in Irunalt to a wool hnuM in Borttm,
Anr. cnod wool tr quoted In to-dny"i paper
i*, lltlrty cenia a pound. Urclo TOru haz
a ranch or aortic also. Don Prudenelo
dacan't uilnk much of tr and anya :t In not
or rendy ealn, bur. we can in** liwre and

carry on hi the iditep busuasas H

Dncle BUI Ljtbnni jrt<bed ond anf^rf
drearily on I the window. "*M you'd ovtfy

Djc*d It np to aiftrry Gletin Hacltttt *

?? If ire didn't na\e those ftheep and Uie
,vn.."i I'd marry lalm anil rltk learning to
loce him. Jui I in keep yevj from wonrlna;
nbocit me." RobrTrtn aarared him harotcilly.
"But. ol course, thanki Id that adtoui Jim
Hbiiln*, 1 Dnd uiywlf tn rai-hrr an inde-
pendent pfHU*.[nn W« iriu rwH afl ail :hr
sheep a«d wwl and \iv* comfort aoly arid
fconomtnally oo tbr irmome frfmi iluu
until "

"Htckntt is ccmSn»" for dinner." ha Intar-
runtcd nice lo htm. Hp'i my actcr-

fjfjy. of course, and HI hare t«? tell him
wiutf'a hapacneil lo rot. If he elect* to
lorvek that Idiot bi us, you and he had
nerenljy. fnr heaT-iiK poike hoJd out. the
olive branch You'll never bavc u chance
at a btrttfiT man, Bobby."

"Pcrtiars he frj'tl tioc Ie> biterejitec in me,
now that 1 am not your helrtta, *a i dare
say he nelld^'ed me to be once,"

"Well, civo hlin a ctumcu to piny hi*
bond." Crocked Bill proicnLcd. "Promtw

mfcr I" I — ' _^ - -. •

National Library of Abtu r oa / Fiiaila.gov.au/nla.news-page46 13701

ttTFTltMCrr 10



me. Bobby. that tl he renews hi* hUV youl!
accord him kindly and itappcliui cuiyuder*-
Uuo. "

"in her grot dUUrwi ui. thn catastrophe
vtik-ti iuui overt Afcrn tirr «ii4:<1iim. Roberta
»??« In a mood to ;iroui::«* anj thine — a*ut
dtd. Crooked BUI apponrcd to rail- Imme-
diately and iiuv -i tunuwlf a mWn of hu
favortta bvWnurD.

Robert* ffu ilxrMlRB wrmn ah* heard
Glmn Hacker, n itjlt toUihr uvt the drive-
way. Sit* looked out bur window and called.
"Hello, old atlLk-iii-ihr-rmid! Hon are
you?' -

ili! [arored her villi x not very em hunt-
a*tic wave of rib hand bt'forr hi cur dlfi-
fttnu-nrrd niiCltr the par f*--eoc here.

"Still IwJdlng UU litUC grudtt," RntirrU
thuiiRhi "Well I don'i, blumr him. Ncrer-

Croofced BUI rrcolreti hla BTiMt nt the
door tiiiii at, '<:??????' cnnducled him to the
library, wlu«re the old achrme^'A tavuriu-
nejw nihc awaited.

got In talk fiust. coy bay." he bL-itan.
"brrore Robert* ctvmn dawn. In the flrsi
place you intuit brace younclF for a not
wry cheerful gjnrwr. rm lupposed to have
tonf hurt in the marfcpt--Htltare.st hfla been
cobhird up by my bankers to meet my
notes. I'm down to a couple- thotnand

doliil IV.

Glenn Hacke-U stared at the old nentlc-
rruin owltshly He was a man who »pldr>m
asked qu«Uonj before tw hoa nil of the
tJCU \n hand. Orookrd Bill continued.

*"I IWpC I (10 ItOt iMVe Uf JUU,

CHerm, thm ina»r*r na Bobby id concerned,
I'm for yuu tilt too way."

Thank yw( very mucin," HiprfufU replied
"I have repotted nr. much for quite a

"Well, rm nor. *o lure Roberta wouldn't
be delighted to bo yum partner— cater
mhn*» brought jou to u* proper pmm ol
iiibjuewtlan. Thr iroubki with you, too,
ui that you're not siuTictantly romantic to
appeal Bp. Hoborut You're too Old lor your
year*. Do you ewr make h*r u jiretty
speech? Flmter her a EUtie? Rcmiirle
on hur drosses. Ihe wtiy shti dew Iifj hnir
— i.hlnRS Ute !haf» My hoy iron] t'n cn*.
that *ort or tiling with n aurg? spoon."

-I fear I'm sadly deftcit-nt in that mtittiod
of approtmh."'

??*I Icao*. i*cu hare ch* Tool hnbif, of
iwildtig all tfip triluga you ought to My.
Now then, hem's my pLuo" rocited
In marvctltiua dctoll hla cotiTtrraa'-inn with
Roberru. at a fev <l*yi ln*lore. rUBardma
hi* opcraLlaa Ui Wall Street- "Of conne,
lis addfd "Ml stnte all thu way around
Uuj troth, buL I won't actmilly Ho. Not
to Roberta, at »ny r»t*. 1 JuJt pulled «
moumlul mien, and RoberU Jiim|ied to
tho eoaeluslon that T bad told fi"r tbou-
wind Uiitfln ??hem. end that with fivury
Jump af tho ucJtcr 1 wu lotOnR; a forty aa.
YtXl I HJcreiy 0uLUJJ«3 to DAT tth-i-t.

wouldj h*PT»en to uiy cluip who tmuaht
ahort In thii Truulwt i"hui I cralaiy
paved the way lor u rr.ythii^il lioliapte.

To-DAV I came

9ta<iterltUt In, olay-ftclinB Ow.
the |)Jafi«. and mceunrfl Aloud that
I k» out ot the mrrfcH, that Motuca
hiid jumprd fliieen p/Jin'.a. snd tout my
bmlcerf bad sold me out twiauw I didn't
diim iLay »nth tl*. gamff any Iohrw WeII,
u a matter of fact. I am out at the
maifcet My broken dirt »tlJ mr aut—
but on the ngbt aidti of the Eatif^r, and
.1 ?? a rc«uJt, I've ctnaned op leu mil-

liooa. I'v* arrartfleij with a trua|*d frinnd
to pretend t»> bouBht HiUrrnst from tlit
IkmiK to which T hud Rtven n dr-ed Well,
I did c lve lhe t,nnk n llp ' tl - " ««iirtly
(fir more mr-ney to play tliUi crajt? martcFL
but I could afford to I w*a miles mhnutt
ot Sbt tiound^— puyiim «m mnrglxi. . I**e
gtaatdl LhiB tilace for Juiy. Aueiwt, aro
Bniiieiiit>T-Qr.d Robrrta I? ao *orry for me
ihe'fi gotng u- acll out her Uncle Tom'j

thcrp and wool and take cam of me the

remturjddt o( my dayx"

"SUU, 1 do tint, unite follow you"

Tm not tiurpriucd Where Roberto la
concerned you do not thlnh wry clearly.
Sow, llaten to me. my boy. Hobcrb&'fl
??olti« down to Tcaoa to look wlWr her Ui-
t*» rests Stir haan't Baul but I know
th* thniiaht will occur to her between now
iiirt T.o-inorrou' morning: F^iin didn't want
to t n II *te canM u-void H. but now olie'e
lit- iiin« to tiiinl if oi her duty to go.
She munL be on Ute Job to protwrt ewry
dulhir comuifr in her Irnm Tom Antrim'*
batata. Bhe'n tht uttk* Mother now.

"Clot to take care- of poor old Lhuili- IULI
X.athcLm or elac poor old TJnclo Bill will
iiFver rniae hi* head aanln."

"A very commnnriftble iptrlt. That mnhea
mr |6yq Roberta «ill l.bu more. Bui. eiJU
I tjo rwji follow yoo,'*

"Voti Bitot, borJ Tm e«J.nR to st-vp yao
a cluiwe to be a hero, to put RpborLa.
under obUsation to you. To-niahU at
dinner, tide ~&ad srory I've juat tnld you li
sOna: to cwne out You're bo^S Lo nuppnet
aocnethlni and aUrt prdbtos me— *hd when
j-ou discover all |a over yon're folng to
rufrpeut navmo uib."

"Hcrw> H


CroOKFD BILL robbed
n:-- haridj toKetlur and untied b coyote
Hmfle "You're going to is*] ime that
tlila rlM tn Motors Li undoubtedly
ocie o[ r:n: KToatnit bull moye:i]«nta
ever noted in Lhr m»rket, but thnt
frim aouroeii nf information you oannol lh
honoi- divulge you happon. to -imo* rhui

tile : ?? lil'FO'l licked, ttiat th?y hilve Lhe
buElN in a tight corner, and turn Motnra
la due: to orssh I want ytiu to Uia lhe
word enwh. lfn a Rood word, tt't — lt*»
— atgnitixsmt- Then V"-.j rawhide mo lor
not cominit lo you with tny troublr..* *«4in
iLui gooig got allppory Ywi tell me I
wiU a urnutlou old fool lor nut rtotnff t>o;
rhnt jr I could mjly hai-c hcln On a little
bit longer the tide would have turned and
that you would liave been d>]l#ht«d to
have loarwd mo a million to cany me over.
Hate ttia:?"

"Yn, mr. 'ITuti wttat?"

"Why. I'll bo 0-ve-rcffrn* with emotion and
say; ??Oletna, you ought m know I'd be the
uut man In Lne world to ??l-...-.--< b losn
!rnnl you. of all men— under the circuiu-

^nre:?. ' And Ml Rive BoiiB.V looX that
will be— well, ^([iiKicirji. She'll be grate-
ful tii me !ot not liaTtnfi plar*d htr tn ths
pr.Fi£l«r. of having tn Ik- tirdU-Iill tn you !"r
helping me But. al the name time ihrr'U
Us grateful to you for ^uEge*Un H It W#U
I'll UM you k'a loo lata how. und you Jump
up and yell Ehat It buil: Lhui you will -m
the bank aad «e< thnm ;o rrfriun from
racdrdtnR the deed 1 gaw thorn (o Hilt
rreet: that youTI bkt. '-hem to ncecpt your
endorsoi'tiMui *il my r.<y.a and continue to
hold TiiR deed as aildiuwuLl wcuntv for the

H iJ0 for 1 lollov you. VVhal nirat. Mr

"You Jump tip and say you m-m ruive
time Tio think. Prance up and down the
dining- room tlunJunp hard Act luce a
ton|l BJoknr SbOW EttitierUi wtiu will be
wjttchina you laarti.uted that in an emor-
Renry nobody naed look beyond you. Prove
to tier yon Ar v a itti^i« man— a quick-
tlnnkinR bold otftenmrouit. brat** fetfca)
but he careful to mnorc her uomolelely
Make It. plain mm what you are going to
do la bacauw of jdui HlciaW fdenrinhlp for
me. Disclaim any riak. Than out *-rw

your plan lo aave the old homratcod find
the family fortune."

"The plan," Glenn If*cJcctt demnndod.
"the plan."

Crooked bills old

eyes falily popped Willi dejialit at
the part he wag ployinK "When
1 Hr»t juinptfd Into the market on
Motntu. Gleim, I sold twetsty-ltvr hvuulred
Etiwrt Then the stock atarted up-ifrade.
no I sold out, look my ln« and— Imme-
dtAt^ljr houRht dtmblr- the amount 1 hnd
(iQll and aprrad It u Lhln an I cojld
on ntninln."
"BKCCllent ??trgtegy,"

"Well, uiwn. your plan will be to putrp**t
Tiiii now. with ihr urock at lm peuk prlot T
the obvious ilyog tor me to do li to tell
flvtr ihonuad sham, or even P*p thousand.
Yowl] put up tJie mai-g;Jn for me. Amuhs
me uhrfe b> no ruk T that Uie atock vsU
drop ii hundred points wllJiln sixty day*.
You oan cite any number o? stock* that
mm dropped that muno— mho* of thrm
In a wwfc. Here n a llsn Pi irfrotb your
memory. Rnmlnd me thai lor a whlLr dur-
tn« the poat-war panic Liberty bondi cold
a«nv below par Advl??e me tn tnuke
djie curable, ond a#syre Oie I wUJ not be
ctilicd Mjpon P*r any won" mnrtsln, thaC
tbe petoa of MoUirB ha£ now rcuchFd a
[xunt thai In unhealtliT, wUdty avecuuilivE,
not bacfci-d up by aa«eu Pielty aooo it
wtl] begin to elide, and w>wn It him nlld
Iw enouflh all I rmvn to do la will out,
my llnp, clflan up and bp bflck wlietr I
Btartrd, lew the aunu 1 owe you Point out
That by this m^thfJd of pmrtdure f ran. at
iPRit. gri back a million dotlnrs. but in-
Ml that when I do voti mual have rny
col&oin word of honor Ottrer. tim-i, turver
to do any mora Apock gambling."

"H'iw will ynu rrut-'lve ' h JlA ptduintbrqplo

?? ??!:•: Mr l. ?

"1 shall bu overcome again at thla m-
hlbltton or your frlcndehlp und generoaHy,
but 1 iholl refuae to borrow money from
you on my worthless nate -mid I'll gite
Roberta ancrther mUai.inB loolt Then. dO
you know wlat atw'll do?"


"Shr'H net ynu off in i cumir. rrrtviuely,
mid triflkn vou Ofcttr* cnA for ber Junt. how
much money will berroulretl tn margin Ovo
thO»HMd iruirefi. Then ahr'll auk V^u,
pJcfetlfy, to irodw Ebc deaJ in ber tutue.
and n.tcJ5pt an uMi^nmeut at her interest
in Tom Anirkn'n r^ti'jr at =omfrthlng tesH
??hnn u wuulu urine - l wcriftce I'uli aa
??ecurtty for the money you will put up
lor mn.-E'ii Ktv: will :n'ir.t on this and,
reluctantly, you let her have her way"

"We will rioiiAlder thii sttllod. Couiinue,
pleHM- "

"You two vm now have a dellRhtful
heei-at toitfjthrt Ynu will have a com-
munity imprest— my object, hopelens aeif.
You will bo In dally communication regard-
ing T.hf uiiirkct. That will be your sole
lmertist. your anle topje of cnnvprpntJon.
While tbla mythJcTiJ deal it on not ?? wwd
a! love to Roberta. Tte^re mu.it be on
sentiment In thin bualncM. or ynuTI «poi]

??'Welt, U3 ihc fullness of time when the-
mai'ket breflka— as you and t know blnnjed
weQ. It will— you make thr mythical clean-
up tv&nd me back the deed to HlUcra^t,
and a fake cheque for my winnings — or
mther In. Rnl>?rcA do IT, in she'll fenl that
the credit lor the couy In all ttera— CRntnd
me o5 my word nf honor to quit atoclt
Rambling s.hH*s hand* =:i n.-mmil. bid Rc-
uertA a aOuiL-what supprcMied good-nt'e,.
and nnnrfuncf yoti are aft for a trip around
the wodd, to bo gone a vcar And ui that
moment, old son. it you play your ciu'da
with iklil Olid luofrn-^nr KobTTu will ro
with you or I'm 111 Cor an In-line asylum."

Qh?nn Bacfcett looH'-d genuinely riiar-
hTAsed Cntolced Bill nunhled ot*. 1 3 wniifc
RoheriH to go u? t«sar mj look aft^r nn ??•
estate Siifi Obji a JoJI comLng lo her
when shu sets there, and I'm tin* ultl*
boy thai knowi It Twenty -five yean stfO

National Library of Abtttjaf/rala.gov. au/n la. news-page46 13702


I wa> in the oaltlr ?: .••!!•• - myself, In
Law CniMi County, Texas. 1 mmed the
Raneiw Vei'duco and a old out to n chip
named Bill Fcioart 3 know ThLi Bhnnriiea
'.milly r dual iLiiuw Don Jaime MlflUL'I
HPttUftnt, Jjikt I dltl know hla father, and
a Kiftu'd piece of work hi Wan. Spanish
wan a broad utietUt oC Blah, or Irlih with
k broad itreaJc erf BpanWh. I tunc?*. which
Not a drop ot indnm blood in the lamlly
] rTnirrnlyr lite old man hod nn infant
• on named Julme. u> UUa chop who tallied
Torn Antiim must be that boy."

-RUprr-nei say* o man named .Ilm HirrIit
killed AJiuitjj. Roberta told inc over the

"Jaime li Spanish for StaoHt W4W
rumpled id Jimmy. And Blgiitrau ia
spnnhrti fur IllBRjnfl. Don Jaime ^eot
mrr to Atitrtin* ramp to order him and
Ills aheflp oft Eh« Hleuene* rnnae Antrim
flawed on miirdrrlnft the boy wllhou'. rtak
to uituM'lf. ftirUinstoly, & third mfin win
present at Thar ^infercnd* Just betart the
ItlUir*— d rungcr named Kenneth Hobftrt—
rrm of old Bill Rohan, to whnm 1 b(>M th"
Rmtibo )WrdU|ft Higiienrt borrowed the
ruuuer'a rifle unknown to Antrim— and,
n4though Antrim shot Hlguenca three
limes, [??veiilimlty HlguOnea got out of
Ml Ik nuikfld Antrim and klllrx:
ivri hod * report on (he mailer
^h. cairnct. from the coroner at



itg. HV. LAthnm"
i had in fifty yean. Glenn
agcii my interest In this.
Euruitnes llircs and U not
y« AiitrlTQ'a JilKfn, with
; of Hi|(Li"n«t. caxrttnue to

??!,. i.„,i ivawrac of Hi R iaw.
Li'cetmLs. Mean wlille lllffuon
id! tu* run (« pnH.rct RubrUi, whom he

?? ?? nhver Diet^-^Liid all fit contiderable lot*
uml fiii-otivridetuv lo hun-wl!, beoaufe thour
tJjfM-ji tire ruining bis rings. Sheep foul
a range up, and cattle mill not grtud
wham a aheep rite Erns»*d Alto, a ahv*y
deat.rov*. the raniio. Nov;, u-hy 1b mgueryti
doinc this?"

"Search me. fit."

"Hn hni -iimc ultprinr mof.jvn, and Ro-
bertn will diBoover It. o£ course, WoU.

I Rutifn-:. ????-> it,-' finwij ihrnc a^j hii

wp with lb*- mental picture idv has paluKed
[if mis tCTJLiiJUU: HliiU'iuui. fiticll find &
hnuid ol man thr lms viTTpr met bt-iort
All 1 iiorx li Hint Iv mnkea love to tanr
with Lui.ln lini^tur^ttj-, b?eauw» If hp
dot-s hfl'll hf pit! tn hw plwco RabcttA will
not ba niflhed. !>}' any tn*n- M

"'WoU. It cannot turt to try tlw ihlnft
mil, Mr. iJithem if taa*t any bacX-
fir* laLor. you'll nc th« one to (o'. acorahed
lor di?Rflvlnu lolfci who txwitt >vu"

"Bpolcen liie a m^n, 1 * safl Crooked BElt.


£«veo mounted men had oome otlt of a
.v.m.n in thn ami and Utkan the nnd to
VAlle Vend* a l a tail trot. I roncludrd
jour ausiJlciona were wi'll-crauudcd. and
I iian I tniaht miR rcr-urnUig so Dlpfflr
nrriwd with bJood in hla eye, eb, EWn

Don Jolnic iiotidfld, "I hart nn ld*»
thfy plnnnrd to hang mr from die of the
ircllla bcnfni In my own (jrnue wbttf , . .
Weil, caravvo Uu them over At the bam
under jtuanL"
"What do you Intend to do with Lhem?"
"II occurred to me It would be o ftne
lora ro cniorce my lip<ipltflJlty on uln*le
and hi* mm uriUS al'.rr '"c've emmted th«n
sheep That makes the }vh a Iffl. coaler,
don't you think 7 Earier too, to "hlft
LhQBe »h#BJJ jonth of Uie Arroyo Sao Dir..
cuUo ojfatn und keep thfm iricre"

H^iirt uiHtdft! hhutovhI. "TIip bf'rtl wa>*
to via a flftit ia to avoid it," he afreed.
-We-ll, Oarm/to can eotiut thu alieep now.
while I (q up to EI Pa*J for that cnpplfd

Hi* departrd tot hla auanrra acntn,
wiaiiur'd into more urban clothhm and w«
driven to town to the ranch car, Thr^e
day* inter h? l-otormyj with Mr*. Oanby*
an nrJipreal ItttJe boy semJ-poralynfrd
'ju hla left aide. When hp iiad been
grr^itd h>- tstii ujotlwr hi; wa* bn7D«ht t»
Dan Jalm* lo be preKnted. Shyly hr
xi-dlcd up tn the lord of the ranch u and
laid a thin Uttl* hand in Dan JnhnF'i,
no Dmi and hard and hroun.

"I'm a-wfuTtr Bifid, you consented to come
down htnc tind fcwp me eompftny Rwbhie."
ihf young man Rrceti'd hlin. "Viliat c»n
yon do lo tt-'p a lellow Bmuird?'' he iie-




LAiJ^-AN-HOfUR imnr
Jnljrui'a coup had ratult^d In Lrir cup-
Urra vt BUI D^ixlc nnd hln meo, ranothor
d'ji!ci(mi] lo the soulh tiltraaicd Don
JlilTWCa Htlrntlun. Bn **Wli«J It with-
daH intermit

"Ken Hubtrt and hla men r»turnlni, M
Iti r.\pui«tfd to Mm. Gantry presently.
"Ktm haa a hrad and can bo depended
upect to wle it s

Ittn th^rful ano wtic'imed Hob^rF oa
he entered, leavlnt* hla men to rtd* around
tp the bama and corral "1 didn't ootber
aendhin u Trj.ciapnw^'r ^l r -h '- h » r-.rws iivat
It vrai » ralaii alarm. Keri, * he tnformrd i,hr
Intler. "I riymrd yrnt'd have onu man
flrop osit. o* your party la wateo ihe nwd
to Valla Verde, whilo you rode oo, Uklug
your leisure-"

-1 dtd ejeaotly thnt n Hnhnrc reptle??
"When he |*COttW ufter And reported

slll'If-llV, 10

ir.o: their talla and Teat, *efTe»»ttti|r ^nr
lamo thr» tuut ond thp blind, outtinn tnit
the lamb* and the old ew*^ *-th bod
mouth*, and plan, to haul thcin up her« In
trucks, alter ilvtng Um lorenian a rereipi
lor thrm. The younp; and hnany ttmcp
wr will turn Uttct oq the tanae."

fc-OBBTB rfjndt'red Don
LTnlme'n qn^ntinn and itplled preaantty that
he could play the narmor.lL-a.

"Vmi'lt be popular. RObbtf, hut to make
a real hit y-m muat learn to play a lot'
of aim yoy'vp ptnt hnarrt berore, Did
you brlriB your harinonlca?"

V ., ale. Ken boufebt mo « Brand one
In F. FAfO,"
"Think you two can evt along without

fi^hT.ln ft?"

Robbie Irushed iri) the bare Idea or con-
flict with Ide newfound friend, M Ofa, Ken
ana 1 "yet a]nnr fine tocethar, coming' out
In the ear he M me w*or hla ph.'-ol He
Enid we mlRht mpet noma tottgh iruatomara
1 1 ' it wm tn' 1 to be ready. Ha let ma
ahoot hla pistol, too " He (tared hard at
rum Jaime. "WTmt'g your tuwnn. mUter?"

"My naniB if Jimmy "

•Tp'ou hoe. any boy*?"

"Ko. ThnL'a why 1 aeTit Ken up efler
juu, I've POBP lonesome a lot here lately
to frhvn ?Ptir mother told rur aho Imd a
boy, why I trionaht I'd borrow yon. you
iiavr no ohjeetlon, 1 hopcT"

"Wot the allqhteat, Jlmmv"

"Did Kon tell you aboul the p-.tny ht
bare hart for you?"

Robble'a whctfnl ryes tz', -,*'?? !• l! *??: can
ride » pony. J know i c*o_"

"VVhcn I art *oll we'll eo ricitruj together.
I thtnk nrrw, Bnbblo. yr>ur mother wants
l,o vklt with yotl. an you'd better run alone.
AlU'r dinner well nsftlly B?et s^CjUalrtted "

Ravuif ehanged from hla atens clothr*?.
Ken Hobnrt dmpped into a chair beside
ntr empJoyer.

"Any trouble f ho aptetd.

Tionc Bill DlEfip'a iRTeman niadr a
bluff at martins •fim", b«L Oamreo ptvid
ho attention to him Re waa troiitil-ij
ih hla aoui at the lack of new* roxicenunc;
BiU Dlnnle. mid ihn aUc herdnrn To
him no neTsr wap had nr^, so 1 IrutfcrueUd
carDTn*o to tell him nothing, if nrenaamry,
u,\ !n"at blm rciiufh. And I aenr eiio-)6>i
mnn to enfovc* my dei&rftn Vina they
moved the sheep aouth of the San Dtegulto,
????vhrrr- we had another corral Wtrrfl
wafchittg Uie brutes, eheann^ them, oxemln.

EN HOB ART fhui^ticd.

•Why. you're quite o sfaecp exptrt, aren't

^ "Well. wwirbooT hod to do It for the
sir! , I'll jjji.L- ^iinn.1 tn: Lht -A-f-oL and
! want you to mck that wool and tiaul It
up to the ranch fw aafe-UeepthH T

"You'll be pilt to QtdVe a oit ai expeiw,
Don Jaime.'*

?? | mu' in T luiTA pBftj ahearcr«
workhiff ilny and nlnht, Big woo] crop,
Carnveo tells me. In fori, thai* ahce^i
ahould have been ahuuvri «W wt*k* o*p>.
but Tom Antrim wurni'l In a hurry, Ho
had the fihctp ninnimj un a «ra*a range,
to they weren't \m n.r, any wool by having
tt born off In the hruah nnd hranibtea'*

"Huvtt you authority to t«kr pcinwfuion
in thai Wan-handed monnarr"

"erpirol I Bi^Ayi rr.ake my own outhority
Don. Frudenelo Alvlao la Mian Antrlm'i local
sepresenii'ir*. and whittrver I do will he
joke with Pnidfcncno, who alwoya deatrca to
<*mTi hla fee with tu muu- labor and. worry
oa posaihle.*'

'What ore ymi oolnti to du with the

-12 -id It hero, aadvly. until the market
goo? up. ur 1 receive orders lo eell it im-

?? Who'B golrur to pay Tor all Ualis? The
Antrim enuite7 -

"1J 11 nan uflorrt to, If IT, ami ??"

Don Jaime ebjugg^d ih« InrilU^reni ahruit
of one who htur not been reared to do
things on the Im';: ??????).?? .1 aa It worv. ?? iv-n
iTuilenelo waa out tn aee ijif yeBtvrday.
Be haa had a tetter 'rem Miw AJitnm ft
upppars thai her uneln, whosr ward ihe
ia. U very wjrlotuuy Llimileive<l with hie
]aa» of bin forturje. u I mav Judge by
the lDfllifiTrence ahe (tthlhlLed. toward Ihia
Lhecp furturu? &ne hit :ajler. heir to, attain
Hi-:- neiwa or the windfall wns Qrat hroKcn
to her. Lhc fortune about to bo loal by
licr nueln tnliiit nlfiiiklfinible. At aTiy
rah;, cUc'n anxious about thr thorp now.
and ho* lnntruf.'ffd Don Pruiienein to guaru
them and preonruo Uiem. Of ta>DXM the
old man waa an helplefia oa a child, and
L'uue t,n mo for advlee 1 told hhn ??(?? wire
hex that, the eheep wem safe with me, and
To dutabuao hla plauM rwinrf of ail worry
eonrcriung them."

"But tbAjf Aren't rafal" Knn Bob art pio-
ttiatod. "What'i. to pre^Tiu tun Dingle
from driving to market the ahcep i r ill on
the rwnae?"

"Vou few-Ret thnt Bill Dingle is my guest.
Caraveo told the foreman tn Kuard tht
ahpep wall, and to anpn^e other liffrdera;
that Bin niiit'lr woitlu return anna Uk»
2-Jan' r lumh dniRiiinc hda Lai! bnhi'nd him.
Hi? forcBion wanted to know who was go'
ins l£» mm-T the payrcill, and Careveo toSd
ritii\ I would "

"l^n't Flirtco taJtlng a lot fox granted.
Don Joime?"

Lr 0h. Flarico knows me prttiy well Betlm
ro to l&% Algndonei io-iiHmrow, Ken, draw
nbnut a thousand dbllara from the hank
and pay off thou* theepniciL They'll aliek
an the ,mb and take good com «rf ttimsr-
Tange th<NTp w>ien they know they're bo-
mR waUrhed Better hire hull a dawn new
herders for trint tnrejuan, too, and relieve
our men who are now helping hlra. H

"And you Intend keeptn^ Bill ningle
and his nwn in your private hoosicsow In-

Xlh mi. nut. ImteflnttehJ. Ken. IS^-only
«*rtmrf*d them to ttiSrty dayg for trtspaia
and aaaault with Intent tn do great bodily
harm I like tn bo judge- and Jury In all
mattrm *lhat affect my own wolfm* and
tj I turned Bill Dlngln and hh. dlngJ^U
over to the law there would he th* ttflual
Iluw and fe.tLltrrs and deh\f. M

National Library of Aloitt|lT^ria.gov.au/nla.news-page4613703

nirruKnrr to

to* *?>tuuju< tio«N < nnu

Ken Hobsn turn* bade bl< hud and

-niahfta. "I advUe you to mm Dill Ding!*
ABO ttla dln ( !sii lome vtmr ore hom-
ing them utgnsif."

But Don .latme shook Ills raven hmd.
"Die bert I'll do loi Dingle !a to lot him
h»nt fi dozen pacta at playing curd* and
a couple or puiaj, tor tm Mexican nnd
Bavin* herder, to r.iruin on." lie pon-
derer! * re» aerondi "Yr.i, ru Jo better
ihac Unit, ni lit tutu Imve til 11* ti(, TC1 .
papfis mat route 10 ino ranch «TUt Wo've
Qnbiud reuiinf Litem, lor. o! couru. He'll
want to look ot the market roport* on
mutton »mj wootl"

Kan Huban •mrwKkra!, but not without
mlapWDB. "How are your woondiV" no


"Hodlng to *rorry n bf'iit Frovtd-mtlalty.
To ro Antrim mrd iteel-jjcketed nulVHj
tired at imuecnlnj otlt t,wd hundred yimti
Tnr liullru had nettled m their aitm »7
[he tune Uwy reached mi*, m tfciev Jrllled
nice, liwtt, round tittle hfilns thru »m heal-
it« boaulifulty. Ill lw on thi' joO aemn
Ln a tuMitn."


Utrir smile playing untm hu fae* from

Liutr tt. time, au yrrerntlr. Villi \wt tJBn-
iomnry trflp.ul.il vene**, nno asked bin, to

"it's on your t)nc> BUI." hit replied "At
the risk of being ungracious to my hoot, tt
to my duly tu Inform jmu, Bobby, that your
??note Bill li an ant.fldliu.'Un 1d;o1 vhi>
LV.ii'l if? the wood* for the ttw»a If he

Iw-'n in— « pitch 0* ftirir u the boardwalk
??t Atlantic City. 1*1 uo eat. drink and
iw merry, for tft-nwrow Unci* Bill wit]
tio lOlltflT L.- n [HuUlflla] corpae He will
hate ciimmrnced hia resurrection ... By
Jove, ttita u niofit excellent roast beef. I
rancmibvr tinne I bad a cut o| ruut b*«l
In ?? Krtaurant dui We*t, in the cuttls
rninuy J citilan'l trcn bend tL much
leflB J!" 11, * ,1 ** id t0 llja * 4jLw ' Wftlter

Hew nre you fnLtij lo utua Unolc Bill?"
HoU'i*!* tlnnitmd^il aiiiLr^y.
"HI enilun afUT dlnziftr. Bobby.'*
"Bxptflln no*." the girt coctunadri^d.
-Daut rtm kc Uncle Bin to Ku^^^?mle^ ,,
"t*L him suffer Hp tfrjjjsrvM
Glonn, deur.

