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项目 内容
第 1-4 周 背单词 在一个月的时间内,完整地背完一本 GRE 单词书,新词 记忆率在 30%-50% 即可 第 5-6 周 老 G 填空 练习 1. 老 GRE 套题中填空题练习,主要针对其中的单空题, 旨在学习并熟练掌握填空题的解题方法 2. 用另一本单词书检验前一阶段背单词的成果,进一 步熟悉单词 第 7-10 周 阅读及写 作练习 1. 坚持每天的阅读训练,至少保证每天 5 篇短阅读和 1 篇长阅读的练习量 2. 学习 argument 写作方法,并开始实际的写作练习, 在这个阶段完成 10-15 篇 argument 习作 3. 继续熟悉前一阶段填空练习中发现的不熟悉的单词 第 11-12 周 新 G 填空 及写作练 习 1. 使用本书将新 G 填空真题完成两遍,熟悉每一个题 目的解题思路,确保其中的单词全部认识 2. 学习 issue 写作方法,收集写作素材,到考前完成不 低于 15 篇练习 第 13-14 周 数学及模 考软件 1. 老 G 数学难题和 OG 中的数学题 2. prep 模考软件 GRE 考试是美国大学硕士研究生及以上学位申请 的资格考试,一般而言,备考 GRE 的考生需具备大 学英语 6 级以上的水平,并建议这样有一定语言基础 的考生先考完 GRE,再考托福。虽然海量的单词记忆 仍旧是 GRE 备考的主线,但是新 GRE 的题目事实上 是减少了对单词的依赖。因此新 GRE 备考时间就老 GRE 而言有所缩短,大致为 3-4 个月。下面给出的是 一般情况下的 GRE 备考计划,供广大考生参考,可 根据自己的实际情况做出相应的调整。
GRE 备考方案

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新 GRE 填空真题精讲
X 同学
教育背景:北京交通大学 土木工程 录取院校:华盛顿大学 建筑工程管理 培训前分数:上过大班培训,第一次 GRE verbal 138 培训后分数:verbal 158,总分 326
“尽管之前填空的练习题刷了一遍又一遍,但是考试的时候还是不能很快很准确地选出 答案,自然首战 GRE 也就以失败告终了。后来结识了一诺留学,这里的 GRE 老师为我制 定了详细的学习计划,并耐心地讲解每一种题型,总结每一个细小的做题经验。从同样 看似熟悉的题目里,我发现原来我有那么多没有搞懂的地方。一诺老师传授的解题方法 让我提高了做题的速度和正确率。拿下了填空,158 的 verbal 成绩也就不足为奇了。”
Z 同学
教育背景:哈尔滨工业大学 测控技术与仪器 录取院校:康奈尔大学 EE 专业 培训前分数:上过大班培训,未参加过 GRE 考试,模拟成绩 verbal 140 培训后分数:verbal 159,总分 328
“我也不知道自己有多少次重新翻开单词书的第一页并下定决心拿下 GRE 单词了,但是 都没有能够坚持下来。一诺留学的张老师为我制定了严格的背单词计划,时不时地就与 我沟通,在不知不觉中,单词书变得越来越薄。这为我之后的 GRE 备考甚至是托福考试 都打下了非常坚实的基础。”
L 同学
教育背景:北京外国语大学 英语专业 录取院校:哥伦比亚大学 教育学 培训前分数:DIY 备考 2 个月,未参加考试,模拟成绩 verbal 145 培训后分数:verbal 161,总分 331

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“从上中学开始我的英语成绩就一直不理想,逐渐逐渐就对英语产生了抵触的情绪,在 一诺留学张老师耐心的鼓励下,我开始尝试着从背单词起步备考 GRE。在这个辛苦的过程 中,张老师一直为我打气。之后根据一份详细的学习计划,我重复着做题,听老师讲解, 和老师一起讨论的工作。让我有些意外的是三个多月后的第一次 GRE 考试我就考出了 331 的成绩。真心地感谢张老师,感谢一诺留学”
W 同学
教育背景:武汉大学 生物技术专业 录取院校:耶鲁大学 新加坡国立大学 PHD 全奖 生物方向 培训前分数:上过大班培训,参加过两次 GRE,最高 verbal 140 培训后分数:verbal 155 总分 325
“与一诺留学合作之前其实自己已经考过两次 GRE 了,成绩都不是很理想。在和一诺留 学的老师沟通之后发现自己在前面的备考中有很多地方没有做到,特别是一些细节。因 此在之后的备考过程中,我使用了一些老师教的新方法,在一次次和老师的讨论中,我 明显感到了自己的进步。当然最终 325 的分数也达到了我的申请需要。我认为,除了背 单词,考 GRE 最重要的一点是清晰的思路,而这正是一诺老师带给我的。”
Y 同学
教育背景:北京理工大学 计算机专业 录取院校:加州大学伯克利分校,华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校 CS 专业 培训前分数:DIY 备考 3 个月,未参加考试,模拟成绩 verbal148 培训后分数:verbal 163 总分 332 作文 4
“第一次考完 GRE 让我最没有想到的是作文竟然只有 2.5 分。一诺留学的张老师一篇篇 地为我讲解我写的作文,从 argument 到 issue,从思路到内容,从用词到句法。我们还 一起总结出了我自己的“专属”模版。第二次杀 G,除了 163 的 verbal,作文得到了 4 分。 感谢张老师,感谢一诺留学。”
新 GRE 填空真题精讲

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前言 ................................................................................................................................2 第一章 Revised GRE 句子填空介绍 ........................................................................... 4 第一节 题量 ...................................................................................................................4 第二节 题型 ...................................................................................................................4 第三节 题目设置顺序 ...................................................................................................6 第四节 Tips.....................................................................................................................6 第二章 填空题解法精讲 ...............................................................................................7 第一节 阅读题干 ...........................................................................................................7 第二节 核心解题思路 ...................................................................................................9 2.1 核心解题思路及单空题实战分析 ..........................................................................9 2.1.1 同义重复 .............................................................................................................10 2.1.2 反义重复 .............................................................................................................16 2.2 双空题和三空题解法 ............................................................................................19 2.3 句子平衡题解法 ....................................................................................................21 第三章 句子填真题战精讲 .........................................................................................23 附录一 本书高频词汇 ...............................................................................................166 附录二 本书词汇自测 ...............................................................................................167 一诺英语课程介绍 ....................................................................................................176

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前 言
在那个 GRE 笔试的年代里,通过回忆和专门的抄题,几乎每次考试中的句 子填空都会在考试后不久完整地公诸于世。这些 100%ETS 原装出品的题目也就 成为了广大考生手中最核心的备考资料,题目的练习和单词的筛选都可以从这 些题目入手。 在 GRE 的机考时代里,之前的“幸福时光”似乎一去不复返了。作为一名 一线的 GRE 老师,笔者在辅导的过程中最大的感受就是练习题目的短缺,目前 的主要练习对象还是老 GRE 的题目以及一些国外大的出版商的模拟题。 不论是模拟题还是老 GRE 的题目相对于真实的考题都有一定差距。因此最好 的练习题就是由 ETS 制作的真题。笔者收集了目前市面上能够找到的所有来自 ETS 官方的新 GRE 填空题目,共 165 题,并对这些题目进行了详细的解答,包 括解题思路和答题技巧。 165 题出处: 官方指南(第二版) 例题 5 题 练习题 25 题(easy、medium、hard 三个等级) 模考套题 50 题(共两套,每套 25 题) 模考软件(PP Ⅱ v2.0) 预览题 1 题 第一套模拟题 36 题 第二套模拟题 40 题 官方指南(笔试第二版) 大部分内容与机试版官方指南重复 共 5 题 ETS ETS 曾两次官方宣布 GRE 改革,放出样题 共 3 题 对于绝大多数中国考生来说,GRE 考试在很大程度上对单词的考察。可以 断言,70% 以上的填空题无法选出正确答案都是由于单词不认识所致。所以在 编辑此书的时候,我们格外注意了每一道官方题目中题干和选项涉及到的单词, 配以中英文解释。其中英文解释与 ETS 保持一致,采用的是“韦氏词典”中的 解释。我们还发现,这 165 题中的单词,有相当一部分并没有收录在市面上的 GRE 单词书中,所以也希望考生们在研习完此书后,能够拿下书中的全部单词,

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为辛劳的背 GRE 单词画上点睛的一笔。 从收集、整理题目,到解答研究每一个空、明确每一个单词的中英解释再 到翻译完整的句子,我们都付出了自己全部的热情和专注。正因为我们看到了 也感受到了自己的付出,所以我们有理由相信这本书会给每一位研习过她的学 子带来帮助。 感谢一诺留学英文服务部的张逸岚老师,也是本书的编者之一。到本书最 终定稿已有一段时日,张逸岚老师在电脑前为写清楚每一道题目的解释而挑灯 加班的身影依然历历在目;我与她斟酌每一句翻译时的热烈讨论也让我记忆犹 新。正是她的努力,使得本书能够顺利问世。 同时,还要感谢一诺留学服务部的同事们。他们无私的帮助和提出的宝贵 意见使我们受益匪浅,也让我们看到了他们扎实的英文功底。 由于时间仓促以及编者水平有限,书中难免出现错误,希望各位读者能及 时指正,不胜感激。                 胥鹏     二〇一三年夏于北京中关村

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第一章 Revised GRE 句子填空题介绍
第一节 题量 GRE 考试中计分的 verbal 部分共有两个 section 每个 section 共计 20 道题 每个 section 包括 10 道填空题(单空、双空、三空题)和句子平衡题以及 10 道阅读题    第二节 题型 GRE 考试中句子填空题型主要分为两大类,一类是句子填空题(单选题, 双空题,三空题),一类是句子平衡题(sentence equivalence)。 单选题备选答案为 5 个,选择一个符合空格的正确选项。 双空题和三空题是在老 G 句子填空中的双空题基础上改编而来的,题目的 句子更长,所给的提示信息更多,逻辑关系更加容易判断,但是,由于选项被 独立分组设置,空格之间的组合情况变得更多,所以难度明显增大了。 句子平衡题在单空单选的基础上增加了一个选项,即每题一共6个候选答案, 但是要求考生选出两个符合空格要求的正确答案。很明显,被选出的答案应该 是一组同义词或者是近义词,甚至可以是两个意思接近或者感情色彩相同的词 汇。 以下为 PP Ⅱ中考试真题的截图说明。 1.2.1 单空题:

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1.2.2 双空题 1.2.3 三空题   

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1.2.4 句子平衡题   第三节 题目设置顺序 GRE 考试中,Verbal 部分固定先考单空题,双空题,三空题(依照此顺序) 共 6 题。 比例不一定,有时 2-3-1,有时 2-2-2,之后考 5-6 个阅读题目,之后是句子 等价 4 个,最后完成 4-5 题的阅读题目。 机考界面在 30 分钟内可选择暂时跳过不做,或作标记,或返回修改答案。 GRE 答错不扣分,每道题全选对得分。 第四节 Tips 考试过程中优先完成单空题、双空题和句子平衡题 单空题和句子平衡题大约 50 秒 / 题 所有填空题部分答题时间不超过 15 分钟为宜 GRE 考试答错不扣分,所以不论是否会做,保证不要有空题

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第二章 填空题解法精讲
在新 GRE 的官方指南中,ETS 提供了一些答题技巧,包括: 通过阅读,理解句子大意 找出题目中的关键词(although 或 however) 提前预判空格中应该填入的词 对于双空题和三空题可灵活解答,不一定要按照空格的顺序答题 完成填空后要检查句意是否通顺 从这些官方解题技巧中我们不难看出,句子填空题旨在考查考生的阅读能 力,理解能力,以及词汇量。 正如大家所知的,官方的东西往往是靠不住的,我们无法仅凭上述几条答 题及技巧解决所有的填空题(包括 sentence equivalence)。在实战中,我们需要 通过以下几个步骤解答一个题目: 读题 分析句子 找出重复部分 选择单词 解答一个句子填空就像是侦破一个案件一样,我们需要做的是根据句子中 蛛丝马迹的线索找到我们需要的信息,最终选出正确答案。在练习中,单空题 是所有其他题目的解题基础,通过对单空题的练习可以有效地掌握解题方法和 技巧,然后将其推广至双空题、三空题和句子平衡题。 第一节 阅读题干 由于考试时间有限,完成一个填空题的时间大致应被控制在 60~70 秒左右 (三空题也不要超过 90 秒)。在这么短的时间内完成读题、分析、解题等一系 列思维活动是一项十分艰巨的任务,所以在读题阶段就应该尽可能地节约时间。 我们通过下面的例题来分析一下,如何能够最有效地读题:     It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be (i) ______ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (ii) ______ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations,

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and the (iii) ______, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet. 这是 ETS 给出的题干最长的一个填空题,其篇幅差不多能赶上一篇短阅读 的长度了。因此有技巧性地解读题干就显得尤为重要了。对于句子填空来说, 一切的阅读和分析都是围绕着空格展开的,我们只需要大致了解与空格相关的 内容,并且这种了解是模糊的了解即可,无需知道具体表达的意思。就本题来 说,共有两句话,第一句话中包含了两个空格,冒号前,我们需要明白的是“作 者不允许事实被政治如何”,冒号后我们需要明白的是“作者不允许 them 怎么 样他的描述”;在读题过程中,代词是我们最需要关注的点之一,因此,第二 个空格前的 them 是必须要理解的,这里指代的就是前面的 political disputes,所 以这里可以将冒号后的部分理解为“作者不允许政治的争论怎么样他的描述”。 到此为止我们就完成了对前两个空的阅读和分析,下面的工作就是按照填空题 的解题方法解题了。再看第三个空格。很明显,第三个空格处于一个由 and 连 接的并列结构中,那么我们就只需要考察与之相并列的部分,即 enormous gaps in our knowledge 和 sparseness of our observations。这样一来,事实上就完成了对 本题的阅读。不难看出,尽管我们已经完成了对题目的阅读和分析,但事实上 我们并不能完全理解句子的意思,因为我们在读题的过程中省略了相当一部分 的与空格无关的内容,得到的是一些支离破碎的信息。当然,这样的支离破碎 并不影响做题,相反会使答题更加便捷高效。 再来看下面一个例题:     Dominant interests often benefit most from ______ of governmental interference in business, since they are able to take care of themselves if left alone.     与上一题不同的是本题篇幅较短,大部分的词汇都是比较简单的词汇, 但是在阅读中我们会发现,前两个单词 dominant interests 我们就无法理解是什 么意思。在实战中,如果遇到了这样的情况,即无法理解的名词,那么就直接 忽略这一名词的意义,可将它以某种符号的形式替换(如取首字母,dominant interests 就可以简单地看成是 di)。同时,本题后半句中的 they 和 themselves 都 是指代的前面的 dominant interests,所以全句我们可以理解为:di 常常从政府影 响的什么中获益,因为 di 可以照顾自己如果不管它的话。     通过以上对于几个题目的分析,可以总结出一些在读题分析阶段我们可以 运用到的一些技巧:

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    以空格前后部分必须理解 与空格无关的部分,可以大胆省略 句子中出现的代词,必须弄清其指代的成分 出现无法理解的名词或名词性短语时,果断将其简化为代号,不理会其含 义 第二节 核心解题思路 2.1 核心解题思路及单空题实战分析 通过前面的介绍,大家都知道 GRE 的填空题可分为“单空题”、“双空题”、 “三空题”和“句子平衡题”,而所有的题目的解题基础就是单空题。单空题 的解答基本包含了所有填空题的解题技巧方法,因此在这一节我们通过对单空 题的分析来介绍填空题的解题方法、思路。 作为 GRE 考试一种题型,句子填空保持了与 GRE 一致的出题原则,即不 存在专业上的差别。这一前提告诉我们,句子填空的答案就在题目的字里行间, 空格处应该填入什么词的信息就在给出的文字中。在解题过程中,根据且仅需 根据题干所给定的条件和线索,找出句子中对应的成分,并根据对应再进一步 找出空格所重复的对象,最后参考选项中的单词,就可以完成一道填空题的解 答了。 那么要如何找到重复和对应呢?这就要根据题目中给出的线索,分句之间, 主句和从句之间的逻辑关系了。我们先通过两个简单的例题来说明。     例 1: Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions; indeed, we almost have a natural ____doing so. A aptitude for B repugnance to C interest in D ignorance of E reaction after 例 2: He was widely regarded as a____ man because he revealed daily his distrust of human nature and human motives.

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A disrespectful B cynical C confused D misinformed E fanatical 以上两个例题给大家展示了两种不同的“重复”的表现形式。例 1 中很明 显,“;”后面的 indeed 是语气上的进一步加强,这就告诉我们后半句和前半 句表达的意义应该是一样的,只是语气更强烈了,所以我们就可以将前后两个 半句看作是“同义重复”。由于前半句是完整的,我们可以知道其意思是:几 乎没有人会…;又因为后半句的主语是 we all most,很容易推理出后半句要表 达的意思应该是:我们都不会这样做。由于主语为反义重复(few of us 对应 we almost),谓语动词也得是反义重复才能保证前后句意思的统一,因此空格应填 入 repugnance to,意思是“对…反感”。 例 2 中展示了另一种表示重复的方式,不像是例 1 中那样的整句重复,而 是通过一个连词 because 表达了主句与分句之间的因果关系,我们同样可将其视 为一种重复。主句说的是“他被看作是一个怎样的人”,由 because 引导的原因 状语从句就解释了为什么大家这么看,主语与从句同义重复。空格处是对这个 人的修饰,那么我们就要看从句中是怎样形容这个人了:对人性和人类的动机 怀疑。空格处与这部分对应,呈同义重复。因此 cynical 为最佳选项,意为“愤 世嫉俗的”。 从这两个例句我们可以看出,每一个空格都可以在题干的文字中找到其对 应的词或者是词组,例 1 与“cherished”对应,例 2 与“distrust of…”对应。而 这样的对应我们又是通过 indeed 和 because 这样的关键词找到的。 因此,可以总结出填空题的核心解题方法:通过关键词分析出句子的各部 分关系,找出与空格对应的词或词组,进而选出答案。简而言之,解答填空题 的两大关键步骤:     1、找出关键词; 2、通过关键词找到与空格重复的部分。 在实战中,关键词多种多样,同时重复的关系也分“同义重复”和“反义重复”, 我们将通过例题分析的方式向大家展示常见的题型,并逐一分析。 2.1.1 同义重复 这里我们讨论的“同义重复”指的是广义上的同义重复,不仅仅是简单的

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同义词,还包括了意义上的同义重复和逻辑上的同义重复。具体来说,在句子 填空题中,题干中出现以下几种结构可认定为同义重复: 同义解释 并列关系 因果关系 递进关系 目的、手段关系 上述每种结构在具体的题目中都有明显的标志——关键词。下面通过关键 词来做逐一的介绍: “同义解释”句子中的关键词: 冒号、破折号、suggest、分词短语等。 例 3:The Muses are____ deities: they avenge themselves without mercy on those who weary of their charms. A rueful B ingenuous C solicitous D vindictive E dispassionate “:”是句子填空题中常见的出题方式,提示我们冒号后面的内容是对前 面内容的解释说明,可理解为同义重复。本题中,冒号后面的内容解释了 Muses 是一群什么样的女神;她们对那么已经厌倦了她们的人,会毫不留情地抱负。 空格处所要填入的词应该是对冒号后面部分的同义重复,从选项中可以看出, 只有 vindictive(有报复心的)是正确答案。 这里的缪斯女神之所以用复数形式(Muses,they,themselves,their),是 因为在希腊神话中缪斯是掌管音乐、诗歌、舞蹈、天文等女神的总称,共有九位。 西方第一座博物馆由古埃及王托米勒一世建造,就是用 muses 命名,这就是在 很多欧洲语种里,museum 的由来。 例 4:The self-important cant of musicologists on record jackets often suggests that true appreciation of the music is an____ process closed to the uninitiated listener, however enthusiastic.

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A unreliable B arcane C arrogant D elementary E intuitive 本题中,suggest 前后的应保持意思上的统一,由于 suggest 的动作发出者是 一些狂妄自大的音乐理论家,那么 suggest 的后面的内容就要体现出他们的观点 的狂妄自大。所以他们认为外行的听众(uninitiated listener)是无法真正欣赏音 乐的,所以音乐对他们来说应该是 arcane(神秘的,晦涩难懂的)。 “因果关系”句子中的关键词: because、since、in that、therefore、as、given、so…that、so…as to、as a result、 lead to、result from、reflect…… 例 5:Because time in India is conceived statically rather than dynamically, Indian languages emphasize nouns than verbs, since nouns express the more____ aspects of a thing. A paradoxical B prevalent C temporal D successive E Stable because, because of, since, as, in that 等在英语中都表示“因为”这一概念,其连 接的前后必为因果关系,我们往往可以认定在这样的逻辑结构中,两个部分为 同义重复。在这个例题中,since 引导的从句和 because 引导的从句构成同义重复, 他们都是表示原因,其中 time 和 nouns 对应,那么空格处就应该与 statically 对应, E 为正确答案。关于此类题目还可参考下面两个例题。 例 6:Hydrogen is the____ element of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced. A steadiest B expendable

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C lightest D final E fundamental 题中 in that 表示因果,前后同义重复,其中代词 it 指代的是 hydrogen,所以, 空格处就是对 provides the building blocks 的同义重复,选择 fundamental。 例 7:Queen Elizabeth I has quite correctly been called a____ of the arts, because many young artists received her patronage. A connoisseur B critic C friend D scourge E judge because 表示因果,前后同义重复,很多年轻的艺术家都接受过她的资助, 那么伊莉莎白一世女王就应该被称作是艺术的朋友,选择 friend。 例 8:In part of the Arctic, the land grades into the landfast ice so____ that you can walk off coast and not know you are over the hidden sea. A permanently B imperceptibly C irregularly D precariously E slightly 本题中存在着一个明显的 so…that 结构,在实际解题过程中,这个结构可 以简单地当做是因果关系处理。因此,前后的逻辑关系应该是同义重复的。that 后面说的是你走在海边都没有发现你正走在隐藏的海的上面,那么,so 后面的 空格就应该是对 not know 的同义重复。选择 imperceptibly(察觉不到的)。 “并列关系”中的关键词: and、also、like、likewise、as well as、插入语、分号……

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例 9:The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illness, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and____ such illness. A disguise B impede C constrain D precipitate E consummate 题目中的 and 表示其前后连接的对象是并列关系,属于同义重复。and 前面 部分意思是 factors 像是催化剂一样存在于这些生理状况中,那么 and 后面的内 容就要对此同义重复,physiological conditions 和 illness 相对应,空格处就应与 act as a catalyst 相对应,选择答案 D。 例 10:There is no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is____ other forms. A segregated from B parallel to C dependent on D overshadowed by E mimicked by 本题中“;”前后的两个半句是并列关系,两个部分表达了同样的意思。 前一分句是完整的,意思是没有独居的或是独立生存的生物,那么后一个半 句也应该表达这个意思,空格处就应与 no solitary, free-living 同义重复,选择 dependent on。 例 11:In an age without radio or recordings, an age____ by print, fiction gained its greatest ascendancy. A decimated B denigrated C dominated D emphasized

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E resurrected 在英语语法中,插入语成分不影响整个句子结构,仅仅是对其前面的内容 起解释、修饰的作用,可看作是对前面部分的同义重复。因此,在本题里 ____ by print 是对前面 without radio or recording 的同义重复,选择 dominated(统治)。 “递进关系”中的关键词: not only…but also、even、indeed、when、remain…… 例 12:Heavily perfumed white flowers, such as gardenias, were favorites with collection in the eighteenth century, when____ was valued much more highly than it is today. A scent B beauty C elegance D color E variety     本题主句中说的是花香浓郁的白色花朵在十八世纪是收藏家的最爱,when 后面的比较对于这一现象做出了解释,因此可以看作是前后半句同义重复。从 句中的“was valued much”与主句中的“were favorites”相对应,那么空格处就 与“heavily perfumed white flower”相对应,同义重复,选项中只有 scent(气味) 最合适。 例 13:In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted values was regarded as____, even as a sign of madness. A adventurous B frivolous C willful D impermissible E irrational even as 在这里表示连接的两个部分是递进关系,后者对于前者是一种加强, 反言之,空格处就应该是对 madness 的同义重复,但是语气稍弱,所以选项中

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irrational(无理性的,荒谬的)应为正确答案。 “目的、手段关系”中的关键词 例 14:Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a harmonious wholeness by having____ the conflicting elements of her life. A affirmed B highlighted C identified D confined E reconciled by 表示的是手段,即通过…来实现…。遇到此类关键词时,最直接的想法 应该就是“通过 A 实现 A”,那么本题中,____ the conflicting elements 就应该 和 by 前面的 achieved a harmonious wholeness 同义重复,选择 reconciled(和解, 调和) 上述总结的几种情况基本涵盖了 GRE 填空中同义重复的出题方式,通过例 题的分析,其实不难发现,核心还是通过分析句子结构找到重复的对应点,然 后最终选出答案。当然还有个别题目中没有特别明显的关键词或词组,做题的 时候就不得不从句意着手,分析出空格和已有信息之间的同义重复关系,这就 要求考生们要灵活解题。 2.1.2 反义重复 与同义重复一样,判断一个题目是“反义重复”也是通过题干句子中的关 键词做出的。判断出一个题目是反义重复以后,找到对应关系,根据词意、句意、 逻辑取反义考察选项,最终得出答案。一般说来,反义重复的题目有以下三种 情况: 反义对立 时间对比 反义转折 下面就分别对这三种情况举例讲解: “反义对立”中的关键词:

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far from…、not…but…、more…than…、seemingly、in fact、actually、 paradoxically、ironically、surprisingly、unexpectedly…… 例 15:Ironically, Carver’s precision in sketching lives on the edge of despair ensures that his stories will sometimes be read too narrowly, much as Dickens’ social-reformer role once caused his broader concerns to be____. A ignored B reinforced C contradicted D diminished E diversified 在本题中,ironically(讽刺地)的出现说明句子中有逻辑上相对立的两个 方面存在。事实上,在后面的句子中可以看到一个完整的逻辑对立存在,就是 Carver 的精细刻画被认为是过于狭窄了(too narrowly),much as 说明后面的 内容也这样的一个逻辑对立。Dickens 的广泛的关心(broader concerns)就应该 被当作是一个负面的意义。这样再去考察选项,在选项中 A 和 D 都是负面意义 词,放入句中,显然一种广泛的、强烈的关心被忽略更符合句子开头的关键词 ironically。 例 16:Paradoxically, Robinson’s excessive denials of the worth early works of science fiction suggest that she has become quite____ them. A reflective about B enamored of C skeptical of D encouraged by E offended by 与上题一样,paradoxically(自相矛盾地)表明了句子中有存在矛盾的两方面, 这样就可以去找重复了:suggest 前后句成反义重复,并且空格处与 excessive denials 对应,所以空格处应填入其反义词。这时考察选项中的 5 个词组,只有 enamored of(迷恋,倾心于)最符合句意要求。 “时间对比”中的关键词:

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before、once、previous、recently、now、today、initially、after、origin、no longer、have done、as long as、heretofore 例 17:After a slow sales start early in the year, mobile homes have been gaining favor as____ to increasingly expensive conventional housing. A reaction B an addition C an introduction D an alternative E a challenge 一般来讲,时间的概念在 GRE 填空中都可当作是反义重复来看,因为只有 随着时间的变化情况发生了变化,逻辑上才有意义。本题是一个比较明显的例子。 after 和 early 表明了某一时间点之前的情况,是一种缓慢的销售(slow sales), 说明该产品并没有获得认可,那么后半句中,就一定是说这个产品被大众接 受。这一点我们从逗号后的 gaining favor 就可以看出,所以空格处应该看作是对 这种逻辑的延续,填入一个中性词或是正面意义的词。由于句子最后又提到了 conventional housing,所以这里选择 an alternative(替代品)是最合适的。 “反义转折”关键词: although, even though, but, despite, however, in spite of, nevertheless, while, surprisingly, regardless, without… … 例 18:Philosophical problems arise when people ask questions that, though very____, have certain characteristics in common. A relevant B elementary C abstract D diverse E controversial 本题中的 though 是明显的表示转折关系的特征词,因此解题时可从这方面 入手。通过阅读题目可以发现,though 和空格所在的部分是插入语,那么它就 和后面的句子形成了转折关系,中文意为“尽管…还是…”。空格处与后面的

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in common(共同的,共有的)反义重复,考察选项发现 diverse(多样的)为正 确答案。 例 19:In spite of the fact that it is convenient to divide the life span of animals into separate stages such prenatal, adolescent, and senescent, these periods are not really____. A advanced B variable C repeatable D connected E distinct 句子开头的 in spite of 表明了本题中存在着意义的转折,因此句子前后两个 部分成反义重复。such as 在句中起到了举例说明的作用,根据我们在上一个小 节中讲到的读题法,这部分是可以省略不读的,以节省做题时间。那么 these 后 面的部分就应该和前面的 divide…into separate stages 反义重复。但是本题有一个 特征,空格前有一个否定词 not,在这种情况下,就要对之前做出的判断再进行 一次反义的调整,经过两次反义,空格处所需要填入的词就应该是对前半句的 同义重复了,即对 divide…into separate stages 同义重复。考察选项,distinct(有 区别的)为正确答案。 Tip:在空格处前面设置一个否定词是 ETS 出填空题的常用手段,通常是 not、never、hardly、rarely,less,seldom…等。当遇到这样的情况要求考生对已 经做出的重复判断再一次取反。可以简单地记忆为“正负得负”和“负负得正”。 2.2 双空题和三空题的解法 双空题和三空题的解题方法和思路与单空题基本上是一致的:根据关键词 判断出句子各部分之间的关系,然后找出空格处与已知内容的对应重复,考察 选项,选出答案。解多空题时也有一些不一样的思路,比如判断从哪个空格入手, 还有考察每个空格之间的关系等,下面分别来看一下: 例 20:In stark contrast to his later (i) ____, Simpson was largely (ii) ____ politics during his college life years, despite the fact that the campus he attended was rife with political activity.

