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Full text of "Popular Mechanics ~ 1933"



WH-H-irTtN SO ro-u CAN y



Tons of pressure

per square inch!




Tit#- luLiril Jd've'Cfir^ lucd
(Ml [be ETiii't Diaiiuritr ot CiiJ
■adiT-. ■ !fp<s:uL Fi>tn) cifbcTt’]

CEiic wich th? tmJi K-t 14 API
oai;le i.a'ua]. 4]ir J[ fflUH
hiivc j.n ex<:t'^4if)ru]Ly idhtuv?-

Stup nr Texacn CErEtfud Ltihii^ElDfi,

TdEutt Crjjck-jirGnf' Mde? OeL ?ihl Texicq

Piit-Chitf Ciii4]ErK' wbEEETET'yciurEC ibu lUin.

No ordinary lubricant will scand such pressure
and itill pirotcct the bearings. The working
pressures on ihe comact surfaces of the helical
gear are Tremendous-

In add[[ion lo chf accua] CE>o[h prn&um there i-t ^^Lidiii jtr

fticiion fhiic i^vidcl}/ wipes dr^ che gcais wich the
avcxa^c "rear end" lubricanc. Many a diffcicntial ha? been
ruined by the lack 4?f effective lubriCntiOQ.

Tcjmo Certified Lubrication prc^-ides specialised lubri-
cants — anywhere from. 6 to B different types for every ttlf.
These lubrioants are npplied Only by special J?ts — men who
have quali6cd by lonj; training and experience as experts.
They (cnijw yoiir cp.r. They hive the Teicaca Oi?k''Cliari
vtiih complotc diagrams of every lubrication point, and
they use spedalJy designed equipment for the most cffec-
livc appLitation of the various special Eubiicanls.

This is a nation-wide service for car owners, avD-ilahle m
all H^iir States. DtJve io any Tesiaeo Certified Station.

TiUdca PftfCrttam Proi^Hcti


tauB e?MrAHy



"I’m glad we Looked
at All Three!"

Trumbull tARiisTi,


"Toot tt* AJJ Thrw^f r a ipartfiut jM^paiLtliWt.

So w* ?[ iliff -nhu tm> Igfw-pricni cart"

wift |uj [ cDuld'Di’i jtar -□□[ txf th± A^if r *

wc Imb Lgfatd [baLfloaLiar Power rureia

■"Tlira MW fhf tw FJf mouili. B? Lpjr iui anLat, [be fini

4hlnc t DdCiCnt, wid [be beaueifol deiJAaC'"

"We lllir It triitei lod. brttct atl the tiiue. It^e -ceniLi]^

a ?WH]''l4MjltiDC ear. Amt ii uki iiiBtdlr AUl^ ei alL"

If yov ask me^ Plymauth is America's next Number One Car

T alk [Q iciy Plymouth owner! Ask bim how
be likes bis car! VoLi'il hati the siame enchusi*
asm everywhere you

Edward Trumbull's case ij, [yplcal oFthousaads.
He wanted lo be a ure oF Kettinir hi s money's worth.
That's why he "Looked aC All Three” ; t , (hen
buuRbL a Plymoudi.

Happy owners are a car'a best salesmen. And
Plymouth owners are happy and satisfied!

Talk to Plymouth owners about PLoating Power
engine mouotitiAs! Ask them about Hydraulic
Brakes ... a. salety^steel body! Then ask Ibr a
Float) n^ Ponder ride E You won't be pressed to buy.


j-Doot Sedan J'S-^S, Conrertiblc Coupe $3d5i
Rumble Seat Coupe ?323* Business Coupe
all prices f, o. b. Factory. Convenient termi.


AND UP P. O. B. FACTDfiY ■ iOlS BY Trl3^

Tr/ierM- -HTi'Etlnr) tn nieil-ttjihfi' PiDjaurnr



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PIciKund Etk baableruid t4.ic4 my fai die Pf^vldeQE FtrcfsLdiH', wJcb

dieiuuIcncuiilLnf ilnt; J( Ji3t tiodtr [M obUa^tiCin.

My mnst.

Hfmt ffddrtiy

W'hcit tUrfHttiE fldvcrtljcrp p3maf mrhtitjil FujfUiOT JJficSmufci

,TK T..


Popular Mechanics Magazine

200 Ontario Streflt+ OilcagD^ U+ An

IL II. WINDSOR. Fai 2 A 6 ?t

H. H. WINDSOR. Jt.. EJlfi^iLCLd

[iHidoni MnunriETP HatlMEEn Pini! Har^FtEe bOe-.

J La bclbc ^viyP] tudekbe Hill. Cr C, 4 111 Ru 4 ^bmieau*

MflboucBE! Ganlbfl. A Giub.
W-ll.l L 1 ii?e CadJiH Sr.

Vol. S 9 M^rch,

No. 1

Special Features

A Modern Tower of Babel


Yankee Clippers of the Sky


New Sources and Uses of Power


How F ast Can Y ou Think?

. 386



Dodging Lightning , . . ,


The Ever-Open Eye

.. 410

A.[rricu[turaL IirvpJgnijenti^ — dinli iebAw Ept nnnlj EAtHO .
A.LrplaTi'm— ftEtT panBrneer liTi-rrH ta liiih Amiritji* 33J

X..IX.B r.ar .jx.uar.sH



r<ab?t ■niLflt. ^ 6tr dQmr&Jiifci


I:ij~n;r Tli-t fpr


4 Z 4

r^cirig far . ^

t,ffSi:E pn whEEb far EaEcuHw

Auto^oliiLni AcvnBOai^

matt, rubbtr

ilijE liElw auto out p] muf

3 SS

C4T hBI tWf>




eeI iflj for THil or road

ErimdEU jraJ ailtlEai lidu imgrtb


CEaj loB Htlt-TEiaful bl tEltl
AmorBOTl-ql-'tB-. WIiFflt — byiJTliiltL Jiull-rr

- 1 ^

UUna— [flttMfi* Jilfl Ki

— QU

B r m EUJ

jauLldinr UonEtm-rtiion


fi]|jDH: itatj

iUHCT ippllEd b 7 ~

I 5 r ~




intfrtpcHC^'nuniluT Bavta coat
jufT llOllHJ


~ni 5


ot Veital Virunn' tumplE
? — viTEJitib hta any icrEw 1 KI .

j]pi Jlj— master cJEcVrEc. luni cm any piHWEr i^joplv
LFEtE — T-aiidH wiiTt Igyen oE Lingn rfinirEd.

svtDiiea — WHdtii suicEn be^v^ nj

P uclt — t?t at Tubber tit 4 ?d


33 S

fint— ^T itee pii-tqnH to ■ -rylirntfr


lB 9


3 M

rUlnm^^gfEEB at wai.tr Earnt^jl \tv KOrt pF litji*
PZUbt— clDCEriC taSEEf tSIE 3

FujnacE~jir caraJitioriEr oamEiinEif

FLUbiEur^t — dg^, cbUd'a. Eta jcrpaa 1 >pd
OHi* — EtriwMF. in pHWb

LioJt — ?r] 4 E Mran. mr rm~

E3T>--.hEati]nj' rEviwj hv flEgtrifi?d rwdlE

Ea-t-^-glftc-tric dEt*^-tnn of


heEipU Pavib:^
:ter 4 --wBECf. Ji

irtv, valiiablE Eo







2 iia




Kitchioi Sink— c [HD pjr Em fill fOE' rlriElniT . ■ . i

Lijf'ht — of Dun. by carbDn-dbDildiE

LljilLIl, KlMtrie

Jiiitiim EikE Ehiei fbE afainiE ccdLiDii

fltiTEliliji'Hti .arDuod mE

Lpcojciyl Ivn

En^liab riUwiv buildi ip?Edicr

4'x'itrli. TEBEmblEi jiHant tracEor

LdiuI Sunkw — houttwtEa uati 4 e Iif&tit doar

fad Fur liaEiiiE or partr

fkt. Rominl. EraLn (or bEt altacbi . . .

MeuuiLnjf Taps — iJLbI lili-p l-rlcpbArr


^liinE, Blcana, made aE Rlaii

FjinnoiaB FbuOb TEpraduccd in wax

HaideJlMra i^aiil^ bUiH by pEudenE

Hoover dam, rubber for prEUUTE eebe ,,,,..
Muttumabr^ — Eplncaph Line meTnEHiBL loarla biabiray .

MoEor Can- — d±Uv±i^, vc 4 .r |at>w 4 r bn.it Far

Moviuii JMcl'Ujei

4ou>4J pBinEEd an Fnltm

EaJIcie in ??v?rAl languaMj made >E same tiiDE. . . .
MpBica] ImtnjiDE[iEi---amp]iDEr far urtiLt^ Priii4q( . . .

Nary. L>- S. — n^anEiivEra ,

Moiiej— deafcfSB 0< diy/dwriln CBUBtd by


±1,^3 lalAodp 4pii[f-^unE Edt under lea

— iDEMeE'-ririviee'

□il Well^porEable pump In Okl^ltoinB Field

Driien — warEd'i larscat. bai leven etububIb

FaLiieb Bnd l^ainEmy^ — uuard on bcuib prEVEriEi uneiE'Iniit
Paper Pad — eleoifi-L tiihi dlpi oil ...
Pbn-lnaraph^EDO, earner* I 4114 t^Eanded for piatii? at
PaJLce — duTDmy. tife-aLre, puardi idioa] eonO . , . . j . .
l^niilEry — C biceB. inilividual, for beni . , ,







3 fia


SS 2



3 M

4 fan






40 A





31 A





[CodEmind on Paje 4 ]
JjcrM ^^ 1 "


tssut;!! MONTHLY SmSCRIRTION s fKC r.E roFV. 3 f: ciJWT-J

[n Cnibed Siidh and iei pasfEftHDP, per Tear. penpatJ -? . . . j ■ ft |Q

TobII aaher CD4jnEijei.in the Fotuil Uriiop - - ^

All Bubvcriptwpi. are dlacona fined. ie esiplndoii. riEkfe euBlce dice primed aii yaur -wrtppac,

i;clind u U?^ul L'Uu UkU|.| rhpL 12 ]E<n, u TVu Ollnl ni..i4. EAarl>. .i4rT A'l H-I^ A|4. :41t.

F>Vp-id iw 8-fnnd < Ipii lA Ibi FhI >JBn MpirlirrnL. Cin^L

rr^lhlr kj POPI'LaH ^LtCUASTCH C-aF^rl|bl, ipmi t-j I'^pidkr blMluilri TAFtfiLf^L Lti A-jhiaI^ ^

Recede change* lri pqitg] rdCulkELoni male il necesury tbae lubacrnKn Bdaiae ui inmciUatBly p| {iluDBtf Ed fddE'(a? to

tlinfliriBEk dfilly 4ud additlouBl taymae in dalivkiy cd max^iirua


[Corttcnts — Continued]

R?^. Bpvi.'— EFte-nriiedinf

dtctric tontrolj 4^

]iair iii?t la *WQ

^BJema. tmf iaJurinjia mr ■ -tHl

tuhF^ hantw Fut J^l^■^1 44Z

?dl?, AflUttnt — undH auto ru.TuiJs|[ Ej^ird .... ]39A
adllo. Applttitlotti

Birporii. Luidcrgrinjii j an<nina3. FtTT nni'tvj,!i' tw^BBni. jij

3LjL TiIiQnE caUa -fflanta frOffi alfPflft

Undip, Cony<T:<T— tlrcrt witc TTIT


h?.? ai?tEcn ^iiTwa and gpf fafcr*

!?:; Il:i;lfluil1 Jtaljn 4jZ

^ig^alw. JorrignT on LQ-lwt hnKima -^JB

haeliing p&aL Ln cai ... . . 3^

cir. "Aut&tTaTn." Ml?d aualTial dtrl .

41,* T?ihh Tiomt camtona 426

aJapali. dccijLc eye abay^a hniv ?wort

tr^g BPeed.. ir.crcuTV iiitt i)>i0??3 i^^Aiurtt ]Q ■

L ^ l fcauw^^Kj FnSfti luljg llltg i^&lhf^asLC ^ j 7 S

^nenih floBf . ^ . . ■ ■ ■ ,

'' Saw] and Eawuif— jiaiaw with ieiuU iablc d4tB DBhd-

iiTW inha '?ft 3

Soldering— a: jriL ji:in lifAi . . 43^

Ijuiiii-:] Ki^tigy — |?.l^^!'k inicricr h jined by 40 &

5pcr*j., W'inter — tail- foLdir.iti ior akitir . . ■ <33

Sprayer— — on tractor ■ ■

TkiIi.. Qold — triiiha-iT] Q[ J.oLlara vaLiie ol jW

T?li I ’ ^

BTintter^ air-cpirjtwd, Fi>t g-LUEtlLE 3S3

yJadmg paeJtagfii ^

V TOV]— -doll houm deiuiiiw by architecta 417


mini ill tht 4h>l . . IZ'IA

■ ^jt^ow i**dc HTid holder ittached tir 41 S

yentdatloni— UDLt in ceninF Sj'SC

Vnicea — rotating d^ak thuwra IjHoIi bI .IJJ.

^eaiher — t'DDliniS, atTdts4w attflcHirtoit far * .

Lock — aiT boat, tnock wheal m*1t?

— rolled material .


braia or corwae, tiAinmire± annEaJinr . .

imitation inlar. produftni;

fiBWttr for caitinjf, making . . ... .^-ri

xbip ojitlior mods ftOrrt niUa

'"'Sovereign oE the Seaa'''

NbuIc, Slirlnkllnt — Idr aabei to crmEOt dnit

OndDiu— fieri ubdtr <Ubbln( w4!w

PaLnta and PglbEinif — brueh htbd Above Tmltnin o?

?lll* tAek

Priicil — clip willi pivottti atm Iwlda BeEurelv









aplri[( a^luiiune. -K'i.7ijehLe1d wipEr aa- aRLtalcr. Alh

nhadowa, avoidlnjc in t.o]i^Ln

(Metum — outdoor icEnex copLbd ^ reSecilon

Polish— -nseral^ In cake loriia

Ptizzlei-— O ricrtEA]

BlIIe — cork aida in cocking , , . . .

^vrhrDne — aJot in, hnlda. vnirk

4 )nif {lawInE — handle nnode fnnn stsEripii wheel

ScrewA — dotMil holJi In ■Arid of hoArd

Serewi and Idailj — contalpiE' (or. fAiupla AldA dl
SewdoK Bon— maiden wiEh muS' dcceraEC] . . .
bh4A .^liAber — ediurtablc to difTerenl' liiea . ...

Spokeshavpi — tnAifo Ifprri pips

S.portl^, Winter

'^rttir -DEitlioBE'di" opiked wheel drives

'■^CtBCk-lll'fr-iwhiil^'' E&r akAl*te_

SprinE-^oiL UEnpresdon, made [nco tension

Wire — jir (or hendinjr heavy

Wocdwcrkioe — HIOrttM-and-tAIIOn isLnt iinpraved wiih.

w^a* - .




















Automohilci, AcceAUrLo — flaAh.lER'ht on water'.'hotElE

hHiHH ior fillirn b?U,Fe |i ^ a iii

AucomohileE^ I-vbnsatKin — naihlEf^ht aEtacheit EtCUt


Ell 11

Antomobdlci^ AccnoDfLcEi

iHi'k. :±niovable wooden base (or

. . *i(J

tool pc^ket on door from clear hox

. . 456

windahicEd. twin vdPtra. f-Of . .


>iiiirnLi'i1iLle]. y ueG-— guoUQe abuE oU in case ol bre.

. . 171

Bag— under chou ro catcb aoLled clotbn .... . .

. . 4-ifr

Ba iDoua, Toy — BLlinE with, hydrotin


Banks. Animal — nickels And attaAA lit] |0

. dliS


t?ts. Sh^ll — flit EE'<iin Ciaceom at ieiiuk can



inE ConsTnictLon^^tiiec built into home

. 4E.7

Camera— triuod witb iittinx head

447 AutornohiIcB. Renaijinj! — valve taviietA. adiuaiiog
" ■ i?fi!


BlqwEM-cit — v?nni3i:nn.ii Jor. made j fora fi-il^ar:


Bolt, EnpanaLoE:i— ^HiiJrn hoVe and holt make
ynltilin^ Conatreiction-— ratEri ffamlni tlble

■ ^asti, PlHAttr — BtrengtbenLnj

filteriiiE cnrroiLye fluLda




irandAfi, lihAmLraL crawn io utaH Mr . . .
^LantlF-'— uraplaEtA itAid on Tmncni.pTess mble htf
yranfc— Doari levcragB iPOenToHed b?~




ComcnE-^iHlA inLliorett lEl AEone waEB'


IjwrmrjT— atriPiiE hung Jrpm ceilitTuZ wAm of low .
UTlUi — ViftlAlPb rod Em- ! . . ! . . . .

Engine— cop]lii{ f.]rptirn. Eteom pockeEi rilntleigtPd In.
CnEin'C. Gaaoboe— -iEeam-An|jf|iie Ei^vcmoT control] .




balance, aenaltive. to welsh chemicAla .

43 S

Purnittirp — tl utrh-Eoot coffee table

. . MI

■lAAi arkJuAIW Ttcaiftsj with i>1fljijef ol parn


QaakEEi— cylinder-iiMMJ. TidjEta hold


ipontaneoiks coentniaEiKn. cxpenimeuEa m . . .



Bortea av .........

. . . 49S

rnl-n Jimrh fiJn-rl ciF -iwn-nH mAkiii.


MABhihl Sh^r> — u?fl f<ir steel bills in


Cooker — elef:Efk- raitiaiit

47 i

M otor— belUEia

anajigenattit l?r tw:.i-|}u.lEBy ...


CTiK-k-s — arid containera. with vvonden handles


nstiEons. IsJectTLC — LndTicatEng mveneil

. Ain

DaminE Eee — elictrir lAHap uaaiJ as

4 JZ

JtAllW— mecSldTIICA nf 'iininv


JJIllcs— -aheet-meiaL stiidc. atda m lawEng . . .


□il Pump-'^aEid around, nseventl Ereaay floor

. 4Aft

Door — ^Jtieiable boak Eor ...


fAEnlA And yni[ittn?

]}eA'W|[V-^b toit? jnitirove ccirncr* ^


Slier for aid wbILe



lacuuer faruxhri kept front drvlne


clAv. Haic c^rifitied tiy


mt(^1 [Mint UrottetB aEoiuBt corrosion . .....


■Er^ iLoLiU nn sr.el!


prlPEtr lup AtiriBlI Bhoo



choir, adjnietable bed

Cl lb anit [tZav vand for babv ....

46J ‘

rianBrn — jBcJt

itOCSB tPT 11XE on f. ...... .

. 4fl5

Poiilcrj!’ — brand

cr iDidc' ^roffn ^Jil -iiaL


47 ft

HtVAH b?— tnaktB


Garage -.dark, whire aheet faeloa nark twr


Sander,. Spindle — shaiwn' hAAd Bervea ax

. . 48*

Qaa iliiTner — shept-metaf .Auard for ....


Saws au[3 Sawiug

QA*lt?] — ntAbtrnlit. tnsiallsnE


graduated atop im miter bon



hi^cleiifM Fr-Rivit,. dM? cutfe Tna.d< by eiieni;lun dh

. 49i

CTittinj narrow Atrip* . .


lianiltaw, nne terib ?| ht*l oi blade imorov*

. . . 1JI

EroBted by Eribdlne


'lappets — noisy. Jocairug


CltM — utLtn-eier euis odor or ! ! . _ .


fcio box — liuk n-luneer holds on lUte roof


Iron — >hlaek oiidLied bniih for



lack^^^dtHifalcilever. belna raise buildinr



msprovlped IrAm. level

. . . laE

Kitcbea Cabinet — radio nn


lap lor mairuif worn tlueids



btHeh. HiWlri irm Bupwrti - .


wIte held at rijint teudon fgr ’wEndlns’


iTuct — tarpaulin covero held on witb hJirdwood be^

In* 48$

reflector, sugar scoops made mto


VeufAFlne— Jifiid, m fJliBil ... .


Laumlrv— viPBeAE IB rjiaiUig watw r?Bm? lOAp . . ..


Water yspe— bolt auU inoer tu^ mjiK] nlug far

.. 4d0

;rir rr. : ^ri :|



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Mr^ PdvI It. KUtdiliit-bn, Lot Aitstia^ C-al.

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We wilt send yOu a large booklet
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sample paEOB, It describes the S4
Britannica votumeg, the contributors, the

15,000 illustrations, many in color, and the 500 maps.
Learn about the tow prices and easy payments.



343 Mndison Avenue, New Yark City P.M— 4-V-3

PleSK tenJ Toe, by mtum crkAiL, -vdlHw.t ablintLm.
yaw new LUuitriited booliLct with color otjtEi ■□tl wort
From tliu Ntnt Brituinicd. twei-Tiier vnEk LnW -twiee nwf



' Naui9.


CUf.^.. — -SI J fs-

Tni? (crltiiip to oriverrisers pkwts mcitfiou rtEiJifi'nt' WK-Jianfcs




1 will train you
0 \ at home

Vw tofilla

Radio Job

SPECIAL Equipment
for Broad PrActical ?x]wriont?
Givsn Without Extra

Jf jron irc- diBut[afl?il wSLIi
Fiwt [i|T[$<e'E]it Job, If $'bu j.rb

untb ibttlc' DJ BO imsiKci
ti.r Vtt^r tfam.,,*.

■k^BBf fiiy carcuiK' — cLIp-
tbfl ?}KuhjI]| >'0W. Gft Bti/
Sic FIcTL boo± no tbe o[k-
partubiEili^ Sh' P^i.liui Jin'riii
w* qmkUr pni cia leBm

Uji OSllW M. onl an tSwrr, ni f?n Si's to

ui* BIT ipteial . BIBlpiiifDt for miiinjCCtoc

^ iiAiiiDcsiLi bad ii iiili Bijig lyjEFijLt-a TTblati UlTiiffilv
IiBiwrl+rit wiarinlia ustd ii} Wf-Jl Knawii Hri
u *W?tiaXuit?: IgLntrir. JLMiiJW. ft. V-

A,, VJcbnr, ^ajwlic, *nd oibcn. Yoa unrfc duI
wkn >u?r 1?^ Siodi JuiUMV fif tbln^flu
ECLQ l-ll 4111J 1 h>i3k1. TeUE W-W W

LfllPiletE nuk-Q leicaihR ^1; Immt cn^, ULlcnBtinSr
furlDbtbc, intwwlj

Ybu Ir^i'i bo^ iftii '^rKi. '^hlf
ucT '?rbaki ai?1 1U>TFtn iDDbc Uietb
wbca tb^ Cnlt OJ 4rd?r.
ti^rwm TrblTiinK l-ik* iHi? ilojin itp in
jour [Hrf Kfiitlfipn— TTlwa idu
crnduil# jou tw'-b IibcI traliB'
J“^fT ““ Eipmfin;(? — yim'rfl
f Twi ?■' * T KTt eioiiifr Looimc fw *
, ■' ^ Jab irbert JOU CU CCt

I ii It cspertEBEt

Ht SoBLe' bi rwar irTiiro ttme

1o ba ? Budliv Jil^LHrrt— uliAt Eood JoSi mr crtdu^lts
hbT? |>f?a aitfiotE-xifil joSi vntb m] Tuuvci.

WMr nmOiu ?kpv?* MiiM?

4l> xo A W?k

la abonL tea tuei tfib RbOSii lodbitCT taa CKnm fEam.
|2,Q(H',Q9D [j> li<nii^ri.-Elp af lUJIl^iiiH of -dnnoM, 4>T0F
3n,a? jotjB Imto SW4 rt?nr(^ Ujt lIi? Jin.iwiii, beh 1 ilii>?-
Hodi; binra nil be crta.4cd by Llj poutiaBBa atrdbp-
meut. Mioj mm end ptiuuf moa ^eIl tbe Efj^ii trains
lull— (be kdod -nf ininuiE 1 Jdra you ni tb? H. L
<miiBr—bBTO itcfiipeil 1 q[o llndda at tno oiid. tiucw
Ura? thr?ln' fbnDbi aolLrUa.

4vt Hu^r How for UlW

&EoodEdHUiu HU.tl(Ube ihio anEdnian, opaiiton:^ itBtkm.
PlpiuSDoM fl&4 uu to a^HKf t y^sj, ^[aaijfaatiLiwEif
nnnllDuallr HdinB, inmOatnB, fatFoim, ebm-

naEbii, laiTlao mm, bujeri, iai fatd piylBE op to
fl.HN' A >cat. Itadla ppET?tDn oa Dhipfl nipi^' life. OeO
ilia TTnrld, TrJCb boKni bad. Jadclac eeil'e, lod nxt jpxd
]i67 litTfidit Dtalm- IbJ ^-jlibeES anaiiby ai^fc* inca,
BiJnnun, vnjnB, BiduagaiEf ddiI pir up iu flW b T’Erb.
My iHKiik Ifflo 70ii b^iiif iiiotc juq Enenj DtlKj biodi

"I ala MCflJtW tt4t I
luLTe Budo bD.nlC iDOEa
la Mbd ift tbiu I wiifllil
bb>v kiads if 1 had cna-
UaBatl bL Bn old Ji'>I:i."

TICTCiB^ oatfooDi

St - Cuild A?*..

Wfft yni&B*. ii. it

Aodlo Sd?Ia*h

'^1 bm b BiEBilbEf' of (be

9 na of a^aib. -nEOBiL Hb'
to A Appllioof iy,..
jililrb ruoj- ? ‘?ofl Hijfr-
CEEPfllL IliyilElOjU. 'L'IlO
OHbtar port iir pw fliJC.'
rp^l. T om to N. R. Ij
WUhnot ICKflT tnlDlDB, 1
oniJtl Dcnr Mtii Iioeil
mifiAiIlil tn Hadio.

J. A. TATIOnN. ,

ClEBQd. ICbdln A:
atfd l|, (^ruiit MtA,
tit. LbuJi, Ho.

WEtli N. It. 1 . eqpJpmEnt tcb learn ta bnild
and IhorBnflilj andjErvtuid Hrtlnling eatilD-
n*lil — fro-v Aatl Bor N.. K. L HPlpuint In
j*ar rptre-tlme ■ err Ice work for 'Extra monej.

I hove doulil^d

and tripled the
BalBiie? of
find out about
this tested way/iajHS

P^Oet 1
a Job

wd?h ?


Dow SbAIo Wo^
M Bpar* Tim*

''I euD. ofiETetliiE a ISI-
urrt FbEBb, Ttuva rilklitb

p wipok I LbuJi a Hjulio
alo^. Oa Iha otlwr
tibclito I milK UEVIao
uln. Wonlp 'niBDot cx-
jircu my ciBUtuda lo
A IL I, itiur trbEnSng
pnrpbrra Ina to ^fb bics
■umb of CExb In


H. IE. 3. BniVia.
ladibBtl^hi, Ind,

tuiiMi sr Kni lu* 311.4 setianifi vEib my

liCHQB aBd iBBtrucdna Htrlrt Been cmiiptEtiBD-

loofc of Informolloo FRSS

na ymiF iXiriT todar- It'd fr-ce (a liU Evildauta
Cbfi UbilM Btaru latl CiDadE ow 15 Tacn uld.
laub you ThfEB Kidfii'p cood. jobi ira, tnit thay yay.
IcUO you Blviiit my vbit eyth^EO jybo It^Tt Irkob

it pn Ami, FLnd oul wbit IMh pIT^

yEKL mlUDut. ESe ildEbtcst oDU^tHm. ACT Klin E

J. E. SMITH, ErtnHtnt
7]iilf#n*:l B?dla InKtEmt#, Ilitt. 3CP
WuliJivrtHii. D. C.

J. E. SMITH. PhddEbt
National Rodla liutlrtotA- Ptpt. 3<ZP
WaibinrtiHti D. Ct

TV'JLtiauil iitdlguiUBj me Hod frEfl boat iboDt
Bpate tiajE ai"! f^ll fioia ICoAIn onpoatuBb-
iita Bod 11 ^ 1 COD iTbiii fw tLtia At Ilode.





The Famous Course That Pays For fiseff

WhcTT -EPn-if-injiy In □ilv-ErflaEi-r'} pJ.sei.se menJleit Pfr^liiY- IfecAaitl?3'



Accountancy Home-Study

made inferest/ng and pracf/ca/
thru prob/em me^/)Oc/

Y OU Irnnw ns well as 'n'c do
tfaac AccDLincanq/' Atj many
men lor posicions ihat pay
three aod Itve and fan thousand
dollars a yaaf — stives many o[}i?r
men unusual oppoctunity to start
H profitably Itrowjnit busiafas of
their Ovn.

The only questioa is — Just hiyn.>
practical is ic imyoa to train your^
self adequately in Accountancy
through homy study?

And the answer lies jp the
LaSalle Problem Afethod.

for this modem plan ol train'
ing DOC only makes Accountancy
study at home thoroughly praC'
tical but makes Jt interesting as

And here's howt

Ym Leam hy Uaing

Suppose ft were ^our phvJlcjH- rrarr day
tn lit in. canJcrcDDC ivith the aiulLijnr of
SDHtcomj^nyorthehcadofa wecasdij]
■eilDODtiiui firuL. iHiJrlnxe emy dir he
wertTO before rou tn ff Jietnadcordiii'

the TixiEHia (Kr^bteniS Jie ts CuEnpelled In

p.od ckpLita lo ytKi the

pcinciuLei ur n’hich Ke wJlTHtheni.
pbie llbiE Oti4 by CnC yod I^^retn wurk
ibcKE pceiblEiDi cut — renirEiti^ m hJin
-ai>e[y day lur COaaxel aod iJxiitiDre —
Gtaatcd. ihiE privLlaaCi Xureh ruer ad-

■Firttensent would he Taster hr T*f thta

that Of the man wjtn IS ruiEipellEd. tu

pick aphis kjiowl?LBcby.midy ol theuty

Uader ilio LtStJlo PfobEotni Method

you puriuic, tn iJ] Incenju uid purpoxei^

that ideaEkal plan- Vou tdirailC^ brAult’

PPfE ptolilenii-

Orli^instead pFhavtnff jtyoBr com;
Duna the CdudseI. of a jinile ladindau
— ^ce iec^ofirit — ypu bi.v< back ofyow
toe orfanunl iixptntncE of Ihe IiciexE

busiticssirai aftu insFintcicMijnrtH: worM,
tfaeautltiDritiij've &ndioai nf jcoreiofiMt
accouDEiEc: jpEcJiLina. ibe Bcciiat p*Q^
IliHS— imteiii of fumbling and Wso-
derinf — fou Krfi Coached io. tbe lolv-

fag of (lie i^ry PfobJems you muH litre
in the bicher aCtoiiatlag poxIlfcMki or iq

aq tCCcrarhiiut pra^L^f ofy OBf OWOrStCp
hy ftt^ rou 'work them □□[ ffuyqqjriEff
at f he end of yrnir inEainiii. ro j
ha-va tbe kind of abliio' aod expcFLence
for which bu?[qna is 'mJlieg and glad
F-O par real mojiEr — juit as it wa^ liad
to par these encor'

Five Metf Whu Tested atjd
Proved It for You

For install OCttbEiE wastbe pJontbeewbo
slaned Acoouoiaqcy xmieijlg wfEll lit Ia
I 9B6-. After ■ uiort period of study^ be

look a position as * ooUtceper foe a year,
and. iJtan benuDE iccouDCBJtt for a lead-.
iqRautOiHobiienaiiLijfBetiirer — -with E-evu
bookkeepers under him. Today he is
auHiL'lor of one af [he fmeqinit banks In
bis sutieand hit saJary is 335 peccent
larger eban 'wheit heauin^ IrainJitKi

He writes, /t tie iirif dit-

ledatrtrj' f'i.tf f re r matie, it titii

twfvr raaiEttrg inUt/ivtfii*tr*e-"

And. ihf young clerk, eaxniiut $7^ a
jMHiili eleven ycff 3 ago and now geniQg
ntaa;*' litnes IhaE as geoerxl audilOr Eot ao
oi^taodijng, n?i*to-wlde OCfianaatiop,

Within ail months after be begin our

training, he was aiming ttas * uiooeIi
uiu 'wilnin fpar years, he wels eirnina

I^yoti xv^nnder Ihxt he wrilCS, "TFi^e
LtrUitfle adi Derr itemed tike fairy fatti f9
me, neui | JritH experiejici

bhaf firt)/ are irae"

Send for
This Book

'Nantes aDdaddeesses givoa ou tesmesL

Of let us iet[ yEMt about E.WO onaa — ou
a sEenngcapher iftd the Other a fetiail
ckiik — ncjlncr of whain kne^' innTr thu
dcmMESi of hochkkeephar.
Od# is now like cajupirDlJer inn tbe

EHhertheastfstaat'Compnoikrofa Large


"Laiiilfe traiairiE in llis^r Accnim^
hutcy." Irdie both, ‘"mrl He imtmrffni
faeiar ia ear rjpiJ el!mA.‘^

And if you are thinking about thfl (XF*
An aegrOe and a public acconntinr busU
ness if yoiiF owq, rtad aboui [be pbar-
ffUCiFt '°vho 'vrai earning a week
clesen years ago wbeo a La&itlu rtgiiuir
set^red his enrullruenr far Acoouqtancy
FCaibing. night mujiths IiEct Jie i^ the
dmr lEnre to (akc a booUEjeepiog iub ai
a 30 n week — Jess money but larger o|>-
portupiryr Tbtea years later be passira
the C, P, A exaininaiieHi and a rear later
nt be wai earning Ss^oou- a year, iVow
he has his own bicti ly aucoaif [ui public
aCOOuutLngt firm for 'wbich he aay i, ''JMj
t-dSalfe irainiag Arfr iargdtt ruv


Oiie^Tettff? of A!i G P* A.^e
Are LiiSaUe Trahied

Jfyau wijrt seeCI more proof., re me caber
that 1 ,000 C. F. A.'s— ipprosimiJely one'
tenth of aJI thgse in Ulc [inhed JhaEti
'wJiO have ever J^iased the diScoLt ex--
aminaiJon fnr [his coveted degree — aid
LaSilLa irainid.

Or temetuber tbatin our filee— apces'
sihleoD requejE--ar? ihoiuands of letm
ftnin onr AuuoiLntancy iradsiates ceport-
itkg nuEPrial incteaaea— Junhut triple,
rtu^njrfe — and even more— crver maic
origljul Carninga,

And Imowing these ?ictf, ask I'onrKlf
iflhctecao bcstiyJllttherUuejtinnaboaiE

llie peaciirabUiiv of (hif Tf*i uLug for jou
— ask rather it the real quesEtun i| not
about The tL 2 >e -of youc own ambdiiEMi and
die qnRJity of your dctcrmiiiatLotu

For Accountincy i?oo mag[e wand for
the Lazy nr tbe fearful of the quirter— ft
offers auccuss Onty tothe aterl adoJt 'wba
has [be courage to face [be ficis aed. the
will to carry on dll tbe jnb is dune,

Jfysyu -ate that jndJvldiixL tbe Ctnipop
helow.JUJed out and niaLled, will brinr
rou fie-u the JnFOriyiaflou that can nisen.
up EES you the fuEura of ‘which you have
drcamed^ablbiy anij. incotne and auC-


la It nnl wontl EOttlbg: ilaai liiloiinap^


LaSalle Extension UmVersify


PL^se arnd mo, ftto of sEI cait or nbbgabon.y onr rU.pige, ■llusttat-Cd'
fanok, "Acconnlaocy. IhU FrOEyssioo Xh?! Fays/' tulliog shnui ibe
proftaiion of accountaikcir and your tralolor for huzcfsi io that E^tdr

Name,,, .4 + 1. ,4 , .

.AsldrCSSa ■ ■■■■ L... .■■'r.4'r.4Tr. + h- , + r4 + , .^^tV - , + ■■

POSttLon, aaaraaa^Ba'aaa bbb'bb, r AgCa ,'b, + ,b 4 + 'bb.?bb

IFhEin mHC'lKjir tn odppyti-ytu'a JvleoeU' menrloiv PajMiJnr Ifevfi niEfoJ

nr T







[ to 560 Mefers ]

U r GOEB l]]c ciu4ility]

Doi^'n Eoea tin
price! Slitlwcst
hilH RCQTcd UnuttLIT tf G-
rrttndfliLn hit by
iiifl, the ALl^'iV'v


t:LFLR ciui buy thie ^
ttebe LO^TG And
TATive eupo;]--
liulcrtHiyno chussiii,
rompletEly an-
jwmbled math dwitnv-
dynamic npeakfl]*-
\ever before .=meh sonaa-
t^omJ viduc- N^ever b(t-
ffire fM mneh r^dio fur aij 9it.tlo nininey. fiix
niunths SlLCli quality !in<i feoch priGL-a

ImWU imiisiWllbli:. Tldtik Iff it!

Pt?wei-, iLKiJi* dihiLlELCt banda, li? ti^ fltM)

unel^r tuning ranjice, rtniet-'Ui-i'OiUit. rei'ejition, pri]j<ie
ciiJls, forcLftn receptiuii - , . &Ll for cw lidk; as *18.50. Only

MuLiyost rAdib L9iKi[Li^‘']'i.[i.|' skill bAukuiI by the cEij^iiGcring
tiiloTit of R.C.A. AH(i Am. T. A T. cauld prodMO au.ch fiGnuatLonm radio
vaIuo. MiiLt the coupan cr ■wriLc ue a ptiatal. You'll he amaEcti whon

you gat full detalb. Ati AVAfireff AtO Liooifseti^


J. S. Kline. McGoehee, Ark.

"Lia- Shreveport. JjJI. . . . "Juat na j(i.>oii as
petfl ftelliufl for double Alidwcat
WAltcT FahHSi l3iH llighLantl Av^-^
Alton, 111- , . - "Midweat ia the best.
Friends think I ]i;iid Abm]t ^iSOU.tlO fur
it. "

II. R. Pepor^ 13(1 Ferry St-,

Kewr HAven, Conn, . . , “A
neighbor of mine ’(iho rO
cently piirch4used a S'^UO-'TlO
radio ■vi'ent home very much.
diasatEBlied after listening to
our Mid-we&t. ”

tened to a aet coating SliiO.Ofl hut woiikl
not STvap my Ylidwefit frjr the hiKher
priced one. ' '

A. Edwardfi, 2125 Nbrih A Kl,, FI^vt.nw 1,
ind. . . , "We wcnibln't tT4ulc our Mid-
west for any of the numcrouB moro
eoatJy' ants. "

Km met 322 2E!Hh 8t., Ashlandi.

Ky. . , . "Tho Midwest cannot be
beaten by any otlier r4idio thnt costa
liviLTi 4U mueh."

Milton T. Lyman, 252.S Merwin St.,


nwccp^ DiiidA CJie cmJr old-faiJiiEnied way cif
jHilLiiiK throicEii diBtrllmbn'B arul oj?I?b.. Yihi buy tldrect
fnim tLfl Mldir<4t la.Ctvry. Vu4i MVC tte Inld^iD^b'B

MUmnt HKlloCDcn-,

Dcjn. IH.,

Ctnedr qpt4. Oilic?

Wltbaal. o.1]aKBnftn eo bi 7
[Hirt Hnd U4 ycii|i‘ iit:''' iv3?
ch49.Ii]c, itnC CBmpIctc dEtsUs dT
^orJlHTBl 34>diy fTM trial ?Dvf.
lllA Id 4?:C4T LU uTiJit.




lDvchtL^At?! MuL tbe ci^iLpnD. tint tK.n
Midwnrt utAlxiE:. Learn the EaetB abnut tlu new
flr-tuFjt' ALf.-U'.tVK sin

BnCii, H±itety until and dcv ..lutnanBilie IlcHird
Ohanpni; HiKliu-J^DraiifirSlpli St sa eiktimtl/
Lriiv pnnn, T.onjn abrujl niir HenHlji'jnaJly
Idw factory prinni EBay poymEnL pltia
ixiipit fk.ujiljvr, K'NiTiLiLtH^n i.iE

or money bask. Get a bipscr, betteri
tnitr^i ihjwpefiil.. bnUiv tiidioii n4i|li.i
-at. u. [toBULve Baviofl uE .30%
tu SO-JiJ

New Corisciile Models
as Low a$

AL'onninilri iw
wbvc n,iiid,i1e r*'AD
H KriiMLiiiiEially'
pH-iw ..'ll Mja
tubfE., itruHtajp

X ^1 dl H k ^ ,

nuta matin
pjlaint eiHii
t r II I B. II il
nthoj acw
diIhuEe rEa>3

[Uni'll. niijiLil

In HFiB rtU I ntr
N,r |7.t n~i iij
$ 1 IkCI El Ik
PtlD'C b.u7
b II T r a d E n.
uiieA ] nil iftt
i|ll the niEta^.

a U i lL4
4: II U |i Ik IL HI r

write im a
[kOdtksL noir.


hAd m4 T# 1 '

.' iiiiF b JL

With t tlb?4


thipt. ue [ESI. 1*2Q] CINCINNATI, OHIO




If a man &t>ends cvcrjrthiog
he mates and does nuthlo];; to
improve hfs talcniR-wlsile others
are improving lllei^s^ whac
then? The answer is obvious!

He is In a circle which one of
thrsc days will cease to c 3 cist+

He has nothing — MotA/ffy
to took jorvjard tot

On the other hard, if a man
devotes his spare time to self-
improvementj if he makes him-
self more valuable and pursues
his ambition In a sj.'stematic way? he can be
financially independent at 60 . And besides,
he will find much more plcastite in the in-
cervening years. There is no good reason
why a man should be a failure ■ — there arc
many reasons why he should be a success [
None of them is more Importnint than this
self-improvement through spHtre-time study.
Today it is possible for any man to improve
himself, to acquire training and education,



through thoroughly modern courses of the
International Correspondence Schools. It
may not be easy — but it is possible I Lf tou
have ambition and determination and a will-
ingness to mate sacrifices for your own pres^
ent, your o^vn future, yaurownold age, this
coupon is a golden opportunity to you! It
hnis started many thousands of other men
like you on careers of success. Why not mail
it today? There is much to gaint

forward to
i n d


“rJ6^ ttmVrJtfJ I/friv/rjilj" H?>5( S?aj-G, SCRANTON, PBNNA.

Without cost or ubiigatjon^ pkase send me a copy cf your btHnldet, “Wba Wini
and Why,’’ aud full particuEara about ibe anbjeet before wliich I have nnarlLed Xt

□ AMULert

Q AnizhJlrf^Liir^ K??LAIiiIi 1 ]


n WiMd HLUiNiiii'klu

E -CtaoJInctar uil BuJIiitf
Jltnir.imi Drmflamms
Q Svne 4 iH?l

B DkIHe WirUif

BKtricxi r

□ w^arnnr, Kl?(trl? il 4 Q?f
n llwdl?i|| S|!h:i^ ailL^liriiiji

e lHdlfltrlMl Muu^mErt
Q 4 'nfid hLhnijpiumt
□ A 4 HMHiuuw

Techhical akd ikdvstiual cvupaEa

□ T(U*lwbk FInrnMT

S TMiphiiiid n Drk

□ Pnruitui

□ HacHUl □ Ti^liiu^r

ftpriluw Cl Timmkih.

_i ^WFITiU

I iJiiHiJ
□ Airi^Unn ?Cnilnf+

□ AuUbjiJbUA XLccEuiic


Q RfcMrn FlfcLiui

^ VmuIaIu*

Q T’liimVilrj
□ |[eaElUi
Gfll.?LTlr 4 ?l

a -SlAiiL Eivc^cic 1 ~nrrn iT
irnTii Ejarinw
□ -Sijr^n'lni Uii ;Uip?iilDa
n RaTrit tinlMfl.
n EL It. LcoamoLivm
□ li- ]i? I^rwTi*n

□ Lni-JKWi l 3 i|U>iA

0 C!nrt AdTTuiBlAat
OL'I t'.

□ BiMll.lLV<$DiLLl

B StenLuU WkL
Rfu-nlfh 0

□ fliliMminihlp □


0 I^EE+clBC -^finv L'Tudii 0 illaiUi
□ ?HLvfiMP?|jliy Mil T'l'DlU

B CanjpvLi CuumjAftla]

CItU Dim i J- b
□ hCuJ Curiftf

□ Air 1 irib?i D Tnln N^fpniian

B ECit'hviMj' luBfaiH^tiac
?i::i.....bLrj lJ ^

□ CriMt HUiki?

□ EfB^l^Lin


TwnDi OvWMCt ? Hwtm
□ -CkiLln# UuiifucCuHni

B I^'ekJu UuiiirBcLiirJiu

AarkottiTT^ n Frnlfc Clcmitiu


□ rvtibrr JftiMlnf

□ AEarllib Kneiunf

Q huiltp

□ TUa?*T M4A nmk

□ urtMd? iwbHC emwo

□ HU BclHid BaLi*c?

B Cimev PrvptntojT

lUubnldni U C^uioaoLne
□ rjcubM- I 3 H 4 J 4 T

1 Addml,,-., , ? ,._m

,..i^.Oi:E 4 <,p 0 l^?.i

It M CTan*^ *tnS liU* r? TAi Ccrr<ip^dm? tSwvttion, aiewtrtaK, OtnsO*

TFAcn icrLtpEjr (o' -ndvertfaerd- fiJ'f'aad itifnftoin.

;.-r' ririT V [---1 :fiiJ



Come To Sunny



Tm Utrt * Jfam. Hirtio lyn^ nf ^ijrld'n Imllnv

IsliutrtcB. Tnlklnc i'lutum litti-'P i)c'iafli 1 [k-tt lire and npfHi^uitkT
u> 1 Ld hlovlav Now. TcOrFblon tiJicrEwlth a|irimilittnl'iiriiw(h?nlj

*?LlvlEir ia CKfic That It canEnU nven. Im- iMJnij.Ln]. ir:i.iiDp t>> Lou
Adsch* — moot wftltC’ ItAdlo wntrr In. tF>r irwid. — ind leom tlicon
tiBdaiUiiiB' TcDdai. Yhj cod In nm of Uio? to Dup iLn hkmft.


TIlihm u* gwtiJnff b?lcf. TIh wnnrt rif iJin ihiiirMmLiiii lu ?T?r
TbMHUMlM nor )nbi will ^1 Mr TRA 1 M t:>S, ill ^ m
rao^T’ li<itiiri|i??i 111 (buTrpiliiRj nmii rrlEi*. lleBJwayn

bu and hc' alwijm wiu. Take tlut Ibirt m a [nilite and tutum In
ooiiired. Woodcrllil □ppcrtunlUD are opea betnof roii-

Get the best Training your money will buy

NAtunllr. Tvii '■T.iiC. 111? nrvd moot bnmplEte treLnltu jou. ein
■Hare. AulriE — ini'Evtlpale. Ynmrirbnk lijtim^lepcwui M|him 1;.^
yi.i9 i;>vw 3H I'Fdn, XathioiBL liiu Ikmii traliilnx ari'iblELniibi men
own prTotUM yliep inttlLiiiJ- OtUT ifrAdii^Jiw i^ru our Imt reetim-



V<id u* nai LiurM. Ehri'^'UGbi caunuu u Kauiinal. vou are
■moa Lll^SolioloiTililii ■fau" yuM biimlL wtilnli mcaTi]. 'thiU yimcDQ
n jiiil ? !ut. or talw au Loiur on you wKb to eomiilcte your tnlalniT.
TAn BboJD tbLnc li ttut you modter mrr pbur-aE yuur LiunriwUiK
HtiT Irr Hkii.


Tiwuh ne TiUMM'V eaiilviMiiit xi iJilo mendeTrul lii^tltirHou. Itb
a]| " bonl>td>up.'' ready ror^o to lan tn lEornJinb' yourTriiU-. Vna
laun Tclavliinn on actunl TflETlilon TrDumlttLnE aod Itf'CilvlE^
VglllLilUniiE. ViiU [aXbllkn.]nopiiFQIIn(rbUFirU'li lUrll^i brniiutipuLliirt
utaCl-un WtlVK. IhTalkliw Pki^riiH, tiiw. i^iLlraru on ikUiiL eqiil[hr
nuot, rljilib In I4otluiuiL'D Studuiit TuIAIe Tbeatre.

■ lafillLUn! IrJcIi I^iLh i^cNeoli

Y'bu irlll IlniHliolaDllltlei lienc d.i
ihnltLvb reTcUtlon. Oyt.
iHKike wliJr-li yraii all tba

lartH tii Hiimy and ^?(una —

E^rit Ro<fm jiird Board

3pon timb |oba wlillu at ieboal.
iilinnua wtalla loaralDg^. fht IF

We tkHt> y nu tot i ]nb tn- nay ILl'Ibu

W. at jr ynai nr* riort nf Dnnn^, 4ijri t wT [liaL

hUiiJar yi.iti (riiiii (iiimlllirt. nr niir HLiwJuiitu are aaralmt tlirtr

■xpfDmH wlitki alUniiLdinj KtiHiiiJ iLaw. We aLno allow year

KflUr(nd Fbr? td AniTslM,

Sp?dil Neif Gaunt — R^dlo Bnadcas! Teehjii^jin

Atudlit In Wm[ — iviiiiiil-i’iri'ior wolh, britadnuclEgs h% yn-wmwvt
— Iiut llha Tlib “uul- taiiK'iln *t*tfii&, 4 ?uy*iii-1a ut>?Jli.ir. ?p?laL
tour* fix**! wl-tiiout a**? enrt to tt-uneot+wtunqinjll ImmcdlDrely.
Wa broabeDof oyer our own atntlDD Dod dIjd by rouol# ooniraL You
lAuikUy lurn nikKratlra eLd
Hi|l|imuiil. nllidiryLrijj fur |iii-

IHirUut tcoiaknJ Judkh I ■Pnn cidnt

Ask for Details ^rid? Sttiaol

Seiii] ro'iipiini Fvr deHTTlpllvo lJtak 4 HlH !■ Weit

IlfenulurE. You uvra It Ui ynur^

Mjr [i> bcenmi: iliorriuiflily .xe- Fs) ]ID$



25 , 4 D 0




Compare these Drawings

ItnDi lilt fLiuywIiifln firr (lit worli. a^

Alt ]^*]bdh. tit m.EuJ? fidJ'Mi^ F?^roI

Iruininf. Ha aomplatad rcaanUy. Today

li* ie Pi-uViPUff fi ftc?( Ih-tnqn* In Art. Ha >?ifl
'"Tlio Fed(iy<fL SnlMok made ttilq iMbfible ea [
had. onlr nvcrasie afaiLitj liafon} anrollLdE' na n

OpriortuaSttea. lu-r aKlftt l^ava never Wit
hotietv publlsli*M pny pilllknn-9 of dollftra
every yenr far illuntradonn. H ymi 11M to
drniv. lot your tnlcnt mnlcQ F-OU]' HvLor. It'o
cuaj- to lanrri the '"‘Federa] IIomc>Sti][{y ’VVwy.'’
Over liity lumouA artiutu. (aach yad.

Th? Federal Coufie intludea

ttlaiLrailiiHr aartoonlnir, lafl^y^

Ibiffr poKter dcRLjrnlDj!' and win.'
didwr card LIlnstratLiiE'. Why plod
nlani'? Seoid. litLine. ad-

drtw, ate anil oi’cn]T?clcin for
ijmr trea Wlf. '‘A Eamt to

GtjZBcr TbtnESL''

Federal School of lUustracing

aieit FnI^faI RfilbMhI ItL.la..,1t1.l rannapalla., Mlxin-

"FLEW 9N Ft"

rfiNn rLtfi SulAacbw

UiamakcUl Atrl fw c:aja ir
CJCI.CI.I Uiid b inia Iw

Han— WOme
S T 1 A P T

t— IB tn H
W ? R K

$ 1260 to $3400 YEAR /" ’frankuji iHSTirTiri

/ D*pt.CSra,Hoali**tar,ILYi?
Jr chKiKuni tiuifi rnxECM ?■□'.■.
_v □anrinvnl felr Bar riiMdT dmuif nl-
<liui. Amid nEl^l^puf* hMk dmurfb-
^4 Tm dulirki. hdun, irdrb Md ^Ik
V puii^tibci u b?r B* ouJl^x ^ <■ pouUk

appaEntments /

Mill CbUpdrt /

Y^ 'iSnp'^ ^ pW'ld ii ijaabi ijanLi ijanai ■ ■■■■■■ ■■

Many future



600,000 people §ay;


to learn music this quick wayi

“V^TOTT^D ymi likci ben able
1 * etLtfirl^Ltk iiuui 4 :kiLLy — bne iu-
idled everywhere, and have a hciet
of ffteacU’^berjii.iiw yon play? L 3 o
YOU H'nfit Ini juiu an orclnistrf^Vnd
Lave ah emportonity l<? 4 jiurll OKttft
money? Then hicre'isi an amaEini;
new way to- get wbat you want —
at home — in jiiat a few thort

Fm, with the aid of a remark-

uUc new uiethu^l — iJlwy aa

3'ou ciiJ! actuiiJJy IChrn Ijj plhV
ymir favorite inttruinent in om>
thinl the ^Linal time, and at ini
ftVeHtgp coat of only a few ^entn a
day. Best of all,, you loam riRht
in the privacy' of your own hoiitc —
in 5'ou.r spare time. Xo U'aoiKT
nr miiKie atudio to em-
bixrra^ you.

More than 60 U ,[)?0
men and women who
formerly nouldn't tell
one noto frcHii another
ha^iD jtrnvtii that this
new A-l^-C method is
not only hut

Pftut Bun;*,
ro<l]o And stage artist,
says, ■‘^Althougli I never
knew one note from
another seven month^^
ago , . , tjjday L am
the louder of a seven-
pJniiKt orchestra. I'm

Ptek Your liunrument



Tri>rn-bD rvf

Si^mI QuIUi
fligli'^ Ringing
PI-l'PHi A? 9 Bf 4 >?ni
ItJJiBriAnd O^hWibA

V?lM Aild Sp**4<h
?C ultun
HpFiTig>Fi|' -pnil
Drif-mB B-nd TrBpt

Finfir CB-ni.p?l

RBnJ-q I P'l^D^jF'U vn.

V-Str-lfl H ?r Ti-fl-arE
j 4 rrtEarli' PJa-nEV Cvur^

licre to loll iinykiody that con-
siders Ukki]’jg ujt thiiL yoUi:'

courae is the only way.” “Two
months aco," wntoa Nfiss Mac
AVillis, of Bpiingfield, Mo., “I did
not know one noto from aaother
on the piano; noiv T CAa pink mit
tune -1 and pli^y fhfr/i llimupli.'"
Hundreds of thoUiolids of Olliers
haw pnoved lltat if you ClSH lull 11
a tone, you can play nny iusiru-

'Jbea* r 6 ?(;lhlitLhMf nre like &

HAme. No diiE. finfccr-tirWliinx eurelMM
lo tbrt you cmlL N<r niciliultrticiuj], Utiiu-
h^ntiliu to |ir*cLi? A^'iiir Altr.r

tn^ir. JFYrhin die vepr Srnt Ina'i-a ynu
tcain to pl[vy EmoLlioj iunm fiom
1 > 0 ^.

Vou Can^t Go Wronp

ihripclil k'^Fi^n

ytNur erj'eo-'prlivtiM in*truc-
(dfiu. dinxnoiN and bU tha
meFieyiKi nw<l. Veiinlmply
e*ii"t to wmiirf. First y to
DJC MiT wlul t4 do, ttHIl K
*Aoiv:? you h/iw, then
yr>u do Lt jcoirMlF md *fOP
3i. 1^0 tft^chrr (fi nn-ihw

TAM v<3ik. Vmj Ihltd in yi’im*
niHTc time. — Lh tJi? privacy
yniLif owti tknivLa — entirely
widtoiLt A private' teachcT.
Ajid hied oi sO. |ftfi.TnlS)f
p'liihie thi* *'prirE oiiid pde-
tniTC-" way mats vrJy Vl
avwHto tJf * fftw (Hint* a dn;f,
An ydu tixed oE beirg;'*
''innfcin'fin"' at s M-fty T
.Are ymi ojt vf t[i4 EuD
jiijiiL wn'i pJny-"
enD't nbcjtauji mimcollyr




IHb rpi<

iJi-. j'luj wniit
neu' jH.piiioF-
Jty — Jjuiiida

— fis<>d tirpr^T Tlwin l?t thn P,nd

imrcn U. S. Sdioul metluid oapu tn

ytor rYsrua.

Free Booklet OTid

Dcmonfltrntion. Lesaon

r^iir Ltliubratcd Free a^nklBit
and DemaaBbraiuiD LeDDCP e-ipLaiit
(UL fih,]ijt tEii* prinbfUahtD iiieithiid. Ni>
niaE-'tcr Trliab iiinErument you ohiouaE to

EiIa>‘i ths Fwi nigniuihtinmyn hnwoii will
rliow ymj at onxw tlic aEnaiirviLy aLinpLe
pHneipIn m[!hi]i whtrJi tin? EanvuuB
□ ie 4 >ieid ij loundcd. Ar Kuxn u lJi? ]eMnu
arrivn, yaa occ for younielJ ^(irt bow
*nyiiFi* ?UV IciWEi hi_ piny ||i? fAVijiitJ?

iuntni'nbnDt h\i (tale Ed aUEinRt do lima
and at ■ triialjoD of wliat tl]? old okiw
inetlioda (uAt. 1 'h? hixtE^t wU jdio t?]L
’(lit about tha wi^nderEiiL new jl.ati>inatLa

n^iLi'liAllei.ciElMci-uiTireU td-Uin laK.dn-
ciila wliJcfayoltwajit In 11I3..V, -BdiI Ujh U. A

^bni,i| diT aiiuiln will di> tiiB> fhl. An± ls~n W.

clip DiuLinalill]b''iKnipDutii(la!(. And Iha Cuh
liliu-llad maBi-H-itato Fna lJ 4 Ui>ntniiUi'ia
LwqKni'iF]|LLi?acn('yaU?('i[iiii^ Knalitljgntiin,
DtoounE. IratnimieDta'iiDpiiU 0 a wiieniindoU.
(:iiili iir (mdli. U. a Eufinnl 'CiF MuiIa 73
UruufTlQt auUiliar. Nvtr Yurk CL 1 .T-


IT. s. -■inrHon.L af Musin

7^ DtiulfwIoIc il4dt. , Sfw Yovk CHur

F|f>ipw Mild me F'Hiif lt*rt bewit. “Hnw Yen
f'na J.laatcr MurId I'd Yaar Own HtiBna,
nlUi inHplrlEii m nnnnrr br Of. I'niife L.'r>a^
tYoe [iuiwi|H(Fa.'ili'iii TiCHK’ia ud putleulBra

vt tviut eiuT' ijaymjmt plKn
Id 'ttir Col to Flos' oaane:

[ ^ LncereilHl

Hove yad
, .liij^ifUJiiiaitT.

AddKRR.., ...

-City . &?.?.

TFJtiet* 'leHtlai? fc odiicrlf-Tei'n- plenM ’Hventltm Fcpular JdacAan-icj



It’s Cheaper to Get
a High School Educatioti

Than t'Ci Get Along Without It

High School training fo

fftrcce^f in any kind of woi'k or activity.
It gives you a good feneraf ec/ucafion —
prepares you to enfer or engineer-

ing scbooi-“fomi3 the basis for speeiaiixed
fraenfn^ ill your cho<sen line.

S in BuMinesa; beffiTTni-ng jobs rcc]l]ir6

Hi^h Srhool ti^ining, (tn(i rtW?t butter*
pjiid pogitJonsftrft uanttftirmbly without it.

U ln InduMiey: The ep^ciali^^d trfiinin^
ewuo" for ndvnnciiRient in
hiiilH’ijnjg nod moaufotrtuHne ia baaed oil
Hi^ti Selki^ol trwiniiig.

C /ft I A* Ptdfrwai^nr: Doctors, biwyera, C.
P- A.'s, etc., must Imva hinlil^ technical
truining, for which Hidl ^'houl work Lr

C the foTjodtiiioii.

In Teaching: PrncticdJy all etnt<?S riOW
rec]ULre tencher.R- of jiny proile la have at

E least iL Uigh School erlucation.

/it Coliegci AU^ floUciccs rcciuiro complete
HlkIi .School t-ffliriing for cht ruiu'e, iihi.E Imre
their Irigtructioa on Hljjli S^licol ^ork.

S /ft Social Lifa: ^ Hifth School c<b]flfttion

(Lqgnreg corn'ct eE^OVeh anti (jlveS fl ^ncml
knowledge of mftpy subjoels,

S in Public Acttoitles: The ability to tbrnk
quickly, wTite correctly, nod! talk con-
Tincinfily results frotfl High Stjhool tiuiuiLig.

U. S. Government Ktatiatice shorn that a High
School j^duttte carrLR SS+7 a ycflr more than ft
Grade Scht?l graduate — or during hi^ work-

itiK life. Thftt^a why ifc'a- cheaper to get ft Hij:li
Sehoo] education^ than t-o get silong witheut. it1
If you cim't finish yo?r Hi|f]i School training by
rcaidctlt study, i? call give you equivalent train-
ing by home study in about two year.?- We u.'ie
standard texts and ^arantee colJege entrancc-
Like the hat TendEDt cijUn^n*, ^>tir Schi.HilkSfhftT?rMl?B4n
ftliLcabiEHiBl iaitltuCjoai, ncl for prciQl^ Ejtabluiied. 2^ ^cdpa
T iwiijr^iufali -fit

Let iu Hhnw yi^i liow ta gH h;hi |.he roHr\ tv -PUi^MW. Tfc thIL
4<4t HoUiini but a iitiioipi Wribci to<ldy.

American School

^DtpL H^7, Ave. nit Sfith St.t Chii^n-go, III,

emit 4 MaUmi* uili] Id thta futih^LinC Euurij

Ent-nt. Ovr nitl'>v inilTurt^m tmeh r?u 14

maiEBt lfa#Jtfi ?QOiE'klli^. ir'iCLilRA AliiKn hiii^-

Uilni ExpIginEd rlniii''


rTH- ir F4U dih'l hM*

vr> IrE^ fe^odhpr,

Ihr U piwiEid iRHru
■rtd clia/ E-lciurfB jibIb
Ie mj L* iBjrn
I'jruidp piv.

Play In H?ir Kaur

Afar T?f] p<t Tgar

■BiF ■n.'*1'9r*i B"v pipy

Mrrr^i'itup th^rdi
-rarr IiLIIb ■TB:L<r. nw

pTB^niu Biuilnl iDanrl
tdfi- riBtdiU^


GIVEN vw**! ten?d


Flarlaf Dv^t—

wnna *t mr *iiri(il-.a *ITtr

■I"4 4-N^ iTr*!-. ?^U hiTr Bpr-rUlnK
|q Evn. A BaHLPtrrI vill dt. ACTE

V>tn i? U

W iT-Ingi-rHirprAinp iiKf?rfi4

OTMEA I T^ncr Jlin^r Vlallr., TW'F Csllil'. UL|l>|lh.

CaLRIElJ tllDiD UKit'F '!■ l^-n In^tliEWk.

fil> Fh*pr. Wpoihvprlih BUf. Diet, lin Vora,. n. V.

rinrvLvd a* n CBrnipandpnrri' ^i*^ ib T,miu ^ iip

A'? rar^- ifiiwiiT Uihi'lV


OO^OriV, tCB^thETIIIilE CnTtE lUT mva -M 11lTl|U<l
CImR. mmDlci|< In nm Iraf- Uichecutht, tnptiHMlnv

■liri^nE, ihnn-iT?fk. !$tuilalj Liioiinjct EDOtun, liulia
wlrl^, lilt aloctrljtiJ. mKhlntoT, Uikiltn tuEldlBfi.
gg rvin' lUHiiiiru] HtilBf ail tpqiUHt.


1 33 TiliHit AH., wim^pritA, Qi a



AT HOME T4P -rwn 1>w> Iff oijp tnndtni ud

pw1 pi u 1 xriH m ,1 n m Lru ^ WL emr p Erl □ I Lji Q WM afe
Rapablnc Tn4*irt hamtii fwri nr bKiatlumk

A liiiil^i V 41 LCAA tsiro BiDDAT *dI1b 9MtrH*ln| ud

cDi? ■ .pil] a' IfiV rotIII'HI ai mvt Ie btiilnai liba

ppnri1rt3Elp -CMr L4UtU □! lUirU^Elfm. iCml w^lcfa
■ tixtlrcn iPt *I?etp tn d m ? n d rad prm nn?
Fi4 Id fti pa Foe pinRuhri apply taut

Wlatnailfi SElH4l ?f WMch HaealirHc
val II. NiiiF 4l.r WLwJMtWlt. Wlfc

Anybne CAN X6A:RN

T*i 1 bilir/* rr ■■TuiniriBi nrriHPiT Fvctubfeuvnrfa

PvfTMEMMg. LTdctitIiIi- L cfllncbpn tmk trUi

?ibour.' Alphifc^b. ^ JTpv b JICc HY*m

urdi. Wlbdcw EcBcd icfd WtiL UL(u. Kn!?

lEl^n. UiM'ib rrf-~4? fJ
■Ih ilm IDt AlphHlBli irid UwItm.
nuni *1 lipilMi Inlk. kwLNFr:?M nni^ J
u4 d-3 IT ML bfionr UlwF UBrd nn. ?5?iH
poMEAJd IlMk iC. <1. I?J> ICe iitn

Qtllrii Ul Eh , IT b*f it., DW. 3lL A T. CiIt



1115 BedfiJitt Ave.. DeuL PM>I2

DTOoklyn. V,

Send ITK nitlKKUt Dbli^tHoi cnm.-

pttte iintnnmU Ion ?a (check aubleetB),

□ CpLurpdIar Tcactar Mechanuz
Avlaijcin Mfchaivit
afaLtiinE Shop
ftulo M^hnrie

It^dlo and TriEvLuLan MELha.iuC
Talklnf Pkccwm— txiawc W?t-
cm Hleclric ISaiupment
n Electricj]

□ Sisrrltil. Ignition.

□ WLiidow DmsiiiK

□ Hiifriic^ratiMl
n t?ll Buminu
lU ATclilLELljral DrarLitlk

□ MechaiUcB-l ilmfllng




Stieet ? Kd...

Tipwn. ........

■ State





OimWuk fiwn Tonight

You'll S?? PROOF that

I can make You a New Man!


NOTE — ^No other man
in the world has ever
DARED make such an
offer J

Mv am-azinH; diocwnir, Hj/-

nRTTq^U T~niJI~DFla dionf U J k'L'kO

Cmfwi ■ 41'>'lbM w-eakllna Into
Ike- fAamjNon you ■?*-

titizi YAc>
JIfoiC Ptrfw^tiy
optd Man“

I CIVE IiIOKE thnn '‘pt?Lihl" I e
piiOOfl Tf you're) ftich *nd tired lialt-
buleTd. :dna — if you tebU}' WB.n t B budld ILbc
nklTit>^llitii Einu w#ok, ^lut 7 DAY&i Jb >U I
Brai (? p+Tfi-ve I c^n givn |.t to- yciiit

Y(yki‘iMi(ot B-btidj, mao, TFhv riiirt nidkti
Li ■ tcbI bondMmc man'i bixiy! TbEre'a.

NO E'koill rewjD whjir yiju ak-aijNLTi't Ihvc

rip^ijiK cif rh ic'iip:bty iv|ih^ WWA

yvuz nnk ?iid. BfirnJJkrB. No rwan at
^ why yiHjy tbcid iiLauldsj'L lit BlTAiy

pinfti hla orii'l hunky iLk-n fnliiA — vuilt

□ rma arui Ibeb luwcrfiJ — jour ’windlut'
yjeor Akd 9H^]

I W * nltkJy, hiitT-bliii riihb

‘WficbLnA fliiiJy 97 ibn. — a "Laii^biiif^

[tocli" iriiwevw I ■wrot. No fun. No
irirodji, Kbsht (JiHQ I BlTiii'int "IrU'''
[wboitkoE ChetHfjEBlLBpiTiim'or'woiidi'b
-Ai-iitlJMrtiifirts. Iz) enako lug
93ut THEN — by a hiotj 'ha'Eiii. — I
liisHV-tred C^IMTIliG TuTtHIHli

Apparatus Is OUTi

Look at lE-e nmir^ You diVTl't irtr I
aoy AkinoF, flabby. on^iiEcouDL box' ctF 1
boiKO hero, do ymiT This ia TrUat jnJ |
retiitriiH-M* he* d?ac bip k*ij

bertfj. TiriEC — aoniiiEt aU cuonroiB — I bsYO
wij*] t1i? title, "Wui+I'b Mcie4
Dciytli>I?d Man." No womleT I'vo *ot- no
iiBBfar trjEkj DppaTatiuor maoliiara that

ir?y pctaiii yiwr lie^rt or -ot'li'N vit*l
rirwEiA. I'fo foucd tfio HBturai wny to
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‘'■C* h cf lltO nnB( amliiLivui mpn in llic

pl.ml T TlOlifr llinl (ve [wvfr Tmlt liie limt. He
jdidin }iii JnitEnu.tiDiiaJ Carreipnndencc -Sdvcuil; ieuiee -(Very
cLojiee lit IpU.

''ll?} Lnn Lbe matrnir ciE liim Eco. lie- Iibeb '1 Ik'C'Ii 1itr?
nearly so Iops si T(H 11 l>Sw‘ney, irliu was laid <ilF ypslnrlaj'^
bull Ilf iBhw; 1#n (ini? i;. miatll abuUl Eltis, busiDrsj^

"'I'm EOinf Lo fiiVu lilm Timi'a jrib al a Tau? in. u,lary. K-o's
tliif ILLd of inin ne wanr acPiuHl ircre.''

■ H(tTT |fo Jim ?hnd In ?"ur jhep nr tffleit .Ip* >mu, nii T'l WIJ?i
ar H. In. Pi/AiMyF .rn y-jii biLiia ut^T iii iliiwtrr

?Td Buebir iiiii th>, ih>(. intprnMInnil Onrit-Fn^nilpirta

ScIlOMl V.-JIL -TOnH In ^nn. ?a luctn nliat yimr IlymllraLii <r liirjT
HMlI !b?jr luanir ira liira i iiluii in nmi rEmiiriiUnrr'i S'?
luLKi'F tmr tlmlriit yvir paVijuiu mliinLIwi^ BlBnl!' wrlLlbHr
ni.inHHflrll 7 llluMcfitril E. 2L ErottEHwtki uKo ll to lamo.

Tlilv la iill ?a Ait : ?iV|Lli[nr eml. i.r1tt?u.j ol;llciOiiir inurh-ir Ji|
iny w.i7r put tL *p In ui co |>raT4 Ini# hu Jirip }nu, Jn,( mHrk
■.Txl uiMi ihl+ L-nuiKtt


I'nf'Diit-jal rnir?rfft;r'' Diki. sedEi-CiScriiiltia, Penni.
n'liJwHit ml. or obllcotloa, tiIbim krai mo n oopy <r Tbur inuUnt,
?*Who '*lnf lod Wfcy,'' 3 i>'| TuLL partLfulin lOotfl lln Buluert
nlLltli 1 Ittpa miTbil A.:


ri Ajciiitnt
□ .

AjoliUadfciinil DnJiyniaA
D ItuUdlU rwl|T|VLii??

E WnitiJ MUUVtUni
f'cAtruLfr j.ulI Bu3iltf
□ SltBttijrpl irutbimu.

Q BlTTKLUral EhCloa<r

D Klwiitoil UnicinHB-

□ waOiiktL yj\anrjs asA Gab

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□ TrirvaK>M> 'n.'OPk
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Q U^vcbxaic^ I^nHucraa
QJ ?iJuliLnL&i U TrmlauiL^

□ P'i^1#rnm?b#r

□ EtiElii^e- _

B BcKin uvS Uuililjn^ I^mnKn
?fiui liioKanm U L?inu l-loijLiiiM

a blM-ni Fill i.ii

□i PliUiiiLiiaiK
Q E[p*tlnR _

U^h?l yitld WarLtf
CliJLcftiii HnffinrHir
QfltcKin tllrocriD T
L]CkT?t I fcMtaM
n -IjiUPV^jLiC dUiI Masiiiioc


n BL n. raPrariB

D C-L ][. BriiliD j.ulI tiuiL:d|nE F’of^n'pn*

n Air hrhLiM □ 'J'fip^iii

□ EllEh'^V K^iSri^ririi

fj CL^’U'ihi □ I^HniiarK

iiiu|?. Eniraxr
L'lMia Q ItuApriuiiki'T

L'hivnr^r fTrSiiipd^

D CVitijirv Uqaultf^Liirlrii

□ 7>EDiiUd'MlU4^^_

B Acr^ulEUni Q I'ruiL Criirici^

lijnJirT >'irniLncQ IL^iJia


L j ^yuru'i^' 1^

DCiul ^JJlli
C! FT.L^'ln'lMi
U 'L'pafcUH L'h

□ biu?ot^ MtlbaiMMuA

Q CAcia SklLEufn Lu rat

Q ikliutrLiJ iLLiucamiTTifc

ED I'HHDB'I .^Eknarmuint


G l!>ilAi4M Oihp'OOO'l'NHC
n LyLI#rinr dliiiv l^nly
D ?■kj 'ri oiii*

n O 7 H 1 nirsr: Lil

E f.'ivil fbri-k-*
k|f|? tTaaaVr
ID Jtkilyof MnEE Chrk
n IkiOhEynnjjrie ID Qrvi* flchiHil dub^Kla

G lir!?rwlar^ lA'nrk C BpanLih O llBh. arAoat diibjFirly

□ 1>*4 Aceoanuni. □ Errp?’h □ t'ull^ J^iciHru.'Liry

□ P?lrvriiAixi1iir7 □ □ IlIvnlTnIiiUF

Q WjtJLpi.prr linTanliiic G CPrtiioDinc

Hnr?iin?a4iilsi u J-ombpr ihMic

0 Rirn*

S TiuA^ EiEHiiM^uioot
JlwQUELiyEiry an'l

C. K A, f^iiln?


StrMt AiUhsi

Ai? ...



□ftvpiiloA — , - -

H k? rfii'ilr ilH I^HoJa, pAit eniiiKvi la Ela J’l'tarHoEEati'd' Car-

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TV 9, in CiviJ, KlMtriHilf

tfuuhnnitinl, t?h*inii''iil, Aero-
iieulIlciuI l'’nKiinTrjiij^; BufiLniifti

AdiiiLikLSrtriiLtiorL EimL AcCiliTli^tiJif!.

Widld. rnniiiiia liir tiThaicaJ E-wu y-(4ir

coiLTHU. DVIiji' 4 yoon U'h?ll

ccimorEiy rirBPn no. iiaitch.!' Work tlii^iiiiiab bdJ compLcde.
j^tJD-L'MieiLEiala cliDiaDD.t{Mf. TXiiEiim and liyiiiif rupt? InAr
Fikr anrihiitiiyua, EiriraeeJl atudETila. Tbi;:rio w]i?> Inck liinli
Hknol Eruininx may uiake up work. IjOudeniVs Irani idl
oivfT tbe worLtL Uriuludua aiicoosedu]. Later ISrptemlkcr,
J^ni.aprjr, Al iiTfbi Juai'i IKn'tr /or naodiv-

433 ColUga A vs. Angolor Fnil-


llaflFdlrtloEKKPEthpr idce^

FriJ Tnnniir ud fainda bUlbat
rKrEnul MruK IcvuntilMna by

tOa.anEr?alub. laubduear^h rvK
p^raaiaamu^n ^r?ai[ac4knn yE^HO.A
mlO^r cnirii ?k loorcwrt Aniciorn PiAib
J. y-Jifin Uy latmntinBlIa' knawn -piiJtf. Uiairuc^
bfiTi hf1 inmERiFIcaa vlth dctoMctl liiKrk?ftiuba
PCeLtI afar. Id klKO^OUE bV?r wittuml; iuaL| li^

Eead. Dnt EJaCrr lYkr, ?- wiH kjiJ C. Oi Di

TTT HarmiM BvaidM haUa, ?iakli?tM

Learn Public

At buu— 1n OOlDla^Uie dv.

Or-treuM ~'ifaAE^Cr1 ftak, puD iRir-iRBAdBB^
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ptbiri tj itr-KtlTi wHch. Wvlb *nv fv fm
D?BlKr jfev Lr rKoTBirMdvrr nUR R‘'oraEfi^
NDICTH UERICkH IBn'irvn, Vnl 11U
3S91 MKBkplik AaWhll,. ChldBcUp IlMfto

WomlartuI, iiHir dovlM, liiulAefl your ImDdr ccrmti ruuF WFlclnr In a
fvvdtka- nil lEPbP^verMkibl in tbr^ toKiiv. Ko IkJDjPU. -Cow^kEk
kuUliik FREE. Wrtbk r. J. faznMUt, Dopi. SI, St. Loulo, Mo.

WTMV H[>rfrm,HuBorrt<r*Hi|F?Fi

mfri I llAJl ?thcrt>if buIbn-UlML InawlB— '
nd Claim nr peoAt. 1 bujrliuiLdnidioIlJni
[Mblotal. EbiCOO VOTlh f] ui (7
XTf InPnR' Im. plH

■am" ■■^fc

Llndi for fol-

iTEidlru biLinliiii. IF^ I4i ^act aa.uul 'Far rrir jnu

Pfk. <i.aaj MM. “ “■



HowTo Secure A

Govemment Position

Why m ITT at] ouEirtrlkH, Ik FCIE9rha.nl 1 1 mcH? TroFli.
niiw SoP p cDAVi'FJiinoiiL ]iali fai tli# lLbii|Pk*1 I neraarrii
BklHEloL Etwly rorli . InyeL uouil pay. Upen to n^tl-
zcnilRtn&U. IvetEijD beGb you bocddno a ELkllkHy
Cloi ■ ■ ■ ■■

ia| rHfk. PoatOffl -oClom, CHf M n I ] ■Carrier.

Uu.nl Corner — ur Jielp ym yrt lri:i> ony oflior
CkiTcmiiimt jobyuu want. I wni a. jloeiani.ry Ki-
?Inlner "F CivLl MfyjM C^ORrin.lbulub lut- H ycoig.

IlnvB brlped IbmaBuilD.

|aj_.M? int ITir f'IvSS'FKuit'book tcili oboiillFH
■ ’S* Ykp ^ n.JV? JiAi ripdo— OTiil ]iii.w Inn liolia
ana l^inl rouw a For ja iirfiapT TuI JAT. e- ^

Aa Rj PkllMikiFTi. Cl aHI SkTiIlk Eknirk,
f ATTEA^OH SiHdbL. tt WHiHr eldp., ftoflwttf, H.T.
E'lewo ornd mr. FlElin Jt ubllGatloo], rum Free bunk '^Hnw lo Stenn i
CiDvefmuc'Ub I'aNliJua.^'

b,:a?oa .,,.



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itiid de mave &'i hedf

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YOU — with tho added earning power

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Training Fixes Your Salary

These biwed On U. S. Goviern moTi fc

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Onlj? 7% vt nLi[}i f^aduDtEi DED nbln to R>n (mi-

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biiilitiuul, bi>i lot pxblit, liliai ]?dJlL|[ tvaL-ileut QuIlcffA.

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lOO?;; Irnpruv?ttt?nl Cuerantesd

Wc build. itrensjtJien the vocal orgatis— ??

Wlin HXf l*p dFin#lui— llllE. b>| lUPdUBJDlMly tOUnd W^ld
>ia?ilEllk*Jt!? EEmot iiUnt #TmcLM , . . ■.fiJ AtildlBtf.-
|v jwDrrmen Ui Imiiri'iVD DDr ilnBnng w rptuinu >i^Im
at jHi* ?,1W. . . . WiitrS'<f ■niJ^x'ful t?ak ■.■rnl Em.
Lhuu Vi'liSE -FTO. mi BV-- Di?B Ih* ■■at. Ha BrtnrB-

lur* jml tr BsiaiH uhr It pnliPB* ■Jr-'^ D?r?t.




JniE taii^bL h;^ mitl. N-ntn er ?u. EDtir rapid
lonplba fcpr ndvlt iNvinncFf. Alw smNoitPii*-
tion n.vRteni |or kJvaTieed piELDiltto. JatirD lUft

B^ub 5^I?. flT^ Jbii BTEn'ki, hendrtElB of

Tri-rJt rndin#*, Rat RhyUina, R(wl. RHimp
DTid Dirt EnefCii R].’iri|ibEmjc and Wicked
H^rhiOIiy in InIcBt lEarilici Hbd liMCihl flt.y]4.
WTLtE I'M Ftw DoC'itlet,

WMEIUI nui iCHHL, IlH V. UtH lb, LU hfllttXMlr

TFAen iDri(ii:p r* odvcrEfwrg plenEW tji-fufieit PefittPar JT&cftorzfpi

. nr T









MojI C?u[xin for FH:EE i.KnM'nrtrilhin
uimpk jhtm'ini; loui;hnt:? [irxt
4ind ipC'dsL DfiL'nE'' oidunivc tcrnliiry afTcTi
] wlI! sIhw ynu hjaw" i>thi:r men arc mnkini;
up tp fti.OQ lii on hpur viOi EHl; lunuiT
inn pnduiiL chiiL is b(xiK>''t ky

uwnen iif nii'iiir ciur^ nnd tfuckt. Mail
pc'iUpi'ii'j hijlAy Wm. StiEWPrs.,


Deplk C-SiSj' Ei Caurl Si.

T^Icw, sensncioiuL dlscnvcry calLccf ?FI?.liAliA?TREAD. Covicrn old

wi'inn ilf-ti yiill n fliixIblE, Ipi^fi-vtc^rin^ [mid &i~ Aii. |nvr

as ?Jci Retail in a wurn eIuci: fur a fcvi jvnrtkni At IfaW JWfO uddi'
[bana] mil-n CJUi-\3!..-VN'n?LiD^ Wan/ lipniaiJt-A- 1 ifaU oppliratlom
WL'iiT [□ I2,D00 mlL?. An amaiinf[ oppoTtuniEy for agents ta

irinkc- up [0 $6.00 In an liuiirr [ctr.iurleis tijiiw bcinif aJLacTcd — uiii

[1.1 rti*;r[k" >TOwrii.

SPREADS on with s knife^^ — Dries over ni^Kt

Ai'y^'nc ■['r'ply SiJr'-'^-^-A-Tftnd. An knife ii ell >'ixj need. Mn
rji:fii‘“ [?>jls nijLcssary. tt spnratJi on lik* irrr[i.iJins buiTi-f- ?l IjrifjnU
D[]Uf over nJuhE — [n'l^h, JlcKihlc ofid Ireiiq-weannK- {iLAN'l Ldinc olJ..

Ends Coftiy Tire Repeijs — Hefpa Prevent Accidents

Sn?.EIACJ-j^-TRF AD ■CP'*?- tvr" li' V'll^flnifinp. im' re-trejdlim. Sovc^ buy-
liv; new cina. I IcbpK- prevent skiddihij, i;-jiriC[nf(:N.
iiui- jirid iKi^ldei'its due Lti poor tk^l^s. Senb. hoLci. und
LtoLk;. rtrl-.L=i!ds lirt frTjnt <;:U[.tl^ wldnout taliinR off
Liir or even Idcrlnfl mit the air. Kcihfpn;C:S Wirak SfiiiTS.
Vli|i;:lrlj:(y. ilv^lf old. [Ire dLOL IL CUniuL CTIick

or pi--"l (iJT. Jrluyi iiml ri‘]^il?. Prticecti fabria

Bn-tin”-t ?'nter. arlr. mb .nn:l -tt-M-iir. Milker dfivInR safer.
Th*l SF^I^FAL'bA-'JUd ad at my risk.

$ 1 ,m in
Two WeeLa

ji.i.i'Ti' r^lLttir. i.>[
Kbihevi. T'VnriM liM
niTD raid enrnpinj
[■.ir dlKEFltillELlia

H P J( r: A t J - A -
TUhTAL.!. rn birn
WHk.'i lu le'ilil 7

liriLll. ,l[l vlll[^ llllIL IL

iiruQE OF 1-1.7'd'li.
Kundmis nf a11iera
Iiii'lLIqr IiIk Jiiii-liiy
[ii Mille If ''ll?r<l
Time*." You ^^ve
i1ia naarn o|.h|Hir-

Cincinnili, O.

IVnb. STEtL AHT, Pfil.,

[^.aSMC liUBFFEK C<j, OF AlifJlr'A,

[~]l'|'ir C. driUrL &[.., ^ai^innitli,

I am intebewud in Sl'J^iiAD.A.TOliAp. You
niLjy HjncI niclhc FrucSiimpIctofiro/f :ta llcxibikby
ii^iLi [mli^.i^^, nWi I I'Ll niL- l^i.'Lk' oihier n^ii JITl^
niakipR up to ^^.00 jn un houi.

A'omf . ... I 1 - j

Addfta ....

tify iSJpJf

TervFliwy jnJrriLsFf rf J> ? ■

TThrtt tdrEftap ir ? fniorri ifeiri JlJ‘^P^(rl^lfcs

POPULAJft hechawics adteetisihg section




'fhq ITEIt Et?pi IB 4 [^[1-

uUi|Ahi fiif tETilninv [D?n hcrt la OilEtfA Ui UiLg
Se-IiI 1b nnlr 13 Ttirn Eb.?; cet htblEd ;ds to issietb

■MECE^Fi hr clTtnE pm ElEirUibt H!r mY

he?- plLD Tnir tin |ah 4 ■dinDlEpE' 4f UiElT TrcndtTTul
<B(Lhi.id HiTTilcf-bp^dtlnt Hfi'Ut — m.i ia Jwa eIhq

■sd Dnntp ntiLId jut Urim usd. uta Lt tiIia tbi b?h-
iuy ttalLioEL


rnrinr Ib rtyrsn ±t ^mrr, fJr' jrtur

jflur trafnltt * full lua mnllti
^nir 3>.iir ar3d|ji.l)H nnri (nkn 4
full Itn ■dnihi l? EdmplEEi yiw
5f srrir irili vfitn (ft
I inA lE rinEK T irlH unil poj cctn-
i lilftlt Jrlilki uE tklft ■ftn'nihunl
) iftir TIEUI, tii^nLfirE' With 13UI nCO
r PflE^ fclliiitralM^ TI 1111 & EpILIb^

'J all plKi'Jl; bni1 bw miny

li^rniM aod bliD b^ln-
Eiie pill rAD ±<EI lllrftj
^ilWlE ^nk ilvJi-

U ll'ljtlitll


n|B| flin hllD u^iri-
UlrKi /j Jij

flr *'* S^aiWeiH


I HIri IL Lnrfth. ^rt*l4?rtj !

□upE. S3-T2, SOO S. PuIMt ?U ChkAjA, IUl I

J Y?ll mr l>T^ T-"n irfll flnincB mr EnJrrlnr ftl Hivl I

! ?(bil?a nus UuiLmKilbiiiikuiELEETrEKETY. f


ATJDRrae --..L.. j

I CTUT,, . PTAT3! ■ !

4l i — ^ ^ m Kk h nil

lUV y

Pr<?lcct Vonr It

IE you lufA D. mcTuI, pmcElc&t luyviil
hli'B. Iiif nnv nfw *f(lcl4, ur Inf nyi
Impim'FmiEii't oa dd cld cim; yntl
ifaDuliL ciyjiunuiiltaU ifktEL a ?4id>^ ~ '

riftUIAE nrixlHLMAl If^lLUBE AEEi'inmy
Bit LHiH. ETEry rtor UuhhechIs uf
BPPlIUElftnfl fftT [kAECnES AfC UBd In

EliA IT. ^ i

FTAnimEtiy tmi at niotrB uiijiSIc^

IfftllM aJn IsiubA EhiI- dliiT>ftEU.tlliljy EllE
hftmv Idea (EEhiueIi lii-
rnitnEsumj lKeiiEl?[y

iinkniyifii ua .fiBfi m- , ,

ftUiinr). In vuch 4 CftHfi ■ Mlfc/tliJTIlRl
(■hft Ij LindED □ E prnol ■ ? ■ v n ■■

aUr^.iSS'' iPREE

fiiiiUftlhiiEP mEBa fhfl Riioli Tht' fauultlEE- uhuiwii Ivke^ cud-
irtn ftE > pitenE. lift tBliu vaLu.a1iIe inlftmuElun.

D'jttn nri ElEfiA. QAE Ift ralllllim lb ehUiuL L^ftiilBilllIrA lh:U Ayi'iEAl

■jiilfth with I71Q nf ftntn lnv*di(j?r (.Tivulit Iibye. AiiJ u'lEb |L. I

bv iriBlEJnE (bfl DciirpuD ^llllftEEMlyDa my"U??EdftE InTwEInn"
bfkiw. Ennn cib wIeIaIi vtiu uq nktEAli your lilu

QJIfi iAVlili.iiii>B [EH diiiMl bldiilT- wlLn^m-
Vm 4'ham^ rnm CHlUi E-TJiltOEit' IDUT laEtr pmvD VDlUBlilt
nr* t.ndrjK- aimpJy mjilL eIi* tuiipoii ana I

InfAI'lbli^tf OVi Oil WlT] rii-ii-iL rnl4 ilIliL E Ii A

wnu In. “H^pt lE InvcBtlmi - lucm. tumEbtr

siaiw (Ot l*rO^?Ed ,rith. dtEiUlKJ lEJonBOIbcm on. Imw to
IKiotccd ajiiL (Ikft iJiviGilvied.


.Hf k7f AXJD PiLTCArr i4rT0fl.ArfJT

WflL^HlM^GTOIV t O. C:,

]?'E-| Building. WuatilTidtian , l>, Cb I

PhAfln ftWiA rnfl yuNI- f? IhhiI: ”]fciTr to -Ob4AlD a Patcni:.'' j

wltiii>iJt ADr QOdl N otdlGaljDD oa inj pjjc. ^

NH.rn.-D ,ir>- r-- |

A<f 4n-H . r r r - 1 , ■ ■ ...... r r ..... J

ClE.v ...Ftit'ft !


\ oiib^trari.:

-Hidi.-Kf,, qi1n? JiLt-
, m— ^ bllH.eyrn.^i^.T.IrhKN'

rl^lE! Ub H^iu hc3

*5H.t fmman.

?VM I BIC pfDllu.in
?ps? Klai.t _

b?a- i4iu h.^.


'flftCbc EiiibiLzii. iOSGT rro lCS
!■ SHib flu ia;f?u?. I^^ip*

Tt*>7i.<n; rrailAHJir Ihih. Wy^ll ukin )/k.i
P">|mhan '-l'J :r. HQBfOKkn aJ j. >^1

■ I'm t*UTH IClp ^ J. ■

ILH> n? rr-'^ulii ?jp. Ua iLiri, *? tpruk^ > .t
I ui?Hl iclii ‘Hftii TniTdS li >|v-i iB:r . in di
itiDdi}?^ PUimn?

?niTE. M.. jftj. PnHjla. B. y

IbOnG KKIUIIvblbll







Yci iIt, mE or A. |Hq|

hlBltmll Ab^l iKHbl


\mtM Lvll^ birw E?lum
fm S7bb-7. Ih rr?^,



mim\ JU 4 J> tip it

ii. ud. ai> Pa^


S^bttunlioiJLJ^anat ofw mhtjJ

of foantf itf>

pat-IiihBrr. Stni at hiC lonfi

vrjftp?ftq? for free eiBBiiiABljaiA Mdf tta-
iflet. PtTMt*.riFMnwimi^rifr^^c?trary. Wm
rorn/fom or OTmnf* truttla o’nt trrarw

W?Tr— HirT-wk

AAfn .nuA yav leif n. M*


ft#c? r*f ■(.

HajiL. Ill J

KftfflflCdtN fCEOGiL DF PHflTaEfnraT

ICBl NllchlEftn A^U#


splendid &AL A mes f.

nJYUiRE Jtllt

i EmialRrantlEBp.


FEiiblblllno Aft.
TT. 8. Pti.in3ftr

S tTbAUIfniir

!flk1l[c<] LaEKirsr i
BtiEbELcnL (UEJkl

ffnwiiA toilmfiliiii Byri^a. pi#k. .Eh,Bb. Lib.

.&id np KU.EJ:: 'pu-lKu.m "IEot' Id t^lllj~ Ear Nlwl
□ ■/TRmnilt l4t? BUkllud "JC " luLiriH, JMHltmip

?nHrlLaJlJH, -m. ALL iUliTT riULK.

l&fiLM? —


qilALlFV Mow Fdft

? Ky. bToll fTlftrt i
\ I*. O. Ut^rei-
i ll.F.D. (. nmer i
b Rptiilu] A^jil r
1 r'iiAL4ip|iR rrw[>aftEftrE
1 ClEy- MfelE CiurlEr
} F. n. Ckft t

J hliErnii r






Amazing New Way^

|T#1^ I


Strang^e Liquid Metal


fpHE unlvnyu] CsiM tux bun dL’^wi'-^nil

L Ml IahU a. Ir>4443ll( ll4Mld
M?rrALL]0-X lilJiilfl AQ 7 niRWftlli to-
REctuf OS 1 E walitfd — wTrild C:' wlujJ, tfi

fllisH — Id UALxl — to dEtal — pcImu (o
3111^ ?ra oh tirtwiu: JIh* Jt ftr re-

jittlr Join fiE Dvcrr dcxrxIptlDQ ur hr now wnrt.
KoidiT CO lue- inn ctun (Iosl mild^ H.ir

miiiEiili. Jfo liut. ml*, olftisipfl. f'f t?iH oJ nDy
kiDd. UnDllEticd tT Iwnt iiJ nr oAniaa^

HHerlc caniliUau. wni m>t crucK.

Ponca or dq' nut — nnU. ■wllil (mr? uti-
DDD tear 1t ipnrt! 1/vqtE tuanv rnf lull
EnEiiraucli'iii uk 3 FRE? SAMPLE, nr
i1i>ri? Udell MrTAl.LtOX Dliiin*^
lae- Um ImnrniKiui HthinjcLii rrf tb.li
uniulcv dlE?ii.cri'. xi? arfetinil Ti'iitul-
EEDd HLdticaLvc. nnbinnCeed i?l Cu
Uikktii ur fairrJMb lit iub?L

agents a a a distributors

Your Chaiua in l^ike up ta tn ■ Week!

Un^UHirtiuM^, ME.'TALI.TC-OC ,rnvvldcn , thi

BdJ 1

m [QoncT-fbALiiu: i>^pQO(iinL[y Iner?ri?nttli 7 ri?l

to Bbine or dlnut to binnw, TrctDcndum.

comlniin oltbco wa,y — un to anil 130 In ■ dar—
■ ■ -?} Mfin U^n A. wont Au.tqrut[e teput nrioj^

I bn A wont r

ilailrt Iwrilonr. 'VD? TOIlfliV (.jr PRE?
SAMPLE uiil BcnBitlonBl DIG-MONEV pttoE.
filv* iTAJSic, AddFou^ obdaty uod. Dtatc.
f.UX^VJS^L, ICfCu EILhArt. iDd.

Ikibt. CT-5DD1


Jnicdj loiL ■■ .nnDcilErji .

uiulur. pi iLi anfifihh Tkclf [J

' ophioi-g SUCCESS wid M;^ZTEHr IN LIFE d?
^IpUp TQ volt. Wnic Iw g FREE ^ nf

*‘”Hnpda.n <zi d>? Sngib' ?rtd Luni hav Tn rKHW I

Tprt lpgj+*gt. ^KE VOtJR UFE ANEI^.

tCRIIS. B.1.1.

ItOfK PUtlAH DR'^ritFSKaoD '



Up to $ 3 ^ An lioar easy ua a Khort tinw. Now trsit-
ing method Al'td ^nacs equipmetnt oCTcr StArtfi toll

aurmiig (quickly. DettiJt dE bO'CHl plnq tenl FFtE^ Vt^nlt

Raejia Triinln^s Association of America

Dept FM 3, 4513 Rjvgniwccd A^f^ jChica gojllinoli



on Ap(pTiw(ili. ynq want

In qimliriF abeaTakcaiFiiicr^ auto
irpuiT CKixjrt nr Pi*?nly nni'h tn
liiinw liihw to l<cci> ynojr own car
]<lC% nfl 1 cj(iDt. lonlt ^ rltniif
iKiulid — tbcF an mnl to you ror
tinn fji(^j.itifLtl^n. TJitt li?nd
new ciCilion. hu bnnn. 7 >rcemjn[l
n iffijnip id Abitficii'a

KrOiteab lolxiEnociTC epfibusm.
Anrtiirfsf irtin. cim rwiJ wllll iiTiiIcfwtiiad Uionv (nr Ibb Rtcbt niittw
inolille cncyidncMdlbi ta n yErttihlo Enltl tnlbe (if ynliio.'hlr rdLttx,
TiLte lulvintiij irf thlfl nCrsF ngw; wint In the onun*m For KItJiA
cn^LiiiLiiiiUtiu. TiiA iloii T tpy nr k ptuiivyr iiou iltMi't nAlIjiite
ynumclE In pnr oiiTthLnE' unlcaa
I'DU ilHidB Co Iccp Ub liBula. JuBb
IcU uti you wD.iib lo B?e thcin

ibfi hill h 4 of 4 imL voliiiii6i^ Jiul
oir the vrsHS. 1*111 Im Buiil tu tiiiJl
l 4 VLd I'lkini, bji'iJt Cti^lii m\iA

lirm-v W yi>dt AlTlAFi'iCtlnn tlut
|>IIP IwTt Iitul 4 v whlt^ yiiij will Slid
III tli^ni, oibyiavn rdu m mitnntih'o

ropdii, oj b?]p you Ic a lietcer Jutii

Avintlart Motors
Frea Whaelinif
n.? h ro - IVI c A n
Outboard Mntou

All Fully Covered

Very Latest Edition

Iri'iAGlnn bnnXs nrMctk nr* nn mtt tint c^ery tiugo b rJctit up bn
aBtfl — wiriii* jlneniniB. gurciLru?lna dfludi. iircdirumA— Ata

oil clf1i( up to btH mEnuta. f uwIhcv bIw w> won mb bb oomplctc
ind. un-tn-rtii^ IB tor HU [lorn. Over a nnllLon. dallBiB nf rcmuccoi
Jm-ve eiiutiloii ua (o ulybJF'ail (bt “inut noihnTliiilv* nrxibn oh the
iiLtilcot Dvor pulilbhctl. Rnry tniiiy LnCcmCcil lii. auComolri'la Ip my
Ipiy IP'JII WngilfcihaB (hwa bfH'iki^ JIltbllBhCCl ^ tAc ^'DrTd'B roTEblt pvb-
llithcn. or Tecbnlml Crcltipeillh" (lat^ ]HuTj ultb aydbeSen oU pi er
pig world..

Can You Fix It?

Coa I'm takir uut "nlii.y"' Ln dV-r
EeicntlaJT Cinymi tiu cM'"Uilin-
lUT" la EiccrbuR? Oin mnAE
TEM [KQ? Can FOU }i1iL yvUi' riuper
on eiigliiB It-duUIb wjttuiul bubba-
Inf nr tlnlcjliicl'- Cm ynu luiU
■Jib nurtcF nd ind Hu fc? f:KU

jiiii rutliiNi nofl Tcpiir tienariils-

Edun. niiiiliw. miu: bxIcl IrenttOEiiT

Thesfl Bo<Dka T* 0 ^How

ojiil tnIL you bnw to dn my and
nwey AI|(Q Jub ruuti VLt 4lFv1i tllBW

6 B% Vokinres

Hci^ 3, mm nDECir oyn- 2jni)0 1lhirir*tlan^ wtrinr dlBEnmoi
luUFlAnenC tTiMn^. ecd. Oe Luxe edibhm wliA ?nld-iLEun|>nd ITcxHilg
trcKlinE. SccTt JiK Alt: Cnr 1^ dll 111 : 4 , JFtiuvu^iiiciI rAbUbiie>,i)nw
EnPbci. IC tept, bchiL poly Arict IQ dan, tbxu 13. UU a nimutb

qiiol tipwlttl Mvcg-Llidliv pcl?r It Jiud.

A Year's Comultins Membersli^ FR?E[f

PtItIIi^ ut OOlldlltllnK EOfliieci^ gf TTIinileiiHlEill^ AnignQHo T?C 4 )-

rilCll ?oNd%y hid firiy Alj[ 4 hinn 4 .i^ PT^hl^m fOf lui^ yPW tPlbl&DUt
QbH'fcii IT ji'oii nvalJ <cupci[iiiii&:ioclLa.i^^.


Abifirlcpn S^wlwCSn

linPEEC Are. a.t EHrb. SCih
I jjlbus^Lq

I ncid Id! at* rihe bnn< w I Tituw adlUca nC puLi ail/inctilk

.... ........ _. ....._ 1^1 mu -dilTTfTT

’■ *L JIMJr FlHUf
HJ ibib ud

bric vlihauka^ ^lit*ilan u tuj. H skIII p*j
^IFM t^\y h-:rr fuiaipt WAif *pd rMuru
n Bv dAVi IrqUW 1 Lh^, Iq hnU?>h r^U 1 hUI Mad TL
sak U lU w iHinh iiiEfl Ifi . ■ ' ■I C'k 4 OilT
4 ? IuIL^ i-nnnll^M t?nr?WluL^ La ib 4

alaU l?tac|. BM Vi<* 1 MliiH.

Li paid, ifn ara
AxmLu* T-hL-




bmpE jycr'ii NAinb: . . r . .
tmelnyicr'ii .^nbdrcnp. . . .


Tfai HipsD □ivta. t^'lnlxbl linjll. lEsptmplE.nd mHli i

limr iifdkiblai y?ir tbtI.



JO^t me help you

get th the

l*?! jrjcn] CiLUuTt; Tmltil rin
w-fin I!m; tFn- li1l>;- "TIjc

Wijilti's Mnit

nTiJ B <"n-^
4mct ID lljh ^Euiik-A, I Ji^Y-v
k^;.-?qi ri-iitiiT?ii ]□ over KID
|ilH:LL|riv; enuoy o\

tjlC ftlin?UB.

?ibrv; jir>J pl[UH<i nuriy 4>F

my RChi'li'ii'^ III h.fliinHN nml

t>IL [lit SlOflC. NoYT ] 'Ll ll-r|]'l
fOU tbr'iiiifb Diy btima--
Ktml).' i'll j'* it:*] Cultiirsf

I'Ll ni^t CDir ^11 a pirfrrirl

iiJ [III ■


cIi:!<iL d*m pMikI, uti1i J'll orttft

jiliyfRiiM jYib:

Yv| ill :il I rlun Hlliiii

liiick yniif Ikvji'

Ml iwi'liiiiy-

j-rtu In. niy MiYivltCniiiivii, ....

WLllbeif n? WllLcii will recclirt..^

E-'m 1 Flp tD ElOlIVYlM'.HHi
nr it I til' npEHhriiir itv iPr* .^fciTlL-Ccir [fiiic[. Ft l□c^l^1'lHlH:lL
la aTiLDVlD urccr, J'llllClp JDJ iHiruinnlty 3.IL I linn.


Put ypur.ii'Utn my liiuiiln rfl^Jlifl^.l]Klr]i^J■s^BllJ I'll llimutToiir
nifi;. LiliTil ebn WRind. \a yaur clocttn rlji Apun — ]'|L put
muKici ?ia 71 QUT ariiia 3 .ni] ttniiili3uh> cAiiifi will l*>i^ at Inocb--
ril lii^hi'i nrw mnn oE I'aa, > blir. stniiu Hu-Muit, wLlIi
lDU!12l!2!S Ot UtUEl Ollli tl141 [lliykHltlll flE J1. CIijI, Itt mC

nmTu ii-1 Tfi.iT.rj I iL urjlEt Inr iTLi' l‘ rui! ii|''itratnl ITiMYt, cbiiL
iFlIiiall ubaiit Dr DauR?.ind tanMiud vrii.rlri''nii-

ritTf. It imSifLl DnElilIili L-i |EiVfntl|j:iEr. Jlnr ■nrhu tl> J(l?
ItULS'OSEO, JMN 'A, Ihidiomo UldC-.XIOLLYtVlOQll. F.



from an ENGiNELH

Blur Jcra trklntd br mu htti IM

In wnft nod rtln Dfml-tJny-.Ba wbaE

' yDur duucf. ■nc-. Ni> rent or ctDi-
aiLilin Ibr tdl-llML JUKt WiCA DM-.
LHlFrcpFn tu BtL wEw "tIIk p*?npi"
Ir. LlFAjUlltr 'i'Mii UKl TU>I? Tpr-
I n-liK*it Wricr Wni hLAfI . Cct trp yA If
I'hAK Irw. Wril* bOHT,

Ltll B-BWTHneB ^.Dapl 19 ;,Cldn|n

I nD.ll I9 jM r-ruli, i^hFnk nc M. 4^,^ *0T -ulEMHOit

j IM ^uut ■UO^ii''L^‘rE 4_l4rL?a CDUrWAMl TmiadKrau.

I :SA>1E. ...

I AE1T>T|i:fB.

I CJTr BTJtTE . ..

Junior CoKeee
Electrical Engineering

]| B l-tTBr is Lm.ponibLt|. EIie Tunlixr Collqie: [dan wUL

111 r<IU lai lT4nb.y7hlijE IfttCtirlEllL [cBjtlonA. C>ijE lYaUlBE lYDmjCr[n|.UB
ijn nirrly lvli3ii?crJ muk — oimitlDr iHl'rinc'd thrmy. mraiT?i wiiftt
and cutliinu uafaiKta — and j^vea praetkaL, EDatHry-makLag traJiub

tiT limiLE Hilily Elf 2 yfaja. aiinrul prcpuinj over 3D0

Bb[lHTltl?ii b>E DM fpMFfn. 1/i Si. FiEavyi I'lpv.ol Majittaba. Con-
ndb. ?cli?ii fiuured. jun los pmlii. litot kbiliiiKiaiillEcca, PtalyfMiiJu.

njlh iKiJirtii'A — ttini wlLh- Duty use cr (wp yEnru cultflir

liaJnlnn — ;u>4 rnwnrn wl wuricrri wto. inck tliE nKcloMitil tntailiii
itq.iili?il JVtr txttJEr-cuJd. Joba — otuuld wetit tat IbiruJiHimiJiicix.
Am*fkin Ppt. X-A^, PriMl t tt ChleAgi



Lc-amait hamn-ED iiiakBCronmaTPlBtH^

iBridMAwnHU ?I*.p f?T Ptntftb.

pmrtiinJ iMtjf to ]?nTD motljaalnJ ildntiDtiy
at hiMnc ]□ Bpbrb time. Full equip-
nteAE of Cubit and tuateflala tn-
cl|id?l wltlc cnunie FKliE. Low
tulttdn. Edv Frrwii. 'Ct'iltn for FRFB
RCjOE tbiiot tb.l( mnnfuf-ro4ikUiB pni-
dIuh sml Diiri tur-tcHnj-a lux
,ud 7 HHine- and bpeoIbI oTTtf,

■ubHl ad Maihantoal Pantlitry

Jti t. ftiiiiat baM- ^14 Mkis, ■■.


^qUEEH OF THE HMHKET^'" Blf nCvpar Mvlwri aaCM

f nilli afliallaBt ?Hinar. t'n I a1nkl uif tby ird
CUJ'TlbnhErBlrTbVtiBlJVEBeElllanH nnrtJtWB
will bdblL ynu L2f Ww^aLd Cnq4laii'B qiiirt
Ewtraaerliw TvituitB and mr EJU VV
?lg iR.32 CoiidJiYa aS 5ki1i. f nl^lb
rtraLI. fllL-fubl. 2fH>-PYi|[a Bisk L±|lj tariff aud
OTtKD turlnnt, ^iiFflindaT,.

Frlw Cr?rF Ikaa Ew Ej I i M


Jk it Smtw ^il .Parv

Ue q4e ■MBTOM, pj m in if



Gc(iw Muslitobma Inyottrcrilar
ur ailed. Bij;' dEmaiva. Eipuri-
eiirt ii]iiieee3*ary*-wt if1l y?t
hmt. Ill UKtrated laDok free.
biartNOW— wiine Itjday.


imiustriest, ltd.

EhkpL. Aft T eFeBTQ, O Ult-





piUVtnqM hrVaf, rvUaa
llfM, UfOTi^l^ UlFkK

eri ■+ Hr. All fv loi.
. utOiTrp vna HMart rcu.

rraHL'B evTPOON bHrretFitiBE cofAFAHr
Divi.iAiD., HEiiM eiTTr,n.r.BrRCLBiq FnHiC BtL


liUlinu^^aadiaust [inK]talt{& FD?Ja,bia,
Bfebr qiilthi Bii't iiauihaldra at-nawlow

Kt<?A. AtBKlEd.ll pwt vLobt — oIek4 Kew

laree Yiii-UHUte PfUltkry bba tnaj toiakE f llESE..

HEUBEKT C<Nr BM ?ja, HmEAi Him

fmm Piper 12

IM rtrH


Dr pai ihli ad n ■ ?i|ft rvur p

T iklcrvi uJ iruil Ifclfrui vrih Zl4.i, IiLnni ar m
cc Ihi ni>xc k.2 l■■u#<. JlmMRK?n nuH"^ JvHmi

d;!pz Clarh Ifcrprt






^BUB^h Pst^

Hjl|*B|MM' hreriilnj HoT?i WK S^uibip
■Jr^Me rtr^Lrti trlF?._ "* ■

II j l a id I

ffcc- h*.it..hM

fanr Dur RmIv ILei

tMlfM-l, H,||,i ,

.. . hT**ii HI] hvm lisa.

aw ?ir rucliw ItiiBila In wlnlu.
e*-. ■? H ■?■■ llilraa*.