V>fr(OuKF17 BILL d wJ!-
tfelri slun wetlsAA wHb th« Hruaothnerat oi a
pltton— Uianifi* to H5b«rta. B>r h^art,
ni;#d wir.;i nympotby for few ruully old
unrir, *jls elMwrciJ coiiJildffro&ly Or tlw j'rM
of Gktui Hiirirt*.'. culm pr*Mncp In tin?
Ulirary when *fto otnin don-o to tllniwr. To
licr airy cxvattii'f he recuriv^J uiie Of thr
iitn>Of.l jcrtvvlty, let Rnbortii, jumplnif ln-
nXTrOty to the condufllun ifaab Cnwkcd Bill
had lieefl. tslhisj hi* tlttUTI Otttr wltli hi*
lawyer, prnrcnptly pinpJpimTJd Llir dmiTrB.
muab to the te'tuf or the principal actora

"W'tll, OlJiiin," nh* said, "haa xrccle Bill
beon tenii*4 yrju Dr. lad ??Lory 7"

Hacitfit naddfd cTwllshly

•??Do you ??»» ttip ili^btea: gltmmfr of a
..liver lining to this ilurlt nlouda Lhni benvt
him. Olttin? -

"AH appeari to bo lost bo, to honor.

Crooked Bill miniM a proiEstir.s hand.
"IM Ul UOl dllHruM i*s if yOU p]raAr. Bttbby.

[ am put bxlp now, to Vt iia ftrrir; tt mid
Blcfln n-hat mcaiire Ensure of flOmfctrt mny
pcuftibly be wrung fr*Jiu mr wartud rnnwr
ST^ni-mbsr, glrL iTn nrw the wblmp«trinj{

y knflw yoii'm oot. dear TJocle Bill. Ycut*
a perftrtly jood old •port."

"I ftdtnit T wtu anfltkod for the cftunt at
first, but now that X haw my swrtmd
wind "

"Saw It lor yoiir duar . dsar. I have |uat
iTfld a ton ft T^I*frTu^ from my iawynT tn Lou
Alfsodonc*, T^afl. Bf liii'irrnj Lhat Ifte
attain ol Undc Ttntl'ri mute an? In Mv*'U-m
ghopn. and Hint ho died JeavtnR oven imirn
Bhfwp thiua wna at nmt ftuapetjtrAt Tliny
bay* ah been counted, and -he wool crop
U bain* samorrd and pltcmi In imtetv.
"nwre ai-e about ten thtmaarid laroba that
will anon be rnodr for markm* and which
??hould trine ten dollar* a brnd. end ttWf«
lire upwards of a hondred thousand pounds
cl a*yr" i llent wou| worth thirty rnntri u pnimd
—why. It would aeeni that Uncln Tom's
«ta» will run oHw to hall a mtu r.
dollaxi we fhouid worry and grcrw wrintitM
«nd grey hair. darUnrr."

T"n* bUt-irr annmincwS »lmriir — anrl tio-
Lween th? Han and the maA, ai per agree -
mens. Glenn Rac*c?u *.uilcJ*!dy laid do-A*n
ru.i 'tnLi'^ and rork and rnonrsL-ncsd to
queallon Crookrd Dill adrohly aj l-o thr
t:xa£t nature o£ hli operaliorta hi :.':>
mftrkri And when CrooktHj BUI had
iiiau'Lired nil of ??!» queaMotu mad Olrmn
Har:kvt: had mode & iiumNr of r.ouiiKini
in a notebooi, h# manned hli rnraj In
SltrmcB, noberts, howswr, nuted a grim

'WnIL when yew talk to mo -.hflt wav,
Robrrtft. I can't rrAb r t H And Ihcreupon
Hin'.hftt profi-ediM %q outline lo hoT,
;i*"fii [ .lV and in worda at one 5/Slub>. hla
plan for Ihr aulvititirjia ol Crwjkod Bill.

"I irr*krsiiind perfoqtry, Olenn," Roberta
Maid whm ui Ian tio ftnlahed. "You'rr a
??"fondfirful, vruiitlcrluJ friend "

??'Hie rilnn U vKocrf," CTOokoil Bill de-
claTtfd virtuoutly. •'PrienrlEhlp Will bear
Up under anything ewept tin; endOTMment
or notea or ttnv gwlft.. hna,^- torjeh."

"But, Uni'le UlU. II there- la rarli a iniaiJ

Uncle Bill raised liUi iMidno head, and
juii coul, ifkWly-gTffV r>o OiPk.'red mur-
dermji Ugh,# M her Hli mouth clo«d with
ci tiiitcit. iskfl the door of a Bala- "Thure
will l>» no hzrUier tilu-ivMnr, i>t Uair un-
plua»nt. •nbjrrt," Iw Informed htr coldly.

W^tn Crooked Bill ltj*>kpd and tptrlte tn
thai Liitie o( voice. Rcbnrta knew Jmm
eipftrlenoB that ohedbenpc vm IncumW-nl
upon h«. Amiable nnd inrvtug a? h* ev$-
tcttmriJy wrio. fherr were ttmfi vph^n hp
mwt no* b" trtfled with, and this ww otw
of them RoWrta'i ey*s filled with teatur
In ?? tremulnuf. vHrxi ahe be^cd to be ei-
piiaeii nnd wlLhda'w

fcrovra wont up Pa Lbe girl left
the room ''Slte'i as big a crook:
an I am.** be decJored pmuctJv
"She isn't m nil -iidM-rwed. Bh6 1 a
Just ptiulns the old rtnfJ— ncrt un tns tnli
time, but op yrni, tnr bo?. 5ho expetLn
vdu to tallow her out and com fort her,
Eh* boa juk tjlven birth to trw brlnht Irirn
wn hn« nlmited in Iift brain, nnd now
»he wunta to al'ine and *nrtnfi n

on von Do not dlnuppnliit Hit, toy boy.
Forwurdl 111 ??!t here and masticate my
todiler I armH not Innejy, Otenn b*-
cniuw I Jawa' you'll both be bcurk iar the
tfrawrt, and aiter that w«*U have a lino
large enulrui Roberta chall King fur ai "

Glenn '!??'????:??:' went Within flra mirnitef
ha frttumed with Roberta on his arm,

"Huinr CrookinS mil nffected "And
??he *pen: at l^ast ?? mirruT^ nuifclng up hpr
faoei Four minut«» to jmt or«r her lm-
!mr plot against rop. The little croak 1 M
HD bBnmfid upon her "Itti «0 aorry I
spoke crowJy to my Utfia glfl." tu- nn-
nounned wlrh hypocritical unction.

Bobby kliwd him frptvdLy and gave him
a Iittlu hug. tlw lmlti:r pused the rant
twri for (rrnti hot Futa, and airnn Kackftr
began a dlaouKnlon of in U-maUonfll tvnnto.
ic be inlerruptrd ptraenly by CroniwiJ

"I think you nUsht trill Ildrina lo **rre>
•flTTie of my Pu! Roai- All Bobby.- ha nig.
Rested. ,r U wfll proiMbly be the lost botr.li>
of real champagne well ever drink, hut
whu> we h»7i> tltic to tha oeltor left go
to it."

Out Crooked Bill lived in tho tiayn of


Dernofllheriea than? Is uo doubt but that
lift w.uiid hn»« run the Oraelp ol I>lp!u
oiit of huianea. WoberTA did irru: to them
alter dinner! Kawevor. Crmkeii BUI was
not one lu guni up hto own flntly imd
plans, and uniatnllv. with a lull rtolLautlun
r>t the trtjih of thr uld Mi^gv i!mt Lim*
Ir. a crowd, he wHhdj«» to IU* rootq, leav-
Iild: aiaim Hac^cctt lo nutkv. wliat pioyn-u
hn could with rhi? rrrwllloui Rwnprro

But crooked BUI did not rvlUr. lip fraa
much too nseitcd t'jr ileep. IiiulMiO t
lit a rlgax and smoked until ten o'clock,
at which hour he know Olciin Baek4tt<
h er»tur« of habit ^wld ih^mrE far li.e
city. So crDoli*d Bill ??*,< rir down tun
buLk naiv.', croised tlie luuiu and uiiili -l
for Uflr.kCf.t ut the ntitranuj to Hillcreit.
"Old It work?" hi: di-miuulcd
"OTfirtirae."* Hacistw responded.
"1 guesa I'm not nopie Uttlo old proi.-
noaUeaiar, eh?"

"Tw rfrrtainly kniw erery conmlutlon la
Ronerui's raiiid I'm nure I mrvor would
She'd ouutamc me every tlmr ihti started ??
"Wa« she nlcr io you uiurr 1 WAV"
"Well — er— ah— plntonlo."
-Acgtif Crooked BUI twwWH deep m
htn throat, like an nged tiger. "On home,
ytru JfllyflalL You'd be a bachelor In Lite
srnrh 5ra Liiandii— and on in iilnnd whrro
they pTttctke poi>niulryr

Thoroughly dlBfUsted. Im rrriurpcd to Uie
hoiuc and mixed hiniMlf a noggin ot hut
favorite elixir.

lie had a prrtKntiniLnt IIl&l fat* was,
In a manner of lueaklng, stacking tho oards
against him.

Kt BCi.tirvfyln|

ing *i thn k:
fully, nay
ncrt to be mi
Ci'OoIukI m]
night: at b
nor lDok."d
ordtfr lo an
ond de^paii
!»hDVc. hnd
and Rlghrtt |


iu Hi ins; fjuii"
i human bo-
docd Litceaas-
cued. 3r in
ire. that poth
pi wnl! Utat
tad <??!.??- [?? i-
to, albeit in
of abanif^n
negleefiid to.
ig the mn»f,
to time H*
my, fxrilain-
up tho (rax-
es tha better

fjiught nn rarlv train I
iris; ihal i he Kroner hr
mpnU* of his acatbentd
for all concerned.

Ttoberba motored In a little later anil
went ai one* to olenn Biinkett's ??fflre
wbsre hn ptnpared mid eh* ibm^d d formal
aostgnment or all her right, tltjw nnd ln-
teren! in and to hor Uncln Tom'i. ettate to
Hark*tt, foT and" in oonaideraUon of crrlaiu
tnoncyn to be ad i attend to her by Hackett.
The further detciili r<; *fl7ing lomfthins; cot
nr thr wreck for her unolo ahe kft to
the lAwrcr.

"Now, thun, Rabrrta," Hacfcrtc bum! whpn
the document wna signed, "you uuderatand
thai this Is a business deal trum hist.
Tn InaC Not a ipeck ot aenr.Lmcmt hi it
aa far as I nm wmoomod. Wldle yqu haro
gives inn aotiurlty U» the funds I am to
Hdvance. U may be thnt I will he cflll-d
upon to advance a mm in rxutt* of tho
tolttl value of your Uncle Tina's mtatc.
Oonarquftntly, tt li of the utmost Imridr-
lancr Lhat the estate ibauld bs ad*
ministered wtsaly and non<crvi'dl7 I havn
look*;<3 up your hiw^tir al T*oe A.athdonea,
Don PrudRrjeln AlvUo. and he oppewrs to
hmt? an *-3:f^!|pnT rrcird |nr tirabltv, hut
U a poor h-:-«lh<-.vs mhn. It I "

"Hf* assnieftn me T>m Jolmr uiaiiel
Suruenn 1« mo*t reliable and to doing?
ill ihnt anybody' tan do to cotuiflnfe tho
estate " Rnbertn hav.^ned to nafure Kaokett,

"I knrrw, Rut what do we know abotib
Hlguanee? Notlii t « «tcepl what *t haw
heard and the faet T.lint hia eo»r*iroon-
d Knee would indicate hi- i* a kindly,
iiumuruua and wonderfully obliging gvnile-
man. Bbt Fawyerc lunk nt, all tnutga from
a dold and couaemtlw angle, and the
thought oectin to ran. Why i» L>an Jaime
Miguel Rlauone* lakietg nil ttiti (rtirblpt
What do you mmn r.r? him 7 Tie Is n en tile-
man, » why should tw bother with yrnir

National Library of Ailt?lr&hte.gov. au/n la. news-page46 13704


sheep? Mr rtfmr Bobby", T dm highly MR?
pidluun ol thai fcljuw."

:i',<-.r.y Up drooped Blu? lusd not,
thought Don Jaime Lu I hut light brfortij
anil li*r common ^iifie wamrd Ucr bfctu
UMH mighi be more than a modicum of
Inilh in HacikrU - * suspicion* Us *aw
the doutit lie hart planted burgeoning, and
hastened Ijj uid its growth.

"Aj I told jroy befnrn. it ia impaambJc
for mt to cd lo Texas La Look alter youi
alTair* Hobby. urHwlthaUtliding Ihe tftrt
thm tl wouJd be h privilege lu sen,-* you
Unfortunately, oUiers have a prior claim
on ruy profcwLoiinl services und I may
not <ivado them. Your unfortunate uncle
dare nM leave Nrw York at this trmo
1 HIl ??•??.-??! Ill i. m .??.'<??.: (hulk he wua
t ;,-!-.' n:.!i> to flee thp country,
mtiuontl/, £ tliiok It hi of the ufmoeL
importance- thai you to to U Algodor***
ImuirdmtF'ly jnu uiv^tiflM'? everything

"But. GlHim. I don't kisttw 1 thing *l*hiL
buslnoaa. and I'm utnld It's toe bis an
order. Quite -?? i" v I believe nrlvit
ftprmremlj rlPceni projilr lell me.*

"I illwicree with vhu. You have n femi-
nine UUultlnn or Mn- hishrfiT. rtctrrrr of
deiTlopcnem. You eimlrt miff out a croc*
\t flight. It you go there, get acquainted
irftB r9Dr lawyer *nrf Don ton, and. alter
l few weeks discover that rou have,
ifcwolutely no mental reservations regiiril-
lng «lihcr or both. 1 shah think U quite.
Kiln to icwrr yrnir afTnini in Irjur hand*
for tha present, at InLAl,"

Tli in adroit speech :! ittnri < p. -le ?? ?? ????
/??'??>•??•?? K wu r- i - 1 1 l lz a btillef Sh* tint]
always entertained, i.e. that ahe could look
through men aw if they were uUuw Her
rt-fipurt cor Hacketl'a intru&eiiaC and
ah: lily nnirfawd fit cnrr TU ffO to i£*
Alswionf* )uat u won, »x 1 tan p« r»dy,"
thtf deelflrril.

'-ThufB nnr. RrrhnrU * He nrinrtnd hrr
to fJ*r rlyvut'jr Anil upon returning to tils
nfTlt* ptTjafd a buarr tlitn> tlmra. whtrt 1 -
Upon tilt lecrcCary uaherrd iu- to turn frntn
nn adloiiutm r©w« ii 1 ) luv. ji j.^cir/ju than
Crookfri Kin

i. i-:m inld her the Idon >hvl

tUn BliauUI Lc» Lo* Al^lll|lt??(^??' ,, hi- dfl-
manded ??^ ^ lawyer

..??•-????[?? proailivd &tif would

go jiurt la noon aa aiic coold km. fr»ay."

V>nooKT:n bill mbb<'d
hla hnnria (ilwurBbly. Hankett hnmJfld
him tlK naalgmnriM. *"hich Rot»«rla had

j i.i ; Rirpn him, and Ctooknd Bill -.m. firr
to It, und di«:i]Mfil 1L into HdL'lut.Ls mnul

',-:=',?? rj&ltEflt.

"Have you confidence In thla Jitlrnv
Hirunrjff.i. Mr. LaihmnV" Hur??i*ir. qunrled

"Bow do T know? He's a pftrfmi rtruigfir
t*i me. Ho^TTr, his f*Uwr and iruid-
fathBr wivrv both muy catmllrro to the
Tit-h d^S'w uid n?var cared imoufpi about
mocfly to fftt U by cronic^t nr unfair mi-mw
And I'm a e^at briicter in hmrdlty I
liavf a iIt'jtik ^uuplclon thai Dim Julmr
i* equipped with a oon-jplete ml of Hiber-
nian Innrr wotkfl. and I have n-tivbr known
a highly notn-aeuoui n»n vfio whj a wak
man Tbn crooto ot thtn mmrld arc
recruited frrwi the weakllnus. m \ boy
Hinrcver. why ihnttld I worry nhoui %
Mnitar Ot alMcrfi> I d'jn'L cam tw hoots,
in ft hrtlow 11 t.Hpv all iturve U> drach. I'm
iclely" Uifriwtod m prnmoting tor Robrrtn
a journey to Jxm Alfftklorsifl, in ordrjr Lliat
aha m*r eea tin- other »ide of rha'picLuri'
i/- Jnltnn b unmftnled Tvti dtacovtrcd
ttiftti Ktid If ho tolli to fall in lm-n with
Rohcn* Dft) Ot for tn , aapn l .??trtUa^ma,
and ipolla. If ihr '<??• >??••• \ qiuirre; with
him about thut They're bound to fall out
avrr buxlneea, becauae no man mr
mamend a vomun'ii buiuntfta afTnirs with-
out din covering in the lone run that hi-
hud performed a Utoroujhly thaiikJew

Afid M tttftj the run tier was toft


O0KKTA ihopped for
two week* epnai ujii.'lhfr two weeks un a
hout*t>«Ml party nmWkf the TlifruMind
lalandj aud dcparind ft»r Ixm AlfOdoni**
A of ihnfc atiknallnr her at tine

last, ohe atlempoed to dUtcharitr h**r maid,
hut Uittl falthfuJ retainer, hnvinc been
autwiantlally sub»ldi*ed by Ctncki-d BiU.
befited to be permitted to nctompany iMf
wllhout aalftrv. It rffttted *b> had ftlw»yS
yenrnrd for * irtp to the yar Wn«t. Beaid'"fl
Willi! n'uiild Mim Hoberu do wlihnut her?
Crocikrd Hill tuked the aami> watwm and
Uilortiied her that he hud reofnthy dli*
cowred t forijnlTPn awt, in cortasquencp
of whtrh ho coutd afford the Faponne.
-You'll rwiuire Murnm lar a ehaiwrrmr
be declared "Ei.t, drlnt »nd bn merry,"
lir nihi-ied litre OjccC "for iicst week yuu'll
l)r in the slhurrn Uufilr^ew."

ncTberl*. who hud \wvn kjuwn whnt It
??????I i :;?? lend for herself when travelling,
ntMctimU? pcrmltLcd liffnaU U) be pet-

"Where thali j addrw yoti, Botihy'"
Crocked Bill queried "At the Hanson
House, in boa ??\-n -.v ?? '

S(* r rtiptr Address me In care 01 Don
Jftlhir- Mi RDM

??'What?" Crtioked Bill #tartrd aa if he«-
??tung "You Bolwg 1o put up at iht
Hletienect lutclondii r Why— why, the
mnn'j a buc-hrlnr' 1

"Ho* da you 1010*?"

"I've brun makine luquirtM about him."

"Well, hla houaekreper. a Mrs Oanby,
has written me. inviting me r,o be tua (ruriit.
Don Jehnr was Hi at Lhe tlmr* and wouldn't
TtTltr mo prrsemally. bui he did write. Ml
the boitom of Mrs. Gnnby's letter, 'OfTtcial:
J M.1I 1 Mm. Onflby says Uiey have a
lonpty i-iurr and that Til be much more
at the Runc-he. Vahe Verde
than at any hotel in that country 3**
tavfr Dan JtLimo Iratrurted her to inform
Nir Mint, while the Mattrslfiti HfHift? rma an
excrjisnt itiputfttion for semct. thnt mpu.
tlon 1> based entirely upon the fact that
they havo a bootjack in tirary room."

"Thai Don Jaime muf.i. be a comical
devil," crooked Hill murniurrd wtUiouT m-
[hunlaAiti. He *.»r again rcwUlcd by the
feelmc that, in some inexplicable way, tfi*
well-laid plana were doomed to 6?? aft ifftey.
"TOU'U wnte me frfquenU^ and tell ms
all about it, won't J™ 1 ! htmey?"

Robrrti* promlacd una kiwed htm giwd-

Five, days (&W iht* and Mtfjauti, with
t i,r- t huajp tnitiaa aniJ Qvi; \iit'C»*Ti of hand-
haESBigf. war a drpoaitcd on a lonely, aun-
wnrpi'd pULtorm at the little flat 4(nth?n
n( VaLU> Verde, on the Houston and 'IVxui,

"So this," aatd Hotoerta, iooking around
her lifter Lhe train' had mnumed Its
jnumcy. "la Texas, Good gracious, Mlgnon,
t.'hct U that none?"

"Il Munda like a xoo at feeiLnff-tinit 1 ,'
en id Mitrnon upprphenKlvrly, nhd lnoited
behind her. "Oh. It i catUe." ahe added,

A miAri.fr of u mik nut w the plum, in
o wmpart masa, a huge herd of white-faced
rattle werr rnUUint slowly and Wtttofft^R
cnritinitouNly— nroienjt against th-» tnhEbt-
Uoni i.. i tlieir freedom imposed an them
by numt-TUU* horseDien who rodn around
ttir frinnes of the hfrd and ur«ed j: sjuwly

"Why, there mairt be thonsand* of themf"
H-'ibt-rik yaAped. and was sratrfiJl thai
the ntsLlrm iilnLform, whlcti wn.% nt lea-'il
five feet off thfl around, appeared to
offer iTsjinnnblr eanrtunry from alia ok

flrojil urnuud UM corner of the statlun

n man ap^ared. hat tp hand, H* »p-
fjruuciLrd. in cmbtu-ract*[l nnjj::ir-; n.;.

An£rbnf M hr inicrird

"Vea, Indeed," said Roberta gratefully,
and wun>il for him lo name lumwlf.

s i r VI -t. Ml>T TO

mt vr ?? ^ wijaiawa wixmi.r

"Itn Bill Ulllk-hf. your Unck Tdtna
general mantujrr I ir« your letter rellin'
Bit you'd afttw to-day' and initrucUn" me
fa meet, you at the Higuenea ranclin to-
morrow "

-Yes," Hubertrt murmured, wrmderliis: u
she ought to uatrodtioc Wlgnon to Mr.
Dlnafe. wha was eyrirm the maid us a
fresh cow In a rauture eyes a dog.

"BO I llrJUfin I'd meet y«l tier*, rntai
atirf explain to Jdti bow cnftV! It won't be
mwflrit far me tfl meet you thTr.' Mr
Dtiujk a*ent on his enilinrrioftMpent bn-
ureunuitr at etrry word, "It's atmu! twenty
mlleo itrabjhl east from hero to your t r nrle
Tom's rsuidi. wtuM'li Is your raJn?? row, 1
reckon, and 1 tt^rt.H mnybe Jl'd be better
((??!?? all hand*, ll vuu put- up (herp inatead ef
nt the Hjjrtii-ficH ranchn Ol coume, it ain't
at grand aa the Hfguenen pltice. and mrbbe
tt^a far from, what ywi Mtt aecucitomed to
bill I've had the place red up fl Jnt, and
PW hired a new cwlc arid a Chink boy
to look alter the houa* And there's a
pr*1ty good roadster car thrif that be-
1 tin fed to ywir lutclr. I reckcm yOu and Ulls
oth^r ladv'tl Iw w cafe and comfortable
then as anvwhne."

-That Is wy kind of you, Mr Dingle."
Hflherta hinilacfd. tlvn, In her usual (rank
manner plunged "Why is It impnantblo lw
vou to mere me at thr rltftueoM ruiirtm.
W. Dingier

Mr Du^lr- 11'ufTcil a foot along (lie aLa-
Tjnfl platform, and his ejnhftrTaaarnent in-
creased visibly. "Well, mn'nm, hi i.hin
rounr.ry. whum ft lelinr't mvmy «uti him
not to aet foot on his ranoh again until
Iw'a sent for. unless lie wants to bn made
a colander out of. t('& reawnble- to d^jrer
th<> wamin's meant."

"Who warned you? r *

"I>on Jaime Hlmjenew."

* -Indeed Uy the wtiy. what La a colan-
der?" Rnfar."!.!! had never tasrn a course
m domestic arlcnne. and had no he/ihanry
In admltlLng her iguoranoe of culinary

a a on of dish nan with a lot of
hciTee tn it, ma'am."

-Oh' Why. 1 had nn idea Hon Jahne
lEgueneo was such a bloodthlristj man' la
the uouble between >"«u inmcthlng that
Cannot be rectified) I should be happy
to act aa pmwmafcrjr. Mr. Dinfle."


ILL fJIMfJLE remPir:-
btTtng hta ofTenca*. was hurtent
mough to declare that the imubie
could not be reclined, and added
wmrrthing about the eaunat way out of
iroublr being to so around It. Then lie
was silent for quite a whlk. ronunwhik
stufliiig hla lop and ga^tn^ a bir. nrlEJlessJy
nrnuud thn hojlaon. FlruOIy. he said: "I
rvnkofi you didflt think aa much or ymtr
Uncle Tom a* he used to let on you did."

H l had never seen my uncle. Mr Dlngie;
erjmamjcritJy, he wia no more to me, really.
Lhau a stranger. Our family regarded \vxjt
Vntjla Tom aa more or teas or a black
Ehwii "

"Well, he wasn't exactly ?? tubvrDae, Til
admit, ma'am, but he hud hla good points
.HL-' -I-- ??jii:.- (''V'Mii:! on it.*- bqMI fOM
ruught hlin n: still Ire was one of your
kinfolk Dcm'i yyu feel no resentment •gtn
thy man that murdered lnm'f"

"Nrrt the oluthtceL From all that wn
rsci Wnni, officially, Tjncir Tom wu not
murdered Thf ahcrilf of trjis tounty wj^Lc
thai Uncle Tom made Lhr misnike ot taking
tn too much tnrMrory. whicti Is a fatal
error, and taninrnount Lu sulcida It seems
he ambufilied Jim Ihggins and shot him
three time*. Thrn Klggliui got under cover
*Dd itaJked Undn Tom and killed him. I
tun informed Uutt he didn't know the
Idem ll y of hla :i mm Hunt until he uw lhe

"That * the story, but It ain't true. This
alUer ordered }<iur Uncle Tom to mnt
gradn' lib sheen an the trre rnnge or he'd
kill hlra. A warntns a waruln' In thli
country, an' U a feller don't choose m
nbuy it he's lit^llhed tn argutn' tho matter

National Library of /%t^a1tirla.gov.au/nla.news-page4613705

M rrn '??"> vi TO


H tlie unofco thf fmi uinr urn: an' thn
iamln urrrjwi mrei uu. Yen uivt> rtiuu!


He fcflciaWrred hi* Die- In dan*
thry ak tip an the rcutRr tt
of who could get tntt- mtliwi ui
weu i e**e ni mi oUI man -i
ruan, an' the young, man wan
Cut yoaj uncle Turn nrror it
OTbody He , ; ,y

own !Ue .in' fallrd to do ?? tooe
of fwirK a shrepmnn un'T In B»Jd waivJin
In ft ea>ttlr country. Thcv got, alt th*
cfllcudi on Llnrtr side, uu u lab Juat
can't be btiI Nintrtj- ^h-t onnt cf r.nr popu-
IMion 't thtt county 1* ..m-. Yrtu
Bath buy era for five dollars"
"1 'have been iniornurt. Mr. tfhiRlr

'Crocked Bill had hern her inlurmntii f, tlni'.
It lan't covutdereri a very reprehenirihlr
firms* tn lull a *he«p -herder In ttua


"K'( ahno&t I hp p#jodpaj outdoor sport,
ma'um. An' a freaanr dun'! mind bmlln'
anybody All Uwi torriei Mo: Hi Can
hi git away with ii? Ptiaonalhv. I'm only
ft hired man. but 1 got my iui«ti;t opmuHi:.
t*n In hare in say it jus: naturally {Inn'!
took right for you in be fJne (una: 4( *

Mr DUifle raised hla (dance from the
*tatia:i platform and. gared. arruaa toward
UM approaehine h'.'fJ of cntU\ TT i-
peareo alert, poiaed fee Want, whatever
Ituri been In 111* tntiu! to aay rnmauied Hit-
nald, iaitl he prf'fuuidiv interentetl In
a hortrman who via gaUoinng arwrirl rJu.'
Claiik or the herd, mrtdentlv with the in-
teenier* nf pastlne; on tn from of IL

"I nffkon Til tir moirrvhY alnng mn'sm
aaid Mr Dingle 'We can dlactm m\r tuial-
i'-cm *t*n you cwie la the Antrim ranch "

The H"fw:man had cleared the hard ftind
waa cornice on aL as cwy gn]Lop: ty-lumi
him a hr»y cm a small iitain rxmy tabni t'd
to kc«p up.

"There'* the man thai klile-d your Unule
Tofn." Mr iJln^ln Qlmnnf hliird "! reiilrth
I don'L car* to meci that hoaihrf until
1 am rhrxiK Ihr timf aod r^iw« niT>c]f- --
And without, irtanrtinfl upon lite ordni nr
hi* arilnc. Mr Dirtjjk ft-unl in n n::iiLfi
leap oil the itntlwi jiLuiInrm 11? Ill nn>-
r.tn g onri continued on io n dlt^^^^n'ni^ ij]d
auwcnurjliy whicli Robfria hart (ibaftrved
pprked tn the ah»(lf>w ol the vxvk taus:
tn an incredibly abort scacr nf time hn
--H7. an htn nr home

The homKmin. observing Mr LlUigiUB
departure, apurred hlh mount to n lurlnuii
gallop, ApparrnUy it was his tntentiun
to rnLeirepL the iau>n- a> hi; Itetl drjwn tlw
??::imv road that ran paralT^I with the

-fic'a fOin B l« ahaot," Mlflrton ^ereBflurd
•Oh, tha brutal"


O Puuol ihtTt* raii« uut
rtnd rtdbpitn mn Uttle puffi "J dupt leap
up bemdr Bill Oingle* rialit rear lyra. A
potiMt of abmjr. two secuEida Chen it* m^re
ihDui, ftnrt an tnore pufTs uf dutL bcnldc
the aamu tyrr Thrn the hcrunnan patMd
up, tirruiMl una Jagged quirlly \ip to T,bs
KB.UOH. HB dlflrn^unted n Utile, aufflv,
dropped the renii pver hi» nnrBa ?? hflflil.
fliiri ^t|vnnoed Jimpina to tlw BhftWoti plaf;
(dttd upon which he rlimbffd laboriounJy-
.iiuJ tli=.nirficjirrd 111 to I he ~ati:m

"Did you »**. MIm Bcb^rta^ 1 * Mlijucr-i
wliiBpefed "He wai all fnnlinal A rnuimc;
intirdrerl CJg3i!"

*Thonk Hfflven a hoow cannot fwtruii
* Oivveir, NTlcDun Nor can a nutn ua a
runrUP* home do «rturat« ahwUhi. Trm
runH? wu tw> loni. ar.d all Jiiu bulii'tn
dmptwd flluirt 1 wonder LT ItiSa pule BhrM
on the (ni puny U the nurjtla win?"