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Blank (i) Blank (ii) A activism D devoted to B apathy E indifferent to C affability F shaped by 对于多空题来说,首先要考虑的是从哪一个空格处入手比较容易,通常选 择能直接与关键词建立起联系的空格。以本题为例,根据前面小节的讲解,可 以明显找到 despite 为关键词,其前后部分为“反义对立”,那么第二个空格就 应为解题的突破口。despite后面是说他所在校园政治活动十分普遍,因此根据“对 立反义”我们可以判断出来,空格处与 be rife with(充满)反义重复,因此考察 第二个空的三个选项可知,indifferent to(漠不关心)为最佳答案。当第二个空 得出答案后,第一个空便可迎刃而解了。in stark contrast to(形成鲜明对比的) 和 later 都告诉我们第一个空与第二个空成反义重复,因此第一个空的三个选项 中只有 activism(激进主义)为最佳答案。 例 21:Vain and prone to violence, Caravaggio could not handle success: the more his (i) ____ as an artist increased, the more (ii) ____ his life became. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A temperance D tumultuous B notoriety E providential C eminence F dispassionate     有些双空题中的两个空格需放在一起考虑,探讨它们之间的关系,才能 得出答案。根据对单空题的讲解可知,由于有冒号,本题句子的逻辑关系应是 “同义解释”,冒号后面部分应与冒号前面部分在意义上保持一致。冒号前说 的是 Caravaggio 无法处理自己的成功,说明他已有成功,但无法驾驭。那么后 面就应该说他的不成功,由于事业(artist)和生活(life)都是判断其成功的标 志,所以二者必然是“一正一负”,所以题中的两个空格本身应是反义关系。 将两组选项放在一起考虑,只有第一组的 eminence(显赫、卓越)和第二组的 tumultuous(吵闹的、纷乱的)可构成反义关系,故为正确答案。 三空题在考试中所占比重较少,除了有更多的已知内容和空格,其解题方 法与单、双空题完全一致。解答三空题时,如何有效地读题,更快地找出逻辑 对应和重复,决定了答题的效率。下面看一道三空题的例题:

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例 22:Statements presented as fact in a patent application are (i) ______ unless a good reason for doubt is found. The invention has only to be deemed “more likely than not” to work in order to receive initial approval. And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort (ii) ______ the science of an erroneous patent. For this reason the endless stream of (iii) ______ devices will continue to yield occasional patents. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A presumed verifiable D corroborating G novel B carefully scrutinized E advancing H bogus C considered capricious F debunking I obsolete 大多数的三空题可看作是三个单空题或一个单空题、一个双空题的合并, 除了题干篇幅较长,选项较多外,与单、双空题无异。本题就可看作是三个单 空题的合并。从第一个空开始解题即可:unless 说明其前后是反义转折,那么空 格处就与 doubt 反义重复,考察选项可选出 verifiable 为该空正确答案;第二个 空格所在句子中的 although 说明了前后两句话之间同样是反义转折,因此空格 处应与前面的 challenged 反义重复,但是该空格前有否定词 no,所以应填入一 个与 challenged 同义重复的词,debunking(揭露)为正确答案;第三个空格需 考虑上下文,空格处应填入一个负面意义的词,第三组选项中的 H 和 I 均为负 面意义词,根据句意 bogus 是最佳答案,这里不再赘述,详细讲解请参考下一章 的第 127 题。 2.3 句子平衡题解法 从题目的形式来看就可知道,句子平衡题与单空题解法完全一样,题目中 只有一个空格,我们需要做的就是完全按照 2.1 节中的解题方法判断出空格处 应该填入哪两个词。由于所填入的两个词是同义词,所以在解题时当我们考察 6 个选项后发现只有一组同义词,那么可大胆地将这两个词选为正确答案。当然, 并不是每个题都可以这样去解答的,在大多数题中,ETS 均安排了两组同义词。 例 23:It was her view that the country’s problems had been ______ by foreign technocrats, so that to ask for such assistance again would be counterproductive. A ameliorated B ascertained

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C diagnosed D exacerbated E overlooked F worsened   根据前面小节中讲述的解题方法,so that 表明前后句为同义重复,so that 后面说的是这样做会产生 counterproductive(事与愿违)的效果,所以空格处 与之同义重复,也需要填入一个负面意义的词,选项中 exacerbated 和 worsened 为正确答案,均为“恶化”的意思。我们考察选项会发现,除这两个词以外, ascertained 和 diagnosed 也是同义词,表示“确定”之意。但是这组词是中性词, 不符合之前对该空的判断,因此果断忽略。从另一个角度来讲,当我们判断出 空格处应填入一个负面意义的词,那么再考察选项可知只有 D、E、F 三个选项 为负面词,所以可以很容易选出这三个选项中的那组同义词。

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第三章 句子填空实战精讲
1、For some time now, ______ has been presumed not to exist: the cynical conviction that everybody has an angle is considered wisdom. A rationality B flexibility C diffidence D disinterestedness E insincerity 【出处】OG,P.96,#1,Hard 【正确答案】D 【解题分析】题中的冒号表明第二分句是对第一分句的解释说明,根据句子对 等原则,前后两分句的谓语部分为对等成分,前半句“not to exist”,后半分 句是 considered wisdom, 两句谓语部分取反,因此,填空部分的意思与 cynical conviction 意思应取反。cynical conviction(愤世嫉俗的想法)的同位语从句“每 个人都有一个看问题的角度”,反义词应与选项中的“disinterestedness”(公正 无私)最为贴近,故 D 为正确选项。 【单词释义】 题干单词: conviction: n. ①定罪(the act of convincing a person of error or of compelling the admission of a truth) ②确信(a strong persuasion or belief) 选项单词: rationality: n. 理性(the quality or state of being rational) diffidence: n. 内向,羞怯(the quality or state of being diffident) 【翻译】一段时间以来,公正被认为不存在:认为人各有观点的愤世嫉俗想法 受到普遍认同。 2、In the 1950s, the country’s inhabitants were ______: most of them knew very little about foreign countries. A partisan B erudite C insular

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D cosmopolitan E imperturbable 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Easy, #1 【正确答案】C 【解题分析】根据题目中前后分句间的冒号,可以判断出,后一句是对前一句 的进一步解释说明。后面分句的意思是大多数人对外国知之甚少,所以只有选 项“见识狭隘的”与后半句意思统一,故 C 为正确选项。 【单词释义】 选项单词: partisan: adj. ①偏袒的(devoted to or biased in support of a party, group or cause) ②效忠的(a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person) erudite: adj. 博学的(possessing or displaying erudition) insular: adj. ①狭隘的(ignorant of or uninterested in culture, ideas, or peoples outside one’s own experience) ②孤立的(characteristic of an isolated people) cosmopolitan adj. 世界性的(having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope or bearing) imperturbable adj. 泰然自若的 (marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness) 【翻译】在 20 世纪 50 年代,这个国家的居民是见识狭隘的:多数人对外国的 了解很少。 3、The author presents the life of Zane Grey with ______ unusual in a biographer: he is not even convinced that Grey was a good writer. A a zeal B a deftness C a detachment D an eloquence E an imaginativeness   【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Easy, #2 【正确答案】C 【解题分析】题中的冒号表明前后两分句之间的关系是重复一致的,即后半句 是前半句的解释说明。题目后半句表明他都不相信 Zane Grey 是好作家,为负 态度,even 表示程度的加深,所以前半句应该也是负态度,由于 unusual 是一

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个中性词,所以空格处应填入一个负面意义的词,考察选项中的 5 个词,只有 detachment(分离)为负面词,因此为正确答案。 【单词释义】 选项单词: deftness: n. 熟练(characterized by facility and skill) detachment: n. ①分离(the action or process of detaching) ②分遣(the dispatch of a body of troops or part of a fleet from the main body for a special mission or service) eloquence: n. 雄辩(discourse marked by force and persuasiveness) 【翻译】这位作家以在传记作家中不常见的客观公正呈现赞恩·格雷的一生:他 甚至不相信格雷是个好作家。 4、Economic competition among nations may lead to new forms of economic protectionism that hearken back to the mercantilism of an earlier age: there are signs today that such protectionism is indeed ______. A evanescent B resurgent C recrudescent D transitory E controversial F inimical 【出处】 PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Hard, #15 【正确答案】B C 【解题分析】空格中应该填入一个形容词,前后两个半句话之间通过冒号连接, 构成解释说明关系,故前后两个半句之间是同义。又因没有否定词存在,所以 对应单词之间也是同义关系。前面半句话中定语从句中描述的是这个贸易保护 主义的特点,后面直接将这个特点再次重复即可。这个特点就是“重复过去” (hearken back… an early year),因此填入“重复”等相近意思即可。 【单词释义】 题干单词: mercantilism: n. 重商主义(the theory or practice of mercantile pursuits) 选项单词: evanescent: adj. 容易消散的(tending to vanish like vapor) resurgent: adj. 复活的(undergoing or tending to produce resurgence)

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recrudescent: adj. 复发的(breaking out again) transitory: adj. ①暂时的(of brief duration) ②瞬息的(tending to pass away) inimical: adj. 敌意的(having the disposition of an enemy) 【翻译】在不同的国家中的经济竞争也许能领导新的保护主义经济形态回归到 早期的商业本位主义:现今有些迹象显现出保护主义确实是再次复出的了。 5、Female video artists’ rise to prominence over the past 30 years has ______ the ascent of video as an art form: it is only within the past three decades that video art has attained its current, respected status. A matched B politicized C paralleled D obviated E accelerated F forestalled 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V1, Medium, #14 【正确答案】A C 【解题分析】前后两个半句话之间通过冒号连接,构成解释说明关系,故前后 两个半句之间是同义。又因没有否定词存在,所以对应单词之间也是同义关系。 后面半句话说的是 video art 获得了现如今受人尊敬的地位,所以前半句应该同 为正态度,故选项 A、C、E 均可。同时选项 A 与选项 C 意思同为相当,相称, 故为正确选项。 【单词释义】 题干单词: ascent: n. ①上升(the act of rising or mounting upward) ②上坡路(an advance in social status or reputation) 选项单词: obviate: v. 避免(to anticipate and prevent as a situation or make unnecessary as an action) forestall: v. ①垄断(to prevent the normal trading in by buying or diverting goods or by persuading persons to raise prices) ②预先阻止(to exclude, hinder, or prevent by prior occupation or measures) 【翻译】视频女艺术家在过去三十年崭露头角已经相当于 / 类似于一种艺术形式

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的视频提升:它表示是尽在过去的三十年内,视频艺术已经达到了目前受人尊 敬的地位。 6、Alkan steadfastly refused to ______ her responsibilities as an author: for her an author had to be fearless and committed, and she was always both. A undertake B shirk C disclose D reveal E rationalize F neglect 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Easy, #12 【正确答案】B F 【解题分析】前后两个半句话之间通过冒号连接,构成解释说明关系。前半 句话中的“refused to ____her responsibilities”应该与后半句中的 fearless and committed 对应,后面半句话中表达的是她认为作家应该是无所畏惧,敢于承担 责任的;因此,前半句与后半句同义重复,refuse 为负态度词,填空部分应该同 为负态度词,即“拒绝规避责任”,意思等同于 committed,故选项 B 和选项 F 意为规避、忽略符合题意。 【单词释义】 题干单词: steadfastly: adv. 坚决地(firm in belief, determination, or adherence) 选项单词: shirk: v. 逃避(to evade the performance of an obligation) 【翻译】阿尔肯坚决杜绝规避 / 忽视她作为一个作家的责任:对她而言一个作家 是无畏和坚定的,而她始终都是。 7、Each member of the journalistic pair served as ______ the other: each refrained from publishing a given piece if the other doubted that it was ready to be printed. A a check on B an advocate for C an impediment to D a brake on E an apologist for

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F an intermediary for 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Medium, #15 【正确答案】A D 【解题分析】前后两个分句之间通过冒号连接,构成解释说明关系,故前后两 个分句为同义重复。后半句为前半句填空部分的进一步解释说明,后半句是在 说一方在另一方发生……情况下,有权 refrain from publishing,前半句的填空 部分同样在阐述两者之间的这种作用,即选择与后半句意义相同的选项为:“a check on”“a brake on”;干扰选项应为选项 C,impediment to 意思为妨碍,阻 碍,语义不符。 【单词释义】 题干单词: refrain from: 克制 选项单词: check on: 核实,检查 impediment to: 阻碍 brake on: 制止 intermediary for: …的媒介 【翻译】新闻拍档中每个人都能核实 / 叫停另一半:若是怀疑某篇文章的水平就 限制对方出版。 8、That the book’s argument was ______ became clear as soon as reviews appeared: there were holes, and reviewers delighted in pointing them out. A wanting B convoluted C unintelligible D penetrating E flawed F complex 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Hard, #12 【正确答案】A E 【解题分析】前后两个半句话之间通过冒号连接,构成解释说明关系,故前后 两个半句之间是同义。又因没有否定词存在,所以对应单词之间也是同义关系。 后半句中的holes应该对应前半句的argument was____,所以应该选择选项A和E。 【单词释义】 选项单词:

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wanting: adj. ①不足的(not present or in evidence) ②不够格的(lacking in ability or capacity) convoluted: adj. ①旋绕的 (having convolutions) ②复杂的(intricate, involved) 【翻译】随着评论者的出现,这本书的论点不足 / 存在瑕疵愈发地明显了,且书 中有许多不足,评论者也很高兴去指出这些不足。 9、The point we might still take from the First World War is the old one that wars are always, as one historian aptly put it, ______: they produce unforeseeable results. A unsurprising B astounding C conventional D ruinous E stunning F devastating 【出处】OG, p. 521, #17 【正确答案】B E 【解题分析】题目中的冒号表明前后分句为同义重复,即空格处与“produce unforeseeable results”同义重复,考察选项B(惊讶的)和选项E(令人瞠目结舌的) 最能清晰地表达“produce unforeseeable results”这一含义。因此选项 B 和选项 E 为正确选项。 【单词释义】 题干单词: unforeseeable: adj. 不可预见的 选项单词: astounding: adj. 令人震惊的(causing astonishment or amazement) 【翻译】我们从第一次世界大战仍能得到的看法,如同其他战争所带来的旧观点, 正如一位历史学家所言,令人震惊的 / 令人惊讶的:它们带来了不可预期的后果。 10、Political advertising may well be the most (i) ______ kind of advertising: political candidates are actually quite (ii) ______, yet their campaign advertisement often hide important differences behind smoke screens of smiles and empty slogans. Blank (i) Blank (ii)

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A polemical D interchangeable B effective E dissimilar C deceptive F vocal 【出处】OG, p. 87, #3, Medium. 【正确答案】C E 【解题分析】单看第一空部分不好去判断出正确选项,因为结合上下文,三个选 项都比较符合。结合后半句看,后面涉及到“hide”“smoke screen”的表达, 根据冒号表示前后句观点意见相一致的原则,可以判断出第一空部分应该选择 “deceptive”;第二空后有 yet 表示转折,其前后成反义重复,即空格处与 hide important differences 反义重复,“隐藏了重要的不同”的反面意义应该是“有不 同”,因此,选择 dissimilar。 【单词释义】 选项单词: polemical: adj. 好辩的(of, relating to, or being a polemic) deceptive: adj. 欺骗的(tending or having power to deceive) interchangeable: adj. 可互换的(capable of being interchanged) dissimilar: adj. 不同的(unlike) 【翻译】政治广告也许是最具欺骗性的一种:候选人事实上蛮不同的,但竞选广 告通常把他们的重要差异隐藏在笑容及空泛口号的烟幕背后。 11、The (i) ______ nature of classical tragedy in Athens belies the modern image of tragedy: in the modern view tragedy is austere and stripped down, its representations of ideological and emotional conflicts so superbly compressed that there’s nothing (ii) ______ for time to erode. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A unadorned D inalienable B harmonious E exigent C multifaceted F extraneous 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Easy, #3 【正确答案】C F 【解题分析】从第一个空格处入手,冒号后是对前面内容的进一步解释。由 于 belies(与…不符),可知冒号的前后是反义重复。因此第一个空应该填入 austere and stripped down(简约和不加修饰的)的反义词,选择答案 C;题目中

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的后半句有一个 so…that…结构,表明了顺承的因果关系,that 后面的部分和 superbly compressed 同义重复,但是这里应注意到第二个空前面有一个 nothing, 因此第二个空需要填一个与 superbly compressed(严格地压缩)意义上相反的词。 选择答案 F 【单词释义】 题干单词: belie: v. 证明…是错误的(to show something to be false or wrong) austere: adj. 简朴的,无装饰的(markly simple and or unadorned) strip down: 脱去,剥开(get undressed) 选项单词: unadorned: adj. 朴素的,未装饰的(lacking embellishment or decoration) inalienable: adj. 不可分割的,不可剥夺的(incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred) exigent: adj. 迫切的,紧急的(requiring immediate aid or action) extraneous: adj. 外来的(existing on or coming from the outside) 【翻译】雅典古典悲剧的多层面性与现代悲剧的意象不同:以现代的观点来看, 悲剧是很简单且不加修饰的,其思想与情感冲突的表现方式被压缩的极好以至 于没有什么额外的可以被时间削弱。 12、The unironic representation of objects from everyday life is (i) ______ serious American art of the twentieth century: “high” artists ceded the straightforward depiction of the (ii) ______ to illustrators, advertisers, and packaging designers. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A missing from D beautiful B valued in E commonplace C crucial to F complex 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V1, Medium, #3 【正确答案】A E 【解题分析】从第一个空入手,冒号前后呈因果关系,后面是对前面的解释说明。 对于二十世纪的美国艺术来说,由于艺术家们 ceded(割让)something,因此导 致前面产生了一个直接的结果就是 something is missing,选择答案 A;根据第一 个空选出来的答案可知,艺术家们将 something 的直接描述让给了他人,导致了 representation of objects from everyday life 变得 missing 了,所以第二个空就是对 这一部分的同意重复,选择答案 E。

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【单词释义】 题干单词: cede: v. 放弃,割让(to yield or grant typically by treaty) 【翻译】对日用品的非讽刺意象正在二十世纪严肃的美国艺术界中消失:高水 平的艺术家们被迫将普通事物的直接描述让给了插画家,广告商和包装设计师。 13、The current (i) ______ of format in electronic scholarly publication will not last beyond the point when amateur burnout occurs and amateurs are replaced by traditional publishing companies: in an effort to reduce costs through economies of scale, publishing firms tend toward (ii) _____ in the format of their electronic publication projects. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A diversity D homogeneity B monotony E sophistication C refinement F extremes 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Easy, #3 【正确答案】A D 【解题分析】本题可以将两个空放在一起考虑。由于 format 上的怎样的原因, 是得业余爱好者无法在继续进行出版活动了,他们会被传统的出版公司所取代, 那么出版公司做的事情就是消除这样的原因,这样两个空应该填入一组意义相 反的词。这时考察选项,第一个空处选 A,第二个空处填 D。 【单词释义】 题干单词: amateur: n. ①业余爱好者(one who engages in a pursuit, study, science, or sport as a pastime rather than as a profession) ②外行(one lacking in experience and competence in an art or science) 选项单词: monotony: n. 单调,千篇一律(tedious sameness) refinement: n. 精制(the action or process of refining) homogeneity: n. 同质(the quality or state of being homogeneous) sophistication: n. ①世故(the process or result of becoming cultured, knowledgeable, or disillusioned) ②复杂(the process or result of becoming more complex, developed, or subtle)

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【翻译】现代电子学术出版物的多样性规格在非专业人士身心疲惫时不会持续 很久,他们会被传统的出版公司所取代:为了通过规模效益减少花费,出版公 司趋于在他们电子出版项目中采用均匀性的格式。 14、It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be (i) ______ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (ii) ______ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (iii) ______, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A overshadowed D enhance G plausibility of our hypotheses B invalidated E obscure H certainty of our entitlement C illuminated F underscore I superficiality of our theories 【出处】OG, p. 49, #1 (PPII, Test Preview, #4) 【正确答案】A E I 【解题分析】本题第三个空是突破口。第三个空处于一个并列结构中:…,… and …。因此第三个空与前两个空是同意重复关系,都是表示负面意义的短语, 因此选择答案 I。再看前两个空,第二个空前的 them 指代的是前面的 political disputes,所以可知第一个空和第二个空都是讨论作者与政治之间的关系。冒号 表示的是前后一致性,所以考察两个空的选项,选出其中的同义词,第一个空 可选出 A 和 B 作为备选,第二个空可选出 E(均为负面意义的词)。将 A、B 放入原句理解,A 更贴切。 【单词释义】 题干单词: sparseness: n. (spare 的名词形式)稀疏,稀少(of few and scattered elements) 选项单词: overshadow: v. ①遮阴(to cast a shadow over) ②夺去…的光彩(to exceed in importance) invalidate: v. 使无效(to make invalid, especially to weaken or destroy the cogency of) plausibility: n. 貌似可信(the quality or state of being plausible)
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entitlement: n. ①权利(the state or condition of being entitled; a right to benefits specified especially by law or contract) ②津贴(a government program providing benefits to members of a specified group; funds supporting or distributed by such a program) 【翻译】阅读一本作者不允许事实被政治所掩盖的关于我们生存星球的书是很 令人精神振奋的:清楚的了解人类在气候和生物多样性方面产生影响的政治辩 论,作者不会允许政客们遮盖他全面描述我们所知道的生物圈。他强调在观察 稀缺,理论肤浅等知识方面存在巨大的差距,呼吁我们在能够正确的剖析地球 状况前要充分了解星球进化论的多方面知识。 15、Vain and prone to violence, Caravaggio could not handle success: the more his (i) ______ as an artist increased, the more (ii) ______ his life became. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A temperance D tumultuous B notoriety E providential C eminence F dispassionate 【出处】OG, p. 50, #2 (PPII, Test Preview, #5) 【正确答案】C D 【解题分析】冒号后面的部分是对冒号前面的部分进行了解释说明。前半部分 是说,Caravaggio 由于自己的问题,could not handle success。因此我们可以很容 易判断出第二个空应该是对 could not success 的同义重复,选择答案 D。再考虑 第一个空,同样根据前半句我们可以看出,Caravaggio 已经获得了成功,只是他 无法控制自己的成功,因此第一个空应该是对 success 的同义重复,选择答案 C。 【单词释义】 题干单词: prone to: adj. 有…倾向的(having a tendency or inclination) 选项单词: temperance: n. 节制(moderation in action, thought, or feeling) notoriety: n: 恶名(the quality or state of being notorious) eminence: n. ①崇高地位(a position of prominence or superiority) ②杰出的人(one that is eminent, prominent, or lofty) tumultuous: adj. 骚乱的(marked by tumult)

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providential: adj. 天意(of, relating to, or determined by providence) dispassionate: adj. 心平气静的(not influenced by strong feeling) 【翻译】卡拉瓦乔自负且有暴力倾向,他是不可能成功的:成为艺术家的名声 越大,他的生活就会变得越混乱。 16、A newly published, laudatory biography of George Bernard Shaw fails, like others before it, to capture the essence of his personality: the more he is (i) ______, the more his trueself seems to (ii) ______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A discussed D disappear B disparaged E emerge C disregarded F coalesce 【出处】PBT, p. 52, #5 【正确答案】A D 【解题分析】冒号后面的内容是对前面内容的进一步解释。前半部分是说这个 新出的萧伯纳传记未能很好的把握住他的人物性格,所以第二个空就应该重复 这个意思,显然这本书中萧伯纳的 trueself 应该就 disappear,选择答案 D。再考 察第一个空,由于句子开头就说了这是本颂扬萧伯纳的书,因此第一个空出就 不可能是负面意义的词,所以选择答案 A。 【单词释义】 题干单词: laudatory: adj. 赞美的(of, relating to, or expressing praise) 选项单词: disparage: v. ①蔑视(to lower in rank or reputation) ②诽谤(to depreciate by indirect means) coalesce: v. ①联合(to grow together) ②合并(to unite into a whole) 【翻译】正如其他之前的作品,这本新出版的,饱受赞美的 George Bernard Shaw 的自传,未能够抓住他的人格特质,被讨论的次数越多,其真实的自我本 质便会渐渐消失。 17、A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure mirrors thought: the more convoluted the structure, the more ______ the ideas.

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A complicated B engaged C essential D fanciful E inconsequential F involved 【出处】OG, p. 89, #8, Medium 【正确答案】A F 【解题分析】冒号的后面的部分对前半部分做了进一步的解释说明。前半部分 是说新手作家都会有一个常见的错误观念,句子结构能反应思想,因此在逗号 后半部分,修饰思想的空格处就应该与修饰句子结构的 convoluted 同义重复, 选项中的 A 和 F 都有复杂的意思,为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: convolute: v. 回旋,盘旋(twist, coil) 选项单词: fanciful: adj. 想象的(marked by fancy or unrestrained imagination rather than by reason and experience) 【翻译】菜鸟作家经常有的错误观念是句子结构反映思想:句子结构越复杂, 作者的思想越复杂。 18、Historical research makes two somewhat antithetical truths that sounded (i) ______ come to seem profound: knowledge of the past comes entirely from written documents, giving written words great (ii) ______, and the more material you uncover, the more (iii) ______ your subject becomes. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A deep D consequence G elusive B portentous E antiquity H contemporary C banal F simultaneity I circumstantial 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Medium, #6 【正确答案】C D G 【解题分析】本题从第二个空入手,giving written words great___ 是前面部分的 补语,起补充说明的作用,为同义重复。前面说的是“过去的只是完全由书

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面文件而来”,因此 words 对应的是 written document,那么空格处可看作是 comes entirely from 的对应,选择答案 D;再看第三个空,由于题中有冒号,因 此冒号前后所表达的意思应一致,the more__ your subject becomes 应是对冒号前 面部分的重复,空格处重复的是 profound(深奥的),选择答案 G。最后考察 第一个空,事实上,这里并不能通过冒号后面的内容判断出第一个空处的意义。 从第一个空所处在一个 that 引导的定语从句中,因此 that 后面的部分是对 truth 的形容,同时我们可以看到truth前也有一个形容词antithetical(对立的,相反的), 所以空格处的词应与后面的 profound 成反义重复。所以选择答案 C。 【单词释义】 题干单词: antithetical: adj. 正相反的(constituting or marked by antithesis) 选项单词: portentous: adj. ①预兆(of, relating to, or constituting a portent) ②令人惊讶的(eliciting amazement or wonder) ③煞有介事的(being a grave or serious matter) banal: adj. 陈腐的,平庸的(lacking originality, freshness, or novelty) antiquity: n. 古代(ancient times) simultaneity: n. 同时性(existing or occurring at the same time) elusive: adj. 难懂的(hard to comprehend or define) circumstantial: adj. 依照情况的(belonging to, consisting in, or dependent on sircumstances) 【翻译】历史研究使两个听起来平庸的对立事实变得深刻:过往的知识全部来 源于书面文件,使得文字更加重要。你发掘的资料越多,你的主题变得更加难 以理解。 19、Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything other than a ______ solution to the company’s financial woes. A complete B fleeting C momentary D premature E trivial F total

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【出处】OG, p. 318, #1 【正确答案】B C 【解题分析】关键词为 anything other than 从句子的意思来看空格处的 solution 是和 infusion of cash 相对应的,因为资金的注入可以帮助为解决财 政问题,因此后面的 solution 就是一个不好的 solution,空格处应该填入一个负 面意义的词。考察选项可知 fleeting 和 momentary 都是暂时的,短暂的意思,符 合句意。 【单词释义】 选项单词: fleeting: adj. 飞逝的(drift) momentary: adj. 瞬时的(continuing only a moment, fleeting) trivial: adj. 琐碎的,不重要的(of little worth or importance) 【翻译】只有忽略掉数十年的管理不当和低效率,投资者才能够断定一笔新资 金的注入不仅能够解决公司暂时的财政危机,还能解决其他方面的困难。 20、With the 1985 discovery of an ozone hole over Antarctica, an international ban on the production of chlorofluorocarbons—implicated in causing the ozone hole—began to appear ______, especially since chemical companies’ opposition to such a ban had weakened. A imprudent B fortuitous C premature D imminent E unlikely 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Easy, #2 【正确答案】D 【解题分析】本题只需要明白句意就可以做出。因为 1985 年在南极上空发现了 臭氧层的空洞,那么国际上对于 chlorofluorocarbons(氟氯化碳)的禁止就显得 怎样了。考察选项只有 D imminent 迫切的,符合题意。 【单词释义】 题干单词: implicate: v. 使卷入,涉及(to involve as a consequence, corollary, or natural inference) 选项单词:

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imprudent: adj. 轻率的,鲁莽的(not prudent, lacking discretion) fortuitous: adj. 偶然的,意外的(occurring by chance) imminent: adj. 即将到来的,迫近的(ready to take place) 【翻译】1985 年在南极上空发现了臭氧层的空洞,化工公司对于这项禁令反对 意见被削弱后,国际组织禁止引起臭氧层空洞的氟氯化碳生产的行动变得更加 迫切。 21、Only with the discovery of an ozone hole over Antarctica in 1985 did chemical companies finally relinquish their opposition to a ban on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which destroy ozone. The discovery suggested that strong political action to halt production of CFCs might be (i) ______, and fortunately, the chemical industry no longer felt compelled to oppose such action: although companies had recently (ii) ______ their research into CFC substitutes, studies they had initiated years earlier had produced (iii) ______ results. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A imminent D corroborated G encouraging B imprudent E publicized H inconclusive C premature F curtailed I unsurprising 【出处】OG, p. 499, #7 【正确答案】A F G 【解题分析】第二句话是对第一句话的解释,即发现臭氧空洞导致化工企业放 弃对禁令的反对、不再生产氟利昂。故第一空所填词应当表明生产氟利昂必须 被禁止,A 选项是正确的。后两空所在的句子根据冒号提示,解释了“化工企 业无需反对禁令”,即意味着化工企业已经找到了氟利昂的替代品,所以第三 空必然填入一个正面积极的词,只有 G 选项最为合适。第二空根据 although 提 示的转折,F 选项表示带有消极色彩的含义,为正确选项。 【单词释义】 题干单词: relinquish: v. 放弃(to withdraw or retreat from) ozone: n. 臭氧 chlorofluorocarbons: n. 氯氟化碳 compel: v. 强迫(to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly) 选项单词: imminent: adj. 即将来临的(ready to take place)
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imprudent: adj. 轻率地(lacking discretion, wisdom, or good judgment) premature: adj. 早产的(happening, arriving, existing, or performed before the proper, usual, or intended time) corroborate: v. 证实(to support with evidence or authority) publicize: v. 宣布(to bring to the attention of the public) curtail: v. 缩减(to make less by or as if by cutting off or away some part) 【翻译】只有当 1985 年南极洲上空发现了臭氧空洞后化工企业才最终放弃了它 们对生产氟利昂的禁令的反对意见,这种物质能够破坏臭氧层。这一发现意味 着用强力的政治手段阻止氟利昂的生产已经势在必行,而且幸运的是化工企业 已经不再需要反对这些举措:尽管它们最近减少了对氟利昂替代品的研究,但 始于多年前的研究已经得出了喜人的结果。 22、Given the flood of information presented by the mass media, the only way for someone to keep abreast of the news is to rely on ______ accounts. A synoptic B abridged C sensational D copious E lurid F understated 【出处】OG, p. 382, #3 【正确答案】A B 【解题分析】关键字:given 表示因果,the only way 特殊否定空格中应该填入 一个形容词,用来修饰 accounts。前后两句话之间通过 given 来连接,表示“鉴 于……”,构成因果同义关系。但后半句中有 the only way 作为特殊否定词存在, 因而应该选择与对应词语相反意思的词语填入空格中。前面说现今的信息很多, 那后面所应该填入的就是一种“少”的信息,这样才能够让人们能够有足够精 力去“keep abreast of the new”。所以正确答案应该为概要的,删节过的,即选 项 A,B。 【单词释义】 题干单词: abreast: adv. 并肩地(beside one another with bodies in line) 选项单词: synoptic: adj. 概要的(affording a general view of a whole)

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abridged: adj. 删节的(to shorten in duration or extent) sensational: adj. 使人感动的(arousing or tending to arouse as by lurid details a quick, intense, and usually superficial interest, curiosity, or emotional reaction) copious: adj. 丰富的(yielding something abundantly) lurid: adj. 耸人听闻的(causing horror or revulsion) understate: v. 轻描淡写(to represent as less than is the case) 【翻译】有关于媒体提供的大量资讯,要能跟上新闻只有依赖概要的 / 删节的报 导。 23、Given how (i) ______ the shortcomings of the standard economic model are in its portrayal of human behavior, the failure of many economists to respond to them is astonishing. They continue to fill the journals with yet more proofs of yet more (ii) ______ theorems. Others, by contrast, accept the criticisms as a challenge, seeking to expand the basic models to embrace a wider range of things people do. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A overlooked D comprehensive B occasional E improbable C patent F pervasive 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V1, Medium, #3 【正确答案】C E 【解题分析】在这道题中,第一句话的后半个分句为已知信息,讲到“the failure … to respond to them… is astonishing”,既然“未能回应让人吃惊”,那 么前半个分句让考生填的“standard economic model”的正面特征就应该是“明 显、浅显、易于发现”等这类单词。通过看 Blank(i) 的选项,我们发现选项 C(显 著的)为正确答案。再看第二个空格,关于此空我们可以找到两点提示信息, 第一点为“They continue to …”,既然是“continue”, 就应该是延续前面的动 作,前面讲到“failure to respond”, 那么这里也应该是指没有回应先前的错误。 据此我们可以推测出,经济学家们在期刊上填满的东西应该是用贬义词来修饰。 此时看第二个空的选项,显然选项 E( 不可能的 ) 为正确选项。同时,最后一句 “by contrast”表示对立,既然“by contrast”后面的人都“accept the criticism” 了,那么前面的人的做法就应是与之相反的,也就是没有接受批评。这样一来, 我们也可以发现空格处应填表示负评价的单词。同样可以选出 E 选项。 【单词释义】

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题干单词: theorem: n. 定理(a formula, proposition, or statement in mathematics or logic deduced or to be deduced from other formulas or propositions) 选项单词: overlook: v. 忽略(to look past) occasional: adj. 偶然的(of or relating to a particular occasion) patent: adj. 显然的(readily visible or intelligible) pervasive: adj. 普遍的(pervading or tending to pervade) 【翻译】考虑到标准经济模型在描绘人类行为时的缺陷是如此明显,许多经济 学家未能对此作出调整的表现就显得十分令人吃惊了。他们继续在杂志上发表 更多的证明材料来论证更不可靠的定理。而相反,其他人则接受对于这种模型 的批评,试图将基本模型进行扩充,从而能够囊括人们更为广泛的行为特征。 24、Most spacecraft are still at little risk of collision with space debris during their operational lifetimes, but given the numbers of new satellites launched each year, the orbital environment in the future is likely to be less ______. A crowded B invulnerable C protected D polluted E benign 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V1, Medium, #2 【正确答案】E 【解题分析】根据题目中的信号词 but,可以看出前后两句之间的关系为转折。 前面在讲太空船“at little risk of collision”,可见后面半句话的情况是不好的。 Less 作为否定含义的单词出现在题目的填空部分前,说明填空部分需要一个正 面的词汇,排除选项 A 和选项 D;根据句子意思,可以推断出选项 B 和选项 C 与前面主语不搭配,因为不是未来轨道环境 vulnerable 和 unprotected,而是这种 环境对太空船是不利的。 【单词释义】 题干单词: at little risk of: 很小的风险 debris: n. 碎片(the remains of something broken down or destroyed) orbital: adj. 轨道的(a mathematically described region around a nucleus in an atom

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or molecule that may contain zero, one, or two electrons) 选项单词: invulnerable: adj. 无懈可击的(incapable of being wounded, injured, or harmed) benign: adj. 和蔼的(of a gentle disposition) 【翻译】 在他们的运转时期,多数太空船几乎没有撞上太空残骸的风险,但考 虑到每年新发射的卫星数量,未来轨道的环境很可能趋于不利情况。 25、There may be a threshold below which blood pressure reductions become ______ given that a long-running study showed no decreased heart risk for drops in blood pressure below a certain point. A worthwhile B indiscernible C arduous D significant E superfluous 【出处】OG, p. 513, #4 【正确答案】E 【解题分析】Given that 提示前果后因的关系。血压下降并没有带来心脏病发病 率的降低,则意味着血压下降是无意义的。故前句中血压下降的 threshold 必然 不存在或无意义。则 E 选项是惟一的正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: threshold: n. 临界值(a level, point, or value above which something is true or will take place and below which it is not or will not) 选项单词: indiscernible: adj. 难识别的(incapable of being discerned) arduous: adj. 费力的(hard to accomplish or achieve) superfluous: adj. 多余的(exceeding what is sufficient or necessary) 【翻译】考虑到一项长期研究发现血压下降到一个特定水平之下并没有显著降 低心脏病发病的概率,确定某一血压下降的临界值是完全不必要的。 26、At no point in her investigation does Tate allow ______ commentary from present-day partisans to skew her reckoning with past realities.