A bomplBfEEubiLa (u (■ra'fitlblTi pdiiltTv

oiYitt^M.'i.'b.rfit^iiA’. r^iW pFie^<in IflTarl.

EUcanlEkB. bfDslIivatiKk bdU. ]]lH4<>tMT
ACI-PullucfalclMi. poataiB.

FRaHK F0?, EfiU. Ulnlvn, lam

i?, Mmafiwm**


21 A

Classided ^dvevtisemenis


Adv*r(lHmin(i] la UCtuiE]. tti T/uid, s^cli iiut^tian. □uniiDuni Id payable Ui

Tci lie in.3)crted iinil4r tluaiScatuin |ji ApriJ uiue, f apy duiuld tc in. cur FibruAcy ISth

ADVfHTrBliNd ildE14CIEa
AUVtllTIBE: tl4 Arl>Mr?n ^^un-i

nnivH|ii.|ii:r Klilcri VfJttl ?1 Id.

?nd dihaiIiw nC^-Riil'lA, r-rto.
C]il?^a [rAlpn. Agtnt;, ED '^VkI IkKihl
■IJ iiirjjT i.

AI>F>:BT[I^F] m tufH irHfclKi. Ll^li
[ hH. llF ■' -1 1 L3 IIU-LruEll, SL 1.LUJ|^

PJii:Ef — If*?- ItJJ Ad^nlini ]L|-1v Oukil^
lihEM^ ]tv|v 4 v| f ■.'■ryLliLnK- HLH-

Jl. SniTn AdrcTlJFlof dfinij, l<U
]iL-irt>9n. Clil(^i.E?.

JS TVDHXia ]D wnLlT mafilbir miBisInAi.
I3..DD; A liiimLhi. 4*3. P^iinEuv LL4 Ffcil
ISL, PiDTldniM. It. I.


ftET InlA .t^^PArl-lRlRE. liFlm iiUIfAIj ±L
Iwmr- h!!|i"'l*nrn *innrn?l|iry, hl-FH ri"?
^lAn. ha Lilt bodiA tucd. ]>nE4jnl mile

4lld Frbtf^l. K#ml naiiiM ■ml Jit-

A*m Tar PnlcEnLLTiE fTe? boahlEt. I'lna-UnEji.
tUbM A,|i.4n1ikMK. Utul. iljn. SiOL
JIJEbJtan. -Chlupp.

ADT'KFTIRR: A1 tt'anli In nrUifEk-
ThiEi. tLU. AdTEftjiJatf UumUr A1DU JFcnrl,.


EAVE: ha jmvr rdiviTlTlrj fend

prf ?jr blE naniblniLlan otTE-rL UaEhnim,

I7T ?iil* acrE?t, EAiiuh,

la WCIItnR. 2D UiRiilii^r '■> mnnhi.
II. H; Jnrk dliplej, 3 aiaaihi. 13. SQ. Fia-
ale ecfi-l Ed , IL.1^ 2 El UIi1m*jL Qn-rlrv.

iLlt^wnAaldi InFva,

^iiTEIcTisi?— ID VT?edi. St BAEuJnti.
thrE? iDIEfTlnni, IL.H]. Inrh iLlipIv, tlirre
iiiumb, li-DD. Iditlinc ilunu. I.u^DdlI^

" TCiL'lL 1-lriToEd Ad tbuuiily-wTFh'I^
HraPlniLlM ll.tA. irmiLar Tnt. DixhII,
‘t^iQ llm. Jirfaan, TEta.

ARtT^lIFTCFR uH ^EiCBi.lnii|, j nanthlr
in.iG Inch. JdiM, nptrl^l [yTTtn. liiA E^iu
I^^ejlCa.d Ital arSF, WilialPELun, T ?E?ru?.

TO H'OlLEPH lK4K In TCidTlil‘g ^nrlLtcr
13. la. Jiiib-Irt. Jj^i'*a[u j> 'WliEanilA

wiiriTcns aefEViCc

ETrOHT Ifei.] litt-lTir clalUHi. JAifA-
iIpePl irveptEd jc(r fam far TrTUInn, rnv-
rinhE ■ni[ :kuLiuEiit^ in L^itLbljihaP

1D3T. Wn kniin- miEl|,rt TEbU IrCIDEIM*. Frin

DAnhbt eLtei rail puTImlnhi. CniT#riil
femnp CmpmT, TEN ^r-tin iHdr.: We?.
PETi ■ml Rlirri V|e 4|,. J[Dll 7 UHd. Filjt.


flr-EriALIER Tt'rKjnf uIea Ii'IImte. id-
ErrEI ^mr'vl'F ind ralJan. Ri.i iiul>|rth<i eult-
uDEEd Bay I, Tli^fwaa, ?u T^vuri-

n^n, UilnL


> ^’T iTiraEiTiiLlftn i1n.liTd. 9^ ?3n mil uih
FteJ KlalJ , itndlnpi. Fl

TOTp-rtCItACTl Whu: h 1ET Eepev

^TAll-InrarmAd pEEim Almuld H?w. ij

(fe llFIt liHilt An Lhn puPJe?l. '-tbif. A IF C of
Ttehmepipj, nr I’fmt Artrlrht. ILunI nn
ElirhaniM DdCErlnk ini| vrlECEm Jn irlniDilt
ijiiMp* Eimt miunn <u unferptunU. Frltn
iwrt pnimilJ niip-iThrie upun rH-rlE/t-
W UClEB M C.-D.TP Ijj miLL ■OTUhrrr In E).
l>anuliF Tr*r4uniri. Feiui, H^h jw k

chiEBrbn ?<t.. dhEEAits..


A E;1u5[U.jj]I,E ntrhiir PxKiL n^w Tq iKiJCil
Am lEAEll rBrnrj f hiinulrudilfi imETd tuL
TDdd ±UP. ^E?^. ]D rtmiiEFri. lur llInKn-
ilim,, tntt EE?rJi, wtnnlnE dfkn^ mnEtii
IV m ^lirvE— IMiEhild

‘li^BwaOMi"’' AIldliAbrVlIa,

?AT?>l'jr?l — K' qjII idtii miy Jilte larea
aamaEtelPL iiiudLuMlLlnp. EVrlin IimiiL'Jljtrip'
Air (m- iieqb. "Jlair !□ UIiLlIa i I'ntnl'''
and aF [iiy4He3hIi" Fnnn Eaplijii.

j>? ll■ll|{nnlli■. In iirknC niilicn. l^rre In-
fnrmi.||rin an Puir Ea pmcEeil. iIlAEtnn A.
U'lfElEIV bf.TV, AJuin II'zIIiIEiik, liVniUna-
N"l. P. f. ape PEPf? ]!TIA iAil ]

ACT!? FinClETl. EMUEIFuE. SKdtfn. MtAllA'

IllHd eaUpA. rilAiAT, rAjUtLlA d<>l< iiriii.iMnE,
(talj; it iTjin. HnHlnE?Erlnir aUD

CJumn. FFFnEtnnnLL. OfalA.


■p.FFI.ATR Taur iwla piriL FjuteLir Emli
nr iMir lULhed Chip pbiFlIip: iKuibir jIti^
EhiL IIK4BV ufaliA nUla niLliavl HErlrlrltT.
lilpnai^Ei. Tith. F:1LiliLnr. IlalF ptnL imii
II. Dt DHpil-J Frill iiiAlcuhciL TianiDEtaL

_J^ pawjBiiTi ri|.

ItEPlin SEntPA llbJPl A t1*Apn irlEh
KiTLIE-I.JiiP, pilllfeia ltF<l. JEUirUllfEd IPE
lire pF rar. ULfej tpu liEp riraGL. Fnr dA-

lajh VE rl EA K lrl k-]-fnL I Vflrtva-lp. C^PjEarii ip.

3 V.-lLFAnTdR Ania |e|h^ IjoiA: — T t? Aald
UTnET'i, AuEp RafilItipizi'p. *nil .ima Tmir^
JiE'j IiurdlKiiki trr iiini tPr llie E>riiallcaL
mlmtail. EhrlFLr [enan irliiT |lbi (n Rinka
bip PAL adJUxImnilLl l.ml PB^ ElEPaTlPL'Ea TE->
a^lr bJIlE. Uek pep liiinj&aili nF h^iifijl

lUijr. ThP E?atlii? liiFarmnUan. vlll rnaha
!Uu^ Erlnr ap?lrr. Iet-i ^ipEnflre mi1 utnra
apuajibla. Ehli linr rnri inFenvi^ElHk tai
dv- a]L 9 biaak] aniT ll.ns nulsulil
O.Vil'r. mfuTiEEe In 21. l'ii|iuFjr Mndian-
[re I*Mn, Siuia iuO Bi UnLula K:.,


n.ABCt.tIBFt — CnmprainCIT. S' hill T ihAPpi-r,
liii lira-h. P.IE 11 iia vreldEr. Tfrro* — ;iu dn
1 tJbL IEea'j li^ulTiiaint EirhipBa. Uaa
H-331. T^ar. riitp ■

TF10 PAiniulile khna UiKrtr — LaLhi and
nrllljnp' ind TIIEIEId CuLLlcjI liEPdlianhl —
fllkd. nlLb tlUllllnilg af TllUlble "Elnii;"

dlipphrmi hr luiceiiruE m^liiiilci ilt dfet
( lia ?]U. Tp Ja riHiiipT Jibe maip qulAlcI/,
eiilPF ±ju4 IieIEet lEPd Fw ibiiB Ian awt.
hairtj. iPiEh ictl Ipr tl.lS ^

L.O.D. hi hiBlI eniTihecir tA E\ R Taiii||]i['

nF'H'tpn'In I'KEi, lEapiP Sn K CnlLrld

IK.. ChliaeA



lEflT^hTlTCL-F Bu-lLliEn, lanfiE prEf E4,
■iiTnla iJiEii. Tiir iirtbi nxitaiatpla ii-rr*.-
nrlEA lirB^ llTie in AihetIi-^ lauasL
tM-lm, J4TIE1E maiarrycle mrli ardep Jbuha
1n tha L'pLMiL fHalfi, rarktiLdT narlij
IlPE-lddan Can>wati[U]| I2B TiVfrt jiiio SL
]E?4ifiifr - pi. T.

IFESliJiRKON.. Eienlrlnr. Jlirlty, ledliii.,
uird nirii. >ll<v pl'lani.d fililLiiiw ■□!! vrinzi
ElrMfe^Hla h. too -S. 13131. .m. Lnpla. IFo.

— nirimF to mu ni vhnla-
riln UeJeu. [EiiirnnlEeJ EIIiIIhiii. IFrrJrjIv

iw. Cipb ar rii? 1?pmi, R?ndl ]fc imii, Fnr
HlaiE UIDELFLKiI FiiMHIa "0.'' Crioc1|]|,
Hlib Fa., TtO CiGiDiuunimliii Aca.,. Fuiicb,

Jlaii Bfhiiiflli.

RFrAEJE rt'lEh fioa uinj pim. ?

ar aiDK. iilu pErii naedad. ? lEm. J. |i
lllhl. FUdl ArafeP Al *. , Qhljp.iMi. [ti.

2IFVD l^a r^r ILIudinEiHi uia'I AlaEdE^i-la
nlLlar. Lieua iLjrk. itoTZkIiLt. Indlin
niPLi. Ari^piiriti. injiui UtapirTrle Eilaii
Kaiiiai l !|1 i., pr-a

tOD TIFa]laBT 0FD i:in4 TTjTlrr-ltHld-
pilto. l^l?l EkilMnil ilfi ta hhn. 0rml flr
Far new buHriln. KeiuiL'i, S3ij Fanil du
Li± Atb, MJCiriutEe, hVii,


EDIRIUC T.iiihllPE plinE iicripA bittrrlei
Knii-iiid.. aan-nliiluiilnp, Udnrlan fluar-
inEEdd 13 itiF Ika F.aui^L prbria LlEht'
IPE pIknL, malar biTAilhi. ]a|{rrrtlPE lli-
arinne, U. IFifftoy CfuHli, J3 WilliliiBEaq
iTELi. DiBbuJT. Cora.


^[E^: n'pii[?4 far znaJ aailELfm u pEr-
pdLiir larrhinll], ppij pLIau iFlur lakkiii; pK--
rrjiTj [luliiliii! Ep HaciTiiipinT rr>pien>l
hiHiJ. nil qiirliFj ini fas psad pailLlaiip
hJylAi II^OP Ea l.tiiraln Klijns-

0EliDot, iiifU AjrrrilE FuJIULpi, Lbula.


“VJarVe a nwttollfT." Amk-irnn rrliETL
FiFIruImi, nir-KihlraFPEd plimiKd apEthiiiL'.
AlIui MiHial l'Ea|i?{ldr, 403 EluuiKar A'anut,
i^nnJll E, FH IaUuriib., L'l.

L'KIID ALliilanAi Hh.H LTiO UPL Etiy pij-
naiari. Citolw lF>c. FeiIuEiI E<uk|pa<nE tia ,
l>Earppffc, Plilias

FliTTBR Fraprllarii. iEPTifE'l. 11. 34; Itfn-
dfj-.^n. tifrs; ForJj, H.n Uiuui, JTi.
YVaEEh. TltJip,

1'AT4;^■T3— Bmill Edcfl may hira luEb
anmmEKlaL paiiiniiitlEC. FTlia LiAiMiMitoTi
far Itat ImihL ''llcw la ChitlA ■ i'licnE’'
ind "Rmad aF larparilan"' rprib. U±l*yi
in dangarsur Ln aiEmt oiiEEri. IVia |d-
ruriiii.ilan oA Jhw ip emranijl CtaTmaa A.
O'ilrlEtt^ nS-t?. Adimi UuElitiMr.

Uni. 11. c;. l^a p.pin iflOA kPd H3A-

It[F> v*ie i-aLklaE ar Dhee'IE htlaap an miv5-
Pl rlialaurj. SFjiarliH. PiranlJai. Se. Idail
tlDupiBT, la tl'aA LbLh Eliral, Mw TarH.

K?1? Kavr 0[ialdlnE'. ulnc^. fepij LinaiL
haiiiirlif, IIQ.bt laLui tbr ll.iu. DhEW 3'' pppi.
palEaM. t^.OO. Tfiaitane alrliLi, mw Ii.il
Bpw iJELlPEEETi, f.l.DdO left li.33. AlE
TiaiuparL. C*rdEH UUr, ^. T,


SlIIV Idra mmlEl ilrpdini ranii|jai-L|an.
Itiilld mndEl IrPolhEtil im jdp drairlnE. SEaibp
Far rJEtrular. Tra-IE||di JlaiJal ]>railuiia Ciun.^
PIBT, dii 4VapL 37Lh Bi-. Mar Tark.

3E(0m;[, AindanEj, 3iil!|itlnc anil FItIpb
— - laraph S. tin. AsarlEi'i [pTEiiiapE madi[
eulJilar ind dailpnar lairhaa lau I'c^' Ea
bvllU ihlpi UuE Or. Vary IbIbieiI liif ud
niElnaiLni; Esnrt. 3J4 puml nlipi.

f.lnth. f'llifi (tFlD PiiirhPM ar back. en..
CILIei iai| to mrmbETEhlFi !n Jiihlar Rir
LrjHw ar AiPErlPd- PiieL|ie.is uDan jfiaLpL
uF F?rl? w COD. anMTlitM Is II. 0. a.
Itopuljr yCir4iin|ai PrEda, ILuhii ?a:i, ?at E,
OllEuPh Ut.. ChjElRp.

0{lA?Si (HirBlIAHB HeTlifUr ETC.

ItOoTJUII Dallil jraur aEEA boi< pair, Ert-
Inf lUcaiicaita ar r^r iplfb Mina an^ nf*
f^a-EhJn^ rmlar tulliliri raft- uiJnE que
I? ldr-rui ltiaL-aiiFmh|?1 matEElili. I'mlH-
<ri, ninalHiuLi. afiEipaanli, arU am| Tna, nH
iMilifni ir fiE-ll u Eaubliiia HiiarlnMnE Cl'
(ipEi. Fanil It h*- bitatoR. UEai^ Una;
Ca.. Dai M.jfl, aakliwrf Wrrt 2ihU^


LATFi^ Fan imsal Ian— Ilia tfl Un MfiJ
HI Vik" HnapiilEM Ullpk iflwE. 0?ll-
plrrn tll nt all pjida mA to he 1 h TU V-EU
■11 Ijwmhle jE Is 3 4m. fiEod IDa Tar 4lr-
Eular. Hold C^lldin, Dapi. ]t-X II Kk
^.■ rbfE LIE.., -Chtokfih

nt>AT FkaiP iirr 93r. 1D3T jiiartr Imii]:

1^ rniKlpEi. r?E racaliifi, Tha lEudJu,
En nFurray SEeuE, Jl mv

piiiiihA. aialtlna
ItkkEr. ItonJ Fi..,


bdUl, liFirliuil,. ?bE. Ti'Sl

CbBlnar. IFl-ei.

chaln; talks

L.irCH rradiirtPE [irairiu, (l.nn. cii.
aliii It**. Ukidfl. Tbt t;artoanLiL i u.W dk



AWaTjcime I'lrtli'nllE: Malm hmnEr. FlI-
(IruLiip ITra. (Hftipklt Cnctran Btrvlat. Dirt
1 31 , Fhn rttli, Arle.

AtlATROTE ITlEliHClLriPii Si'll ridlT TFTk

^lla KA.I1fi FaELlaa, rtlJtJ, TVfaalflita,




Fl>:>] flhlp inKjil-^T Nrw mitl nuriA
-■■■.li bCtbtUi Allil ■lldEt-i7lll] ppiriv^lniiil
hlllLdlM, Wlltn Lc Ecll. cLt. riE 1^7-

m ^D^ Icudiii. liujryl I’ack JJm

MU, ricfc HijEt, i lL

AE:ri? yvir "A UkllLon liiiBi." pur IbtA
i-^EbIiii;. IkPALrLLei EiILE SQDD ukFuI
biHiti tm ^|iD iu>urcli. A pt'EiHCii

f^UE'fd- 'n'lld lirln^ LL IhijiuLdt UtitUndEI

3>hei. 3W K. UnUTlj PI- ■UhLfu a.

M^VRIlBinN or Lht Htis [Mint 1tL1^: SLl
rol'in. bIEiIItii nn[l-3ME’ ml'l ??l- brmhcl

auliIF ai iiMcLHib-J br tuLhor. SE'ittr l>inKl.
liETTi't i[Ki|l imjr miinUii pf mirk hIeIi IrLfEtfl^r
luJnEi — lEnd HKVf Tor chlA pwT-imBcd Mvr'ii.i
k[L. Ilnlj $I.T!I iahEiiiLiI jl^vsbcru. JlAUEOT-
d^impini Campink,! 31b UtinEl ;^TFimAr


ATh'Cr] 3 i:& nu-lb lErlk^ltlE onllTmEnC—
Humlr^r EiAPn^ni fiLd Pull -ilpEbUi ilfej
TomExJElo pixwHtlnp — plnErrmlPliii murrM
IcoiiyrlfhEMl vyltli iu*|i iliEnrlrt Id-

rhlELlAp, f1 bVi Ti'-l^ |dlipT#rory,

iJ'AhnA. IddllD.


'QBITIE Of ± ili?ii]tAHil lUtil AniuL TihD--
LHnpt';. ^iMiv tEETlurfP^ TFwiiEtniE. J^p-
Antwk LuralLvn. BlU?IE-i iliii IlM. JOE- H'lEk.

IHLrnLil ^udJp-Ai Dtri Jllti llraplulTi


AIf n^E-lLy [lArhApA.

Inp ScTElllTi. 3U4 JjrrrEEKn. L'iilroon.


PBATS. OlHEPlMi. millirpi rnmutlny isi
mLnEtEtli, EDiDEdy iBd tilhlno' ieoiti. blitk-
tjnfl pkliaij -EhiJJhPIIJb PcLi, EVlijMlPfEr illilP[[l-
TETlIitlcu. jDimllv dIhf ind Hnn^ n^liAl
ridJInjii, unuEEPlnmcnii. miltE"Un fonrlj:.
EliLrlikT IrH. 'T. A. &tnjion t Ool, dSE
Bft iTiajiN. IJgpL n. BhkfiiJ

pi>mVTX-OSJb.ni.T:E l.nlril T-MUJ Tkrlor-

T iima. T^ppTTlphEEy]. CmA Tdetp. rortiinp brll-
nj) hy iippIniT [IfUKi ot JniJL TToodorrul
KlIlnE prroHkllnn. tL.*'i kp^IitiiIiIl ilmrtt
in.pn. ROHLuO-Ut-j^lB CEU[piiiyr Allulon.


JI-K-^FiT Diixctrl, 1 iilfbEyiLlEkC
nabJci-EE IL.M ?Eh. Il■ca jL|-iair phrll-'P.
TIilIxilHlpklx lIp-^Bir ih'iiEll>. ID31
Jpartu- B l E Erl. JTbUiJElplila. frami

4]Ulrln, tm Hi'i. Hilli, PjLL.LOn, Ft.



Jb ?E4a MjiErrr irlrltai — 3d9iiil ■ rrailllin

v'\n. [IliiEtrtLtil roailET Em. I^Binp pi^iip
ETuliil ntlEldtl, I.MllllMk, Tratl^

TriNTjOfl Miplr: Itlcn (HiS lEW. CtEj^nli
rrn. Rprdfr. ^ nh Arp . CUnico. Lp*.i

J-TAnCL' BtUtPEW. l<i'omJcT[kl
■rtniEHrkj Ibr, K|ji|EPtB .^HH, ]lHiiilk-k, ll'IdL

rii]’i'ST]lAti;rr MiHl^irH!ilni:'|br.
riiL, SdUD Blj;L ALl?Eli?V -^Tt., ]>HlltPt]pliLL,

^^.\G'IC Tr[fki, tElEk:E. iTiTiLLrilnR'

TLlnhiK lOr. flu'll. Finu<r, [^IdL
ItfToriEni. LduIjfIIIE'. IkT.

TBiPE-: cniLiPEiU', iiniPtEtif'i m. otki
^ri*lri.l, HriK. alH, n>liLnli. IVI ?-.

M.T(?iC Ctl'lli.lE 20 r, T^nu. ]IJ."T)Mrt].
UtTd- 3. JfEifV LLIr. S. J.

FPiriNK. ^ItEhlini' mtEUInf. 33t. LtrEt
lHUlEruECdf ETIEtlCLE UE TUilC^ tiC. HSlJCfl,
i=J W. Jliiil til., ^. T,


BENB.ITEONAL JiEkr^^bmt tlIuei- F nl-

Tn'ul iiirrlrl — H.T|inrLirFf nbrrF llnnlf~

iiiiMon. iri.i?h-mi>A:l rirpB. ?4imi. 1 'ueE'
l>ilO ipol TtnlEr ditphctjini. Orily ^ np. |ii-

rliidlnj- haEiiFlilB |[k:i:: prurat r.rEqlqF irllfi

fllisrimi. rnLriTbtL ZJIt-roiiluint' C?., Idil,

rOR (ill* — ^rntlin^E knG lEMi.'bEr. lult-
|h]B JiX pullllo ■ildETEI. E. A. DjbjAEr,
WEruliLbLtr BLr ‘EkucliExTtri r^i T,

TETE .^CEltl ollmlnilCJ. A’nqplidl rErMlU,
*||ni|lllll4< k.1ALlt Lnd E'lKiTkJl InLETp'rrrJ-*,
IniEflafl dltlaiirp. OimrtiiLryil. EnblOdd
IL.dd. MtiUr ILiJM. IbUB UrpTKl idkur.
DoLedIE. ailitA

IfQ^K.lTJ LK-'^Jb I.. Avrbplx lliilujb' riiJlEi H<

lit]' p|]inlnLb:i outUnr ird tmlw ^Irrr —
mJum tilqLtic:— laU'liui - tmlili LldlUllJnil hib-
upli. ]'vlEb( 11 .bU ppilPilA A(i|qLi Ruilbii
LaiRinlbrlEb. 3nJ1 T dvbrmHi Aep.. Fhljci.iaL
IIM'I-UJlEEIL dlliiirL Huyt tilt. EE'I'flbbTi.
jidld lUHKJlbL Unv IvibE kll.. 1.#^

luha, J.I.M. Fbi.iiiibJ LrEnei ftot lltETtbun.
Aim BdilScv bU UeuiiI SEnbEr BcviAlyii.

Jiipr "Vork,

ITlPbullbnA RtElbEliOLlPH. jEUdF'
lIUMiL UrtEP 11 .Ob PEdlMlb. .Iprljii ritllbq
1 jlHin .liirin:. 3flSI LtPraaM A\'t. . E-^IIHga.

ARTTA.lTinSAL 'TbUllA riJU*." tS.bb,
CittlbEUE-. ]fr. Sbl1 'Tnkrr, i^IifiAoUIii, Ft.


fOMrE.ETB lOilLmnn til: SDH ilIAEKnt
EokLoi Elompc: lot blEEFT'nb 11 ft. JbrtD

hlnpEv; tijiiip tbCbFE; iiiipnllTJna eIi!.': wq-

Lrniiyrk lUjLrrLin-; iirnfuryLltb ^■.dE-EI ItllTp

illHjm; r'jI'Ip fEI| fur ti DD. .ip-

|iniTl.| tPllTlIftn dtTpmninLEt ekieA otiIet.
DipUOl j'tiTiD Uk, r, 0, JtgE ina, fldlLEU.


TsBTV DkdE [? your dollir; Ibbb dllfEnnt

iEpmiib; I uA rllAHbFcJ. 1.1. ibLitpb; SHd

hlnpri; uitETHotfe UProlor; ilonip L-niE^:
|||■F^h^>I^H pLlxi | picfiirjlJuii ptbdrj ^l~
JEtEnn Ebldn. All ttr IL.bb Ep ■mucvhI isi-
plkinni btuy. l.tiiJEfb SLOup Bp.i P. Ol
I hj IDSk, 1ift.mi,

KTri.lj M9nHP!L IJnlUr — 1 PH mlTPil 1 1. bE.
DiHiLi.lnJn^ onr IH ilLAfErnL yjT.MIo] foe

f^ri-; lOIIII mlxnl Elirul^ E.:r SicJ lUb illE-

rmnt I'Ejtlsh UilwiJrj Eur Ur; Lbii dif-
Ie-j^eiu Frciii-fa Bulonlci Eor Sir; Itb dllTrr-
rn[ TfM In ■ .Inirrh-Liii fur S.Erf fdd I IlM

Aliidfi. All lAorci Tor oiitf 11. hd. .Apprpiil
mIkLIihi ryiiL d lEli rdrlL -DiJtr. MtW hdbfltlliL
ftlixs TAj. . Inr.d hit, 14113, D3-1" i.lEb<nl|old<

rib.. R iLilor i. l EtH.

A ri>it(1V.E BS T? llE bk-uCt'A Junior AIhuant
'r|]L Dr ■^iib In orjlnin rnlirrinn wi lynllrii-
tltn- f^oir EM la n'l rElt i pp l>.i Doitco. JIdai.
OI'IL :itii linLfjnn LDL3 r. a. peJh Elli It

■n^ rb'iifa*. P.~Eu Jdu.ltiiii Ifliiiiii. Cu.r UHEun,


ItE^ISNiilE 'ITIonrjt iliildI TIio Ijel.'^ie
L n Lht vbOEU, 111 ilLuno fJtnt IPi'I.Ih ]9:ID
I'nlUfTiliiib. pomniBiiwnElht I |Dcliiilti| Ixi biiixx-

InE MtHft or EMEfi-Diiir PTfivid nrlrllpr
tram udete rir olP linJi: JEC4L Knn~'i-
'JHihu. flvEdLloE. tb:. AbioluEE-lT u rm-
iiiim Buriiiibuii 1 BTltbLEl Ls- liiur Llir lllull

i|U|I|ET of IIIlP TTEiKlrrfiil HrkrL, tirly I b=
irnlni En iniiracil PDpllotTil! ‘Enniip iMimb

Co.. IirnL. PB. P ori Clio iHr. ^ . V

N1'i:u|.ll,].^'n Imldxn eEbIfx. .El^faiHktdn:
Tholord, 2Z JlPmnt l'i>i4ln. 1"ii hIi. e?
■ liblllnrr, A. C. CIIOliIxIlL CHULLI. EiJplU.-

ohliliBl ]t?(IIj.

(J- K.'J'l.UII STirTil^'iHily Ilf-. Idrit Err*
i. II)E Ei'-H TliET!). L’plnm PEimfi
I 'ft, HD P. Tloi IJn.l I<E.. V. cm.

3Ub Jl]Kr^Jt1.^]^T PDidImP pLimii 10* lo
tPlibO'tL tl:?]lrtnLr. Fbl l iitn. ■CtI UlpDN . Ho

MExi IbERI'UU.^T LHt ftriill 'i jB?H>'3ixnl In-

AtkI DlHLronlli nenturT iLimwi. lErTrrEnm
pipirit. HukpBCC CodltJlO, florlldJ dlEHL,

jkjfiin. .''Iqii

'JJlEA 7711 LB FrOix E'TliLt ItIrO -EtlEtJdAniiO-
TlEInn llllLllbl'rl In Klllllitl Iwi. tnil PirkiR.
HiittlLlbf ffjrotrTilM JErMhmUtoii. PnuHl,
B^nril E'en'a. ftnrlnrni nin| Riinnlnr iLnh'ii.
ALt? OiiiilF' 17. I'. itHfe LriniEmL hEb-rv*
ihliti; — im|y ,H7 In |liii.:p rpii'xrataiiE irxT
iMut □pptnEilEl Vlklnp Sliiiip Cn... ShEnpi-

Jirxil Lloy PtBbliiii,_]iriFikJ.tD, f7._T.

HCdilLCh .hLriOLn inJ irLuiilo. RttUEbEuI
I'tui-= 1 I '"Rfinjr *???*" llnnpll npi| fcx-rr"
riiiLlrmili LrliDtIn EvnHlIfit In lht mTibl
tio iHluOiJ IB out bJi; piobE oE 4b dllTrr'
Tilt ^tliipl fjdiii AliiiiLlfl, firiA:l P.llitii,
VrnrriirlPi PtIHiIi nnii Frrnrii i’pJmiIfi. rir
.'ll] Edi -It l? ipproEil iDDlhinli. Sit II-
iilbLrtlcil lllti Tito Itlth ttiTb orbEE. ITrlLt
Eiiiltr't_ ^[yiLlc ftLimp CAr iDipt, 14 1 , CkiO-

ilm . IhFir Yfirk-

qi’ALiTif .stomni ii innibbiL l^o op!
Ft-ep p-rFiiiliiiO. KxljIklEO Bbl^tCOp TLObllbtJ,

Jij? -TFr^^r

FEIBB! 11, d. Bk, i4i-. II. bb MiEkct
■du? (rot. -Ixtll. i-Tij 4t 4(.hrT iiEibEKi' k?
id-pmil ■.Dpllttntd irnbiiiE 3t pb';|im.
I'rlrnllili Em. Tabhain ft Lim f-L'-Xa LOISjI,

JY. dlptlnEHtlll,^ JiBIJ. _ ■

K.hNaipiB., ^iTuhATid jti5(Ei?IftIir”bbrkiA
flDum. TLOtEC hinEn ind tb- lEtinni rron

FBloiLlOt, IlL-^irLdEi . ClhL-sU.dt. HcLlEun,

<tr. . V tp pppllranti. hi prnnv pppoTft.-ol!.
-TihOr ID. ADD YirltLloa t iionnv odoL Potiiiir
iTEPinp (JPm 433t' ^l4ITUnU, UhnAibt, UtME.

inn niFFnEnisTT PoEcLm itizi:<s fiBrn

]nil OICTtrrvt ruT'lin. nnuilrkl, InrluJlAT
.IfrIOB, .ItLi, AUliTJlll.. KJTOOO. 1Y<|( |n-

illfl, nir , Errr null -DO- TYbr ifiLTi tirS
dUT ivuii>lilbfl IrlJLni ''‘Upw (D Mukb I

SiOllin Uidlri'klnn 1 'cTi|irTlsr,‘" lD|:rtJiBr viLh

'Air ptiH lilt tf ilbomu. iuecIIe* nn>l hun^

■ Irr^ PT liBrnal-nF In. lOlx, lifokrcip HA
-quotn CEly Atiinn Cp., Um 3t. 6*1

kE. I CI?"lnri|Elj DIiJA

~ I nn? \r|\ LLb Ef. fl. tLimpi. 3dr. rjvt
faiuiifiHfiatLcu riEB. Ikxtn gi ■ fj


FtlCIl CuofoilmEO prinfi — pitkrl npurrd,
]*o. AppioliIi, UurkFy, Sj WmE FLEih..

ItuEOTi. CHilo. _

□AREl.'l [Mn Ilof ipptPfiL timllrinl'rl i^L
?IT i|x liTtutIful Irofund pttl [Jiiirid. ooin-

rntmoril iTEf.. cn.Dr in nnti, AuHitLJtu.BrnljF

ikuitt trt, (OEilorut V4lub ST ftnti,. ?ody S
rmEh li'rllf I miiiiilLiUl^. Qih L NLUJ?

^npiny. ^S1 jErliipw nEL M ip nippiAIn, Mlnh-
i’liiUftia- hI U It'd A |i|in.rTBlR amt ut

bnetd gnbri. IrCPniTil. IDII l^ift An..


lb" DIFFKHRJTT ir. a. nninm?inrtl|Yr?.

R iifkI, 2 — all fiP Ibr. EElphltOildE

IkTOtlirTP. llrdnsr, I q,

3! T^CE't'^0■^^ TL SH. ouiimonMcoclko. .11-
hnnli.. KE.. De. Apprprili, Uonnk. irtfiDF.
_^[|f libpu.

DEAI' atLEOpi. Tre dlffrrrsf. Lb ttsEk TS
nnurprql qLiuJItxailx. VlrttiT AtalOiii, DopL
ILBoiSt. Ikn .-'nEPlrri ctllTomli.

S? in FPi! ((?:?:?■ I ILr. fVIniarilll'fTll^
nouiu anpTOTJb. LtnarL SEtipp, 3!l ISIttp.

JEiat^trErT, 1b. T.

FJLtU Corptoui piEkH lnrhrillp[ h^nlift
dlrpiaL inlintl. mip Mimiii. rtr.. tp tn-
(FKKdL ATpIlERnti onrloolnn i^o puiicd. Im-

y^litl SEqmiini , PitA anq. flalL^:

IL'CMIFRrUlj AnnrOftllE Feh prllHt

JEPr illvpimlil Tim Ik^ krioBHiBiinlLji, tlbiiii.

' Z.iMBIBAni PorkoL Eiu40f IbOkkIita tLuiiu
Etom K-nnilDpT. In4>rp. AkprlqL ^[ilv
actlcf, TlEtuld. ClDlilEotit, MRHld. lirLLLHi
I'lnlnribFX ftrmmarOraiu. Tjnn'l. Eblxjrl lhxi''L

ivjit. Ttili irhmrLnE piEboL Em Err -H

wnba rF. flrau fliiiai|^ -TliriFb itu, C tlltilt.

TILV lllffohtfid. (IrrriiA tolonlti k to iP'

pIdranLi 'flir pin^ xiipjrv all. Ilnluml aiLaibp
Cd.. bldl (IM, I'LDl UrlnMnt An-.. -UllLOLfd,
ILIInohi. _ _

NIAWI'I) K'nE fm qiiiumrab f1 l*1i. dlx-
rnupL RfEtECHb KfiuJEdd. Hwity RonoEL

ItMianarr Fi

~ ISE DIFFRURKT. id GninEElH. k Lb ip>
TTPTI.1 IPPririETlSL BUillDnp. SeSR I|I*^

D;ylTr._BHELIfl. , hVtIlL

irib Ul.rf llti tSN'L' CnuEPb. Tn Eo iTWprJ

a 'liIJrtnti. -Coldth llxtr liqtinp Coiopiny.,

qjrFTBT^. Ofl^Ervmlq.

TiKlTF]] Ktdln' Ittmtid on tpntoqiL
]|iil:tr. -fril-l- llryaiiL :in.. ^Ihnnnnnlli, ^EIh.

A]tftd3[.E"Ti:]jT l^f*A -To. itKn*Ci]“dieiDlLl
rqntl. ^fl -pT f?ir nltnl ICiiipli-q pLxnivi.
You noEif fhodt. Dokifud. Bttnqi Cp., AjJInS''

Lidt. K . J.

Fi'BITR Mo tni1 KOHeo SbD tLiluitl 10' dO-
1t<4 rr?n, nhniiflln. ]ek ±bl, Ntn FTt-ntLi-

H. f^lli .

]4b U. B. ?iti.mpi iDo. bill iDT. Sliyrirt;
Herr fETiwy. |

]H tT.lDI]>S .^nn OUtlOEIID llnlLtd atilci
pdlqillMt. JL^, IbljriBMlI jlholLq, 3<ll|. ],4kq,

i:rnh .

UMii f, u. $]'?7.. C. wntm. JsiB

Frinklln- nrtSltT. Mhh.

REAETnFErL T7tO CruLnea RlhiL r/ Para-
dl^- Alnnqlll i*niqllEidL lEiimn. Lfirviliitr.
FItio Llnull. Dio.. Jn. IiIe btlai pp-kcE. db
iliiftrnni pEninni. li>j Lnu Rurr?i. JfiTiiln.

r*. S77'F hVo.^L SSrJ. E7-HT York.

iriH [rvErh-BO attpiu ib ibHA, ti-ut
d^flnn IlnElIpJlL C-r??ni. JJiw lliinnphlrp
l^^mFFFftF^T DniUnl ftpiin t.k; D?
OIScEOfil toiorotniori .1 Ini E3r. B. AoLLixr,

lhii_ r ;!S. C h h mu . IHIim k ^

A.IAA A r.rliinlFloiLr raLaliiqi f3..in|- Cfllr

l&f. LITwmA. lloi ini;::. (jrl4nJo._Fli;

R IHVFKlEimT bTiiimH inr ^r'lth in-
FHALli. For-Eirnrp lirtft. 341 Aiyplo, Sjei-

L'up r . K. T.

FAFBI |~ nD TnlCiiJ Bbalad lia B|ipciiia|
tpHlranif, jE=a 43^ ftLiEJm briKUm.

Thtip Y ork.

]? riFF. lEnLioii atLiii (bo: SH iiLir.

IS. .In; .-pin UnlLFit SlattR, calaku iiitE fSADd,

43. -.0. I H Ih (rcnip. .IlftqPT. N. V.

CD^'|Tb:Eh K|xEqp rlirup., qaa-lpllv Ir, Po

tnJ Ut tyjiHOild. LtJoi;, Bdint FeioriLutfl;

T^nri ik

r,m TITFFKIIEST— 1 HtiftI 3D: h tv-
i.nnllDonti. Ftofmaii, R. 1 . I-IL. Btt.
Eko (Sfok, 3rir4.

u?irr^v(n,Mi I.

*it. Ifc rf Ll-I-. ^ rimiPMiinila. IS Inn

ill'i:Vte:.4.ti:ii ii. it iki,

Imv 'vmiP'tE' LI. niiiin Hit n?EL ritinlr?

~lr! i. tulifiiiicU'iiATiyja-. i4 jMKnl
fviLjvl bJMhi 41 ui -ikillir, i^, Donim'i TUP
Jliintrr<l9't JJtnrilfci fi. I.

^liinri □iilj'

uilTiT'nt Ui'Kfii BLi<fi i.'Dd Erlflfr'
]Lf 1 ]-t^. St-IJfniitfj. Iliiada, Mteli.

lyirii:ni.^ nniiK> trlKHRlc-. Lvt cclic-.^ ctj'

Id our pjrbt .hi iLIIFiTtnC iCiinii]. Sc.

N’liuui lii r < ?iHni iany. Ilnilil. ll^Ulmcrt'. HJ.

c.t?iA[>A f'drinctiHs u 'idiMi rr(? '^irira
dllTnvnt Cintdt or Si JJITt-Kiii lIi-uIIi,
□ lEllLir U4^4L ] Sc ; bl^ch fur J fEL LIfEi ^pfh.
i^PKlili; S? dllT. Sic: liiQd dilf. SiC! ZMd
ULir. U.Qd; jpjwriJ HtntiH #LiD CiirD do-
lin'. Vklwi Ojiiiuiiiiy. LcmJEni i.


FJ.NH I'lirHliri fnin lifUm 1<1W. CinnltU-
nrp(? riiif nrid ud liLriLlii Itat idc. Oul
] lrbE, fT^ikr BanHili.

l.'ndccJ hml^n iraY

tuiIiIt Cltl!l[]iXIU' IHE. lICnEE-TI*. C^lCcudu
.^FlnjJ. roteiiAh

FilB?[ liddH lE-lf Ddltl.K ILiitl^ i.llidJU

*L rti* dr S udpi:^ I'li'fc iiiir.TH u]>.fn with
■ulHTTlid Ian. It? mt)r.4hl5 kumiJ. Jlcnil Ht
UnlEMl atLlOLl Ot..

■ LtILP tU' pnipKlPl.

I'hlrpijD. ill.

FRI3F — Fica fLIaiii 14 . #.pnrPTI.I ippCLcudJ.
Iltr nnird Kurh. JICU il Lc- Hlftt- M jwupd .

FHnij balrir nnfhri to □[? ccnc
tnnljrdnci. ECirlin, dSDS a. ilirEh^Eld An.,
dnrxpi. TI!lEn:.|F.

kI"Jt lAi-Fit L'h-ns i.lrn'Elli 5ci rtcnifTili.

UP. idnp

]ld iThe LjDd. New VdElC

ar^OiAL. I'k'Jrci cn tlnUcd Blicd? dM
mm. ID iBCItiU CHIU II.DDL id 3d pIbcc;

.ic; [G Flitc? Sue; i half iIIiiihi Jdr;
wIiLu .cttE*. Ami liarExIn HiJann pedED Jlit IDf.
Aci^.. Ildl IjS, iCuikdpEd. LKIA.

~Z'.':.z:: z rina tdlru OddiAsn,
GU], KimiJ ClEV. SFa
CALIFCIUMA Qdld, 4ULli?- aLt?.
tH .St; place inil <Ali]df?v Idt

Kenr.in KluiltE. EIlII Liltf. irub.

Lluliua. I'KkEt nw EP ippEpni

b. ialimr


l..t:a, LU JJIITHrmt Jjt.

OnkEii, OUU Tflth Rl . liEE Oklm.

]#0 iJTASrPK Fem. bteLf-Su He EBqiirtlnH-

nijlt4 iDfiTT1^'4 III BaJJil'*! BIluJI,

HGU .L1IXKU t:nlliril fltilH — Eld. wH'

HH{, RPT liftr . Hi TA CUia. T T. V-

H till trie ENT riT^L iii^TiE ftiECrt. Minr
EiEC. lU i]|>TarEnE--f.L. UlctJrlL {?keci-

hum. Ta. r-

TIVU TYlATlKlf'l!!.‘'^ij dllTCECnL frTdl ItrLt^

Hli CutiAAlul PntiEt DC. inriEPril npniL-

rinEi iJcirLp liui Du3j

TdupA E- Ldkfl. ?l. T.

MG “{nijTTlilMLTGfl

mind liidluddniE A'I'ji'lip.'dIj.un.. LaLl-

hla. InEnl. AnUcTEk. Kiilrui. rtc. Unkr 1*=
Lc ■dDTTicii ic*liranti. IPErvCl imlayl Arlliif-
ten atimp L'Emminr, niu *L, Et

line, ]trw*1y n. Pf- V- ,

r.HlrtKI 3D Eciuajlul frnvarr. IG Air null.

EG BukId (d|i| aiu3 lidw'l lEK AMUnitdl.
aiiiillEalllA lEndlEif Gc nxIatiA ElLri PEb-
mLdm 1* twrly dpplhinli. Tlnl. Oddit
BAaliiprdj liEJ 301. IJ-lFnil|.la. fldH J.

DUD IJlSTKlLli'MI*' IGt- Llltl lietCwTSil.
?2 iii_2:1iiJj_Be|I?[^ Jkl.

aTAECP- CaI. ft APil La'p.fEdPE iLimce
^ ?Hth i.|i|ini^ALt' ilAO btnr 'hE nat. a jLuijn

Album ftea. Iir n aUD, QltndA lc.

"7i‘tW>ry“X|ipcd?ii (hit jiiia'fy.
nEjnf^K. lid A s m-T, riLiiuciT.iin. Fa .

TJ(Y llnlmlwru'H tiEEttr penn^' iddip^a^.
K- ]>. HdlmbEn. JjwHbuha. Kamil .

iVJtFL Yanr fhlAUilil miU Iim laLlapA
JWdtd ClIirEODlA. Un mn- idJWAi. BCPlI IGC
tnhini wlib lidnri td be itilhd AH [aiillai
ninrAjJtd Teef. Olea, EJGG UELnnnd.. Lhtk-
]uh 1 . r.iJlr.

ITALll ]? IMfTETHEl EEr iMPd EDlnl
bnEaEA AdEfca. Btal lilarLbin juLruiLanE. Xn-
appevvaIi. Hctlinnf i<tA[riP Ca.. LTD Dv'.

Cfc imBGdit ATb. . l>hl]AilrtnhiA. Penna.

~S# lllFi’KlIliJlT IMimpA EitLldsldiS ?w
ll.GG wdy lUt to dppEd^uL anotLijiiJi. ?iG.#Gi)
■ fll^PETsA FiamcDi af prE.rtf nfulnf Eeuh
up. A][ itir^i auAEElcrJ jxnulnd litil Ona
AAlHtEiai dl IT. n. rbrAmzal a^ If- gnd UDl
A ddnii F. D. -ktrli^ Ihpt. IDS. EMG K.
BhI? Apo., CEiLcieip.

FBKt:: L'nltbl SEltei lIliaD iLAmp hi
APPOWiI apiilldiidid Ir|i(h land ]?c he ?o

'PF'I.T Onat amt ipp?ta]i In AmcchiL
F. llpnd. HIT ^ GGth BL. F hLIailaInhIa.

4TTALJTY RLuu^ ijn Arnrai-il H.C uih

Fn* pnllllvtll. Ke-JuvIel litiiDDfp, Viiiclin^

Ilf JUrrEILE^X ^edlai trIanKit. alr-
mtil. CU., Uc. ?. If. Cdrtld^ IGID lid.
JlE-M judP, fJiM Ahurlrr, Tallf

D Jt.-H.Pi~A}C FrM Id. AfipbdEaL AUplb^Aniai
EdKdhii Hiaiaitllldp AUbUIUdLlE^ UUA.

UCAIKiK Bclfldn ilEPinll. poclut album,

edldndEliidrAlhA Idl, 4f liidrl fLlic.|ii Ttvhii

KpuUi -'^aA lAlanili, AlElri. Asia. CinidL.
FdiiLli AiiidrlCA. did., fur SC Eu- anpnH-dl
pllrdnl?. iFirn'Iilc E1jmd Old., 1GG3F L-joden,
-nimdalA. Raljf.

ErtJilN tub. Aiamp9. dlbuEd. Be-jL eot tiIcr
al lEamiii iiih-krtF. Flllun, S-Sll VVfIt JTLh

Ftrart. Iim^hlin. r'C>?_1iqrfc;

Er. Sf"P|rti.'rFiiA ilampi Intlpillpp
BCArEP LaItIid iTlanmalir ilEidLlI AiampA.
|G ilrldxll, L3 I.IiiILiiL RLilai ifarlr JaA?hii,
ntMmnFTnurallTFX, rtr 1 and ]* fini.ll. Adr

praTAli and LIIueLeaiciI pElnllit ii.':dL ifELh
anh dhddE. CuEIiuIl btlanio- Cut^PIEir. ^Tgu-

23f C0fir> Alliad fpEE-lpn ■(■mpi, IGt.
MU nET hnclr mliEd. EM. REaiiLi.in, T^aT-
Tjj hid. 1''^Ad

|fiW UNITE! 115 At HijiEH ]fc; [lAli tna.

ff I n(T_jECpla,_T'cf Il?r. ladlina;

f. a. Ed UEII. aJr UAlli, CAininaiDonllEa]

nIfViiUBj jv niiuLli |.|| Ihi ia

DTvmli. Ifudian A Cil. PlaLEiDdl

EIIECE Cdln, G dliraEdnL DdtEl
aiKl bufAlA CALilogiaa iCa. Le.^'t 4 ^ W-Jil4a.
Hwl Naa-ifn. NIab.

1 1* Tn tIUiiU fAEh fcE CETlajn liidlan brad
PfnnJri. EEnd dJiiid -Mr LI he oE thaiu vractaiL

f-MLn-iih i TTi, E t, BpclnR aid, Ua

bL^'l? Ifc Far 5 'diTirrtiiC tqLni and. tata
Hf PE Mr Ibr 3S dUItnnt. Tttitt Ci'i
C!d.. La FYinEalEia. IhiJ

lUFrilUbEET eVdPA, 11 GLILl AEiil tataF
]W. JGt. rEdamo-'t lUE SnmEEStt. DaICI-
niiira. Muj-'Jind.


arm> rv -mt iph 5 bi-i^Alrt back IielIpe
'I niLb: radiKlbini on nil makda al tiidEEii,
knidd IDG ICCEaHTlda, IIkIuiILiik iiiiiLlim p-lh-
tii[^ tniilpmrnL], AIJ ad-d im tm du'i' filal
?r muoEy biCl luirinbcd. OcntEdl rabidra
I’d., 2llG ICiutiL Il'aLaph Axa., ItHK, J'M-Mi,

Jt_hlrnpi_II I;

.dhl ]nc°ma fEcm ^dur fiidEta. Eriiltdd dl
aiptmf. CHL humd itu^ nuina ia

ua>inial1]tlr FhEnannphy LLutlidE ym Ed
Bdkd ptuxdiraiihE l-dr hiakanlnaiF nmpapari.
ailnitliETP. TiamEodouA dmuM. Eiani fddJ
■uintT, rigbl ubetd vuu 11 th: dallHliildi aiiLrn
llliia ?r1-uuAl|iin. lirlLt r? lEH t>?l Idildy.
VndnEiBl FbcnocHpbJN RcrriEirAllaii, P^ul.
Dj_l D Rial E:int stt ._ ^'E W Y? fc.

IF Tfv pea jntanitrd In phald^npliir id*

PPCM ]HA anil IIDA Mi ll iiiiia

DEhVEIAlR TduE du-n. nia.'ii plitar. and

ni-ip Ep. Kred Cirncnltr. Faidll d._Trxai.

b'lJj^ia- JTenltinrfl, 3 prliui oI dkj:Ti iipka-
LLid and aiilarAEmanL -enr I7 fi, 33 nPElntA
.Sir. BummaTi._L'nlDnt]lla. We

TIETAL OITeT. tEX-E-lEClDf KGL 5d, jlElEltl
Ic e-jcEl BEdUElluL l-pFiriEli aHlxTaac'nE
ViHini Ptial# iSfirLw, lUb IfKfba BLf AL-
birar N. r.

a%.'iTMrOT Or phahi- aEilinrcd. 1* EilP
rlu fnb If peu lend DtpdEhLa, blioln et
kdilak iibrLiiPd *i>d Pile ( 0 - tanr icot al PACk-.
IdF. BljaiDI ud CiCEtElL CdPlf. Hall Ed
RI-dJLW, Ddiit. fil. TTfe \fnLnFX, |

VGi'Ti FfTorKa biGalc pkima cidiiprJ,

Alia 3lT. lie. TI-iEM [lit iiUabEer, mla.
addil LpfE IMyyLLid {]]lm| Lnaj, Ji.ilijEflA
Ii-iEEiirr iTdiLp Idb-.i XII BbwLUai UldE..
StI HdLniA. Iwi,

24 A


KLIKE HanEjr In phrinirfDliV- Ltjn
4 LJ[h 1 y IE. hum*- flfiiT* t EuLI Llau. i^nr
□h*L NoUilni Ilk* Ik Eip*eIih?* unnrtti-
■lEp. AiDEfliciD HEhuiL] a[ Fhalonniiliy.

aft*L krirtilKU Amiun. ^ 'IllflCh

TrU 1 aan: DinhipInE inr

*il* T> 4 l i nnClf pElhCI 3 EAmj E*rh-

Ue*u(][uL T jnrfe tn'l*TE(nti|[ e*uU.

FUnH Euf hi.rEBl^ 3 lit. ll**hEk* PhriD

riEdi^Df C^mpinr, DriL A'*ny*i

H.lTE Tp* 1 . PUKEIF hVrU* lEir Ith
lupip pf *jr hie TBiiBilJMr ElMfflnc kiv
l? IpQ* tKlur plCCUni in 4 <*rn imPAcV.

TIicEiinFiuliSFi 31^ Clujced
Boilpp, IF. Jiliii..


TJlt ShetI tJ miklni! IPEM 7 I bJTlai

1* riiBkbne mppH. Dm MprkBLnKrBi*
till dPTF rnpt, HmFk — "Bp>f 1i? A]*h*
V?ip (?? ITpLLpfi I'lrluPE l'l?7?T" iJlif'l
l^EUiii iiilAm*l'lA E*n*Em fEoni JSJ.H-: lUU
FL PEto ]hum. n?ti<r (JrlTEri nnijwtur. Iin.iul
im.. I-LG.DE: WlOiriLllP DeV'et k.t|ni|pn|

[Rin'n. F;S.5 l*in. JlTi.OD ti1up dt
(jvlH; Ctllp Jlinm. pEPiEftar. ihI.x drlTtn,
il flk.EG: TJrLiir AnLiiiLiPiihPiH' laiiim. uuniJ
PEEUHtPT 4*ll|1M*r. Hill. Al.lu.ud, nim-

plEEP IJkP AEV u Iktih mptlwi plr-

lUE* Alpi Hi- -byb Iprhr.^. P**il G* La lEiEPpI

[pr Fbwr HttIjHi Um □■Eoilnunpi ?lh.

fimri IAepi'*., 3Lh I ., fjJLI EBmpru ind

tpit Dm. 14^11 TaiiiLiBiijr, |.Tt

WhI MiJLmi Mt- ChlrigPL 11].

ti.Ma FDIL UrLllakl DiViEPPlIT ItpTJ.
Ouf Idltl iLcuBTlUEnE *Pld UllAtUH. UWlLHE'l
(l^?l JCprtf fw lliflr# 4 .rtiiUn(. W* i*Lll*
HTTTljlit ind Mbml* In iLuiJly] ilurLfi lur
tukdnp pdEcum. E*Lni luriildd In Ih*
h?lTl pf OMtlEn plolurr Jn'ImlEr irp liniiir
pradunjEEP rEpmlJtmMTlE. Eitih|1ii^d 1B1'.
n** hp^1*L VnjEBrIBt EIeE^iIii EFpnvpL'HT-
tw Jlnrr W*itmi inJ ^Ie>*i. VI*u,

llplinrMd. CUir. ^

BBLL-HDIVBLL 1 Duicni tul. cHlipr biiuI|i-
EHbiiE iiLT, VIrliir liiiidlL S PJnidPb ILF 3. T
lElUl <[kS. UEHfTJLPb d*ll|l? ppoJlltPE

i LB. fin. KifBEiiy pniJnfPF !.].?. IH irt
1:L. Ttit.eI EDiHdlE* Iht' U. F|L:ti ^LfhvF
3i^, PuiLak Pliv— ?uupilHd, IdOn'r IGCl

BW1UE4.1 ILibri.TT lEucnpi'En.hL'P frfvll ini| kipr-
xili Jliti fiTufliiLL UrcdhBri, jd'ai-J lEiuPm

][pdJ. Llu nni. Cf Eve C Ltv. .

n.V]LU.\] Ml— 3lirfhEnhk fllKA SlfnpniL-

.EiihiL I^BiiiEtbm. bTilLpPlI liiiulpFUtnt 4FP^_
Jl,i3ilthi ^rLun. _

1? FT.. mSEaC. LiiirirT-' tl-tV.

n^nJ iJLipp Ept bJd' fiiBLoAut i.niL uiiiii*
MjTihjLi- iLLmn TIi.^iLd rL^npl. naLEjLlU.TE, 11L
TLid E*n4.L?n. pLrEUEO LhnLEP k.ii‘L'
pfji pE hnmE. Frw rpiiLni. TIifplhi IElpj.-
dgn I[u.1J eue e. ELmLn. Ynrk.

]LAIl inJlM. TH-A CLPfEB 4nd nT-0 nru-
J^iev irLlh ?rl'PEII E4inpL?[r IIQu. 1..LILP libV..
rwaifEly rEOSt tafij. Sl4n*K-linrh nuirnni-Fn,
Bum m, 332 a. lIlELiItitn Annup, OL-

^ ^

FTL^FA Sl'iP Til. l.hLi. Bund
XlpritA. liH E g g - IFt nEUTlEpn l*.

ifilul uu^Ei: MPvLfP. iuLii roll Lir*

ThrlFL, **Lp fM. hmebL ILH. IPD TuliL TtLLi
H iirLucrp. pilu SIOl i*iiE*l GLi ItryiLi
TuLiLE, ann IihL Jun^]*, .ELlu I3.3-. rcEflyl

Liiii FeeI Eunirifr w?i(nrn. ip.fti, ^.■^^^L^Lp^

FLLmi. J3m :viL. CLihL nni.1 L.

]LE.iEF ThP inE^H^ L? 7i3U pn. [HPEJ 111.1.
*ltJ 1I.1A I LiL j lilIlA

'bi'E!3Tt:n3^B, rpa?iLiEi. f*Fi?pn>. Etuip.
jBl-ipf FLIiiiIb 3h1lil f:liuiLBrlu>J. Lah^wiprF^i


ilOFLAkB ^iTf*L:ESt "I'luLpn IMpt' Id
MGE. intfri i keLi. LtpnL pe pUEihiiP. UTeLih
irtiiinm'iT' P|L||| Cb.. 3T ChUIi^i]


u'.inii.iiN LLiif 3d. iipirmpp riiLP e<etf
lEP. Cl LljyPiL^ .ULiBiiy, V.


SITIN' — LfJed IileIiLEELiii:. Fpe W?r1i1'* hir
r^Ltlenf. ^uit llin* to iivilLrT. Kirn niiiip
illEniLLnp. IVeLLe. Ddjyt B. UpLpr, uD JL

ifniintB K|. . CLiIrBua

l.lj.lTtL\" M'bLtLi rrpqlrliin. IIHf* ^[lirFiL
■3n:![i aLLii^Lpn PL.. L^ti FrppElirn.

U'00L1TL'L(M.M3 Fur linitFUF*. TlEdLLEnE
LAjiriULLun. Lliklk Eiir [Liu ■.luEi-yr *1111 Imurfi
nuEti pLiiiii iiirnPT fnnlJlnj p.|| thu mEE4EU
LivrnrmiLLdn jhI li. weIL LLLuiLfbipiL jbL oub-
LLihBil Ell pnll B( Lhu Imr rrhE ft 33 wnLi
ixdlpilri. ILrnd Ear j'pur Lupy leiLay. ^EbL]
rEniJtLurEE lA LeLL >uuE ueiLPP. I'UfHl.lp^r 3Eu-

'Liinkci L'mi. Huon ilLlir 3dD 11 DnurLo Sc..
C3ilPipi^ IIL.

a (iPiLp iL^C'P Ld lEpmEPd. bl1?
ETbuLLiUne'. [LdEhEl PTEIIInP' 4n<l bit. nim-
iPcEiip;. li'rLEP ict oudtofiri. DluLu. T ttj


TL;OiLI^Di;LJ(AUV IkEpElLEvd Ev |l>? hl*n

?n. Kbi HLrruL Tn ELib liL-Eiy* |iEr40(1 Le^f
p^ri^j' TJauBlp* mrBni ~'b itcv -JibL" .Ajlh

inoig ^rt at pjcLrnEilLc liirkETdun± Vuu

lyip lE Eu jrwiEir Eu- b-Erna* liiEarruil. 'An
nsyr LiPit, ■'Tpiriiil TeThnofEitT. ' Liy □. A.
I.plni. |p imtHLe* r? llw Bi|irn<i pui7?u
Eupnlphlnc 4n luLlnrLcptLrE Litt EdiLlk nn-
iLurnl/bPiL gkpLBliPLLim. i’^'LlM tl-Bi iiPiLpiLJ
upon TEUtLpL cd EdmiLljnrp 4E u.u.Li. Ilk

iiibEL 4M^wbEc4 in If. Pi^uLbe GEcl-LiuILLi-I
Ffh^ Jhui 3H H DnEirL? Lil.. ULil-

BiiLfiMCGs DFrarruNims

I'L.lSTX.X InUuitElEi oltpri InduitElniT

TMq 4^ UPlKviimlEy In iEbtE i Lupin E** Pf
IhclE pup. minuiiEtuElnH' iii ipmii., nn>ul-
lLbi, uiv4njri, BtE., jH. PL*iEe? *rid in*rbLp
LkiLEiLlun. 3r miLirlil inilc] tL aitlrhi.

lluUFlb dlPULll fPcULjbEll EPP IpEEll pnoiJuEF.
ILun. -SdiyEL lnTE?imr?1- blLnip li-Ll nLucni.
Vuu lEE luiE Lii Elmp r?r Lilp lF-13 Liuilnrii
nmy p[i.rLlii[. "'iIeu Fur (nir?pilni( LmahL-Ft
mtLLrvl FLjildE InduiErlEi. Uei4. A.

LD^I VTiiLiLhiLon. ApA, Nltt Turk.

^^EfJ[UlJ InLu THflJi. lln]'^'lKd un. 'TiLlboBril.

puniEipL/E puJurEir in^lbLaF. iikEi glcdaf Un-'
Ipb, fi|i|pili li^L PUMlhr'l piarLiifi. ibnLi [uiiij

In fdur hoLtn. PneikhL inuL4 miklnk '"'Llli
PUE i>li.y|.lc Ei:iptpuL]| ilLiipPi uiiiLpttuE. If In-
lurnluti ?nd iJlinE ref uikAlr. hir-

■Mli, dii'L roiiiiiuilL Lua wriLor wLili eILtce^

Eliiiii, AUdruii: Chn-uiJl ItMlEiiLIk C'lrylliikr


I bLlDll thCLDD iTEPkLr r^nryi'Lnd' colon Ln

T'lRP. UPlPOC'l-EIT. -Etr l.rnf buni-lul 4Z|ilBlni.

AlllinPbri LpLUfUdElEJ, Udl 11, ALLuiuLlTd.

Cpit fAmiB,

aiAE^B Vh~orbl'i: fBiLppA iPlILz^ ibp^lBlclE*.
Ilip* olhETi lElLlne Ear tou ErEir^hcru.
AhidiLiPt Err* p^bt PCPhLi ypuE! Pm Li-pIppi
Fteo. 3oftu }[L1 Ice C'oupiag'r -LfouLhEim DulLJ-
LPk. T ^Iiiiib, FLutIiLb.

MAl^rFAim'llR r;LiL|i|i*1 EIbph LiPdhP
nunMicri. DsTprldiW', IGD-El LoonsL. Jamihi.

Xpv Turk.

umtli p rtdiu. H’Md"niufd tL.?k

Fep=ipLb Ijid II. on LtbiLp JlrLVIurV buCli Enf

$1 no Ota. a. Ceuk. D? m. 'O^pifE n*y.


M.lliF] iEoDEy *L lurnEL BipEfLonEE. fipl-
LbL unnvcn.4ir>. TlluHLrilriL LinklcC Epnj.

DutL . lai. Bna rtL I K ai i 4frid . Vnrk. _
AKFLLl-i Flip linlLniltEd Tui<-lh.|ill|*p r?f
dliiutPL ?( ypuF E>nducik .hilrErLLMr. vrn
[pKnlr' ypuri. r i^l] wr.iiA. ttPiLL aniiiniiil nl
iijLh peerv part oE Knuch AEi'Lra. hfi. ouede. 1
*gpaC-.p . OLBliUEii-Lurrr'i rEn.rEMinLLl L^if I 111
LllprlKiiTir. I'ulnL NiloL.L- It l 4 nr-
eaLi-iL. luLinlL prppofpLi diLiIppeieJ to: J[.
LnnnuynU. Illln Il^iL, arilvam, S~i1bL.

aiALF. DriluT ilruj *1iirn. ].nL m iu|ip^

ynir iOiee iLon wicdii. Inrormillan FLiyn;
pTiiinn B|i|i[ErLM*d, PruK fibnii.

Th ImrFlLjE^'B^Li

FIlKl] DMk. Miei LLeEL* idiLI unJEf bVEL-
LiEii; buhiD EiiidtegriiiEiA eyeiiJiiei. D*iLoJI,

LL.i-j't t.1artLjniift HLrEdL. Y

EH fiEDNKY M0*-Ln3OT4r>?<un.lElEf. f^htnirp.
[E|ii, iPcTlu^ lilalip. 1,340 puti fulLl EW-
■■fi'irltrr.''' Dui tJ. FLLnl b)ip-L-i"n. FkL|

^L T EP. aE*;i.

?OE'Et Don liuilnEU — lEulL.ILnj *mL icL]-
liiN iLLultL fiiniLluTB, fLpdil IL.H IPiUT fiiE
flit iniL iP'MEwLLonp. SoinHhLnz nc?. Jiunt.
311. aiPthL FumLiun CputUTr GlEl Isd.
fcrnl N[? Hlniijii. iCFlirp.; ki,

'■flMTr'' LSEEThE ihriTf mkf] mnuy.
INiElnila rP. Tr<as1uBLT"i ^'FLbIE" Rurs Lib,
1303 ELlInLJnn^ I'lEidEnn.. t.'dLLJ.

XF31V. (IfLeLb*], iLltTETHlE PiyluiLy* m*LL
urilpr iiuiJnu'i fur luu. I'rfrrkril. dtw. 411.
nPiiLLtLtLp. VEfV liniLl fipLLll. llEldlL* TrEC.
lEnrhnBrn. Iff REaln FEtlw-L, PiiiEira, IIbiP,

^ll■S To IlflF fi|i| l[uli|. ^U BxpirluTK'n nn~-
ElUpy. (KlP Efh Ittuk "DpLd TEdLIInd'' tdLl
nl1. KofEh Arr.rrfran. IliAniFV, 140:i-?j A Ph-
lEbd Plbck. DLihu*.

Ar.lKFl 1!lp lEOnETE Feoc LlDOkLEt pLyfl
niL1 purtiriiLfl*. wiiLt' CudiT. ^omruv 1T30.t
3!. AiliLkEkl. CLLeiso.

PriPtTfFlt TtiprbLAEk— rrki|iiVU*-^[nidL.
itLidl Laxif EAlni. ItiGO iLLffa SE., LffprLnE*

npLii. ri Liin

RT.H.IIT TtUrilliPbl B[ Imii* ?IbL[* LrpmHp-
dupp pruLlLi 'n'LLbnd. tinvf i.p|n[. -niicrL 'nr*.
ivhliiJ; Li4kltt Epeo JEHElLiknE M- ptLOi.
lOtTl. fit, LiEiril. 1 FL JyniL, hTfia

EARS ns \tr fa; vEtIpIt UT IEup* InHIlhr
muihfounif In. lunr pcLLie de ihcl ILIbi-
EebLeO. UpcLiIei Er?. AipeeLepil IIuiLieemib Ini
af^irLoi. I.hl,, 1 kriiE, flaO. TbiunLu. fkn(. ,

ETAlLT irunrHEf- |!*EiLl-ji tSELiEy' UuiLEiH*
■nJT’P'iiEn. J^rT, eopt cnlcin m*kEL bird--
LlPEhk. TiEElv Elo., ULeLIPUL OIuL^ E.uH dE-
llailA '□urk ficEL NiEIdeiiJ PottETla Can--

pony, MIliiiBiSPlLl. IdJnn.

DUii.b rraJuELi TOurEbir. TiiEod EEdmii'

Ibi. L'Bllbcil ft??t tirinituid

^;iLn'iriL|P'LIL*. _ESL1nn[i. ^

'"Sl^nJiML’J ifuEiElnu." AlLJintr. OMu.
7 ttJ fiKE. (Tdpy. JpLLie pbEiLi, L>*y* Uru.

jBBr, EHilj' lOr

IH^i DEINttiELMlIpM-JbluHiP,

IcELLLluaEb bUEtnEdl FeiuI Sue fur HPF'>
rEfLilBiL LSilrurELini, iJjrhnm. 51-ir MLh

WEw t. Jickipn HtJahEi. Tf. T.

fibirr Tt ini.L1— iikt icUlJiE rmr-
dhiadL^d, pLmiLarr iBTullud. "rllu. LSuum-lur

.fepfiJiltlw. KprLn fHrLJ. IIL.

NEiVL 31 Miiiirr niikInB' plini Lltsnu-
piurlEi ] Sc. InL Eiaatl E Cii] Atp[> ih| nnEiiiMri
yiPrlf iviyi Id m*kb s?My, IOp. L!4j>e-

riP P. JtAl Miin^l'unni;

A ^LGOD.Un'B.hF^ llEforuiiUEE. KLuiL ILfd
jnpLb-iE^-4- EuLlEr iifiAfp'ip ji'o RBaPnpt pkith
Itmn any raupu ref dnlT FAhlL Djcbd. by
dLd HLldLltE EPdiiBiyf. Bu ujuilLm.1 nBiiiini..
iLun miuLniL. Rii|i dEtilli lU mill ■HJ'OUt
CUtL. ur UhdlELlLuiL AMfli BuLCd [iSI ft
13MB R*>. ]3iiliE Re., I^Llthmlf..

IOe URIK'DF. ;r*U PhiLor lUpliLy PPUEe*
l]DEEIi'irJ.'J HiirELiirLilLB mmiur mp.kLiTI UIi[ie<r-
|.unLLLrp. IkrmuLb. IIOBI CEnmiTElL An.,

ncPELpnd. CH.Lo.

^jcp:i> 'Yuvit unjo ea pem uipl FL*?ln
LLieeo Eeh- llbdki. A[*l| sf^r biu-ikDEif;. ^
IhjhIiBb Kiprcrfatud. ILoEim llcnld. 34 Ub^
.pjT . ILfO PiTELifn. Etrvr lark.

U 1 F13.1 I^E— E'lLjVl iphv oiEAI. KBKilknB
EHfllPE JrJn. Tphiii — irLiE. E[p|ni|jyk L'llOl
^ii-bV FiT’hP'niEEL_Bo(E M_;3M._T^3_CMi]p.

ir.tr.rii' ILhiPj iJu>r|p|T~4pra'i1 Lni CULlE^f[>
b?pLw>. Ellll'F LrimEd. n>Lld IIbfEiebJI
Cdr?. ]>T EI. . TfMr It uLLiLLnir. Ry nrui f . IV. T.

AU.lZIf^U EMipIuIolIi, fLi*k /#L-lil|^
flpii, KaiMriiriioF. ilELnEkrouf. buEnpfdur Oa...
LiA Id irbU<L. BuipLcj. dPLlJEl |0iv fOfS-A
bEfLirnd. ]3iiL1imvM Hr. E'b| |P.

pmiliirfL rmn ^iiarLnLiFtri EVirmijldf, twi ?

EOiliwcy nEEdcd. IpmiIi, EEEntl bLftiLlLc etid
uLdir; lli.lBr lipr: rLlE'LUH.: FpLliLi . iiLiLiiri
ULLEdtEr: Det AnEI-ft*A; LpEupI. bOp^IikI
■pftdlLElE*. ±1L ILi^I, Ott llir aOLll llEHHIUitlElJ
IWb* BiinInriBFT pAfE. AILllitE, Clli^llt.
■LlHLi I'. T uii-ui rinpM.

iddEfft ArllAElil mirUlf, I'liEocEij] iieiiT
IllEo^ TP* fppl LiLidn^ ^ hBilirr- DTK-Lnnr. ■SuteI'.
ILtP. li'<lMii|il. hmkmrtv Jlriiri. FhElltdnai.
IIpfiL, iiii-icBiiilhB, nrtEyrtur. fnimbLi moEL
FlBrrri nfiiiEBd mEfLiudi. .imdiLPd iBionffi

3r. JehEi 3. I'lyru Ft> nEaiuL* VM? PtIti,
lAa -tiidELEP. [LdLLr.

LdLTCFKD ITLill }6Ut ?UlE liniilUrEi. IIbLEP-
mLI Lfinn ruiimLf. FOrmuLff. piwebwi.
IniH-EorrdiL AniLyLLpil lErrbEE. (l*L±1y
ftpE-. E. TLiPTLt rjnnanr. rhBibLojLpiL, P. tl

ETE.iDV lEkTOin* uLEh 'ThBEi'i" Of fallMd-
maiiL DBirhiniLlPU TEf>(]|i>f IPfrlpInM.

HLiTt fintLL EnplLlL. ItDObLu CbFp., U*E\dLb
ind. FW*iLiP*V. ItpiSkLjn. Krjr Viffc

|.TAXl,:rACTl'IlR — 3tlL lETBE o? Iteperi
Firii rafEpcLF. cinJLfi. iuiei. nETrsUfi, eie.
Feo* LdDlLEt Truuip L*Luri.1iirkn., innj
Wailpn HL.. CLl JrBKg

.tM.hTRTTl CpPErAiiLiEi : ftpl| PPOftC.

JTrllB tLiiillli'f stBrifn*. L’PVLLBL. Wcniicbcb.
1^1 ^h

ftET.r. Itv iiinll. DEMkl. ndlcLllEJ, LiPi
nlniL l.pirdp liEdriEl. Fl.rLLEul*r|. Eri*, ij,
IUEEA Hj K. TLTBrLiiirn. I' LiLriBn.

lElltFDHR. IljCiJLiExpil bL hipmE. L^cfli nEBE

n pi-iiix par nium fo>ir: idu EhJEftd 30 echIj.

lYoElldiito I'uilnEn pLuJne' LLhp bbif Lmiij
Oprn-pET buLcparLi, hnnnipri. tl'klEPP'En,
pEiiLBH, rfu liiiLLLLi furnLilicd. IkEEiUi Epep.
[<prlnkrE. niLfr. 13T. LtfiTLon, lad.

ilT.dlLT LILLLb bUiLMII inyAbhi. F-.#bT-
ELiELiE fbblilribEiL. lP~D EuirBpilnB. fliyvEHlJi.

FlTni.iLnij-. ^Lfi f Vd.rh.

T.l'nor.F3.^T.R nirruLdtr JH.nH drElEfEi
10c. HEllCr TlLUdlllE IsrpEniilLdn. Uu|*A

CparPinT. tfiTELidin. 3d*njrhiM[Ep.

l'nr:i3 IL^ukLcL dEirrLbdi R7 jiLuni tar
naliLnir fib-tl*ii irrElilE 111 iHinr ur
■lUliHif ur joor non. DLLe* Cd... 3E9 QEind
Fe.. fsEir TppLe.

niEllIC.^L FipprE wUL EurnEih ErvmnLu
and PEi-nd. All ]lnif. E.hLi tfa*,

lA'. In LAimmLnci. Fh. D., SSA UuriLUd Arh.


ji uC^'^EJrTplKEftoyr'yOiRFTiBlTTnll-
ILOn kPiLoLpi, lOo. JatannljaniL .IffEur,



Th? <s1lHtbn buiincf!. Cnil In-
Ciu^-r. I|i||rh r?Vjtl. ]Dl<tMllb( Uoc^ltl,
"KIcLm^l CDllCHlni!'' Fm*. CnH^t-

iarj -hiin., E.iint JHj.. (HiM.

4:E[^[)TF:P^: bflt. fhtJKIti

irt4 Fnrmi. l-AikDJbL Chulit Ca.,

ten. Uel.

ori.BjTp; L=hiln if nndlnE iDd uniH-
unnK iniu'lilnEf. Jt InJt-Hiiilsnt for IbFE-.
eiil4 UMlIp LLe. P, LVSf

liaic a intn HiyhtJlcr- PJ. T.

ARTIFICIAL IficblE iinltEiT liHrirWr
■niCri|[(im? H'Tulaf wcdd ar ?rAun. 4)mr-
InE li Eriih [htck, ilt mf?iiL Inw

±uEi. Oi^minti] niElnEp (Mnccdi* plinth'
pipkr'j&u^K dHPriiluni. r*i4?i TET^Il?^^
EUEuEr?-, tlfrlUa BdEdi. ptrilcuELri ud L1-
luMntltiu ff*t Chrii. HihliF. ElnnaC.

n. a ■

SFaIlR Tmit ivirn pnxlBrti. Employ i^tnu

Jraritir. TiLlai lOic. rjrtfirtk

?f Furplih tncTEhlPE. Tttukbl* Ikti'ik

M*LlAnil 1‘rlrnLI'flE L<l}tiri1ailt?. ItiO TV,

bropil. [tltlimaiJ. T?. _

lu.MP RBAFIT U.hjnr IPrmulFk fpl-
ItajnE ima m*nj aLhm: jtMliJtrtJU ud
Etml-il, HE:|ru]|.|irt'. ll IPTF iDd EllllEtIBli
KTLIH'I IUUrLi.l|p tHv4r>Eto, rrni'Pt]. Jiun.
niHlEI. awLllEtJ, bltlEhlPEr KPAIFLlb4', col-
4ln( iTiFtllp. dfElPF EFIJI. hPIE tmEfUEBt
?f npKili, bpulmld fnnnijIJF. I? mn.
FnvfEvtLantTT. EhArrlnE fust, ItpEiliri tanrk.
-'^LKTnInitlnE ectidLu, iDbElEinli, ptLnu,

itmEilirf^ phnL?mc1ir. oondlmHil]-. eippIpe
rEFTDUlij, rulilii-r, iDip. rinjlni. iPiilrrlrvE.
Enlirt ^E^p■.TLl]D[u, ptiftEME, mEtrprpptlnj,
fil-Birfiinrj. wrill'PE mitEfItll. JUdE WFlU
fpr '‘‘Brlintl.flr dmErlpjn EnrinlPiKElLi. oE

rpITPllUE." IThtU [WULUIJI himli jnil b6fVk

IS. -In lod iMdtil EturEifi. lAipiiliT 3 Eem.
rhmlni T'r'IF. REOED dOt. lOP E. DBUEIP
ai.p inhhippp III.


CHE3EIPj1Li CiuHiil biElm. iii.lyLlr^l Ffn--
kr. FEdTTVDll] E^LLtitd. I'raEfMH dEnlpnEd.

|4nbmL1 'nur pepLIaib, C. TlmL Cthj ^'i<h-
LneliHi. T>. C.

TIA'VD'BFMi; F? rlKPilEil <EPtrlmEav1?n,
TTininrE^d. of OEPEtlllltPlP. llllllErtkil. SO:,
EEHhldE or EEiiErLmpnf I. |4:it-:i* r0v#ri1-

1F*I W(k|rj|w rpLllPEUt 14 f. Lcufit prjECI.

i^HIPEPl lUtiljMp.JkPnt^

i^harEEUti Ln FlfUFEO^ Flee nluiblo
tEPH-. EkulE-LllE. Wljl nt lTHB|rvE pi I &TEHi-

Ifmi. Ip'lruEtlpni Enr drUllAE ^yfufipIE e?
bEccmo Edplil ?lEli npuTM. CEhppIeIp. ieE-
l]lll|lllrl(y ILlbir. JUlE RTlED t pEb.1dE JpF
' 'IfibOEErUEE IB I'PT PO^In-in tl.OP

Ukd bF^dijjri, I'EDvIir ^Ee^ibIoi Prefci, Eemio
:PD IL OmlAtJn P4,. CiiLoixo. til.

SlAKK Et ywiTHrir — ppvt ivrafllF^uILh ??ir-

AlUE^il Enrmpipp; llMUllJ lOldEE. plLrllP kiEll.
n', TI.OU 111. Full SndEbUi^EjpAn. .I^uyrr
jOp_<^IOllT PyPVIF^ Ann A rlHr Ml r h,

TEJi^KI^ Fui^uIdi, KE^HdL — R^T^nEPfMi
CeLiIc;.'' fnr. ErEtPltE-Jd LiEKOIEETiJ, KiI-
iLTlIlvIir o. ]IL

]. li|U III Pnldff. pl?|!|f l?ElhrE
EP1J, l.lliur xilTTOpi: Pill IrU EOCBlUlU. All

F'lr HU VupLet. d? Ltdik, EJEUEItd''Pitl,


LaL'OE[ At drnptiilin. — rfEI jpnr
own p?d?iU— TVTBfii l^r? put* Eor-

Uvli, F?iii| rFnm|i. FlEoiiyp-ThecnuF Vi'crki,
PFnrli . II ILimIi.

TllAyiiV rcOUTIlAI pKldlKP iietFocI. IO*d'
oolt All llnF^ d'oi-nloE rne. n. TjheIp'

JJ. d"

mjARu'LNTl^Rn: FoTTTiwlHi— mat ? trrill?

?AuLj.-aIa l'i|j|?f TPl-C. R|(#P-lNfc: .31}

dPnt* tr* liuppjvjiil dXil r*fiiiu]i—

PEETjlt ti^iiilnjc Jnrilulrlij FndElLuLi, a-3,

t*J OniTE Plrtcl. Unit

'Blit' H.trriEKj7 KIU-ilIi^ rrraiTi FonTIUlR:.
PiaLplD 2 "it tuIhl Linkp. Jeoe., I&M E. gov
fll.. ^rrEillld. O.

F&Jt^[L L.S H, FuaIhpii iiliini. rptEmLlyti
IKo-FlUtM Fred. llPldwrl. 1J]3 K. Kpakr^

n.iim FWIE^[[:[..\B— imlurfrhl Fi-id:;. n±-
rlbP. nr[X?ldOI, rulld, ln.ro IFOrEtl^ *u:l n|-
OUldtlEttn F.;r ill hlPUd OF tr*:1iF frFd Uud]'
billEp. llT. EFdFP'l Emil Df [OftEdld— 'Ife*
m?._ Seed tdiFimld fo* imp, Oi-ihit
Fujdllbinf <5*.. JT UodO Rl? bEpL SI, K'fw

ipp FORldT'LAft AP.J ttd llliiiErptEd <1L-
ilDt 2^. I dojI ItE^h ill ii ip. [kriE I LLjp^, 111

FOIlSifLir.Aa. A1I hlmh d'ijrjnEftil. 'Clt-
Uev Etn. rhpiilIrT]. 3]. FdFkrlda?. JLI.

M CFE.EE T\ lEh jo'ir nn-p -nreJUrt*. TlakE-r

Eoll 1bom fPUMOir. FoeiiiuIli. pEUfElUl,

(rr w, Jj. TFurlP Combinf. ^I'ldFll PflEdP. ,D. C.

ILUP aGlFPLl.' FbnnulIlL *3P|h aPPhi?EdiF7
□ ITet. liidKrldk Ew ippiLilLlii unrlli

IIF.W, Vtlbil.iLl' iFlIlu gyikiiid. iLI Ftee!

Hldllip. htdliiji tmiiLni; iiFTitM JIIIIfj. OlhEm-

LiL. tTlIt-Kl', Tiimi_ nprljL

ai.^r^lL VOlidr Pmi pniLj^l^ n~:innln^- fcrFfi^

jniinrIF. Tblirl' lE^lElct. epi.t, piEidEii. W*

fumlllt FTEEYElllnR. Vdluilllp liook ^"10.
MutL?li*l PrlrnLMIr LaPPELlOElHu ITHI/Tf

TinnJ- RjEhmflPd._Ti.

Id. MM SICP.'ltlV-irAKiNU FptebpIii. TfHb
TUB hPVf 10 mikE- IBd ltl| pYlAinL ATFcrElllnL
undiE' Phi Iim; wnrlkP. ■?oLllEE'. intl'
IPOEH- FoEullpni, bLlkcT Hdutkni. b*ptf-

■ pH. ElUEijl, khAdYliyy I urt>. rlrun|a[ PCFTI"

meJuix, TiiniiF, hntr pivniri.1lopi. IeAj.
*lNlnp. lEdthE-r nlldlb. mlEEpri. ^tluinda,
pdllAUI, IJbdhTlkFr tlllllllAd, ripf^m niDETi
>?idlilnR Don-um. UquIJ i[>ip. inil bundtEdi
or EAhor pnlltibl* irilokb. atiiiJ mp Jihihv-

lUlt Wrh* d '^r '''TTFnldo-'i HEK

Lury Jtiilk nf Formiilii.''' E'lr TtiEmin ■p*aE-
I.EF jnd SI. PbpMldF lEEldblBlPi PTEIk 2dD
t. DnlPFld Be., Jtfnm AU?. lAikifi


ETR.AFCIE EnvtPEEotL Flliltd bp ?rELun
tannin. CliLd B1?>1|III 334 Lb 33^1 Tfj-
e1L?t BOHT liflpfl IblLtriEi] i|d. dliidLlHIt

I]iii||1f 1b|l Mil I.TOVTIlJ HI EIPRP

llUTTOrd. Fbr niEMPlL UI hldnuE*tLUFFd Odd.
I'llETiNhld lull hiLlcv IK^vr In llin^ Bijr
l-lniF. rrrrspslj. ddicnlorEnr ur oopklni wfn’
dtlp.; PEOtfEEl HlPMd llmi UltErtil.H AF ljl|Ujlll
IHJ i.Fi.ln^ ilmFlr, Jlnmf'. iniirtmtnt hCf].>Od.
rFiddiinni'i ujnt Ihoip. bur pn iLzhL h[EO
ntodr^q Pi. Id l>rln? Ihli bipuIpI Innn-

L|.-n La IhF h JD-HurdElM d. E^blUrnEF. [tp
mnnol ItlElD. >'P rpHlHUHrd. Fdi-nlnpi

up Eu jq III fT in llliur. WEltb oubh. Eedti-
-PIT AtclItTinfF liL3 Vu liUEEIi, DeLiL A-23,


TIIF Illoltl ETJbbtF, "IEPLIilt. ■iilin,
hEoli nn dhKi, liikti, EobfaciB. tin dIU Ib-
lii r IpEvi, I Ini, UuLmir tCiilMF, EPit ludh.-
tniE. S'* EjJIl. fluinnELTd nglUL .^]c.
ITondPE riniliirtF tomhuv, iiSu AnLid,

I,.#* Anjol oi. t.1ia[J.

DllLrLbUblM. S'F^f nS5
pooMt iproliFli Faf fiicauL's Binl diom. Sldd.dd
jinCL d snnLh tBpy. Mlln ?f IlilPllPF. 'SViiii-
(krFlII FFpOLltF. SVrlEA 1n-ApT Frr rrloci uid
iltiOFipIliill. .I.lwil Miff. CVp.^li^nd, e:._v._

3E.1KE BJg idAiii-ji ^ifnH mEiTtiblb'nEW

Jd'AP TFT 'hirTFUiE rtEillSni; (Pr uuLj

SLUM. ShfiFyoni dliy InuwFr In |j\i* mlnutEi.
iii/Hl Jt.-td indiT for iBinpJF and AnmLy
lEFlVt. 1 'PEElOKHlttOIL Ilpyil Tpwn JlpiKF
jiliBEiiEWP. mil E, T?n Mile Itugd, HpytJ

thii. ^1 lfliicp.Ti.

nEin..iTB Jlrodd.T wotn.pir liiili MiLiiriLi,
EFtlETlOri. IPPHU, F^m, Til- , ll^th PDE* Ilk
ipr, IT. trail- FlnEp pEdlsIi. B-E, K ?iBi;ai hrtii*,
!‘oU'rit1lon Euarankpil. Apreiiit u-pnlEd.
^jpE. .t. E.'-Kjn-iailp OOropuSTH FhlladPl-

SITIV Tdrifoilnn. AEtdohrriFBl fpF Alra^rln
liuiih iirrfBCHi 3 m>zi<. ji|i|n-i.ii ip tL-omffK
23 f tTiBFi iiiiinE, IVmin iJEt. Cb., IlnHik-

|^i,_rh+ix 1 nr^.

'npriiliCE- il IdErlliiirm-b — ^RErdi

rlEOnlPE up. A'dlh laiL ii-Jlir. EtPlPt npoil .
OT. IttjE |ini|ii|.||1iii J.PirFP! Tifb-id. Sinroj
]''jiiilurti. .U I :i- F ]3 m?j|pp. Ch IriKu,

NT'LrsTllH !^Ef!pI r^LiblHE fU:E|i lirlpht’’
rnf 1.IE [TIEldLl llllEailiry aaeI KbIuiIEP tUEH]-
1B? PhlLh W.ITIT. p-ILfllB* rUFIIlLlirn ]|ko
Aa;;lA: BPl.lEBtlblO 2.lA IdltdCi: OnOETMUl

pntfilt. IlIPplPi frrD, SiiEE D. .MEfi., Uiiifli
Flly, J.

".'fiKli .lE boiii^, iqitr hiBFSRidrk; jnij.
w?U. a iiii-L*. ]jni TTp. aroriQpn, SFi'i,

S'O riiivnEi.ln.I hrao p[apa,IeIiem, T"iiTt1t-
■ lllf. InItEOIllBt WmA F.rr younFlf. UcClid,
MW Cli hi lrn. 1 liiilFnril. Cpnn.

AU-EMTEI: ^Fihr Crilft pepMe. ftiHinpE

FB|id.llFr.. PDIIeMf thu^'l, nnlSlB. tPTlIO III-
tllTF, IDEtil K>tl.fll|Y1[ EfoEh, inoi |-l-JiarPF.
FEF. iiiiir r.imF ?B liiMelF. Pm tunplF.
SinndPEd ChPitlrt] OsrapBny, Dpjd. E-3.
iiUEaa. filidp

MILV 1.Vi.iilfil 1* dlPtrlbuEF rptl nmitliAd nr
^pd, firn -Iiniatri, EiEtdtn In hourEwJni.
Lb Ip St.0 unkij,'. Kn tncmiliiiEnt. E:L:?rri-
fnrp unEFCtt-iidty. FErnonont. Ihiiiimi.iiit-
iHjF aon nErndlltE** In Ef Ealll IfOlFd mUlOi BLTI
ICfl 1 . It li lT. ]JppE. T>- S, 1. 1 n r 1

MTl'STKnY ntal— Nnr, lip-rmlfii olkiiilril
llquIiL ainip^ jItf || pIe pmL ]51

mBEPF SEflE. tail-'L mar ei|t TliPBilTkl Uipi.
liBmnH f1.dll, Ti ?m1Lh, ISU urBilnTEr
Ttnill nH-. l’_ECnr ,

S'RTli" J.nii- prlnil bEHiMhnld. ILeid.

VnECf, ESI nirrJim, Fbk^p,


3dbb IlfM di 1lBh|nr— J fIcMi
HE ILndl uF KI.I. hfE+IJ] tic. IMlEI SAU
tJ. IIP dm.: IM.bU snidA ainApId |Ma. Rqutn
llEdI MEp;. LiP., link. r3ll,.-J, JlEldEiyrll. Fl.

TrUliridEPAl hmmldkn oEeIII: U*jll',
Si. HpIIi F%ir fil*. )^|| rflllE fflPEi^. PliE
spllir. Lott, S IVilt ItFMdwjyi DepT,
"Ark-. ^

Itlll lli-iPcyT^liiK ibiliiir Ufj, uniScriii^T!.
arrid4iF hoilnr, iiltuuiLi, tm-FfiLliM 'DiBld..
untbir rluyiulll. illE CUiiei EEE4. brinmnl

JFipt.J!,,_inJ2F.2fl.LltiyAn An.. LTitoid^

Ik'EbUEr Bii^l LIHP. 47 pia1l|L|*nqry
JeLTEPEIeCU. ]]i'u*ii. calOf]. bug- IIWlinElF.

AEuiii.; rlnnlnff up |PD vpcMljr. IAilMi Im,

KrtslEP Jltg., ]to i H:iS. aUtei]. UHIel

1'UUFIT HFlIIni nmr ''kU-bi-]''
hiLillEiB UEnnpLl. ]Lttl.LII S^±. Full vatb
S 1.0(1 P llEtEEP. Rimp.1i !|dn (JliTr UnIhKi

Cd., D pak PSE^r-a. Ikri afa nL P d.

I'LJfJfV >RaB, iny aiiF': SPB.tiTnLihi.blp
ulHibiTT ilHB liMtn. linMlt.1

‘irn'kLnE cqalpiupiiL. tiimnl*i, llEfOfJ. fintl-
Inff oEEpt. AUhi idlEn Wutki, Tbil llaknil,


dOD.aoo whEOEii]! ]>Ihflhtf

liw h^td JL.W, 3UU— i;!r. Aril.

EIK iDlir an-iL IkimT I'M fl-iri inu V-J[ll d
K|;ul±r kwHIt mule lUH-lylni fiinmn

prOdUEU Ip ILhiIy rBPlOCJliEI. S*
FBIiELi) <x rinrrknri HEOCiL HuULPi juj
$* i .3t TEOklf up. tVrlLi Alhirt SUIfa. DPULi

iEpr.. SiI4 M nninau th. ClBo lFwiFd, n

S.A3EE E'tiEui, iiiiiiilii.'r p-liloi. 1 1 jia otc. .
biBd Rdfri.r>-d. ioillj cold vlIcIi [un pibdi,
Tinfll Ptap IVInlliTHip, \riFi;

t^lUF-AFlVJT, hPUlPluiS pmsifclg.
yoE>a proliL. tp;>iiL iqtfd. ppin iprEip.Fj'.

^inlns MIIID FlKHA^hVay Cn.F

JkEnt . L I - VFm wi. 13.

IM^AtTJ 'll] HjOLhl inJ lAiFfli. mHlIi rofiLT
Fn,'Mj] biEI, ■i.iEdpli Ipr. iY. lbc*d CPUBifiT-

dil FiPku iy, 'MBnroDfl. X. J-

PbLLD LLk* hnl CikEd. tPlf n^Dtl, iiEw
jEonilry nHD FllkPi, pirFunm dn|1i|i|i |dpt-
InElr Thin widilcu, c^aTtfiEH ta lunJii,
PUL a uiuiL IjlipTItort Ed. L i,TflbpiHk. If. V.
EiP IIOridJ-iErOl.ll ItrsL 3c; TGI oilii'iE [fc-

D'c ni't KMETI; SI ■■■nrLnl HOIPIB* iTEtltl
nIuF I^D4) *dn(. nmlpild. In. Unitrf 1lci.idd
ciu- S3 ihit gpu EiB buy ±nd nlJ 4i4 'SdU'4-
llMli piPIlE. KupirUnr 3EF*. Do-.. IGl-il W.

SkA, \fw Y nr k.

SLIKI] ^hH ioIj Tpizr owB aphIi- >-pp*ri.
.Flll.Bjig. lf9l] him. M2 JAln TrPFTjfTKF. PlS .
Lsliri bllEUd. dk nm iiqnk ftet. II. IlypLU;

COBipinr, -.^lAmF crd. Caim i.

]t(7.K.BTRlP E'runn. W>P PittflBLliinTTl^
oMkhL fMhTd. EcmJy lndilTr. TrEmindcui

TtpOkliF. EliliiL hPn TftkU pdOkird. Cit|in

Oriii iiliiLlnn. L IU L liiAilh.. *1tTi?di. (idHt.

ETEig'! ^ IeP>ci. 1 r iiaijf ft, liofiin Rid iiElli —
TWI mpie iLr, Ifti Qj[j

Aarit p n, * C iaiial lla Et. O ilPiin,

^r.^KF: .4rj pprinff wounil rlirt nlwlrlo
nl-ABln Fkpy Ijiilgjlitdai i?n u r? pLIieh.
■iiPkb ■iinpf. TbIdI uomEdBy, &&13 S, ab4i-
I pnj. A Pu , r ihlrija.

[ jrt.ETlY iFnrn mEA ba iniEf Tfdi miyMy
aaIMaii l^urhim wjiitB. wir. inuld ilrtput
bxiri. EJ^ik ?ni|Q[ BME-hLiaii, kutiaibp
I jPOrd. LlrdlA In'lir. DurliEm ^n^'PIHF. 3

Sth t ri at., l )At ^roinii,

nnvBF ni|j iinidEi. jn Pisr Eif4.-in|l|ni
rOllKu Iirnn^n; IflEkOri. Rinil ]0n rpF
■iiMiiiFi, DLsIrlol SlAiiilty Cn.F TID-R Iddli
SI.. (YBihingEuL D,

JfAUEC.' Cptanp EV|ii.nlnr Ebr bPLilor] milt.
Earn bdK mnnrr. kiniiidA S.lr. Ato* Ilaelp
jMiilIntnri. SEijIa apEJiJidor. lEthiR^n
uiIt*. Enil.

171 ;=TlL|ULTCHtt.-13l|ldll3| omiUklBI llP-
nfn t-filTI. S|.|T rnir.pTlElE.lp MpniilLy, Iv*.
■dph hiiy on pidhi:. HoniuLlnniF rwor.lA Sp
ininprtlllon. Te4iJki±, [Pfpg im.ii, ipj rnEb

Alq.. Sl-it T mIE.

TTn nir.; nr FrMlpn. 'WIiel luhoi it llalw*
S* pLpG pib bloM It nnk. ilEfilli uDo. Dim-
nld dnil ilirr iirii? Eic. Saw sr?(linil Coi..
npsE r^E-a^Drdjrprii, Pi.

S’RW. liToflEalili — -dill lolD- ilED miLj.
UTiUly ruhliiir n-oh nwiMri nilAF tanilitiij
P'hlEt T>*tl| ll. FEEC. FbEOlEA PllHllirt|? IdipL

Q-dii. i q-.i Main, Jllh in, Olikh

1‘alM TPP bullirnii., IruEOflL. Hm

.?lnplilJ_pj^lay_A lUrrH ^E mont pn BiJi 1 1 .t.

AdRSTH T^lhlnn mnnfT, ip[1tTlnE' lUlB-
[PDhllf. liiLilili, ThET Ep llhd fall eeEfi, Trn
"piTlfnEn. FFCS UniDlA '"]Ep|rn." lOEL
iTidhlnflEEQ. Fi i ilrn.

C17T IEa niiE, ]’U mile giu tij Uiiiing,
ppIlibJn# rlnih, inr’rndoui' Mlln.
”-H?krME ilpninn^l rp^Mnn. FYH ±iafcd^
Wrllfl Llrlilr, I1ST Tjlfiity, FEwicif. Kiri

2 QA


^fKTAl.I.IO LI 111 I 4 : Vnhtfra. rnuln^ mrt-
■ I. vend. EiJM. WL1IHU[ h?Kl. K?lll
CM[i dd. flimplic fFM. rp<Ler?, lulTPU

Jhn;JnJ_PprK. I'lnrPHU^

^itOd^UIJ^ LK- Lt'Tljj AiiixEjild, yi7laiiiilil fu
HdlltdT HCHKOT. L'FmlUrrj. rCTDlTlnE IDl'
nns^ llrliL -D-ILIC,

Nnrlqq'n. Uhlp.

IV Ji hlJTt VUU TTlIloijt # UUllPr.
tiENKi. ntThcui. taEkL Eccili. liipdrltnip
linnVFRltlTT. I^lll.


WILULJi^+tiK CTilw’ dkrSTqri-; md
pdgti. Ftfii ±Li<uLir. ICijuuil, DbudJ-

j?arj >!rw VqA .

?UBIi3 FIrt qu|r^ p^Mvr! Wrais — pcit tmL
njFpcjEO. l^Jun <nrv vcoiib wume. lid
dll l■■H5', irLpitOi Fp^Icct I‘. ?:itt I'lTOi
Loi A[vhI?i .

Ilwe tqni rri>l47ir! KmDiav iRrnli
■nunrjr. TaLlel LrlIdJH. uir-. tiinjL-li.

iWiil'Il ?■-nrj'llilRI- VBiuili|.( h^h Jiwt.
N-iflDiul -^cJtTillii); Liiidriidrhd. Ififi'L'

'Hcm .J. Itl^-liinfidJ, Ve.

"sn'AllKLi: E'DllEh" lEpfUf : nEnllli nin;.
lalniilD fnDL J. ECunp, IlD-ld' UL'lniiuljlLd,


^VIUi juur pu.ti iir^iKLi. M±ku-
irlL thrrs TmT^'ir. Furmubf. Tr?T?n*'.
EEpJaiKrKi. AnLlyLlfil lEtTbrt. rid;ili^
Ete^i Ti. 'rtmlf i'~Miiii jnj, ^'Mih.ltijiiiii, P. C!.

HTAltr IdiJE hlptAL Feh mluibk iat-
mulE IndurmilLan r?r miklnE dsif id1llnn
ipK'JPllJdl' All Hail, 3DV-Isd^ IIIPrE' pEDllE.
Hra BT PdrariLnintill! — Ji|9lnE?!i (ft*nrtiin5-
ElEV — >'^?mu]u cutirdTj. AlJU±p, -L'hcnijit,.

LTDtA ]>. TiUiil. Fla-hli. _

^aiL^TH Fv ErLEmllEh; ]>UiiildniL hdniN
ddiji. A|i|imir4 Oii^l llpup'lifEPlnir. K'fry-
ludr 1 tuardiHr. Find if ifHEunliy. Finiplp
f^*E^ Mar IVjdurlEM J-tnJ .ia. 'Trni. Llil-


TUI^ i^rf 'lan'tad In rEfllLfr iDLr'rDri id
hllliv. rndliUlE- iHMiiMb iiliElnl! l-uIii|ipFLi,
Ealibvird. irit hVrlEa i&rlnkle. rialEE. ]l!l.

^■rlHh Ini

I'OFjkmF ]^l IlKInj rliriha JfiiipTH: 1icn|,>l^
finiTI ah inEtilF TTLItMt 1IM 4l lllllllU.
rim nr pm/ltr, (5ur it*nLi w I| rallp Ilka

'■h?r TiicL" 1(d<alb IV: nam(la rr?.

Oil* ? Cn? inr. I J# l?Jlnliur?


A^'lE;^T^^; NiamnlnE nainn *n. n'wltEC-i<p
pridEvlicii^ ISiffl^ld i-hdEk rrlili juuf iipiae,
aUUrEM. Edti I^Lliiili Jiip uiiLllEi. i']inlilpiD
Ellddtl, EltHk rnLi. iiuiiir |||J ^^■1 EFitI. JJIl,

iLp , :iiLj liaErJB Ki.. PEiiicliJni. N. V .

LFK^I7]-\K Frjlil bLIrra Far Sl'-TE- w|n|]^:wE.
I^FFlIiT aMni|?di i'rn HiiiDlEf^ JdLiHtEil iirar
14 EttMEil. deehli. MtlilLlr TdCLLir
ilfi-Tt Xiath illTk Pl ilri ni^

FAiFT IFlI] HEIdF- PFel iiiiinli~n"laiil.
flA'uliPi tuEalibiil, ^Kprrp.R-:ri.

^J?ij_E ' PEF'lEI._t’l]IF_.

>;>HV ]jlkmiar>. rlmliri irlllqiit

Tuill'InE. UhlEjU'lM'l IfllEE. (■Ed.lE Ed|lEli[Cf.
b^EBjIJ pridlL !<Eii|ilA Ebii. ililAF

Errlnr Parii fh- lrapti.

~ Fll hl^ ■■ I i?3iifit nf inBnay riiik|?E f'PHF~
liinNlai/' nan- iiiijj.. ?rl?lnjl pIieie. mnnair
h-Jtlnj lECKEJ Jlkl QilME ViJualild EhFuElilid
I hill. _Suhd niiUjEu ehiIiIji nC or airtllll9 i^Mla

FVi^ia. riTiTi fl KL.. rcTfc.

A (j n^FTR — r'^b-iar Inn pnEirail InhipiHD
iHhri ETEI3 pin 1 [HiivlJln p<n. File I'Uac
iirl liTl LI E iiruDL, rbniE.nd Inbraivl^ .Fiary-
nVKFr. Kivluiln- ItEEJttrr oFTcrdd. BimprE-
fFii. II. UiElld CnupE^r. Trlbimf |L1di.,

^4Fq^Tarfc_ T; ^ _

^l.lN ill Eidli Idrtu Ed pjELi bUEd paFij.
ndnvtaiaij liaLhiwim niLiirn. raPnEiii liaili.

iMlrrnri. [tiinilallari: Iit ?■ iDftliol So
HpItlJ 3F Eip4FlCIKf EEpUlFEi PImplE pIlP.
iiF □iBMiiFarturliik bE boRia lEarLi JFi'Ki Ih FjId
iMimFE-niaklnn iiijiinrij. (hEldl lurniihril.
> EEQ ni<]Fi|iLTi ind p>iaDFi. Qun IFeeiI

Aw. H. iitfiEUT. ni.

i^UEJiTM E'fFTThrM miklnE manFF ■tI1o
P iir Ibnp nF hlLrlipn iliErLilLlii. PEniH'Irt-il In
iLI hnnxF. IMf EiErlPEF pniilhk, A'eLie In-
1 I 1 T IVir driilli. r. ^EEd FIIL-Er C?,. S13

ItrdaiFwBT. Via Tdlfe.

Rin Udnrj anil Fbie laki. ilittr .MEir
liii^i Ridil inlMih 'hr hli. inFn V?i| rtiiTj.-i
lE.ii: mikE- tl. 1 . 1 . Teii nrJfri ilillv eeft.
IFtIeb far niFLknlaEj aiiil Frta aLn'ili-i.
AxilrU-ui UiincyiBni OF- i pFpl-

nranan 'V. J

AnEISTfi'-rie^rEunlL? m nik< nKPjtr:
biftb' mililnlna kl mripi^iil liiiilnaii iilam.^
h*mE in dlPris; land Far ■FEte IWFaduriarr'
iHuklEt EIJee Fid.. ?11 arind Fe.. ^EW


RRLCr JFan'i bEtliviaar— wdiiJdrFul uidim-
^llltai. Aidnr M, ■.! * KbhL *1eIi, ?<. T, _

Iab±1i FubDilhil. anit uraGb! TVLLrln
^nd mii'as'-mikml l(rmaLrn.' Fr? <A-
ftr. Thnndii ICLduFidiujlDf Cempany, In'
OlsniDDlli. ]nd.


IV'AMT a UmrEHiInn iirtnhnr ninv nml +
hHUHd iiiaktT Fiir jdBb FuLuFL-r IF. 1 :. .FIei-
4Hbr rama Ld ? ^iltlia?F ?dmii-.|nH 4Kj||nj

kLiiETk-iirL'. Id ll.f ycnin tit pdIU liln

■unif.nun.si in E?l? 1 -|i?l'ini. Twh- nl ihiHV

-n-rEd ikiin-lvilue yfibl. ELli tKII ytiF IIFFICPL
IiLii *iifr tniidi.iii. F.Uln'ri lilu iIuiw bT‘rii
hrlFn'. If ydU Edii traLdl III IIUE rlljsl k‘l
Ul EEll i'fla limf t.f h:i'k TIIiL nr;ir(y jls mll-
liiB eFeiIIbu Id L'^iiiliilillm tu illhrlan E'DF
lElllPE EllE ndlL E-J>rarTo[ and annKE-.iliBL
Jiitlii id iJrlihL-bkEL-kUIISf 1-Uhl.lElEy. [t'i

liIkInE IHm LdibTl laliu In Fnl IhaiEi-n,
AipuL idIIMimi Lliri jiiL-.tii Mul'd In 11 iiaan.
FT't’y nrnhjnt ■ iiEnbriKl' lUdHT ipfi-

llTF rjiir u Mill l| flip fR.nD |lLT IllAOlfa

Lnil Up. -UnETicHuna Ln iJl l-'ull ^ii-

iiii-ipl?PV ?ii rriKualra. If ]iiii fMl y-fiil fU
hUdllFy fdF pFHE^KlI ('TTFlIOE}' Bnil |lll' TEPir
11 WJ 1 (rabi'l i'ipaiMi'4 id b(trL, tiblLt ui Fully
dllDFil JdUEIdIf. inJ Fial TEBIIV lO MdFt pi"r
u.llh mir Fnv pvriiiiiLl LralnldJ yiiil reJ.
hlMdEd FOppEFLl Inn. AhkinUET }'llin Cn.,

lEBiiin :1-R, I'dljiniilii idiiEliiEI. Fld-Sfl'.

IplVN'T lid M liili tiunhEE — iLiii ruur uirn
buyluEl qn. qiif ra|iiiBl| nil liaril-EJiiirns, nil-
Iik'-diri'. ilapyi yEW dTP Imsi; liuiidETd]
Bharakn Ili'IUU aiiiiuji lulll yiar ulLET yyiFF
WE luppLy ilcci-i. ri|uliiinH-.| an nadtlj ii.imt

1J4 hutiid IIEI-Vbltui, IdlllUZ dllMElEEirE ?&-'

BtFEy5i.n'; v-vinilarFil aiiDaiivnlli ha nun
plEm^lME, ttHdlEdhk, lIlrnLllEj bUdlHId UukEJ
ijT Set. will. nnu u'Q?|i|-'A'l4t In/hmlryj r^Ja
E<}liipIdD Iblldrinil Idd ueIEl HuUIeIiEII -Uk-L

I^k.|ib, ll-U-l'rll. 111

iihi.iiiiir.iiEnntR }\ir t>aik .Edp ki? lup'
pljrp. EipiUlHu flElPET EITIlE. ElE. l>>u.b'4L
liFltli, l^urE yiiiir drVii IWililci/. ZeIiIlIi,
3i;i;j tiFTlJlIt 'iTtfUM KIL' IlllTniEippIld'


d.RF..L ?-PbiiL4 huLLi Ih'.nu. I'lbitlp iFEOl
— in cayiPl. Flnwl ■n-arkinanihlii. Ma'hrd
hy S-'b.uH ami rjUlM- llHlJ. PaFlME Sl-|IID[
FIEM dul. PiSijiir" ikyhlp piiEaih"i Frnr. Ar-
biial tbaili Furnlihdi]. M"nui cubirit buIe.
Ill' III lain. TirtUig HlU liEiiailn a>'i Ut|iL. lUilIg

> Eyy TE^.