"Thii li fucu* Ute the wcviw.* MiKntm
nuftverarl "Tl"* wnudrrTuJ So tht:Jl:M L -!
Oh. t*m to Rlad yon brcwffht Ott with fOu
Mira aoberUV"

"WbEii that wmi pmriB^M ymi'll frxnui-
-ojTi'; mure thriib-i P.oui-ria warned

T,'m s^^ff iu Eel) bin t some
IiitiipwU he ban not, m »4I
u-.-ch told befofB.* 1
ntlul Mha Roberta Hca w

'I'll mducp him r,n putp. I'm not. nirjta
oi 111' tuitt I intend to (trttccit tnf ton-
man. Thai u> tin duty of an rmnlrr*w.
ThW Jbn HtKtrhu htid 1'iht own wlUurawii
wticn hr juunl Urwlii Truii. but wr can
u»«ly to hU rfluri; to toll Mr DUiclr. I
ahall huve him ??Treated and trl«<l |or
-iitr-mp- to commit minder Iftf btooij-
thjruly wi'etehr

Tha nt*T.i«n door awuug open, mid Pon
Jaujic HMroi'tif ?? SunLjeri ^ul iLund n% rrtcL

Mia*— itilrhn 1 «m davaataifd to thlok — "
"Htfw dnra yuu pr«aunm to *<Mr«o Wt7"
RiilHrto t'ut hi liiHy. M I .iin urn aware
that I have thr dutaioui honor oC ytnir
a^BB^htaabif, air. elttiuu^h t ;•?? ?? ?? yuu
nrp my uncle's slayer Jim rTiBliha"


sturrO at Her
ashmit raeenp tinr did the plpn-
•ant »min tbatf ' had critikWt hli
LLtidcnlnblv jfuyd-lonfejca i.'uunitriaticn rmh
ttie kJiahtMi Rulwri* tnad- wrif t
tUfflrkhUU Jit tutu H« was nbo-jl «x (e#i.
tall, ivtrunalr-bum. lithe and trucrhil. An

i> moM aarpFibts color-ecNnrie when tuhen
m ROrtninotluTi w)tn crtnlely htncfc tioir
rtnrJ tt^ipl blrteK. jUiappy eyM

Hla hat- waa a icft, liyhiweieht wnito
sieaw. brotid-rjrunpipil, bJ^ir>^tfowned, and
pAnohod '?? n pedtt He w'-tc aw\ trnmaim-
],. ' .<. ifcftah wi]!> drill shlii <ip"n aj tM
threat, am net'-lttli! anil U(U htnewt linlow
Llie iilbw- H(e fiveralla wrre blue, and
lane, and wx ipphe* too luttR for him. tor
which n-aaon thr ftchm hnrf been tumrd
up in u uuff «var lil* rapatim'!'. high hrmlrd
bcota Hli. spuni were .it tlw approve)
BLOetnran'B pattrm, hrasa wtth bSIiti- m-
biya and blw heel uhauu Around hi?
waiat ww o *tdff. hand-enrsre) [nurhrr tr it
,i U 1 1 1 m 1 1 n R ffni) illegal lmla IcrH oarVKl I o
ma tell From euf-lt Imlutez ttie peart hud
of a JJU.loi pi-iiruiiecj Triere wrvr npiire
?? ??• ?? .-ith: . m Uie belt

Tfto\ I Jin Jhn HiggiiiB." tiu admiued,
wtMitJul a pAriilnl-" "f sham! 1 or embaiTnu-
nitmt, and fram nit- -nrtrc'inn of hii voice,
tram a cr?tta!n tains clipped manner at
plurrlrift Ilia cnnsnntin'-H. ftobrrui knew that
ypunlah yvaa thla mapi. tttothef loiiK'ut
Tt, w»* my tnlftforiiinr to be the uiat.ru-
mfint 04 an tnwn-utable luce thai vatird

t 11 l'.'I Kftabl- ulirle i^. tii'j mnilrion It;

Lhr tkieb '

"Hav *aybt<U e^er tald you what a eool
ano^ipdrci you ar?, Mr HistBimf"

Con Jaime- ahruajad. "1 daresay a low
jiui'T, hove ia.ld harah thln^i ab<tut
me behLcti my hack "

"On you enjoy killing mnu, Mr HlwtnB?"

"Oh, Ba>I NnL evBij in aeil--defenc«. -

RoberT.B hnd a terlJn^ tha? sii» vu* not
pnlna (o maJtn much prnirrsaa In the luce
the roan's dotwTHHir mdifTrnmcp. 'T
bever auapected my UUclea touriierer #nn
iovfa a frontier dandy." ahe noid wkher-

DOn Jaime dmW one of his ptfcr.tti, flipped
kit empty braat iImI'a ulu on the vluLlon
jiliirfrtrrn aliil tnouffhrfnlly rr-l .liricd Ltli'
Ttfanon ''One la liable to warp matr.
anylhlns nut ??! the bntih in this cnuhlry.
Mun Antrhh I mippoee yon entertained

the pfPbt'"' iinprewnnrt Uiac a fiLiiMcr
imtrderrr ir phyiifalty iin well oa mornlty
i,ii'.'J''"JL." Be OLher piEtoL

"I'm aure 1 alirjuldn't be blamed if mv
parents pcflcrn-d eicanUntaa to ceruin


hrunib ol jtcidllnesE. Tlie tree trrbvu ai Tifl
<wio ia ham, you km**."

-'W tw your laLhcr a MMUO of vJoLmlcc
Mr. ULuitiniV"

Hi- aO$d#d Lbs HiflHlflli Wibc ilfl.V«

lipcn MmppJ'."

"Wbat it} jnu mran by Lrymg to umxifi
111.1. hnrrnanV"

'Why l: 'a the open aeiumn on ahcep-
tierdBra. Wt'n aJluwed une u dajr, and
*iiri l>U3fi| t Brll is thr flew [ vn Hushed 111
a want.'

"Mc'U br the Inu ymt'll (lu»h in manp
yuan if r\m* y ajirji a uung ua i:k.w unci
Jimr.lce tn teaua."

"Oh. wr'rn vr-ry triH-abldtnu, indeeil.
Very tew 01 us on Lhi» Aide of the Rl»
Orandci kill tor nlr-ssure or proac. Voij'j'o

(iOlng in hnvt rnc u.-m-.-iCfiI. I |iii-»nnin "

"I ct-ruoiiy am "

"W«P, wheti Tho warrpnt la mwti tno
nherlfl will leteplteiie mt al>out It nod Lfll
ttta tn am*- in and falk tj r.T«j. B^'i :ot
:r inii-f:i ( ( > r-nkr i.hr ttouhio to motor out
lo my nmrc and put liar b.-mcetnU 00 tne.
By lhr way. what are pru doinn urctmrj
beta auyw»y7 fcv It your liifonhrjn u>
eiimp all uts.ht on i-hl* ptuuorm. nr wrn-
you aanotjlinB noniflbody *n cull for yuu?
ts jl pmslbk thar in n mfttiipnt oS eaubvr-
anrr r fripMpned Lilnflie Bell away and
LhiUi deprived ynu bi yout traniiimrtalfao''"
Ml dwciiRC of kmuig ua

I r .itirf ml ftfr. Ulrial,.. wnuld Havtl dc-perted

in ii |.u> fttillr, bur r. piTcipuot.niv

Ann h'l none o| yimr bUilnew whin wr'ra
(toitui hrt-e HtWPVttr. I do not mturl r*ff-
mi: yin: thai Bfti o.re watt inu hit noti Jttlms
Miguul HJeufJite* ia aeml a far nvur fup ta
Pti yini know Don JiLlmi:/'

"I've known htm all my Ufa."

"Wlvat flort nf train in hr-?"

"We-Hl. Rtf I'HftL 1 , I'd atfl Mm. Jtmt a
latr Mhiplv of a grrauKr. rujk* in thia
mimm : fr<n'* in-rn to nilnrl havLny Jljll
around aitra» Dr.n Jaime has them
fooled mora or tees Am yon cerr.oin On 11
Jauni* knew you were due litre to-dav?"

"Why, 1 wrote nun a waoa ano.'

"Wall, the imtr niu*r imvr n -, r .1 ,.|.. .
where or bja^ huve hail hta car tune \v uu n
yini; .yis. and a ibjut motor-truck for yeiir
bauIBB^. One thung Htaufnen prulm bun-
lelf ma U hla (wucluullty and httfpitn Ijty.
To have a eiwat sNandlne; urouiid on tJil*
ho- plutfurni nil din wmtniR \vr u ciur
that nflv-cr obhh? *cuid jurt abaut bri'aa:
hla hear:. I'm very much afraid, Mees—
I moan Mhs — Antrhh. tJiaL unieaa 1 et-'t
i*ord :n f>m Jabtto thut yuu't* hnrr, tlie
??'nifon-masUir nil! hm'-p U> take yrm in.
And i know he Irn't equipped for cntn-

.OUURTA'S iroubled
si a- met thr >-imiiih muni with
Juat n hint nf u>]i:ranoe« riow, *t
flUppGnr you have your hiuntint? ffWttWhtft
Mr HlUBhui. Unmeinber. howevet. [ urn
cercninly (EOhtR to pcoareute yrnt for the
attemptBd murder of M: Dtuide, bo don't
tunirte youroelt up in nwh promliea to
rtuoOof nmt aid. you may wad word

to Betiw rTlKUrws ff jou wlflh. tWt till It
T'lll uvnjl you Ik my thanks''-'

"Tun ruay even lOnJt tiie 1 ' ha

replied bvlgm.ty, "1 tun dirhahtrd to hm-i>
an opportunity <o witbdmw trnta your
pepprry onratniee. to wtih your perailulon.
nrnorlta. I ;ihiil] ride swiftly to the liurr.falo
tibode of th:.i feiHow HlRUPneB una him
t.> lw.it H aver berq Uke the devil with his

A^aht hla hut nwrpt the pUnfDrm flMnre
tie climbed down uud limped \.a hla barw.
"IDiil my Dude Tom puncture your ruar
tyreV" Rnbfrtu calltfd altta^ him dKriaK'nty.
He ijfDored bur. clunbod ua hi* horae, sn**a
a ft'W words to lhr boy who wan wailing
tbart fw luin, and apt onT down tha road
&L a amtrt gallop

"Thar* soflB the hand*i7mrat, moati cul*
BUtatt B*ftfl interesting ruJliftn any wommi

National Library of AU6ii:^hite.gov.au/nla.news-page4613706


will ever nte-it," ROlMttte deelaied M l do
hnpp lilf IttjnrnfJis nnt. be pcrmmtfrtt "
"He's roaruvlloij.il. BOrui-ous.' breathed

Mlgnon. "I wonder why he doefln'r, go in
tho inuvHyi"

"Mr Hiimlnn ought to gt-i along beauti-
fully in Umt wrofr*Alr>ii.' - Robnita iltfhod
-Ht> eert.iiJnly hiti Muhiiralil* i"ontr*ol «I
hia tom}*]'. t enulrtn'f nni'm t.d Iimhii. hun.
1 winft thftt buy uuti'd 1 come over hnre.
I'd tike to aik him Rrrme Question* regard
lng Mr. Hipgtni|.-'

But, :he hny hurt ridden -sway mid Jnirmrl
ritK'r will] (lie cal.il c ln-fri

In about, nit hunr a, Iw-ndwinr! aediun
appeai-nd, recortipiinifd by n Mj*-i?d waRgnn
B0U1 were dfivi.ii by yeytld tri uiidcmlitad
Asrinc ancestry. Without a vfrd they fell
Upon ftolKrl'ta'^ baegagT a J«I atumd ll itk

the 6peml waujnnn, whffi'ui»«i Ihn driver
or thr s^dnu uppmnchoii. IuiL m hand, ami

"The lienor Hupumen winda Hmos cm* Hint
the. LtainplsniPntji of hrtvm to Lbe aenoriia,
DOH >FaJmr Ml to m<i tn **v «<*?? "ti'Miln
ho wa vru' sorry he have muge lh# bono-
hf-dij play r»4 •-[) i:»w b-rorr Jm* iww
Con JnbTH* li wr* biviy wiMfth wanli hi-rtu-
pelr ud tea lie ibi> thav* for deoiifir."

Rubenft tmulifd a\. the tHLit** yrtuth'i report
mill *?n[**i(fd the ear Willi LilRUuo.


lo ace famlh- of Julio 0rfU Irf gttrtaX And
hr* know TVin Jtilmp gr-rvc hn«n bis rumrril,
and nioj-bc flUJneUrne on tltr round-up J_>r:i*
Jaime iha Ut by i be Hit *mik Ills bny«
anil uuiy ffpt to Laii: old tlmw, and Don
Jaime weel flay: TVnll. Julln Ortis was Rood
man; "

Ai the boy nputui hf painh-d a plecure.
nxiri to the Imaginative noteila ruty
lictoii atotid forth in bold rtllor Bhe feu
her heart nwrlj u mm iilmpii*! pouti told
Iiiw fUmtJJc uilc She wus uu*.ini.inn|. |o


which Uiry prooi
Mrmt-Arld. ?? ptuLri witn itoap, dry fad rrnnr.n.
ctn-i'Tird K/ilh ii KJTJv/ih at -fbmt-fd finftc nntl
tnt^ult-. Y#t, ttrr-ph** it* aridity hu uii-
c^TWlonobli.- niimbt'T «if nlncJc whit--Encvii
er^crt lifted their lir-idj* to rhw ut Lhfl
car doing by Thr Lii.iin nlnpi'd irpwnrd
ai. Uniy prwpeitrd "jreat Ltrwrird n chain 'if
Itiv jtUlji tluiT run tn'i'tlt urn) mvaih unit
c-avfi nu promlar or f.rm auddiJn rlinnpp from
thr h-krali, uiiluviUnp nuippe Innrl t« 1-h*
JiLih (jTrtruju-s*-. 'if niluvaifil lands beyond
Aa rJiry rrncjipd li»c mmimIL el l.bbj tow
ranpr wjijarc niijfl after squnre mile df
r.jnlltnH rtTfrcn vnitey ]f>y onlaprcatl bnrtmn
ttlntn The icmporuturr drupijeij ??j-nitrt-
Bbly. hftrausp of thr yvtWIy wind blrnrlnB
??JtcmLLy ai:rtra= uiui firidl Of nlfnlfu wl'.ich
pnolrd It tn traiMlL K^Hdiinyy lliAr
ohnufTenr wan nwnr^ of the hcranty und
enmfort. or irt<? sconf, lot Im utojipf-d tt-i*
tnr tn glW Micm npi>ortuill(y to Ptijtty if..

"AH hf mild, with a of

hniad mud a p-p^* n d>t**i*y uir -'brlmiK to Don
Jtllmi' Ml|flicl HlyUr-nrti. MuVb-nvo I Lhne-nk
tM) huiidr'-'tl t'fn-jiuut! Krt'i'i tn nil Ml-n,
BBitoritu TQit sw tliosi- paebio? For
lcnjc Linir I rip Hlpimim Cnnillv tiAvo umt*
hrm Of\f nld Hlguonra hf build the
purbla for ihc people mnybvjio ann liundn-d
5^- Alt lUftJ Ev-zrrbwty tn ltr%r pin-bln vrnrk
fin- r>)n Jaiirn;, On the mrBe ytm sp^ Lhe
hf==t* white httdm-Jn w-vsMi the red hcwl.
Tiiat J* Ihn liomr of Dtin Jilluir He l» my

-good boM 7

"You U i"p ?? vnry fund of Dnn J»ltne?"
R^ncr hi i: j- - r - 1 -r I

I dip (o» hfjptn My talht-r
??he's dip for heeinl Oao dav wc hftje
been Belli mi the ftJo Grande. Tho**n
i>!i"l:-.' ritmi Urilcn vfitam for i,traJ Lhti
dSPVN Of Don Jntinp. D» he nli!»l it? I
lt>V you Iik dunt gpt thp r.hHtier Ehin
Jarnia irr-pih hifl mrn cut hctim off from
U)j rwirr ciiid thfre in a flgJu. und my
lnthor hn l?? ahrot Thrnugh lht» hcl'.y Y<ui
knoir t\ovf hr UlP? I toy J mi He die
In the unn of Dnn Jnlmr HtRUeii.ru. mu\
Hon Jdimf hp weep for we my fkthfr die
But my fathnr she tton usto, ^chjou shu
Iuitw T>m j-iime tliKnlc bo much nf Imr.
!!>?? rutlier uh-e know Don Jaimfi no(. goitr

and hiTifo, brloved b>- him. She <^c?ii
iiL-rtuio Lhr lavel.v lnllcy mid Lhattgbt..

"All ttoau poor. Blinplr i"- ???? un atuA-
t.ptv-3 imdKr the niunUt* il Itia [*4jflfi^thlOp^
u live muter, the leudiU beron Work*
with hti mrn. SJLm arcmnrl emmp Arm *t
uiEht friti] Kbi VwpWKii, udluHtLnn tiUnnelf
tn rmnrcid^r.hip n'lth timplp primKiv** nifn
anil. d'Jiibdfjj. nn" llniltny Ll aL all IttujbJ**-
liome Roberl.iu i'OU're tli-iiiblhig Hi"
Imrifc ni it bit-jU BdwDtonr."

Thn car polled tuttnn wojidrn brMirM
(ivit irrigation rnnalu, »nd oj] thn tvordurn
of a dtetmit Hold ftubortn unw I loftg
??rj ii* u i- ->t tntOM rlnnrmn niinwnv the faint
(-.bUtcr a! t?Wch vmi borne down wind Ut
Iwr. Drrttrns cif buy waiiROtta vhit toad-
lug and Knclilng Uio dtw-eiil aliaita h^y»

pL't'liiijii u hundred nidi w*?rr ruking and

piling it The frtgrnnce of tho hnrvtrn
c»mn plMkianUy to t-bn ghl'a kiuhc. nndi it
iittrawpd to her that ihni VJtUe-r hutl fltlUR
hr*n dry and bumfn' untjj mrtJunnrphcuiod
into a vait ruiiluit by mfii nf vljicrti, coumur
iiiii] rujvh. To ber it. n-fuird a big. wiirth-
wMlft thing lo tmvp done— 5011H! thing
IlrfniiTlc 'V\n-f. -ffiis dnuna in \l — poetry,
too. Bbr knpw ho Hi He innl! had tlow
tftj*, And UiaL hOne bur. * ttl-s tiiHii c*-JulrJ
rarrj - cm mfJi it And tw-r impiitii'pre to
meeL txai .Tolme Miguel HJ-iiirjiica iPL'tc-aw-d
Thffy nwflpt np tluongh IhO Ifidfnn
??usblo, and wrn< biirkud tit and purracd
by mrulc'jEubli' numbnn nf dog/i of nn-
fiOrted tirred-v "It Cliimn Hari-ptt Wrt
the oveilprd here Ut* would bsnlili llw
cufi," RobrrlA thciughl, "and juitLty hi!
art on thn ground of erBfinnry und Mni-
intwii But tfifJW pcitiM mivH havn ibeii
(I'JK. snd iljiit-rlPR-j Jjrrjj .] nirr.n rr-EiJlffi! Mm'
I>t them Iikvp dng»-mHU«i*i oi thrnu
Wlmt affair m h of hi*? I dnrcji.iy hn tiuL,
ifngi eif hU tiwri '

/ XHBOH.HILD brown chLl<I-
rrn. In varying deErc-ci of nudity,
nured and ahapr«d at ! betu pi t
Iitdtoi worn nu. if a red on doontepi,
or hAEgrng rrver ffincos in ftOinrty
gofltrip, bowed or curttrtod. Then Uiey urro
tlirough tltr ptii*h:n rtnri riiLhlng up a gentle
Hope, through afi avvnur oT olrranden, put
irr»,Ti, whl 1 * bams And on tc iha anctaiiral
honrtr of lion Jaime Mlgiiet nigifenea Thr
dufiky tlrtvor rwunduLl JiLa ditch long, and
with a primitive rnjoymfnt tn It* hnrr-h
dlssnimuce. A lfoloe clirtl wltitln tin- hluii
adobe wuli (hm mpxmmddd thf hacienda
and grrat wrought-iron pntea wer- flung
wide Lo admit Lhem. Thny halted utidrr
n rtd-tllfd par(+erchM*o. and Mr* Cranny
rjinif olir to VulcOnn? Uiem

"Drm iTmnir tM-qj-r-d me 1q pirrnr-nt run
eseuir* for hi* failure (« ttilti you. Mian
Antrim." ihe ^pUlnrs-d. "'Hr hita bien
working- rfiitEe tritn hi» meu Lhn pa-rl |.wti
daja— they're shipping from Vulle Verde
BtBtlrm— nnd Dan Jaime hnn only just
gotlmi home and b tmay mnlrinn hlinaetf
jreuy. And :hi* >otmg lady with rou

"My m«id, KJgnca Mca Qanby ~
M Ynu arc rortmiaic to hitvo brought hor
witt) yap. bcsi Jatoc be* Mvxtnib or
Indbui mnidfi — I don't know which- to turi-
i«r the liouae, but until 1 nttitr he hurl
nobedy ut W»in ttanj and Dvni-ytlilng hui
bpt'ii at pises and tie vena. I'vu bunji hrrr;

«rrnr«nrr ro
tun grnn.iLiAN ivojHf.ru nt rai.T

about jux igwrtn and am gruduclly getiln*
crder our f.'f chuu-j Tilt itu-^rn at VaiJc
Yetrd^ Itnntho jirirer fiMeed r.hr gun^t*
rontniL ao your mnld may luivr a room
nf*1 yourti Do ycu spent Ppiidin, Uitx

??'Unlfjrturi si' r ij, no, "

' Tile fctrri-nnif? unrJeni.nnd nothing el«e
( nm .'??tudytng pr language, and am

>jegi f fyii*rt B (o inaJu* Tnyi-i'K undfiretoori Yiiu
have a DiMleni faaUi wlUi bet and cold
M'Ater Dtrsiirr In at fix''
"DaeB Den Jaime drees for dinnnrT"
' Hf putt on his rout rVKii when we
Haven't goL company." Mtil Gaiib? laughed.
-In thl* pan ot Tvuu max readl3y acquire
ihe etOmfurtable nhl rt-slei-ve habd ."

??' Wliil L ,1 LrJTn-lT ru'ir:]'" ftutiprtn tt-
rlmniciJ ai ihr L-nT^rrrl tt wfl* a lnrg»*
iliolii— ttt'kr a=r tafirt k* ati ordlnrully la?gn
Nfw Vort riuimbrr-atid f\iruiuJi.»i! in an
1 1,: ??,. ^-.u In (^-! TV.b.-rlfl. whn

ru'Jjfl*»d that nvrry wrtlcle nf turnltun" in
l he rtfrn Imil conif from Spain, and woe
at leant (hrpe tnuidied old The

huge hlRh four-power bed, wltli ita blarh
mid nrarlPT. vrlurr fflpupy, intghl tMW bft'P
l.tir brjd nf wnir fargot,D3P Ccatillan
prtOB B Bt. Tlirri 1 was n chtnt or drnwera
tlwil nm dt lirr hcflrr. arhr Willi ih? dntrt!
fui pUBttwJCn The wlndorwB opened un to
the polio, aid «CCnt »I ftowrn flllrd
the HKim. A rluntcr of roura Owupied
a iw an tint dnra*dng-tab>e.

"T>oii Jaluver pluoked thcae and pl-*rrd
thntn hi'j-i? iiimwh*" M» ^>**ahy mlonnrd
her. "Hr waa in ureal diimrrsa at having
ytm aTTrsvr a dHjr uuilutr tUan wi 1 espec'^d
you. 1 Jear ytm dldtft ngure yfrur pmp-
r.nfali- rnm't'tly. Mba Antrim. 'Ye*. IhLi
15 the iitc»f room in the houat- It waa
fcmiiitrly Unn Jaiuip-ri tout-b-n-'-i room.''

Thcro wvfa o numhiu- nf tamily portraits
liilnK alr*ng l-he wulln old -fafihinned
un'itsrnto'rt 01 * ftTR-itlrt] })0a of HlgitSfira
mftfiierex and warrtow. maid* nnd
doragerB "la there a portroir of Don
Jnuiifi UB "' HobWW 1n:|irlrrd "I tiavr
nrvi'r mrl him r vnii IIW* "

"TIikt wm* rma tiore to-dn*;— why. Jt'»
gooD. Twii iTaimp nui.it have rmmowd It
hhuteU Mia* Antrim, ffgfl, ytfu-B meet
bhu tit ttUmer, ontl drnnac will hp ??rii-vrd
E-limrrlv alter you have tldlrd ynuraell up a
bit IX*n't fcnrry."

Silt' diiptirti-d nnd KohortQ wtilrd down
ts% a rocking ciuilr wtd]'.* Mignon removed
her ahcioi. undrrw*d lior. and prepared!
hrr bath. 8hr chtwt rrpr griwti Vttry caxn-
n-.i:y fllie -jrantt'd to task h'x \vm wtien
??thr Khould niert r>on Jnune Miguel

Ai last ihc wai rendy urul mude her
way down llw corridor to the entrance hulL
Mrk DtinbV wa* on me liioic-out fnr her.
??Infe In thn \nst, Ubvnnlh of a hrruai?
ntrangeni Mini oi»pd kmam tn be leat, and
ied her Into Hon JHiow'a j-purioan hrhig-

At a nnnlL stdufafitrd. his batik toward hrr.
H ad "??'!??! bag) II'- -.k* urruved in iuuniel
tn»ll«ri* and whit** biif-iakiu. Alines a nflt
whlcr illfc thlrt. fi Maclc silk bow tie. nnd a
tiliif surge L-nut. Rr-'brrta wau lmpreascd
hy ttir extrrme jioiithfiunfaa of hi« ftsnre.
roe Ahe had anUeipntetl a very much older
uiun nnd, (eg a RWDI1 *he hnd tm grnunil
for r r n:crr.aining, ihe had expected bim to
be .*huTt and porClv

iti-a (lanby rrcioicf "'Don Jalmrt"

fie tumfid. "This young lady in MUa
AAJtrLn. Diln Jatme-.*"

r>on Jsiim* ROWd "Tou are weJearn*
Lo toy n*"Qf hmite. Meea Antrtm, M he said
irrthly. «11U nrt^nnesd *n rote ruT hand.

<J 1M IlKiGINfl! ' nh'
cried XuiLouily. us I3un Jr*lna. upproach-fd

"If *9U ttnlit irnon npplying the htaial
tr[ni5^itiaii at my moidcfcer. Junien Micliarl
H^Eiru* is od correct no JiiIqib MiRual

National Library of AbfltyafJiiala.gov. au/n la. news-page46 13707

wrruiacrr to
the *v»« to \ j i o womwN lumn



HRMI Dear me. rwi'i vou ire the" man
o| Erin un my face. Mis Antrim?"

Bar syra buisarl at him. "You're m poai-
Uvr devil * she, whltpcred ui she reluctant]-?
surrendered her land lo hut. "Why tarrf
you dw',« mr u the station lo-d»yT"

"Dear Mwm Antrim, J did r*X deceit-*
you. You uki>n dm if t were Jtm Rttftn
and I admitted it Then ynu -tutted iu
work 011 me. and 1 had a great ciman , r.y |o
are how tar jcni would go."

*H I had knoarn you Jaunt- Minuet

H:tT3ma* I would havr )iad Din*** talc
me? ovat to my Lab- uncle a ranch."

"J ! pancd lie wi* planiunK to take vou
lhare Yon ami your maid are the fW
women to gel ofT at that station tn ?? year,
and wfuin I obserred you, I -lupected your
Identity, suspected that toe sonic reason
\on liat] arrived a day earlier than that
named in your letter So I marled si'roui
(p inlrnlw you— and then I taw t)Lrie>
B*:l a* 1 call him and iruuojiiiy T aroa

Jralotia. Wu E i.-.ili ifr R very )ettJtJUD
people. So I tried to kill Oil nil'. Bel
according to you- alihouah -what I roally
tried lu do was to puncture bis lyre T
nwf that mnr a poke, and 1 wanurd Iti
annoy him I thought it I eould sueee-id
tn frightening htm away beforr he had
Lfr opportunity to cell you too much— Ui??
tiling l wanted to loll you mysolf— I arftulct
rowing myself a eery smart >*mirjg man

'Ul think It very, my
crpt Use buBpltaujry of
i — remover. How ah all

my Uv

X expum It lo war

"t>r,Ti f Dun Jaime, -.ujtgestrcl mrrlcly
TU do It. Oht mr TJoeTe Bill's address
n- i HI tend him a vtm -o-ai£hi Thnt
will grrp hum on opportunity u. zf^yti-r
hi- k*dfc Lo-mormi/ tf It acem» to you
thro that you ought !o leave VaiJe V«rrJf
ftiv ear will be at your disposal"

tailed Mrs. Ganby,
who entered with Robbie holding to her
hand The boy worr a hat of the moat
appi'tiwdj cowboy t*at,tern. wtih a rattle-
make banr! around K Bis thin Vgs wer*
encaaed In tiny ehapa.

"I rode all t!> ny borne with Ken
Jimmy." he thoutrd. ".mil Tm not tired.*"
Then he aaw Roberta and removed lit!
hot. Dtm Jalmn (ommlTy Trrev>ni«>d thn
boy th*n snapnod hia Cimrrs ??! Rob We
nnd the little ehar> Itmo^d »er to him

"Well," Don Jatme areeted him. and
scooped the boy up in hta area! left arm.
-we h»d a nw rtde to-day. dldni wef
fhit yftu diwbryed wderB nobme I tntd
ynu to ride hamr with the took in the
chuck wwiron anl innd ymtr p*my behind
vow're mrerdoae tt, «m. What are we ??p-

lOff to ijr> about that eh?"

Robbie looked aistnuaed. "But I. lei)
k> jrood. Jlwnt — — ~ he brcan.

IXw J*tmp r.hf»k htm arrf set him rfrrwn.
**7 rjjut an the poetoTI at ten dollars
a month. At Hi<* cr.d "f '-Jir monll-. wu'!|
enneet rrinr. Yon ure flnrd a dollar for
dlgabedlcFftee. til order*-'*

The boy ttorw bis arm? armmd I>on
.Tabne'i wwbu "Ajk you a&gv? with ms,

"Ol rnunr not But an order*a an nrdrr
and >:.-??•-??:???? to be obeyed, Bud u;.:i now
and wvh vour fan and handi and gr*.
modi lor dinner"

Roberta rsnzhl the boy's mother'* «*.anee
ftnMl on Dot) Jaime with a wa-t of maternal
udoration "Thai boy nmuirz* inan-
banKtUns;'' C*on JitLn* aa>ured hrr. Thai
ntzonblttj leu must b* btdlt up wt»h e*tr-
ef«. but. we mint nroeMd me*']y. Oood
ttplle lad, Robbie but tili doLluc ma ba»
alwn him an ImpeTfert notion nE ton
Bcredneia of a contract'ia] relation. I
:::"'«] him n doiEar. and ibnt's njLt^i'v
hard on Robbie, biff"— b« dnwn tt

Mr> Onnhy wiU: hta kindly grin- -J haw
a wirr'halTTd toi t«Tler pup eanurifc for
him to-morrow ts Robbie ^bcmJrf tyw? lost
confidfEDoa In mo fil be oaf> of lunk."

After a moment Mr usked*.

"What ion or fellow at your Vatla BLUJ-
"'Oh, Vnrle BlU^ hnmon-v#T>- He *o>
uora and xalard in TeaitJ. apent moul ui
hit earlj tin? in Ihlt SUtr. tn met"


rrw him err of b

11am B. LiLthatn ~~

nor. "Ia Uncle Btii dllfibUy u*nu! in hit
?? rr hind let— juat a *u*jrft:lon of « limp*''
"Yea Do you rcR.ll-* know my Dnclr

"Ho. 1 do nrit Hut wy laUt rather krun*
htm rery well They pot into an aunt-
ment nnn.* aa to which waa Uir beat fur
the country— the gnbl .iLnnttnrd vr Bryan "i
itatcn-to-orr Your nncle Hilt to at
•KitPMt in tvoun. at the tune brlruj a Re-
;iubllean My father, of eourw. anw »
Dfitnncnit in ihrtr nrtruni^nt irrpv ws^rd
perxmil and flnrtHy your Uncle Bill called
my father an annrchUtiC arraarr. So mj
father yelled 'Hurraoi Frt^fi-a-bnllath 1 '
»rid hit your Tjne'e Ptu on thr now and
ranted tt five decrees tn the rou*h-enir.. My
pfirent then ran to htr. hor»e to unt hla (fun
•xhich lie wore tn a pommel bolster and On
hit way thftre your UtUfi* Bill nbo: hla hat
nR This wna Hotting peraonal, us mt
mlher rrtatiated by ihooitcay your Dno*»
Bill In the heel "

TrTiy. Ourie B31J never b3ld mo abrHit
i:. i' Don Jatmp!'*

betrt atdn't h«> He wv 6rwk tt the
time and my father wit tntodrn'od. other-
wine there a-outd hai-e been two (urmrata
Pnther wa* hmrt-hToipn when bfl Kbcrrd
rm ami w/nt lib lawyer L6 yiwjr nnela
Bill I" Rpoif-K** to yw rjnnJ*- Rill
arcrpufl rlir npoSopy mtvn W J\t hack oor
of hl» own When I wv a mr small
t>ny •mux unebi HiJd out np« ranch to old
man Bobart. trhw aim Kenneth, is now
mr awneeal maivai'tn'"

"How irenjendmwly LntereAttog, Don
Jaime "

"Well. ir« nu:e to hud nut who haa proud
ftesti rind wbo Iwao'L Ynu were uarUiniy
•.addled with a prise pair of mtnles, wrrnn't
you. DOeii TJnxln Bill IrraL yo<j willi
rivilMr and depraiiy» H

"Of eounse. he dpn, He*i adorable; he'i
a lore "

"Very w*ll. then. 111 not km him You
mun urK, tliaujfh. rh^t I did ?otl a real
»rrvinii m buattfBf off TTfW!** Tom ??