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A apposite B ahistorical C anachronistic D disinterested E objective F germane 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Medium, #13 【正确答案】B C 【 解 题 分 析】 这 里 present-day 与 past 形 成 了 对 比,at no point 说 明 对 commentary from present-day partisans 持有负评价,认为该 commentary 扭曲了她 对过去事实的认知(skew her reckoning with past realities),该空要填的词一定 是要和时代有关的,并且是一个负评价词,所以选择 ahistorical(不顾史实的) 和 anachronistic( 时代错误的 )。 【单词释义】 题干单词: partisan: adj. 党派的(a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person) skew: n. 歪斜(to take an oblique course) reckoning: n. 计算(account) 选项单词: ahistorical: adj. 与历史无关的(not concerned with or related to history, historical development, or tradition) anachronistic: adj. 时代错误的(an error in chronology) germane: adj. 有密切关系的(being at once relevant and appropriate) 【翻译】在 Tate 的调查中,她不允许现如今的党派人士所做的与历史无关的 / 时间错置的评价,去扭曲她对过去现实的认知。 27、Early critics of Emily Dickson’s poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessness that in fact she constructed with such ______. A astonishment B craft C cunning D innocence E naivete F vexation

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  【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V1, Medium, #12 【正确答案】B C 【解题分析】即使你看不懂 naivete,但 astonishment, innocence, vexation 这类词 尾是名词,那就可以很肯定地判断 cunning 必定是名词而非形容词,naivete 必定 是名词。GRE 填空题的备选答案绝对是有相同的词性,放入空格中语法上皆对, 绝对不会有选项大部分是名词,然后两个正确答案是形容词这种事。填空答题 关键是关键字,逻辑判断,而不是文法修饰。此题为上述典型 ETS 考题,其中 B 选项和 C 选项为一组同义词;而 D 选项和 E 选项为另一组同义词,选项 A 和 选项 F 皆不对,利用删除法删掉 D、E 后得正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: simpleminded: adj. 纯朴的 (devoid of subtlety) artlessness: n. 天真烂漫(lacking art, knowledge, or skill) construct with: 用…构建 选项单词: naivete: n. 天真(a naive remark or action) vexation: n. 苦恼(the act of harassing or vexing) 【翻译】早期对艾米丽·迪金森诗作的评论误把她表面上天真烂漫当成题材简单, 事实上她的构想非常精巧 / 精心周密。 28、Dramatic literature often ______ the history of a culture in that it takes as its subject matter the important events that have shaped and guided the culture. A confounds B repudiates C recapitulates D anticipates E polarizes 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V1, Medium, #1 【正确答案】C 【解题分析】空格填入一个动词,表示 " 戏剧文学 (Dramatic literature)" 对 " 文 化史 (the history of a culture)" 做的动作。in that 表达因果关系,因此前后分句应 为同义重复,填空部分与后半句的 shaped and guided 相对应,所以选项的含义 应为 " 塑造和引导 (shaped and guided)",所以选择 recapitulate(概括)正确。本 题可以扩展戏剧文学对于文化发展做出的贡献。我们可以分析戏剧的特征,以

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及戏剧对社会现实的反应,从而理解戏剧对于一个社会文化的变迁所带来的影 响。 【单词释义】 选项单词: confound: v. 使…混淆(to throw a person into confusion or perplexity) repudiate: v. 拒绝(to refuse to have anything to do with) recapitulate: v. 概括(to restate briefly) polarize: v. 极化(to break up into opposing factions or groupings) 【翻译】戏剧文学常常再现某种文化的历史,原因在于它将形成和引导这种文 化的重要事件作为它的主题材料。 29、Philosophy, unlike most other subjects, does not try to extend our knowledge by discovering new information about the world. Instead it tries to deepen our understanding through (i) ______ what is already closest to us ─ the experiences, thoughts, concepts, and activities that make up our lives but that ordinarily escape our notice precisely because they are so familiar. Philosophy begins by finding (ii) ______ the things that are (iii) ______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A attainment of D essentially irrelevant G most prosaic B rumination on E utterly mysterious H somewhat hackneyed C detachment from F thoroughly commonplace I r efreshingly novel 【出处】OG, p. 99, #6, Hard. 【正确答案】 B E G 【解题分析】首先先看第一空部分,破折号表示补充说明,因此第一空部分应 为破折号后“experiences, thoughts, concepts”的同义重复,故选择rumination on(沉 思)。根据第一、二句可以通过提句子主干可以看出是在说 philosophy 并不是 通过发现新事物从而扩大我们的知识,而是通过我们很熟悉的那些观点来加深 我们的理解,第三句话是前两句的总结,句意上存在同义重复,第二句话中“deepen our understanding through …already closest to us”表明“哲学是从旧的事物中发现新的知识”。故可推断出第二空应当填“新 的”,第三空填“旧的”,新的即选项 E“极其的神秘”,旧的即选项 G“最为 平庸的”,选出正确答案 utterly mysterious( 极端神秘的 ) 和 most prosaic( 最为平 庸的 )。 实际上,此题的第三句话中有宾语补足语前置的语法结构,这种结构在官方例

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题中多次考到。 若考生能对两个空格所承担的句子成分作简单分析,即可发现 非谓语动词 finding 的宾语是 things,构成动宾结构;第三空所填词组是 things 的定语从句中的表语,即作为定语修饰了 things;而第二空所填词组在冠词 the 之前,不可能做定语,亦因没有系动词而不可能做表语,故只能做宾语补足语。 而宾语补足语按正常语序需放在宾语之后。 【单词释义】 选项单词: attainment of: 达到 rumination on: 沉思 detachment from: 脱离 prosaic: adj. 散文的(characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry) hackneyed adj. 平庸的(lacking in freshness or originality) 【翻译】有关于其他领域,哲学并不着重于发现这世界的新资料以增加我们的 知识。反而是以沉思试着加深我们既有的理解:组成我们生活的经验、思想、 理念和活动,不过是我们一般不会发现的,因为它们太熟悉。哲学起始于寻找 非常神秘的,一些最枯燥乏味的事物。 30、It is (i) ______ that so many portrait paintings hang in art museums, since the subject matter seems to dictate a status closer to pictures in the family photograph album than to high art. But perhaps it is the artistic skill with which the portraits are painted that (ii) ______ their presence in art museums. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A surprising D challenges B understandable E justifies C irrelevant F changes 【出处】OG, p. 78, #4, Easy. 【正确答案】A E 【解题分析】第一空 : 可单独判断,方法同单空,即 since 后的内容推知前面。 第二空 : 不可单独判断,单空升级版,空格中要填的是 XX 证实 / 颠覆这些肖像 画存在的合理性,their presence 是指的上一句的肖像画,上一句中对肖像画的评 价是 surprising,即它的存在有悖常理,让人意想不到,第二句的 but 表和上文 的转折,即在这句中肖像画的存在应该是合理的。 【单词释义】 题干单词:

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dictate: v. 命令(to give dictation) 【翻译】美术馆里挂很多肖像画是很令人惊讶的,因为这个主题比较像是在描述 家庭相册里成员的地位而不是纯美术。但是也许是画这些肖像画的绘画技巧证明 他们在美术馆里的展现。 31、This book’s strengths are the author’s breadth of knowledge and the blending of ideas and findings from many disciplines, including history, the arts and the sciences. Ideas from diverse perspectives are (i) ______ to provide a historical and cross-cultural understanding. But a weakness of the book is its (ii) ______: sometimes there are leaps from one domain to another that (iii) ______ the reader’s ability to synthesize a coherent view of our current understanding of this subject. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A hyperbolized D organization G exaggerate B interwoven E intensity H oversimplify C reversed F uniformity I undercut 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Easy, #6 【正确答案】B D I 【解题分析】通过题目中间部分的 but 转折可以看出,前半部分在讲这本书的优 点,而后半部分讲述的是不足。根据题目意思可知,这本书的优点是作者知识面 的丰富,各个领域都有涉猎,并且提供了对历史和跨文化(cross-culture)的理解。 所以,第一个空处可以很顺利地选出一个正面意义的词 interwoven(交织)。在 but 后面的句子里有一个冒号,冒号后面是对本书缺点的解释。因此,冒号后面 的内容就是对第二个空处的解释,there are leaps from one domain to another…很 明显是对一本书的结构方面的评价,因此选择答案 B。第三个空之前的 that 表示 结果,那么由于书的结果是跳跃性的,必然使读者很那 synthesize(合成),所 以第三个空选择一个削弱的词,答案为 I。 【单词释义】 题干单词: domain: n. 领域(a sphere of knowledge, influence, or activity) synthesize: v. 合成,综合(to combine or produce by synthesis) 选项单词: hyperbolized: v. 对…大肆夸张(to exaggerate to a hyperbolic degree) interwoven: v. 相互编织(to weave together) reverse: adj. 反面的,颠倒的(opposite or contrary to a previous or normal

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condition) uniformity: n. 一致(the quality or state of being uniform) undercut: v. 削弱(to undermine or destroy the force, value, or effectiveness of) 【翻译】这本书的优势在于作者知识面的宽广,各种思想的交汇以及包括历史、 艺术和科学学科中思想和发现的交汇。来自于多层面的思想相互交织在一起产 生了一种历史和跨文化的理解。但是这本书的缺点在于她的组织结构:有时候 会从一个部分跳到另一部分,这会削弱读者整合理解主题的连贯性的能力。 32、Always circumspect, she was reluctant to make judgments, but once arriving at a conclusion, she was ______ in its defense. A deferential B intransigent C lax D negligent E obsequious F resolute 【出处】OG, p. 382, #4 【正确答案】B F 【解题分析】 本题是由老 GRE 的一道单空题改编而来。But 的前后是转折关系, 前半句说的是她不愿意做出判断,那么做出判断后,根据逻辑关系,必定是要 对这个判断表达出一种坚决的态度,因此空格处是对 reluctant 的反义重复。考 察选项可知,B 和 F 为本题的正确选项。 【单词释义】 题干单词: be reluctant to: 不情愿,不愿意 circumspect: adj. 细心的,慎重的,周全的(careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences) 选项单词: deferential: adj. 恭敬的,顺从的(showing or expressing deference) intransigent: adj. 不妥协的(refusing to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude) lax: adj. 松的(deficient in firmness) negligent: adj. 疏忽的,粗心大意的(marked by or given to neglect especially habitually or culpably)

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obsequious: adj. 谄媚的,奉承的(marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness) resolute: adj. 坚决的,果断的(marked by firm determination) 【翻译】她总是很小心谨慎,不愿意做出决定,但是一旦下定决心,她决不妥 协 / 捍卫自己的观点。 33、An investigation that is ______ can occasionally yield new facts, even notable ones, but typically the appearance of such facts is the result of a search in a definite direction. A timely B unguided C consistent D uncomplicated E subjective 【出处】OG, p. 78, #3, Easy 【正确答案】B 【解题分析】But 为本题的关键词,前后半句为反义重复,因此需要找出各 个重复的部分即可。Yield 意为“产生”,和 is the fact of 对应,facts 和 the appearance of such facts 相对应;所以,空格处和 definite direction 相对应,互为 反义重复,考察选项,unguided 符合要求。 【翻译】一个没有方向的调查有时会产生新的证据,甚至有可能是那些容易被 注意到的,但是一般来说,证据通常是对明确方向的搜索而得来的。 34、The slower-learning monkeys searched ______ but unintelligently: although they worked closely together, they checked only the most obvious hiding places. A competitively B impulsively C cooperatively D deviously E craftily F harmoniously 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Medium, #12

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【正确答案】C F 【解题分析】题目中冒号后面是对前面部分的解释。在后半句中 worked closely together 解释了空格处,checked only the…places 解释了 unintelligently,因 此空格处应该是对 worked closely together 的重复选择答案 C 和 F。其中 C cooperatively 可看做是对 worked together 的重复,F harmoniously 可看做是对 closely 的重复。 【单词释义】 选项单词: deviously: adv. 不正直地(not straightforward, cunning; deceptive) craftily: adv. 狡猾地,熟练地(adept in use of subtlety and cunning; marked by subtlety and guile) harmoniously: adj. 和谐地,调和地(marked by accord in sentiment or action) 【翻译】学习较慢的猴子们通常是配合地 / 协调地但是很不聪明的搜索:虽然他 们相互密切合作,但是它们选中的藏身之处还是最明显的。 35、The plan, which the engineers said would save the aquifer by reducing pumping to ______ levels, has passed a governmental environmental review but faces opposition from outdoor and environmental groups. A innocuous B feasible C practicable D minimal E remedial F benign 【出处】OG, p. 316, #21 【正确答案】A F 【解题分析】根据句意,工程师们的目的是为了保护 aquifer(蓄水层),所以 需要将抽水减少到一个能够“不伤害”蓄水层的 level,相当于空格处是对 save 的同义重复,因此选择答案 A 和 F,分别是“无害”和“良性”的意思。 【单词释义】 题干单词: aquifer: n. 含水层(a water-bearing stratum of permeable rock, sand, or gravel) 选项单词: innocuous: adj. 无害的(producing no injury)

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feasible: adj. 可行的(capable of being done or carried out) minimal: adj. 最低的,最小限度的(relating to or being a minimum) remedial: adj. 补救的,纠正的(concerned with the correction of faulty study habits and the raising of a pupil’s general competence) benign: adj. 良性的(of a mild type or character that dose not threaten health or life) 【翻译】工程师们认为通过减少抽水到无害的 / 良性的程度来挽救蓄水池的方案, 已经通过了政府环境部门的评估但是却遭到了户外及环境人士的反对。 36、Overlarge, uneven, and ultimately disappointing, the retrospective exhibition seems too much like special pleading for a forgotten painter of real but ______ talents. A limited B partial C undiscovered D circumscribed E prosaic F hidden 【出处】OG, p. 100, #8, Hard 【正确答案】A D 【解题分析】句子一上来就用 overlarge、uneven 和 ultimately disappointing 三个 负面意义词为这个艺术展定性,认为此次艺术展是不成功的,seems too much like 后面是对这种评价的解释。由于空格处是对这个画家的才能(talents)的评价, 所以应该填一个负面意义的词,构成负评价。选项 中 undiscovered 和 hidden 表明画家的才能是被隐藏的、未被发现的,所以事实 上并没有形成负评价;而 partial 和 prosaic 放在上下文中不能是句意通顺,因此 答案为 A 和 D。 题干单词: retrospective: adj. 回顾的(of, relating to, or given to retrospection; based on memory) 选项单词: circumscribed: adj. 受限制的(to constrict the range or activity of definitely and clearly) prosaic: adj. 平凡的,乏味的(characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry) 【翻译】太大、不平均且令人很失望,这个怀旧展反倒像是变成了那个被遗忘 画家真实却有限的 / 受限的才能的诡辩术。

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37、By about age eight, children’s phonetic capacities are fully developed but still ______; thus children at that age can learn to speak a new language with a native speaker’s accent. A plastic B vestigial C inarticulate D unformed E nascent F malleable 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Medium, #14 【正确答案】A F 【解题分析】五个选项中 A 和 F 是唯一一组同义词,可直接选出。句中 but 表 转折,空格处与 fully developed 反义重复。这里需要进一步对“反义重复”这一 概念做个说明:在 GER 的考察中,反义分为两种,一种是完全意义上的反义, 另一种是程度上的不一致。而程度上的不一致可以是加强,也可以是削弱(较 为常见)。这是 ETS 的常考手法。因此本题就是选择了一组与 fully developed 在程度上不一致的词,即未成形的,依旧可以继续 develop 的。A 和 F 为正确选 项。unformed 为迷惑选项,因为若选该词,fully developed but still unformed 在 意义上则是自相矛盾的。 【单词释义】 题干单词: phonetic: adj. 语音的(of or relating to spoken language or speech sounds) 选项单词: plastic: adj. 可塑的(capable of being molded or modeled) vestigial: adj. 残余的(a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something vanished or lost) inarticulate: adj. 口齿不清的(uttered or formed without the definite articulations of intelligible speech) nascent: adj. 开始存在的(coming or having recently come into existence) malleable: adj. 可塑的(capable of being extended or shaped by beating with a hammer or by the pressure of rollers; capable of being altered or controlled by outside forces or influences) 【翻译】在大约八岁的时候,儿童的语音能力完全成熟但是仍然是可塑造的 / 有 延展性的,因此在此年纪时,儿童可以以母语的口音学习一种新的语言。

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38、Philby secretly loathed the host of the party that he was attending, but it seemed ______ to say so publicly. A recondite B tactless C clever D malign E deft F impolitic 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Easy, #15 【正确答案】B F 【解题分析】本题比较简单,从句意出发即可选出正确答案,Philby 在私下里很 讨厌这个 party 的主人,但是他也认为要是公开说出自己的厌恶会比较不好,因 此这里的空格处应该填一个负面意义的词。由于需要填的这个词是对一种“说法” 的修饰(say),所以选项中 tactless 和 impolitic 最为合适。 【单词释义】 题干单词: loathe: v. 讨厌,厌恶(unwilling to do something contrary to one’s ways of thinking) 选项单词: recondite: adj. ①隐藏的(hidden from sight) ②深奥的(difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend) tactless: adj. 不机智的(marked by lack of tact) malign: adj. 恶意的(have or showing intense often vicious ill will) deft: adj. 灵巧的(characterized by facility and skill) 【翻译】菲尔比暗地里并不喜欢他要去参加聚会的主人,但是在大庭广众之下 说出来似乎是很不得体的 / 不礼貌的。 39、Clearly the government faced a dilemma: it could hardly ______ trials, especially in the absence of irrefutable evidence, but it also would not welcome, in the midst of war, the scandal that would arise if trials were avoided.

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A be keen on B be inclined to C arrange D dispense with E turn its back on F credit 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Hard, #13 【正确答案】A B 【解题分析】especially in the absence of irrefutable(尤其是在没有不可辨驳的证 据的情况下),说明对于前面的 trails 应该采取负面的态度;同时 but 后面也说 了如果前面的情况成立,即没有 trails 的话也会产生新的问题(scandal),进一 步说明了前面的应该对 trails 持负面态度,可知 if the trails were avoided 是对前一 种情况的同义重复。但是还应考虑到空格处前否定词“hardly”,所以“hardly____” 这个整体是对 avoided 的同义重复,即空格处是对 avoided 的反义重复,选择答 案 A 和 B。 【单词释义】 题干单词: dilemma: n. 两难选择(a usually undesirable or unpleasant choice) irrefutable: adj. 不能反驳的(impossible to refute) 选项单词: dispense with: 无需,免除 【翻译】很明显,政府正面临着两难的困境:在缺乏铁证时它似乎不热衷于 / 倾 向于打官司,但是如果不打官司,丑闻会愈演愈烈,在战争期间,它不会允许 这样的事情发生。 40、Certain music lovers yearn for (i) ______, but when it is achieved, there is something missing; perhaps they feel uncomfortable in a world where nothing discernible is (ii) ______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A novelty D wrong B beauty E visionary C flawlessness F changed 【出处】OG, p. 498, #5

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【正确答案】C D 【解题分析】根据句意可知这里描述了一个悖论,音乐爱好者追求什么,但是 达到以后又感到了缺失了什么,后面的 perhaps 解释了这个悖论的原因,在没 有怎样的世界里他们会不舒服;从中可以看出,“nothing___”和第一个空格 处指的是同一个事物,因此两个空格处是反义重复。综合考察两组词,可发现 flawlessness 和 wrong 为反义词,所以 C 和 D 为正确选项。 【单词释义】 题干单词: discernible: adj. 可辨别的(perceptible by the senses or intellect) 选项单词: novelty: n. 新奇的事物(something new or unusual) visionary: adj. 梦想的(disposed to reverie or imagining) 【翻译】某些音乐爱好者渴望完美无缺,但是当达到的时候,又感觉好像缺了 点什么,也许他们觉得存在于一个没有能够觉察到错误的世界里是很不舒服的。 41、Because we assume the (i) ______ of natural design, nature can often (ii) ______ us: as the Wright brothers noted, the birds initially misled them in almost every particular, but their Flyer eventually succeeded by being the least avian of the early flying machines. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A quirkiness D galvanize B preeminence E befriend C maladroitness F beguile 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Easy, #4 【正确答案】B F 【解题分析】根据冒号可以判断出后半句的作用是起到对前半句进行进一步解 释说明的。根据后半句的关键词:Flyer succeeded, being the least avian 可以推断 出句意:最不像鸟的 Flyer 成功了,转折连词 but 前面的鸟误导了莱特,不难推 断出后面分句中的 birds 其实是等同于前半句的 nature, natural design, 所以可以 判断出第二个空应该是跟 mislead 对应,即选项 F 欺骗;第一个空可以通过与第 二空的因果关系推断出第一个词是个正态度词,所以选择 B,优秀。 【单词释义】 题干单词: avian: adj. 鸟的(of, relating to, or derived from birds)

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quirkiness: n. 诡异;突变(an abrupt twist or curve) preeminence: n. 卓越(the quality or state of being preeminent) maladroit: adj. 笨拙的(lacking adroitness) galvanize: v. 刺激(to subject to the action of an electric current especially for the purpose of stimulating physiologically) befriend: v. 帮助(to become or act as a friend to) beguile: v. 欺骗(to lead by deception) 【翻译】由于假定自然的设计是优秀的,我们往往被其欺骗:如同莱特兄弟所述, 一开始鸟类几乎在各方面都误导他们,但作为早期飞行器中最不像鸟类的“飞 翔者”最终却成功了。 42、Everyone has routines that govern their work. The myth is that artists are somehow different, that they reject (i) ______, but of course that’s not true: most artists work as the rest of us do, (ii) ______, day by day, according to their own customs. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A latitude D impetuously B habit E ploddingly C materialism F sporadically 【出处】OG, p. 514, #6 【正确答案】B E 【解题分析】myth 和 different 提示艺术家的做法和 everyone 有所不同,即他们 没有 routine,第一空所填必是 routine 的同义词,选 B 项。but that's not true 表明 实际上艺术家仍然有 routine,冒号之后解释了这种 routine,即艺术家和正常人 一样,遵循自己的惯例,空格所填为一个副词。那么该副词应当对“遵循惯例” 起到正面确认的作用。F 选项当然不合适。D 选项意为“冲动的”“突发性的”, 与 day by day 显然矛盾,故只有 E 选项为正确答案。 【单词释义】 选项单词: latitude: n. 纬度(extent or distance from side to side) impetuous: adj. 冲动的(marked by impulsive vehemence or passion) plodding: adj. 单调乏味的(to work laboriously and monotonously) sporadic: adj. 零星的(occurring occasionally, singly, or in irregular or random instances)

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【翻译】每个人都有处理日常工作的惯例。艺术家的怪异之处在于他们有所不同, 拒绝固定的习惯,但这显然不是事实:绝大多数艺术家也和我们一样,日复一 日地、单调地恪守自己的习惯。 43、In her later years, Bertha Pappenheim was an apostle of noble but already (i) ______ notions, always respected for her integrity, her energy, and her resolve but increasingly out of step and ultimately (ii) ______ even her own organization. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A anachronistic D emulated by B accepted E appreciated by C exotic F alienated from 【出处】OG, p. 372, #5 【正确答案】A F 【解题分析】 首先从 blank(ii) 入手,在 blank(ii) 中应该填入一个动词,表示 BP 这个人被人最终对待的一种态度。从 but 后面的部分看,increasingly out of step and ultimately (ii) ______,这里 increasingly 与 ultimately 都是表示递进关系的副 词,因此应该选取对应词语的近义词填入 blank(ii),且程度要比对应词语要深。 在这个半句中没有否定词,所以说也就是最后要在 blank(ii) 中填入 BP 这个人 out of step 的更深层次的意思。 转过来看 blank(i),在 blank(i) 中应该填入一个形 容词,用来描述 BP 这个人所具有的 notion 的特点。这里有两个完全对等的结构, 即:an apostle of noble but already (i) ______ notions 与 respected for her integrity, her energy, and her resolve but increasingly out of step。在后半句中 her integrity, her energy, and her resolve 是一个平行结构,实际上是要表示与前面一句话中对于 BP 是 apostle of noble 相同的正评价,两句话之间没有反义关联元素,应该是同 义关系,同时结构一致,所以在 blank(i) 中选取其在后半句中相同意思的词语即 可。由于 already 与 increasingly 又是一对递进关系词,因此即在 blank(i) 中填入 比 out of step 程度略浅的词语即可。 【单词释义】 题干单词: apostle: n. 信徒(one sent on a mission) resolve: n. 坚决(fixity of purpose) 选项单词: anachronistic: adj. 时代错误的(an error in chronology)

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exotic: adj. 异国的(introduced from another country) emulated by: 被效仿 alienate from: 使…疏远 【翻译】在她的晚年,贝莎·巴本海姆是一个贵族的信徒,但是想法都已经是过 时的了,仍因正直,充满能量和坚决而被尊敬着,然而,她慢慢地不合拍,并 最终甚至是偏离了她自己的认知。 44、Putting a cash value on the ecological services provided by nature ─ such as the water filtration “service”provided by a forested watershed─ has, historically, been a (i) ______ process. Early attempts at such valuation results in impressive but (ii) ______ figures that were seized on by environmental advocates and then, when these figures were later (iii) ______, they were used by opponents to tar the whole idea. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A dispassionate D redundant G ignored B problematic E unsound H discredited C straightforward F understated I confirmed 【出处】OG, p. 498, #6 【正确答案】B E H 【解题分析】本题的前半段与 Practice Book 2011 版 Section 4 的第 1 题几乎完全 一样。第二句话是对第一句的解释,即发现臭氧空洞导致化工企业放弃对禁令 的反对、不再生产氟利昂。故第一空所填词应当表明生产氟利昂必须被禁止,A 选项是正确答案。后两空所在的句子根据冒号提示,解释了“化工企业无需反 对禁令”,即意味着化工企业已经找到了氟利昂的替代品,所以第三空必然填 入一个正面积极的词,只有 G 选项最为合适。第二空根据 although 提示的转折, F 选项表示带有消极色彩的含义,为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: ecological: adj. 生态的(a branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their environments) filtration: n. 过滤(the process of passing through or as if through a filter) valuation: n. 评估(the act or process of valuing) tar: v. 玷污(to defile as if with tar) 选项单词: problematic: adj. 问题的(posing a problem)

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redundant: adj. 多余的(exceeding what is necessary or normal) discredit: v. 怀疑(to refuse to accept as true or accurate) 【翻译】只有当 1985 年南极洲上空发现了臭氧空洞后化工企业才最终放弃了它 们对生产氟利昂的禁令的反对意见,这种物质能够破坏臭氧层。这一发现意味 着用强力的政治手段阻止氟利昂的生产已经势在必行,而且幸运的是化工企业 已经不再需要反对这些举措:尽管它们最近减少了对氟利昂替代品的研究,但 始于多年前的研究已经得出了喜人的结果。 45、That the President manages the economy is an assumption (i) ______ the prevailing wisdom that dominates electoral politics in the United States. As a result, presidential elections have become referenda on the business cycle, whose fortuitous turnings are (ii) ______ the President. Presidents are properly accountable for their executive and legislative performance, and certainly their actions may have profound effects on the economy. But these effects are (iii) ______. Unfortunately, modern political campaigns are fought on the untenable premise that Presidents can deliberately produce precise economic results. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A peripheral to D justifiably personified in G usually long-lasting B central to E erroneously attributed to H regrettably unnoticeable C at odds with F occasionally associated with I largely unpredictable 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Easy, #4 【正确答案】B E I 【解题分析】这段文字较长,我们可以跟据GRE阅读的处理方法,首先读段首句, 这段文字主要在阐述政治(总统)和经济之间的关系(the President manages the economy)。因此不妨对 the President manages the economy 做这样一个处理,缩 略为:P+E(注:P: president / politician,E: economy,P+E: positive correlation 正相关,manage)。此后,原文就可以这样处理。That P+E is an assumption __ (i)__ the wisdom P+E. As a result, P+E, E __(ii)__ P. Of course, P+E. But P+E are __ (iii)__. Unfortunately precise (P+ E) 。整段文字处理成这样以后,基本上就和一 个方程式很相似了,这时候我们在具体剖析一下其中的逻辑关系。由于 that P+E 与 the wisdom P+E 性质相同,因此第一空格应该是一个 positive 的关系,at odds with 的意思是 to disagree and quarrel(争吵,意见不一致),peripheral to(次要 的,无关紧要的)是 negative 的,不符合以上分析,很显然,正确答案应该选择 central to. 后面,as a result,因果关系,同义重复,因此根据 P+E, 第二空格

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应该表示的也是一个 positive 的关系,因此,不巧的是,三个候选选项都表示正 相关(再次强调“positive correlation”正相关和褒贬没有关系,在这里,关系的 正负 positive/negative correlation 是由动词决定的,态度的正负(褒贬)positive/ negative attitude 是由前面的副词决定的)。不过从题目的设计来看,第三空格更 容易突破,首先,of course P+E 承认了 P+E,这里原文对其持 positive 的评价 , but P+E,but 表示一个转折关系,因此对于 P+E(these effects)的评价和前文相 反,因此可以判断第三空格应该是一个 negative 的词。usually long-lasting(持久 的)直接可以排除,剩下 regrettably unnoticeable(不引人注意的,不显著的) 和 largely unpredictable(不可预测的,不定的)候选。进一步区别,有两个依据, 第一,转折关系中针对同一主体不能够成矛盾,这里针对 effects,unnoticeable 和题目当中的 profound(深邃的,根深蒂固的,深刻地)构成矛盾,因此将其排 除;第二,下文,unfortunately 表示原文对“这种影响是 precise 的”持 negative 的态度,因此这里空格内容就应该和 precise 相反,所以找 precise 的反义词,空 格三直接可以选出来正确答案 largely unpredictable。这个时候回来总体把握,根 据 GRE 阅读里的一个规律,“作者的观点通常是在最后给出的”,判断出来, 原文对P+E的态度是negative的,因此第二空格选择了erroneously attributed to(错 误的归因于) 【单词释义】 题干单词: electoral: adj. 选举的(of or relating to an elector) referendum: n. 普通投票(the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative) fortuitous: adj. 偶然的(occurring by chance) accountable: adj. 有责任的(capable of being accounted for) untenable: adj. 站不住脚的(not able to be defended) deliberate: adj. 深思熟虑的(to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully) precise: adj. 精确的(exactly or sharply defined or stated) 选项单词: peripheral to: 次要的 at odds with: 与…不一致 personify: v. 使…人格化(to conceive of or represent as a person or as having human qualities or powers) erroneous: adj. 错误的(containing or characterized by error) 【翻译】美国政治选举当今盛行的理念的中心是总统掌控经济大权。因此,总 统大选也就演变成了一场由经济局势决定的投票,这错误将经济的好转归功于 总统的政绩。当然,总统对行政和立法负责而且确实他们政策对经济有深远的

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影响。但是这些影响带有很大的不确定性。不幸的是,现在政治选举的却是建 立在这样一个前提上的,认为政府可以准确地估计其政策对经济的影响并对经 济实施干预,这个前提就是站不住脚的。 46、Although does contain some pioneering ideas, one would hardly characterize the work as ______. A orthodox B eccentric C original D trifling E conventional F innovative 【出处】OG, p. 52, #1 【正确选项】C F 【解题分析】Although是个很重要的信号词,“这部作品包括一些很有新意的想法, 但是很明显它并不完全是一本有创意的作品。”后面的填空部分应该与前面的 pioneering ideas 相关联 , 这样推断的话,选项应该是 original 和 innovative。 【单词释义】 题干单词: pioneering: adj. 先驱的 (to open or prepare for others to follow) characterize: v. 描绘…的特性(to describe the character or quality of) 选项单词: orthodox: adj. 正统的(conforming to established doctrine especially in religion) eccentric: adj. 古怪的(deviating from an established or usual pattern or style) trifling: adj. 微不足道的(lacking in significance or solid worth) 【翻译】虽然确实有些开创性的点子,还是无法把这个工作定位是独创的 / 创新 的。 47. Although grandiose urban railroad stations are often viewed as glorious monuments to their cities, they in fact ______ the cities by enabling the migration of city dwellers to the suburbs. A invigorate B enlarge

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C enfeeble D delineate E overshadow 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Hard, #2 【正确答案】 C 【解题分析】通过关键的信号词 although 可以判断出前后句子意思的转折,即 前半句在说 railroad station 是 glorious monuments,通过关键的信号词 although 和后半句的 in fact 可以推断出后半句子中作者对 railroad station 的负态度,所以 符合题目的有选项 C 和 E。通过后面表方式的介词 by 所引导的短语可以推断出, 城市居民移民后,给城市带来的是经济的停滞,某种程度上的衰退,所以排除 E, 选择 C。 【单词释义】 题干单词: grandiose: adj. 浮夸的 (characterized by affectation of grandeur or splendor or by absurd exaggeration) migration: n. 移民(to move from one country, place, or locality to another) 选项单词 : invigorate: v. 使…精力充沛(to give life and energy to) enfeeble: v. 使…衰弱(to make feeble) delineate: v. 描绘(to indicate or represent by drawn or painted lines) overshadow: v. 使…失色(to cast a shadow over) 【翻译】尽管宏伟的都市火车站常常被看做是城市的辉煌纪念碑,其实它们让 城市的居民能够移居郊区,从而减缓这座城市的发展。 48、Although plant and animal species that become established in ecosystems where they did not originate are sometimes referred to by the alarming term “invasive species,” many such species are ______ in their new environments. A innocuous B conspicuous C robust D menacing E distinctive 【出处】OG, p. 496, #1

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【正确答案】 A 【解题分析】although 引导从句和主句反义重复。从句“invasive”和 alarming 提示对这些物种做出了有害或危险的评价,则主句应表达其无害、安全 ( 甚至可 能有益 ) 的含义。选项 A 是 harmless 的同义词,故显然为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: invasive: adj. 攻击性的(of, relating to, or characterized by military aggression) 选项单词: innocuous: adj. 无害的 (producing no injury) conspicuous: adj. 显而易见的 (obvious to the eye or mind) robust: adj. 强健的 (having or exhibiting strength or vigorous health) menacing: adj. 威胁的 (to make a show of intention to harm) 【翻译】从生态系统外引入并在该系统中稳定存续的物种有时被警示性地称之 为“入侵物种”,不过许多此类物种实际上在新的生存环境中是无害的。 49、Although the film is rightly judged imperfect by most of today’s critics, the films being created today are ______ it, since its release in 1940 provoked sufficient critical discussion to enhance the intellectual respectability of cinema considerably. A beholden to B indebted to C derivative of D based on E distinguishable from F biased against 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V1, Medium, #15 【正确答案】 A B 【解题分析】根据关键的信号词 although 可以判断出第一空部分应该选择个正 态度词,因为 although 后面跟着的是 imperfect, 所以排除选项 E,F; 再根据后半句, 根据句意可以推断出来是它促进了对电影知识性评论,所以应该对这部作品表 示肯定,赞许,故选择选项 A 和 B。 【单词释义】 选项单词: intellectual: adj. 智力的(of or relating to the intellect or its use) respectability: adj. 体面

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选项单词: beholden to: 感谢 indebted to: 负债的 derivative of: 衍生的 biased against: 对…有偏见的 【翻译】虽然这部电影被现今的评论者认为是不完美的,但现如今所创作的电 影都应该感谢 / 感激这部作品,因为它在 1940 年的时候就引起了相当多的要促 进电影知识评论性的讨论。 50、Many find it strange that her writing is thought to be tortuous; her recent essays, although longer than most of her earlier essays, are extremely ______. A painstaking B tedious C insightful D sophisticated E clear 【出处】PBT, p. 51, #1 【正确答案】 E 【解题分析】根据分号后的信号词 although 可以判断出,前后对她的文章的态 度发生了转变,先前大家觉得她的文章是 tortuous, 即晦涩的,看不懂的;所以 之后她的 recent essays 应该选择一个 tortuous 的反义词,即 clear. 【单词释义】 选项单词: tortuous: adj. 扭曲的(marked by repeated twists, bends, or turns) 选项单词: painstaking: adj. 艰苦的(taking pains: expending, showing, or involving diligent care and effort) tedious: adj. 乏味的(tiresome because of length or dullness) insightful: adj. 富有洞察力的(exhibiting or characterized by insight) 【翻译】许多人觉得奇怪—她的文章本来应该是让人看不懂的;她最近的文章, 虽然比她早期大部分的文章长,却非常清晰。 51、The judge’s standing in the legal community, though shaken by phony allegations of wrongdoing, emerged, at long last, ______.