Li(l You uppF Icb iHrttET iniir llmiiriBF a#n-
llllhin* If J4d KFlEd In fdl ?ur ElF'.'UlJE L'l'
lijjinina qiiT iiIeei fnr mm siiiL uinau'ii. .bii
Hay ubd iaaPFE'I liny For ypu In puEynd
lak-i aXiiFrlii-iiru HiiUlbL-i Pyriai hi Hak-b

I'a. 3l? W Pifth .iv. HJai-y, ]?1

KHih' ~l'aiEiit?<l laF-r aifEUP bab'ih EaklriE
rqii||lfy ibiiriK fllnii illaronjl IibtIkt

itmta dutauFIfilly. iVvI-ptwI. rrlPfliilE
rbtljbL'Iy JlCumiil !<l' 1I;4 dd ll^ilH. FaM lirirCdL
KtTti7 man lb=t prniiiiTi, ‘TVYinrn'^iiii PEaHti.
ItliPEnib^ Deue. la-dik, Idn 1V. IVaihlngien.


TEF-FIl'R.yNIIH liuyLiiiJ tiJtri aSEcItrAliFly ilr.
pSEnrl hqpElPKia and htiiipr ririK Drlnlkd
LFTi rnliiK fl.dii IhMiijBd. Find rolrr 1 1.11.
Lnllitr f-aEf fiar. 'lYvi aElllnu Mus. lilt
iFtindia. OhpUL Fel'E. F'lilidpd liujliiL-ai CielI^

bipE, 3t,_fllni^i_ilb H 1^11 Inn I'hlci^n^ *

R.miY ^EiBiay .jubEk IFHM iHiscIriri nr
bloLkr HEila _n'lili txiuLL'FdJ hiJ did*. IF. 14.
Llniiiii liiJiin .lUr adiBiirlkl. E.*'?|4 biiiI iiuMIL
Feee Tnl'^rv-il. iiui-ii Jirkpnn. iTtl niHi].

blAlibibb^FFM: flTn- mT lial frra 4fll.

nnltEd pmAi inn^. snn nilLr i!UvbdiiFtril

Ilr# liLliiMp, F'liuiihni lliip |ai|| i^|l|r.[ lyla

PEafPiIbbt. I^nlloFMb. iniM JJ ^^^nlfirtlk

riii fapm

Uin llFAry aHUlli; ihJtEi. Ilrd,. UtlJrF-
iTEBr. ilrwiPlj lia-ilPFr. nIrmaF., nir.?ral1p,
pipbi. unlCbrmp. pluaDlb. JIIe ?dlR1 ‘ItEtl
NlhiriHl Cld., IhdliE. U1, 4BJ1.3e Ljilhjili .bTE.,

.Chbipi., ^

flA FiFF^^FRU — l>I^Tlbuliirii nrm- iiriKliirL
dirctl ypu up Id iPt^ piallE. iRdIFl F? HjEF-

rhanli In iHtTirElha niiliiFiT dl-nhiv rpEliiiii,

FlunlldEnllil 4(lil]i an roiiunl. Uilcfl yiin>

BcrT. Hill. 3 1 r StPF|i d hF. 3 i . F.

IFIFI^ PrIdPIT Piir ilEhM dUi ..uiL— .Hall
PEvy pilEPlcd i>inE ppd iHIeT hiiinn. b^'iiL
luEiidiEf. KdlllplEl md iHit-ElrUidrl. 1Trl|a

KE-lFcrth llnnufifl'nrbPi! I^n.i IhxN'hril. I IF.

TiIURCT SilEimEfi: VVy liirE- liEph ari'b

ElEni-il'nE riTjia; lanldhEnn iriiin; ihqTlnE
tbdjni; [>rrFplHEln JphkunnE: eIiiye Bn! kit.
■-aiipra iBinpl? Far III: I'n.Iiilil. lltP'IrFian

n-Eif. F'r.vi'.. 'TdhnpEDirn. Pa.

AJF.bVUS-Q piLP plfEn HETIInn ?p Id-
|J1.4li irEdkly. LiLfa lEliJ ilJlahlil lEy paiiFn--
llnfl Bb yn-il. 'Nnl Fniilianrr. Jlmrlll]. UP ta
llddp. Mdn.tEt4Jbl[> Uhl rarMnElbt aely
kd-.uli. Tiu Lri'ii ky. Ml. TlLiTirUialr. axia 1
In Hi. mviPDK'Li. AinErIran AjJ. liypL Q-l,
PajEh ItmA TniLlani

P.lI.KRHUY-iniiTRIFlTTOFiS. Sair idle
ElPd lllidh: CUaEdPEHlI |I|,L4II IiiIIti. |Ea-
nilEI lilimnutl PETrijnfnllT. KeIIP niriEEl.
eud lEillani. FIfe- ilinnE. FilE-jurn'i pmllE
|IIQ?S fn Ea nilA^ 10- ijul'dl. 'Gl.ka 1E1L-
EP. EirliEiLrE lErrUlary. I^noTT ILuhnaT.

TutIIip rilF. Ilaylnrl,, IHiEd.

PKNSV Hiah. inv ilw^ ^pn-limldlulsl*
T'laJw ilfD hELcn. SldFI'l iifuIIeI FrEC-
viuEhliiK a^dLiiidniE. bluiiiiiLai. iLci'uril Ijrcak-

liu aiFfr. AUid Mrp blarhix TUIt IlaliilFHi,

i^l I

Fl'iIJAIE'I.MI JauriM— Ndd' laiM lIiTlIla
ilii|i'rh'B. - 1 .liiiihiErly lupal. il'iHicy Elbur
acdMEF q-illln?. I]?j..H'FfOd.td nKhiy.

KA-K. in IP HjvVtti^aud. Ilhbyaaii

ItK^r'lBLKI KalJm and indncyindkern. Flal-
Jfin-nij wina iirkFH. wri anil PtrErrr usim
inuEii. ac riEiily reJuai'L tPbEHi hLpli hiih

AnTnijj. iJliFHliilFn^ aarly: Thiu

iJand_I.Vi.. IkEpt. ill^iian .^anEjicd, -L^ILF;

aiin'ii l‘m'MF. n'rw MP> dxllln?

ftJlfecdLcci' n|iri'lyL|-l|[ti. Kn InrriiCiiii'nL T^iiUlbuil.
^ i.TTE-l JIFe. Up.. ISrPJij'AJV. J^ew Vnrh.

TAiUIRLSU ISllElinm- Ikll UlaiHl
llllFi Jll.llG, tIFFI IMIiEI rPbd. riibu hiiilE.
IklAixa puild ^l^l'^T. f? uam'i AhiahiFaiy

PSUanjiLEL'rL Fani bad lu> fciLUF vii im 1 #r.
KiniE'la lutF (11 iiEaihirarj. Alirfflaiii ariMlt
rn?. l>r|iE. Ibl, yii|;Riid, UL 2 llidailrrir,

kyiM- Tyrh,

I-''L>L.y SiIE -1 L InrliliL-iidrliL-a anil hii-uiiia fur
IlFf LliFEjaEb aca<lpnt. aiET inEECulRE EapEPt
yLfUttlJdllddi iillbeUL iull'k 4 dba. Thr iMtiiL-
iirA. iiiaila rirh liy Elia dr|md|jliBi. Itiiplnm
ipil PKlayFbippr Mini lair w flAlvL -FMnn
jlllFLlI liEdllF. PibiiiudhHdjLiIi-r fhy , jdlH H.

il.B rlHim, riilciiro _ _

lY.lMTRLh: yEm Itl i-ai-k l-diiiiEv wFq- ryhl

f>B nElPlIrd irllh ilin l? tli# a anh nEPlPfi
Ai Elid nan ildln .4 larblra n'^t aiid iltdjdii-
iLtiIIph' pth luL-EiiiEJr Hit ilinn In ?'liinilii
bDIUl. IhFEiIi. ElldlErdl, iiuhibd bulbdlexi,
rEr. IVriF 4 EEiihiik Fnr yannFj ippuihnEiriant.
l^lFE-l'ry Cam p iny. IJaEid.. tin, U i iTltn- Uhhi.

Ipsi 'lib fl'.'i Jiibli; klimiE irIliPE JlnE- uF
inm'i lulti. yfEalj ppHcnE duv eandlEltni.
.iiiinilliib: salUFji be ill bli. T la. . 111 . $ 14 , 111 ,
$ 1111 #. .a In EilfKDili. illrai<ri. lunoyiLi
dnil k:yi'' iuIei. REn;f.^i 1 dididlAtlaii ulJ

Ip pjrnrira k|bfra| liiiniii. I^rfa nnIdL.
>11114 1 E 4 iprl lE-IIInZ flWEl''n'' 4 . ''Jim''
'Fk^ 1 db, liK.^ IhliE, JX ?^M HkiUEll UpLUld'

IPE At#,. I'hlrxEn ^

EEFI.Ij ['Hit FlkltfU? llUlldE E-naelfU it
Ida. Vfri- lltH. 1 . I'llLr'ill'. PBrlkulati. -IFtf.
Hiiaplu Ldt. Fetfachcili'lil 4 . 1 a., ilE-lliMEa.

Jy- 4 ur VdT* .

N>IhV, rniilEBhId ImubflLdld HEa'iUlap.
Ten. |iljn Anirq^ :|M| E~IL.E bl l. , Id J I#lM:Xcd.

iH.a.bFhiMblM ' niiFrlhUL !?1 Ii'nr TlEt
'altlrj- -Dnira !Ptr|i||T N**ll|nM llhd lE !
liWl fur $|k IIiUJ.' Vnn lAla DnlDU. V*
UcilFEV. UilhEV. Alt'Iud E. HuparEDU. IM-


liyElfUIR I^rpdnilci!:i. Ilirn yaur IwL-
nf.!-! b'yiiart#nne wm.i aLnry. kbIISiii; Jbii,? 4 F 1
ualdniEal ik-#Eli. t -10 EntlilEnt. I'JH ibk
'n#nLly linriflllA — $IF yfrirly IlLlidr viiiiiuiil 4
■pFiTiMrtlir^tr. UiiPFinUaJl pEaii.Tr ra^uai Ipi-
cfpifL l^ld.tdd iltriA'lEyil InfUTinaf Uanirl'
m.nl, UbIt(e-.i 1 I'allrf' I] 1 -.y |.afduuE(

Hide.. Ntvyjit. .V -I.

FS.ktiKbIMK.lF; KnijkIHII lEndF Inryipa hr.
lIFh HlindlEtUlMp lluEbUnil mbnuCHluFEr.
W'rlla lEa'Iun'Iiii Sir* Cb,., SSS biuriFunl S|(,.


WEkIj Ctarfi ar hnmr* — bprlunri ihirnan-
Etf. ?di IIEbl<?. niEur kliiltj. UTlTla.
hrMtli ra?. yh'ulna IbhiI'i#. idli.Ak# ebiip.
inlL.h, bnJfecrrhldfjc. pdFlablnE eIuFPi. iPd 4
iBynr, muir dLlnyB- AlLm-lha illipljyd.
1 'jFiIde lt 4 F. liupqrlii Up ,. E-liKti JIilEI-

mnrB. jIA .

HB.hS'D' XuarinEH'l huilnyii InllillnE
^ 1 ui FnX auiidldH- iIblLiM.. .f 1 Uuc|idnx ydiip.
Eft. |npT|ian 4 lTF HilB.mm rl#inLTin up,
]IL| -lE-IIjnn uuLtIt Ffk. SlUBUdibci'i. InE.,

4111 ItBiniiH-mil. rtihaid.

YVUSIEE]LFi;i' UnnarlraiLlr. 4 'jn.W i Hir
VBh liv cibiid'J. yp E-rpyrleiirx MK-Jiiry. Tdd
F.m plirl kl nnra yhaalPE Ihi ] 1 |# 1 F (hlni-
duL. PeIF iiECilebFbra iml hum# nrdLhnldn l 1
niiF. Aia.. 1 In- Id. 'Niil Inpdraiira lidL pFp-
TlllK ItaPEFilr UP k $]WII.'IU MEUTII PE lE-
dljEHEal il± 4 lh. iUd.ld |il'E Wbuk If lIHl df

IkjwI. Ad'tHir S'lllar.!! .-lid SiclalT.

HPllBEflrill. Ill,

Es.iI.KSUliy— }' 4 ur lI'hM 11141 ta lEcni
wl j.-aii till nil dally, kjypTr >yiipmi. bE,
ia~h. y?l'll !1 SIlUTMil .bra.. rilblBiL in.

^XPFItlEyilF'D RAldiBan. fTimillrki] ip.
PErplijnlEf mIDPE foil llnr irrl.tEPE 10,1 IIHhEI
dllcEEd. Sell 4 ECF. LEheriF rainidlMluni.
rrinEy-fduE-TyiT- dill llpal ryirtir ymapUd.
EE'rlEa Fu Bppi-hib CpfTar. liilfy-aiilF Jlii.l-
1411 ^Fep'i AefldEuE (. 11 '. ItipF. LH| Uri

aiiiEliH-- Idfft.

□ TVE Traniy— L'p la 3 ] 7 d -wrakly. FSdn.FinD
yv^'llllftllll llEtn IBEuUIIHI IIEiT d> IkYllE '
Ki 4 nt pFib. Kimian iliiElnE' KAfc.
llartB-irrdP. r’liEficp

NEW SpKilhj — bill arnr buidnati tlld
pmFpiTldhll min. Fpux lit IllH diLly mt
$J ld TEakIr. Farrr ripiEid tidtl In lliF**

manFhb. ETfELE. F. E. .trjLLlMnE'. FEHL-
d 4 nl. il 4 pt. PU. iMahLlru Ab,




TtILHTViHB LLiHtiuni and I'f i;tlL nild.
?lIc 5 Dnd Evr^hv iliMtlii ■tlIhIl liuil->

jiEi^ n.rLic [CT DiTtr. Yni? l^mpsmr.

|\ S^llp- Y gtfe.

4A.IJ](i\rES'. Pi.Lcri[EJ I* ? j ''unLeniiiAU^'
UPEk shoe*: HTHI bmrli. Illir.niiii-

hilul^pi' iVUililJC EE'IL?n. pamiil4.

IhnET ^1. Aveeo Mils Or. , 1 HJ l>Urt l}4. ,

Ebjalcun, l[ LiE.

HTD]' iTcrr-'Inet itnjiiL rTiiiiirrl I'll *1^

}IIU UiLh y KCUlir ytEklf TDUl< VUIlllblllK

liin^ui- in-fKluTbi EE) ilEiiiv curia-

EUtri. npUtH- PBV ■IIT.-'II ■n'E^tll up. PlJ

bviLii n'rliEC .YIthrrt ^Cul'.

]Ul]tE< l[gr. ^r.jiiaiHiLli. C:LftiLnrii1 1. O.

M.iKH ITT^ulK. ECundn-dt *t nEBrtlciJ
*nd Ud<rul dfrJcf t dticrllwrl in mir li]|j bKL

Thtj liUljn. ItUlHiEiLLdBi dKjJ lilUflFdtlDnc ?|HU

yiM Jkw la mihE- thru. Mi in*iildJ Ifti ]WUP
tr^ji ui? }Eiu UTE- MantT. ThrouxTi irVInirIn'
IrihFn J?i| r|n n^liy ■ |injll[. D&t UESeLcI

i.r pE^LL tarJclT. IdU IIHiiiLri.-

LldflL |iOilni.lJ iir Hnt C.U. U. b{r

nitll IDFV^TMET In Iji^, I'l'pul^r kf^rliyukd
Pnii, TtiKni k?, ±M EL OnLLTlP 4lt.. DhL'

rphP anil E^LIhlJ FEfliacEr
ttEII bulM nw H ElHija nPFil. !1up<9

tdJdir rpE i4Cll?t-]]!K tElil nuLIII. Thd
ftiiiiiiinp. M feahk lilJj- Hjthft Litr . S'. V

Cdf<]l ]"1|J Pw iHlItrrtllW. l>iwrEi. tli^
HLDtlAlF Dliplip AdEcrLLiEineTVl ?i pgna l-EA


PEL?]_V[KE[ V-Ovt MIt K'.fv jniltiiF-

iJm Nwk liTHi]. Ill c%a>?] dF tjlntlnc ih 3
hillH.llhlh? LdL'il ipil Icdu&A. iJuiLpiiFiL r>rl-
m^rili far Uif man w^rti- tn rnwiT lili
atrn rar. Uut Earrn lija tlia tuiLvEad .ciul uf
niliLlihlnn nir Eiir iipMFjpIcmi]. l"rl?- ?all'
II. Uu pnilpEJd 4C aEtiL 4Z.U.IL by Iiii.l1 iny-
wi?r* In T,!. a, loiiiijliT ?tfr*inlri- I'laiib

Jeihiiu kki, anil k (miarh> Ht..- ChlEipo.


(Tirmiilrla rffrlxErillan. nipli llil
rrE4. ir. & L. Xk^lurrlBj tAk. TDd liETacii

APfc. J.EE3yy tlln. X. J __

Dri'ICl.lL EiifrEdFJJE'ba IkrUJil 3lyiiiJir

nicTT kifrLitcnCiq' M?rl nipli.li)Hl. lllnprnitJ

rurndihrd cC cefit knpuin nuHiiniE. apuLiL
pJyiii ta raU|<rt dT wn-rklm, I.H |ipcM.
l.oc? Inf. lAiLhEnLIC' blndlnc. I'fJep ILlDD
potlnLlJ. ariiiL hy mil r. 0 11, Kiiywiiprd
]iL If. ik_ I'niiiilar ^iKlunlEa I’reii. Iludu
au. S? B. DncarEa fit.. tllib^Ajih


BEIQIIT BEPFLEi EuElirJ, thpivi-dLlfn nni|
inaEkFitU. UKilli Efh. Hur:li a?ikt.
npE P-Lfill HjirlTlinri. Ptnni.


Lull 1‘Omiii UEHltd hr -nutillEhrr. Puii-
mfl bFfl rcnn ]mme4litF]|'. QmrutrHt,
I'ahk .IVeHui, KinrjBiL III,

nlMJlNNKim ]1ntf3 puplttiiin lidrUtai.
FlK-Jda aaJ lumiDET roKEti. Train !? mall.

t,^y_l_n*.1 lt_uLrj Ifcwwa r ITd fe, _I^JI_dri.

TdBABM Td rcpdlF dliil kcipLnJ aLcrcrlt P?-

1m. I'm Infurmillnii, Iiandin R?. , j2ti

fDBTlk PL, lYjufcVin. IIL

l^■A^T ELti— Jlm-unmf n. nr3ir iJlTi Cliff

fdF fulUia Nu^4blUIK'nL IIT± jBbl. lU^.M-
IV'Ci.iiU mnnMi. I/Irt Ti?1tl!<pf? fp*?- fiVrlCd
loiJty Enrrt. l-'riiiilljn. littLLIujta. JJant. LE d.

.ElP.i ' mj AF, V Y.

F.YT'EL .UanLT ca Enmn npiLri. iLpvrr
huiin inrnPE- itC|| FIjkI "TIih ]*'raj1lraL Elddk
oE ]]D[u pathfil uILh Infcamatlm

cia h'lU F|;]'ii.lrv. uf all klit^ l'^il lid iiiaJd bnd
anxid dElir and cinmu. Jlmn irlll
OUilldF III HUE Id LlBlti dm. I'VlIlir IlLttl-
lialri. J"rl? I'J.i.iS pcKlMhl ukui n^alnt -rf
HiiilLiaH/4 or i^.O.]'!. bf mil inrrwbEfv In
If. H. I^liulnr llvvliauln lYnii. ItoiiiD flQI,
Im E U nlETla H., I^h kica

— Cdopidu ; Lf)ilLrIilui1
InitruFlln: RuariTiltEdL lilrtnMan rtranii
lIlKuiJtd. pnEF ZfrE FTKk. I'Frd Iflul iHiin.
MylliHiyt Pi'krHlI, ^iiriiiBii hiii/:!, ELrwdirbu

New JcTa f, ^ ^

il 1^1'Mh DBCMaiiil Llin*^ kaEmL

siinj. Nnlai aamniJi Inr ItiL. lli:.i* ab'1 ri:jj
rcaylilnlnc fhe mud af ibsp udiai ucEhlod
III PijiU3i.F \rn-liyiik-i ^ih liyiL j fi'SHL — B
bclnl af i:qT Banid HUU arllnlFP. mat JEIue-
Lralloni. a1 tdEV wayi Ed il> hinl tliliipE.
Uh'iLidil idT^r at TEnulpr Tl,^ rqluu for

pcaipald. upan rerclnt ?T remltliHt'.
IFdpulat MartuH.li -1 Itiwni duJ, :;nu K,.

nn^h?rl-> >t.. l^hPkEP.

MHX — W(i?Uh. iTiifJirr niiii (vT HjEii'ra
pbiliH^H,. njnl tanlFT. acd pul dffldd
flibk idlih. Idfl-llBb iiiiiiiLh. A'HteL JniLrur-
Etqi Rum u., l b], E lt. tdiyjia. >|n

V. Sly. rrilVKILA-^rtlNT- raalLlma. tirud-

iLVm inrl ?p a nar. 1.?i: nur (eheE EEuriur
canrmiKJiL diunliidr^ niaiibrd 3 u<i IiIt n pv-

hlElim |J 1 |ha nlJirijr mail ETrrlca. njTBl dlf-

rlrri pnit irlTk’F. auiioitj mil dthcr LraiKlu.'A.
1iV[]La [pdip fur fbL-? lludLiet. Lhciit, b. ['■!.-
ELTtflib htHi ci'il , Jfa irhHEler T,

ILIiULS l^lIKl r!llJLne^U~tEddEl. CdlUlu.
Ulan Pahc-il. llEfwl nulMLde. ]>idJyi1rtiiliLB

EMJDDJElt A IIBdKIJ|>e' ardiltdtx. Ilbt-
FfbUilfil priMIdajiLiii ; lAiiliilL-TfijI n|i|iprl>prillT
fur rmHiaf'-iiiBklni. RiiLly naitrnd Mv mall.

>Lira wllLI# TOD IHEIL Eel IILH. lY'blLE fur

ildldlll. AmctlFiEH. I.Liiilrirdiiu SrliuuL 3.> E'ij^

Irmilh Ttilii,, |l w

TjEARN' n'lEdi rtM Irina: at hmif.

frr Fm- >vr4le<l. The Utarliui 1it'i.ii:'ii flclmu],
.Bf R. yii"allMEh At>. , C:li1r yEO _

DEiTEIDIIEI b^iiiirla fVir -erarrnnil — EnJpf
Uiriii ail Ttar nunU alLh lIA df hbBl iiuh-
llllKd bf Fcculde MWhlAldb. Tfei|.r TrrUa-
lild ?ii[fEtap4ilLa hub ^ly iiinlibri Ibmdrtdd:

dF lilran fur pew and cnnulE^ hheli Eef dPdi/
EHian dF tht 5air, hn ikad eCtu; roEnnhit
liabirutLIoii fur mykluiE (hu Ptrepiirf a-julp-'
Eu'nt nt i.rrF Enidll rnst. 3^ parai uuif bU
MLBiLrEllani. Eriiil inilyv ii Ima la tblL uF
Uirtll^ ai|d MtjifinrnL Fur nEnLEF sv?l an-
llipplailu Jlnllad pdlCl'llJ lu^irlim f'lT Id,
UF vrDL tt KiK C. I). Ip. Bn aPT idtfFfSE In
T>. f1. FlmiiEf iiay roitmiri >FhdA dillriHil.
L-'iiimlir JIrrhhIlltE E'triE, Sddld H?C] yUb
ELuI DntarEd at., riilrajn.


AUUENn IldFhlnd ( 1 D, l>|i*ifrbl?r |A. SIv

inulEiEtp-nh prini.ET l-I bdi diiii|lr-itnr !?.??■.
: ddn iHal. IFiemp fcaefc puaruvur. Pj-uLee.

]3b SdrLh l.aFtalln, rYiLrarpL

TIPnWHFTdLFIF, ILldldl. I L.UH-1 1 B.Uk.
TdrniE- Kn|aii|7, ini'? (3 01 1?, HI. Linli^

FtrrtfTiNe. muLtiqraprinq and


3aiin lEFiaTVEHft lYiniR nnn lniipriip?iiR,
MitpiCd. I].3?. L^uuploti. ITU n'litOEUlr-.

MJtwaiib*ir. \ITli, _

DMQ ' TIN7>in mVdl4?' Fdl Jen.

III,UM Miin (BTEdHM iIIh. I:i.bn. ?Tpm-

n?d'fptlnc. TFpp-rboiibUHf. Tm.

|bh;k.T I'rinttne— Icwiit Mat. Uttrt. 1'..

Ifmyn Phii, Qt-FiTVJi, llarrianil.

nTATIuNKlLVd CEtkinpi.' rlFEVlin. alitA
Uddha. btilLnp, Uubu^ldiE lilarJcn. EFdimixb-

rlyl rpT.sy, Ibnbycla , rihlffL ^

FTbFNnNGi. 1-nn-nuL nrlrn, rEpt rUTklE^'

jj m. wetf. emi Ayr, Ft. iEUiMn. iii.

25P F,kTT>:R1 FEATWI. KhtUciki. hLIIHEI'h.

BtblCIDesU II.DCL Rrailpliiir, ?t1

L:iiln .pMt . _ .

TjR^^nt]! FL.11 IF^, ItlBlFinfdE, fUTElnny^,
nErda— laoM. H.no: jOd. I1.3d. EMncnnlt

I'Hii. LmIi Ie. N. T.

7VS LRTTIiTtmi.lUa, i:h-.?[u|iii-.4, iLlEl-
itirnti. Fillllinda. kilullrni: iL.dii eirh. KLnc
IbIKt. I?lf4 Lbd ItflHUPE, lidE ]Jp. FaiA'-
IiFIi Ike MapK,

i ni? JlU-?-TVEl^5 CnrilB. rnrd tuE^ jlsil

MlJlf r._ rrintaE. NmUnib. Pi.

Cl'TS II.UU— EnrliM Ft Ail ilmrlnai Arnl
|■ll?ClIi_ Jnn HdL, ld:1 Acy,. LuPlnr-

inn, Kt.

lifeklll CjUrrifFlHliAns. Mn Kn-
tieChki pElnlAii II. 3D iMatpaUL IFiiherMl
PrEFiLldf, Ru city, lElchlptn.


<■0013 rrriiaod r'nl prlnllnx prrftaa. tup
PELCI. l^lMa Id. I'dpUldE IFlCW^lllii, Hh-lllyiiil,
Ptii luflfpiiLi.

flf1ItlPT-CI- It.l] H F] FLompimni.t ehtthIueps
F iEuiieifiilly ralirU wriijna. rulibEf aldidiiEnp,
prlntEna. nt. FImpdt ai wrillnp, <3nla an4
iJlTrt klL ipblYi illn.T-|.|una and ailaC?!U?. ?E-
iint i I it^. Krrl cil-ri-Halin. EFudiun. IB ild.

FFfjtrtP Type kaFfilni.. pteEEdai. adpil itimii.
Ilo i II. P i rdiipFJaF. Mail.

UaKU fErti barpLlEU. IITilL alaEi da FDtl
wtaiT PfMit itainii liir r'Tif. bnhi.n[E,
Ii" ’ ' -1^" >jl i_^FEln. Nietidea. liVinn.

PEllNT Tnrr n^n ncdi.. jEEildHry, f-Ie--
fulbix. IdTFFijiJna. FtE. Firh mnnrj. K|]t
F ulai funilihad. Frlnb fnr Edhri. tia: pEddEi.
Juninr Drppp, 13. id: JuD pEtiEEa. (11; -pew-
er. 1113. WrLLc fnr frea raUltEk and Fall
liiF?TTiaLlnn. Tfalpn t;n.. 15-11. Jdnrbilin.

laro, . ,

FBIN'i'iEDn □utnEj^FtahEax, Eypp pupnllvB
tFH ntyraLbliE Hand itpxi.'D Fbr [i[iJp(.
IFnilrd Tnii, Vnek, 3'annL.


]EEI]T7rRn Lahdia fur all purpnipp. ]13n
?uL luhnlE iFi^nn titlilf fllH [PT adOJ^H

i“d lirktk IdUD iDuy dliiidxlrjia Kilrbari dOri
Did Ilviii JiiJiiii l■Blll■l t;n,L llrldiHiaitrf. Va.

, LDiji.i PhlSTEU; Rjmd. tuLniri aihlrr.P
Eth. Jnn DHTipany, Rdi B3, llu^ukd, lluii,


"E:CLj:LFAinE!ArF" RUarf aEa^LI fiu-
pJkLlOF fSt.DD. "Tirn-Far>iil" Him dunll-
dicnn tt.NU. finnUrt tm. FLlIrturyh lytif-
vrllrr Sunplf. UtpL. BDl, FlLinLurnFi, Py.


^ IiIXFfFil irifL lilrui. 31d- Nawiiian,
ITU CJlFHdli L IdlliFiilH, MfDf.

NAIFR, AdHrEE?j k Llua kuCi 3 IlndE
3F k, Hlania ii'arta. ABDurn. NtUr . _

Kam? 1-Tcj 3 l.IndA 2l!| 5 UnEi'tJr.
Fthl&EbU, B2l Rpr^l^Il, i.at?M. Wlk


RF.hL NiirLFHi-n (dhprrfl. fillErnnilll haf.
rlinA-ina- nr imuFilnK. J'our [-run'll II.DIl
l'■^p' prodnian. PaEiucTy lliL-biii^, IIJeicUis,


DIFj Iturnin fdp lEmm, Aimqnpp, nadLla'
lFi>[al1ail rlipaiirr I ban ml, l>rat (Ytii,
rf-EiEn, Arndi ranalnin fxfiJLehi, Claiir,

RiAlltd. Tl-xue. ^'id rarrullir.

BLIlEIlT Pb?^5iiEr? IlT?r~(Sidin*L7Tn
bllnnivCT?. 1tMU.ll* M Ediidiiry. FrraliiiEL.

let. AIT lldrUDEnl Drii-i;. ]ln M/iFnn^

FCR Home draftsmen

MAIM] AIN' TdUhd idlE, T" hr |±* ?wlnn.
EtTD Ibid J3.nii. |,|inLI*i| numiME. Wfiti
UtaEPE|r.X Nff. Dd.. Olnuoiwdr Idwy.


kT.iKT: Any EnrlnE >r[4Eta eiMt eLnirk.
RLHPId tdiy InpEalSalliui ^Cdinr nmpLflb
IPEmiliulUi ThIrL I'amDanr. 3UB N.
A^InniJ Abb.. DtiFeaiO'.


REF.tTIVfl rcEiifnie ab lapiF lAnriel^uF new
Irrmfinn’ tinn-Dlw* dtni.ile-edkt laTeLy p*-
fur: Flibil, Teal Jnipeiiiididtiir In Arrr 33 nar-i:
lubidlaiL, iiuLckpiui KhLTbnE Inatrurnmvl. eyeF
mii^p; aiEQ tn TvimItTiUrl bladai eIiil will
euL TOtS tIiilEi eiFlMiLt Id hylf. All ruw-
filiiy, fl,?d iimiT'.iliJ. ytrinpi hark IF cel
MllEKriJ. flrAer lAli. witFIr iddijr. D. Pedabad,
IT! W. TDbh HL, M'air Turk,


LKAHN ^t'ltrhmakLnir. Lmon uriillM
mpretuent fn*. Any weefIi retMlrud ]2.:Td,
(Fill Huld IpHiRlit. SFtFA'jrt'j, Culeljn llnlld-
Elia. at. LwJi. dCdL


YI'DCA Cirluf DinruaMnni. L’peful.
I^tal^n. ZDe p?1^]il. ToolErlb Cil, P.ldn-
ilaJey CallFpcAla.

INIII.lN NiilJn. Liailiiiirl, rninf, narLai.
Cntalnine and Eircwtifad Sr. Venun Letdiky.
NdTlhlTiKh, Kudiaa.


F I hFitVOKIffi — IFxki Tuiir avn, InatFur-
llnv II. fiLEnallt* On., Fidnta Rarlian.


EIITIiJaTKpNaUf. Bnlertalnlra. EleeLrIeU
li^itPiT eEpiElmecnal kELa Miilctuiilidiin.
tnlli'fiiriiyira, rwllrnp, KenTriInfj TlnEEC.
rviniinnber. ftF. I 13. 3T. IlinJ drlien i.t.
aencratbrj, tie. Tlletdiilini, Lie. Ciumilat*
(W1I WIT LeitDtqnp tltp. TE.Dt. JjiitFUEl Lmai
with all. Nb Inyi. IVaitefd ElefirlFb, Knl.
hit, abftjiiilurp.fNitiini PblciEn HULpnHbt.
Tiarnalii Fiiiiiei|ia. ifimn. Rnalneerfiipj Ren.
Jrn L^Wlipbny. IT1R Feiltll 14lk atrAft, I,|n-
edltt. tReiru'Lp-



AND MICfl(tB?i>PEa

IfAKh] )L,

luuilgtidij, pEjimi- t:i. >IiiUh^ JeT - Tth

Aw., Wrw Yiir k. Lli .Lj i{g FEcQ.

Wit Ira-fc-Lj 2TS" hr.d,
wlih. ElUhi. -(].DD; lJuY HlmHtinv nulllL —
ElE-nt Ls|wrgp(. ]*Y (;i fL I nUEfl—
4L.({]. EltLUM. 'Ey. Lm ZlbKl,. lE'Clt UJ[U
J^rf*fE, S^iTW Ym*.

l[H7rHEI7TTN'4T iM][lli±. laFre-il

Trim, ?■’— pwiEpjil'l i"!r-

vIllT*. IhjAhS'LlutU, fE? tUDfelCI. TTUIU.

hnia. enplErn. Omnv. luTt rcTjiu^4
Af i . Ttrrwii. Yf w Y< iA-

^^ATCI! nvn LfiEvriinA OulflL etifV^"

qIkLa vUEti lurtTUcLMns. l"— H nO.

Liw Trl^ril tfrlmiruhi^, Eri”
eiEdpCl. EDlSmKDlKl, UpLliPII. UPI

|^|.rt 3*1 Kprirt. Mbit Yh]^



F31B:>3 -aurumjth'4 Ktt?li. IlnEncinR'.
rhArkfrlAK, Llultti'. lUmLL ]l? lAVAril tdriil'
J,lni._ Intf mkl l□^ll_AB?^^T. _ ClnrliuuEI. _
AIR I'litDli — ]M shF* ■'■“J'ut'IIib'' T*Dr.iEi'r
— 4.3.tj.; ilnpLi ihei "Dltnk" — U.U. FrE4
(iri^ in'l Htitl]'. ftir-|ni. EV. ].ut ilabM,
3k WmA KJtd ButLl. K±rr Y?t


4 OI.AUCENLi'B 7^d"i rgmnui nm

F4lL dAurlriCbn 35 ccclf In. coJn. a??li
r>([D Clk. UlJIkl UtLiD.


FOH3n'>:KE D^Lre midr rmra ipnEE
Llirn^h ulcLiiri''^i rBil3rt, |iliii^MpEd[jhr

inuilE- puUlAh^. ''Hk''' [Tr3L?f? nrEiE-. ir-
EimkA, -ninjiiMt |nu?k |v Ivir I' rl*,l nr IJElCi

Ic muilE. '>l'd jubmlt tp siwdidi and plhtT

liii.rh/ill, rr#^lr>r. Hi'bJ Efir IhihlEE.

I'nlrtnii] Udnr StTThp. I33y Mic^Er iJIdf.,

||nlliic2iii3^ iC^n-f.

n^XO AECdrillHii — lEhrnnln' — X''u', bs'i'
dEflinniccktui. fluil rnr Tm pjciMe-J 1 ud
pr*T'. -ChlfiED Mu^lril JniEFV"'""l- (>f,i

?jtg H fc Ch lPiRP.

liAKN H?1PT nnriHE nynF'. ■Prr* liiviEi-
l?t 14L1| Tpw. EtEj-i Tk^tEt. 1Q13 U[UdVF 17 ,

Fe'b Ydik.

TlUO-JCLIiX. EfrfJ fcT rlnlnrt’, "nil mi-
cptuin^ ±l3m]n*[± VDUT rr^il [idiiii[?. iiVrlra
Pir rln-olir. iJuu-flirE BurUi. ISM lit AkA,

liTii atllld. InJ.

AuX^Ev]LITi^l|J4.3 PrBmi, irHk^dlvii. Ai-
tDUE^lEir nrni>M]Lk:ii- 13IVo?l<r, UL. aidl

KpiTFlanB, f ! likr BEn

flnxq. irrlu. FUiiUPEE UdnpEfLtfl

Kin'iPE. lil^Etajin. llniKh, Loa AnnLii,

iiOXO Wrltm. ftrnd For niiT ''PllMhli-
InE AcEflEiiidnL.'' SlElilnlET .MuiIe l^lsdanF
l.m K, Uih fty, C li3rmn.__

]'f3i;JdU "inEril. tt'nrk EHErpmi#nJ W?
TiUIiIIeL CrrtM FtltrtU Sdse I3UE(iD, Dipt.
3T. Tlurnntiaii IEe.

Einxn WrlEdrl W1EA?|1 EdF. Sd-.IP plIPj

IndlLTiE 'ScmE Llvrciu, ^ilrm, ImlLiELii,.


TaHENT Tflpr |i1t hjw. Rtdd Eiir FrH
b[H^ "HbF t* Obtila a l^tnA" and tt-e?
‘‘ItFAAiL ItkrwJpn liijnk."' IT buElneu
Idnca ].fla. IPPcLillT.lnH In n?lant maLLfci.
Hd hkT* lUmiJlUIlT HETtd LIinilllKlI ixT In.-
YnlEiiri, LLlAlk Ue*I bUT klTP TLe 'Kltai-
ranrEliL mulnllll lar, Dalua ii*- dEnarrnur
34 pkEtad. miL1?n — urt iL nn? and, SEDl?ct
jmjr |iln. ItrtirtriL'Ulk Fbiiji. OlminnlaiiL

1?rrai. ^li'TlId BE Liysii. Vldlar J. K^jn* A

fl fllCC TJ tEPf ECJp.. WflEhJ njEnn, I). C,

ISVBNTOJIF Jlfj- nnn mntfcfl pndlrjt
npR Idtti hFccd pdLtedlnp. Far iBJaniidLlian,
utICp CluTibrEdI IpeLIIuIv. J4I iJiirJitn
nuLiJiaj., 'WkihSnitan. JJ- □.

r ATFXTfl — FkOEall IiICbl tn^V Inmb

?i(pin<[[]il rcuLTLIILIci. lA'rllC' ImmEdlaulr
FW [r±4 t?Ok, "Half la Obtain A I^LfcA
nnil OF InTtnElnn" faEm. EFeIite

in aanEFTdur Lo piLint mitliEEA Fpoa Ik-
tamtlJOA an IMU ET bMiWO<il. Clannm A,
(fUrl'n, 56-Wj Adini" ItHLIdInE. EVdiblnf-
laa. Ul r. 3u peek 333-A aPi|

ES^TAitLiaHlitl lirtl. Mild B. Edarori

f!atanin 7 - FrrA- hAokl^ raLmEi. Traib
niETiti. rwjrlatflf. OftkE-F: JlnU'InoEk

Ikark. rStlL-aiw; AtiUflnh 0<tnrl1j Itullt^lnr.
iViih][iq<anF If. -C.

I'aT^XT?-. AI ItM^njv riplm iwiiFail AT
Fan foIuj'/ifiL .. b'. llailoe. itof^iklj b'cl-
upTf I^ailllMET l"J|aii|. ^nlrpp, Ekk'l F 4 ^tr^L,
tiViahlnEEwt. I > C .

Ti'iC.ET 7b Indent. LLlt OE FinLEil InEfli-
I Inni ??nE Frca Orb cAiiurAl. 1'bu uur LtriLl
fonn far ETv?-dlr*E ijrcriF af lEFrrdlm. EVnlt-
kk'. T. CjKnt, fid UirrlauF BuJIdLnf,

IXTEXTOna: acoi:l tn NinMEA lalUnfi

hw 1a PLianl sejekI hII iicuf l<ire?lbiiiji at
IwaaL oaiE. Rjlph RuprFi, FiunL lAtiyEf,

bUP F fel., ~WeiIi LiikLi m. 1j. f^.

r.. P. R.milOJ.Fli, ndb-It Vlctfiir QuILd-
Inp. '^VHililnErpni. 13 . L?vt [niL ilpah

Mini InfariaEilun Frig.

PATFXTF. nodlu ITiA HEnhbL r4ta-
ancE-i. Jprl thbIEi. I'nimnlnni aiiucrd.
'^A'aiaan ^ -nplp.riiii. Pattiic LaifyrE, 331

Jilptll bE., hbjMrili InpiEfin, IF.

b'rnj F.ifirh nr mwlet for
idrbep. IVca lioak, "IJou la Cditala a Pb[.<
<nl.'' tjitililliFxd lltlrli ^iri. IEIeIihE rtf'
an^Oai. PhiiiM.Fil huEb lea. TtiaFarii.lilM L-feul^ari.
Ilhudloa A IlhEiFdJta. HU! F SLtee<. n'liFi^

■'IXVRXTOEl'Ii Guliti.'' Tildlr]? InJur-
mitltn HiF. FEinh LailtTnana^ JtM'lidFral
AELwaay-ymliHpj. E3i] EEaidwEif. Nt-j rapk.

LA^r.taiEB. AllirlM A. HommaJ. Bn kb
4U, d|k - lAth ac., X. W., hVaiMnacaa,
If. C, "4rLElni1ari nF tlm Fi? i^^lllan^B
ar C SiKEntlHi."' IkFnrf <Jliniial*'E miir In-
Eomhin Eb utFana ipiid Tor lihrA Farm tn hr
idEnfil amh wlldailird. FOcni bllJ niaObL Ik"

rnnnilliin tnillpEjn FFp*.

F.17RVT4!. Fiacund: tndr mirkE t<kI|-
ifrr^ — pnl Iniliiary ailhloi To/ab^hEit BjUiPol
tharpt. llPchlK and [nrn Far ilhr^Juf
IBra Fjaa ItrLni L,. 3lE(.TLFiran. THPA In-
larnallcfinf llldt. WfiIiIiieiuh. II. P.


I|3|:A!4 yi'iTTlad: A liiaa nniL ■n'fLl aellb^.

IItAbiI oiiiaiiuiiy vtanjia Ideal Ear nrrr ivrxbirlEt.
PJnb EfJMrr*!. rnj'InrrrlnHj meoriFarEUelHjl.
■.ml Diarrliaiiillilnp FAPlILIIai. ITacmiimd-
cnop InTlIril. la -nrukE ul*??r Ml'i^ Full ile.
Lalli -ef uliat ^atJ ha^'a tii rCac. A'ldrrn
]bHm IK, ri I'tKiul-ij il^lirnltFd }[L(i 4 liia^

IP T?jr iBTEfKian pt *f1w- rronil'wt ?n,i
k|ni| tF ^hErpetlHi;' ilona, or uFiail. va niha
Lhrm LP WAT ppaehllraLLrvu. OunklcA
IEie. 1W1I. lanp iladlFEd. ChJratp _

F.ITEXIE: Earn! fat rrsa bmk. "Hob ttk
Ohtnln a I'aiia-A'" ami ''Ileiotnl oF laponlltie"
liliBk. l.YnwlE Ul aiiput htpr In piqirrl. inar
hileai. liiidL'rTeJ payineiui. TLolor J. I^rL'bi
ft ITh.. ?t(?CC y|r(nr Uld?.. WEFlilnEhiH.
D. C.

I'ATh3FiT35— !5[bi IL blEai mPT Mti larEr
EnmiiieaalaL naiiihil klra. WeIef liniiiadlaialr
Far Oar hnab, '' ELaw Lu OliLaln f PaLmE~'
■1x3 ''Rofprd dF larrrjlan" Taru. IkElaja
Er* dbH^HWa In paCEfU UillHA Fep< In-
f?miaL|an aei lipw In prOTaeiL Claranrh A.
□'Erlob. SU-iy. Adami ltuLld3nf. n'idb1n?-
TI'. _C Kt i' baaiw L3D.I ■Mil HR.I

JXTPTtFi3TFI> Itt auEOdtahlla lad am-
riLauajpiianLi. BuibioA. IB3 Finti AEBDitt,.

tlir tWk CI|?,

IIEXaPFUIh TnF-irn?i.b3A ki- In-'rnkE'F
uaiiEbnE la KaLI? nb otF Jdau wkhaut bat--
rnllEkf thill andl tlpAnif. Tar Hiilrijlin,
urka CFiarlKaB IniEllijM. bU Ban3iE?'

IlnlliHna'. lA'ajelilanun. D. IS.

IXFFXTOB'B irnktULl lU^Eur: nmn-
|j3ni BDP mochanlaal mcrainnAfi jb par-
brl'oil Piltilani; jniEnioilba ?n paoeUEdni and
MlISniE Fiicrvli ibd HlKtUiE an aihrmcT,
rk, aiitaaiLi Ae? 3dAEA. Pvlea {l.EiP iaie-
TUd En L'. K A. AtUrna UinrlA C*..
nigiE Onrar Itlrip. . TTaihlHaEftfl. D. C.

J3A^;l'FaCTUbI!1i 31 Win ntTTT huT 3nwn-
tEou. VlIiIhIiI* InFaeDuilPB Fiat. -Truda
IdEHl drTE’'PDrd, lpTrr^1ni?j PEipnIfd.
ncj'i -Eharpb Mb.td. FratLLail lalai hpip.
Fkaithri f-l.dO. Tnilr-inarki 1^5.00 c^-
nltlr. EApart la dmanlt caiH. J. ,1.
h' Rrlpoi, TiErnL AUnenp j-FiiHlnrar, I4H

3Vrtt 13rja HE. . Xdi r Yw lr f kr.

TO InFanlan: i7a air 3n rha miAit tb
liiihrhadD f. NtX:'!- haPePr, |ib4Frralik]r a tl‘t? aAd
1<n OEnl dldifa 3tm. i3'l]l nuEEiuia buIrlEhl
Of rtyalEf. FurrliailbE AcanL, ±31 Fnml Elr,.

Xm Ttrrk, N T .

jn^ErPACTErfiRBa Enrrnrhrrr Hrk nnr
litrEedJpni tb Ltaprprr ihaLr pr^ueL. Lku of

iTLnIail lDiean.lmiL nent lean an rinnYPt. Uir

otir Lcnal f?ni far EocordlBT p-iaeJ aE 3n^n-
Llmi. Iti'ilEn IT. T, Hrrmr, S++ FartliLir
lltilLdiPi:. ^^?|ml&na^l, D. C.

Qlt.'EliEI -Caari and. niadHl arxnillaa. 9ud
t^.T riinlof- Tt)4 PLcnrn JlptlcL TVarka. ^3n-
Flit; UL


■■(.■OM X-LiJd BEE" Aainli|n;|L|,inL Tiral, *r-
31c3cjn. II. Vtitpr. n. I- P tir tpn. Ham-.

ALTO UporLidla itnu iriarr> drlTEr iiri
rkearl^. JedbiiIi llareocriea id EHiJa flE.,


” J-'nil sa’Ir w rmllT. pidf nil’s. -panHiiirii
iMaiiic^lla ItEbilJIchL LhEl wLIL rfEalutlHpliE
lipaillliiA 3nilu|lij, WJII iiiaka nlkliL ilrEfcllik
.UHOIalrlT laFr. lEpnbniili'il tb tDanuFi^rr:
EhMHJ iKioflE aiiiitail. Tariai reaunaLLd.

EVliFftar ^ FfAwmE J1ii1IAlirE,_TTtQrnL r^^ArLi-
Ittlh 'ttalu — llnl□(jLnE 1 L Lra^ OOaal Jnf

ittarhinHU wtilrb TTPiinta autnard. iwInKitvE.
:4trLiidLnd Or ■naru-mr af nllilliiri dbon, BAk"
likE Ihd ihlttlEif E-ialar. lllEhrEl didder
lahai IL Atlilph Ivf^jna, rarIJtLYniaL 1]L

PaTITVT F^ir nkr — Pblillnir laut. Caii tii
dUTlC'l It potkEl. Xojt. llEht. itnib(. Halri

|piii.|li>t mill Ilia Baluli IxmE. SEiJ Wit?n.

3k., ntnt. HlE h.

IMTUVT FtntJlBj-: floTtil nuintur t±6.a:.Ji
litnuTtnei EotiPle rprtnr. liiilriEiiL nr iwtalti.
IL T. Ftirah. F. 4>. IbM Hit: llutnrv. iViilt
OETTRl-TEET Or h'yalcy, itrpJKlIy palantcJ
nrtdrrlkia atipanLui, U. IK, lordin. TiiIh

Fd., Feauntofl. Va.

F.ATEXtfXi Fwketi and TPoaptaald boi. a
HaH pEr*l riimtilnn- uFVilurt. W, U, Tiiiaar,
FManil, rfehfyjkii.

|iail|3iaa — |init.an jau-ket — EyaFy i-ar Ovnar a
pmii^-l — viiiiihlr nrtitk* Idr ivlumidilip iw
aecOiKaY hiaiujTai'tuiAF. M. P. TVlualaF, BBS
Vi^^lieEar Rl., X F_y illi a in, 1 3a ■■

tiVAXTEU ItbJi oe uEooi ar lunufaEtuE'-
Inn pltrar. | miEht "uy nintlDcn.

Uurrii. BII IV. l Eark oT- U u HrU la , Kr.

M.lM'F.imntllCfl EkOy. Pht naunc
Fori, t^amr st ih3ll madt rhaan. ThrK In
nnt. PuH rrLzo. ^^atElr tiooJ *tr |lau. Ho^-
nhr, IlnlltUiTF tt LpmtHnvnaltb Ato.i lf?-

tOD. IEtj.

U.iX17FA(3TT:itIiafl WalilEap aaOdlahla
InnntbHia. imd climb Fbr EHtE till .Bid iF'
Irrrad LnEanLlane. I^iliht^ lanlL'uia, iuj
l^atTlElEr ]iu3ldlnE. liVaihInntdn. If. II.


].^YK^TI3ll4i- BetkI pi ihrteh or erudr
mbdEl bF iiour Idri. CYeKEOd tiaFlJiuta tJIL
JaieJnii JE IuIev A pradleal warklnc laeiHI-
nan nF lurieeiFral riEKrdrnft md thtn-
ibndi oT uI3i&eJ cllinti. CbaFlilantb! lEp-,'-

bra BuaeanEHil. Hank Evfrrenrai FarnMtird,

Exira l1l9<lTilrt1 imait: "ilakEnc InranLlani
Fir.-' CrtMtAd Tool E^, TnuE, 5-S, CJ"^

riiinnll. tlliln.

P..lTRi;Tft — amall ]drin pnj hlTf- laTEP
rrmmFKlal Ddialhdltllai. Ayrlli Iiaiaeil3aul7
For rria lioift, "llriw ca EH.ialn * rakent''
■ ml ''Iternril Inwntho]'' farm, ihliii
ara daiiEErau] 3n. pLlant maMiri. Frta La-
FcnniElm Oa hOirf Ed iieiierail. t^larpnee A
CVlirlan, Admi iltPlIULnE. 'VVaihInE''

inn.]>. r. am p gflEei I33A atfd H?i

PATRYTR. ladl hnL IthfA ind tTlhirmi-
Llnn Fm. ]■ P. llLnitolDh, 3GS-C Viilar
imidEni, lytaTtLbEUHr I>. C.

"ItEAL" italdp. 4 UdLlBi, for- naola|. a3t-
tHiiei,. linalA k iLn... mlEht 1 Ih.,

33Pk T.p.in. natLlpE "lUal Itaaix,'' nnlnhi,
BlTlnin.. fik nln. LnulieL Bu ilElIiibbtJBfa
at.. PEatlilm. K. 7.

EiEUDEL abiam iBd paial3na an^nu, eaiA-
IS*. AnEpn IWyilitu-j i3t rrt-sr !3L..

ItEtnru. FTeir iCTlET.

La nJJ AiibftmEsl. b( -modcL ilmCiEac
iBd Soat actoiitwlai 3ii ihi uarld. aaml LFk
Eunnlata la.ial-EV. Rrllai ^ Cbrnrinr..

Gitia An.. Rrocftlyn. fT- Y-

VFK Hiha 'q'D[k3ni3 nailF]i for Inyentorj
nod ib> rroiESiaEtHal uatk atJ oairr i ?iui.^
nlal-E pldrh el brill IFI FI and lUb-

nllri. Bind Fdr ealilic. Ttia FtEtn Uadol
n'arhi. TltUir Park. lit.


M.AJRbTICT] RnilnBFrlni dfPirfmriL 3a
nltyoced la Liaiitny,'Lnp ypur Ttadtiol u3thnjt
rduTXr, aLiaili wLinElFla peCTtail ■id' 5f ■lEiLlr

IdharLidrIri ihorri Id (lu ■tTTr-liKma3ni'
■nn^llLy alnl tKapa OT 3tl THdUOlA Iliria-
lEEntoiJ rraFI-Emen imipFirlEn itmr mEidcIc.
■Jill, aLimpliifa, doEfr drawlbf, eaitkiE.
BfrnT nirliln and irlii iPfHilllra irir rrri-
A?ii3raUy. I^allnd'. enLuelbiE. iiccmblku.

liOE]nn, EtA-lmat-ia |irma|iLly julirrilElail. F rOD

■irarEhauilnf;. lf.^ciLL: Piodutti illt

link k3T , Chlraxo. _ _

iS'YltXTtO'XS Manudirturod In mr nuin-
E3ty at laa rail. atutplDii, rilEi, mbdrli.
'Ii-. Rulinalri nnd frrr riEiltii' CmrrnL
TVret Cel, DepA X. ClaalBaiu]^ Oblo.



llAS'rPAf^TUItlT^n. Ucdili, h3I<i. nimp-
I nEli lirill-wprb. mnuLb r^r L-uEliiKrir E uU
4AnlLlnf. (JlEEVlir I'm. bi>M>i|. V*kil

^_rr|il I If i, Kmip ncy,

IJBTaCi .hrUtin dtEclDptl inU minurir

tuEHil. MaUfl iimkluE. ItiiiiiiiiLli jirlti
■nd Hn4 r]ui vnirhiiiyriih]p, W. r. UafQE
Llatppirip, GeJNeJ. IndlinL


— Are- vtitLJcn. rlcvLTlc. bftl*ili
Ell enEbiE Url^f. Cr^EcI br im-?mniufiL--eiilJ
try (rill. A 4k Tut AiLEiy^LlTt prJKi. UDbiil
IVpIJfin. JI-L131. Tnr. OhJp.


CLEAFASUE ntp pf RUinnEtTlI TldlulkL

LninilLl uWl luCC-lE. CrEE ME PEl/'H htTpEE-
llUTlPEi All lluXxBElifllCl Fully EuyE^IIEHlI.
Ad Tor 1Eit &[-T?. l.'i.>.h IV ItEmi. iiVin-pn-
KnTpbl. CTu, , |iiU X- hJLii M-, PlihluilUliih la,


tgpLa AND sUFrilEG

D' A I III -KTi-n- ru1|9nH limiPi lUha,

tTB.H: LS^O' l^miT] iiulfh Ptium Lilhy.
1I2G.H; la T'lFti viMilAuiklv liind iiv.
n-1.W; L*" ■narnHi ^|l| pnu, frifi.llll; pru
a'* 4ipt. bioLw ilrivfp tKPEh dill. m.W:
Ka an ECnIil tJIlLiiilihE ErIrUMir. JIITE.GD: Air
?mprc?4n; botlEir PhLrpET.; rip. All (itpei.
4iF liiacliJlid 'biuli. hVilEb Fdr uaEULc#. TEtiUi
to lult. 4l""|TinEll \rpphLnriT * Hupijlr Cp^.

J7 WcM and: t4t,. c;inr3nni>FL. Phip.

4^, Li]i.1uN, r-Mnjiniiirr^, 3u.lhiE I!n>

k3edl:r r^uLlt; EUirinlftd. Trhfcl LerniF.
tiVrtlp Km'i i-lucIfroiviiL, TtiiiC ThjJr

Otl ?.

5ti) FR17TF vT 5*u yf\wt $ i inui.iu.iil,

viLffr. EJa N. laniTiir eVte. . Ch iffcKft

Pirw |ll“ iLlirailll nialii- ilFTiTn Ulbf
Xd. S Rum tKiicti mllltE tu.?n.
TiVu liATp hu-jl lEirk cE ill iLzAj APi] l.y|iEA

mirlilnp tiwli. yfpd rbr ratiluu. Clpi’lnnitl
ITlEtalUEV it flupnily CA.. ZT IT'TdE B?EunJ
Clji-lmiil I, lUilch

l^EALTTifAU.T Ktrr ta"ir fluUJihi Ihml
pjilbck 4-liBnKp PEar illba ttMIi pliiirk ami
Ipsli. L'lrd Ipii chip phE' iT>tiuh. 0-piTinr
TAfil_T End *._]?. Ji. Itrf 171 -1>, M lrr . M Irh .

KELLnCrik .Slf rDrppmHii. picE'llunL yim-
ilMliin, tri.llll. Tai'liiE, |.ll^ Ke-jI ]?]ncT SLrnrtj
fTiir Viife CIcy.

Eh?lhES. taaTflFB AND DYNAltaS

MdtDij. 1/2-1 h.n. rnltrr)i.l
IPHiiEI ul &IUI1 r.ri.n., affipaxliiialaL} T"
iliE-lt. tEii tr-ini? iml iiriTlais. wlllv inrii-
lUTt- IK] ICIllCf. llEUillU4 uillL linilh. llullIlT,
Eiiaranl-Eivl In- lip prw UpPHll ^114^1117 IhP-

Tpe SS.QD. bfiK] hmh^v Ini'liiilliic 2 'if

TAIIaEd. ftE pay |im.|inan. hVni. Ilmltirhat.

Jiliz_-ina, Hcft'kEi gn. Mlchljui.

1E>1D1.I]LT M-sliiri liiir T'TlCF. !'■ +4 ^1
llTiz , TAhT X Hbeicti ?4| -_]FjllTlifl^:_r;^_
CrUVKItXLHtri 4T*(1 to| jpich fPElpF' — Pta-
llnnary pr piirtii<l< umi. A'tv IiLe ilIiEPunl.
Nd Ellh ilCUB. EIuIIiU'e- II-D blEli Ouii'mir
glS ?imlh |t| 4 ,liiM>El?a M E,. IjM .^meIji.

AlrTJ-llcXATlXii i':iimiit alnnlF phiir mci-
lur hicpnin. Xrv ihiH.liFLElTiE, It h. p. eu-
pUlali'fli IdJik-Llmi finnri, biLMnI llpiirp piilt^
ai-rouiliany nriln. kfJTF SflMlIC tP.d Glu

^ LEf ir iiiiEa St.. Chh-iefl.

ILIIAVLE \fir 14 hEL get. mUilLL-ipptil EHii-
tDn Wllll JllKd Cicpi-Frlf T. mnlpT

amt BFBfcpipr liianihlnp. UuE^-n CJiy i;i?.

tclE. ITJA TlwnJ ,'lYffliM. CMili-upu.

Ai.L KlnUi tiFtIrliu irMun. yc:Xiirn[uhi,

mripnippEi. :FELriil4za, Flih. l^'anr ranirTTi-

AUla. Kiiiirrliir Klprirk GpiniiiJirr Jlipt.

I'-au i-r.li; X. i.mMie st.. rjik-m i. ^

U ]1UF?li Alctrnilln:; uanrr li.nh.
lISKF Jia.TFi, Ornpralnri- 4 Ik!I n?Em ll hi'f
i<rhp. EkrtrlEil Rurpluj Gcl, IRjkl. 1 I|:itiiu-
Icn A(P., nijrlpii.


Free IF-EPki un unbUEEijhlElF, |t] 3ilnnr~

lEia, XiiELli llukiiL,^ lUnnlpnii Fljlllb.

Inklyn. PT ttrEEim. CuinpLtLt lafuriiiallim nn
EllniltF. FEPpl. I?l[lttl r?- Fim. 4-T lUl'lJT.-
Lin CEIK TdE iralji, Ihriinck. Uilrflrsf. FruLl.
iKulLry — a Niiiifj lnilETiEnd?nEF. iibiiLy 4if
T?Od. ClHhInV. EfthllKMUE. EmpIlTElTlFPl,
4xtn]pi.llnn iiirpT.p inm la jndui-lTlaiii. ?4Hhl*
mii. llrJtE N. L’. 1.?iJf. Ueh. 2S;^ Orn|

?grlhFm JtlLliriy. Ft FjuJ. Mlrc

XEkV Lc'!!' prl?l. JtaU ini|, Slrnnlp ^|j
EIIUlLri1*il Iprliv ruliliipc DCirtF L4H hlr-
jjilAi, rcuLp|iKI paLnp runs, pui lEallniij.
luld Inni. Feep I'lnwl AEfjKy, 115- ]?
K\im:l,ll AlCEI.d tc. 1. CLIf.

CAX.-kXri.UT Tu iLid LaniLi F?f l ildlar

ui arpf aiiiL iiji ; iinLl!l ib-inEliLj- paj.muiiLi.
Finm. tliirlKr. huBllnp' inil flihlPE tiii?E.
iiiLnrnlp. ]j|ii|)|.ii|. hciintMr if p^u|ii"ii.lw,

^vriip it ppit For Ffe 4 JllculriccJ Uupfelct.

Taa ]lala Harclin, Ttimii T2 {juimii K|.

94~, 1 TawntEL Cinadi.

FltFE l[Eiiiu4LEyili — zciiaa lx|Ej4aail, Eiir-
TflkU; Ik MiLci. jlipi. "th* Ficti'^ Itb..
IV. i::. ]llL4:linAJC, 4TIT AJagadliP, Xm' Or.
Jnnf, Li.

Ulk1.]''EFJLDIT. Ururpd Rtuiti. Tfiie...
IVank mnti, I'MlHlatf. iJm IkEPilii. T?m,

EXUFFEXUFXGi:. FepheLef aiiUECil,
!^?lh liikati, -blianF^li. ^l4Mina, liiqlui,
tVufalH.Eiun, Orn;ari Fima. Uarpild prlpii,
'?iiT lrri?4, |Er?rhii|Tp IlkEniup', liniiFr-
CLlI UlF9ceL MrnLl'in ItaLf. I. ti-. ]]jir. ]hP
Mnrlb?m 1^-lfc ICalEaay, Rl. Fusl, Aliiui.

it IHJIVS, it l|gn4h|y. j? ircTj Jp Mlt-
ipurl UEiEkdr ElM. FliliJhE. buncIhE, trip-
plnp. IjuiAiiTd, ±ka Oriiriiiiaii BUi-b Kpn-
iii- -Riniii.

RFLli Tdiv pEppEEiy aukklf Tar mtu K>
nabipf wbafP luTLlail. nuci'L pay lib|| mia-

mlsi.lan. I'lrllanliri rrc*. lK?a| Kitiki
Eiiltimra da-., ]}eai B. L1 k. 4 (ii. Xe^e.

WAN rE4>— n I KellAn CdOs

^r.YlL Hi ywir dliririlrd mrlnr. euIJ
rntum HTii] l.irlJEF4. u-iiflipii, ij(i.nmii|i. k||-
TCE, |>]iilJMiin- ATdtiet pnmfi1lY nillnl.
FI^hIj nLunird LF 4 |T?t tcEuibiL l.'lilL-cib

Kliiri 4 *itifIL1iii Yvnchi iTht did LtrlliUlur

GD .Up Rlaln 1 |ii|i[. T], IlhltAjP.

W.hMTRIs — id kbp. yiiJ EPTcbaDri Trini
■ Cilu|il liiaLI|zJ liElPEf IHNC .tllu- pill fadll -
iHiyil rvIdEll Mcrri apil FPcrlyHE. a|L1l PT

U-lLlhiUC ICilPlii CO EhirIP laun liiiUi-d

lirfhrp IFFi.1. I.Eiilinir nHiEiinr p 4 yi blrt
hull pEhH Fpe inuii.' klhilt. Veit knItFC-tUu
InFonnallhn iirnL Inirc Ciirrlpa' A Itp 4. X-
Cuirkr Dll rrLnIi und nlrturrj lira UccLmJ.
.YUilEErlA H. BJrP, IQIit iiliuEV AlP., EFalii-

tffl- JIIItmIi.

i UL'V L'lEd poElpga flimpc. UuyLnp LIk,
12?. XuIlii la'IibLlinr, liuPbonL, Tuua.


tjr^rROOll.tFirR, TyDEA-rlEPEi, aillllmi Ilia-
rh|nr$, nirulilnn. iddciputcripbi. jinjAtrl.
riiliL OfTkP ]lltliErir GschiJiillr Hl. IhjuIip
^ lloilljcl.


['fuNKT tr,|iM| ImiTirilLilFlT Far old rcilil
iPECIi, brlJf<<tprk. nphni, inJ iBil gpld Jtrff-

flrr, Oiyiili TEdianail Jt I?t KllilHaif. Hwlin-

I'pippiafp 31D-lE-lt CrntEil iYEnu.p, illu-
rlnnitl, Oli|a^

iM?ll Fur jcohi 1?Elh. -rrMrlMi. Jraylrr.
lati^ Full tiluE pdlil ilay iliIiihiEtii. nrpliriL
bial |.iarEErai |{iianiiiLi4-:l iir pliLiunEnl- rWEET-
flJllT nLiimcK], JirTafrnntlin Ee?p dbb'ua'
nplil UniPltibE & ILEiPtLE Cue. B1-T Bralluri


pT-lANTiai'O^Gri' — ^ fobIeii liLTiirr-icrtJ. Use-
ful, bPvuTlFul. 15 tEirls iquiEa fput. EEo-41-
ivihi 4 I'hiHlurLi Oirri|iarcy, riui ftpupi J|h Ai-1-
nBEt Nloimt Vr?n. JT. Y.

kiT-RH-VIMIITaJcIjR H?ili. Lleee*!
kr>iu[i iioiitKi. 4?Laru. mPlPiii. tof n. bunn.
aaiuAjKIp gltlMd, EaliliPKiC4, |jiim|ikln4, cH|i 7 .

krnil EiTij For Llil. lldrr ItaEDfLi. a IV. DTili
Fi. Xan Tphk.


Ic.tlilllTR Adid iiipoillri- Oimnlfir ilrvrtn-
l|TF llhEfilun Jhy. Fme 7 l^ii-MiLlan, X -Jd,
tVallklll, ypEb.

/IRXEFEXE Anpiini w?n| TibbllR RriHh^
ililC'. Vunruildb Fwr llincti. ViuEhn. lEpni.

TYUrh. "'fFcP^i VrlEk lurii- ilim. Oikwddii? 1L|I>.
iillTT. Amna. liTiPi

RlIrVRII TiUilli: V^SKtnmm tifiAIa

'PmlKKlIhri ICk. IIEckury. 1 Ik]|. Gluiilirulili,



IkHlIFtiTIlT 'triliiina, Am'rIra'I IwllnE
pauCLir miEiElnr. hlia>1iLni nHcliPdi *uiL b.]i
iiiEfp4iFiil [iiialcryiriEn, Onr Tnr 35 (Eiili.

Lk-|it. C-fi. Alaunt [hEwili. 111.

hD<hT? AfiD HIFRi

JU-ST OuLl 'Vurhl'i OrcciIrpL "IJcrkilJil.

AlUniE. "' ItEPUIlFulljr lll[ULEi'k:iJ lA lllLUEIl
hiiliirE. I.!luiljliii mar 5ULI ^il-laali Icmacf harli

madlalH ee<71|>ei uuJ liidlin iEmLi Tar liu?
Uxa, 11^ InilliE Lll.l4L|l|lli n'cihtll dollirii
UHinhl. lit tv. LLEUb ELp CbJilCP.

tRoriCAL Fish

■ rapJEiL uiiUaElum nrhai. ValuiLl* Jnluhuii-
tLon Irn ?nti. vinrliml TiupItiL Flih
lEuUeliETAp VliiElLnil, Xeu Jarilj,


' EEl'yiV Til IVriEn Fur Ilm Tatklya. " tzili
ohit BowJunn Mint — rtmt H'lrlEi, mn IiIeii.
pLplJ, ?r. tl'rlllC'P by aurrPiiFul bLij.Uhtlahl.
— lauLlicv pf RJlklil. tU. I Knil Ffn: ]uiL
uk Foe el Mpy ?iipri iuuf typj ihiI ilia war
Ip LiEU aiTZiljiEa, V 11,, iinr uF imp mvlF.
Ul imilfur. rE44(lLFiJ IIIUDIl Why T.H try
yaUr llaiiil] Hl-miI juur ^iiia liKlaj*. lEulal
Ih-kratlay Gci. , LH-IF, ITTV llEHdHiy.

Pfia Yml.

3(Tl'XikiT:^lF — io tlaiy iFripni teteiIIdc
tb* lihhrcCI dC LhiJ fUPLlU.lllld X-Lctlrp. TUII
hoha [a iiarnjiTH. fTiirrt tO-Erilnr, LIWIIDkEtF
enuna 2ip. FFinklli I\jblJibliif CMBpany,
add XPrLii CluA HLmk, Urcl. ItdU, Gti)-

k KUT4. J?<I^4UI l?Tl AHlidiadE

Pth, lriL4imLLji|E jiiCufikMiliai. ]niKf|.[fiAfl1

Jblill Enfitrinil, HjElkin iElAli M ICdL

ItnJiX OliLri-ccnnll. will fpteiI ;<hie ru-.

tnrr. FJci i|U<iiljt?i ainUBEai] II, b).

"ArlELI." I.^rti | 1 j;^_i|*B. akEl'Iknr. Mill.

THR EViirlik ■ EcailBJL firirlafr, IFOtTI*
jpa'Ltu miahlM.. f,1.dU. ILTJ TucvLIfe, IEcEii-

Jhlil, TihidL. _

IrOB.YX PhlEIPlEy rriPutll aliLLimldr.

Llt(p pIx? .'ilk iiquiiiBiifJ, Locia nuniK 7 p

fa*d W wl. Lrffin. Eilib.

a1<?uU:ti;L‘Y xfh aim krEiich iwpidi
djK-IOdPj. .tnialld.r, hall.^Fal 1 lIry |pii|lta|
IVtIIpI V||a|3i ?y4tPmu JL-LB11 Blit CldP-

ndp. l^naiiL- p i. BtliF.

]te. (]. RDF tv ItLiJ.. Marina 4- | |y. U^h.

]D TE.HR AiLruliiily rpailLni $t.ht. C'ittptb
all iiat^nal iTFairii. (:i:u; I'i^rhiilicT FnEf-
FJIE a "Bplior Dijl''' EliarL EphliMlpil Im.
ItlrllKlalB. XalliHjI, JiFJl IU+-X. lEunttf,
Xpw Tdrk.


ABTHEH-CKlY Mliir PLiy— ni-pPKu hmK]-
liiaA; EJlililnp. i04JF rhinrlrr, Lllmlf. lUlt-
iLil? Dwupillimi, ofmAcnELl LIfp Tiiniiar. ilv..
urn.ipJIhN In yiiUr IrMKn at (hr itnillK.

iir-L n-ufellln ruLilliAliv' B?4iipaiiy, iio

XuELll flLiFfc TILEi^I. 1'IuiiL- 3:254, _t!hiriEp.

XEIV .t(Hi:i kiy |Hi! iuLLlu i.i|irr.rr imlT iTc.
Bari h w B—iwr. KrtTw. gna. Tiar. Olilp.

CrklEn.lrrK k[ti>r|? kiillrnnf rauEiB, Ln-
pludlhE tiprfSiEi, fL. |hbuF. Ikiyar. Ijpa
llUq-E'. H^h lrij iK

ASrATRl'II- VariHijiijh— R jth jsr..nn u?k.
Epin llmr. tufiiyinR' airioim For jJifjiIipei.
3-M PUHlIr-jip. .ttfilt. tf|.^

RT.tMAItlREBR, l.PiFEi pL-rfart a|4P-.-h. .ti
tKznn. Rj mail laiLP r4iO. EVtIEp

Frihfritm ipi-IHiitr. i,ihr tlllL-c. ti |c.

]iLl!FtL4llliTl F'Itei axl IriEiil rlirra, eIiii
hdiiih, iHLIy hiPilA TTallaF fpr LIluiLrath.E
jnjt pjrll n w. E c| ml rL liiarErr tkah. ]gai.

" T?i AiTWirtKiJ KHii’klinS? 19 : l.npD,
<a.3b. IHlijin. UF Froiit Rl.. Xtyr Tnrk.

T,STTODi? OulTlLl, HipiillE*. PTEd 11-
lUiLrEiail 19iC. “IVjCPha,"' DU5 FuL-Larim,
JlFlTCril. _

OLTK Anyiipity ran mikr, !!tne tlihlni!'
pmrrJtjl ll.Jj. Ke-HSlPEfld, lilrLlPalpEi hr
linmil. I. i-i. |hPT.^EVini|rEH. [nit

Kl,tUh; rtlM.T(rtuL Dlarv A.P'i 11 inllltFT. iDi
lErlUAli'aip 25 t, Li. II. Jilzouliv hVjnuiia',
_JllnnF4-il i

TAT^II'iI S'Hl iTuIIIl. IT.AFi, b^lamp lirlnEI
]l1<Ei1?n-. ChlciEa- TilLcc Euprdy llpuiih.
4SI EtouEli Rl aEP. Chiral^

f.nfl]l ihlil F?r liuLLcFak-i, jiiiPtU. Raa
Jlinclair llUuh T .t A-rrl liFinpnl. j j ] pjKF HA.

■UStlirh Artny padil|Rj, (dcjr 4ltlin, rhlL-
iip iiBPv ijirpEa, Min llEtiltp. T pm-.

YBL" Afp wanlrd mllnr biIeiph it
hVftiP. FhALEldr liPlElir?.. jiFuEliiil aiiEraiazfB.
Iilihairr. eTt, EYrltr Jinf-InklF. I'Jilfr. Htl.
l]iE9nn. iTiJ.

AlE.tTElFR ranauElilr Bell v?uv mpEk.
Wrltr BmElh'i BeitU-f. f'X1]3l, WEnili-hif.




Learn Autos





fti -]] run Nklknil tK q-nLlr J*! br

Ataal ujr Litu, niiOv irTVM^mcivI in up piiCiriAla iuId
hp4ijf?^UirA Hpuri >c* Lhu

r^h^u* -ir -phrlDPi-

Ihn'^ wunr

I Hpuri >c* Lhu rtrt L

Tvv— I ■ -AM -ir 'PhrlDPr liil ■■■

l? T?UU. ■'*'* hj -Hl^l rtTt

□nrwii tudaf uiIh. Iatihc kiwi b Wme,

c?ntp 4 f 4 ? PT-P^tlal *■!* Intflitisop

fc?P ?IT lb *T?iy tdUkl dC nHIPi

jn Iq ITU. TIU1 ■T'b ibAp M UBBpt fKd Mb. Df}nT*i^^|i'
Bbqil rv^rr . W*'H l->-lb r?b iKin pir:-fclm ?<!■.? p"pb
mn Birf bm-l -hil* rhu^lBC. Ufliialird Im Enp^v"
iMBl Bfirki Ip Ji?4u-i?i. i3u*h rillMifl IYm illwii ?*
Lh Auki.

Atk !or

FreeAulo Booh

rsaTat*\j lf1iufnL?d,

BhAVibf I^Bd-IDm- II

wbrk . I ■ plakr

Fihui .bF InlBi

Ikbl plbIi

f ir-T irvl

I^ILkbll itHlK BhiKtf I
DTir ?or iimdl"!? ei^
Hlhriinl. >LbI 1 kh*



l'rartlciS*t?]fi 1 iiff 3 n EUSCTItTCKTYwOLiniia^
voQT fLfliUT Hi Fnf?rB -it Li -9 .L'cur

WALl HE e— a-P




C0iTi[ilctf. ficaccid]


b?i 1 -knom dictuiJCi In IDia cwn.1.ry.

Aiurr Rnc^EBX


Jfflit CvDp4n Pi^?

]>marlTnt*t -oJ
OieioLilc^ Prnll
InslitiLle;. L. M. TW-VA^,
Fb.D. — F^rmctlv Ciici
Cb[iniit,'n'ibotil N>^

VlCB LlnLljnl
rbnnical iiriil OfSJUik:
Cd.f HnAnLirf
SriiiiibHTCitf , E.b. — ■
He?< 1 9f |h* De[MJt.

Enent nl MELalluW,

LfliEiih Urilwflpliy-j. ttjiJ
CFnTX L. SciiMS. tri.lJ.
— rrcj?4? of Arriiod
CtlfiiUiny. fnirmaitr
p( l^nns^LvaEiis.









AHbiLiljad *IDt th* latirnBtlankl CtmiHBdEnH' StlMtli
idXSEAa’G. Smiths. PtnnL
^Llbdub nut or ntlljiitlK]. pitw* Brnd. m? fdt ditfillB
j:!n' bnnK-fiuik cv>ik 4 * l 4

a AUI^Idl CbanlillTy' Q ■r^bariuri IibI PhBmhdTT
ChBtilul EniInnrInI f] Shvrl CbtinkitIV C4st4?

U Jaluitrlal CiiiniMlI □ Phif?Bi^

IfjmB .._..u


Junior College
Drafting and Design

If d. ^ftaw cdtcn cc^m Jb Liniw9*n?lr. ttw Janwr Ati

fit Mu Eiiir wiMiJi-'wliUc I>jjdiJiia poBBtlooiB. (bur cimrBB -rcmcrntinlfB
<Xt 3^ ITbririED — iio]ie.ijnj[ uJvujiijBil lll^By, rB4HJCli WOrkp

QI>d nl^Urril navui- pmrLlcnlr mrani:r-3ii:.^iB]j

lir lifHM icudy Ln Z jbcnn. uur mcui tuits pj-rimud. by cTvCr.SW
nqthoritlia ; nju iin-il by H-olIqc^i 1 - . tfiVy, PfaV. -dF MAULtClKl- CdO*
dda. cbartrryd Ddb Edc Hkv bsdlivi r-dllcEci, uiii??ni[i??.

fllgL ScJiiXil trdiluiUiCB— -mtn wllli ccly ok' or ypnn< -rnlliraq

EninuiD — 3 .T 11 I cxjKrxk iii q il vrfirLcrai irlini k^k LjvC' BfMiAlInd CiailUHC

idqalrjd For bfHanpild ioiH— Blimild. '■ritij For rniUinTiHiuiiiidiL

Akiwriban bhMl, DpL b.U7, DlFMHl il S 51.^ ChlkiRQ



■?t Hpwii Irt Your S|Hr* Tim*

Tli± rdjnouf f'kurrn Chi^K o4

tnKirir\f -adi^iaBl iLraWltk< tiH Op?Tiri (h?
?dowor 9 iKc??- fcir fciiiiHjr*ilt oi tiAilorwn-.
W]iH.litf you tlLia'k yC>Li IiD'^'C ik- nut,

Ef^il Terr jouncdc ^ibfC CO 1 -iMC nhili-LYi

nHpi ?Kar?i pkp wOrL -or dEiJiicihi t cjcrur

anj FrOid tD -$30U pfT ?a.-^K J^imu iIaAt


lijt NalJanal Bldj. O- _


fhc Ss!critt ^ fM?

UjTjliiJtlflrti I" a
EhB[ Etvu

J Eb MUu C?Tlklli ^



BfnuHF*. fftJtStlD

kEi' la

rh^n till sulil'F

I -■■.■■ ■-. ] — . iJl.triijriivi: nnwiLF-.-"

wvif OmluB B Iltcal. n|n?Li |.Tlini-

■ ijlp* fair BDtMklH: ^Fl>b t.u- ud -Fcrrj:

i^r?^ .ii.r MnlBf p^ir: irtd V.BIU .Mimnir -il
rm-Kbr. fiki-lF ixiiuliiliDin. Ty** “*“

■Knii Pin i'~ r*u*lrfli 2 H-cw 7 “‘~?

“TIi^SdBndnbi HypaatlBTi-
ThU mmliid t— k BirlllPik tt* Jtw.-T *lrf
U llTpicbbm! !<*?* iiUMU Li JLTl!?^.dl■■l^

tp^ll li-W IB HkHl lUbJEClH bi>_ IB t^ic-.lcr; di- 111 j

— 3 mi.<rim, aB|Mlk fcnlxiui Ijtiuq ul^tkihf. >Ei H nmlhqi publlUid.

.-T n Hv.^Bi'nB'P JmuiJ yjoraiiii^ JaJ hAdmib. W-aliihip


Ifnuultlln pgh. CiW BW) N. tjjrfc Si.. &CTl. 10M. Chtcifl*

LEAKN to SEELl Slutp Beiiq a f aikife

Vea- l?u?i At Iioulo: ahm^ bi-t dueveedbE MLlBabMa CrdFiT TM\bti
14 QfiO to tlO (KO A Jitnr. I'toS tiKFli, '*Tti* K*? to Msiter HBin^
* “IjTlirtikW CddiQWjpte^ Mads la WlliW,;;


^ T-mN . PmL oiDE. ai Ela Rt.j an^ai^


llanUh T?yLnE' for tdlHueo oa
ttHiiuTidd biBTii. Hihi^-Ourtal Ffb^
uidbBHty nttb Tabunjlledeemcrr
Mvt kflohnlwcE, Tinihdi'bltfanDlaE-
WitbB far IFiee iKKihlok EbIUq^ ciM^
Juries cCdt 4 afBotiBCbOADd dEpEiul-
iimaWy WI^WMllBVHtbE I

navlDC oudjr lU(n 1'^^*- 1

n*BiillPhBrm??J Ca.
hpLiU flt.LBuh,n4. !


Rupture Cured

in Many Cases

yiHiT nicJlurB— iuvn&>!l

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IDT aJEUkzinff. pKliTUid At CulNflU
lIppllinDar ?cDt on trial — oMU ?*
littL?--^lielp* bO inUdli I A luUHim* aald.
N?|[tBCt or rn.vlnra oIEeii latiJ B 4 iCt
iu 7 — wribtfDTinv'Ftvi! RuijftlfaBMilt
and PBOOt' ti ?Drflst H.C. UHIWS,
5Za^C Ctxt* SL, Bmliiil, H M) i f ■

M'lLEnt tcrFIln^ jiJfrur -ntcnflbm FoiJlIlar ITk^ChOltlCM







■?l|l TO1F fotwH? Iw ■?lfh P'tmi to
bodd ttmcf'i Qf1 Ibt ikrti. Wrlto n? foe

TraA AdVlcb, M*Nf Eiiiii I'Y# 4 ?m.

uid up in. DrbJtInji, ] nlT^ir ^TO
thci uriK' pptdTtnn-ltr uhI niciiiili TmIi
utd. Dnceidjt TiH* aben ddu atotf. 0>t
ini' PAY RATSIMa PLANr Wiito dpif.
EJ?lMHhbl.ig5lbBMMAJ^.D?.t3, nicwi


lejyo FQA


E;inr Sip M?n?a~M4n Hiidad E^ar^vEian.. Thb

- |b 4i]r *r nwrifris

Eiuiy tiraa. ini'cJfip

mam^'-maJclnt bua'Mon. wilb' leAi'tip] |b day gir mtiFiig

L(r ‘ —

In-g r


HffduliSi PradlEild bidJrlEliuL
HOW tortr** fatal

r alnlnp -

Parjl ipaelal laMefhri Artdrdif
lllPi ilrt ?nri.

I TinK

** BEC02AE A lightning


&<ni II .(<1 f*T LaHh Ptj^fitw f i ' j ffM 0? SP ?.eb n?w-
fim allb [W^racllciuu CbilL Hppll4a Fraar

B ALPA ART aEUyiCE, H-ii*. I. flabhaafc.Wia.





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llrinA, blue, dlc[tr[?ucd, Jiub^ct to ohrecnlc cuiLitJ-
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IVew Facts About the
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?'trpi^[iu;< FrvMueiitU' Tforn vf tbemiiFl arltku perl '>3 h amoii'r IICfL
anU. tbnt pnHrt4tE tmoUa VHfaH-lEd leiiinlly voe^ Inmi bird to
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nimply -mail tbe boupno tn W. J. ULTk. PmSdeeic, llic ^leEceo
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Yuan* ^'a"'

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^TRVTH doiil

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Ktropi 171 liD elodtle bflmle Ci) STo vLte-JIlte FprtnfT (4ji iltcitLy
tiiny biiUlre pflTTier Id Uid ilEbit pCuc lit tbe bdliL way (EH fp(jiiiiiwd
liuUliV Twwer irliyii (he U ntii|ere?ertliyn orntrain (B1 Trm*

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DUaHJiued flirtUtt by nitu,


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uhi-ym bDir riut rcllcr ouy be liad wlthouL an
[,i|iiem[Lria; mahoi -ecrialiL [liar yiiu will feiililvrly
Juiewf lipw Ml lull the correct Ifiwa fvr yoUr pnr-
ilculer mptuie. Uarit mailed la plola aealnd
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lliVbWI MINILH ?Pa iLi4taj iln I .-nr ^LjUT 4*0 WMTb 1A |

Imti*^ I'^rlJitielci. Jlcly-riimtt |i*iLk, *idr|*i ilirTi .mHi U'>,i^rir

mwQHnd A Nt lUrirlEll-F. m wninlWy; Jvleliiru^ neUii- Ere F?i bwAkt.

PAMDieilUT0B -CO.,

b Jl/JLli, #iAdrgJ, llfl

u4i?rvBlWk;Jnia.fairul^ n>Uii_ I

?4fl Horwiu Bd4c^, ChiwolJHdp OtifiB

No Joke To Be Deaf


Cennie F. Wey mode lilmaOlE hear, alter belog deal tut
ycarm, wlib AnincLal Fojr lynuna
— blB I'lwp laydDdli'Mb. Ha wvrt tbrnn
day nntl plfbL Itiey boed

lUPria anil Jlnflnc ure. They an
l□vlJill.■1?AIHl pWbtilf CdtardElBlllei
Tr-d cbe Koe tbemi vvrite foe bt*
trail dtdn, -■'How I Oct Dcat aod
Mode StyarJE Hear," AJio l?ofc- ? _

Irt dn ]>earneen. Add rm nrum

Now You C>n Hoveo NewSkin InS Days'Timel



Far nr

c:f.t tieis PRt ..

— emi lum tluit -wheE -e-iy: fn-iMdcrHl IroiJi^-iIhlii IwrEnri—- (be
retEHivsl of pdiBlilca. lilBrtItbefiili. Errello*, liii. oily ektii. Earw ihiiv'^
inliihilbi and atbiv Jefotda la the emtee jJeId — con now be dbin
btltnlwily and ecimninlonlly at bnoiB In Uirtd ilAyiii' (Iilib hi many
LtutonDia 0.1 Meted tn- ItvIniD et mea and iFoansa, ptHins and hikir
]( |h ? 3I ^Bi^lfled la i ii?w ihietl>4 ^IM

"ShautIFL^L mew bKlMTN i [JAVS''
whlcTi It bclnji jnalliHl abM-iIntely Tnen to ecudEn et tbif aiA(Bilae,
lAi, mvrry -iiii- Ipiirt nytr yitiie h.iip'il|laiiiiit OLIn uid oriifluleilea hf
lilEne ot ikha^lE y^r lyuMr Bfcjii hwhe hoIW artd wiirn,


the ehla blem-i'Art

your name anil eddm; and. tiboih ... .

iMUhle you DKiII to MAHVO HFAUTY LAI?rj]!ATUl(EEfl,
IhifK- *n7-c:, Mir. lim HkiuImp, Hew Vort, H. V., oml you will
rtflrtvt (hie iiireiliin na>r trti.LlM bV nwura iviall la pUla tTropper,
puMpnld end ebcolulely Eree, Jt puatwL teU yuW iMariitil hboat IL

H'A.cii tipr-lElitj (p odvcFdrtdJ'd- MUfttNeMf J'ojiiufhi' JJdchdiikta




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Writ* for F R?? Boakictw^,
Vitiitrrr Welcome.

New York Electrical School

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A Trial Lesson

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lppliti->: 4 n''|i?A tnir-Mir dt-udcoti. VaLaablc dinirliif nucai liicLvile<t ti
?[ii[)h 1 ie BDU 3 VD, hmUaI KtAiilti. PiTptin noB' tn bd^

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Ui^nncri. or art plbyBcii.

ijt J L-^ rn I E-i>n- C I >H L . Tlu>llPuriilB ciT :;iijElHlli-i| -irinlriLl

duUii, Oultnr. U-ui>D.reB.

Vi^u I

*ME niC*W FCHOPLarf H-UaR:, Sl-C MinSjrUm faUqn ChieS^QQ

EiKpKFlviiAie Unnecc.^snry
]V? Cii^Hlly UfachinFi ■ffay

TIjc Mir cvAtt-liji-NiAfl Ibod blE Yoii msB-k >t diLTBcnmE

tn r<iu Bliwdy msde-. Simply itrnn latr. liBt stubc ud tlicy'rc
rBul>' to CHil BnmpllBBcrai iiyriw, nn- bipbAhuckk. itn E^JIkir^il
IVdlElvB prBBf Bl i-iTi[>;TEi±nLty m BTiBhifiin (1.1 firct dnr. LWr-
(EiliuHin- DOW high Ab HO ii> Hio a ‘ ^ ....

leJElnfr Eor ynu.

TtO E.OE!l oa imhiU aiUHli. —

... iFf

A tuuii’inhbriBl HiiBPCif.1 FbIIb fAfluw thA^ b<'>lkE<' (LIir.. dt^nati.
>lan 1 t ChiiiO thipt ?.? Iflif. SiifTf. .ulant^lis rtiliii

nh dearl NiKt a
etOrfiB do }<|11T
Ff. TbIiF -/HJfl l[]

jiBFd tsnjr BpcBlBl nnalpineQt.

lEa o

■ HiiBmw.1

thip* ?.A



(illiHl Qbl It's * NiHlilru UkA jE, triiTr*i WbLuh to

- .._... . .>. ,||la.nt^ 4 iB rtiliii lilfiscr ibBa

Eato- chip?. liTRiBtllik toirle Diaka tti?D act Ukc an Amietlnf.

IK.. OP-

11 U?*T

E?t .

ThjtmnKvnu Bit, tlif- man Yno iracit to ue, .and yBp i-invfricAi

(11I(h 1 Qbl ‘t'A * nwra?:l(Md NiHlil’i^ UkA jE, triiir ^

CbMh^ dEvtmtluc UDDMUiidB oE poiiDdE m<Uy[

Yab a Red Ont

yhifl ifoa yotifArtr-dti tliA [hWHlbllScleH. Yira jnurt prfl

^ipiuiiBIE UenE tmtuK- -B? ptrialE liui ta InvAuEi end bijr qovaI Ohui

BIlB.hlBB JfClli to deCllLt WLlllBOt OCdCl

Tt>m Yim t*ll Atfcft iritli M 5(1 lpv?(-
piinl. iii:t UucK EtiA inormoiU! pniatb

ImEiltniE lip witanut anotliEr pconr lo-
Vl'lAtmiCtjE JE Vi'iO WliUl I

iH or

S?Mi] for A.cmo.1 PIuhb.Ci^I

OffdryB r/Bltli W^HI^r-n: .itart trag

nt ji^nE^-li — tkE-n OriltiHiig iEB. jA

rmind? Wirhlr. tJ.?* ■ T"*!!*.

Men BTiiI ’rpo'm Buroml nllkn. W
BupcriulranunFlil ]] — dp slIU — do bt( tn--
VHuncnl — nb minaBlm. n'E rntnbb

^k-ArYiriliH— ndvcnliliBE, ilbpUy lEBiirlii,
etc. 1.KCH' 1 -?JiiE ijdeH U'b. Cihi Ib.id p> rae

[h* FiaaT niti i'Hofith. m

lii^AlLty. lYatc- at onoE uid bElltc Ulo

enUCaillLxl DtullEA LlJlD'lBl|liArilL]y I

Fl.rFF-0 MFG. i:o.

D?[it. V-^ Se. Loub, 111 b.

Ke.w mow

TIa Kmpi^ Jlrfl rf 4hn

‘IbE falf JW Bk

I *7 B ifWHT a ni ■ .

■ ■uirhu Vn -H qb?

“'"'■K , Tib? ii-
^iiIIf. l^IxfUE B?d
rif t04 a. I b



irMlnhdi lY
lul |lll■l^RApri■ nr>B-
fMliE 'Ihpmiidli
■Trrll K?B.

?r ClliiM
Df>TL'~ Lbwmadj -if

■ niU t?m. ln.TpH
dull IK POM hhIUi




WriH Un

Here^a An Way!

— ba hrlng ymi n. tLiip cfibIi Lnmrwio t
WLtbbut tnkiniz Any abnih ati-ny
(horiii >“iwr Flc3ii:!iab t^y -wiirl;
at bomc. nnerrato (x^auliful giCE.-
n-iiiMif tho t“T'.'"iilo Toll tFAi

dn It — in tpara momRnti. > 2 o
j;n?y|E-ii:j- truinlniE mnrirTd. No"

Bperial ability ncei'led. N-O- t^|mi!i
etild}!. Nd iriRmorking. TViE.li thu i
mtiM fllnL[X 4 atBCB Beat yiyd bv
M-OlWlillr firtlE EbE RTUt BTltot —
XJirEctac nr FtriwIdA IndiuiErlAA. SE fei
jtipt Eiml Vh> waul aiED la ?V?y
Poininiinlty. Bd Lbn HmeI

D?pt. B6 -C ADR[J!lN, MICH. I

Beetn Rig^ht Now!

TfauUiBniii VB D'lAyiEtj; ]Rl|i)nldn
dcBnriiELon>< — aiBklnc EmiD Em.TiOrp>l"
En ihriiuniMU oF dnllacii .nriril dntnR
EtiElr OTTO w^jrk b?W|^, W* ailh-
nly you ulEh cvEirthlnir ywi (WPl,
B{i ncfKfbui-CkiaipktoKlt WITll-

OiXT EYTa* rOST. Ie'b a
cLachl Voiir totew b. SdiurtH].


rni ml mn W B * irl
AflCB. Wlllml bW^b-
libB IfllllHfBVW PVAnivnol
FtniFdb Ham IN hIbfij Ek-

Aci JVpiv/ I AlJdn-n



4 lncli?i Of Mutde
Puf On Yoifr Arnii

ww wrH

"Tbrn CarmAD Iniii Short MqhIh BijlLtcP 1i gptl^
rmL ■uralw midi!i fcc huAii^ Aal-llk* *Pliu^ mHr
iniHiUlaM. tir-i-nrny b*ek uid innuodaua
JCi^D f ilt'DMM ft4Jol iS- la- 4x1 bii- um, EL
PobiPa I Ihj wi web. Lin^ lii? firvL ?w?k-

flPECI4L ntE^ Ol^R

Tbc [hOD FuuKxa/&D-dB7' iUiuErfebNl Pielijn

faHim oJ -umaBi ioj Lru rAioflj BJir) -H i; F MCI It HetlMOtr
dimhr mdElart:blj.ili 4 CWkittCdV ulTar

&T(P ■VMCD.I^i IfuJI'j w Lb b cfa^VDV cliiiniptoaa usd
<■1 lliat xrif> dC aCbb]. Hini' in od^ nn fHOlil
afTnr t-OT iLa I iiiibI odi?6 peilllL ^bllibC

MMTDHr tiMlw M\\t^ ^OP f Pn ilI?Ln.4Dd La-

fwiDMlODi ^4 CUlfftlflML FTinA joitr Bunih tq

■■imI TW.il -Iff iliy 4 b

A^wK^n Anrttlic ApplhrtcB C<iu
■hp-t. p. M. 1. Ui4 #^ul Amti
PhDwMithb, PM.


■M* lliUj-
■■II *■■■ 'povr 4in/
t*4l?atflc qiMtrHnt

L4lk l■nJb?vk pj nnJnE-D piafflin. Clhv

iAftafKAlIfia TDV &Md Hr ludll Uy iJlUALB'iPi. ^

Trum tlipdi bmUirpiix Bcneatsac.

Pruci^i. iwJiBi d|TH?. #owtif.

44* — \m BnrtmB in nv hia^ ‘■bhjm -6?^
or h r W-B ii Lbp jwL■^CTOl:pTA^^'Tfl■ BAf^PPOOIC
Uhri kjF piDnrtim. rradil tied, ^uk-m — otw
] LVMIl] oopn. bdiMbl. NkUiv -Ap* IH* \t Aii 4 AJi'
^^14fitl niH qf-tw tn vxpfrL*. CoBboi BfaBi. vitb-
pqh DAidriBfl AULtairKJ?? riw wmf . kiirtiH H JD lif^

4raioAT|i plyJv.

9Peb 1 Mr iW M pig* tKYLsn Sia ?p-

'BApy r * ** #*! rr'ite klnL ■oa buL Bvtbav -rf AnklTiiiir

fLoteBHbL wi^ iJ[ ?4Ulli >tal4 iHHk Plr^ IH


11 Imi Min tL|.NwT?rt. iIlTj

U. S.


5190V to U700

m?IP tirrr*n
thiaHIm ciirlu

MMI ^?udqhi j
T?d>v Suri- ^

Fntuti lullldi, IwL HPH. I.f,

b- Alnc ftWb Pth [|]
?ib ttm. rai Llm cf V-

CU? ilhri (TiL Ul li? Lu

IT brrfc e? Dimfr^

V. H. Gcmtumi^ rykiM



Ui>bt yt>U.T CulAiiTt ttlUi Dnc^holf tl]? pruKif e
loqiiinxl by cirdlikjty Lhiemb. Our eijwjta
(deTulopeil 11 hew t^E cS latiitiry tTii 4 g
equippftd with A4iu444blh nililMr-ai>T?rEd


Thli EiMrlv bTcntod ?pot t’Ad. trlicD.

-BUSfltlXd tfl flEKi ta EOT BpFlEl ?F
lEUuljD lYufm ^0Mi JlUL

wuf JIbuMh. Thv Enirn^uoalnr

N<7M-B^ld BUjhHE lL? ffl thE |Mfd lH

[4ue, tlim iDcnulDfl' I'liur ctuunA
cibuJiiLixi EL vqr^.

RHOiDELrrndcd Ire Fh;e3i;it:n4 E^trjr-
TTifrE. IlllwITij wrtldE*lEr3MlecM
Md EtaJlied to (Ln rou. thin gpcdiU. nErvie^.


A nw^4w <9?ii1?r CAB Oe wu ?rl(b l1iE OIIIO

NO.V-^ll> UI'1>T J'AJJ THUE16. If

DDt linjotr Ua BJdna, bhI VAOit a Fnd B04U|$

BU -"Hoptuf^ R^IaC," btL|4 |4

THE OHIO Thuss CtL, DipL C, Cbvlnuitl; OHb

CAnArilin FAEfe?ry.r WlndiH. OaL.

JlFinbUhnn Ap 0%(?- .W tm JMW jlUf*m(ooi J^pp i iMi, JVh'a nJ
■■rwrPi"i ArvM Affiit iiATp dirf^-il I’i’-ojiIb Ti'hOf^ ?fed iVifcilliif
Jh^ hi

Learn to Dance

Yen can lefljii aJI the Eitodcra dea


Tui^ (be DdW Fui ThjEd, dl:??[ii]i' WhlCa?,

Bmmji CoUvliu BrapiL ud pBnuIu&MlEcyBteiU
At tUlly tad qsldkl^. NtTdlMrt trvfdhrK]

■ BrapiL uil pAnuIu&MltcyBteiu

todqsldkl^. NtTdlMrt trvfdhrK]

mA.kmdBJidnE'UEliiiiiLBiE'A-B'C;. NDmiatoer

~ tC A wl Luira u libib^i

J PtTrf*
. ^ HMf. Pif

lafrNili Uqhf 4me

Trld. 'E.jiA tSw *MJ

-i?.. .

K Hr 0HUA4L l^tSMC XiHi

rranMm PuItt^Ca- tW HCk CtlTk St? bipttSiW, CMaaiQ


U4 ImrcfTTiR ^BflirprnilBDe.
PfclT (I? ti"arn|. 5^ru|


1l±lc MU tDrBrn m, nnijiJoTi.



gft LMill-- Itfti



g pmj f wD-Lfd^raud ^rHO^DdiU burr, ilen b tka^R beck m tVceii^vt,


riii^dij u iirhiTrfMjl Oiblirfai ud wcKua Ld ilapta linjrBtJ e^l aijnaa

PriM III Jd. .bsL pui^aU uijv b?n qpm nee^l of pekn <f bF baJI Q. IK. E>.
La p.l.

IMpillw H*tb|aaf POH, n?*Bl ai E. Oalplt s>t, Clifift

iCet kei:iiTkitiLcnd tlio beat botika to utiuly
<m any subject. Popular Mechanics Preas..
Chicano^ IHiniti^

WiV/s Me ZSaie i?ef Reody

for the BIG PAY JOB^

m SFDCir KTe lAiuiJ'r

bhtn- ronunrud 1ar?4 tn ouickir *ron

*by laJuih end nE^aiirfit W'ki U± {tfOptflr ErkJd^

A gpparluitjF li yotm yui e^ narr.

Come to LIKCOLN kainrn AtlUln K>>f^

Ob' icm^rTicri HoC TO'd l dintTwIiim IrD InuD )r?u FoP 0±

ti^CcT |Hy jnht Id bViltlHi -CKir ncu methodi- 0 \ ir^uai bHni

■UH end qmck mil I La. Cavmiajnt Appromi Ld>1^

ninifiif ?glDM4'i>Ci T>4 l-InC'^n Kthnnl Ip Irn^nntlHaDF haim.
EAerfrijnlLiJ; aMPslundllc* ClC OLiP jpidtdlj^ lb CHLTII WI ^itb
Aoima. u nJl u Is fcba U. &. ArliJEln mum ULi|llL Ck 4tfbJH~
Ilni^Ab-^^paauta, lA^bii nawfaf aLaloc BirajteE laFomk*
iLokj Ek rac bad kUla

Llncvla Alrvlane FlrinC
hBB Ainnft aide. UhmIb^

When ii3HtJ'jL!7 Id (iiffirri'lwrj pltvtiS i^-CKfluii Pi>jHiJqr Vdclidiifcw








Hji Z.T9

S*1?H -S-H

Hx4i!l Z^K
Hxirfe 2.n
" a.z?

l.lllaixj 3.9EP

un ?xi-
I.IE 33x9



a. LL
I. ir

ftifc frUitf Sin*

3_zi* jgDEALEKS


^EHt] DNLT ?-1^0 MP4?irvlLta Mrh
2riMnd. W* dun. — Inline* C;, ?, I). Hwliici:
9 JM CHit ir c 1 h 44 lb Jbll JMV...I^Ir 4 .^. 1 ^
frhJuiD M IW— (MJ fcft JHiritr

nraifBlIbp iDpfTi 3S iTMnIhi'' P^^bcvd.Ht oru


3ASS-MC*ltPB*"(l'OMp Av*. llnibllEa^ III,

All TV<E?




'^1 jm JIIJW t* CBkiiTE DlUaT- A _ _

NAD ClKl'Wlfil' >t fe??i IhiJ: TDD ?ii DOJ.I CHta Dtv iG. R C

kkv M iDMHD ml MV UH UddIdmImi- 9

MYEBUItm ICHMl, l>apl.M.X,Hll!l?,ainl>ll?n i

tm MORE PAY learn


PcmiHdi^ Unna tiaklnaimnL Id FOamciH. SaJut
paid undUcAOD HD lATn par- naali Dod I'll train a

dvmlKi of arlKted itudthu ut pfadEiial iH±k mi PfAftHDan,
Inncoba leit^i-aamL Jcti cnaiit p nlai, J tdmlpfa rm all torii ud
drawer tnli^. WHca tw FAGE rAY-llA49lhU llfafttiiB UM.
KIHipCCit PQH, H? U w tlPIl Avar, DJb^ 11





One Year From Today

— Wfiaf Wilt Yoa Be Earning ?

rp^lS -may bt IIm imat lEnjurtAtll yrar In TiJitr
life t Yourwlinic futu.ra' Jri DpL to depm^j on iiow
yini ?dvan.’Uice of pT?EPt Duiljittd CJkiDEes- Fdt
HKJotba — nuyb<i' — ojiivpaoJe* ??:& bfl tiblr lo

CtiMJtt IfrliomcvEr they^nt, out o? ILc liiLlicinH nnraf
i3Dcmpbv<ti <4 dUv9(ii<rird. wiLli Itiur -wiciFiL ard Iray.
WaLuKdCy Huy mil pick the man watli sinrt ability.

Vcill pIkiuIo rnalcE yoimeLf nioir^ Valuable iiaiT —
not anly to [WfllCTt wHat yOLL liavtt but to win pro-
ini>tJoniS^ 1(? make u-p aaldrycut^ [| ig bdag diOAa bv
GTHEBS — It -can DC du-ne by YOU.


Himdr^di d Lfl^llc-tfAloed bleu and mriEnst fre
ray ruiea Rad fl-dvRiwenieiit ticit now.
Tiuy DCAUiif Iti^ duprauLoa and i[ieiu^h+ the
fdLurc, na for out tlfw fm Ixwkitl, "U? Pay
ftflMKfl XiXBy" — nhoTriDE what they rtc tJliicia mid.
wliat TOIL can do,

ADk UR niiO tn Kud you fall dtitaJlf Rhout otit apw
qKUE-timr trMi^Ingr aikd to crkplada bow It poDptfci
you to nteCltoday adEcnaiuLiDJid opnortiinlila,. aJ?o
□bout oar aalRry-InCreaBicif^ plan. IF you really nn In
tHltiarf,, yoil oboidd fnvEwtifatE: at otiiif. Cbtck your
fbhjtol b^low. write your nameoad addreu, ]ui4 hHiil.


Dejai. Sef-R CRKAGO

,^[vl IT]*, free, MOut nen
Ifty KalBH Tjtfimr," iind drtaile of your
tKliuic ■athe be il near odd choikEdL

O B-uaJeuia

IXn D.

□Com mar*
ctaJi Uatr

QHIjfaDr Anoeanibcr

□ Expert lliHUcAjiiqa.

□ DuiLaeu Maugia.

□'IVh.Ki,^ MaDnaeniHBe

□ Cr r. ft. CkiKhinf

□Cni^rr Store

_Mt>darB SalHiDADabip
□ le4LirttlaL ftlaiiAiteBMAi
PModern hoFEDaioilkliF

G KteBAtroD

□ S HOctl fip^ pun kin d


A-rivn^ jPaiirjEm-




Wrlie (iiE kTea Lbit of tUifnI acb.-riulB iJiAt
WK4f*feliy BDrTT7t all #TH??h dotgEti,
3* Wawmry SI., lixlt* W, kHton, mm.

j MiiiilcpltiiiiiiDdbii.OpBc-
attMji, VDni*?ilU? ArW.
1 K Ibettola, G omed r

[ Isltiit, Mkkn^ME


T.B.DHilBat> ACh ?29 trWWDaalb Papt, 6.



□ rt lain- Jala lewrHtllur. IDDDrii^Enakiiir wock. Broednatmt, ^lo'l- riMllG,
■irmrLatn^irint jub?JB?r tllKtlUthi wiftt- ??4D KiOffc EdIU bLile Irirn^

ing humL Bunk af oil OevomibllLib, liBiiia Paait, ln?^ tVriba bneUy,

till La-Mfute Aea. DapL 11, Cbleege, M. t. A.





Wrw BclicrriBn MbITAI AEaRMfw hii ^ yU Dfc K*
lrleijAKL~M bffu^ LedLLrm prii^

?(DlAi Ev4CT-iiRmnnnn^c|on i Omlo. Eu^WauJ
tuunRy-DLiilni mIm pbCi tAc or ±ir.m^ ■. rid>>cn-
? CbrtituJii? pJrwI Pf>mpl6 fib.
AUIf^“^3-^t ■dnLuii EbL? Wb^amy-mM^r.

AlHElind hdiJTiuf-ilC'ElRriar CampBrifa
Nawv M*tnc4 IHiHh H^RkP-^, Br.ftd.f?r4| FBe.

buibrg^l aww hIdbrUn - aU l?r?^ Tn- HurlTEiR iNrt*

Li4 P^3!> Aaw^fMM Ub *V??II.