"thaele BUI aaya yoi* did." Roberta ad-
mitted. "Bui. t.hfm hr'r4 buwd"

"Mr fiiher alwaya dniilarfff that rjriolf
Bill tb» all wool and a yard wide. 1 wish
you'd brought. Kim down with you — no. t
do rut I d<m't want him a*oued cranip-
ban mf ityle . Dumer'K ready. That
??toot, wdrtlG-crinrw) femnl^ who anp^ared
In LIlp: door Juat new sny« wi'*d better e/tene
and get \U or thell threw it cut "

"I must run u my room for a hnnd-
Icerrhlef: I 1 crept to frl*h tmr," taid
Roberta, and ran upjrmlre

'OS JAIME ffflwd alter
bar. There war no doubt but that he ap-
proved of b-r rruEhUlT Wh=o hj» aoxe
aiiirtrd it net Mr» Oanbv'a

"So 1 * don the imprean you?" ahn nuerted,
Mrt GaLu; bad a trrimmLnf meuurr of
Jmrnnme ciirtnalty

"MIca Antrim U physically heausifiri and
mep'*Hy alrrt Yen, ahe*. aa raiart a
yr>unf woman ufl T??u and I will ever maet.
W«t rai«d, well apcUarf. hJiinrhtT. awrue
cf faer jwwwr owr men fmd Juat Iw/ea to
mte It sound ai heart ihHiu^h I think
Nothliuc ipunruE aboui hrr"
"I think she tuLi a tempor."
"Of rourae chn haa Ir*ahn didn't «hn*d
bo dull. But I do not think the holda
srnttilhea. for her aeuK of burn or would

pferludr that And ilw i too heallhy. tOc
nrrmal, to be a picky wnman. AfTer hang-
luit « mftuee on hor ensmya eye ahe'd rui>
to the drug ar.arr to buy a lemh to pu t rm
U I l)k> her. 81m; llchU op my t*3

"Will rtie be here lottK. Don Jaime?"

"1 dtj not knnw !c all prcbabillty tdu
wjli not. he here lunfl onw^h to pICaje
in In fact. It 1 hadn't run Lhai Utll
Lunrtlr scallawag duwn Ihr rood ah# wou^S n't
be line itow She's a now nnte in tLfr
to me. but I'm not fuuni to lit hrr know
ahe It" Hr looked at his nnuK-fceeprr
•otVwHj "T3o rralkw. Mo Qanb>.

a senuua thloB it U to have kiQed
a shiiunmiui that wanted klliuia, only to
'Utcwr he hoji a niece that o?n fset u man'*
reason f.o^ttrliig cn ha throne?"

Mr nanby w&s amused at Ids fmtik-
nesa "Hox xiiss Antrim act your reraano
tutteriujt oo lu throne alrTadyT"

"Ho. I do not totter that readily '-no\.
ui taet. until 1 know that the object er
my drbxsian is -totUj rot(ering for. But
something teUa me tbls youruf woman hat



.OBB7JE. htn nolo face
Rlrrwing from hia rnoftni ablution*. arrtYH
with Rt)brrf.i and the four went In 60
timSM WlLh a nitre enrudderatloti for hrr
years, the host placed Mrs, Ganby's ehalr
fnr her then prrfrimwf a xtmlliur asrvke
ftir Roberta, and uuttly for the Httle Hohbir

I nat tnctivrUy tind. " Roberta thntisht.
"0!d-fnahinTicd laLhrr taught him lo
re^prit aaw. DemCcrailc, too Hli boiiie-

The tabi" had been set in *be aauery,
Don Ja^mr nxplatning that during the
summer they aJwajs ate outalde. They
wrrr rto ??oooflr aeatod than two Spanish
r nocking bJnfj fkw in and lit on the door
beaitfp his rholr.

"Abe lord and Rejote!," Don Jaime rr
plained "Mcadtcra sldom migrate and
these two havr been steady boordrn for
yoara.*' Be broke crumbs from n piece of

R^if*ert^at»prala*d Lhr lablt wtth ON «yi
ef an expert It was covered with a white
Urien cloth. Shftrt-stemmed red ros«
peeped from n Jade-gmirj Iwwl in the
centre. The service was of sterltnar sflrer
and rerr old end biiauttriil On cHacr
tnspretion ahr saw that It carried a com
or strru

"My grrat -irrtal-aTeat^iiT^Drtmothf.r'ji
silver," Don Jaime explained "Fellow is
New York nnce heard J had It and sat hli
secretaJT down to buy tt He ufTertid me an
unbe]lrt'ttul>' blfih price for tho service, and
iHrin'i seem Lo beUere me when 1 told him
It was not for sale He )u?s kept UttnUg
Lbe sole and 'couldn't, seem to see he was
anncyuut m*\ Some people are llkn Unit
They think money is the bnginnUig sod
the eod of everytiilng '

-Perhaps you would alert, Mr Hlauenea
11 you bud rwr been poor." Robert* nua;-

Tva paid tarelte per cent lor renrjrd
mim«y." he retorted "I've had the ranch
mortKOiied in bod Team and baOka ramed
my lather half bin llfetlnwL Only those
who are poor In rpirit. who tadt ctvursgt.
can be really poor. Do you think my
people wbn dwell fn the p^ii-blti yudrr, are
rlcthns of porrrty^ Wot They are

rnvted by thnr kind"

Do yrvii not find llle a Utile* tannJ)

"A bury man is seWnm Iravly. My
falber spent, bia Uf e in bondsgn W the
irrigation sysicm you probably ob*er>ed
fn rtute hcte, but after his death I com-
pVted It odd tmcAfofmed ?? seml-and valley
into alfalfa and cotton flnfds I [rot rto*
of trw.i scrubby lnnE-bom«i cattle that were
built, for speed and aubstlliHed Hereford*.

National Library of Auil$tr/#ife.gov.au/nla.news-page4613708


Thlntt juv built (en beel All th*s la*
tree ?? cflnsidn-ac-]- lur.k nuri Ml to my
hiuMlfl when I was eighteen Thai wtu
ten year* osn. At college I marred it*
tifrimiltuni and cattlr liuiliaudry. b"cnunc
1 knew Uur ww tr.-ing to be mv J'e My
jnrcaijui. .Enrico C*j*Byeo, nai lt*l faodl

"Ailcr 1 whs detrv'-'bltHed ill Lhe spring D4
1HW t really :Urted to pui una ewuh «r
ii paying bj3b T clrmicd up TO
11 !yH r.ntl U12. Ai.-i -Ii pik.* ??
fijjjcUrvKhly blah. Why. « thjn oM en*
1st « milter w cwmei was uruj"4i nu-bt}
rinflara than t hnri n fenitng, nrravrtrr
Utut such » Wartlnm prwjHnhy wouldn't


??i ] | -li.l'll uiij i-"':|.!ni

kjdmI n b-oui — <uiti

"Init^iv], t ntLvd atfaita Antl ibarkPd ir,
Ttiafl 1 bought ruLI.1 1 fnr a unig whrn the
hank* and the gnr*» miner da! l-an nei!n*hw
lorecltus'd. Obe-a,:* one tip and cheap fired
vWi know I wilrt them a» turre-yeru-i»M»
after "ti* ronrkct hid niMrd and lit
addition. Had my ranges rt-fctC'cki^l wJ!h
1-lch p'Pt1« Hfr-r.irri M'-diC ost'lr Mil'
etl thia ytm ujidi-nlnud. MSim Antrim
r-Hi 1 1! red Uiuugh I and worry, rund
ruurnKe. T had my momenta of (Winir.
The rfcari vti* rough and rocky in apola.
although that oi court* made. It nil thp
more inlmalirif. lh*j eutofj all the nun*
rt^Khtlnl t ttilufc that whf-n r -tir Im*

f03d wirltfjtit effort"

"M5 IJlf has h»«n spem that 1 mu«t
nflmlt." Ttnbrnn cenfrcaca. "And 1 hie
iL." ah* added

"Why notr Ymi'vo c»vur rried any
»thw Ufr. have ytm?"

Robm.11 noUred tout her hour wbb much
mote »t W« esse *ww Unit thrir ^tirer-
•mUt-ii h«l vflerFHl intn new ehonnrlB H»
a-Rent wu market! Nui mice did
1» torwl blmaell and proomincv tiln "iv

, n otturntd to trm glfl. Wo •

Chin Jairu- MibukJ HI^u'-'Om iu\$ U'.^il mors-
in five ^linutca or hi" mircfyt life uiun ttnd
tiiB ]&at thrrc (PMram-'ii* o-T Hnrii-tts. And
Uic HftcJtftm wr?re u Jmig-ltTod roce

Dnn JAlnw liurant ttt atibertn. -ay me
T-ay. wht»L goLnf ui occupAT.tfln, if nny, rttrni
Mr- LftLtum JHTicUj* iim» '''

"He pAfcyn tHa vtocx Trikrkct."

"With ir. I -r-i'

"He tup «J*Hy3 boea very suct^ufui until
recently, whra tw l«t prattlcaJty «-vrrv-
lJuriB he ftad — or »i l«wti tic would hnvr
tout U wiUioiu thr old ol lumo p^flplr who
love him. W« autklpaU? ft mUrse In '-lie
market which will jjiiU him out. LI no', mill

"My taliiL't levpd JifltB Curie BllL cvtiu
Lr he did "Uioot ntni in tho Hrel and rtlr r
ajtrM Wi& him [jf.OmcAily I would bp
clad to «lve my IilUisi-j trii.^rkl u li'n.un
Yt)ti tivf wlut ymir Unrle Bill, I ;.. • • if

'i'vp beeu bU vord. end a mQtntar c!
tin houfit'hoW wtict tn> tenTh r>tT:hdi>y 60

j-iju OBQ r DOW iw'n t?:d uud llnblr lij

tuffpr fUancUtl rev?r**>, 11 lu Wjr dlil> :o
Lukr enrr nl htm. snil i" ?? :i ;ii r^narin m>
Unc> T"ma e«uit? cnmp.i tc air sutriewfiftl
in Lfa pfttiirp of ii ROd^nd."

"Oo'c iii-ore retwu wti> I nliould bn d f, ol[
with nhaxllfth-'y In the mmltrtr <A mur
dL-oetwod ftitmrtiliu rrlauvr." I0r wuns
lumi at«BHflVd hitmertnit'iy "Weil, wu
in 1: n»u out. nil right on the fthuep."

"I- («ir. M thr tftn «un[FeftLe(J, "Ituit i-hi-
Antrim ihirep nvr prdliig to too a smtreo of
trtiublt to VOLl."

??Nm nt ftil," tar fttut nroteftttd "l
f-iprrt 10 cnllect Jmrn AnJrlm c*tatr A
rpuTOtiebl? tc- fat my scn'tc«, lu rrLmhur«d
noe tor my anrl.a> or l^^'rJ^1vf^leTL^;^.' ,

"Why v Jimmy!" Ht;ljBip )wd pitwd hd.
"DbuI y«u remember teUiat! m* thr dlirr


dtiy ' i . ii no grntlamflji rver told a Jte—rtot
• icn a vltlta lie 1 *''
"Now Vhat gtc ymt dnvma *i, Bcbhsef"

"I htafd J" 1 "! tell Kl'J: Eooojt (he OChcrr
day 1 fin- you'd »ftr ihoee sbrcn dead tfe(cre
ttionl(T5'lutf Tith (.hem. II anybody btrt Ml*5
AnLrtm (wr.i>d thrm' h

*8o I did. sormy Acytblna vmng
t-ijcins r 1»ny7"

"SuL you wld tho eitwp would do morr
ttmnost to rmtige than Lhey *cre


-1 know 1 did Jimmy, bat then 1
.:nBjy »r, ibr Unie. Onn uj tho*(i eld rvrm
Jiilo )uat M t ttn me "

"BW ym knrw the *JBUf<ln"t hMrt fOU,
Jimmy, bntan*e I heard Bjju tell you tha
'.hi rvn mh *dl mix* or leu toothtca*.
And lUen «:ti said: 'Oh. Kin. Int'i ie: ^he
mil eo with Uib hide liritD Oa old
wrecfci up inio the nifulia. *o tiipy wnn t
??tUfte to dratii. Antl Ksti *uid he nm'Bz
tnaw a phtttngncph to ftfloc; a ievcMkfadrd
unij *ursc tl»n It Jxml you."

l>-;i Jaime bhi»num »» he

l<Nbnn*'5 elaort. "fho tiiibjeet of *hetp
iiftvlon he-n dLKunrd thuroupJiy " he *ug-
u'-M.cri. "ytuzt ntiinloxm, U »ny. bare you,
Mia AiiLrun. en the Lengun ar N«t*om
Mtd Tnr 1 World C*urt? Do you admire
iFja t.bre. and la n «lmnp-UU[?d yellow
i!ng Utf> bexi !or co* ua?"

Hi* wBu too myr.ti for ber. and d*ep tn
tin auul Jloberta. gnidjElnply. out ndmir-
uniiy, ndiiiitTcd 1L 6hf hud n feeling cd
iiripl.-uoirfjii in tnii muri'i prewm-e. for lie
*tw a ne*' wpw'iei«ie with har Slv* l»*d
uuvDr tuel. h mail who reni'itely festmbfed
Itlm— frc nithttiMt. rOfeeful and d'anUiailftf.

Not kiinwl-Jfi wluM to i«y Itr'bF-rta wM
uliubt and. utraekod bar meal Wtvu
•-inuintiy lur ghtnee met Ehm Jaiirr^a ccatti
Jiu wiiu iiJilJirLa it hor. wlienrupori Rb«
Itched wall a d^eite to pull hti iww "K«
has all tho aurtaeity and a^uranre c»E the
trait, mid all ml thn crc ol Oie LtiJin," she
thTOght "And he isn't .gnodr-lmfclriK 111
nil flUll, hn tfin't. CiBd-I«>JctnEr. Bee
jus* maauKUne, mid Itiiuwa i* All of bla
Jlffl he ha* been a^iwtomed tr> being high
tuid Low juAUcp an Lids ranch, bncauie
IhBdr jinrrnM erf ht» S"trrw to hixn ihlntt
bn can get a why with murder Hr'n fuat
w feudal bair.n wtio im» eitnblt^hfd his
fciidrt fway far ntimigh tiwih oJ ihe
t*urd--r to make good with iL"

Prowldenllally, k wn'! nm » lfi*ng cnunrf
dinner, hueh an Rnberta hud rxpfecrd
would be unrvLcl and whli*h ah* had let-lied
Ybrvai<d W with rtrflxd. A soup. 1 xaJnd
\i ruajl, Lir« TvceCablBn. a light dcnaen and
bluet iicjrrae, Tiuit wpi. nil

"Be m*ii tils. iuHJitf.hfllu like a t^siLMbJ*
tmin. ot nny rite," ih* girt refieetnd. ' Anrf
I hnwd the Ihougbl that the a^arrip?
rtUL.-'hff i.inicf.p.v.^d ni a tlnf olQ (iillerv.
tuning on woh ?? Lovely nld;-fiuhlon?d
ctirdeti a< ltd* pnUo rtrrEaiiks wcmld cut

En idbi

Sho watened hmnmirig-bird Jlitutm
brnu ftnwer ;n nnwrr. »iHW u flunl. couie
forUi and Oitnu uvny a onut lon-^ri Ji:in
oy Ucn J nunc Tiino, v. the ittwdiiw
Itncrhiwed. the nweting blrdi*. n?pletB 'Wltb
trod and happy (lerched tn a inn- trrr
and o*Ln tor tlseir meal in m?fody RcberU
Urid n^vnr heard a. ftjiiiniAb mOcJcei b^turp
and wan iM^h'.-ed with thr beauty vinti
vartoty of their taaienaiv* rnpi-tob-e,

iwnirvi to

mr kv it u alias worn*'*) wTtaiT

Bcntlv *l prefiT thn mm1n ni my t>eoi»ie "

ftiflW behind ihn cltmbui^rinei on lh*
(pUlnrj ac.rooa U» t*tif> » gutlai wi*
atrummetl BObertfl hfard the nvflnw
mum of harp a, un'-eeri flngerj 7 an tn*
achla. Thrn a gfrl'it ecfee* -uithou: emit*
rrttamt. Hut wmidrouity aumol and
uympftllieLle.- ramineooed 10 «lng '"U

-whm I am unhappy.* Den Jaime rx-
plnuiDd. "they *lr)fi thai and unng lo me
iird make me imhKppiar '

-Why den't you harp tJietn coir »oflM-
darba jryfuJ? They wUt atng whaievrr
vou dalre. 1 uike It."*

'My dear Mb> Antrim, du Higfam ever
wanw to be made happy when br* uit-
huppy. «'p filter enjoying porr health
miiw feed otir rar'al tiieinnobnly "
"You tiR-firriKiblt, Ci-U Ar? those p*b-
resalonnl ontejtiilnej* bsnught ntit from
Lug AlgngonesV"

~Wo. they're pnrt ot thn mnrh nweta
That ba*p haa bfe*fi 111 our family aac*
thfi dru HUj^lna rnitgnirrd to afadrld
C*rmrn CaravrO. my rldiny: b-nst? dannhcer.
yearned to fflaaf it *o I mtie lier ta *D
Pud "or alx mmitnj 10 get the hart*: p) :i
Alter that she hart !o Jlgtire it era lor her-
HtU She'd tWpa do ffir tha Mntrrpiltun
cxperu. of rourac. tmt ahe's pre'tr «ot>d fur
thin coj'iiar tif Trjtai. When ihe
finished eineirig 1* ""JrlbTidrltia to her own
nncr>mpiinarn«u her air.1#r CVtichl'a will
'Jii n wicked gtdLor and rasg El Cl'.'ln.'
Kdltft, hub. VOll grttlRg ninety I Tired tttH

yvUk l«jg rtde W-nay. eh7 I told you ftn "

Xotl ore fond of muaio?'
13l>n Jalmr ^Ur?j'i?d R.-lirrU njdd-.'tl gtU

br ???? a qmck orrfnr tn Snanlsh !a Dne
of hln dimky niftldi

'CrfTTJin in *-urn on the radio, the Ctrl
thtnight. "Whr doM be do it? It wtmH
ewpryiinrjii! '

A^idn Rtu had i.'Vldeintc cl the fan, Uiyt
whvthm she wanted to or qol. she wn&
fi«thted to tuivsin with this man"*
peculiar perr-cimiMtv -Nol the rudlo.
uennriu. ner yet the vlcuoJa." lie <*a(d,


had N?rc - hn
rhulr and eltmbed, HP Into Dun Jalnir i
Inji, His tlim .llrtJe arm wai around thr
hromn, povrcrful neck hla head cuddled
under ihr htg square chin. I»n J*umr
held hip) rfoac will) bin Mt unit, nod R^-
tarrtu LuMleed that with hie rlu,ht tinnd he
(fcnUy maaaoacd thn mro|iri2^d muscle* of
the boy's' krft lea.

The purple ilwdowi oreprt arwr thr patlO
Che* mu^lc nobbed mid inourn>d behind Lbe
poasicn ntaa and the aaddle-rolnrvri outd
crnn3£- tmr. -xiih. mne meat vcrapi no a plate
kind art them nn the lahte b**idrf her master
who whbdled ihrtUr, tmnrrupon (wo fng-
li^h ireUcrr craiihi*d tlie nrter-u dofer leed-
Infl to the amllery and cam? linptnv t«
ftcejflps. m the polite tnamier oi their bceed,
the meat nttrana Don Jaime fed Ihern;
retlrinc when Ihe t«aa] \rai flnlahed tr> b
diBoreet dmtiLtice, where they sat and gated
at the maiiTer with lovp la irr=|r lambent,
brrtwn eye*.

Presently I>on Jalttit! snook Kcbbrr gen'ly
-Oomr), aonH- he laid aoWy. 'Say yrrur
prayers— In Spanish, a» I ha'.-e tnuftld you

NUbstro ptidro "

The stHcpv vnlee apoke httlUngly the
unfamiliar wards, the man proinptbiR from
time to lime When the prayer was
thililird tn- rcn-r and with ths; hoy hi his
ufnjs, iUSbped ovr* Mra Otnby thai she
mt[£ht kiM her w^n gwKi-niaht Then he
OKMed ^rottnd liu? buCft* to Rcbrrta's ehalr.
"Innocence and tie-lplTjwnrw " fiolwrta
hrard him murmur "Wtio notdd not; ]tm
it," Ha stDoped over hor and lowered the
brrp untt] ih* ohildiah lip* bruabed bar
cfieek. Tlwn h'u bnre the (an cfl faa bod
Tl^ two wiXTTF-n ruihanaed atanrrn. ths
mother'* rysa wrr-r inoijil. "Thai h the
I.aiir. hi Idm UUw Antrim H<\ not
ashnmed to demtwairnTe hu affection
What 11 pity he haun t a -cm of hla own to
wont* the rhniia of his bbj boy's h^art
??on I"

Roberta did not anaawr Stin a-na thfng-
ins of a rernaiH itiui Croolted BSD had
once mad? in her pretence "When eJihV
drru and dO£i ]ovn s ntnn a uoittan in
liiuaAly safr with hUn " she w^nderad
n'^' if Olrun Hacfcftt lorra children uul
dttRs, and decided prusenlty tliAt tie muitl
love bhs (iwu ctiiidren. if and when be had

National Library of /Mhh:attia.gov.au/nla.news-page4613709

•t.-m.»wrxr to
»« «t>n.>iu« kukt> > witr.it

be Interested
neaih him in
wiln ol Julie

Uietn hut iimi i t[ .
i ii di.v ar human fcei
live nociai vulp And

OrtU «ith a bullet
l>m« m a bower furar f«"r>m Jaime
Minvi lllrmnni niLd with nrtil" In hli
""inn wdcKTti at thn luer, by i nut tirr.
lect imicii n | dcmnrary *lilrli unit tlecrvcd
ha ihuultl prmJi II) hill mailer a grnu.

"Hit Li a iLnuiui* man. Mrl GMVbe" ahe
wld •< lui hare mrr met tola aim)
lief'Sr I du M lino* what to iv.akr m
liim— vtmtlMr to like film or dUllae him
<o fear turn or La iruat him He allied ray
twclr atnt nten. mamiiirrnditia untiw the
nami' <;| Jim Ilirima he induced mn to

*r<epl Ul« ln>-[il!alllv Lit Julir.r HlltuntlMI

u. i.' .-i- I rn,i|. tmrii line liuprnt du that
eort or i.inpt. you. luiua.-

'Don Jaime t» a free ecuL Ha do™ u
he ulenea,."

-Him iiKin liana yog known Mm. Mim.

-Blnca threa ilayi alter he allied Jranr
unrle r nm n trti Im-il utir-n .try I came
iluwn here to tern! Ilia nu'imu. alttuMtfil he
wmild have recovered arlilunrl jiyr aid tor
he la aa heallhv alt a hone. Later he ii'aked

ear to ?? ircl trie a
em a wift M nnld
I a hone ihnc you
wie dir. unit of
have neon invltei
i here. He la very
metal propriety


matter of tart t raptured Iltliyle und hty

HUM. and uinftnrd them til m> |iri'. .i« i

iMurllle here for thirty dura ffefotr turn- e

the them looae 1 hurl my (rir-mun M"u rlinii '

"Mi, Jalmer

-Tint i the KDlt ol iMd njn 1 am. ??rtHiiUi
That'a why 1 TO at.irltti (art) film tn-d«y
Hr thn way. can roil Onutiudi 'Ave

~Whr /Ml" thn anmrertK! a Ultle

"Oh. grand, wnudortiill in no malrle
unit jirnn'.lx) it with ?? |4ar» netumnam
rnntit. I srattt jreitj tn mrua tt ut nine* r.n-
ntnrrtiw Iiir inr prtatle. You will, of rmtrae
1 kntt* }uu will ittit imt arat) jour
irlrttrania The nnice 10 Lo» \l»odorKl
??111 mil \r l.i:

hi mailer, .il
"Aim Hohhl
"Whim he

I' dlwovnreil I half » little
crippled arm he fif.nl hie funeral niauuarr
to El Puno to brills the taf hire. H»
Icnetr l it wiinr rilni wilt, ine. of eourW*

"I undemtand Innooiiricr and helpieea-
nm Of omirw. Ilia heart went out to
Fl'Jhhie "

"Ohutlrrn uwloralanrt. Minn Antrim. I
thin* Otm Jaime la a man who llktta a
flyht— any kind ui a flithl He te uremtlt-
dourly uiterenlcd In that air"ptiled lee 01
rtobble'a. Lately he haa atarteu niAeeffg-
hlil tt. rtretthltlir It ttuilylni It He haa
been aondtrig for medical Ixeatliali on tn>
fantlle paralyaLa and tatka of serujttig
Robbie liter to be treated "

"Appurumly he tiaa a mania tor ttiaktoo
people huppy."

"He aaya mnuev u round and rr.nde to

Ptinher ccmrlleneea wen' Inlrrnrtired By
the return of the hwta. He celled ftome-
thiAf In apanuli to the >>mp r: and im-
aanily one came and handed him her mtititr,
rterttved the thanka of her audience, and
departed oovered afitlt emftarraaum'nt

"Kow. then." quoth Don Jahlif. "we'll
have a little old Anglo. Hmon minlxtrelny
from the boai tlltneelf." tte t,mute Ihe

fcdrlndi wit

ti n tlrrn,

flftHWl hnnr).

Vrllcm ItutfT nt TPUW " T» DJji arrm Ut lit


Be mid llttiikrtt KtiberW'a meaeaee and

??entti'd ror a lo.'Ail.y ]au(|h, It did not
eotti- "Dog your cat* rjltirin." he uro-
tejted. "arhnte'i your arnee of hurnorf"

"I *oai no hmnor 1n the altuattcn. Ur
IJKhani. I can only aympalhlw A'Jth
Hiilierra. Then aim la. the (neat ol the
mun who killed her uncli; unci who haa
li.nt lb., hiiiillluw.i to mske • jimI a' the
eipenee of hn victim Not aatle.ned with
that exhibition or h«s laate he ha. a«-
P-renilr onpimetuMtl lo oo» hit emirt to
Hi*erla llijnedl«n.lv mhlcll la mllet effl-
bnm.salnu r.nd dlatmalna; to her. She
i i., U. i . i". il t» Icu'.'e lila buiae. ol eoutw"
anil denllne to i^rnili hint tn conilnuB in
mtte her In Ihe mnllrr of rimaerulnii thoie
ehir.illuhli' r.hl!irpl. M

"Too tarnation monaey you Inn't then
esaelly what 1 puinned aftouJd tin i *." i ?? .'
The alt.uatlui wotia mil to moke you niiinr
in.' Miui.i.i/,1 in tli r teTected light from
thin ranca), Hliiurhre, who whulrt prub-
ublj be a knock-out «rlu> a Te»a< cattntnr
tt: rl Inn. a wutlMiur with Roberta, roil
loom iiji like a llctiihouiie in a Jn». Robotln



llflln .V ilnmnnrjiNl'

La Wtl.UAU 13

IATBAM nfljbrjit VitA Utiiula K.'??1hrr in
plount ontjcljijillon, m hif iiiiLici'd VM


"'i'tiP mnn who ftrot caHM jon Crtwitrrt
mil \umt hln onlottn Stup Yon am a a
crookent ft* h bv<t xpiinu viriURi- of
r\Rhln\li-*\ffttw. Blfip I .Tftrt your
Tcxm ri't'.onl Svip. Yon ptrrniitit.i tn*
to walk tnta n mtuntlon itvrn In prrfrrUr
and mtmoiruiiJily njjuounl, rm] f ani f>ar-
rJbly (*mhnrrM*rfl ftrop Jun'i jmi-'t
aha. vcru In the root witj. u forty- riv rt

thr< rnmtlr. tinly Ih* ptrurif t^ifwr.w-
ttvfl unm a hmw *od arrow, hjM nhQQta
for the b*art. flUrp Hot li tb« Ooiinn-
nivLu hiil f- Wood hri-rt nut of ihr tribe.
Sl.tip, hVltrve ll. or not, ha Hm dtKtcfl
a hnnilitt^-e tiv»r t'nclr Tuni Wcji it
l* mi Rngi«l wMpin?, unl nn tbr ttv*
or the wonttfflCTit he hi» vorkwl In a

Miimnbly Inn tmn thn, wnn I mm fltfrp
flimiiJih ttrr «hI IrMi rtunltrr fit"p
Whra I. cominu'r' hin, wlili oinin, [ urn
tnrn Iwtwi'ii a. timlr* m wwp ErtrJ tn
iiugti. Stop Gkan u> no i.." 1
io prcipnr, t*i nunijruJ of alt tSus ihimr*
wo tivtn Turn nund ft) aidmlm and
rnfl;icct wrillr Oils frlitrw itopi it nothing
unci ctnunilLi only hi* own dwlrr* i^op
Ity pl»n 1* m> winnrfl Uio t-ourfu t»*r-
mtmlin "a rlti-of Hie jh«*p pro*npp]y
and rri-um to HI) km* io I can trtto ycu
on M'.r -nr.


Hfljutu, the but.iw. In thr art of tli'^jptnn
t.hp cuitnrnwr7 two lump* nf Wjfar Ihta
Crotilwd DILln cup, rfftarorid Ii1n maAtnr


"I wtib I cciijl bo nh fonflrtfnt nr. joy,
Mr I .-J Hum ROtw rLti hcM ooi' *n(Lk.u«*.
'iiilI LlilR I* li'T jifri'i" ni iiurr.nr l.lfcr
>oun. d'j a Wi--«r— ??diabolical."

"Ntmonruw. Why, •acn't rm» vrr> ihe'a
uijid si rr.ef pdj? know* t\tm thn! I korv
wtm Ifluueitta Of at Uui th« 1« all
jirdbarrtH'T ) Aiuipfctrfl thnt hn and Jim
ttfnUn Tt3U|>iL be ojic mild the unmr p?r»*Jii.
Inil Dan Jalin* wnn nnly tobirut ihrer i'
otd whon I Jr!1. 1*!mu. and 1 took a ehuncn
that 1 w*4 ltiTRntt.>ri tlifrt by r.ov, «nd
that he had ntvn htnra of tne. dr. hfrnnrtx
of oi* 1 , tumdd not rerounbiK nir u hu

"Who ehrtt you In tha heel eh? A
|jpi-ul.rar futnl. I fthrmld aay"
"Sew I'd mr. rEah. I inaulteVd him."
"I erlih 1 hud never I'Vi.tyi in Uih ooo-

"Fitmt liwt SfVSf «uti fair Udr. My
hoy, don'i you letilwc yoy imyc « chflnu* To
Up ii hrrro)'*

"I d<> not"

"'Aiurr Btmpilptrly dull, wnorn |- »uu
(ilirfitiJt)it unci v'.iu u-K-d tnttrt tuuMy in
protect mo, 8a you've dmJdeO that T.hcHn

I i> ihuulij be K>ld lo let ready ca*b-

Cnrionqumtty, >ou , 't* hjid two import ejit
coaro cOnLmut'tl. whl^h will nnnble yau t.i>
ro to TtXAM ntiii nrrnrBT* tlta Mftk of tha
??hrr.i "

"Who will I urtl them toV"

J. o nif, fooJ. to ms_ tU
Ktve you mora money fot Lhum than aiiy-

„!u IV.. eUN -ee.rvM-1' ewHt rA.ll,*.

nobbip's vncunt chaii Uiward htm wtiii out
foot, awiiDtf hli Ipsa up <ni io It aad
nrilUid back' for a tfOOd old fvtmlnr of
in oak:

Thn sfjQajf pnded and f»ti ft&Ot iwie-.ed
up, o tlpflttni niran of eadncs>. uf rr'nlaim-
tion tn the Idxy eyfti.

-Nuw that VOti liavp QU^B lip fOKf mJurl
oirt to dtMllo> mrt or Ihe Uak of trying to
like mr. 1 tiavt? h tronfcflPlon to ttllllte.?? ,

??Til try to tfar up unn>r It"

"A few dftye nrtrr I ehot. IL out wlm
your unnk. hi/ man. SHI Wnvla. arvd fire
atiiera ciuiit avpr here with the- Intention
Of dolnt! me sipmi bodily tanrnv— lynctdntf
mn to ona of toe QrOM-tfeicr.a m ihut hnivy
wrlii-i 3 in tJir* Krapo riV;r yonder, oj a

Hid KiflpfrJ

"Atrythtne? wirma;. ??jr*" Harma (tfrrvumiod.

"ttarl" yelled Orooked Bill H H»rl- Tlie
t:himhi!l» ol hla df*dtnt* «n»p of humor
haviiin Urn ii-m d-arf'il, Pfrtokoil Dll: Luiit
hla b«ad aown on tho table- and viuped
unrt nhtwlc un1 wnpt unit rmrvH

"dood laoive. airr 1 Ueruve *iuBftii(ed

"HannB.' 1 Ht-ld CnjottMl BUI. "did yuu
ew hear or Pttndfiva?"