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A unqualified B undiminished C undecided D undamaged E unresolved F unprincipled 【出处】OG, p. 79, #7, Easy 【正确答案】B D 【解题分析】根据句意,though 表示转折,尽管受到了错误的指控(phony allegations),但是法官的地位仍旧怎样。空格处为本句的宾语,与 though 引导 的让步状语从句构成了反义,所以,空格处应填入一个正面意义的词,考察选项, undiminished 和 undamaged 正确。 【单词释义】 题干单词: phony: adj. 假的(not genuine or real) allegation: n. 指控(a statement by a party to a legal action of what the party undertakes to prove) 【翻译】尽管受到虚假的指控,这名法官在法律界的地位最终仍是未降低的 / 未 受到影响的。 52、The traditional gap between theorists and experimentalists is (i) ______ as one of haughty high priests versus pugnacious pragmatists. But the reality is more often that one researcher does not understand another’s jargon, or is afraid to ask stupid questions, or is hesitant about giving up vital and hard-won information to a distant colleague. These were the kinds of (ii) ______ that Dr. Sonnenwald was able to (iii) ______, leading to greater cooperation between theorists and experimentalists. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A often caricatured D deceptions G propagate B most accurately described E collusions H dismantle C unnecessarily lamented F barriers I identify 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Medium, #5 【正确答案】A F H 【解题分析】第一个空格可直接判断,理论派和实验派之间的隔阂被看做是清高

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的神职人员和好斗的实用主义者,这本身就是一种比喻,所以 B 选项中的 most accurately 就显得过于极端了,因此答案为 A often caricatured(被讽刺为)。But 后面开始描述现实情况:相互不理解专业术语,不敢去问一些愚蠢的问题,面 对不熟悉的同事犹豫不决从而放弃重要的信息。第三句的 These 指代的是前面 描述的状况,这些现实的情况都可以归纳为 collusions(障碍),而 deception 和 collusions 都带有明显的主观的负面感情色彩,所以是错误的。最后 leading to greater cooperation 是对第三个空格的补充说明,即同义重复,这是一种打破前 面隔阂的方式,所以应选择 dismantle(拆除)。 【单词释义】 题干单词: haughty: adj. 傲慢的,自大的(blatantly and disdainfully proud) pugnacious: adj. 好斗的,好战的(having a quarrelsome or combative nature) 选项单词: caricature: v. ( 画成漫画 ) 讽刺(exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics) lament: v. 哀吊,悲叹(to express sorrow, mourning, or regret for often demonstratively) deception n. 欺骗(the act of deceiving) collusion n. 勾结,共谋(secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose) propagate v. ①繁殖(to cause to continue or increase by sexual or asexual reproduction) ②传播(to cause to spread out and affect a greater number or great area) ③传送(to transmit) dismantle v. ① 拆除(to destroy the integrity or functioning of) ②拆卸(to strip of furniture and equipment) 【翻译】理论派和实践派之间的隔阂经常讽刺为一个傲慢的大祭司对抗好斗实 验主义者。但是现实经常是一个研究员不会理解另一个的术语,或者是害怕问 及到愚蠢的问题,或是迟疑是否应该将重要难得的信息泄露给不熟悉的同事。 Dr. Sonnenwald 认为这些障碍是可以卸除的,卸除这些障碍后可以带给理论派和 实验派更好地合作。 53、Unlike the problems in recent financial scandals, issues raised by the regulators in this case appear largely to pertain to unwieldy accounting rules that are open to widely divergent interpretations ─ not to (i) ______ transactions designed to (ii) ______

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corporate malfeasance. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A sham D cloak B unpremeditated E ameliorate C justifiable F illuminate 【出处】OG, p. 514, #5 【正确答案】A D 【解题分析】unlike 表明题干中存在比较,比较的两者是 recent financial scandals 和 issues,根据句子结构,破折号之前说的是后面的 issues 的情况,而破折号之 后是在描述为何与之前的情况不同,也就是在告诉我们 recent financial scandals 的情况是怎样的,这里需要注意的是 not 是对 unlike 的重复,说明 not 之后才 是真正开始对 recent financial scandals 情况的描述。因此第二个空应该填一个对 corporate malfeasance(法人渎职)有利的词,显然 cloak 是合适的选项。同时看 第一个空,能造成 scandals,必然要是一个不好的 transaction,所以第一个空格 处填 sham。 【单词释义】 题干单词: pertain to: 关于,从属于 unwieldy: adj. 笨拙的,笨重的(not easily managed, handled, or used as because of bulk, weight, complexity, or awkwardness) malfeasance: n. 渎职(wrongdoing or misconduct especially by a public official) 选项单词: sham: n. 假装,欺骗(to trick that deludes) unpremeditated: adj. 偶然的,无预谋的(not prepared or planned in advance) cloak: v. 掩盖(to cover or hide with or as if with a cloak) ameliorate: v. 改善(to make better or more tolerable) illuminate: v. ①阐明(to make clear) ②照亮(to supply or brighten with light) 【翻译】有别于最近的财务丑闻,造成这些问题的监管者似乎与被多重解释、 庞大的会计法则有密切关联,而不是与掩饰那些被用来遮盖集团违法行为交易 的行为有关。 54、Even the charisma and technical prowess of two fine actors are not ______ the task of fully invigorating a gray domestic drama with a tired tale to tell.

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A required for B interested in C preferred for D adequate to E inferior to 【出处】OG, p. 513, #3 【正确答案】D 【解题分析】even 表示转折,句子的前半部分是对演员使用的正面意义的词: 有个人魅力的、演技超群的,那么他们面对后面的 task 也是需要有一个否定意 义的词。但是 task 前面有一个 not,所以,空格处应填入一个正面意义的词。考 察选项,B 和 D 可选,但是代入原句,D 最符合句意。 【单词释义】 题干单词: prowess: n. 超凡技术(extraordinary ability) invigorate: n. 鼓舞(to give life and energy to) 选项单词: inferior to: 不如…,次于… 【翻译】即使两个优秀演员既有魅力又有高超技术也不足以胜任去演活有着陈 旧故事内容的灰色国内戏剧主角的任务。 55、Even in this business, where ______ is part of everyday life, a talent for lying is not something usually found on one’s resume. A aspiration B mendacity C prevarication D insensitivity E baseness F avarice 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V1, Medium, #15 【正确答案】B C 【解题分析】even 表明前后转折。后半句意思是说谎的才能不易被发现,那么 前面部分就应该对此做反义重复,对说谎这个概念进行加强,选择答案 B 和 C。 【单词释义】

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选项单词: aspiration: n. ①渴望,抱负(a strong desire to achieve something high or great) ②吸入(a drawing of something in, out, up, or through byor as if by suction) ③吸气音(the pronunciation or addition of an aspiration) mendacity: n. 谎言(the quality or state of being mendacious) prevarication: n. 搪塞(deviation from the truth) baseness: n. 卑微,下贱(unworthiness by virtue of lacking higher values) avarice: n. 贪婪,贪财(excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain) 【翻译】即使虚伪、谎言是人们日常生活中的一部分,通常,人的说谎才能不 会出现在其简历里。 56、But they pay little attention to the opposite and more treacherous failing: false certainty, refusing to confess their mistakes and implicitly claiming (i) ______, thereby embarrassing the nation and undermining the Constitution, which established various mechanisms of self-correction on the premise that even the wisest men are sometimes wrong and need, precisely when they find it most (ii) ______, the benefit of (iii) ______ process. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A infallibility D discomfiting G an adaptable B immunity E expedient H a remedial C impartiality F imminent I an injudicious 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Hard, #6 【正确答案】A D H 【解题分析】第一个空格前面的 and 表明,其前后是同义重复,refusing to confess mistake 就是 claiming 没有错误,因此第一个空格选择答案 A;第二个 空格处于一个插入语中,暂时先不考虑,可将整句话整合为 established various mechanisms of self-correction on the premise that even the wisest men are sometimes wrong and need the benefit of____ process. 这里面 on the premise 意为在…的前提下,可以理解为 because,所以其前后是顺 承的因果关系,process和前面的mechanisms重复,空格处则与self-correction重复, 选择答案 H。第二个空格处要求填一个词能表明 wisest men 在什么情况下需要这 样的补救机制,考察三个备选词,只有 discomfiting 最为合适,在受到挫败的时 候需要补救机制。

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【单词释义】 题干单词: treacherous: adj. ①背叛的(characterized by or manifesting treachery) ②危险的,不牢靠的(marked by hidden dangers, hazards, or perils) on the premise: 在…的前提下 选项单词: infallibility: n. 无错误,无过失(incapable of error) immunity: n. 免疫力(a condition of being able to resist a particular disease especially through preventing development of a pathogenic microorganism or by counteracting the effects of its products) impartiality: n. 公平公正(an inclination to weigh both view or opinions equally) discomfit: v. 挫败(to defeat in battle) expedient: adj. 权宜的(suitable for achieving a particular end in a given circumstance) imminent: adj. 即将到来的(ready to take place) remedial: adj. 矫正的,补救的(concerned with the correction of faulty study bahits and the raising of pupil’s general competence) injudicious: adj. 不明智的,不慎重的(lacking or showing lack of judgment or discretion; unwise) 【翻译】 但他们却不太注意对立面和更可怕的失败:错误的确定性,拒绝认错, 明确地声称无过错,因此使国家为难并破坏宪法,也就是说,自我校正机制设 立在即使是最有智慧的人有时会犯了错的前提下,特别是正当他们觉得最有挫 败感的时候,这就需要补救机制。 57、Once White stepped down from a political platform, where his daring, ______ speeches provoked baying applause from audiences, he was courteous and considerate even to politicians he had just slandered in the speech. A florid B defamatory C calumnious D inveigling E timorous F diffident

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【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Hard, #12 【正确答案】B C 【解题分析】空格处应填入的词是对 speeches 的修饰词,即是怎么样的 speeches,整个句子中,在最后的部分说到,he had just slandered in the speech。所以, 考虑空格处是对 slandered 的同义重复,选择答案 B 和 C。 【单词释义】 题干单词: applause: n. 欢呼,喝彩(marked commendation) slander: v. 诽谤(to utter slander against) 选项单词: florid: adj. ①绚丽的(very flowery in style) ②气色好的(healthy) defamation: n. 诽谤,中伤(the act of defaming another; defamatory—adjective) calumny: adj. 中伤,污蔑(a misrepresentation intended to blacken another’s reputation; calumnious—adjective) inveigle: v. 诱骗(to win over by wiles) timorous: adj. 胆怯的(of a timid disposition) diffident: adj. 羞怯的,缺乏自信的(hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self –confidence) 【翻译】在政治舞台上,怀特大胆的,诽谤的 / 中伤的演讲激起了听众阵阵掌声, 一旦他走下政治舞台,他是谦恭和谨慎的,即使对演讲中被抨击的政客也是一样 的。 58. Though somewhat less (i) ______ than previous chapters and suffering from a minor rash of academic jargon, the final chapter of the book is nonetheless (ii) ______ laypeople. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A arcane D largely ignored by B coherent E accessible to C subjective F impenetrable to 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Medium, #3 【正确答案】B E 【解题分析】先考虑第二个空格。Though 表示转折,在前半句中没有受空格影 响的部分是说“受到专业名词的折磨”(suffering from a minor rash of academic

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jargon),因此后半部分就要对此取反义,对于门外汉(laypeople)“并没有影响”, 因此选择答案 E。再看第一个空,由于整句的前半部分都是在对这本书做负面评 价,所以 less 后面应该跟一个正面意义的词,考察三个选项,只有 coherent 满 足此条件。 【单词释义】 题干单词: laypeople: n. 外行(layperson, a person who is not trained, qualified, or experienced in a particular subject or activity) 选项单词: arcane: adj. 神秘的,晦涩难懂的(known or knowable only to the initiate) impenetrable: adj. ①不能通过的(incapable of being penetrated or pierced) ②费解的(incapable of being comprehended) 【翻译】尽管与前段文章相比有些不连贯且受到专业名词的折磨,但是这本书 的最后一章连门外汉都能够理解。 59、It would have been disingenuous of the candidate to appear ______ when her opponent won the election, but she congratulated the victor nonetheless. A gracious B ecstatic C crestfallen D indifferent E euphoric F disgruntled 【出处】OG, p. 520, #15 【正确答案】B E 【解题分析】but 后面的内容与前面的 disingenuous 已经构成了反义意义, appear 后面的内容正是这个 candidate 所做出的表现。所以,空格处应该能表达 congratulated 相一致的词。选择 B 和 E。 【单词释义】 题干单词: disingenuous: adj. 虚伪的,不诚实的(lacking in candor; giving a false appearance of simple frankness) 选项单词: gracious: adj. 亲切的(marked by kindness and courtesy) ecstatic: adj. 狂喜的(of, relating to, or marked by ecstasy)

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crestfallen: adj. 垂头丧气的,气馁的(having a drooping crest or hanging head) euphoric: adj. 欣喜的(of feeling of well-being elation) disgruntled: adj. 不满的,不高兴的(in a state of sulky dissatisfaction) 【翻译】当她的对手赢得选举时,候选人表现得很狂喜 / 心情愉快的,是很虚伪 的,尽管如此她终究还是向获胜者道贺。 60. Notwithstanding their ______ regarding other issues, township residents have consistently passed the board of education’s annual budget. A accord B indecision C consensus D disagreement E divergence F enthusiasm 【出处】OG, p. 505, #16 【正确答案】D E 【解题分析】notwithstanding(尽管,虽然)表示转折。后面半句说的是当地居 民通过了教育委员会的年度预算,所以前半句就是持否定态度,填入一个负面 意义的词,这样 B D E 均可以使句意完整。在三个词中,D 和 E 是近义词,所 以为正确选项。 【单词释义】 选项单词: divergence: n. 分歧(a drawing apart) 【翻译】尽管他们对于其他问题的意见不一致 / 分歧,但是小区居民还是一致通 过了教育委员会的年度预算。 61. Stories are a haunted genre; hardly (i) ______ kind of story, the ghost story is almost the paradigm of the form, and (ii) ______ was undoubtedly one effect that Poe had in mind when he wrote about how stories work. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A a debased D pessimism B a normative E goose bumps C a meticulous F curiosity

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【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Hard, #2 【正确答案】 A E 【解题分析】对于 blank(i),这两个短句之间通过 hardly 引导,表示两句话之 间取反。两句话主语一致,因此 blank(i) 中应该填入的对于这种故事的描述与 后半句中的描述相反,后面说这些故事是“paradigm”,是“典范、样本”, 是一种正评价,因此在前面我们就应该填入一个负评价与之对应取反。而对 于 blank(ii),里面应该填入一个名词或名词性结构。由于;与“,+and”结构 表示同一种意思,因而可以简化为:Stories are a haunted genre; (ii) ______ was undoubtedly one effect that Poe had in mind when he wrote about how stories work. 这两句话之间是复指关系,前文所说内容在后文中完全体现,因而前一句话中 说有些文学作品是描写鬼魂的,后面就直接将鬼故事的特点搬上来填入即可。 【单词释义】 选项单词: haunted: adj. 受到困扰的(to have a disquieting or harmful effect on) genre: n. 流派(a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content) paradigm: n. 范例(example) 选项单词: debase: v. 降低(to lower in status, esteem, quality, or character) normative: adj. 规范的(of, relating to, or determining norms or standards) meticulous: adj. 一丝不苟的(marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details) pessimism: n. 悲观主义(an inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome) 【翻译】有一种文体是描写有关闹鬼的故事;几乎纯粹的一种故事,鬼故事几 乎是这类型的范例,鸡皮疙瘩是当波尔在描述这故事如果展开时,直接映入脑 海中毋庸置疑的一种反应。 62. What readers most commonly remember about John Stuart Mill’s classic exploration of the liberty of thought and discussion concerns the danger of (i) ______: in the absence of challenge, one’s opinions, even when they are correct, grow weak and flabby. Yet Mill had another reason for encouraging the liberty of thought and discussion: the danger of partiality and incompleteness. Since one’s opinions, even under the best circumstances, tend to (ii) _______, and because opinions opposed to one’s own rarely turn out to be completely (iii) ______, it is crucial to supplement one’s opinions with alternative points of view.

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Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A tendentiousness D embrace only a portion of truth G erroneous B complacency E change over time H antithetical C fractiousness F focus on matters close at hand I immutable 【出处】OG, p. 387, #11 【正确答案】B D G 【解题分析】分句之间没有表示反义的关联元素,相反的是,只有冒号表示解释 说明作用,因而前后分句之间是同义关系 ; 而没有表示否定的词语出现,故相关 对应词语之间也是同义关系。Blank1 中应该填入一个名词,表示一种……的危 险,而这种危险来自于观点因为缺失挑战而变得不如以前,故来自于一个人的“自 满、自大”;第二空部分前后两句话由 since 连接,表示因果关系,故前后两句 话是同义关系。前半句中冒号起解释说明作用,也没有否定词,故前半句表达 同一种意思,即一个人的思想存在着 partiality and incompleteness 的问题 ; 而后 面的句子中,是对前文的继续,因而前后两句话中所说的人们思想的问题一样。 而后面一句话中,even 表示“即便是”的意思,与前文相反,说明在最好的情 况下,思想也存在问题,而这一问题就是之前一句话中说到的关于不完整的问题。 第三空部分这句话前半部分指出一个人的思想,即便是最完美的情况下,也会 不全面。而后半句通过“, and”连接,视为分号,即前后两句话是并列复指的同 义关系,即一个人的思想不是完善的。在后半句中,只有 because 连接两个分句, 故两句话之间是同义关系 ; 而后半句话中存在 rarely 表示否定,则前后两句话中 的对应单词是反义关系。后半句中说要依据其他观点来补充一个人的想法,那 么原因即与一个人的思想不同的观点不可能完善所致 ; 对应单词是 supplement 的 反义词,即“不能使用、有错误”等。 【单词释义】 题干单词: exploration: n. 探测(the act or an instance of exploring) liberty: n. 自由(the quality or state of being free) flabby: adj. 松弛的(lacking resilience or firmness) partiality: n. 偏袒(the quality or state of being partial) 选项单词: tendentious: adj. 有偏见的(marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view) complacency: n. 自鸣得意(self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies) fractious: adj. 难以对待的(tending to be troublesome)

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a portion of: 一部分 erroneous: adj. 错误的(containing or characterized by error) antithetical: adj. 对立的(being in direct and unequivocal opposition) immutable: adj. 不可变的(not capable of or susceptible to change) 【翻译】读者们通常对于约翰·斯图尔特·米尔对思想自由与言论自由的经典探索 往往会涉及到自满的危险性,即:在缺乏挑战的情况下,一个人的观点,甚至 是在它们是正确的时候,也是虚弱无力的。然而,Mill 对于鼓励思想自由与言 论自由还有另外一个理由,他认为只有思想与言论的自由才能克服人们因对于 某件事物的偏爱与不完整的认识而产生的偏差。因为一个人的观点,即便是在 最有利的情境下,也会偏向于仅仅反映部分现实,同时因为与一个人自身观点 相对的那些观点往往并非是完全错误的,所以通过其他观点补充一个人的认识 也很重要。 63. The epidemiologist was worried: despite ______ signs of danger, few countries or companies had taken the possibility of a pandemic seriously, and there was little interest in developing a vaccine. A erroneous B mounting C token D inconclusive E residual 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Easy, #1 【正确答案】B 【解题分析】根据后面两句中的 few, little 等否定词可以推断出作者对 countries 和 companies 持否定态度,再根据 despite 推断出前后句之间的转折关系,可以 判断出前半句情况是在恶化,但 countries 和 companies 却坐视不管。因此选项 B 为正确选项。 【单词释义】 题干单词: epidemiologist: n. 流行病学家(a branch of medical science that deals with the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a population) pandemic: adj. 全国流行的(occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population)

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vaccine: n. 疫苗(a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease) 选项单词: mounting: adj. 装备增加的(to increase in amount or extent) token: adj. 象征的(done or given as a token especially in partial fulfillment of an obligation or engagement) inconclusive: adj. 无结果的(leading to no conclusion or definite result) residual: adj. 剩余的(of, relating to, or constituting a residue) 【翻译】流行病学家非常忧心:尽管危险迹象是在增加,却没有国家或公司认 真看待跨国流行病爆发的可能性,他们也没有兴趣研发疫苗。 64. This filmmaker is not outspoken on political matters: her films are known for their aesthetic qualities rather than for their ______ ones. A polemical B cinematic C narrative D commercial E dramatic 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Medium, #2 【正确答案】 A 【解题分析】根据分句前后的冒号可以推断出后半句是对前半句的解释说明, 根据前半句中的 not,以及后半句的 rather than 可以看出两处否定词后面的成分 是对等的,空格处应该选一个与not outspoken on political matters意义相同的词语, 即选项 A,争论的,其它选项均与 not outspoken 不相关联。 【单词释义】 题干单词: outspoken: adj. 坦率的(direct and open in speech or expression) aesthetic: adj. 审美的(of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful) 选项单词: polemical: adj. 好争论的(of, relating to, or being a polemic) cinematic: adj. 电影的(of, relating to, suggestive of, or suitable for motion pictures or the filming of motion pictures) 【翻译】这位制片人对政治事务不常发声:她的电影以美学而非争论而闻名。

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65. Managers who think that strong environmental performance will (i) ______ their company’s financial performance often (ii) ______ claims that systems designed to help them manage environmental concerns are valuable tools. By contrast, managers who perceive environmental performance to be (iii) ______ to financial success may view an environmental management system as extraneous. In either situation, and whatever their perceptions, it is a manager’s commitment to achieving environmental improvement rather than the mere presence of a system that determines environmental performance. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A eclipse D uncritically accept G complementary B bolster E appropriately acknowledge H intrinsic C degrade F hotly dispute I peripheral 【出处】OG, p. 98, #5, Hard. 【正确答案】B D I 【解题分析】题目结构:managers who A (iii) may view A as extraneous. 因为 who 后面的内容修饰 managers,而同时 manager 做的动作是 view…as extraneous. 相 当于空格(iii)=extraneous(外部的,不相关的)所以空格(iii)选择 peripheral (外围的,次要的)。选项 G 和 H 与 extraneous 无关。 再来看第一空和第二空,前两空与第三空成反义对比,(i)与(ii)之间为同 义重复。题目结构为 A by contrast B, 相当于 A=-B,因为 B=extraneous,所以 A=not extraneous= 重要 =valuable tools, 为了使句意通顺,by contrast 之间的内容 一定要表达“经历认为环境……重要,有价值。”所以,strong environmental performance will (i) their company’s financial performance, 空格(i)需要填写一 个正评价动词才能满足第三步骤中的条件。所以选择 B,bolster(支持,鼓励)。 而 A,eclipse(遮蔽,使…黯然失色)与 C,degrade(降级)无法满足条件。最 后,空格(ii)句意为“认为环境重要的经理 ___ 认为环境管理是有价值的工具”。 空格(ii)需要填写正评价动词,所以排除 F,D 和 E 的区别就是动作的感情色 彩强烈程度。选项 D 在这里表示全盘接受,所以为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: extraneous: adj. 外来的(existing on or coming from the outside) 选项单词: eclipse: v. 使黯然失色(a falling into obscurity or decline) bolster: v. 支撑(a structural part designed to eliminate friction or provide support or

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bearing) intrinsic: adj. 固有的(belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing) peripheral: adj. 外围的(of, relating to, involving, or forming a periphery or surface part) 【翻译】作为一个经理,如果认为有效的环保措施能够支持他们公司的财务表现, 通常不加评断地接受经过设计可以帮助他们管理环境问题的系统,他们觉得那 是很有价值的工具。相反地,将环保措施看得不重要的公司财务的经理,可能 将环境管理系统视为与公司财务不相关的。不管是哪一种情形,也不论他们的 观念,经理有义务去达到环境改善指标,而不是仅仅有个系统来确保绩效。 66. The most striking thing about the politician is how often his politics have been (i) ______ rather than ideological, as he adapts his political positions at any particular moment to the political realities that constrain him. He does not, however, piously (ii) _______ political principles only to betray them in practice. Rather, he attempts in subtle ways to balance his political self-interest with a (iii) ______, viewing himself as an instrument of some unchanging higher purpose. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A quixotic D brandish G profound cynicism B self-righteous E flout H deeply felt moral code C strategic F follow I thoroughgoing pragmatism 【出处】OG, p. 376, #17 【正确答案】C D H 【解题分析】1 空处于首句 A rather than B 结构,AB 反义。B 是 ideological, 1 空 与之相反,只有 C 勉强合适,as 句状语从句提示 1 空与 adapt 适应,与 political realities 一致。2 空 3 空处于的后句是对首句的转折 however,首句强调实际, 后句该强调理想。两空处于 not A rather B 结构。那么 A 应该是实际,B 强调理 想。2 空处于 A 位置,强调的是实际。2 空直接跟之后要背叛的政治原则,E 轻视构不成转折,F 跟随加 piously 就不好转折了,D brandish 最合适,piously brandish 虔诚地挥舞,类似 agreeable melancholy, pleasant sorrow 构成一种反讽的 张力。3空处于B位置,强调的是理想。是他要平衡的两种东西,一个已知是私利, 那么 3 空与之相对,之后伴随补充修饰提示是不变的更高的目的。 【单词释义】 题干单词: striking: adj. 显著的(attracting attention or notice through unusual or conspicuous

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qualities) ideological: adj. 思想的(relating to or concerned with ideas) constrain: v. 驱使(to force by imposed stricture, restriction, or limitation) pious: adj. 虔诚的(marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship) 选项单词: quixotic: adj. 唐吉可德式的(foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals) brandish: v. 挥舞(to shake or wave) flout: v. 轻视(to treat with contemptuous disregard) pragmatism: n. 实用主义( a practical approach to problems and affairs) 【翻译】这位政治家的最突出之处是他的政治经常是战略的而不是意识形态的, 当他在特定的时刻因为限制他的政治现实而调整他的政治立场的时候。然而, 他并不仅仅为了在实践中背叛这些政治原则而虔诚地挥舞他们,相反,他试图 在政治私利和深刻的道德准则之间寻求一个微妙的平衡,把自己看成是不变的 更高目的的工具。 67. Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960s have portrayed him as ______ thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like. A an adventurous B a doctrinaire C an eclectic D a judicious E a cynical 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Medium, #2 (Hard, #1) 【正确答案】B 【解题分析】此题解答有两种途径,一是从 Far from 体现的转折关系入手,空 格应该体现和 skeptical but enlightened 的含义相反的意思,故 a doctrinaire 符合 要求;一是从 eager to…入手,空格应该体现“渴望给年轻人灌输政治正统思想” 的意思,答案仍然是“教条主义者”。 【单词释义】 题干单词: orthodoxy: n. 正统(the quality or state of being orthodox)

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censor: n. 审查员(a person who supervises conduct and morals) 选项单词: adventurous: adj. 爱冒险的(disposed to seek adventure or to cope with the new and unknown) doctrinaire: n. 教条主义者(one who attempts to put into effect an abstract doctrine or theory with little or no regard for practical difficulties) eclectic: n. 折中主义者(one who uses an eclectic method or approach) judicious: adj. 明智的(having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment) cynical: adj. 愤世嫉俗的(having or showing the attitude or temper of a cynic) 【翻译】几乎不把杰弗逊视为多疑却开明的知识分子,20 世纪六十年代的历史 学家描述他为教条主义的思想家,急于像年轻人灌输他的政治传统,却删去他 不喜欢的主张。 68. Far from being ______ the corporate world because of cutbacks, serious researchers are playing a growing role in innovation at many firms. A lured to B enchanted with C banished from D protected by E immured in 【出处】OG, p. 496, #2 【正确答案】C 【解题分析】far from 提示句中前后两部分的对比。主句内容为研究者扮演了日 益重要的角色,则 far from 之后的内容与之取反,表达 " 不重要 " 之意。即可知 只有 C 项符合此推断:" 被逐出企业界 " 表示研究者完全不起任何作用。 【单词释义】 题干单词: cutback: n. 削减(something cut back) 选项单词: enchant: v. 使…迷惑(to influence by or as if by charms and incantation) banish from: 从驱逐出去 immure in: 紧闭于 【翻译】远非由于数量日益减少而被排挤在企业界之外,优秀的科学家在许多 公司中都扮演着越发重要的角色。

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69. The vegetation at Stone Mountain, the best known of the large rock masses known as monad nocks, is far from ______, having been decimated by the hiking traffic. A blighted B endangered C picturesque D pristine E undisturbed F vulnerable 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Medium, #12 【正确答案】 D E 【解题分析】题目中的关键词应为far from,表转折,空格中应该填入一个形容词, 用来描述 MN 的特点,而由于 far from 存在进行取反,这个特点与后面的分词 伴随结构所体现的意思相反。后面说这个东西被“decimated”——“严重损毁” 了,所以说选一个“没有受损”的意思填进去就可以了。 【单词释义】 题干单词: vegetation: n. 植被(the act or process of vegetating) monad: n. 单子(unit, one) nock: n. 帆的前部上端(one of the notches cut in either of two tips of horn fastened on the ends of a bow or in the bow itself for holding the string) decimate: v. 十中抽一(to select by lot and kill every tenth man of) 选项单词: blight: v. 枯萎(to affect as a plant with blight) picturesque: adj. 图画般的(resembling a picture: suggesting a painted scene) pristine: adj. 原始的(belonging to the earliest period or state) vulnerable: adj. 易受攻击的(capable of being physically or emotionally wounded) 【翻译】在石山的植被,最著名的就是有巨石堆叠而成的山丘,绝非原始的, 已然被踏青的人潮所毁坏。 70. Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of the nation’s growth since the Second World War had (i) ______ invention. He said, (ii) ______ research, the government’s greatest role in assuring continuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern patent office. “Unless we can (iii) ______ original ideas, we will not have invention,”

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Mr. Russell said. Speculating on the state of innovation over the next century, several inventors agreed that the future lay in giving children the tools to think creatively and the motivation to invent. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A been at the expense of D in addition to restricting G evaluate B no bearing on E aside from supporting H protect C come through F far from exaggerating I disseminate 【出处】OG, p. 87, #4, Medium. 【正确答案】C E H 【解题分析】去除 blank2 所在的部分,“He said the government’s greatest role in assuring continuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern patent office.” 这 句话表明 R 先生的态度是支持科技创新。看第二空,后文中 Unless we can (iii) ______ original ideas, we will not have invention. 是对于上文的重述,R 先生支 持创新,因而需要原创性思想。而上文中说要 assuring continuing innovation, innovation 与 original ideas 构成逻辑相关词关系,因而对其两者所做的动作等价, 即 assure,在 blank3 中选出 protect。下面看第三空,为了确保有足够的创新, 因而R先生对于科技创新的基础——研究的态度与其对于科学研究的态度相同, 因此在这里,对于 continuing 创新的要求导致了对于 research 的态度——支持。 R 先生对于科技与国家发展持有一个正态度,因而也反映在其对于国家发展对于 科技进步的依赖上面,其应该认为国家发展是依靠科技进步来实现的,因而在 blank1 中填入一个正态度。 【单词释义】 题干单词: speculate: v. 推测(to meditate on or ponder a subject) 选项单词: at the expense of: 以…为代价 bear on: 对…施加压力 come through: 经历 aside from: 除…之外 disseminate: v. 宣传(to disperse throughout) 【翻译】理查德·M·拉塞尔说,二战以来世界各国的发展有 52% 可以归结于发明 创造。他说,除了支持科学研究以外,政府对于确保一国能有持续稳定的发明 创造的最重要的任务就是推广一个强有力的现代专利局。R 先生还说:“除非我 们能够保护原创性观点,否则我们就不会有发明创造”。展望下个世纪发明创

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造的前景之后,许多发明家在同这样一个观点,就是未来在于给予我们的孩子 们创造性思维的工具,同时给予他们足够的刺激去发明创造新生事物。 71. Despite the pride that the play’s characters take in their worldly-wise absence of illusions, they are not above a degree of unjustified ______. A prevarication B satisfaction C self-flattery D affectation E narcissism F indolence 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Easy, #16 【正确答案】C E 【解题分析】despite 表示转折,空格处应与前面内容相反,但是由于空格前面 有 not above a degree 这样的否定词,因此空处应选择与前半句所表达意思一致 的词。前面说的是这些 characters 自己很骄傲,所以空格处应选择 self-flattery 和 narcissism。 【单词释义】 选项单词: prevarication: n. 搪塞(deviation from the truth) self-flattery: n. 自我吹嘘(the glossing over of one’s own weaknesses or mistakes and the exaggeration of one’s own good qualities and achievements) affectation: n. 做作,矫揉造作(the act of taking on or displaying an attitude or mode of behavior not natural to oneself or not genuinely felt) narcissism: n. 自我欣赏(egoism, egocentrism) indolence: n. 懒惰,慵懒(inclination to laziness) 【翻译】尽管剧中人物以其老成稳重、不幻想而骄傲,但某种程度上他们是无 法言喻的自我奉承、孤芳自赏。 72. Of course anyone who has ever perused an unmodernized text of Captain Clark’s journals knows that the Captain was one of the most (i) ______ spellers ever to write in English, but despite this (ii) ______ orthographical rules, Clark is never unclear.