TU^ndiii UH. -QL^AJlAHTRiGiri-bj-ble iTSST

ju. tM Id.iH -ab 90 imdddN ui Jn,

p-M h^ R HW m^rC rh.iCX od-M dur^ nL. It
fWJ,A lc4?nu rau, berjyl T*wwvna^m 4r-

■'■'pI. UiAmIIik RhdUR. Cgc iFjRiDAL ? ■ ??.

CHI BurntfCe.^ jjj UBleb if.. CriteeliL I*

hlUlrii rlbRi^,.
AnbJd.|. Rif,



Mr, BrM-lu Greer, f re#.,
r*Epi. rj.

?n S. wafauh Ale,,

CliJcble, III,

BHriL oke Ibit laluriDatfnD ilboiit
[nlaliuiflittJcAil bekiiv Mill Su^al
'‘I.FftftK Nt>W— yAY LATEH”
Tbcje lx Da nbilLcAtlaiL



U- ?■ A_




Wanw ,


^ z



v> 3 ;


_| Of

5 ^


.-..awr. .

]NG|j?EflRN NOW ’ PAV lATEft




jrontiac perfects the Economy


Ctaalcihifk ii f -beiirLiiv Irpv wicb iDtectfl
CDiiAierweifbci, luxioll^ ±nd dynuDinllr
InlinCtd- ru ?odcrAobpia

buriiwiL Dnllca tor fall prcimri: □ilLat'.
Hirmoilic hfl#ncer ’hiulL imo laa drire
puKcy. Poatiu:'! cocinEcfi jHOfi?cr4d. ibe
n*Tflt4D>^bd.U.ncef t uicJic lev cn reus.

Tbe new Pn ritia. c' i po-wer
Ja * il-hfftsepcyvftf
Sueijibc Bt mmiDlrJ <?□ j
riKiattt fnbb^-t CmhJon-
incx. L>he*d irpe. Bare,

iwsfion ^ndo, 5-7 y> ?
Std. Full force Iced
l^brictiion- puwji.Jnfi:
EDLrburetstr aiuf inuiiiukiL

Jd f EH yeirit

fif s ‘^idntt (rf [he __

'TEH^m|Ie QEoyrpijLHi rb.y fU.CE disiLc
al lDdiiiii.[K]Li I1I3 bcED E itlniibr Flitit.
Also. 3^ ^ [he JO who finished, i-a-J-
^Ls pennsL, havr bEEiL lilfaiihi EifiitKi Tinj
If ihe moss ini;pricuive Fecwcl prier inifU: by

■nj' dJiuiie lyp# at CKt.

E]?ctro-p]iit]niiir of the
ni?on skin pet^cM dose
Re in Cylinder httlre, Cul$
clown breaking-in period
and prolongs life of
piston. Pin has snug
press ?t in one piston
pin boss and is retained
in pince hy locking jcrewt
Opposite end of pin
simted, with light press
fit in boss. All pistons
nmchined to uniforen
Weight within ^ ounce;
pins C4i9e'hjLrdencd and
ground to .(Kf02dnch

Y ou men interested in things rtieCh^tniCAl kn^w fh^
economy is more tban just a matter of Low r^ Coat and
easy gas and oil consumption. It"s also— and mostly— a
matter of long life and freedom from servicing expense. The
less strain there is on each and every parr of rhe enginci^ the
less cliance tliere Is of wear, ^^iih eight cylinders Fomiac
ptoduce^ 77 horsepower with a third lejs sirain on each pate
than if thi& power were deveioped in a Six. A speed of 7A
miles an hour is developed. This Straight 3 engine is designed
and engineered to give a maximum of scrvicc-frec operatcon. —
and to consume a minimum of fuel. See rhe big, low- price
Fondar Economy Straight 3— a General Motors value— at the
nearest dealer's showroom. Examine Jt carefully. And if
you want still more information^ write to PondaCn General
Motors Buildings Derrolc^ Michigan, for literature. No
Lbligadon. Just mention this magazine.

TTfieil urittiL^ etteefi'taera plenJn: m^nliLfit PopMiar- IF SC: 71 tilt tea


Popular Mechanics Magazine


VqL 55

MARCH, 1933

No. 3


B illions from Oil!


i y so

A HAKOOXED oi] wcUs ar
^ sprinjjirsij l<] life, atml the out-
put o! ]'jre;o]Ll oil well& in: hcinir

These ilevelopmctiia have Leen
mtuk ]jossihle Ify a who

seas tltirfclnf^ dee|ily vvllile ‘svU&h-
his' oil fiom his hauHs,

Cold waTcT (]e(] liuk k<>o*-L One
soap ]ietjjed. But a not tier did the

''Ti^ci "Dt k,” he cried as tlie
second soap removed llie oil from
liis. hands with lilde eft'ort, "Just
imajzine somdlitnf;: hhc this .srjap
sliot down into tlie earth to hioS-
eii the crude oil that ia there,’’

And this thoiifjSit lias resulted
in Llie development of materials —
scjIveuLs, tEaevTe CJilled — that
proriiise to revolutionize tlie oil

Crude oil co tries from oil sands.
But these sands are more like the
liard sand Intone of n. ^rindinj^
wliecf than ^anything else. And it
is hard sandstone that Fiolds the
cfLide oil

lEcist of |hc oil saurEs arc domc-
sliaped. To locate tFle Cop of these
domes, and also their lower c;dp;i:s,
lar^t scale maps of th e oil fiL'lds
arc used, to the

sitrf 5 ,ye^tfT the rna]], steel rods

DiiSTSinhilatie DnwinE, itepmcnldns the Strata at Micicrah OvVr-
titt on Df^nAf- ?|t(E ?l Ejlriicttns by InjtcUrig

SoLvcQti Toijd eff Praasure Lr.tn, the.

lA a^uj.


■ ,1

-Us ■— % 1” ~ V

t i r-_'

1 ... p *1 ^ ^

An OD FJtM cTt CjtHBrlui utid?r 11ie N'? S^owine 5tv?fRl PriRsitrci 4 KlI LiEt-Fum^ Jnstall^tEDEhc iai

I^jeciJog SoIvcQcs and Recnvcflng CU

st;irnl u[). TticF,c rrjdFi rciprcsii^nT hrj]i;s tD
1 ) 1 ; Ij-ortJ Jjosiilily ihOnSanclii of feet iillo
iJie cartli. Sfinij>les oi efirtli removed at
vnriouR. dcpllis intlicatc tlie types- of ma-
teria] pasSetl tlifOugll. By" iJlai'kii'ig lO Stale
on iliese rods die depllis at whie3i tlie-^e
materials arc to unci, the local! on ami di-‘
rcttion of the various layers oi tlie earth’s
ertl5t arc charted. Then the various rath
are con Ejected tritli a ribhoii of different
cotor for each kind of tnaterial foiind.
'J'ljis ^ives 111 mitiiature a clear picture of
(he various layers of the earth.

Knovvijig ^ii here the oil doane? are^ a sin-
gle hole tioiivn intn tlic center of the clonic
may he Jrilluil. Tlieti a pump ts used to
suck the oil up from the snml, Another
method Is to drill the center hole, and four
more eciual]>' -spaced aruitnid it down (o-
xvard (lie fower erlgc of the dome. Then
pressure is applied in tlltse four holes,
thus forcing oH up tlic center hole,

Water is someticnes injected through

LheHc holes. Still it is common knowledge
that water is not effective in rcniovinfj oil.

But no\\‘ there are impoflani solvent
dc’i'clopmcnts. Tlicsc solvents talrly tlusli
tlie^dil froiil tlte sandstu-ne. Sl^me ot tliem
are COS [If, hut- Cat! ‘lit salvaged and uted

Buch a]i plied niechantcs .mcl chemistry
bring a nijinher of valuable re.su1t^. Tefts
indicate that wells lliat are no longer pro-
ductive may he made to give up as much
oil again as has already come from tliem,
and wells with output so small as to make
operation ufiprontable cat'i be Eiiade profit-
able again.


How an overnight camp for fetrest rang-
ers could be built on thesunlrtliE of Koolau
ratige in Hawaii without carrying tlie ma-
terials over .1 hard, dangerous trail Was

hfap gt Picd^iciiliTE Oa PiEld bEf-arE D?vglQpititn( ; ib-4 Roda- Art PlacEd
i-t Uve FvinU Wb?F? llbUa At* W brUbbd.

.*V* ^ . . - , ^ ■

solved by the U. S. army
air corps. Instead of at-
ttnhpliilg to transport the
1i,200 pounds of sheet
iron, lumber and uails on
the ba^s of rangers, rhe
matcrtals were divided
into /h re e bundles and
■dropped, one by one, at
rlirfsitc of the camp, from
a /jombing plane. Since
there usual ly wms n o space
letw cen the mountain
/and the huge clouds
,i‘ formed by conclcnsatioii
of moisture in trade winds
ri-sing so me /poo feet, the



" 1 "'


liHot ^vas forcetl to .nivati-

la^o of rjl'ts in the cluuJs. Tlie
catij;j n'3!4 marked l)v larnc
]]a^^.■]s ui ^vhite ■doth. After hov-
ering over the spot for several
liouL'^, the pilcht dTD]j[?ed the first
hu[i(]]t\ Three days of heavy rnxln
foHo^v.e(1, hut on the ntsl day, the
other two bundles were delivered.
The operation, acconiplished in
ah'Ont silt hours of Elyinf^, hi'ouid
have taken at lea&t I WO weeks hy
otlier methods. *■

0 ^ r7f

gear^speed reducer


Compact and easily adaptP'tl to
any device or in ec ban ism, a am all
Speed -redttet ion ttnit with an in-
c la Hcd- motor drive has been pro-
duced. 'I he usnt can he supplied
foralniosC any speed ties i red, from
ttIutOr Speed of 3.01K} revolulieitts
per minute downward. Both liori-
zont.al and right-angle drives can
he I'urniahed. The latter are available n ith
the output shaft in any position around
250 degrees of the circle. The rednctinn
units Can he ohlained witli several dilTer-
ent-type motors as an integral assent hly,
including intluction or shade-pole type,
Sy'lLChrorlOilS, UttidirecLiOnal, reversilile and

direcL'Curretit mo-

When Fbli Bites, Lin'C Hctder SprinRS Op


Tli:Ht Catch H.Ab

Wi.TninE FistutTHim

line holder in released, spri nixing up and
signaling hy means of a sinall flag attached
to the wire about twelve inches a hove the
stintE. As the fish pulls, llie line holder
moves tip and dotvn, waving the iignat.
A rcel-likc att.achincnt at -cme side holds
additional line.

tors. The gear
housing is neatly
dcsignedj the gears

running in grease

and sealed in to
insure positive lu-
brication and ctniet


Fishing through .a hole in the icc is
made easier by a device tliat holds tlie litie
and signals wlien a hsli takes the hook. It
consists of a wooden stand on which Is
mounted a sjjring wire with an eyelet at
tlie upper end. The fishing line is pa-ssed
tlirougli this eyelet, the hook baited and
the tip of the fine holder pulled down
against one side of a wire ring at tlic other
end of the Stand. WJien tlie fiah bites, tllC


Sjieedy compression of air at lo^v cost
is made poggihlc hy criuipping a mod el -T
Ford engine with a coiii'crsiDU attach-
ment, At AjO revolutions per mitiute, forty-
five cubic feet of air arc ■compressed hy
tlie engine, ter .idditioral cul)ic feet per
minute being obtained by increasing the
engine speed ali-
other 100 revolu-

tions up to 1,000.

Only five horse-
pow'cr is ncets-
sary to .attain 150
pounds' pressure.

The average autn-
niatic compressor
used in garages and gasoline-fiiHirg sta-

tions deliverfi only eight to Twelve cubic
feet imt —





that it was ftv-e above
icro. When his plant
lar<ted, the temperature
was four EjcIow, Fre-
t|uent]y planes pa^sitlK
each othet at different
lieig'hts ocithc same route
uncuLiciter diffcreuccii i]i
temperature a ui o tin Li n ^
to six to decrees.

This dispels the ennimou
1ml ief that there is a one-
degree drop iu Lempefa-
luie for eaoh 300 fGet
;:[a[ned in altitude.



E4Cb C4nl]^4[iy
SIwwi pie

F(rm?*tt It ty u D

Bur.tri It g. RccETit Fire ui Uuc


\Vlieu the lire alarm sounds i n^okam ^
Japan ^ each compaity that hiirriesi to bat-
tle the Flames carrier a distinctive iliarltef.
Always in the forefrotit of the fire fighters
is the gtaii-dard bearer, holding aloft the
eniljleili of his grou]].

Permitting repairs to be
made more riuickly and
cheapU", a detach ah le en-
gine for automobiles has
been prorluccd in France.
The engine is supported
on a narrow, rigifi chas-
sis, while the front wheels
arc independently sprung.
I n fifteen m i u u t e the
whole uttit can be taken
froni the body and rear wheels of the autn,
repairs m,itle anti the mechanism attached
again, or a new one i]i;= tailed.

iDDEr; This Photo
JapanctiE Cily


ff t plane pilots find

Temperatures liigh above the ground
are not always cooler. Airplane pilots have
found that it is pos-stble to ride over win-
try blasts. For instaitccn one d.ay when
ground temperature of twelve degrees be-
low’ zero was recorded at Des iEoines^
Iowa, and Oinaha, Aebr., pilots living be-
tween the two cities f-mind that (i,500 feet
up their thermometers registered twenty-
eight above aero. At T4,lXt0 feet, it was
fourteen above, not her pilot, circling iTjfHl

fet^ up before landing aC.lCltiCago, noticed

Wlien rtii E-neine H#?ln It C*f? Be RECiiai?d

VrJ(t Frcin

tra mjth c Auto. .

]M MM : I , A R M i: r h a n 't(^ ^ ^ m

Baby Submarine on Wheels to Seek Treasure

Viewa aE Dwarf Subrijr[ii<i InvinT'od iy Simon Lakf for SjItosIh
O yeteri md Ptirli; It Is Twcrity-Two Fi*t Lorii
CriiEt Js Etiisippcd mth ^

Silrtli*i1 TrMa'.iie- and Qith?rin|{ ar
: aad Armor-td Car 6D()-K0(H
Ld'iOiiVi l'1vKtr]c Lijht^, Grjppllr.g fr-op and MpLg

lyiL s





Exploring the Interior of an Erupting Volcano

'X^p, Wurioft Amur ae I 4 Uuke PfcmreE qE sia Active- Volcano-; nravrinpr Sho-vijij^

How Man Wai LowEr-td jnto ETuptlrvg CiatEr; Bdotv. JeIi oE Lava Spoulint Optvnc'il

Ahxiuusi t(j learn ^^'hat it isi like insi-de
ail active %'okaLiOj a

recent ty flcFiccDidpfl more tliJin -fWlO iect t-n
the very boLtorrt oi an erupt inj^ crater anti
qinerged Jiotic tlie ^vorse for the trifi unacic
at tlic end of an anhesitusi. ru]]e. Heretofore
most of tlie eKploralLon of volcanoes has
been confined to cautions peeps over the
rim Of a sliort bjt peril oui! clejicent alon;g

trip ia M. Arpad Kirrtef, arid h e selected
Stronjboiif a v^olcanic Lsland“?etwccn Sicily
nml the Italian mainlancf tor tire attenipt.
The preparations re<]tiired. niucli liine. Ho
ordered an asbestos suit, gloves and sliocs
of incombustible material, an asbestos liel”
met as prcitcctiriri against the rain -of hot
lava, an oxygen helmet, the asbestos rope
and two sets of cylindrical steel armor.

the inner side of
tweeii outbursts.

a crater -during a lull be-


man who made this the islr



With some friends and a fe^v nalivei! of
tnndJre chnihcd to the rim of ttie vol-

■ 1 ^



caiiOf doiitjed ^t 1 4 J<|uip]iicnL cxctipl the :-it-
itioTj aUfiched the repe to a copper belt
about liis waiiit aiiJ waa ready for the de^
see[]t. The rope ran tlirouj^k a pulley al
the edge of the crater aniJ back to a reel
operated witl] a erank, Wound around
the rope were electric wires cujiiiL'cied to
a li-atteiy an<l lamp at the reel. Tt was
aj^reed that it tlic explorer prcasecl a push
I>tltt01l ajid tlte lacUp lit U[?, he wa^ to
raipcd aniniicd lately, "Wliat 1 fek dttring
tlie drop of over KJO feet Is licyimicl words/'
said M. KiTlLer^ did iird hootv wbitlier
I went or liow and where I should laud,
lly suspense was at i (3 height when rny
I'eet touched gruuiul. It was hot and the
air seai ill led Wilfl gaieSj boL I breallierl
with the aid of the oxygen rank. Unhook-
ing tlie rope, I approaL-lied tlie aionths of
tlie volcaoo, ininieiisc vertical shafts ten
t(i thirty feet acroH-s and coiuparahlc to
large cannon. From them spouted jeli of
lava accOEnpaiiicd hy forinidahle explo-
sions. Forlttnately for nie^ the outhursts
took H Lie It .a di recti oil that I was aide to
apju'cjaclt even closer .md look stCniEght
nlou'll JtltO the irtlerior to sec, hey oral .1
cloud 01 varicolored iiuats, .an incandes-
cent sea of hoi ling bva LTonvulscd f)v vio-
teciL agitations.*' Tlie ascent ol'feretl uq
dilficuEtieg and .shortly aflciuvard the sci-
entist aiul a friend donned the cylintlrical
suits of artnof and ascemled Stromboli to
take photograplis, 'I' he annor protected
them froLll ttie continuous rain of pebbles
and loose sand pouring riown the sides.
At last they found a firm footing on a rock
and pEaiited the camera. In the niidiit of
making pictures, there tvas a sutldcn land-
slide and the two quickly dis'osted ibeni-
sd ves of their s*i inor> allowing tbe sidts to
roll down tEie slope ^vEli]e tliey them selves
slid ami rolled with the lava, arriving at
the loot of iEjc [uouiitain Eiadly hrniHcd —
hut with their camera and the films sale
.ind wliole.

U liLttil.il OnbiiifL

Mim 1 *]Ci? iftnf CIiIlbsq'i
Old Pnf[ OeArtiorn


,'\s a rem in<lcr or a souvenir of Chicago'.^-
world's fair, a radio cabinet modeled after
old Fort UcaLdtorn is being offered to
those ^vEio like a t■a^l io of unusual design,
I’lie top of the cabinet can be raised to
expose the set, making adjtistnients easy.



For sbarpciiinp
tEie hladcgotbrc.-vfR.y^
slice TH, a grinder
driven fsy a small
electric motor lias
I n!' Cl I produCetl. A Jj
gauge ail^iists 1 h e
grinder for differ-
ent tyiifs of
H ni e r y w d u e
m o u It 1 e d 0 11 a

small ap indie lIu the slmrpening. The ^
gi'inder is po comp act that it may be car^i^
tied hv hauft.


Rubber Stair liiatH are prevented from
slipping hy small adhesive pads now of-
fered. The pads arc appUcd to each corner
of tlie mat al the stair etlge ami cling to — ^

rbe mat aiid also to the stair witliaui ^ CForash in conintercial tjuantities is [je-
niarring the

(kt 'W

icig recovered from fhe Dead Sea,

Dyes Prpvide Variety of Colprs for Flowers

Proljiihily every Lover of flowers lias
wr&1ie<l for a magic suljstance which could
he pourecl all out tltc growing roots of
plants to prof luce any flqwer co lor (Ic-

■ sired. Su far, tliis dream rcuiain.s w'ithoiit
real Oil;, except for liydrangeas. ^ VI ten
thi.H ornaniental hush grows in alhalinc
Sriiln its rtou'crs arc fiinlc. When the soil is

■ flcid, however, the flowers are blue. One
. of the easiest ways to produce Hue bios-
^ Soms ia to add alumintini sulpliafc to the

Soil. Orel til ary druj^gists’ alum iiilf do tlie
^ trick. 'I'here are other means, however, of
pro-due in" flower-T of rare color. From
“ Germany curties a finely divided poivder
which is simply dusted on [lie petals. A

rlic stem pro trti dill gK and die dosed
H.irk ii sJinken vigoro tidily, ^^'he^
removed the fluwer is evenly criat-
ed willl tlie pKJwder, and it is lIlL'll
plaeed tn water, .^i'ter an hour the
color a II ]i a r e El tly aetn. acid it is
claimed the petals absorb the color-
ing until ft hccocncs virtually a part of the
flower structure. Tlie most favored meth-
od of juggling flower colcffa in this cciun-
Ery, however, imolvts the use of liquid
dye solntiotts. The dye is sold in powdered
form and is dissolved tn water. Fresh
flower.";, with stems cut on a bias, are
placerl in the ticjuidf the Stefit hcirig cov-
ered for about three-fourths of its lenglh.
Some plants show (he action of the dye in
fift(;cn or twenty minutes, First, the veins
of the petals become deeply colored with
the dye solution, then the color collects
arouiitl the edges of the petals. This
spreading continues until the dye is even-
ly distf ibuted or settles in localised streahs,
TJoses are among the easiest flower-t to

small qiiHintity of tlic powder IS placed in
a paper ?ack?

r Hack;, Jie llowcr is inserted with? dyTt.hut other flowers, if

iWt; t-ti oiAt $.

without joints or

Top, Inca, FEu'^'ers. ailrr Srvcral Hdvti in
I We Sahitrcn : Belc^iT. Flowers in Dye Palti ;
Riftil. Diaii|f Pii.|in au^ii E]ii]ii b'luiver

knobs in tbc stentS^, respond equally welt
While flowers exhibit the greatest change,
hut by ufiini? hiossows of a hiifht hue and
adding a color which wilJ blend, startling
combinations are produced. For instance,
a light-yellow rose treated with blue dye
takes on a greenish tinge.


Wood is sliced into boards at the rate
oI 12j000 per hour by a revolving knife '
that leaves no sawdust. Since there is no
waste, the operation represents a consid-
erable saving In raw materials. The ma-
chine cuts at high speed, leaving a tine,
smooth surface. Boards up to a half inch^
in thickness anr| thirty-six. inches in length
are produced, but the capacity of the ma^
chine can be increased to handle thicker*
and heavier timber. At present, tbe dc- .
vice Is being used for cutting thin strips '
for h-OK and barrel making.

j, HAS GLASS surface

"'15^rfaced with opal glass which is lllu-
concealed electric lamps, a
urh &tandm'i ^ffa't&. K, Y. . glows with a
'hllc tight at night. During the day the
land looks like an ordinary glass-covered
alructure. When darkness comes, the
lights with their specially designed reflec-
tors are turned on to cast x wSilte glow
Hrhrough tlie glfts.i.

Urqiff a sqi*ip Ek^tTi3nupi.et Iw > SaCMy

X t?Ciib itvl Ciirr T?(ktln QiuDtiiiEt



Handling tacks in quantities 1 .
difficiih because .scooping them (
container is like attacking solid me
turning the container on end and
tlicm from one carton to another ii.
is wasteful. A Los Angele^urnit.uxs lu
ufacturer solvea tms problem by making
a Small electromagnet operated by a bat‘-
tery. The current is controlled hy a but-
ton in the handle. Plunginjj the inagnel
Into a carton and turning on the current
Jhi all that 1* necessary to carry the tacks
'from one container to another.


Gear teeth, pat tic u la riy for automobiles,
^^re now being hardened by heating them

with atl Oxyacetylene tOrchj then <]iiench-
Jng them with Jets of water. By this meth-
pd a gear can be machined to size, and due
to the localised method of hardening, there
Is no distortion of the gear Itself in the

CotteCalcd Light! SriiDe- thrc^iglt Op>0 CUsa Ifl- IPd
Enina!? Ttiii PefneiJiJDHil Stin^t at Higfal



- (53a (fc






AB JENKINS, Stunt Pitot
Telis Hjow to Avoid Accidents

A MILLION males of driving without
a-ccitlcnt, A world record in
ttiDtoring — established by a professional
daredevil pilot.

A paradox? Perhaps, to you arid me.

■'t Ab Jenkjfls, who for more tham a clcc-
'’as followed the pre-
career of speeial-
air-ratsing' auto-
. acrobatics, sees
■ illogical in hfs
jinent. Indeed, he
,rds hi& safety title as
natural and fitting ad-
dition to his road^racing,
mountain-clinibing and
stunt records,

“1 Itnow' how to drive,"
he explaira simply. Tt
isn't a boast I Just a state-
ment of fact. And a
iflance at his list of ac-
complisliments during that million miles' record roll through scores ttf point -to- ^
of motorirtg is mighty convincing. First, point road titles. Obviouslyf Ab “knows ^

to pilot a car across the continent faster hoiv to drive,"

than the fastest trains; thirty-nine rec^ *^The so-called daredevil usually la a far
ords up America’s toughest tiiountains in * more cautious driver than the average mo-
lests than a year; a new world record of torist," says Jenkius, "He has to be to

2,?10 snilcg in twcnty-four houra, 112 mile* stay in one piece. He knoivs tlie limits of

big ability and of hi* car, and he Slays re-
ligiously within those limits. He always

Abiv^t'. Pirjper Way to Qri-^p Stvednii WbH'h WrflVE Wiy Get

Back Dn B?d; Driver Ex Applybtg I\iiv?r and lor UtEltr DUtls


per hour average from dawm to tlawn yn
the desert salt bedi— on, and on read* the





Top, jEnkLnt T+kLlie On Fv?l "t One
nf Slcpi duTinig A C rn^i-CciiiBtry Run
in Attonpi ijhwef Ree?d; Bclnw,
Seelunc a. UDuntHici-Clicn^DE
r— a T?t d SnamiTu fcp APV C*r

leaves a margin for emerg?nci?fi. On the other hand^ too many mo-
torists drl-i'e hey Olid their safe limit. You see them on the highway
'gunning’ along right up to the hairline of their ahility to control the
car, H all goes well, they're safe. But, if a tire blows, if they get forced
off the roacif if tlie next turn is too sharp, if itie car goes into an un-
expected slide, they're got nothing left for the emergency.

“Yon see them in city traHie, too, trying to heat the ItghtSf cro^
cars in the approaching lane, dodging in and out of their line, :
ing that everyone is going to look out for them. And, when tv
chaps get together — look out,

“Accidents are like warsj thej^ don^t simply happen, T
have their causes. ^Eliminate the causes and yon diminai
accidents. Sure it'’s old stuff, hut people are stili being k^
just because motorists do not use common sense n.
iheir driving.”

Jen kins has his own code of safety, a sort of
golden rule of the open road. It is ratlier
brief, but long on plain “auto sense,”
Assume responsibility; treat every
other motorist as if he were your
personal friend; keep yOHr

car always in the best lue-
chanical condition;
don't "show off”
or '''stunt” on

higliVrMvfi ;

i <\7


You dan^t. I’ve brotteii
th c rcc Q rd f IV t c and I
tic\cT yet have failed to
nh&erve city ipeed lava
or slop sifiiis and lij^hla.

"A fev ye.iTS ago, I
made a s-erita of tc^sts for
a >n id- wester n city police
deparLntent on the run-
ning time from liiiiiL to
limit, driving lawfully and
'kicking it loose.^ I dis-
covered chat I
?a verl just four

Crifl Whjed d(I P^vnnent on m SnFt SliauIdEr; tli? DtEvct S^HiiUd '"Fliiat^
Ba.i?k 4111 tlie Rcaid vLthemt Trying 'tci Ajip]}f BraAu

combined. In my last driving, I make a
policy of viewing every other driver as a
green beginner. I expect him to turn off
without a signal; swing over on my aide
or stop without any reason whatever.

Every time I head into a turn, I expect
some other car to be coming out on the
wrong side. Every time I get to the top of
a hill, I expect to find tlie road full of ap-
proaching cars. Of course, those expecta-
tions aren't often ful filled j hut wdien they
are, Tm ready,

^'Most people think that in order to
break a tranEContinental record, you've
got to 'step on it' through cou-ns and all.

mtnutcii in eiglitcco miles
of traffic by jumping
lights, broadsiding the
corners, cutting in and
out and battling udth ev-
ery other mu-Eorist or the

'‘Standing pat on your
rights often may lead to
serious consequences.
You may be in the right, but riglit or
wrong, you’re apt to be in the hospital if
you alivavS refuse to let the other fellow
'get away with anything/ I've had [o' jump
curbs, and T'vc taken the ditch frfUjuentSy
even though the other fellow obviously
was in the wrong. Of course it makes me
mad, but Fd rather be imposed upon than
stand before a judge alt swathed in band-
ages and argue the matter afterward."

ilauy of ihe lessons in driving which
Ah has learned in his million miles of
speed chauffering are applicable and val-
uable to everyday motoring. For instance,
tire ]]]pv,-outs, Contrary to the generally

AEidvc. Wrone Way to Gn Out cf Stild; Rietit. the
Proper W?y — WJi?1a Tuinoil In Dircstisn of Skid

always expect and lie prepared for an.
emergency; don't fight for your viglils,

Koremo-it in importance is the accept--
anre of rcsponsihility, JcnkiJis believes.

'"There is a .lign on a w’cstern liighway
that explains my point," he said. “It reads,
'Watcli Yourself — You May Meet a. Fool.'
Not very elegant, hut it (las done more to
prevent acdiEeutfi in the uiotiutain.s than
a!] tile formal wiirnings and speed lr.ips






accepted belief^ a rear-
blowout is ^at
di^ciilt to Tua'
ncuver than one in-
volving a front tire.

"When a front tire
blowSj yon freeze the
steering wheel against
the pulling force of
the flat tirCp” Ab ex-
plains. "A soft front
tire alwa^!^ pullii plead-
ily and in one direction only. If you have
strength enough to overcome tiiat pullp
you're safe. Let the car coaBt to a stop.

"A rear blow^ on the other handp beeps
you plenty busy. It swlnga^fhe rear end of
the car first one way then the other, wdth
a tendency to broadside. YouVe simply -

got to out maneuver it. The feeling is Ube
driving in slimy mud — the car is all over ■-
the pTace“ ^

For a second or two after the blowout,
there is still enough air in the tire to pe/- '
mit use of the brake, Jenbtns says. If yj^u ^
can react quickly enough to mahe use dr ' ?

that flash of braking, you can decrease -
speed appreciably. Eut after the tire is
flat, never under any circumstances jam
on the brakes. Just let the car coast.

Another common source of highway ac-
cident is dropping one wheel off the pave-
ment on to a soft shoulder.

■‘The big danger ties in attemptir
get back on the concrete too qu'

&ays Ab. “You led that sickening
and iinmec! lately you are tempted

<Conqindtd eo I3]A)





S*vkftt]r-Piiv4 Pcmnd Lo*J* B* H*rntU4 tjf ThL*
Auunitk PwachutE, S-hjown bi InvMittM'''D Hinda


ErtitTg-gncy pftrachnE<?5 have been ricvel-
eped to OjicTI at any Rxcil time by mcatiB
^ in automatically controlled release that
the rip cord a certabi number of sec-
atter tbe chute leaves ihc airplane,
ii a plane were flying at 2,000 feet
?lie release meclianism were set at
:ti secoudSf the paracltute
*?^proximately 1,600 feel before
or within 400 feet of the ground,
cllniinates drifting; in hig-li xvinds. The
chute makeb the dropping of food tO ma-
rooned persons as accurate as
certain spot. It is fireproof,
aitd will float. The apparatus can be
ao the chute will drop to within
five feet of the earth before it opens.


Combining features of the scooter and
aki| a winter toy for children is deaijjned
like the familiar wheeled scooter, but is
mounted on pivoted steel snow runners
shaped somewhat like seaplane pontoons.
This allows the sled to he u&ed over level
land or downhill without caus-irag the rust-
ncr5 to sink deeply into the snow. Since
the runners are pivoted in the center,
there is a rocker action in g'liding over
uneven surfaces, and the forward gliJer
can he turned t<] enable Steering. A rub-
ber pad and a Strap fitting over the shoe
prevent the fool from slipping off the
si^fter vv^tie ijfs propelled.


BagworniSj one of the commonest of
AnierLcan insect pests, are to be used by
the Japanese in making shoes, purses n'^nd
other articles if present plans materialize.
Recently a quantity of hagworms w^cre
5-hip ped to Japan from South Africa, and

it is .this, par ti-^la^jj^pe of jnsect, larger


ScDoicr cn Ft-wtcfl Stbd Snxi-v ttuntiAi^ Id

FcTEiUi 1 'M^dE'fiEd fDon aE ?bii[ii


,±J(rETUt j nodLliEd^Dm] at siELinr

than either the Americati or Japanese va-
rieties, which the Japanese hope to use.
The process lias not been disclosed, htu
the bagwornt beloiigs to the silk worm
family and is .bo named h-ccau5e of tlie
small bag ft constructs out of its own silk.
Whether the Japanese will he able to spin
the materia! or utilize it nsercly by cutting
and seii-ing in various shapes is not known.
The American bagworm is about one and
one- half inches long and i.s cigar-shaped.
Upon hatching, ft begins fashioning a bag.
and on reaching maturity, the male gener-
ally leaves the bag and turns into a moth.

He? Twd-R{k)iiv Utifte Ah AriinEed m
New Klhd dE HDtcl; Crcaa SeCliem -at Lcll
?Ihivi One UnEt vHlil BfJi. On? abpve live
Other; ai Guest Enten Upp*f Sec-

ciO'il; the fioDini Are Entirely Srparaite

Offering inexpenaivt aeeotrtmo-
clfttiojis to tourists ami iravelmg
salesmen, hotels constructed in
ttvn-lted units not unlike the lertli
arrangement of Pulltliatt cars are
being installed in American cities.

Each unit consists of two full-
or tliree-quarter hetla, one
N above the ather, and a scparaEc
room containing a combination
dressitjg table anrt writing desk, a
large niireor, chair, hooks for
clothing and space under the hed for bags
and suitcases. The upper portion td the
Unit is directly behind and slightly above
the lower section and is reached by a few
steps 0(1 the outside of the 'unit. The
halves arc back to back, but while one bed
is above the other, each sleeping unit is as
separate from the other as though divided
'* by a EiJc-inch walk Fifty or more of these
units may he erected in tninitnum space.
Lobby, ladies parlor and adequate toilet
t facilities are provided in the building,
^-^^Icd '^hotelettc." All air is washed, ster-

^ M .7

ilir.ed and changed every three to five
minutes. Each unit is made of metal, there-
fore fireproof, and the sides arc louvred '
for ventilation. Arranged in rows, the
units liave the appearance of miniature
Spanish hungalowa. Uniform tempera-,
turtfi in the hotelcttc arc made possible hy
insulating the building and regulating the
heat, regardless of the outside weather.
Sinec only a miniimuni space is required,
hnil dings already put up may be utilized,
a two or three-story building being large
dvounli for installation of fifty units.


4 !


* ?*



Sea-Floor Scetie Shows World as Fish See It

exact colors were du [plicat-
ed by netting specimens
and fitudyitig their hues*
Besides scores of fl&hj the
scene depicts spon^es, cor-
al formations and plant
life. Sliarkd and the spot-
ted moray abound in tiic
waters and made the re-
search work on the ocean
floor dangerous, but the

er weeks of re-
work Cm a coral
the coast of Bcr-
some of it done
. inj^ helmets, artist-
.entist-; have created a
icene showing a bit of
the ocean floor and some
ct the sea life as it ap-
ears twenty-fii'e feet
under w a t c r. Sketclics
in color, exact measure-
ments and plaster and
Wax casts were made to
produce the submarine
scene for the Buffalo
museum o? science. The
Bcrrrmda w^aters are so

Abu?, P*rt of Croni) Con-
EtmeCed la Sluiw LUe ? )

!■■■ Ob Plwr of Oei*n; Jn Cir-
ete, Hodd ftT Subm^rix* Flnnt
^OtIe ia Wu; Rirfit, DEvicr
^MUbdlng to SluAy ILiEe on
Sea Bottom.

clear and the sun so briglit that the ar-
, list 5 found a riot of color twenty -five feet
, under water which excelled that of tlie
i til oat bright-hued flower garden. The great-
^est care was taken to obtain exact meas-
huremenls tlie vari-gm^ forms of IffCj and

eighteen trips to the bottom were com-
pleted by tlie artists without injury*

urentents of tiie van-qm^ lorms of litCj ar


C[01d autos arc bcin^ converted into new
Steel by use of a form of briyuetted ferro-
ah(^s* j




(fh /1 ^

E C "

liJ A Aa^

NIC'S ^ 353

Dynamite explosions
SiOChJ nn!ci away liavc
been recorded on instru-
ment & 5 It a study ot sound
waves, especially t li :i L
pari of SCntttd that aftltfP
il ig'h Into tin? sCrato-
aplicTiv It is thouj^lit tllat
■sudi sounds may carry
?:rcat distances in a path
resemblitig ihaL of a sliell
from a s u p er-ca n nOti.

There is a hypothesis that
tenip era Lures in the upp^er
atospherc arc warmer
iit those whicli liavc
heen JiieaHurcd liy instru-
inerils carried aloft by
hailooos. Il this is true,
scientists tliink it might
be revealed hy Lite way soundwaves breah
wlicn they paiiFi into the warmer layers.
Tlie explosions set oif in Mova Zenihls
wqrg ^du-ard” liv' inst nj ni cjits^ at Fotsdam.

Here tii the Artanr^mtnt Wtiisli
EJuuliiJtM En. Aui 4-; Drive la

Adjuji?d t4i Lc'^d AiitaioaticalLy



Adjust able lor the use of a child in bed,
a iighrweigb.t wooden desk has a minia-
ture Ferris whcpl arrangement for stor-
ing toys. Ttie wheel, ^vhich Can he turned,
lias -su.'ipcncl-cd baskets fnr the play tilings.
The desk top is supported at eitliet end
by a pct ai shclvc.s and a dra^vgr which
lioEd tlie top away from the child’s

Controlled hy only an accelerator, lirake
atn:i reverse lever, an. automobile vi-ithout
gears has been tested successfully over a
30,(K)0-TUile run. The device replacing the
gears gives the driver the choice of every
possible gear ratio between fifty to one
and direct drive. When the engine is
start ltI, the auto moves off Eniskly and
when it has gatficred Speed, the driver
lifts hi.s foot from the accelerator, and the
cltange to what corresponds to top or
high gear i-S made automatically. On a
hill, the car automatically adjusts the gear
to the load and the gradient. The car can-
not run hachtvard unless the reverse levct
is set. The device is Said to be durable,
fool-proof and inexpensive.

Tlui Child WiEI Be
Ink W

E?n Jn Btd- vrtch
Sfu^c Idt Tcyi



News articles and advertisements ‘'print-
ed " on log clouds compose London’s new'-
cst and most unusual “newspaper/’ Foiv-
crful searchlights are used to project the
stories on cloutls, with llic “ads” sand-
wiched between tteivs articles. Since the''
ntcr sky' in London Es schlom clear,
clouds of fog or smoke are plentiful, pro-
vi ding the screen. The writing should be
cloutlii at 3,0Q0 feet foa bctt

(fb ij\s[


5- i- u>.^? M.

yi Mofdern

OUILF) a ciry to jin-

coniiimcLttE; a flo.iting
population of 20rt^illD[) poo-
pic: on an area of one-
nrth of a ?C][].irc mile!

Til at, tn offeet, was the
comthiiEicf is^iiiccj to tlio
Hoard of strategy ^iven
the r a H k of planning
fiockefellcr Center, Mew
York's fatesl wotuler, Tn
tlicir control, tlio htii [ti-
ers liatl $25 0f00ft,000-^
cnoLij^h money to Imild
fit'c power da ills like
Muscle SljoaU, or to t|riH
n twciity-two-niile tunnel
imJer the chan-

nel and still have SIOO,-
OllOjlWO Co -‘ipai'e. Or they miprht have built
a t Ower (] f Eahel high er than Mount

We usually consider the Panama canal
a costly and colossal project. But the in-
a^estiiienc in the canal's fisetl property is
about 50 | 000,000 less than the investment

Above, B Madel M^ker aE
Wai'lf -An Plj.n for Stacks'
tdltj Center- B■ElD^T^ On*
oE (h* E?pltes( foneep-
lJ^n4 ?E IJ1C PrajEclL

teen acres and in eludes about ■S5,tWfl,fKK)
cubic feet oi rock.

N-ei flier wa.s there cnouf^h money to
have rccrcatetl the palace of King Sargon
11 ; of Assyria, which conlaliiecl one build-
ing covering twice the area of Neu' York's
nioderii project. Under sfrainEng musdes

ill Rockefeller center.
And the canal spreads
over a zone more tlian
fifty miles long, while the
Nciv York project might
easily he lost iu the jun-
gle beside it.

The com in if Tee, in fact,
had enough money t-o
have do plica ted almost
any structure ever Emilt
by man eKcept some of
the ancient Hvonders cre-
ated at th-c rvhim of ty-
rannical kings. There was
not enouglip for in stance,
to duphcale the pyranlids
of Egypt, for Great Giaeli
alone c(intain.s 2,.1QO,00(1
St ones, some IV e i g h 1 n g
two and one -half tons,
while Cheops covers fif-

cracking bore?, nltl-
Uci-nK. of iil^ves also cfC'
ated some Ollier rivals tn
tills niodcrn niarve], SUCll
projctlH an llie Haiiping
Gardens of Baliylon, tlio
cities of the Yucatan and

PerLi, tlie AkIoC cEILC-: of

Mexico, the Roinnn aq|i.ie-
ftii c tSj til a n o w h ii r L e d
dLies of Ceyloll attd lllC
niiigtiil'icetiL temples of

But the fabulous rtle-^
tropoliii just sprung from
tlie gTEiy chaos of Now
York has features wliicli
would [je respected even
by Our vetierahle ances-
tors, ft is literally a city
standing Cm end, a city of
^al'^1cn!^^ p1a^as^ theaters,
studios, ohiEes and sliops
driven itilo the liltie sky-
line untit it is visible to
ships at sea or, on other
occasion Sj loses itself in
the clouds.

With $250,000,000 ill its
pockety the hoard of
strategy so'cm found its
thief concern was nhat
not to do tvitli it. People
from all over the world
olTered ideas and hush els
O'! them were sifted
down to a f?w pertinent facts. Imaginary
SChenifS of grandeur, staggering visions
of transparent buildings, suspend ctl high-
ways and Chiitest pergolas all went the
way they had conic, as also did a man
from Georgia and one frum California of-
fering to selE mountains.

The planncra finaliy decided a modern
city intended to become a workl capital of
h us in css, nmrchandisiug sirtd reCteEitlOll
should he built exactly contrary tO aocicnt
models, and this [s wliEit has been clone.
Instead ol builditig a large hasin-sliaped
city, they modeletl! one after a mountain —
the higliest point in the center. Altd near

A BLfj'i-E^e Vlfw aE a P]ajl?r-CjiE UodEt ?iE TIue CLl^ vLiIud a Citr:
Many ?iLch MadEla Ware Ma.iic and Studied BeIcte Ounitruction Sta.rlxd

the base (bey placed fair-si^cd mol chills.

This interesting plan allon's the people
Jibing in the highest levels to la ok down
Up on the roof gardens of their neighbors,
and the people in the lower Ic'^'clf to Look
doivn upon a sunken p]:ij;a. And tlie
echoic populace enjoys unolistr acted sun-
light and circubating air.

The strategists next srniglit tile best
method of carrying out their plan. Each
stated liis notion on an idval city, .anti one
by onCj these tiotiems vani:<hci1 in a rtith-
less process of elimination. Zoning laws
limit the bulk of buLltlings; fire law.s gov-
ern the dimensiora of floors and avails.


A^ietbcr Model Shinrirvi;; How Tbm City of 'EC'OlDO(I' >Vr]
pletcdj eht Kbii(ili*d l^oject Will Coit (Si-D.

And then they Siatt to ptoviiie eiimtjfli
space to cover the project's opcL'-itinj^ ex-
pctises, A thousEimJ coiisidei'^tinns gov-
erned every plan. Wliat they finally cliosc
was s. coiiipromi&e lie tween art, etifincer-
iiiff anti the heavy h,n,nfl of John Law,

When such tenants as tlic Xationat
Broadcasting coni pa my, tlie Radio Cor po-
tation of America^ and others, had stated
tlicir -Hpacc rci|uiTenicnts, it wa;^ possible
to know how to [ihin the in dividual Imild-
ings, and this also determined the tiine tor
coTTirtiencing construction. .A, II the fmild-
injjs were Inca ted and iimnhered on a pre-
liminary plot plan, and each was placed in
charge of a joh captain.

Almo.st Dvernijjlit the WTCchcrs came
upon tlic scene, C,vravans of trucks car-
ried off the wrecknige front scores of 1 mil cl-
ings at the site rtf the neev city, Never in
history ^vas a city built on such exacting

schedule. The workmen
were maneuvered like
army regiments.

Locked in ilteif quar-
terSftlie buavd of Strategy
Jehu ted the Issuer of tlc-
sigll and c i> n s t r u c I i o n ,
and how to defeat Cheir
enemy, time, day ami
piaster tnodcU ol the va-
rious h wildings ivcre be-
fore them. They ex.am-
ined sclicnics until they
Could no longer hold off
tlmci then they ga^’c the
awaited order of at luck.

DispNatch liearers rushed
their CO m m,i n cf s to the
drafting rooms, where
corps of men in shirt
slec\'C3 reiiuccd the three-
dime tISLOtt plasler model s
to twn-'dinicnsiou
schemes on paper. Next
came the bluep^^ 1 lts^
ivh ieh other d i .s p a t c h
hearers rushed to city of-
ficials for approval and
to comracEors for eKecit-

Ideas grew atid shapes
crystHilll^Cfl, the plains be-
came more and more Je-
ladcd. I'he first blue-
prints were on a scale of
one-eiglilh of an inch lo the loot. The
drafting regiments, working at high speed,
soon enturged ihe entire conception to
iiuarter, half, and even to full-size dr.iw-
itigs. Then spec ill cal ion writers began,
descrili'iitg the ntmierous muterial-s which
might be purchased for the work. Con-
tractors were iit^'lted to l>iiL Xot always
the loivest Udder wem, hut the man whose
reputation and resources inspired the most

Bids turned out unexpectedly rea Jon-
ah le, .mtl iL was possible to oicLer white
limestone instead oi brick fur the face of
a seventy-story' huildiug, notwithstanding
that l>rick prices fell thirty per cent in the
e purse of ses'cr.al d,ays, Bidtliog was so
spirited and conditions so fns'ornhle tliat
certain cutis true lion, origin ally valued nit
about ninety cents per Cubic foot, cost
about onc-third les^s..

App?tr WJiTJi Cdhit
[HD.C lDCl


A EIJ.ODP MqcIcL of th? AiLdjNaFium. cJ th? iJIlErujEMnu] Miitic Hult: It Wrigkt MaF? Tfain Twa Tcinj, Id.
FUtecn FeeI WidE, PaurtEED FEEt Deeji 3nd MarE Flu.ni Se^eci F?t Hisli

Hi^anwliiEd, clici site hHirt Hccn cleared
and tlic. iron worlitrs niarchod on the
scene. Siniuhanoousl>', transporls came
up to the front on Train sclicdnlc and
dumped their load^. TEie moullis of fur-
naces belched forth the steel soon to he
riveted itiLo the fraiiiework dF tlac hutld-
in^s. A^jeaits in Europe and a11 over the

pearnnee and qUntlity. And tf approved,
Other inspectors saw that those very ma-
tcrials were used. Btsiiles the architects'
inspectors, tliere were city, fire, iiccidenl
and insurance inspeclors. Ami on thpcpni-
p let ion of each h n ihl i tig. There was a ffcn-
eral ins[>ection l,iy the owners, COntfaeiOrh^^
ardiilccts and lessees.

fitatci searched for new or better building
materials. Others ivere sent to mines,
quarries^ lahoratcnrtes, and tint tiu Factories.

Tlie hupe, swift and widely scattered
operations necessary' to hqihl Rockefeller
center would have been inipossihle in any i
Init the present cetitury, when all the arts
and crafts are knit hy' a eon'le of disciplined

^V'itl^ it-s nffiecs and shops, its proposed
opera lious^c, its music and variety hall, its
citienia, its hroadcastitt^ studios, hanjjinjr
^^ardens, and public plaaas. Rockefeller
center be coin ch the citv within a citv. _


ft, . 1 r . 1.1- 1 >^ aids planes in landing

eniciency. On Lhe batllefront and hehitid

the lines, it is estimated thnit ^-Ti.flOO Underground radio an Ton n as for radio

joined liandH in the fabrication of this city. -- beacons that desij^nate runways at air-
ill all, they will have labored for lO.OOfl.rX^j^ftsirts proved successful in tests. The bea-
days when the project stands eompletedT^ |Cons puidc tncominir planes Tn safe land-
Testin^i inspectiu);', and checking the ijiug. Tire arraugeuient is particularly use-
work anti materials required the attentiou^i ful- where two runways intersect, because
of a smalt army. As the contractors pur-"^it eliminates duplication of beacons, one
ehaserl materials, they were re[[uired tiu^^ffuiding CrauSIttitter .serving all tour direc-
sitbmit four samples for approval. Thesi;^ticins. The hoinkup was effective for ten

were tC!^ted fnr strength, durability, ap-'^n>Hes — ample for laii



fin /(>




ihiiti ?\00l> g'lHtJtia ui wEitur pet
minute were plint from ^ &COre of liojic
lilies connecteJ to :i fiigli-presatire w^tet
Fiystem []i a. rccciu djemonscration by Pliil-
aJelphiii lircnien of how engines and fire-
oats mijhL attack a waterfront bla^e. A(
one timCj twenty-one lines of hose were in
sititukaneous action^ t[ie roHuEl lieinp a
ferltable wall of water tossed into tlie air
at (lie rate of niore than 500,000 gallons
an Flour,

in Si[Ti\ilta.Ti?0uii Oii
thnouieb Tbifiil

Acliuitablc to any size
of screw top for jars^cans
or bottles, a wrench vv ith
a web Strap has a wide
variety of uses. The litrap
is adjusted closely around
tlio lid and locked by tlie curx'cd part of
the metal handle, LooRoiiinR or ti.i^lileninsr
is easy after the ?t rap is lackfd in position.
The ivreneh also can he used for Loosen-
ing reds, pipes and cylindrical objects
without leaving teeth marks to mar mate-
rials. Bottles ^vith ordinary ctowil tops
ma^' be


Operating on any power supply, a mas-
ter electric dock with a free-sivioging
jicndulum is nffered as an nntisuaEly accu-
rate timekeeper. The clock may be oh-
fl complete or in p^rts fi? the ‘'build

WlLJi -GxEppisg LLH. ibf- Wrenidi applijti. L[?EEtt.

^ ^ lap Dr Ti?htErtiivt ?Pcr'rE

your own" plan. It uses
alterjiating or direct cur-
rent^ and any voltage
from one to 5d0, while a
<lry cell and reserve
mechanism enaFile it to
run automatically, sninc-
times as long as six
months, in case electricity
is cut off Or fails.. Any
number of clocfcs may be
operated hy tlje master
dock, w hie El is suji plied
in the grandfather-style
case, six and onc-half feet
liigli. A pilot dial control
i.R installed on a panel in
the same case and is fur.,
nished W'ltls a step-up key
and necesgarv connec-
tions i n r sy lie li ro n i z i ng
the whole System, .\djusl-
nient within ten seconds
per month is possible.

; S' ^


6^42-3 fl.

P O P TJ L .


ffice orv Wheels Saves fime^or

Tn enable lum fo ivliilc! trai'clluj^,

tilt |3tesit[ent tn .'k C1ti-c:L j?o eojiipiicrv' w ho-
ipends nuicli lihie'visjlin^^ dislribiilors of
his product, makes the bissincss trips in an

f nfficc on wlieclsi — a luxurious str^amlLiied
trailer attached 10 his aULOnio])ile, 'I'hc
traileff or “laiHl yarht," is eioipped ILkc a
modern himinci^s ufhee svith comfurtaiilc
'N^:;;^'chairH, du-ik, Lypfew‘riter and Hliiig cases.
. Anoilier coinpartmcrt of the coaelt con-
tains kv as,]] room and Htaomcr, refrigerator,

IncerJar ittd Ekwlor Vl-tvvs □ BiilJnesi

'Wiieeli: 1( AI44 C^tirAEiij. Iflrliia; CJUAfEt=-K

C>flb:>e t7[i

furrishings. 'I'Kere is a phone eomievliLirl
betkvfcn tlie coacli and| the ftl’iver's scat-



Sailing around Fran?. Josef land, iong
regarded as iuipoSsiljTc, has been accom-
plished by Ritssiai] explorers in a_s_mal3_
au xil iary-ni otor d i n g cra+tr A hciTr' kva vc
udiich started from Florida four years ago
and ^vofkecl northk^rd in the GuH stream

urtJVM^tu in tJie IjUJI stream j-mTIUenCe OI t


helped Llie explorers by keeping the pollar
seas open. So closely uas the trip plannctl
that the little boat mas loatled with urtl_
thirty days' fuel and forty days' provisions.
When tlie party eonipleted tlie voyage ,
only ikvo hotirs^ fuel was left. The explor
ei's liad a nai'i’Okv csChTPC once when ikn Icc
pack almost closed on their hoat, but the
wind changerl, opening several kvaterw^ay
The expetiitioii made -WO tv ire soundiiig:
at ftve-mile intcrkals, estal>llsbed thirty,
eight 0 CC .1 nographic st-itions .at w-hich
temperature, salinity. Oxygen, liydrogen-
ioH eoncein ration, pliosphates and nitrates
kvere deter mined ■; i nveKti gat crl animal life
at the sea l:oltom and made I he usual me-
teorological oliservations. These flat.i arc
expected to be of value to hstiing' boa Is in
arciic waters. One important result is that
it ]3ro'ved F rof . . _N, Suhov’s theory of

futetjiJ+tjrgptilar tlimatieTundibions.

S^r Sitbov, leader of the e sped it ion. bacl
predicted lliat the seas .irnund Franz Josef
land wouhl (le founil free of ice, due to the
influence of the Cult streann

/V -

E I c c t r i c a 3 i m
pHlbea of low power arc
appEicc] WLtli a gcnci'atof
i 0] ]>ii [? u can li
rcg-nbicJ to fori>% tig-ht)
or 120 [jur minuLCp c3l:-
penditlg oil lIio age of 111
patient a Eld the norma
c of his heart 1.1 oa
bore the operation i
&ucce&&fuh I lie elecLrici
stimuli restore the incr
to it^ n.'Uoral
dev I re does tlie ?aill
thing that the natura
paccmalrer docs for tli
lieart, supplying a lin_
current that ts re
for the regu
larity of the liearlbeat
Tlie natural paccniahci- if
group of cells in
tegioti of liie righ
tificlc of tlie heart, Tn
one instance, the artifici;
pacemaker revived tli
heart fourteen min
It li^ a topped.

I'tintl >tuji

Brkiph Worhmcji An^rnbltn.i;' Dne cE a. Pint al Fait LDCDinofivES with WhLdt
Horn Kltiln H?r TraLn-SpctJ


Wllile England litiltl.q tlic record for the
fastest train on a sclieduled ruti, British
railrdatl?; arc striving for Still greater pow-
er and !i]]eed in llieir loeo motives. Tlie
Southe rn Railway^ tn that country recent-
Iy~oritlcTcd a fleet of ci;pre&5 engines which
are now being constructed. It is expected
these locomotives will eimlile the roai:t to
maintain faster achcdulcFi on .ill its Icmg-
ilistatice runs.


Bread is cut and sEjread
witli hotter or Jans at the
turn of a Crnnk l.iy a sliCef
suitalile for restaurants or hotels. It
a Capacily of siK(y slices a minute. T1
tliiekne^f^ of the slice and of the spread-
ea]i be rcgnl.it cd, and no special prepara-
tion of eilln-f the bread or the 3 j utter is
lujccssary to use it in the sandwich ma-


Krstoratioji of heatt action hy means of
.111 clcclrificci nocLilq hnis l>ccii foun-rl possi-
Ide in development of an app.ir.itus called
"the artificial pacemaker.” When cheheart
.stops, the n-ccijtc is ir^crtcrl into the right


^ /4

BfCRd Sliccr Whl^b CuER RrEsd jr.d But*

Jan □□ Each PLen

2 /T / {F

Talkie in Several Langua^,


ages Macld with Disks {f

(ii Ilie^ipk4 Uud In Mlklnc m TilVirvi; I'll 5rv?Ta] L-inEuaB<i 3 t 4h<- &imt T^mvi DifVa AI-a

Syncbr^Dii(:<l idi A^twi rli*- Woj-da Ppin(fT lndic?<n

J k n A^lDri

llcrclofoi'J. til niakhig talking- picture
reCorch in several languages the voice re-
cord tllgS liave been [uade separately 1>}'
actnrs in the various toiigties, Imt the
mecliOtl halt not Ekecn very satLS-taclwry be-
cause tlie actors spoke at dlfferenl rates
f>i spcc^l, Tills 1e<t to confusion and made
it difficult for an aucILcnce tn follntv action
and ^vords. By a recent Certnan nietiiod,
lion-evrr, all languages desired for a pro-
duct ion are recorded at the same tirile and
synclironijcd, Tlie original script is traiis-
EateJ into the several tongues, an cETort
liciiig made to setecl corresponding words
of e(|ual nuni Iters of syllables. These arc
inscribed on the edges of large round
diskSf one for eacll role. Above eacli [lisk
IS a micro phono and bell in d (he disk the
foreign actors stantE. The action iii pro-
Jccte<l Oft the screen at a cerlaiti speed ami
the disks turn at tlic same rate. The actors
15 k their eyes on a pointer attd s]>eak each
syllable of the tc.Kt at the moment the
same Evlhible on the disk toEnetdes with
(be pointer. Thusi the uttering o[ a word
is synchronized with a lip movement of
the screen image of the actor. The sounds
arc rccordcfl on separate (one films and
tliese are pEiotograpliically copied onto

tlie him used for the eomliincd talking and

AIR c6


Lfiigued to he sttspc tided from (be ceil-
ing nr bigli up on the ^vall, a new air-enn-
ditioning unit saves floor space. Tbc de-
vice may be used with either ice or me-
dian ical refrigera-
tion. .A fan drawii
the upperair of the
room between (he
fins of the Cooling
surfaces. Excess
moisture is re-
in n V c d , and the
cool .lir is d i k-
ebarged at any de-
si I'ccl angle t^)^^■ard
Use ceiling. Pipes
connect with an
i c c- ni c 1 1 i 11 g tank
N>r a refrigerator.
D U r E 11 g cooler
'c-eatfler, the Hystem can be connected
\\ ith the cold-water supply, reducing op-


IT ’iva.s ihe dfivin^ siictd pi Yankee t:in-
vas ,inft dipper Imlls that dn-miimted
ttic Hcvcn sc.ia a cmtiiry a^o. It is the
spoetl of hviii^a and p^jun-fEin^ ptstcmi to-
day tliaf promises to ^^rile nanrq prosper-
ous jjaRts in the .mnals of American com-
merce. Three or four years aetia]

frcifrhtinfT not C^'en a practical dream,
Today ear;^oes running into hundreds of
tons Rtrenik hack and forth across the
finnament. BusincHs, bij^f and little, lias
sncklcnEy awakened to lEie ma^ic of coast-
to-coast frcij^hting: in t vi'enty*se veri hours.

Bajiks, to whorti time is money on de-

Tffp. Slewing tn. 4i Transport; EtLow, Baggage

and EijirEis Ci>mparcr!ncri;a. of ? Tnrnot&r

AbovCp AJr Expttsimaji 'with a.n Attractive “ SbljnrjEiit" ; Betaw, Unitet] Staie^i Alrldae Ma.'p

Flqum In

Hovin af


Planiel TfAPn
L? Angdei

pOS[t^ tvert: r['uict: to necept the new rApi-cL
ir^nijlt find tliey dnily pluck fancy pfoiits
from tlie air, It has keen estimated that
Los AiigtleiS hanks alone save S5,IXI0 a day
[ji interest charges in this manner. Checks,
drafts, securities and other paper broad-
cast over the nationaLairflne nulwork es'-
cry twenty-four hourg are tvorflt milt ions.
Reliable estimates for this total valuation
in Vm are S7 JWO, 000,000 !

Wiilc attention was directed last sum-
mer to d 51,000,000 shiiiment of Utah state

bonds, 'I’hesc lia^rl been signotl at Salt T-akc
City by Gov. George H, Uero, wlio then
fie parted for the dcniocratic national con-
vention at Chicago. Immeitlialely it i-vdi
fliscovered that an error in printing' had
invalidated the entire Mock. Another
printing ^H-as made and the new bonds
rti.slied 1>y air e^'press to Chicago, The
governor signed again and sped them ort
tii a New ^"ork brokerage firm for deliv-
ery to purchasers just under the legal




ments are especially profit-
able for tlic li anker. On
one Sail Prancifico-New
York ton ii p^]] me n c tlie
lime (liffereiiTial over sur-
face transport 111 on Have cl

$t,7fl0 1 (It e rest. J'hc costs

were nep^l i PI i IjI e fac-

tor. Surplus tleposils of
the country banks also
travel ijoitker to tlit iiiurt-
cy markets. On the otber
h anti, n r !) a n re hc r^' cs are
available sooner. A Mo-
line, Til., banter a fc'v
muntliH ajiu. stop]?e?l a rnn
on h Is ba n k j t b quick

casiL from CEiicaRtf.

Abuvl,. Bi| TritTiQltor PIAti? Tlklui on Exp'rni Shipirwrit* ;. Ericriv. Load-
ing ej.clLafei) SUk am Atr Tr^ii^jiaci,

Losses in transit of baiik business arc
virtually nil. The perccnt,i,5'e is abocit four
buntlreclLbs c'jf anc: per cent, The low rale
is due to operating- efficiency of tfie air
linesp to the asbesios bag adopted by rail-
way express agency, .ind to photostat
processes of idc tit ill cat ion. The bags are
hre, Hmash and tb eft -proof- Tn expensive
niovie-filni records c>f securities oiake re-
placement simple, li-anks have foiind,
Another IiChTiw cnnipiiodity movement
by air is llie new.^ picture, in canned t>ho-
toprlnt and matrix, form, i^fost pcrishnhle

of all coininerctal products^ its essence i-s
speed. The race tn screen and print llie
latest new!i calls for the swiftest tratlS-^
porlation. No competilion is keener, no
dbstt’ Unit ion sn uni versa I. ,'Mr- speed played
a vital ]jaft in [listributing a dEcisivc news-
reel 1 >eat of inipNortant events on the Pa-
cific cnast, This serv ice was valued by tlic
■winner at ? 250 J.MJ<L During tlie Olympic
g.imcs, express and postage lulls on syn-
dicated pliotographs, news reel? and other
press releases ran into tljousands of dol-
1.1 r.s c.ich d.iy.













ALfw#j?i Sal-
tern ; ifu' C:rc1eE wiLh the
Dat!! in CEntEC IndicatE
□Terniitht Stoipa

Int(."r-city rnw-?! paper bimcllcs arc
ajlO tiler jltm qI [t.'iily t TAT sport.

California ns in New York read San
Fr.mcjsco pnipcrs — early SmuJay
cditionn printetl Saturday after-
noon — tile date of p u li ] ica I ion.
Neies stands In every ]ar|?e city
siupplyiufj ^'honic-town” papers sell
editions only ttventy-four hours
oM. T)ie Hollvtvood-Ncw York

Loadlnj^ H G,4DD-Ptiand TumbLEr an a Pla.nc far Trip
intD GaLd FLdd Jd Hew GiLiPEa JupeLe

|3rijitS ai]{t .Htid.*; .ilso prows in vo.hime,
Screen tests of prom is i up players and
"rushes'" frmu the production stijrlips fly
east each day to coiiipatiy e.\.ecu Lives.

Time like noise Hies, literally, these days.
Delicate wotclics, clocks, t'in^fl, gCin’SCt
fKloro III Cuts and pretions .q tones arc more
of tlie curious cargoes iliat travel ahout in
skyland. Jewelry salesnieii ship valuable
samples liy sif, fly in the same plane or
Follow hy anloinolnfc or tmiii. show their
uares and re]ival I lie proteSH. It is a new
tediri(]uc in tlie CradCn safer, less nerve-
wearing, econo niicil, practicalilc.

Tf women have not lung to near tliese
days, it"!i no fault of the air lines. City
women ]io longur liaie a monopoly a I
fa.Hition, titaiiks. to Ira us port speed. Today
the latest styles; reach Nctv York. ^liami,
New Orleans, Hollywood and S]:iokArte
almost sinii.thfinceuisly. Tlie saiiiie hats,
cloakR, frcjeks or j^owiis tliaf create a flut-
ter on Flit El avenue one day', perform a
Similar function on Main street the next,
rnti i,T.n,apcili.‘i mills recently rlistri bated na-
tionally a ton 01 silk stock in gH hy air. It
was an CKperimert in "fresher” silk to the

m-ovcnient of photopk'iy negatives, .Agficultufe has a real pockelbook tit-


POPULAR mechanics

them profitable carg'oes

tifT n|j-crril Dv finrl^l

alhke, but sLrjivbcrry cut-
ling:’:, vaLuaJjle tfee seed-
Ibnj^:; aiirl p 3a ill liie are
nlsn wat'tetl lo and ir^i on
the u]jper trade uintls.

On tlie ^^'e.’.L coast, fresh

s-aEiiu'in .'uid ny^ti-L - liy
ai~ from I'ortLtncI to
■inurin': It Calif'ir ttia,

W'itli 1 II rt li cr diy-ieitrg
aaeilities, the eastern hlite-
poi"h may soon j^race I lie
nir-rui at Corona (Jo. w Is lie
pafkatred leaks nf Cata-

Abiiwc, TrinREt-Ttjii;
aji Alrptar-c Slup--
iTjcnt [□ .1 Truck tor
Oslivciy in Lm An-
eoBw !

in|{ a Giant Triiuq^<M'
Sniap with Air Ei‘'

tfresC In air tranFipofta’

tion. Fruits shipped

Dut-i-j3--ifiasoii f:':ii-

cy prieeH in the nr It. in
mai kels. 0:^ark >tr:i tv-
berries are a rcijiitur
i I cm 1 0 St. L OIL is ail d
Katisa-n City ajn.| ihc
Georgia peach is tf irmly ■.ee! coined in
New York anrl TSo-ston. Melon f^rowers of
California are conte-mplatitlg plane specrl
(o the early market. In Oregon, ranchers
arc not yet innving their apjdeH by air.
but they do save large sums hy tllC dts-'
patch of selling oilers, hills of Ituljiig and
other gcaftonal doemnerts that way.

The cut-flowcr huHiness is using air ex-
press to sertsational advantage. California
gardenias arc sliippe<l east in 200- pound
lots several times a week. They are packed
in special containers of dry tee and bring
top prices in Gothamtown ten montlis oi
the year. A Colorado florist Uiakes iiigl il-
ly shipments of su'eet peas to Chicago.
The light xveiglu, rclatix'ely high value and
perishable nature ot cut flowers make

Lina tuna tickle the palates of Chesapeake
hay. Two lobsters conkctl Isy u favorite
.San Francisco chef were served “air-
express" cm the table of a motion- picture
director in Beverly Hills.

All sorts of Qticer cargoes hud their xvay
into freight comparTments of the air lin-
ers. One such item xvas a pai;:kef contain-
ing' S.WO nrti6cial eyelashes for the hcau-
rics of fi I inland. Txx'o citiceii bees Ilexv front
Fresno fn Mctlford, Orc. — but under air-
line power and not thrir oxvn. Olher
flucens, sometimes witEi iheir entire E jives,
have taken lo the .air lanes, .Another curi-
ous shipment Set down at Loh .Angeles
was ,1 package of Mexican jumping hcans.

A Pasnidcna rluek farm ships regularly
tD pillow nianuiucturcrs in Hartford, Cl.


Butk^' book m:ini]scL'[pt‘i nftcn are air-
cxprc&5cd by aolbors.

In a 5 tron?r bid far tlie $S, 0 CH}, 0 O 0 ,fWO
Central ami i^ouili Anu.irlcan b^isincssn tbc
Pati-A I'nerican air^vay lias \vi[jed weeks
Gut of tlic American time liaiiclkap.
Woilien'a -aijpare], rc ]3 lace Client parts -mi
Amei'icaii maclibiery, aototiialjile acces-
porien, batteries, niedkal supplies, pipe fit-
tings, motion-pic Eure film, siiks aiicl Exam-
ples of other eonlcnodities Isy tbe seorc
wing; their uay sou tli ward daily.

‘^"east — its freshness is a matter of hours
— is .■ujccc.'iRfulty liamlEcd even in the tn>p-
ifai jungle CGun tries. B roof I eggs that
wmiiEd Spni! by any other trail sport batch
seven tv per cent and better when carried
lon^ nil stances by air. Even liahy chicks
are often .r hipped. Pai'adoKicHitly, datcrl
coJTee sometimes goes hack to Brazil,

In far-away New Guinea, two years ago,
golil teas iliscGveretl in a district SO inac-
cessible that only planes could bring it
out. I'he strike w>as forty miles inland atul
at an aEtitude of over 5 ,fKlO feet. In a total
of 1.207 rnuml trips, three freight planes
in a year carrieil in tw'o ], 2 (H.VtGn dredges,
piece by piece, except the Emils; a 4 ,OOLk
kiEoivait hydroelectric plant, complete ma-
chine-shop eijuipment, hollers, air com-
pressors, a steam engine, two complete
isawmilk, tractors, a uLu mobiles, rnadbuilcl-
iiig machinery, loois and general supplies,
totaling 4 ,*XlO tons,

in tElis CO Lin try air transport is revolu-
tionij.ing business practice amt procedure,
Ifural merchants and firms remote from
manufacturing centers now carry smallei'
stocks. Sli elves may be speedily replen-
ished liy tclegrajih and air express, ]].'trtic-
ularly in the specialty items for which
there is less call. Capital, previously ticcj
Up, is thus released fur 0 tiler purposes.

Antitoxins are an item of aEiiLust daily
transport to some stricken individtia! or
threatened community. Special virus for
the victims oi venomous reptiles is aiio til-
er frcriuent mercy cargo. Oxygen tanka
also Eiave fieen carriet! by air.

With each inter mediate step-up in trans-
portation this nation ba,=i mounted to new
Rtaiiciards of lixdng. Today the p.oaring
tratisport ts taking its place with Fulton ^s
Folly,” the pony express, the iron hor.RC
and .automobile in the economical evolu-
tion of mankind."

T "1


L( 14 i{ 3 . cE SOe T'on.1 Cdit Ee ItACidled 'Econ.DinicaJLy br
ThLi. 9‘H'l'tcb Eniirt^


Re.seinblillg a giant tractor, a forty-tOTfi^i..::^^
swiich engine lias been operated at fuel A
COMts of between Id and lf> cents per hcunis^-^
itl railroad yards at Newcastle, Eugtaiid.

T-Oads up to 8l5 tons have been hauled, ^
although the locomotive ia eriuipped with
oiifly a iijO-iiorscpon'or Diesel engine driv-
ing an electric generaEor. During three
montlis of service, llie locomotive was em-
]j loved iur twenty- four hours .a day, six
ftava a week.

^ 3 .ZX.)



Spee<ling up the Id tiding of packages, an
improved tool for applying meial straps
Elan been producctL. The .HtreEchiug is done

with a single
moi'ement of the
left hait-fl. while
the metal strap is
seaietl iivith one
stroke of the right
hand. This fasEop-
erafioii reduces
strapping time to
a mini in uni, as
compared w 1 1 h
that rettnired for-
wben two or more eouIs wero ncc-
es.nary. When the metal hand has been
applied, the tool still retains the looso end
oi^e strap, readyifor tVimne^Lox.

U 2 .




Hcv eIic- HouhwiFe

tD Ba3f:>iTifln williOUE


InstalSatlon oi an improviunfl pulilic-ad-
dresa system over tvhich tlic honsevviEn? ill
the kitelien can lalk to tlie calkT at flit
saving' time in a Ikirtlaml^
Ore., home. A micrO]jlSDTie atld a Icmcl
Hpeafcer are placed at the front {loor H^nd
anftther ?eL in lEic kitchen, i'lie rtidin is
used for amphficatEon. W'lien tEie Caller
rLnfr.s llie doo-rhell, the liCiuae^'Lle speaks
into tlie jnScrophone to Icijm who’s there.
The VLF-itor answers and the entire call
may I>e made withotit the wife ]esvin?: any
task at ^^'hich she is occupied,

Power Unit ot This
LcE'fit Delivery C^r
CiiJi Be Ksnaved ind
Jlnochef [nitslled an
thf Str**t w(Ji5n
Fifteen ULniue^


It some enterprising dentist pulled all
the pold teeth, then saved the foU, he
wonid he able to retire
immediately. It has been
e.stimatcd tliat, for the
entire nation, thei'c is at
Icnst one tooth per per-
son with sonic ?^old in it.
and fro in ten to 100
grains of^old goes into a
tooth. .At the mint, one
tray ounce of gold, or 4S^.^
grainSf la worth $20,(5?".

Jewelry', :iiint oiiicials es-
tjm.rtc, takes about half
the gold not ti H e d for
coinage purposes or to
support monetary sys-

tems, The rest goes into optical
goods, dental supplieii, acienlilic
purposes and other similar uses.
Since 1492, .\hout $22,000,000,000
in guld has been pruduCed in the
Ti'orb.k and of this a little more
than halt i.s now in monetary u.se.


Low -cost delivery has been at-
t-iinctl in a ligEit vcltjqle which is
virtually a one-llorse wagon with
The hoisepower installed at the
rear in the form of a gasoline eii-
giite. 'I he Car is designed to s-cll
for about the Ramc .rs a horse,
wagon and set of harness and to operate
more cheaply, A novel control system
enables the driver tD advance the vehicle
witli no more delay than Is required to
grasp the reins and duck to his horse.
The pon'CT unit connists of the engine,
clutch, traiisniissLOii and final drive assem-
bled into n unit ^vith the spriiigs, hubs,
tvlteeHs, service brakes and llrcfi of the rear
heels. In emergen cics, the entire power
unit can he replaced nn the street within
fifteen minutes without disturluiig the
load. There are no axles, all wheels hav-
ing independent Springing. The l)ody is
m.adc ot steel so that it can be washed in-
side and outside with the hose. For use
by dairies, there h space for lifty-tivo
!itaTidard-siz.e quart cases, A .maximum
speed of eighteen miles per hour, tEirce
time.? that of a horse and wagon, is pro-
vided by the scrcn-horscpowcr engine.


History’s E4mous

Faces H>f figures famous
in tlic ^I'crEfl’s- itiiiitCu'y
liELvc liecu reproduced in
u'ax fty a Los Angeles ar-
tiat. N.'ipolton. CorifuciUS
and some t^^■o score otlier
g rcat c]] arac ters ] i ve aiiew
iii tliu lifelike iimsler-
pleces producerL I’or a
niotlon-picturq comjjiiciy.
ilolulis o? reseat'cli i^'erc
necessary lici'en'c tlie ar-
tist could RjhI suitaMe
material. Em p r es3 lons
characteristic of caeli
subject liavc been cap-
tured. making LJeiitllica-
>n casv. ? .


^ Flies in cages have been
put to worlkj aiding: plant
breeders in pollen ati orb,

:in an attempt to produce
W better onions, crosspoHenation has been
Cj[ [lone by hand, but tbe process Is tedious
a lid espenst’ie. Under Held conJiiiotiSj
onion fl oncers usually arc poltcnatcfl by a
rty that feeds, as a larva, on spoiled meat.
The plain breerlers mafic large fly-ligkt
cages of cloth in '.'.■hich tliey grew llie on-
>ns they desired to crosapo lien ate, By
setting meal \vaste b.ehere the flies could
lay their eggs, large quantitic^i gf larvic
nere obtained and placed in the cages
n 'Uh (he onions. The ndldt flic.'r did a
^^rhorougli jo!) of pollen-carryiLig .ih they
i bvenl from florver to lloii^er. As a result,
far more seeds were obtained than po5.st-
ble >y hand polEenttion,

I Icjf V



Generally when a concrete road Is dacrl-
aged, a whole section of the concrete rmtst
ho removed to make repairs. Recently,
however, an improved metliod of laying
the concrete bus been tried whicli makes
it ueccssary to remove only a small upper
layer of j!ie road, of/belnE/ one

!□ Ttib Gtqu}). >D'r Wiiitm Repriiductiani of FuinDua FRijea la Ihc Arllst; Can
Vija Find tbE Onl^ Rcil Face in This PialUnt

solid mass of concrete, the road is divided
into layers by sheets of linen. If the rt?ad-
way is broken, the conerCLe IS taken out
onlv to the first linen sheet. ^ ^ /



Stiarpcning tools is simplified ami speed-
ed by the use of u molor-driven oilstone.

The motor, and a frame conccnling ir.
form (Ire b,tsc. The :i.';lc Carrying the
diskllkc Htonc is vertical and causes the
stone to turn like the revolving ruble of
plioiiogr.iph. The tool call be held in Ivoth

b,i,n-rls, so the blade
^ ^ meets tlie sCOrtc at

the usual angle, thus
giving a keen edge
Hvithoul moving it ^
hack anr| forth, A
felt wiper, SUSpertd-
cd over ifie stone in
a metal frame, keeps'
expess oil and also

it clear of debris and
serves to feed





Cbise-ir]> dE Eyei 4)f atl Ali9tT3Ei3.Ti
Owl; Note- llie EeRicljum oJ tht PhjD--
iflirapher Whkil Apfi?J8 in Uie Pi>
]tild ihe Eya

ITmjtiuaJ PliatOEraphj dJ Same aE Ihc
S4T?iijtv InluibitiniiB aE l}ie L^ndooi Zdo,
?nj OiIut ?ur<tp?an Anlm?l H-uilBW,
Wer^ ObliLaut by 8 Pliaiagraplttr' WH#-
Equipped Hu CiEiuja wich Metal Tultei
cE Variems L^en^tbi la Eilcnd the L?ii
irnJ Cftt CjMfi-yj’ii thje TplitBi Eram -OttB
ID Seven. Incliea Lons, Are Th.rej:(]ci3 iJi-
ta the Opetimj!' Eraca Vtfhich the Leu Ea
KimPv-pd. and Ove Leu Is Inserted. bi
Ih* Hfld cE (he TubO; the S8ven-Inch
Tuhe EniahL^ ? Fktura to- E!t
with the Object DoLy Four Iiic.hei. iTem
thtLeni': at LefI, la tbe Crested CarJami
IrpiTl BraiiL Which. Rnembles a Fheaa-'
ant- ihe PicEvry Wat Mad4 Odlj^ds th4
Cage, Ihe Lcd? gtij. Twb# llaiiliB |ni*T(fd
hrl-ween ttie Ears ; Below It, It Okl Col-
biteL WahuB, and at. tbe CnjnjuJ'e Rit^ht
AppeBrt a Oreen AErican BuQErnR Wlucb
Eitit-ts hy Edtinj! Smeller Ftoj^s



Made with Tubes to Extend Camera Lens

AbavE, Jn Cicclc-, UnuAUAL Piclure gE Ev' 4 of ili LU>nj

L^na 3!id Tube Were TliTU!!t bEtween B-an, and
tur? bllBppDd ivlth Ltuld' Only Mlfit Inebu ErD4n

"NEru's''' Pupd'; RcAecilGri of Ran oE

Which Aupcaj as Curved Lines in Iht' Rytj Sf^rjuW,
the Kmhayao ar Honey Brar WtiL-cb Is Abunl |h? bLce
i>f M Ili.imMAT'ii; Cat

kifhl. ‘'Roland." I he Sea Elephant oE tlLt
BerLIri Zaa\ ‘’'RDland" Cdide9' WIieti Called
hy ilnme — PartlcnlaTly iF a. Meal Ih hi Hr-ns-
Nxt EH WfiH the CeS-e Ht WeLirha

Tvnj T<iUh, 3s Tiweeiiv-Duv Pecl Loan and
CeiJt Pliiy Paiinds gF Fish Dally, but Would
Like iJiCl Pouzids, Altbnujth He Cm Fast
EOr Ttvd Monthn \i NflCtatEr-y tScto->v lb tbd
AfrUtn CrvUvii CfiHv Wboie Hwid Hi*
Many CoLot* i* tiie Tall of tfaa Penench ;
at the Bottom AppEa.ra tbE Saddle-BiSL
&lOrkr So MariiEd BsuauaE oE the SaddEs-
tjhSTirf CnrtH"se on tin Upner Surfave of
III BkU, Jt II ax Tall js h Mau, but Thl?
Partlcii:la.r OnE Wa.s bo Tame Th^t It PeheiI
Ithuiit ProtEHt


i ‘f 6


Radio Dial Phone Calls Planes from Airport

lengtii, lie turns a S^vitch tllat auluniatka]-
]y sEiiftH the transmitter to that fre<3uency.
TlieiJ tie dials the proper numliet on U
HtamlariJ telepltcme and ttic necessarv'
chanjjc is made oai tlie dlspatclier^s radio
receiver, iht proper srecitteiicy as

well as the desired volume. This maltcs it
(jossilde for rcc-civers to be located some
distance Irom the airport. Four ditf-erent
frccutcncies are used on the New York,
Chicaffo- Pacific coast route oi tlie line.



W'irc invi.sihle to the iiakctl eye is u.scd
as the lilainent in lliree-walt electric
lamps. This tiny fi lam cut is produced by
drawl hr: lunffsten throuE'h an almost iit-
visihle hole iiii a dianicukl, llien elchinj^ it
with aciil to reduce the diatnetcr of tlie
wire i^ljll The iFlree-watt lamp ia

used in decorative ornaments, house num-
hers and as indicator lights on house-'
]|(y;lLiL]i^ eLirf'CiLt.s rat 1 1() trt I ’5 voltfi. T)ia-
illomls used lor tlicSe vvire-drawinjf dies
arc so hard that drillinE h a tcdi-cms and

>B Simp]? Df the Dial Tflpplmne, TJup U LInh- Alrpon tr?4 Alrphinirt

Plying LT. S- RO'Utci'; tJaie D3 b 3 b/ WJuch Plane Ii CnniBcicjl ty tna Diipaccber

By dial! OR a numl^er, it is possilule t-n
talk to pilots of phi ties in flight hetwecTt
airports p fjbe Un ited Air Lines. A radio-
phone Ewrtn-’hlin.nTLl u ■ Wh4^Ti

an airport dispatcher has heeti t^ln^ to
the pilot of 0]ie plane and desires to Com-
municate noth a plane on a different w^ave-

lonf^ jo hr Sometimes as many as twenty-
live draniontiK arc drilled hefore one with
a hole small cncnigli for the invisible wire
is completed. Conical holes arc drilled
from each side until they jii&t meet and
barely break Hi rough. The smallest bole
drilled is between three and four ten-


thinc^imillhs of! an inch

anti rec]nircs t\vo ^^ctkn
contiiuLDUs drillirg;, AW tlac
k'rcHtt (liauioiitl dust and oil
cfroijpt-tl on lliii spot 'i^'ticrc
needle U <1 rill in". The nee
mafic of steeJ, remaini s-tatiOiJaf >'

^vhLIe llie diamonds revolve a
rapirl -ipeecIlFr. Apparatus for
^vork is ftJUTul in tile x%'ite-tlra
depart in eiit of the W
T.anip c omppnv j -L rilnnmficlfl.

N c JerFiey,


Coinljinctl with a inmacOj an
air con ditto n Or for tiie lioine
cleans, hum irli lies. hcatS and cir-
culates air ill winter and delivers
coo] air in summer. The unit con-
tainii a hot-air lurnace and the
conditioninj^ etitiiptllent. Reioru nirleave.-i
the imit. it is Ininiidilicd anlomatically, and
dcaned .and purilietl lickore licin^ forced
Fty a blower into the beat in ff cu-mp:irtmenE
for proper ivarmingr 'I'hcn the h lower
sc Ilf Is the warm, conrlitionerl air to every
room, provitlinjr from four to six coni-
ptete cfiatij^es every hour. A special con-
trol antomatiealty prevents tiie li lower
from deliverjii" cold air duriiij;: tlie heat-
iiijf season. On summer days, the h lower
forces a breejie frojn every register

trcyni every register.

Ax VauDg ?.ady SIdri, iIm Di^Ic RcvdIx'ei; 4 Kc Line- Appealing
at S^ajidatiU PLtdi

vd'fcE^iS vfsUAli&D ON D

Voice vi brat to ns are visualised on a ro-
tai i n fl is k (Jiat pkows the pitch, proi’idln^
a test for s infers or musical inK-lriinicnts.
The <lisk is covered with white atid btacl:
checkered lines. When the subject sings in-
hfi the phone connected to the device, one
ivliitc and blaek line on tEic disk seems to
Stop vv lisle the others continue to rotal
Til is Einc indicates the pitch of Elic vaic


Plastic rub her that is squeeiie^l from a
ttitK‘ like toothpaste or shavin^y cream is
ai'.a liable for mend ins' or makiiifj adliesivi
insulation, rubber sliapes, wat er pro o line )

and ihc like. Ant-omohile tires and Lopp,
electrical insulation, leather, rnhher boots
raincoat:; and other articEes may he nietid-
ecl quickly ssdtb tbe rubber, vdilch can he
thlnncfl to any desired consistency by stir-
ring water inEo it iminudiatcEy after ptess-
its^ from tlie tube. Surfaces on tvhich the
plastic maEerial Es Eo he applied arc pre- \
partfl by scraping, Sanding and waSl li rtj.^!TN
witli gasoline.

T^l ^ruDS Section Sliows How AtT-’^ndLtiiGDijiji; Ualt

jP r tb to Ket-Air FiiraacE

C[ l est s have shown that, pound for potmd,
litirning pine wood gives more lieat th,an
Ji i c ko ry.


^QuAr. ?. 1 , ^

^ moiu Mt


Bludent Speaking bitD l}Jct?phane While IrniTucior Patme- tQ
Chrirt in K<^ Kctlijod oE Studri-nf For'^gn


Helpiiig to improve studeiHs^ pro nun-/
ci^tLon, dictuphoncfi h,ivo }kccii
' i II ‘ O Jl L A 1 1 1 eiJi d diumversi t y as an aid /ill
teaching fort; if II Jaiiftiageh. Students /re
required tn pronontjcc ;iud accenySale
correctly the words. listed ici a
nijinual, with the dictaphone rc-
cordinj^ the Icssqu. Teachers the|
listen to tile records and criLici^e
tlic stufientft' promiHciation.

Propetled Ly ptilliiif a strap, a
new sport racer for tioys and girls
has a Ire e-tv]! eel in ft arrangrement
.similar to that 1 li au to niohi Ics.
Puitinft the Stra]3 starts the racer,
which rolls while a spring niecli-
anism rewinds the strap on a
rlrum, ready for ttie next pull.
Moving a control Icv'er allows the
vehicle to coast, while a ft! ft her
movcniejit of the lever supplies a
powerful brake, Tire racer is
steered E>y loot control of the front
.'ajtle. Bieyde-type wheek are efinipped
with non-skid rubber tires. The scat is
mounted on four siriall flaiifted wheels that
roll on an inclined steel track, cattsi tig the
scat to returit to the forward or starting
position without effort by the rider. Tlie
pro pn Is ion n?ovciucnt is similar to tljat in
fOWittg a Eld other exercise inichuics.



Seeds of iliaiiy trtfes, sllruhs,
and other plants.. of cnmnicrcial
or ornamental value, are wrap]jed
in eoats so ^^istant that many
mojiths or eveti years are requited
for gerniination. This docs not
make a^ruch difference iu nature,
but 1,0 nur^erytiieii it is a matter
of economic importance. As n re-
sult,.,p|;MiL aliysiala gists have de-



hp ■Ridtr PuIIb Suapj Rater Ht^n Atmil and Frea-WlsMln
th^Strap Ii Aati>inatita]l )3

iiig o? these stuhijornly sleeping
seeds. Prof, J, Nelson S paeth, of
Cornell Univ ers]ty% fou nd le^glTof
lifrden or Tlassworitl did

not ger-
minate in two years if left un-
trealed., hut when treated witli
con cent ratctl sulphuric acid for
frOsll tweli'e to fwcufy minutes^
they showed from forty-nine to
.s.[xty -three per cent gcriui nation
iu four months.






'' A CKaa^ A 6\y\Ajjiy^t-<^ . GeUUj

Steel Islands Speed Hunt for Oil Under Sea

After half a tlostn oil t u i n fi|till ies in Cnlifornifl 1ig.d J5pt]it
pitra IfSOO left into titc occ.i'^ tii arJi:r to drill for oil on tidolacjd, i
3 -05 Htiowfd a siniill iiulcpcndciit operator how

to 5avt ^^tX>,000 inr con^tiiiclinir a ateci island in ^vaLtr
Eliirtv-eiffill foet deep, Tlie jol] llan jLisL Ijtien (atlLSliect and
llte nfl] drilled tlirunjrti a fi ft v -four- inch cai 55011, Tlte
contractors, RoL iiison fc Rolicrts, fU d tlic joli in eij^liiy-
two davii by a patciiitcd nltlhocE. It ia l>tlit;vtd tliai in
fiiHire years nniny of tUs&e ia Lancia yill Lt
used for oil developnitiUf for it atreatly lias
been deinonstiatcfi, at ITuntEn^ton beach,

Scacliftp Eln-yod and fiunJLiJefliilKl, llial lliei'C
art j^rtat rtaertoirs of petroleum underneath
tfie occ,an. At Sumnierland, chtt'' found it at
200 feel, along tlie balhiiig beach. At FJceood,
they drilled 3,500 feet and pot 4,000-harrel
wells IpOOO feet from shore. Preparatory to
const ruclinjj llie steel island at Sea cliff hay,
west of Vent Lira, the cantractor.H had dccp-
sca divers e.xplore llic bottom of the bay, us-
inj? hydraulic jets, In some places, to deltr-
mitig the depth of sand overlying the rocks.

After the floor of the ocean had been care-
fully scltdieci, they built a ttuiporary wharf
liy ilriidnjj piling- off a brirjje. From this tem-
porary plalfonn they constructed the steel
islaiid, One of tho most important feitntes
of the island was a steel template which was
dropped ovcrlioai'd from tllC temporary
wharr, for Use as a foundation frame. Divers
W'Cnt he low an<i guided the engineers in lin-
ing up the template. With the template in
position, the construction engireerSi, iisiiig
pile drivers, drove steel
Il-beams throtigh tlie
openings in the tem-
plate, creating the
frame for the isbind.

apiece to hulhi steel
:i m.ari lie engineer in

Thia St4t1 latiad
CDa.i,t lias All Hla-
cliine-ry Necesoaj^
in Drillini; aa Dil

- ^ Otm iLfcfv

if s



:i]]p:iratus are SO simple tliat
rtnyotie tan comiiriact an at-
mospheric poH'er plant for

A tlicrmomcter, susi<pe]ided
in tlie atmosphere, fi^'cs the
tefiiperalUTo oi the dry ah’
but a WCt-bulh tHermomclcr
B’ivrs a lower leiUpeFaturo be-
cause of the evaporation of
tile water on llie hijlh. In
ordinary circumstances, this
Lltffcrcnce amounts to ten de-
grees Fallrenheit,, and it is the
sole motivating; eiierg;y of
(jihson's engine.

rhe iilant consists of a hoil-

TRAN’S exploration of
’*■ the world's potential
power is climaxed every
Two years by an exhibition
at which expert enj^ineers
State what discoveries have
been made. In the past,
they found great interest
in Dr. Georges Claudels
million-dollar experiment
to dev elop power from fiCa
water. In the near future,
they ns-ry' have precise in-
formation ahont the po-
tential power oE Llie cos-
mic rays. For the present,
however, a revolutionary
"attnospheric vapor- power
plant,” invented by George
H . Gi bsom a N cw Yo rk en -
gincer, h^s created intense
interest./ Although rated at only .fXlOOKj
liornepi/ver, this power plant may he re-
gard c^a 9 about twice as efficient as Doc-
tor (Jande',9 sea-power plant, and, of
couri^, wouhl rcr|uirc a mueh less expen-
si'^e npparalijfi to produce ei[ual results.
Clai.Jle utilijied the temperature difference
of c^pfli and surface sea water to create
stc.'tpi for a turbine, Gibson makes use nf
the Itemperature difference found in the
atm||)sp1iere around us. The pj^fiple and


Mode] at Vacanm Vai^C'
FJant Which EJe-
iiv? Encr^ DLrectir Eram
ihc /LEm^ipheTC-. and Dia.-
St4rti Bhcnwjni; Htnv It Ji

Ee bulb

by hkI

Tubs bufl] temp

er In whicli steam is generated by heat in
the surrounding alniosphcre ; a small jct,
through which ^he stcsim lilutvs ag.nLnst
the buckets of a lurbiiie, and a condem^et
cooled by a cheesecloth wick. The tur-
bine ivill spin in an ordinary Hitinosphcrc,
and if the end of the wick is kept moist, it
might conceivably turn forei^er, creating
energy out of the surrounding air,
fn Gibson’s toy model, the boiler heat-
injf surface’ is l.fiS scjuarc feet; the coii-


^ 3

Ac^lyirie C4pp<n' 5b?4tE
> br Slv? 1 &fj

t& RiHjf;. Bel?w,



■rlens^r siirfact is- 1.3S siquHit f'liel; the
tenpcrature difference lictwcen wet and’
[!fy liqlljs about ten deg^rees, and between
^teani in llie tNaiier and tn tbc eqnden^ctj
three degrees. Steam spouts from the Liny
iiorzie and Is j;rencrated at tlic rate ot .004
pound per hour. Except for tlie jewei^
Tfcarings, the turbine and the wick^ the-tn-
tire engine is made of glass.

Arao-ng orlier devices rcse.arcJi^njjinecrH
have just brouglil out, is wliieli per-
iorms mirades [n cuftin^^: Heretofore, it
Was euTiaidtred irti po^^il? le t-i> cut a dia-
mond with anytlijaf but a diamond. But
tlie new ma;Eii^C|i with a earbnruiuhim
disk fo^>^rt^edf{e^ cuts diamonds , py^re.'^
gla^^X^ronie steel, nickel steel and hard
niinenls as easily as a sharp knife cuts
butter, ft is the same carborundum which
heretofore had no effect on diamonds, but
its cutting powers liave been increased
wonderfully by submcrgSiig It in Wniteir.

As applied tu cutting glnSs, it alsu i.S a
great improvement. Until now, it has been
necessary to scratch the glass and break
it along the scratched line. If a smooth
edge was desired, the broken Surfaee had




to he polished. The ear- F

bonuitlttin wheel spiix-
ninjj unfLer iSi'ister eutH
as cEean ,'ind. ^111 o nth ,i.h
A ra-^or, and ^vUh a nuu^
i m 0 ni of w' n s t c. Til e
twelr e-inch disk is only
,04? inch thick, rotates
lf200 times per mtnuEc,
and is drit'eii hy a ojie-
hor sc power motor, A
simitar apparatus, has
been dcsifrncti to cut
.sheets of metal.

A t hr Ivins' industry pooin spring out

of a process for uiakinjr endless slieets of
copper hy electrolysis. Six years of te-
Seatcll ivenL into the effort of fnidiilg' the
host process for tnanufacturing copper in
paper-thin slieets. Copper, a-3 tlie anode
of an cloelroly tic cell, is dcpo.sitcd around
a tlrum of lend, wliicli 13 the catliude. T3ie
copper rolls oJT in u sheet as fast ns. the
solution deposits it ai'ound (lie drum. The
sheets iveigh from one to eight ounees per
s(]u.-irc foot, and arc up to llfty inches In
width and from .0013 to ,01 iiteh tliick

It Jl as already lieen trieti snccessfi.jlly as
a fireproof, M’aterproof, vennin-pmof, and
p pact Lea Ely permanent roof coverings atwl
the cost CO til pares favorably witli many
other types of roof^g. In 1532, such slice

- Vi; PAPAti

copper was used for printing SfH),-
flOl) CItri&tinas cards. It is also be-
ing tried for a^i'nings, automobile
tops, card-talilc tops anrl wall p.a-
per. An oil cuiripany has used it
for ^N'rappiiig IM miles, of snh-
merijed sleet pipe as a protection
against rust.

The short life of paper books,
documents and ntagniaines, has
troubled lihr.'irians anrt publishers
for years. Engineers now advance
electrolytic sheet copper as an
ideal substitute for paper. It takes
ink easily, is thinner than many
grades- ''if paper, .md the copper
book is noI^bcf^Tti '.J?ajiJ..on^^
p.rpcr. As advertising inserts for
iiiaga lilies, coverings for waU-s
and bookbinding ni.rterial, the

A'bav?, Gavge Which
Records (IV tT Tcl*-
plioBe Wir4 kj.te ai
Walct- Flow at
DiataTKt frt?m Oiv*n.



f tOit-THIh

j]i . - ,r

HE flu i tim Sheet, a Subiti-

[UI 41 Fi^t yapef and More Luting; Belevvl Btiat. rf1+4.i"
Which Mc-aiiiH-ejr Flvw Mu.c'h 'E>uet


ihiti cropper sheets may
SQ(in become popular. Cut
iTbtD proper nizcji, they can
also be iiseJ for letter-
hcntls, TItey tabg impress
&iO]isIrO!P tyfjenTiter rlb-
tjon.5 as easily as paper.

Amonfj flic jrreaT array
ol new i P V e lU io [| ^, are
:;cvci'al meters with a1-
moHE liumau t[ ua I it i cs.
One h:i:s a face nhich re-
cords over Lelephoiie
wires flic rate of water-
flow nt any tlistancc from
a givetl place. One such
meter was. connected wilh
tbe CaL-HhiU laquerluct
which Carrie!^ ^vjl-
ter to New York
City, and miles
away ic was possi-
ble to See at a
j^laiicc that New
York City was
consuTriiiig 65,000^-
CKHJ.CKH) jjallon."! of
water each tw-enty-
four hours. This

lonjT-ciiFtance me-
ter is hooked to a
tetcplione wire
w' it hoii t ist u r h Lr p
conversations on
this same wire. A
meter can
he usert for loiip-
disEance nieasiir-
itigr of the steam
j^encrated fty larj^e
power plants.

As an aid to
draftsmen, archi-
tects and euj^ineers, att instrutnent com-
pany has marfieietT a^apfd lettering^ ay^
tem ivhich makcs..rft possible for one man
to draw thou^aftiils of words on one shee
of paper rpdcli more rapidly than the hu
m.in lmiy1. anii ivkhiiut tli^use of ^uide

From fliie laliowCiiry' there has also^omc
an JiLl-iuelnh nii\i^^^id roadheiL for briil^eS
and viaductiH. This [lecktni; is like a grat-
ing’. No matter liow cold, icc ill not form
on sucli a surface, and snow" fallH through
the grating. The decking deans itself, for
dirt drops out as soon ns it falls, Rnbber-
lired vehicles running over this surface
make less noise flian on ordinary roads.

For lessening vibration and deadening
noise in factories, engineers have devised
a flooring irhich absorbs slionks and cou-
fines iheat to a small area. This syslem

Top. CdtUng: MdiLidHt Whltp 'SNcm Tile calls for resilient iS3iCS. built of corfc Strips

ChEcie;. Cefilcr, Exa.TDp1e9 of TtE Work; Below, Orot-

SurEacca JATbichi Ii ^lE’Ckanijw (Ci^nlimi^l ti? 1^4A1

a -Ml


till be Hctn by min wifli ary ins^triinieTiE-
However^ it is poaatbit, liy meins of dif-
fraction of to tbt reflccEioii of

Lhing-j as snTill iS 150 to .30U niillimiicrotiS.

iinalltr life b;iS betn revenltd l?y
porttlain filters over %v]iich nre pLreccI
films ivliose pores art known to be of i
definite sij,e, say eight mi Hi microns. These
filters have provecE rlie eieEstcnce of in-
visible orfranisms in the investiftitian of
disease virjs. ine! tiding that of smallpox.
The foot-iiid -month discasie viins U
iiltonj^ tlie sniiliciit that seience is able to
detect. The chemical theory of the orij^ji;
of life is tbit, after the earth cooled,
chemlcil substances came together and
formed living organisms. Science knows
thit some diseaiie virus resist beat and
poisons that no known form of life can
withstand, and that some virus can live
without ojtygen. The Russian scientist
concludes fro-m these facts that there arc
invisible livtnjf orphan isms, perhaps of eter-
nal tifcj. tliEit ite back of all life processes.
They arc so small that they can escape all
means of Dbservation. He believes this
invisible life exists everywhere, on earth,
other planets and throughout all space,

tfia.a ^.3


Fitted with a comhinalton seat and com-
partment, the latest type tricyr^lc ean car-
ry an cxtr.v pasHctij^er. The operator sitS
On the regulation scat and propels the
vehicle as usual, while the other rider oc-
cupies a Ec,al simiiar to the sidecar ar-
rangement for moLorryclcs,

H Ere Ii ArrAiieenieEiE by
Which TricyeCe CarricB g|t
ffiKlra Pi* 9 fJit*r J

Farcets; CaniEiajUTiiEnt
If S*t bEtP'wa the Rtfir -


CoUen tpoU BjtU an. att EUftbc Cord Aiudl4il Ed Eub
her Uat. Lo PermtE Indoor Frtctlc*


Golfers who tike ta practice indoors
when the weather prevents a trip to the
club, #Ci^v Cart^sa-^iify their^ lou^tfing wTeIi-
out daugcr”to ^vtn defies or furniture by
usi]]g a cotton hall atlacheri to a rubber
cord. The corrt in turn i5 held to a rub-
ber ]liat containing a tee, to floors or rugs
are not damaged by 'taking turf/'


That the universe is filled with life too
smalt fOE^ ttie highest -powered microscopo
to detect is the opinio n of Prof. D , F.
Simt.sEn, Russian scientist. Pliysicists, he
fiay^T'fh^tiJL t'dir tb.it ttic shortest wave-
length of visible light is not less than 400
millimicrons. Nat lung sinaLller actually


§y ^ f


*^IMES of human stress Usually 'prodLlC'C prophets- In dark da 3 fs man wants
■*■ tfttne assurance that there ii light ahead. He u&od to turn to soothuyere
and astrolofers for hope and guidance. Now iittclli^ent persons tarn to acionce.

The astronomer can predict eclipses atl4 Other celestial phe^
nomenUr The chemist can predict the reactiDits which will fol-
low certain combinations of elements- Not all sciences are cs-
act, however. Prediction is more hazardous where the reac^
tions of human minds and emotions are involved. For that
reason any attempt to blueprint the future of civilization mnst
be taken with caution, Howard Scott and his disciplas^ who
preacli the new gospel of tBchnocracy and forecast important
changes in the social order^ base their prophecy on engineccinj;. Perhaps that [
base is too narrow. Perhaps they do not make sufhcierit allowance for the ex-
ceedingly variable human factor. Put they have done a service in araualitg tho |
public mind to the poaaibLlitiea latent t±i technological progress and in the tre- \
mehdoUs development of energy available for the world's work. UnqUOstiOrMbly '
potent forces are in operation which need be better underatood and appraised in ^
Order to be controlled intElligcntly for the higher interests of matikind.

M ederrf

^ H? scholarly students of social trends reporting to the President, are more
oautloDB than are the Technocrats. Nevertheless they warn us of a disloca-
tion In our tutional life that needs correction. They note that governmental and
economic organ! rations in oup social otru'eture arc growing at a
rapid rate, while the church and the family have declined in
social signiticance, although not in human values. In Other
words, the machinery of our political and industrial institutions
is developing a weight that needs better support from those
aourcea of moral strength and spiritual vision which are repre-
sented by the church and the family. These latter make the
roads and build the bridges of mutual faith which must sustain
the advance of a highly mechanized civilization and give to it SUCh direction as
will promote the welfare and happiness of the race. To say that ih^ae factory, i
which have been fundamental in humanity's progress, have declined in social
eignihcance although not iti human value, is merely to say that our sense of values
has been blunted or dazzled by tbo immenae strides we have made in the domain
of material development. It is as if we had temporarily lost slglit of certain pre-
cious posaessioiLa, the worth of which has not depreciated in the least, bnt the
use of which we are rather stupidly neglecting. The wariLing is one that we
cannot afford to treat with. indilTerence,

T\ SAN THOMPSON, head of the g-chool of Commerce at the University of
^ Illinois, has s favorite saying that is worth recording. 'Many pEraona,'’
declares the dean, "who think they are thinking are merely rearranging their
prejudices." The mote you ponder on that statement, the more
truth you will find in it, and most of US will have to plead guilty
to the Indictment. A prejudice is a judgment reached before
we have taken time to learn and consider all the facts. Some-
times an intuitional prEjudice may be justified, but more often
than not it la unfair to the person or subject against which it is
directed, and misleading to the person who holds it. Feeling
leads to prejudice. Thought leads to Urtderatanding. Once a
prejudice ia established, thought ig blocked by it. We think as far as OUr preju-
dice, perhaps, but we cannot think beyond it. It is a wholesome cxErcise to take



T hinkinff





Dur prejudicBB out for an airinf, review thein^ face them Up tP facts, them

deftnd themselves if they can. It ii dangerous to have blind apota in the mind.


^ITIZENS of New Jeraey set an eMmple to the reat of the country in the
^ thought they take for the winged wild life of their state. ThroUGhoot thia
winter, an organiration known as the New Jersey Consolidated SpartEmcn has
been providing food for the birds In forest and marihlanda.
With consent of the U. S-. IlepB.rtnient of Cammarce, whose
wise rOGU^atioitS forbid throwing things from airplanes, more
than pounds of com, wheutn millet and rye, contained in
paper sacks that burst on falling, were distributed from the alt
aver snew-clad wo-adlands in remote parts of the state. Some
ZtlO bird self-feeders have been placed at points where they can
be of most service. They are filled at teoular intervals with
grain which, as the birds eat, escapes slowly through a pipe onto a tin plate. The
organisation engaged in this dne work of conservation has a junior grcrtlp nutn-
betintf some fi.OOC boys who share actively in its program, and are being trained
in conservation and true aportsmanship. Great good would result in this waste-
ful country if every state in tha union were to adopt the New Jersey plan. Con-
servina bird life is of vast value to agriculture, and the development in the
younger generation of the conserving spirit is even more important.

SOMEBODY has said that if the siae of our world fiEty years ago were reprs*
sented by a football, its sice today should be represented by a walnut, Prog^
ress in transportation and commumcation has occasioned the shrinkage. The
airplane and radio have been chief factors In bringing it about.
Many of our perploxitlg <luestlons arise from the fact that odr
world has ceased to be a planet of vast, separating diitanoes,
inhabited by peoples remote from one another^ and has become
one great nsighborhood. We are all Living so close to one an-
other, mingling with one another, listening in on onc another,
that we have to be more than ever careful of what we say and
do. How to live togethsr peacefully and helpfully ha* become
a major problem for nations and races. Another source oE bawilderment is the
tremendous acceleration of the speed of change. Out world and our times won^t
jell long enough to let US Study them. They outrun our thinking and planning^
Today's program has become Inadequate before we have realized its promising
possibilities. That is a phase of life which is not likely to become lest trying.
VVe must learn to think more quickly ^ we must develop those resourcea of intel-
lect which e^tpetts tell us lie fallow in the human mind.



/or Bitdt

T N an age that tempts uj tq think and live OH the material plane^ it is well that
^ we should be reminded frequently that man cannot live by bre^d alotie ; that
he is more than a mere physical being; that he has spiritual possibilitiea. Many
persons are a little afraid of that word spiritual. Matvy persons
have only a hazy idea of what it means. They think of it as
Tionnethiug which has to do with creeds and dogmas — ^ term
inseparable from religious cO-ntroversiBS aud sectarian inter-
pretations. That is a sad mistake. Properly, the word spiritual
is applied to these longings and impulses in man which cgn be
satisfied only by harmony, by beautyn by the joys of sympa-
thetic and understanding companiottship, by loving and being
loved. It denotes human values, that esnnot be measured in dollars, weighed on
any scales Of analyred in any laboratory, and yet they are the values without







which 3ife IS not worth livina; they ar* value* that go up whexv material values
decline. The man who cultivateE hia appreciation for the best in miiEic and. art;
who looka for the beauty itt hia world; who^ around the ideal of service, otRan-
izes harmony in his life, and makes a point of seeking what is good in others
and encouraging It to bear flower and frult^ — that man is developing his spiritual
life. He is reaching a plane on which he will be a happier, freer, and richer man
— richer in that wealth which docs not vanish when jobs arc lost and banks fail,

of the most interesting developments of these unusually interesting days
is the return of barter as a means of satisfying human needs for which ready
money is unavailable^ Many isolated instances of resort to this primitive method
have been reported, hut its most striking exempliheatlon is to
be Found in a group of western states. It began in the autumn
of 1931, in Utah, where a handful of busines^met^temporarUy
without a business— set themselves to work out a plan whereby-
idle labor in Sa.lt Li)ke City COUld be exchanged for the prod-
uct* of Utah farm*. The re*pon*e exceeded all expectations,
and presently similar exchanges ?of good* and service were be-
ing arranged among urban groups. Workers who had tolled on
farms and had been paid in vegetables, fruit and grain, swapped their surplus for
haircuts, dental care or medical attention. The movement spread to Idaho. In
January Ittst year, ft wa* organi.zed as the Natural Development association, with
headquarters in Salt Lake City, and branche-s in Idaho, Wyoming and Ariaona.
To facilitate the process of barter^ it ha* devised a form of scrip, reprC*enting
the value of product or service which the holder eictumges for it. It is then
exchangOAbie for whatever product or service of ei^ual value the holder desireit-
When thus once exchanged it i* destroyed. It cannot be hoarded Or monopolized
or used to earn interest. Here is a matter for thoughtful study.