"Oh. yna. tfrf You arrt rffnrnnu t« Hi"
lair or prytholoicy who unlocked tin- txa.
ut Urtullenr

"ElMfty Wiitl, Robn:a hiia un-

loclted a nlmltar box. Hnxnu, f Mr,
H.ukri 1 , on Ehu IrtJitpbonfl

"K» mlRhti «hnnt tn^. Mr iAthatnT"
ft mUll)'.. Itidfrtl. but If hn «JvKuJtl that
wiiuirt Ur nntii'Ply your funll II he* »i
all Ilk.' hln lulu riirbrr tic'lL flBht yiiu with
any wfliipon ym/ narnn. (roin uhlitalahw to
nultlol \jk*. and flttii *??v tojriy, You were
no mrran IHttit-bfavrwrlaht boater lb rutlage
and you've Krpt yomwIaT in canditton Why.
boy, ytnt could niake a luuokfi uut uf
Ilimirti'*.--- -.t'tl In dpfftrw-p «r Roberta—
1-iiwi After I Imt. ill you'd hnve to do
wonlfl be to an hnr to tin run tho day."

"Dut huof eat. 1 be ataun J Uutt he will
bf jr'iilonw til* mr?"

"lie ran'L lirlp II. IV* tu hti nmurn.
And >ou oiiow Rnticrta R1«lu cirny tttr'n
buny workui« mi him fthts'll nialc* him
tall to Jove with her and thin, when the
I in.-. !i:ni hfflplew. nttc'll puL her ffiiit in hut

National Library of /4a^r^i3a.gov.au/nla.news-page4613710




fuel*. The man who make* Jove to Roberta
U IL gOTH* hcimhi* but. thn nmart tellow
IrJttO refusea in take her. Eeriour.ly is the
chap vlw'n bound Lo vm hni And. once
von. HioU mule the fln&si and mont lnyo.1
in the world "

Glrhu Hackot: punderpd. There tiu\)
be <rtoi-iJiiiifl in what >' l, u say. Mr lj*Hinm
ii.i'ivij. wrote her tint a chap named
JLm fT.Kglha had her Uncle Turn

and. having antd hex that inform Alton,
lug hat linU the audArlly to invite her Ui
nil ranch That was poor strategy And
L think, with you, trial Roberta will piinliui
.iliu for it,."

"In hnr own little way. my boy, tn hoi
;nm little way — and you know what thai
way in. You'd bettor Jump to Tntna muj

"Well, to make good on jour deceit
vim'Vff rented liltliirian, no why not go to
TcxM with nir* ehdVQ .your wldalter* and
drt«a like a rancher and play Lho port
l.hr *hecp. buyer?"

"By goliv HI Ho iL, Olrnn. It'i a good
Idea. Anyhow, 3 should be un th* jrroutwj
to advise you la case you run into snag*
When ran you *r.ari?"

"In oho week "

"firiL- Thul ?? ifivltiH Booby more time
than r.li 1 ????!!•????: bui on The Other hand
Hlnuencs may bp a. stow alarter tauun-
wnlta I'll keep yrju advbuid If anyihirit
new turns up Ht-y, dnn't hahfc-up yet
Harron haii pint handed m* 1 another t*W-
(craiYi It mity be from Bobby . No,
It a hum Hlpui'Li.';- OlJ. Glenn, Will you
linen t,n :h!-v ?? Aim no read over the

"When you your u-nrd again I
should be r proud man to hear you ad*
areaa her ai .Mr fil^ufntu or litems,
whichever nulm you bent 810(1 To [hit
end 1 rnjwrt your pvrmtsdon to pay
my cduii Stop. 1 know the going will
la? hard, bui T c.iv> never brpn acaua-
tnmcd b) fitting anywherr without n
ijnuy so 1 will take a dinncc Stop. Yen
Imp* my pruple, no T do not have To
lumLih flocia] rcfvrcrjcn. bwjj. Cnn
furnlih tuiimal*! cuadfnMnj* to p:c*m*
buy .a' - most exaedinR"
"Wtii-t are you grma to eoy tei rcpiy, Mr

??I'm pains to f-ncouxBfv Bu boy, of


"Why dn thst?"

Tp miike him wflrk. CJlenn. tf I comrl
only luiir tnuiion plctums of Don .Jnimf
pUjinjf the bear uodnr Rnbwr.a'.t window—
kctfilnit hffr awahc with hin guu nr md hi"!
Mid ^ jii-.nl: Li mags, puttuai an extra, tl.v.n
nf p iB JUUM i on himMlr and drowning htr
In ildry l'mnonre. t'd die happy. Oh, iJic
pour. uiifortLinjmr devrtH

"Ho BcsiHp uf • -ppfc riJmi. l'Ij?"

"Not n srlntillii," Croaked Bill assured
him "Thai mrrthod ol court*h)p works
in* wttn n apanljth Rirt. but to modem
4jntirimn Ulflfl ltkp HnborUL It's narvp-
ni'f.init and rfTnminotr RprmrnbeT. Olfinn
there ia oufl Lhlug- Rohrrta will never Urz-
/Ivii, »nd Tluit'S bid t*Kt<*. Y01I ttn'l JU1J
4 . t i unck end th«D cxpaci to ni&h hpr
>.T hPT jcql, fvto tli dub h y??u killed In i-Mf
ipfence, and in io doln^ pertormed * pub-
lic norvsee . tell yem Rlmwrien dotjsn'l
Know tm.Y better ttian to walk Into
straight lofta and rtgbts. imflgiiir Roberta
tor mtafircsB uf a ranch on the Rin Grande
iryrriH tn teach ?? cholo butter to *«• the
eruTi iroin chs IctV'

EvtdFjitly Olenn Harkctt promptly
inuLpci'd it. fur hi- luuRh-cd briefly for thr
hr»t tims. "But tnfaf chap flppeara to br
educated and to s cotuiidfrablP d?^rr«.
^miTii-n.iLflPri - be warm-d, oa *u after-

"Bo wa* hta ord man. t--^- ?? hw fenim
imdr'r rlacj und the tribe of Klgucnea
iuu tough r. under them ail.

"Out a'ardly tbryrs plutn, oTiilniiry Aiurrl-

eahs. and no Ynnkte can tAke Thrrn ui(o
Bamp r liut invardly. I WH you, Lhry'ne Mill
Sponlnrdri Thei- prafw thtlr be?f jcrjtfid
und thtyT* MtTotig on red ohitll pertputs
und brown bcarw. Eparitflh I- tiwtr mcrhw
turnup. They apeak EnRlloh petftcti^r,
but think in fipamah. Why, if old Mlkr
HipwneE oould hJiv e unloaded his raocli ,
during thp SpinuH'Anitvlcan war he'd
ImvF! enilftcated to MprIc". Be dpclnred
That war wae an ouua^e i^trjit clidllsa-

Grooked Bill hung up and EmmrrdJat£!y
deftpatchad the fallowing i^lr^rant Lo Ugd
,Tibnp Mlgupl aigwrnw;

"You havt; thr uerwif of a llon-tamar
Stop, Thanka for tbfl qoropthncntj im-
pJlrd m yi-njr LuU-qruiu. Inn I imvp noth-
ing to aay nbout it atop. Hownvn-, you
havp ray best wbthiia, and I will oven
free you wme pwrt addict, awp. PlJc
on the bi£h toenancL- and Bound the old
GjuUUan notv yuur 5t<*d "Id tmxhrr
to well St<ip If there \* unyiiilng in
Meiuloi'e Htw yoy ahouid bp dnrfc-iinircd
and dark-rypd like Mike, ond wiLh tH«R
iL'jielji d lair Miiiiiuv '-i'.'r: usuJ .l tinirni
irjmo moonlight and a prai'h^d'-':-
tnoui hide I abomd any l.hnt >nn
•i.oud uhehllT more claoncc ttuin ??. cellu-
loid di=E rhaahig an a*beat<* uat Uirramth
the infernal nrtglona.


"And smt," br murmiirvd, "rjattnaj don?
my duty by all concerned I think I ahould
return to my breakfiLii.-

Wcll hart hr been nickruimrd CrWJkwil


GKON mrftK^ned
Robcnu at huveh o'clock rwxt morning A*
hsr mtitrtif tub was nilLnic the nutJd
cuinoijnctd. aomrwiiat gmnty. that Home-
body had turned her out at sbt-thlrty,
which hour Mlgnen nigardPd o& unjaeaaon-
tiblfi and iirjrcaiHJr.DDb, She rurnplflin^d
that ahe bad wfn dlmner the prewduuj
night In the •ri'vunta' dining room jrtti)
p» r i7^nii to whuiv Bi-nnral rf)lor-m:h£?nw and
tbblt mannm aho was not aocuitumed.

"They might, with Ond the

name fault with yHi, Ml&non," Roberta
c£dd«i hHt. "Nn more izoiuuv. U y^u
pleaae. We art; in tlia far went when:
nien aJ-B niEJi Olid Wfimcn pqpe aLi:ct? AilU
hurt wild hor^e? Whnt did you have far
dinner?' 1

Miffnon nctitd the mriim. "Vow ale
precisely the name load that I had. Did
the uthefa have v. too?"

"Oood heaveiw, un, MtR» Roberta I Thi-y
had brown beena. baked chilli pnppnm.
fitcak, blort edlba ft nd a f*Ml of thin tough
poncako "

"It mujil Op BOOd food. Lhtn J;LLrrift toM

we Uuvt. nbjht tha.t he had prmeUeaJiy been
rnlsed an a ntrtnE of ehUUl T3eppcn and
pfaJtUtVI nr tat Sflims"

"I think he'" wondnrful.'- raid Mlfciiori
with ftnoJlT.y. "And I'm sur^ hi*'d moJR
much mote money in plrhjj-es Uiiin down
hrrt on thii lonely ranrii"

"1 do not ihlnk I should like Don Jauso
in plcEuiTji, Mignon."

'Td odore him. Wasn't he wr/ndnrru|
on hta horse shooting at thiiL uslv Mr.

"1 tear.- gild Roberta, slipping down "ut
or the huge, high bed. "thut >»j have m
rnmnniic (rtmrn In you. M3£hnn,"

"It'a Sunday." VUerinn rftnlnded hot dla-
CTrelty "Wha! will you wear. HWaT"

Roberta had given considerable (hnupht
to lhat fury nubjecl thu night pnrneHuL
"Tttot iptrrt£ suit I bought just beion 1 t***-
uiB New YorK"'i!he anawered promptly.

"Tou'tl tnock him d*-id wsth ihat:"
Miu"u.-jj njiured hor.

Il occurred to Roberta that it ta a vi.-ry
dlfTlrult taat for one womiin to conceal
hi!r uuiEmitat thoughta frnm arjoiner. Shu

eyed Mignon specula it^ly. fln, I thf mafd^
cbdorvbig the chaUeng^ tossed hnr bratd
ond dcrJarrd that knocking him drad to-
day would be an ca/iy task, *«Jng that be
wai alrrwdy wotthluui on thr two legs of

!BfiEAKFAST wai rearty
on the gallery when ftOberLa rame out loofc-
tnii for her host, The table wun w»l for two,
and Don Jinnu- was wattU.g for hrr.

"Ymi are aa beautiful as an army with
barmflt'k, Him Antrim," he announced m
Hie matter-of-fact tone In whJrh ane pro-
['luitrix that two and two mnJtr, tcmr« or
that a straight Jinn u the flhorteat dl»-
tancr beiwren two painUi, Knt w much
a cornpllment or the natural dcnlre of a
man to Clatter a woman, a* a definite
statement of fact, Hot did he took to iif
whethrr lila statement pleaaad) her or
otherarisp. He wa* drawing oyt her chair,
hi fart, and wandering if she had «een
what ho now aaw, to wit— a By In Uir
cmarn Jue.

EtobnrU flunbecl and huted ha-wif for
It, bpcauav It was not her liabit to exhibiv
??•????ach apparent ptcauune at, compi]ni*mts
trum men,

Re lueked her into her Beat, eat denyn
oppceute. Jooknd; at her cufiuaUy and mid:
"I %n- you had a pflod nlfthta real hi the
KhmiiVic bt'd of my ancestor*. Kou appear
tawib relreahe-d and [ am very giud of it
And you arrive for hreakia^L promptly at
tdghL Punotuallty tii a paramount virtue,
particularly tn woman, w Juat for that you
uui a Tree." And be leaned boek and
phieked one from the vine that clambf rcni
around a pUlni' of the gallery. ' You re
tryi rtd for red rce-ci," ha Ttuabii-d on,
handing: It ta her. "ad thta lovely mauve
?? in juat thf right aliade "

Tm not ted. I'm auburn. Thanks for
thn rcee, however fta lovery."

"Wfll. wh»teT- , er It L» ( It oultn me flue"
An rinicr in Piiantah and the cream jn»
dtnanpeared, fiiuU??hed In the diuWy band
??f L^e serving rcatd.

":--"-v doca one say in Eparukti 'Heraciii
mil the crcan; Jug, Thprr'rt a fly ill U'r"'
Hobe-rla queried Innocently

Instantly bli ffnard woa down. With
all the eageroeaa and uvioucianre of a
brittle hoy lie aid: "You and I are gotnu
to lie the brat at frlendT. H£bertu."

"WOll, 1 like Lfieirt faal tm their le«t^
and yru'm n whir bnnp;, Jimmy Pre been
trying wry hard lo dislike vou. but I must
ccnndir if* tin unuill ju|b"

"Of counrie, it's wry unethical to like
mo." he admitted dfimurely.

"Let lu say it is unusual and let It go
at that"

Hw ryes rfeyourud her. "Iioberta you're
inudih "^????'•L I th;r<i: t if 1 amy, I'll <x,U
you Bobby '•

"My frtDuds all do. ahamua. Fire away,

She flaw him awahow snrnuLhlng— ond it
u'ti, n^l fiwxl Tbun khe observed hid
gtUHrd cotn= up. aa St were. The ftre died
o-jt or his ftps., and the Hidden, wiatftil.
llttlfi-boy !nok rnrind nnd wu:". rvutarrd t>v
graviiy. awrnness. maacUlinhy. "He>. nice."
thn fllrl thought "He wouEdn't T.ake arj-
VantBBe of Lhe fact thai I'm his guest: UJ
(lppear lo rutin, m*-"

Oh. yea Roborta tmtrv men She cootd
rrad their laceu nnd. converhcly. their
mlntla. Pot hnil nut Don J&lnw MIhurI
Hhriienw uwe nuurecf h£r Ahe *an us bsau-
Uful ... an army v.jui burwem l

His (wo tetiens ^loycjhed flpi J i]oj(ciic(Llly w
the table and hr appeared to forget
Robert*, to beenme ohwrbrd ^n t.he doge,
feedhig ihem ntrlpa ot hacon ond llttlo
piece* of bread iteeped In bneon KTJBfeM,
lalkuiff afleeLionaTely ty. tl^rm the WhUd
as LT tLey wRre hunum. Roberta rnmtnded
hertetf thai linn .fnime araa the nrat young
mivn who hod evor nc-glected her to curry

National Library of Aoi^it1iirla.gov.au/nla.news-page461371 1

5TiTL»:iirNT to
twi tvsTsttus whmtv* ninn

favor with a pair ol fcughrti setter*, and
was UHPKBted to dlato\e r that the did not
rrwnt hla antlon.

'What art you some in do alwiit
ROtW tr Ihe Inquired preaenUy.

"Oh, Robbie .Nothing voty much wroriG
with him He required aunlUlit and tot*
wi IL Every day he Jus nut In tau Mmllgn'..
E gave it io him in Mnat! dotes, ao he
wouJdu'i Miiitr.irn Now ];.:'.' Untied cjin
arm Hid one teg r? aflqr.te-ii kmt not wry
badly, The tnu*clM are- wnuc.».trophlfiL
I'll timid uji these aii'Oohhiri miibcittt ilowiy
bar. aurely, Whrn Robbie ha* hla growth,
he'll walk m'tth a alight limp, tweauae onfl
Ml u going tobiD trifle (jitvtar than The
other hut. otherwise he'll make u hand,
U4 BQUifl ;i> be lots of fun r.o mnJtr Bbtibli

4 *H(j nduri.i you. Jimmy. 1 '

"Well, If children and dog* do nm Hfc*
a man thnta m aian be hnd batter beein to
take itoelt oi hlm*rlf. I llta? Rbbblfl. t
like alt children, even terrible children.
I'm godfathe* to one hundred anri nighty*
>cv*n, ami aft*r Masj thin mot-nui^
lake on the on* hundred nnd eighty-

'Ia that why jou have never
Or have you?"

"J havenh When nn Hlguenci Tnamen,
It ukea And i haven't married hcoauac
you've been such & long time showing, up
at my nuieh.,"

"Why. Jimmy | M

"I thought for a while I'd aurely Iuue
M HQ to HUlisegl, l>otib* Ferry, "WwttiheMcr
County. New York, and point ant to jtiu
In* error &f your kb>. but. thank* to your
Uncle TOni, I «na ^ur«l that, ejqwnsne
jrnmifly. Then, too. I probably wouldn't
have ahnwed t.u ;rui;h toed advaistaij*- In
vour country, because n/ the eumpelitlim
i kHOh* ccun petition, it maltw mr hial. n
lit.Uo wt JealTius "

X OR ' I . • JLCr i.i lire
Roberta pouldii't h^ip lauphmg. 6ftfi
iiad a h»blt of |n»yhin\| at men
*hj*n they ^ni-p jHopoptiur to her or
cm th* brink of It. To htr cJutpnu ho
[aiishwj with !irr, and luit.anUy 4 horrlbifi
suspicion cyoased her mlnfl. WHi hi; mftreiy
I.elUriu her the comphm-iiliry thins* tie
i.rvftirfht .nho dr^ml to f:eri7V A hot reg-
nnpftllptl Ln Ttor»rta'ti hrmrt and her Lnuct-U'r

i-'OB^d abruritly

"Thi« In vffry suddnn. Jimmy." Htr ^Vt"
was ??-.!

"That h«bl! of telr.f auddm la a trait
that run* us the HlEtkjies b'xMKl lly the
trty, may I phcitgr/raph ytvi afMr we retutn
troni Ehurnh nnd may I hav* a print? Jum
one pita*-. Then yem may liuatroy rh c
plate, if you will 7"

never jrtve my photograph to RTndo-
iu'b oo Bitch 1111571 icqmiintans? "

"That isn't uifiwpriny my qu<aU0O_ N


"Thnn Tli have- to alcms with Lh^ one
I have. 3t lan'l «n pkhJ Liul it -^-i]! do."

"Wfauro did you posaoas yourwili of my

T jot it. out of ?? magiudnp ll,- a thr ortf
whflre you're Jumploff a Ugtu hunter VMS
a low fencp By th* way. I don't r Lunje
much or your tuirw. Now U you gtvn me
a mew phdt« of yoLtrawir. 1'lj flvt ynu a
hftrae Thfit'* a hirite "

"Yoa kwp your Jiotw and IT1 «1ve ycra
tlu 1 jihotogrtip^i. Jimtny. T had iomr Tnt?n
Jiut baton I }p.ft mid I'll send for ohf."

"Thani you, but T also want you Just
ma ymi are this rnornln^ I wain feu Jtarid-
tnR La that lioflt-way. Then, utter fou n
away. 1 can look al. It pr*d think how Am
it would hove- been If you liad ahiyM— ihfru
in your cwn itoorway Jonkin^ ou: at nur,
Pprhara I mny be ab!e to rciol mi,ielr Into
[anrylim ymi st.andh«j thtre watrhltui for
mc to ci>me home."

"Sot cfcxt, Jimmy. Tlilnk at mn statirt-
in$ then- awalttntf the arrival or one pi
yirtir mcj; wltl) the lorormaUwi thnt. tho



rw.t of tin; boy* will be bare with the body

-Hawn anirthrr pgiy nnd miw more
bftoon." Don Jainui urgud hoapitably. "WcTe
LaJfctng too much antl tiwre bow th* find
h«H Im "


HH hi*M m The cupola n(
idotx- church wan calling
to th* faithful wh«*o
Tcfr thr? haunt on fool,
.iijflblo was deniirted, pave
for fcotrte aeml-uaki'd hahiri and an uneqh-
ficlunablo Dumber of rur dogs, an they
i'aM»:d rhrousth

Don Jaone'?
|f« fuy.
Ttpuorri und
Thn nti'eet ot

Aa Don Jotmc e Ln
tiled *??» trance th? ro

ti at"?p «wjndrd m the
ngrrgpiiorj, which luid

hf^n itrated or. hKtTrh

row en i : ?? -•- ?????? . and

tince the pndrn had not sa yor nppp.-.ivd
on !he altar, fl-obcrt a re*ll*4i that, rwr^
waa a gesture nf profoitnl Teapect to the
lord of tha ruijrJio.

OOu Jaime led ht!t down tlw main alalc-
nnd 'CroBBed with her over to th« or^n,
which atood agHinji: the vrdl. Tlw chrur
sat on benches in thP rmr of the arnan
nnd an upholju^d oharr acood besldd tiie

Kbit 'A'aL.

"fttt cornpaoy," Don Jahnc murmurod.
nnd indicciTL-d '.hat Roberta flhwikl eweupy
It. Tllen ht- wt In nt fch<- (fl'iian, pullt'd
nut thn stotia and trfcrd the pi-daifi
inx eomn tluSlculty ho ntood erect .and
peered at tha bark of the organ. And r.rr*
RQbnrta renlLsed why linr hotrt kept a =hort
bLU/jy M'hJp on top of the Instrument, for fee
felawd It and adir.lnintemd a amn Uz\ to
nV J _ Lj k !:idUrn rrnm ht la,
"Si, LKits Jalrni. si." u voice rrlpd aS!d-

"Tin? trouble with my pRjilc," Dan ,Iaime
whUp^red. i* thru- il prrnslrted 1/3 3ean
aptruft iinythlns: tbe^" fat! flilcrp, My
otTpin.-' pTimpux la no Lircylblotl."

The r»dre. m hli veatmnoia, rntcml frosi
tha nacruty, and ka hr hmaora to th«
altar Don Jatmr'* little organ crashed into
n ►anoriMui prelude; than hf* brown ehmr,
l.nkiriH (i fruju a. \-t«or*tU3 nod of the
tivaster'i raven head, iajik

"dome. Holy Onowi, Creator blMt,

And in cur hearts tea* up Thy nr«t."

Tlie itrl watched Don Jalmr. *ho knew
mT nn-f 1 note from anrjther, hun who plrayed
amarinsrj' well by ear becniMe God U*^
Treated him a trouhailour. Hts dark Lace
wag alhjht with the delEghi he Klfaned from
hti rimpl* talk; for all hi* hug* bo<Jy, there
wftj In hla attttittfe nnrt In the luntre of IUa
p,ve.i nomftttilng that proclaimed to hor
again the odd, Jittle-boy qwWiy in him,
touching her ax aha had never bf«n Hmrhed

She Rami about her. DuiJiy. fat women.
So br-lRhx print, caltuq creaada and awy ali*w!i.
men tn overalla and c)aan ainiiham ahtrta,
nenf neclttiva. their ??ombrcrns on Ihe floor
beside tham; little bairfnot boya antf (rtrla.
(heir black eyvn beni, upon Robert* vrita
irnnk. prlmlttvo curlofdty, knelt on Lho red

nut people! N*v*r befor? had ahe met a
tniin who rlalmrd lua penpln those with
whom ne oould not claim a blood reU'lnn-
afalp. ytxrr hciorri had ehe met a cmn
whnhe claunlah jnitlncta. whoae reverance
for the LradlUOoA nr hla anneatoi^ wnc ati
Lir^JiE ^.1 Ln Don JuLmt? A )KtrT. Of \.r\r [Jiftil
dwtelt in Ihe rp.iu.nLn punt, content with the
riches of ahnpilrity nnd health ' rontemp-
tuoua ef monay for iaon*y l A sake, scnmful
of [la power— a uir\ of apintual woridluu;
rfcolneti lo hie environment by the obllfla-
lion* It thnifll. upcjn htm, s*t not wtnbful to
avoid nr ctecrenpe tltfiin-mtlwr relUfhtng
thi'tn, tn hict.

"fllrangr, £t.mn«e man," tins alrl refleotcd.
"ThtiW hn fills with a lihrt: nf tsultatltm on

hli lace and yet I kno% he hu not Liu-
moat remote lnlercat .1. :u- ukUmato dUv
poaa! 01 qh immoruii 50 til Ka kilted my
trnole Tom and fa too Uvtml te ihink trf
pr-JtrmlinR (0 m* thnt tie regretJ It. Thin
inornJtjji he aald hfl JOved me— yel tie ban
Tli>t OUC love to irie nw will ba, J wonder
if thnt won just aonio of hla Triah blarney
oy his Quitman itwtlncl for conveylns com-
pibnoncB for their own sake, ijea a atronse
inhtLure, ye*, tiien- la uoLljLiif cu-mplea jlLltuI
Mm He think* Jtrahjht. tnlks fctrciaht. and
eobs atmlghl Hr couldn't dluniuibl* If he
Aanled t& Oh. dear. In. ulrald 1 ivpih I
hod never met him. He's one of thow*
Lerrlble men one muiit tak' 1 aerloualy."

Tlte iervlce priipjedert. "Roberta dreacoed
on . , nan Jahnr'a low voice rsarhed
her, "Now then, Bobby, do your Hut!"

Bin' 1 upTu? as Php had nsi-ur mjng b^forf
"See LltL'ir eyen." Don Jaime uhijtpored aa
flhe aat down. "The poor devil*. Thiy

loved it. Hmjdri'h r 9nm#it yo.j wajk' lain

eung In nur chtirrh. but who heir knowi
the difference, and wtso care*? An uncare.

She aanp It. Then «he a»i through a
aermuji In Spanjah. nt the cnnelualon of
whirh -lie priflrr nririreantna LKin .Ihjtpc
bepged him to convey hia thanki and that
n! I1L1 probrerllo* to the Anierleart wnnrAta
Pott Jahne translated hu mes^Jiff?. and 11
if* mlmitrj la'.er .ihe mu 1 him atrwipln?
ever the lap of a "lrl find ILflinj ihemfmrn
an mfant He carrird tt over 1;d Rnb^rta
"My jiooat-fja-be padion." he eirplolned-
"IiltfcJo brown raonfll H«'n an Uf at n
woodctiuek. and aVnte hr pri^w-L up he will
be unnnnrgetlc. if not duwnrttht laay. W<Th
to the bapil'miHi fount w/h bim. Here
i-umw Ihr pndrr"

S>lc wutciiod film liolnlDi Lite stolid lirfanl,
??wiitlr ihe Bacmmeut nf baptltm waa ad-
jniniaTieredi nhe murkf d the pride and plm-
eure in the vvqpk rr.uther'a face at tola
*bjnal honor conferred upon her and hen,
Whoti one cerrmony «fr, Dos Jaime kiawd
tha Infatrt and handed thr mother the
ourt'Omary larfr^Hw. Tn T.b«> aOrhnOthflf, IW.
he made a gift of money; then, with a
paternal pat on thh flbouLdun el all coo-
oftrwd. inrludlnR the poulre hr re|n:nrd
Roborta and logoihirr tlivj, wuikfti tiaeJi
through the pueblo to tJie hanlenrta. En
rotjto women ourtnled to thom, men rnmaved
IMlf hatn and bowed, ac:^ vojrK« miTrrritiied
-Bueooa dhw, Don Jaime," nur doga snifffd
htu bee in, and grimy Utile liandj were Chrual
Into hla.

At the head of the. single jitnvt Den
Jaime iwhnd trnrk "A ennteniffi pi*opte,"
he declared. "Chilli peppers drying on e.upi-y
roof and ample corn for the tortillas; a tiny
garden for onlona nnd let.tMce and beana,
Jaoor eitchaiiged for tiripht ea'.leo and over-
alls and euiqlinm at rn«t at the raneh eom-
:?? .:.=., ii- no debu. no n;nOi, no lawsuits,
friwdotn from a purtumif*! code or mfirah
Nothinr; to umtoy itium aa\* a lit.rJa ktbor
for the men Who e.vploLL? Eheffl and payu
thfm starvation wagea «nd wlio, whan they
KSi majO^f, whirr Liu'iu fitomntunoa I
uouid wish T. too, wore a peon Boll-w»evil
???nd UM prtre of btff bothffre them not,
nor ti»cQ» rn»f tttiiea it the uank '*

"Nor ihiHfp." Rolierta ^ppLsmented.

????5[ip.iitinj? of which." he oontijiiiad, "we
will ride our, and Vlait the wuohjra ai^er
lunt??iKm. tt you care for a ride. ff«"in leapt
holy the Sasbtifttjl forcnniTn so let iu <mJov
UiL* Siibbnth aiUrtdoon."

Cror^ted Bill mpanwhiJ*> wn^ *ondurin«
why lua nle-ce waa aueh a poor correBpon-
flrm. when Hanni, the hmlpr. enLered with
tha mail. Two envelope*, one alim and the
other fat. bore the return address ol the
Ranclw V*Uc IV'rte. rro Crooked Hill
0]rrncd tha niim one and read:

??My Oaar Mr. Lar.ham.

-I wbed yoni lor iHrrnilaaLciR to pay my
court to your eery lovely ntrce. Mlaa Rnberta
Anlrtm. In «rnnung the desired permia-
aloti, for which I am deeply gralrful, you
(WW lit [0 give mc SOmO wholly Uttrtecraanry

and rather auly advue on how to be t\io-

ccsirfiU in lore.

National Library of Ati]|^tr/#iDa.gov.au/nla.news-page4613712


"My father, in his callow youth, may
Jirtq been uteciped In the- Crurtlllmi eode of
irmri'LlL-. if- lud Hion- Suii-iish blood in
Ilia veins Uian hli ton Bui I am tin sueh
bunslutg operator in the, arena of romt-
itup I'll have you Xnow thru I'm n rtu.1
livf nriit-irw til ^'Hir n^n Uimlr S«TT>, d"-

< mifip r

dlhlk j

"My <

.??ii-l.iJI! ' Ijj! ?rj%j
and r n.'.] ill'. u»

j|r Mr LuLhiim. you know nullum*
Thai-mills' uifce'A diitptvuiim-.. Th*
Qn«t Way Lti the World far me 1o hill my
Ireiili- prempfrcs would lie tor me to wnn^b

u guKiir inirjiT ti-r window tlld sinf* "iVirirr-
1m OIju " And. anyhow, what':, your b>
t*rp*t u* nw that. ciiikfiifB ym to be mi free
with ^onr Jovian advice? 3 Gtispwt you
*iiuM jilr r- it« -ret ine in Dutch

"I ttunk: she Iums me, bnt one dwjn'i
Aiiow wivt'thw I'm rniKj" nhuul her ur mo|.
rvvn wricn T iwnur I urn I ttffure thnt TTi r>
btfol way Ui pet l*er whiBliii" H lo lt**p hnr
gtieja]ri(i. Iiut — fluinn iaUe' U you inwe uay
other aiiEffnnnrjim for hr.lpir.K uUmjr the
«sji-r. Hi yinir old friend.. Patrlelu Jews
Kiffnenrrt' snn. 1*"' thnm tty.

"Slnuerely Yo(iri,

"J U. t!.r in -I:-- "

Crooked Bill read awl rc-ri'Mri Bob it-
mnrkablc doouninm. mid wltli u hiige »;eJi
laid a aalde. "Tve overplayed my huiid."
tw TTniTmurrd, ami remit up Kobei-ia'a ku
irr, which nui nn miaows:

"Dear TJneJc BUI,

"l &m ashamed of my»\t Iw tin ring netf-
IrciPd ydu bo. tout the fact 1* J. have been
Im v iim vu& * KOoderfuJ QtOR wt Dim

haven't liad Umn lo write.