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Blank (i) Blank (ii) A indefatigable D disregard for B fastidious E partiality toward C defiant F unpretentiousness about 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Easy, #5 (Medium, #3) 【正确答案】C D 【解题分析】第二个空格前面的 this 显然是指代了前面的内容,Clark is never unclear 对前面部分做了转折,所以这两个空格处的词应该是同义词关系,并且 对于 Clark 对于 English writing 的态度持负面评价,综合考察两组选项,只有 C 和 D 满足此条件。 【单词释义】 题干单词: orthographical: adj. 拼字正确的(correct in spelling) 选项单词: indefatigable: adj. 不知疲倦的(incapable of being fatigued) fastidious: adj. 苛求的,难取悦的(having high and often capricious standards, difficult to please) defiant: adj. 目中无人的,蔑视的(full of defiance) partiality: n. 偏心,偏袒(the quality or state of being partial) unpretentiousness: n. 不炫耀,不矫饰 【翻译】当然,曾经读过原版的 Captain Clark’s journals(克拉克船长日记)的 读者都知道他是最不循规蹈矩的英文作家,尽管他漠视拼写规则,但他的语言 从不含糊不清。 73. Critics charge that the regulatory agency, having never defined what constitutes an untenable risk, has grown (i) ______ outside influences on that issue: several experts have (ii) ______ it recently for allowing one power plant to delay an inspection for more than six weeks despite compelling safety concerns. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A susceptible to D complimented B unaware of E panned C irritated at F overlooked 【出处】PBT, p. 64, #3

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【正确答案】A E 【解题分析】本题可从第二个空格入手,冒号后面是对前面内容的进一步说明, 因此第二个空格处所填的词应该是对前面 charge 的同义重复,选择答案 panned (强烈指责);第一个空所在的部分是 charge 的内容,而后半句中 for 引导的内 容也是 panned 的内容,所以第一个空格则和 allowing 相对应,同义重复,选择 susceptible。 【单词释义】 题干单词: untenable: adj. 站不住脚的,不能维持的(not able to be defended, not able to be occupied) 题干单词: susceptible to: adj. 易受…影响的 irritated: adj. 恼怒的,生气的(aroused to impatience or anger) panned: adj. 被批评的(to criticize severely) 【翻译】专家们强烈指责一家有明显安全疑虑的发电厂拖延了超过六周的安全 检查,就此事件,批评人士控诉从未设定过危险界限的监管局,他们已经在此 问题上引起了外在影响。 74. The corporation expects only ______ increases in sales next year despite a yearlong effort to revive its retailing business. A dynamic B predictable C expanding D modest E slight F volatile 【出处】ETS, now defunct, #3 【正确答案】D E 【解题分析】despite 表示转折,后面说的是“一年的努力用于重振其零售业务”, 那么前半句就应该是对销售额的增长并不那么看重,考察选项,可选择 D 和 E。 【单词释义】 题干单词: revive: v. 使复兴(become active or flourishing again) 选项单词:

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slight: adj. 轻微的,少量的(small of its kind or in amount) 【翻译】虽然公司花了一年的努力重振其零售业,但公司预计明年只适度 / 稍微 增加销售。 75. Modern agricultural practices have been extremely successful in increasing the productivity of major food crops, yet despite heavy use of pesticides, ______ losses to diseases and insect pests are sustained each year. A incongruous B reasonable C significant D considerable E equitable F fortuitous 【出处】OG, p. 80, #8, Easy 【正确答案】C D 【解题分析】yet despite 表示转折,“尽管使用了大量的杀虫剂”,后面的内容 应与其应有的效果相反,“仍有因病虫害造成的大量减产”,所以选择 C 和 D 可表达这一意思。 【单词释义】 题干单词: pesticides: n. 农药,杀虫剂(an agent used to destroy pests) 选项单词: incongruous: adj. 不协调的,不一致的(lacking congruity, not harmonious) equitable: adj. 公平的,平等的(dealing fairly and equally with all concerned) fortuitous: adj. ①偶然的,意外的(occurring by chance) ②幸运的(fortunate, lucky) 【翻译】在提高主要农作物产量上,现代化农业实践已经取得了很大的成功, 尽管使用了大量的杀虫剂,但每年仍有大量的农作物因为病虫害而减产。 76. It comes as no surprise that societies have codes of behavior; the character of the codes, on the other hand, can often be ______. A predictable B unexpected C admirable

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D explicit E confusing 【出处】OG, p. 86, #1, Medium. 【正确答案】B 【解题分析】on the other hand 在这里表示转折含义,前半句说的是社会行为准 则(code of behavior)是不令人意外的(no surprise),那么后面的 the character 就应该是对令人意外的,选择答案 B,unexpected=surprise。 【翻译】社会有其行为准则,这是意料之中的;而这些行为准则的特点确实有 些令人意外。 77. The author’s (i) ______ style renders a fascinating subject, the role played by luck in everyday life, extraordinarily (ii) ______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A soporific D pedantic B lucid E tedious C colloquial F opaque 【出处】ETS, now defunct, #2 【正确答案】A E 【解题分析】本题中的两个空格并没有直接的线索得出结论,因此需对句子 做整体的分析。句子中连个逗号之间的部分为插入语,可忽略不看,“…, extraordinary ______.”是对句子前半部分的补充说明,是同义重复,因此两个空 处应该填入一组表示相同意义的词。综合考察两组选项,只有 A 和 E 是同义词, 即为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: render: v. ①提交(to transmit to another, deliver) ②回报(to give in return or retribution) ③致使(to cause to be or become) 选项单词: soporific: adj. 催眠的(causing or tending to cause sleep) lucid: adj. ①明晰的,透明的(suffused with light) ②易懂的,头脑清晰的(clear to the understanding) colloquial: adj. ① 会话的(of or relating to conversation)

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②通俗的,口语体的(used in or characteristic of familiar and informal conversation) pedantic: adj. 迂腐的,学究的(of relating to, or being a pedant) tedious: adj. 冗长的,令人烦闷的(tiresome because of length or dullness) opaque: adj. 不透明的(blocking the passage of radiant energy and especially light) 【翻译】作者让人昏昏欲睡的风格呈现出一个引人入胜的主题,也就是每天生 活中靠运气,显得格外的枯燥乏味。 78. The activists’ energetic work in the service of both woman suffrage and the temperance movement in the late nineteenth century (i) ______ the assertion that the two movements were (ii) ______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A undermines D diffuse B supports E inimical C underscores F predominant 【出处】OG, p. 391, #18 【正确答案】A E 【解题分析】第二个空格是在为这两项运动定性,但是并不确定,这是本题的 难点。从前面的 energetic work 和 service of 可以看出,activists 的工作是对这两 项运动的支持。所以就会有两种可能,“支持有利于这两项运动的言论”,“反 对不利于这两项运动的言论”。从第一组选项中可以看出,undermines 表示反对, 剩下两个表示支持。若选择表示支持的选项,在第二个空中没有能与之搭配的词。 所以只能取“反对不支持的言论”,随之可从第二组中选出 inimical。 【单词释义】 题干单词: temperance: n. ①节制(moderation in action, thought, or feeling) ②禁酒(moderation in or abstinence from the use of intoxicating drink) 选项单词: underscore: v. 在…下划线(to draw a line under) diffuse: adj. 弥漫的,散开的(not concentrated or localized) inimical: adj. 敌意的,有害的(being often by reason of hostility of malevolence) predominant: adj. ①有支配的,有影响的(having superior strength, influence, or

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authority) ②主要的(being most frequent or common) 【翻译】19 世纪末一些积极分子满怀激情地支持妇女选举权和禁酒这两项运动 以此来反对这两项运动有负面影响的言论。 79. I’ve long anticipated this retrospective of the artist’s work, hoping that it would make (i) ______ judgments about him possible, but greater familiarity with his paintings highlights their inherent (ii) ______ and actually makes one’s assessment (iii) ______. Blank(i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A modish D gloom G similarly equivocal B settled E ambiguity H less sanguine C detached F delicacy I more cynical 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Hard, #4 【正确答案】B E G 【解题分析】but 表示转折,在前半句的中,“希望做出一个 ____ 的评价”, 而后半句的意思是“实际上做出了 ____ 的评价。根据转折关系,第一个空格和 第三个空格应填入意义相反的词,考察第一组和第三组选项,可找出 settled 和 similarly equivocal 互为反义词。再看第二个空格,由第二个空格后的 and 可知, 其前后是同义重复,因此第二个空格处的词应与第三个空的词 equivocal 为同义 词,选择 ambiguity。 【单词释义】 题干单词: retrospective: adj. 回顾的,怀旧的(based on memory) 选项单词: modish: adj. 流行的,时髦的(fashionable, stylish) settled adj. 稳定的,固定的(established in a desired position or place; not moving about) detached adj. 分离的,分开的(standing by itself, especially not sharing any wall with) ambiguity n. 含糊,不明确(the quality of state of being ambiguous especially in meaning) delicacy: n. ①美味,佳肴(the quality or state of being dainty) ②精美(the quality or state of being luxurious) ③微妙(refined sensibility in feeling or conduct)

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④精密(the quality or state of requiring delicate handling) equivocal: adj. 模棱两可的(of uncertain nature or classification) sanguine: adj. ①血红色的(blood red) ②乐观的(confident, optimistic) cynical: adj. 愤世嫉俗的(having or showing the attitude or temper of a cynic) 【翻译】我一直期待这位艺术家的作品回顾展,希望对他有个明确的评价,但 越熟悉他的作品就发现这些作品内在的模糊性,也让人做了出模棱两可的评价。 80. The reception given to Kimura’s radical theory of molecular evolution shows that when ______ fights orthodoxy to a draw, then novelty has seized a good chunk of space from convention. A imitation B reaction C dogmatism D invention E caution 【出处】OG, p. 370, #6 【正确答案】D 【解题分析】when…then…这一结构表示时间上的顺承关系,在这里表示的是: 当一件事情发生怎样的情况,那么这个事件会怎样。因此可看出 novelty 是对空 格处的同义重复,可直接选出 invention。 【单词释义】 题干单词: radical: adj. ①根本的(of, relating to, or proceeding from a root) ②激进的(marked by a considerable departure from the usual or traditional) orthodoxy: n. ①正统(the quality or state of being orthodox) ②正教(an orthodox belief or practice) a good chunk of… 大部分的… 选项单词: dogmatism: n. ①独断(positiveness in assertion of opinion especially when unwarranted or arrogant) ②武断(a viewpoint or system of idea based on insufficiently examined premises)

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【翻译】木村的分子进化激进理论被接受表明当创新观念与正统观念相争至平 手时,新奇的事物已经占据大部分的传统观念。 81. In the midst of so many evasive comments, this forthright statement, whatever its intrinsic merit, plainly stands out as ______. A a paradigm B a misnomer C a profundity D an inaccuracy E an anomaly 【出处】OG, p. 390, #17 【正确答案】E 【解题分析】首先根据介词 as 可以判断出空格处要填一个名词,表示对句子主 语“坦率的言论(forthright statement)”的描述。evasive 和 forthright 形成反义 词对比,evasive 的意思是“闪烁其词的”,所以空格应该体现一种“与众不同的, 不平常的”的含义,所以 E 选项正确。 【单词释义】 题干单词: evasive: adj. 推托的(tending or intended to evade) 选项单词: misnomer: n. 误称(the misnaming of a person in a legal instrument) profundity: n. 深度(intellectual depth) anomaly: n. 不规则(something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified) 【翻译】在这么多闪烁其词的评论中,这条坦率的言论,无论其内在的价值怎样, 都很显然地表现得与众不同。 82. Colleagues describe Padgett as both forthright and reticent, humble and (i) ______, good-natured and (ii) ______. And in her behavior as a businesswoman, Padgett herself does little to (iii) ______ these contradictions. She says she is pro-employee but is avowedly antiunion. She calls herself pro-customer but acknowledges that she runs a store with higher profit margins and prices than almost any other grocer. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)

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A diffident D prickly G dispel B eccentric E solicitous H fulfill C arrogant F phlegmatic I accentuate 【出处】PBT, p. 65, #6 【正确选项】 C D G 【解题分析】根据前半句的 both forthright and reticent 可以看出这是一对反 义词,后面跟着的两个并列结构也应该选择相应的反义词,所以第一空答案 是 arrogant;第二空答案是 prickly;第三空部分,根据后半句她的种种矛盾行 为,可以推断出第三空部分她应该是对 these contradictions 束手无策,“does little”,所以空格部分应该选择 dispel。 【单词释义】 题干单词: forthright: adj. 直率的(directly forward) reticent: adj. 沉默的(inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech): 选项单词: diffident: adj. 羞怯的(hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence) eccentric: adj. 古怪的(deviating from an established or usual pattern or style) prickly: adj. 易动怒的(easily irritated) solicitous: adj. 挂念的(full of concern or fears) phlegmatic: adj. 冷淡的(resembling, consisting of, or producing the humor phlegm) dispel: v. 驱逐(to drive away by or as if by scattering) accentuate: v. 重读(accent, emphasize) 【翻译】同事们形容帕吉特是直率又谨慎的,谦虚又自大的,好脾气的却又易 怒的。她身为女商人,自己几乎不能化解这些矛盾。她说她是亲员工的但又明 确的反对工会。她声称自己是站在消费者这边的,但也承认她经营的商店是比 几乎所有杂货商店都还高获利和售价的。 83. Rather than viewing the Massachusetts Bay Colony’s antinomian controversy as the inevitable (i) ______ of the intransigent opposing forces of radical and (ii) ______ beliefs, male and female piety, (iii) ______ and secular power, and the like, as other critics have, Winship argues that the crisis was not “fixed and structural.” Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A dissolution D revolutionary G clerical B melding E orthodox H civil

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C collision F questionable I cerebral 【出处】OG, p. 515, #8 【正确答案】C E G 【解题分析】第二空和第三空根据三组对比的并列,以及 male and female 提示 的对比,可轻松判断出二空、三空部分分别选 radical 和 secular 的反义词。故唯 有 E 和 G 正确;第一空根据 intransigent opposing forces 可判断出所填名词涉及 若干组极端相反的概念之间的从属关系,B 选项意义与 intransigent 冲突,A 选 项则应当是某一个事物自身的变化而非两个事物之间的关系,故只有 C 项正确。 【单词释义】 题干单词: antinomian: n. 道德律废弃论者(one who rejects a socially established morality) intransigent: adj. 不妥协的(characterized by refusal to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude) radical: adj. 根本的(of, relating to, or proceeding from a root) piety: n. 虔诚(the quality or state of being pious) secular: adj. 世俗的(of or relating to the worldly or temporal) 选项单词: dissolution: n. 分解(the act or process of dissolving) orthodox: adj. 正统的(conforming to established doctrine especially in religion) clerical: adj. 牧师的(of, relating to, or characteristic of the clergy) cerebral: adj. 大脑的(of or relating to the brain or the intellect) 【翻译】不是像其他评论家那样将马萨诸塞湾殖民地的唯信仰论抗议事件看作 诸如极端信仰与正统信仰、男版和女版的虔诚、神职人员及信徒之间的不可避 免的纷争,温希普认为这场危机并非“一成不变的”和“结构化的”。 84、Although he has long had a reputation for (i) ______, his behavior toward his coworkers has always been (ii) ______, suggesting he may not be as insolent as people generally think. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A inscrutability D brazen B venality E courteous C impudence F predictable 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Medium, #4

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【正确答案】C E 【解题分析】先看第二个空,第二空后是现在分词做状语,进一步说明前面主句。 所以应为前一句的同意转换,后面说他没有大家想象得那么无礼,所以前面半 句应选能表示同样意思的词,即 courteous;再分析第一个填空部分,前后两句 关系为转折,既然后半句是说他有礼貌,前面的意思就应该是反义的,即负态 度词 impudence。 【单词释义】 题干单词: insolent: adj. 粗俗无礼的(insultingly contemptuous in speech or conduct) 选项单词: inscrutability: n. 不可思议(not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood) venality: n. 贪赃枉法(capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration) impudence: n. 厚颜无耻(the quality or state of being impudent) brazen: adj. 厚颜无耻的(marked by contemptuous boldness) courteous: adj. 有礼貌的(marked by polished manners, gallantry, or ceremonial usage of a court) 【翻译】虽然他长久以来都以冒失而出名,但他对待他同事的方式却始终彬彬 有礼,暗示着他可能不像大家普遍以为的那么粗鲁无礼。 85、In stark contrast to his later (i) ______, Simpson was largely (ii) ______ politics during his college years, despite the fact that the campus he attended was rife with political activity. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A activism D devoted to B apathy E indifferent to C affability F shaped by 【出处】OG, p. 78, #5, Easy. 【正确答案】 A E 【解题分析】先看第二空部分,后半句为关键词 despite 和 rife with political activity,那么前面句子取反之后,就是表明 S 对 political 不感兴趣,因而第二空 应 indifference;而前面句子中存在表对比关系的 in contrast to 表达,表明第一空 部分再取反,得到正确答案:activism。 【单词释义】

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选项单词: apathy: n. 冷漠(lack of feeling or emotion) affability: n. 亲切(being pleasant and at ease in talking to others) indifferent to: 冷漠 【翻译】和他最近的行动主义彻底相反,大学时期的辛普森对政治大致上是漠 不关心的,尽管政治活动在他的校园里很盛行。 86、Mathematicians have a distinctive sense of beauty: they strive to present their ideas and results in a clear and compelling fashion, dictated by ______ as well as by logic. A caprice B aesthetics C obligation D methodologies E intellect 【出处】OG, p. 371, #8 【正确答案】B 【解题分析】首先冒号表示解释说明作用。空格中应该填入一个名词,与 logic 呈并列关系,是数学家们在展现自己的ideas and results所用方法的一种具体属性。 前半句话说数学家们有一种独特的审美观,冒号进行解释说明,即后面的话是 对前文的同义转述,因而两者之间都是在阐述数学家与美学之间的关系。由于 没有任何否定词的存在,因而选取对应单词的同义词即可,而后文中没有任何 关于“美”的词语,因而在空格中填入与“美”相关的名词形式即可。 【单词释义】 题干单词: mathematician: n. 数学家(a specialist or expert in mathematics) compelling: adj. 引人注目的(to drive or urge forcefully or irresistibly) dictate: v. 听写(to speak or act domineeringly) 选项单词: caprice: n. 反复无常(a sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action) methodology: n. 方法论(a body of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline) intellect: n. 智力(the power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and

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to will) 【翻译】数学家有独特的美感:他们用清晰且吸引人的方式表达思想,由美学 和逻辑所支配。 87、Unenlightened authoritarian managers rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents ______. A demur B schism C cooperation D compliance E shortsightedness 【出处】OG, p. 375, #14 【正确答案】B 【解题分析】空格中应该填入一个名词,是 prevent 的宾语。前后两句话之间通 过冒号连接表示解释说明作用,因而两句话之间是同义关系,前面一句话中所说 的是民主地进行组织的团体中少有争端,后一句话对上文解释说明,也应该体 现民主可以减少争端的作用。而“low levels of ...”与“prevent”是两个特殊的 否定词,所以对应单词之间是同义词,即被减少的对象:“serious conflict”, 即“争端”。 【单词释义】 题干单词: authoritarian: n. 独裁主义者(of, relating to, or favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to the people) modicum: n. 少量(a small portion) dissent: v. 不同意(to differ in opinion) demur: v. 反对(archaic) schism: n. 分裂(division, separation) compliance: n. 顺从(the act or process of complying to a desire, demand, proposal, or regimen or to coercion) 【翻译】无知的掌权者很少意识到在民主的小组中成员之间很少有激烈冲突的 原因:对反对意见哪怕少量的容忍通常能阻止分裂。

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88、In parts of the Arctic, the land grades into the land fast ice so _____ that you can walk off the coast and not know you are over the hidden sea. A permanently B imperceptibly C irregularly D precariously E relentlessly 【出处】OG, p. 50, #3 (PPII, Test Preview, #6) 【正确答案】 B 【解题分析】So…that…结构,that 后面的部分对于 so 后面的词进行解释说明, that 后面的从句相当于空格是其表示的是 arctic 附近的某些冰层向海中伸展的程 度,因而,形容的是人们行走虽脱离了岸边走进海里却丝毫未察觉的感觉。 【单词注释】 Arctic: adj. 北极的(of, or relating to, or suitable for use at the north pole or the region near it) walk off: 离开;带走 选项单词: imperceptible: adj. 感觉不到的(not perceptible by a sense or by the mind) precarious: adj. 不确定的(depending on the will or pleasure of another) relentless: adj. 无情的(showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace) 【翻译】作为北极的部分区域的陆地是如此的不易察觉,转化为定着于沿岸的 冰面以至于你走超过海岸而不知道你已经走在隐藏于冰下的海面上。 89、The novelist devotes so much time to avid descriptions of his characters’ clothes that the reader soon feels that such ______ concerns, although worthy of attention, have superseded any more directly literary aims. A didactic B syntactical C irrelevant D sartorial E frivolous

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【出处】OG, p. 375, #15 【正确答案】 D 【解题分析】 空格里面应该填入一个形容词,用来修饰形容 concerns,应是一个 与衣服相关的形容词。本题中前后两个部分通过“so … that … ”结构连接,表 示“非常……以至于……”,因此说前后两个部分是同义关系。尽管 irrelevant 和 frivolous 看似也适合,但 although worthy of attention 表明了 such concerns 的 意义所在,所以排除上述两个负态度词。 【单词释义】 选项单词: avid: adj. 贪婪的(desirous to the point of greed) supersede: v. 代替(to cause to be set aside) literary: adj. 书面的(bookish) 选项单词: didactic: adj. 说教的(designed or intended to teach) syntactical: adj. 句法的(of, relating to, or according to the rules of syntax or syntactics) sartorial: adj. 裁缝的(of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes) frivolous: adj. 无聊的(of little weight or importance) 【翻译】这个小说家花了如此多的时间致力于生动的描述他的角色的衣服,以 至于读者很快感觉到这种缝纫的惊喜,尽管值得注意,已经替代了直接的文学 目的。 90、Just as the authors’ book on eels is often a key text for courses in marine vertebrate zoology, their ideas on animal development and phylogeny ______ teaching in this area. A prevent B defy C replicate D inform E use 【出处】OG, p. 387, #12 【正确答案】D 【解题分析】空格处需要填入一个动词,表示“他们的思想(their ideas)”对于“这 个领域的教学(teaching in this area)”做的动作,Just as 表示前后类比,所以空

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格处应表达前半句“关键课本(key text)”的含义,为正评价词,故选项 D 为 选项正确。 【单词释义】 题干单词: eel: n. 鳗鱼(any of numerous voracious elongate snakelike bony fishes order Anguilliformes that have a smooth slimy skin, lack pelvic fins, and have the median fins confluent around the tail) marine: adj. 海产的(of or relating to the sea) vertebrate: adj. 脊椎动物的(having a spinal column) zoology: n. 动物学(a branch of biology concerned with the classification and the properties and vital phenomena of animals) phylogeny: n. 种系发生(the evolutionary history of a kind of organism) 选项单词: defy: v. 挑衅(to challenge to do something considered impossible) replicate: v. 复制(repeat) 【翻译】正如这个作者关于鳗鱼的书在海洋脊椎动物学的课程中通常是重要的 课本一样,他们关于动物发展和进化史的思想也给这个领域的教学提供了信息。 91. Mechanisms develop whereby every successful species can ______ its innate capacity for population growth with the constraints that arise through its interactions with the natural environment. A enhance B replace C produce D surpass E reconcile 【出处】OG, p. 388, #13 【正确答案】E 【解题分析】本题需要从句义上进行分析。空处需要填入一个词,表明 innate capacity for population growth 和(with)constraints之间的关系,这里我们应该知道, 种群的繁殖能力和其与环境的限制是此消彼长的,需要协调从而促成发展。因 此选择 reconcile。 【单词释义】

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题干单词: innate: adj. 天生的,与生俱来的(existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth) 选项单词: reconcile: v. 使一致,使协调(to make consistent or congruous) 【翻译】机制的发展依赖于成功的物种将其自身与种群的增长相互协调,这样 的制约要受到与自然环境相互作用的制约。 92、Dominant interests often benefit most from ______ of governmental interference in business, since they are able to take care of themselves if left alone.   A intensification B authorization C centralization D improvisation E elimination 【出处】OG, p. 77, #1, Easy 【正确答案】E 【解题分析】since 后面的句子表示原因,这里的原因是“如果不加干涉的话 (left alone),他们可以很好地照顾自己”,所以前面的结果就应该是对政府干 预(governmental interference)持负面态度。Elimination 为最佳答案。 【单词释义】 选项单词: intensification: n. ①加剧(action that makes something stronger or more extreme) ②强化(the act of increasing the contrast of) improvisation: n. 即兴演出,即兴创作(the act or art of improvising) elimination: n. 消除,淘汰(the act, process, or an instance of eliminating or discharging) 【翻译】消除政府对商业的干预,大集团通常是最大的受益者,因为政府不加 干涉的话,他们是有能力自行照顾企业的。 93、Kagan maintains that an infant’s reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or ______ signs of adolescent anxiety.

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A prophetic B normal C monotonous D virtual E typical 【出处】OG, p. 77, #2, Easy 【正确答案】A 【解题分析】not 后面的部分中含有“or”,因此 or 的前后构成了同义重复,因 此空格处是对于 harbingers 的重复,选择答案 A。 【单词释义】 题干单词: harbinger: n. ①先驱(one that pioneers in or initiates a major change) ②预兆(one that presages or foreshadows what is to come) adolescent: n. 青春期(one that is in the state of adolescence) 选项单词: prophetic: adj. 预言的,先知的(of, relating to, or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy) monotonous: adj. ①单调的(uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone) ②无变化的(tediously uniform or unvarying) virtual: adj. 虚拟的(of, relating to, or being a hypothetical particle whose existence is inferred from indirect evidence) 【翻译】凯根认为少年第一次面对压力的反应是自然成长过程中的一部分,不 是他童年不快乐的预兆或是青少年焦虑的征兆。 94、The belief that politicians might become ______ after their election to office led to the appointment of ethics officers at various levels of government. A scrupulous B entrenched C venal D puzzled E artificial 【出处】OG, p. 512, #2 【正确答案】C

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【解题分析】led to 表示因果,前半部分是因,后半部分是果。根据句意,“官 员在选举后会变得怎样的信念”导致了有道德的官员被派到各个级别的政府。 一个很简单的道理:需要什么就是因为缺少什么,因此官员在选举后缺少的是 道德,会变得贪污。Venal 为正确答案。 【单词释义】 选项单词: scrupulous: adj. ①一丝不苟的(acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper) ②谨慎的(punctiliously exact) entrenched: adj. 根深蒂固的(established firmly and securely) venal: adj. 贪污的,用金钱买得的(capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration) 【翻译】官员在选举后可能会腐败的观点导致了有道德的官员被指派到各级政 府机关。 95、From the outset, the concept of freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of nations was challenged by a contrary notion—that of the _____ of the oceans for reasons of national security and profit. A promotion B exploration C surveying D conservation E appropriation 【出处】ETS, now defunct, #1 【正确答案】E 【解题分析】破折号后面是对于前面的 contrary notion 的解释,contrary notion 所要挑战的观点是海洋不属于国家的财产(freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of nations),因此破折号之后的内容应取其反义,空格处是对 proprietary claims 的重复。选择答案 E。 【单词释义】 题干单词: from the outset: 从一开始… proprietary: n. 所有权(one that possesses, owns, or holds exclusive right to something)

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选项单词: conservation: n. ①保护(a careful preservation and protection of something) ②保持(the preservation of a physical quantity during transformation or reaction) appropriation: n. 拨款(an act or instance of appropriating) 【翻译】一开始,海洋不属于国家财产的观点遭到海洋支配权关系到国家安全 利益观点的质疑。 96、The macromolecule RNA is common to all living beings, and DNA, which is found in all organisms except some bacteria, is almost as ______. A comprehensive B fundamental C inclusive D universal E significant F ubiquitous 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V1, Medium, #13 【正确答案】D F 【解题分析】DNA 和 RNA 都是我们比较熟悉的事物,因此在做题的时候会有 先入为主的主观意识影响我们的判断。对于本题来讲,and 前后表示同义重复, 空格处应填入 DNA 的特征,因此空格处应重复前面对于 RNA 特征的描述,即 对 common 的重复,选择答案 D 和 F。 【单词释义】 题干单词: macromolecule: n. 高分子(a very large molecule) bacteria: n. 细菌 选项单词: ubiquitous: adj. 普遍存在的(existing or being everywhere at the same time) 【翻译】RNA 是所有生物体中普遍存在的高分子,同样,除了细菌外,DNA 也 是生物体中普遍的高分子。 97、The report’s most significant weakness is its assumption that the phenomenon under study is ______, when in reality it is limited to a specific geographic area.

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A unusual B exceptional C ubiquitous D absolute E universal F restricted 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Medium, #13 【正确答案】C E 【解题分析】weakness 为负面意义词,在句子填空题中往往表示转折。整句的 结构是:报告的一个明显缺陷是…,在事实是…的情况下。因此前后半句为反 义重复,空格处即对后半句中的 specific 的反义重复。选择答案 C 和 E。 【单词释义】 选项单词: exceptional: adj. ①异常的(forming an exception) ②超常的(better than average) 【翻译】报告最显著的弱点是研究中的现象是普遍的、无所不在的假设,在现 实中这种假设却被某一特定的地理区域所限制。 98、Higher energy prices would have many (i) ______ effects on society as a whole. Besides encouraging consumers to be more (ii) ______ in their use of gasoline, they would encourage the development of renewable alternative energy sources that are not (iii) ______ at current prices. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A pernicious D aggressive G unstable B counterintuitive E predictable H adaptable C salubrious F sparing I viable 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Hard, #5 【正确答案】C F I 【解题分析】本题可从第二个空格处入手。Besides 表示并列关系,因此其所在 句子的前后部分表达了相同的含义,后半部分说的是鼓励开发新能源,那么能 与之产生相同效果的必然是“节约”用油,所以第二个空应填入能表达“节约” 意思的词,选择答案 F;这时候再看第一个空,后面的“鼓励节约用油”和“鼓 励开发新能源”都是正面的事情,因此 effects 前应该填入一个正面意义的词,

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考察第一组选项,只有 C 符合要求;第三个空位于修饰新能源的定语从句中, 需要填入一词表达开发出的新能源会对现有现有能源价格的影响:有了可代替 的新能源,必然会抑制现在油价的上涨,这里要考虑到空格前面有一个 not,所 以 viable 是最佳选项,not viable 意为“不能发展的,没有活力的”。 【单词释义】 选项单词: pernicious: adj. ①有害的,恶性的(highly injurious or destructive) ②陈旧的(archaic) counterintuitive: adj. 违反直觉的(contrary to what one would intuitively expect) salubrious: adj. 气候有益健康的(favorable to or promoting health or well-being) sparing: adj. ①节约(资源)的(marked by or practicing careful restraint) ②贫乏的(meager, bare) viable: adj. ①可养活的(capable of living) ②可行的(capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately) 【翻译】高油价对于整个社会而言会有许多比较有益的作用。除了能够鼓励消 费者在使用汽油的过程中更加节省以外,高油价还能刺激现阶段价格高企的可 再生替代能源的发展。 99、Human nature and long distances have made exceeding the speed limit a (i) ______ in the state, so the legislators surprised no one when, acceding to public demand, they (ii) ______ increased penalties for speeding. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A controversial habit D endorsed B cherished tradition E considered C disquieting ritual F rejected 【出处】OG, p. 96, #2, Hard 【正确答案】B F 【解题分析】两个空格处于关键位置,影响我们对整句话的理解,所以应放 在一起考虑。首先要摒除先入为主的观念,不要一看到超速问题(exceeding the speeding limit)就认为是负面的现象。句子开头就用 human nature 和 long distances 提示我们,超速应该是正面意义的。一方面追求速度符合人类的天性, 另一方面,对美国情况稍有了解的人就会知道,在美国有些州身处沙漠,公路 周围十分荒凉,常常的公路一眼望不到头(比如美国 50 号公路被称为全美最孤 独的公路),行驶中周围也没有别的车作伴,在这种情况下,超速行驶就变成

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了一种很正面的事情了。基于以上的背景分析,我们可以知道第一个空应该填 入一个正面意义的词 cherished;再看第二个空,so 后面的句子是对前面句子的 承接,那么令人不感到惊奇的是,对于超速罚金的负面态度,考察第二组选项, rejected 为最佳答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: penalty for: 对…的处罚 选项单词: disquieting: adj. 令人不安的,令人焦虑的(causing mental discomfort) 【翻译】人类的本性和遥远的距离使得超越速度限制成为这个州的优良传统 , 因 此当立法者顺应民俗 , 拒绝增加超速行驶的处罚时就不足为奇了。 100、The ex-minister’s real crime, in the eyes of his ______ political friends who subsequently abandoned him, was not so much that he was wrong as that he raised questions that must not be raised. A erstwhile B proxy C false D self-styled E onetime F surrogate 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Easy, #13 【正确答案】A E 【解题分析】subsequently 表示前后的时间变化,因此空格处只需要填入 subsequently 的反义词即可,选项中 A 和 E 为正确答案。 【单词释义】 选项单词: erstwhile: adj. 以前的(in the past) proxy: adj. 代理的 onetime: adj. 从前的(former) surrogate: adj. 代替的(someone who takes the place of another person) 【翻译】在曾经抛弃前部长的政治朋友们眼中,他们认为前部长罪行并不是他 犯了错,而是因为他提出来不该提的问题。

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101、James Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson is generally thought to have established Boswell as the first great modern biographer; yet the claim of ______ could be made for Johnson himself as author of a life of Richard Savage. A partisanship B omniscience C precedence D opportunism E perseverance 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V1, Medium, #1 【正确答案】C 【解题分析】关联词 yet 表示前后两句之间的对比关系,前半句在说 James 凭借 他的小说被认为是现代传记家第一人,后半句体现出来的意思应该是:其实, 他不是现代传记家第一人,因此引出了 Johnson(即 James 传记中的主人公)也 写过一本传记,the claim of____ 对上下句进行衔接,因此选择选项 C,“需要 重点声明的是”。 【单词释义】 题干单词: biographer: n. 传记作家(a writer of a biography) 选项单词: partisanship: n. 党派性(a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person) omniscience: n. 全知(the quality or state of being omniscient) precedence: n. 优先(the right to superior honor on a ceremonial or formal occasion) opportunism: n. 机会主义(the art, policy, or practice of taking advantage of opportunities or circumstances often with little regard for principles or consequences) perseverance: n. 坚持不懈(the action or condition or an instance of persevering) 【翻译】普遍看来,是詹姆斯·鲍斯韦尔的《约翰逊传》成就了他现代传记作家 第一的地位,然而重点声明的是,约翰逊本身也为理查德.萨维奇做过一本传记。 102、Though feminist in its implications, Yvonne Rainer’s 1974 film ______ the filmmaker’s active involvement in feminist politics. A antedated B cloaked