Tearing which i* caused Ly the bar!) of
the Ordinary fisllliook 33 eliminated by uh-
ing a barhlcss hook which is just as elVcc-

yijliiiQa.V Whikti C^n Sc Beniavcd hum t'hE Mouth r?(
the- Catch -wLthDvt T?arin.e

running ohiiqudy from the line ,attach-
iiietd to just below the smooth point. The
wire is formed into a small coil spring at
tlie attached end, and this causes ic to
!tlf11 backward tvhen the mouth of the fisll
silides over the point. As the finh tries to
laosen itself, the blunt point of the wire
Forces itself against the catch, and the
harder the lish pullij, the more pressure
the wire exerts. Turning the wire down,
or to the right or left, releases the hold so
the llsh can be slipped off the smooth
point CAFEly, Bait is also saveil from injury
with the hook which is practically ^^'oed-
less and can he easily removed If c.niglit
[n clothing.

CX ames an-ct addresses of manufacturers
a Eld dealers in articles dcHcrihed, and any
details in our po.s. session, will he furilished

tivo hut doc!^ uQt C.1USC injury. It looks hr mir Bureau oF Information ujjon rc-
an ordinary hoo^ except for a wdre titles t accompanied hy return postage.

lAe at






Wliether their corn Is Eifcely lo suffer
frcin frost daniti^e in tho f,iL] can he forc-
tt>UI for lOTiva fariMery :i few weeks after
the crop is plained. Tliese Forecasts are
based on June tempernittires. Cbarles r>
R eed, of the U. S. wcatlie ir l>ureaii, has
fnnntj that mncty-tivc per ccnr ofTo^en's
com escapes frost damage when the June

)L^ ^hi<r^va^, J. <rJX.

Parta|)l$ Ctfcirii; HumirtiflfT' Whicli Reg-

□Lacq Moditur^ C'csnifni (lE Air

mean temperature has
been two or mote de-
crees above tlie averaije
oFfi9.4dcgrees. iiutwJieu
the Jurte t em pc rat II re
falls below si.\ty-Heven,
farmers may be sure their
corn will be tlamaged se-
f { 0 u s I r. O V c r a f 0 r t y-
r h ree-year p e r i o d , l'tf24
was tke worst of live Lad
years, only tlrirty-tiiree
per ceiii of the corn be-
ing unat tacked by frost,
W'licn the June leiiipera-
Itire 'rat nortiia!, 65.4 or
higher, corn not frosted
amounted to S7.3 or more
for the f^'ty-three years.


BlatkimiiH Wbs Hifflnseift Out Meta! Wtsitwr VjtiL? rntt?*il ^ Hor?*-
ibHf. and Bscioi.}]]^ oC Some oJ Rtgirrcs Mado <]□ llli Anvil


While the automobile COn-^erted many
a 1;ilack:^ip ifh -bnp-niTn a gatnige, one Hol-
lywond smithy' dues huSincHH at llle sattle
old shop — but he does not make a living
shoeing ho rsc.^. Instead, he haii tmilt up :i
large dieiiteie by fashioning fantastic rtg-
Ltres of iron to servo as w'cather ^'anes for
the gatcw-iys, towers ami cupolas of Cali-
fornia mansions. Sonic of the Iron “stat-
tiettcs" portray bullfighters, others arc
sltapctl like horses ami still others depict
osvarts and a host of similar subjects.

Moisture of air in the
home now can be ■care-
fully regulated with a
portable electric humidi-
fier wliicli uperates .lutcs-
niatEcally. In addition to
niailliainitlg the nioisture content at a
constant level, (be huniidificr also w.aslics
and purifies Lhe air, We,a?w bouse Flec^
trie and ilatitifac luring co^ip?rTix~etigi-
11 CC rs-wim rf CTelop ed lUt' hltiLlidifict claim
it is cconomic.il to operate and rc4.|uires


Fifty'Passenger Air Liners to Link Americas

Giant PLide ln.tEr.d.Ed for Kcaulsr Setvlce lictwiEiEii North and South Auicjlci; Luiurioua- Equipmeai. WiU Be
InBlalled ?[>/ Cninfort at Pasicnj;rrD; DcBii^n CiL1i Eoi SEVEca.1 Motoni

FLfty-prTssfnfpr airptaiies ivill te pLacc(.l
in rtgular JiCTv[cc HcUt'ccn North oncl
South A np erica. Involving; revolutionary
improvements, tlic g’lajil liners arc de-
signed lo Span the loiigest water gap te-
tween she two continents, Air mait will
be carried in atldititin to passeiigers. The
ships were dcsigneJ hv Col. Cliarlcs A,



Rival trains running out of Chicago are
f hein^ pultcr! liy the same locomotive on
^tlic first leg oi Uicir trip to Seattle in or-
<*(ler to cut operating costs for by Lit rail-
oads. Roth trains use titc same lint; be-
tween Chicago and St. Paul, hut one is
cheduled to leave fifteen minutes ahead
.ot tho other. The first train pulls out of
the station, but iilStead of depart in gj it is
hacked up into the front of the second
train, and the two units arc drawn to St.
Paul by the same engine. At St. Paul they
.are .split anrE each train purfiues ha sepa-
rate couriic lo tlie cuanL. Easthonnd trains
bined in simili^y manner at St.

Paul unless one is late or unless there are
more tban eighteen cara.

paintbrush guard prevents


Painting window s.ashcs, moldtngsi or
baseboards without smearing the color
[)vcT an adjoining surface i& m.%de e.isy hy
using a guard wEiieh can be attaclied to
any small brush. It consists of a heart-
!^hape[l celEulpirt -lEiiik w'ho^c paint cxten?]:s
tialf an iiidt bdow^ the edge of the brusli.

The disk is fleTti-

hlc .and follows
the movement of
t It e bristles a s
pressure IS. ap-
plied. A spring
keeps it in posi-
tion at all iinic.s,
and a lever allows
it to be raised
ivhen not neetted.
This lever elevates

the disk when the brush is dipped in the
paint, or it Can be locked to keep the
gu a^jperman^^ of pjace.j


TH? BroLii Is tf?it JVlivayB
kixin: H<tc Inatcurj^lM
jn KcariitK: Ar* fia[n^
with a Sourril
CapEL tImi Girl li Pifi-iii-
Lnjf tD thn SiJflt WlierE
(iiE BOmruI Sfiflnu to Orig-
Inace; ActuaLLy It It
Comtn.H' Fram u HutiEr
Mmjnttd -Oil llie End dF
(lie Stici



H O S E v’,' ho itinl iit] sit Tiro u-3 s a I'l’.
^ often upon to ifihil: k'aW nnc3 act

actordiuEfly. Splil-setroiid tliinliiiij' moans
llic Niift'orcno'e hetTvceti life aiii dcaili to
tliL' iL'ist ptluL vvlio "sEioeU Ills M'itL}^!;"' in
I lie air. Liflitninglikc r-eactiems enable
fa-cin^ f] ravers to escape Jisastcr at 150
miles per lioLjr. Iiiimediate dectsioas save
Heavily loacHuL passeupi-cr ^bip?: frnm enl-
lEsitm vvileit they meet in a fojj.

But si til n1 ion; that demand fast
lEltiikilifj are tloL reserve tl for
tliosc oil whom iiisitrance rates
jTM bi^ln Split seconds count ev’
^ 'm erywHerc, Nearly every one FlltlSt
Jl think and act rapidly on occasion^
^ot onlv vumr ouii life Hiit the

Adjiutirf Meclunical Qrain dJ CatEulatln^ Muhinc Which Solves
Pr^tciDi Heir]]r Ten TimcB Fa.itrr clian Humnn Br^ain

in an cmcr^^cncy,

PsycHolog'iats have simulated

^'iLcid prc:N? it :ls soon jir thi^
while li^glit flashes/' Hls hand,
liidden behind a b&apdl, rests
fin a 6tcy that JinTHhes the
I n] 111 etl lately, you jiresS down.
A looh at the stop dock show-i
.29 second.

"Tliat was slow/^ say^s Doc-
tor lI-cticB-sel. ^‘Concentrate on
the movement of pressiiiff the
keyfan<L not on waiting for tlie
sifrual," Von do, and this time
tlie clock rejfi^'tfrs .t’l sccomt-
13 y sihiftinj^ j'onr attention, ttie
sensory eurrenls moved
throufrJ] yonr hfitly twice as
fast. S[)rint rniincrH who are
out of (heir holes ahead of tlic
rest lia^'c learned that tlic se-
cret of a fast start is to COil-

Tbr Tmi I.in.ct>. One for Eacti tfand. EtlWMffH- (lit Fmetiora of Sec-
ond FAquired 14 Preu Twa Ke^ ilEtEr SiKna] Wb □i-'Eii

AtiOuC. Measuring SfieeJ TlLlnkLnr;
Maq nr LcCl Prv 3 BEi Ke7 31 Sodoi u ilq
Seen Li^kE Flunh.. and Tunne lnterv?L In.


eiiiei-gcncy conditions in the
lafiOralory to fliscovor jllSt how
fast thoufjtit travels. They use
.1 ''psychodometerf'' or time
niacliine, that mcaynres in htttt-
flrctllhs of a second, and with
this they have learned some
snrprisiiiK facts* At yn-nr best,
you really don^’l thiiik fast at
all irii vierv of moficrn coocep-
tions of Speech The syieecj limit
On tliinkirtg and acting is ahoiit
2 S(J iijlIlh ]jer hotir.

Here's liow they find ont
how fast yon think a net act at
the University nf Sotlthcrn
California. You .sit at a table
rhnt contains colored lightSp
teleffraph Iceys, haltei'icd, and
an electrically operated stop
dock. Across the lahle, is Dr.
Milton Mctfqssel, eliairman of
the department of psychology.'.

'■^Pnt your fing'er on. the tel-
egraph key," he in,structs y'OP,

Ircft, Bunt cf ''Shuu'' Fir?^ PIb^e
vitth Fhiaiq Guil; Beeauu 3.1 Time Lag
]□ Thirtiiie, Aeriil GunriEra Learn to
Laad ThEii TarsEb



AbuvE, Cu-ini*niTai4 Sii Un--.

N'Ot on. SLjni'il :
Rlglii, Ris: TbinkiriE ALIo^h Kacrr to
SliLd vnthnut ACciilmt

n T1: tl c] (] T1 giittS y dltf
tight Btit thg

clock shows that yo-u
took nearly .45 of ;i aei;-
oii(] to select the correct
hand and move it, Xot
ontiL after a lot of prac-
tice arc you able to re-
duce that time.

If it takes nearly half
a second to choosc be-
t^veco two colored
lights, how is it that a
good jiiarksinaji can
point ap^L fire his gun
wit ]] out pausing to esti-
mate the speed of Ills
target, the speed of his
shell, and allow- for the
wind and the time nec-
essary to pnll the trig-
ger? '^That is the result
of training," says Doc-
tor Metfcssel. “The
tnarbsmasi knows the
answers from past ex-
perience and he subcon-

centratc on the action, not
the signal.

From simple reaction, Doc-
tor Metfessei graduates you
to complicated reaction lime
in which two telegraph keys, are used.
“Press the left key wiili your left hand if
you see a green light, and the right key
with your right hand if you sec a red one,”
he tells you. Suddenly the red light flash e3^

scionsly leads the target the right antount.
Ir he coiificEously tried to eatlmat-e .all the
factors, the chances arc Eie w^Ouldnh think
fast enough to score a lilt. Spectacular
snap shots at small targets are the result


3 S 9

of so niucli practice that
the fjointittg of the gtm is
almost aucomatLC.

''The saioc; applies to
driving an auLuillubUe.
The hegLilner lias to cai’c-
fully estimate his own
specfL and tlic speeds of
other cars, but with
e K p c r ] e 11 c c lie weaves
throtlgh lieavy trnfllc ap'
parcnlW vvitltOUt lime to
thinlt. He has learned to
judge speeds so ■well that
his hraifi needs less time

lilftM, Tci*Jb 2 t-ar IrLitlrcci Vi-
aiiBQj OuL qE Com?r ni EyE Sub-
]EEt Ttie]^ Id Sue CvlilE'Ed Marh

Slldbe aJdnf CvTV(4 Arm

Rlfln^ Trap- SfiEDbEr, by PraicEicc, Aiind-

Hnd Ftrtfl in LEih ThiJi S?c- 3 nd; Cjiku'

UeUidh InvnlvEii Would R^uuifE SETcr:il
Minuitj ;o Work Mi Ffipir

to reach the proper solulloiiT
Here is an expo rim nit thnt
will show you how practice 111’
creases the speed of thinking.
With n pencil, trace the out-
line of a six-]]oioted !^tar while
looking: at its rerteclEon in a
mirror. Hold a piece of narri-
board heliveen your face and
the 5 tar, and guide ibe pencil ■
liy i he mi rro r i niagCr T t will
take several minutes on your
first attempt and you may run
off the track a liundred times
beS'ore you finish, Tiitie your-

L-eFc. Tr?EcnE ? Star by Iti RrilcctEil ImacE
in hTirrDr; tiucf( Sha^ Ctit PIt*E CeuSI

self, and try it ten limes, Voil will
be able to trace the star in half a
minute when you have trained

A Co 11 1 plicated t ho light proccRR
is involved in doing two mental
tasks at the same time, and lierc
,again, c-uperience produces s]med.
blurting b.xckwaid j'roni IFO, count
a to Ltd '^ 50 , 141 ), MS," and so on.
At the same time, ii rile down
on paper the loiters lhat spell
"{jeorge ^Vashington.” 'i'ho tK-
p c r 1 111 c ti t looks di fficult Eml
after several effort . r ymi will be
able to carry on botli tasks
wi til out Eicsitation.

^'Thinking is really a phys-
ical process,"' says Doctor Mec-
lesseL “llcaction time is me,\H-
nred from the moment y'our
scuR-cs receive a signal iintil
ifte lime you act. JEost people
respond f|uiekc^t to .audihl-c
signals, tlicti to those they sec,
and tmlcEi signals bring the
slowe.se i'-ChIcI tons, T?eactinn
fCEiibltiLuctl la pa^E 120.a>



liarness’ed to telescopes
pr[.>miK,c to diE-covcf new
tieavenly bodies tlial omit

lieat 1)ut no vlsiljle 3ig1u.

Iij facto rieft and lioiiiej?,
lieat can be itiade to eio-
Enatc remote control and
iiafeLy de-H lcea. The detec-
tor of infra-red radiation,
as heat is known to sci-
ence, may Ijccoine as iin-
porfant a robot as the
"electric eye/' or pliolo-
electric cell.


Kero HcfW ^rayiJif EqiLLipmcnt Ex Mavinted nn & ^hjt Oiit&t

E-Axy Eo Opciratf, S-filnB CApjbIc of MJIklns Sharp Tumi


rn ■: i: i-H niacIlilUC

have teen made possibleby^ou riling two
Large tank-i on a tractor. Two hundred and
thirty gallons of spraying fluid may be
carried In the tanks. If necessary, the
trac[or‘6prayer can turn In a titrcc-foot
.area, while old-style spraying outfits re-
Hijuire about thirty feet. ^^.5^

By liatid-painting sound
piclui'es on nioiion-psc-
ture filnif a German scictitist hopes to re-
duce the pro diiyTiorf coal's of talking pic-
tures. Teats show that the tone characters
painted on the edge of fihll give n natural
reproduction of -instrumental music^ song
ur speech. The process is Intended to re-
place the complex appai'atus now uaed,
c lit t i ng cost 5 perhaps n i n ety per cent. N ot
only is the inventor able to record all nat-
ural sotfnd&f but lie can create tonal ef-
fects ttnlktiown to the hutnan ear. pj


By detecting heat rays, which ate im'isHin
ible to man, sensitive instruments promise
many w'onTlers, in addition to hohlinggre;
]iossjbilitleS for practical application. Heat
so feeble that im aided human sense could
never feel It has taken phologr.iph:-
throush clouds opague to visible ligliiV
Mountains, scores of niilcs away from ait^
airplane and invisible to the pilot, are plc- 3
tured on special photographic plates. Del-
icate thermocouples, devices that measure
heat differences by ibc flow of electric cur-
rent, when attached LO amplifying elec-
tron Lubes, can feel the heat of factoiy
smokestacks .lome &i.v miles away. Such a
device i.s used in a iexiant that ttieasures
the position of the sun through thick
clouds. In war, it might locate airplane^
flying .thove clouds .rt night by ieeling the
licii^ oE tltei

exhausts. Heat detectors

When Fa.in1.<e dh T3[kina Fic-
□VCoits._arc liovr



:cd wifh MecEiaiucoJ

P4StFn?cT9 4jQ 3. Ftarida-Eaund Train ‘EnjDyjng E-atbEaf Fool Ln a REcrcatinn Car F

Fimcbitiif BacB abd Other ?qili|>ttient 'E m Entertainment




1 N


1 .■

???? '




O ne raJlf ?ld w etn N ew

York .'I ncTT^ E q rida Eias Eiit^llcd a reerca-
t[i:1l:l car Otk its SOuLlicrn run so
wi!l not need to ^eait milil tliey reach Mi-
aini tu Ijcf'iii tkeir npnrts. The cl all car bk
eftaipped tvitli a StlCBLlI liaEllinfr ptjrjl^ filc-
chanicaL lior-ses, a puticliims hug atid other
c[|uipmcrC for ilit cntcrLaiiinrcnt of pas-
sengers i,vJ]o want esefc^c. i j i

sno\ %

^OODEN gutters in STREETS




Offered as Vn inexpensive sultsticiUe
for curliR-toncji, i^lirjcBtctJ tvoririen gutters
(rave been [ntrotAiced to- ini ii rove streets
and liiigh^vaya hesifly property that cannot
afford to pcit in cosl^; paving or CUrhs. A

special set of Sarvs Cutsjumber forinh into
two sections wliicli are-’-goEnted logellier /
into one soLitE watertight pVcC- These fah
Ticated sections are Ejuili iiPJcngtlisi up to
2 CW feet, Afuas^^aiving, tiie^ectious are

treated witEi creosote oil vvhicEi gives them
3 life of forty or more years, even in heavy
clay soil. A metal fin^ imliedded in one
end of each section, flu into a groove in
the [jppoiiite enr[ of .mother section, mak-
itijg a tight ioint.

itig a tig lit 10-

"h S'



^ Vv indiiiE up a
n L vv ] y d e a E g tL e d
measuring tape is
like operating a
telephone, Both
are worked by a
dial. Winding
median ism of the
^ ’ fifty. foot tape is

con trolled hy a nine-hole di,il, making it
easy to draw the line Enick into its metal

dPInim to use airplanes ctiuippcd with
I sirens to warn of Eiiirttcanes are being



lS>n a f


Citizens Train in Gas Masks for Air Attacks

Dressed in fras masks and protective
suits, citizcas of RpmCi-l-tuJ v , am leUlrin^
how to resT^tEe attacks oi sjas-tomhing
planes. In recent aerial maneuvers unticr
the direct ion of Preiiuer iMussolini. subur-
ban citizens u'cre j^arbed like visitors iront
anotlieif planet might be expetted to look.
At tlie sound of sirens, tl^C city Sfl-'i

final tolls, says Professor TIatdunc, Flycri
who, at liiph altitudes, get too little air
were warned that the symptoms of tills
condition are high spirits which may
[eatl to continuetE e?:poHure or foolhardy
feats. British statistics indicate workers
in trades exposed lo mineral and metallic

Just, cutlery grinding lieiaig an cKample,

and flees to cover wEiile the nieti
inhabitants practice maneuvers (o he usetl
if Rome were attacked from the air.


fttstead of being a health menace, coal
dust breathed liy miners ilong with rock
tin St may lie a positive benelk. This is rlic
F>e!icf_of_Pm?r-jT. Br-Sv^Taldane, of Cani-
h ri dge U ui vc r 5 it Y j_ wh o ex]]lains coal dn:;t
teems to sLimiUiftc the expectorant acti
ities of the iifiigs atid throat so tliat tin
dust cvcrtiu'ally is removed. Rock rlnsf Ims
no stich' action and norma My would re-
main in the lungs, hut when coal riust is
Txed with it; tiie rock particles adhere ti-^
the coat and are removed when fEic lartcr.:^-—
is coughed up. Of all working ccmditiorir-.
hatl air of one sort or another is the w'orst,
far eucceditig industrial accident? in its

arc nntcli more liahic tlmn the average
person (o contract tuberculosis or pneu-
monia, Limestone workers and flour-miil
employes fid 11 ot seem ro suffer ilt effects,
hut til use in dust- filled Cultott mi Els and
Fnind blasters do, and sitica tlmit is alwni's





Clipped on
pud of paper, a
small electric light
nitls in writing, il-
hmtiiialiiig the pa-
per much better
than desk or read-
ing lamp. The
lighl also may he
rtadled to a book.

* ■■ - ^



Permitting shipment of
^^smnll consijfnmcnts th.it
now TuaT^t by trucks ttkitl-
^ gel refrigerator cars for
?=^i^|]rofui use have liecn
produced. Only tweilty-
two feet long, the small
Q cars have a capae icy of
2D,0CX> pounds, one- fifth

4 ^ the size of rcgul.ition rc-
frigeracor cars. This new
car has only four wheels,
half as many as the larg-
er type, hut travets at the
.ime speed. Ten tons of
meal loaded into one of
tlie small cars is moved
at carload rates, whereas
a tike <juancity shipped in
^ ^ ^ hig car would have to pay a higher Schs-

than-earload rate. Construction is almost
^ entirely of steel. The Ice hnxes .it the
ends liave a capacity of 1,500 pounds of
crushed ice each.


Wcigliing only seven ounces, .a in id pet
air grinder with a speed of 40, Olid revolu-
fions a minute has been found particular-
ly useful for the surface finishing of met-
als. It is employed in cutting out mct.il in
places not easily accessible, attd also at

KHSiji;; 1T]1 tht- SbE-Oill1t:r



Capable of doing forty miles.in hour, a
working mo<ltl of ?iTalcolni^pifinpbeirs fa-
mous racing car h.is hc^p^conF^tructcd by
Califoniia schoolboi^irEie small auto has
.1 two-cycle engine which runs a half mile
on a tank capacity' of sis ounces of gaso-
[iiiiCn The car is fifty-six inches long.

Sen-aU Air GriiLdcf for Id Eta] CutlinE; It E.aac!iei intD
Coinfri Ntit DthcT'wL'K Acc-eHib-lc

any point in tool or die making where
small amounts of metal must be removed
to close tolerances. It comes com./
^vitb hose and,


^0 2 > ,



Taller atid mentally lirighter, the young- /
est child in the family is tlie best. Dr.
G ordo o T ow risen d Bo^vl cs, of_ Ha rvard
U n i vcrsil V-~j^ cT[L^ th is eonelusion after
1K,(XX> nieasnrehicnts, physical and ineutal,
had beeft madu'^of students and compared V .
with mcfisurpments of .American revolti--^
tioiiary soldiars and sailors, 'and Swiss, ^
Japitnesc and Italian military men. Doctor
Bosvics say's fliat the more advanced a stU"
dcjTt is physically, ihe more advanced lie
i s !i kely 1 0 ht men ta lly . H i s m easur emen ts
show that the present Harvard men are
the tallest |in the world, excepting the
Saras of .^frie.i. They .are five feet tcr
inches, exoeeding their fathers hy' an av-
erage of oi]c and onc-thlrd inches. College
ass their tnothers;, weighing
fni.irth pounds more artd_av-
teiitli of an incli tsllc

girls out
seven and
er.iging on

'■ %

C o a: e h li r e

iti f ittsbiiir^h^
loq-k] n ^ A I i 1 1 1 l;

in uiuamil-
iar siiTfonn clings, ?s
a RubmarLni;’:^ l>t;L]. a ftriztc] trophy
s>-iubo(i!thig tile %'ietory oi American
Jivcfs lit a bitter r,t r ugji'le with the je
scii for posseisSioTt oF the

And that heh with its simple in-
Rcriptioit; "'U, S, S. ^S-Sh' 1921/' ap-
propriately enough is the propert>\
not of some mnscum, InJt g! one
outstandang diverp Rraiicis Smith,
whose cold conrag’e at the hotroni of
the sea, after si.\ years, ijtiil stamls
nut in my llietnory as tilt- high light
in the first sticcesss’iil salvage of a
large submarine lost in ijcep water
in the opeti ocean.

In twenty-two fathoms of water,
the sciiasEietl vEctini of a eol-

lisioti, lay half huiLcil in clay and
sand, sortie fifteen
to seawa.rd from
island. -Straining at six
anchors, spread Olit fkil-
%vise to tiioor her in po-
sition over the suhnia-
riii e, was the S a 1 v a 0
ship "Falcon." Near hy
tossert the rest of the
salvage flolilliip four
more ships and a thou-
sand sea men p ready at tlie Ihitter oi a sig-
nal to run li.iwhers, tow pontoons or sciifl
over boats loaded with sailors to relieve
the weary men struggling on tlie " Fat-
coil 's'" crowded decks witli diving gear.

The prohlcni was dilhaitt. On the bot-
tom tvas rite waterlogged su1>niaritie, a
dead tveiglit of I,(XJ0 tons, wdth a huge

been rammed.
Ordinary lifting _
means were out oi ",
the (] nest ion. The largest flo,tting
crane in the ii^orld iiiiglu lift per- ■'
haps 251'} [Orta, hut four such floating ^
monsters did not eKist in .America,^
and oven if ilicy hatl, hecause of the
ditnggr of capsizing if caught out-
sitle a ilarbor in heavy weather, thev
couhl never have hetn kept over the
‘^S-aT’ long enough to make the lift
and tow it itiLo shallow water. So
the joh had to be tlone mainly hy
eight pontoons, gigaittic steel cylin-
ders four teen feet in diameter and
cliirty-tw^o feet long, each with a
gross lift of liO tons wlieti secured
alongside the sunken suh.

When secured alongside the Sunk-
en sub — that was thedifficulty. There
was notEiiiig on the
Jt'- "S-51," or any Ameri-

j|- ’ ran submarine then,

Strong enougli to stantl
a dynamic puh of even
ball' the lift of one pun-
t oo II . T here were no
lifting eyes.; the shell
plating of the sub ma-
rine was fragile, tlic
I'rainirtg too llliu t[> hold
a hook even if at the bottom of the &ea
the divers were to cut the neccasary holes
witli that sc ien Lille paradox — the torch
that burns steel under whaler.

A Itundrcd and twenty tons is a tre-
nientlous pull; to tiausfcr its lift to
!lie snbrtiarine, each pontoon was rUted
through haw&epipcs with tw'o baltkship-

r 3^4 ■ . r



ci ^ ..


ancliof cliains. eac>i chain link over a jocit
nia<te of iron i\ro amj ^

half inches thick. Smiiphcnv thnsn chains,
^^^■0 iVottl CVtTV fjOntoon, liad to be sf-
curej to the '"S'51.'''

liv ery Httliiticm w.is canvassed ; only one
offered aiu^ real chance. The chiiimi must
form a cradle in which the &tih marine
could ride hetiveen the pontoons. But to
form that cradle, thoae heavy eliaina raitsl
be ffot under tlic ^^5-51,” and ^ve f.iced the
fact that, practically from stem to Stern,
it was hurled six iect dee]] in the hard'
hlim clay of the oc^aii floor.

Su t^veiity-twO fathoue^ henenth the
wintry Alljthtic ^vUvef., OUT little liand of
tlivers started to dijj a tunnel under the
stihinatinc. Tick and ahuvel were out of
the <|Ue-slio!i , in a cumbersome diving ri^,
a man couhl not handle such tools; iiiitler
the heavy pressure at that deplll, his pant-
itij^ lungs and strained heart could not
long: ’i^ Lllist.md such cxertioiu So. when
Bailey, jjuimer‘s in ate, rirst-glass, the first
man to t.ickle that tunnel, slirE down a line
to the sand -CO VC red hottmn, hr dra^fged
n irli him, tied to his wrist, Otie end of a
fire hose, its hra&s nozzle ple.indnR faintly




in 1 he 1 1 i 111 I i ^ h t of t ] i o
□cunn lli..iOr. AV'ith IIh' pi'ns-
fti.irc frijixi llifti iio;:j!(t, Dailey xx‘as to
xxT-islL a flitlt; UlulCT t1ll:^ syhmiirintj
llu'OUf^lv wlijfii we tfiLclJ haul tluj an-
chor chains for the Cradle.

i..ahH>rimisly d r.i i ! y liiii 1t0*u Lo [lif
spot aloiijj!-ide Lhe ImLl; Xv lucre he wa^
lo starln F-5ailcy (jraapeii the uoz/.lc linn-
3y, fiointed it at the line xvtlere tl'iC iicci
plates oi the submatljic \'ai’>i5ht’<l in the
cla>\ atl-tl sausf otlt into the divinf^ tel-
ephoiie: "'On fleck! Turn
on the water

Oil the ■■ I'n I C n n," the
tcicfdionc tender re peat -
od tlic call and a hoat-
sxeain's niate IwiisLed a
^'alvc wirto open, The Limp
canvas hose hccanie lim'd
as iroii, then tliroUkcd
rhitliniicahy ajjairisL the
rail as llie jHilsaCiHi;' lire
pump droce tin-' sire.rin
tliroiifih. Terrsely we
M'aldied tL:e f iijje clu>-
it-Ts of air luililnlys, the

ox ha List from llaile3''s

helmet, ‘Toth rlu- sin tace
and ivinidered luoy [iai-
1 ey was ni a k i n li on : v,' i 1 1 1
his t tint] till ly.

Soon enottirh kc fnund
out. A call rang in the rnaKw ? Kerjlnm

^ n _n , 4 1 Top, j| lh± PcniEcinie' in the C4iri1.T?)l Return at a Subnurine : BaittHD, EEisiae

iclepll one lender S eat ; Raom dE □ Modmi Britlili Sub





39 "

“Oil clecl! lliefif:: Turn off Hie ^va-
tcr ] I']]i :i3)nut fifty feet ffnm tlic .Fmt>
ami \ ildn't k^ow whtrttlic hose \sV’

IL was easy to visuali^t; w\ini ]iaJ
happcjicft. A d[ver on flit I'lCirtOlU, in
s-pite of sonic: 2CX) pouiitls cif Ic^ad and
copper ballast in liis rig:, 1ms possibly
not over forty pounds negative Inioy-
aricy udien bis suit is pro]Jurly inflated
for working. Ami in that tlgluejlenj
condition, tile kick from tlio powerful
Stream rushing frciin the Eire: liosc, had
torn tlic no?3!le from his
hands anrl sent Bailey
sprawling hackwarri on the:
ocean hot tom.

We shot off the wafer,

Bailey groped about till he
fontid the hose, dragged it
hack alongside the ‘'51-51”
and once more telephoned

Phnln ^ Kp^^Iiiiiu

the surface, telling us to go easy
this time. The boatswain's mate
o]iciied the valve gently till at last
Baiiey calledH “That's enough V The hose
had hardty swelled sufficiently to take rjut
the kinkSj but that waa aa much pressure
as Bailey could stand ajid still hang on to
his noJ,7tc. He w-orked an Irour, then,
leaving the hose below, we started him


EmcrgLnf lwtnn Foroluitch aS a. Submajinc;. Bot-
toiD, ULigram ShnivLiij; Path nf Tmiiic]


Til ere wjis iiotliinf^ f-or It hitt to keep
on^ Da\' ^I'ccr one after anntlier, nur
Lest clivers stru^glei witli lEsal tin i nek tak-
ing: their tiirn.i in the rEepths^ to fight with
the iiuul. With more experieiice, tiie men
were able tC5 hjiitfUe a liflEe mrjre presswre,
but tile going was tcrriEjly sSoiv. Becaiii.e
of time lost in cliangitig clivers^ it n'as itri-
pos-sihLe to get niori; than sii? men down
On tElc joU on a good cEny, Aoirl hci;ans,c
of ottr exposed posiliottj tfayi on wliicEi
the ocean let us dive xvere few — hardly
one (];iy nut nt three was nur average,

O tiler oj-iirJi lions were Lad. The wasil-*

lip, ]jaiEsi]ig at eacti i^lage ill
tiist ascent to allow iiim tn
'Mccom press/' And sn, fot
the next houi' and a half,
Bailey (lingled in tile icy
Water oi tile Nortli .^tlninlic^
swinging lii.s arms, liieking
out his leatt-w eight ed feel
to l:eep irom freezing as he
rose — a tryicjg nnlenl for a
man after iiis e^ttia its ting
period of work on the hol-
Cani, but the uniy safe way
of avoiding llie diver's most
dreaded diseane, ‘'tlie bends/'
Al East Baiicy was heaved
in over tlie rail and ex-
plain cd the dJfliaitties he
had eiicnu Cite red. Ttwasgo-

hi^ to be a longh job. Uti-
fter a layer ot a few' indies
of dose-pached sand, tlie
bottom was very hard. WEtii
I lie retlticed pressttre, lie
found cutting tlie clay ex-
ceedirlgly dill] cull and doubt-

ed whether the hole he ha<E
started was more than six
iticlies deep.

riic^ai igi KfFilanB

[a CutIe, irndEnei Bast Dacending ; BeLow, a. 0?Et Similir in 40'

□nr Athava Ir tbn N-ivy Varil at WaBbLujitBD


P5 ■■
N t

O c+
P- tr

> M
^ M

]iig hoSfS, COriiitantTy turp^iTijr Co an [3 frn in
t3ic E.pasvay, fouled hi itit super scfticlitco of
lh.o “'S-51'^ and fi'efjutuLly wort tui [n halE
or tom apart wheti wo tried to pull them
frco. Prccjous hours wore lost repHlaciiig
tlicni. Divers lost their sense of direction
ami wusteiE nearly tlieir wliote dive trytiif^
to locate the lumiel en trance. Si Dr tils
wotild drive tis fmin the scene and
rlays at a time present divinj^ altogether
and ?^^■e would come l>aek to find that tlie
sweep of the currents had completelyi'
filled our tunnel again with sand, atid 'we ^
had to ^vash that clear before ive could "S
tlrive ah carl.

The clay was so heavy thaf, wlien cut.
it would not stuy in suspension in thv wa-
ter, lint would settle in tlic tunnel arouml^^
the diver, wllo had to stop and wasll the.
.scflinienC all tEic way out to the tuimel
mouth IsCforc lie could .advance again.
And htially, some of the divers, lying-
down in the tunnel, had their suits lill
with w.attr and were dragged up, h.;df
frrszen and nearly druivnetl.

A desperate drive over several tveeks
advanced the tunnel till iL readied sis teen
feet under the port side — ait average of
almost a foot for each day’s work. W'e
were then ttvo feet from the keel on the
port side, under tim deepest point of the
“S-5E.” Franciii S-mith vv.as takiiiig his turn
wit El the liose in the tunnel,, worming liis
way along. Imagine his sittiation. In ice-
Cfild water, utter finlitmLe, total blackness,
he was buried 135 Feel below tEle heaving
Surface of 1 he Allatitic. No sight, no
,sn[in<E, no sense of rli rent ion c^^CCpt th(^
fed nf the steel hull of the against

liis Eiack as lie lay stretched out flat in a
narrow hole scarcely larger than his hodv.


L'.iyi' jW JUt it.^1

Thi4 Fijiure LekiIis Lake That dE a. rdkf>vi?r>, But ta ^
Onlv 3 Durnmir 'WBriii'njt fluto DcLvefs


Warning mntorisls to drive slowly in
schrjo] i! out's, lift' -si Bed tlumm y noLiecn ien'
are guarding the lives of children in Santa
Rn ritara , Cilif...JJ;ie lignreS are ccmstl'ttct
eci (jf plale Steel and pipe tracing? and
paint e<l in viviil natural colors. \V^hcn set
in the lutdtEIc of the street near schools,
they c.iu i>e seen for filarty h locks, giving
auto drivers plenty of time to slow up.

not big enough for him to turn aroutul'. '

in. Closclv against his bodv pressed ihe\ SHIVERING HELPS WARM BODY
throhbing'hose while, ahead tn his ont-|^ WHEN YOU'RE COLDyJ^ _

stretched nruls. he gripped the ^hc hody is chillctl. iiniHclc spasut

burrowing deeper, alt around him a bhmlrS jeering is nature's wav of producing

Stream of freezing water heavy with clay^
and mud coursing backward. -J

nen me tele- ^
i Smith. He>|
jseil tlie tele—

Twenty minutes went by, then the telc-^
plicme tender got a call from
couEd not make it ottL and jjassei
phone headset to me. T heard Smith's
voice saying. "T'ln in .ti very bad position,
htr. Ellaberg. Send Some one to help!”
Fortunately, Joe Eibcn, another fine

catises the muscles of blood vessels to con-
tract. This forces the lilood from smaller
(id vessels to tlie- larger. Since the lal-
imist expand, tlie spasniofliq cmitr ac-
tion and cxpansimi t:^ the shiver. Dr. F. K.
1 T.iirririgtaii, in this c.’cplanatititl of v^i'liy tve
shiverTsay^n^ deep brcatlting through
g the nose iriicreases oxidation of the blood.

fCiKn.tiii.v?4 ((3- |Kt?c 1.22A}

producing Ite:^





?Kill OvwEC

> tmcRLti

FPOm 7 View

SiDI \Aew

Thj!; Ii l[aw li^ELAEllierH Ca&tiE in Ccf-
tnany ATKpcjra: the McdE[, Shown with
the Dpildcr bsidc- It. CJoiEly RES-EmblEi

thE □Tiu;ip?L BuMdinif; ?veh IKe MnuP''

tAin RoBdii nhd Piit.h.1 Arr RtpmlircEd ;

(!>■□ To-KfEts Jcr (1 ie ^>1

tht Caaili

T n fl Liflit I on , ot h e r prcca n-
li[)[ 3 ii arc faker t-n avoid
lieivy Little tr:n '4

Over wflteh the Jcivcler
works are emptied into
one large receptacle each
nightj sweepings from
the 110 nr are collected,
and flic rouge used for
Eiufling: ami poli^ihirg i 4
saved, Tlie jeweler knot\ S
that h e t’l’i'ce]!. three and
six grains of metal are
rejiioved from a ting ev-
ery time It is polished ~r
hulletl, So he takes Steps
to catch every grain.


FaiihCully reproduced in tnittule detail,
a model of Heidelberg caaile in Germany
has hecn ennsf meted William Hac ker,
nrcliitectijEiL student at^Heidelberg iJri-
veraity. Each part of the castle and its
auCr-ounding.H haS been built t3J scale. It is
expected that the model will be exhibited
at the Century of Progress EKposirion in
Chicago this year.


ArldicLal feel of rub-
ber are servLitg a duck
whose real feet were
frozen off wheii it escaped
from its pen in Michigan
one winter night. The ar-
tificial piiir ^vas fasliioned
at a rubber phuil, con-
structed so the stumps of
the duck’s legs would fit into the upper
part of tile rubber set. After a period of
hopping around, the duck has learned to
'A use its new feet, walking and swimming
■^■Yvith almost as much c.i.>;c as i:lo the hale

, ones in the Bock,


Dirty >vater in the jeweler's workshop
is valued liighly. Every drop in whkh
w^orkers wasli their bancl.'; and in ^vhich
their overalls arc laundered is saved. This
^i.s done because filiJigs from gold and oth-
er precious metals are caught in the wa-
ter. At regular intervals, ihi.ti metal is sal-
vaged by rehnliig, resulting in savings of
JZ^lo SI,0tM) ajuar in tbcTEt'crage shop.

H'iy'W ArtificLRl Ftn

an Duck's

( 0


(?■ cl-^ t -- yt-


l^^dBtil^E tlrti H-ind Tjrtim^Ti llie Wundoipf aiid lli?
Sm^l] E}li3ic-:!>llJ:|>i;';l I)?^'L<|!, glNIiWn <1 Hi|lhE. IllC

FoBBEr-iB^ May ChiBD^E FfoJEroBd ^if^naJ^ L?ft, How
LicHts A|}jie3t ]□ "Stall" Position


How ;iutt5in;itic rjii]ro:i(5 i^ijjnals opt;r:itu
is deipoii St rated in a sliow window !?>■ an
.irr.mgemcnt th.it pcTmit?^ the jmHHc to
turn the si^ttLils Oil ami afl. All tlie jja^ser-
by needs to do is to pass hts hand 1>etw'een
tlic windoie g’lnss ami one of tliree .nmall
devices siiS]j ended Outside the window.
These device? are plioto-dectric cclls^ bet-
ter known as electric eyes, which are con- 'w
noctccl to the signal liglits. Fassitig the^
hand between tlic -windotv nnd the clcctri
eye cansei [lie “clear ” ''canlion^' or "stop
signal to Sash on the railroad boardji and^
in the artist’s rcprcsicntation of nn ciif^inc^
cah. This shoivs hoiv passengers on tills'^
r.iilroadj the rcnna>dvania, .irc protccteE?^
against accident.

hall feet. M[jtc tlimi 400,000 linear feet, or
12.S miles, of welding wdll he recittired in
the fahrication nf (he system anri cverj^-v’^,
foot of the jointures will be inspected by^-
tEie X-ray" w hicli explores aeaitis for de-
fects. The fLloi for the operation, if assein-
hlecl end to end, would lie more than Joitr
miles long.


traction for tlie automobile




mud, ice or snow,
stri]js of iron that
are placed to give
tlic tire a firm
footing are oti the
market. The strips
have lugs on each
side to give the?



tire a "'toehoht/'

X-rays arc .assuming a major
fng role at Hoover dam where they .arc
being used to inspect tlie steel welds
the biggest pipes ever fabricated. These
pipes will form tlie diversion tunnels and
iveigh about 50,0011 tons. They' are to line
I4,5ti0 feet of tunnel and their diameter

ranges from thirty down freight and one-

/ L' i!5l ■ Jvidbo toZ-ii I ^ ?

Th e i roll s li o c is
iti sorted in front
of tlie wheel and
power i a .i pp lied
slowly. No jump-
ing Cii' jerking is
necessary, and no injury" to the tire is pos-
sihte, it is claimed. Lugs are provided on
rlie hack of tlio shoe to prc\"cnt it frogl
slipping in the mud. i e-fr - j. /

' { rt-

i'fi .kib


g 1*1 'b 6




Browjltj' of CjillbriOj^e L^^^^-sity. ;f^Hc
points 'out that auc1i“ip1^emics"'LeHd to
IrL’^k Qut in ],irgc citicSi as soon a? car-
rttrii uf tht j^crmii Ijccanie fMiffictently mu-
nierous. Loildon^s frecdam from pJAjjuc
npideniacSf he helieveSf has been due to the
dominance of the hrowii rat \vhicli came
la ErglanrE an ships, bred rapidly and all
hut exltrminutcd its natural enemy, the
black rat. During^ recent years, however,
there h.Tii'c been so many canipaigna
a^inst rats in general cliat mllLions al the
brown ones have been destroyed with tiie
rehuEt tliat the black rats again are jjain-
in^r head way. This, says Professor lirowm,
is an instance of the danger u? interfering
with the balance of nature until biology
]ias supplied .ill the fncts,



SmjJI: ttaunid-N'ciHd T*Wr ts P-tatuf* Tlui JJg&aw
Whkh Hu A W[4e Kazi^e af (Jin


All classes of jigsaw- work an^l practi-
cally any banJ^a^v job can l.?c- pcrlOriUed
with an imp roved jigs^aw- that has a H-niaJl
raund-nas-cd table for handling Very Mliall
ihecesi. [ii addition tlie saw is equipped
with a larger table tliat can lie Installed
(jULckly. Tlie liiiiall table, moutlte^l Oil a
steel w-ay, cat! be stlo^'ed back SO blades
catt be inserted readily, avoiding strains
and breakage. Tbe tbrnat Is twen-
ty-fuur iuclies deep and \vil1 lake
work up to ll^'C inches- thick.

There are two blotvef tufjOS, OtlC
above the work and the other be-
low, tu keep the lower vise and
plunger clean. Tliere is no possl-
hility of oil dripping from the up-
per lieatl on tlie work.


Plagite-earrying ileas ILve on
rats, hut lilack Of ftrirk ratlcnta
are a worse pbtgue Eiienaee than
brown ones, and the bkick variety
[si increasing ip nurribcrs in Great
Rriiain. Ii they a.re allowed to
multiply, a plague cpitlcmic may
follow, Dr. \V. Langdon

One of tbe most unusual liomes in the
south is built like a Lein pic and stands on
a lofty mountain overlooking Biriniug-
bam, Ala. It is a replica of the noted tem-
pie o? the Vestal V'irgins wlitcli once stood
tnitslde Rome. Surrounding the resilience
is a circular porch conlaitiing si>tteen rooE-
bigh pcllursr InKidu are three rooms, one
under tlie groum! Root and another above
U. Un<t(.T the ftoor of llie wide porch are
a kitchen, breakfast rooni, bedroom and
bath. The building is set in |hc iTuLdst of
licautifuE gardens,

nc 3 j Binnl[itli^n 3
M?ideJ tl? Art-

cif-jiE Temple cif ihiE
V'rnlal VirKina.

/i'' b J r3' ?*^^.^.^*1*.


ITnunuaJly Kcjty Dijclurjjria oE aireik Li^Ktnbif by Camera Slichtly Out oF Form

^'T^ANGKtii SdO.OOtWO vults!"

If ymi Flaw' MiL^li a fiigii oil a Nifior.
you wtMjItl rtlrain from {jpcnin^ it. But
file only place a warnijij' of tliis l^ind
woultE Ijc ncc.csH. 1 r 3 ' L-i in a thEJiidcrstorni
i,vhich has no doors to Ijc I-iept closed, t?ul
^rhoiic dii n [.{crs nc\crtEiclcss c.in E)c less-
ened or avoi<le<[ uEilirely by Llie observ-
ance of .1 few stni]i!c precautions,

MuhL ui lEle IlffuruS eon corn inj^ lij^lil-
ning arc subject to ai'gunient. rioivcver,
the StXljDnO.iXlO \olfs is a value placerl mi
n inilc-loiiE discfiarRC of KgFitninjj after
CKtensive sttnUes in connection ivitli clcc-
(ricnl puner lines. It was founJ tliat tlie
pf olialblc potential of light n in at tlic be-
ginning of the Rash is around 100,t)tKJ volla
per foot.

The destructive power of natural light-
ning is not entirely :i matter of loltaffe.
Amperes, indicating the qtiatitit^' of dec-
fricnl current, also enter the picture, A
few years ago investigators credited ligfit-
nillg with ItavEng n ctirrcnt strength of
5,fW0 to 20,000 amperes. However, Arthur
0+ Austin, 01 the Ohio Insulator Co? at

Tlarliertmi, Ohio, belie ve-s that a single
liglitning [hscharge may have a current of
aCiO,dOO or mure amperes,

Toflay, it as ftifficiilt to find a person \ylio
does iu>t JiossesS a tlecp-Hcntcd fear ni
lightning, althmigh rccoi'n'.ls sllo^v' the
chances of l.ieing struch tjy an .iLitoEiirdiilc
are more numnrentg thail those of Icitlg
ilit [jy a tllunderEjolt. There art two kinrts
of 1 igfHning ilumagc?. One ia Ifle result o?
a (liiecL hit. and the otlier is cansetl hv an
induced cliLirge ur release of a hound elec-
li'ical charge from a body in ilm vicinity
of a light Cling Hash,

Any tall, isoLihed object is lihely to be
struck. You ttecomc a ^'tall, isolated oh-
ivct’^ when walkitig across a Ejarren field
or piniu, aud in an electrical storm migliL
make an excel lent lightning rori. Although
it prohahly non hi lie tincottilortable, you
migEit find it safer to lie clown until thc
sLurni passed. One of tlie lunsE famous
tall objects in tliis country k tlie Wash-
ington munumeiit, oi'er aSA ft. Engli, It
has been struck by' lighiuiug m.my tiubos,
hut has been d-amagcd little becattse of its


s-iJerali'lc ^rqa, Wirt
fences., hedges, streams
and ponds are to be
avoidert, A metal fence is
one oi tlie mosE danger-
ous objects, beCanSe it
can conduct a c.lischargc
to a point a considerable
from ’ivhere the
holt Struck.

It IS rebtively safe in a
forest, u here mpHt of the
are o? tlie same
cigitt, but you sliould
avoid herds of cattle or
of pcoplcr it is
Uinvise to walkahout
with adt umbrella In your
or w"o rk with any
metal object. IfyOEi
rifling a bocFLC, d in-

elaborate protective sys-
tem. You cannot carry a
lightning rati around
1.1'it El you, hut f n niarty
cases you can ft ml both
shelter frorn the rain and
protection against light-

Among the aafeiit
places are itiside a house
protected by lightning
rods properly itislalled^ iii
an all'inetal building or
one having a steel frame-
work, inside a Steel ocean
liner, or even inside a
giant airship with a met-
alfrante. Such structures
may be struck by light-
ning, hut they absorb it
or Co-rtduct the dbch.rrge
harmlessly to the ground,
often tv It li out your
knowledge. Even thougli a building LS
only a shack, with not a lightning rod or
Other protective device within miles, it is
preferahle to the outdoors during an elec-
trical storm, largely because of drier sur-
roundings which lessen the chances of he-
itig harmed.

If you are caught outdoors, remember
th,it isolated trees often are struck, and
that the bolt spreads Its effect over a con-






. Picture of
Iti ti*hln.d

Dcitrarsd '

mount and more sniiie distance from the
animal. In an open field, it is safer to lie
doivH than to remain standing. You should
avoid high gtoumJ, and the edges of for-
ests, The edge toward which the storm
is moving ig most dangerons. Tf yOu find
a cave or undergruunrl chamber, you may
be assured that it is a safe retreat. Some-
times you may he wise In lying in a ditch
until lightning has ceased.


(ji ^ I


Whc;n irtJo Ota Hlurinjr clcc-
lfiL"Ll St 0 I'm, <lo not sijLoil hetweeiJ
liir^c m<i.5gt!5 cjf iiieLbi], such as a
raitiapouL anJ a stove, kei;i> away
fl'OTii cliin]iu;yH and stoVtiS, a fl J. tl .0
not iitaml near a regisfer, ladiator
or tinder a chandeli-ct. Uo not
dia'v ^vatcr i'ron] a faucet, or stand
(111 .1 wet Hoot, a?d if ill a section
^^■licrc overhead wires arc used,
postpone! your ttlephonitiy Uiltil
the stcjtm Lii over.

Tliis leaves little to tio, so y(ju
iniglit as well go to bed^ 1 ei factf
it has been recommended lliat a
metal l>ed Is a fail' I y SHitc harbor
in a tliundcrstonn because of (lie
cage I ike ari'aiiffemcnt wliidi
scree It.-: out discharges, pruvidiujJ
ocoiijants refrain from lOLtcIlkllg
tlie metal.

Extensive hi vest ig:it ions tarried
out by An St in indiCEitc tliat Liglit'
niiig can be a real liaiard in fly-
ing, but that lE is rclatii'cly simple
to avoid in OS I of its dangers. A
well- bo ruled airplane or airsliip,
partieulELrly' if the Ffame ot entire
structure is of metnil, can bo struck
without suffering damage. A
liglutilng rod tviil protect open
cockpits anti divert discharges
aivay from passengers. The dan-
gers froiti a direct liit are consid-
ered less th?in In tlie average
[(welling. Perhaps thq greatest
hazards, Austin helie’i'es, result
from temporary blinding of the
pilot by a brilliant flash, or stun-
ning l>y tlie intense ineclianical
shock or sound wave.

As for automobiles, no exten-
sive rosea rc It on the stibject has
been reported. .\n all-metal car
prEjliably would act as an effective

shield for passengers wlio re-
mained inside if, although the car
could be struck severely enough E.0 catise
considerable damage., A tra-^-elingautmito-
biic is not unlike a person walking and
rubber tires ■(^oultl pr[>vi[lc ineffective ill-
Stilation against el iJowcrful lightning dis-
charge. ProbahEy the safest parking place
wOukt be in a woo [Is, in a roadway cut
^vith EligEl banks on eacEe side, on a city
street, or in some other place ^vhere there

FTote- Dou'b]L7i,B' Dljctiirg'i; ul H3gh: ; durm? IntErva.1 (K-twim
■ Path of Stroke OiJDiijf'h ALr Was Shifted by 'Wind


are enoiigli otlicr ;[nd t;[ller objects, not
too close^ to divert possible tliundcrboU's.

The most common and probably the
most destructive kind of boEt is streak
liglitning. Such streaks, visible as a sitiglc
flri^li, may he made up of a number of in-
dividual distil arges in rapid succession.
Somctiines the wind blotvs the patii of

tCdfilinueJ 1 o fu([e ItiijV)


alnc in tcStinjj the
nj^th of metaJs, til
yiti^ cro&i&n find in
biolfcgicfil rcFiear'Clu


\.0 .kxVt ^

&>?e J? ?jtud frojEi PIqat oI Whbc|i It 1 1 a Pa^ri WKIIe Tm} Gusrd^ Suttit
B 7 ;; It Caiiiairu a Pcrtunc in JewEirr


SpccTfll‘'pHF etPf n for vaEualdc jewels [&
prol'icletl by a Lomlort-^fi-op wfiith has a
concrete safe that sinks into a well to
form a part of the ftonring clurinfr tfie day.
Tlie srraiigcatcnt i;i not notiteaftJe In eJs-
tomers. At niff lie, the safe may be failed
from its well for the deposit of prccieuK.
jTcms anti other valuables until the Opetl-
ittjf hour ne^it day.


^ Sound enrrjjj' pixtduced by a tulie is able
to burn the interior of a cork immersed iiv
water. The sonnd h made by a small, lunj^
nickel tube, s-traiK^ht and hollow, with onc^
j end closed like a drum hy a nickel plate.

^ Tills plate vibrates to make a screech wlien
''^ari elect r teal cut' rent is applied to the oth-
cr end. By this means, pound enerpy is
"^transiormed into heat sO fast that hi
ah out twenty- rive seconds, the center of a
cork in air or water i-'^ charred, and in tw^o
luinntes-, rothinfr is left c.icccpt a thirt OPt-
er sltell. The cork, of course, is
to the drum of the tnhe. A finger, Enjw-
cver, ?'ill ''burn” with pure sound if held
close to the itihe in water. The tube's
screech is powerful enough to kill frogs,
smaller animals and bacteria itnniefsed lit
lif^uid. The soutid is painful to the human
ear. The device is expected to he of prac-

'm/VimK. 4 , 0 OiuyiM^ ijtraj>

“ <&'X

Interlockitig lumber
being manufactured fur
u.HC in any type of house
or other builtiing. As con-
trasted ^vith reaily-Cut
home const ruction, this
lumber comes to the
building site ready for
the carpenter lo put into
plate in coll form ily wEtb
any desired plan. Ko two
homes need be alike. The lumber is pre-
pared along time-tried architectural lines,,
being simplified and standardized into a
system of niacIiLneH:E pieeci that Sltpplr
tliree-fourtlis of all necessary Innibei'
ready for usc^ There are only ten basic
franiing meinhers, only nine lengths oE
sr|uarL-etld board Stock, only six leiigtllS
of diagonal-end sheathing, all precision-
cutr The; re is liut one grade cjf this mate-
rial, the right one for the particular use.
All framing, joist h carters, joists, sills,
studs and plates go together with a strong
I tile flocking joint made possible by a
rinvetail. This lumber eliminates waste
and saves freight.

JtQV tiLcerkickijiv LiuubEr Mjiy tiled In. Conilrvct-

:ai{ Atnnosi Aqf Type ^ Hdodc

CT liere Is more itlrravtolet

sunshine than IrLmorning -j,

in afternoon

r rf$j.


ClCtAfa'‘&fctiiciDK 1+ Left Shm-'e? Hftjw 'n^r^ Pj^i^ni May CS'pi'in^ ■□ One CrlindEr; At RifHt li a New Enj^ine
Empluyldli lUja ^ftnciplcj Htsiu4??tUft ?[i[I in Sutcc Arc O atat^illnj; FellUrra


Three pistons to oath cylinder of a. new
Diesel eng’inc of Gerrian manufaCEure re-
Buh in a saving of space, as well as in effi-
cient operattar. There art three cratik-
sliafts, of course, working together in a
sort of a balanced triangle. There are no
poppet or thimble valves, the admission
and delivery of air to the cylinderji being
mccKaulcally controlled through ports of
ample area. The engine it said to be eae.y
to manufacture, witll a niucl] smaller num-
ber of parts than the common type.
Smoothness and high speed without in-
crease in w'eight are among advantages
claimed by the makers.

ing. The taster is another application of
the recording meter^ which is so sensitive
chat it register? the action of one-mtllionlh
of an ampere, or about onc-^tentb the
"wing power^' oE the liuuac fly. So, elec-
trical energy in fruit and some food .s-ub-
Btanccs may be recorded wicli accuracy.
One. application of the device is that o?
onabliug saraplcr.'i ,at orchards and fruit
exchanges to .h elect fruit n^nd vegetables
of the -desired quality. Tests also h,ivc
been made with tlie meter to determine
acid co]iditlo]i of llie mouth. The doctor
of tbe futtire will only have to place the
prongs of the instrument in the mouth.

! .


Fruit and vcgct.ablcsi. tea, coffee, and
Other food substances containing acid, c.in
be tested by an electric palate developed
by R ^c. Hitch c ock, of the Wes tinghonse
Electric and Manufacturing company. By
ineasttrtiig _tlue— friwjunt db eject r^-al en-
ergy, the device detects the degri^of acid-
ity. For instance, a test of Flo^da grape-
fruit gave a reading of nine-billionths of
an .ampere, while Puerto I^cn grapefruit ^
read thirteen. This show's mat the Florida ^
product is Sweeter titan lie other v.'iriety,
since a very sour taste s^'es a high read-

How the Electric Tajt?r Is Appiltd; [>1f PfOtte* Affl

TikTUBt IDCCl ibf- PjUI(



7 .

Thil DAVLn Subtei SItSh-E^
iDitrgiTitnu tD tfuld Tb^ir
Own, Incrfjufuc tbE SiMin^
IWentjp Timai ^tLlrCrut Dis'
Wrtlmn; FhDtiji Sboh Hdw
the AmuJiaer I4 Aiurhoil t&
Tbrin lattnunEDia

Tonal quality may be reg'ulatcd fey rais-
ing' or lowering the l] ridge of cht instru-
ment with a kew



Violins, cellos and other string inslru-
tnentj will be heard above the brass sec-
tion of orchestras if a new system of am-
plification is adopted. The d-tvicc captures
tlie pulsations o? electrons and amplifies
them into tones, me reading the sound
twenty times. Stringed instruments with
the amplifier produce a sonorous ^ mellow
tone without distortion. The amplifie
unit, contained in a portable case, Is at
tached to the instrument by wires. Ordi
nary house current will operate the unit.

Practical metliods of drying w'heat ar-
tificial ty have been tested successfully by
Canadian government scientists. Millions
of dollars will be saved for the farmer by
drying processes which arc expected tg re-
duce crop tosses by more than one-fourth
of the entire crop. Tough or wet grain
may be dried without damage to tlie mill-
ing or baking quality of fhe wheatf accord-
ipp: to the scientists.

- — — a i 5 ‘j"


Direct quantitative measurement of ac-
celeration or deceleration of a train is
shown by an instrument invented by an

employe of the General Electric company,

employe of U

C6f ,

A cjLt-w-t-^6^^!^ j'^ ^

k jko teilfi [lie when jyieaiji

tm :l hill. It consists of a ^Lfiss lube bent


^ i <!ff n Ui- ibdj^

0> ^og*'

''in the shape of a rectangle arnJ jiartly
^filictl u'kii niercury. This is mounted on a
flat base so it may be placed on a ivindow
Jsilt, pHirallcl to the vehicle'* line of direc-
timn The gla** column at tlie rear is
marhed off in milca per Is our per second

j attave and belou' a cetitral iero point. The
front column is marked off in per cent oir
^rade, above and below a sicro. When the
.engine speeds up or slows down, the nur.ije
nf the mercury up or down the tube fjives
a direct reading of acceleration or retardni-
'tion. Whcit the Jipeccl is uni farm, the nier-

, cury rcTuainsi in zero pOSitrcm.


Scaled to exclude dirt, heat or cohl and
noise^ a streandined rail ear lias been de-
5 i.gncd fo^r speedy, safe Slid economical
transpurCation. The car ha.H its own en-
I^Liie ill the UOSe of the tOrpedo-shayed
aluminum vehicle. Capable of speeds
around seventy uiiles per hour, the ‘^'auto-
tram/' as its itiakera call it, seats forty-
two passengers. Ventilation is pro-^ided
for the s-calcfl paHHcu"er compartment by
a system that changes the air every three
minutes. The car is said to be heavy
cnougli for r.ipid travel on main lines of
railroads. Auiotrams running at fre<jucnt
intervals would replace the expensive mul-
ti- car train of today, .iccorrling to tlic in-

IntercoDDEcODg Li^httnjr
I Fl


■‘'AiitcitrjiD'" DesLGTiBd
to Eep 1 i? TrainE: It
Haa ErvgJne- Ln (lie Hoie;
Air f c r PBUctvG'Cfji la
Chanifcd. Every Ttiree
MiDUieB in tlie Seated




dve Deu||[di ter Walla nr CvlHrill


?ox-*Iiaped lighting tin its which fit
snugly against walls or ceilings are tkow
lacing employed to produce decorative ef-
fects as %velt as iiltmiiiuitiotl without shad-
oivs. Ihe unit* are icitcrcoiinectible, so
any numlier may be arranged in an end-
less variety uf patterns.
Each box has tivu twin
sockets acco 311 nio dating
lamps of from fifteen to
100 w,T.tts, and the ttnils
lend theni selves reatlily
to forjnitig stars, trian-
gles, squ,'tres or Other fig-
ures, sinte they can hr
placed etid to end or at
angles like a set of dom-


CTliose wL&hmg
information on
described iti our editorial
pages can obtain it by
addressing Bureau of In-
formation; please inclose
return postage.

A HUM Ax Lllij^li l:iy on tJiO TOAtlway ul
tlie \yi]liAni!i!>i.irg Wliy?

That \vas el nly-sltify to ttic New York
pohcp — a my-iicry tlifit g^re'LV iiioro ^;rtie-
fiOme until its sudclcn, tlramatic soli4tiou
ihrcmgh nesv tricks of iscientific dcteirtion
mever before eni ployed, and until now,
never fully rove,ilc[l.

Was it murder? Nut ev.en tliat wasi eer--
Tain, iinti! science liad spol^eti. The thijjli
had l>eeiTi eut from the liorly by a practiced
IlelikI. It mij^lil l>e merely a disscftin^-
I'oom relic, dropped by pranking students.
Dr. M, Etlward M,Tirten, medical examiner
for Brooklyn and yueenH-, tesiEet! it for
telltale preservatives or aniestlietics. He
fountl neither.

“This was no operatic n^ but Cold-blood-
ed murder/' he reported. “The murdered
man was thirty tn forty, five feet sc^'cn,
170 to ISO pounds, had brown hair, jind
was drinking just before he was killed/'

Immediately those deductions of X-r,"^yj.
mitrosco]]^ and test tniie ivere start linfjly
COniinlied. Other parts of the bod_y %vere
foTiml, altogecher twelve pieces, in Bfook-
lyn. Queens and AIanh.rtl:in. Shocked New
Vork tietnanded the murderer be caught
— hut hi'jw?

The answer cailic from, a Brooklyn va-

Tolict PliiiiWtf.*hhSr Makinn Picturt dE a Or4Up
{Ls C^nLcaicetil wLrji Old ef Kust Picevr-C a.t

RielitL BeIciw. tbc Phorograpb



ca. 1 l I lof wlinrc two .q-tvCrcJ
hands, a and a ^llll't
IVCi'C diS'i^n^'crcrl, E>ui all in SUCh
canflitiLin dctCftive^ ilciipairiirl of
lindiiig dues, Tn hii^ laboriitorv,

DnctrjT lEartcii cleatiacd the shirt
with slrotlg soap, revea! in p laundry
marks. Checking many 111 LSttd Ties
tracc<l the slilrt to a rirooklyn
speakeasy proprietoCf who had dii-
.1 pfj cared . H. e a n s \v‘ e r e d D o d or
ilarlen’s {leseriptioii, his wife hatl
1'iecii accused of ninrrtejing a pre-
vious husband, and she said her
second one had "gone to EurOiiO."'

De.spitC strong; suspicions, tEi-C
law's hands were tied. Jn New York
state a positive identihcatiotl oi the
body is necessary to convict for murder.
The police turned to fingerprints. The
tiual>and liad been in the army. They got
his prints from U. S. dctcnlion headejuar-^
ters in New York— hut llOw prove these
prints were from the hands found in the
vacant lot?

The task seemed to defy adence., for l1ie
tips of at] eight fingers and one thumb
were mummified. Even on the othcrthunlh,
the skin appeared so puckered it would
never yield an impression ftt to display to


apji-lyms- Dust Powdtr

a jury beside the clear, tolled print front
Washington, Doctor ^fartcn tried wajt,
kaolin powder mixed with linseed oil,
glycerine and gelatine — all in vatn. Then
he soaked the ihumh in preserving .snlu-
tion, anxiously awaiting results.

Slowly^ a ma singly, the thumb softened.
Now, with hypodermic and salt solution,
he inflated it ta nurmal size, filling up the
puckers. At last, breathlessly, he inked
the thumb, rolled it upon paper and stood
hack to view th-c result — a complete, clear




print, showing every m.rTking.

Tu:inr’ sn'u\ tilt eX-
ptrtii. Ne^-er befort* ll^id &uch a
thmg- boen done. So- except ion-
r.t ivprc flic circmns,l:iTiictHf sicj
unusual the accompU&limcnt,

thrit Doctor If.-irtcn c^acjidcd liim&elf to
convince d jury. But firHt he caHtrl in u
police pliotograplier. ">fake me big; eti-
largcmcntR. of both thohc prints," he &aid,
"tlie ibuinb and the Wash inf; ton print/'
Upon these pilot ograjilis. were traced
similnritifs that proved the spcakcasy pro-
prietor wild h.rtl liccn in the army anti the
dead ntan ivcre the same. The jury save
his bartender, an ex-tnjtcher, thirty*five
years for liomEcide, and his widow seven
for fraud.

"Without those enlargements." said Doc-
tor Marten, ''we couldn't have done itn"
J’liat is often true in detective work.
The camera's eye detects the essential dne
to many a niyatery. New ways arc Con-
stantly dl is covered for photography to airl
cletecti^cs in tracking down and convict-
ing: criminals. No^iV, their pictures are be-
ing broadcast around the tvorld.

A itsv months ago, a well-dressed young
foreigner walked into a New' York steam-
ship ofllce. He said he was of wealthy
family, and ofiferect a check for pas-

sage home, lie took the change, bowed
and disappeared. The check came back.

Tc^, MLcroiccoxa and ^Ecial Ca.'inera ITied to Pbotn-
grHjph EiilEetii Bullet Ho.J? and CaTtrLdgeo; Bclun-,
Pbotfictfiab tiE Bulltl-Rtthlltd ApaTlinlnt.

■ It







Tap, EiHiJiiiiiiiK BuUct under Micruc^pEj B?-
D<lm- Fittifd with Pistdl by Fanatic. In?
venter ti> Guard Kis Secrets.; It FLrcdl Whan
OpeticnJ liblcs^ 3lrir.|f Wiia Pulled Firet

The m:^n wrts canglit, jumped liiil, and
tviis tpiiccd (0 S;lil E'faiiciscu nliL'fe: Ek'
took ship for Hawaii. As llic ship rnttrud
Prarl lEarhor, he slipped silemlly lo the
rail ,ind riowii a vopo. He let the rope
and [lrii]i|5cd — hut not iitlo the oceaii.
Sirotljif aL'r:3S f^ri]jped Itini and hu was
pressed to the floor of a motorhual ihaL
had dashetl nyt from shore.

^'hJnw let's see ii lie’s tlie guv ^■lO want,”
Said one of tlie ocru pants.

He flashed hi^ lii^ht iutii the man’s face,
tontpariiiu rlie icature; ^eitll (hose of a
photiDfrr-..i p]i 3 ii; held. Then the fng'ilive rc-
membeTed that pEiolo^rapli -Lafctui in the
ro janes’ gallery at N'ew '^^>rh police licad-
tluarti;TS“fln(i now here it was ill HoilO*
lultt. For the fir-sL time in lii.stora', (lie New
York police ]iad .sent a ’’jjallcry'^' photo-
graph by radio, to catch a fugitive.

.Another surprising new use of photog-
raphy in crime detect ioin was demonstrat-
ed ill court []] connection uitfi .a stolen
stock ceriificutc- Th[& cettilicale iva3
sllOwlJ to the jury, under ultraviolet liglit,
which had never been done before. First
the jurors saw the signature, hluck upon
a spotless white background. Then hc-
ncath and around the signature, the paper
seemed to become alive, to glow like a
luminous ^vatch dial, showing a prci'ious.

siernaturi 2 , underneath. Chemicals had re-
moved all traccii of it from the. surface,
but not from tile fibers of the paper.

In another case, the claimants pro-
duced notes for $7’0,00d, all hut one of
which it was claimed were forgeries. Til
court, tlie jury was shown an enlarged
phqtogr.rph of the si.gn,iture on this one
ii-ote, then over it were laid one after an-
other, si nt liar photographs of the others —
on tisisue paper,

“What do you notice?” the jur>^ was

tCDditinved la paRC 1S5A)

Light EquLpmErn PEciuTcd at Lnwer LtfL II D?Lg[u^ to Guard tha Ccuntr? Hdhie agaliu-i Thievva ; Tfluch-- i
in^ Eiittnn cieoj- iliE- Bad, u Shovni^ SwilLhtI On floOdNuhta aroiLud. tha Houk ^


Guzirdirlj^ tliC i:tjui]try lionit:
cliie^'eSj a imoviuj*; -of Ht-archliglili

licgins operation arcmntl the cJfe of the
FOdi tv lien a button iii proHS-Efl, Control
loetLletl neir Hie beJ. The starter liutEO-rt
pets in motion a motot that stv itches on
[lie search [ij^lits aiitl operales the luecli-
atiisni cti tvhkii Lite Hj^liti’ move.

CateJ when the resistance is one or two
ohms or more. By repea teJ tests it has
ficeti fotmd possible not only to locate oil-
bearing laycTSn lint also to determine their
a.[jpTO.';Lniale depth Iveiow the surf ace.









An area of a mile or more is explored
for oil-bearinfr strata in tine o]ieratirm
with the aid of an electric detector wllich
fin-ftij oil to a depth of n^.OOO feet or more,
1 ’hc prtjccss cemsistsi of making two elec-
trical contacts with the Cnarth n mile or so
apart. A heavilyr insulated copper cable is
laid on the surface connecting tlie two
coiitactJi, and a potentiometer, ammeter
anil hatlcry are interposed Eictwcen llicm,
Ciurreiil ]>a>iSes- tliroupjli tlie cahlc and in-
stril 111 cuts, and the resistance through the
earth and iclStrUmenlLS is measured, the


j^iiy type of an tom oil lie wheel can be re-
in ovef I (juiekly and casiily witli a pOrlEibfe

hydraulic prcjis,
wliich exerts a pull
of K.I 0 tons. The
puller eliminates



ail wed gin 5 ^, sled g- ^
ing and tapping A

tn el h o tl s and the
rusultinf^ da m age -S
to piirts, A pair

nf hamls and on&^^^
wrench arc the on- .■5^
]y look required^
to operate Ihe press, ivhich consists of a

a chainher filled with plastic mate-
rial used as a ilutd, the hydraulic ram and

j-rrcscnce of oibbeariiig strata being itidi-


a donble-tliread litib adapter, with li older
ami lock bolt. The fluid wilt not leak un-^
der pressures up,!;^ 300,0pf| poutj!<|g


> uftw potitjtk. /I




By cojiiplcting □0,0{K\lX10 miles
the Unitcil Air TfrTrftl v betame thi;

firitC ziir-trans-port COiliputly ta alL^iirt LliaL
mileage record. Another record was the
completion of Z3,CX)Q,tKXJ milcFi of nifrht fly-
ing, more bllan lh:it recorded hy eight
European italions combined. The total
mileage is cTinvalcnt ro 210 trips from (lie
earth to the moon. During the six years
required to pile up this record, tlie com-
pany narrfcfl 10,000 tons of air mail, 273,000
passengers and several Lotts of express
shipments. Tt is expected fhe next 50,WO,-
000 miles will be flown within the coming
three years.



Attached to Iitost standard typewriters
In less than liEteen minutes, an envelope
feeder and stacker enables the operator to
address irom twenty- five to fifty enve-
lopes, cards or eircnlars til about half the
time required by ordinary methods. The
turning of the typewriter roller brings up
the envelope already .atldresscd anti Stacks
LE, at the same time bringitig the next mic
in pci.-iitlon for typing. The main part o^
tlie attachment can be lifted off 50 tllC
typehvrlter can be used for other purposes
than addressing letters.

TbU. ll?fi Pes, Quilt Ajn3.T4iDE[tt-IIouu Siv^e. FenoLta
KcEpiniT MpfE Birds in Sma.1iBT Space


Iiidii. idLEal cages tor hens arc arranged
aljartment-ElouSe atyle, witil two, three or
four floors or decks, itt a poultry plant
tli;at keeps tho birds healthy and clean.
The cages are of metat wdth woverl ^vire
floors, individtial feed hoppers and access
to fresh running water. Eggs, when laid.,
rtdl down the slightly inclined floor into a
imdal tray where they cannot he brotten.
Siiieo rhe cage.s arc arranged in tiers, two
to three t itches as many hens can be kept in
a given space as tn an ordinary hen house.
Cod- liver oil is Included in the ration of
the fowds, SO SlUlliglll is of Utile impor-
tance. The hens never leave the cages.


finytlept F^eedjcr jnd Stac'kci^
Timjc iu

th* TypemiHi
[n^ LcttEn



^ Tw'ice as potent .as Cud- liver oil in fight-
<1^ Eng rickets, the widespread childliood dis-
ease, sal molt oil car be extracted cheaply
from was-te of the salmon-canning Indus-
try. The oil contains twice as much vtla-
min Df which is necessary in pr eventing (

.ind curing rickets, aS the tod-livec prod-
uct. Rickets is a bonf disease.

rx 3

■ V t. v-'W vt j hi


ttaml-OricrateJ Dial S?d?-
f*r SimaU F*rra dt Carden ^
Nl^Ic the Kow
Whikh Can Be Syvuh); to
t-:kh(n: SIda cJ .lht SeeitBr,
atiHl. Ii Adjuicahle

?artJ Peru's navy cijuipripcg fhree cruisers,
a rt? 5 fi'oyerj ifcHr gunboat? and aiit subuia-
rinea, Su-itzcrlancl actually has a navy,
despite the jokes aljtmt it. It ccinHiF.ts of
last small vessels lor patrol work on Lake
Gcne^'a. Austria now has no seaports and
is without a navy, FLnlaii;?l started its now
navy Uy liurrowinj^ a guni^oat anrl Rsi-
lliouia with a single sloop. Holland's navy
consists of twenty-four suhmariiics, mqst
ui them on patrol duly in the East LnJies.
Tho sale of old liattlcshLps hy [jreat naval
powers to si-nialler one.H i.H nearly a thing 01
I lie past, lifcan&e the small nation is dc-
mantlinE sniallrr, faster and more errnnmi-
ical vessels. OkE hattlesEiips noiiV are used
mostly as targets to give naval men an op-
portunity to study (he vulncralile parts ot
such ii era Ft u inter fire.

Light in Weight am! easy to operate, a
disk seeder run h_v hand has tiecn fouinl
an efficient implement for the home gar-
rlcn or sin all truck f.rrm. The disks are SO
designed tliat only a small number are r^-
ciiiired to plant the dift’erent kinds of seeds,
and the seeding is accurate Eiecause there
is no tlogging due to any complicated
mechanism. The arrangement of the fur-
row opener hcsitle the tl rive wheel keeps
seefling at uniforni -tlejitli O^-er uneven
ground, and this furrow opener is adjust-
ahic ftjr deiJth. Art unobstructed View of
the seeds dropping into the ground is pos-
sible at all times, anil a row marker,
on a pivot. Can he p lac Oil at either side
the seeder, and is also adju-stable. The
planting disk is locked to the drivewheel
axle and is the only moving part; hertCe
lEiere are no dcUcatc adjustments to make.
Five disks of various size.s are furnished.


Germany is producing a tvashstand or
kitchen sink confaining a spoci!il compart-
ment fitted will] a hot- water fanCet emit-
ting a spray. This division is used in the
sink for rinsing washed dishes. Wliert etn-
ployed as a washslanrl, it hecomes :i sepa-
rate section for brusEiing the teeth. 'I'here
Is also the usual drain hoard for the sink.


ly natious today h.avo ‘‘navies” con-
sisting of only one iiOat. Panama's naval
estalilisliment Is one steam yacht, lightly
armeiE, and it is now for sale. Thisi craft is
manned by two caretakers. Ecuador has
one gunboat, manned by fifty- three officers
and 264 men, Mexico has five gunboats

SlnH wj(]i C^i^pDrlcM'nl: Fl|1?il w|h Faacei ETDLttlaj^ a.
^ Fine Sprajp tar Rinina Diiticu j


(aSULa.A. 4M:> i ^



Doll Houses Are Now Designed by Architects

Oni; Nciv \ <frl; I'frni nf with

loo rtliiliy cXptrL rJril'lamcn lizia found jabs

Examples oE Ddl Hausei
and Crail 1 fU?i?d by Pr-nftaiiQflal
Arrhilccti;. tIic Min.ia.iurc Hdubpi
Arc PJa-nntd and BuilE Like Real
HtTThes <m? Earb Is Eq.i>i[ipL>^ ‘?"itk
Elecirie IJehta WhLIv All Plaosi
Arc CaspEced

for tilt tMoesH- worli-L'TS l)v crtuilUj^ U df-
]].trtni(‘nt devotefE conclusively to tlic dc-
si^^jlifijj und nijikinjr oi doll IiouSoSl Tilust
niiuiAfure iTonie^ eotiform io iiCnirly every
respect to tlie exacting silaudii rda rec[u1rtd
ill Thy pl^'imiing of real hod^es. and since
llic dratt!^]nc-n '^^'vtc experitneud in build-
in ff uiiniitLure models of liunics to slunv
ctienis, lliore ivore tio special adjuistnients
for (liem to make- except to nlevotc all
llieir time to tins ivoik, Tlio doll lujiiies-
Hire ccnistfiiCted of three-idy pim' iKinirit, to
prevent ■tvjrpiiig, and finiS-Eiod on the out-
!iidc hhdtK stuern, or with paper reprcsciil-
iuj? h tie Pi or clapboards. T!ie aiic-s range
from a t'vo-torjt cube tO models four feet
lonj;, two and one-half feel hi5;;h and twen*
ty-cight ill dies deep. Certain stanrlard
models are always, available for duplicat-
iiifT, Ijul lliose desiring ati imlividttal de-
sijfii can order l>lueprint? draivn up and
submitted forapprov.il. Tlie arcliitccts tlo
all the work eseepl the actual cutting of
the hoards. This task is performed hy hoys
of a crafts men '.H i i^chool. J^acEa ruoni isi pa-


pered witli a diffcreiil design f wails, roofs
and partitions are glued; celluloid is used
ior windows' woodwork is painted; elec-
tric wiring i.s itistnilledf and floors arc car-
peted. Tlie doll home iii wired for Current
K]id a eliatd lias only to pEug in an. e^ten-
sinu cord to light every romii.


(.h. lifers need no
longer search
through pockets
or golf hags for
tec.H ii provided
with n rifit straps
for carrying I Etc
pegs. The leather
Htra]i is worn like
a wrist ^l atch and
not only supports
tlie arm l>ut has
handv liolders for


* * glm: f(jr buildinfj up linii-

naLt;J pinc'U, ap) plying veneers and boral’
iitfi; i>1 ywuuiJii ii ■supplied in ghccts, fivc-
rh.'iiiiKandib^ of an IeicIi tliick^ ao die aame
api’ijad Dt adliesivc is obtained over tbf!

? r in a t o ccupa tionJ b j
of telescopic glasses
tbc principle
known for a long
inic, jtg appLicaticiii to
vision lias nut been
ossibJo, due to -distor
ion, R q m o t q objects
made to appear elo-s*
to tlie observer, so per-
sons wca r i n g telescopic

glasses could not use
satisfactorily wliilei
moving. Tbcy could read,
nut pursue any uc-
c[ipation. In Hie ne^
glasses, described by Dr^

' Vi]]| Mil f'l ill Id Ill of

^^>\v York, objects
].ie:ir as they should, lllii resufFof deliber-^
ale distortion oi a sinall part of tlic im.ige
Tilt; instrnnK'lltS are worn as ordinary
glasses, but have three lenses before each
eJ'H^ in the pla.ee of iin,C- Loctor I'einblooni
says that objects will seetn wider, but
wcurers of tl^;' new glasses will become
accusiutned to tins.

Two VtEwa dJ Pt^fublc- 0JI-W<i1l PuiBpt It !?■ Moved
aa ?:?aLl]/ aa ?■ Trutu


Portable oil putetps that cati be moved
wirli tlie ease oi an automobile have been
introtluccd as an economy nieasurt til the
Oklahoma Held. By moving tbe pumps
from well to well, tbe industry' cliTninaieS
the c spens c of pe rin a n etit pumping hou sc s,
'l"he mobile units came into use wben oil
product ion wasi limited in an effort to Im-
pruve niarket prices.

0 ^



Persons whose eyesight 53 only t^vo per
Cent of ttormal and who arc considered
almost totally blind, can be returned to


etllire surface. Tbe glue is uaed in a Hot-
plate pre.na witliout adding water or mois-
ture. The bund is nut affected by termites,
molds, atmospheric moisture or decay.
Thin light veneers may be used with DO
chance of staining. Panels bonded with
ihe glue may be placed in hot water and
steamed without injury'.



Warships leaving Base for Tactical Exercises

Winii bi‘ CfwLkiii.^ the FLislit nf

Gaa- Filled tlalUjuaia

Here Ih i1iic Ba.Ulb Lir.E
c? the If. S. Navy in R.^-
<-hh.t Ban

DLcj! 0 , C^hE. : ]D 3 Blupi

t?E l!i? Facilie Fleet 'and
I he AtMenJi; Scrtinirf
Foret TmIi Pan in Tac--
tleaC Exercises Cliiriiaxed
a BjKctAculDr Siimjljt-
iitit i?|] s Maj4r Cojic.cn-
tratlan erf War Craft;
Adm. Ricbiasd El. L?R''h
'Was in Ccanmand'; FhaCtj
A(,LtEt (he

sliip^i StraminF throcifh
Wataf* of llte ratSfitr vnth
■?'CslijUilt'' ih tbfl Ltad


Copy righted ni “ ■ : il



When U, S* Fleet Puts to Sea for Maneuvers

L?Jt, Li?ut. Ccimciu CharEu RuarndahJ tor a Pit);

llii PUriE Ix ao the Cata^^ilt. Kenily ifif Ta=?c-Ofi ; AIm'*'
I’l-anc Bcini HolBted M. tUt sf Eatttcihjp alter T

Part La the FLe?t 'ManeuT'erS'

Tcip, OhMtvRtJofl IPlntiif 3# Shawa
Tainnti Up to HKt ‘■'Weit Vir-
.ginli'' tti Ee Htaitfted 4in Bnard:
noi$ iLu Cranq In Pcu.i;JtMi tp
Swine' the AirrraEt tuna itiE Deck



Airing Chute and Guns of the “Indianapolis”

Rlsht. ChBr-Up VSeiM oF
T>if±t Bi/ Ouni eht
IT. ?. 5. ‘‘'IndLa.aiDDlis." Rr-
Ec-ntly Put irto C^rrnialaHlfln
f.t thv Phllfldctphk Navy
Vurj; Tht SbLp Ii dF th*
](.0D0-Ton C!as;; an
agc Sp<*d Od ThLfiy-Tliree
ItnacA Par Hiiur Wda Made
m T?ii; TtiLi PliotD SK'D'P'B
Sallcm Sairini; tlie Cnmnila-

Farachutf}# W^fra by NfvJtL Mw

AJred and PEpacked n1 Ongc Euery ThJr--

Duys ta Guard AR'ainit Spliti in Silk and
Damage ty Pikffo at LiEt Shijwa H(?t#

iht pBfaciitiie la Alwarl a Hpiilt-

ihdp far Airing; and laipectinni



Eyes of the Fleet as Seen During Maneuvers

Erocn 2 D ObEErvA.tiD[i
Plti'lLt diwur Fltft. Thiif

rljin.E Flacrd in Fo-

attian ora rhe CaupiiLt Jd KEad-
ihEEE Edt AnotbEf Takt'^OfF

At_ tb? L*j-t Flanr

Alii^bti bsiidE ilic bfDfbei
Sliip; Tbia F^uito PrtaEnii an
LTnuiua) of LiiThta and

Sbaidawai Cr^at^d b)r tha L-iEt
□limmer iif Lijibi i>|i iht .Sm

Ont nF th? "Efci oF iJie Nav/”
L^vinf; rli* bafk tc Fly tn thE
A^pUttB CarrLor (w KfFuElfnjr;
XiiH Phni<i Wna SnaiiiiEd liut ^a
tliE CraF{ FV*i CatainJitd

1 t.




How ]]a.v&liicka calcli fire ihroti^h spon

neons ijrnttLon, causing a loss to Amcri-
fanners of approMimatoly S30,(K>D,()D0
, is expkiinccl Lty Dr, C, A,
lEie Lf. S^ilepi-it-tnient uf agctcuEttire.
Tfie first tiling cliat Tiappetia is the eon-
ycrsion of part of the starcli anrl ccLlulnae
^in the liay into sufjarf wliitll t!ien ferriLentS^
'^Ruriecl deep m the stack, heyorn'I reach of
fouler air, the fcrnientatioTii takes place u ti-
nder oxyg^eti-delicient eoiiilitions ami does
^ not proceed to tlie norma] end. Instead of
^the complete chemical breakdown into
^ earhOn di-TJxifle and \v[^ter^ the fermenting
^ process produces coni]jles gases ricli in
^ e,Tr[,ioii and hydrogen but lacking in oxy-
^ gen. At tliu same tiniCr the surrotjndhig
A layer of hay acts as a heat insulator, drlv-
) ing the stnck’fi tenipera(tire higher. If a
1 Ult!e oxygen reaches the gases, they ab-
sorb it, generating still more heat, ll lliey

Eire kept blanketed in until a large SHPpIv Lik* □ SierEmticcia in Which SSiw Afc

_ j. _ j I j - ..1.. - .1 ^d , . 1 1 1. . Cl- ^ J PH|4^UL]i-u]Dt? tQ CorjKt Eje Detecee


of air SLiddenly is ad mil ted, the gases .arc
apt to react with the oxygen so encrgeti-
VCally .IS to produce H;iinc, setting fire to
tlie dry bay.




Intense heat inercafics the beauty of

southern- pi no products hy iiu]TrovLTig |ke
finish, A sped.\l treatment firings Olll
etearty the grain, the liard part istanding

Chtklj'cn ^vitlt crossed cye.s and
other rlcfccts ill vision are being treated
rviti] an .ipparatu?: tcscrii filing a stcrcop-
ticon wdiich induces them to take eye ex-
erd-sns by providing anmsetuent. TIjl- iii-
st run lent is known as a synoptophorc and
aceotnniodatcs piedire slides wdiieh the
child inanipnlatca in an effort to get a hoil
in :l Cage or a InUlCrlly in :i net, and in so
■dotng, It neo use ion sly eKcrciscs his eyes.


aaniplea. Pint n Trcyinsi^n; Tlytt;

EniplixuiEi thE Grain



Wli?it tni rlni Tier terra |3 In pets dnr-

- ing the winter months was solved by an
' Ontariq wonian. Small wooden bo.xes
were liiledi with cotton, the terrapins were
laid in Jra-rvs on the cotton and covered
with all Ollier cotton layer. On top of this
■w.'vs- pljtced a second row of turtles, and
HO on, luntil the box was filled. The box
, was covered WLlli a blanket anrl stored in
the callar. There the terraUtriS sleep

out distinctly from the soft. For furniture,
the pine can be given a satiny smooth fin-

that lakes Ji tains or vartii sties. shiy

tbroug|i,tbe w'i i^.

CKussia is experitiienling
shi^c soles of viscose,



<03 3 50

\ ^ iu*^ fj

Race for Higher Speed on Ifand and

Twfto VjfU'i Ilf tht Rt^

built "B I itfJj I in

Which 'Sir Malcolm
C.?3ifibi;ll K^pcn (a Sec
New Spfnt |li.p

Car Nai a lloiilbla Bank
fii T-ivflcre CylirdErs ajid
DeveIdpb S.jOD Horae-

Sir Makolni
kifiK', is alter nCTV
ill uhicli lie citafilinlied a laml-spccd rce-
nril fi!"' 2,1.1^) milrg fiti lirmr at D,r> ton.-i,
FI.t,,, hag lu'en rchuill .mfl reconflitioncil

in pi'ci^^iraLicMj fur :lu cut.^clliIl 4 mi chi'; [iljirk
ol m-ure than iVmr inlEe!?' a caiiimiL. Tike
'‘Rliiehirfl" is. imw eriiiiijpcd =i'. 'lli .1 dtiLihle
bank ui lv\'ulve mi ]i L'fc ] 1 CylLiidCTi., ila

Rnl],s-K.iTij'cci cn.lTiiit": flcvrlopiii^

2,5l^^l ftijri.ei'jo^'v ■.-■I", cuiripjiri'i] ‘iritFi
] , 4 lX|i ^encratcifL hv ilic prcviauis
]ju\ver planL. The engine is very
gimilar cfi 1I1.1T i?f tlip ,‘ieript.inc
ivbitii \vmi lilt Stllneicier cu[) air
racL', Mild! iliv car Ikl^. ako IfeL-it
ch4injjei:l in cither re.speclii, There
are sia C a r Ij u re L nr li, a dnplu.':
gfi'orinjg ^ear, a hiij^e or'fgel gear
]]rj.x, and a vacuum mintcir brake.

Fvery Luill, nut and particle oi
steel hag tceeii carcfiill.v iiis].n?clerl
because Lhiii tar travels t'a-nter tJian
tlioLLgflit, and tile t[rivcF lias no
time to tliink if sortiel hiiig- goe5 H' fCilliJ. A
tterve ittlpulse sjicetls lo the It rain at ISO
feet a seed ltd. it has been estimated, Ijitt
the “Bluebird'' lias already eaqceficd this
gpeed t^vice over. While Sir iilalcolm plans
hi.g attack on his own land-speed record,
botfl Americ.vn and European acronauti-
Cn^t engineers are esiuTinicntirig with
gtratospliere planes and rocket ships in-
tended for speeds of from 2, 000' to
miles an hour. Such speeJis are pussitilej it

^ fllWiTl inil ncOCFiil

lii belie ved, many miles above tbe eartli,
hvhcrc air rcsistanec is at a niiniiilum atid
atinosplieric conditions are constant. The
proidem facinp; dcsiffncrs of such sbjps ill
rarefied regions is to produce an air screw
tvhich uiEl revolve in such a thin .itmoS-
phrre. Of course, su]]CTc]largcra would bc
used, and pa.sscpgers ivottld need To travel
ill hermeiically sealed gondoLag. fjcrman
rocket- plane inakcTR s.iy rocket mac] tines
n-itli a speed of 3,600 miles an hour arc


-sr ^

well wiftbiu thcljnutlids o






tb^v hiive ioriecn“aHe ta solve iht prob^
kill of controllinE oi

by \4-m\z. Vrjlil

pUnJs a]id i ucl?et cars airc _i)kdy to be
peripHs art! jnipractjcaljle. ^ilarlne eug']-
ncei believe the ocean liner hiS ncirly
reajbcd its limit of speed- Fifty years ago.

nr-'i T. greyhounds efosseo cne ^lj

SiffliT=4 ’r. I'ss’.*!-';'"-"’-"

LjaiiLJi. jf.

Ill lour days, seventeen hours and clEht
mic’ utes. Locomotives actisally are travel-

1905. Their speed is

inp'.jno faster than tn — -r--

Jjy. fiut it is predicted

I ■ ‘■’iiarc railroad will he a monorail
rrmti^tne^..^ trains will run at higher speeds.


AjLiticial daylight for homer fictory and
?_ illumination has been developed by
nj-caf boo-dioxide n cienT^rr-i

as the carrier for eit'jirical current-
&ho”- this nian niade to i>t

iC53 and practicanyiree TtxJini tfiet-cr
iare tven when used witli present
■ nting frequenqips, Jt \b practical in a
k T-anfiO of applieatioiTi-, it ij; claimert,

^ floorlatiiDs to tubes cighiy feet long

existing outlets.





Tb U$cd tji TJiJu Glass Tuljt iw

Eetii Lir —

Which CsBUiiu. J.?q0 ytut and

JL>CY?| 4 fiB SuTpriBlIlJ^ PcWBe fgi f\w±

steam engine made of GLA&i

itonnitiff like a fulbsizc engine,

coixsh-LicU.-i cntireTy of keen

made by a Califoui^-gla^ blower after
two years of lab or. It is modeled after the
walking- beam cngttie u&ed in ferryboats
..and sidc-ivhed rkcF steamei;v-?>'=^ pis-
tons, bearing*: eyfiTifier^. amj rods being
made of glass, it h:is 1,700 pnrta made of
fifteen colors of glass and generates a. sur-
prising amount of power for its sizc-


From the shores of Lake Nf^?rknif|

Sii'' I t^cf lanct. sEtU-SCed 1^400 fee-t -B-bove
IcvcF MoJit_H 3an.r, Jl^^J 1 ■■ 1 l■ ninety niiJes dis-
tant, can be plainly seen in clear weather.
The mountain is nearly Id, 000 feet high.
From mountains in the district at clcva- '
tions of about fi,[X)0 feet, Alpine ranges ’>2
can be seen, for 1^5 miles from the Hach- \
Sentis in Appenzcll canton, Switzerland,
S,21S feet high, to Mont Blanc in south-
east France.

' I ^ !n* j?


flEskinio and Indian women fn isolated
parts of Alaska buy the latest styles in
clothes from a flying merchant who car-
stock of dresses to then] by airplaite.

?0 c3. l-i i U. .



Modern Rail Car Offers Comforts of Home





Air Control Banishes Train Smoke and Dust

liiiTO CAfl-

JLiO. -



tiuEELE Aie my

COflUMi: -tCs'WFfi.

uo.uEfY fkecin



ftlR —

, WftTEfi-y i-MLED
■1^ THMyi;s+ IFFCtt



Stl^DlAAriC AfPEAlVVNCE Of Al It OTNDmoN iNCi ?Y7/Ehl

CJJPLJH6 DF recdu e? JtHT WT eaw?i*350Ft^

UjE&-HhYlHE'LIQUitl>?aoiE1^-'IU C'OOLTME
-A I ft CO N DlTION ta ''



<MC4&f N

llw 0*1 LOt*l SiifTtMt
V^itEtJ C>C. IS 5 TANM?j

DrllP'iri?s ShiiKW Air-Cdtl trdl Syft^ Middfro RaliiFaj Clff 'lep, Right, Al^MEJCtia CooEldf atld CLuilliir
Air by M4RHb df f^WO, ? UtTrLseraAi j N(n? Thai Ali Winiawj ifl tdC Cfr A? J?=pt CJiajed '



(ft a-/ r t

12 S


New Whfch Ib &lld W Efliv tw DIEnd Per-

loni IQ Lca'D iq Read


Type til at ts easier for the blind to reod
tlian tlie Braille huiH. been developed fo-r
use in a ne^v ptdil Seal ion iauenLied for
sightless readers. Designated as ^'nmon
type^” it is simple and more easily learned
by the a^ed blind, j. R obert Atkinson,
blind opernitor of jdlS-J^*^riil?^TtfrrHTFtTrt^
America, svorklriFr towarrl early prcnlue-
t ion'll lilt riew publioatiotl. The Braille
T ii!^< AuJe-unw publishcR two mcinthly niafr-
a^ineR printed in Braille, liotb tarry world
news, articles on travel, eaploratSoin sci-
ence anrl inventionr bitsi ot Immor ancl oc-
tasicnially a .short story.


r^iscovery (hat (be devil's shoesu'ing. a
CO in m on weed in the casteni ball o? the

United States, contaiiis "to(enone."La oow-
crl'nl insecticide, ir rcgarfUal as- sign ili cant
for farmers, both as. potential ffrotverii of
[lie plant and as mscis of the poison. Kote-
nmie is harniless to man. It fnrmcrEy teas
found utily iti iropiea! pbintR. The devil's
sh nest ring bears the botannical name
Gracca VTrginiana, and also iii kno^hn as
[be wild pra. The weed grows from >jcw
Engband to Minnesota and as far anutli as
Florida. It thrives on poor, sandy soil.
The p^on is fiSiind Bi the root. Cultiva*

tion. ot the weed is expected to make the
United States independent of foreign
sources of insecticide containitig rotenone.
Spray iiiatcriaL containing about five per
cent of the poisnncius matter, has sold rc-
eetiily for ^10 per galloti. One gallon of
the material is diluted to make about fiflO
gall mis ?i s]?r;t 3 ', whicli is liiglily effective
in g^eenl^o^lBes^ at truck farms and for
eo rnbati II g parasites on animaU.

— —

AtJTO no axles OR FRAME

Smooth riding on rouglt roads is one
advantage oi an automobile that has nei-
ther a.yb's tlor frame. The wheels are in-
dependently Sprung, while a tube, eoai-
nccting the rear wheels to the cngijie and
frtniL hvheeE, replaces the frame. The
drivesliaft ia inside (lii.s tube. A top speen;!
?i eighty miles per hour is claimed, The
Ijody is noL tlpISiilsLered, springs being
considered unnecessary because (be llldc-
].iL'ndeTit spricig s-yStem gives comfortable
riding at high speed over bumpy roads.
The rear wheels are mounted on canti-
lever sprliig-i, while the front wheels are
on transverse springs, the purpose being
to keep the tires in constant contact ^villi

^ ^ VaA. fiLiO


World^s Largest Organ Has Seven Manual^

A t ] h n.l it.-, f 'iry^^ fi V 0 U-
acre t t^JtlLCLPal. atJ tli t (,i r t-
urn tlow boEists the
world's J,T,igcsC pEpc or-
g:i]i, a munmiuth icistru-
ment contiLininfT S 2,832
tubizi and cost In ^ ncjuiy
$ 4 <’l 0 ,l'MT 0 , Three y e a r Ji
were rc[[uireil tuljuil 4 the
orgaiu some of the tubes
weighinfj a ton each,
whi ]c (1 rh c r.H we re sCi InrS’C
tliey had lo be Innlt in
the cliamhers prepared to
receive them. The audi-
toriu]]i, ieatiiift 41 ,UD 0
pcrtuiiii, called for vol-
Litne and intensity of lone
never lieiorc rt(]uirtd| tJ]e
lariliesi poriiotis being
500 feet from the organ,

Altliouj^li the budilin]^
ec| nipped with a public-
address system, the or-
gan was consErucEcd to
provide adei|uale volume
xviLboitl amplitlcatiou, and
tlie resulting distortion of
soLtnd. To do this, jt
found necessary to pro-
vide a t o :i e about s i ^
limes niorepowei'fnl tlian
any other cxiMting pipe
organ, and this has been
a e e o m p I ! .■! Ir t d -rl e s p i t e.
etairna Lliat no pipes could be made strong
enough to withstarul the terrific pressure
needed. Tuning Eire great organ ^vas found
a difficuU procefiH, because cacSi one of the
more than 32,000 pipes had to he tested
over and over again, and only ooe m^in
couhl wort at this task at a time. The
largc.Ht of the ivDod piiicfl i.f nearly si sty
feet long acid tile biggest metal one has a
length of nearly t 1 iirty-ftve feet. The or-
ganist controls seven ciianuals and one Set
of pedals, which Es equal to playing eight
separate in.HtrumentH at the .sanjc time.
Mo organ with seven mammls hps evei'
before been liuik, and there are few u-itll
five manuals, four being the average size
of tlieatcr organs. The Instnnnent is dis-
posed in eight loealions about the audi-
torium, and there are two eonsoleSj one

CoDHte of Cf$Bt Pt[i?

Orftn tu Atlinttc City Auditoriurth; tho Oricaiilpt Cen-
SEven ManUi^la *nd On* &tt oE lVl*h

at each end of the stage on rotating plat-
tonns. The two consoles permit playing
of tlte organ by two artists and enable its
operation from difTerent local ioiis.



C!o1ored- rubber floor tnals now ate be-
ing ciffered to brighten the intcrlar of rlie
autOtllol.iilL’. The color is [TiipregriateJ in
(lie roll her and will not wear away. The
[Host popular CD tubi nation is a bru^vet ctlaL
115 nt tied rvith silver, which matches nearly
any color of u]]hDlslery used in modern
cars. The mats are produced in five sizes,
with and without felt backing. They can
he tailored to fit the ear udth the
s uec iai


].ji1uld Pvliili I9 AppjLci;]

EaiiJ^ Wktii (>i* Cnn Is Fil-
tcJ vrilh. ApjilkilQr, n 3hC??n
AImvc; Shc3ii Eor ThbniLinK
Hail, ?bDwu Bulovr, Make
Unifr?riD Cuitirf; PoEubk

Eabj' la J^riilrttfitf Iroin Calili T4I
Exposc[f Id Hea]ih-(i(u3h? i>J

the- 5un in Snlarium Ahi^vc ; It Pii^
in Winilcw;: n^il'cty
B-{iL'k Keeps Ciiil^ rronp Falling
Oui : ? SpeciaL G-lass AAmlti Ultra*
violet 1*16111 Tliat Sirpp]i? Vitaznin
p, l■‘^‘l^v■#|lt Rirkets; Stin

Ufltliid Slioiild Be Given unO|i>r 'Dqc-
tor'a Dir-cctloDR

Ifpo-dlcs May Be
in Six Min-
utes vrith AuI.{ht>i[-
Dc DcvicE at LeJl;

?(:rcivipj; Do?Tl
CovCbT FeiJi;eg IN^-
iHes tliropsh. Per*
iAr^liOni Inta
ClipklhK Paa

Square Fnaclicr Above

Steain-Put^lin, Ej;es to Fit the
Toast t the Aluminum Pan Also
May Be Used for Pc^inn ai Bak*
in^;^ 4,t Rij;lit. O'lT'cn. Built into
SoiUalor Is Handy for Kevoinie
Fooela Wfli'm tir (or Trtkin-K Cliill
Eram DiaheRL ill Thifl ihc

HoDiewtEe May Make Dtmlile
eif H?t Used in Wairning
Oie Home


a Pleaguii

BrultabU: Meral, llu
DcaLer Caa Be Sup-
pU?t3 in Sf-vrir-lL Cpkrt

.:■ V.


'Niitc-r;i^-kir Tltif CLimp|< oil
T^ tk, M Above,. I;; Adjunt'-
nbU Eb Any Size Kul; It
Cracica Only the 5hel] ; H^ebCt
Six-SIddd Pilj^ Ad^f^rda Sia.
SepaTqi.f p^Lliattf i<fi Peat-
ieig-; Thie^ DiBcrent liEi^htt
Are Fravidad; Anj^lca Svp-
IKirt tba BlL'k, Sh-uylderB ail^
Htj'il [ pil](hr/ Sl>h

Carpet Swetfier at Han

Open Face Operator Crei
S ea When Diul Pane, bfeei]
Kmptyini I Frcaainjc a Butteji
Snaptipj. the Pan

Loft, P-ertiaracei'! False
Batteen Inr Conitini;
Utensil Praventi- FnOii
FeOnk BujTiLng. nr Etidi-
jcij; Piitht, Deater
Plzre* Hand, before
Each ol Four FluyEta
Whan ‘Hindi V I*

u ...Jk... ..^r kl.^?



61 .





[^■-g. WiHt--^.r-K _ ^. 1 ?

BTE' 4''BiV-


l,)?E3 IN THI WCSlt. k Hflt DF
BURG kN 1347, rRDN IlHt Tlil
atiin TfllU ns N4NE.



tOT Wliite's tests slicin', -wbt]!; tht cqmmer-
ti:Ll truck in pnnr conlilion atlOs grtiitlv
lo tin; ilin of :;tr(.-ct travel. Flat 'ivbecis OH
subway and elevated trains and street cars
increase the dill:. Itl order to save fu-
ture gen er.rt ions from partial doaftlOSS,
Doctor ^V'l^ite s.rys, sound insulation must
be used. By insulating tracks from con-
crete, by lining; subway-tunnc] w.aEls with
aouinl-dibsorhing luatci ials and by keeping
roUing stock in better couditieui, trans-
portation conipaities migrht be able to re-
duce Subhvay noises Eiy as iiiucb as seventy
per cent. 1‘bc trackless trolley, Hitli its
rubber tires, is meeting the demariTl ior
f[tjiot Street cars. Introduce ion of the rnb-
ber-tired coach on American railroads is
another step toward .silent t rins'd, cl inti'
liatiitg; the ruudtling and pounding of
heavy (rain ^eheel's on steel rails. Lilieral
use of rubber and sound-absorbing mate-
rials will help save tlie future citizen's
sense of hearing, yet the cost need uut be
high. For instance, blast furnace slag

{bly tbt Only HEmoria] ti> a Tekeraph Fak Lin4j
It StlndA nur WM.li'ititebn., D, 0.



Marking Telegraph roa<i about twenty
miles .south of WashiuElqju, H'- C.. a

w r ou f h t- tro u ta oleFs! aii d s as a momimesu
to a telegraph line- An inscription on the
tablet tells readers that ttie telegraph line
w.as part of the WashLngton-N'ew Orleans
Telegrapil Cunipaiiy’s system back in lli47.
The monument is near Mount Verncut,
the llOine of George Washington.

TV hie it has been discarded as waste for
many ye,ar5 Itas been converted into an
e.\c client sound-insulation product that
rc-sembles coltuu. Couipressed into ^ari-
ous shapes, it can he applied wherever a
noise absorl>enl is re(|uEred. Ousiuess of-
lices are being constructed with souud-
“proof walls, doors, windows and ceiling.';
ailrl lit ted with equipnietit that is ]jnicti-
cally noiseless, coittributing to the general
movtincut to protect the nation's e.ars.




City ilhvcHers arc growing deal rapidly,
losing the liner shades nf hearing, and.
unless noise al.iatemeut is put into effect
soon, they will be some diy able to hear
only loud .anti harsh sounri^. like tlioi^e
produced by subway and elevated trains,
street C.,ars grrl automohilc trucks. r>r.

?,r.L.l-l.^.rkUfi engineer

of the American Steel ai i^Wirc Co,, ba^
found that [laiTy~rKrers of the sulmay
train 3 / arc losing their sense of bearing,
insofar JLS the finer tunes are Cuucerncd.
SEihway trains produce more noise than

Econmny in power consumption by (be
soldering iron is attained in a stand that
regulates the heat. There are two crafllcs,
one tn keep the
iron at the miiu-
nutin soldering
temperature for
iiii mediate use and
the oiher applying
the entire voltage
of the power line.

This eliminates
overheating and

cotiseTjuent pining
and corrosion of the tip. LTse of the stand

anv otlier fealure of the modern eitv. Doc

IS said lo make it possible for the Up of
the iron to reniEf^ well tinned for weeks.

} V





' Pressure that may le ’ ,J

cx]]cttt(] at Hoover dam ^ a

IV ill he tested long: hefore ^■■■■'

tlie great projecl is com- AjRt

Ijk'tud. A ruhlier inoHleln ,,-^

eon s[ rite (ed of a inix.CLirc

of pure ri,(ldjc;r and lead

oxide, lias been built in

the laboralories of l!ie ^

Univ if.rsil V of Co In rad q ,

1 0 test ttsc static prcs^siij4
of iv,'itcr against the tlanl

ai][l against llie will uf ^ ^ W

the canyon En wluch the Jm

project L& located. A scale
of oil c iiidi to fifteen feet
is lollows'd, the mode!
being ab/jut four feet

high. For ty- two thotl sand Htra'a Hrnv? the Tiviii Sail la Uaed b/ tlia

prmndj' of rtihljcr slabs,
each in inch tElLCfc? were used in the mod
ef, yii e tti ixture cto sely re se mb les con e ret i
in jA^eight ijid resistatice lo pressure.


Tacking itiLo the wind or aatling before
it ia made easy for llie skater by a double
sail that can he folded for (■arrying. There
are Ltvo canvas sails that give thirty- two
square feet of wind surface, about all a
hoy can liold in a strong hreeze. The
franie h eleven and one-half feet long.

Ob 3.0


To ndvertiae hts busine ss, _a Virginia
iilling-StatioU OM'Oer has Construilert a
huge replies of a 'hittle brown )ug" in tEie
form of .Tl building. lie also coniEucts a
sntall store in the two -story jug.