♦'ttncle Bill, hff'n muivftllmis, BTfrjdiwtjr
tulnlfa hd and aays W"WmflGqui?ntly 1|, miiit
W tfUT. Hlfl lnwyeT. Den Prij it^nclr* AJ^'U*.
whnni w nntPd ycitrrdny. ailsti nixi nnlv
auidc onr Jidair htipu"! HiffiienEa und i-hrn
Uic niauU m dwtcnyrf Hr is very twUt.

lir .iings ti!'nl p^>y5 divinely, lip Li » acat of
fTOdftl baron, and hp Vorkn hard all iH|
with hit tti^n He hawn'r laid off n iI*t
tinco I oinje. buf. he latji mn ririr u-oiinri
with htm. Hr iim tticuoiirjdji t\l nerra a!
ra!*oti, Lhrmmndi morn rij allolfa, t.tioil-
fiBlirfb bisri- ul CStLIc rtli^p, uflrf all thr

nul.Llf Li tiiti *urld. Hr uc.il! niifert ?? tittle
irom r_iii' wound!* TTnrtc Tom inflirjpfl nn
Mm. buL he will dot [Uimlt. ilili. He'd vrry
Iinumrntifi. il:h uik nnver zmwn wettry »t
hit switLy. lUigJif*!] win-nhjpf from uTar
n.i;d diivjvj Lrir |ji:uii wnmcti wlio Itis^ lil.t
huod ;ii : i- ???? + 1 : n ?? ?? l:Liid2[r».

"f rrnvmi't t.M-rnigiTt ai ornuii 1£iiclE.M.t
uifrn* than lwlc? xtnre corjms Here ami
thfn only T,fl ramtwrn hltti, ra ht^ dtsAdvnn-
ra^F. ki this nmfiilng Jtrnmy. If he'd only
malni u> lovi! in me liSm u reiiafiranhlg msn
should I'd lall for tinn— hurd.

"1 molrtie k numbrr of phctoa. 'nil- nni'
of Jmiruv l 1 wnaWWl Write *onn.

"Ymir LovinB.


Thay'r* flnt In Tdmu. but— will, what .will
I do In my aid wff If tti* miui'1» bim mtd
lives down iherr? And Glrnn Kiirketi r
Hie mun lor her- He's yet owrytninft-
aiid ha'i tin*; ul her own felnd. I'm *fraw

ur Li 1 1 Hi blDUd

"Well. Roberta an tf iw*d only matt
tovn U> her like ft wruionrtbk m*ji slrf»i
fall Tor liim liarri. That raeann •he's aUU
??ate . . . Bill LuThiim, ygu're nn ntft -W
cocksur* old ass— and you've nol to t that
(Ctrl t»LJt luimt ui :?? hurry. Sir --m"; j i ?? t i i -
uia about atptrp, w^ali provw Hht m no*
Jjiterealad in ihnn — lhat brr InLniTBt* Ht
^[rrWlUTr. Thrive inf^mal shrcp fllld raj
fa&llfeh achBinlhE snil h*r 1A Tpxilc, nud m
nfflpr to ftci hw Iwnte Omw: atu*ep numc
be dispoood of— tn n hurry, in have tn

Ij-Liv tlirnj ULVsolI )ltltl ir LJ:sl R:,;UL , iLi*:

bandl: rrtr ceu on to UK itfpnMty of tlu;
tnui'hofiBt hti'JI mduifi* hr: to nook rtw ao
liiird, whim I'm imaMr lo d^ftnd myuell.
•.hn::i I'll n^vej- b%V0 Uur heart to nat a
iiiuUou choct •tfahi."

Uecmdul Crw*frt Mill punrirr l"hi'
Uota th-Mi fiiinwcd al ttlm evpn no l.hr foat
Rnawed Mt uic vitain af th Bp«run youth
ww: whom conW hr art to hrty thp itirep
far him and. after havinc secured thrm. to
whQai wimW he seLl them? What, wmild lin
tin with thero tf they were nol. ri'jidlly aulr-
ublri'f Would br bt- tnried T.o rent pu^if-
f[»r TJjem anrl hire herdem to wutth
Liicni? II au. \wnjlj have Lo lure wmLclivfu
to watch thr iMtnii'ri.

"VVtU." Lie Sldlwd tirciiPiUly. "rjf OtLt l.hJU^
I'm etrtftUh I'm in thr jhrep buMlWAl rlBhl
QOWj .md tbn toouer I out or it Uie bet-
ter for alt notwrrnnd. oipun, tnv nulit-
lns ytiur ii#hi u foina lo be nuRhr.y rapnn-
tivr, bin an nn adjunct u> the EafRlt) 1
Hues* you'i't worth it" Ke teliphwiPd lo
Ii£a ollU.r In t*f* Vnrfe, fcuwtnictine (t to
tiecuri: hkn LranDpurtnLUjn and n tliu^iiu--
rooui to Lop AlgodonnJ. Tnjnw. anrl thr fOl-
lowinK ctay WO£ en routt to ??' But!
arookffdCiR pirce of biutlima hd riad evci
I'dnternplttted Thmt of ivbiMlQtig blmtftrJ
?Ie wlarnd hJnwll. howwer, ftflLh the re-
flection that thin vtu a. luxury he eotilil

«uppuucxi ro



1T1T i he ralmneaa of ile-
upalr Crotikeii BjI! ncnitinlFed the oholo-
CTlinhi 1HW. Rall'T'.ll IViil I'TK'llhrd. 'I'lu nltr

of Don JtUmr nhowM him on a pjny horse.
wlLh u day-old tult draped arrofB hli lap.

"CammbM f " tn urmi irrd Crookud Bill
"This boyl a throwback and m dmvBcroui
ms ihey mrnhe 'cm. WluL'n mtira he's about
ten ttmflh luiajl^-r tium Ida fatb'ir— and
nobody evor accunR] old PauluKi of Wins
dull- Tht* boy h«.v nlned Booertu up rtght—
nor, t.he width of a Rn,it."i iflng- oui nf llnr
—and hell win in n wutk. at futo ui dnuth
and l*Kt-y, linlesn I Od sora*l.hfng add do It
mtty pronto T don't wnnt Rntwrta to nuirry
into u mixed hroed Hie the HtBueimt-s.

djyp oourw lie ar-
rived in Lc*. Alportones and put up
at die MatiAlor Hwm- Ni'thrr tho
tflwii nnr thf» hotel had rhnn?od ??
prxticie In the t^nntv-nvt' rtah iKni had
HMFfd jdbirp he bnd wpii It bint Iniferd.
lip only fllflrtinirf- Craotced Bill -wan Dwarr
nf waa Lhat LWettly-frve yearn ago Lou Aluo-
dJOTUSE and (he Manalnn House hnd ptrxiSPOl
hti^ thoroiiRhly, whilfi lo-clay tnoy caun«l
htm to ahuddrt.

Nr»riody knnv liltn. nor did ouy of bha
face* of the lnunsen In the chuirs Uppedi
liarlL ziyileirL l.Jie front of the lintel inrultfi.
Jn Crookt'd Bill the fntnteat fhtier of rrcof-
fltLlon. At ttlfr BEftfiral titdre he purdruiLWl
it pair at overalls, h vimvai emit, and a grey
lomnrero. wlitcih, comhiuod with a «itt
while ehlrt and black tie and thu bmU in
KUrt Of oliier dny»i whirh hn hohi'iLfi II y
wore. raetiinim-tihnBeti Cvouti'd 311! tn'.u a
vtiry lair tinitatlun of a Tnoa eluUeio ot
iho wkfp, oi«in rpacr> Thu r ' eortcifd lie
callfd irpofj Pfin PlrHdeocio AKbsa

-M> name'jt BIodaeM, lir Aivb*,"' be
nnnoiuiniti. and aoothei;! etrfULii-rici v iH;
tilt; thought Lbiii it wan hli middle name. "I
understand you're the altiwncy fnr Tom
Antrlm'a rstote."

Don Prudencio, a stout mid stable |ie*-
?? : in 'il ^hy. n(Klie*j (rruvnly ui-d with liirpe.
tiRTk eyen. whlrh showed a yellowlnh tlngr=
hi th* whU.es of tbeui, iniiutrnt ef wtml
IqtBretn ihr Torn Antrim Estate mlghi. be
r.r> Mr. Blodtru.

"1 remeuitwr thl= tfiltow jn*t rdio-jr Hie
time he Rrrt hts ohj-epskin " Ovoott^d BUI
?«lHofi\li*ed. "He's developed hat ubout as
t IlirttKlu he would Too confounded Inay
to open his mouth and bj& qup^tkmi," To
l^Jou Prtidenrlo'A e-ytis lie replied

'T understand old, 'Ton: toft quite a lniear
of nliei'lt"

Don Pi-udetidlo naddsn.

"An* thr.' xnr boIs

"A MlP I-l-diL Ur

ronsrint ot bite pourl
PriHlirneio uiuwexed
??Tine ' Ah! Crook
I'^e u notion I can
?? ?? |j 1 undejsLont
New York, to I pit"
:iell nod cet rid of i

*1Jj the
fcL" Eon

om pitrjDSWrto
ihruinted "M*yhe rf" WiLh his eyas
lie intjuired who! Seisor Bloditvltp offer
mttfht he Uaviim tookPd up thn mor-
cjuoniti^iij: in nn a Pn>»t puper aw*
fcftlllr!d httnaclf with (urthcr Knowlrtl^ of
Tito market Jtt a cDfivefiatlon with » aituop-
man he had den wit tnlo conannaiuan on
• in : i -ijj coiiiliai down . Orookrd Bill
pmmptty named a flmiiv oiu- dollar per
h»hd above trie highest nmrkec ouotalinna
Don Prudnudo aUrrtrt otl|th>tfy. "You
have seen Ltree» flheep*?'*
"Ko but 1 Uflder^taiul they^rc a Rood


"I vurej ecu yoo [Iid&j orteripa, vubjeet in
tin i Ji.iimwtiori by Lrir eoiuL.' Dim Pm-
denr:o nnrrrd "I im the exfniifjr for th*
itc-aUte?. Tlip ri-.vrin have bexin rount' nv
fwn'.ly. tuid I weel pttinuil*e Uie rtxint, I
wrei wnu? for you an offer for all Ulnae

ii- s'lin 'U vim -ji l!l riyfl. Then 1 wee]

aaco\)\. ittbjcct to Urn connrrofltiftn by T.hr
MttrV And you will pay me no 1 * on account
ten thousnhd dojlans, tmV I am qiieeck
trader — likfl you-"

"IB have, the money wired Lo the credit
of thp estate hi any bank you fnuoe it
vrtU ne there timiorrciw . You've sold »cnrie-

TJfiu Prudvricjo Ah - U[i mlRht ha^n ttoked
sleepy, M behind Lh-jn nHhIiUj liver loh
eyes tin vav t*ry wlih e^nVe He knew
liitirr wetn a Fenr uiousand culli in Chut Jot
oi sheep— old ewes with wrinkled nrcka,

hesltatF. wuhio ten mknuiei he had Wit-
Jlujli B Luritaiu rtrwrtl up nn a contract of
imretULM and wile, end with trds aJjclnl
ndvtntOBP n fur any renwin. It was con-
ildored undeshubh' fur the estate lo B.O
Lfljiiuifh with thr sale, 11, could tp<i ont of
thn ermciart. while fnr Hie nurclmzer tlterr
cnuld be ha eu'uoo. t'vou thmiRh ha ahouid
ulinnep hli mind psmlded the court ap-



ceased Torn Antrltn, aud learned that tnv
n feu* dnyt foiliwuiR Anr,rtm J B death the
tiheep had remained in the charge, of onn
Bilt Dinale Antrim's foreman. Later
HinHlei bud been rst.her fitfci'jly rellm-rd
nf h\.« rhnj'irr hy Jtiiinc FDcuene-. Of tUP
Rnnrhn VnlLn Verde.

"That ninerk adifiii be a sToad ex peri -
encfd hhf-ptnan r,a rare, for thoe dieep la
nor \,b* court nnrn-oyea the wle/" Croaked
Bui nuii-jeBLcd htipefnUy. -Where tnJght
une nut In ;cmch with hlui'^"

Bo» Pnid<?nj;k> ^uv? htm minute dlrec-
U^en t^K umiiriB Mr. DthBle. nnd with a
heart bearing high with hope. Crooked Bill
took hia drportuai*

??'Hi sell rho dod -soared ftbeep to Dlntrle,
ant] tttke n chattel uioi'.eiuje on them It ho
hniu't {oi smmith numey to jmy for tb*m—
and I dun: wjy he hain't " thn o;d tnhmner
dVelded. "Of cbtiTBo , I'm Jxiuiul t j lc»*e
' 'nn i!' .!'?? L' i r .-r: I - \\- It'll ' 1-i-a t and

I can puy (or my Panclrt. Well, to-mor-
row I'll hire a. ear and driver and Iim tue
out to now thnee fh^ep iin on Bill Dingle.
: .1 Uvu ll" 4 ! fn".iflti thlel a borjralti he jual
tuihuntdly wim't have the bean to refuw
th*p ni iiitL so Rtrplcto* to fieiphr mt- bnuk
hdmif In ji hurry, UBcauoe I mustn't mmir
any 1-lmti with thai llifenctie-i bird alwuva
m l.hi; Job Oiics iLCitnr, I'll w iiv Ruhertm
I'm voi-y 111 and to come tiome immudiat^ly.
Ail.nr thai— the rteluj-e."

National Library of Ailottr^hte.gov.au/nla.news-page4613713

uri'ii/.Mi'jii vb
u*t»mi^ nostra- wnan



itrne atU

The following night be appeared at the
rianrhQ Vallt Vnrde. Robert* wua dieaa-
Ina* for dinner alter a day in ih* wldU
with Jkiimt Bixl Ms nun and Don Jolmn
was IvJnt i» hi* Ion* chair ou tin? matsrv
with. Ken Hubart beside him.

"Hjillo. Pntfjy, what bringi you mil?" Don
Jaime hailed him.

"I am mystified." Don Fnidannio mftrfl
and forthwith reLat-rd in detail hu Impend-
??ng taki id the Atilrtm ibeep to a -i
lieAdcti old c*Tit.jijuLiit» far a very ffxeJL flPal
marc than they were wcrth. "H* said hi*
numr wa.- Btodgntr.. *niJ signed th* eon-
iTaefc WHlEam, L. BIodsrM.. - ihe laager- cCll-
tlnvwd. "H* did not -ay where 'he vu
from, but T cciuld bbb ho know, nothing of
thcFp Mid was it city man. Hu hanoV. were
soft and white, and hU ihtrf wwt Urn tlttUl
itvo. He did not wpiiii wlili mc and ha

flPPRlftd tO HU» 10 bp flttlt* loO SIITi Oil; to

by timi ncinir, but lliat LI* taraiurt' car-
ried the lmt»*£x "

"Huia-m-mi" Don Jaime eriinind and
>*t up vrry *tralahi- -ft*, tej't sj.wtt flivod
liar, bi hp? An> foqi U trus country
viQultl hnvi' known bot/er than to lean*
a trail Ilk* T.hril Whm juri WBL.
of New York, want of tbir Antrim aheep.
•md a-iiy a, tumid hr Day surih a lltirh pride
iw T.hmi? This ik IndoM mr my?irTi:;tL f
Pnidy. UUI he ttupwU the ten lhuuin.rin:r

'He did It snu tefcgrsphed Irwn Nrw

*ij wonder what the old JdKrt in solus to
do w/lth those sheep?"

"I Iffim^inr Eur: yiillJC to ECt BUI QlrrgLe
to care hir tlM'tn fur him."

"Jiit, cm my rmnga, PmUy the mlnuir
Mloee ahe*p pm* oyf, of poueulaa of tlw
*M«tr of TSuiniai A/itrini, -Ircenwd. Ifte.y™
Kctinc tu bcl uff Lhe Hivucora rang*-, u
Ihty Unfcr thm k, U li» n fl«1it or a foui-

"Do jOU sapnaae Mtw Aituitn wdt nifi'v?
U> 8*11 die aheep. my lri(:n&T Don t^ru-
detwlo queried.

"3fll lhem» Of cotirw. uk'H ^11 (ttm
Yoq ire tier f^tixutur and yoii ercnnimend
lha ialc. I flni tin biuinrse adv'jur iuid 1
rrrtnitotfud U atul as ih* prohhtr Judar
kxiir** noLhiny nf iitierp nnd 'Will bo cjuldrd
by jiupIi txpflrtJi iJ-ii _|XJi4 utJif tar- in mnkltic
bit dtcUini], naturally be will "Urn ah on: it
of aalti And WXdJa tua htm (!:>• ptfa In hli
Iuilli, Prudy. I Udnic his hnxior wnuld cnn~

io ret Inwy. Prudy.'*

Tlw fflllmrtnii mom In? Don Jaime
mntorrd tn in fxc Algodnnes. unii Hobm-la
aj.^ujupaniyd tiim A> the? afruni duwn
tlie main atrppt piurt thf, MjinuTfn Jioust'
wltli Ied rnw uf chafr-warinrni on the troiit
]K)icrv FlotH-rta atarled and) Utd a liaJr-
.dp.tatritnB hand on Don Juinrtf'i arm

"JEmmy, look,! See thae man allLlnit 9u
the riifltc of ihf lUh* — itif-. onr In tha blue
operalla anil oanvna ennt?*

??'Ee'a ft rep] If a nf my TTnrtfr wtl U tv
I»d Uncle Bijfj cloth.-* ou. Id 8*1 out And
tilu Mm vtLhwjt QUfinoqi Doud arawlouii.

ao7 murmyrcd Uon Jatmc and slrpycci
?? : v"' 1 . t,imUic " NoUl thut ' fc «»*«*lt>

|:ii-'iccd In CftMBS of Lhe bank, exctuted
uuiiMir to JVaberta, enterrtl and inuabt thr


l-l-.l ' lin Btiiu. " yesterday tru iiwiiiuinii
iT'JIIst* wtu wired hrre to rim ertdlt u! the
Esta,itf «[ TluuiAi Antrim, aa a flzai pay-
mwit on arcDuut nf lib? v^rchase. by one
Blotlp-tt. oi the Antrim jihettp. That ytraru;
Udy otiuidn in tny our bj Antrlin'J belr.
.MIm Knbrrta Antrim, 1 wnnt to know
wJmi Ndw York bank wired II.'"

*Crrti(niy, J dimt think I vlolfli* ar.y
canOdi-ru"- Ttie Twnifth Nanionai." *

"Who ordered tho trnnefflr?"

'A man by the nuns of Glenn Qackeu."

"Thnnta," laici Don Jainu. and eltmbod
Uticu ifito tfftj car wltb Roberta- When
they w»k half-wcty book to Vaffu mi
be nald to her \ery caaunJly: "Do you know
n inar. in SVw Y<ir«t tiy 'Av tmnif i ; l Olr-tn:

Etobrrta JffTked rreel with aurprljR
"Why. yell He** one of my d*arB« Irifnili
and my XTtiflrj BUl'a actofary. DO you know
aiQiia. Jimmy?"

U R0— and 1 hopn I nwnr do. I dUlfkr
him very murJh,'*

"Vou Bbmildnt. He's a ^ery ftne gentir.-

"Hp "6 In U>ve vlUi jrai?"

"ThDi'j none o( your buatQEEf, ^nd, f>«-
ii ties , if he w*tp. Jimmy, >ou con Id n't
rtppct me tip dtyooaa the nibj«!t with you
lVJuii lieu bnei; tcUEne you fatuxit Olenn
H*ck«tJ |H

"The funo." Don Jnimn replied eniB-
mattcally. And though tlobotta prnuetl
htm to tnlt tier more tuirl rmpUiypd evrr>-
^mintne wiln ui bnruic dcrwn hia re»ol\e
nuL to, be refunid, ttnd In the end. inoeiiBOd
at thf fallurt? oT hsr powun. RubeTta tayeed
InLi) a fiomitwhst uullen stleoce. As Uifj-
tUtffttvri at the hAC^ndn thr ouLntfeaui
man atiH further rnr^tlflpd bcr by fiavine:

"And t don't think so tnuuh of your old
Uncb Bill. Either "

Jma aiatinnnnn, whim
litem vtus unt oppnrsntly auy feuuum -why
VhcU: BJIt ahould erer be thn Rtbjttt nr
tliwigh'.. was Lhr final fooxber tlmt broSte
the back of Ftobertu> curiualty "Jimmy."
♦he nleadod. "would you taie to mye a
human life?"

•'Bomn mmtani. You. for instance."

"Thrn will mo what has lowTrad my Irum-
-•••i- ' "iK'ie Bill in your 0£itlma.Uon"

-Wea erookedr "

"??Ob Jimmy, he lan't' Hli friendu call
him Crooked Bill bpoaiub no's— will rather
loyoimir aty, otinniiuj und prurhmi. aut

"tte r * oul to boost, tin? atock of uhLs Olflnn
Hackett \#rsaa to you ami t» duprai mice."

Rob/irlfl nrulBtl a smnlJ and MXKVtOg
tuiJe. b-JL Mid noLhinaj. Tli r twtHUt of UUj
mnii'a oocolt powem fiucluated tar.

hf: do>Bo4 pii;- 1 fair.' Ckjji Jninie
prut^.iied. "Rt iaya cmw LIiuih and iii-iulj-
•omrthmiR pJsp. pu> Just lor thai one *F
these bright daya ui Lhr near future lm
b^uu to ink* your true]* BUi'i coupric
down a rouptn of notebni."

"flow do you kuow be dueant play lair?"

H.; laid Iln^r on lip. -Hushl Ifs a

BvUlrnUy/* Roberta repUml bitterly.
Bfler waiting tibout twenty ircimdi lor him
to Irnpnrt, the aocrot.

"1 think I'll fo bark to l,or AJgodnneit '
hn uiiiiouncpd hudmniiy. "Tlicr^'a unuc-
tbtng stwut Lbe atrnoaphere of Uutt town
Ihni ultli my pnwnni of dlvlncit.Lrtii."

-Am I Invited to rldo back with youV
Or mutt. 1 rnoj-xi ajwimrt thr hoitsn until
you reiiira?"

"1 think you h.id btiltcr moiie. I have
nrt'd to tin itmv thinking— and you dituh
my train of tituuehL." He looked at bar
kvetUy. eornMtty. uud wStbout the sll^hteME


flicker of Juro-lliEhE in tiia evee. -Are you
rnjuylrtf your visit at Yalle Vrrde. Bobby?"

"JLmoiy. l have never laid uuch a c'kjJ
tlnif In all my life. It's so radically dlf-
femnt-^aiid » ana you, It's, all to liuicr
far Euiinte. Whtn I uiiss In ihrr mmnny
ywrtri roiic. mid I womiiT sft^fl tnalcA* you
ajct on the job at mx o'cloek CJencmllj'
ynu an not home for limcJn i rm, so every -
IXMly'n asmbtb^Krj filnd t^lob yoq ut»Fn yuu
nliow up fur Uituurr. And we do have such
lotlv ! .n.r in the el-riling. I like to b*vn
you lUscu&a your ranch probkms wtlh tnr
— JOUI calf-btandiiifi, yfrnr ew.ton cirap. the
hayirur, the raniii u.nd lirjfln'.ion syatpm 1
think theni poetry in making the do^srt

There. "H a lot of hard work in 11," bp
Biuiwettcl ffrtmiy. "I havp to ipend con-
eldercible tuiio wich Ken llobarf, my si*
tfi:in:tj«{ rt;\n.i(jer nhewitii; lilir. all frt-er t.hn
ranch gectlnu hint aeuunhitod with Un.»
detain of bin Job and '.rllltic htm how 1
lite thine* done You ire. next your l*m
ktount to play more . . . rve wondervd 11
ywi didn't feci a hit lomily and neglected

"Oh, no. Jimmy I Tm'rv such s friendly.
ccHutortubie jH-i«on when you are around
the houee. Will you mturn from U«
Ahjodu.fifM tn time rnr dinner. Jliomy?"

T don't know. 11] do my beat to com-
plete my busirieaj and be liuak In time I
don't relish drliLnit urx>und Lhlq country a:
DifiJit becatiso jmit at protptit. for me. at
iMBt. the iU4jht baa a number of eyes."

"You mnan *"

"1 mhan thut your toreumu. Hill Dtnglr,
hiu been narosi the Line, and something
tell* me he wont there to hire ??ome
n-nefikide to hump mr oEf. I don't parllou-
lAily blaniH him for that A man scu

flUEDTrtime to h^ Heh'Ji and T «uve Dimtlr

and hLr, men a pretty tuouh drkL"

•"But yon want, to- tuwn to-day unarmed
Jlmmj 1 ?"

Ft sliouk liln hdnd. bxilf renjoved hit
troplral wbip-eced coat and displayed a
(run under «>adi ami. In a ahoukier holBtrr
"I try to appear non-peJannuia off ih*
niiiah." hp eicplflinnd. ?? , V. , €lt t have a few
frlpndn who ki'ep ine udvited tai jnnitj»ris tb
Whlcb I sm inlereated- Tm pretty safe
in daylight, but; coming home hi the dutk
I'd JiiAt as lief have a eood mon for cotn-
i)«ny So yvj alay home, flobrrfjt, and J'iJ
takn Kfin Hobarl. with iu", Ht'i Ttry tl'-
Uable "

K-r e.y« were wide wltlt ftpmrhurtsfun,
??'PiuaAr wait until monuUtg." *he plS»dJhi|
but Ehook hia head and with a nc*l Irt t
her. U) drive liver to cha men'B fjuatlen for
his foreman Roberta stood in the patto
fmtrance ami wafciied hini~ehw Ken
Hobkrt eonip out oi cbe »»iidlp room, re-
rfiv,. f.u nrdi'fi 'inn \; ?? r.-:- lih nwn adobe
tnirmslbw for hii eimt and a eotipJe o( car-
biiifj and anuTUiuimrn bt»ltit ThHU the two
drovr awny, and Rohertn a*!th terror in
iLor heart, wont to her room ami wept, u
htir Uvoly unnsjiiiation pictured Uoti Jaime
Miguel Hipjucuea. a[] bloody and limp, lybtc
In the dual ui thf :*'ad to Ian AJjjodcciei

X N tlte la!*- anrrnoun
Doti Jaime dropi-ed into a vmiiuit eliulr
beside Ciookcrl Bui on t&t rertimlah ir! thr
Mnn»inn Tt"nr,p, after ttmu thtruirtjiE tn
Spun la h tr tliL- chair wan rFMrpnd for auv
frlKlui Of his.

"Nnt at ftlJ."' Crocked Bib" TMpli-etl, in the
same litrjauaye. nlbrU imlUnaly. ]ur the
yinm ouri bumi ]<irm alncr his tungnc bad
cnreaflRd bo many ittgeula. "Rejp ytiiur-
aolf. my frttind "

H I thaxik you." Dtm Jattite rt'plind m
Erigljih "I obasrve yuu do nnt ipesk
Sp.inyih too well, T bi?a jiurdoo for
addrccainx you i n lha i trniBUu. but.
obneminff that ya:i snpMr to he of this
country I suprjowd yew upoke tho iunfunye
of thu touiitry

National Library of Ailil^tr/#ife.gov.au/nla.news-page4613714



I Mi U>:iHtiitt winii n ?? >vi hljI

"KtVet wat much til a hnnd gt foreign
Ittfjcufteea." Orookod Biii renHr^u

Don JuUue produced, two dear* end

Ii .: ana to I.: . miltfhbor -: i - - i - ri BUI

iiuw It Whk 11 timiLil '-lull, rviuiL-a ,il LlUfi:
(or n dollar, and ?? " '- led he migh: rwlc i J .
'Much oblliuid," Jjr nuirmu r» d "I'm ti
stranger hert." lie added "Mv nnmi'ii
BlodgeU— William HlodanLL"

"t »m plcaawl u> nMM you. Mr. Blorittfl'-L
I am Jiktts fidigut!l Hluuciiu "

r.'p'.j-..-:: KLU -J nOtlctfabty.

"All. you how then h"-rd or mcr~ Don
Mini ft face belakcru-d mild aurjirlsy imuJ

"Why. yf*, ,-V:.i : Hnjurnes— 1[ you will
forgive iuD for bringing up a* deticatir fu!>-
Jrct I ijflii'V, yju'jL- ; _ti,- youus limn
who wafted old Tom Antrim Into th*
bcaotri of AbJuiiRru- '

"T had the pltrufluro,." Don Jaime, rephnd

V fOLID yoa mind ahak-
hand- wiiii cut, Benur HigueiiE*? [I.hl
wAb ft ib-.:-rLu=3 job or work you did on
Turn. Tm AclhthiuL to meet you, air."

"The pleasure 1* mutual, Mr. Elndg-piT,.
You kfiiw Antrim?"

-I khould tell a map. Be xki&ne^ fcifl
m a mw deal <,«*"*??**
Don Jalmr todled.

-WJini. pan of cm.- Riorloia Lone Stur
irate do 70U ha-. I ira, Mr bunIlm-'P" t\*
InuL-irf-:"; ]ir*'!-m];,

"I cmue rrain El! Puso" Till* whs true
CiwiketJ Hii] hud chanced traiai there.

•"Ttatatkliij of settling Lu um part of ihr

"Oh, no! p*et Id. I canto down hens
to Buy Utow thetp hum Tom. Antrim'*

-Till* |« fnOK upfortianaie, Mr, »[udB" L !
T um a cowman, nnd I hid nn Idea I
Jrtttemiflinf with a threpmiui "

Creolwd Bill llbjrd Una young man'* pay
irauhneca mid humor, njthcniitii it die-
turued htiii Hut* (hr reflBtitndi wn*
p*. :J>r* wn. fir mak blpi'd 10 appeal
tp hU tdeee undoubtedly Den Jaime WM
one who oouTd fnirr* with :lust. yaiiiu?
??wtKnnri, a fO(»tuim worshy ol Iilt ntec]. Hu
had rutted as much aftfr rrndlng I^oii
Jaime's letter to him *nd nam lie wu cdV-
tatu of 1L

"t hirar Anirim'i BH k cn, whu in hi* Hair,

fl :i -[!!.??::( L ! -|,.,.;!| Mr Hlguencil.' hf

fiflld ' '.'ii I .

iJun ,In!m" tiLdded.
"Is the anything Uftt luur uod»7"
"Tom Antrim *aa liot mtatortwie, not
hpr Ciiulr \5fe AnHJm m. wrhnut dtiutit
ihp rnusi delightful. lancinating, pravciklag.
uilmli. leUlHct'imt, itprurbunaallkc nnri
haftnl youiug Eody h li*a «rFtrr bPna ui,v

fUl-tUflL' tO lUWt."

"You-rp in Itm' with hor.- Crooked Bill

tXiu Jultnt nlimHFd. "Wllut *lt>" wuuld
or>e eatpMl?"

"W«]r. do jren •tund u Cl iitMTTiii n -•
chancel "

' I lUlLud tinr mtoln."

-Yet Mbtfn your bu«4, m

"Oh, £h# rr-alLst'd I hmi no other (tltef-
natlve. Bowrvlt, utidhr ihr PtKUDa>tAt«;fiu
I h»ve thcaiprhi 11 thL-- uan wMom I."
jrili.iir, Ltit <w..d JfJeud I um utratd uf
1 imi. younf woman I foflr the would not
ba uii idiFal cjru J or n Hlfiitfaea."

•You'rr nn (ins, yoimn m^n." Oriwued
bin cr'.cS Jiharply, all ul Ills luve uml
loyalty to hif nii-ne tuattutUy nutTnaed, "It
aiWn mi tUul yon hiivf Jnit (old nw uhe to.
ahe'« r jni« noil yoti're a lolutitf not Id io
En and win bar. Fnrgh-r. mfl tor teDina
you itiur builiicAs, but rm nr. old man nail
T«- lrtiown who: it is tu havn Uiut aon
or wife"

-I nave Bom# prtt£t"r LK^n Jaime mnr-
nuuvd judly -l l-ujIu nui flsk a nfuiwl

It 'mi aid ItUl rn^. Moruov r iir, tlieri* U an-
CTher moa-Mnw feUuw in. WaW York. H

"OKI" -Crfxiked Rill was rt'lU'vud, H"
vraiv ;llROV)Tuue HUait>- *nd dlii'uvFrU'A
wfirv not unplrsBimi He eyed Don JaLiuf
elOBL'ty *X)Ott-ituur ttie. uputaiullat ??trt

Of ChClO," he •;: ,' 1"

"So you'r* faint to buy the Antrim
aheap?" Don Jfltuin rusumed.