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C portrayed D preceded E renewed F represented 【出处】OG, p. 379, #22 【正确选项】A D 【解题分析】填空部分应表示“Yvonne Rainer's 1974 film”和“the filmmaker's active involvement in feminist politics”之间的关系;Though 表示前后让步转折, its 指代 film,所以空格填上以后要体现这个导演 1974 年仍然没有活跃参与女权 主义的含义。选项 A 和选项 D 体现了时间对比,为正确答案。 【单词释义】 选项单词: antedate: v. 先于(the action or condition or an instance of persevering) cloak: v. 遮掩(to cover or hide with or as if with a cloak) 【翻译】尽管依冯·瑞娜在 1974 年的电影中暗含了女权主义思想,但是那却是在 她积极参与女权主义政治运动之前完成的。 103、Wills argues that certain malarial parasites are especially (i) ______ because they have more recently entered humans than other species and therefore have had (ii) ______ time to evolve toward (iii) ______. Yet there is no reliable evidence that the most harmful Plasmodium species has been in humans for a shorter time than less harmful species. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A populous D ample G virulence B malignant E insufficient H benignity C threatened F adequate I variability 【出处】OG, p. 392, #20 【正确答案】B E H 【解题分析】首先先看第二空,Therefore 表示对上文的承接,比起其它种类, 它们 more recently 才进入人体 , 由此可以推断出在人体中的演变时间 insufficient. Yet 表示对上文的否定,两句话是反义关系,但是由于 no reliable evidence 作为 否定词存在对整个句子再次进行取反的作用,因而本句话中 that 引导的从句中 所述内容即为前一句话中的同义转述。而由于存在时间对比,存在时间较久的

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与存在时间短暂的物种之间的状态相反,即存在较久的物种毒性差。带回第一 句看看第二句中与之对应部分。在人体中存在时间短的物种毒性较强,因而没 有时间进化到毒性较弱的品种,对于 blank3,应该填入 less harmful 的同义词。 因此,最后看第一空部分,根据后面对这种 most harmful 的描述可以推断出正确 答案为 malignant,干扰选项为 threatened, 但 threatened 只是表明具有威胁性的, 程度不够,这种疟原虫已经造成了实质的伤害。 【单词释义】 题干单词: malarial: adj. 患疟疾的(air infected with a noxious substance capable of causing disease) parasite: n. 寄生虫(a person who exploits the hospitality of the rich and earns welcome by flattery) Plasmodium: n. 疟原虫(a motile multinucleate mass of protoplasm resulting from fusion of uninucleate amoeboid cells) 选项单词: malignant: adj. 有恶意的(evil in nature, influence, or effect) ample: adj. 丰富的(generous or more than adequate in size, scope, or capacity) virulence: n. 毒性(the quality or state of being virulent) benignity: n. 善举(showing kindness and gentleness) variability: n. 变化性(able or apt to vary: subject to variation or changes) 【翻译】威尔士称,有些疟原虫特别的危险,因为这些寄生虫近些时间才入侵 人体,相比其他类型的疟原虫而言,这些疟原虫没有足够的时间来向毒害稍微 轻一点的程度演化。但是,现实中却没有足够可靠的证据证实在人体中出现的 最有害的几种疟原虫,相比其他有害程度低一些的疟原虫而言,在人体内出现 的时间要短一些。 104、Ironically, the writer so wary of (i) ______ was (ii) ______ with ink and paper, his novel running to 2,500 shagreen-bound folio pages ─ a fortune in stationery at the time. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A probity D acquisitive B extravagance E illiberal C disapprobation F profligate 【出处】OG, p. 386, #10

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【正确答案】B F 【解题分析】后半句提供了前半句空格处正确答案的语境,即小说特别的长, 花费了大量的纸张。先看第二空,后面的一句话与前面一句没有通过否定关联 元素连接,亦没有否定词的存在,因而对应词语之间就应该是同义词。“profligate” 对应后文中的“fortune”一词,为最佳选项;句首的 ironically 实际上是表示这 个作家自己的态度与其实际所作的事情之间的一种对比关系,而 so wary of 又是 “避免……”表示否定,因此说 blank(i) 与 blank(ii) 中的词语应该为同义表达, 作者避免的 ____ 是对笔墨纸张的铺张浪费,所以选项 B 为最佳选项。 【单词释义】 选项单词: shagreen: n. 鲨革(an untanned leather covered with small round granulations and usually dyed green) folio: n. 页码(a leaf especially of a manuscript or book) stationery: n. 文具(materials as paper, pens, and ink for writing or typing) 选项单词: probity: n. 廉洁(adherence to the highest principles and ideals) extravagance: n. 奢侈(an instance of excess or prodigality) disapprobation: n. 不赞成(the act or state of disapproving) illiberal: adj. 吝啬的(not generous) profligate: adj. 放荡的(completely given up to dissipation and licentiousness) 【翻译】讽刺地是,这名警惕过度浪费的作家对墨水盒纸张是恣意挥霍的,他 的小说用掉 2,500 粗面皮革,装订成许多对开页,在当时文具方面好比是很大量 的财富。 105、The demands of ______ notwithstanding, a page or two in Dahl’s recent book on democracy that considered what public-choice economics has to say about “democratic failure” —or at least a clear signpost to that literature—would have been very well spent. A clarity B brevity C comprehensiveness D economy E cogency F thoroughness

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【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Hard, #15 【正确答案】B D 【解题分析】后面主语部分修饰成分很复杂,其实句子主干是 a page or two would have been very well spent. 句子中 democracy 后面的 that 引导的定语从句以 及 or at least 的插入语部分无疑都是分散干扰注意力的地方;句子关键关联词为 notwithstanding,表示尽管,体现前后两句的转折关系,后面主语表达的意思是 一两页就很适当了,所以前面空格对应的部分应该是后面主句的 a page or two, 所以正确答案应该能体现出这一概念,即选择 B、D。 【单词释义】 题干单词: signpost: n. 路标(a post as at the fork of a road with signs on it to direct travelers) 选项单词: clarity: n. 清楚(the quality or state of being clear) brevity: n. 简洁(shortness of duration) comprehensive: adj. 广泛的(covering completely or broadly) cogency: n. 中肯(the quality or state of being cogent) thoroughness: n. 完全(the quality or state of being cogent) 【翻译】尽管要求简明扼要,达尔在最近一本书上的一两页中提及了民主,认 为公共选择的经济学不得不被说成是“民主的失败”,或者至少通往文学道路 上一个清晰的路标,这两页内容已经很得其所。 106、Dreams are ______ in and of themselves, but, when combined with other data, they can tell us much about the dreamer. A astonishing B disordered C harmless D inscrutable E revealing F uninformative 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Easy, #14 (Medium, #15) 【正确答案】D F 【解题分析】前后两句话是就 dreams 在不同情况下所能表述的内容进行的对比, 转折连词 but 表明前后两句的意思完全相反。后半句说 dreams 与 combined with other data 的情况下可以提供更多关于 dreamer 的信息,所以前半句话说 dreams

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在 in and of themselves 的情况下的效果,则应该取 tells much about the dreamer 的 相反意思,即“没有什么效果”。 【单词释义】 题干单词: combine with: 结合 选项单词: inscrutable: adj. 神秘的(not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood) revealing: adj. 透露真情的(allowing a look at or an understanding of something inner or hidden) 【翻译】梦就其本身而言是神秘的 / 没有任何意义的,但若结合其他资料,梦就 能告诉我们关于做梦者的许多信息。 107.Cynics believe that people who ______ compliments do so in order to be praised twice. A conjure up B covet C deflect D grasp E shrug off F understand 【出处】PPII, Test Preview, #7 【正确答案】C E 【解题分析】本题中的关键词是 cynics,这类人的特点就是和大众的主流想法相 反,所以通过语意可以判断出,一些人对赞美表示谦虚的举动,在他们眼里无 异于想要再次得到赞美的幌子。 【单词释义】 题干单词: compliment: n. 恭维(an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration) 选项单词: conjure up: 想起 covet: v. 觊觎(to wish for earnestly) deflect: v. 使转向(to turn aside especially from a straight course or fixed direction) shrug off: 耸肩表示蔑视 【翻译】愤世嫉俗者认为有些人之所以对赞美不以为然是为了再次得到赞美。

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108、The unexplained digressions into the finer points of quantum electrodynamics are so ______ that even readers with a physics degree would be wise to keep a textbook handy to make sense of them. A uninteresting B controversial C unsophisticated D frustrating E humorless 【出处】OG, p. 512, #1 【正确答案】D 【解题分析】so...that... 提示 that 后半句有进一步解释说明的作用。前半句中关 于物理学的某一概念所产生的一种偏离,使得后句中的物理学专业读者都需要 读教科书以便明确理解,那么这种偏离必然是阻碍读者理解的。那么很显然 C 选项恰好与这种效果相反。其余几个选项中只有 D 项 frustrating 有“阻止人达到 目的”之意;A、B、E 三个选项均无接近的含义,则根据排除法也可选出 D 项。 【单词释义】 题干单词: finer: adj. 出色的,上好的(free from impurity) quantum electrodynamics: n. 量子电动力学(quantum mechanics applied to electrical interactions as between nuclear particles) 【翻译】这些量子论电动力学的细节的偏离的程度是如此令人感到挫败,以至 于即便物理学的专业读者也需要参阅教科书以便明确其含义。 109、Since she believed him to be both candid and trustworthy, she refused to consider the possibility that his statement had been ______. A irrelevant B facetious C mistaken D critical E insincere 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V1, Medium, #2 【正确答案】E

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【解题分析】前后两句话通过关联词 since 连接,表示前后两句话因果同义, 前一句话说这个女士认为这个男士是“candid and trustworthy”,属于正评价, 因而后半句话也应该是正评价的表达;但是由于“refuse to consider”这一结 构表示反义对其进行取反,应该在后半句话中对“负评价”持否定态度,因 此空格中应该填入的词与句就是直接将前半句对于男士的正评价“candid and trustworthy”取反即可。 【单词释义】 题干单词: candid: adj. 公正的(free from bias, prejudice, or malice) 选项单词: facetious: adj. 爱开玩笑的(joking or jesting often inappropriately) 【翻译】她相信他是率直的,值得信任的,因此她抵触去考虑到他的陈述会不 诚恳的可能性。 110、It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that Romeo at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of ______. A maturity B fiction C inventiveness D art E brilliance 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Medium, #1 【正确答案】A 【解题分析】句首的“it”充当形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式 to have proved...。以 what 引导的从句和以 that 引导的从句同属动词 proved 的宾语从句, 并互为说明属同义表达。第一个宾语从句的陈述是“一件谁也不会予以否认的 事”,而第二个宾语从句需要体现出第一个宾语从句所规定的那样一个不言而 喻的事实。无疑,一个作家,年至“六十四岁”高龄,这便意味着 maturity。 【单词释义】 题干单词: dubious: adj. 可疑的(giving rise to uncertainty) characteristics: n. 特点(a distinguishing trait, quality, or property) 选项单词: maturity: n. 成熟(the quality or state of being mature)

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inventive: adj. 发明的(adept or prolific at producing inventions) 【翻译】他得以证明一件谁也不会予以否认的事情,即罗梅洛年至六十四岁, 其创作体现出成熟的全部特征。然而,他的这份功劳着实令人置疑。 111、The book’s seemingly casually written, conversational style masks ______ structure. A a loosely organized B a somewhat rambling C an overly diffuse D a shrewdly crafted E an unconventionally informal 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Medium, #1 【正确答案】D 【解题分析】seemingly 表示前后的转折,“看似…实际上…”,说明前后所描 述的状态是不一致的。前半句讲这本书看似写得很随意,那么后半句的空格处 就应与 casually 反义重复,选择答案 D。 【单词释义】 选项单词: rambling: adj. 漫步的(tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects, especially of speech and writing) shrewdly: adv. 精明干练地(in a shrewd manner) crafted: adj. 精心制作的 【翻译】这本书看似随写和口语化的风格,实际上却掩盖了其精雕细琢的结构。 112、Burke is often on slippery ground when it comes to her primary sources; especially ______ is the mode by which she gathered her oral evidence. A crucial B passable C dubious D laudable E ingenious 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Hard, #1

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【正确答案】C 【解题分析】especially 表示递进关系。前面说的的 Burke 的第一手资源往往是 靠不住的(on slippery ground),后半句是对她的口头证据(oral evidence)做评价, 需要填入的词是对 on slippery ground 同义加强,故 C 为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: slippery: adj. ①滑的(causing or tending to cause something to slide or fall) ②狡猾的(not to be trusted) ③不稳定的(not firmly fixed) 选项单词: passable: adj. ①可通行的(capable of being passed, crossed, or traveled on) ②尚可(good enough) dubious: adj. ①无把握的(giving rise to uncertainty) ②可疑的(unsettled in opinion) laudable: adj. 值得赞赏的(worthy of praise) ingenious: adj. ①机灵的(showing or calling for intelligence, aptitude, or discernment) ②有独创性的(marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution) 【翻译】伯克的第一手资源往往是靠不住的;尤其是她收集口头证据的方法不 可靠。 113、The incipient (i) ______ regarding taxes could affect trade between the two countries much more than the (ii) ______ banana imports, which has been going on for years. Unfortunately, the trade regulators seem to be ignoring both disagreements. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A row D profitable dealing in B accord E predicament regarding C investigation F festering dispute over 【出处】OG, p. 499, #8 【正确答案】A F 【解题分析】unfortunately 表示转折,题干中的最后一句话说的是贸易的管 理者忽略了 disagreement,因此第一个空格处应填入一个负面意义词,是对于 disagreement 的同义重复。考察选项,row(争论)为正确选项;通过 both

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disagreements 可知,taxes 为第一个 disagreement,而 banana imports 为第二个, 因此第二个空格也是对 disagreement 的重复,选择答案 festering dispute(引起怨 恨的争论)。另一个方面,more than 作为比较级,其前后对比的主体应为一致的, 所以第二个空可看做是对第一个空的同义重复。 【单词释义】 题干单词: incipient: adj. 初期的,初始的(beginning to come into being or to become apparent) regulator: n. 监管人,监管机构(one that regulate) 选项单词: predicament: n. 窘境,困境(the character, status, or classification assigned by a predication) fester: v. ①使…化脓(to generate pus) ②使…恶化(to undergo or exist in a state of progressive deterioration) dispute over: 就…争论 【翻译】早期有关税收对两国贸易有影响的争论可能远远超过了进口香蕉引起 日益激烈竞争的争论,这两种争论已经持续了多年。不幸的是,贸易监管机构 似乎忽视了这两种争论。 114、The brief survey, published under the title The Work of Nature: How the Diversity of Life Sustains Us, is surprisingly (i) ______. Indeed it makes several longer treatments of the effects of lost biodiversity seem (ii) ______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A distorted D redundant B objective E pithy C comprehensive F premature 【出处】OG, p. 497, #3 【正确答案】C D 【解题分析】先看第一个空格处,surprisingly 表示转折,那么前后表示相反的 概念。空格处是对这个 survey 的评价,与前半句中的 brief 构成反义重复,因 此选择 comprehensive;indeed 表示后半句是对前半句的肯定评价,是意义上的 延伸 。既然前面的 brief survey 就已经是 comprehensive 的,那么后半句中对于 several long treatments 的评价就应该是负面意义的,考察选项,redundant 是合适 的,F 选项中的词尽管也是负面意义的,但是与上下文意思不符合。

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【单词释义】 选项单词: distorted: adj. 曲解的(reporting or representing in an untrue way) redundant: adj. 多余的,过剩的(exceeding what is necessary or normal) pithy: adj. ①精髓的(consisting of or abounding in pith) ②精炼的,简洁有力的(having substance and point) premature: adj. 早熟的,不成熟的(happening, arriving, existing or performed before the proper, usual, or intended time) 【翻译】标题为《自然界的运作:如何维持我们多样性的生命》的简短调查是 出人意料的全面。实际上,这就使得一些长期的对生物多样性失衡的治理方法 看似有些多余。 115、The government has no choice but to (i) ______ the incessant demands for land reform, and yet any governmental action that initiated land reform without requisite attention to agrarian reform would (ii) ______ the overall goal of economic modernization. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A anticipate D delineate B heed E condone C silence F compromise 【出处】OG, p. 497, #4 【正确答案】B F 【解题分析】yet 表示转折,前后所表达的意思不同,但是是对同一个主体进行 叙述,因此可以看出第一个空格处是对 initiated 这个动作同义重复,选择答案 B; 通过整句的意思可以看出,…any action that initiated land reform without requisite attention to agrarian reform 会对 overall goal 产生负面的影响,所以第二个空格处 应该填入一个负面意义的词,选项中的 compromise 是合适的。 【单词释义】 选项单词: heed: v. 留心,注意(to pay attention) delineate: v. ①描绘(to indicate or represent by drawn or painted lines) ②描写(to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail) condone: v. 宽恕(to pardon or overlook voluntarily) 【翻译】政府别无选择只能顺应土地改革的不断需求,可是政府却没有采取相

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关的土改行动,这有悖经济现代化的总目标。 116、Like Bela Bartok, Ruth Crawford not only brought a composer’s acumen to the notation of folk music, she also had a marked (i) ______ the task. This was clear in her agonizing over how far to try to represent the minute details of a performance in a written text, and this (ii) ______ makes her work a landmark in ethnomusicology. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A reverence for D fastidiousness B detachment from E didacticism C curiosity about F iconoclasm 【出处】OG, p. 86, #2, Medium 【正确答案】A D 【解题分析】第二句话中的两个 this 都是指的同一个主体,因此从“represent the minute details”中可以推断出第二个空格处应填入 fastidiousness;同样,第 二句话中的两个 this 都是指代的第一个空格处所要填入的词,考察选项,只有 reverence 能与后面的意思相搭配。 【单词释义】 题干单词: acumen: n. 聪明,敏锐(keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters) agonize: v. 使极度痛苦的,折磨(to suffer agony, torture, or anguish) ethnomusicology: n. 人种音乐学(the study of music in a sociocultural context) 选项单词: reverence: n. 尊敬(a feeling of profound awe, respect or love; veneration) detachment: n. ① 分离(the action or process of detaching) ②客观,公正(freedom from bias or prejudice) fastidiousness: n. 一丝不苟,严格 didacticism: n. 教育主义(designed or intended to teach) iconoclasm: n. 打破旧习(the doctrine, practice, or attitude of an iconoclast) 【翻译】像贝拉·巴托克一样,露丝·克劳福德不仅有着民间音乐作曲家的敏锐, 也有对该职业非常敬畏之情。这就促使她对词曲有着非常严格的要求并注重细 节,同样她一丝不苟的专业态度让她的作品成为民间音乐剧的里程碑。 117、Serling’s account of his employer’s reckless decision making (i) ______ that

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company’s image as (ii) ______ bureaucracy full of wary managers. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A belies D an injudicious B exposes E a disorganized C overshadows F a cautious 【出处】OG, p. 97, #3, Hard. 【正确答案】A F 【解题分析】由于题干较短,可以看出整句的主体意思:老板鲁莽的决定(reckless decision)和小心谨慎的公司管理层(bureaucracy full of wary managers)之间的 对比。很显然这是两个具有相反意义的事情,所以,结合选项,第一个空格处 填入 belies 是最合适的。在考虑第二个空格处,题干中 bureaucracy 和 managers 对应重复,因此,第二个空格处就是对 wary 的同义重复,选择 cautious。 【单词释义】 题干单词: reckless: adj. 鲁莽的(marked by lack of proper caution) bureaucracy: n. 官僚机构(a body of nonelective government officials) 题干单词: injudicious: adj. 不明智的(not judicious) 【翻译】瑟琳认为老板的鲁莽决策与小心谨慎的公司管理层形象不符。 118、The (i) ______ of Vladimir Nabokov as one of North America’s literary giants has thrown the spotlight on his peripheral activities and has thus served to (ii) ______ his efforts as an amateur entomologist. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A stigmatization D foreground B lionization E transcend C marginalization F obscure 【出处】OG, p. 370, #7 【正确答案】B D 【解题分析】句子后面部分的 and 表示并列关系,作为文学巨匠的 Vladimir Nabokov 已经讲自己的重心转移到了其他的活动中了,因此对于后面的 efforts as an amateur entomologist 应该是新的重点,考察第二组选项可知 foreground 为正

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确选项;第一个空格处中的 as 表明了其前后应为同义关系,所以第一个空格是 对 giants 的同义重复,选择答案 B。 【单词释义】 题干单词: giant: n. 巨匠(a person of extraordinary powers) spotlight: n. ① 聚光灯(a projected spot of light used to illuminate brilliantly a person, object, or group on a stage) ②公众注意的中心(conspicuous public notice) peripheral: adj. 外围的,次要的(of, relating to, or being the outer part of the field of vision) entomologist: n. 昆虫学者(a zoologist who studies insects) 选项单词: stigmatization: n. 描述,陈述(to describe or identify in opprobrious terms) lionize: v. 看重…,把…当做兴趣(to treat as an object of great interest or importance) marginalization: n. 边缘化,忽视(the social process of becoming or being made marginal) foreground: n. 最显著的位置(a position of prominence) transcend: v. 超越,胜过(to rise above or go beyond the limits of) 【翻译】身为北美文学巨匠的名人弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫已经将工作重心转移到 其他方面,因此,作为业余的昆虫学者的他投入了大量的精力。 119、Belanger dances with an (i) ______ that draws one’s attention as if by seeking to (ii) ______ it; through finesse and understatement, he manages to seem at once intensely present and curiously detached. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A undemonstrative panache D focus B unrestrained enthusiasm E overwhelm C unattractive gawkiness F deflect 【出处】OG, p. 375, #16 【正确答案】A F 【解题分析】考察两个分句之间的关系:前一句说,Belanger 以一种什么样的方 式跳舞来引起人们的注意,后一句说的是通过 finesse and understatement,他试 图怎样。所以可以肯出第一个空应该是对 finesse and understatement 的同义

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重复,选择答案 A;第二个空格处是对“at once intensely present and curiously detached.”这一语义的体现,选择答案 F。 【单词释义】 题干单词: understatement: n. 保守的陈述(a statement that is restrained in ironic contrast to what might have been said) 选项单词: undemonstrative: adj. 含蓄的,不露感情的(restrained in expression of feeling) panache: n. 耍派头(dash or flamboyance in style and action) unrestrained: adj. 无限制的,放纵的(not restrained) gawkiness: adj. 笨拙(the carriage of someone whose movements and posture are extremely ungainly and inelegant) overwhelm: v. 压倒,淹没(to cover over completely) deflect: v. 使转向(to turn aside especially from a straight course or fixed direction) 【翻译】贝朗葛以引人注意的含蓄派头跳舞又好像要引开人们的注意力;尽管 表现得得体又有所保留,他似乎以求做出紧张的出场和让人好奇的离场。 120、There is nothing quite like this movie, and indeed I am not altogether sure there is much more to it than its lovely (i) ______. At a moment when so many films strive to be as (ii) ______ as possible, it is gratifying to find one that is so subtle and puzzling. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A peculiarity D indirect B pellucidity E assertive C conventionality F enigmatic 【出处】OG, p. 391, #19 【正确答案】A E 【解题分析】“when so many films…,it is gratifying to…”表明了前后的转折关系, 所以第二个空格处是对 subtle and puzzling 的反义重复,选择答案 E;第一个空 格处应该填入一个词是对于这部电影的修饰(not sure there is much more than… 表示“没有比它更怎样的…”),根据前面说的 nothing quite like this movie 和 后面的 subtle and puzzling 都可以判断出第一个空应该选择 peculiarity。 【单词释义】 题干单词:

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gratify: v. 使满足(to be a source of or give pleasure or satisfaction) subtle: adj. 微妙的,不易察觉的(difficult to understand or perceive) 选项单词: peculiarity: n. 特性,特质(the quality or state of being peculiar) pellucidity: n. 透彻度(free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression) conventionality: n. 惯例,习俗(a conventional usage, practice, or thing) assertive: adj. 肯定的,独断的(disposed to or characterized by bold or confident assertion) enigmatic: adj. 神秘的,谜一般的(of, relating to, or resembling an enigma) 【翻译】没有其他电影可以像这部电影一样,实际上,我确信没有比它更具有 优秀特质的电影。此时当很多电影力求做到尽可能的明确,可令人欣慰的是人 们发现了一部如此狡猾和充满迷惑的电影。 121、There has been much hand-wringing about how unprepared American students are for college. Graff reverses this perspective, suggesting that colleges are unprepared for students. In his analysis, the university culture is largely (i) ______ entering students because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp. Understandably, many students view academic life as (ii) ______ ritual. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A primed for D an arcane B opaque to E a laudable C essential for F a painstaking 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V1, Medium, #4 【正确答案】B D 【解题分析】先看第一个空,后半句是由关联词 because 引导的原因状语从句, 所以前后句的关系是解释说明的。Because culture fails to make connections to something that students grasp. 所以可以推测出前半句 culture 对 students 的动词应 该选负态度词,所以选项 B 为正确答案;看第二空,连接词为 understandably, 所以很明显后面一句话跟前句关系是顺承,同时句子中不存在否定词,前后句 子态度一致,opaque to 与 arcane 相对应,选项 F 为干扰选项,可以通过后面的 中心词搭配去排除,ritual 绝大多数情况下与 arcane 搭配,而不是 painstaking. 【单词释义】

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题干单词: reverse: v. 颠倒(to turn completely about in position or direction) reference: n. 参考(the act of referring or consulting) 选项单词: prime: adj. 主要的(first in rank, authority, or significance) opaque: adj. 不透明的(exhibiting opacity) arcane: adj. 神秘的(known or knowable only to the initiate) laudable: adj. 值得赞赏的(worthy of praise) 【翻译】已经有很多绝望的声音是关于美国学生是如何没有准备好去上大学。 格拉夫从相反的角度出发,指出其实是大学并没有为学生准备好。在他的分析中, 对于入学的学生,大学文化主要是很难理解的,因为学术文化无法连结到那种 学生所知的理由和文化背景。可以理解地,许多学生认为学术生活是一种神秘 的仪式。 122、The narratives that vanquished peoples have created of their defeat have, according to Schivel Busch, fallen into several identifiable types. In one of these, the vanquished manage to (i) ______ the victor’s triumph as the result of some spurious advantage, the victors being truly inferior where it counts. Often the winners (ii) ______ this interpretation, worrying about the cultural or moral costs of their triumph and so giving some credence to the losers’ story. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A construe D take issue with B anoint E disregard C acknowledge F collude in 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V1, Medium, #5 【正确答案】 A F 【解题分析】最显著的关系是在第二空格处 worrying ……and so give some credence to ……作为伴随状语,和主句之间构成同义重复,因此 ______ this interpretation 和 giving some credence to the loser’s story 同义重复,其正负评价 相同。the loser’s story 和 this interpretation 显然指代的是同一件事情,而 giving some credence to 就等于 believe 的意思,因此第二空格需要填入的也必须同样是 一个正评价的词,故选项 F 为正确答案。(注:collude“共谋”虽然是个贬义词, 但是在语言间连接上它确实一个彻头彻尾的表示顺接的 positive 的词) 回来看第一空格,既然文中把“the vanquished manage to_____ the victor’s

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triumph as ……”称之为是“loser’s story”,那么说明战败方(the vanquished loser)和这个故事之间是 positive correlation(正面的关系),虽然三个候选 选项都是 positive 的,但是根据语义,anoint 是委以重任的意思,句意不符, acknowledge 是表示承认别人的 story,只有 construe(解读,分析)才符合句意, 意所以正确答案选择 A construe. 【单词解释】 题干单词: narrative: n. 叙述(the representation in art of an event or story) vanquish: v. 征服(to overcome in battle) identifiable: adj. 可辨认的(to cause to be or become identical) spurious: adj. 伪造的(outwardly similar or corresponding to something without having its genuine qualities) inferior: adj. 下级的(situated lower down) credence: n. 凭证(mental acceptance as true or real) 选项单词: construe: v. 分析(to analyze the arrangement and connection of words in) anoint: v. 给…擦油(to smear or rub with oil or an oily substance) collude in: 共谋 【翻译】有关那次战争的故事众说纷纭,根据施依威尔·布施的研究,战败的人 们就他们的失利说法不一。其中的一种解释说胜者虽胜犹败,因为他们看似赖 以制胜的优势,实际上在还是很不如人的。而胜者共谋了这种解释,担心这场 胜利不能够承受之轻,担心文化和道德的成本代价,因此信任这个失败者的故事。 123、The playwright’s approach is (i) ______ in that her works (ii) ______ the theatrical devices normally used to create drama on the stage. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A pedestrian D jettison B startling E experiment with C celebrated F distill 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Medium, #4 (Hard, #3) 【正确答案】B D 【解题分析】先看第二个空,根据 normally used to 可以判断出这些设备过去常 常被用作去……,显而易见,the playwright 是对这些设备的动作和这些设备过 去的使用情况应该是取反的,所以选择选项 D,jettison;干扰选项为 experiment

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with,因为后面表达是 normally used to,既然是常被使用的设备,因此排除 experiment with 的前后矛盾恩对表达;之后再看第一个空,从后句句子意思可以 推断出第一空应该填写 starling. 【单词释义】 题干单词: playwright: n. 剧作家(a person who writes plays) theatrical: adj. 戏剧性的(of or relating to the theater or the presentation of plays) 选项单词: pedestrian: adj. 徒步的(going or performed on foot) jettison: n. 投弃货物(a voluntary sacrifice of cargo to lighten a ship's load in time of distress) distill: v. 蒸馏(to let fall, exude, or precipitate in drops or in a wet mist) 【翻译】这位剧作家的做法是惊人的,因为在她的作品中抛弃通常用来创建戏 剧舞台上戏剧的设备。 124.Television promotes (i) ______ of emotion in viewers through an unnatural evocation, every five minutes, of different and (ii) ______ feelings. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A a withdrawal D incompatible B an obscuring E sympathetic C a discontinuity F interminable 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V1, Medium, #4 【正确答案】 C D 【解题分析】Through 前后是同义表达,television 通过唤起 ____ 的感受,从而 使得观众产生 ____ 的情感,所以前后句的 feelings 和 emotion 是同义表达。根 据后半句的 every five minutes 以及 different 可以推断出前半句正确答案是选项 C, “不连续的”;看第二空部分,根据修饰 emotion 和 feelings 的形容词,可以推 断出应该选一个负态度的形容词,即推出正确答案为选项 D。 【单词释义】 题干单词: evocation: n. 唤起 选项单词: discontinuity: n. 不连续(lack of continuity or cohesion) incompatible: adj. 不相容的(incapable of being held by one person at one time)

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interminable: adj. 无止尽的(having or seeming to have no end) 【翻译】电视通过一种不自然的召唤使得观众的情感不连续 , 每五分钟 , 产生不 同且不和谐的感受。 125、The Parisian Ecole des Beaux-Arts (School of Fine Arts) was (i) ______ many nineteenth- and twentieth-century artists, so that by 1930 the associated term “academic art” had become a (ii) ______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A influential among D pejorative B ridiculed by E conundrum C attended by F misnomer 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Hard, #3 【正确选项】B D 【解题分析】关联词 so…that…点明了前后句之间的逻辑关系,即后半句是前 半句的进一步解释说明。前半句的“School of Fine Arts”和后半句的“academic art”同意对应,所以可以推断出第一空和第二空同为同意对应。答案中符合条 件的为选项 B 和选项 D。 【单词释义】 选项单词: ridicule: v. 嘲笑(to make fun of) pejorative: adj. 轻蔑的(having negative connotations) conundrum: n. 难题;谜语(a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun) misnomer: n. 用词不当(a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun) 【翻译】巴黎美术学院曾经被许多十九、二十世纪的艺术家嘲笑,以至于到了 1930 年,大家所称的“学院派艺术”已经被视为一种轻蔑语。 126、Repression of painful memories is sometimes called “willed forgetting.” Yet true forgetting is (i) ______ than the phenomenon of repressed memory. In spite of the effort that it (ii) ______, repressing unwanted memories is less (iii) ______ than truly forgetting them, for repressed memories are prone to come back. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A less controlled D eases G permanent B different in its effect E conveys H arduous

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C far more common F entails I immediate 【出处】OG, p. 515, #7 【正确选项】B F G 【解题分析】第三空根据关联词 for 表示因果,被压抑的记忆会重现,显然说明 效果不如真正忘记持久,G 选项为正确答案;第二空根据 in spite of,effort 必然 有正面积极的意义,that 在此处引导同位语从句,故压抑记忆起到的效果不是“传 输”也不是“限制”,只能是“缓和”(正态度);第一空根据后句的句意进 行推测,压抑的效果尽管会有所缓和,但不如真实记忆持久,所以压抑和真正 忘记效果是不同的,选项 B 符合句意。 【单词释义】 题干单词: repression: n. 抑制(the action or process of repressing: the state of being repressed) prone to: 有…倾向的 选项单词: entail: v. 遗传给(to restrict property by limiting the inheritance to the owner's lineal descendants or to a particular class thereof) arduous: adj. ①费力的(hard to accomplish or achieve) ②险峻的(hard to climb) 【翻译】 压抑痛苦的记忆有时被称作“有意遗忘”。但真正的遗忘与压抑记忆 的现象产生的效果不尽相同。尽管能舒缓痛苦,但压抑令人不快的记忆不如真 正遗忘来得更加持久,因为那些被压抑的记忆很有可能重现。 127、Statements presented as fact in a patent application are (i) ______ unless a good reason for doubt is found. The invention has only to be deemed “more likely than not” to work in order to receive initial approval. And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort (ii) ______ the science of an erroneous patent. For this reason the endless stream of (iii) ______ devices will continue to yield occasional patents. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A presumed verifiable D corroborating G novel B carefully scrutinized E advancing H bogus C considered capricious F debunking I obsolete 【出处】OG, p. 88, #5, Medium.