Iodine causes increased egg production
iidicn adniinistgred to hens in small quan-
tities. In an experiment in tlermany, an
intreast: of four per cent i]t yield resulted
from feeding hens a daily ration of two
mi Hi grams of potassium ioditle. Instead'
of the usual amount of lotLine fguniL icf
the eggs, from four to seven milligramsH
the eggs obtained in the experiment ecm-r
taiiied from 30l) to 400 inilligratns. In ad-
dition, the percenEage of hat cited eggs in-
creased to eighty-eight to ninety-two per
cent, a.s eompai'cd wit It seventy-six to
eighty'-four per Cent for hens given no
Iodine. ^Tost of the iodine in the cf?gs,
was eoncentratetl in the yolk. That Eo<lat-
ed eggs may figure in the new therapeu-
tics in Geritiatiji is indicated bj^tbe es-

Tw*-St(K]f B;raw(t jMjj h Virij^nti Wtilfh Hmisib

6C?m.A.<3 ?



ilucc sfceL perhaps n hundred
linits siErunger thjin the licst met-
al oi Loclay. Doctor Goelz uses
] L(| Lieh cf L h e L i 11 m to o 1i t a i n cx-
treiiieJv low temperatures.



Here Arc S<mt oJ the Pffeike Whl(Ji Art KlerdLn|f Psugr fot D?-
oreting ihc Hr>Tnc, 4 ^liowii lleec, nnd far Party Urrn

Travel on raiL nr roatls is pof^-
sihle ivitl] .in niitouiDlule et|ULppet].
wiili uvo sets oI tviieels, one hav-
itijj the convent io 11 fi 1 rnhlier (ires
,lTwl thr other set lu’irp ol' ineEal
wit Is flatijifea like tllOSe used Oil
Iflih-oafl cars. The ohflU?:<t frnir]
one Hi;l ol hv heels Lo the other is
made 1 ty a power lake-oE cor-
Lrotlcd hy a lever from the driv-
er's seat. I'lie wheels, being ec^ '
CCnTricaily nicntnTPfl mi thr aNle;;, ,
can be raised or lowered at will
and the car can he driven onto



L lie] ike masks, lashion's latest fad, are
used for decorating the liome.' Of hi ttlke
thr place of pon rails. In a df lit ion, they
may he used at parties^ a normally' shy'
person rinding a iu"iV personality behind a
ttCw face. Au_EiLugJjdi siiigerH Gladys M ar-
[oc. produces such niaEltsTrT"aTioi>by.


1 1 01 V to produce super-steel is sought in
experimenCs ivith the effect of extreme
cold on tlie metal, Ur. .Ale.xander Goetz,
ofTaliforinn, is using a ’toiiipeinn
272T!^rees'lJe!ow centigrade, within one
^rlcgrcc of the point where all heat vaii-
jishes, in art attempt to !ito]j the niovcnicnt
tof electrons within steel hy chilling. If
the electrons can lie halted, or "put 10
Jslecp,” as Doctor Goetz says, the revela-
tion of the secrets of steel can be expected
vhen the tempciature is slowly increased
and the electrons res-u me their dance, 1-Ic.At
only sliimtiales the electronic movement,
m.iking It more difficult foc Fcientists to
study' the Crystal structure ,ind to produce
improved inctals. Advances made in this
new line of study cause research 1^■orket■5
^ to believe that it may^be posHible to pro-

and off of a railronTid irack at any point
wlicre crossing ].daitks Itave been placed.
Jn one form, tbe car if, C4|nippcd with a
chain di ivCfjHit in another there is h 1 shaft
drive so at ranged that it is- in gear with
whiclieier set of iv heels arc on the ground
Or rails. The time needed to change from
road lo rail travel is said Eo he le.ss than
JiltLLA seconds.

AlitD with Ploiised and Eubtyrr Whceb Which Can Be
LoiiMCftd and ttaiL or Travii^

^0 2/ sr 7


F?nk Hawin' ]^a.i.Hi: Skip Itit^ndHl ^4r ^i-Rk ALt'i'
tu±D ; Right, Winj! Plapi eci R?dace Landinfr ?nttd


Onr of (lie I'eacnres of tlie Iti^ all-mptol,
low- wing iiionopljinc rcceiilly complc-ict]
for Lieut. Com til. Fr.ink IT^yvka^in-led
Speed fl%‘^r, Jiliri 4iir--ciri]E rolled 'Vt>l)ot pi-
lot'' dcsigiiefl to relieve llie regtilar pilot
during long flightsi, Tbe plane i5 tTilcnded
to travel at liigl'i Spcetlt at ultitudei^ pnKH-i-
hly 30,000 feet al>ove tlic eartli rihJ is tlie
nearest tiling to a pra-rtical strato&pliere
]ilELlie tlOw ill I lie air. Tlie sllip has a gasio-
linc capacity of over t>i10 gallons^ siiffieieiiL
to send it on a non-stop fligliE of 3,il0l>
miles. Its weight, louiJeil for a take-off,
is 7,300 pountlft, the wing span is fort}*-
eight feet ami it is, thirty feet Eongr It has
a [ourteen-cyliiuler motor rjf 700 Eiorse-
pou'er and wiitg flaps to lie towered for a
cjuick kiTiflingr slowing (lie skip’s speed

enoLigli to reduce landing distance to a
third of the normal, \7ings, lusetngc and
eontrol stlc faces arc covered ^vith riveted
aluniittuin, and it is hoped the craft can
hiti'die (he nation without a stop for re-
fnclitlg at a s]i'Ccd of more than 2[Xl tllileS
an hour.



Phiutii ^vhieli strain tfclinerals out oi run-
ning water and huiid the deposits into
pehhlcs have been fouiiirl near Wa-shing-

ton l>y the ^eologi' "-'] TK.. plants

are SO tiny uiai, if placed in a roiv like

he rei|uired to lilt one ineh of space. They
arc a v ariety of the hlue-grcen algae, be-
lieved to have keen among the earliest liv-
ing thing.s on earth, Like larger plants,
the algle have llle pon ef of Imildilig up
carljoli yd rates out of carhon dioxide and
water -with tlie aid of chlorophyll, tlie
green co]orin.s matter ill leaves. Sunlight


"DETNG :m attiatetJi'
ninfl aEso- intt?re.slfir1
in sJi(]rt-\v,'tve rtctption
iti g'e Herat, I itesireJ a
TJX receiver tliat would
i)c .qclcictii'c and have
pieiltv of voTiline. I Emilt
the sef {(ei^crnied in this
article, and tlie result h, ^ ■
liELVf been E-o satiH fac-
tory that T am glarE to
pass tlie in format ion alcnif^ lo Others. Si^tsals frntll Inr-
ci^:ii countries have been copied nsin^ only a ten -foot
.iittenna, Imt masiniuni results are obtained hy usiiifr a
doublet system which will he described in a future arti-
cle. On sttcli an antenna, sig^nals from all over the worUl
li.ive hcen reccivctl with loncl-spcahcr volume.

'i'fie wiring dia^jraiils sliOw' tlie COttt portent parts of
tlie receiver, and it will he noted tliat it is a fonr-iithe
layout. It curtSist^ of one untuned and one tuned r.f.
s(ag6i detector and one siajjc of audio ampliricaHon.
Type ’24 tubes arc used for tlie r.f. Stages and detector,
anfl a ’47 tuhe for the audio amplifier. "I’ype ’35 tuhc 3
may he used in the r.f. and detector stages, without
change, hut very little difference was noticetl between
them atid the '2+ tubes. For sitigle-dial control, the two
condensers Ci and Cs were ganged on a common bahe-


KJPO ET*tt ^7


>- duinn
nutria. ,


in Mg.MT.it;


? ^c^U^^VaVl.WUAku>l|





F(mt Antenna

Hy harry D. PICKETT

Fr4.''ijiNC]i'i7' AJinirbitTJn;i; S(?iJi'cm
Orpiicli lisr^ini.'l,

sEi.iU. The ciiiii‘rhin^erA iti tlic’

131 ode I ^^ ere (_iu tn.TLil Rzidic] tyiiii;

Sr>B-K. hrtviii? rcinoi'al>li: liJikdiU:
sh:if[y, hilt any condeiiiiL'r.^ nf
iljll’ description Ibuy be usie J. Con-
trary to ;i:cnef,Til lie lief, tUe t^Y'O
StajjUii are easily made To

m a tell.

The various photos sllOu' tlie
layout of ihe receiver, and tlic
simplified rliaf^ratii show's

all parts [n their relative posiTior-i. ^Tost
of tile fixed condensers, resistors and coii-
lietrions are i.imkrneallt Hie Itase. 1’he
conpliiijf clioke, for the audio Stage, i*
also under the base and consists ol an
audio tiaiislormcr wilfi the ]jrimary and

seconrlar;,' connected m series. The ait-
teniia-coupliiijj choke Li consists o^ 7$
turns of No. r>r .W d,s,c, wire on a 1-in,
]iard-rntj|,>cj’ or bakelite rod. The r.f.
chokea are rite nsnal short-wave types,

(CEHitirued ta IJfiA)

U r. H H

dF J>*?k

rRCi41^ Bs?.L y kHilN[B*TI5M_^l
CjiNtL P.^NtL C^JhTle^lL 1

-5,2 3()



HcMiver Employs Si:iteen Tubes

@nd Two Speaker?

The unusual numHer of Uihes and speak-
ers in this superheterodyne receiver arc
not Ibe Otilt'' features liiat make it ([uite
tlityerem from the us-ual hroadeast set. It
also employs I'^^o ]]o^verful amplifiers, one
iismg' four Itdies for tteep ba^s, aiul two
tubes in the .secon-rl amplifier for the tre-
lile Speaker. It is claimed that this receiv-
er will Ijriiig in sigitals from tow-pnwered
stations over preat tii stances, and tliat tlie
volittne, tone amE selectivity are all tliat
cotiltl he desired. Two deizrees of sensi-
tivity are provided, one for ordinary nsc
and the other lor extreme tl [stance, espe-
cial W on very weak sijgnals. A color ctm-
iroi is eiiiiiloycd for chau^rin^r pitch. All
jimver units art: [irersiJi; To in sure maxi-
mum results. The cabinet is 4y>^ in. high
and 29 jn. in width.

Electric Clock as Hadio Control

An ordinary electric clock may lie al-
tered to turn on .an a.c. radio receiver at
any predetermined time. Tiie hosier,
which ia operated by the a-c. supply line,
is disoonnecled anri the lead-H frui'ii llte
switch, fonnerEy connected to tlie Iniz-ier,
are attached to a screw -type \val1 plug in-
to which the rccci^'cr is pipggcd. Next, a
smiill tOgftlc s^^ itch, ^vhEch may be mount-
ed at any cotneuient point, is connected
across the st^itch in the clock. If you wish
to turn on the receiver at 7 :l? o'clock,
the alarm is set .and the toj^ji^lc switch is
thrown to the on-poKilion. 1’lic receiver
is tuned to ihe station nlo^ired ami the
I'oEumc control atljuslcfl. Then the Toggle
switch is turned to the olT-position, thus
cutting out the receiver until it is autn-
nnaticalEy started at tlie time selectctl.

0 3/2 1

Push-Button Fades Out Program

Easily attached to any receiver, this
small control enables the operator to leni-
porgriiy fade oiit the annotmecT ?ir pro-
gram U'ililotit leaving llis chair. This fad-
ing is desirable if tbc plioiie rings cjr if
rite operator wishes to converse with per-
sons in the room or call someone in an
adjoining room. The push -butt on resist-
aiice unit is attachcrl to a long flexible
cord terminating in t^^■o iliit hr;iHS hooks
wltidi are slipped over llm atbienna and
ground binding posts, The regular lertrls
to these posts are not riisturbeci, and the
set opeiatrs as usual.


r TERE is usrfuE TSiifij thjU not
unlv itidn you in Incatin^^ your iinvnr-
iie program? iiiiidd>\ Imt tilTio scrveii as a
p;,inic: tliat may bo jilaycd witli sovcimS va-
riutii>]ii. The ui>ii6ists ui a disk iiiounL-
r<i sn lEsai: it efin hc 3-pint aroiimt inside a
.saitcerlifce ItousiiifT-

ihe r-iital]ii}]f ili^k is divided ijitu se?-
tors. afipro^ innately ID decrees wide. Hu
cadi sect 01 ' is iiiscrthed a radio Jiiai ion's
rail lortrrs, di'^tancc tioin the receiver, lo-
cation and tvavclcnEflli, Arcnjud titc rim 13
a riiifi^ of svElite patter on wliidi tlit dial
siri(ini,'s for your pnart icithar veceiver are
written. One s-ector and n correspond-
ing recta ngle on ihe pniper tin^ an^ painl-
■ cd black. To record or dreteriniiK" rt dial
settlu^, turn the disk untiE tiic black luarks
coincide, and ^vritc in or read off fite 5Ct-
tirtjj opposite tlie desired station.

When calibratinj^ the [o^, make up a
list of the ftroa[lcaH,tin^^ sCaiiona that you
desire to tune in anti arranjii't.- those in ‘se-
quence according to tlieir wavelength or
frequency in kilocycles. The fttiicage lor
' Cadi station tUay lie oEjtaineiE from a map
or can be secured front one of the distance
chart? appearing In the call books.

When nsed .i.s a game, the log is provid-
ed with a steel ball or marble which can
roll around the trough formed at the junc-
tion of the disk edge and tlte iim of thq
housing, Spitmitig the disk makes the ball

( CDntinued tn ppgc-


WAVE ? ? ?

f Converts

FI Ifl

Fli.AMf fir LEADS

>PL<iTL wriLl CWKNitlii


^1 ' HE o p t J o Ji a ]

^ tonnection dti
Fi^. ^ of tlic Ji-c,

S h o r t - w .a V c c o i1-
ve-rter^ described in
tbc Febni^r^' isR-uu^
may lii: URcrt in Cifie
of tliJtll (yf

hand-capacity in-
terfcrtjitec, A vcr-
Tiicr dial is rtcfuiretl far
tile iiiJlini; condenser as
this setting is rather
critical for short-wa^'e
teceptiuTl, but act Ofdl-
rarr' dial ora knob -will
du for the Tegentratiart
control at the rig;lit, this
settinj^ beinj^best found
by fed and practice.

To operate the con-
verter, the antenna smd
gronnd connectiona are
sliiftecf from the receiv-
er to the converte^^ and
in some cases it will be
found necessary Lo use
a ground on both, The 227 detectur tube
is removed from the HlC? set and trans-
ferred to the converter; the adapter ijlug
is then plugged into the sct-dctector sock-
et, It is wdl to practice tuning with one
of the larger converter coils first. The re-
ceiver is now turnefl on^ atid the tegenera-
tioji control is adjusted until a whistle IS
heard. Vary this control until tho whis-

fl r CHOS^E -







tie, or osdilalionf
stops. The most
S etts icive 5 pot is Just
before the set he-
gins to oscillate.
Should oscillation
prove unruly, move
tlic primary coil up
and down d’i'ct the
pEttg-in coil until
tbe best position is
found. The vernier-
tmiing dial is then slow-
ly rotated over the
range covered hy the
plug-in coil.

In using this convert-
er, or adapter, with a
baltcry'-apcratcd receiv-
er, a few ]iii nor change.^
in the wiring and parts
are necessary. A four-
prong socket is Ruhsti-
tuted ior the five-prang
(.CvndttiifiJ tv pngH^ H2AJ


Solutions for Everyday

.10 rroblems

4 S-i?'.T


CpJ- Praciig fr Ss' l<>r Scnut Uje
Hai SuSi-citm Signal Output for
L<iUd SpealifT or -ScvfraL Kml-
It Cunum^^ oE an DariHa-
tDT piia AmpSIfifr HaJe fiprn !□>?-
iiJtrded I’afts

Pojta'blE S pt

llafviPH Tip Jorku. ■^■?y
Be MpuTited llu:

K-inih -walh CUpt to
4 Mcten. ilvailablo
fpr All T?<ine Fur-pOt^

wint >


Bstit- Nut and P-uint^d
dull Ma|<c Opoij (rmuiid
JClatnii WliED Nut
fwriilta and 'WiTcd tp
'^Walrr Pine aa Shuwn

AbPve. m H-T ub j A.C.. IJlIrft-Slion-'Waijt
Supcrheter^yrit vtaw AvoiLiltle Eoe Lis^LcnLug
E-h Mlfth-Freauericy Experimental Brud-
LaalS' [fi tbe WidW Bands behtav 34 Meterr;
Fuiir Pairt Pi Srififl3[ I’lMf-ll Coll* C?iwer llib
Ranea heiween/^D.bDO ar.d dD-DOD' Kih^ycln;
the Sinjile Audip StBice Krnpl>a!? T->wp '+T Fbn-
Ji;dea Idi Fusil- PuU

ClamjiA Jar Fcirn][n.e BliieLda
anrt RerrivEr Bain; LiichE
Aiuminum pt Ernytlp 6lWfis
Afe Eaally Bam u Siinwri


Upper Lefi, LiftbtweLglit Am^beur TfBqsipLiEtng
— ■GaiiAanen", Yvith- IsaJandie InxuUtioEi | Abiwe,
S^ldaf ItlB the Leadrln tp ilif- Antenna ; ilie
Wirt StiDula B* Sk raped Bill

_ _ _. ^ _ . . il and ItiB Jodcit

Well HeniiMl beEiTfC A-ppIjnPK the Solder

^ * Jo /e-




Flvc-Tuic Recnrer Chjj-
lu ldHtj.lE9i| in tbe- Cdbl-
nclj; Shown jlliaw

!?-u'itchi;!; flnc( The receiver

ii o]jtralud lu tlie same Ttiaiiner -is
m ciiiivcntinnal mlik'-lypt set. 'L'lm
Jeivel-cnse rer elver ci;5iitains I he
saiiie tyjje ?F cliassi.n iii a solirl-
oflk chest of old Italian
When not In HF-n, it appeal's as a
ehost fur valualjie papers, a jewel
bii3t <ir cig-s-r Uumidor. Xlic live-

Sadip ReeeivEra of Unusual Design

The bookcase nionlel represents a set of
antlc|uc leather-bouiid c olonies. The 1>aeka
of the books arc I110tltlte<l on two swing-
ing;' doors which, when o]mned, I'CVeil tlio

tnl'to Super heterodyne cimssisf shown hc-
low, uses tlie new hcatoT'type tubes ^VLth
CO nibble J volume control anrl on -off
switcEn Tlie iUuminatcri hair-line shadow
dial at the right is provided with a vernier



.uto Radio-Tube Tester

Although especially designed for auto-
radio tubes, this tester is tie>;ll3Ee enough
to check any broadcast type. The portable
utility meter IS a combination volt, ohm
and ammeter. All voltages are based on
1 1 , 000 olnus^ resistance per volt; as an ohm-

meter the range is from 0 to 1,000 and"
from KW} to 100.000, The ammeter ranjjq
covers all readings necessary for testing.
By inserting a rectifying phig, alt voltages
and Currents may be changed to read a.c.

Condenser as Emergency Water Heater

An old almnlnuin-ph'Ltc variahlc conrlcn-
ser will make an emergency water heater^
It is connected []i series ^^ Ith the 110-volt
a.c. li]ie and suspended in the water hy a
cord, the rotor plates being adjusted to
dr.a^v about (iOO w.atls.

HidJii.'Tijhc. Ttaler, and ITtility Mn*]* (w Au^.^^

_ Hadia ""

dRIucpriuts covering radio eongtrnctloil
articles in past issues can be Dhtamcfl for
25 cents each; mate rial lists are always
available u'ithout charge upon receipt of
return postage.



A NVOZ\ IL can ni:-ikL' lIil'Sc 1'i'ih>

ill:?? Close hardwriLKl,

in:)fiLL’. ]<; licst to n.ml :i Ftllc-
HHJthc'c] li:icl:s:L\h- blacEe IlhJ sElurp jack-
Itnlle :Lrc ill* mily Lcn>1:^ rOJlII'l'ti:] tO niiikc
lKt‘ ciiii:, file aixiincy nf wliii’li I”"!''*;'
in .pol l: a 11 f. Alfliou^jl^ as diinciiRionul,

holh jjeizzIl's can alnio.Rt In: liidilcn in tile
liaiul, il ij i siiapk' inaltL'i' lu make Cicm
la r in ibc Ram-C proportions. To iart,
1 fic amateur ^viH limi tlie larger iixe eii?*
iiT lo rill oul ^^■i1ll jirrcisioo.

Tile *iize anti shape (it the Ihveuty jneCes
req lined for the lank n.re "iefo in |hc
del, 'died drjL^h’hijif, J'lie in-ads lire racli
made Up 01 fou- pieces. I'lie trcssniuni-
lifl's ii hich 111 'III rlu- li'eacls tojiiclliei' ?i1'C
itLeiiticfil fJccL'pl I It. It otic is rifjlil anil ihe
Ollier left, l-ikcwi^e ificrearc two D'satiil
Two K's, cadi pair liring riglit ami left.










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1 “ r j ■ 19

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; .


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!5trH(Ltioii ^ind as&cmS5l_v
arc iotliewliat more iU”
tricjite than that of the
tank, but it 15 wtlt WOLtli
tlu' worJr rcyuired to
Ddakt.^ it. The rooi as-
semljly, E, is made up of


AEa^MB^.Y. t

C.iPiLCLG nil



TUS Rtct 4 Time
hJU) Pi*a.

eA$i euKKS



First as sum bit tlic two tractor trearis.
Ne-'L't insert C Left atid C f5g;ht, follo^vitig
wEtli D left anti D right. The E"s ran now
lit S-Ot 111 plairtf ]jer [Liitting F to E>e pusEiml
into tht sfjuare hole foniieJ hy 11 le aaseiii-
hlec] ]) locks. When the notch in F is ex-
actly [jctivccn tEie two C'^S^ tliC crfiH.smeni-
her G can be pualied into position. H and
T can then be pm in, linisEiing: the tank.

The liny SliinEo shrine is a remarknal^ly
realistic tnodcE of the pieturciii|uc temples
along tlic hyiesy^ of old Japan. iLs con-

four pieces, glued toEclhcr, i'orming one
Unit in Lhe Jjuajile. file only ii]]rig]its, A,
must he made right and left. 'J'liere is
onEy onu piece, B, hut there arc eight D’s
all identical. In assemljling, first lit B he^
tween A left an<L .A right, I'oH owing s^■it1l
the two base blocks C, Xe^it tit three of
tile ]jleccs D iosether and slide over A,
after wiiEch a fourth piece 1 3 ii lilted in.
Then slicie three asscmhic-rl pieces of D
over the tops of tile two A^■^, puali the roof
into place and bt the last piece of D.

Metal Polish in Cake Form

Good metal polishes can he niatli: itl
solid cake form by mixing abrasives and
pcdlshirtg powders wUli plaster of par is in
the proporticuis of 1 part of plaster to IH
parts {by voUiine) of the ahrasives or
poivdcrs. Fine emery powder. tripoU. cro-
ons, I'ottci^stoLic or dry jcwelersi' rouge
may f)c used. After tliOro uglily ini?tins
the abrasive and the plaster, .sprinkle the
miKturc Into an et[ual i:[uantity of water
and stir until a sinootli paste is foniicd,
Small carrllnja.rd hoxeii make convenient
niolds aneTpcrniaii^lif c out, liners for the
a variety of grade? polish

arc^epi on liand, it Is a gooli^ idea to add
a small amount of Ink or pac^'^o^

color the cakes dififefently to distinguisEi
the various grades at .i glance.

Lamp Reflectors from Sugar Scoops

Reflectors for
small declric
E a in |) s can he
i|uickly impro-
vised fronn pol-
ls h c d sugar
scoops . Tile 1 1 an-
ti Ic is bent Imck at
right arigle.s jiLllJ
is iliett screwed in
position as shown.
ReUcctorS made in til is way are ne.it and
have a workmanlike appearance.



Combination Kitchen Cabinet Houses Radio

lii liouse a midget ra-
dio and provided willi sli elves for
kitchen necessities, with ail clt-'c-
(ric clock prominently diRpInycd
on to ft. this com hi nation cabinet
is coni|iact nand ronvenient. A
sliding she It Seri'cy to hold writ*
ing pads for recipes. A drawer
nmler the ladio, anti two at the
bottom of the cal>inel, j^ivc ainjde
space for storing knives ami forks,
etc. The joints in the c.ahinct nre
niorciaed lo assure rigidity, ifie
o tit side edges of the iitotlises on
the shelves being covered with
wooden fmttons to improve the appenr-
irtce. Two doors are Httcfl, fpr closing the
radio compartnicnt. Wiring fnr the radio
and the clock is run hehiorl the cahinet.
Ynit can make tlie Hardware lor the doors
and drawers from slieet brass or blaek
iron. The metal may lie given a bammercd
liiiish before tbe pieces are cut to shape.

* — IV' — ^



■ V
1 V

1 \


1 \

i \


tfj —


IT 4r


c _r


he fntind best for this purpose, Tbe Hgllt
\s'ill .ilso bclp in getting tbe Camera prop-
erly sCL for the OKposiire.

Flashlight Used to Obtain Sharp Focus

Tn order to obtain a sharply focused
'■negc on the ground ghiss of a camera
when the ruom is- loo dark to see the ob-
ject clearly, have soiiieotie bold a flashlight
point Oft directly at tbe camera, anrl focus
on the glowing filatuenl in the lamp. A
llashligfiit without a inagtnfylng lens will

Mortise-atid-Tencm Joint IiupTOved

vvith Wedgf?

tenon Joints in
wood fra nies C a n
b e atrciiglHened
by kcrfingllie cen-
ters nl' the tenons
and then inserting
small wedges be-
fore g I E] i n g the
joints together. When the tenon is driven
Into [he niorlisc, the wedge Is forced into
the keri, which makes a tiglit joint.

Copyfiqnted maferial



Windshield Wiper A^tiates Photg
DeveLopin^ Solutions

An old clec-
L ]' i C w i 11 i]-
Eikicld ndrvr
C41E1 be u^ied US'
a 11 niitmiiatic
a^iLiKur l?ir


flcrelniniiFf Ho-

lut Wip'
eri^of lhir^l>'pe
can li Cl pli-
t a i Ti c tl f r u nl

most junk
y .1 T fl s, and
w Elen 1 1 LOu ii t-

■ crl on flio cdffc

of t [i c; tank,

will kccip tlie flcivclopin'j ihoro uglily
stlrrecE. The ^vi]3er cun he op crated 1>J" a
6 -vi>Il aLOFiige br-ittery, whicli will lasE a
long lime.



Prim Maiden Molds Yotir Sciwing

This dceorati^'c st'wini; hox provides a
pincusliion, inj^ide pockel? for nec<l]es mid
seJssorSf anci a part it in nod section I'nr
holcifng spools o^ f It rend and Tvork. I'lrst
make titc hox and tlien fit in the partitium
pipl of Hvhich eKtetids aliovi? ilie box to
form tlic figure. T hN'o pieces nf stock

are gEuetE to tile [>artition tO encnpletC the
figure. A little carving ^v■i1l pnKlmce a
more rcHilistic effect. Two sicics of lltc
Cover are gluetl to the llgure, lloldiiig a
muff that serves as a ijincnstuoin p'liile
the other two are hiiige-rl to the hox and
fitted with a need If eushion and a iXjchtU
tn hold n pair of scissors. Small tabs arc
attachcTl to the hingeil cavers for eas.y
Opening. — B. T-ivin^s, Batavia. IIL

Old Steering^ Cplurpti Gud Wheel Make
Good Seductign Gears

F'or accasional use. an old aiitn steering
gear from a Ultjjlcl-T Ford can be used its
a reduction gear for ligEit motor-driiert
tools. A pulley is substituted inrthe steer-
ing y'liecl and the shift i.q cut off at the
other end of thq gear bousing am1 a pul-
ley inrnmted cm the shaft. 7t will he nec-
essary to make a frame for niounting the
gear asiiemhfy, and tn proT'LLl.f; a hushilfg
for the projecting end cjf I lie stceriii"

shaft.— W. W. Wilkins. Horndl, N. Y.

Sewtr. e A r.ctuiarlcA
Arc Srored in Thii
Bc-Jt ; tbc MuEF Ii a.
pi'll uUi].h.ib[i

Starch Prolongs Life of Flat Paint

An iiiexpetisive method of pre-
serving tlie beauty nf flat -finished
walls is tn apply .a coat of itarell.
(he solution consisting of Yi Ih. of
good Starch tii Yi pt. of cold \H'a=
ter, which is Stirred into 1 gal. of
boiling water. Wlicn the .solution
is thoroughly cnoketl. stir In 1 gal.
of cuh:! water and allow the mix-
ture to Cool, after it' 1 Licit lumps
may he re ni oved h y s t r a i u i u g
through a piece of wire screen or
:i looHcly Tvoi un cloth. Apply the
solution with a calcimine bnjsli.
Co mm Cueing nitli the ceiling,
coat a -It rip, 2 or 3- It, wide, the
entire length of the room. While
this strip is btill wet. it should be
F tippled or taiJped lifihtly with a
Stippling Irrusli. If (lie lafter is
not available, a snft-brLstlcd
scrubbing brush will serve the purpoFC.
The Tvorii should he done :i:i rapidly as
jiossiblc, mat lug a focolkI strip before (he
first hucotuL’fl dry .sr> that the etlges will he
wet to aT'okl lUjLieealjle laps. Walls pre-
pared in this manuef are easily cleaned
wit!] w.arm Tvater, after which the starch-
ing process may he re]jeatcJ.


ins' fl (Irnt frnm
nit-'ta]. I’Lr&l, Lilt ttltlal
is ro uglily wcift;cti liank
to sliapc with ;t E]t:ivy
tvuuiLc n 111 ill t L f ELS sll 0 w n
in Fig. t, A hantl anviL

of BOtllC KOn !ilirjllkl ElI-

wEiya Lt used ttit-der-
iiealh, t'f> s ij fffi Cl i’i titc
cdfTcs fit tlie l>ent HUt-^
fict. TIithtLinmtrlilows
shotlEfl hc! many and
light, rather titari few
and heal y, and tacll
hlow sliottU he more nr
less drawn insrcafl of
tjeing aElinvefl lo land
"t]ea<l-oti."' After ap-
proximate res lia ping
has heeit accomfdLiihed,
t El e m e ( a 1 - f 1 Ji i & 1i i n g
hammers should Ej e
calEcd into plai'. I’lleSe
should 1,1 f light, easily
tia tidied, and shotihJ have very nearly Flat
striking faces. All of the smaflcT pits are
worked out wttEi tliese haulnicrs to hrirtg
the suriatii Lo as nearly perfect a sweep as
possiEdc. As you approach the finish, check
constantly ivith a sanding disk Or sand-
paper. as shown in Fig. S- This vidll hright-

T^FNniFRS have one
thing in cuuimon —
(?key iiif-H; almost eerlaiii
to he E)cnt or dented
sooner or later. Where
the damage is of a minor
uatu re. the necessary
repELir can ttsually fie
made En (he owner’s pri-
vate garage. k>o not.
h o w ever, a 1 1 e m f 1 1 to
slrnighteu a na.Hty buck-
le tvith onlinEiry shop
taols; neither Is it ad-
visahlc to attempt tn
atraighten metal iiieccS
tv he re the surface has
keen hadly torn.

Fig. 3 sho'ws the ttiree
nui^oir steps in remov-

thbel r/A.];e




for If our Car



popular :^ikchanil’s

Brf? Shown die V?ri!ni3,
StEpi in. Puiilctg a JirvT Tnp >0n

Vour Cir

neatly riveU-J, an- in Fig. 5, beEnp care^nE
tD place a rivet it the entl of the crach tr>
prevent eKpailsiou. H the fender [r re-
n I over! from lire a ilmpinj^ Idock.

CLjrvL'd to fit the .sun'nee, will give i|iiirk
res LI Us, l16 sI'Iumi] in Fig, fj, ftpcMes over
large areas are easily snapped out hy us-
ing .1 rulihci- suction atp n itli
the edges- lieavily coated with
grease, as in Fig. 7 . Vun wilt


eiB tlm high lipuis atid
]i?eate by dark patcfiea
the ari'i.'is yet lo he h-im-

Vory often, tlie joh
wil[ need hlling after
yeinr l>ef;t liammering.
Use sohler or any other
til e t a I 111 ler. a p [) t y i n g
til is, if solder, directly
to the dealt nietak nind,
ii rnetal dller, over n
suLialdL priming coat.
J It cither Case, tlie filleJ

reati^c, of course, that
lEiis metlicnl is. tiol to he
nppEjj"d ^ehen the sur-
face H acuiaily hent ; if
aeries oofy far 1 me kies
where the ivhole surface
liias hdciii pushed iiiward.
VSMiere liorly denl.s can-
not he ri: moved in this
naannrr, it is lEsnally
necessEirr to remove the

portion is Hied smooth,
as shon'm in Fig. 2, find Immished to a
perfect surface with suitable abrasives.
Whatever the filler, it must he given n
priming coot of metal gla^c an ft the sur-
face CEire fully cleaned with gasoline be-
fore the tiew paint is applied.

Many min or repairs can lie made ivitEi-
UUt breaking tlie paint surface. Bdge kinfcs
can he quickly taken out v^Hih wide -nosed
pliers or uit1i ivood 1:docks drawn up
?tight ly by clamps, as in Fig. 4, Small tears
can he reinforced ^Luth a metal plate and

upliolstcTing in nriler to
get at and |)ro]n:rly do the work.

\lr''ith topping selling ns low as $1..^0 per
yard, it becomes very inexpcn.sLve and si ill -
]ile to pul a new ''lid” Oil vour car. "i'ho
first step, of coi.ir.se, consi.-its in the remov-
al of the obi te.aLher. Tliis ih usually ac-
complished by removing the metal coping
hands at front and rear and the drip hands
along the sides, a.s shown in Fig, fJ. Tn the
mg.Ht common type, the leather Strip itl*
cEoHcd til the dri]> li anils is removed by
merely pulling it out, as in Fig. 13, CTi’



■posing the JiaiU hn]<l the nteta] in

place. Untlc-r tlie top cover, you hvill find
a layer of cotton Irnitinpif. If this li in gjod
condition, leave it on; if not, piirdtasc n
new strip, A hove .il], rlo not 1 freak tlic Sur-
face, hut n]i|)Ly tEiu Cotton in cure smootli
continuous piece. Ordinarily, this will
come ihjsh with the vvoocL or metal frame-
work, hut if these me tubers are tit a rongli-
etied comliLrcnt, it ts best to feather the
cotton out to the estreme nailing ctlgc.
In applying (lie new leatlicr, start at the
front, tacking completely along the for-
ward edge, l^jll the top lightly in a diag-
ojial clirection, as shown in Fig. 12, arti
tack at one of the rear comers. Then in-
sert a few' tacks in the side anti proccerl
with tile Other corner atid side. Work hi g
in this manner you ^vlll get a perfectly
smooth top with a miniiminl of fitting.
The rest of the joh is siiviply a matter of
replacing the metal hands. These should
he rcpaintetl after heitlg applied ill Oi'dcr
to cover the tiail heads.

P'ittillg a new' running EjOard is fitlilc
simple if you note IlOw tlie various picecs
arc assemhled as YOU take the original off.
lu the average case, it is a matter of new
wood and a strip of rulthcr covering. For
a neat joh, which will also preserve the
wood liclohVf the rubber ^hot 1 ]d 1>e cement-
ed into plaee, as in Fig, 15, using linoleum
ceinent, I>o not trim the ruhlicr to the
exact size, hnt make it about in. short
.ill around. Tlie .slight Opening will he
covered hy the iilelal trim, and the rubber
Is tlien given room to expand.

Rubber Band Holds Sample on Side
of Small-Parts Container

To locate a
nail or screw
ij f t It e pro p-
er at a

glance, <1 n e
w Li r k S h 0 p
owner snaps a
r u b It e r band
arotind each
container and
slips a sample
of the c 0 ri-
te nts under ikc rubber .ir. shown. This
simple method is a timesaver, and the
sample is {juickly changed if desired.

CroaDcue Savi CsTTud by Dctacb^blc- Handie Made-
lr<ifn StwririE WliMl and Twa Thucnbacrevn

Large Saw Carried by Handle Made
from Steering W tieel

For carrying large crosscut saws, a lian-
rllc is easily made from one-half of an old
steering ^vhccl. The spokcs are reinovcrl,
the wheel is cut in two and tlte ends arc
slotted to fit Over the saw hlade. Thumb-
screw's fitting into holes tapped in the end
of the handle clamp it to llte s.atv firmly.

Cement for Anchoring Rods in Stone

Iron rods, screws or holts may be se-
curely anchored in recesses cut in stone
or marble if the end to be imheddcrl is
Hrsi bent or rnugliencd, anti then sur-
r-oujlded with a liard, r|uiek-SetLiiSg ceilieut
made hy mi.’ting pla.^ter of parts, 7 oi.,
with iron filings, 1 oi. After the plaster
filings; liavt heen thorouEhly Tniurd,
arid water to protluce a thick paste and
f[uickly lamp it in phice. Do not prepare
more of the cenierit than ts needed, as it
sets, rapidly. If tiiC hole En the stone is
undercut, added strengili will be obtained.
After the ccmenl h.is set, the snrf.ace may
be scraped smooth and painted with water
glass to produce a glossy and w'ater-rcslst-
■ant finish.

CfJy peeling onions under running water,
they will not affect the eyes.

nr IT




llSIJH'Wl'tri Nos?l,* iof WjcItLnjr Aiji? and CoaL or
E.-^iiJriiif a GcDtlE Spray

Sprinkling Na^zk Made from Pipe

Made by flriHirg several small boles in
a lentil qI' ]iipe, this nq-zzle is handy fot
sprinkling asties in a turnace pit. One
rml nf t]i?: pipL' is (it Led ^v[l1i a cap and the
Other end, ^tliieli is damped in the end of
a garden hose, witli a gas- cork. A handle
is shaped from hat iron and is screwed to
the noEsle, a wooden piece, properly
shaped, being scrcwetl tn the iron. Tlie
outfit will also serve for watering tender
growths that re<]uirc a gentler spray than
that from a garden Sprinkler.

Removable Wooden Base for Auto Jack

This liardwood base will keep your auto
jack from sinking into soft ground when

raising the
car. It alp-o
provides a
means of
holding the
jack upright
when pushing
i t under tlie

car. Metal
damps are
screwed to
the base to
bold the jack.
acuokj N.

Making Pewter for Casting

Pewter that is suitable for casting pur-
poses, for making hammered ornaments
and for reproducing antiques can be made
of copper^ 1.5 per cent, antimony, 7.-8 per
cent, and tiu, 90.7 ]tcr cent (hy weight),
I nl'crior grades of pewter soinetiniea con-
tain lead, hut this metal should he avoid-
ed, especially if the ware to be produced
is for table service, as the lead is poison-
ous. First melt the copper, which will re-
quire a temperature of about 2,000“' F.
However, the fiuantity is so small that it
may be melted with either a forge or an
oxygen torch, such as is used in garages
for repairing storage batteries. Place the
copper ill a crucible anti cover it with
horax, Then apply beat until the metal is
molten, after which the liear source is re-
in ol■(^^l and the aiitimunyf i.H stirred ill witll
an iron rod as fast 3S It can be dissolved
without giving off dense fumes, .^fter thp
antiniony has been alloyed ivith the cop-
per, the mixture can be remelted on a gas
stove and the tin slowly atirred in to com-
plete tlie alloy, which is then poured into
sliallow^ molds to cool. Diicbesv dug in the
ground wid tnjfvu fi.nf this purpose. Pc^h-
tcr made hy this formula is rtialleable, easy
to work, and lakes a fire polish.

Dowel Helps Hold Screw in End
of Board

To held a screw' wdien it isi driven into
the end of a board With the grain, a hard-
wood d o w' e I can
be driven into a
hole rlriilcd .icrosS
the grain AS
iliowti. The dowel
provides a grip foT
the threads of tliO
screw’ sn it will
not pull out. —

Trumati Grecn-
walc, Litchfield!,


CTo clean tarnished silver rub it with a
soft doth dipped in dry powiltreiE mag-
ncsia, after which it is polished in the
usual way; if it is badly tarnished, the
magnesia should he applied first wet and
then dr^r.

C sjp J fj y hii.KC !T sllBfi si\



Imitation Stone for Molding

ImilnitPOTi &lons,; siiintal4c I'or molrlinp or-
n:iiiii:uts, 5 lic]i a!i book clocks, etc.,

can be made l>y lltoro uglily mining linely
powdered chalk with \vatcir glass. The re-
st! Et in g paste may Fjc colorcil with dyes tsr
paint pigriient.s. H ttvo liatcEles are ii]i.\.e[l
sejjjiraiely at the same tlmef they jiiay be
colored differently and a mottled design
produced in the finished pinduct hy im-
perfectly mixing the hatches in the molds.
This compound may also be used for re-
pairing iiiEiTble. It will adhere to glasii,
wood Of stone.

Attachment for Tooling Leather
on Scrollsaw

y\fter a little practieCf yon will be al>lc
to tEo a good job of leather tooling by us-
ing this device on .t, scroSlsaw. Tlte at-
tachment is marie of ^-in. Steel, cut to
the shape shown attd suhstituted for the
hkiitc irt the aa’iv. A design can he filed in
tbu lip of the tool, which is the p,trL that

makes rhe Im-
pression inthc-
T c .s t h c r, o r
b u 111 i m a d e
stamps can be
clampfd to it.
[ n use, t li e
leather is
placed over a
aheetoi heavy
cardboard and
passed under
t lie tool, ivliicli
r EL p i d I y i m-
prcsscs the
design into
the surface. If
.a uiiilorm de-
sign is desired, jt may be necessary to
clamp a guide to the saw bedplate.

Oil Protects Piano against Danopness

Periodic application of a tliin, non-
gUlinning oil wilt prevent a piano from be-
ing [hLm.igecI by danipuess. The uil can be
u]iplied with a cloth, coating all of the
strings and exposer! mqtal parts. Ji the
uil has a tendency to gum after a white. It
can be removed with a cloth saturated in

This. AjdJ uditbile' Atm Holdi EIecCtLc Laiop Directly
W^rli on Any Part el lUmcIi

Pivoted Arm Supports Adjustable
Bench Lamp

Three pieces of l-iii, stock, pLvuted to-
gether and momued on tiie wall above
your ivorkbencb, provhlc aus adjust .able
.arm tn support a lamp over any part of
the !)emch, Tim arm i? attaclicd tO the
wall by tlieEins 01 a ivooden IrrAcket .anrL
two metal braces, wdiile a slot in the enrl
of the arm holdis the laiiipcord. — K. K.
Keith, Pensacola, Fla,

Bottom of Square Can Cut to Form

Shelf Brackets

Rigid lihclf Enackuts are caf^ily made
from tlie bottom uL a sc|tiate lln can. ft is
cut in two
a b u n l yi i u -
from the bot-
tom, which is
t 3i e 11 cut
across dhig-
o n a 1 1 y. The
brackets arc
attached to
the w’all and
shelf WM t b
screws driven
through holes
in the sides.


^^5^0NE, or active ysv-
fTtn, chlorine, a wa-
ter pitrifier, aiiet carhyn
flioiidCn the pas u;ie[l in
!^o[la water acid aOnit lire
ext a 11 gu is he r s, may be
easily geiierate<E ann;! nsefl
by the actialetir cheHMSt
to f^erfornt a ntttnher of
interesting experiments,
Altliough some of the
pases pen crated arc irri-
latinp and toxic, no in-
convenience tv ill restik if
the work is carried on
before an open window,
sn that the s dial I quanti-
ties ot such pascs pro-
duced will blow away
from VDU and nutdoora.


□ TON E. atOV^B
RhOM APcH Kmife



1 1 ^ Sites


aiid place one of them
before each of the eipht
jars, except the seventh.
Before this one, a test
tube ctmtaliiing' J4 oz. of
concentrated hydro chlo-
ric acid is placed. At Some
distance from tElc jat?
and tubes, have in readi-
ness for the demonstra-
tion a small quantity of
flowers of sulphur, a
rod and a small piece of
phosphorus (caution —
keep under water and do
not touch). The piece o-f





Also, gloves should he worn to
protect the hands from Sparks
and spattering adds.

1’he set-up for this series of ex-
]3eriments eb Khown in the center
(letail, CiEht opcn-inn-uthetL pint
jars being arranged on the work
t.ifdc. A teaspnonfu] of potas&iuni
permanganate is p3ace<l into each
of these. Then seven test tubes
arc set in small wooden holders
as shotvn in a tie tail at the top of
the page, Put OE. of concen-
trated sulphuric acid: in each tube


pIlOSpllOVUS sllOLlIt] Inc

altout one-linlf tlic size gi
a pt:i. A] Sift li^ivt Sit haiul
]/i tijt. ol cJenatiirfifl alco-
hol, a polls tied silver coin,
a Imifj wood !i|jliiiicr, a
bo I tie o( turpeii-
t i 51 e , 2 0 of It y < I T o ff c n
pcroxitic and a few ois-
aliv-acid crystals.

Everything is n ti w
ready, Pour the acid from
the (csl lube into jar No.
1, TIten i ni m edi at e ly
sprinkle a little snlpliur
from the poiilt ol a krtifc

1 TuftPcfiTiwE Takes
I PtaClMCHlOfllNEr^









I HVI&QftflTm.(i

into the jar. Due to the

ozone, it will take lire
and hum with a popping
sound anJ the smell of
sulphur dioxide. Set an
un lighted alcijliol burner
oa I he la 1 > 3 en T^our the
contents of the secuilil
lest tube into jar No. .2.
TJip the glass rod into the
bottle .tcHt icmncdiately
tOuell it lo the wick of
the burner. I'he burner
will light because of the
action of tbe ozone utl
ihe alcolluL A fc'c drops
of ether or acetone in
tin lid may be ignited itt
the Same manner. Empty
the third test tube into
hottle X<]. 3 aii[[ cautiously drop
in tlic sni.tll piece of phosphor its
front ,1 spoon, fie very careful
with phosplioru-s, Tt would he tvell
to hive tlie jar for this c.'tpcri-
ment in a pan ot water as a pre-
caution. The ozone will ignite the
phosphorus, and it will burn with
great hrilliance. '^Vork neat a win-
dow so that tin? irritating fitllies
may escape. Be. sure all of tlie
phospliorus burns, as it is danger-
ous and will take lire in the air
after ,t little time.




' ritriw

COtni&CUI ftV




■ ILjQt' Ltn'^

UM'RrR Wl[5i'

1 CMmL I&

- tlLMT hiaT EE>

LftVtK Ot

After yuu have emptied the test iTibe
into botlie No. 4, cautiouFiJy pour a tea-
spoonful oi alcohol into the j.-ir. Stand to
one hide and do not gel the alcohol hoUle
dote to tlie jar. The alcohol dropped itt
the latter ii'i]] taJtc fire witli alniost explo-
sive violence. LtKcr or acetone will act
similarly. Be very careful wit!] these dem-
ojiHtraticms To avoid burn ft and ftpaueritig
acid. Sulphuric acid svih Enirti cloth, wood
a ltd also yOur hands, Tt c,m he neut'rnh^-cd
liy Ti&ing ordinary baking soda.

The (ifth j,ar will he used to make
a test for ozone. Tonr in the acitl
and hold a clean polifthed silver
qrsin in it Tvitli a pair of pliers, 'J'he
uzOne TV! II turn the coin black, Next
enipt^' the last three test tubes into
the corresponding pirs. To tlie sev-
enth j,ir also add 2 oz. oi hydro gcji
pCroxiTte, and to the eighth, a
SpOOilful ul Enoistened oxalic-acid
crystals.. Quickly immerse one end
of the wood Splinter in the hn>tlle
01 turpentine. Now plunge the tur-
ps nt in e-soaked ejtd oE the splinter
into the sixth jjat- It will take Htc
. spouta neon sly because oF tlie chem-
ical action oi chlorine (poison),
which is generated here, on I be
turpentine. Remove the splinter
and, while it is still burning, insert it into
tbe seveutll jar. It will liurn wit!] incrcaHcd
intensity becanae of the oxygeii which is
^c■il1g generated in this |ai‘. While the
pi inter is burning vigurcjusly, ]]lu]igc it
into the last jar, and the fire will be al*
n]r)^t instantly 5n]othcrcd as the carbon
dioxide, generated in the last jar, is a fire
CM inguisher,

Ozo]ie is a form of oxygen Tchich is un-
usually active. It causes the spool an eons
coinhustiori of pho-sphorus, alcohol, ether
and ElutnCrOUS other suEjstances when it is
cmicenf rated. Its odor is noticeable in the
air after a thunder shower. Lightning
produces it from oxygen. For homes and
ufficeSj it ih fret|uently produced in suiall
cjitantities by electric-spark apparalms, to
eliminate ohjection,aE>lc odor.s and to puri-
fy the air. The simple apparatus illustrat-
t;d, together with a supply of oxygeji. will
enable yon to o^oiilae a large room very
rinickly. This ozone if set in

the draft of ar] clcdrlc fan, ■will convert
part of the oxygen from the air Into ozone.



Sensitive Lab Balance to Weigh Chemicals


W-!^L LOOff [1

TiilR]CHjiCiH riUF^




&\5? ll'jttt'

I u'h

This simple, rugged tut BCUBltive Sijil-
ance Call EjC Entiil ffcmi odds and cnrla
availahle to any clicmical c^periinenLer or
fdiotograjjlier. When cotiipleteHil. il may
be calibi'aled iivkh measured lengtlis of
copper wire. Tbc base is a stce] plate lit-
ted with tliree IcTfling iicrcw&. B}' turning
tlie one under tlic plll^ yon can bring tlic
pointer to tlie aero markon the s-cale. The
other screws arc used for leveling across
(he width of the base so that llie pivot on
the sivinging poitiler arm xvill '^^'ork freely,
llie latter is pivoted between two up-
fightSj attached to the base as inclic.iteil.
The pivot is made from a piece of a lllfcC-
cornered tile, frvn aides oi which arc
grouiid smooth to fural a knife-edge tfiat









turns in coumerbored iioles in the up-
rights. Tire tray is suspended from the
utnl ot tlic pointer by tucaiii uf cupper
wires as shown. In forming the tray, a
concave [le]3reBsimr is tnrned in a wOCnCeil
block on the latlir and ^ copper disk is
then forced iitlo il by !i am me ring gently.
The gradnateil arc is also CiH from a piece
of copper, and the lower edge as bent at
rigid angles to enahEc screwing it to the
base, while a piece of plain white paper is
glued tn the arc wilEl rltl>bei' ceiucnt for
recording the calibration. If suitable
weights are hOt avaitahEe for calihratillg
the balance, fairly aecuratc ones tan be


.TO,^\EHaTM 'TO CRjlH^

aiTiEwuM = ■ (iCAivi Ok

s scftreuts

rj LEHsrirt- aa esains


14' ■ veftGTH * 6 DR?WS C*
1 oz

niade from eoilnd hnifftbs of No. IS Imre
copper wire, using lengtfis .aS givetl in the
tal>le. .Additional iveiglit eau be made by
ysing fractional parts of tliefie data.

Saltpeter Deodorizes Glue

.A iimal] (quantity of salip?eteir added to
melted glue will kill tbe odor. This will
nc.li barm the glue liut will imiirove its
drying LiuabticH. El ini ina ting tlie odt
especially desirable when your slioj:
a l.ia 4C ment so that the glue fiinie
likely ta get into Hie rooms above.



Ea.E Stnetchej tjvtf U-Sliaii(T3 Kads-
CtCClbcB ClslJbEa a.t B-att[un ct C>1UI*

Bap Hung under Clgthes Chute
Keeps Basement Tidy

Attadied to the tot to 111 Dfadothes cliute,
a bas; H'ill keep 5 oiled clotheii cifF thq floor,
Tii'o iron rodii arc hent to a U-ytiape to
fit inside of the bag, the ends being bent
At right angles to fit into hofes drilled
tiiroii^]'! lhi> Hfipr joists 013 opputiiu: slclvs
of the ehutc. The hag in tied to the rods,
\s-hich hold it open. For dluteii that do
not terrtiinatc between joists^ the ends of
the rods are bent to fit holes punched in
opposite sides of liie chute. Removal and
attachment of the bag is done by spring-
ing the ends of the rods together. — 'H. C.
Thomas^ Royal Oak, xMich,

Coil Compression Spring Quietly
Made into Tension Spring

Wlien occasion
demands, a coil
spring can be
i|Uickly converted
into a tension
spring. To do this,
double two
lengths of wire,
forming a loop in
the center of each
one. Then insert
t li c ni into the
spring from oppo-
site ends and bend the ends of the wires
over the edges of the spring. In this way.

any pull exerted on the looped ends of the
wire is transmitted to the opposite ends of
the spring,— c M, Wilcox, Torrington,
Connect icut.

Easy Method of Making Patterns
with Plaster of Paris

When only a few ci stings are required,
a pattern can he quickly made from plas-
ter of Paris. Mi.v the plaster and pour it
into cardboard niolds of |1ie approximate
shape of the desired casting. If the pat-
tern is complicated, the plaster may be
poured in two sections with the Iasi one
in contact w’itli the first. When the plas-
ter sets, the two parts wilt adhere. After
the pattern has been ca.nt in the tough, it
may be carved tO shape and rendered less
s-useeptible to moisture absorption by
painting the surface with a solution made
by diHsolving barium cliloridc in water.
A coat of shellac finislles the job.

Cigar Box Serves aa Topi Pocket
on Car Door

To provide
a convenient
storage place
in a closetl car
for a few light
tools, a fabric-
covered cigar
box can be at-
tached to the
left front
door. The up-
per half of one
sitle of the
box is r e-
moved for ac-
cessibiiity to the tools, and the box is at-
tached to the door by means of strap-
metal hooks. The box is covered with fab-
ric to match the interior of the car. If
desired, it can be attachcfi on the door in
a position to serve the additional purpose
of an arm rest, in v^'hidi case the Lop
should be padded. — C. H. Landou, Fort
Worth, Tex.

UAfter photographic films have been
washed, following the hypo bath, wipe
tliem with a i^ad of wet Cotton to remoi'e
foreign matter; this will increase the bril-
liancy of the prints.

C opy rig hte d m ateri al

^?i*Doiiirus j
1 &>ilSV(SS?N(lF

^IP - r- - I j

I h A T r?i) lo*
aE 1 V 4 EIN 0 EFFE[ 1 IVE

Building Qui^^f.
into tAe HOM

tests have s h a w n
tlllt :i ncjlsc; Intensity
fibj>VO 45 units trulley
■car ruiikcs 6i}) cousti-
tuies n. stpufly flraln nn
llic Tlervfujs system.
C o u IE 1 e t ll i s u it El t he
fjiet (lint ilrjises are t)f-
teii irritalintt, eiulsHir-
ra 5 S i tt d tSlurl M np t d

sleep atSH'l COfKltKt^e to
fatigue, nm| yon hnve a
tea] ease [n favor of flie
^]u^el home.

One of ilie most na-
torions noise transmit-
ters is tlic average
\V a r ]11 -a i r ventilator.
Retiring at tii^^lit. you
are svide asvake hours

E 1 U?- . 4

FIWEfl s

jMUin MEPiciir

Inter listeiiinjp to a
jnmlile of eon versa
tioii ill the living romn
Ijetohv and I raris milted
to ynur hcdl'OOttI via
this l eoi. I’he neu'
p rod M C l C a 1 ] e cl _' ' g l^a^s
u-(] oT'' off Cl'S El simple
E^id sure reiii^<lv lor
^'fliis situation. PatEs of
/ tile wool neat!}' lilted itl
the vent will allow a
perfect circulation of
filteretl air 1m t it lets no
tlOriiial sound pass (he

If yon live in an apart-
ment hemse, the riLEittcr
of soundproof lloors
and Walls is indeeti Im-
portant. "I'lle family
] i e K t door can III a v ci
their fuin and you can
have your sleep, if tlie
W'alb are huilt of Stajj-
l^cret! ■Stud^,lanJ^^ with in-
sulating hoard l>e tween
the studs ami lime plas-
ter on eitlier side. Tlie
two dead’ air spaces and

tlie s [j LI n d-a lis o r h i n f
Hinalilit's of the insulat-
ing hoaivl ami the plus-
ter make t li i s type of
c o n_ s t r ts c C i O n# US near

>W?S LEyK wftH
1.1 U.E t>L^&TEIOS



nn(] 01 he I' sound -alis-orbin^; items. Keep-
ing^ ihi; [lOist; uUt of Llie hoost in the FirSl
liUet: iii largely acconipliiihed by inSula-
lion fit d HOT’S and wLndosvs, Storm sash,
cart-fuliy lined in felt chatinclSi makes a
dead-iiir spam.': hct’ivo'en itself an^l the wiji-
doh'i' '■h'hLcti is H]uite effective, in a similar
luanucr, n-eii' ivitiflcnv construction fca-
turc^ don hit fjlass ^vhigh tiot only keeps
the heat in l>ut also shuts umvelconie
sound ont. These units ilejjuud Oil fiOlUe
air-tortilitioniiijt plain as they are effcttlvc
only when permanently firttil.

' FdE*!! AIB S?C? ETTWEEnlU^OWEaDf nSfiM

period as poSsihle. Protection
apainst rioisc fi'oiu ahnvc or lie*
low is ETisureE] thrcjupli lireprnnf
c fi II s t r n c t L o 1 1 i.ir I he familiar
"floalins: Ho nr,'' Honrs huih o-n
this 1.irl]iciple UEiEst he iL'arulully
laid, .as a nail or two penotratinjj
iTiroiiffFl the (|uilt and into the
su brio 01 ' wilt spoil tlif \^■ho1e nriit.

A new type of J^rill solves the
problem of ample ventilatitJEi in sleeping:
rooms witlioLtl the open window and the
rcsidtant disturhing noises. The coiistrue-
tion, :is shown in out of the rlctails, O":!-
mits air^ but tLirns back most of the sou mi
hy means of baffleplatCS fashioncrl fcom
hig^hly absorbent insulation board. Be-
skEcs offering hyrglar protection, this iniit
enables you to keep the wincEoiv open dnr-
fji^ rainstorms in hot weather.

Inside the home, there arc many things,
littfc but Important, that van be done to
mini mile noise. I-eatU on ■hvater systeEins
shcnihi be coupled ^vith steam hose to
prevent the motor rumlilc from spread in
over the entire house. Tlie clatter :md
thump resulting from expanding steam
pipes can be overconic by mslallinu suit-
able expansion joints. Sound, when once
present, can only be eliminated by absorp-
ticjn. The .ivcrafjc borne is ma[le more
(luieh by the judicious use of heavy drapes,
mohair upbolstcry, thick or padded rugs,

An Adjustable Door Hook

Where a liook and a
screweye arc used on
large double- doOri to
kcM:p therri cluHed, the dif-
ficuily ofLeti espericnccd
in fastening atid releas-
ing them, can he over-
come by niakiiig the hook
ailjuiitabEe. To do this,
thread the end of the
hook ’for a w'ingnut .int!
fasten it to ont^ door by
means of a piece of Hal
iron wliicli has a hole
drilled in the free end to
take the hook. In use, the
wingiint is turned up
Light] y as soon as the hook is fastened- A
few turns to the left makes it easy to re-
lease the hook fr-oni Hie eve,

Tilting Head for Camera Tripod

A lilting head for a camera tripod can
fse niade by bending a Ecngth of H.^t iron
.at right anpflefi, one end Eif the piece being
screw e-tt to the trb
pod and thi? other
fir i lied to take a
bolt fE>r attach-
ment of the cam-
era. 'I' he illustrat-
ed head lias been
found more cfR-
cieEiE for use in
stellar photogra-
phy than the reg-
ular tilting head,

as it allows the camera to be set at a
greater angle.



Animal Banks Hold Your Nickels and Dimes

IcjifTLhwlst:, eolOUgh

to take t Ke c;n[iis, as
sh own hv the tloEtud hues.
Tlieii glue Ji filler strip !ii
the open ciljje tii the slot
:inr3 sitape it lo tlle con-
tour of Th-e Ticck, whicli [ii
held on the bucly hy slip-
pinj? it between the sides
and into the open end of
tlio coin recepfacle. Olu-
tiifj the ttank to a hu L iable
bai^L' conipleteH it. In iitakLilg the gfOOSe
the procedure is ahoul the sanie escept
that the !^lot cut horizontally in the
beak, aJ'id lilt loot is removable instead of
thri neet, To finjsli the joh, cuf ont and
j^lue on the winj^s and the eycH., tbe latter
heini^ small scrummed reiitforceiHcnts such
a:H uHed in loose-leaf note E>ooks,

(be ]ieck|. with a coin slot in llie latter.
First fay out (he body in 1-in. squares and
saw ont the two sides, which include the
legs, U-sc a scroLlsaw lo cut unit a coin re-
ceptacle in .1 hlDck, Vu\ in, thick, and ghic
ic between the two sides. Nest, cut the
neck and head from a M hy ti-in. piece,
and make a saw slot through the center,

Your nickels and dimes
W ill go a long ^vay if fed
to tliis giraffe, and tllC ,
greedy goose is always
ready to gobble them up.

To remove them, pull OfT
llic ucck of the giraffe or
the for5t of the grjose.
The former is marte in ,
two parts ; the body anrl


Model-Ship Anchor Made from Nails

/knelt ora for
model ships can he
made from nails.

Cut one to 3
length stdrahlc for
t he sli an k, t h e head
end of which is
n H 1 1 o n e d and
driller! for the
chain. Round the
other end of the
shank and rivet it into a hole drilled
through the center of anotlier nail, the

ends of which liave first hcen fl.rtiencd
attd poitiLed as sE>o%vn. — Joseph MSnaro-
vichj lietwyn, 111.

Colored Water Paint

Water paint in any co lor can he made
hy ilioronghly mixing powdered chalk,
B'/i Ih., casein, 6 oz.. and h ora's. 1 oa., after
which dry IJUirit color is added, nnrt the
ni.vtiirc dilutc/l to 3 hrushiug consistency
with water. Although mixed ^vith water,
tlic paint 13 almost ^vaterproof after it
lias set.


CcvfntTi of SmaJI BuUdLn.?a with. RiattEd SUb EajBtaT
with Jack EiurilEif Dtiubk 1 .ev?j'jj!<:

Double Leverage Helps in Raising
Small Building

Wlicr j.ickiiiif up n corner oi a snial]
building or ]>orfh, tiie (.lonlrlf-acliitg It-ver
arranjjomenf will be lielpfnl, espectallv if
tlie llo-or s]|]h ]i:ivc roltcil. First [nat .1 liry
plank under ilie corner of ihe building.
Then u Jack on the plank, anrL pLaec a
length of 2 by 4 -L]n stock bctiveen tbe
jack and tlic roof joist as indicated in
tbe drawing. Tn tliiji way, tlic jack pushes
down on the jhry jdank and up on the t^^■o-
by-four, which relieves some of the strain
on the rotted floor si L]. h. ^J oseph llinaro-
vich, Berwvtij 111 .

Can. Tops Improve Drawer Corners

Tops from tin
cans, snugly fitted
and racked in the
corners of draw-
ers, XV ill help keep
dirt from COllcet-
ing ivlicrc it is dif-
ficult to rcntovc.
This also prevents

small parts in a drawer from hccoming
CHiciglit in the corners.^Marshall ihmth,
Carlsbad, Calif,

How to Install a New Valve Spring
Without Bemoving Engine Head

Hltl: ii simple way I0 install Jt pew
valve spring without removing the engine
licad : Solder a tirc-x'alve stern into the
hast of :i two-piecc spark plug anrl nnhsti-.
tute it for the regular plug. Then net the
piston oit the conrptessiati stroke and ap-
ply CO 111 pressed air to the cylinder through
the tire valve, ^’l^i5 holds the valve doxvn
while coniiirtHfiing ihc spring tO remove
the rctiiitiing pin, after xvliich the air is
released and the valve is pushed up to
change the .spring. When this has been
done, the air is agaiti applied tc? hold the
valve doxvn while inserting the pin. — Ray-
ntond Killiournc, Hudson, Ohio.

Half of Flowerpot Used in He sting
Work on Gas Stove

When heating iron on a gas stove, half
of a clay flowerpot xvill t)v found useful in
cotiriiihig the'
heat around
the xvork. ti-
er saxving the
pot in li a 1 1.
ivhich ca 11 be
done XV i L b a
liacksaxv. it
pl.iccd on t!ie
burner Over
the xvoi'k as
shoxvii. By us-
ing the t XX' o
halves, 0 ti c
above the oth-
C r. the !] c a t
radiation ^^■ilt Ite reduced to a niinimum.
— Joe Chluclai', St. Louis, Mo.

Cutting Marrow Strips of Glass

To cut n arm XV strips of glass xvlthout
breaking tlieni, place the scored piece of
glass between a door anti janxh so tliai tfie
narroxv sir Ip Is held securtly. By gCjltly
pressing oil the larger piece It in posi^iblc
to break off narroxv strips iu this way, —
R. D. Amory, Harmon, N. Y,




Spiked Wheel Drives This “Arctic Outboard”


ITTSa I ,-MAKllt


?i;pji!s^ PIH ° ; ‘ :T,

% ^?)EEL=~


^ DNiVL'WHLLL bE>^Jhi?i
C?.lft|L j

^ C?3riK?tTlNS m
% X n if (

)WI [> PC'ilL

Here is a Sfieejy ice scooter th:Lt you
can make 'ivitlioEit VLSiitiiijj all (lie jliok
yar<ts in the counly trying to fiml a Huii-
alile cranks]] aft, Tlie tirivculieel in luult
Up of hvOOth the axle is a bolt and I lie
crank pin nnotber hoEt, ^]-liiie sliorl pipes
Serve as lieariiiRS. All tlie refit, yon will
note in tlie perspoclivc drawinR-, is the
simplest kind of carpentry. '1‘lie runners
ni'c sknitcs, wlttcb can L>e nndaniiiLd when
you w.ant to tisc tlicni oti your I’eeL The
24-in. tvlitel is easily huik up of hoarrls,
about ^-ir. thich^ and cati he cut xvith a
keyhole Saw if you have no Ejcttor cquLp-
nioat. It i&lield togetlief xvitEi three cleats.
In borinp the hole for ihc axle holt, care
must be taken [o get it true. A j^ood plan
is first to dr ill a sniHitl ptiol hole for the hit
to he used later. When the wheel is com-

ic fed. s-npport the a-sle on a hetich or Ijon
test it for baEsnec. Tim heavier side
e lighLcned by trimming axx'ay part

of one or two cleats. The spuTS are slm-
J.dy spike Si with die hearls cut oft and the
cnrEs iilcti to a point, He fore driving them
into the xvood, holes slifthtly smaller than
the diameter of the spikes are drilled
about \y. [n, deep and 2 in, apart. The
liei frht i the Si-cat .inf I it SI distance from
the front should he adjusted to suit the
user. Th c stroke can al^o be adjusted. To
make it sho^!e^^ set the connecting-rod
hoU hijjher on tlic handlchar, and to make
it Ion get, place the rod lower.

Window Shade Protects Clothing
* When Greasing Car

,An old xxnndoxv sluade is useful to spread
on a floor for protecting the clothing
xvhile greasing p-ans umlcmeatli a car.
The fabric resists oil and moist urcH and
the Hh.ifle is easily r-oHcd up anti stored
until needed again.


POPULAR :mechaxics

Adjustable Holder to Polish Shoes

Kai-Ecned to the ^'all at a oonvenieiit
lieEpht, ihSi adju stable tliue li older h,is
been found entirely practical for polisb-
ing. It consists ol a slotted strip o( flat
iroo screwed to a toe piece acid fastened
to a bed block with a bolt and winjjnut,.
makhi^; the latter adjustable for v.-Lrloos
sizes tjf shoes. A thunibscrc'i.v is used ta
hold tills “slioc tree"' ort a ^^'ooden frame^
which may be attached to tbc wall with a
shelf bracket. A strap provided on the
lower part of the frame, as indie ateiL is
slipped around the slioc and ifi buckled on
the opposite side. In the absence of a
thumb screw 01 the type shown, you may
use a large screweye and wislier, — Leon-
ard Mitchell, San Fradiclsco, Calif,

Guard Prevents Extinguishing Gag-
Flame When Pots Boil Over

To keep a gas 11 a me from being extin-
guished U'hen a boils oi'cr on the
stove, a shcet-nietal guard may be provid-

ed. This is
bent a trifle
narrower than
the part on
which it fits,
so that t h c
.slight spring
of the metal
will hold it on
securely. 7 I
fits over one
arm of the

burner and Covers three or four holes^ III
tills Way, there Is no danger from gas
fumes as the burner is relighted l>y the
flanic under the guard as SoOn as the pot
stops boiling over.

Repairing Glass Graduates and Other
Chemical Apparatus

Timken bases on glass graduates can be
re[>airud with plaster of parts SO they tviH
Stand upright. To do this, prop up the
graduate in a can lid, and then pack the
lid full of the plaster. When this sets,
make a saturated fioluLioit of hariutn hy-
drate in water and pour a little of it o^cr
the plaster base to render it less absorbent
of moisture.

Cord Aida In Cocking Ride

Rillea of the boll-actioji type arc easily
cocked when wearing gloves, if a card is
knatteJ at one end and tied to the cock-
Ijig piece at the rear of the boh. The corrl

is K t a 5 p C" d

without in-
with the oper-
ation of the
ri fie. It also
adds to the
safety of the
user, as the
cDckiiig piece
Is not likely to
slip out of the
finger, which
w 0 tc I d d i s-
charge the

Black Oxidized Finish ?or Iron

Instrument parts, screws, and other
items of ir-Dii and steel, catl be colored
evenly by black osldlzing. To make the
solution for this purpose, dis.qolve copper
nitrate, 1 oz., in ^vater, 4 oz. First dean
the work and heat it Witli a blowtorch or
over a gas liurncr to a low heat, and Im-
mediately dip it into the solution. A green-
ish o.vldtzed coating of copper will fonn
on the surface, Tn turn this black, hold
(he work over the burner and carefullv
lieat it until the desired depth of
lias been jjrnduced.

ItO pro\'i-rlc panels for the carvings on
^ the beak head, six maple uprights, ^
in, TA'idc and in, thick, arc half-tapped
into tlie beakhuad wales and are aftaclled
ivith toothpick doweli and gitie as slio^en
m Fig:, jfl. Wale Na. 3 is extended ftNr-
■^vard to meet the upward cmr\'c of w.itc
No. 4, When these units are dry atid sand-
ed flush with the wales, carvings A arc
fitted in to the panels, as was done on the
hull. It is necessary to trim very closely
to the carving designs to do this; ui some
cases, part^ -Qi the design Itself must he
cut away. In the smallest ])anels ami on
the vertical strips, carvings B may he jsctl.
Two jpunport wreaths, with rih hands cut
off, should he glued into place centrally
hetween wales Kos, 5 and 6 and un the

center lines of the after, short uprights.
W'hcn dry, hole? are f| rilled upward

and hack^vard into the hull through the
wreath centers, into which anchor haw-
sers will be run later. See Fig. 5S. Three
bulkheads are required for the after ends
of the spar, half and quarter decks as in
Fig, S2. These arc detailed respectively in
Figs. 49, S4 and 57. Except for length, the
moldings and columns are all the i^ame.
The Tountl coin in ns can be turned from
toothpicks and their contours formed
with a small round file. Wlien shaped, the
col urn ns arc split in halves a raxor
Edade and glued to the bulkheads. The
bulkheads proper can be ttiade from thin
wooden trays such as arc uscrl as lard con-
tainers. Cul tile lialE-deck and quarter-

{;{)LUMh&? vOlDprj

HUE JLl gihlll;



iWKEi ^^S<l*P^D Tfl ITOMBO HALT"DEiaiCjftLa

r(K.wi^D /


jiL=" "r 111 . I Jij (c ^g^cq

-.-,f i ^

tpfflcA di ■

the hh ootirn strips (touiltl^d cdjjei! (O tflC
thill Ijiill^iicadJ With ttitf vettica] lints
tthert I fit btilklieid curves tneei, and frracl-
UUlly tl}r!ltCi] tilt vise until tlic steamed
tvnnd lies tiglitlj- uj^^aiitsi tlie ctifvts o{ the
]jii>ek l^aeEi liulkheacl slinuld dry

fnr nr -4 hcmi's ; tlini apply iiioldiiigi
and tnlumns to e.itli curved liulkheud with
Cd3eii1 glue^ cut out tlie tluor uiienini^ and
flue (lie a3 5tinbly into pbicc. The g;otluc-
type windows, detailed in Fijj, 49, may hc
u1tertd:ii shown in the photu tli redly lie-
low, Drill ^-in. hr)lcs, ^ in, flcep, into
the spur-rleck hulklieirl f^un ]jla<]ues. No-

cTcck for^^iirrl rvri'ns from two pieces oi
?oft wood about 1 in, rhiek. Also, out
pieces of the same tvidLli fructi iht trays,
about in. lon^tr (kan [he firlished
tengtll o?- eacll curved ImlkliOHid. Stcuni
these pieces- for about 20 mintitefi, then
bOYV tliem and ’cleat ibc outer ends to the
cnrls of the curved block. Round one lonjj
edjje of two h.irrlwond strips, 2 in,

long. Tlteilf put the block in a viiic^ aline

[ice that the half'dcck l>ulkliead e;<teml3
hiph enough tn form ^ forwarri buiw'ark
for the i|uarter deck, and tliat its top is
finished ofif with a half-round rail^ made
as in Fig, S5. Tlic ciuartcr-decli hulk head
Is simply a flat piece of the same thin
wood, tfccorated similarly to those just d fi-
sc dlied. However, hcforc gluing this one
In place, cover the window openings from
the hack side svitll buok-mcntling tissue
tape, available at stationery stores. This





1 (JUKijriP ^tr^


’ i|l)ii\hEn ro tuK^r. of

■ Qvf*HIH r?J^K iiajvuhiHC
?i'lM'jttt 13^1,1 IIAIF xojtn

'.giHs^t/jLiion uf


Esi fiTi^t ruled cm tlie bnick skit veitli Tiutini
Itlk iiJLo iliEintund ;^11(1 tf>ucEti.‘'(1

lip lightly witll ftEl, Mtn: iml purple oil or
Halter cr>1c?r3 lo ^idiiulale ItLided -itEiicK-d
jj]ji.=;.=;. The cvpo5od forward skle sliouM
Ino covered with very tliiu orange Jihell:ic
li> JLge and proleCL Llie tvi[]d□^^■!i :i^:iinsi

^'ou can finisli off the fimrcer-flcck
hulklifnid hy ninikin" JUld ]diKiiig tlic t^vti
poii]] iiLairji, Fifr-H. SO and Sd. L’-ic 'K;i-in,
li?ti'<Kvood Sir ip 3, 3'^ in- gluini? tlieiii

togctlicr to form steps, nnA llien flitting
each asstmldy tn proper si/c. Note the
lliolditlg on llle inner sitle. Glue anti ]>iu it
in plntcc^ tltf foi teairrt fiitl of eifh slanting
outtvartl pHtTHtili-l to the oHteir rail, J fio iit.
si tie st,iir rails are rletailftE in Figr SI.
Round llif endh oi the liorizuntai rails and
glue them info the holes of tfte fjaluEters,
Instead of regular Ejalnsters to support
tFif tj til side stair mil 3 at the [antlings, use
t1f;-in, Hgiiare liartlwood sticks, poiMtC^l at
tiLf tipper etulfi. Tile llorirtmtal outside
stfiir rail!! are niatfhert I'or angles teiih ttie
inside rails ,in[[ their free ends are ioineti
with the ^juairter and poop-tleek niils. The
half-dtck Eiflteh ref]niifs t^^■o rails, marie
hIh in Fig. 5G. The fwn EjaliiHters arc like
those used for the ulEier inside rails de-
scribed hehjtv, Hori^.ontal rails, Vic in.
Sgttare, the top ones sliglttEy rounder!, .ire
joinc^l to each hnilnsifr hy means of glue
am! [lou-els to a tEiirtl stick, haliister-liigh.
lliat is glued anil i>imied vertically ngntinst
file half-dcek hulkheatl. The center Ci'OSS"
]jLeees are niatfe ironi safety- mat eh hoses
ami glueil in plaec .ih shown. l^aUlS1C1'S
for the forcc.-istlc, half and poop-deek mils
ami hall-deck hateh are (ttriied ami fifed
li? sfia[?e the same as tiie cnhinnis iLsert for
the ljulk heads, 14 fseiitg ief[uire3l. Tltev
are ef[iiaUy spaced along eacli rail as s[>eei-





2 HEI]l

CnpynrTii";ey rr^jeri


. |BB|




'1 ^ HALF-lA?ftD

^-'AND Ej^lArDFLU^h
WITH FCflllpUrJtLVmiie

I ,. Kd j mt y
I (>- r fi

MtHiifJu. irsTO
aItaCHCD KftTH 6 UJt

U(p TCSlILf^F L~fr7Li!



^PT ^

^ Kf

and clnwcLc-rt ,it tlic end? ;tri<L g'llied intn
iht }ta]\i?itc'r lio^C^. Spindk? Hetwern the
listers Lire maJe frocti touttipicki^, j;lued
equicliii^nlly bt-lvviieii the upper atid low-
er lioriscmtal rfiil&j liie iiunilier rectnircd
liginf specilieci in the chart. First ass-cm-
bCe t lie HO rails on aoparaCe bluoks, and iti-
Stall (lien on the &]iip after the ghic has
sef, the [IrtweleJ tn^ver ends nf the balus-
ters bein^ joined iutD lioles drilled into Iho
decks. SiiigEe and double &ertd].=;, made as
in Fig^. 53, arc n?ed to join rhe free ends
of the ontHidc rails, their Idcatiims bein^
indicated in FL^, 52, Glue their llalLetheJ
areas to the to])K anr[ ends of the OULside
rails in a straijtlu lOre-aud-aft alilicmcnt
ivith the rath. Use strong linen thread to
tic the scrolls in pliict wliile tlie gflue
is dryinfT.

Mow', locate tlie e^act centers for the
mast holes and rlrilL these into the hull,
heintf Sure to observe the rahe of each.
Alter driilin?[ through ihe spar deck acid
slightly inlo the cieck helo^^-, >OU Itiay re-
move tlic s]jar deeli to finish dl'ilUns^ the
mainimisL liole. All tlircc ma?t holes
should he about 1 in. ricep. Tt will lielp, if
ttie holes must he drilled by hand, to first
rlrill tiules of tlie same sl^c and slant
tliruiLj^b small harfLwootl blocks, and then
rack these t-n tlic (lech to aCt as guides.
Don't overlook the p^lope of (he <tccks fore
and aflK liove^'er, rvlicn ytm tack the
h locks in ]jlacc. The rakes of (he masts



3 'S

4 T?M


fled in llie chart of inner rails. Bcin^
Straight, the forecastic and poop-tlcck rails
are joined '■vith ‘ibi-in, half-round n]a[)lv
rails, dowcletl at each end and glued Into
holes ill Ifie btihisters, as in Fig. 44k The
curved half-deck r.iils shoultl he sawed and
SnanderL to shape^ ai; the (|unrter-t!eek rail.

are given in rckition ttj the vertietil t hence
tEie filtjck;; s}n>tlkl rest Irori con tally, in or-
<k'r Hmt they may he true guides. After
rlrilling the nlaitmiasl llolCj J'QU ran glue
the s]3ar deck permanently in place.

Two forecastle ladders. Fig. S3, are lUatlc
the same a!i the lieakhearl ladder and arc
.attached as shown iti Fig. 52, Cdue (liesc
in ]]osition. Also, pin and glue the stem
ornament to the undershle of the Stem, as
in Fig. 5El

P O V u LA U 31 E C If A N T C S


Adjustable Bed Cbair Is Real Convenience

This a<[jttslable bed chair is iiffht tn liaii-
dle and will be found a real convenience
w Jiilc rcailinj^ in a red in ins' JjOsiHoilr 1’lic
frame is made of ]iar[t\’i nfnl and t!ie back
is paneled with plywood, while tile

^ two parts 01 the frame are bioj^ed tojjeLlier
tv by means oi larijc H^Eoveholt;^. AdjusUiieiU.
in obtained by Ihvo pivoted support arms

fitted ELI llie lower ends with hard-

I svootl pins that fit notches cut in the liase.
Four positions are obtainable, an<l if dc-
sired, more can bo iia^l by cuttinjf arldi-
lional notches.— E the ill M. Love, Arcadia,

iiifilter, three Coats of ruli'lier eriaiiiel are
applied e!^ternal1y, allowiiifi each coal to
dry cfiniplL^teiy before applying ilie neai.
The hcllow? -ihoutd nol he folded before
they arc ilry i>i' they may stick, TIil' rnh-
h^^^ enamel docs imt ciaek and it gives the
belli.nv.s tlic appuarance of heinij neiv, Ijli-
sidcs being etiective in inaktiig them light-
[>roof. Ketiio^al of the hack part of tbe
camera and lens hoard will facilitate
painting and aUon'.H the paint to dry r|uEck-
ty. — A. F. D’AtllFmEi, Lawrence, Kan.

Renewijig 014 BcIIdw^

When tlijl^fplows (fn be-

w* come SO i,vcirti that tliey ad mil light atid
^ mill the Film, I renew them witli rubber
e panicl a t sin all cost. With the bellows
i drawn f^ll length and cle^iied^of foreign

< jMcd.

Heavy Wire Bent with This Jig

Three casters can be rigged tip for the
purpose of bending heavy hvti'c atKi light
rod. d hey ate act in the ends of h,srd-

wood cleats, two
U / ? / of w li i c h are

\\ \ sere VS' ed rigidly

f to a base, while

the third ia piv-
oted atid iti ]io-
'? i'1 ■ .y sit ion non trolled

I T^r'l h^' means oi acl
~ A cccenTric, Mnv-

ing the latter fti
pttsli (lie pivoted caster to the left increases
the sharpness of the hend in the work.




Sliert acTQU Rc^r Wall i>f Dimlv Lights Cigrage HeIjib
Dtivit JudcHi CHBCa.uce V/liea PjrUnn Car

White Sheet Helps Park Cat
in Dark Garage

St retell etJ across the rear irvall, a white
nhccC wi!] :lI[I in parking n ci^r in dimly
li^lited garage. Tlie sheet plainly itKli-
cates rlie wall and enables tlie driver m
jucljsfc tlie [l [stance ■with greater accuracy^

How to Produce an IinitatTon
of Metal Inlay

Good imitations of delicate inlay nsctal
work can lie [moduced with thin sheets of
various-cotored metalSf such as copper,
brass, etc. First solder the sheets to-fjetlicr
to make a dat composite sheet slightly
Larger than tlie size ’,T.anitcrl. Tf it is made
several times larger than necessary., the
sheet may lie folded anti soldered to make
ri thicker piece^ which is easier to work^

Before soldcringr thoroughly dean the
work by boilittg it in sal soda, and then
paint the surface with a saturated solu-
tion of ho rail, heing careful not to touch
the cleaned metal with the hantls, Kc.xt
Sprinkle finely powdered solder over the
Surfaces of the sheets and stack them on a
shecl-iroii plate supported over a large
gas hurncr. Place another plate on Top of
the pile and light the burner^ playdng a
blowtorch on the pile to produce even
heating at the start, When the solder
atartH to flow, carefully adrl w^cights to the
pile to press the sheets into perfect con-
tact and allow them to sweat together,
alter which the fire is turned out and the
pile is allowed to cool slightly while still
weighted. When cool, hammer (lie back
side of the Cunipoaile sheet with evenly
spaced blows to produce deep clenTs,
w'hich should cume through to the tup
side. The nest step is to file the lop sur-
face smooth and lev'cL, tliiis exposing the
lower hiycrsi of the colored metals in rings.
Another methoti of producing an inlaid
effect is to drill into the top of thy com-
posite sheet with a large tapered drill
Then turn the sheet upside down un a
smooth metal surface and hammer the
hack of tlie drilled surface until the top is
level. Any holes left may be filled witli
soft copper or brass trimmings soldered
ill place, after which they are filed smooth.
To produce an imitation of w^ood grain
on tile work, either cut a V^-shaped groove
in the front of the sheet, and hammer
from the Fiaek, Or hamtiScr a deep groove
ill tlie back, and hie the re.su It ing rai-ied
line on |lie front level.

Craftmats and Blueprints on


A Craftmat enabling you tp form
all the hull carvings for this ship mod-
el, and some special compound for
parting the moldings from the matrix,
wjU be sept upon receipt of 50 cents,
Six. blueprint^ arc now available on
this model at 25 cents each. Also prints
on 550 other practical and interesting |
projects. Free list sent upon request.

A sample print sent for 10 cents. Ad- j
dress Elueprint Dept [

r’ ■ .t

CoDv.righted material



Old Truck Wheel Makes Theft-Proof
Lock for Air Hoge


Pilliiijj-statioti oxviiers caii prevent iheft
■of their xvater or riir liogq liy coiling t lie as
insittt an oltl ItmliL drijin rtf a large nin-
tur truck. Holcii are drillet] arouiul the
etlfife of tlie tlruin^ ^vblcli is then turned
upside down and bolted to the floor or
ancltored to the ground over l1ie outlet
for tlie tinsc, A sEccI lid Is hinged to tlic
open side ut the drum and a hasp and a
padlock are provided. — Claude E. Johti-
son, Roma nee. Ark.

InstaJltng Manifold Gaskets

Rj? cutting out the lower part of the
holt boles in a inattifoliL gasket as shouni,
it catt he installed without removing the
manifold assembly from the engine. Be-
fore dcjing tills, tbin Strips of [mass or cop-
per should he soldered to tbe top of the

ga s ket as s b o w u
in the upper rSc-
tail, to keep tt iit
line and to pres ent
leakage, xxdiich of-
ten results xvhen a
gasket is hent out
of shape during
the installation,—
C. Edu'ard Pack-
er, Chicago.

Glaas Frosted by Grtndbg

Glass mat' he irosCeJ by rublnng the
surface with a cloth hag filled xvith emery
powder. Use a fine grade of emery for this
purpose and keep the surfacc of the glass
wet. Lti order to meaF^urt tht progress,
wash the glas.s with clear xvater and then
rub Li -dry xvitla a soft eln>ilt.

Wooden HandlcB Improve Crooks

When small cr-oeks .are used as acid con-
tainers, they nrc mote easily luanipulatcd
if pr-ovided xvitlt woodeu hanrlles as shown

in the photo, A
small bole is
drilled tn each en-d
of the handle to
take a wire, which
is wrapped around
the crock.

in Ptu^tQ^rlptiic Cupr Work Arc A*-<na?d by
AttacHl^E SpVtimCn tr? Clc4r Pl?t4

Shadows Avoided in Photographic
Copy Work

By using the metliod indicated ht the
l 1 lustration, it i.s easy to avoid shadoxx^s in
pliotOgrapIlic copy xvOrk. Tile object to
be photographed is fastened to a plate of
clear glass, xvhich Is placed in front of
the background, and the exposure is thuu
made in the usual xx-ay. This method is
useful for the collector xvho keeps per-
manent records by copying biological
speciincjis, — Jos. 11. Creamer, Astoria,
Nexv York.

Slot m Sawhorse Helps Hold Work

Wlxcn handsaxv-
ing a number of
pieces of xvood of

flho.ut ihc' jcnmi:

width, a slot cut in
the s a w h o r s e, a s
shoxvtj, XV ill enable
you to steady the
xvo rk XV i t h y 0 U r

knee, and leave
one hand free To
hold the end of the work and keep it from
splitting as it Is sawed off. Txvo cleats,
spaced the proper distance apart and
nailed to the to]3 u? the horse, will serve
the same purpose, and xvill he better
xvherc only a fexv pieces are to he sivved.

Copyrighted material

two itcm 5 for your
^ lialjy, ^ crib with a slid in side
and a folditlj^ yard, taij he

111 fide from standard stoefc avail-
ulilc almoR-E anywhere,

I’irst the crib; The eoruer posts
arc 1^^-iu. sTwarc and the rails
are itlade oi ^ by ll^-in. stock.
The two ends and sides are hit ill
u]] separately^ H-in. maple riowel
rod beinff j^lued into the upper
and lower crosspieces. The ends
ani;l one side may he jioiiied with
cither dowelN, ^lucd in as indicat-
ed, or witli screw'S. Brass or iron
rod, ^ in. in diameter, is used to make
guides to allow om; side to be dropped,
TEie top of the rods is bent at right au-
gtufl, after whicEi the end is drilled and.
tappe?l fora screw- witli whicli they arc

s?:-cirr4jEy :Lttn.clic:d to ibt: u|7|.?(jr t.']id uE

the corner pujHtS. Holes are drilled neat
the ends of the upper and low^er rail.s
■of tEie sliding side,, to receive the guides,
which are held to the hot tom of tlic
corner posts i)v angle hra^ckets. A
spring-brass stop, attached
to the posts, keeps the side
lip. To lower it, tlicRC stops
are merely pressed in with

- — -


tlti; Rig'ltlily is obtained

liy 1>i.)tiliig: [1 ■'vorificii or aaiglc-
iroTL Frame to an[:^le lir:i-cki;ts
seretved to tht Iowit r:iils of tlic
(.‘ilda. 'I' lie a|jritsg :nicl tUdiLitosa
nrt tliPFi taid on ibo fraiiie, a1-
tlujufjli, if yon like. |liO
fan bt incorporated in the fi-anic
by tacUjiLj? on atriiis cut Irom in-
ner i.Hl3ie& and tveatinj? Lliem tu-
gethcr a.=i bdow ac the i'ii;dit.

Maple cJotvcl rod.s arc .tko 11 Fed nt mak-
ing; tij.i the si lies of tlic play y.irrL Two ot
the sides are em in half and the
then hinpiec] to^etlicr OH fHc oiitsiile, vi'liile
shllple latches arc used Eo lock them
[j^cthcr. Narrow IntU hiiig;es are also used
at the cornur.T or the inside, fo fasten
sitles toffether. and the two-piece Boor is
hinged tu the lower rails aii two sides, so
the whole yai'Hl can he folded. Three cross-
]>icccs support lhe jf^-in, floor, while linger
holes make it eany to lift.



POFULAU mechanics

ExItm WLiw,. 'Held: on WindibLdiJ fay SoctLon Cupi, It
Ojieralcd by RcKul^r WiiiEr

Twin WiptTS for Ynur Windshield

By using a rcibHer suction cup arid an
cstrfi wiper^ you can also keep a portion
on the right-llanci Side of (lie windsihield
rl-cnr, An [‘ye :k iorined on ihe enci of (he
wilier anil for fiivoling it to .1 sniall holt
oji the suction cup. A Icnfftli of wire con-
nects both wipers uS illtlicatcd.

Portrait Attachincnt on Bok Camera

Recently I de-
sired to take some
close-iips of a
game tab In but
had only a liOX
camera acailahlc,
a II f1 ni y ]i ort rait -
lens attachment
did not lit it. To
■nvercome the dif-
bculty, J made a
lens holder from thin spring brass nnei
pivoted it to the front of tke camera, con-
centric with the camera Tens. %Vbeil not
in use, the hotcler can be pushed donvn par-
allel to the ijottom end, where it does not
inceriere witli tlie reguhi.r use of the cam-
cra.-“Jas. H. Rodgers, Toronto, Call.

CTo relieve s-lraiii on ycuir eyes when
[laming hose, use a small electric lamp as
a tlarning egg; when the lamp is 1lghte<l,
the work is easily seen.

Hole? ill Screen Frame Stoft Leaks
around Casement Windows

After fictMig my new home ivitli case-
ment windows that opened into the rooms,
1 discovered that water leaked -under the
windowBi tturing a h,ird r,iin. This was
Caused by the water collecting hetweeu
the .screen frames and the windows tijitil
it hacked up and ran over the sill. To
eliminate this Irouhle, T drilled a number
of sinall holes lEi rough the Itoctom mem-
her of tlic screen frame tlush with the
top of the sill, which permits the w.ytcr
to run out as fast as it enters. — Leslie M.
Miles, Wausau, Wis.

Improving Your Pencil Clip

Pencil dips of the (ype illustrated can
he altered to hold more securely by bend-
ing out one of the three sections, pressetl
Together to form the knoli on the end of
the clip, as
sliown in the
lower circular
inset. T h e
point ■cngacc'^
with the cloth
Ort the pocket
so t li a t the
clip cannot, he
pulled off eas-
ily. This alter-
ation, how-
ever, can only
be made on a
clip having a
fnvoted arm.

Measuring the Length oi Material
in Rolls

T.engths of rolleci material suCll aS
clotli, p.iper, cable, rope belting, etc., can
[fuickly he deter ini uc<l by measuring the
radius C[f (by end section. To do this, mul-
tiply tlic number of turns of lUEilerial by
the [l i s I a n 0 e A
across the end of
the roll, and tlUlUi-
ply the product by
.2618. This, will give
you the length in
feet of the material.

— W. r. Sebaphot st,

Newark, N. J.

Copyrighted material



“Crack-the-Whip” Hurls Skaters Across Ice


I fu'iuiiBC ie

M?rrtr> ?iih wbl




f V HQti


ClLAraNCp KliUl



y lEfAqiM^
i;^-. 5TRW
n\ ‘flOK


I'llis fjinrt “cT.iclr-the-hH'tiip" witli ils 41 ^-
ft. linlCtlfalartCfil F>eai]i. wlitil
hv three or lour &l^aLL■r^ wit] stitio n coin-

paiikon riut iiicrkJ.Hj the sim'jot h tcc at a
Ijreatli -tak in ff speed. Construction is clear-
ly iUttslrateil in the tlrawiiit^s. Kirst ntaki?
the axle fiupport oJ tun fi hy fi-in. post,
bracec! oti two planks Z liy 10 in, hy 12 tt.
A 1-iii. g^ilvanized iron pi[)ef It. lonj?,
is set about 12 in, into the wood post,
which is buuit^l at the top wit]i strap iron.
For the licam, use 2-iin yellow pine. Tlic
s-eclimi e.arryinp flic avlr-heariajf slintild
])c Z4 ft, long’ atul t[L]jcretl fmiii fi to 0 in.
in wifLth. It is lap -join ted and liolterl at
tlie narrow end to another tapered fdanh.
A hamhoo pole e^ ten (Is 12 ft. be-

yond lilt end tlie pine bcairt, and is fas-
tened with friction tape and a wrappiiifc
of wire. The ohject of nsin^ hatnboo here
is twofold: to give snappy action and also
(0 mininiiae t!ie danger in accidentally
■itrifcing a skater or liyst,inder, Th?^ be.im
is trussed with a cable fastened to n re-
volving cap oil top of the pipe axle, Two
turnliuckics keep the cable tight. The rc-

’i olving cap is slijtlmly count crsuitlc to ride
on a casehantenc'd rivet head, and an oil
liole is jiro^ ided for lubrication. It is iilK
portnnt that the axle ijc perfectly perpen-
dicnlar to prevent wearing or rolling. A
Miitalde weight at the sliort end, Such as
a hox filled with scrap ir(?n or wait'd, or a
H.mdliag wit] serve as a counterweight,
^s'hivh enli liii M’liirLdy 1 miter] itr wirrnl iri
po.silion as sliown,

Jt is a good idea to fence ofT an area
around the ciicle doserihed by the en^l of
tlie ijcam, witli a wide opening marked hy
a red flag so that the skater will know just
Yvlicn to let go of the beam and ptart on
bisi flight across the tee.

CF-or printing photos, flexilile uiasks that
arc more dtiriillle than Idack-paper masks,
can he made from light-struck film hy ful-
ly exposing it to daylight and tlien de-
veloping and drying it.



Plvollld Slwtt-lllABl auidE- EnalilH Ydu to Siw Dut
D-iilcf Surjbitii a Cir’cle- -an tht Work

Guide Aids in Sawing Out Disks

Disks of various rLi.imctcrs arc easily
sawed out witlr the aid of tiiis ^uiile. It is
a jjiece ai sheet inctal, cut and heitt to the
shape 3h??\Vjl iu the iLetail. Several holes
.irc drilled in ihe j?uide to take a pivot
nail, the setting- of wliich determities the
diauieter of the disk. In use, a keyhole
saw is placed in the guidCp which is held
against the liack ot the saw and gui'fles if
as the work proceeds. Altltough the lIIns-
ir.it ion shows the guide wi<ler than the
saw blade^ it sEa-uiihl take only .ihout two-
thirds of the blade, to prevetit tlie uieta!
from getting in contact with the tecfli,
wEiicEi would dull them. AUo, the guiiLc
should be n- sliding fit on tkae blade ; if tbe
guirle is too wide, the edge oL the disk will
not he a uniform curve.

Tack Holds Painthmsh on Side
of Can above Bottom

W'hen it is desirahte
lo leave a brush iti a
puint can temporarily,
a tack can he used to
keep the bristles froiu
resting on the liottom
of the can. Drive the
tack into t li c brush

handle a little ;iE?ove
the bristles ami tllen hang the hru^h or
the edge witb tbc bristles in the paint, —
C, Hi. Packer, Chicago.

Safety Device Shuts Off Gasoline
in Case of Pire

ffere is the way one motorist fixed Ells
car so that the shut-off v.iEve in the feed
line would he automatically closed it a lire
should break aut around tlie motor. One
cod of a coil tension spring was attached
to the radiator above the motor, and ilic
clevis end of an old brake rad was fastened
to the dash with an eyebolt. The other
end of the spring rvas then stretched and
fastened to the clevis, with pin made hy
rolling a celluloid film to fit the clevis
hole, A flexible cahle was next fastened
to the handle of the shnt-ofl: valve, run
over tw^o or three pulleys ,md attached to
the clevis cud of the Siwlng. Tr this way,
a fire around the motor would burn off
the celluloid clevi.s pin and release the
spring, the tension of whieli would pull
the Cable and close the valve to keep the
gasoline from feerling the lire.-^john Ed-
ivin Hogg, .-Mbadnbra, Calif,

Coin Back from Block of Wood

W hen a c o i tt
rack is needed,
one Can he c[uickly
improvised from
a block of wood.
H oles of suitable
slses are drilled at
an angle in the
block, a nil then .t
section i.s removed
b y .1 saw cut
through the cen-
ter of (be holes, —
H. W a y c h o ff,
Phoenix, Ariz.

Annealing Hammered Brass or Copper

Brass or copper that has hccome hard
and brittle from heicig haiumcred, cau be
an nc, tied by heating it to a dull red and
then (juickly plungitig It into cold water,
W'heii liaiiiniering these metaU, it is best
to annc.il the ivork frequently fo prevent

([A few' tables]] oonfuls o? vdncg,ar put in
the first rinsing wa(er for the home laun-
dry will help remove the soap and lesseti
the work.

■ I " : “H :|



l(^''<Tt 3 nE tiowtr Pin
Ha lie 4- Rrini9va.l el

Dinhw Eeatw

KeFliclfir and lie aiIhj;-C<iE 1 Unlll (><<'
l?T Ib AdjiiB!ab]e for lEcJahc Sulcabtc to
Cock VarLoui Fondi

Ll 5 .HtnT 'NHRELV
l4iliUflTtD ffiC-K


i REAME& TO FIT TUDi.N(j — s.

mTxInG BflhL-

H t AT?fl
lUHtNT "■


iE'lWCTkI Cf i OUT-

Eeatstance Wiie, Irom Ordinary Hr-atflr
JylBrnmt, Ib Supr^^irtrd br, Uil1 Iniuljiced
li-ijiTV, Tin Sl4i'i|?Li,

h-TT,L,ENGT>l CF-'

^?1 ^ '?! PE

Alum imllm cake, iian

Si’w BIAF'-ETER.- -



BU&h iN5


tlE^.E HT ,,

Rilhl Detail Shovrs How (Tic FT^jiiing

Unit !k IVircd and Sujipc-Ttcd in i?elli;:i::tai'

is Homemade




OitCduir E?n*ct<d br MinOr Eitily TVgc-(r] hj^

LoubLn^f OMtH in Thk Bsylf*

Device for Copyiil^ by KefiectioTi;

OLitdonr Rccnes may be copiett by re-
lltcUoti vvilli thisi porLable deviee, \v1iidi
folds op and 3s fitted iivii;]i ei Handle lor
cafryiiisj. Two fratties, one to liold a mir-
ror Atid tilt: other a clear glass, are lunged
together, anti the assembly is tlicn binged
to a base. liooks are provided to hold the
inlrror at a aagle and the glass at a
4-5° angle udmn io use. The copyiriK ]3.-rper
is placetE under the glass. Tlie oliject re-
flected by tho mirror can be seen on the
paper by looktiig through Llie glass from
the top.

Spokesbave Made of Pipe

Serviceable spoke and drawsha^'cs nre
eaaJv_;iH-adf Wrist pi ns or pieces of

Steel pipe by
grintling cutting
lips on them.
W r i s t p i n s arc
hard and more
dilheiilt lo grind,
but they liold an
edge [jetter til an
pipes, If the for-
mer are used,
wooden handles
should be iLriveia
into the ends for

Fining Toy Balloons with Hydrogen

To fill toy F?a[loons tvitli hydrogen, get
a wide-inoijlbed gallon bottle, and a tight-
fitting rubber stopper in which two holes
are drilled. Bend ttvo pieces of glass tteb-
itig to an L-s1iape and insert them into the
stopper, so th,at one reaches the bottom
of the bottle and the other cKtends
above the stopper. Slip the hallcjon over
the end. of the shorter tube and fasten it
there with a rubber band. To the other
tube, attach a piece of rnliher hose. NcKt
remove the stopper ami pour .about 1
of hydrochlorac aetd into the bottle. Then
drop in .a few scrap of zinc, which will
cause the for mat ion of hydrogen gas.
Quickly insert titc Stopper and ado^v the
gas l 0 getierutc for :i fe^v nujiulcs to force
out the ail', Tlien sUp the hose onto tlie
faucet aud carefully turn on the water,
gradually filling the bottle in order to
force the gas into the balloon but tiu wa-
ter, Remove the hallo mi with the rubber
band intact on iti Stem, wliicLi tvill close
the latter aud prevent loss of the gas. The
i^topper shouhl he removed from the bot-
tle and its contents wmshed away in tEie
sink, sav ing the reiuaiuiilg zinc for future
generation of gas.

Screw Holds Darge Pot on Shelf

To elimi-
nate the pos-
sibility of liav-
ing a large
flow c rpo t si ip

oiT a narrow
window shelf,
drive a wood-
Hcrcw into tlie
'hell, let Ling it
project above
the surface as
shoum. Then
set the pot in
position with
the head end
of the screw entering through the hole !tl
tlie bottom of the pot.

([Three win [[shield -wiper blades, mount-
ed in a groove in a smooth handle, make a
squeegee for applying kodak priaits to fer-
rotype plates and for removing surplus
tvater froiP films.

1L_rERK 15 a pilots printer that is of snit-
* * ah It si EC for commcTcial work in the
?n3.il1 &liDp, and can he made ivitli orcli-
rinTiry tools from ninterial tliat is rca<ldy

Four franiCSf willi mOrlise-atid-lOjlon
joints, are paneletl with sheet metHtt anc.|
terewed to a hasc of %-ii 2 . stock to form
the 1 > 0 K. Rabbeted strips are screwed to
tlic sides, \ in, from ihc Top, to support
a jrfCuod whici] diJ'tuscH. lEle li^llt

from electric lamps ffloniued on tlie base.
Two vent hIoCs arc cut in (lie rear panel
near tlic top, zlIEow beat to escaipe^ a
metal flap boinf; hinged to tlie frame to
cover I he rents when desired. The frame
of [be lid is mitered aiid rabbeted on the
uiidcrside of the outer edjje to fit the top
of tile box. Tile Iraiiie is also rabheted
n( the top of the inner cdj;;e to take a
piece c.]f pfa.te plass, which s bon id ho flush
with the top of tlie lid to support the ue^-
aiivcs when printiuj^. ^tcral brackets, in’
stead of hinj^cs, arc screwed Co the hack
of (he box so thai tliev project above it
1o hold the lid in position.

Trvo pieces of 1-in. wood, Irinpcd to-
frether, make up the platen, which is also
hitijjed to 3 horizontal piece across the
hack part of the fitl. The screw holes in
the liinfTcs attached to this piece arc slot-
ted to perjnic tlie platen to adjust itself
auConiatically to varioti.s thicknesses of
paper and negatives. A handle, to raise
and lower (he platen, is cut to the shape
shown, and is hinged to the rear piece
witli a spring screen-door hinge to keep
the platen up when it is released. Spriug-
hrass pressure springs are screwed to the




for the Small Shop

'I hi



4 ?S



SaihiVlb- ^1 ipsTHKIi





S1E1P ^-.


TD riT PlftTC
iLfliS fi'^hT





cut IN H[. 1 AL!VkHLL
FOF; V?m

4' iHtLT-

^L^AL l7\V,O.S

u]id c [clc of tlic liLindk^ to btur
bfiss oti Llie platen, wliicli prevent

wcflr on tlic wootl.

A Hponffc-rubljer pad ih- j^luod to the un-
derside of the plalcti to assure that the
no^atis^e and paper are held firmly rm the
jjl.nss. If sptingc Tubher Ir. rmt availahlOp
tilick felt may be aubstituted. A Bpfln^-
brass clip is fast-cacti To the end oli the
handie to engaj?fe ssitli a catch on the


front >Lde to hold the platen dotvn \vhilc
prijii' ipijcf. A leather si rip, iittiu’lLocl to l>fitli
liandle ami platen. puLI^ the Latter lio
when the harulle ir rai.Rcd,

'J'he inside of the hox is coated tvith
alunsiiTtim paint, after which sockets for
sis 00 ‘watL lamps and otie ruby lamp are
mounted on the bottom, Tlie ruby lamp is
wired tiircttly to the supply line, Lille tlie
otLier la alps are wireiL in parallel aiid ate
controlled i^'ttli a snap switch on the stde,
thc.se Lamps ako beiujj connected to llie
sttpply line as indicated In the upper rl^^ht-

Imnd [l-L'tall,

Paint FiUer for Old Walls

Small indentatLOns eauswl by thif"k coL-its
of paint peelitig from interior walli^i mav
be filled wirh The pigment from flat paint
after the surplus oil bas been pottred off,
A putty knife is a good tool for this work.
After the filial' 1 ms dried, it may lie sa titled
flpH-h with rlie sutruiinding surface.

Belting Arratigement for Motor
Fitted with Two Pulleys

Wlien nn electric motor is fitted with
twci ]]ul]t:yH. on 0 -ne end of the shaft as
shown, the belt drives should Ijc in op|)o-

sLie directions, in order to ertualiite the
strain and prevent excess wear on tlic
shaft bearing.

This, of course,
cause?; One belt to
run wifli the s].tck
siiEe on to]], h U 1
tlie savtpg on tlic
bc.ircng will com-
pensate for this
i ncQ n rc n Ec nee, T f
poRsilile, an addi-"
lional hearing should he installed at the
end of tlie shaft to reduce the strain on
the motor liearing. — -W. F. Scllapliorst,
Newark, N. J,



Chicken Brooder Made from Old Oil Stove

Utilizijif^ tlic luiroer assfiriblv
and Supply tank Fnmn an olil oiJ
stovGj a poukf.v raiser made a brooder
liial opera led for lliirly liour^ odi 1 gnilr of
kerosene under normal weather conrli-
itons. Two (li tlit luirrcrs were rtnun'uik
ami the util let liules oi I lie feed line ^rere
plui: ifed tvith solflcf, A bonir-ft iivas pi nvid-

crl to snjjport I he supply lank and [u
hold the assemhly tiprij?1il. I'he hoverer,
which ]H sii]3 ported on hat-ircjn lej^s., was
made fro til Uvu (jieees of slieel metal CIU
to I lie s-iiie and shape slioivii, nttvl rivctrrl
tofifctlicr, Afljustmcnt oi the flnme is tluri’
tiiron^h arl upenijlR id the side of the
Iluvertr, while a hole hi I he top euahlcs
removal of the hurncr for clcaninjj. A lid.
having an asbestos coveriiiK on the u cider-
side tu help reduce heat dissipation, is lil-
ted over the liole in the top. In up-c, tlie
hiirncr is set on the floor under the liover-
er, and the dame is adjuitOil to provide the
correct heat. Care sltucjld lje taken tO
raise the Imrori' ahove the door so the
cliicks cannot loucli che Imraier aUiuld. —

Karl VVi Hitts, Mt. Stoi'ling. Iowa.

inf [.T

hard-cmitro] lever to the hutterfly-vitlvO
lever on tflO Oarliufelor ^veth a rod. forked
at r,tch end ami tlriUcd so that connee-
tiOtis carl he nJade. The ffovernor may he
inonnted on a bracket so (hat it can he
driven liy the fan belt, or at some other
JiarL of the tmicliiclO and driven liy a smalt
hch from the prover tako-off provided cm
the motor when used on stationary work.