"I've bought thFin *uli.|otit to Lha approval
at Uie heir and the prebaW court -

"I'm iihujd nrlthor one *lli a^pr^rr, Mr

^Why? Tm ilvtnc uh ftlflrel worth
Perhupii moN "

"Unrortunaiely. I w»nt th<» afeotg
They've beva ineduTj{ for two nionihn on
ffrnffl that'« njhf.fuUy mine, and tiuty'vr
dona *o in una d&miueo la aiy range 7 mlytil
ax w«l! keep Umm tper^ and nuUti a profit
out ul them— for \nt-rltn She tfdtH

me h*r uaclf w|u> w^d t«r>- rich, hfc* H'-ue
QTOlce ui thr inaritct, tuid xhex hot-Ltcrt %bB
sKecu and pw mai'h tu help 1dm out. aa^-b
taw was minhty good to her w'hUe hr hud
taaptf, nud iiuv.' aim '* run e??l<3g back cu
him "

"By afldTffe. flhe t* A s^rt. Wt She7"

"If I permit you tu boy thw aheep,
where do yuu tntund in gtase thumT'

"Don'i LatPDd to ifrura them. I'tH klIiib
to tell them immediately."


"Ttw.t mtUtw ft A lir.Th! buding. I
woutda'i like to ist you wll Lhuw ahenp
Incully, WliiU I can etand theni an my
ran fir. for Mien Anlrlnrn iakp. my forbsnr-
niac »ould ce b*; it they» b'-'luiiveci w o«y-
bmXy else and conUnued to tre^>au on my

•'is. U yoar range?"

-Nu, it'* Bimtli Jiind, hut t control tne
water Oo I fear I'll have to outbid you
ixu there t&use.a. Mr. BlodjiPtt '

"3'vc ao*- tr.y heart ept on tlietn, ffon. and
Tvhnn '.but happena I usually get wbat I go

Dtw .laanr nsududed It *a« thna to
i:nki; "You went, iiiter noy Dud oucl 1 ^
and yoti didn't Ud: luai. He tfwt T ij ii —
the heeS And the t)!d greaser rplrit i»ut
r-ortfri. In ttir lAtti iff Piitrlciit'd son Mr.
WUllAin B Laliiflml"

Crx-Ked Bili oppaured nt^u! to nolUpae
hi uu cfuiir.

"t haviin'l il(rurad out what jfdttVM um
in, Mr. rrooked Ejtl, l^t 1W devloui. and
Mr Oir-nn K. ir I- hf.iung you on:
Ymi'r* fratalnw saiitiPttitng ori m« and 1
think ynu m^riaj' nuat to ffcl riiose ahenp.
uu( at the wny w your nine* en it br
nrdored home! leaving little Jautip MlRiirl
rllgntmui tifttrt rroi io. Bolivia Thogp
iheep atay. and Robctia Tve not

to hnvti aiy ohaace. I^n a fast ^rprfce?,
hut ttieru's auoh a thing aa Uidueeat hwe
tn cnurr-Bhlp, nnd I d^nlinp ;q diiturb mjr
dlgnlLy by wppearlri(; taunoroua That
sort, itring -would d* fatal tn my ehanrti
Yo-jr ntecr in an owtnagaam coqajftt* ii
you miui know U— nad I uot you do^ — nn
It's my Jcb tu marry tii-r and I'd Ilk* to
iwr tl-p pitu<nyniph ut the iintrd!liiv|an
unele thnt ran thr«w a cold clibwt lcitn m>
cotns trnci get away wfth it M

Crooked Bill Thoujrht nr aU thf tithljtll
Lf. wuuld hav»* lo fKpiain If Roberta c.tit
Ii iltj'i"! wliar b4 had t»rn up tQ, and hk
thcroarthl saddened him "Cna you fix II.
a'llli tlm :i>r tu ??!!-.,,??>' ???? i" thr

"Certuhily I'll atwm offer l«n eeata. a
huad mure fur utwe.? fihwp Uutn ytm h«-ir
T r:nn't ^jar<- ituit ninduju of n?*uv. cast:
to put tato sheep Juat bow. » you'll Vmia
tm- tiia mohpy wf-iUHd by a nlmtte] mort-
annr On Iha uhevp *

"Hn: Tvo airoAiSy timed to lurn Lhn
>h«>p uver la rosjiL'OHR rLw." *utd Ijtilmni.

??'Who 1* that, itenwn?**

"Bil! 1 Iuivlii'e Muld them to

him yet, hut the Anl la rfladr to bo elowd."

"Ah un jawnGiiG. ehv You'rp gC'inn Vj
take a rliattel muriyaej? and tell at a ktti,

for Oingie in too flncid a jiMH-'pumn to site
vou a iirt'flt uu your deal " Don -Ialmi:

cmnnltncPd to churale. "Vo*j"re doorned
to pay * hi«h P rlcc tor y??« r ^nc' 68 u ' lcil!
WihUun, Dingir Till ant) those uheep u
uwn aa he ran. and beat it fur iiarte ttn-
Iroown with thr mDiier, lituvhui jwl to
chatgB that chattel mornfoge off .tout
next Income tai atalemeat-"

CswHed Blll'B face rvfistorrd alarm. "Yow
think bp?"

"Wall, afr.nr you'vir eloanid the deal he'll
try to. And he'll succeed unless he'*
fttpjiua. You've tmushl yiiurself ?? little
.•\hoothuj seraf-iR. thuf5 what you've done.
t*n m* know th* mlnuU 1 to* deal wiih
Dingle la clowd, otcaOvf lmnu?difitely
:i !??!•-.•:! r.- I in 8<jiriB M umi.-d t-itry wutw
hole, and those *Jme» of youn will die ol
thlnd o*'forp Uinglc ran move them ofl
thai range."

••You appear w be holding all the ncea."

-Ifa a habit of mine VRkal ate you
going to do uboui it?"

"I think I'll mil you ihffce ttiaap"
Crooked BUI faltered.

"You're regaUiLne youf wnies. I'll buy
fihtta nt two 6oUan a head Imb than yon
paid lot' theflL 11

u Uf T «tl to ypo, will you give mo your
t MV-.1 L.t fior.or novur to Lull Roberta a MSSfl
tiboiit thtfc'?' ,

•I'm tthllng to nsokei Uu\t uipulatjoii a
pait of the contract and Mt an agreed
amount of damauca to he paid if I fall to
trap ciy cuvatuunt. Hovovei. moat folluj
ia thin tiouiitiy usually take my w«rd ol
] iO[ i it . -which I now freely five. kef*
ftiaar liaudi on it "

That night Croukcd Bill left tot hom<-
Kc lu.- .v when hfl had met tua match.


T THEN CnXiked Bill
boardnd the tram fur El Paw. he sent the
ffUQWliUj H'lt^juiu lu Olefin Haekctt:
"The nnip [a nunk without a traoc, no
bj'aet ynuraetf for bad ncwa. Stop, Thli

Hl|;g:Tr« tuiy gai'p [UC CBTtlU «n4 uptldci
row hifl Blirj [ftttg ranjnQ, and b<»Bt

me io deuth on the pweppi stop I am
ralctity worry you hav* lt*t. bin (af tmni
dnpraswd inat h» appenrn to he goinjr
to win Stop Howm.i=r. we will ke^ii uti
trytna, ttllhou^n I have no hope. Stop
I brlong m *?? hume fat tho- Cpeblc-

At Almost thr anme tlmtf, Dwi Jal;mf
fcanad Ken Hnhart in front o[ Uit Maiurton

-Any hiek? M Hnbaft quavled anxloimly
'I'm In the ahcep buntneta. Kan. To-
morrow raorniiig we'll pay oil that caiig ut
muedtma DLngJi 1 haa hurding '.hutr ahrep
and put out uvTi 1111 s M on th? job. Dmgli*
gHLi Hie ruua too"

'Well, you'll clrur a profit, won't you.

"What,' iTrpUrrl Don Jaime mournfully,
"duth il pro-nt u man If he gaincih Utc
whole world and aufTereth ihe •>,?????? nf QM
lodestar of hut t'XlsScrjct?"

"Noui- wJiAtei'er " Ken udniJtteil without
feiuva-nir in liie Jean what he wax lalfcing

Five BJUea outafdw Um Algodocea fiU
Ahnrp r^iaurveil wnneiblng fur ahead

and off the aidn nf the rood He called
Den Jalma'n intention to It In the nlar-
Tlght a tiny reu dot. uleiLTned,

J Olgaret;e — Mexican — caTeleea." Dnu
Jolnii* murmurrd, "'Ah. hc'ji dnuaed If
Gt-tLLng ready for bufuncKB." tie reached
diJWtl Lalo the tonlifrau and hrauBht up a
Whin*, fllmuHuneoUaly Ken Hahart

National Library of AUoii:^hite.gov.au/nla.news-page4613715

trmtaoT to


vrvajB loe cat off the r«A4 anil went
through [he low narv in a -Tuirrr
may be hole* And dry watercourses en
this road."' he armmmcrd rafmly. "but we'll
hatr u» rake • chance *

Hp iwiiched oft Liic Ughia Just u ihp
volley Of rifle tire broke the itiltiiB** Of th*
night The car «aa ha l ike but*n*.i*:
of the bvtllrU droned ffftrwd Don
Jaime pumpe*} hi* carbine, mint at the
Bailva. *4id the car cruh«d tm When
Ujo miiulu m empty he • • the rifle
bmL in !h£ Innncmu.

J.HCY reached tl:r hat-i
eftfla without further Incident Don Jumr
ahgbu-d and entered ihr pallo. Roberta
ran larHfjj to meet htm.

"You're cafe. JlmmyT" ahe cried.

•Heoaonably tc. -Booby- he replied. "My
^formatter wu correct Dingta'a crowd of
ioay^rted killer! laid f«r us" He held ha
hat towards he* and ran tin fipccii throuah
two hd« to the crown "And (hat bonnet
cost bib rcrty dollari," be gxte-red.

•"Oft. Jimmy I What If bed aJrned lower r

"Bave yon been nxiW, Bobby 7 n o *-ikEd

She nn!drd_

*"It"i faeon a> long Um* ilnee anybody
wtarled over me. Hobby. What will I do
whan ymjTe gone?"

"What did you do before 1 came. Jimmy'
Am! J— I liiHUt— JlTTLflr.y. I d bet'.ey go sorm
There j really bothis* not* ofa busfnat
nature lor me to attend to There naner
iw in fart— jus* a few papers in tigs
*hcep to kwt at— and they re really
your worry, not mine "

Ha shrugged "Well, full yOurelf. But
w« a lie • can to Dingle and til own be-
fore you go " He riffled a little yawn 'Ten
tired, Bobby. Br-skfnit at fllr to-morrow
rooming Win you }wn me* Thai we can
get an early start for tho old Antrim ranch
and jolt Mr Dingle out of hi* complacency

She nrdded and turned away to hEdc the
tears of rofirtifleaiion that urre welling fo
her eye* why couldn't he ae* that ahe did
mot want io leave VsJle Verdi at aUT Why
nad he nor urged her to at»y? Of course,
he had urged h=r. bin; thru be had urn
been persistent tn it_ If he had prrsurxd *h»
would ban rtcomUdetrd Ko ha did hot
love her AbKriiilriy tut 1 Outwardly be
sa* nery: Inwardly he fold Sur f^ti
yary nthanwbh* sa «hr n*dn him iood-aigb:
with a UtUe eatrb in her throat.

At tjr^atfwK hr not**) Uii> cirrJfcJ undrr
ber eyta and rejoiced exertrdlngly thereat
"When they worry m> about a fellow that
they can't aieea, * deaf man mar not in-
frwjijrntj/ catch the fmittt lOund uf dla-
:*n: Tttddmg -helU," tm ntflfrlAd

Ttury cuiLtled In denultor? faablon during
the qwU; Unm Rabrrta wont to fetch her
coat end liaL Bbe wai welturf for him at
the paun aate when be ernerzed frotn the
ranch office, a cartdne in his hnnda, ?? belt
of amffiimitlofi around, his waist, and the
two ptrtobi UrU lo hLi >*a Jidlo trvjth:
the enrloaed car up end. when ihey chmhed
in. noberta noticed that twlde Julio att
Ken Hooan. He ru armed similarly to
(n« chief, and carried a *par* carbine.

An how later they pulled up at the
Antrim ranclihotctf>. It was tumulc-dtrwn
aCab* act to the mtddle of * oymwii* bcld.
Net otiwb of a heritage. Rnbrrta thnuxltt,
aa ahr rw<l on the lonely and unpleawnt
acene 2m Hotiart got out walked to the
Iran: doer, and conjftil on It loudly. A
Chinese tn a greasy apron opened IE

-Where "a r*n*>.*- thu foreinan drmnaded

"He go hetchuirn chrvp "

Hobart walked around the houa» and in-
spected the kilrrior of an equally dlhi pidat^d

"I Imagine thn chibamaii'a letting lh?
truth. DiagWt car la not m the bam.*' he

•We're had our drh* for rinthlnf. K«ti
Weil. -xvU fo back 10 VuU£ Vtfrde, put a


roupk of saddle -boraef in a truck, and run
down ic the? range vhsre the aheep are.
w** :j go a* far ai wc can with the truck
and thi* car. then unload and ride ip into
the llllla Ganyj for the Journey. Bobby?"

She nodded and they whirled lurroaa thr
datty uhun to Vabt Verde. Here four
hom wwre auddled and led up a ntuip into
a lanre molar truck and. prvcfided by the
ruotPT t~ar. they tioulcd do v n thn road
ten: tarda lz*> AlgOdocea.

Ftom time to time Don Jaime** rldera had
.-Tported nn the approximate location of the
mam bod> of iheep *UU on the open ran**,
and the dim-Uijrj in which they we
moving: ooneequeritly be was enabled to
make- a good sursa aa to where lie wauid
find them tfl-day They laft the road
prrjrr.t.y and brt.br trail acroaa the iaae
to in* fool? a [la

"Ken yxi and Julio rid* In n north-
raiwrjy dlrecUou." Don Jamie aedatwd-
"Mia* Antnnt and I Till ride in the< geraeral
dirrctioo of Uist butte yuadar W the south-
eajrt— the on* with ihc old iandilidr tcarrlug
1U western fronL AoreJlo, you will remain
hare wl'Oi the truer, and the ear We will
mf>et tare nr.; later than four o*clocs thl*
afternoon, Ken."

HocerU mounted the himier Don Jaime
had given her. To htr atirptht* ihe found
* :iaht carbine ptotrmfing from a holster
iwunj- under :he leather on h«r stock

toddle, and a belt of cartridges hung, <rrtr
\ - pa mine I.

Ttlry rode steadily Into -.h* aoutb-eaAt.
erad.»Uy r 11m bint the botte; when They
reaehttd lla crraJ Jaime reinnd hi hu-horw
With his hlnoculaTs he rhrtpt the country
lor miles In evury direction.

Uo you ice ?? lllftht aim of white duit
In the aay -rlsir.p beyond thoee low alatev
ojored hllU y^rndW?' He pointed Roberta
adjusted the gls^a and loowed The cltMd
In question was rery faint, tout— it wan •

"Hbewp mo-tng— eouih." Don Jaime tn-
furrned her laironi^ally. "t have s riunch
Vfr Dtngle U headed for Mealco ilth ??e
??aid iheep"
••You mean— he"a stcaltng them*'''
"I do Then* fair rung* below the Rio
Grande— for sheep — and u kml at all 1
difficult -ob [or The Dingle rfj mis world
to gel acTtaw the Urm without being de-
tected Uoney someUmes dm it. more
frccuenUy gullo.**

rode un. kaep-
mg to Uie back hone of the s«vrn
fringe ol foothills An nour of hard
rldlhg brouvthL them in the crest of
the lulc-coiorcri blua. Below Hi? it. i
pbttn sloped gently Into the bluish haat;
faintly to them cams the continuous bleat-
log 0/ iheep, s dirty grey blur indurated the
florfe — and lit wss moving southward, slowly,
tonuoualy. as a worm mores At Its rear
and or. tl»e flants U1U» black dooa ihut
sreie rjeedcfa and iheep dogs urged ths
weary animals along Con Jaime counted
the largest dot*

"Twenty herders. *• Roticrta caard him
remnrt "Hum m m t It doesn't look aa If
It wuuld be {juite aafe to gt?e Bill fXngle
hip wnliinit papen to-day He u nrx in 1
mood to accept then" He cased hla
bfnoeiUari. whiiiPJd his h«tr and, without
??even a look at the girt brtlde htm, started
back, the way they hod come.

"What sre you grdnK to do. Jiinmy?" she
vi-.ii snxlouiiy, 1 purring up stongiidu ol

"Weir going bock to the car, Bobby. Im
going to send Aurelio back to Vslle Verde
lor reinforcementa"

"Will there be a flghtr-

*1 think so. Bobby tMogJe has twenty
herders Biz. with the doga, should be ample
to manoeuvre those sltrcpi So It took* a*
If lie had prepared for trouble, snd when
man prepare far trouble. U*» a pretty good
sign they will not avoid It"
. *I don't want c fight." the girl cried pas-


sloootcly. "You snd some of vnur men may
ge- hirrt— glUed "

"Quite Ukriy. I Iwn do Interitton of
making this anylhlrjf but a tlsuuhieT-'

Itooena ewrnmeticed 10 sob "OH- Jimmj,
f*m afraid— terribly alnud! I haea s pre-
sentiment yoaill be killed ~

*Wouk) thai ma'lrr to eery much to
you?* His band o!o*ed oeer her arm ' Lot*
at me. Hobexta. Would it maurr *o very

Che nodded an afthmsuve unsbir to
truRt henelf to Gpeak

He ssld something In Spanish. RoberU
ruapKted u was un oath!

" Oil. Jimmy I Plrsie — pirmA far my
sake r

He pulled up hu horse and gl(r«rered n-
hor. 1d> dsar girt,- he cried sharply,
-you're trying 10 matt a quittor out ol me.
When a man permits s woman to rob him
of his strength he might aa v-idJ get killed
and have hie shnnie ovfr with. Is that

RoTrerta nodded miserably. What argu-
ment of hers could prevail Abort hla logic?
And yet, beneath htf cold fear tluue burned
a wild pride that he had made his ditcLilon
so. and does- down \n her rebellious, bel-
ligerent, heart she knew thai, come what
iMfrh:, ihe would not have u otherwise


\^AVrGtltfn whm thr
ground ^rml'.ied, R«b«rta and Don Jaime
reached tlur 'ruck and motor ear In thirty
minutes. Throughout the journay '.fohow-
ing her host 1 * siiiimmcrmant of hi* in
QVxlbte purpose to fight Till] l>ingie and
his herderi before sunset* no aord had
passed between the two Dotj Jamie rule
alidad, ocrannnally looking- back bo nee that
ail was well with the girl, seemingly, tn his
eagemew for cunSic:. lie would gladly hai*-
d)sp*nsed with her aociety if tie ecmlfi At
least, Roberta thus read his thoughts, uor
w*s *>w far wtotiK- as his Ont subsequent
words prtwrd-

"Br.-trov. this Jot) or mlnn 1t man'g wnrfc.
Aurriln u going back xith the- truck, m if
you'll be good enough to take the car and
??drier u homi* far me 111 be your debtor "
:??' slie answered Uiorpiy ' My hOrwc
and the Mr should remain here- T might
need the ear to carry some woundtd men
u the doctor in Ub Algadonea or arane: dead
men to the mncgur When tbti issue is
Mttled. ill knov what to do and 111 not
ha-re to be told "

"Die objection you rulsr !n a kurleal f , rt
Have It your own way." He g»t-e Aurelfo
hi* ordflrs to Spaolah. rnd when tbs Is tier
liad departed with lie truck Dt.n Jaime
sal down on (he nu^nlnw-bcwrd Of tit? car
and motlortrd Roberta 10 dismount and sit
bculdf him

l\; have to teach thut be law -the- Borate
gang a lesson, - he said eaanally. "The/
tqiul learn to atay at Ijsoip fin four nac
thy on a Qfty-nity break In my ruckuw
-with those anlm* la — four good mrm CO*
of them was Julio' ?? fn trier -and Julio irkgd
have hli chance at reprisal ilii.^ day This
matter le neracnal. BobUy. and Ina going
to get FTery mother 'a wan of thoa* rene-
godes tf I hare to folic* them to Mesiro

"Tou are going tn wuit here USUI Aurelto
returns with more mm and homes 7 How
many men hn*e you sent tm?'

"Twenty. Car* two, the riding boss. wfjl
pick the beat Thai will be five trucks, with
four heme* and their rtrfert to racn tedbh
Don't talk to me now. Roberta. I barn to
fcrnuiiate a bstUe plan.*"

He took nut a note-book: and pencil and
<atomen=e<l writing. "Here." he taut


abruptly wlum he ;ys.d Anlaltcti. J plu"
hand thla tu Kfo Hnbnrt whffn ha rep*
here. If i. ; : • . I • (light. Jri
the cur bank to the numb. Y&j inn* l
ft'wy " He stood up. hurhrd lit* belt, a
iiehl out im (mud.
"'WiifTp ari> ymi jjtMns -Imrny* -
Tm vuLiic to circle ah'ad >il inuac »m-
und £Tt to the mly water-Unlo Hitft c
roach to-night There*! an old bmndi
corral m Ihr vMlpy t»y that wutcr-hulf.
cue I built myself, rp* ffoiup to die
ihrrr und bold thai iping off. There u
uny shanty by Lbo corral whole we ke
iqdIb for clcaninii out the wftti si bo

"flurfly you're not *«lnj alnwiT"

do n
to hi

mi HleWin. li : ???? ?? in the
id him nn ottr&alanit pir-

mri It trembled in hla,
d In a very imali voice,
you bald mr yog [mm
.MV-riH'ti: 'I fact or Juat

"Juniny," atic i
"tho o'lhcr Hi*
mr Wni thai
— «ih— hooey J*
"It «u * ftUuwnt nf iwt. til ton foa

ft* long as T Uvn Snuir day, if I live, I
lUppa+e III marry wmebcuiy elue. but In
the cool at thn crtmUiff. darling, when the
day* work in don? and the Htjpnna noii
alii! ills thoujthta are j'nar tOHttb*!'-' U'",;.
m do otune Uuuklnir And il Mrs Hum
en en ahould nay, "Jumna what are you
UiliiRtatt ntf ( *h»jt toll hti » iwmilma

"I shall wo home co-morrow. Jimmf —
pnTVided vou come bar.* to VMW Wide h

Wrtr- "

"They'll plant trie -in n hurry and nm
nan go Lh*» day after Hobby" Mr look her
fresh, lowly Inor m hJn lutlrr,* 'Bobby, 1 '
ha raid mi wrimialj. "rejnrmla'r mi* qa
the man wlw hrvrr manY love lur fun."
And h'.' kitted birr on the Lip* und 1*1 her
tiu Dully, si)*.' watuhtid htm -j*iua tmn til*
KOddlr hju: rtd« BWay.

Abwd Inrw-lWrty Km Hotjorr snrt Julm
rnumnd, and leuna Rofrorla itrttlsh* as t!

twr Iicbji u-.iul bri-Ji.

??•WbMfl la the Biu Bom?' - fwoarii dfr-


ftobhrlfl hrlrt trtit n rrnijile oj leaven ot
iwrKT— Don jmjjwp - * tmUlf plan Rotaurt
ripiiil It "Tlv bay ruia fttjruL' eenuf afU'i'
hi' diTtdcd. 'tio ttnd Julio fill H-i'Jn1
wat«r4loli' mid klailil thi.tu oS in f j'l--:jI I

wiili Prwr. Umbiirt.. and O'QrittJj. arwl
two good pt«moa to iv wleci«1 bv tint™
will tank them or lake Utnm In Uir rnur,
VSWD I've mx tlirer tit rny Own kind with
inel rn/a^'eo, with Iftf oChrr (marl run mfn,
will continue on lo the ri*n, fur, ur t-our^e.
Dinglt- and hi* bunch *1U brank far the
Horner the r»auttnt. thvy rruJiv Bira lun
actively oppWKuJ Mot Ui du *o mn\i\t{ be
rlilnoiii. And lit tlw rlT»r. dfn VUI mit
40*," lie whlacled. • Wlio laj-n Ibln Uj a
1UU country?" He apukv to Jullii

"SI, penor." murmur w! Julio, mid rode
aw.iv on Don JtUtur'c inn:

Kun HohSH lr ft aldiiF with Ribrna lit
d dimrrttr, nnd «Titwd Thin*:

"Crying oner the old. man?'"

TtobeTtR noddpd. and adiini dnjm.ni-.^iy:
"I'm tan unvboor ««*td Don JMtnWa »
yminff and vj flue, und U W afcoulil K«t

"Qutl* ao." murrtiunrd Mr a-jtmrt
"However, wr hnve uim con*to]*r,'<in. Hk'11
havr a lot of company on tht way upl I
iTttatrlri" .btettl iflt killrd -wsmehov."

"In hnaetin'a trtms 1 . wh^P™

"W«<I1" «td Mr Hormrt,, with exkinernt-
ins dBltliuruLion, "he's mudly in love with
you, Misa Antrim, hut hp realimi trmt you'd
rwvfir dmun of innrrvln^ Uir man who
tSllrt >our unci* "

"M^p ynt:le w-ui! i\ ??icouiulrel Rr rmployri]

♦flua, hp »*a yntn unr.hr Yuu fctmw. ot
ootuw. thai; wish Don Jalmo a bntad or cat
un mirJe la a kloiman no irtacter *tuit he
d*-* I re fait like telling the bo* ha wa»


* all wrmiH »bout you. buL UWn z lured mini
a who tpenkA out ot hU turn tu Den Jimmy

? "» you'd uoly tiild hiiol" Bobot*.» *allfrd
$ Oh, If >ou LitiLy had I"

"Why didni you t*U him yauraeHJ" hn

[i -Thcfr are thinea no ilxl can any— when
g a man ac??j ju queerly ai Don J»Jme does,
ilr. Iloourt H>?'* »?? aenalUvR. ao retir-

! itr. Kohai-t ehokecl, and to cover ins

p itrim&Lrtl CkKUUiMutlOil COURhHd vioEflntl.v
a UiLn hla rupped hand*

'Would you Enairy ^hi* Hitfunnni hnrnbrr
ll nn Ok Iced vou
a Koheru hluiliHd turlaualy and hurui he:

j "Cgmv-'" Mr. Eobart we^ "ihhi Lb merhwa
, tiuiineis Tiiers- 1 a qu^auon brfwe Ute
r^j-jAc artd IL merjL* an answer. BpeaL tip 1
Wi^idii 1 1 tuarry idiot and ciiuck nli
your ahi'cp money into iha pot '•^??> rdm
and help cbtiUnid hit uiicat^uu MyhLeni and
buy about a tnmoar^ i> :r- -j;-d Biuehwd
ljrreilinif ccrwa'/"

"I trnuld. tflndlv. u t Homed him, I'd
ttt hla portlier u vcli as im wife, t could

"Hor* o*t,tcr.~ (tBr**d Mi. Iluhail. "Well
U ynu want him, |o get htm tie's youra
Icr th€ nt ; kin«. M

"Mi, Mutartf ITciw dare yo. " No iirt
tthiu u unm lu nurry hvr

-ThufB fthy we hasv u many old mald*-
M5s« Antrhrt. 1 odkinc ynu lu take a leaf
omL of Don JEmuiy'ti booat., mid whenever
yuu want anything ati grt n. Sow. listen
ti> ui- 1 If >tiu hop Aboard that hn-rae Of
yourt nnd ride aitar Julio, he'll lead you
to ttiftt nld hrandliir rnrrtil %hrre he arid
Ckm .luimr urr iiuliur 10 cUu m *nd (In :miue

I iv--. R^uip. fiavr ytmr htrln im>w wow
w1i.it Don Jlnirny, and ihcti heuL II. bakUl
hure wfore Hurt: ??

"Oh. Mr Horiart J r*mldn':f Td feel ao
brawri r*i d> ut jimme u

"Very wrh, uaon, dha Don Jimmy U amrr
to dift iircauHr tie dwtn't want to live. Of
coune P he'd nrm Inr you know thut. but
Hu.iit h'.'rr I UlIa note he. lelL ms Lie aa^.
'A WX .inil«o Se* that Mis* Antr.m j(et*
to iVift tt.atian ii\ nxui and whatever you
dp, dun'i ptttni_me In tbn same CMnetwy

"Bui. It he's bent an ^ttun; fclUmS— — ."

"*Hi» wonulnt or m L*m; IT ha knrw hU
luck, thn rrittlp yoo tfl) him ltiliie> and
b*nl krt'p hi* mrrail dt>wti- Re mny even
null 0111 uf Eha Rghl nnd h*t mr nnd my
m»h do liia db'fv work lor him."



1 hOB.-.RT <J«U »re
JalnM Whaiws-rr hi*
• he ha* d ft'w— h» 3:Ulh

"He's tfnt. SnwiUli hliMd hi him." the «ar
i:nri-d. "and there'* a quitting point in ull
of hii breed. Thry die Well alter they've
Iojtt boon, but white they h*\e u Blued ot
I ij- ii rt they're Ifae chnmp4on lone-dla-
i*jicr runners oi Ui* woflri Vtiu tun nave
ii Human life. If you cure to If you do opt
care to— wclL thaL'a ytmr own bu*in«M,"

*I wi"li I r.CHJlo f«*B| tliai yon: luuintii'i-t
to tlila matter tn bm u- fttmy ml lu.i.uit

h li; 1*11 1. T set my mlormatirm dlrraL
li s**ina Don Jaime- and Ura Onnby (tot
to dbcuohlnft yuu und him tit*- other day.
Mr* Gunijyo u bout twenty years oldern
Don Jainie. an shit talked to bim like a
mp fleUUi * vuiian etw m«* ffiittja no
mere man would mcogjtlie tf he walked
over 'eni Welt. Don Jimmy gai-e her
lu* oonAOencr and both ut ihrm forgot
IiLliv St'?hbir wn tialcnmg in. What he
heard dlxturbcd Ltie boy Hd kiot tbo nuti^n.
froen whnt Don Jaime uutl that ycru dldnt
euro for hla hsro, ao hi- come over to my
qimru'in to talk It over wtih tne, man*
faihlcn Thai* bow come 1 fouuid out,

mi » I* ??It.l'tf* WIJHi.S-i WL£hl<T

Thm too. I urrcr did act Dun Jimmy to
dcprMwd iu he's bL'en liore? at lute."
'I bmltit notiLtt! ll. Mr. Hotiat-. "
-lie vouldni let you notice It, »tit l*
let down a an He to nit"

Roberta go* up, Walked to her hnnr Wd
mounted] Wm "Hiank you a lot air
Hobtut- ahe julped "VouTt •

*Vm Bl*d I measure up. Hwft
come Oaraveo and the true a* I rauc hfau
him ofl and »«nd hitr down U» rtwd a fr*'
rollea fartlier. to save tltne." H« madt a
Rvtaj Irup to hla hur#* and ffttlltipcd qwrt
10 meet Lh* ndlh* bom- Juat ua Hobrrla
dtanptiearcd o»r Ihc iky -tine he ir»vf
Eitrieo Caraveo hla order*- tiMW without
WGllinB jot hL* flvr men to Jratow be B»J-
lopcd iwlfUy alter Ou slrl.