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【正确答案】A F H 【解题分析】先看第一空部分,连接前后句的关联词是 unless,所以两句之间 是反义关系,后半句的意思是找到一个好的怀疑的理由,那么前半句表达的 就应该是没有怀疑的理由,即“假定为真的”,选项 A 为正确选项;第二空 部分,关联词 although 表前后两句之间的关系是反义,前半句表达 patents are challenged, 则后半句应该与 challenge 取反,但由于后半句有否定词 no incentive exists,则决定第二空应该选 challenge 取同义,所以正确选项为 F;第三空部分, 前后句之间的关联词 For this reason 表示对上文的继续,即对于专利申请来说, 有时不仅仅是没有人有足够的理由去反驳的以外,还有的是因为没有足够的动 力去反驳它们,因而在现实中,对于有问题的专利的调查是不够的。由于专利 本身就有问题,因而其最终的结果——产品,也是有问题的,应该填入一个负 评价,正确选项为 H。 【单词释义】 题干单词: patent: adj. ①专利的(secured by letters patent or by a patent to the exclusive control and possession of a particular individual or party) ②显然的(secured by letters patent or by a patent to the exclusive control and possession of a particular individual or party) incentive: n. 动机,刺激(something that incites or has a tendency to incite to determination or action) 选项单词: verifiable: adj. 可证实的(capable of being verified) scrutinize: v. 详细检查(to examine closely and minutely) capricious: adj. 反复无常的(governed or characterized by caprice) corroborate: v. 证实(to support with evidence or authority) debunk: v. 揭穿(to expose the sham or falseness of) bogus: adj. 假的(not genuine) obsolete: adj. 废弃的(no longer in use or no longer useful) 【翻译】在专利申请中被当作事实依据而提出的陈述在没有足够理由去怀疑它 们的时候往往被推定为是真实可信的。而此时这项发明实际上被认为是“聊胜 于无”而去申请最初的专利许可而用的。同时,即便是成千上万的专利因为其 他原因而被告上法庭的情况下,没有其他特别的刺激或激励是任何人有意愿去 证实一个存在错误的专利背后的科学依据是错误的。正因为如此,才会依然有 不计其数的、存在着问题的设备继续在偶然中获得专利许可。 128. No other contemporary poet’s work has such a well-earned reputation for (i)

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______, and there are few whose moral vision is so imperiously unsparing. Of late, however, the almost belligerent demands of his severe and densely forbidding poetry have taken an improbable turn. This new collection is the poet’s fourth book in six years ─ an ample output even for poets of sunny disposition, let alone for one of such (ii) ______ over the previous 50 years. Yet for all his newfound (iii) ______, his poetry is as thorny as ever. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A patent accessibility D penitential austerity G taciturnity B intrinsic frivolity E intractable prolixity H volubility C near impenetrability F impetuous prodigality I pellucidity 【出处】OG, p. 97, #4, Hard. 【正确答案】C D H 【解题分析】第一空部分,因为前后句之间的关联词是 and,所以前后句是同义 关系,由于“No other contemporary poet”与 few 都是否定表达,所以填空部分 与后半句 whose 引导的定于从句互为同义关系,根据 whose 引导的定语从句的 意思可以推断出第一空部分为选项 C;第二空部分,Even 在前半句中作为“哪怕” 来讲,表示前后两个半句是反义关系,后半句话用 let alone 连接表示递进关系, 且这两句中没有任何否定词,因而对应词语之间是反义关系。后半句话前半句 话中关于诗人的称呼是 sunny disposition,表示是一种“阳光性格”,这种人的 特点是爱说话,因而,选取其反义词作为第二空的答案,即“少言寡语”;第 三空部分,这个状态在前面已经出现,即这个人在近六年时间内写了4个诗集—— 高产、话多,用原文的话就是“ample”,因而找寻一个 ample 的同义词即可, 所以正确选项为 H。 【单词释义】 题干单词: imperious: adj. 专横的(befitting or characteristic of one of eminent rank or attainments) unsparing: adj. 不宽恕的(not merciful or forbearing) belligerent: adj. 交战的(waging war) dense: adj. 稠密的(marked by compactness or crowding together of parts) ample: adj. 丰富的,足够的(generous or more than adequate in size, scope, or capacity) disposition: n. 处置(the act or the power of disposing or the state of being disposed) thorny: adj. 痛苦的(full of difficulties or controversial points)

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选项单词: intrinsic: adj. 本质的(belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing) frivolity: n. 轻浮(the quality or state of being frivolous) penitential: adj. 赎罪的(of or relating to penitence or penance) austerity: n. 朴素(the quality or state of being austere) intractable: adj. ①棘手的(not easily governed, managed, or directed) ②难治的(not easily relieved or cured) prolixity: n. 冗长,啰嗦(unduly prolonged or drawn out) impetuous: adj. 冲动的(marked by impulsive vehemence or passion) prodigality: n. 浪费(characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure) taciturnity: n. 沉默寡言(temperamentally disinclined to talk) volubility: n. 健谈(characterized by ready or rapid speech) pellucidity: n. 透明度 【翻译】没有其他任何当代诗人的作品因为严谨而拥有这样的美名,同时也很 少有诗人像他这样拥有一种不变的道德观。然而对于后者而言,来自他那些严 苛的诗歌中那几乎可以说得上是专断的说法现在竟然难以置信地发生了转变。 这个诗人最新的诗集是他在六年以来的第四部,而这对于一个开朗健谈的诗人 来说都是很高产的了,更不用提向他这样在过去 50 年里一直惜字如金的诗人了。 然而尽管他现在似乎比以前来说不是那么惜字如金了,但是他文字中流露出来 的尖刻依旧存在。 129、The question of (i) ______ in photography has lately become nontrivial. Prices for vintage prints (those made by a photographer soon after he or she made the negative) so drastically (ii) ______ in the 1990s that one of these photographs might fetch a hundred times as much as a nonvintage print of the same image. It was perhaps only a matter of time before someone took advantage of the (iii) ______ to peddle newly created “vintage” prints for profit. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A forgery D ballooned G discrepancy B influence E weakened H ambiguity C style F varied I duplicity 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V1, Medium, #6 【正确答案】A D G 【解题分析】先看第二空部分,句子由 so…that…结构连接,且居中无否定词,

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所以 that 后面的从句是对前半句的同意阐述,前半句说到价格的增长,that 引 导的后半句中对于价格增长的描述只有 fetch a hundred times,因而 VP 的价格在 二十世纪九十年代的 10 年间较 Non VP 来说增长了上百倍,因此这应该是一种 短时间且迅速的增长,所以正确答案为选项 D;能够获利的根本在与成本与销 售价格之间的价格差,因而人们所利用的是上百倍的差价,所以在第三空中填 入“差距”一词的同义词,即选项 G;最后看第一个空,最后一句话中说到了 “vintage” prints,加上引号以后表示反语,表明 VP 不是真实的,而是“created” ones,因此,摄影界面临的问题是造假成风,正确答案选择 A。 【单词释义】 题干单词: nontrivial: adj. 非平凡的(of great worth or importance) vintage print: 原始照片 drastic: adj. 激烈的(acting rapidly or violently) peddle: v. 叫卖(to travel about with wares for sale) 选项单词: forgery: n. 伪造(an act of forging) discrepancy: n. 矛盾(the quality or state of being discrepant) ambiguity: n. 含糊(the quality or state of being ambiguous especially in meaning) duplicity: n. 表里不一,口是心非(contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action) 【翻译】摄影界造假的问题在最近变得越来越严重了, 摄影作品——指那些在 摄影师在制作负片之后产生的相片——的价格在上世纪 90 年代暴涨,有时候某 些摄影师会为一个摄影作品要价超过非摄影作品的百倍以上。在这种巨额差价 存在的情况下,有人会为了这些利润而四处兜售自己新创造的“摄影作品”的 事情的出现仅仅是个时间问题。 130、To the untutored eye the tightly forested Ardennes hills around Sedan look quite (i) ______, (ii) ______ place through which to advance a modern army; even with today’s more numerous and better roads and bridges, the woods and the river Meuse form a significant (iii) ______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A impenetrable D a makeshift G resource B inconsiderable E an unpropitious H impediment C uncultivated F an unremarkable I passage

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【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Easy, #6 【正确答案】A E H 【解题分析】先看第一、二空,前后两句之间没有表转折关系的信号词,也没 有否定词语,所以可以确定是同意表达,两个空是对 Ardennes hills 的描述,通 过前面的定语可知此山的特点是 tightly forested,而后面说的是关于让军队通过 的问题,故茂密的森林对于军队通过是一项不利的影响,因为林木阻挡了通路, 故第一、二空的选项为选项 A 和选项 E;看第三空部分,因为句子中间是用分 号隔开的,所以前后两句话是同义表达,前面已经推断出山势不利于现代军通过, 所以后面应是同样的意义,所以最后一个选项应选 H(impediment,阻碍)。 【单词释义】 题干单词: numerous: adj. 许多的(consisting of great numbers of units or individuals) 选项单词: makeshift: n. 权宜之计(a usually crude and temporary expedient) propitious: adj. 适合的(favorably disposed) 【翻译】对于外行人来说,色当附近被阿登森林茂密的植被所覆盖的山丘看起 来是现代化军队无法穿越的 ; 即便现在有了更多更好的道桥支持,那些树林与默 兹河也是一项难以逾越的障碍。 131、Room acoustics design criteria are determined according to the room’s intended use. Music, for example, is best (i) ______ in space that are reverberant, a condition that generally makes speech less (ii) ______. Acoustics suitable for both speech and music can sometimes be created in the same space, although the result is never perfect, each having to be (iii) ______ to some extent. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A controlled D abrasive G compromised B appreciated E intelligible H eliminated C employed F ubiquitous I considered 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Medium, #6 【正确答案】B E G 【解题分析】先考虑第一个空格处,从 for example 可以看出,Music, for example,…一句是对前一句的解释说明,因此空格处应填入 music 的用途,即 appreciated;考察第二个空格,由 acoustics suitable for both speech and music can sometimes be created in the same place…中的 sometimes 可以看出,前面说的是

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与之不同的情况,即 music 和 speech 在这个房间内会有不同的效果,那么既然 music 的效果是 reverberant,speech 的效果就应该是负面的,这里要注意到第二 个空格前的 less,是负面意义的词,所以第二个空格处应填入一个正面意义的词, 即 intelligible;第三个空比较好判断,although 表示转折,因此第三个空应该填 入一个与 never perfect 意义相反的词,考察选项可知 compromised 最合适。 【单词释义】 题干单词: room acoustics: 室内声学 design criteria: 设计标准 reverberant: adj. 回响的,起回声的(tending to reverberate) 选项单词: abrasive: adj. ①粗糙的,有研磨作用的(tending to abrade) ②刺激人的(causing irritation) ubiquitous: adj. 普遍存在的,无所不在的(existing or being everywhere at the same time) eliminate: v. 消除,排除(to cast out or get rid of) 【翻译】室内音响设计的标准是根据这个房间的用途而定的,以音乐为例,音 乐往往在有回声的空间中欣赏效果最好,但是这些回声却有减弱观众对于演讲 的理解效果。( 不过 ) 有时候经过协调处理以后能够在同一个房间内同时听音乐 与演讲,尽管这样的效果不是绝对完美的。 132.While the cerulean warbler’s status maybe particularly (i) ______, it is just one of the many species of migrant birds whose numbers have been (ii) ______ for years. Increasingly, biologists investigating the causes of these (iii) ______ are focusing on habitat loss in the Tropics, where the birds spend the winter. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A precarious D underreported G pairings B secure E falling H migrations C representative F copious I declines 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V1, Medium, #5 【正确答案】A E I 【解题分析】while 表示转折,第一句话的意思是,尽管 cerulean warble 的处境 特别…,它只是众多…的候鸟之一。While 和 just one of 已经完成了转折的意义, 所以第一个空格处和第二个空格处实际上应该填入能表示相同意义的词,考察

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两组选项,A 和 E 是最为合适的选项;再看第三个空格,these 指代的是前面所 表达的意义,而前面正是在描述候鸟数量的减少情况,所以最后一个空格可以 看做是对第二个空的同义重复,选择 declines。 【单词释义】 题干单词: cerulean warbler: n. 深蓝色林莺 migrant birds: n. 候鸟 选项单词: precarious: adj. ① 不确定的(dependent on chance circumstances, unknown conditions, or uncertain developments) ②危险的(characterized by a lack of security or stability that threatens with danger) underreport: v. 低估,少报(to report be less than is actually the case) copious: adj. 多产的(yielding something abundantly). 【翻译】尽管深蓝色林莺的处境十分危险,但它只是今年来数量下降的众多候 鸟之一。越来越多的生物学家做的针对候鸟数量减少的原因的调查都指向了候 鸟过冬的热带栖息地的消失。 133、The recent publication of the painter Robert Motherwell’s substantial body of writing, as well as writings by fellow Expressionist Barnett Newman, (i) ______ Ann Gibson’s assertion that the Abstract Expressionists were reluctant to (ii) ______ issues of artistic meaning in their work and suggests that this supposed reticence was perhaps more artistic (iii) ______ than historical fact. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A substantiates D forgo G conscience B undermines E articulate H focus C overlooks F conceal I posturing 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V1, Medium, #6 【正确答案】B E I 【解题分析】本题可从第一、二空入手。后半句中的 and 表明前后是同义重复, 在 and 后是说 this supposed reticence was perhaps more artistic,那么在 and 前应该 同样表达这个意思,对 artistic 持正面态度。所以这里可以判断出第一、二空的 关系是,“支持对 artistic 的正面态度”或是“反对对 artistic 的反面态度”,同 时还要考虑的是第二个空前面有一个负面词 reluctant to,所以对于前两个空有两

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种情况:1、第一个空格为正面意义第二个空格为负面意义;2、第一个空格为负 面意义,第二个空格为正面意义。通过题干中的 recent 一词可知,本句为新观点 推翻旧观点,所以可明确第一个空答案为 undermines,第二个答案为 articulate。 再看第三个空为比较级,比较的双方事物应一致,所以第三个空可看做是对 fact 的重复,在第三组词中只有 posturing 合适。 【单词释义】 题干单词: reticence: n. 沉默寡言(the quality or state of being reticent) 选项单词: forgo: v. 放弃,停止(to give up enjoyment or advantage) conceal: v. 隐藏,隐瞒(to prevent disclosure or recognition of) conscience: n. 道德心,良心(the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one’s own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good) posture: v. 摆姿势 (to strike a pose for effect) 【翻译】近日出版的画家罗伯特·马瑟威尔的大量写作作品,以及他的朋友、表 现主义作家巴奈特·纽曼的作品,都反驳了安·吉布森的论断,安·吉布森认为抽象 的表现主义者拒绝在他们的作品里清晰地表达艺术的含义,同时他还认为这样 的保留也许比历史的事实更有艺术的姿态。 134、If one could don magic spectacles—with lenses that make the murky depths of the ocean become transparent—and look back several centuries to an age before widespread abuse of the oceans began, even the most (i) ______ observer would quickly discover that fish were formerly much more abundant. Likewise, many now- depleted species of marine mammals would appear (ii) ______. But without such special glasses, the differences between past and present oceans are indeed hard to (iii) ______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A casual D threatened G ignore B prescient E plentiful H discern C clearheaded F unfamiliar I dismiss 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Easy, #5 【正确答案】A E H

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【解题分析】even 表示让步,前面说的是 spectacles 功能的强大,那么带上眼镜 的观察着即便是“不强大”也可以取得效果,因此第一个空很显然填 casual; likewise 表示前后的重复,所以第二个空是对 abundant 的重复,选择 plentiful; but 表示转折,说明在没有这样的眼镜的情况下,那么相反的状态应是无法看到 过去也就无法对比,考虑到空格前的 hard 这一负面意义词,选择 discern。 【单词释义】 题干单词: murky: adj. ①朦胧的(characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke) ②黑暗的(dark or gloomy) 选项单词: casual: adj. ①偶然的(subject to, resulting from, or occurring by chance) ②临时的(occurring without regularity) ③非正式的(feeling or showing little concern) prescient: adj. 预知的,有先见之明的(foreknowledge of events) clearheaded: adj. 头脑清楚的(having a clear understanding) 【翻译】如果有人可以做出一种有魔力的眼镜,拥有能使海洋黑暗的深处变得 通透的镜片,并且能够回看到海洋尚未被大肆滥用的几个世纪之前,那么即使 是再业余的观察着都会很快发现以前的鱼类是相当丰富的。同样地,很多现在 稀少的海洋哺乳动物也显得很丰富。但是并没有这样的眼镜,这些过于和现在 之间的差别就很难被分辨出来。 135. There is nothing that (i) ______ scientists more than having an old problem in their field solved by someone from outside. If you doubt this (ii) ______, just think about the (iii) ______ reaction of paleontologists to the hypothesis of Luis Alvarez—a physicist—and Walter Alvarez—a geologist—that the extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by the impact of a large meteor on the surface of the planet. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A amazes D exposition G contemptuous B pleases E objurgation H indifferent C nettles F observation I insincere 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Medium, #5 【正确答案】C F G 【解题分析】 …just think about…后面的内容是对第一句话的举例说明,因此第

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一个空和第三个空是同义重复关系,由于第三组选项中均没有正面意义的 词,所以第一个空只能选择 nettles,由 nettles 引起的一种最合适的反应应该是 contemptuous,这就是第三个空的答案;在看第二个空,this 指代的是前一句 话,所以第二个空应该是对第一句话的概括说明或是定性,是一个中性的评论, observation 为最佳选项。 【单词释义】 题干单词: paleontologist: n. 古生物学家(a science dealing with the life of past geological periods as known from fossil remains) 选项单词: nettle: v. 惹恼(to arouse to sharp but transitory annoyance or anger) objurgation: n. 叱责(a harsh rebuke) contemptuous: adj. 轻蔑的,侮辱的(manifesting, feeling, or expressing contempt) 【翻译】没有什么比非专业领域人士解决一个本专业中存在已久的问题更能惹 恼科学家了。如果你怀疑这个观察,那就想想古生物学家对物理学家路易斯·阿 尔瓦雷斯和地质学家瓦尔特·阿尔瓦雷斯做出的轻蔑的反应吧,正是这两位提出 了恐龙灭绝的原因是巨大的陨石撞击地球的表面。 136. Moore was (i) ______ ill at ease. His (ii) ______ had always been a distinguishing feature. It was what made him a good con artist and a good informant. He was one of those men who accepted dares with an easygoing smile and did outrageous things with (iii) ______ that made him successful in the dangerous world in which he operated. But just now he was not feeling very sure of himself. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A uncharacteristically D disquietude G an obvious clumsiness B predictably E magnanimity H a sophisticated fearlessness C naturally F aplomb I a wary vigilance 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Hard, #4 【正确答案】A F H 【解题分析】通读题干可以发现,从第二句起是对 Moore 的描述,通过 but 前 后的描述可看出现在的 Moore 并没有处在一个之前人们对他认识常态,而是一 个不一样的状态,因此可判断出第一个空处应该填入 uncharacteristically;同样, but 表示转折,had been always 说明这是在描述以前的状态,后面的两句就是对 他之前的描述,虽然我们无法从 good con artist and good informant 看出第二个空

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的答案,但是紧跟着的 accepted dares with an easygoing smile 可以看做是对第二 个空的同义重复,因此 aplomb 为正确选项;第三个空前面的 and 表明其与前面 的内容同义重复,即与 accepted dares 同义重复,选择答案 fearlessness。 【单词释义】 题干单词: outrageous: adj. ①离谱的(exceeding the limits of what is usual) ②粗暴的(violent, unrestrained) 选项单词: disquietude: n. 不安,焦虑(anxiety, agitation) magnanimity: n. 宽宏大量,慷慨(the quality of being magnanimous) aplomb: n. 沉着(complete and confident composure or self-assurance) clumsiness: n. ①粗陋(lacking dexterity, nimbleness, or grace) ②笨拙(awkward or inefficient in use or construction) vigilance: n. 警戒,警觉(the quality or state of being vigilant) 【翻译】摩尔显得一反常态。他的沉着冷静向来是其标志性的特征。这使得他 成为了一名出色的骗子和优秀的线人。他是那种接受挑战而面带从容微笑,用 老辣的无畏完成不可思议任务的人,这些令他在危机四伏的世界操控自如。但 是就在此刻他感觉到对自己失去了信心。 137、The journalism professor’s first lecture tackled (i) ______ itself, challenging the journalistic trope that an article has to represent all sides—no matter how marginal—equally. Instead, the professor argued that this impulse to (ii) ______ even obviously (iii) ______ views in order to furnish opposing perspectives is harmful to basic accuracy. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A marketability D approve G controversial B objectivity E present H fringe C partisanship F denigrate I straightforward 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Hard, #5 【正确答案】B E H 【解题分析】challenging…是对前面内容的补充说明,所以第一个空格可看做是 对 equally 的同义重复,选择 objectivity;instead 表示转折,前面说的是新闻工 作者都应该保证对各方的公平,即便是有一方的观点十分边缘化。那么 instead 后面的内容就应该对此持反对意见或者是削弱,harmful to basic accuracy 必然指

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的是前面的观点即对于边缘化观点的公平对待,所以第三个空应选择 fringe,因 为考虑到之前提到的客观性,所以在选择第二个空的时候就应该比较容易选出 中性意义的词 present。 【单词释义】 题干单词: tackle: v. 处理(to set about dealing with) marginal: adj. 边缘的,临界的(of, relating to, or situated at a margin or border; not of central importance) 选项单词: partisanship: n. 党派性(a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause, or person) denigrate: v. 诋毁(to cast aspersions on) fringe: adj. 边缘的(an ornamental border consisting of short straight or twisted threads or strips hanging from cut or raveled edges or from a separate band) 【翻译】新闻学教授的第一堂课就向客观性发起挑战,质疑了新闻行业的一种 说法,一篇文章要代表各方的观点,不论是多么边缘化的观点。相反,这位教 授对此提出了质疑,认为这样做会促使提出很明显的边缘化观点用于反对,这 无益于最基本的精确性的要求。 138、An esteemed literary critic, Mr. Wood has put together a (i) ______ volume about literary technique, his playful exuberance (ii) ______ the dry, jargon-strewn tradition of academic criticism. Mr. Wood can’t claim to be (iii) ______; he has restricted himself to citations available in his personal library. Nor does he attempt to be methodical, as chapters proceed in higgledy-piggledy fashion. But few books about novel writing provide such insights into the craft. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A deft D wonderfully at odds with G entertaining B pretentious E heavily influenced by H accessible C comprehensive F largely superseded by I thorough 【出处】 PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Hard, #6 【正确答案】A D I 【解题分析】对于 Mr. Wood 的评价是 esteemed,所以后面他的工作也应该用一 个正面意义的词修饰,第一个空选择 deft;第二个空格前后就是一组矛盾的短语: playful exuberance 和 dry, jargon-strewn tradition,因此第二个空格处应该填入一

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个表现这种矛盾的词组,考察选项,尽管 D 和 F 都能达到这个目的,但是考虑 到上下文,D 中的 wonderfully 更符合整句话对 Mr. Wood 的评价;第三个空后面 的分号表示前后半句是同义重复,其中后半句说的是 Mr. Wood 将自己的引用都 限定在了自己的图书馆中,没有尝试着系统地写作(methodical),并且写作的 章节也混乱(higgledy-piggledy),是负面的评价,所以前半句也应该是对他的 负评价,但是这里要看到在第三个空之前有一个负面词 can’t,所以第三个空 应填入一个正面意义的词。联系上下文,thorough 最符合句意。 【单词释义】 题干单词: esteemed: adj. 受人尊敬的(having an illustrious reputation; respected) exuberance: n. 丰富,茂盛(the quality or state of being exuberant) methodical: adj. 有系统的,有方法的(arranged, characterized by, or performed with method or order) higgledy-piggledy: n. 混乱的 选项单词: deft: adj. 灵巧的,机敏的(characterized by facility and skill) pretentious: adj. ①炫耀的(making usually unjustified or excessive claims) ②自命不凡的(making demands on one's skill, ability, or means) 【翻译】作为一名受人尊敬的文学评论家,伍德先生已巧妙地将许多文学技巧 结合在一起,他轻松幽默的(写作风格)与枯燥、生涩、充满专业术语的传统 文学评论不同。伍德先生也不能别人为是全面的,他将自己的引用都局限在了 他的个人图书馆中。他从未试着系统化地写作,(他的作品)章节混乱不堪。 但是几乎没有关于小说写作的书能如此精巧地表达思想。 139、As market forces penetrate firms and bid up the value of attributes of labor that are more measurable than is the knowledge born of experience, it can be expected that trends in wages will not ______ those whose main value lies in such experimental knowledge. A favor B aid C affect D forsake E betray F differentiate 【出处】OG, p. 520, #16

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【正确答案】A B 【解题分析】As 表示原因,因此两个分句之前是因果关系。前半句说的是市场 的力量提升了(这是一种改变)原本是用经验来决定的劳动价值,那么后半句 就应该延续这样的论述,对于 experimental knowledge 取负面态度,考虑到空格 处前面有一个 not,因此这里应填入一个正面意义的词,选择 A 和 B。 【单词释义】 题干单词: penetrate: v. 渗透(to pass into or through) bid up: v. 抬价 选项单词: forsake: v. 放弃,断念(to renounce or turn away from entirely) differentiate: v. 区别,区分(to express the specific distinguishing quality of) 【翻译】随着市场力量渗透入公司并抬高了劳动的价值属性,使其可以更好地 被衡量,而不是仅靠从经验中获得的知识(去判定),可以预见的是薪资的变 动将不利于 / 助于那些主要价值依赖于经验知识的人。 140、This is the kind of movie ─ stuffed with intimations of faraway strife and people in suits talking frantically on cell phones and walkie-talkies ─ that is conventionally described as a political thriller, but the film is as apolitical as it is ______. A intense B unprecedented C subtle D humdrum E refined F dull 【出处】OG, p. 521, #18 【正确答案】D F 【解题分析】as…as 结构告诉我们空格处应该是对前面的重复,but 说明前后的 不一致,因此空格处应该与 apolitical 一样,对 but 前面的 political thriller 中的 thriller 反义重复,因此 D 和 F 为最佳答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: stuffed with: 用…装填 strife: n. 冲突(bitter sometimes violent conflict or dissension)

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frantically: adv. 疯狂似的(mentally deranged) 选项单词: humdrum: adj. 单调的,乏味的(monotonous, dull) dull: adj. ①无趣的(lacking zest or vivacity) ②迟钝的(mentally slow) 【翻译】这是一部那种充斥着远距离冲突的暗示和西装革履的人们疯狂地用手 机和对讲机交谈的电影,习惯上这种电影被称作政治惊悚片,但是这部电影既 对政治漠不关心,也显得单调乏味 / 无趣。 141、It was her view that the country’s problems had been ______ by foreign technocrats, so that to ask for such assistance again would be counterproductive. A ameliorated B ascertained C diagnosed D exacerbated E overlooked F worsened 【出处】OG, p. 52, #2 【正确答案】D F 【解题分析】因为 so that 表示前后两句是同意表达,根据后半句所表达的含义: 再次求助将会产生不良后果,可以推断出前面一句也一定是负态度,且前半句 无否定词,所以可以推测出填空部分应为 counterproductive 的同义表达,所以, 选项 D、F 为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: technocrat: n. 技术统治论者(a technical expert) counterproductive: adj. 反生产的(tending to hinder the attainment of a desired goal) 选项单词: ameliorate: v. 改善(to make better or more tolerable) ascertain: v. 确定,查明(to make certain, exact, or precise) diagnose: v. 诊断(to recognize as a disease by signs and symptoms) exacerbate: v. 使…恶化(to make more violent, bitter, or severe) 【翻译】在她的观点中,这个国家的问题因外籍技术专家而恶化 / 变得更糟,所

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以再次请求这些援助会产生不良后果。 142、In American Indian art, the supposed distinction between modern and traditional was fabricated by critics, and when artists have control over interpretation of their own work, the distinction appears, happily, to have been ______. A eliminated B reinforced C put to rest D intensified E recognized F established 【出处】OG, p. 504, #15 【正确答案】 A C 【解题分析】关联词 When 提示了近似的因果,则前后两个分句的关系为同义重 复。前半句称评论家捏造了一种界限,暗示着这种界限并不存在。根据前半句 可以推测出后半句艺术家解释自己作品时,这种界限同样不存在,正确答案应 与前半句的 fabricated by critics 互为同意,所以选项 A、C 正确。 【单词释义】 题干单词: fabricate: v. 制造(invent, create) 选项单词: reinforce: v. 加强,加固(to strengthen by additional assistance, material, or support) put to rest: 歇息 intensify: v. 增强(to make intense or more intensive) 【翻译】在美国印第安艺术中,假定存在的现代和传统的界限不过是评论家捏 造的结果。而令人高兴的是,艺术家在解释他们自己的作品时,这种界限看起 来消失了 / 应该歇一歇吧。 143、Some of the company’s supporters charged that the negative report had been motivated by a broader political assault on the company that was designed to help market rivals who would like to see the company ______. A reined in

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B bolstered C indemnified D propped up E manacled F lionized 【出处】OG, p. 505, #17 【正确答案】A E 【解题分析】前半句和解题没有必然关系,只要找到“market rivals”的这条解 题线索即可。竞争对手当然希望这家公司受到负面影响,所以选择负态度词即可, 只有选项 A 和 E 合乎要求。B 和 D 两项虽然也是同义词,但在感情色彩上不符 合要求。 【单词释义】 题干单词: assault: v. 攻击(to make an assault on) 选项单词: rein in: 控制,放慢,止住 bolster: v. 支持(to support with or as if with a bolster) indemnify: v. 赔偿,保护(to secure against hurt, loss, or damage) prop up: 支撑,支持 manacle: n. 束缚 (a shackle for the hand or wrist) lionize: v. 把…奉为名人(to treat as an object of great interest or importance) 【翻译】一些公司的支持者指责称该负面报告是被针对公司的广泛的政治抨击 所推动,其目的在于帮助那些乐于看到本公司受到制约的竞争对手。 144、Skeptics contend that any scheme for charging visitors to Web sites that rewards the vendor adequately would require steep prices, ______ the kind of frequent, casual use of Web sites that surfers now take for granted. A bridling B exciting C forbidding D inhibiting E provoking F reversing

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【出处】OG, p. 506, #18 【正确答案】A D 【解题分析】空格所填内容为现在分词,作用为引导伴随状语,和主句同义重复。 skeptics 表明这些人对句中的收费计划持反对态度,“高昂费用”作为同义重复, 则意味着对网民起到打击、削弱的作用,故选项 A 和 D 为正确答案。C 选项感 情色彩正确但意味过重。选项 B 和 E 是一对同义词但不符合句意。 【单词释义】 题干单词: contend: v. 竞争,奋斗(to strive or vie in contest or rivalry or against difficulties) vendor: n. 小贩(one that vends) 选项单词: bridle: v. 控制(to restrain, check, or control with or as if with a bridle) inhibiting: adj. 抑制作用的,约束的(to prohibit from doing something) provoking: adj. 刺激的(to arouse to a feeling or action) reversing: adj. 回转的(to turn completely about in position or direction) 【翻译】持怀疑态度者认为对于登录充分奖励销售商的网站的网民征收费用的任 何计划都将需要高额费用,从而约束 / 限制了网民习以为常的对网络的日常使用。 145、It seems obvious that Miles Davis’ ______ the Julliard School, which resulted in his decision to drop out, was based on the school’s training of musicians for a kind of music that he did not want to play. A disaffection with B dislocation of C disentanglement from D subversion of E displacement of F estrangement from 【出处】OG, p. 506, #19 【正确答案】A F 【解题分析】 Resulted in 表明 MD 的退学和他的态度之间存在因果关联,所以 前后两句应为同义表达,而且后文的 based on 进一步说明他对学校的负面态度。 因此选项所填内容必须与负面态度有关。故选项 A 和 F 是正确答案。选项 D 虽 然也是负面态度,但没有其他选项与之对应。B 和 C 也是同义词,但不符合句意。 【单词释义】

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选项单词: dislocation: n. ①转位(the act of dislocating)     ②脱臼(displacement of one or more bones at a joint) entanglement: n. 牵连(the condition of being deeply involved) subversion: n. 颠覆(a cause of overthrow or destruction) estrangement: n. 疏远(to remove from customary environment or associations) 【翻译】迈尔斯·戴维斯对茱莉亚音乐学院的不满最终导致他的退学,这种不满 情绪显然是他不愿演奏该学校训练体系中所用的乐曲所致。 146.While in many ways their personalities could not have been more different ─ she was ebullient where he was glum, relaxed where he was awkward, garrulous where he was ______ ─ they were surprisingly well suited. A solicitous B munificent C irresolute D laconic E fastidious F taciturn 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V1, Medium, #14 【正确答案】D F 【解题分析】空格中应填入一个对于 he 性格描述的形容词,跟她的性格形成鲜 明对比,前面两组鲜明的对比,整齐的排比句式,所以填空部分很明显是选择 garrulous 的反义词;所以正确选项应为 D、F。 【单词释义】 题干单词: ebullient: adj. 热情洋溢的(having or showing liveliness and enthusiasm) glum: adj. 阴郁的(broodingly morose) garrulous: adj. 喋喋不休的(given to prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity) 选项单词: solicitous: adj. ①挂念的(full of concern or fears) ②热切希望的(manifesting or expressing solicitude) munificent: adj. 慷慨的(characterized by great liberality or generosity) irresolute: adj. 优柔寡断的(uncertain how to act or proceed) laconic: adj. 简洁的(using or involving the use of a minimum of words)

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fastidious: adj. 挑剔的(having high and often capricious standards) taciturn: adj. 沉默寡言的(temperamentally disinclined to talk) 【翻译】虽然在许多方面,他们的个性截然不同,她热情洋溢,而他郁郁寡欢; 她毫不拘束,而他很笨拙;她说话啰嗦,而他说话简明 / 不太说话的 --- 他们出 奇地适合彼此。 147、International financial issues are typically ______ by the United States media because they are too technical to make snappy headlines and too inaccessible to people who lack a background in economics. A neglected B slighted C overrated D hidden E criticized F repudiated 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Easy, #15 【正确答案】 A B 【解题分析】句中信号词 because 表明两句之间的因果关系,近似同意转换。空 格中显然要体现出后半句的“太技术性了而不能有吸引人的标题”以及“拒外 行人千里之外 (too inaccessible to people who lack a background in economics)”的 语义。所以正确答案为选项 A、B,neglect 和 slight 都是表示“疏忽,不理会” 的含义。 【单词释义】 题干单词: snappy: adj. 爽快的(quickly made or done) 选项单词: overrate: v. 过高估计(to rate, value, or estimate too highly) repudiate: v. ① 拒绝(to refuse to accept)     ②与…断绝关系(to refuse to have anything to do with) 【翻译】国际金融问题被美国媒体所忽视 / 轻视,因为它们过于技术以至于不能 有活泼的新闻提要,以及对缺乏经济学背景的人也是难以接近的。 148、Since becoming commissioner, Mr. Vincente has challenged the dominant firms in European industry more ______ than his smoother predecessors and has

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consequently acquired many more enemies. A sporadically B irascibly C persistently D pugnaciously E fitfully F judiciously 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Medium, #14 【正确答案】B D 【解题分析】由于“more … than …”与 predecessor 均表示对比,选取较强的结 构对比即可,V 先生与他的前任之间的态度不同,将两者态度取反即可。前任 是 smooth 的,因此 V 先生应为 smooth 的反义词,但具体填的词语我们应该从 后面的因果关系得出,consequently 引导的是结果,这个人 acquired many more enemies,因此可以推断出这个人态度不好,选出可以表达这一意思的词语即可, 即选项 B、D 为正确答案。 【单词释义】 选项单词: irascible: adj. 易怒的(marked by hot temper and easily provoked anger) pugnacious: adj. 好斗的(having a quarrelsome or combative nature) fitful: adj. 一阵阵的(having a quarrelsome or combative nature) judicious: adj. 头脑精明的(having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment) 【翻译】自从文森特先生成为委员后,比起他的前任,文森特先生以一种更急 躁地脾气挑战了欧洲工业的那些主导公司,并因此引来更多的敌人。 149、The hodgepodge nature of local and federal law enforcement and the changing but often still inadequate regulations governing the credit industry make identity theft a particularly ______ crime. A unobjectionable B viable C dubious D innocuous E uncontrollable F intractable