Steatn-Ergtne Governor Controls
Gasoline Motor

An old steain-enginc governor will be
found usctnl for con troll hi g a gasoline en-
gine when it is used iu-r Stationary work.
All that is necessary is to remove the
steam valve and connect the governor

Setscrew Makes Good Rivet Set

A set sere ^v ^\ ilh
cmieavc lie-itl will
serve a rivei
set, the end being
tile right Sluipe lo
make a neat bend
on the rivet. Rv
k e e ]] i rt g varsoii s
sises of these set-
screiiVs on hand,
you vvil! liavc one
to fit alrttiist any



Clainp Holds Metal Tflmpbtes
on Punch-PrcHE Table

IfiDEnicinade Clamps Ipt HpldLnj;' Flat and A^aulAr T*nn-
Ulntfo- in PcBitiSn Wh*n C+ntMB-Puoching or Lajfiim
Out Work

111 ceil tei"- punch In g lioles oi: lay hug otit

work on an^'lo iron, |1i(t cbinp ahavvi: in
tlie tipper pit o to will be ^OLl[itl useitil for
hol'd ing ,1 template in pktcc. The base o!t
the (.lamp is a 14 bv i^2-in. section of
iron plate, to which ia hoi ted an up right
[tiemliur of .mple iron. If) in, liigli. A hori-
ffOntal ami, 14 In. lonpr, inadu up dE angle
iron and j'^-iii. iron plate, ltol<ls a loo&cly
riveted handle of ]4~m. plate, croohecl
near the end and riveted In a fork of I he
.irn], A 5-in, lenpjtli of 1^4-iu. pipe, thread-
ed inside and -Hvith a g-aHh milleil in the
top en'fl, i!> loosely riveted to the elbo^v of
the hancilc, reiriorcin^ of lijjKt mntal bC’
ing; xvelded to tlie upper part of the pipe
to strengthen it. Into the lower enrl, a
-5- in. Icni;lh of screw bar is threaded for
adjuiitment of height. The lrJ^^'er■ end of
this Ibarnilso has a fork, into xvhich Ij^f-
En, length of iy^ hy Ipj-ui, angle iron Is
loosely hinged b>' a xvelded boss. This

section of angle iron grasps the template
xxdicn the handle is pulled forward. An
B by 4- in, section of ^-in. Iron plate, held
to eitFier side of the base plate by |^-in.
bolts in txvo slotted holes, is used to gauge
the width of tbc angles being laid oLil.
Tbe clamp shott ti in tEie lover pboto is
useti to prevent slipping of metal tem-
plates on tEie flat plate. It CoitsistS of an
overhanging arm, Ifj in. bigbi made by
welding y^-in. iron plate Iretxveen txvO
lengths; of 4J>y 4- in. angle iron, the xxdiolc
being welded to one edge ct a steel hencb.
.An S-in, piece of 3 by' 3- in. fee is ItUlt-
ivckled to the end of the atm. Over the
flanges of (bin tec, is fitted a vcrti-c,vl slide,
mailc by XV el ding txvo 8-iu. lengths of ! by
1*1 [L angle ii'ciu to the edges of a 3 liy S3-in,
piece of jA-in. iron plate. To the face of
this plate is welded a large nut, in xvlitcll
is insertctl a 10-in, length of 1-ln. screw
holt, the lower end passing through a 13-
in. length of ^-ili. bar iron, io rperl to grip
the template at each end, and held to the
screw bolt Iry a ^i-ilt. Stud. A triplc-hingfd
handle, with ixvo 10-ir. prongs, ■one of
xvhich bears a heax'y metal ball to hold it
doxx n xvhen in place, is attached to a forked
boss welded to the slide plate at the top-

An Emergency Eitpansion. Bolt

An expansion liolt can be impravised
from a bolt and a piece of J^-irt. garden
hose. First divide the hose into three sec-
tions, by diagonal cuts as shoxvn. IheJl
slip the hose over the holt and insert it
into the hole in the wall anrl through tlie
xvork, lEie nut Is draxvn Up, the hosc

sections ex-
pand and hold
the holt. IE
the holt is usci'l
txhere there is
vibr,ation, tCn'id
or iron pipe
sllOldd he suh-
Stitufed for
the hose, — J.
E. Noble, To-
ronto, Ont.,

eWa let I'ing^ c)n h.irdwood or st,Tlncd
wood, can lie removed by rubbing xvith
spirits of cnuiphor then polishing with oil.

popular mechanics

48 1

Chemicit Garden Grown in Glass Jar

FStauUful crystal ^arfLt-ns may 1 >l' grown
in fisn or glass jars using a small

Itniifj of soft coal or coke and a ta I tic-
spoonful cacli of sail, water and lilning.
First dean the jar and lay tilt tual utl tlie
battonk TEioti mix tlie Ijluinj^ water and
salt and pnur the mixture o'\'er the coal.
In two or three [[ays, large XvhiLe crystals
■ivill form, and in a week or ten days, they
will climb to the lop of tfie jar aii(f liang
o^er tile edge. A teaspoon fill each of salt
and water should he arided tn^cry otlicr
ctay lo re]]l:icL- cryslallizalicul and evapora-
tion losses. To make llie dinpluy more in-
teresting, ficvcral j,irs can be started at
tile same time, and a few drops of nier-
Clirochi'ome, colored irks or anilitic dyes
used to give Caeli jEir a difTereiU coloif.
Varied colors can also be produced in one
Large jar by the same ]j roc css.

Fine Teeth at Heel of Blade Improve

Filed at the lieel etn:! of the Idade, small
teeth ^cill cnnhic you to start a handsaw

wi til out mak-
ing a ragged
edge at the
^ beginning of
a c n T. T h c
points ol the
first 2+ teeth
are ground off
SO that a notch
eau be fileil in
the center of each one to make two fine
teeth. Making a few short strokes with
these teeilJ will start a clean, even cut.

Graduated Stop on the Miter Box

A graduated slop on your miter hox
will f.iciiitate tbe work of sawing a num-
ber of short pieces of ei|iial leiigtli. The
-Stop is simply a slotted hlock held on the
inside of the box by means of a holt and
a w i ]i g n n t a
shown, A scale is
marked on the
lower edge of the
bluck, the edge of
the hox hot to in
]>e[ng used as an

FI-isHliEbt F^atEficd Id End dF Wster.liDttlE
PraridEp |,.[elTt l?r FilHnt AWrafr Banctka

Small Flashlight Aids in Filling
Storage Batteries

Tn Order to provide illumination for re-
plenishing I he Yvaier in anto storage l>al-
teries, iuslall :i fountain-pen flashliglit on
tbe end of the waler-boitle hose as shon ii.
i wO rub her li.intla hold ibe flashlight in
place, so that it can be turned on and of!
witFl ease,

Ciinometcr Improvised from Level

For meaSurtlLg the [leviatiim from litiri-
7 mi tat of an olyject, a clinotneter cais he
improvised from a Kpirti lc\'c1, A piece of
llinhl'ood is llillgerl to the cud of tllc level
as shown. A small prolractor is screw cr|
the side of the level and a ]jointcr is
faiitciiecl Lo the
hinged piece so
that it reads aern
wdicri the parts of
the tool are closed,

— Leonard M it ell-
elh San Hmiiici-^co,


S-tretigthsnmg Plaster Casts

Plastcr-of-paris articlcH may he given
considerable strengili by adding sawdnst,
hair or other siuch suhstances to the mix-
ture. For greatest strength, reinforce the
ca.diiig by placing cnai'se galvaniKed
screen in the mold before pouring the
]) [aster. Tlie screen is hotilld togetlier wjifi
w'irc and suspcmieil SO that tile edges do
not project beyond the plaster.

Co riLih‘i:i:j

a nail differs

* witli The type of 'ivorlt, Tn hardwood^
the resiKtancc of [lie wood to the point of
The naH is so j^i'est that a heavy Mow with
the h.'tninirr caiiRCFi (lie nail to vibrate and
bell’d. Tile roToed.v is a series of light
lilows struck pftuardy on I lie rintil held be-
tween tlic thunift and forefinj^cr, or witli
a pair oi pEiers as iu Fig, ^V■L(b very
line work in harclivood, it is hotter to tirill
a pilot hole as fn Ftg. 9. the diatiieler of
the hole being slightly sin alter tlian titc

Interlocking or oross-najling is cJTective
where two pieces of stock are to tjc joined
witli a Hat joint whieli itiuHt liold under
some strjiLii. The nails ai'C driven fliago-
ttally so til at in entering the wood the
points cross aod intci lock (he graiin This
method of n ailing is shown ill Fig, 2 .

Often it is necessary or con^'enicnt to
n-nail old work by driving [lie nails back
info the original Itnles, 111 this case, fhe
nails liotd mticb bee ter if dipped in tbin
glue, as in Fig, 1. They riiuHt be driven
immediately iicFore the glue sets, Crates
nailed whh three-direcliotial corners are
difficult to take apart ivithoul dacllftge.
One wav' of doing this Is shown in Fig. 3,
wliere tbe Joints are pried apart and the
nails cut off with a hacksaw.

In many instances a blunt nail will en-
ter (he wood wit El little risk of splitting or
Ollierwise dailiiiging tEic ivork. Tlie end of
lire nail is filed s(niare across to remnve
llte four bevels iliat form tlie puint ami a
sill a] I hole is drilled s sbort distance into



tiler l)lunt erilJ. Ttlis is followed witli a
drill of largror diti meter than thir nailK
which rcciTus lire end :ind fCJtttl? a CUttiiriJ
cJjje tflat servers lUe ilhers of the wood as
it is driven. A nad flltcrcd in this
drives neatly and holds fully as well in
eloae-gra tiled wood as does the ordinary

Masonry naila arc especially mndc for
fastening' Uglu oni amenta] ironwofkK and
similar objects, to irUiSOiiry walls, The
body of the nail is made in the form o? a
long spiral, whicli c.auKcs it to tUril when
driven, llius loehiiij? it securely without
chipping or o-flicrwHae clnmaging the wall.
Twa-lieatEcd nails arc nohv niEidu for va-
rious purposes, chief among which Es the
erection of temporary seaftolding. The
tiail is formed with one liead slightly hc-
low tlic other ami, in use, is driven In to
llic first head, Ica’i ing tlie second exposed
for ca.'iv removal without damaging ihc
material into which it Is driven;.

Often It is dcsir.ahle to wedge a dowel
which is driven with the cud c.x posed.
This may he done etTectivcEy as in Fig, (5,
by dri^'ing.a small nail in the ccnfcr. The
mail c.xpands the dowel and wedges it
more firmly in place. To deflect a nail in
a given direction while El is being driven,
the point is filcti to a long bevel as in
Fig. 4,

When necessary to conceal the hcadiS of
II ail. H, a ■chip is r.riscfl from the surface of
the work as in Fig, 7, The nail is then
driven io the rccoaa and the chip glued
l],ick in place, Fig, rt shows a quick meth-

od of starting fi
nail in a place im-
posH-ihlc to reach
wMth fioth hands.
The ilail i.H helrl
with the li c U <E
ogainiit the' socket
of the bainmer
hcatl, and el single
blow h.vil! Set elikI
hold it in [>htcc.



WP W ^WJLEi^ CUT [}rt ^OP Hft.




PER l2rRuri OFOyttVaN FWiEA

riEAA*flWS-l6V^ ?JTCH
OCTAMKS-k 8 /?V r 'turCH iSi


iNiZtfOWi ONVi-DiW ywirucsd

Li V alLlVM NOb^MdD JO 3E1H ^
/ijrm ao .diK RC^irO IttWi'U f it^?

dovia HO in? 30v~ra nd zi
LT^UA yo JQ l(V!l 3i]llS

t^a H3NH'h Ha

a^LJV^ MI>/M?|^J(P^ JO N10H31
Cw dOl HD

L iHi!) n HO H IV ^HVDffi JDOil

JO iflo/S^aiiiw ^

tnfaun N dot w hd


HO y^ElOfv

■5 ANd

aves Time



■^IITS trills, winch may be eiU cuit or
[kiplicjituil in larjjer aiie, is n jjrcat
liclpto carpenter!!, fnr iiuickly cleicrniininjf
the (linicrsifins of htH plumb and scat enfs,
Cuverinp practically all leni^liR am( pitches
from orve (o ihrec-fourths, Cut out the
ciiTfCT and the miniherert disks, ifliiinj; tlic
T Lilt or lo a tlli:l CarrlljHtard of the Sanle Aizc
tn stificn them sn ibjit I he mimerals will
t>e arranffcd in tlic order illnstratcil. The
apenures of the cover are lliutt cut oM^


oepy righted mh:*nal

roruLAU mecitakics


and llic lab at the edge ^Lued down, A
paper fastener or siuaM rivet is inserted
throiii^li tlie center to serve as. a pivot.

In nse, let us assninc lliat tlie rise [>f tEiu
rafter is lo Ite b icj. ]jer ruiniicij^ liorizortlal
fool. Set lEie ilisl-; to brinjir tlie ii nine rat 6
bckin^l tliq opening, reading ^'risc nf intlies
■per 1.^" run of eoiminuii rafter.” A[] Llie
Other dimensions eaii llieiili'e read from the
other inflows. The lengtli of the rafter
seih he l3,42 in. fur eaell rutmiil^ fool,
while tilt- let3j?lli of ilie hip or valley rafter
wtU be 13 in. per nniiiiniif foot of the eoni-
moji rafter. Tlic side ent on tlie Jack rafter
is obtained by using 10^ and IJ oii the
Atecl S4]uare atuL marking lor a Cilt utt the
leg Set at 12. Ttie aide cut of the hip or
valtey rafter,s is lljn and 12 on the st|uare.
similarly inai'kiitg on the leg set at 12.
The iiinuutit LO "liaek off" the hip is deter-
mined l>y using ti ami 1ft on the stpare.
euttiitg on t’j. The cut ;teroSs the face of
the ruof boards at the hip or valley is 12
and cut on 12, and the miter Cut IS

d .ind ful on 6. The SEinie cuts hold

true for tii]] or valley sliiirglcs and for
liopper bios, of the square Haring ty]3C.
having the same pitch. Tile pluiiil> and
se.it cuts of tlie liip atld valley rafters are
obtained by using d and 17. Suiting on d
gives tlic plunih cuLk and on 17 the sent eul.

Windshield for the Blowtorch

When using
ri c o w tore b

H'H u t of doors
o It a w indy
d a y\ a s ll i tl <1
iiiaile from an
o i I e a n will
prevent tile
ll.ime from be-
ing Edusvii out.
d’bc bottom of
the c.m is re-
luo-verl, atld a bole is rut iti tilt' side to ad-
mit til's solderinc COIJpcr. Smalt vent liolc.s
are also cut in the sides near the top.

([There's a s.implc trirk In replacing the
housing gas-kets oil the rcnar asle of a
niodel-A I'^ord. After (ho studs liavo liocn
removed, tear the gasket in two, elevate
the jack aiid insert the lop s.ide first. Theu
lower and insert thg hottoai silIc.

Tjirjiilllilt Nnilri SluiJii|' Wijod SlrJjSi Provides
Quiclc-Arting Caver lor Trijcle Baain

Hardwood Strips Sliding in Grooves
Hold Tarpaulin on Truck

Tacked to transversal I liy 1-iii, linrd-
woml strips, vvElich slitLe on tlie sides of
the truck Ijody, this tarpaulin is quickly
11 u [led over to cover the loarL The sides,
are fitted witli guide r.iils thg same length
as the body and raised above the sides by
1-in, Idocks at eadi end, the cfELiisversal
St rill s slitliog in the oficnings, .'\ ^vonclcn
Strip is 11 ailed ml the outsiile to cover the
opeiiiiigs aii(f teeji'' iftc ■llid'i r?^ -JiM^ps in
place. 1-arge hooks af the etui ot th'tmfiotjy'
fasten over screws flrivcn into each end
of (lie reap strip to hold the tarpaulin
when stretclied over (lip truck.

Jack Blocks for Use on Plantre

Small jack blocks to keep work from
spriiiRing under.! cut n3ai.le with a Ijlauer
or sliziper, are easily made. A U -Sill aped
piece nf stci''! is drilled ami tapped at the
cud for an adjust-
ing screw, which
raises or lowers u
.steel finger pivi>t-
cd 11 ear the open
end, Tf desired, tile
head of the licreiv
in ay li'C ? c[ Li areil
ajitl a wren c El ttsed
for tu riling it.

''.TryririhT::: r Torinl


4 ^

Sha[H:r Head Serves as Spindle Sander

A Tiehe-Fittlni! Sandpajjff-Cswfd WucJ?v SEtcve on

SlLBp^r Spi-n-rjl^ forint Efficicni Spljitlk Sander

It's nil ta^y matter to ini[JTOviHC a spitl-
(llv sfimJer em a sliayer head, '['urn doi.vn
a block of h,iTflwood to lit tlm siiiiulte
STiuj^ly, and t^vi^.t a piece of sandiiMper
spirallv around tlie cylinder tlins fonmal,
tackinjj the pajmr to tlic ■\ennd at lltC etldi^
otily, su tfiat the tiicks will not come in
contact hh-ilh tlie v^'ork, Aijuard for ,i two-
head cd shaper can liC r|uickly in.ide frinii
a piece of 1-in. wood liavins a larf;e In>1e
borc/f! at eitlier end to fit o^er iKe Hpin-
dle.s. The }r|jard liliould alno he iliade of
liartiwood, and, if desired, n reinforcing
piece may he gined over il, witli the frrain
lainning at right kilglc-Sr wllicll wif] g'rcat-
ly Strengthen the formed nt the ends.

Detached Elsctcnsion Rod
for a Drill

An e - 1 C t e n H i [j n
rod f[nt drdEs, liiat
lioldji thetn secure-
ly and worts on a
different prLncijdc
til an ]noSl extei'i-
sioti rods, is s3lCl^^■n
in the drawing.
First, the drill
s 1i a H k is turned
down to ht a liolc
drilled in the end
of the rod. Tliis
]i u 1 e is s 1 i g I H I y
oval, leaving a cresceiu-shapcd space into
which a small pin is fitted. In use, the pin
is forced toward tlie narrow end of llie
slol ^vhere it wedges (lie drill shank se-
curely, The hole iis formed aH follows:

First, prick-punch the exact center of the
ro^l and scrilie a circle the tliameier oI a
hole lo hq drilled later. Prick -punch a sec-
ond center on one side, the flistaucc he-
t^veCi] tlic two jjuncli marks being ecfua!
to tho widest part of the crescent portion.
Then drill a hole centered on the second
punch mark, doing thin on a [ErLll[)re!^s and
ijeing careful that the rod is heltl vertical
so that tite hole will he parallel to the
side. To complete the rod, it is chucked
in the lathe Eind the center-scril>ed ]]r}rtion
of the rod is bored out, which resiilLs in
an oblong hole.

Plug for Water Pipe Is Made
from Bolt and Inner TuIk

Recently I liad to plug I lie end of a
broken nuiec pipCj and Iniving no plug
,ivaiLfihle, one wa.s fpiickly improvised from
a holt, two washers and a piece of an
Lilcl inner tube. Enough of the rtihher
w as wf o u n fj
around the
holt, liet weert
the washers,
to fill the pipe.

1 then insert-
ed tlie impro-
vised plug in
the pipe and
d r e IV up the
]1 u t, w li [ c h

caused the
T Hi 1 > b ■: T E o
li u 1 g c and
Lightly H. e n 1

the eiifl of tite pipe. — Geo. M. Shera. Ox-
ford, Oliio,

Symptoms and Causes of Trouble
in Car Differential^

Tlie in II owing syiiiptem& will aid in de-
termining troiihlc th.it may develop in the
dffTereiitial of a car. l:liim].iy, jerky noises
and grating .spiind!! nsnally iiiLlicat-c a
lirokcn gear or bearing, wdiicli should he
ininicd lately replaced. If the rear wheels
fail to move when the cEulcli is engaged,
luok for a li-rokcn key or drive piuiotl, a
broken thrust hearing behind tlie drive
pinion, or posaiEdy a broken universal
joint, jiropeller or axle shaft. If the axle
grinds when t timing, the differential gears
anil hearings pruhably arc haJU' worn.


7Er\’liERIXG cdnsists csacnLiiRy oi
Joining a. slieet of thin stock to a core
of tilickcr nnt[ clieaEJcr wood. To tto tliis,
you win ncc<1 a press Hint eserts a Htiiform
Jjresifiure over n larfrc fiiii facc, A simple
one for flat work, which has a nia?!iimiiii
capacity' for work Jiica.'nirhif^ IS by 4f) in,,
is showtl in I’iff. 5. A caul nr prc.is hoard
is made from 'vie- in. Iiardiivood, to wliicli
arc H-crewed It I if same nunilicr of hard-
wood bars as then; are sect iu ns of ihc
press. Tire lower udj^cs of the hai's arc
rouudetl about im from titcedge to the
center. H'Ork should always he Hupported
on a bottom hoard as shown. IV hen re-
iieerinj^ work not c;rccedinjj 12 hy 20 in.,
the press may be made as in 7. The

top jaw of each section ts pliined to the
S^iUe curvature a^ the li>ars mi the caul

show']! in Fig. 5.

Althouf^E], in H-ortic ivorlr, it is necessary
[o build up a core from solid stuck l>y
sEoiveiing' tof^cthcr a numlicr o? strips to
make the required widtlp (dyivood can
g-cnerally he used. Birch plyuood is, per-

haps, tile best, thoitgh ivhtte piite and fir
will serve. Ttie Core Stock should always
lie Cut at least in. larjjcr each way than
tlic HinisKed to allow for trimniing,

Tf the veneer is of darker wood than the
core, the csposc^l eil^eg should he built
out with narrow strips of lltc same kind
OI wood as the veneer. The strips should
he of the same thickness as the core stock
and are ciCjjc-fj'liieil lo the core, as in Fig.
Ul. After being cut to the rough sikCh the
face of the core sliouEd be rouglicncd as
in Fig. 5 k to give llie glue a better key.
Tikis can be done with a bnicksaw belli
with the blade inclined slightly 0]jposite
to the direction of tlic stroke. The sur-



fac<? is ^vOrktid aver uniformly and cart
jihould 1>e taken ]io[ to form any deprea-
sronji nr to rouuL] tlic edges.

^^■^l ter proof c.iHcin ffluc is licst for kiy-
tt 1 g' y til ctr. A tla]f-ni][l-l]al{ Krdutirm of
w tiler and casein pouiler la too stiff and
ruMicry for venter n\irk, ami it Ls best to
[iiLtLsurt Uie C4^u,il nnitmnts anrL (Hen atld
a small t|ua]iliLy of ivatcr. After a tEior-
Otljjll itirtinff, tile fjlrit must ht used at
nnec, for it rapidly loses its adliesive
itioH. It c fore mixing and ap]>]ying tfic glut
to iht surface, the veoeer sheet is cut to
(he size of tlie eore, uliieli may be done
with .1 sharp kiiifc, as in Fig. S, and the
press is assemhIeJ on a level [loot with the
lint ton) hofird 111 plaee, A piece of heavy
wrapping paper, cut to the same size as
the veneer slieet, is also provideti. Tile
glue is spread evenly on the eorc with a
Irrush, ,Tntl the veneer is laid in place with
the [?tL]]cr tm top aiitl I he pressure buarti
or eaiil over this, after which the asseui-
hly is <]uiekly placed In (he press and the
screws tigliteiicd until you are sure (he
veneer does not lend to slide out of place.
Tlieil tigiiten tire sciews uniformly untiL
rlie veneer is ilrawn down [lj the eoiv nc
rhe cflges, Tlic work should he left in the
(ness from 8 to H llOufsi.

If it ii necessary to huild up a core of
solir! stock, (lie latter shtmltL he ripped in-
to stripy not iliore titan ^ ill. ih'ide aild
doweled together, witli the grain rroFifiing
I on Hidjacent pieces an in 1-ig. 10. It is liest
to face lioth Hides of the liuilt-up core. Ju
facing a witlc boirtl, tlte \'eneet should

( always he laid mi llie heart side, for in the
tlrying lliiH side tends to become com'cx.
l"ig. n details a methml of foroiing tlie
core for the curveil ty]jc of drawer front-


4 S 9


The waste piece.H are used ai Calils
wlipi) vcneerinjf 1?oth sides of tlic
cure fn one aj)eralLOTi 4 The sur-
faces are veneered just as llicy
come from the saw, flic gut liav-
ing heeii made uuiforin. A nielliod of
f^roovin^ the cpirvett clrahvci' front to tahe
tl]e hottum panel in indicated in Fi|^, ti.

Veneers of ihe finer woods often come
ir narrow strips, and if tine core is wider
than these, a sheet of veneer must he built
Up SO tliat the j^rairi niatclies a^ nearly as
possihle. The edges lo he joined are
planed true hy clamping two strips be-
tween narrow pieces [)f waste stock, as in
Figf. 4, and rnnning a sharp joirder plane
lij^hlU' rtver the erlftcs until they arc flush
with the top edges of the guides. Another
metEiud of cuttirifta true gdKn is indkcatgtl
in Fig. ], the veiieer heing la&lened to a
piece of waste stock with tape, iaitf over
the joint lengthwise and also laid cross-
i.vi,&e as hi Fig. 9. In pressing the built-up
sheet, the taped side slioufd E)c uppenuos-t
so thatt in removing it from the i>ress, the
tape cart be taken off hy sponging or

Sand Prevents Grea&y Floor
around Oil Pump

To keep the floor around an oil pump
from becoming greasy, place an old auto
casing around the base of the pump and
fill the encircled Hpace witli clean sand. In
this way, the oil ts absorbed so that it will
not spread. When salucatctt, the sand iSj
of course, replaced.

Pit WOtt




popular MEf HAXICCv

PlurtEen. Hold T[>alib<(^i and 5(ca.dy
W[>jbEr Wluji Rep4LTBn.E ?lAte E?iE

Rubber Suction Cups Hold Toolbo:c
on Slate Roof

When repa[rittfi; a slate ^uoF^ t^vo rubber
suction cup Sr such as those used tor clean -

[]]^ drain pipes, will l)c found t?f ad van -
Cape to tioUL a liplit toolboK oci tile roof.
The cups arc fitted with sliort lian flics,
ivEuch lit into [dpe litrap!^ nailed to the
lorver e<[pe oi tlio bus. Adjustment to
keep tlic box level is obtained by tl rilling
several boles in tlie cup liandlcH to Lake
pins for tbe pipe straps to re>t on. The
worker m.iy also use one of the cups to
sLeady himself on the roof. A sponj^e is
kept in a can of water for inoistetiing the
cups lO make them arlhcrc.— “J.inies If.
Brundaj^c, Kalonab, N. V.

Lubricatine Inverted Elicctric Motpra

cap. Tlic free end of
about iU- afjove the
SO that the ri^jht amou
into the bearing.

Electric motors
that arc nKiontcil
in an inverted po-
sition can be prop-
erly ! u b r i c a t c tl
with a U-shaped
copper Til lie, wliicli
is su list it uteri for

tlie res 111 ar otter
(be tul>e should be
liPttoLU of rbc shaft
[It oL oil will be fed

A Durable Metal Paint

Hi^ltly resistant paint for protectin[^
Ptetal surfaces against corrosion, or for
use as a base upon which to apply other
fiiiislies, may l>c made by' dissolving flow-
ers of sulphur, 1 on., in 9 ok. of turpen-
tine oil. Cautiou.sly bcnTt the turpentine
to aid Hie solution of sulphur, Turpentine
is iritlamuialile ami for tlii^ reason the va-
pors sliould be rcnio^'cd hy vciUilation.
After the siilpliur has d iifSfdrtMl, stir in
liigli-gradc liiisced-oil varnisli, S ok. The
paint may l>e colored black Ity .adding a
small ciuantily of lampblack, or it may be
colored by using ainc white. Other colors
eipi l>e produced by adding dry paint pig-
iiienlS. Befute adding the pigment, it
should be mixed witli enough paint to
form a paste.

Tap Inaprovised from Bolt tq Repain
Worn Threads

For repairing worn or battered threads,
a tap can be improvised from a bplt or
.Htuil. It is grooved at tlie eml as iiLiDi.vn,
.and t li e n
screwed into
the t li r e a d s.

Holes can he
tlireafled witli
it if tliE work
isnot too bard.

— E. Ti I gli-
nt a II, Wilkes-
Barre, Pa.

Adjusting Valve Tappets

Afucli time may be Rnved in a[ljusting
automobile valve tapjicts by using tile fol-
lowing system: First determine the liring
rriler of the engine, ivhicb may lie fnuud
on tlie manifold, or in the instruction
book. Crank tlie engine until tlie intake
^'ah'e on the first cylinder has Just readied
the point of clnaing, then give it an addi-
tional lialf turn. TFie valves oti tliis cylin-
der are now adjusted to proper clearance
and tlie engine i.H cranked to the next Cyl-
inder. This will require only onc-lialf turn
on a four-cylinder engine, oiie-tliird nu a
fiix-cylindcr engine, and one-fourtEi of a
tnrii on an eight -Cylinder engine, Only
two revolutions of the crattk are thus re-
quired to complete tbe Job,




Uses for Steel Balls in the Machine Shop

WiltM 5U0

MAHCrttS^ 6'*' 1MPPE=*IWL>

AKt U5tn TO
Mini- ?lT


in ETEfitH

F[/i prvQrS






wLldEB To rod




AMD- Then soaTHACT

TO on SF^ljlRltAl.










END FT. Ay <3f



FLiihJi^ht T?pcit ta Gr?a? Gun TliTQiVn Lijlit Srilitti
an the GtcS 3* HJppIn

Flashlight Attached to Ore^afic Cun

Here is A handy mclhod of threnvinjj a
lij^lii beam where it is tciost titeded when
greasing a car^ an<l yet have both hands
free to operate the grease gun, A flash-
liglit is ta]]cd (he as ‘^liOvvn, and

wiiL-n it is turned on throws the liglu on
the grease nipples.

Lacquer Brushes Kept from Dryttig

Where ]ac<iuers are used inierrnittentlj',
as in manual training .hcKooL, the Ij rushes
cai5 he prevented from drying out by keep-
ing the pnalnt in glass
fruit jar>i and hanging
the brushes Iroin the
lid so that the bristles
arc covered by the li<]-
ilid. Vou si [Cl ply solder
a book oil tbe under-
side oE each Eid and
suspenJ tlie brushes
from a c r c w 0 y c s as
shohvrt. It may he nec-
essary to shorten the
brush handles to keep the bristles from
resting on the bottom of the jar.

Steam Poeketg FUiirunatcd in Engine
Cooling System

An ill tenml -combustion engine operat-
ing with the cooling system rear the boil-
ing point sometimes gives trnuhle fjccanse
of the formation of a steam pocket iu the
water-outlet pipe. This creates .a hack
pressure against wdiich the ordinary ceii-
[rifugal pump cannot force the whaler, ami
ati entire stoppage of the circulation sooti
occurs, There are several rcniedies to over-

come this trouble^ some of which are:
forcing a greater-volume of water through
the coaling j.ickct& hy either speeding up
lEle ]mmp or providing a greater liead ; in-
creasing lEle sise of the outlet pipe to han-
dle the increased volume at tiiis point due
to the heating of the watcr^ or removing
lEie steam pocket and straightening the
outlet pipe so that it extends upward.

Tool Provides Tension for Winding
Wire in Lathe

TEais tool can he set to hold wire at the
I'ight tension when windiTig it over a man-
[Enel in a lathe. It conststs of a piece of
iron having at one end twm fixed pins and
bet u'een them a
metal disk or ec-
centric, ivliile the
oti ter end is shaped
to fit ill the lathe
toolpost. When
wire is jiuEled Eie-
tweeij the disk and
pins a tension is
jicoduced, which
can be adjusted
liy turning tliC eccentric cloKcr to one of
the pins.

Ridges Hold Cylinder-Head Gasket

An engine that cau.ses trouble by per-
sistently hurning otit the cylintler-head
g.lsE^ct at [)nt pointy may Ejc repaired by
cliiseEing several ^jiUiall ridges in the btoek
and the bead at the point ^vhcrc the burn-
out occurs. The sharp rLdges^ which
sbouEd be continuous across the area
where the trnuhle is located, will Eiold al-
most any gasket.

Locating Nolsqr Tappets

Noisy lappets
on overhead-i'alvc
motors can be lo-
cated by placing
small pieces of
cEocli between the
rocker arms and
tile iJusEl rods. Ky
removing the
])ieces, one at a time, you car puickly de-
tect wliich tappet is causing the noise.' — ^
Robert P. Shaw'j, Jr., Kansas City, Mo.


^■1 iiy

Dutch-fbot Table

Ca n Build


LffiKT Tvcfinpraf Sofnwf, O^iiVwbo

■r\UTCH tulilts of
thit sort were

ry -popular duri-nj^-
the e;i!rly eighteenth
eeiituty in nearly ail
of the thirteen colo-
nies, SO ate quite in
keeping with the pres-
ent vogue for colonial
futni Litre.

Walnut and maple
arc the two woods
most stiLlahlo. It will
prohahly lie necessary
to glue ttp Stock in
order to get a wilEc
enoitgli piece for the
oval top. Care fonst lie
taken,, when selecting
p^etcfi^ to get them well
matched in grain and
color, especially in case
of large figured woods
sEicli as ^vahmt. After
(lie pieces are glued tip, they should be
elaripcd securely with E>ar chiinps and
ItandiiCrews as shown in Fig. 1. lie sure
that fhe handticrewg draw the pieces tight
against the faces of the bat clamps to In-
sure that the Ih>P will tie flat. When the
glue is dry, plane the to]i true and SttlOOth
and saw it to shape, a paper pattern being
used to mark out the oval. After tlit tOVi
surface is finished, the edges should be
rounded slight ly. Fig. 2.

'rhe legs of the table are raked ct]ually
in both dircctiong so that the angle at the
ends of the apron ijieCeS, COillpoSing the
frame, ate all cut on (he same slant. These
pieces shouhl he mailc in pairs to assure
their being exactly the same length and
slant. The legs, -Hvhcch are fairly' slender
when finished, rct|uite a full l|'j-in. square
.section of stock. The actual or first cen-
ters ate laid out In the usual way by draw-
i-ng diagonal lines across each end and


triarkiriig tbelr inicrsccrinn with a punch.
The oJT-center ]3uncb marks are spaced Ys
in. below tlic first center on the foot end
and. J>l!t in. above the center on the top,
measuring along a diagonal line iu each
case, as sho-ivii in Fig. 4. The upper 2Y
in, of tllC legs nre left squ.are for do-\^eUrig
the apron pieces to them. The stock is
mounted in the bit he, using ihe first cen-
ters, for turning the etilil'C length, w'lth
the cKception of the squared porliotl. The
work is then removed from the lathe and




TOR kML3, (iCviL ifl


V'f Ctw’tfl




3 jh:i Liia

f flin 0 u [] tt-'il b-L'twccn ihc- Kccocid or ofT-cecJ-
ttu- ni^rks, Be sure ihjii elie work is se-
curely mciuntccl, !ior it has coasiJerab]*
throw until it has bee IS lurneJ tiown
ajjain, C-arr must also l>e fElkori to set the
loolre&t Far cnouf^h out so tliul it clears
the work when it is revolve<l hy hauJ. If
your lathe haa variable spcofls, rise the
slowest one, Tii any cane, uhc a sh:iri>
an (3 take very hffht ciitn ucalil the
lull! of tlie stock has lieen removed. The
part which forms the foot in not to rued
down, hut is left thq nrig'inal diameter.
Figs. 5 atid 6 show how the foot and iip-
per part of t3ie leg are formed. The leg

should be lieveled to the same an-
gle aa the sljtnt of the legs, the low &ide of
the bevel coining to the outside. The
fra use should 1>e fitted tip ?utd clamped hy
th E use of bar clamps and wedges as io
Fiff. 8, to be sure ihat it will pull tip true.
While the lift me asscmhled. (he tops of
the legs should lie murkerl for slaut to be
planed after the frame is taken ai>art. Six
screw pockets, to fasten the top onto the
frame, shontd also be made at lliis time.
Tlic gitjing of tlie Icg-nufl-apron assembly
i.s next. Be sure that the legs line up Tvilh
eacFi Other ly checking across the top
witii a yardstick or straightedge, as sliuwil
in Fig. 7 , Ijcforc the glue sets.



CorrCi^iirC! Chemicals

Cuiroaivt; clicinifala tlliil attack lillet
pEijjcr may Ijc fasily liltercd tliroujjh a
jjlass fiitiitc], tvliicli liaR l>c-i;n filled with
finely itohcilerutt fflass, Larj^cr pieCea of
glass, or ti ttifl of glass wool shouh.1 be
pLlCcd in llic base of the funnel to
prevent I lie fine powder from paSaiiig
th rough. A tuj'l of col I on nia>' Ic pressed
into a ftinrid to fiber non-foi'i'osive ehem-
fcah. This filtering mellioti is (]uicker ill an
witli use of paper, and is usiuiMy as satis-
factor)' if the precipitate is not to he saved.

Adjustable Craith Controls Leverage
on Hoist

By fitting a hand-operated hesist with

this adjustoMe craiik,

Eotll tile Crank and
then H lotted for ctanij
Increase or tlecrease o

yH>i1 Can vary the
)everaf;e to suit
llie ivcigKt of t!ie
loarl. The grip is
removed from the
crank and is tiltcvl
to a length of Hal
i ron of I h e HhT me
sise as the crank,
ilie new piece are
ilig holts lo jicTTitit
the leverage.

Extenston on Hacksaw Erame
to Make Deep Cuts

Having Some
work that was too
flcep for my hack-
sa w , 1 in a d e t h e
illustrated ex ten-
sion. Two pieces-
of fiat iron were
pivoted to the
frame and holes
were rl r i 1 1 c d in
them to lake the ]dns in the adjuRting holt
an-r! the handler The lower ends were fit-
led with ]]ins for liuliling a aaw hlilde. —

A. H. WaycliofT, Idtoetits, Artz.

Strings Warn of Low Door

Siispen<tcd from ihe ceiling, a ron' d
strings enn he useil to warn persons of n
low doorway. The firings should be bung
so that they will just Strike the bead of a
person who is about two inches shorter


Row of Strings Sui[>tndf-<| (foim C-tUui* Waspfi PtJ-
ai a Law Dourwjjr

(liaii the dooruay. In litis tvay, anyone
wlio iR tall enough to strike his h-ead will
he warned in .mi pic time to "duck,"—

Leonyrd ^fitchclL iiati Fnin cisco. Calif.

Tar Paper K?ep? Shop Floors Cl?an

Orflinary tnr paper will make n goo-cl
Covering for silo];i ami factory floors llial
nre likely to become eorfred 'Wtth ghio or
otlicr litjuicis difficult to remove. The use
of tile paper is especially of value in book-
hindci'ir.s and around sofla founlaios as it
can be replaced at a loiv cost. Further-^
more, it tvill not curl up at the ends and is
very caKily cleaned.

Scale for Sorting Rivets

Sorting civets and small bolts is simpli-
fieil hy tlic UHC oC tbu illustrated f;auge and
scale. It. is
matlc fr-om a
piece of steel,
which h.V'!; one
.side slotted
for mea.Ruring
d i a m c t u r s,
while the Olli-
er sinfe is grad-
u a t e d for
ii1 ensuring
lengths. The
scale is easily made, and it i? well worth
while in sltO]]H where all sizes of HCtews
and small bolts arc thrown together.

y; l!’C'


Can\bu Solve these Puzzles?



A ERICK w e ii & ji t
[|] nn:Ii as ninfr-Ttnl hs
of a brick ajid cij^lit-
tunths nf a pi?unJ. Half
a hod anti half a brick svcirIl t^vcuty -&i S.
]i Oil 1 1 (is ]L'&s^ tba]i Llirce-tiLiartcr’; nf ci hod
an-rl tlirL’c-f] itai'rcu's fii' a liTick. How many
brick:^ tlufs ihc wfnkmaai'i bud ImJd ?

V FTER hictnif;^ .li honicri]]!, [he baseball
^ [.daycr rmiiLded Ihe liases iri lint If a
ninutc. Ue made the first tliree-([uarters
Ljf the journey in Knir sccnruis less time
than teas cunsmiietl in Roiiij^ the last
(lifee-qiiarLecs. b’roin lifittie plate ti> l1rst
base waF> Cfiverefl two seconds q nicker
than from scenne! to thirrl. His time from
third to home was one secdni'! slotver than
the run fritm firnt to secofnJ. How hnij^
did k take the idayer to readi fir^t after
hittiiifT flic hall ?

JOHN SMART lost $324 on the first
raeL\ and earn -third of wlj^t he liuti

left on the sec-
ond race. TIiL-t]
he lirq une-fiuar-
ter of his cash bi
hand oti the thii^d
race. t this
iita^c of the
^amei Jollti atakeil the re main tier nn a
4-To-t sllOtf the liOOktnakcr layirtj? four
times the amount of SniarTs 1>et and the
winner to take all. Tlic borse w'onr Rpntl-
iji? John liorne with Ids oriffinal atiiouait
of capital. How nineh cash ilid John Smart
take to the track tliat flay?

Answers to Last Motith^s Puzzles

Mri, Smith invc^tetl 42 cents for 1 Ih. of
chicken and 1 Ih, of jjoosc. if fllie were To
spell d that amount on Mrs. nrotvii’a plan^
equally bei^eceii the two kinds uf fowl, slie
woulrl get Ih. of eliickeii and I'Ks tb. of
p^oo.se ; a total of 2!{u lb. Since 42 cents
M'llt [jtoduce a diiTerenec of bV 4 Ui, hettveen
(he two mothodftK it ts plain that 4S times
42 cent?;, or $20.16, must bc invested to
pain tlie 2 Ih. nientionciE by ^fr.s, Brown,
Spending $KTDft (or chickens ami the same
for ^cese, Sfi-.s, Smith ^4'otjld receive 42 Ih,
of one and 5(3 lb. uf the other. Inste.ad

she invested the nionct' in ci|ual (jiiantities
and received but P^i- lb.

Sortinj^ ont the eiphtecn ahols on ihe
tarfret into three scores that total alike,

ive find: No. 1, 25, 20, 20, 2, 2, 1‘ No, 2,
25 . 20, 1ft. 10, , 1 , ] ; No. 5, 5ft, K1, 5, 2, 2, 1.
Since Ton's first two sliots totaled 22, tec
identify him as maker of score No, 1, the
only one to furnish two numbers totalinj^
22, Harry is ificntified as maker of No. 3
from the fact that his first shot scored 3^
and that ^ives him the distinction of liav-
injj matle the bull's-eye.


1 13 A

JUST flj mack a TAief
tis if At HScd a guti /. . .


— thip dlilK>MPr 4Hl?r ^und o?
OKfy hiUll*AT' cbugci- fOU-
kirVuur Ip^QnD^ bmif Od ClI b?r

^ixcH ■ chcLp iTnilHliua- hlx'p

u chipF wbj] ruiHi pauj' epi Isr ■

liirlf hq4h i^rvGi I . i

but he can 't
sell Pennzoi


Cut operating costs on your car with
this faiuous Pennzoil

T H E easiest t1n? world fa

cheat ia in adlicig itioror oil.
That's why cverj'drup of rhis mod-
t;itl drmliilie-relineil
oil IE guirdod so carefuily- YfUr
PcnnizDil dealer Is bonded for
glOOO. He forfeibg ^ 1000 if he
seltg a. ^ubsciruic when ynu aak
for Pennzotlr

nie-n a?^e that fiore
than < 50 % all rtpaif* ate dtje
to Oil railurc — the bren.king
down of sliodd}' oils and suhEti-
rutes under heat and speed.

Pennec^LI dealers guard
you from this daui^rand expense.
They arc bonded to gfye yon genu'
ine Peumsoi] — the
oil char endsOll Failure and cuta

opeiaung ei?t 3 .

This nli euta re-

pairs — grays flafe and oily longer

— for two rc-asonS. First— it’s
fined from 100 % pure Pennsyl-
vania crude. It's “GlLier from
the very aiarit S cc □ nj-^i i ' j
doiil?Le*'fi:lined for tcMtghnesS by
pennw^lPs 0 ^ perfecred rcliriing

The result a. lo-ng^er-lagtir^.
"□i[ier"7^K^d-3^ oiltharcuES
operating enxtg In thfee vvays.
It cuts refiaiT bills. It shvcb on
gaSolinni, And it sa^cs o-n oil —
every ftiling: lasts hundreds of
milcB longer.


Exec til iw Q^ctti

OU City. Pfi., Loc An^ca, Calif.

Bricbti-AmericjiiOi] Co.. Lud.

Sole DlttritMll-Ois in Ontario and
Ouubee. Conods

OtQfEldi: llfiS, ThrP?nixaUi'j&,



NAtfOMAt iu


JJUi ^ !d


ask ,

ti BV

tl, 0 OO./iw


^ 1

Hoi p— ctiiifl on


JVit i^aiavit at otir riW'.

Tftdar — Adw a ScnJtJ Pmnroii iJp^>r fil
fht evrmt traJr uf ftnaxvti ft jaatar.

ttSukJ jmf nniH7 (■>^(*'*1 fatitiom

if am't r^j ktti oii xd-t- kW.

wr{f[n.?f plrzcrae ]neiifdi??k PapuPnr IfscAultiea





Eveiy Cin^-EodEik Eigh? must be Ablfr
to phatagrapb. tbc radial cliari ahiown at
tke l?ft Slid prodyce a that

ahowa acCofate foaus, stead? ApctatiGii^
Add etftrp daflnitiCKn. A test film of aacti
camera is kept an fiJo at the factor?.
Although nen oamera aella tor aolj
It 13 a maatcipiccc of predse do~
sEgd and takes fine, cIobit mavica— 2 d
to 30 scenes od a $?.35 film. About ten
cents a khoL

1JL AB. LEKSu The ?i>dd.k Ukoeiut shown Aban

iLmptifics the- Dst ai fhic
leoii i>f the Badoh Sli.iA sfuiim a.t
Ehu riatir. Ayaclud jric

diapbnLtini 3)t0^v3,nia L1l4 di?l
[he Imit Uiv 04>rir0ct ahvEltft aiX'Ml
fur an 7 uEnp npnudE hud lijtbt —
a EFEDt c[Hi?EEiieaEE. Tbe Endoh
JJli-lO lalifli pLcti 4 JE^ 2 ; ji I +.' ( —
pi-Lte.Ijn, lEpdak SLi. 2.0 1 1

witli /.4,5 Icpj — tiS, At Kpdfsh

DHi uiiEijieiiBLva snpptEmeiLtuT' IccuEi >;t3.SD
CBcb) wjtbiti re^lj:r^4.s Leaiforcoprine^Ulh-'
phetu I anil wLda aofLe whIi.


metal flJoi spiMil repIacmK tbe nJd tjpe mpA enr^ ap[HiL
tddB Ep the cpanpa.cEaES5 nt Ebe-iuwRnfLik nukine

It Ebe WBrld'! snmJlEst cameria f-pc IEh picture size.

Transparent OU CulPt DutSt ]ma con pivn ^ur prinEH Bud. ?ii"
krf'rmEJilatBe btantj CF deluta.tfr, rich Htelarinf'^ CniiiprehebBif4
inaEnietiob twnk imkes their nse Ssnaide. Cfltnplete wCBt, baJud^
l4ig DtleBB t(>tixrn, At Kt^daH d?fl|?r'a.

IPheii uritfiEjr t<i nJverti/rr.Ta pimjc TFiE'rtlinn PnjriEiur lFC^-7i ifttlea





KOUASCCPE eight. The KodaBcope Ei?ht Es
bcButifu 3 ]j made to praject clear^ gteady tome
miDTiea frpra the new ineipensive Cini^KcMlat
Eifht fllrrtp oaEy ? mm. ioch) wide. With
Kodak Cinegraphs— incjpcnEiTe reels of Bport,
CoiDody^ drainap and traTcl subjects — It enahl^^
nnjoiio to sbow professionally j^ade mnvics at
boane at low cost. Model ^5 shown at rig'ht.
Other Kodasenpa Eight modelSp $3 3.^0

and <75.

Pictum nudt willi tli-e ‘EndB.'k. ItiH'^iiiiJif SliiQirini snlltrs^
In^ effect 4il vaiipbEiiLflatuy Eehu. "E'' bTidplreil to
ImilMljDIie'j Tbc- Tj^rnmnt- Calisis film pajetUj.C<lt SIiHi -Of jdatCfip
lAlpi. pemuttii^ die usr dJ neEaCiva muianAJs bf tnj tcLar
E?iL(JtlTll7? Two miEB: X. jK at 34 a; 3K I *)4 at 4l9r

MlIfU ininLE. PEEGIElOn CAMSKA. Hirtllr targicr jaa
haoilt KdiUfa PujlLDe (bBlAW) Utm 4 S SehafridH

?TetlEnei as tBst u ^11^4.5. — taJees DtrhuEB in bIhuibI an7 littllt. J(S
crllictU^ ilurp neEatlns, i^te ^ nui; hH EcvatU enUrecd.
With SfauttETp $75. Wrlle f?r lioeldirL.

FECTS or imnsuB.lb' B.G[niTn.tE mudtrilii; tit
hl^UruiLQircd, [ 2 D[f 5 CBi]EiiaSE>wEnjarteib-
jeets, etc. — EiiDiiT eEIp ■ cbIdf Slier CVrt
(lie lens, an. rIiciwil in tht [LLuEtnitiiui br^
Afik ipaur ileeLcr far a. Eedak 51c7 Pil-
lar tad A Kei(tst ClrioT FJlccr to St yinir
Uibtran Thty (dSt t^hUEe asyscED^i ueb
Util will cflea (ffHtly |m[>r4iTe die tene

(|1iBLE^ Qt yp'lll IliEtUIH.

ISFOJtMATiON JtEflFESr ' ’ ‘ '

EiU.'timiii, JEiKld.lr Campfliiy, RcchEiter , IT. Y. FEcbdq

send maEt-Sfttune-f'CEia.riliaELtEiiLS mEntimc-iliiiyDar

MfiiiJll B-u1l?li?, ?B (titcIcEd briaw.

Cta?-KM]a.l[ ?iielil Q □ KernEiiiLr

KiHla,k 5 ix-i 6 □ D Fuddle

Hojoa ^ . j .■. L ...... j . .

Addimi m ? ,1 r, , - , r-,

handy po<^t-Biz 4
that damiTi
ta clmlFSi. chEltEs,
ntn Alba ?tE Da trl-
pod to

adJuialBbit tjIpnA
bead. Piice, Ii.iS.
At K^dali dBalcrs^

TFAen- \orit\ng to ffiducrfiflcrT pE?j*i iitdntioii F^parar JfecAofllct

lie A


A PIPE CAn or LrriA ^ A wife c^n

. Jikr or brcjk a pipr. It alE cl[^pcn4l$ on lll^
way you keep your tlu Lind pf (olwCH;a

yevu smoke in it.

Sir Walter Ralcigk keeps pi]K;!? wk]] teKavcJ
and wives well pleased. Jt is A milJ mixture of
rare Kentucky Burfeys> 50 skillfully blended
that it Is rich And satis+yifi^ without ever gettinj'
powerful — ami g'olJ foil keeps it fresb. Even if
you smoke a pipe almost con stand Vj Sir Walter
EUI cigh Smoking Tobacco will cost you only
About 7 ]^ cents a day. ^^e ask you^ isn^t any
Ifood Wile Vi'O'rtb keeping for that?

Brown & \VilNistiii(iin Tohu?o tisftwriiiwn
Louisville, Kentuclc^'^ E)ep^.

Scind 'fur 1hti

.i, , FREE

1.' ■ - BOOKLET

It’s ry^


fir.i:i I'ut,.- -13:1

tlioRc [lischnrgcR to one Bide eo tlmt two
Of more parallel Str-eaksi of idi^ntiCaS form
arc observed, or recorded with a camera.

Mucli of tlic tiglitning that jumps about
ito-ES 50 !)tt5vccn or inside cioutts, rallicr
than between cloud and earth. A cueIIuIus
thtmderhead may be a mile high, yet light’
ning jumps betweeu tap and bottom with
apparent ease.

Eall lightning, in which a flash apparent-
ly enters a 'hvindOw Or Ollier open ill Ot

merely ecrnics through the air outfloors
and pauses to 5vr.rp it sell into a ball svEiicll
rolls leisurely along until it disappears
with an ■cxploBion, lias been reported bo
many times that it inujouhlcdliy exists.
However, no liglttning authority has had
opportunity to study this phcnoiuciion at
close range. Some believe that it might lie
a slow -traveling brush discharge of con-
siderahle brilliancy, which is lollowed by
a stroke of ordinary tiglitniiig.

As for the ^igJiagging lightning flash
that still is papular 5vith artists, it doesil^t
esi&t in nature. Most discharges travel a
Tvritliingor t^vEsting path, ivliieh nia^'' look
aigaaggy^ ivhen seen from the side. In the
[ahnrat-ory, artificial lightning can be made
lo travel a jagged rouce by stringing fine
TV ires about to create ,r starting path. Irt
this Tvay, the discharge can be made to
write Its name, or form other symbolB.

A lightning flash is considered e^lretlie“
]y powerful, but Jii reality the actual elec-
trical power is relatively small. Austin bC’
lie res that le takes an nnusually large dis-
charge to ctis-sipate five to trventy-five kilo-
watts of electrical energy — ahaut the
tjuantlly that passes througEi your house
meter in a week. The diffcretsce betw'ecn
the liglitnEiig power and that which you
Hie for illuminaticni is that the former
I does Its Tvork in a few milliontliB -o? a sec-
ond, while the latter takes several days. It
1ms been calculated; (hat the total .iniDunt
or eiccfricify w.-istcd by a tliunderstortn
over a large city ^vOlild be worlli S25,0t)0
or more ii it could lie harnessed and used.

Indirectly, liaUltal tiglitnlngis more use-
ful (ban you may believe. It is the grCntt-
c&l tertilizer man u fact ttrer known, ^\'lten
a discharge occiitb th tough the air, guaeB
of the .rtmospliere are lirokcn up anti rc-
camhLned into tiew compounds. Among
(C4inli[1ui:>t ■pJiat Its A)




mw iu



I CAN" TT^LL tliiit j-au'rt uam^ Stick tft

it] These days^ when wc have to do without so many
things, I’m tcllinj^ tny customers to make the most
of their cars. That’s the owa thing you enu enjoy more
tlian ever — and save money by doing it, SurcTEth;'!
costs a bit more by the g?dlou, biit itll iSav'e you a
Jot of espensive grief.

'T eeuJd tcH you to go out and buy cheap gasoline
and IM ptobaNy he getHng some repair wort liefore
loiigc But thrtt^s not luy wjiy of making frletitlii.
Wliat’s more, I don’t think yon ’]l Hud any oLlicr Kail
mechanic recnnimcnding poor stuff*

‘TCf-vp right on imylng Elhyi Casohne — pay the
fcTi' cents more at the puin^} — and you’lj l>c running
lliia cap when srmie of tJio otliers are ready for the
lieajj.” Jjcit Etliyl lie a life preserver for your ear!
Ethyl Gasoline Corporation, Isew Y'orlc City.

?*DP tVn

bliALmt T FtU

?L i? tmvi
1 g fJiiDkixt

1 ...

Elhfi jtirii CmtilfHl f-r^J ^ S'. U. C.



td pEecn-n I’ditIiEuK'




Build this beautiful

BIRD HOUSE yourself

Simsational ^EW BIT

— n&die l^T cnfismea fof cnlraiijHL Beounr ol
d?d|n, voricnuBGihip aim) finuh thdd nins th# in-
BtfiiiT q^Qval Kod adioEraEum ot Dnie levtn ot
iIk wood-^orklog Ru^ed and mtoeh! wiih
A eunifif h?dd 40?0BBtrt]e?<d and hMJtmand ilut
h will anctixAuly dim the [ougbesi wood.
2ifak? thid ‘yoUEMlL Lny an "Irwla^ filuwin
atrpii pajm ^nur hand. Run ji'our
fiBltt* pvw it? srtinr Tw need k<? jip

hmhcr^ for ite prrioniiancc pgiBiVOitin will bo-
immediRwly Ji ppan^m-

5peaaf Introductory Offer

Thtr? is a uf anachtd i? avtfy '"1/wln” DlTHwin
Bll Send dilia tag [p Tlve 1/win Auge^ Bii Cam-
panil WilmJnfn^ Ctdo^ with naua and
adili?fl9 and iweive bw ol charge- a comiittate aae
WQrkini; Jcawin^s al due finb BeekcE' ^Vrtn
and Marlin hnuae pinurtd above. 'iirwin'''BEuwin
BLa io/ Bale In all suaa by your haidwois dealei^^

□r Wiixe di[?L


WUntlrtglunj Ohio





(Cunlinued froin iiajre 116A}

thes-fr arc oeoaie aaicl various nitrogen
com pound 5. The ammonia anJ oxides oC
nitrogen arc carried to the earth with tJte
rain and act as fertilizers or combine with
other iuh&taiices to form fertilizers.

Pcriiaps the most useless product of an
Cictzirical storm ig thunJerr The lioise of
thunder is now considered US hcing caused
partially by a sudden, violent explosion,
This explofitoi] results in part train the ex-
pansion oi atmospheric gases by heat, and
partly by tlie breaking down of gas parti-
cles and the ?orm.ition of new gases,
T El under seldom is heard more than a
riozen mi leg- from the discharge., although
a Cannon can be heard much farther.

Thunder can act roughly as a distance
gauge for HghEning dashes. It requires
approximately live seconds for sound to
travel a anile, while the ligEit of a discharge
travels practically instantaneously. There-
fore, thunder reaching an observer ten
seconds after the flash that caused it, in-
dicates that the ilanh was two miles away.

From the radio listener's point o? view,
a more useless thunder-'itorni product is
static. A tliunderstorm is a huge broad'
casting station that does not obey gov-
ernment restrictions as to wavelength and
power. However, static may, in the fu-
ture, he pul iQ work on a world- wide scale
as a Weather prophet. It may be possible
for a w'cathcr man, at some central point
such as Waiihington, to tune in stcrrins all
over tbe globe, and accurately chart their
strength and direction for the benefit of
operators of ships, aircraft, power sta-
tions, and others.

There is a vast field open to amateur
radio fans iii the study of weather static.
It has been suggested that, if a few tlioU'
sand amateurs would listen faithfully to
tile whisperings of static, and report tlieir
findings Lo a central point, a relial>le meth-
od of weather lore casting might result.

Por example, when a listener Eicard a
noise that sounded like dried peas rolling
■flown a roof, he would know^ tliat a r,T|En-
storm was near. A peculiar rustling sound
would warn liim of a sno^vstorm. Doubt-
less the list of dcbnilq Static noises could
be prolonged to include almost every
weather activity, so that a trained Iik tenet
might tell with startling accuracy what
kind oi weather w,^s taking place a thou-
sand miles away.





k. JOB?





The Idea] Lan'nmavrer Bborpen'T ip u
liivd^l uf U li^raQilA rlir- bluidra

cS B lBirjiJD[VP.' 4 :r iritli noLAiLru HpmL anJ

BnoiiTur:/ wiitliDut rf'pmvlim wIimJ* ii?
TatcfietA. ]t ?inp1oyii the ume metbixi
4)f oharpetiliiip 4H luHed by
nrin.Riijact'Unvni thcmatlvea. Td rtI a
perteet- job it l-s Dnt;-rflftir 7 ^_

ViRTpcD a dull lavruuuimT oa a eriiidiM
TrheeL, tbe melli^id tliri Idfiil

filurperuT. it tekea oidr aberat CiFteesi
miDutrfl to pijt a Lu perleet

(:i.>iidLti4’iD and. jp'tH] net fioiD ll.Cfi Lp
.- f{l per mijiicifji

Makes Mower$ Ctit Lik? New

'!Vbnn 0. lo.imniiC'n'cr la Bhtrpcntid on Ua
liJvAl ^(ii7i?rii.ir i: ctiu Jiuti like the day Lt
dBityfr oat n[ the thetiwv- 'I'hd bl>ul*i^
eaioiiEHl to St the utmizht blaifa thua usur-
tiiK k iH'iflfeL'MJCdnfl' ciliire. tdeil iturpeoKl

II I II vr k/:h a C m-j alLBPp ]i‘iBtfW Tlij |'±L ilM! E brPi eOP

net metbiid ul ahiitpitn'illic iletiuJIiriF tTn]

hinder ]g usHl.

Special Attichmentj Make It
Art All Around Machine

Ifn4 ontr ran. tlin Idtsal be ItWl

tnr ihupcnlDg lAwnmn-irenL but a44?b-
iiit^iLW <4ii be Ibrobbcd wlitch eciDven Lt
Into a jEMT 'ituliiit riR(|i1n* ahkfrpuliiii
ikiuea, etui Klieans. hedfe Uotlw.

nei'thei, !ruibm.lac auviv etc.


John Dbl Kop[ji>i HoUyw'ijiLhd , Cnli, wTitoe; 1*10 rntitiintf !i,ti
avomge of 35 to 50 fshnr].iiijiinE jobs por d:iv, nil of 'vi'liidt urc
dono era. the liUtftI Slmr^Kstier.' Glenn E. IhEJck, Troy, Oliioi.
writes; ^Trom the first of A]>rLl to tliC: middle uJ jlay 1 sVmrp-
cned 14 & ittowers.” J. W. Burt's^ Cuyuiojja Fttllsp Ohicn, wTiltai
'"I am buildinjf tbrouif]] siitisfiiKitjon a wonclrrfu .1 future busiriess
nncl tuivQ the pnomLiin of ot'cr 100 mnwers already for nc\t
year.” NiEoa C. liaecj Hochesterf N. Y., writ-ca: “L havo to
natjT aharpcntiJ 7 tt 5 moniViGra at SI .00 apiece. L .qtartad in my
' lE pLn

nlivse a week after I

cellar but the pLnna waa not tarj;e cnnij^h SP 1 had to rent a
plivse a week after I ejot niy Ideal " IV pi
N. Y., ifritet: ‘‘'Thti Ideal ^UTpnnnp ja a

IV rn. WalervlLeL.

. nder. Neetinisin ternauEibiwl

inban it." Tbimuia Wi'nti Lrunn Mun.i. tit! tea: '"'I de [wl kneir oF uauiliet
tiKLi^liiiinn that will divlyctter Kurh itf tii:n4 r.nU. Jj IDIl r|i.MPkPr i'K' the

IduL l^herprarr.'" 'Wi'. C. FiiikF PLttabureh, Pa., writefr; ''T turned njt ClM
Juba hhd. b'ly Htojidiird priac ia nruL t'dwaye. hfw b??in llti-ru pnr TRiyA'^^T."'


ftliarpmer. Junt ntticb It to r Llftht ii'ic^Pt -nr tii hru) ijbnit iir ii^uK'ilibc cb-
[rina end nbart to eherpcit. l^ierc ere huiuLrcdi lit doU luwbcnoweria in yout
vkihlt^ waitieK l? lut ahiirpsikMl,

Now U the Timv to Stort

Thn Elciiii Ell. (EH. iicQrtcd Ih aov. It Diyi te
ViViJF idael ahirpecET LiutdJIca buJ^.
R |? iii^L A hit XTiTi ?Ov CAsaUclt lewamiiirE]'
ubarimiil lid blUlFiOMi


Jiat- 4Ut thte 0.r1brl!i eJL EDDkxn ot

power Alo>*ei?i Trrwwr UMvi emS euiclry!
ClrritD Mtiwcn, db ■?*II rn JJ^w-

Uni^aM. T^IlkCeitdlUniUl EbDIKT HhApKQlIK
tor CImIF CIllliA. T^ATkiii CTnnuuflu, achiioli
anil FrlvEil? tnitetea..


TTiln Y<nr we ore Daertnc not onlj a atllL
MKAr JIbn nl hlewar aherpetwin hut et new-,
hivrer prii^. WfJea har Eiflcibi uhl nnw fne
eaUhiE bfderi



lY (fi> mt'j tJie lawTii
mower hharpenln^ bupineai can cnake From Co 4-TO per week [heir drat
icunn. Manr men luveEnaAe mon thin thlj In LbAlp hiiOKi [Lmc atone. Ar>e tba
IdAil FrhBft>hiicr hoM diteb cxccllc lie wneJe tbat Y'"ir tiiidIbHH wlL1 Lni rnuri

fliica yoi 4 HMitru u ciMtnonftf lu mu imja only letl hlu IWmila *t?ii[ J-njiij
J4C->'lM but ^l|l ulmBrir coiDB hBdh aealn sod saidji.




334 - 37 * BdEI 5e., PlYidOLitb, OJHa

Seeid roc ynor new Fiee cetBloff. witti new lower rrlcHi
{FJoud print youf unie end addrea)



ciir. ?... , .


IPA?t wHlfiLF ia atIverHjNn-3 pFCrtSfl mcflHoa PirptcJaT JfeoJiflJltffi

12(1 A


Detrait’s Hold Fott Shelby
offers a varidy of rooms^ all wUh
private hath * * + scrvidor and
circulating ice water, beginning
at $2+50 per day+ These modest
tariffs initiate a new era in hold
values * + + at a hostelry famed
for itis efficient service, eoTigcnial
surroundings and desirable loca-
tion. Three popular priced res-
taurants ? ? ? a galaxy of lobby
shops And an atmosphere at once
cordial and friend ly± are eijuaLly
attradive reasons for stopping at
Hotel Fort Shelby whenever you
visit Detroit*

e. J. &RA0WELL

Mainaging OJr*eFgp





(CantLimEil fium patre JS9)

lime varies from otie-tcmli ef a second to
live seconds, dcpeiidiog npon the com-
plexity ot a situation,’'

The (lii^cnvcry tliat time lag occurs,
in a sin] pic rcactian, Is Icatling to tin.'
belief dial timers at athletic events are
crcditiiig sprinters with records beyond
their ability and th.it, wlclt the U5C of clec-
criea] timing devices, the KJfl-yanJ dash
will he run in slower time. The explana-
tion iii that at the beginning of .a race at
least otie lenth of a second, v^jual to tliree
feet of track, elapses before the tinier
R-tnnLlln^ .%t the Finish line starts hi? clock.
There iii no lag at the rLuish to offs^et tlie
loss, since the timer urteonsctously leads
tlie runner and clicks the watch at the
fjcact iimtant the (ape is crossed.

You really think faster tlian the psycho-
dometer tests itidicate, for a little time is
required for the opcr,itjon oi the muscles,
Phulogrupliic recordi, made in connectiOil
with a bigb-freqncncy galvanometer, show
that ill taking ,13 second to ]?ress a key In
response to a signal, one-third of that
time, is used to actuate the mnscleg after
the sectHory turrmil ironi tlie brain has
reached the fingers.

Tlie difference between .a fast and a kIovv
thinker may ailiount to only a few hun-
dred I ElS of a secojid, sat's Doctor Metfes-
sel, and, contrary to expectations, the fast
thinker docs tiot ahviys benefit by his
speed. It is more important that a few
huLiclrctlths of a second be spent in reach-
i]ig the right decision than Jumping to the
first conclusion. At one time tlie army
diose its pursuit pilots from among those
who showed the fastest rcactiDU time, but
now the first re<]uirerncnt ts that every
]]icLiihcr of a fiiquiKlfon think at a lion t the
sajiie speed. A pilot who thinks faster or
slower than the rest of ilie group may en-
fhi tiger others as w'dl as li Em self when
]]]aneuverii1g in close formation,

"Xow and then someone relates liow llis
‘sixth sense' saved liiaii from danger,” says
Doctor Metfessel, ‘'He siuldcnly receives
a hunch to move away from a building,
and an in 46 an t later the wall Uiiuhlcs
down. Of it may he that in walking d0W1l
a dark Street a mental danger signal warns
him to tlirn just .as the thug springs St
him. In each case, he mo’i'es just in the
nick of time to save llitnseU."


qpular mechanics



Prevent in 5; croaked drilling: of ail well5^
an an^le indicator shows the drift of the




—>i& staff puts

Wben WeU la- EeiciR DrltlEd at zn Aiij^Ie, Thia Indi-
catcT JttvE3,1s llie DEErtc of Dc-viation

Iioie^ enabUiig: operators to kttf) borings
tools straight. Crooked, boles are the Cause
of increased friction bcuveen drill tools
and tb-c sides of tlie well, excessive ^vear
on drillinu lines, ti.visting off of drill pipe.
Collapsing of casing and Other expensive
damage. The angtlc Endicator> designed
for daily survey.^, is lowered into the well.
1 / tlie hole is crocjkcdp onc of two w eights
will S’lviiig Over, causing a pointer to show
the exact angle at wbich the ncll varies
from vcrtLcaS. 't he pointer locks into po-
sitioilf and when the inrlicator is with-
drawn, the op era for gets inform at ion that
will enahle liim to correct the drilling ma-

Popular Mechanicii Magazine doc? not
publish the name of the inakifr of, or deal-
er iujany device dc&cribed in it.S pages, hut
this information ip kept Oil file and will he
pro in pity furnished by our Btireau of In-
fer I nation Upon rc truest accompanied by
return postage.

Costs but a
cents to uae.

difikult to keep in
place? Does it lack
iiatiiraE gloss and
lustre? It is verj' easy
to give it lliat rich,
glossy' and orderly
appearance so essen-
tial to wdl-gnoocned

J nst rub a 1 i trie
GLosiora through
your hair once or
twice a week — or after ghanipooiiig, ar
hairii'ill then stay, each day, just as you ?
Cilostor.T Boftens the hair and ?
pliable, 'riien, even sliibborit hair w
place of its own accord.

It ptv'es your hair that n.itu'
groomed effect, instead of leo

artificial looking' a BW'axy' pas^

Gluslora also kuc]?s iJic
hair healthy by restoring tl
which the hair derives its
and lustre,

T ry It i^See how sasy It i ^
conilie-d — atiy Style yon lik'
on the side, in the center,. ?
back. 1
to be





C; j |i I /.





expertly mends breaks, I
hides nicks, seals cracks

' I


Does Everything Give Will Do
—Does It Better, Quicker

Right cmt of a can CDineE
il)i? sni^zinec new pret>ara'
tion that handlea just like
putty^does everytbhis pmEy
and glue can do— ^and quick-
'y hEirdenS intCt '■vood, Watcr-
roof, Ilfe-l9.5tin^ wood you
n earvi^r paint, turn In ^
he. Wood that takes and holds naila and screws
better' than most natural

Evert il your fingers are
al] thumlM you onn take this
PL-ASTIC wood and do ex-
port repairing— Split chair
backs. Loose rungs, or drawer
pulls, cracks, nicks, holes,
^nd do it in. a way
’id of. THERE'S
■T.S. Get a
1 chooi^
— today!


ty — Hardens Into Wood

tean Carge Steamer

ilir iMh BKtapfi-aJ <ld Li? Hnuna^’VPrT^. 1^7^
jlLi?-r'g jiaitL um aut mnsli

-d. iB 4 ur ^ 1 # Jfvptn wilif' ixl bliapnAiii

\D. Tmhff^ JOO’J'J Tumi A-h.,


TErtt floor l*(Ton[t iHj[alirct

-tr Id not A bilt

itci clotli Lbni DiioDot lie

tlH#;: kiWlML NUi OdTk

ictrtD llebi. dtHTt prlni-
Kflrxi III DoIUb. U'rtU
dddCioDiil lahicin?UQii-


--wiiod. CHiir<wiil.i


{C<Mitui.u.Eil [lom paat 3^|j}

diver, was already on the hottotll, work-
ing' aft an tlifi otlier side of the submarine.
I Of litre (I liiin to eiiii'ilj over the boat to
tlie LuTLiie] and hcl]] .Sinitli.

ileanw’hile I tried to figure out what
had happened. Tlie fire huse leadinfr over
the rail was tlirobblng violently , Perhaps
the nozslej having torn itself from Smith's
grasp, was thrashing him to death.

I seired Smith's pliuuc again and called r

"Shall I turn off the water?"

Almo.Ht a scream w’.as the reply;

“No [ For God's sake keep it goiiigt
The tunnel has caved in hchiiiid meE”

r felt faint. H.tHti!y we coupled up an-
other hose and slid it doivn to the sub-
marine lor Eihen's uie. But it had t.tken
weeks o[ work to drive the tunnel to
w’here Smith lay buried in the mud!

On deck,, we looked at eadi other silent-
ly and gaaed hopelessly at the other ves-
sels of the salvage squadtoti tossing near
by. Five ships aiid 1,000 men standing by
as helpless to lend a hand to that man
struggling for his life only 15 S feet below
us, as if he had been transported to a dis-
tant star!

No further messages came, but over the
telephone, I listened to Smith gasping for
breath as he struggled in the inud and the
tlnrkncss. The sailors clustered silently
round me, waiting fqr Eibcn to arrive at
tlie tunnel.

Eiben clambered up the starboard side
of the subtnarlne, cut loose tlie hose we
had lowered, dragged It forward with him
nud slid over the port side to the Imttotn,
then started to look for the tunnel- After
ivliat seemed to US an age, he rcpnrted
that he had found It.

More minutes went hy while, on deck,
ive waited with leaden hearts. Then a
startling thing happened. Over Smithes
phone, i heard SniiLli talking through the
tvater at the bottom of the sea to Eibsn:
; "I^m all right now, Joe. Had a little ac-
cident. You go on back to j'our own job."

Though lie could not turn round. Smith
had managed to pass the nozzle back be-
fween his legs, and guiding it with his
feet, he had washed his way ■i.jut backward
through the cave-in!

On deck, the te inlet. s xvaited for the sig-
nal from Smith to start him on llis slow
(CcmlinufiS tc paj^e 124.‘V)





A TVTFainilyOii.ibwridrnotCif boot with fill] leaCLli
H'liray' lojlB- lijidf brit plooe aad tiidfi pris iq ]uLI-
V?ulm-Cllka^ UarALhoq.

C?Utoc Fn* — *?i4 Hinif PfflitiptUilpmwiE
PfeoK iHM ilhof ^ b9ft itt fim <?re AunwnL


A MODfJ EDIIlh^P filFf (l>fS ollEn]’ ibat BdEOS- 141 tUIH;
cul wcti^JjQbbjiid TorlE ml li>ip tMr

iW4l Coj HJbuoJfi uhI anuAcurc vrhjD msC a
Sf? 4f h k b iw .

I Irm Unp '

*^fcdl. TUbki J b n*rT?*i jc _?-i .

Alnmu. ■"* ^ ■“ JiiAt. 1

iMLiCMnlM or ^



have my owti cash business”

“I hfl<i b<?eti out of wiorJ: thrw nioatliB whsm
I OrdoriMl Ur machltu? from VoU. In aix dave I

nbarpcori ^ tRwn Euciiwvru ut ll.BOeflcb, witt^ ImiIcv
L ltatrakEKi Lawn Mn-wof ^i3,rj?iM*r- Tomcirririir I
IliiV^ 3 lIt 1#: |||i:i^ DUlWCra- iD CbLL f D-T. I VffTli b-fLcr bUHo

iLCfla [Lod I it/' H. Ci- TOFr, WL&-

Sbiri>eitcd ?85 Mowers Uat Season”

‘ "Aa goon tiJi I rcoflivcd the machine Iputn
cle-g$i?jOiJ lul in two papers for a week and
thea my rm| taiAlm^n bU-PIkiJ. I charn (l.yo hj tl.iO
mid uburpcncd fkHi^mciwvfl H.nd.Tnjitur'Ci] 37 lut w'.AArigi '''

B. SEHDlNtJliY. Pi. ■

Y<?. -tmi-, ]hlt.B tLita ind maiDF 4i(li4in, make
^ Rwjd nullify ibaTiPeikini Ift-WQ ttiuweiB with (lui ToKy
' ElVC'trab'?n Lawn l^hBi-pfntrT. it |Vi?k6e

ItiLinl' Hiich B-oliarp, uiuform ciuttH Ibai ciuU’iEn-
tell nel(hh?Tti And ipvnie Inuk ysoj R-Ttor jtqi.

fikd P<?tt Mowef

..nunlfUB OAip-4ii|:lin Motainn hir C4inl??ii KIcrlntaL
l'ttillJiiei:i, FDU1trr[q?ii oti^d gutHarfaioJCok.

Lttflit 1 Htr

Eltmtniiuif. noiid W-utl. I>[uaB?l(. JobU.. Sios-Ja
Ifin AB4 Tairv cniliMO. 'BiiUb ti> ?- TUe


— Catalog frbem

ACTOR CO NfwToft, ?i.T.


W-ulomCl^ r- ttaOiwiwt tjmrt m J ■

WrbfOil*— *M?M lltrtfE ■ ■

OCnd hir (Jiatilv at IDHS M-udfta X?w
lB?*r pHcPh Onlr 11RT.60 f(if ihrltty
□liqJe— bL toatiMT, WtUPhBdBy.

Hirlq-lhndi? MNdt Ca_ ??*■ ^_.


IIP RorldDEi. Bfih tHlmd

Lfln*EH. lIMbllta
inUnR at (lia aiLn, lD[Miid?1 FRUE.

Bti TBliii, l:^Btcmld^

l?^ * Cgi^^py, I-M. Tri?^>p^W.J.

y? a SQunrl, prartlsal Jnv^ndgn f?T
we, paAented nr n n pale n ted T I? lo, wrile

Chuiered Inrlitute of Aitierican InventerE

SJi BanjnLir Buildinr . O.' CL*

Wiatitt LfiT-geti nrfjBtiflftya rJ iruemoji’'

Inventions Wanted

FMtented or Unpdtente<l

U^D|P pwjil? w!l3i ilcl'ErtiTf bflfidj

p^d H^id ^Tsii^

lii ThntvD a nd Ckudch bc-eaiuf ibfT
UH LwAaid InTJtil'blc Eit JlTijmi- wLick
reieail'lt Tiny FnLifiphatK^ ^EEin^

IB ipbp Ear CAEcrELy out li^c.

N^4 'P'lf<|i| ibitbccMi CiT pidft.

XbdT iwt ioiE?;pf QpiTf. ^fi%t Egr
to^kUt t-ni MWOrti lEECbncat cf nDJUPrf
|,twin'Mrn(OT, JllmpeCI dEDE.

iEOtUhDi frn^ Itlit GSiL n EC Are, N? fm

IT' ’ T *

Fnley Mbniiif9?t1jrln? Co.

3(17.3 Foley nidij.^ U MaiJl Si. N. Er, ’
Flaa^e erjitl Die FllEE PLAN ojid tE:
iilQ MONFriY witli til* fg'iEj' Ek
SbeepuDEr. ?


Aililreae. ■





^ (Cjo^tlnued. frcm yaae I2?A)

rise to the sutface. On the bottom, Eiben
niade sure Sniith^e lines wefe all clear,
then cluTn^ily climbed Lack oi'cr the sub-
marine to the job be had so hastily left.
Smith, alone afain, sat down on the ocean
floor a few minutes to rest, then, instead
of signalin;^ to rise, picked Up his hose,
crawled hac.k into the tunnel and for half
an hour more continued to work!

Months later, thron^h a silent crowd of
hundreds of thousands of people, the
still the coffin of its dead crew,
passed down the East river toward the
Brooklyn navy yard, borne between pon-
toons in a cradle of chains passed through
that tunnel and through other tunnels.
Eut w-e who had struggled off Block is-
land, knew it was the faith of men like
Bm ith , not the pontoons, ^vhicli had lifted
the submarine. And in icco^ition of that
'victory and cold courage over the sea, the
hell of the proud symbol of out

success, went to Francis Smith.



— T" nr”A“ Fawd,

old A A r k q- t,-o p ^

AblA triK-'bK' *b
,, n fe eJ \ ^ \ i>W

ttEit. Twtfl pn?i^

WU TrHMUr 4ltH?
fferrr '

'vidJ u Ainoi^v"
ir?ptor. Naw

Hidu A.acn

hLjv 9 dl? L
DT S nrmt rjM-r
trfj- Hu. 3CI>t[ns,
pe<r ?da.x-
Hudln lO-iD. 4f
kwr^ L3'l[>- rinvn
■nufix- Fullfe Te|%.

1 m edtd LC

nm LmI

m.i.6blli?rTi 4tD-

Prhc? Cr-#?tVT

KtdiucBd DO d^E

71 ma L I ?
TV^rl fe* l-deL^ Em
T vHlilinlg'r ■-'■iJ Iv
RpNirj tI-k'i
A ^iirl’ilH RC^\ra


and hound in a steel frame well reinforced.
When laid under a concrete floor, these
'mats absorb the vibration of machinerv.
Where lieavy Tnacbines deliver terrific im-
pacts again M a floor, the engineers have
made a spring device, which, when placed *
beneath the legs of the machine, also re-^
duces vibratory motion. gr^

A combination thermostat and air valv?^?
?on the ordinary steam radiator make it^b"
possible to govern the temperature of in-^#
dividual rooms merely by the touch of a^S
finger. Once the device is set, the room,
temperature controls tlte operation. \
can be attached to the commem one-pipe j
steam system and can provide a separatew
temperature for eiTry room in the house.^


We fumi^ ^ Capital

>^1i, rwiWWHJl?. micMiiitiJi 4(>-reiif-alB Dami:mu)i'
nVpE U][fl ClfTAr u* bOEbnt Ult^- JILVI^-

All iin ■Ej.rt ymi Ln Uilt PiTiosoHit IhhIiiiV

O own ?i3,d uunen.ll Inr r-nunHtr. Oi*

M?c*(in?n hieiil* th? ???-

Uni — n? r?yr tap* pnd n* iEvhlvn
Hmosco 7 au. Ti)U ■sie^eifl tredlit to ^ OUf
qtoji?rt B'tiem F-Du OiUF .e. KrtgJu

-"Hj.ljiTtBCiiiebe" pnemLtL^DD .fire,
gvud UriLtt TTltH a 5liFui(* to Ptp widu
ak even' Hewtie. -pWAiJV mcD

rjv ara R^ired dF iltae croiHl[l.?niUv[L
Jit For ■■uD-UjVMCinefit'' liirer. *nrtie?
iuuhJIv a?rvlcc. MkCvnoAkiB G*nekianif.

. WliiMH, Minn.






fCoulkiJCij fiani c^age^]3!l

"All the signatures ?rr cjc^cdy the
same/'' they replied.

" Right " said the expert, "And tliat nev-
er liappens. No man’s sigrature is ever
exactly the same twice. Tracing is the
clumsiest form of forgery"

The Eamc expert has shown up faked
documenti by photographing by transmit-
ted light; which once showed that a ivill
dated 1925 was written on paper water-
marked 1928. New York detective bureau
provides tliat among tlie very first on tlie
scene of murders shall be the photogra-
pher, and until he comes, nothing must be
disturbed The twenty-three police pho-
tographers are always ready to jump in-
to special automobiles, equipped with bh-
many as twenty-five cametae of all sons,
with flashlights, flares and floodlights.

An eerie trade is theirs, plied usually at
night, in small dark rooms, bullet-marked,
blood-spattered and somewhere a silent
form, contorted in sudden death, that
must not be disturbed until photographed
from every angle. For this there is a spe-
cial camera with a fine lens, a tilting head
and a l^fl-dcgrce range, which can be
raised upon a trjppd so that it can pho-
tograph from above not only the body of
a victim^ but the whole floor with all the
clues In, place. They are important, and
murders have even been Solved because
the camera showed Up bloodstains the hu-
man eye missed.

The police photographer photographs
each clue separately. He does this not
only to help the detective find the crim-
inal, but to aid the district attorney to
convict him when he is found. Even bul-
Ictholes are photographed because pho-
tos are so valuable at trials that defense
l^wyera aomctimca produce their own, oc-
casionally retouched or distorted.

Photographs of bullets or cartridges
often play an important part in scientific
detection, for the firing pin or breech
sliield of a revolver makes marks on the
end of a cartridge ca^^e that are individual
and telltale to an expert. For instance,
there was the Case of a mother found shot
to death in her apartment, Jn her son’s
room, was a newspaper clipping, describ-
ing the recent death of another womati,
killed by a stray revolver shot. Had he

(CoDliDueij tci pegc


A caudci briDj^ *1] Oie- of idIIcs vt ntcf

ngbit to tlic flosA of you-r cimp, Thm's fistiini
■iiB the ftreEch of * liuy late, Tfieie'a eifilDtiDii
r . , fxcuriicirM ic>ois . . .

evemight tflp!. lt"s M twi-bftakEne wodi (o bp
pbe? Ln an CHkl Tqwd Cadm. T1i? cIi-qu
uE i. gudille cakH you Ihcie ?nit bael — tnuDihLy,
(luiek^j ud Huo-yably.

Old To^oi cmcvlDf b npl ajL cipensiiie tiiiurj.
Theie on 19^2 amdcli to-'nnd Ijq tiS. .AdI Olif
Tduiu pve yeua and yea.ri fif bard use williciit
HJiy axpansii'C ap-kMp fijdl. Wiitr Enr m free
eaUltV shrmdcig paihllldC, iUiilitij!, Jiul yiuare-itleni
typcL AIh autuoAril buala, iDctudin^ b^G,
xuKiGrlbr, -ail-wiiod bua.13 ft]T familj use. Rjjur..
bnal; a.nd dioGbin. WiLU ludayl (IM Tawq,
C^iK- Oi., Maio. St., DL5 Town, MaJae,

"OUf Town Canoes"


_ MEAD kUcTCl*

aAHCERa 1. fear [Ulkn moN. Cu

rm vrt QQT Bvtenla>iisvwv teems.

SO Payi* Trial

iitlsned sTOrtrisl Ktnni tlic b?rel? st car

Vt hflf UQiJ arJvK.

W Wiilfl ^ Miff fl-w |lp Mj — ud

\iaSkik (^mECSOMOMY

Writ* tsSsr for FftEE j
TIOH — sh-iisnd Prai^lni ?<-
IlSb Isr EKinlttaUsq.




t IPDS W?ilwirtli BIrigs. D?pta A ^
\ igg EARLE HLD-Q.

■ Ptuvsnd H^ur B?&k, “Utw H ^

! Dd lbTibiic<b" iar?.

? KM.UE.



Little Heas May Have Big Commerciil Pimibilifies

D?laTi la PatttitUiM Tnr UtCA M*r Pr?T? GhU^

Get the F?et^Mall Coopaa Naw

act at once — and protect your idea. Remember, to Bet the benefits of yowr inventirm, you
not OQjy bavo to invent it — you tava to PATKNT it. Sliiuy mfen ftpejid year? petfeeting^
inventioUj noly to find that Bomeone eloe think [tig nJoni; liueit hna jdraiLdy Jre^>eived

a- patent on the idea. 'Rilien we think of all eneh ca?3 that have oome rinder our peraonaJ
obBervation, wo OMinot Ufige too strongly that 3rou take atepa to protect your id04 IMMB-
DLATELY. Delays of only u few days may be vitally important to J'OU. Dp not Jqbb aU the
benofite of your hard work in p]anniii? and perfecting your inventloD,

M?l] tfw Cvitpon i?r FRE? B?ok TsMaf

It is of tremeti(it>u3 imporUnoe that you file your Applioatiou for a patent at onct. Oar
free book telle you boW to proceed, wnat you need to ^ow about pa tents in general and
ELVtiS you an estimate of our reasonable fees. We also aend you A “ Keoord of Invention''^
blajikL Take the first Step toward gettJng yoor patent now. Mail the coupon at once.

If you aend along a Ekctcli And dcScriutioh of your in^'entEon, we will promptly WTite
vou wdiat, in our opinion, ought to be done In order to protect it, and for whioh
KTvioO there wiJ] be no fibarge.

n^?st Betervnen— Atricteit Sccrcc^
j Tean mt Pr?T?ft ScrrlK— Deferred Pariueflite

bora of the firm of Victor J- filvaue & Co. are registered Patent Att*?eys.

''Arj tachnica] fOrCi::S include lawyers, registered patent attorneys,

■? (Hid searchers. Our Patent' Office nidd Foclerel Court prAslioc
"".i.cnte And trl])dei:'nArks. liVo apccializo in those two subjccte
.T (^f alt othera. In our 34 years of patent praotjoe, we have
.rved thoueands of inventors to whom we oui refoTr is a
atage to an inventor to employ an attorney located in Waali-
U, S. Patent oftiee bae no branches,

Bere*c How W? Operate

ascription of your iavention comet into our office, it is
charge of an attorney, who is particularly familiar with
. you have perfected. Under his close personal super-
’;rE and ckiUcd draftecnen work. He p-srsonally sees
te conclueion. In ehort, you have the EidvAntAgO- of
'ienced eersow,

'J7ri(fpsj *n ndvjrr(r!?ra filSQSS PAJivJcir JfechAltica



Mail the conp*n today, Hod In aiditi^n] ihe

JrBt± bnciJs, we'll BOO4I JfuLi wicJinul eliaiTgi: u
*^Rtctirtl o( Invention Blank.’' Thia
foim, vrken properly hllcd cut,
may bo nf value tq yeu
evidciice atioLitLi neea-

olpn r?f|itiine i [. Tliere
no eliar,c:ei or



WbAt tkfl Canpvii &rl 1 tgt
MmU It Tadart

Mai] the L-oupon today and
lake the first st-ep toward
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Don't wjL.^t.e prieeleFa tiin
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Estahlished 1 B 9 B


KAIN ClFflCEi ??Q CC ViAtatt BuildLn?, Wachi

BAAMClf OFFICECt ] WOCCCrmvQvlSnilrlinjj.Cliicii,
523 CtJ Braaiiwjijr, New Verk: SSS OC Filial Hy Philaitrlpl-
'lyubt euijtliiiit, PhJJodctphda; ^14 CC Em[iiT? BuilJl

323 CC Braadwjijr, New V?-k: SSS <X1 Filial Hy Philadrlpl

PitTKi>u.r||.!?; IDIO CC Mubam Sou Financiaoo,

Plew-P^nH ]iiij year free Ixvok, ''rFfni' (jh>OIiwIti (md yoiu"'

Blo.Dk.'' Thi* T?r(|'ij^^ jijei, not tibtiKii1.c me,

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street bthI FJop,




W'Afijt UJH:(|n.!7 id orfuertisrr-T p2dMc tnmttim Pdjvuld-

1 ^




(.CcjitlnuEd fTDir psge 1 35 A)

i killed his own motlier, tryiiiE to conceal
this crime? There xvas a bullet hole in the
window, aud photographs of both aides
of the glnTss indicated the shot was fired
froiTi, outside.

Detectives trained upon the bullet hole
a powerful flash tig-ht with ai^OO-foot range.
Peering eagerly out tlic window, they fol-
lowed this beam to the roof of a tenement
Itouse on. the next street. There, careful
search produced a single empty -shell from
an automatic pistol, of the caliber of the
bullet found In the w^o man’s heart, and
also a pistol belonging to a youth living
in the tenement. JIarkings on its harntner
matched the cartridge case, when both
\vere photographed. The youth said he
■ had been trying the gun on the roof and
the dead woman’s son was released.

Instead of freeing a suspect, photo-
graphs convicted one in another case.
It started with a serious .fire in the store
of a small merchant, who claimed consid-
erable insurance. Detect ives found his
whole store wired for burglar alarms ex-

cept the most likely spot, just inside and
just outside the entrance.


S*a -P u iB T ittHT

fiariar Ymur Hm*



. !h*i^ rm. miert kp *i

I ol.hB'iUJ ilk.


Tio livtar

- J ? D^dL MBh mchA

Fm. iwd i

HlAiAllH UlTTain birfJH Mrmm

Net fe tcT . . .A kW^IAc

Uu^Mic fcufl. "Ih- kfu. ilbalFT'
Uienr. dfi dLin— UO mu. Hmif

A-Hilinfa ^kE?uj tuAk Lf wA

atcUr HdHcriMI- ^ 4 *^








All eaees submitted jriven personal
attention by tricmler^ of the firm.
Information, antf Boobftt Fro*


r?UM awkm>

^ M. w. suHviiz wwiiiMjioH, a. o.

'’Sec," he said excitedly, '’here', ontsidc
the door, they sawed a lioie denvn through
the floor, crauded under fbc door, and
sawed another Itole np through the floor."

IJut the detectives laughed at him, be-
cause the sawed places showed both holes
were saw’cd from the top down. Police
preserved in film the story of the cuts.
The jury looked at thfl photographs, and
convicted the storekeeper of arson.

The camera also helped obtain a convic-
tion for a vehicle homEtidc — a fatal auto*
moble accident caused by criminal negli-
gence. Thotographg wxrc taken of skid
Tuarkfi made on the pavemeut by the of-
fending driver. With these photographs,
and accurate data cm what the car should
have done if properly handled, experts of
the vehicle homicide squad were able to
give great aid to the district attorney.
$uch a s^uad is summoned to the scene
I of every accident wdtere anyone is killed
I or seriously Injured. The members carry
i decclerotneters, pedal pressure gauges, air
gauges, mercury gauges and load meters.
They take photographs showing the con-
dition and posicicm of cars, type and con-

fCanli*''n:-?ll tA 1 -J-n.AJ


to HKttiJm Vi rCKir rtanin— r
OWDf. cool, iiciLt, ItobL ICkf
BrVito In' ill


la '




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Smd. [node] ot drawinB Tcir FRHE advic-e.

BooTt "HOW TO OBr YOUR F ATBKT'' wit on requUU


It-atotstaiwl |jwy- # r

?1 Victer blMlni WAtHiNOTOHL bv


Qur btiDk PaiipUSeT^tv Kireft
UCEY a UCtT.flS F SlTHt V.

-p-an luBOt profit*

bODW *Im 1 b??d cbrUio
ffmpL? but vit&J fpttB th>
fart Ifiir Patsfit*,

fBcta; Kfit frff. WritB



S. IFn^iiili


Booklel Free Highest Referennes
j PTOmtrtiiess Assured B?it Resalts

Bead drawm^ or model.


■ent Lawyer in the latest edition! of theEfttld-McNally Direetory otBankeraand
'rnmeiidi^ Attomeya, poblish-ed by RHud-McNfllly & Cn? ChicR?i:i, HI,; The
vfll eT Attamevi. publiibed by LcbbI IHirectnry Capar*1:kA,

^Luier-* Uoiw Ll?t, pmML-iJKd by Lc^bJ Dirvctpiy Publiibi-nE Cd.. Ut. LbUlr. A-mcr-^
"mul. p^liibed. in Cl??li--nj. OHig-; tci*l CNrtsitfljj; , pahlhJ?d by

'b.. BaitbD. llaiE.; Syr e'l Li?r List. 9 Kiw Vwit CUyj Wfiltefi Lena I

? NebTBi-Li, BnU Ibr l4aEiona1 &|iwtwy Attwneyi, B*ltiEn?p, MniT^Jand.



VMM Balldhv, 724 Niwbi H. W,


Th T

-f I ■■






^&*4*rd ?f iKTCtltfini'^


Dd requmL 1 wUL maid jnj FREE
i d< pv -of IjlTmj-

(-laii' Uink. Oq tUDDb v-dj
con nfcni.ft'h Bud. dncjIbG fi'iKif tli-
V^uUdd &nd bfrv? U Minoced La
?U4di iBitpaej tbab Lt may b4 tif
T?luv to 3fn?l oj iTidBlw*. Brad
cii-ijpDi] new and rBdcln tbm EonCQ.
loritlHt IfttH niy Ir?i IxiqJL

Small Ideas May Have Large
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E>on’t let delay rob you of your invention- ACT
AT OKCE: Remember that irmniing is one

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Prompt, efficient, Bccret Ecrvice may be
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Ruwaabl* P??B *nd C*BVeal?iit Term

I have served thruqgiuids of inventors in ikU |.n'ir(a of
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So don^t ^Vaate valqqable t.ime-

6?t ttie Facts Today

Bead al oiuce- Jar Tfiv PflEE BOOK/' Eloii^ (-0 Ot+?l ti <i PairDt."

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1 ^IilllfrtlrLfcldll: >'fw*r ■r'ri !?> -


AIhii^e b B Tlurv (,[ biF drajUDr
, andRr*clDm.tiQi7i?n^M, wama
-t M.bH qE MptfleiiieJ ex-

pcTLS !■ I a 10.,^ Ocogtaut emcJriF.
My tifl? lu ?n

loriTitoltDc (he fatant Omoo
I I and my B?ilAi;Aint? (.a-n,.

^ l-lieref'DTT:, apMAr pramiiUT

[arc ilieofTicLblij Bud



Pyroil perfect^ every
fcnu of Jubricfittonn
For all piBuchiji-

ory aud oquipuieDtr
Fffecrt^ eadiHr atarting
ID viul^. Lubncalce
safely till oil c[reuUte&.
Helpc hfltterjf . Heduoes
friolion, ov^riiHilin^,
T^TMir. Saves rcjuiira.
Aetiially Ravs* more
than iti ooet.

?b1v InvdiiiM la m jr"' jIidfI
Ynu t(i Jriv?r|-

PymJ. ]'!'< HH of 1Ji<
uuid npfrt*rUl4i ?ellem iJL
niitaila ?v?7 UtH?. Ah
w*yu mifflW- BlB pralt Ev*rr'
uiL nr (>xi(4 (or full

KmHiliui rt&ru iLDl raeoE dI irtut
OtlHin ATE doiOC. UJOll 14.

— cot tutoiEim I^rrnt] Imk

acHuim pvniL

)■ iihiiMr* lo tti U. *. *id Pi jiliil!ii
ud b bj V. V. liSST il.

IbihLw. liw^ r*l??b ftldlMlJ
itwf LOb billca rf lb* Oi"po*

Tril IBH:

|kh ?Ubmu? ?h', W. V.





■ltd. Po^er 1??.wvipiT?w*r

A Pi*?fc*i r*ro?em Pgw*ff CnltLvniw r* OiTtfni
?n, Bulnirlwiiitia, Ttuc^keci, PLorint^ a oibct?-
niFii| Fma OlEOHeHi and Poaltryi&an.

ilMiMM Pri m — tiiJ Tvfpn


1W* ■ Ml Ml WObw.


Wni Hy nrtj rioiUm Itir isia. Arinitet, LUicftFHcu] fsot Buailci;,.
aiOD.ra tw Lm M]nt. n> Siriw CMb pramlunin. Coif all

old meiTUT, blUaiJidi4aiD[ii^ - - -

mcu miua |itO At H SCiir

WjiUmHtfc Cbwwwr.

dond It? tor Lugia Cain f dHet. Miy

&.pt- MC,

Pt. Wfmrth. Tt^m,

>*VMP 5

R 0 ?ur 9U Pi"P*. tv liilfln


fIDESELLSS UDDd.'Tcff paaor fBadsn, eu nuv^
pmumriB -ohlp^c.-aU tnin?ia..bv!tl?Aa9n.

rndfekod- modiljinn and ottbcr
ErrlCtEHT cuhioiHlcAiidApKlOlQIKtikiOai


Uimtn Pros,


V $5 Down


liHiMI ctT-trilf nlmiihinEtendBd pijmcctt pIh Ean^pan-
'Am. H liG cn Oimt UUIrll IriPOdbd iiilllpA—

■*wr/. AS-inwl— TbJIIbllli
<^ro#— I*wwt Ojrtrttlnc
nr n

roe— Lowwt


cnv OR pirrmBURGH

btB't’vdar >Pr BiMBfflc HovCiicino and
wiip? i Bi aagi:— Ft?W #r >?■?*■■■>.





{Cotititiund Eram pofc 12SA>

dition ol tires and s-kid marks, to check
with table-s eatabli&hed by their own teats.
Once a squad photographed skid marks
indicating an accident, when no car was in
si^ltL It had skidded into the East river
bearing; two men to death. Another time*
tire-mark photog^raphs at a fatal-accident
scene pointed to a sedan that was minus a
door iiandle. The driver denied guilt and
claimed the break an old one, until chemU
cal tests showed it a new one, and an
X-ray photograph disclosed the handle it-
self in the throat of the dead man.

Each police photographer is an expert
fingerp rioter. He finds latent prints, prac-
tically invisible, on weapons, doorknobs,
woodwork and other surfaces. Incredible
though it seems, he can get a print from a
wet window^ pare. He carries dusting pow-
ders and occasionally uses transfer tissues
that absorb the print. New York police
headquarters now indtjcc^ fingerprints of
a million persons all over the world.

An important aid to identilication is the
famous rogues' gallery with photographs
of 108,000 New York criminals and 15,000
from the rest of the world. The New York
police recently found two improvemesils
that have had an amazing effect on crim-
inal identification.

In addition to full-face and profile pic-
tures, suspects now' arc snapped full-
length beside a standard marked in feet
and inches, “That’s the ‘stand-up’/' a po-
lice olheial ei^plained. "‘It’s a idea, to
show the whole person, not just his face,
liead and shoulders, Wc realize now that
people are recognized, not by their faces
alone, but by figure, pasture, clothing,
which our host pictures didn't sho\v+*‘
Suspects arrested in groups ftow ate also
photographed, together on the theory that
. a man who would not he recognized alone,
may be recognized if viewed witli people
w'ith whom he has been seen before, AL
/ready, by these mean's, identifications of
persons accused of CfimcE: have increa&ed
from two per cent to seven per cent.

NoWj the police are hoping the camera
will help them thwart one of the crim-
inal's oldest tricks— recanting a confession,
claiming the poHcc forced it hy third-
degree methods. The new plan is not only
to write down the confession, but tO make
a sound mgvic of ft.



t *


<‘CorH]t;u.Lil ir-usn iiLluc 3491

the U'-heel li-art! ever. The reuult Is a tend-
encjf to swing' the rear end nf the car
arOTJcld. Then anything may happen,

^'LeC the car float back. Don“t jam the
brakes. Just take it easy and guide the
wheels back on the road at a frieudlv an-
holding the steering wheel Srmly+ The
saine treatinent applies to crossing the
ridges often left in the center o'f a grave!
road hy scraping,.

In turning corners, particularly on slip-
pery pavement, free wheeling red'uce& the
tendency to skid, he points out.

'Tt you’re gunning it,'' he says, "the rear
wlieels lose traction; if you suddenly re-
lease the throttle and let the rear wheels
work against the motor, you are, in cEcet,
applying the rear brakes. Wheels railing
freely always have more traction than
wheels under power or hraked by engine

■''On emergency stops — that Is, full brake-
pressure stops^you can halt your car
more quickly in free wheeling or with tlae
clutch out th.iTi you can if the motor is
locked to the drive. We used to think that
the motor helped you stop, ami it does In
slow' deceleration. In a quick stop, how-
ever, unless your motor Is disconnected
from the drive, you have to slow it down
as well as the ear."

Ab has his own technique in holding the
steering wheel. The left hand rests at the
"ten o’clock^' position while the riglit
grasps the rim at about "four o’clock."
The left hand Joes most of the guiding
while the right serves as a sort of locking
grip. In driving, he holds his right clbotv
close to the body for rigidity and lets tlae
rim slide through the fingers of hts right
hand. Tliett, if a tire blows or a road dIj-
fitr tic Lion tends to jerk the wheel, down
clamps that right band for steadiness.

If youVe going on a long drive at night,
eat sparingly in advance, Ab cautian.-i.
You will be more alert and less troubled
by sleepiness.

What is the test of a good driver? The
attitude of his friends, Ab believe.s,

your friends get thrills and chills
riding with you, there’s samething wrong
with your driving," he says. "If you realty
knotv how to handle a car, they won't be
conscious of your expert ness."

the bullet? the barrel? or

— the Oilstone?

'were ralking about the Fig Truth ssyoa
rail it: or/stpmng the edge of tOOlt
ftfien," wrote a superintcndient ofi bif^ri?nfLj
factory. "To ^ind sin edge S-nd SCOP, wuEom ftif-
itaaiag — well, that' s a n explo-dca ide* With *il
eiLp^rr workmetL Y our free book on sharpening
advLies oihlaa/ag the edge of machine cutnng'
tools, aa hand rools. On dlriiling, for in-

:sCFnce, can reduce grluding operadona

"Do you know that si lifling JUKbiue fj Opd’-
aecd by rhemoatEtillfiil iriectdnicj in the planr?
They are sleit to keep rhfr cutter to

aclcBn, liHid edge. The jwcuniCj' cf the hullet
and the durability of the barrel depeuil on the
miiroriLkc smoothness of th^ groove?."

Tie Big'Trttlh aad all ihe vthsrsr frit
IrheNoricia PUcebDDic die knacks of jhaipeciiiif

Lfuowa [Cl [he- □]d‘"diiier9 ic PJkr, H. Catch vp with
ifaEm br Kndinf Jut it. 'TbcU dcD|s iaco a iftwe'ici. see a
(fiieitrpL Hivieviii oC vcyiitt anJ JujmIt EiimJEis. Dnlds

like (o jlipw Them sM ulk jbap.



mhat Exp^Ttx

?MiaiA,Ati JfU


















BEHIL-MANUIMG COUP., J7. S. Salts RttrimUiHai
UtTfL. T, Trur, N. Y.

Elease seed me t'heNoetDii Pike lhirDk,''Hcw to Sbarp'
eu." I'm tirtsrp entiusb tr? aik ft^r it, oinee FREE.

AtiJrtif ..

itlj fluiirt ii




Quicker Relief


Colds and Pains


jyL- 1 .sJ 4 .A 1 -



riluminnition for a staircase in Germany

is proYicIcti it?y a s[iira] t^bc

/? .' f A

LDDkLnj D 41 WR Eram Sliii'case da Spiral Lijrlit Tba.t
Giwfl E.vtD IlLiuninAtiuD in E'utr? CUirn'FT

Because of Quick Dissolving Property
BAYER Aspirin Starts ^^Taking Hold*^
^ot 4 Minutes AJter Taking

Due to importanti scientiiiic develupmcnts in the
tvorEd-famous BajuT labaraCoriea^ almoat IN-
STANT relief from ooids, sore throat and other
aches and pains, is heing; aiTO'rded millknis.

Because of a unique process in making and
tableting, Genuine Bayer Aspirin is made to dis-
5al\ie almost INSTANTLY in the aTomach.
Ile^ice it a/arif to ?a.'OT'k almost bistafsily. Anri (hue
"takes biold" of the average pain^ colrl or head-
ache in aa tittle as three or four niimites after
takingr The fastest, safe relief, it is said, ever

Remember, it is Genuine Bayer Aspirin wlilcli
proi'idca this unique, quick-acting proparty. So
be sure yon get the- Real Article— GEN LINE
BAYER Aspirin when you buy. Naturally you
want Lhe fastest, possible relief — and that’s the
way' to get it.

To identify" the genuine, sl‘c that any btm or
bottle of aEpirin you buy' is clesirly marked
"Genuine Bayer Aspirin,'' And tiiat aciy tablet
yon take is stamried clearly with thg namt:
"Bayer" in the form of a cross,' Remember —
Genuine Bayer AspirLii does not harm the heart,


neon system. Even diffusion of light in all
corners is obtained by' tlie glowing pole
^yhich reaches from bottom to top of the
stairs^ standing in the center while the
staircase winds around it.




When your favorite bait failSf try chas-
ing yonr fish and li it ting it with a stone.
This idea was used with much success in
collecting spccLnicns by an citpedition to
Honduras from the Field Museum of N,at-
ural History, The ^vater of a stream was
shallow so a seine could not be used to
cnllect the many Rpcclnicns wanted. A dip
net also was useless since the fish took
refuge under rocks. .An radian girl soived
the p rob 3cm ft>r the collect or.S by showing
how her people caught fish in this river.
nSbe selected the most promising rocks
under ’,vhich fish miglit hide, took a stone
as large as she could lift and threw it
down with great force on such a rock. The
concussion stunned the fish under tllC
rock wliicli seemed to lie yvith their liacks
again, It it. The rock w.rs turned over at
once or tlie girl groped uuder It to cap-


tiirc the stunned ercature.n before they re-
covered. Slttiilar methods later provet!
successful when the cx.ptdrtio^ wanted

yij Tj-^x^



B[G PLmiEEJ SbLi^iiBiLiiii>MH?rYi_irOwiL
Turn 3 ^ut ciiu heo mtmej. !Mikr CO^illtED PQT-
TXRY^ Ai 4 N^^'±]llcd tnd G 4 j Jox IFunllucc. .CkUi
^ pMHl. Mltar^ll ?H4 hrllc. Otlainrd li'^llljr. *0I

DnuiiM Eiiilf mfedt ScU fw S pihh (vni

Hiiddh ^ 2 C up. Wiin udlj fpr bmAlit.

couRciinx iHDwnun

57 a?htflwaAvt 4 iecniANCf, mkhiGaN'

low Prices

* '‘iXafiyrA ■WoOg
Offc*^A.U at-



Wrlu ?iu *I?^U-I|ar '?kr wth cc ^ilra n Lhi-
biipjMi tamp KM IniLrtBiiDbu qr uii

mff#W- krIlfatK pp ■ M IT ^la HDqrpirtcll.

Cv^Bikt* UilO>*rntiM immn

liilnUnK lllwlnbtd -dmlir tiw.

4?kir? ^Hfiki

UEDt RV Fb Cl., mi E hulHj. bcni


_ N ow ^

Ri^i^iticin to OGC ?CEW T,-OW
iriv ^.^0Sr ^rilCE. 1 irilS Bead For ymar ±p.

pTo^uLfiDU PT thvm&tfSL^Inril li-VRt^tieri
' iijSffir e; an roll 100(1. for r. tifrdiTiLn fS notUFoirlory
DOWN — dJUiTT J.'mi trJ ni'i'iW ib iiy <l:%>'n
PJIE](- — tUolk ooll it to yrvj on cmj piii-mnila.
^ IV ritr: Ecit dntiiJiifi.


. TVtitOforiiilT ri? Dinniond Riuk nnd IVrijiS
VVaLoIi CutolKi bIioi^'Liii innTvi'louMi^
' xS il?itii0' Tlkinl: oJ iit — bcantlfni] nliii.
iiLOiid riiiRB n]|i,l artinbio dri'iiFidHtdO
''.'ll Ll'hl'? lit OILb pricch. CliCBiLci.g ll MJlt

3 - in' a ^ /trt- (Hjr Sjwi Offer,

‘ IFv Good /irr ff(? iagi on-!ii.

F 3 ANTA FE W.VnTIt t:p.