??Uumn It" »» mnltcrtd, "I not v ln-
tcreBtrd 6«iii*; tlilnya lor Don Junmy »
rlean forto: thut *lrl we*™ i»nta. and I

,s n on art had

been much Un> preoccupied wlLhi Die
mpnnalbiltUex nf hb Job- ba Don
JaJmea genaral m»nai*r to waate any
time RpeculaLLiiK on. hi* employers affairei
de cocur When Don Jairnt fir*f. presented
him in Ruber tu Hohi.tl had 111 l-inri;. ih«-
riihrl lhat »ftr wo* tlie rort or temate no
man could nfTord tn take to wire. b«mR
much too aJtiUinh for the nbllgailnni of the
nmrrlrd atatc- tn diatrtcu mnrr. the pltfAir
"until death iu du part" lull la takon
aumiuLy. He knew Don Jaiirm Mi«uei
Rii'uenea, to It psver oceurrvd to him that
the latter would purinlt hlruM-Jt Lo hi
lOTe with hi* ^ttfft; and in tin: brief isun-
tacta with Roberta tl had seemed to brm
that Don Jaime would be tha Irm. man tn
the world ahe mlfcdu be expected to rail hi
love with.

fftibble'i vlalt lt> hint it ml in* r-xiAdenlial
li^ormiitiQn r«veated by that ytiuns euvei-
ihou|Ki Ittir! flrut amuad and then inter-
tiled Habari Hobbhr wna fdruwa a:
Rcjbcrtu for Ivir app^rtut failure lb apprts
elate Jilv beluved Jlnirny and wua for itolrm
to tier and cludlns bM ut*oui It Hajtilj-
Ken HoUirt, vetoed that pracodure. but
promiccsl Rotihlr to irvik into thr matter
niitl ni".' I! ::.nhnK- jcn li In'l b? dtmrt ntwui

Welh he had done nnmirthlng- nor hod
it- t . 1 --11 too particular aa to Che mee.ns
empluyed (or It* antotripliahmfnt, To Mr
etobaxl:'* direct way oi Udnkltig, eJ-iIr charm,
Ina cucxt at Valle V»»rrta had de/nohatruted
??Jitii she waa not after nil. a hafirtleai
lociBty sirL He hud found her weepiug In
iRriot and fft'U'r betinuM*. fcirsooth shar had
ati tden Don Jaime might presently be
killed Maiiy yemn 11a 11 Trine runiter imtl
convinced Bfrm H»bart that the piueprctf
of Doci JutnuD'a ddoilae wi^e far from
nvbukrua: eimaejjaeime lie had \ti tak* ihoae
trera wtrluiuily Ttirre waj( ROln* to be a
rigtit. No doubt about thnt And aoiuobody
umnlty im hurt In Biich flvlita

Ko Ken Rohan nad tboupht quieklj
Thnre warn't the ah^httsL neceaaity for
[>ciM Jfiuiif ii'jvma ;n In:' p'm-; ivliiTi'ioro,
li hn could be ncrauiiiicd Lo abandon the
mod. Ken fell itiui ih«- deh^Uun would nut
remotely prejudlcr the vtctoriotu ontcotne
of the attnrp hit of DQJinybruok that im-
pended. Row. then, to induce him to forgo
Lhc *wt?eia of reprisal? Why. by tending
the girl to the acme ot the Untile — juat
oeforr it untied Her flrpimenla, coiuliE-
UiH at tears, two kl&Aahle upa. two toft arma,
and a deoUu-a'mn nf in-,-.-- c-viMimtiug, wcjjd
bo potent indeed. Mr. Robart would have
bet Ma aaddle on that. Wliernlort-. n had
akiltully woven tua web. with the rewtilL

National Library of AiSI$tr/#ife.gov.au/nla.news-page4613717

tiLTJ-Ll-Ml-Jir to

that tXm Jaime and Roberta *ure now

eaiBuMOifld tn It.
Trw hug* aittifsJACUUf) felt by Ken Hnbaft

ajar-hod in rliUjic-bKi-riirj mid flajiiwl ibtrt
mil wtariug tine runTtrntturio) widc-
crimmed and hish-mtHen«i hat of the
country. Riding along the Hlcyllm- Ihfi
could i*tj readily be mistaken lor a mun
—ami kucli mllLakss. In the tmpenuUni;
eitcjflUfU.nc'A. might reasonably be fatal'
It wai incuinbcni upon him. Irwrcicre Lo
eatcft up with hat to irumd Her appemrh
» thaE eld bran'dliis, roil n) In the valla-
te mokp hFT tuitn every advantage of the
ground, to tcout Uw territory lot Imt.

Ajjo. a diy.urblr.u- thought had occurreil
to hSni What U ihngie tiad dMidwl r.o
rr-altr j.irc u: ibr? water fur the aheep fay
taking pcuHvfCun nf tiir wntachote bclort
Hon Jaimi cflnlrl get thfue-7 Qf courtM*. it
wia imwsV.«vuWr thai uw Jnt-tw would ride
up to the w«u:riiojE before icakuig a
rtieotmalfannrc. On the WWtt i»iv j i mm
Don Jftlwu's anlud completely on thr task
In hand? Wu u not probable that
thought*, of * *siitinu-nLaJ- niunro mfsht
lull him ijild md!HLTtti«)> Verily, s,va
Habart timid Sikku i»u ehjiiieew. There wiu
imtai~dlat« jiwhJ of hftite and h- haiLeacd:
and as hi* galloped alrmif Lb* barkbime of
the rfdge ha ttr.m •uulwimgly aware that h*
was not ihi> only on* who am haateninjj.

Than wu Gob Jaime, io begin with*
.hurrying to gut to fihe wa'.prholc and ci>h-
^uli^iite hi* poaitien. After bun came hii
rcUi!urcffmBiUa~thi? d«vofd J iuu Hurry-
ing to av/.ch Julio thai, he mnpit luud air
to Lhe *ulrrhole, Robi.-l«i nai porj.iirUn.i*
uhxig ou tw-r fljtft hiuitin and after
Robert a Mine Ken Hflbart. Ho rtehtrd Use
airl Llirut-quurLPi'B uf a ttUuj ce ao tiheuri
of him a» hi! irippnu tht* ridge, but thiHign
he ipurreil hla hoitt Lu Its nLmotit apui*d
jic euiUd nui Kaln i«i hut. PresraUj'. two
mllti ahead of the ijtl, hi* cuiight a Ittiih
or whitB — a rrcurrL'jit flaah, u lomtJihlnu
mftvtfd BmnTiE ihf hrjiili urc jilntm tmeri.
Tluit lw ktiecr. JuHu'n p'nt* moimt

e If anything hajiiKiu to thai M*rl," ha
told hinisell. "Ill i'usc lifnp rltht «a id e
Munrml southurly tUrtm^lLuti mid never come

The low. range iwung t« the ™t — end
nsildaiJr. Ut a cup-iluajKtl vuilny far t*3i»w.
Ken Kobnrt nv Uin ahcBp— new that they
vein uetrAg driven. na\. giaswl. Thej wcr?
Wllhhi a inLlr uf The wat^rh^e. nnd JuILO
wn5 ti&t lu aufht r\r. the fw?t of ib^ runs'"
Roberta u>ob stiTch ut tha «Ui:Hltm

Bur bud hvt JuttoT

Hohurt looWtt Uftelt Re CL-oId ice. hli
flVt tnbu lollwlns him H- wnvrd till bat

and utifi of them wnvffd in return ; to vlLh-
??ut HifLhrr sdo tts rudp (Iftwn tu juHii

ThM tfbi Lclii tip hep hand, M Hobcrl;
rchu-'d in tHuulr her. "Ltaira'l" ahe coin-
man ded

Ec bent his tirad Fahitlv to >uni camv
the wport of rlfliH

"There were Luntnly herders with the
Lund an hour agti." the sir* reported "Don
Jaime eoLintei] tbem There doeui't apf»ejir

to r;i* thai .a ?? ?? nOW."

Hotja;-; n [ ?? tfei fcnrhi with lib WAOct^-
hui "Ten I HaJf The (Uni wnt ntiL-ad W
jire-empt Lho water, and Don .Tninie haa
waJied into them Hrt aJtvf and ittck.'ntf
thouifJi. U he ??were nop. there w^iiWn't bfi
. L ay <kootlh( And Julio hauu'L ft>L thRIM
vt<t ru-"U ur eurcfut. He'll [imbtibly

ctrme tn from Wn: rear and help m boiw
out. t ari'ih T knaw WlirLhur J aim? Is hi
the old corral or at The wnterhoi*. 3m*Vt-
less fKjwdei'. vou nm Gm cannot, trll Sttl
tii* riit-ri Dfft I forward F That bv
dlratea cfmrleM'ne* Y«, DtriKle hu the

"Then Orm Jritmel nuhtiiitf ten nf tlwfm^
?? L Lbat way. lie iiiuit be In Che
cH4 wrrral bccnuafi hi' wouidu't l&rt a
minute lh the vittm. Tiw corral Is biiaroVd


oiacr j l .i th* tlffht; b> felling, U he
lieepe nawlnjj ht will nut be ukj *uu,y lo hit "
Julto rode out Into llir eppn ri <juintrr
ol u mde south of tham. InaLanQy llobarl
pullafl hu rUflo, lighted carrfulty. and
thruw hu the dirt In firoat of die boy tu
attract hu attenTiou. When Julio pullc-d
np and iwfcrd nxfMrid io wtt wlierir thc
a l rack came fri-'tn. Hubirl «.-av*<1 *u\ lu.'
at him and incrtd out from tbr -uoiirrinp
trLKfjc of buahoa on to Uio sraEy flout el
;tir vahcr. Hfibfrta by hi!> sldi- Xnatantfy
Jullo rmignlted Lhum

"VCa Jrt,H>" whvre you. arr Blrl," Keu
Robnrt oftinniandrd "My other foe iatta
will Lu rlillns dnarn At WU liTi-tt;V M«m.

You tall them tny Ofdnrn H fr :n coaLur 'tir
itit=ri with liiB shoap lmiiiedla?ely_"
"Whut are yon going lo do. Mr. Bpburtr"
??"I'm itoing to join JuJlu, and the Lit'n
of Hi n ill ftdv^riec alung the south nlde nf
tutu HOlftj toward rhu wa<-*rlnil'.' TIM
rang* will ht Luu Iwg coc lh* librdM- wuh
the ilwcp h> Btop iu, I thinlE. Jiniuiy cei'da
hrlp niMrhty bad, 10 Julio arm t will fur-
????.:??!. v, -.-.<>?? can.


li g;iilifpi .1 . 1 : . 1 1.-" ' V
oortHa the nlley, nuuonliit tor JuHo
to JoJo h:m, The b^y did .to! liwi-
tate. Roberta wnichpcl Ujceti in «.n
aimi)' r>f Bpjirpriviifil'jii until prttenttj
her eara niuRht the sound *vf fn~
ereawd rtflp fire, bui tjluoep ut hand. Thu
hprdem irlth fhc ahaep witp Ut'ing at
Htjban and JuDO Ken hud Kbatfd UsW
tlie rangr woultl be tm leitg fur tiffwtJVe
firr hy men not irarsed tn die oclnflCT ef
ancurare sftoMlns t* rjitrimr run^i-j). but
OfverthtSniia the anrl aaw JbWi K n
.down, mvw thft buy ahciot cu*. (rtTT thn
nimriHl's neck, He was up umtantty and
bac> boitde the tun**.

r^OtittOg h:u n^.;" flrberta thwjgn'. Km
Eflhart herd pullctl up And was ridiny b.ick
To Juliu, who in turn vr.m runniurj to niusl
tilm Thwe *-aii not nn lJi6tant>
in the itr'Uc- of the hotae, yet Julia inouubnl
double balilnd Hnbart, tfjs horar whirl rfl.
and Lhu darlug |»lr wore vn LheJr way

Thera, alone a| tho foot uf the bill
wa tolling Urda drama Roberta erifij out in
ogjuy when Ken Hauart'a harae wenl tn
Ite kruf«a, r<*ff h-buu. — and a'.^d Kill atiri 1
cme ro iinverond ii) wnrfnre n< H^h'-rtn
?? ??. u,a rraiiiM tiiat the pw bruc? had Watt
hr*. md rrjppl-d She saw H/nmrt finii
Julio dlsnimtnt arid, fcr.fphn?' tumc tW*Ht)
turf. uparU open flr« cn the. distant b^i'drr,-,
ar, calmly as if ahowins at a mark And
then, over the ercet hphinrt h?r. eajnn tha
ftvr men detailed tn frrilow Knn Fob.irt
They came down the ilupe bl a last safljp
rptirrrd «n tiy tlM awotictfl "I rttulli;! id
Uin vnllrty below, but ilaeicMrid upeofl ai
tliry lighted the gtrj, holding up her hand
tu a tigiml :o huU

She trcinblnri ab ahu r^iuld hurrtlv Spflik
coherently "Dai Jalrruj—ctifrnrtcd »t Iht
wntcr-hcite with tru niFn— Kon Hnbart; and
JiiUo irvrr noulli— moating at 1 lu- harflWni
—Ken aaya, rear attack "

The liliree Anirrlran ndwta g»Sfd H f^W
not (juite cninprthcndlcur. dtulioiu pgf-
tio(«, uf reraiiilnit niDfe frzpUctt Uuli'uu-
tiooi in nKh nn at^r^twy

-Whftt m» yuti nunriing thore for?"
Koberta enr-d hyirterlcally. "FriUtiw me
111 nnm*' you_" Aci-obk ttir nurthr-rn fhinl:
«l the valley thuy r*e*wt ihr pitttat < 1 r dfl«
fin? from the herpttrn probably drowning
the flOUiud uf their thudding *pprijiii'h. Ifoi
they were wiUitn a hundrod yarij* uf ib'
nearcil men before tlie latlcr Daw Lhoni-
Opt> nt -hprr. flmrt nt Hnbeitn . 9he
!Ln:J"d ??.'..:h u '."ill (=m nnd :. u/lid l-xuI-
tar.ion ju> ihu bullM whlrpenwl p-wi bar
Head . ofterward ahe had a fabit recol -
lecUrtn cf a dark, frightened, but delimit
foce that loomnd lot ah taiLan: Ui Trout
of her befiro aha rude, the nian down EngtOJ

ahota then a baugwnrd IKK. H^hinn
hKt Uu* flv* !'????'?? with upralavd 1 ...!-. ??
'limri! ;i:ng thrmi ar her, yelling a rii-i r
u.ppjubat.iiin u| her teudorihip.

Tl4i' bXmvp, iii p-.nn\ fttid wildly, lagpanf
oyer each oLtwt. blc-allng. leaving o cUmd 01
ar'yUlU -white Uimt behind ^h«*rxi Hub>ivti
rciiu Uitr) tlmL uloud— rode througli th.
lrfngc of elruggler*. kn«ickU>p thum down.
Inaping over arjd anions tbi'.m. Hit horan.
rilildcUlU aiid Mtcrvlnu. w* r - nt. r'Vlii.;. v. : t ! ??

I'Limmun B&haa rnthf-r luiccnimon in a heme.
Lo uvuid i.lir wuully liodli'i under Ida foet.
and HDtWrta was forced LO iiilr ihv bad
twvvt ridden belore PliiTobi popped Iwhhtil
hflr. . . . Ejje aus clear ul the atit*ev.
Her duli lu.thi rlrfiiig-acitdemy apura prodded
bur mttunm fi&nkj: Lhe quiri rose and
1*11*. . .

tihi' cjiugbc rhr glpain rj mnnthmi: i«a r.tir
Innt lovel rayo &I llw dying day were re-
fltcttd rm a p«d. Amung rtnnn- ruclu bfj-ond

Ql f*re graw '??• . 1-1 ah« could dlanei'ii the
ibar-p, ..piliiul Tcverbtrattrtu of it now
Where wu Lhr currul? Wherever It wiv.
11 rvntlii udt br lar dUiTJini. . . Ticut j-.nr ??
waa therp, woonded, dyrng perhaps, . .

flhe wiw It— n drele al buaid*, unllcd iti
uluue logetiiar that, the fienne opprarrd ilk"'
n wall. Straight m Il .ihc drove her rntwnl.
fuaJJsJng v-Affwly w she did so that It was
a iiirrd> at kkgffi a fnot higher tdofi *hp
hnd evor facPd =n .*port.

She snw tier horaR'n ears llir;ker. felt hii;
cLrldo ltaeken u Uttln; (ben his head ahot
torwnrd uttd Ciln eara eann- niiairaivlil Quidl
ttcjfae:J He woa not going to reiuoe. (ho
futnpl Blu 1 lejl blm fniLtier htrrv*L'1f for thr
iitnp. nnd tonk a hrm snp an Eh* reiiw.
'•Alley oopi" ahe crfed-
While tn midair the aaw fJnn Jnlnie on
on thn rig-ht flank, atanding hn the L»d or
n w-iKBon. flTing ovot the fence; thrti atrr
araa *iver and imadr the uorrai with him
"dimaiyl" ahe ahoiited
He turnad, ?tafibB at hor nma-ied. Then
hfl Jttfcftd the bolt of hbi fiprltujllnW and
'Com 1 mtr

Six* rode up to Hie wti^gnn, allpped off.
ptiUejiS -JM rtfle' rioin tho icaLbard. and
UTTilu'd tha cartridga hrlt from htr pumTn"t
Thuu. wi'J. 11 niii|,i ' rj her hoific't rump, ahe
itab; u.ir, truiilng acrai the Bcu$u

And thL-n pun J*br^ k-u-^'d down att

li-/. EiLa powerful arm "wrpt h^r bocicwaroS
aajgj utT balaij^--. Khc illd T,u the around a" 1
hn thrrw hinjiielf pni'id* hnr.

"Oh. iwi'uLbcurt. why did yi^u pom*!" be
n1[nor.t nifinni'd

"Secauae I low you. Juhne Mlgu-?;
HlauFUAn*. Ymi arr In dinftcr. nnd 1
????????ii. 1 r . nray awi»v. FTl help yqu, JJmtnv
:i yorj imvp in dlt T— iwant you to know
bufor* ttinti hapemftj— Mutt life wlthuut ynu
—will be. dewlate^ "

"1 ulwayi knew you were a thorough bred.
Ii f guipr-ii finnlly ""Lib her? arhl da not
TIiSs [9 a private flgbt, and you
nnmi't b?»'u invitril. I've got 10 ki-^n
moving I'vr nm rrill'. i r [rnrri one :Ut> r,;
thla dottb] to thr othrr. firing throLuth kno'
holm and gap In thn board*. H I j«nv
xrli!, thtiyTl looote me and T oon't BfTord

He rolled owny like a tuiubl«wced. A
b-ullet eronhed thron*li the fence and
•??truck wli^re he hail bfign ivtiut s yuonil
hefore And then Rnfcerra fainted



.OJ3ERTA camr-to in
Don J»lmt*> arrnt, belrte die TnutorhOle.
fc Wfill. Jtniray," ihc murmutDd pxeBetitlF-
*Wp,'rn back in the iVisrp buolnrjBS again '
he aaeured her lOh'mnly,

A allnnce- Then: "Any cQaualtie*.

"Tea T1i:ol diwd unfits and twi
wnunded. Hnbart'n pinked, hu: notrtrrm
wor*e than what he'a been Used lo. AdulJn
ilr HrtrO. on 1 * of my rid*"!*, hi deftd. and
Larnbun, CfOrady. tiud Murilnec Trujill.i

National Library of Attpti/a1iila.gov.au/nla.news-page4613718


atr hiiiiiy hit. bin I do not Uiini Ih^-r will
die. JuliU Otlii bAd ki6L a lllLLe nnui'r
EHng;* mid nine of Yua men an: dead (o
[idle, and tin- Hn»L returns from tha river
idiimld make LUf affair uTmiuimHii. PTWi'M.
Juan E-.plnuua and Julio Orlii tire lollow
]rie tbta They took nut mtimiui aim
nf/v i n hn'.r- lc i"-! tiut-y, :crad our wound* 1 !.!
an Dinaie'* churit waggon and uu bomr '
"Woi that him chuei: waggon In tile-

"TVell. IL uued lo bn your linear Torn's
an I pre-suine- U'n ymir* nnw. Dingb' (tu.
hrr* Ant, ran his chuck outfH Into the
old ura riding cam] to carap tor Ule night
und inmnd bU mules lcnsG there Then
tic walled to («f wluiL might turn up boron?
dark I turnod up-uni-xpw<»'rfly— rodi'
wide around Uw heruert*, aptmiarhed thu
i-citoJ irwii ihc rear, and hud openrd Tihr
mil* mid rniirhd hclmr either rtrte dis-
covered I wu trapped. Thny couldn't aw
rae oltiiily but LhrnuRh the cbmfcn in Jfos
rnnral linnrdlng they could si* fomeUiUiu
moving again*! the light At they
couldn't bu jurr that aoaic'.bJiir, wad me,
my hnrse H or their mule*, and tbejr dldn'i
want to hi: Mir [imJt'fl. flo thuy were carefuL
??II wu> close work and a/trr I'd located
nil the- ;j Lin Jc? m the boards 1 made them
fcecu tjifilr bend* down. Then whrp Uir
tirinc auricd out on the flu!. u»d ilwy »*??
Ken's tucn. led by y»h, nuiklng a ptKtoL

-JUirftu on. men wILh (fail ihOQJT, Dingle
.rot mid feet You rede through qultr

* barragv. mrcethnart, but once you'd
tupped lite corral they fjmirpd I lind
reinforcement*, iw lfc(BJ mn fr-r Iboftf horses
and rods south. Timi la. c-Tiiie of them
dtd I clLinb(!d utmn Liu? wm^ou seal and
fnnriftd Uv:ir rear. Aj [hey rlrd drj&'rt Uii-

Ken and Julio, whn nmjrtiec two «*tdl*s
c»oh. Do you lciiu>w. dui'lltig. iliiif. yrtu have
a pLatitl uullft ihruugh the utudciltt 01 Vmir
Uaefc, rather weD on thft right »td*T
iriB fjifal tint you'll sloep <m >-our lofi not
for » month I "

"I'm ft rcKJll" fiflttefW rmjrmiirrd WMlcly

"YW, but i gallim Htllir (oot "

"Arc you hurt Jljmny"

??Niii a scratch "

She mjfiPd tier IfXi arm unij wr)M n
.JvuiiiL hil ui'i'Jc lOurorotl h|fl teve?

[nit 11 hi* chflek totirhed hrrt "?*fu'rt
uuch d trrribJe nuin' she whlfiprrtd "Oh
ruch a terrltjlc Draaf*"

-BUL you love nje, jmt lbs ffiraH?"

'Yen, InJt I wouldn't have Uiltl yv\i — I J
Have died ftmt, ll'rt all due to K*o
BoLiu-i. lie told mfr "

* J Hii*h, uwTuUiftiLrt Hf-'» ctm(«*ed H-- 1
lotd you a i"rw of Uip niont woridrrful Hu 1 *
un retvvd. urtd whsn he found you'd been
hit he rrlnd \iM« a baby Bworo Uiat it
you. died he'd commit duicld* providrd t
dUbi*t kUJ hnn finffiP He iUted her to a

• Eatug puaillan.

??Thprt's old Cupid ricburt Mtiiue Bttf
yonder Lfiok at him HcH still liluhbrj--

"Ken I'" Roberta riUl'M veoltJr.

The es-mnuFir Rnr up and lliupcd poin-
;ul]y ovrr to htr. Itn-n. uuii tm* tw
"Ycii'm a Hzaiut Uhj " ihf inurmiire^, "nnd
a grnriJ tighter, and « grmw -ml— unti
now I'to BUtn|r ii> deoOrate you, ELou S'dljnrt
— un the field of TtfUMe "*

"Ktt hiT tool.'- Ddq Jnlmr> narM "mill
you Can kliia htsr aaviu the doy irhVe icor-
rltfd Hull's ftn 1 prltriieer «f thL' bent
nlau. hot after that, believe you mf. pumwr,
ahe's net |nint to tw *way uny more
??airpiex ;o hord-bolip-d old waddles Lilt*

So the fliuberrassffd wrttidi ctitiyt-U
Lirdpra. uud Rclt-rtu Inioletl iHJlni Hotj.irJ

.1'!! "-?? !F*:.'ll]U'll

"Fiin her niid mtip her lu^* 1 with t |:l«
wel bnndilnna." I>m Julmr cjuiinamtfil, He
^earchwa m the ehuch wagd' 1 * 1 f^r the £n»al]
ndtl Rent aid kit hu Miuj^tM mtgjit be
Lhere It was. m he returned to Lho itfiil,


flirt hrr nln
itjlI aprilltsl
ixt/undod m

fruiri the WHiiid
U u ^lrkmunltiit
le atlrndni to ntt
??u-\; ttiat talk .wui

oUwe he* luiuiud hl« casualtiM In'-o Dm
i' £-5 iron

"ffarnB, Jamoe,'" hu anllnd clie^rlly lo uh
jimeiaafi L'tuuflrur. climbed ui» on to thr
uJid gathrjnd the rfrint lit puered
tytvn «t fiobertu-A facv iiiitumeil lo hlni
[rorii thr -.v- ^ -j: hrd.

-You'd liave tu irv** a I*'W Hfflilmea in
WcirofiflBtfir County, W^w Vnrk u^fort
PUU'oi gyt y^ir twth Into lite a* doopiy
m you mvr m the pflflt hmir find a halt -
m^uri'd Lur rheETrully "Wh^rac Bpuiiky
td heart are Tflu?"

-YOLira." iald Itatwrta wearfly.

•airtdapi- ycUml Ocn Jaltna. and tru?
??vaggdu roiled away op thn valley into a
long dmw tha: wound LKween the hilla
and ewncually |tid th«m out in ??whcrxi tfio
at wn] ted. Her* he trn liulcrrifd hU
'.vuunilrd-lJimrjcrt. O'Qrady. and Martliiw
T»iltttw-ou the rear seat, vrttta K>n
ttohart cm tb*' Truut aeat LnMly he lltufd
Robccru up into Hnhnrfs annH. afCftr which
he tciikrd Lhc tfhueJc waogoti, unrutcta-d
Liu mult'i of tha whofihi.
„ "Oueai iltcy tan ahuxl a nlohi watch-
fii] wnltiuii** hr declared IpM dhnbrd m
rmiik uf the tvnfl*J. Ha tooled the cur
.:i:i-Iullv dov.-n Ihnnmh the fiftet- U: the
Lou AlgodofiM Road r tLf(cr »rhkr.h thuy
nnrtc fa£.t Mmr to the rnnch Here ™
Gf Lhfl hdiida look Lhi* car and dpputed
for Lo* eJRddohtt to Urlng back the only
Lwo docJoTP Iherr. whilp Don Jixune aJdcd
Mr* Unnuy to maktr her naMeuU ctuniort-

ItJT Cicxju the nnt
day Jutir.i, Wig ue] "Iigueiuu* rnmn Into
RclKTEfti rown ami 5nL down on bLr bed.
She reached her hand out to him *vj

tOOlt |r 111 fKiLh Of hill,

"d&ruvec and bbi man have pint got
back aafriy." o* iufnrm«l hrr '-Nat a
man gl Lbat bandlL pum no', liiii-.k ncroas
Lha Hirer, to ! vtiuurc to ay this liu lnn:n
n l«sun to than. I imagine Wfi Rtuitlju
Vuih: Wnlr- w;li Iw i'-Hariirtl lu li-y'-'iJJl- 1 '-'!'"
Sori3rj virclu fu a good |>Uir.e lit liorp nv r 'ny
rruni herenJter. HoVn \h* iuTuio Mra
IlSgueneo lerhiig now?"

H Not ven chinner .Tlrnmy sow do *ow

' G u II Ly u." a iliL L'p if It ll n^ Jug SI jli
pyrry ol"ud hni n iltrnr hntmi Oln.gJr's
dead and t have n. .clt.mi. from your
Un-ilt 3111. l! ifctiiti* that !he uewu ol the
iiiiiflr gi-t to Lo* AlgSotJcnfMi last n^ht
vim t-he n'nii t wnt after thm doatom, and
ui now In an thr papers in £1 PH r .o."

tftsetfl Hilir "A'lLy. wind he doing

LD IB PMUlil'"

"Kti route in Valla- Verde, my dear T'd
wired Liu* old fnl.| f«nnii a hearty In-
vitation tu comr down and tialt ua, und
he haa tiwittr-d and wso im his <uay. _
Thus .laimi- Mljnu'l HUju'nf-t the liar'
Htiwi-VPi lie coturortbd hinUielt WiLh LfJf
th mii;IiI ;h,at It wait unlp a vhii« Ik*, aud
was to fat preterrrd tn vunating hla urnrd
uf hoitrjr («.» Croirkrd Eill nai Lu rtvcal to
hln nlrce tht» news Mint only twa iJajti
ntcvl«UB by had h«;n in l>aa Algodoww,
plUl-tUMj aunlltht tlidr p*UUe aud HopplUMs.

"TOuyir such b dear, Jimmy 5o thon^rii -
fid. Deal Uncle Bill I knon- heft miHMd
mu dwji he know I'm hurt? 1 '

????Yc-.i thr |»pL'i'ji CArried thn atory, fw
wirnd him on thp tratu to «avr hist tea.™
until our , Sodding-day."

-Are w* eugaaud, Jtirimyt 1 tian't
remember that you've ever twkrri me to
marry you*

"Oh, crlrfn'P, 1 tw«ithearl? fc

-Mcver "

B# ruobed his tihin and uu eyes nwv\i
??vwf her whJmalcttlly "T miipnie I vax
afraid 1 mUjht tpU/k m\i ai my turn, hut
ol SOUtW *'h*n ynu uarnp Btunipedlng into


that ccrrai yeattirday and brokt th* Rlad
nowB to /tu?. I couldui, aa a man w
pretend I didn't undcraauid you so I
rurhcr took it rnr gianti'd*"

Hn facnL tow uvcr hrr and Bwnpt tier
-hrrtiki with lilu eas^ <tfJ«- "Suii Ul "
tptrilrd Ih bolt-v**vll and Lrnanuwri
liruwn faaulea giid tholu men and women
heat, dual and purple litfhui aa thi> burr«
ut dflM'U and Jsuuuet. dfl^Iing?' ,

BiiP nodded. "I can be n flood purer rr,
Jimmy I WVfl had a«v rujtoiuUdlitlea
-and now L want tu bndly tn ihare youni
-olwujs H(tu are your iroundeu nion?"

"Taking ah iumaii iu life Mm. Cianby
la -ttU vji*cplug wUh Joy over our ena>igie-
nitnt, and Rubbn; la Jrulmui as & ooIIIf dog.
lie two uu idea UUM v.-lir=n wr're marTfed
hfl'U hay» to lrsvre the ranch "

????I wouldn't cvl'c have a ground squirrel
I rare tht" raiwdi. Jimmy"

"THi-n we'll keep Rubhui aud hla Ma
cn the wayrou Alter nil. *e bw« Rubuin
a ereat qeb: ff he hadn't hluhbr-d fo K?n
Hobart, tiuit union.uuate Vankc-e, Olcn
HHckctt. might have got you on the
rutioiind, although, to be quite frmnlc It
wise never my bivn;ilion to penult you to
escape. I achemed too darned hard to
grt you hurt — and ajiptime Jaime Miguel
HiRUEfiej roiis the crufit for u pie, nobody
*bir! 1» going to eat it,''

"Doe* rtvclp Bill know of Qur engjie*-

Don Jatme pHXluoed Ute t*?lPsjram and
read | •
"1 iw^e: flfiiird on you taldne over my
principal responsfbility. hut nsw that you
Insist on belnc recklew uakc a Hp frtHn
one who known Stop. Do not kimm" her.
Stop, l did UiaL mg W BMP Yo »
are aa srelcomi; In Ottf family as the
??Ulence that follows a cucigresainnui

????Hheepiahlj yours.

"C7<CLJ3 BJI.t.,"

-Why does he aign htmhelf -Sheeulnhly
Yl-uI'd.' Jimmy, dear?"

??'Some tae-Ielched alim-um ty the *liuep
that brought von htre. Booby Juut, annie
ot bis gringo hunior. 1 uiujctne.'*

•1 ??ee," She wa* Jtilent. burning nil
urowTt, rtrDtic. uselul liuiids, counting the
pfJIounea on them, llurida that taid known
toil and would olurtiys taw It; itm hand.*
that build empires: handfi that, whno
roldi'd ut UiAt In thr peorc that would mean
then- purling, would be kUaed by lowly
lifojiip and sprlnkltd Willi thetr l«ra,

"It will be toraver and ovctr, Jimiuy.'" ahe
wlUaperciI. "and, I'm ao happy— aud grate-
ful "

"The HiguE?iieF mpn keep itielr women."
he aasumd her gravely.

She- tbou^ht of Olann Haokfttt "Puur
dear." atie uiuruiured absently,

'"Hi* nevrr had n chanee," Jjon jhalnsO
aMUted hor. with u fltmii vt I hat pes ^too e*,
-,hai ctalTvoyuncj" iha\ would alwKy^ mak*
h I tn . f-i; Ilab-r rtu a now. puBilinj;, ytt
#hut1y irndtMLaUdrthle human being und
a }oy (orevcr Yea, he would m the- Hump
•ilu'uvn, aiwaya ucw, eUwaya challenging
h-f Inter est. alwnys hniding It Of him
(the girL thought' ll u-.lght he nald Chat
age tuutd not -wither hot custom riule hln
Lntinltc Variety.

?? l : get my guitar and you a Utile
Spanish love mms my graxjd.tnotiu.'r '.uufcht
aie. M he ouKKFisccd. "It'u very aid. It
fftmn to Fitru with Putim? and worked
north. On. by the way, I forgot somc-
thtxuj. Let'* vh this on record omd*l*7,
Misa Antrim, will you do me the great
'!??..];' ???? to marry me?"

"You outrageous Celt," she laughed,
"You're the laat ut Uih irfiutMLdinm Of
coana 3 win,"


vm -<d *uii yuLiUitM-d 1

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