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【出处】PPII, Practice Test 1, V2, Hard, #14 【正确答案】E F 【解题分析】整句话的动词是 make,即宾语部分是主语所导致的,根据对主语 部分的判断可以得出作者对执法部门和规章制度等都是负评价,所以填空部分对 于这种犯罪案件的描绘也应该是负评价,所以正确答案应为选项 E、F。 【单词释义】 题干单词: hodgepodge: n. 大杂烩(a heterogeneous mixture) enforce: v. 执行,实施(to give force to) 选项单词: viable: adj. ①能养活的(capable of living) ②可行的(capable of working, functioning, or developing adequately) innocuous: adj. 无害的(producing no injury) intractable: adj. 棘手的,难治的(not easily governed, managed, or directed) 【翻译】当地和联邦执法的混乱本质和不断修正却依然不健全的法规对于信贷业 者的管理,使得身份盗窃成为一种无法控制的 / 特别棘手的犯罪。 150、The spy’s repeated bungling was, above all else, ______ those who wished to thwart her efforts, since it was so unpredictable as to obscure any pattern that might otherwise lead to her capture. A an obstacle to B a signal to C a hindrance to D an indication for E a snare for F a boon to 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V1, Medium, #13 【正确答案】 A C 【解题分析】句子之间的关联词为 since 表因果,前后句近似同义关系,后半句 表达的意思是行为的难以预料性可以使她更安全,为正态度,所以前半句也应一 致,为一个好的结果,所以填空部分,对于那些希望阻碍她成功的人(负评价), 她都可以继续……需要进行取反得到正态度,所以排除选项B、D、F,至于选项E, 后半句表达了她藏匿,而非主动去设计圈套,故排除。 【单词释义】

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题干单词: bungling: adj. 笨拙的(to act or work clumsily and awkwardly) thwart: v. 挫败(to run counter to so as to effectively oppose or baffle) 选项单词: hindrance: n. 障碍(impediment) snare for: 设圈套 boon to: 对…有好处 【翻译】这个间谍重复的笨拙搞砸的表现,凌驾于一切,是阻碍那些希望阻碍 她的努力成就,因为她的这些行为如此难以预料以至于隐匿于可能导致她被捕 的模式。 151、The detective’s conviction that there were few inept crimes in her district led her to impute some degree of ______ to every suspect she studied. A deceit B acumen C duplicity D shrewdness E evasiveness F equivocation 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V1, Medium, #16 【正确答案】B D 【解题分析】led to 表示因果关系,前半句为因。空格处与前半句的内容成同义 重复,及对 few inept 同义重复,few 为负面词,空格处应填入 inept 的反义词即可, 考察选项,acumen 和 shrewdness 为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: inept: adj. 笨拙的(lacking sense or reason, foolish) impute: v. 归罪于(to lay the responsibility or blame for often falsely or unjustly) 选项单词: deceit: n. 欺骗,谎言(the act or practice of deceiving) acumen: n. 敏锐(keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters) duplicity: n. 口是心非(contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action) shrewdness: n. 精明,机灵(intelligence manifested by being astute)

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evasiveness: n. 逃避,模棱两可(intentionally vague or ambiguous) equivocation: n. 模棱两可的话(a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth) 【翻译】探员确信在他的管辖区内已经没有了低级的犯罪现象,这使得她把它归 因于对于每个犯罪嫌疑人敏锐 / 精明的研究。 152、If emissions of heat-trapping gases continue to accumulate in the atmosphere at the current rate, Earth could experience global transformations, and while some of these changes might be ______, many could be downright disruptive. A catastrophic B calamitous C intolerable D irremediable E modest F unremarkable 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Easy, #13 【正确答案】E F 【解题分析】while 表示转折,some of the changes 部分和后面的 many 的部分是 反义重复关系,因此空格处应该是对 disruptive 的反义重复,选项中 modest 和 unremarkable 为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: emissions: n. 排放(the act or instance of emitting) disruptive: adj. 破坏的(characterized by break apart) 选项单词: catastrophic: adj. 灾难的,悲惨的(extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin) calamitous: adj. 灾难的(being, causing, or accompanied by calamity) irremediable: adj. 不可挽回的(not remediable) 【翻译】如果排放出的吸热气体持续地以现在的速度在大气中增加的话,地球有 可能经历全球性的转变,部分这样的改变可能是轻微的 / 不明显的,但多数(的 改变)很可能是一种彻底的毁灭。

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153、It may be that most of this film footage was shown somewhere, but the documentary is designed to make audiences feel that this footage has never been seen, or that, having been seen, it was deliberately ______. A censored B imitated C suppressed D underscored E counterfeited F misrepresented 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Easy, #14 【正确答案】A C 【解题分析】or 表示同义重复,空格处所需要填的词需要达到和 never been seen 一样的效果,因此考察选项,只有当电影被删减的情况下才可以,所以 censored 和 suppressed 为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: footage: n. 连续镜头(the total number of running feet of motion-picture film used) deliberately: adv. ①有意地(characterized by awareness of the consequences) ②谨慎地(characterized by or resulting from careful and thorough consideration) 选项单词: censor: v. 审查(to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable) suppress: v. ① 镇压(to put down by authority or force) ②向公众保密(to keep from public knowledge) ③抑制(to restrain from a usual course or action) counterfeit: v. ①假装(to try to deceive by pretense or dissembling) ②伪造(to engage in counterfeiting something of value) 【翻译】很有可能这部电影的大部分内容已经在一些地方放映过了,但是这个 纪录片被设计成让观众觉得他们从未看过一样,或者是可能看过,但是是经过 刻意审查 / 删减的。 154、Some researchers worry that if there is a causal relationship between warming tropical sea surface temperatures and the marked increase in Atlantic hurricane activity

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since the early 1990s, this connection could ______ larger changes. A presage B exacerbate C obscure D avert E portend F forestall 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Hard, #13 【正确答案】A E 【解题分析】句首的 worry 就提示我们将会发生的事情是不好的事情,不论是海 平面温度(sea surface temperatures)还是飓风的活动 (hurricane activity),都是有 害的自然现象,所以当这些不好的自然现象对 larger changes 起到了正面的作用, 必然引起研究人员的担心。考察选项可知 presage 和 portend 符合上述所说,为 正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: hurricane: n. 飓风(a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles (118 kilometers) per hour or greater that occurs especially in the western Atlantic, that is usually accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning, and that sometimes moves into temperate latitudes) 选项单词: presage: v. 预感,预警(to give an omen or warning of) exacerbate: v. 使加剧,使恶化(to make more violent, bitter, or severe) obscure: v. ①使变暗,使模糊(to make dark, dim, or indistinct) ②掩盖(to conceal or hide by or as if by covering) avert: v. ①转移(to turn away or aside in avoidance) ②避免(to see coming and ward off) portend: v. 预示,预兆(to give an omen or anticipatory sign of) forestall: v. ①垄断(to prevent the normal trading in by buying or diverting goods or by persuading persons to raise prices) ②占先一步(to get ahead of) 【翻译】一些研究员担心如果热带海平面温度上升和自 90 年代初记录的大西洋 飓风的活动是有关联的,那么这样的联系可能预示 / 预示着更大的变化。

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155、The dog’s appearance of ______ became increasingly irritating; his whines became more wheedling, his manner more imploring. A supplication B gratification C insolence D entreaty E willfulness F contentment 【出处】PPII, Practice Test 2, V2, Hard, #14 【正确答案】A D 【解题分析】分号“;”说明前后两个半句是并列关系,从上下文可以看出, 后半句是对前面半句的解释说明,所以前后部分是同义重复, 空格处应对应重 复的是“wheedling whines”和“imploring manner”,考察选项发现,A 和 D 是 最为合适的。 【单词释义】 题干单词: whine: n. ①抱怨,牢骚(a complaint uttered with or as if with a whine) ②发出呜呜声(a prolonged high-pitched cry usually expressive of distress or pain) wheedle: v. 以甜言蜜语哄骗(to influence or entice by soft words or flattery) implore: v. 恳求,乞求(to call upon in supplication) 选项单词: supplication: n. ①恳求(asking humbly and earnestly of) ②祈祷(a prayer asking God’s help as part of a religious service) gratification: n. ①报酬(reward, recompense) ②满意,喜悦(the act of gratifying) ③使人满意之事(a source of satisfaction or pleasure) insolence: n. 傲慢(the quality or state of being insolent) entreaty: n. 恳求,乞求(an act of entreating) contentment: n. 满足,满意(the quality or state of being contented) 【翻译】这个无耻的人的恳求 / 乞求的嘴脸变得越来越是人恼怒;他的牢骚变得 加像甜言蜜语,他的态度更加哀求。 156、As my eyesight began to ______, I spent a lot of time writing about it ─ both

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poems and “eye journals”─ describing what I saw as I looked out through damaged eyes. A deteriorate B sharpen C improve D decline E recover F adjust 【出处】OG, p. 79, #6, Easy. 【正确答案】A D 【解题分析】as 表示因果,所以前后所描述的事情应该是一致的,在句子的最 后 through damaged eyes 告诉我们,此时“我”的眼睛已经坏了,所以 eyesight 后面的空格处也应该填入一个负面意义的词,选择答案 A 和 D。 【单词释义】 选项单词: deteriorate: n. 恶化,变坏(to make inferior in quality or value) 【翻译】当我的视力开始恶化 / 衰退,我花了很多时间写作,写诗和《眼镜日记》, 来透过我已经受伤的眼睛所看到的一切。 157、Ever a demanding reader of the fiction of others, the novelist Chase was likewise often the object of ______ analyses by his contemporaries. A exacting B copious C respectful D acerbic E scathing F meticulous 【出处】OG, p. 88, #6, Medium 【正确答案】A F 【解题分析】likewise“同样的”,表示前后发生的事情地相同的,前面说的是 Chase 是一个对别人的小说作品十分挑剔的人,所以后面也应该是和他同时代的 人(contemporaries)对他的作品的“挑剔”,即空格处是对 demanding 的同义重复,

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选择答案 A 和 F。 【单词释义】 题干单词: demanding: adj. 苛求的(requiring much time, effort, or attention) likewise: adv. 同样地(in like manner) contemporary: n. ①同时代的人(one that is contemporary with another) ②同龄人(one of the same or nearly the same age as another) 选项单词: copious: adj. 丰富的,很多的(yielding something abundantly; plentiful in number) acerbic: adj. 尖酸刻薄的(acid in temper, mood, or tone) scathing: adj. 严厉的(bitterly severe) meticulous: adj. 一丝不苟的,拘泥小节的(marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details) 【翻译】作为一个用挑剔的眼光看待别人的小说作品的读者,小说家彻斯也同 样被当代其他小说家当做对象进行挑剔的 / 细致的分析。 158、Her ______ should not be confused with miserliness; as long as I have known her, she has always been willing to assist those who are in need. A stinginess B diffidence C frugality D illiberality E intolerance F thrift 【出处】OG, p. 89, #7, Medium 【正确答案】C F 【解题分析】not confused with miserliness(吝啬)说明空格处的词会和 miserliness 混淆,所以这两个词应该是同义词但是程度不同。分号后面的内容 (willing to assist)说明空格处的词应该是一个正面意义的词,选项中 C 和 F 为 正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: miserliness: n. 吝啬(total lack of generosity with money) 选项单词:

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stinginess: n. 吝啬(not generous or liberal, sparing or scant in giving or spending) frugality: n. 节俭(prudence in avoiding waste) illiberality: n. ①不自由(not liberal) ②狭隘(not broad-minded) thrift: n. 节约,节俭(careful management especially of money) 【翻译】她的节俭 / 节约不应该被误会成为吝啬;自从我认识她以来,她就一直 很乐于帮助那些需要帮助的人。 159、The government’s implementation of a new code of ethics appeared intended to shore up the ruling party’s standing with an increasingly ______ electorate at a time when the party is besieged by charges that it trades favors for campaign money. A aloof B placid C restive D skittish E tranquil F vociferous 【出处】OG, p. 99, #7, Hard 【正确答案】C D 【解题分析】“when”为本题的关键词,when 后面是说该党现在正面临着对于 竞选行贿的指控,因此他们需要赢得的选民应该是对该党有意见的选民,所以 空格处应填入一个负面意义的词,选项中 A C D F 均为负面意义词,但是 A 选 项放在句中与上下文不符,因为冷漠的选民必然对于行贿事件也是冷漠的,F 从 意义上没有 C 和 D 更适合,所以 C 和 D 为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: implementation: n. 实现,履行(the act of accomplishment some aim or executing some order) code of ethics: 道德规范 besiege by: 被…包围,围攻 选项单词: aloof: adj. 远离的,冷淡的(removed or distant either physically or emotionally) placid: adj. 平静的(serenely free of interruption or disturbance) restive: adj. 难驾驭的(stubbornly resisting control)

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skittish: adj. 易受挑拨的(easily frightened) tranquil: adj. 安静的,安宁的(free from agitation of mind or spirit) vociferous: adj. 大声吼叫的(marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry) 【翻译】政府实施的新道德法规显然是为了稳固执政党的威望并且增加那些顽 固的 / 易受挑拨的选民的支持,尤其是在近来该党受到为取得选举经费而行贿的 时期。 160、Newspapers report that the former executive has been trying to keep a low profile since his ______ exit from the company. A celebrated B mysterious C long-awaited D fortuitous E indecorous F unseemly 【出处】OG, p. 100, #9, Hard 【正确答案】E F 【解题分析】since 这里表示原因,因此空格处应填入的是这个执行官(executive) 保持低调(low profile)的原因。保持低调的原因有很多,但是题干中并没有给 出更多的线索,所以能找到的最直接原因就是他离开时的“不低调”,考察选 项可知,E 和 F 为最佳答案。事实上,6 个选项中,只有 E 和 F 是同义词,所以 也可直接选出。 【单词释义】 题干单词: executive: n. 执行官(a directing or controlling office of an organization) 选项单词: fortuitous: adj. ①偶然的(occurring by chance) ②幸运的(fortunate, lucky) indecorous: adj. 不得体的 ( not decorous: conflicting with accepted standards of good conduct or good taste) 【翻译】据新闻报道,这家公司的前执行官无礼地 / 不得体地离开之后就试图保 持一种低调的形象。 161、Congress is having great difficulty developing a consensus on energy policy,

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primarily because the policy objectives of various members of Congress rest on such ______ assumptions. A commonplace B disparate C divergent D fundamental E trite F trivial 【出处】OG, p. 379, #23 【正确答案】B C 【解题分析】because 表示因果,因此前后所表述的内容需要一致。前半句说的 是国会在就能源问题的一致性方面存在巨大的困难,后半句就要对前半句同义 重复,即空格处对 consensus 同义重复。考察选项,disparate 和 divergent 为正确 答案。 【单词释义】 选项单词: disparate: adj. 不同的(containing or made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous elements) divergent: adj. 相异的(differing from each other or from a standard) trite: adj. 陈腐的(hackneyed or boring from much use) trivial: adj. 不重要的(of little worth or importance) 【翻译】国会在就建立新能源达成共识方面正面临着巨大的困难,主要是由于 不同的国会成员的政策目标是基于不同的 / 有分歧的假设。 162、During the opera’s most famous aria, the tempo chosen by the orchestra’s conductor seemed ______, without necessary relation to what had gone before. A arbitrary B capricious C cautious D compelling E exacting F meticulous

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【出处】OG, p. 379, #24 【正确答案】A B 【解题分析】without 后面的部分是对前面句子的进一步说明,所以空格处应是 对 without necessary relation 的同义重复,考察选项可知,arbitrary 和 capricious 为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: aria: n. 独唱曲(a striking solo performance) orchestra: n. 管弦乐队(a group of musicians including especially string players organized to perform ensemble music) 选项单词: arbitrary: adj. 武断的(depending on individual discretion as of a judge and not fixed by law) capricious: adj. 反复无常的(governed or characterized by caprice) exacting: adj. 严格的(tryingly or unremittingly severe in making demands) meticulous: adj. 一丝不苟的(marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details) 【翻译】在这部歌剧最著名的唱段处,乐团指挥选择的节奏看起来很随意 / 反复 无常,和前面的部分没有什么太大的联系。 163、Because they had expected the spacecraft Voyager 2 to be able to gather data only about the planets Jupiter and Saturn, scientists were ______ the wealth of information it sent back from Neptune twelve years after leaving Earth. A anxious for B confident in C thrilled about D keen on E elated by F eager for 【出处】OG, p. 380, #25 【正确答案】C E 【解题分析】本题通过分析句意即可得到答案。由于科学家仅仅希望宇宙飞船 能带来木星和土星的相关数据(expected…only…),那么当海王星的数据被传 送回来以后,必然是超出了科学家们的希望,所以空格处应填入的是对于这种

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情况的反应,考察选项,只有 C 和 E 是最合适的。 【单词释义】 Saturn: n. 土星 Jupiter: n. 木星 Neptune: n. 海王星 选项单词: elate by: 洋洋得意于 【翻译】由于他们仅仅期待航行者二号收集来关于木星和土星的资料,科学家 们对其离开地球十二年后从海王星传送回来的丰富的信息感到激动不已 / 兴高采 烈。 164、Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on Earth because of the possibility of ______ resulting from the carbon atom’s ability to form an unending series of different molecules. A diversity B deviation C variety D reproduction E stability F invigoration 【出处】OG, p. 381, #2 【正确答案】A C 【解题分析】resulting from…表示“造成…的结果”,因此其前后可看做是同义 重复,即空格处与 unending series of different molecules 同义重复,选项中 A 和 C 符合上述分析,为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: compound: v. 合成(to put together parts so as to form a whole ) 选项单词: deviation: n. 偏差(the difference between a value in a frequency distribution and a fixed number) invigoration: n. 鼓舞(to give life and energy to) 【翻译】有些科学家提出碳化合物在地球的生命里扮演着十分重要的角色,这是 因为碳原子可形成一系列无限多的不同分子的能力带来的多样性 / 多样的可能。

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165、In medieval philosophy every physical phenomenon is presumed to have some determinate cause, leaving no place for ______ in the explanation of particular events. A happenstance B chance C error D experience E context F miscalculation 【出处】PBT, p. 57, #17 【正确答案】A B 【解题分析】leaving…后面的内容是对前面内容的进一步说明。对待所有物理现 象(every physical phenomenon)的态度是的determinate的,由于个体事件(particular events)也是包含在所有现象中的,对其的态度也应该是 determinate 的,这样才 能保证前后意思的一致。所以,leaving no place for____ 就是对 determinate 的同 义重复,考虑到 no place 这一负面意义的词,空格处应当是对 determinate 的 吧 反义重复,考察选项,A 和 B 为正确答案。 【单词释义】 题干单词: medieval: adj. 中世纪的(of, relating to, or characteristic of the Middle Ages) 选项单词: happenstance: n. 偶然事件(a circumstance especially that is due to chance) miscalculation: n. 误算 【翻译】在中世纪的哲学里,每一个物理现象都被假定源于特定的原因,不给 意外事件 / 偶然事件一点空间来解释特定的活动。

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acumen fastidious polemical ambiguity forestall precarious ameliorate fortuitous premature ample imminent prevarication anachronistic impetuous prone to antithetical imprudent prosaic arcane injudicious pugnacious Arduous innocuous radical bolster intractable recondite capricious intransigent redundant censor intrinsic remedial cloak invigorate repudiate copious judicious retrospective corroborate laudable reverse cynical lionize solicitous deflect lurid temperance deft meticulous trivial delineate misnomer ubiquitous detachment opaque untenable dictate orthodox viable diffident orthodoxy dubious overshadow duplicity partiality eccentric partisan erroneous partisanship exacerbate pellucidity extraneous peripheral

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□ a good chunk of □ aria □ bolster □ a portion of □ artlessness □ boon to □ abrasive □ ascent □ brake on □ abreast □ ascertain □ brandish □ abridged □ aside from □ brazen □ accentuate □ aspiration □ brevity □ accountable □ assault □ bridle □ acerbic □ assertive □ bureaucracy □ acumen □ astounding □ calamitous □ adolescent □ at little risk of □ calumny □ adventurous □ at odds with □ candid □ aesthetic □ at the expense of □ caprice □ affability □ attainment of □ capricious □ affectation □ austere □ caricature □ agonize □ austerity □ casual □ ahistorical □ authoritarian □ catastrophic □ alienate from □ avarice □ cede □ allegation □ avert □ censor □ aloof □ avian □ cerebral □ amateur □ avid □ cerulean warbler □ ambiguity □ bacteria □ characteristics □ ameliorate □ banal □ characterize □ ample □ banish from □ check on □ anachronistic □ baseness □ chlorofluorocarbons □ anoint □ be reluctant to □ cinematic □ anomaly □ bear on □ circumscribed □ antedate □ befriend □ circumspect

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□ antinomian □ beguile □ circumstantial □ antiquity □ beholden to □ clarity □ antithetical □ belie □ clearheaded □ apathy □ belligerent □ clerical □ aplomb □ benign □ cloak □ apostle □ benign □ clumsiness □ applause □ benignity □ coalesce □ appropriation □ besiege by □ code of ethics □ aquifer □ biased against □ cogency □ arbitrary □ bid up □ colloquial □ arcane □ biographer □ collude in □ Arctic □ blight □ collusion □ arduous □ bogus □ combine with □ come through □ debris □ discrepancy □ compel □ debunk □ disgruntled □ compelling □ deceit □ disingenuous □ complacency □ deception □ dislocation □ compliance □ deceptive □ dismantle □ compliment □ decimate □ disparage □ compound □ defamation □ disparate □ comprehensive □ deferential □ dispassionate □ conceal □ defiant □ dispel □ condone □ deflect □ dispense with □ confound □ deft □ disposition □ conjure up □ deftness □ dispute over □ conscience □ defy □ disquieting □ conservation □ deliberate □ disquietude □ conspicuous □ deliberately □ disruptive □ constrain □ delicacy □ disseminate

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□ construct with □ delineate □ dissent □ construe □ demanding □ dissimilar □ contemporary □ demur □ dissolution □ contemptuous □ denigrate □ distill □ contend □ dense □ distorted □ contentment □ derivative of □ divergence □ conundrum □ design criteria □ divergent □ conventionality □ detached □ doctrinaire □ conviction □ detachment □ dogmatism □ convolute □ detachment from □ domain □ convoluted □ deteriorate □ drastic □ copious □ deviation □ dubious □ corroborate □ deviously □ dull □ cosmopolitan □ diagnose □ duplicity □ counterfeit □ dictate □ ebullient □ counterintuitive □ didactic □ eccentric □ counterproductive □ didacticism □ eclectic □ courteous □ differentiate □ eclipse □ covet □ diffidence □ ecological □ crafted □ diffident □ ecstatic □ craftily □ diffuse □ eel □ credence □ dilemma □ elate by □ crestfallen □ disapprobation □ electoral □ curtail □ discernible □ eliminate □ cutback □ discomfit □ elimination □ cynical □ discontinuity □ eloquence □ debase □ discredit □ elusive □ eminence □ fastidiousness □ heed □ emissions □ feasible □ higgledy-piggledy

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□ emulated by □ fester □ hindrance □ enchant □ filtration □ hodgepodge □ enfeeble □ finer □ homogeneity □ enforce □ fitful □ humdrum □ enigmatic □ flabby □ hurricane □ entail □ fleeting □ hyperbolized □ entanglement □ florid □ iconoclasm □ entitlement □ flout □ identifiable □ entomologist □ folio □ ideological □ entreaty □ footage □ illiberal □ entrenched □ foreground □ illiberality □ epidemiologist □ forestall □ illuminate □ equitable □ forgery □ imminent □ equivocal □ forgo □ immunity □ equivocation □ forsake □ immure in □ erroneous □ forthright □ immutable □ erstwhile □ fortuitous □ impartiality □ erudite □ fractious □ impediment to □ esteemed □ frantically □ impenetrable □ estrangement □ fringe □ imperceptible □ ethnomusicology □ frivolity □ imperious □ euphoric □ frivolous □ imperturbable □ evanescent □ from the outset □ impetuous □ evasive □ frugality □ implementation □ evasiveness □ galvanize □ implicate □ evocation □ garrulous □ implore □ exacerbate □ gawkiness □ improvisation □ exacting □ genre □ imprudent □ exceptional □ germane □ impudence

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□ executive □ giant □ impute □ exigent □ glum □ inalienable □ exotic □ gracious □ inarticulate □ expedient □ grandiose □ incentive □ exploration □ gratification □ incipient □ extraneous □ gratify □ incompatible □ extravagance □ hackneyed □ inconclusive □ exuberance □ happenstance □ incongruous □ fabricate □ harbinger □ indebted to □ facetious □ harmoniously □ indecorous □ fanciful □ haughty □ indefatigable □ fastidious □ haunted □ indemnify □ indifferent to □ jettison □ modicum □ indiscernible □ judicious □ modish □ indolence □ Jupiter □ momentary □ inept □ laconic □ monad □ infallibility □ lament □ monotonous □ inferior □ latitude □ monotony □ inferior to □ laudable □ mounting □ ingenious □ laudatory □ munificent □ inhibiting □ lax □ murky □ inimical □ laypeople □ naivete □ inimical □ liberty □ narcissism □ injudicious □ likewise □ narrative □ innate □ lionize □ nascent □ innocuous □ literary □ negligent □ inscrutability □ loathe □ Neptune □ inscrutable □ lucid □ nettle □ insightful □ macromolecule □ nock

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□ insolence □ magnanimity □ nontrivial □ insolent □ makeshift □ normative □ insular □ maladroit □ notoriety □ intellect □ malarial □ novelty □ intellectual □ malfeasance □ numerous □ intensification □ malign □ objurgation □ intensify □ malignant □ obscure □ interchangeable □ malleable □ obsequious □ intermediary for □ manacle □ obsolete □ interminable □ marginal □ obviate □ interwoven □ marginalization □ occasional □ intractable □ marine □ omniscience □ intransigent □ mathematician □ on the premise □ intrinsic □ maturity □ onetime □ invalidate □ medieval □ opaque □ invasive □ menacing □ opportunism □ inveigle □ mendacity □ orbital □ inventive □ mercantilism □ orchestra □ invigorate □ methodical □ orthodox □ invigoration □ methodology □ orthodoxy □ invulnerable □ meticulous □ orthographical □ irascible □ migrant birds □ outrageous □ irrefutable □ migration □ outspoken □ irremediable □ minimal □ overlook □ irresolute □ miserliness □ overrate □ irritated □ misnomer □ overshadow □ overwhelm □ plastic □ put to rest □ ozone □ plausibility □ quantum electrodynamics □ painstaking □ playwright □ quirkiness

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□ paleontologist □ plodding □ quixotic □ panache □ polarize □ radical □ pandemic □ polemical □ rambling □ panned □ portend □ rationality □ paradigm □ portentous □ recapitulate □ parasite □ posture □ reckless □ partiality □ pragmatism □ reckoning □ partisan □ precarious □ reconcile □ partisanship □ precedence □ recrudescent □ passable □ precise □ redundant □ patent □ predicament □ reference □ patent □ predominant □ referendum □ peculiarity □ preeminence □ refinement □ pedantic □ premature □ refrain from □ peddle □ presage □ regulator □ pedestrian □ prescient □ rein in □ pejorative □ pretentious □ reinforce □ pellucidity □ prevarication □ relentless □ penalty for □ prickly □ relinquish □ penetrate □ prime □ remedial □ penitential □ pristine □ render □ peripheral to □ probity □ replicate □ pernicious □ problematic □ repression □ perseverance □ prodigality □ repudiate □ personify □ profligate □ residual □ pertain to □ profundity □ resolute □ pervasive □ prolixity □ resolve □ pessimism □ prone to □ respectability □ pesticides □ prop up □ restive

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□ phlegmatic □ propagate □ resurgent □ phonetic □ prophetic □ reticence □ phony □ propitious □ reticent □ phylogeny □ proprietary □ retrospective □ picturesque □ prosaic □ revealing □ piety □ providential □ reverberant □ pioneering □ provoking □ reverence □ pious □ prowess □ reverse □ pithy □ proxy □ reversing □ placid □ publicize □ revive □ Plasmodium □ pugnacious □ ridicule □ robust □ stinginess □ tumultuous □ room acoustics □ strife □ ubiquitous □ rumination on □ striking □ unadorned □ salubrious □ strip down □ undemonstrative □ sanguine □ stuffed with □ undercut □ sartorial □ subtle □ underreport □ Saturn □ subversion □ underscore □ scathing □ superfluous □ understate □ schism □ supersede □ understatement □ scrupulous □ supplication □ unforeseeable □ scrutinize □ suppress □ uniformity □ secular □ surrogate □ unpremeditated □ self-flattery □ susceptible to □ unpretentiousness □ sensational □ synoptic □ unrestrained □ settled □ syntactical □ unsparing □ shagreen □ synthesize □ untenable □ sham □ taciturn □ unwieldy □ shirk □ taciturnity □ vaccine

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新 GRE 填空真题精讲
□ shrewdly □ tackle □ valuation □ shrewdness □ tactless □ vanquish □ shrug off □ tar □ variability □ signpost □ technocrat □ vegetation □ simpleminded □ tedious □ venal □ simultaneity □ tedious □ venality □ skew □ temperance □ vendor □ skittish □ tendentious □ verifiable □ slander □ theatrical □ vertebrate □ slight □ theorem □ vestigial □ slippery □ thorny □ vexation □ snappy □ thoroughness □ viable □ snare for □ threshold □ vigilance □ solicitous □ thrift □ vintage print □ sophistication □ thwart □ virtual □ soporific □ timorous □ virulence □ sparing □ token □ visionary □ sparseness □ tortuous □ vociferous □ speculate □ tranquil □ volubility □ sporadic □ transcend □ vulnerable □ spotlight □ transitory □ walk off □ spurious □ treacherous □ wanting □ stationery □ trifling □ wheedle □ steadfastly □ trite □ whine □ stigmatization □ trivial □ zoology

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新 GRE 精品小班 (2-6 人) VIP 班(一对一) 课程特色
新 GRE 全项精讲 保分:不限课时 不保分:20 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:20 学时 结合 GRE 考试的要求及考点, 借助新 G 练习资料全面讲解考 点知识 新 GRE 精讲精练 保分:不限课时 不保分:30 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:30 学时 授课同时为学生安排真题练习, 针对学生的实际能力,为其详 细讲解 新 GRE 写作突破 保分:不限课时 不保分:7 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:7 学时 着重培养学生正确的写作方法 和思路,锻炼学生的写作能力 及写作技巧
GMAT 精品小班 (2-6 人) VIP 班(一对一) 课程特色
GMAT 全 项精讲 保分:不限课时 不保分:18 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:18 学时 结合GMAT考试的要求及考点, 借助 GMAT 真题全面讲解考点 知识 GMAT 精 讲精练 保分:不限课时 不保分:30 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:30 学时 真题讲练结合,现场做题,现 场分析指导 GMAT 逻 辑专项 保分:不限课时 不保分:7 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:7 学时 GMAT 逻辑题目思路详解,例 题剖析,扫清逻辑思维障碍 GMAT 写 作突破 保分:不限课时 不保分:5 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:5 学时 着重培养学生正确的写作方法 和思路,锻炼学生的写作能力 及写作技巧 GMAT 语 法专项 保分:不限课时 不保分:6 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:6 学时 GMAT考试语法部分研究透彻, 知识点讲解针对性强
SAT 精品小班 (2-6 人) VIP 班(一对一) 课程特色
SAT 全项 精讲 保分:不限课时 不保分:25 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:25 学时 结合 SAT 考试的要求及考点, 借助 SAT 真题全面讲解考点知 识 SAT 精讲 精练 保分:不限课时 不保分:45 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:45 学时 真题讲练结合,现场做题,现 场分析指导 SAT 阅读 专项 保分:不限课时 不保分:10 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:10 学时 SAT填空方法解析及思路培养, 阅读分类讲解
— —微型小班 家教式贴身服务

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SAT 写作 突破 保分:不限课时 不保分:5 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:5 学时 SAT 写作训练,重点培养写作 思路,丰富文章内容,优化英 语语言 SAT 语法 专项 保分:不限课时 不保分:5 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:5 学时 SAT 语法精讲,结合真题,讲 解基本语法知识和答题技巧
TOEFL 精品小班 (2-6 人) VIP 班(一对一) 课程特色
TOEFL 全项精讲 保分:不限课时 不保分:22 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:22 学时 结合 IBT 考试的要求及考点, 借助 TPO 资料全面讲解考点知 识 TOEFL 精讲精练 保分:不限课时 不保分:30 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:30 学时 授课同时为学生安排真题练习, 针对学生的实际能力,为其详 细讲解 TOEFL 考前冲刺 保分:不限课时 不保分:10 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:10 学时 听说读写分项评估,找出薄弱 环节以及提分空间大的单项着 重练习,缩减复习范围 TOEFL 口语专项 保分:不限课时 不保分:7 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:7 学时 口语话题思路指导,发音带练, 应试技巧灌输 TOEFL 写作突破 保分:不限课时 不保分:5 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:5 学时 着重培养学生正确的写作方法 和思路,锻炼学生的写作能力 及写作技巧
IELTS 精品小班 (2-6 人) VIP 班(一对一) 课程特色
IELTS 全 项精讲 保分:不限课时 不保分:27 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:27 学时 结合IELTS考试的要求及考点, 借助雅思剑桥资料全面讲解考 点知识 IELTS 精 讲精练 保分:不限课时 不保分:36 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:36 学时 真题讲练结合,现场做题,现 场分析指导 IELTS 考 前冲刺 保分:不限课时 不保分:14 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:14 学时 听说读写分项评估,找出薄弱 环节以及提分空间大的单项着 重练习,缩减复习范围 IELTS 口 语专项 保分:不限课时 不保分:6 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:6 学时 口语话题思路指导,发音带练, 应试技巧灌输 IELTS 写 作突破 保分:不限课时 不保分:8 学时 保分:不限课时 不保分:8 学时 着重培养学生正确的写作方法 和思路,锻炼学生的写作能力 及写作技巧

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