,.-| -/jir Slj Tlurinai aidii. Top^'b?!, Kmii^E

T <1 > T? GrtB OMBBicntoivch A wonder-
r* fC f* p luliiFCMbtePfl difnt— [elEbowtii.fanLd,
* pjm Bsil bEuiille ridRi; bmenp ^

Bine. TbE> prlurJplD el TompCmvd akr artlon Ctut DDde

ItiO :B 4 BI?u 10 Sltm:ln 3 bnb w?]d Euhjoiw loia Imoii

bo S& i&Dt BuConutlf Qrinf. LAim &□ about tmUi dni9.


Farmi to curt Lead StiEdf ern, I ndianitTraip^
J3CTI, Huntern, 'Wtld and Fjirm Anfraulu.
Ii4 different forma to ocloct fraui. BrOf )F
form ltunmni?*<J to ?l 4 t perfect fle-urea.
SbJid k RiRdip (or ULuRcnLed cacaioiiue.

HEiH It Y C. SCHieROtE Sotocn ft J. SH^WT.N.y,

Build Dut^h WindltliUS YJjr'fflen

Oliol^llr rcrCiT Cur u bilij

Dvr nr ?n*rn'F. lat *ni dFiHBit'.n^. < 1 ^ Irulibuak,

iHfl u-in lBeihki airli bliUj icc. Ain m ImE-illiJ Linirf'.

JCOUUlS Blldii^-la (Mna Bl 7 k CeO bkhi II 0 ?., rvf Un-I

M alw-jla_ QA ildDM ud ?tMT f iUd 1 ^ tCT flud-TmfiRa fEVB Lwt.

CIM,FTllllll'jiflPapi.. Pitf. t. HM H, Ori }l? milMln, HU.


AKMtf Fpm ?

Up to

5 |lJl^;SirtVl^rAr[ll^, $pOr[ Fire- J

dKiJ ^ irn]i|.QoT!^.ShH 9 |. etc. Send (?cforTA.-lW^
riew utiEef, ui bthdccttsf en I<n(?r 4 <r ^
Arinj & NaT7 Sappl| Ca.4772LEFtEtS(. RlefamopdpVtr


Catch Fish! ^

jaitakEHibtveomittaT Im>w to
foil f** t?n 4 t bpooro tad IfeO

uio Ip lilOd*. Flta All C>rv-

Automatlc Gas-Lok

rnoLnro proLocInii Ufbrpt Conk

tv-rercB- rWvrai iij tihl iiiHaT/ Limn

OVVf, IL^iicIIoIIt' duinnod uiid HIl-
iilinl. JiioiBUl Rl .nn Bilk iwo kijB.
Anro.iol ‘br'din lOilAy ler Ftcb
olT^- Aer>d ti.1^ For uuiple_ dad
rotopIcEo Biia i r-mBlitoj propiBlLiiui.
blrHmy boi^ iT Ir^l DltdB^.

Ekta. Edlnk. Moifente *l(fc

HtH^r nftw inTdlue o:aJTa.T]liH9 " ' ■ uuarrfm-

H.TnLWFnETiroi^ Wrim hneiH FREE TRAP DFFFR and BafRafD
raiaFs. A1 Bon OFOur jaO'iOai Flail Bulb FDEL to jotroilDDe our [m'pK.

IWAL-rOW 3IUPPC.Y BO., 3B0J: iUWIATA flTC.. ET. LPMI*,- jap-

HUTOHftTie ftEMjait MFB.COh ZI PiTfl- IB-


A fcClECX-CBi^HE JV B? li -im- ^ Lli

awH ipefil Bk VK-dirskni ihn. El

wU rip. tn-Tl,.TFL iiWi tf -nxude i^nm |t hjy-p ^

ll|M il-Kfc. A ■■^■ 1 . iU-AmuJ niEhlM. ywl ■■^l-
cu Df ItaDR nw jq. IcT THir-nAPTuLuffnb n* pn>*>-i


“ — , la Dm I Kth If a" h 4

^_i:— , 1 jii ^ cl" ^ iV

pTiILe. nzhi irMihEh^
■ 11^ liHC bUd?i. Ad.rH

ibU ipu| urrflas.

An ^riaJapbdlpj raajk^|

JU AdOAB.fAeBa Df ^

A TUtUif AKBOh Saw

Piiirt^^iTiA Ticlzc A11TII>H h briFr I'hcnnl p*dnrc^^^
tii’ ** r?' — w wp k qTd ladn Iw iii><rTif|i

Fr 4 c*r Ff?

ini^jLSljtikSiT.jiOT Wi“ikf^#: □ P* dtwirb*

1 L'' UmfIu -Hiif^u Eauf-Crui Lm.

ufebe 1?-BV dIsHi n RivAlfii "Admilum bC ■

OUir pia?-iuliK?d uudlMly. TRUro ABBOB ^

TlfriBiDcfcLrvI Tvno j

riU|. lAVfvl i

1 ^ ifAV ■FVT eAepH

^ PmaJa Klf wrikil


CkfVbRtfl I f>LarJy lUi LMH i*!

UiilH.r Hl?r 4 *d,i 4 E. Ih'Ti*- Ur "dPA 11

iMiH ^ X iDi?^ r f1|ii? “I.O. JijT U

>■ 1 ^ "uofk.au L oL. 4 hM aOU-rU. Afladamn J]

lul ll.ttp pir pwhna bil**ti * iirhil. Wirlidlii Da^uM,


i:t 4 A




Hail ft Today

5;”' CASCO w.?r">“' O'-'’'

■ ■




CASCO m 1 1 E*


It wFII work voncinrs fijr you as it has for
thoiuarida of Ollier Popular h^edi^nia
readers, Thin]{s that wouJdi not atiy
brfore , . . how you can put diam toEcth^r
ftertrrunettilj^ in episa of njoLsture, htatp
rotP?;i'i usage or plaisi

Mew Easy Method

of Buildin^ and

Repairing, Things

rc^atClJ^^n bjid tUaEiur oic^-inlci- CVHy>

wW( m du^ovirlaE hoW CASCO W?e-?r|l?jpt
Glue, iri? ^ndenworJiiad ^iJh*nvE, imiltei it ddi-
sibii sIjc ihiniti vjiiily, quirhly iriil fifintam-nclj

^ fUfL HP is doiiU' in bJ^ tfv>?0'>^'?TkinE Dad iiu-
□cture faccoficii.

Aad [fsty oinizcil jad ittLH.|:iiTd. tc Sod thtt
Casco ■ - ? tJiyn, pti^nlfT , . ,

DUSUi ,La uuKVIy in CsJd WJUd, tncoiing a CKUUV,

■ pp^f-lfinidLIVR allL*j InpLpp Dll jobj-

UiifiLp niTdiMry eIucp tad patup wbirH hicdfo
triin-ly iliMiish euibnniJiiHi, CASCO SETS ChtRM-
ICALty UlKE CONCRETE. Aadcltp j|^,d wiih
CASCO ittv jilutd.


^aiit vmir fcit4 mnp1t and
pl>3v? CASCO’S Tlw

yij>j Kftivt fnIL
CLlttuiai PFIClJelt CASCO Ea dn
B. Etit ]ab trtvd prD^T CASCO’S
inpEEiDPLlv# Ib Jar^^pr qnoDiititi
CASCO may It* ?ntiininrd tram
yr>iir HiidwtH, Ftiid ?- QniEd'

?**F S1^TH?lr DtaJtp^ Jb, cjn
1 [b. can tltp ? |b,

aad ip Elr. Diciii^aEV'jwiM t tpEap

CASCO' Is EcodtOnrJepf HP, l. ^ntfj */
CJSCQ ntaief I Vi o/ LiqHtd


3D9 East 41nd St. New Voeli. N. V,

Improvised Tool for Cuttin-g
Lc^tJijcr Lacing

Consisting of n wood block and a fiafety-
ra?or blade^ this tool is lianJy for cutting
laces from scrap leather* A notch i.s cut

L-acES Cut fscjn SmT> LeatbEr 'willi Tod] Madr frdni
fikitk. Bad SpEEty-RBibr UiidB

in jhe side of a wood block and the ra?.or
blade is pushotl into the top of the block
as iivdicatecl hy the dotted lines. The dis-
tance the blade is .■;ct over irom the bot-
tom of tbe notch deter mines the widt. 1 i of
the lacc. In use, a small ctit is made En the
leather to start the lace tEirougli the notch^
ftfter winch the tool is Iteld in tlie left
hand anti the Ltcc is cot hy puEling on. ft.
— Win. Uisfce, Uiulerhif], \Vis.

Sealing Wax Helps in Hammering
Hollow Copper ArtieJes

Ttollow copper articles such as pitchers,
.tsK tr^ys and vase^, are Cnisily give]] a
hammered firtith if they are first fUkd
witli se,aling was:. If the wax core cracks
before the job Is done it can he rcmelted.
Til is method makes it possible to procure
cheap* plaiti'Snrfaced nare and cliangc it
into more attractive forms.

CL discs should he poLislied with a cloth
that has been laundered, as a nctv cloth la
likely to scratdi the glass.



n ■ e4diM, DtMfc nlLiJili- r
L-ir nnpinr for Lnmdoiiaat ,

Krwm cDvti lacnulv ihm-
un-daoE uiiiRirl iHLarliuBiLb
ilM> LI. M, A. ilai^ud. brxnd CJr*Hvl

?ocmtnicud hrUldluidhrbbMn. LwiEp
iwic-a uLC?ili r?*u0avmBliBri

50% TO 60% MORE 5ERVfCE

?q-i.rJ.i-;A] |.LO

li-kL —

TIpbb TiibBi
■ - H |0.<?
H ?■;??

a-, is r>M

1.4 a. if r^A*

iM 9. If

.IV E1J.4M a.v

i.iv nub IlZ

J.3U ESib jjs

].IP — AIID^btHeb^

1‘3S 4ll Tupee Hew

riw1pjrtS‘*i , ViKlikt^n.]

bL ^

loi Bf TWu



nhlTwr B ?-■Bfr'- Ml^-


JIUBKEl CO., tmpt. 1H5
IWV-ig Wm EiPtr-Thim Stmet, tMcnc*, lllinviv

A. C. Electric Plants

I r>rinWi lb? nm ndftnb ta

. tri" A. C.
nrlnc'rwlnm ?iJ U?.B?b<AJ
ApdIpbb?*> Slp^Mp-bOiP.flOO i^flltB

AThlLoblB fpoa Bt?k. Ko Iwitcrv^

iKr^it [i> iii^ VMf AfiffSna. ]du]
hrmiL cwilpu -RDid laka faoDieBi

JiH B fi:^* ^ i?. C.


aiS r^iv^lMion A??. M~lBn.

?Snt"tc stop tobacco?

BBDijh th? i(n,iF|jpf fhr biiTuim u
ttiaiunnilBJuve. Mik?r^niAK^I tr^e
AJid tupctv 'PriEJa TabfeCE? ItBilBeiiier.
HlVl t.|jll:1.BLl|[UllI, Tll1?]'lPlllt fiumLnj;.
■??t* Tot tree iKHiklA tSlUnP &r |it-
IkirLHuefiEsrt^riotHurv BEHltJepeajd-
■ btnBwr^M'CdrdlDypCbE
KavlEfl nu[q^ liim

HBfmll PharnucAl Cjh

flipLaW 5t.L*tirt,Md. I


Intormation on any bochk free. ^'lite Popular
_ M^'hanif:fl Pr^^, (JhkafEO, III,


flA BnBrt BftBC-LIInz- hn-C. prodne
mper ?Hf ubiIb. IniHjpsiwitiJd on e
U riB, IB lUfBirT. f°ir bailidd', dOcftlnp,

■Bd bHBJar^ Cd^1 ftDT bat^atd. dBuniii
npBlridHcn . irt^ B ? . b? [vr". -p TB pi , ETH1 k 'h . .
■qvTnnpTTt iiaiiHTM]?cdhn"i]EW.U'l Q kv?l
4BT gouidlT diilHd In. h*if tlu ptiu] iebbei. '


siLrnrr HLUEriAML

■ ” MO I SE

srvi eCL

TtilTik of ItC EA4

-ul pJiy eM M fanlr [? iixt-

liqrulBile to Em? bmit dcsiKEL J
hH-kllv ]nKU]l(^f OjmlflJ.

H'p^'uix -KQfir p^rtBlaklldF. i;jiit alll’ctSm*,

m-EtrytiiniEiiiiiaiHitW.I U) jelve uomukte rtllurtetloii.

AIh Dumtn Mr c?k AEikvM and Heatan

Wrlw fijT rAbluBC ind ipKlail [iici-ory pEl?a.

H &ME MFQ. CO. 0*|l4.Sllr3?C- KIbi^B 9|.^ehlMP4
Adaaita. D’Hltfii DlaEflbuEora

msdtlon. PouwFar xWc(7ft(tBfc?r

f (&nnaOi//SCaffS
I W^// dff Z/iobor j>





ThEf briCirp.-at EncrtDr tHtt Ittidi!'

JnliDSEi^n faEh&uS— Tin] jf IJn-
t^EEJvnl fcr 19 Ji widi i nrurf
ipccdie-r In-prar Vdir. sr?*iir
pCi'^'vrt cialixf:

WETcm, ParEDn-Stdt^fij; Hifidie

■nd TaJjifr-TwlK UdJarwater Ei-

IllUIE. J['l I ( — wj E ti Ehe
jrdtHiEhflffi rlur nrlp at jLrt Mfl
lEiTc. And ic's a S?A-nOR^E ^
rDdundCtl In prcdcce-asDn ititd
far J I !S^D.Tb? 1 95 j model, viEh oJI
iit irtcidiHi KbaemenEiL OnjCld!

11 EJiit^ f.frrbr ffi'fliikejraii.

QEb?-r ■nudrL]' il i(W

as It;."?!,


40 a F'eriUSncKcTn



mvii Nlcrto'Cch Ll-d.

I'cccrboro-r Cingdlft


A Iddd HbbiiIt Oiiri vf

.pLb^1.Pb 4 B^BciriCBELABli.
plpwltlf Bit JnSlDBlJvi'l
7 pvtii mat.4irp.WrUs tar

jrtnr c^py.



li^Ar WB^BEM







f a 4fUpifre BiiUetja Ediock fiiU i)t TtqJ vfttilH 1it

liilFl, aUiJia -4f]Eiip[Eianl^ stnatbur lupciLieii inb^e
eauLpmcrit, cUsl. , , , pD At trcmmdiiui Drit* rwliieUCHi*.
W riifl [?p?iy for ytiur 0?t La ud t?cie reo] jheiiuv^

Aftvktite t'duiAh


UiBiwt *nl? I


VoUllitLl C43FUlr
LtMilihrtrd Sirius

]G.|d. ISlzir


FDR tL.es PnSlpAjd

]HFAL litlrl i:.! PkB
Ipjll" imFEWni ‘-'I*! Lt?. ^

JlitJjt/flr tolatppjTB,

kW JiHYllIK A hWT EPm ?■ int. !1 . Rr Y. tilt



* ft Hnn ia jup^ 11 h li.ibi !rtLih liiVb IkyI'i FTBahinp ^nur liuip^

^ U* uranK, IX^ Iwbwbi CMlan. ruia fHajulaxTl itrudlj Imrri

■t rri ?U p#T Ini'h' ITI^ CAly rnnijdf EP u llliuErBlvHa (■if ludhU

iMMbiJ i 2 rtrf>. MriEiF bnAk#E, ■'? 14 ., ^ii;-. j^ibLTiv

L? liO lAI dOFIi 4f lo^ VM -raii'E iId> arvik-
evL a LbEIid. aaLaraciKKi or m?u}^ hsAi^lq
funninwl. 2 biibIu frin mmL
^'FlK |?r 4 d4aJ1b.


1BI3 Na.fUt?iPr?1.


Eteit vondv-nrlHr irtEC^ \
m rtp h^sti nMcAiMW ',
Ihe rifflif DTi'^fi ntc ',

ttse iipnr WOltKACB CitT- '
AUin, li^Lol DrjU.

S^UnJ ^QTicJl ???r.



Send For The
wrn?c nET


a. No.

WORKACE RacfEal Drill

Ltm M>T 44 lcy. wiiL lihill tmu^PT iA
2 f]" ciirlr. ILudisJ Julnr* parralui
nriripni hpoxi XHBjf Mrnm t^nr^ bn
rfjinll uiKr- wrirt rur>H^^ ca lli>or OF
r?i' JrllllM n- ziumt^-p or 1 k 4 c 4 - wlLbouL
biuvi^F Tvrk. .Irrinfcil fwr Jfetfimr
^Wrnr. Hpixutlfr ln.Tif^ ■? Uaxln
.4"- TxhfmpJa^ II


■Ailc lor buurtLxia^ ■■ wall u biLn kir
i^rilla Jur UQ[KniqJnn #nH iTiCwl'

■hb^ C4 ^TC riDir MeM f-1 JT(
llA?ih EhUI

BbOIiI irwMlS

?riiwk <rxpxi:Lti'j .Hi"- TxhfpiiOu'

[|lri| FHirh ?mva, AlCAfftTMni?4Vlil-

WORKACE 13" Scroll Saw

liljkdei tWHl 6 trmEi!
Jaeier ihartJaiteMt jia uu.

EiMr^ UD^rr

BuLJe, I.'. ^EaitBi'iUTn
Lbidth u( 13'.. Bla-dy
traFcLn 1 > 0 fi tcct pa niLa-
TdijISr l-J" I ] 3 \
UJId W 4lira. I willt

miiAfuatLc Ati^p it
pi>tiiiion. J^rii-
vided u'ltb bliLdc tEicL'-
liilf ilAvive and Lt:iiEi>^n.-
cr._ New biU bcd.T5n|[
AL inUiViUt pstta


Adanw and CalJtornia Avs. Chicaso, 111,

00 will prottet your lov?d ?nas

1 with Old Line Llf? IniuranCB

N n w . t 'fj h Limited nS*r, i ] & TTrt'Ij L b bfUlt

l.r.GAIi JiFfi iUunscr vLib

lull fuh uiil Jnf.'n VklU? uJ ulI-mdUmJ jruijnjirn
■VTJvIlihEi'n], liKknl 1i^ juari 1 ^d |a

BUdk. k[iH-u Lban I( 4 Cki^HI,I.H.IF< Hm t 4 C* Mid kv
P 4 lkr bnldfcck. 'Wrlw FfHjfly Jfif Pull jputUralj.?
.□d ipKIsun pnllo!V. PTO uenk trill -Ckfl.

jH Fjflh. Af. Hart, Y a W? Vary




w Ei?velope& t? match


MaklAEkinniuJ nr po-Jii+fd. wlfb NBEnC- Bad AifUl^M
Madey kkldc?, i?lLi>i::t, rir auBtC; Or D.



■iUffal 4. ironK

Wrile ior Uiis Big Fr?e Book e^

mete line of ntJki- eeU^ eSTric^ meii'e PCpthO^h-

nk^ikt liarts, ieetoquJpmeDt at Ipwcikt wboJcanJe jirLHa.

laa W. JeiliEMi Piipil. A CMtep^


CCpiktimi-pd ITOJD ■IJ?)

m.TL{[c hy fi number of different minuf.ic-
turerri. The i^rid and plate leads should be
kept as aliort and far apart ,a!> pQ^gibte.
The variable condenser Cs is a 2a-mntfd.
midget type.

The aluminum front panel is J4 hy by
14 in., and the liasq panelf of tlie same ma-
terial, S by 13 ill. Two sub panel brack-

eiSj itt- iq, hi^h. support

tlic base plate, leaving space back of the
front panel to clear the volume and re-
j^enerat ion-control potentiometers. Two
itaiidard aluminum shield boxes, 5 by 5
by 5 in., wttb bottom plates removed, are
screwed directly to tlie base as shown.
The rT.-eotl socket iti the shield at the left
and tlie detector-coil socket in the shield
at the right are both raised ah out 1 in.
above the base by means of brass or fiber
busbitlgs and long machine acrewsL The
trimmer-condcnaer (Cs) knoh extends
through the side of the shield at the left.
The plug' in coils are insetted througli
24iii-in., holes cut in the tops of the shield
cans. Two output jacks are provided, J]
for phones or ,% high -impedance speaker,

I and Ja for a dynamic, speaker. These are

[ ( CfHilinuEij tFi- pag-e tSS .^1



SOO milm [n Fipur lifpiirn □Eiil
Iwetity minuirfi . ^ Ikpv ihAt'i^ fiiii-
ICT tbau I n rii4in npoliii ^Ctil mi Ec

record. .. . *!'?erj't}iiEip;’M rpiTMi'Enj;
itwretIfM} , . icn ^ihd iithC a

bit tLretl + + rlrven licpiiTb . . I’vi;
zniidc over 12IM> miliips . , nniliin^
c?n. stop Tiic ?fpvr' . . $i]nirlL piiipif
? , whjiE little dn^idc

SUCCCAd. fuilurp: . . lull llp4-:Me

Cfajunpions voift Foil itto . . they
never hp.ve.> > Iwp'lve licmrx i .rtintr:
ia flyuif; ^vElIt me . . ihp 'hppxicleE'
every impEtrlopil rocc fortljc Iue-I
leCL yeB.ru. Iiuh. Iin'-en whpti Ipv CLiim-
pions . . ilieir new putcitlni rxtr-Ji
range ie ccriJMnJy iirniven] ntf

never Jhefipri^+ . Ipi'Liete itte 1
he^jTudije iheiti crp^li I . . fou rtceii
hoim now . ^ |j]aek np inlt |no + *
iome Birain lo fitllnw tlicpNe muiiiL-
era . . lo tliiiik llial a

j^nt p^^"^c of rngmceritip raceb'
njiipiiiii like iIlim p'jii' j^builld ile>

|peup3 -ipdi iti> lillJc i!-[pjrl( plu^^. .
‘I^kfl.nipion may Jpc |Piv:hiiil all
their wocM’^b rn^etprcls^ bu I Ihej’ll
iinvpE Icp llijiink tin for 1 I 116 chouee
to show tliclr tiloo!iiiui , , ibcze
wnM*!? the 6LE31 .nnp| i I’s over Iwenlj
fwEt hipiii-Tp , I jihitnbi be lired but
I'lik. IhIO bjl]p|pv Ip]' El 4 . , IvfeEll]’’
three + ■ llie liemc tlreleb end
7SOW twE'EEly four lEiEiira- t ^ yea
Ipot, pood for yon J''it rHT.-ArTow1
. . pood for you Ab ohi IrKpyt., and
pptpipi fEpr TPPEE piilla-Ehi Cliftinpion
Stpai'k J'htp!t. Gohb Pm di^er + ?
what hIehI bp.-: roy i. . ^7i0 miVea in
Si lu/iirs ill 1 fSt^I nEx|jr< per
fttfiir . . th& ^rpvxt'TJl

/orfflPTned bHRyonrf ? fhpnbt . ^
f'hiLiiipiim S-|inr1c, E’liig -Citmpiiny,
Ttpledo^ Ohio; WlndAur.^ OntArbi.

Hr. Kul M. Til*., Ch.lTtTji[rliiMTiifilir Plcsei^

jLwnxvf Mnricr Ctpr CtlHTi;?|nqiPI

?Flcnn>AmiW'iitfllBrtfH?Tjn*tPi WTnpalnailj
panlcvlir la PpwtfjHnR wpairt filupa at itlcy ITn
AB vnrrcj niilvr Elant -u-B lltcEr tli^lft^Ekpah
Uaty CliaiapdBat kiTt- propvrrf ilirlr dnpcailahJIEiy

In # K Mm I k B rpaiu-kabEfi uuB ii± I lIe:

AL jdikltu [a 4Jte cf ciur Tir?lTet"p
iF'.htin i<irf|i]Lp io od-pcfftacfs pjE^-piliatt PopnSftr ji/c-cAciiHca’






CAR VB^ Disc.




EkB l? Inaynevd Mi bindiFlind ii l> per^i

r?c[ lilenniEnt. 7'cchiDE? icucbiiKiiJUt cuirisr Iakh
b^i*tmPiu44^t'4iitg'dtftff’-ii>QdllfMr LiFteriorAP .f4.

nwpiia *rC.O. U.

vnaFR'E-'S vnr4''i H''ill-|MKifC'?rliidLii| nkxl inj -i"
fauQ ±ULjbljd M Iv^rtu m.rwjTwl- WEl^vfgq-

Dcgt- StHiDB A HDniiukE^ m|.



Bp El

Hdtil, lie,

V Wuh jrinjinv -.uhEsIl an
iKai^b-^ LKHtt-CsfiA^ptn l^l^r
lauyh d‘Eii (M'tFi iMttcmff
— Fordtl light g^lidinj.
ODEtilct-Dn A. C. orO. C.
_ HQvarii. Di^ilopi IQ.DOO
P- P. r’ll. Fllilhc hd[>d, P>m In I ton cdh troll'

S-dup tfinlr


IH S. AbenTaHi St., Chhiipi, III.

' ■VplllIX'

Aioncr^btirJi' waranCiir
TJirvt wbltl lin^ttt'J fz-tt.



. U 6 A S d



TtanurluaLe lun' tonL— atiUEKOs uit mnwer bj
hw.iiiJI lit Hm* BliiiiWtf — C m>W i>P|y J,r.(B— t^TMJ
IQB Udd -new pnunid — ?t?!l 7 taTiHwl la pcK rift- —

, Edvra 3 ti coflt nnit Unu 70 U UM- 1 [. Rtitrt a Juttii:
[BDH'w ibiUTiDncr tuulnou-'.-inalD pood monc/
-fMv iTi'irk — lyr, btc h -nuj civuiiiy itCRiriE jtnd riuli]

ItlU- PA'OPITA SL.DCi Uo>r [or wtnpMo In]

lod inTtpacttluD. hloii? nmmtra If ontiatld'

?. Tta Mil* Rnul. Raj^l O-k. h|di:4tlc.n


How To Make Bef fef


Jimr bank xlv'^n FTilnklw In. pinDfl

□uhknj! Unit uid nitra InteosiiL ta puiElsL
T?1ln ban io Ld oil Jin F 1 AW ?it?z 1 .C 3 .
tlH blir nid aow u?wplnir Tim ?iuiit[>'. Benil
ineiD cub. oiraTjjiipd to toT'cr cool oE escII-


AJmi. fUilltriii LkbA??T, ■■Lp^Li.


UACII^ lUADnft — Uiwt bHoEinM fall

vnnaiv Tivnii9 pmetda i? v>r<rifafa SDUipavn

to ercr*

TTia PorialilB WaiBr brlnn*

^nvHwJfB. toft trator Id id cnakw- Evw far
WlflhUlS 'drvQfii. .1 vabdlT, bith., lliBrnpciD Art^ *f iPf
bbnia HtpOH-. BdEEBn& ‘hmndnL WBliir hnivtuitir
*t thATan bf tH*fpii?^, S?Up mnpletoqntr Six.


Q^k MfT ult— uid ION. EMllH-lIfne']'* bCMd
deouutFiifM will It InEtaAtlvl WtdH bodU' fot

wbi^’IStW-' 5' thT^bt,
irai EPS. .CD

pan md FUtU CUM Fbc.
hpl. Iliy IH9S HfUmii Xn?



fCoilLliidtd Crdtti iiaijc 1.1&A)

opcn-cirEEuit j^clcFi: (lie output transfoi'tii-
er is a regular pentode type.

The coil-socket circuit connections to-
gether with the corresponding plug- in coil
connections are sliown in the diagrams
below tlie rear-view plloto oF the receiver.
Enlarged wirijig aiid layout diagrams
Tvill be- available after Part II of this ar-
ticle has appeared in t.lie next issue. The
20,d00-otim voltage divider is oF the ad-
justable-tap type and is inottttled under
the base hy' means of two small Lakelite

Using ordinary coils, the 40-meteT hand
covers about IS divisions on the dial, and
the 20- meter hand about 10 divisions. Di-
rections arc given on the coil diagram for
band spreading if desired. Standard plug-
in coil dorms arc used, and the cods are
all ivouttd in the same direction with No.
26 d-s.c, wire. For 2d meters, coils La and
Lj have S tutus and tap J is made at
turns. For 40 meterSj tliese coils are 10
turns each and the J-lap is at the fourth
turn. For SC meters, each of these coils
has 20 turns and lire J-lap is at the fif-
teenth turn. Coils Ls and Li have 4 turns
each, for both 20 and 40 meters. For EiO
meters, coil L 2 has 16 turns and La six.

Antenna Fits under Funning Board

Suspended by two insulating posts un-
der (he running hoard of the car, this sim-
ple atitentia has sufficient pick-up for dis-
t,tnt stations wlien used with a scnsitiv'c
auto receiver. A Fahnestock clip, soldered

Aut-fr AnT'bniii MDiuited Undet tbiC' Ruddliij;; Board cF
tbE Car

to the copper pick-up plate, takes the
shielded antenna lead from the set. The
antenna ifi <luickl>' installed and IS pro-
tected wiLli,,a waterprojoi covering, ^


cSiJ 0


139 A



Ruiootli-Oti N-n. 1 forced into aeam npenitiRp,
betwv^n nvctR, or into OiO <^uictkly TtiotailCizo^
jLod ttiereflfter tijilit u^in^t liot t>r cinid Vi'nljfti-,
feltiina , aii'ioLe, oiE, finaolino, ^ap, oto,
U tiuliJi iij any meCnJ find can be
iLseil a? well to stop leaifa at
j?L[ita uiifl oriMilts [n or

wrought mcli*l pitHS, radiators,,
boibra,, and fuman.'s. L'^o it also
to tighten loo!=Q handJt:^. and to
anchor loooe bolt?.? aeresvE, cte.^
in metal, ooncrece, tdo and wood.

By foUoviing dirtcUons in the
Smootti-On. Ficpair Booklebj you
fjin joake repaire at a baetjon o-i
what & repair man wonold chargOj
rsfid you avijid annoyinE drkya.


Write for


■Cri Sm(?pJ^-C^n Jl'iT. f JM r-ft.

STT fl-fb. lit reH'ti' AiifiiiM? jCsrc

fT if itiiMuf flam iti.


nept. 574 ScniiTiun.lpuiY Av-u.


Fits Vest Pocket!

AJdi, iiiEiliiFNt!!; and ditide^ lih

IJflCl nvRchiiie^yet it costs ontr t?.E.|f.
weijfTis tally 4- oiiRCEs. rts<E;a t<r ^ —
teed tor Lifetime. PerEeetly mcuiiLc.
Liijlitninr fsftt. Sells an MEht to biniinai
mcr, stcirctcejieTd, hoiintt — aiL wha use
fijEures, Wriic et <mct for AArilTC
F^ee S a ID pie Offer anti rtwDJ'li'
MpuEy-MikiiiE PIaOl 10(1 PicifilE

C. ■. CU^niUlir., bwS- OaO, 3 DGi W. Mw.r*? at., ehkKf .4

For Agents

Pe tented (Id v?ce Dpco(le.ODabLDj;. tjnirai
nEnTly dn ([4 billB. Every borne

biiTB. BIc praflt to ofrcntA Tlebt Ln
cJirsD 3mrd^tlQi?d. T<irrl|^y MC'l"i|t
Ili'^Nr n-Hs Ni Cbiks Fi^ili^

ttmdlH' IHlItiets, 171] Vii |Hi>, D^, micini


PlanmM A
SMdf M r

(ulUveUd* y
MmnliBil ^

A Prn-iVdflUl Tmctew far SitibU Far-rii
Uanlenerd. NytMTlde, I'tait

(■miiveni and Paul try men r LhEt
wmhdrroile — ILI eU L^eoianoa I IHKES
Fp'b 4 CDEar?|?Dvd BelE. Wurfc


3lI* 1 CJoDfiD Atcij MLranCaip^ljt, Tfl I [!□ ,

Pfkes ?v^r Offered

A qunLitr taat, aeaunitely
□mdc. fond drutr ?iu(ind^- m-
dsr. If ui,(. Entirely utlsOrd,
reSiim ebust Id ft dnyn .usd tc-
nSlL ntfurH] ydsu miiney.




* 4 H


JiM L Akidibr. ]$zn Vwu Si, twik


La tort Shop


Free Auto Service BuiJefins

r .




— afewat bor^

EnlD prifs. tSiDB
ri4aiV*BVib?l4 jr
awLDt- CpUHtenhkEt
sod. llDior Ibjta.
Vfritafor EiL

pHRM lM(llrein nlurwiS.

ol(iw? la OEid of ten Serriee Bul-
letins d'eseriblnji n^ri irin-trplLnf
th9leTd*E,dEid fMoai peoetlr+lTOdth-
odd tai oervIciD^ outH. trucks,

Bused nod trnelotv. Stioiies htyw tor
d>( Oli-'-rL RulInditH iHiloid

vLioli IrttEmL jou and iuilII nd.

□ Tlow |4 Otlnd Vjjria □ Rni to Maia BralJosH

O ifoir Co Mutiiiib Armabiirn O Ef av ta Trua Cruikiwla

□ Ifci# (4 tlMhina Plyislurlt G Koo"ld I'iiuiii riildDB

G now In True B take Dmna □ RDVlaMkL^HajidySbetiTodCt

Q How Id IVue DiffereniUlFkaM O tfEwIolkeCstkkc A'o. H
G Uow to B(ik CcDncetinif fU>ai G Ldtaf UMdsfid Ljctnikmilua
Check ITiiJIelina dejimf, JTEE In. iboinc,
map tftk> ad Ln us- Al? oBE V^SClon.




sorm B?N1? l-ATaE works

61J EL. Mdilium St? Sdutb HdkuJtlBil,

Lolhe Eulldari l?r 3$ yrs. — Over SbnOOQ Umrs



RlKN'lACfii ITifi

Um Bd aH-atiTP* 'F|I .

fiik^, ll.kJi dT

lsr?n'~'L' 'A 10 CPUir-'

■ ir^J i'ij=v;!? Apiaii- Wi-ib?d.

|j.ir I'ndln, .'IMI kf HrE.^M>,

cTr MWirx t%ck ll

nii-’’::i| Fkl 3HBcy-

Fb“ ? II

flLBGrt-4TaHC MFGi □[?.

S. Wibwk Dff?,


FjII Slit ^ 4 ^ S?b Drmdrg of GEE JEE

Y^'kb lD[rri(tiict(irT lunie- nf iiaw uagailM for

Qiodel buUdem

NEWS^nd Practical Hob bits

Ll tMJUnc tlm[ h. ^I?ll
H^fi mnd Aiprlr ua. ^k. Pionlr
iP^ iliapllEiad aL^pHKirtf! u


pp, inlrbt, ampliti nJlmfv, Imd

-C ?i^ il-w pour ooffF ■liuT bo lh
snlirffetr 5*M rw^J- UcNHW.
Clivslim<l ModsAmailn^ H

Sf niwiLiarl

. ild Mi

Iw ntbfMlf [T.Kt,|( ^
^I'K. 1^. . *T;5-
lit Mt+dHiJElW

iHIHr (hdt Sr,

■■— plnpil

Pe sMlir. Wui

.1 LFqra^Ea. Ee iKLrn.i

TM- Sfll si. , Cksesland, ?i]n



Gflt rdiis aninplefe cniffit Ui tntc *ud Bhow
hnine frtiwifis. Only S7,!H> Pnslpisld.
RcRnlar }?0.tiQ mluB. Give" plriiiirRtD thn
■K'ltiili; hbiily — ‘jilnipk ta apemta.

CAMERA — fukeaelEnr. brlUieril
ttu-tn, LTsfiB laaiPi, film, .m ft- loll.

PROJEI^OR— akl^'a pLeturifti, hlp,

4lco.r ±Di| ]|td-|ilid, L'kb Jllmm. GLbb.

OpcjBlu Eraui any licbl edBkur,

fTe clt& fejTO U ^nmipfeSt lisF_ ij/ flfBJ
jTiiAEi'iiaGr /-W finwftt-oiiC^or. FFTi^^r jVC^Ft
for bit, fuse CTaMiytte ?if Afan'd


Dspt.O^BO. Beitan, M*rt>



^'ACl HA-LLSiTHA-UA R til Chicago- -i^on hh* $-250 FIrrt Priz*
In Pcipijlpr MBcJiaflici" recent W-ooct-CurvlJig Conieit-
HI; vv^rt Ft rernorkoblii 1(4 pc8cl?lon ond cfalicocv cl
Iifi9 — kul^ Ihe wort of on □I'l-itl ol Ihe bench.

FAr. HolHlhamor pridtM- RifTnli^H &n ih-e Tfro ?dg?-9- -dF oIF
hii Cutring tooli. Hn hos uzod rtia zomo sharpening shone lor
Tree yeor; and |F |s sFll| gaacf.

Needl?M lo to/ il^t o

Carborundum Brand

IC4. u. a. PA. 1 . DTP.


"J hsMe ipveral diflpronl moLet oF ^ho^e^^‘' toy*
Ivir.. Hdlblhaitiar^ ''buF fdund ''Carborundum' i± ItiD beit.
Each time I sharpen | gsn (t Few drops al gui] <plF,''

<??< Use hftbit oF L-eepin^ yoirr hoolt thorp. Men who are

''cronty'^ about Ihelr tools do the best worfc. An osiort-
■nental Carborundum Brand Sharpening Blocies Is impiort
anir Snid at pny hardw-prp sipro.

\ tMayari ‘7ilifs,MY,



NIAgAEA FAili^ hLr.

heasewnd m? Fred f^vr S^.EKiQe Boollnl

?on ''K^vi- la ^haipyn Wi?d->^diUna T-q^I,”


C Cnil.ri.il.iN.'-:l ?'r-!iril ii.'iij-r 4-Ki'?

roU around and fiaalljF come to a stop op-
posite fiome station. The disitance, in miles,
that the &tatiof3 is from the player deter*
mines iJic score. The player wlio '^times
the K^eatest number of miles in. a giv-
en numher of spins is tlie inner. A vari-
ation would he to have the player try to
tune in the Station on the receiver that ?&
indicated by bis spin of the log. If the
player can tunc in this station, he scores
the mileage indicated; if not, it counts
that much against liinn

Wrltiag Elal Settlnf on Ksnif White Blafb Mashsta
Air in Line

The disk is turned out first, and a hnlc
is bored part w.iy through it to receive the
center pin upon which it spins. The hous-
ing is then tunicd, using tlie disk as a pat-
tern to deierniitie the siae of the center
depression. The sltape is indicated in the
sectional diagram, and the dimensions
may be varied to suit the builder. Those
of the sample log arc: disk, 1|4 in, thick
and +3^ in. in diameter; the housing, 1 in.
thick and 6^ in. in diamctcrL TlicrC ii
about l^a-in. clearance all around and un-
der the disk.

Maple or birch may be used for the
parts, and all turninig is done on a face-
plate, Sand the surfaces smooth on the
lathe, apply oil fillet' and let tlie work
dry. Polish ang is done by liolding a cloth
against the wood aS it is rotated. Tlie
steel peg is made by eawSrtg the head from
a bolt. A coat of clear laccjuer and a felt
disk glued to the base complete the log.


141 A

fi./fS 20C TO I.Sl

.>-^ 3 ^ ft.



TVAim. ttiri:[fn..T (o adverlist-vs picH(rr<; mcttfScirt Pr^jtipJor ifre^lpnuts


Jo any rurcTcr w5tt tia
dpudacty iA wOTd flr C?L 5aTO
, Urae amt labw. M?t eronam-
1^1 aodLon^i priaiilOil ibo

SjBn|ily D 4 f^ ui bos *;ny
tiMiHE JlEow^iw B\im^

f.^S “p aiir, Gimi tlirea

unw tile boat -of cdjL. EtH* [a itut*|]
AbantiiWy K?(n. frfondiot
flirt nrodgir. &iild Dq BCiaiiqy''l]a>i± fuoj^

■ Dt?.


bflmtrJii yoaroini
Smcuilaiir ijj? (olftjf
^dlKjat ontqJ-OT
ycta iMiot sra ItDiLn Hq.tlDp. Asbif f write
lor ■AiT]pleeD'er4ibiD itnoEecEM terrtiEuy


jilS fiA A-m^ 5t. Lwa Mu. hyi SflUM



CfthralT of mill ^ Eipii

wider iii|i<Acni.r, Ikk tnd doii-
tkaetii^ Cm fttitthAuKiT jHb
Noiieat cayBen., SuMlyrw--
bert to umIe^ For wlderinB,
fKdtaiCTr ind biCbE-r npajnjii]^
tnnperinf , Ugjif bruinf;:,

se. 7 s


177 w. md 5tf*g[, Miaa,


ln? E* l^Eliff-rr

G?u*. I iw. nr-vkH^ fclPHi t^r-

““A oiH^l ha. jt. <nvi-

qNu ILd* It c?iiv|Ed^ bi HE CLLut^ f^tI.
Ginu^ ?Bti? ?a ic^U iwj aI Lpu tali^
ikt Uuc^ Blbli ud

Wri'lft/rpr Cai-alai jr<F


iB-in w ■ JiiiM Hihi, cmaOT. lu





Wtien 1-Dur dog ii l^aLtby be
lUiidfl Core ta ImpbLnl in the
pink of HiflditLOfi. When
lie Deed* tfetdlltept TreatEneat
VHneVeliitn weIL Inbol.li'IcL-
Btancfd.G lovc=f '+4i-p*.rrGuL4<;
HwV,emplaiiiinBtli(*yrnpi?iPMnd,lraBtfiiftnt EjfDOOi-
TTjMii doB eilirap nep, and the true
FbCta about DISTDHFEII,ai'OE?|l
as advfiKOEl thb IcBaloT cere at

Ov doEi Dhauld b; ?ienH]y

emeneDCbeiMg^. fdodrcoupoa
J?r your oopv NOW]

? Gats PE irojettg ?r rad-

maElEd oei rpquieeb. Out

VEteriDeriAn vdll tuiBber quei*
tiuDB rai amr antraal (.Nrnmit# free.


D±pt.Y^ IISFiKh A*ee.w. NrY.

PfcBic lend nit a ffm ?py oF tout Guide Book qq

PiKHBEi Euid Feeding qf P^Er.



Citlf entf Sta-in

^ alfiLD MaEiil.cHlna-epjgT

-.H'' enkan, abi.-
^B[llrl4 L,||4 uiia ip.

AtHi jp 41UI fw boStu.


WM OaiFV'iiaPi IH.
ebiltalU Mil.., OHi, 9, a. e.



"??mm ■


\ Sells OH si^t to otETT'i . .

aJ"-- _


?f ALL TYPES. HojuttrtPi:le.bcit
guiltily at [.eiirript PiHm*. W?l no
REPAlHd. Uied aceordniiat^en
1n tcadE. SatUfackJanGflaniiiteed.

Free AreentfoR M,^t*onr


ICM BJub lilaeflUH.TDe|t.lL^ CUcigO

inn eM^]? crtiB aheoiil. IV.jmlar'’Meeham 5 eii

I Ji'rtBe ttUL blLvu 9 jdu wtal l>iN]lt? to mud In ndvnnce In
ytnu- irade. SUP Hiu.t Ontariiiv $iire?ti CbJ.ui?.^ rilliM>L?i.


Get Bip-, Quick, Easy PtofktB Id
every, Btarc ih^t tides stidnpl
ust show flJtiBzinp mew KtHIArT
ithinellint nlic#*; TIrrnA kfcohi,
rruJt^ Vc^etibleii NoodEei, Pdiar
*“ Cheei^ CaltE, CoJe

Sbweiul ITOO Ollier eJi^tibe.
CjmjniHtoiii PcOjrSlieemiullfHTr
ISn.tn, Yrtu offer liiiu tipw iTiirHie
hi?;hJnn r? CHly N.Wt Yoaprcllt
bifl w ritti Edflir ioE neelKctailr.
OEnmAL ExieiMC JHAdHimoff.

Riui niieL., napi.ei, Hnrtartntr

Junior Hnm^ WorliGliDp Special — 14 Piam— $A 75

3 ^


{ n, iciUii^ bdt IMid Look; la-w^hJc; hiitrOBe-'.'ec: a-epred pulTryi piJ-

irtitnK o^|Kiii.ndi: faperiug t|i|iMi]fl. All tor fluly Sl.liO tritfa oeder,

doJfl-iite G O, rj. NLuney' refrjjided if liot euliidecL

Zl? Botrthi Untojt St.





TIJMS Let You Eat

The Foods You Like

No [onircr yr>d pass up faviorite foods for

GOUT stomach.

or Sits. TUNIS— the pfifur cjndy^ike iuitjickl
mhiLs — quickly counteract excess add, dispd
caa and idlrvfr “fussy Btomach.** Simply cat
thr^ of four TTJMS .alter ‘wEtjen smofcmE
or Vfhanaver you axo disCxosed. They’re
Bcrccablo— handy to carry in pocket or pursa.
Get a roll today at any dntK store — only

A, Q,

TiiwS AftE antacid — N oto Loxati^
LaMaMlB Of oMfg'B Itanmlvin Only


Ojt club pin/

B? th>? 11^*
of UiH

You Can Bo


Make Big Money

a tptitJfybi EmilM of dipdic
■taa^ swiUrr jaa a-erf ?j/nr/

Thty'K- when. r-Dtt

leun to piiY a Buei-chcrSiXr'
M*[tF mucBr iea]?
^nt ipHTp'pLir tmiei Jrn^ tpiwif
jtJa d idfid la 90 Sh for
joiuielf. Stop Bt yOut local
pucKhH Dewe/Efor
Dr 9CDa a pcuCiJ tor CKjrutLfui
catalog No obfJutLoD. iliijjt timrj.
Jf 'j jtrrvdJ Xs iepirpi//^r. '^idcie Xo^jt,


■Mb HUlftOUENT CAUHilY,ai? BUrteWUh., Etfcn?i? Indiana BlU


fCanlipueii Erom aaue ^401

type and the .005’mid. fixed condenser is
no ]oi]ger required. The adapter pUi? is
aUo chan^d to a faur-prem^ variety and
wired a!i fihowii. A detailed description of
the connections may be useful to those
not familiar with seheinatie diagrams.

The G-post on the tube socket is con--
nected to one side of the 3*me?Cihtn grid-
leak and ,00025-mfdr fixed condenser, Tbe
COil^SOCket and variable midfjet -condenser
connections are the same as shown in
Part 1+ The two filament posts on the
tube socket are connected to the corre-
sponding leads to the targe prongs on the
adapter plug* The grid return, which was
connected to K of the 227-lubc in the a.c.
layout, is now connected to the positive
side of the filament at the tube socket and
directly to the midget rotors and P on coil
socket. If a type 2U0-A rlctector tube is
used in your receiver, instead of a type
2U1-A, this grid return shoulri be connect-
ed to tEie negative side of tlic filament.
The sliort-vvave plug-in coils described
in Fart I are not changed in any manner.
Although four-prong adapter plugs arc
available^ they are easily made from the
base of a discarded four-prong tube. The
glass bulb may be broken or melted from
ihe base. Tlie solder is removed from the
prongs and ihg base elcared to take the
three Cabled leads. The F-lead of the
adapter plug is connected to one side of
the r.f. clioke^ wliich is art fi5-mil]lhenvy

type, and the other side of the choke is
connected to tlie T-post on the coil socket.
Enlarged layout and wiring diagramsj.
Covering both the a.c. and d.c. short-wave
converter!;, are avaiiahlc. This battery-
operated converter is connecled and tuned
in exactly the same maner as the a.c. unit
previously described. If the battery re-
ceiver is a superheterodyne, the adapter
plug is inserted in the second detector
socket. A small cabinet inay he used tO
house the converter xvliicli can be placed
at any convenient point near the Tcceiver*

([To lower the tone of a receiver, connect
a ,001-mfd, mica-type fixed condenser
across the secondary of the last audio
transformer I a small single-pole switcli
i]],iy bt used to cut the condenser in or
out as desired.



New Motor-Driven Tools

Mave Mtevolntionized Woodworiiing!

A Complete
Line of Modern
Motor-Driven Tools

''DrLii'''W'(UME?^r'kSfur Unit* nr# n-Tnilntlc- in ■ lalM

* tD 114 kb

'TJfUn" ]ini? lii-

inrliitr oJ umi^kttcnB, j.nil n* ]>jI?b tn fl4

J-nlotEn-p ^iiirulkT Fd.'WK,
Uktiil SdWM, Sorvtl Btiwy, Ww]-
tuimrif lji. 4 }icj, ]^rl]L FnsKL
H'Tirfni', B.niiicjnjr. 9 fliiitii*]l, *.nil
^[prllHmi AttBCDnicnla. nod. a
caiuiiOciie Uu cS oiscHSirU!!.

Send Cttnpitet ior

Kfliv—cfficicfit, h-w-twiccd “Dflla" Tools a? avaih
able for alJ tlM^ wbo work wiOi wood for hobL^ ,
?{)ait-timo mocicy malticiap or Ln actual [actoty pro-<
duoLion. CoHiipaeiL, pmccical, a^iurd}' — Eliib$' mi^tOr-
drl^^TD loob aavE LitK, mOrHy Jini 4 |. latur, and ennbEc
m-iMi a be lEnrvCi:' iO CtlrD out firoEeasiOnml qunti ty irti ik,


tfnv kub HillEkbr d!Skrku.t Tmoi. btij gn^ilE JiA.B
ciii ttw hurlcvi, At liU-ltO hLrvfuw E>CT mimi'c tlio
"IMbk'' ScTcu jSair tua niEti [>?Ttci:Ll>Bla[LCi:, euelIi
k. 1 u?iii:i;i Ilf TElirkCiiin, Uwt a iK'tvriL cmi be bUvI
cm. enit on ilia uw Itlilk oLUuiut tiLVloi one.
TIiIb 1 e the ooirr ^nl] tlkw of ttil* t^PB dq the
nikCbL ludf.* thl. 1 . thl 4 rlliliO fE 4 t-

Hin:*" mmntn. Bnnuni'ie icnT'k. Itk* minr
fcainrea. Hia "rtiLli.'' nomb fjd.w coil bJio

im uui] fuf lUUiE. ^blliidp tod tHinlhtf,

10-Day Trial

C-KirTarme "Tltclie'' Tml] in: B]T>*%n axiiLiililQ
ChUJ lerillo lO'dkr Triai wltbnuL clio ilistLt-
i.*<lt rut. tiktiafkatLon EiuruLii^l. Vne faill ElH(kili. nf
Lbbi JIterkI t^er. Kkar lla^cnt E'ti.nji nnd FbEIj
r"iv u[ nLoicTktCil lltaa IJktkJi:^, jaad tbo Dcni>

pciii IkLuu — TO rfAT I Ho nblLatloou ]

tlLTA MFQ. 0 O? 4 rTB H^h H?n 4 A SLWi
-Dept. M33if M llwijyLHp Wlioorulo

C^ELTA MFO. CO.p 3 TTB H. H 4 |Un 3 *.

Depi, A 933 , HllnukBeptVlKoniln
T'lfOK DltK cat, whriDiil cbli^tldji. L-Ti mi.i[limt 1 bit. ti> enr-aErg
the I’llEE lnJ:t ‘■’rNrlln'’ Qi-IsIhe of ijiinilU' Wwm-KnrtliiE Took
Alio jcml fnb delj.

Iiuittt E^ILm.


.ibil rnU..

Ot Tcor TrUl OlTar *nd Ehi^' Pkv-


I catr.


Pop-Corn Store*

MnkE guiiik succbsi with CARMELCRISP . . .
Hn$aTli}[tiit MvecAtidhtd PotvCotu dsnffcrttnn,
Ifineck salBS kt?nf. upeninaB im mknr buroB.
IJrIq eipl^. V#wijpji1r#nnqil?faii^ i ] Bi lp?p?it ? ?

feinra ■iii1>'M^*r?ii. ImuhMcnrluAriisroflaAf idarifr
nil f rriMliw. n*M>i nrirrMi Swr^f-ar P?m h??fc. ' Hldtfi
F*n^^rFYuf?.'''UB*iluhiB.1l'nKi'badwr. K>cfall?atiab.

S^E RI^K tEFiOi IF t^rhn^riiilrip ChiD

i^enls Make Big Monej^

'wlth.ililfl vorld'n HtKmcieflt onnunt.

likiifrirruiJ, eidd (!>''> liir
?in.* 3 in .gvgri.i?e. [iemUnr inel? 1 .
lekther., r*ond, Ln Eirt. nHuilB moot
ur maiertkl nriDoui*. Sells root —
n?IH f|*?rf, EMI to
oi 4 lliiK^ lieLkUii Pit lUih

b.. 1 fl Hill Li blip.


R?f. -TEB.il] a u till oirilw S 2 TjS 4 camplklo. Oth+M kl cen?B^
pBAdlrt( 9 ]< iprk**. ^Fltpr 4 >rl?’‘>Ftr?|w<'*lr*k><BrT


>fr. L?|ie 5 t, Pkpt.. MJ Chtekfl*,_IIL


I/ej^eMlon ^b.i AotunHy
■liEriprint m Spne^tpnnel .$eUar]
Ti|ahj|: eai] Busi*f 1 Cet nil tlin fsidi kbaul!.
JifGcnpL. Lrarabop tbn ''ikprnMictA^ 1 n actuiUjf
bgeiliiyt Bofesi foe tbii wnaderruL nc-* inrEDLianr
'jrn<l*y cvtcy 'huiiHM min MUST ca niter
budaeie mlleedwn itrnni;? tvgrt
AL liat liE ran odonJ Lol ^'llgr JiSpriiA malrt
]-i?iibEi to p?l nut n oirculnr in n E-nr munitu
— bL * iSAt M 5 ?Jy a f< 5 ? eiyitsl ^ Kn ?andw
JES[?int [cprBKntntlYei BreoikklivPDrtiTPa*
K|I|i vpfF^bl Wriig Egr lull ilctallg *t aocOj


IW-I I^P^- PM--Z, f 3 i n a I ?

A Ship Model for *1^

■HaheMeiMir b^Ldtay thn* tK 44 klh 4 l i>rtiHncnM.
J[^L iiF C'jllkr.lR hid -nbfpd. All urli

' ibbd^Ji-in ID-

Uud li ^""7

clj u dL, IuLa

'IriidIrj hJIi. b^r ■

ilp'ivL Lju Ir^ dn.vlb^ Jab ?ILEL ^.-D_ ?■-

foi mvm* UUI 4.

MMatiiTe SI 14 M udels

K 4 KC..P 4 .

ArcT^ldlre.B^liery^flrigera Increase Profits Without Expense

Tfki ?p'-y-iwLins *q.i*p?rM -“ll Ut?g iw? lil ?0 In t ?90 n^if*-
ly, HtqulTei n* ikpeHcBC* te *(>*?■ ?> 30 Dtyi Tild.

S^ 4 iAd*''i enrt * p 4 t l? HmIF gn EASV MONTHLT F A.^-

MINIS, U. $. OatL Write fo4 ddUk. nblijMiM, ta

fHoturt Co., Bom M 33 Troy, Ohio





tTEB Brjn IVIawrAT.,

Wla(hematics Marie Easy hy



Khcura ilrt AH"vrrr Hi fluKkly
oil J, W[l.ti:h nh'iTFD iJicTjlii'? t4 ii-H
pYiJiiLcQiH liktlv' tJi occur in the-
^EOTC, Rbop, DaUK., Fulit,

Six Jig Saw Puzzles


ctn.: W 1 12' 3 -P 1 r Dnmwrjod
poDcL 4 BcDutUuL CvU^rcd Picture*:
9 1 JL 3 pen.: W * 12“ * |Q* S-Pla-
!Hd 44 Woci{t ponet, 3 BcauCifn] Colpred
Pictur'd: 12 i 16 . pkE. iriCLaltSHv

JMWT 4lU<^l Jiit*am hlndd ?peoallj
raisde for PozzLe Sawinti
fdder oF ineErycliOrn Ob luJW to cnolef
Jia Ssyf Punle*.



CCat ia Slim

m tp 51 G

lOa mUUUddoI.

Eitn Mflfity— Hiili Frin Jv^Loa^ *4 Fia Wilfcb To?^ Fiwi

TJAFflf DAVA ?r* In -ItM* f* JT'Xl If j? -Mill nntj act

XI DO [lih MDpntlml C>Hvrr EmnbEnpLiFinfrcntrbl

niQiiis alsiM w with iwce^tunrt. wifi 'tir ilLtfq
manuTnt* M-tiraUf ^tHf^^rttat aithnw^ rij
mikklAiir <S to $? for wurk Odit ta
Tins Dcufeh iylrrh^lm JEnir CmtrtiuHtri ■Wmrferfdl

iur linmn. fu JuimUid Efwj* ^taitutalBrncnci, iw(

" fr* ?p*.y ?tnT cftiJl fnitFiEmnlr to pm*. HU fcnttirr t**^-

juMiF-uMu ariuJIc plar plmpl* rntlKlls* the T1717 Afue

dar or?[i U icwl e pot> tniiBk rtfiht uanJ

E_-rd fU M Wdk'-Bcl^ Sulth. Crhlcaxti, Hcn>;
'■J'lBied iO mimitii at weditnir. JOKnl-rju t-ft. L. E.
fiiBnuma, fe*dln?^H Po.. nitttjM; ''llkdn ^ lt> E 'w**,
Bparu Uma, HaJ iicEcr pliTwl liwtnpn*nt btrert.

B!g GO-Page Catalog E — full of bargains

l|(Uii 4 wiiodworUna booh — cutor LIliutnitioiiB — iolnr b?litMn^~'
BCicdL vaH^'rttt - 'h1ue urbiu — vorlDia] w4mxL aralm, enatcti, uuUv
quartcr-cd. burh btl'lIntMtek, pLaJu u.wb, eu.---iella Iiiiw to OnUb
woiiilB DAUunJ — k'rnlMti >?k,h|b — ]T hhi^ liri-iile '.■1 artMe* you, eul
make- — latilca. tx?l alKlves. etc. bend lor It todar — dUj/
IDc, or yKtU vttb tl 40 or obDce ocdcr.

list VltKHinee Ave. ChloiEOp Hl-

Cfr4w?r AUnc-


taNO FtMtBtaPREE HHIItt (htbtv t?dJ^All ?bad
tbpi dnmliLM, ?iiE wh i±d

n-du Iddthml |*nn?M Tlitr Hid -vntdirflO
Ajsint ituyNn sAIISKlW''**?*!* mi -tm ^ mtll Hi* na


Equipped with V-puJI^ Jw iro'ui'
troodm or motor.



fl h' table. All fiitul

rA* rui j/emtrlir


J.C. [>r.iEH,titT ttfLilftp im fcileai a?,. Onp

mr, ■■ttliniit obllaatim. hill detaDi oJ,^rna,^flal
eiS?r*i)il ?j-[mTminn.'p[Miii Oh tbe DuMPiU XiflDtuium. |

Xirme =

armature rewikdinc

Oomphitii rewindinff td ?Wnal iKto^ i^BdUoni
AH wnrt ujteaudnJVranjf (?!■'?■****- !M Lnyracr ^

Jh. Ck? Dm-

Ibu, pirliiili iblirii dniV“ “tl! ** pJ

KI rK*]l uZ ncw'THk.^ ■Wilwir nltal"' M??hB
RwtiM Bmi-kd Titmi* bV.^ 1.— Jlajwir, 5Tir--r
□ mhi, Jli^il. t'jnln. Tlr- — *lil?lMld Mlf
U.Tt ud -ip. tOK'tiiini'i' **ru Inr iJli
t*rln giU. rcr ract JcliHi *ni Hli* url-

i o?F ■■??*- KhiiNia

FrEtM* — Z2B0 OrjtM a*mn, iMivIk 1 411. SDU.

MfucUoUj Eent piHtpata] on recel'pt of

f ] .4D.C.O JJ.ai.n touuidileu il'.A.t] ,?A.

ItEE biiaVNt "Mat* r-^r -rfi?
fffldt rtL-zHM" Trtth. everr BdR. ^ ,hv

■FECIAL QEFEH: Cnuiileie'lll RflTf Oiitfll^ LnCluxltiia -llC

mw nun InraUrt u abm’fc CS) mar pleeco of M" barf 6U"i? ?n.
tun^HMUtbi pjraSifldiilMMniLtiJe, (.3J fCior Iml cnRirplDtiiM. n-
11a raw blBdA ttf BEiefM deaSu fur Pual' r^hioB— aU tar

i A RwVaalAA, W. T.


? iRtnvim ' alTal'i uw) aktish

hrO^iDH^rTwIriflupilil^ hf^Wk.Ld^^diD'm ImnML

) 9 t 4 i- f-'i !l #4*^ wUftltr^irtd. Wic/'a Jilt
■VJIDE IhMWFKT caiFPWf itMrA ?Bwnttum 5 r,?.nBi^ CLEtf?lAN& OHP.
__ ' w pla^Tq MArfciy Im, c*~t0 and

- . ' L-aiB7 ^ .U rwvl VemBB

' - *r4 ■? dl ^ ^ ‘ bfi-TF-r-r ■H.'ifJN*' ^*l■L IVa

^ I T ?*P?- -*b^L I akirli. pUG

l>jili Dikllr. f|U usAJIud edi iltf-d
— r-- Bichh" 4*?Li*m. 3I^A- ^
in^rlj Ooiripid, F^TfEy^?nM c*rf
Kita|dJilA? HI KwIrK ■l”>'r

.rkj-rif-dSy Tirijidra If m4> ■"■nlTnli

M-ia^ Kjau. ?lh I?f ■>*

f ‘ rk ItL l5t 4111-1. ?M

j iQu vlUfftin tinUri

* ■rpf'i


T?A>iT A iHit buemen
profnei4b ?l piinr
triCti all ibp trule rnu con
f tt'T'tid to? Tbirn bdcAmc
nfcwl rtmectinnldt.aiul
in. ■ I'dt* ?m bia ineOUit In oervieQ foca. — not nieiJLeal

nor chiiopodr — eon-y t?fEii! lor- hoiDB dBaoLnai.h* EurlliftT tp-rdt*!
netted, bb E?<xld to buy. no Ba^tzor-. EatebliBlLtd 1^lt)4. ^darif*

Steplienaon Laboratory^ 1 HAck Pay . Boaton+Maa^




You Cen SfUL Sava
J4M.M ut .tl'Obe

'Contpf*!*' Madmi
n*rnM onlv

$ 416.00 to
$ 1695*00

rXEfV, IrrIhdMI ThMBBrdl.1


iRMvu ILhiiJ, , AL-

li^RrH T-ha.Np, hkk IHMC hAPdi


|v?h‘^ni H

UmULiwi TRmi

.AIh Niibi. Ppiir. I^h. 3?hlu^"l ■*

mnril. r^r*

ifrr ralikc isJdr<?^. H rnqi
■on. IpF-PKnj IroRn >N f^nov "h*.' p'jtp
ncr ina BHiiyi. IMffcu^rd

rAJflr.J^^llpATCiaT, UliUpLO.

or Fujetory.

OTir Z.tDd.Qdt Sold
and elmiilMIrd
[rrlncliHc In ArUliBHOUc, Mecbnnlce,
aii'J; ^] iiniuriitk'D.

ihenli Stu. Meilble K'Pntal blitd-

LuA- ...... it.aA

F.K-hot ?ln. Art I.tuilier lilnnJ-

Ind * 1 -E '5

P-ucLoE &Ii?. I'JhEIi UkBdlnl..sa.j4


d lore,

Handbook for Farmers

Sri I ddmjTTH.rkA bypdcticnl /Armcr*. teJliiy Low to mabr.
KjKiir or iniEirthvfr Clio vorioiu licvlrtfl *nH nmcbjiifb uH--l
nbout II [iirm or jmrdcn. |J.S!I lUiBUcituini IJid.Moot
Hi-riiarkablcEOTt iiviT iMhlieh l fur 1iirBncTi:.''4ajr^ onA
nnthiwity. 5dncf jVci ,W?jiqy. tV hen Ihfl p?iiniilKK'l‘v?a
IfCHPlt y-nUr hand Ijlim Mi plua i.H-iLti pcatiicui


Pnpu Ur MrClfeanLcD iP-lli3cfi n g., “RoPni fll ] p l-liafca-BOi I IX^


145 A

Electric Telegraph Set

BAVie f A El^tflc TnL(i*rinib B?t iiE j tjuJ M ^

? i own Eof 15c. Liria- oE Ena nnidlnu meHtAKtd ^ ^

A pfiv^k(4 El^fitrlc TnL<y;Fn|]b B?b cE yuui
Ear 15c. Lu4a oE Euu amdlnu meHtAijed
rittnirBtiil ptii i-m hcI?. bniA tli^ up
M bbr^D ia tli-ii ^or TWO-WAY AILB-

(iCiuLiiis aod r-DccLviac>. No iTtiuMu Jit nil
be opentA with tJu tlliipk jViHtnu^Loao-
aCHJtpMiy vioh i^l. QjHratOB [m 6jij^

^ujaara dry bb-ttrjy' culAiDlibLo
"liwra, TfitJh tbis mlt&tyflU cnjilcuTD lo
LTDJUiDait and T^ativc iricnucfi by
blui ^kiooa ln.EcrDalit?h#l CcHia. njid
iiV ?. v^y hlHirt tlmo hDCDiDE' dh ei
port c[icjBtiK'. Mrmjitad oft lyotideJt
DUfr riiAMdriht 4 I b jn.. fifflt FlaaB
□□oiDtruFtLaD tliTHiEliDuli, Buduplrto

wLlb kBj^ Kiubdef-. KicmDnt. lubi-
iatnre WeitcjQ UnicD UihiIb,
pUcAwl ia nnb bijs wltU JiilL

ilioBtrAtcd iaitiuctiaiiB —

FOR Utt (witiiinAb
battery) pottpild.
4 tH J 5V>r#J(fn


e CO., Dapt. SU

— EtlbtA^


^CNPIKQ tfld


!■!■■ Bk ?if rr 1

hlvdEH+i EKveralTr
bi ■ Terf aheril mvtv


TTiB "HOW KTid TT’HV ?E ii)fc?ii.rli7ltT tu\lf tolil lu rtmph
^uguk4{$ t^u ±ny |H.iy -C4.U ijjiiLcfwtiiid. Beiwu ni plflju And
liv1>TiiqtlGiL9- Fw DiBUofi^ — dry LiccArlM, dy ilAaehia, 4J?:crli2
moUn*. iBlafrapH Bpiwaiii^

c-lKtPli: iLocir bcUa, Aloniiei^ ?mtrlq tmgliw- ihwtWk ttipiJ
Ch^ Wr|TLj -^IWIrVi-fTmfKtiL AUUm&Ufl aDCAadEMCU llAAtL,
elHiric dfaHky.i krtfriwh ■!?

duMkb*aD, ire]l|La, p,iUN-.L K-nNnr.elc.. ■■?. TeIIi ill Bbevl
■ IhULb '■I rlMrdcU'^ ■{■riPidip. rrpcHli iod BiuMtan-ctn-
dUMHi Jfid niuiJuHH, ilec^necm.

■iMUppfcjut, La M ini w dpairua pltdrailT. Lhr

nJ aife Ml h, riME r iUu I H rr ■ ^ H I c c-D li I Lfic . vCk 1




Into B trunk, under tlMbfid dr
anywiHrfi. Late of fun footing
teactHr^poticenun or friends,




Wi>xlw* run li# SiEtTUKlSrf VENTRTT^

'bid ?4 cAI Lli'HiDcu, inrlTidfnK di|lfc
LuRcuciiRU on tem in Lbrw 3-*i^T VOlHi h'j'ir
4f> ImAuE#! rJI kinibi hirdji unrl prilllifelli. t14.i in li^^i
evp?rabi^ nMv^euBT \c uqiilri> fjpl] hiAiUt uui^t

AOkllfeibE hrCi t^lOu lumu?i that eTnrv boJ*

OA ‘uiijBErtAiid. aLl For opiLir an ccht^,

CAlri *h BtBknpd. Ai*it p*EtpB|4 tpwrv iddmi*




L;bi Moe,
■ 1 e. 1 liN

c r II v 1

dADhO U I A'‘ Aen haF* fed ?nhr hl
M irilo l&pmuhn Bnp. cl.^ SiJ-

IvrUo dor uhlch c*b ba pinhwd rr# a mto
I rlifl. Abo Mfk Ivan' it- bijll a afaH-Mesa
Hetflnr Ter brlacirc la. O^plra rfiaibiih,
Liili. itiM It M. itj. mLy 1 V k.Bfi.


A >ftai]^[ftl JttiB
InHErunictDi prci-
ditelnt apiLc^l
lll?tl<iTl4 tKitb
BurprlBlnc aai
■urLIIni!. wlclilr

i ii ui kTiiiip *r

TMT fWipMi Lb, hHd la a Lhb poa.A ,L^ L^
■' I “ ,un. I-+?*?T 4*blf

j ftiulAU. Alia 10+.. 4 bi Ji^

nuiE 350 meite TYldd

Jtn iinfaNDl. bail, bnk

E-Hliibiic nnJla* JiE^crblJ

rise MrJoi ? iLbi *i|?-

nu -MB if?.

EBrda, -:7fap. faiinliHrbM^
Eca, bdilw. pkrtEKi "Lr-
AIh IlKCDlJ&nl.UrniJ*'^''
■r.ip3ra '■II' ^■■'?nAr ^

]LamiBd. He p. ^

IZB fKKH* -*i

■>q>ala" "H -Ih'

KH* -*d

. . i-ii^taiHJ .

(FrloTBFn br rrl"t?iLrt wb ex-

pn'n rf ivi?d Jfaiw E^ia hr
'■ — — -■ — ■ — ■-■ 0^1

tl Lh&d.

rsard Clkhj II


nmVtn.TrlH n?a

n-tf iunpi^


Clcealeit toda'. _. .
‘vriblin. TaHe ba^ V; nk*
a nniHl


El?4rl, Mixtal

Aiid llfchr peTtnl
4nd picking

Tha 'Turld'a In b

tfOEf. A irPBfc hl| ?i?Ani WWl mWWTtTlC

7 ibi^lpM M hr'mhl LjY S'M iLiCbn' I* dlilii4ltr
n* H iuidin' in cifcUmJcrmical lilr QC^LY S5
data. y>Hi Blwnld JM it runp HM. lL*panY^
klOH ?? th? l^r iDiD ATVawl *1- h

^;uaL iCMIi AjI- >>ML BL a^u Up." Tfajj

iK-ilfr !■ SbiBLed liK ilxcuKitv. Jub! unk. b]i
ul^h vniir hniiaPi riomnE, Inll iba- bnller wail,
wAttf. AH3 k h rew ULLAVICI lk4 Ab?iM< k FUIl-
nliii; xL iuF}> j|mi]. Efb luUidLy cUihjMl iic^'Ul'
■bsahnl Ld bachiir arii^.

FHPrv T-n-lt^-^C H>F-intt?d to- Rva

El II ledpT^i him>7a. tilir ti?iad ind gur-

Bbiind ipriD. A acl?aiiiu In 13 m ULalnLca Ltai

pilbciidB cf LLa ilaui lurtau. JLic* ler Icmri
HI ail lUliE cT nulir, ciaij iheiid -Lan
na. WeutkrfmDa n^l nida~"iiimAB ailua Tk ifai
□p'HT. R^aulr TEinb a dillNr. Ih^JSILX Uo.,

Tiib Lh iilja ier airiBaa Kid piEhxu.
l-DIWa*l BifTW a-Qei.Qjpt. BM. RMEfcfc, Wto,

Link Wondci Crypto] RitiJio Roceiver

Hi 7 TTliat you -0111 abonl
ELectrlral BJid JJfttur; JirtA n
l:U? 4TAL act tua tbam s]l
iLint [?j BlmpIlaLty aitil ebcor-
iiLiai or tcoo. Ttb?o li atMO.
]iLL?(y bo bolrt mill no dJatcr*
UuD — [? tHiltcrJu bu iHjy— -ni>
cul>M 14 w,ar fliti;— ho nMia-
caiHiiim wuttuevo'.
UHt aoUibCE' to Dperata diuJ.
-wJIL luL liulrftuLtcly. |ta(:n>-
Miili l? hiiia anj irt^r, Thla
!H?wn, k jnnund H- ncrl' -y-'
La1tH DBf4 iipaiuin BaL raij

MB b^. Uh- a ntHTAi radiu ^
oiir 91 rail h Ebdir BaiHvbtj Mf^
dlilou ip Id ]Di] nilak C^bMPBi;ii^
ori uii Baw iwwlaJi ■bnu|L 4 t 4 i^
rli^lid a>iran?aufH Aridiil, i^ir-
iLT -awk ^XEL^K lI Jleeamr ijalN 4fc-PQ' PMjPOMi vF Ecrr ab t a

-phb nrr rvew inl jberUI Xlfc^^pprilliirwi *IF r?iMiT?ii — rnihiej Ip

bar, M.-PH pwkitf. JQHHMH BWITW A MWi ***■

hIi I 'aiaaiB. a ililanoe.
I a lik"

a UOMDEEUnr. JiIp-


ICIiT<raMU. EJ a B 4 T t E*
HKer. Slectric Dm
Vi’aur Wheel, Paddia BaFU & niJr pf me,,
a nw Bl^k: ittrd. IDeciee. ?iM? Ytrd.riE.
daiNUM. ktb lllmruLlm. Mt\CK Ha.


R?p?attng and SingEc Shot Air PistoJs

Jaifc wlab 7 DD'n
Bin 171 'PaDbid. A
’PhwTu] bleb rnde
Air nalel. Mbiped Ita
aa AifiEr r Mta, xcelcrt ...

rilei. Tim ^ B. efa>'<i| ?rkHetm^l;!' P-np<
nben. Verr ppMful rr4 po?rrrilj hM
Oar bcrri ba JtDdLa. r-^e v>jkp — bw^tW
BhelM^ H llipea4i' ’I'b-
dm IMiKali la cob l a"^K, 'Ibi tlfV
Bbct necel ihH^a Air Km I'^ip hi
dJLiHbB U. U.UbvI. Wa1l-F>**abdd--J7l*!KJ|rMi
parLe uM b4iM; n'?|iim rpln ?f?r*§, F mnc
jBd ciar ^hLa vrKtjp ihnih L+piiran
Gbia aa tlr nhh iiri htei^._

PRICES] SFnsI* ^Nlt Pl'tnl . X .

Iff-Shat HifiiJillnj P4il*P




hiYik -1 ataiuc AMri 0 ?MJ^ Tpmph -nd A#e

ppodhCl Fifthtt


1V.II rqe4?e

iic4rUn4 ?.m l■■nl Lpcr
iF ILmOnr: apfPfr-''~:i'c

pijis^ l■plM■■:l bi ir?ir

nbia^i '' l^n
1^ niT H "TlIrcliTT M
^ naf ""n;l"''r ;"M

diiKPr M- Ilk, Jt;iikpi^ ...

riiaadM-F i.u Bimh C^lrltaa -abbalr^iB r?arr-
vbn-. Pri-H- !W?. hiHrlef -HiHEfi 1-I.DDi.
CanrVinii BOb rri IDO. llrlHrr l■'.'?3■l>JT hroei F>ir
lll?ek ■>?iri>dB'' neMl BDc. bkiDxed br ?ime^ -nJir-



A -aMW ?4 H?W M bPid *v H-H-I|ii U 14??*r fbi Dv

Laftja HKbin lenh alolh bledl^ ZBc. BtaMP aad beViar Itua ewTi

af He NM In pjIateiKe. fhaatET HO p ■!■ dP all tfea lMe?i iptaha
*■ neala. Hba -eemal neie^ilei. miitak gMiaii iiwtki anadik mbdar
■ ■u maiu vnaiail and ?iBaraMliSi| boebi., awlaaliiae la aaJ

. 1M BM1 a^


laimpa aad Pmui

I fJaaae,

? 4 b^ UKrecurjIrtB aliaaiaia. haMi a^ Cal^ IbaMV ?TtidaB, Chaab 4 *
lnaafpa,.RM mi anleiaa hUu-a abaea, ^anadlM

J. ■?.Peaiaii

boM iii m P' l H- If *f#bi t** J,+M,a+,


lliO iDfl lljil.

riJaa.34 MBojoTrlnkA
54F.r]uf"ti-Miii*a. ?3
ToABtD. 15 TrLcliD
ir Ltli Cftrii i . 5P
Ecnrctfl. 37 ritaij^

n ACIHE, WIK. iKiEciCliiic ?i[icrtTEiCDbii 10 Funny Rffcil jia**. 3 Manoloeuna.

31 FuEElea f-nri frijbt?*. ACaroic nooitnljoiii. 1 Gyp*y
Fojtiiiie Tcllar. IA XlirtitiGDa, CTui-ALatf f-nr ChncbccB
l-lihI tlirtt. P?piiii'?, Fi 51 Jini Gent. 0 Melt *ltHTis.
fllHirtiiih PtImw Piiiilc. tjaDie of AnhSraTrti, rt*. ALL
for 15* BMteelf. TTlfl I*iwt juid ratofoirjfc .
JMtHSON SMITH a CO.. DtpL fit, nKln.+Wfa.



“This is the man
I was telling you about"

‘'V 411 T irnnEcd in meet thic man ipbo did llial 4iMiefl Jo^

■bfn ] ifM tinmped, Uefi^ be — ‘aJid 4iae o[ Ibe

JLvel ‘hJcei tKA Ll the

“He'll ahenra loti aE imCia.'dv-e ev4r since- be'i bred
-with. <u> bul t?T4] yram. brU' be -loci;, h h!#u^ ivlcli -Uhe

IrHini84i(Hiil CwTWflWlHirt St-huata Bt Soanlan, did!
Ibe Lrelntniii Kcsveil Tpas idjt wbal. be DCtded. A-np-
prqiDDdioii yna five him: -n-JU be [kserredJ ”

? ? *

tlie Bsbeft tihe sunerCTiIenident td

brina ymi inf Today J(#iiiig frc if> tbe

■lert -for -tmlTied. [deu — men irlme servicB aiv reerse-
nisnl by tti>ina4tQiia dnd ravt pBy. M?c tbRn !304
cF |b(?c <>f[!Rnli4[Ei>[u luMC acbrurwlDdfiHl tbe QU(daod'>'
?nf ludetThigt C- S. by Aarrenieab Ear Ibe

trilnbiR. 4it illnr e^1|Jli(]yErd^ OtM^oKil-ntly tnKba dC
yniE diHiel TlarL add uluL line uapua]

Oo it tvdffyf


■TH? [i'>%(r#pl tiniMfrillll''

B^x ?#rHnbn^ p4nRt.

^Llhixit. nilt ? eULflCkn, (J!*"" tIM a. (Iiirf nf rmir Tiirb-

]d. "Wht Wlni and Wh^,''' and. ^u?L pirUcalin abauL -Uh
M ere dU4l> T eailieil 3?i



jArrJillartUtal -ntOltlOlllL
jjuLliilnir EitlmEliiTf
jn'?d MEUlHIlUnir
jOiiiiLn^-b'iE liliJ muLlder
JdtruEtiintL tirarutBHd
]3 eeu?ui*I IluUuir
lEleeLHEiL lOiDjnnr
lElKLrIe LLLtiLiru
JWrliltni. Rfrtd=
nSMiUnf HlKp UlurprtiiLj
]Tfh?Exr>n Enclaeec

JjViieihulciJ EEiRlnnr
jMeduiilr^ IruAutiin.

S llaEtLlnlit □TuaUsikir

iFlpelUtai' □ TlEaDaLUi
iBrlilfa IQiElDen'

IbrlilapaEiJ ItuEUSlBe-Fenniia
1 Qu I^liKe □ LNesra l?niiiiii4
' elm

lAttaUM Bnf iua

.mcuiiuliELA llerhanle
fUimbinic □ *^HJew
|[ ntIiK ET^

FJmel Edrul Wgrfctz
?Bec 4(U KnElnaif
C^EpIL Qijiluir
KurEtdlnf ijk] Mtnplaa
H. R. LHEUlUtlm

]L. K. Siertlnn 7?f?ani

H- EL EtriUEe uiU BdlUlne'EEixreiiiiin
.%ir TiiiJiai n TeaEii U|KT4(l?a

IliRtvmT JSriniTvwH-ni!
fShADAJi^ET O Etiannirr

Ci?i >IL]iEeM BnelneEU

MaTlRBllpn □ (inllrraatpf

'PiiiiSla iOntGMr a Qapb

?4im ManJ^nrEUtlnE

lil'CAlEJi Uaouiairtunnpr

ARrjriilLura □ FiuLl CmirCiir

_]‘niiltr7F4r?liiJ QlltL^ld
LiMbElric EaulnEAr

business TnArirnic ccvnfiu


niiPliuM KEinifemEot
VliVe ^ExuacesuenL
iBdiutrlaL HpnviuirfiL
PEffKKlHL UjailErK*llL
TrpSe -bTiBiKeiiicat

□ CtelAE^unliant

C. F. Awuunt^

$tef4urUL -Worit
KotinkilL □ Enneii I

EiJbkhp^Ijp Q AilnrLLfeLidi LjIiJB]b4c lardEcr


naubKii Cm-Esnp-ini1cd(*
IriCLirinE BhiirC-irl? □?
BlEnaerpuli^ *&J Tmlne
□boipletr _

f!Ltir HerriEfl O Sd^FE CUrJ?

iLi-jL-nT M>JI cnefh
GniJa seiHol SubJ^Aa
13Eeh SEhDOl


jnUiFlrUEnd □tjrtMmnE


.._... ifia..



. Puix

Aampattoa. mljj.

11 ami rsrWfl ■?=■ Carta J a. ?ntf f?ti ciupnn jj ih* JnPem4l?il
rsilMrKlewfr tlm4(id, iJfliiiVnd* ea-wftp

Build a Real
Steam Locomotive

0'^ C[iBtdiiR9Biid?luB FrinCaioEdie
l^ihUnf en^-L BlpeCittl nkUtnikd
mbdicb 4iL|L-t, Due 4m,-taIci|cuA luu
*1J al u!rt oi

S^eam an-d Eledric Tjraiiu

CuaJqn Hk heFoaded litiadv


fliller Agents Wanted

EFalket ftoeus -HHBpwtvl*!, ealoH DBd 1 I 1 EB lof
Hviari HiaicIPAiVnBiy ppoOnL ImpmnniAQlA- Hlili and
cdUmt auniJa UANGE3t and! lakta mpnar..

IHrect to Rttf er;

bt(TEll^* trWDC 14 JSqjAliptwr xumiienxDj|Eirpx?d.EinEX.

Tires fe&ir Kwuli

Wrir* ixf


$ 2*9


-Vfia can. turn eaiiiUefdlakii. 1iWp
lU- IhildeH, jplHlIee. veuma.
c^Qii. vMr-p >->4i -"-TAa aifimaX-tr"'

T'?lf,lblErt. RtJDi rHU JUU' irMdlf
n-jriKikEM Jl. y. nwW. P L
■ 3p?MTTP. MTM\ti ncalcx %l?. B>.ah [ 1 j :4
I^ii ud drtTlEf ,4^ ii-M-hnnirt
iEiIm <rt IP uiulip ‘‘i.'EfJ 'H

d*.n __k_ H U__| ■ _Lb a j 44 lU rl I~I ri ??

?"■ lidc ewnfclJ, 4^

■T.W pih7?p -ta R" hu.

■m IM <rt K inuiip D^Pr' 'a ? 'J' ‘nn' . J""* if, “ "T,

PiDl poArpM Li Ef 4 *- CQ-P-. iiH" (n . Al] c**uJ

^,24; cuirtdi L■A^A - ERjH. FiMr h|4E>

J. * H, -wm Nawen ?■ ■ hef^. a.



AiulpmpAlrQB[id BleptripflJ RrplHEmntnLJ'aclaiaaedopnpMMi^y
by aU jcnalr men taO B4beia. prtc<?l at acnutlbiul aarliur. B If
pri.i||(,, TliijiijJiATirliiidr blEbi^ smile a[o.Titlam luiu all biHly
fiurantoed. Free ULnUnbcdl telk aLIi yiaka [DPoey

vicb m and mjiut LodJiy'a ctkkileive nd-lA a am lie.

WariJ'r liOr^mmi Sapply tFl Tit iopEj.


"fft+'ipnpf* H'rt'Ert Cffinj-nAi-flPB''
izzs $lMh CtF?t CLEVELAND,. OHIO


Vai ia? irtn Etuin En -l>?N h#

ndliiC K lifcdiwiivrii boAl, 19 HCf. ct

"Cafikhn JLt>J ^ JrdJ cwiwi IeJ^t

hkA|?-4 ^r?J 'fallh Oh-kA U

■LIik dmKLUfeibiv bair Id Hid iUtsfi.
nri. rjuLi. tUiIbc. pii4. Ai *■

irehI i:^r. Hlivii bniv^fw M iImub
uIm: rimmjii Lf In "fhUa lILbd"

tn. (^LH ti IbL bihI hrI. hn4

J4a if?f& \vr c?ip*khi >4 uMllLy ■

'933 Dpuslai A?a.,Porlimpalh,V4.

■J<FT, lAli

Mlln AmarE Tlldtahl Kh'iBBf an^ Ob^lfllwnflraKI, OmElL
luiv- lirkMiHiMiidl, 'MiuJe In KUn?p4, isblw.-pt ri|i> , -TliioUEUuild ph^Eitd.

Send No tMoney 1

firtm, naJf 11 ,7j^ |>liif. [113^.4^41, 7’nu Cca lA.-BB'
K.ir BfiHl pH(w and -"a pay portiije.1 wtlp-
leeUaaEiiaraatcsdorEDiiaer -hEiak. Bcipa boday.

Barillrt HdUU, DfdL 1L Dai Hi j rs, InNa

BtTDDff JeatlicKAte
Cdnyinf C-aneaDd
BelEU- Eye FJen tr>

r^Do Your PRINTIiffG

OpnlA, ilalLsMr,^, -smJAM, Ln un , ] b^Jb , h J t ■ rCin n y- , -Mo.
3o.n bSKOitT- PrMI iftp 4ih4n-, W\a iMhhf-i eu; ralM phI,
Will dp popi/li.-r Raiiml FrindnBluB RngnMltiK. JtiHl^r
^KiiT*VrWp-Job t'mFKfl]] up, PraiD

TKEKEL?EYa QOe, Y47| HwI#?h,



On eT ofT el^ilr I aF nulfi-'Fu Fi||yi^ [ Tbau^''

eoBita aathuiiculie niara. -i ibea ta lO bciu. t L ilbai|n?
nBii pida to tniiiU yuur ??n (r^llBr, V-rita 1w caSal-Of.

HAMMER BLOW TOOL 00., ^kthimI sl, Wauaau, wit.




‘ MILES Takes 2nd Place

Winning Cars Equipped With


AmnnaElli' wiuz* wNii Ellf* b?tn worTT-icit' will

be Irtamlcd la an BmulBir l 4 k?t r^^tnUr randlsct*!! \>f i TtM* Jd?tflr Ctr
OoDiMn)'. T'^mEr-tnirg- ('-■ib were c-ntmi) In ■ c-nsnaBT beat,

lb* HianJinjI '?bt THnjiLrtr ?1 inilri on a rallnn of lu, tliE> lEeond car it
bILei oa ■ fillao. WJhtfi ikSEli.1 faif Tf-nrdi iren piiblLalv?d El f?ind
Ih* tfrO ^Inwii* ?n WHO both ?nlypo 4 ^lUi TYbErlwEnd rtUftr^

“Ptak” Conle?t M3eage? A T?t On Your Car

Hu ^BBilnp raialto In Hua

Bileirv CDOitHt Hro EuLurallf
ar IlMn UwHi abtodiiEil In ordlrurr
drJvLaCr 'Conflll thro-tllinrp moit
ODanomteBl 4p*±dK-— oia If-alln.'C bald''
Hpt< — and no wuEe of powfr thrq
qoEdc hvEji to brEpp- ibool

Uuoo "pnt* mtiHkKMU

Hc>w Wliirlwmds
Save Gasoline

Tho prinEiplB- of fho ‘WhErlwlivd
b to DlErhEly Ihr p ft If

viparLfri bbuILbo u It p^iiati
Lhzii llio nioed VEntari. E^tra
■Er mitni Lrna fvof air inkta
at Hch o lanr^nl 1 o pjck up
tlu nnTB>QTlE<d ifAiollne i>kHI-‘
eJei,. wblrlEnf th?in into qElionr

Hu tarbalonEO Emltd

‘thtm TrtI* a aiv-

Ear Vi'tt?E+ iuLDBtbtr powers
onJiken itartlnc, EBltEnr
lioB 'wodIo Kod carbon foroiadO-Ar

?niiri Bit ^ir |h? world beb Baii.zBd at llu rcoolla
of tkrir tOlEli ■"'I lliv*- moro pn'ir?rp buJ. fi*^

(MUBd ra 1,1 <-? * o.” wiJtoi Henrr Donbccicorj "llllli I
OBrd to iBko Eb Broonid 1 now malu la hipllr'' AnEort
‘WBtaiih: '“[ w^dn'l tak* tk? Whirtwi-nd otf ur

f*r Bnr bobctp I Bin. ocrto.lnlj' cooiTliiocd.^ Wi Bi
roiLaEainT ''Ur roEhapo Iibi EPemfed ircBUr-r Mjf nt
h>B pltntY ?f pE^k^p and. utATta Ilka b witir^"

salesmen; and i^istrebutors WANTE1>
To Mhk# Up To ^100 A Wwk *tit! Moro

Whirhrtnd uen afo laakEof hlf profit! tiUnf an of
IoebI IniHnno faf OiEo fO/T^t Ktlini' dnriEF llvit cor own'
an canaot alfanl la ba ivHhaoln Gacd Itrrftpt? k aU 1 l
open^ Pm aompto offer ta woedeera. Poll partloolan a*nt
on xcqunl. Jiut chock tkn coapon-.

whirlwind mfg company

Dc|>t,. 91&-A, StotlicHL C Mi[wAuk?p Wia^

Mrs. C. P. SlalackM
ConfFsf winner

Him 5>owir. fuiar f Sifk-tip. kn
tatboP. 0.11.3d* r ^larlfi^, anj jit'
treaiad atEbbafa la wha| iiaara aar
In IcIELaa' of Ibcdr Eipcrlcnn wdlh
llin Whirlwind. EtUT natorlBl
?waa It ta hlmaelf la leaf Iha WkErl-'
wind to froTV Uio Tinoltj on faU
pwii car.


a f*w ndnuiEo tho Whlrl-
utiUcil on anr maka
ctar. ItV BE<a-
chdricliV roor
Ottinc watir En Iho IxtEcrr-
No ddlBLov, Uppinf or thamcri of
kind ncHuarr. It 1 * a^itaq-
wgrt'k pErlEoilr oa Bnr mbka
ear, |ni^ ar lta?Eot> larpo
or cbbTL, hew made] ar old
nadM. The Bioro 7 ?a drir* iha
uoro jaa aar*.


No mallH ^attiE Hriir Df a owvhj htva
C* Ul a ipa caJD- It li lha WJlIrl^d

wHI| BVf laanEQT. Whik w? de iwt
ddnt lo prailiitB dl la 91 ttHlffl oi
□fdlHfv drlvlmt VM do Buinntn Utu
Eha WHMalnd will H^tlu toat wlddn
M diyi -dr- Itia tdiB ?t1il oiaE rou nadiir^.
Wo Imdla rou Ed 1 ?at It li sur lUh. YOli
RF* baUf th| HfBjUdiKL



Dept. S15-A. Bloti*n C, Milwaukee, W|t, |

Gent lain an. You ida^ tend rat- full pirtCcalari of j
Ttnir Wbirlwind CartnlroElnf dEVifE ana toll me how !
I ??n E! 4 t Pretr Tbit dKi roe oklieBta tdo in |

any iwaF whotEvar. S

ff . ... ■■ I ■■ I ■■ LJJ ... L...LJ ..


■ 4J>?iA?55

Scots' ........statj?

I [j Chick hitt Ef ytfiA brccniEad in lull or part
I iltBi laii^MAit pHltlaitn


This BftOK T?nt

IIo^n'' ycnur PAtoikE

E Ui"4Uifjin is ■mail?; what
i'ld of iikot^'lit'S or firam--
iiLlisj HIT MCn'Ofisii'ry; Vi'hat
other iKJiEx^r-i niiifit L>p 100410
ouCi: lio'H'' thi- Patent
protrot you' wIlv iL La im-
THirlatkt io :ivui(l loaa of timo
in EwltiFiif ,vo?r ijppJioation
filtKi; uml miittv oLhor io>
jHorlaht poitil-‘i. Kwn ji voiT
LiLr^r if

nia>' ■'■i ?>■ k'lJunkibr. Vm.i

may bava miicli EO (u;h -ud
JufElurttf I'-' L*tt? L^' 3?]dina I'itr
diJ9 book TODA'Si:.

Small ld?as
May Have Large
Ceminerclal PosstbfUties
Delays Are Dangerous
ill Patent Matters
Tlio FREE BOOK sIiqwji here
was prepared for inventors^
show thorn what fjtfpsthcy

iiuiiil tiike t4> K't:urc a PATEN If yeu

Iiu>x an itica, yon sIiooIh] for thLi

twok AT ONCE, It w'Lll toll you
h4Jw all npplii''Ation. For si Fatcat. ig madg,
Tk'hjit ihfohJiiaLiHlin you furnLqh yo^

nttoriicy, aniJ what Btcjis he nmat Iftke in
ontkr t-o protect your tuitDrcstS. Rctfvcm-
LnvontLiiij; an jirtirlt Is one thlnR^-sG-
curinE the cxeinsivo rjEht to nmnufadLuie
it, ysu it or fstll it i? aci43t]icr. Without a
Ur S. Patent, you fjirtuot cKfieet to reap
the profits J'our inycniioU may make
post-lolc. Send at o[L4^ for thig liootr
After yoTl get that, you’ll kltow eJULCtly
what to 4 I 0 to proteet ycunscii.

PKEC R*??r^

?t l?'retiti*ii Blafik

Alnm i7l[b mj bcuh. T wlO junO
viMi njT licO'iirA i>l iDvciaiun Cvrllk,
bbo FHFEi TJiIh bliiDk trlU cnnhlc
?iu Ifl iTiQi* ? i!kFl(ri or your JiLerv
bi ueii[W:r Icsil Tcm -bna duvc It

*7|t.npHtri In WEih Ttl-Pinntr 1I1IU LD

may bt nl v(4iis tiv ron ms f'liihJi*
flhoaM tht uttMi? For tT,'|iJnit?

(iTlm. In mr twuh I i*U youbuw ti>
UK Ebl? torm to ptniict yflur


PkrUF! UDilpmtaQd thn-t vki_u
□.T c nrtfS- unik'r tli* allglitMt coli-
jbOon Ln apudiiiii For tbix IwhA,
f ttIII null K. O'Hlithfr wits Urn
Eiecord nJ In-tyailijri lor?. it >0

unvF HlQj' I reortvE jx"W njijui^E.
iraA th? 4KiliIinD MDW (O n4.xi?
^uurivll amp aarl ItihiHf. Atlcr
llin 4 . riik w-ai Ih:i Im inmltli'iD lo
nriHHO OT nut ? yiiit lo

iiiA'k.n I'DUJ BfiLiucalkuni luE






j ftcAlntercd Patent Attorney

I 7911 AdHina Su^ldLnfi, WAuliiO^ton, I>. C,

\ B*nil at unte your TmmiI?, ''llonn to lib-rain a Puten t”

J aruJ your “R.bOMxrd oj lawnrioEi" foarnx.





KA 3 t!?].


I Serve You Quickly
and Secretly

Anyth] ntf vou write [[it or fsrnd me is etri.4'i1y
4 i 4 infl Junual butsvccQ lu. AIL IflUTH iUkL drawirHaarc
in utri.MiF^r Stifttlr firc-prooF lik■^4. wFiiclv ■M opulfl only t4?
jiivmIF or fiiilbiiTiEi'ii oF iny ttpr. E bai-c

4;urcH rutuiUfi liir Lrnirritiwu liirtLuil m f-^orr .bLuL*
tFic iinii'in. iEy orj!iiliit;LFibn ix a lamu SII'J pn1i:icn.t one.
My nracliry ii" trialinjt<l rntiri-ly iTatenlUp i rflxlfl-

marku Abii CoTOTtelil'i. I cipcTLniM-

Jn Patent NEmtur:!. Wbun yi^a ycoir iilra lU, Ini'

I am La ptHii.Hiiii b> protml iii oniw to omure
protecting |nr .yn-iu. My Fi'uh ni-i- ifnionabk, ami iT yftti
JeuiM, I can Brcaner ttuiycnitat WriuA <i| ]Kiyiiicat.


! My Location in Washli^ton

(Sc Burc to WTltc- or jirLnl tia-mt clnrlyl

My ofTleea in Wji-HliinfiLn-n are cc-nvenmnt tr>
Ihc ritciil Ijnifc, and I mid by' nyrfMiui1^4:^n._Lbi:priQTe,.

niiiK'iu' firaDiplly cfliduSs l!?ncnk&Fnf.

rtMULAft ■MEEI'WHK* rTtlNTTO \r* Wi &■ A-

at Home




1 liMrl mulling' lTtin*|f

til a rbrt.| |!?MTI


IC.k.p[:rlc-nLB atM*l^l-flir
nut nv^d-^J



actualfy possible in ibis

Amazing New Food Business

Jf ytm Lift I^H'jkinLl For n stL'iidy wirt'klv income oF
rr4.?ui S-^Fl rn SJdD n week tJviK'ndl inii (mly upon y^our
own willliigiieH.li to work litre lire the fncta uheuL u
AifTHiolKliln^ new biiKines-H Ihnl you can utart
at hoine ml 11 v?ry nniaLl in veulnicnt. Keud.

j ^w'hn'jMj picture iii iibuvn}

lii^i jcjEj as a Bator.
CcuUIrL'c fsiirl i'l [Eiitt^. Savings
rtwandJeti. racetl witll Charity —

I'lr ivuiijOi ^iddlxLy kc cnitiu iii? '^l 1 lilin| 4 .
i It n.n j!itDniii1iini! nun- 1 liai iiwrpt.

lilm lip in piiwprrity — overDiaktl Mutt?
money tram liie fi^ri <t*Vr Npw iiftiir
tniiiiG hi tllsIriCW !W ttaya Ke -WTituBr
"Wtleii otJieri Calk almtit [>i;|ifi'?L? ]
can laicijii. ] nmfct' inrjr now t'yery i^'pck
th^n ] ever iiiaJe t?;ri^e, niji' Ej lf.^n-
CidenLe I'tF Er-Ktired, 1 can Way at

bnmr and take ia a.i IjIjIi Hi) SlIH ri ■wrek
from iny ivli<i|trsrilc and niCaLI biLiinejs.
IVhiil a biLiinedsf What a lyfealir'
Wiiltlh't'fl Is KiC one iiolalcd example —
ftit tjcoeplian — Xol ifl cue pf fifty!

Fra-wliile tliifl pT-jpey-Tualcinj: buiLiwei
wy tidvr Itiat the lUjbLic liardl'y kfion's
^‘houLit. already we/ Ftfty IW-n. ImyettA rted
■ L in difTetii/lt rmrt:;i fiF the cemnli'y. A'nd
in SipLte of tke iLim's, tlhy'PO mahilV:
irKinRy — ?ynie etlLy SSO tw 4CSI 9 woet,
'hul athe/B IIP In ae biitli aBSlSOafKl ci'en
imm. Aiait ihia astaitiihLaf . ready -iufiil<i
IjiislTueag in wbLctl 1 f*r tmw rtnrt a f?
n?/e 111 * 1 * Is BQ pTofilahtCi ITiiit it is lifif-
iLblt ICp lustE' much ar $4Br40 a d4y,
tkilivir i ivbolk^le tmeiBCM- nnly nod let-
titvE uLbeffl do yow BdliniEJtir ymi,

^Vhat's the Secret^

TInLf new bi|lG^tirti!i In in xlmpte that you.
may b; IneJsiKtl tedinmliF? It u-ltlia'wav*
of Ih* tiijml- tSuL Ihn'usblfuL men 'wlio
imidyae Eta p?Eibi]iti^ 'oi'il! #*e *>* Itti
murre oJ ICtlt B10i?y- k i the rotala
Cliip BtlploCEO- Set that icri't aUi A
MtSiP BP <11 SCO very a Trout pOtSitore h?s en-
abled 111 Co build a mft< hlne LluL makca a
JVrt/ KmJ of Chi^—nnt lihs aiiy <>tller
{^ata cbij* yciu Cs^r 3flw to tacLft.
Eyen the <jld-fflah|iihtd Idnd <jf iirtaHs
Cilip fias mpde fnrtunei Fnl he-nnrea? nf
lEi'n. B-ul TbQTr Hath tl*ie n*i* Ibe

pui]ilnlitii''e are imllmSb-d. it ia d.ilJeT-
ent Ln npi>raomee, difierl'iil in f.SStO. ann.
[n addltian ll baa CJIG aeti;qiidLn?

CiUill I}' l 1 i:'l ti :(!5 IL entirely I'l'crl from
nnyttii'nit ■■ViT — it U

“SMU' V i^Lil A1 iiun iIk

Not many i^'-AiiAe hiM-y tlib. hut Denan-
iiL^at Hif Aj[HrMl^M^ kIiiiw lJimI ■sidi'

potai:>Dfff cdacoLn ViYaIi IIBaI-TII-

ULVI^3^~^ MiNUKAlalii. TWcy'rv ? ffC<tJ
l<ir ^ iTYranni' JiiLfr. Tlity iiLpi> d.'uiiLiiilli
□ ?rr ^'itaFilTi aF>d il?Mnifnru:i- n^ ■hCBin-p:il
rmitL-liioi. B-irT— iJV 4]ll PTK.CHF Of

rfHikinir, ;iL| ai iliun: >l[ul ttiilUjccuIri VfCtt
FfWtrSi'd. 'J'hc Old fcind ff pn*5kiu eWp w:iH

but u iixiEl-Il-^ |iLi3|> — n9i d mineral
NnWj untb Lhn n:vu1u.iliKn^
tarts^EloiL I Tia^'e icairvS a i-n DETAIN
nil Tilivr iliiiiL'rnLH, :l Vfiy 14 KlfTAIn tl\W
Mia<nil F'raECini. Arrf vwn'ri Iw nlitjIuLL'Ijr

u.iii:uL-cl 14J V\c ilMT^mrCV iliiiPn

fnlTinrhln rn::i.kn in tliM tnKtr. dfeinfilO Li

cnc-ufifa ioj SLIir rttmkwpcr* Tha; iiiEnL:ruLd
plvr ^]TA-^^L■.^L’D CliL]i* ii lutk^ aniL n*
'"ComC-lliKt-Kur-Mnfp'" Twtw LhnL yiiu

idF-Rrribr ViMi'il TiCi^Y ti> laa^e- ^Lii:
ChlDt tlfeifrnw1'n:ri AruiLfcwT EIiLjik: Ad DB

MTirli^E. I uL-M dlKDVCr^ Lvou.' tCi iU%
moK* cLu|3h aiii tiF Lli? ribEBC ?nuaniLljK 'Of
JiOliEiWf.. ISO 1 h* n^nnilfi *d r-mflE — alcLTHly
liir^ — u-a.M \AirmiM4 by Tuy mvcnfcifirv.

with tl^ UEJ.' Tiinchini: iauU. uud j/tt

SlLI-Hfl PrEtfii frt^rti S3-^5


nuierlalt malf"' 1*1. HI*

[n^iscu at [etal] . ^ .

FimiUL AiuJ tilt VlXA'SIfALD nVKhllK
■yperatn '■Lib nurh L’nrmdllilu ipcuil t1iut
Al2.K(1 wetth ol oH<ip#i Ip ou|V nur kna'i
nczTi'sicunc uatrjiif TliE prcAlc OD the same
hOlir~4 froilti ’ll ehtpn nn; mill n.1 wbAleiille,
In (SjOH. IVuThlan H lioiirv u day anil dnl-nn
Duly n. y,'hnlem|ii liu.iiDr?i yuu uuii ueruully
hiA. ^3^40 a Uiy on a cjiKu-hy bufini'Mi.
And ttint miUthrl hiO retail KlIinE
ir you JId only HilII iknn wull yOii ‘hOuIJ t+
aukLiiH B3I a day profit — rw JM4- :l witx.

N'ci EK]U'rLefice XiMMled

Whh. tin: VITA-iSE-tl.li maclilne n' n

bUlt of <ipi.-r:i'.Jui3 ydU C9h ItiUl yoUJ bUi|.
iwRa lit ifie hltClU'M — hnuTEwnt — aorn'Aim.
yor * Hiiurc X 30 Inehei it riM h ocriiiiiiH
Ha oiwkL'ng >^l| Ih reouLreil -ho inct'lsl
rztiUlljeoce Ol *nv ^ll*d t uni LbriirlKEii:itH.ir
ot V1TA-SEA1.D. I fcive c^'tr IP yean
rziaefleote in the rhip ljuiBnil.n HlirJ

I <-j.n uud uiU allow yiou esaclly 'U'Jiat to do


rT.VffZik Jiiiai jtsJati .iidi /r*-

rJlifj it ■fir ii'tViljcJ tirT'
ii^.! 0 , J. A'ff/jA (jftrtu-.

.Lit'jidiiy kifrjr hiii Fudfe rliiiif Kfitif-

rod ii'urifT leJVfpTf ^I'r fn>iyii.'J and' Jk
I .e/iy*; ll J'ff ■>■'. lA'fjr in piif r. -i"f ntf fur
J-rifi fSa>li ttH-J irdi'it Jiim- jsdui r:qu dn-
"'{?■a/r if\f fHfcifyr ci^ ItiM-kTr. JiUty
iiiiii JfH i:J..T .

-t'fHib:t.'iL thr iil'w way. II. ‘*5- o4 lAiti.

.HIN wiirik ^ flnknliL'il

] nrieire netting lllkfCi-
VI T- '

iih iriarb rnaklng mwuty — goOiA irwiiey —
the vefV hmt 'WWL nlum y^u. Iiuw tu liuku
Cir^jy nriH.'i~ry. I iirvb nima, Hear xe 3 .t|i 1 .

liiKUi arri reiiniimn.r pay you a Hcody. evet-
frDy.'lac pnolh. .AitJ yiuir uitol Idyew uutsit
ii- Hj aiiuiH you ?u?c it Audk tSx JtrxT fra
ircrjyx you irre ih

Iti-fniie Ecujk FREIt

Tlic fucEa Tt?irM:rLUT9 Krn: nrC a bar^ auLlLnr,

Mailed ipace pcimii-p no riwe. hijt jf yijq
arc InXeredtoil la ilili KartUai tHulctM cJiat

faui liring ynu :i bij[ liiiuinx' uT hibex — io

nnv locality — Ibat can iriake you IndwtiU-r
cntly xuultliy in a Few ilioot yean, you os*
iuXetI 111 .miLi; Fur my lll-cixtCti H|i|iUmted
book that pnoeattall the reeitinliiU ilecoil.
leiinedtate action le Imperative. Thla In
iii^iilC III'.' bnLuC myjiiEliLli: aiioiiiiaim~nu'ri1 1 .
Vet. nlrraiyi emr su mmi arc ca the n'ay
CO hlg inaitey. KunUredi of crthtotn liukt-
VCEi Llrn Ffir iiirEirrnntiiin. It wj|| pay axiM
to get tlv1? LhF'fiinTiatHiri irlttKiul a roonufiL'A
Uilbei;L.xiai-y- ildtiy. >~u- uilL'EaiHD wlH nIL
iin yxiii AnH a teriunPl lor inJnrmatlon
iloen't ^Iojcc vou under tlieillHliceit olilEia-
Lltxn. hmcl Inr. 4mi|pon — or lirLbi’r ptUl, a
v.'iie — tcKlui'. ill A. J[. Adann. I'rcddcos.

Vlta-Seald Ffitatn <7-liip

AWaK. Ucarbora.Depti S-3lG|dil?i*P.llL

?V. H . A DAhlS, frrjS.Frnr, ;

'L'l I iL-Swvkil rntaiw> 1 ■

IlCpE. H-SI.*. KiD Jf. Dearimin m.. F

cttiii'iiep. [It, ?

Tue’i I r<T brvk /'lit I

yuur Jii'H '■TLu-^jtuU iiuiaUii'!! Jilkl ■

Li'.lfc limn’ +?mfeHaa [4 $5=^1 1dl ^JINI S

ii U.VCL ikTr i-nwlh

iV.riii*" .

iIJFe JJ . . . I


r}oa*I Ttufoiv ti?i Iftt/aiJer Ptifir — if is

ptrftfiBt fSKii pm'tiif ffiiftrs. dust utiJ gcifms. Bn'^ Cdjwiii iiy th*
icjftssa ffit h&fSi it* Ykt Masnidtif Batk ktrlts (Z<}*?th frtih

t IBU, n. J , binb'i^ C^>4i*J'P

.ftei* nil,
there*!} iiiitliiii;^
lik?? a

Cam e \t-

For once a smoker hiis experi-
enced the taste of rtal qualtiy
tobficcot he can't be happy witli
a substitute. Try Camels^ Get
to kiioiiV the solace of choice
Turkish and melkjw, sun -rip-
ened Domestic tobaccoSj fiet'er
^arcbefi or toasfeii Tlien your
voice will be heard in the chorus:
rd walk a mile for a CamftJ

R. JLEVfJOtnj touacco compapot
I f Vwj/pw-i'jf/fjw, C.

!■ 1 i

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